sw5w · 5 months
Senator Amidala, Please
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:04:13
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keldabekush · 10 months
do you have any favorite fic recs that are fox/coruscant guard centered? there are a couple i've found that are really good but a lot of the fox tag is him in a more minor role with the focus on like cody or rex or jedi etc
Yeah i have a few! Here are some that i keep rereading - I'm putting them under the cut!
Politicians In My Eyes by jaigeye
Fox looks down at his armor, awash with blood. There are no identifying marks on him anymore. He's as red as Coruscant
CHTHONIC by catboydogma
Not even two days later, Fox revised his opinion. This wasn’t a disaster. This was a Grade-A, first order, fresh off the hot plate fuckfest. Fox’s day had gone something like this: lay in bed. Get up. Knock back some of the sludge in the mess masquerading as caf. Go through forms. Fill out forms. Bust open a closet in which the Senators for Uyter and Kinyen had both managed to get “stuck” in. Go through more forms. Fill out more forms. Get called up to the Senate dome to tell a Senator that no, the Guard did not address noise complaints. Find that the stack of datapads on his desk had somehow tripled over the last two hours. Despair at the state of his inbox. Etcetera, etcetera. And then.
dead dog (bye-bye baby blue) by batchmates
The way it happens is simple: at some point during your service in the Guard, you’ll lose time. The thing wiping the Guards’ memories gets sloppy and Fox remembers the order not to let Fives leave the surface alive. It changes everything and nothing at all.
Life During Wartime by chermit
Commander Fox has a lot on his plate: managing his Corries, filling out piles of forms, dealing with obnoxious Senators, and not thinking about the way he keeps waking up covered in other people's blood. All that considered, he really doesn't have time to deal with being investigated by the Captain of the 501st and the Head of the Jedi Order for two separate murders he (probably) didn't (want to) commit. But Fox is a soldier, and good soldiers follow orders, so when does he ever get what he wants?
Commander Fox's Guide to Touring Coruscant by kakashikrazy256
The painkiller he had been giving just half an hour prior is still working fine, leaving him relatively...alright. Nothing hurts particularly bad, but there’s a fuzziness layered over everything, making it hard to think too hard on anything beyond the first thoughts running through his head. Go inside. Find the rest. Sit down. Drink. Don’t say anything stupid. Don’t get caught. And...and just be there to properly enjoy the company of his brothers. Don’t forget these memories. / Fox gets injured but decides to keep it secret for the sake of his batchmates. For the prompt 'is that a bloodstain?!'
their days are darker by always_a_slut_for_hc
After the death of ARC Trooper Fives, an altercation at 79's leads Wolffe to spend his leave snooping around the Coruscant Guard. Fox assumes he'll drop it and leave the Corries to their fate; it's what everyone else has done. He is very, very wrong.
The Last Reason by meerlicht
Cody has a scar now, and it’s the only thing that differentiates him from Fox appearance-wise. For one, they both have the same circles under their eyes. Fox assumes that’s what comes with being a Commander. Their hands are the same, too, damaged and bruised at all times. But the biggest difference Fox sees when he looks at Cody isn’t the scar. It’s the rage. Cody doesn’t wear that same rage. Fox’s hands ache with the need to punch something.   Or: Fox dealing with Senators, little brothers, the terrifying ordeal of asking for help and a menace called Quinlan Vos.
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catboydogma · 11 months
thank u for the tags @calamity-aims !
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
341,422. probably because i favor longer fics over shorter ones lol
What fandoms do you write for?
mainly star wars right now, but i started out in dc, vertigo, and marvel. still thinking about making a foray back into wildstorm (dc runs of the authority do not exist to me) but i'm on a bit of an (unintentional) hiatus right now (as evidenced by the complete lack of writing and publishing fic for the last like ... year. yikes). i also have (baby's first) overwatch fic in the works tho and that's actually the fandom that got me into ao3 (LOL)
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Looking back, Obi-Wan supposed one could say that the galaxy had been saved by Obi-Wan’s decision to start sleeping with his Commander. OR: Obi-Wan decides to have a little gay, as a treat, saves the galaxy.
CHTHONIC (no surprise there)
Not even two days later, Fox revised his opinion. This wasn’t a disaster. This was a Grade-A, first order, fresh off the hot plate fuckfest. Fox’s day had gone something like this: lay in bed. Get up. Knock back some of the sludge in the mess masquerading as caf. Go through forms. Fill out forms. Bust open a closet in which the Senators for Uyter and Kinyen had both managed to get “stuck” in. Go through more forms. Fill out more forms. Get called up to the Senate dome to tell a Senator that no, the Guard did not address noise complaints. Find that the stack of datapads on his desk had somehow tripled over the last two hours. Despair at the state of his inbox. Etcetera, etcetera.
let the lights bleed (really???) (this one did surprise me lol)
“What business does a Jedi have at a charity gala thrown by the Count of Serenno?” “I was entreated by the good Count to fend off his many suitors,” Obi-Wan said, sipping from a glass of something shimmery and bubbling as he watched Yan cast increasingly frustrated glances over the heads of the crowd. The matrons of Serenno with marriageable children were like piranhas. Exceedingly social, flighty, determined piranhas. “I have been informed by several sources that my Grandmaster is quite the catch.” Obi-Wan cast an eye of suspicion at Fett’s expressionless helmet. “You aren’t here to…?” “Manda, no,” Fett said fervently.
love like a roar (really???)
“I don’t—I, uh. I don’t know what a varactyl is, Master,” Obi-Wan said, cradling the egg gingerly. “Find out soon, you will!” Yoda cackled, rapping the end of his gimer stick against Qui-Gon’s kitchen tile. If it were any other master, Qui-Gon might have protested giving the egg of a live creature to his very young, very tired padawan. But it was Yoda, and Yoda did what he liked. Qui-Gon supposed there had to be some advantages to being shin-high and over 500 years.
dancer in the dark
“Fuck,” Obi-Wan said. “Anakin, what’s Bly’s last name?” Anakin blue-screened for a moment. “Uh…” “Fuck,” Obi-Wan said again, sliding ungracefully off the boards with a thump and putting his back to the door. “Is that—tell me that’s not Bly’s father, Anakin.” Good God, he’d never live this down. “No,” Anakin said after a moment squinting first at the door, then Obi-Wan. A tangled mess of sound was echoing through the room as the newcomers greeted Bly and vice versa, all deep voices with light accenting—Māori, Obi-Wan remembered, slightly giddy. It was a Māori accent, because—“That’s his brother,” Anakin gold Obi-Wan. “Cody—” “Cody Fett,” Obi-Wan said, clutching his cup a little tighter and steadfastly refusing to look over his shoulder. “He’s brothers with Cody Fett, former Olympic gold medalist and—oh, God.“
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! due to the aforementioned hiatus, i've fallen off a bit, but it always makes my day to see them in my inbox and i do read all of them :) this might even get me to go through some of the backlog haha. if you have a long comment it's even more likely i'll leave it for a while--i like letting them sit there so i can go back and look at them
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ohhh great question. i don't usually do unhappy endings but probably the road south and moon barks at dog
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the vast majority of them do have happy endings butttt i like to think that's horizontal transfer (dogma and the 501st after the war) or CHTHONIC (because i'm really quite pleased with how it turned out)
Do you get hate on fics?
not generally! i think the worst offender was someone asking me if obi-wan REALLY had to be part korean (which was honestly just really heavily implied more than anything lol) in dancer in the dark ... probably a few others but i dont pay any attention to them. i have better things to be doing with my time, like petting my cat and staring at drying paint
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
do i ever! iirc mostly codywan, quinfox, i did a codywan kink week event once (twice?) (???) (once i think) and i'm a huge fan
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nnnnnn nooooo crossovers... i did a pacific rim fusion au (star wars cast and dynamics in pacific rim setting) for dark day/brighter night though, and that was a shit ton of fun + the cyberpunk fusion au (technically inspired by someone who was inspired by DBH but i know nothing about DBH so...) for empire + the sun
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge! got quite a few podfics tho!
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
iirc not fully? i've had beta readers and artists (mostly for event fics) that i occasionally bounced ideas off, and that is that + this is this was REALLY inspired by some wonderful conversations and writing from @petrichordiam about codywan on tatooine , but i've never done a collab work (definitely open to it tho ... if anyone ... is wondering .......)
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
god. the metrics would say codywan which i can't fully refute. quinlan/fox is up there as well, but im also a huge (specifically transfem bly) blyla fan, which i also came by via myth. zenyatta/ramattra and hanzo/cole make me see shrimp colors tho. camilla hect/pyrrha dve + harrow/gideon from the locked tomb as well...
What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh yeah that would be straight to the heart. the first and only fic i've ever posted and left unfinished. it's got a playlist and semi-finished outline and everything. you know, coffee shop + tattoo shop au dinboba with a side of street racing. yeah, i'm probably never going to write for it again lol
What are your writing strengths?
dialogue ... i love dialogue. i love dialogue so much. i like to think actions scenes and imagery as well
What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing my worst enemy
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
uhhh for me personally? i try not to unless i'm passable in it myself (korean) (i've literally never had an occasion to use it tho) but i try to make sure that i just do an italicized translation or translate contextually if i must. it bogs down the writing process on my end to have to figure out what i want to say, how i want to say it, google translate it, etc etc, and it bogs down the reader on the other end with googling it lol. plus as someone w a language that does often get butchered in fic for less than stellar purposes (helloooooo koreaboos) i try to be considerate and sensitive about that kind of thing
First fandom you wrote for?
vertigo or marvel! it was either constantine or daredevil with a VERY SLIM chance of it being king chimera
Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
i am morally and legally obligated to say CHTHONIC but my current top three after that:
that is that + this is this
“Here. Drink, Cody. Come on. Don’t die on me now, not when you went to all the trouble to get out here.” “Didn’t know,” Cody rasped. “So I shouldn’t be expecting a cavalcade of Imperial stormtroopers to show up here, then?” The man asked, bland as anything. The Commander gave this the consideration it was due. “No.” “Forgive me if I don’t immediately believe you.” The man’s voice sharpened, but his grip on the Commander stayed gentle, supporting his head even when it lolled back against his will. “When have I ever let you down?” Cody asked. The man’s breathing hitched. He set Cody back down against the blankets and retreated to his spot several feet away, blaster and charge pack between the two of them like some strange barrier. “When you killed me,” the man said.
quotations + fluff
Looking back on this incident, Cody often wished that he had crushed it then and there. All he had said was a simple, “Keep it off-duty. Don’t let the General see it.”
in motion again
Blymbo: [has sent a video] Blymbo: again,,, hhhiiiggh geeeenerak ke,obi ,,,,,,,, said that Fob: what am i looking at Fob: ??? Fob: does this man know he is on galactic television??? Fob: cody… Coat: I don’t want to talk about it. Blymbo: libe … television,, Coat: What Gen. Kenobi does when off duty is none of my business and I am going to keep it that way. I am not watching that video. Put it away Bly. Blymbo: not even a peek …
thanks again for the tag! in return, no pressure tags for @sucrosesorcery , @calboniferous , @petrichordiam , @deniigi , and anyone else who wants to!
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justflycasual · 3 years
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Got distracted from actually writing the senator gala fic I’m working on by illustrating the fancy outfits instead. A couple of the early ones are a little janky, but I got better as I went.
The mostly unwilling participants of Chancellor Palpatine’s Victory Over Geonosis Gala: Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila, Senator Kin Robb of Taris, Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora, Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, Senator Lexi Diyo of Uyter, Senator Tanner Cadaman of Feenix, Senator Nee Alavar of Lorrd, Senator Giddean Danu of Kuat Sector, Senator Ivor Drake of Kestos Minor, Captain Rex, General Skywalker, General Unduli, General Kenobi, ARC Corporal Echo, Commando Wrecker, Sergeant Hunter, Senator Liranna Adare (OC) of Dantooine, Commando Tech, Commando Crosshair
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swanandphoenixsong · 3 years
Jedi Scholar - Ao3
Chapter 5: Leia’s Day Out – Part 2
Series: Part 1 of the Star Wars - Nouveau AU series
Chapter Summary: Leia spends her day in the Senate, contemplates the loss of Alderaan, meets with friends, and takes on new responsibilities
Beginning Notes: This chapter has multiple interactions and references to minor characters, some are from the movies or TV shows, others are from canon in general, and two are original characters of mine. 
Characters that have speaking roles and their original appearances from canon material are pointed out here:
Harp Allor, junior senator of Chandrila (Leia, Princess of Alderaan) General Rieeken, rebel veteran from Alderaan (The Empire Strikes Back) Uwa Pareece, representative of the Alderaan Flotilla (Marvel Star Wars: Princess Leia) Tevan Gale, representative of the Alderaan Flotilla (Aftermath: Life Debt) Eglyn Valmor, Regent Administrator of the Alderaan Flotilla (Aftermath: Life Debt) Amilyn Holdo, senator of Gatalenta (Leia, Princess of Alderaan) Hera Syndulla, rebel veteran from Ryloth (Star Wars: Rebels) Jacen Syndulla, Hera’s human-twi’lek son (Star Wars: Rebels) Chopper, Hera’s C1-series astromech (Star Wars: Rebels)
The two OC’s are from Stewjon. As with Kalevala in Aliit, I’m pulling inspiration from real-world places, specifically the Celtic Isles. However, I refer to its inhabitants as Stewjoners (as a reference to the term ‘sojourner’).
Also, there’s a reference to Marvel Star Wars (2015) comics #33, which I highly recommend.
– –
5 ABY – Hanna City, Chandrila
“Sorry I’m later than usual, Chancellor,” Leia said breathlessly. Han had left her at the Senate with a kiss just minutes ago, and she had rushed through the building, up the lifts, and met Threepio before heading to Mon Mothma’s offices.
“Dear, you’re right on time, no need to fret.” Mon smiled at her, gesturing for her to sit before her desk. “Are you ready to go over what’s to be discussed today?”
This is usually how Leia’s days at the Senate went. She would meet with Mon Mothma, alongside Chandrilan junior senator Harp Allor, and together they would prepare for the Senate’s grand session. As of late, the first and foremost concern of the Senate was deliberating upon the next host planet. After reorganizing Coruscant’s government, it had been agreed that the Senate would move from planet-to-planet each year, to ensure more neutrality and unbiased decisions than had occurred in the past Republic and Imperial administrations. There were various planets up for approval, and the Senate had to weigh every benefit and disadvantage of each planet before they could move on to campaigns, discussion, and voting.
The next issue before the grand session was re-establishing or strengthening relations between the Republic and worlds outside the Core. There were many planets still reeling from Imperial occupation, and while the majority were amicable to the transition of government, some worlds were still reluctant to join the Republic. In particular, there were planets like Onderon and Ryloth, who’s leaders had been neutral or Separatist-aligned before the fall of the old Republic, had suffered great loss and destruction during the Empire’s reign, and thus had to be convinced of the Republic senate’s trustworthiness.
After the grand session’s debates, the Chancellor and her advisory, including Leia and Threepio, met in the boardroom with former participants in the Rebellion including Admiral Ackbar of Mon Cala and General Rieeken of Alderaan, and the members of the funding and resource committee, including Nower Jebel of Uyter, Vasp Vaspar of the Taldot Sector, and Tynnra Pamlo of Taris. Together, they reviewed restoration projects for planets recovering from Imperial occupation or destruction.
As to be discussed today, Representatives Uwa Pareece and Tevan Gale of the Alderaan Flotilla were campaigning for additional funding and resources for the spacestation’s construction efforts. The debris from the first Death Star had been a good start, but as their administration had discovered, there was still more they would need to meet the needs of their community of survivors.
“There is one obstacle we didn’t expect,” Tevan explained, “the debris from the Death Star still has some of the tech from its previous functions. We are attempting to remove it for the most part, but it’d be helpful if we had some personnel or droids who were well-acquainted with the Death Star plans. We know most of those qualified are deceased or would otherwise be untrustworthy, but perhaps there is someone else, possibly a data analyst from the Rebellion?”
“Off the top of my head,” Mon replied, “I can only think of Cas– Captain Andor and Kay-too, but of course, they’re– they were on Scarif.”
“What about Captain Kallus?” asked General Cracken, Chief of Intelligence, “As I recall, he had done extensive research on the Imperial projects of Geonosis, Vulpter, and Scarif, before Alderaan’s destruction.”
“I think he and Orrelios were rather intent on retirement,” said Leia fondly, “but perhaps he can recommend someone else for the job or compile his data for us.”
“I agree,” said the Chancellor, “Leia, would you be willing to get his contact details from Hera Syndulla?”
“Of course.”
“Good,” Mon looked over toward Uwa, “As far as funding, resources, and transport, I expect Ralltiir, Corellia, and Brentaal IV respectively would be willing to partner with you. Other planets such as Coruscant and Naboo may volunteer, as recompense for their participation in the Empire’s actions.”
“Tepasi and Caamas as well,” General Rieeken added, “as they are the nearest systems.”
Uwa nodded. “Then that assuages the extent of our concerns.” She and Tevan stood and began gathering up their data sticks from the presentation equipment as the members of the advisory and the funding and resource committee departed the boardroom. While Mon continued to converse with the other Rebellion veterans, Leia stood to assist Tevan and Uwa.
“I’m glad construction is otherwise going well,” she told them.
“Yes,” replied Uwa, “I hope you can come visit soon, we’d like you for you to be involved and see our progress.”
“As long as you don’t name anything after me, I’ll be happy with whatever decisions you make.”
Tevan laughed. “I’ll pass it on. But really, it’d be good for the others to see you.”
Leia avoided his sympathetic gaze, “I know. It’s just difficult to get away.”
He nodded. “Well, in any case, we’re due to contact Regent Valmor in an hour. There is one design in particular we’d like your input on, if you’re willing?”
Leia took a deep breath, stifling the urge to sigh and flatly refuse. “I’ll consider it, see if I have the time.”
“Of course,” said Uwa, “it can wait for some other day if need be.”
They exited along with most of the veterans, leaving Leia alone with a resting Threepio, the Chancellor, and General Rieeken. Leia sat back down, taking a deep breath. It had started raining softly during the presentation, and the sound was a balm to her wavering composure.
“Are you alright, Leia?” Mon Mothma asked, coming back to sit at the head of the boardroom table.
“I’m fine,” Leia closed her eyes, breathing in and out slowly, “Today has given me a lot to think about, and not even half of it is Senate business.”
General Rieeken chuckled and she looked back up at him at Mothma’s side. “Not suited for peace and domesticity, are we, General?” He caught her eye and winked.
Leia laughed. “Something like that. What about you, are you adjusting well?”
He shrugged. “Some days are better than others.” He paused, looking at the cascading trails of rain on the window. “I forget sometimes– that it’s no longer there. I think about going home, retiring from politics, and then I remember– I can never go back.”
Leia nodded solemnly. There had been days in the Rebellion, when she’d half expect her father to round the corner, or think of her mother watching the sky for her return, before she’d remember they were gone. It happened less as time passed– as her life began to no longer resemble her father’s time in the Rebellion– but there would always be that deep ache, that missing part of her heart.
“Have you visited the . . . the flotilla, Rieeken?” Leia asked with hesitation.
“No,” he said immediately, “Never had the time during the Rebellion. Now I– I guess I’m not ready.” He looked back toward her sympathetically. “What about you?”
Leia shook her head. “Not since Espirion. I’ve wanted to– made plans to even– but I guess something else always got in the way.”
“Sounds about right.” He gave her a wan smile and looked toward Mon. “If you told us somehow Tarkin survived and we’d have to hunt him down, we wouldn’t even hesitate. Hell, if there was a third Death Star out there, we wouldn’t even blink. But honor the literal graveyard of our homeworld?” He sighed heavily. “At this rate I’ll visit my own grave before I go there.”
There was nothing to say. Leia had been interrogated and tortured on the Death Star, had witnessed the destruction of her planet, and she had survived and fought and escaped. Every time she lost – on the Death Star, Bespin, Tatooine, and everywhere in between – she got right back up and kept shooting. Now the war was won, and Rieeken was right. If someone told her it wasn’t over yet, she’d jump back into the fray in a heartbeat. But face everything she had lost, see the rubble left behind, and watch her people build a home that could never resemble the original?
Five years wasn’t nearly enough.
“Grief is not enemy you can fight,” Mon said after a moment, “Keeping your distance and letting yourself process everything at your own pace – that is not cowardice. There are many people – and places – that we have lost over the years. Some of it never goes away. But you adjust. You grow, you change, and one day, you realize you’ve accepted your loss. It becomes a part of your past, still a piece of your character, but you move forward.”
Rieeken nodded slowly. “Yes, I suppose so. As the Republic fell, I thought we’d lose everything. And we did– but we continued living, even fought back. Somewhere in between, I got used to the loss– but this, I imagine, will be a wholly different struggle. Building something new is as good a start as any.” He looked over at Leia. “Who knows, maybe Gale and Pareece will convince us to visit before construction is done.”
Leia snickered. “If they don't, I’m sure Verlaine will take us both as hostages for the Inauguration Ceremony.”
“I’m sure she would. Not a bad contingency plan, if I’m honest.” He gave one last smile to the Chancellor, “Thank you for humoring us, Mon. I’ll get out of your hair.” He winked at Leia and left the boardroom.
Leia watched him go, the shadow of her father at his side.
When Leia and Threepio were leaving the Chancellor’s offices, they were surprised to see Harp Allor happily awaiting them.
“Thought you might need a pick-me-up,” she said, taking Leia’s arm as they walked. “Why don’t you join me for lunch? Gatalenta’s hosting.”
Leia smiled at that. Amilyn Holdo was always a delight, but Leia didn’t often take the time to join her friends for break. Maybe this morning wouldn’t be her only diversion from habit.
She turned toward C-3PO at her side, “Threepio, why don’t you go on ahead and let Uwa and Tevan know I may be late to meet with Regent Valmor. See if they could use any of your expertise on their designs.”
“Of course! I’d be delighted to help the survivors of Alderaan, in any way I can. But do enjoy your break, Mistress Leia.”
She smiled, “I will, thank you, Threepio.”
He wobbled on his way, and Leia gratefully allowed Harp to guide her with a smile.
Gatalenta’s offices hummed with soft music and muffled laughter. Leia and Harp were the last to arrive, joining a half-dozen young senators gathered in the lounge. They sat on plush purple sofas with spreads of finger foods and tea on the coffee table in the center.
“Leia!” Amilyn met her at the door, while Harp happily ran off to chat with a male junior senator from Pantora. “It’s wonderful to see you!” Amilyn welcomed her with a kiss on each cheek.
Leia winced inwardly, thinking of how absent of a friend she’d been, “sorry I haven’t come over lately–”
“Oh, posh!” Amilyn’s shimmery lilac hair bobbed as she shook her head, “I know you’re busy advising the Chancellor and keeping tabs on everything, but I’m so glad you’re here now.” She directed her to sit beside her. “I love your outfit by the way, especially the cape.”
Leia smiled brightly, “Thanks, Han helped me pick it out. He was very attentive for me this morning.”
“Oh, so that smuggler hides a heart of gold!” They each laughed jovially. “So, how goes the flotilla’s efforts?”
“They’re moving forward, and Mon is optimistic for potential backers.”
“Splendid! I’ll be sure to pledge Gatalenta’s support as well. Just let me know if there’s anything in particular we can offer you.”
Leia’s heart warmed with Amilyn’s unconditional sincerity, and regretted her reluctance to join these luncheons. She often forgot how comforting it was to be among peers of similar background. Like Leia, Amilyn and the other senators had been raised within politics, and understood how integral it was in her life.
“Thank you, Amilyn, truly. And should you ever need–”
“Don’t even think of it,” she proclaimed with a gleaming smile, “Alderaan was instrumental within the Rebel Alliance, particularly with you and your family’s guidance. It’s the least we can do to honor them.” She took a sip of tea, effortlessly silencing any remaining objections. Leia gracefully let it go, turning her attention toward filling a plate with various cuisine.
“You should try this,” Leia looked over to see red-haired woman on the end of the couch to her left, offering a dish of miniature pies with intricate lattice knot designs. Leia chose one and took a tentative bite, and was met by hearty, herbal seasoned filling of root vegetables. She chewed slowly, savoring the hints of meat broth that the veggies must’ve been soaked with. She swallowed, feeling it’s warmth all the way down to her stomach.
“Delicious, thank you,” Leia said.
“Leia,” Amilyn leaned forward to introduce them, “have you met Senator Rhiannon Pond of Stewjon?”
Leia offered her hand cordially, “Only from a distance, during the Senate’s grand session.” She had noticed her only in passing before, as she was often guided by two superior representatives, silent shadows on either side.
Rhiannon smiled, her handshake slightly hesitant. “I’ve admired you from afar, but I haven’t been part of the Senate very long. I was recently appointed, when the former senator opted to retire after the Galactic Concordance.”
She looked over her shoulder and beckoned to the representative at her side. He was tall and lanky, dressed in dark scholarly robes over a pinstripe suit and colorful tie. “This is Professor Davis Piers, my uncle. He and my mentor are much more experienced in establishing contact with distant worlds and negotiating trade – but both of them refused the position when it was offered to them.”
Leia attempted to remember what she had heard of Stewjon over the years. It was often overlooked, on the border between the Core worlds and the Colonies. The planet’s atmosphere was nearly impossible to breach without a Stewjoner navigator aboard, so they were left relatively untouched during the Empire’s conquests. Even though they hadn’t participated much in trade of resources, they had been one of the lesser-known Rebel safe worlds, a place where refugees could escape the war and be forgotten by Imperials.
Piers waved off Rhiannon’s appraisal, “I was a professor at the flight academy, Rhia. Everything I’ve learned about politics was from traveling– rescuing refugees from battle-torn planets and delivering them to Rebel safe worlds.”
Leia smiled at his humility, catching the fond twinkle in his eye as he patted his niece’s shoulder. “And what of your counterpart?” She asked him, interested in the absent companion.
Prof. Piers chuckled, “Even during his efforts in the Rebellion, he was always rather reserved. But he and his family are unsung heroes, for many refugees on Stewjon especially.”
Rhiannon nodded, explaining, “He’s not a native Stewjoner – during his time in the Rebellion, he and his family were unable to return to their homeworld, so sometime before the Battle of Yavin, they took sanctuary on Stewjon. When the chieftains offered the senatorial position to him – for his high-profile accreditations and his experience with the Rebel Alliance – he denied it out of principle.”
“He would argue that he couldn’t speak for Stewjon’s people,” Piers continued, “but he’s always willing to accompany us to the Senate and offer insight.”
“He sounds very honorable,” Leia surmised, thinking of how her parents had always disliked Imperial governors and moffs, who would often ignore the voices of their own people.
Piers smiled and changed the topic. “But I hear you’ve been overseeing the Maiden’s Sanctuary?” Leia nodded. “We visit there occasionally, so I’m glad to know they’re in good hands.”
“Of course, it’s been an unexpected blessing. They’re a very welcoming community.”
They – Leia, Amilyn, Rhiannon, and Piers – talked for a while longer, about the Sanctuary, the Flotilla, and other Senate projects. Despite their detached participation in the grand session and discussions, the Stewjoners were observant and knowledgeable of various foreign affairs. With their disposition, they saw complicated issues from a distance, and yet found the underlying nuance that defined them. It was unique perspective for Leia, as she was so often a key player, rather than an outside observer.
It made her think of her parents – their reputable positions of leadership over the years – and the innumerable amount of colleagues, allies, and friends they must’ve made from all over the galaxy. Her constant goal was living up to their example, and her rapport with these diverse senators was a factor of that.
And if nothing else, it was always a good idea to have friends surrounding her.
Leia reunited with Threepio at the expanded guests’ offices some time later. Luckily, she had only missed Tevan and Uwa’s greetings with Regent Administrator Valmor and their update on today’s discussions. Leia slipped in quietly, taking a seat in front of Threepio and listened attentively as they moved to designs that were still in progress.
The overall layout of the spacestation relied on the basic framework design of the original Death Star, although it wouldn’t resemble its spherical shape. It would look more like a spindle – the frame would encase rings around a central needle-like structure. The large middle ring would consist of enough hangar bays for the Flotilla’s entire fleet of starships, as well as numerous visitors. The various rings above and below would hold every division of resources they could need, such as communications, engineering, legislature, residence quarters, medical bays, archives, hydroponics, and a multilevel promenade to connect throughout.
It was at this time that Regent Administrator Valmor realized Leia’s presence. She turned their attention toward her, “Shall we focus on the in-development project that concerns our awaited guest of honor?”
Uwa spoke up with enthusiasm, “Of course!” She leaned forward, bringing up the drafts and displaying them through the communication stream. “We’re composing a wing dedicated to exhibiting some of the noble houses of Alderaan. Jora has many suggestions of course, but we thought you might appreciate being involved directly as well.”
Leia examined the preliminary ideas – the diplomacy of Organa, the military prowess of Ulgo, the educational programs of Antilles (the house of her mother, Breha, before she was married) – and about a half-dozen others. Leia was instantly inspired by the project. “I’d be happy to contribute to these plans– Houses Organa and Antilles in particular, of course. I wonder, would Jora be amiable to collaborating on House Alde’s exhibition?”
“I don’t see why not,” Tevan replied, “although, if I may ask, why the interest that house?”
Leia mulled over how to answer that question. She’d planned to research Alde in order to learn more about Beryl’s family, and now with seeing their project, she had the inkling that she and Beryl could work on the exhibitions together, as a way to help with her memories of Alderaan. However, she didn’t want to share the barely-formed idea, especially if it required explaining Beryl’s tragic past without her consent.
“I’d like to keep my motivations private for the time being. If Jora requires an explanation, she’s free to contact me while the project is in development.”
“I find that understandable,” said Regent Valmor. “There is one other division needing your input, although you may be less than willing to partake in it.”
“What is it?”
Uwa browsed through a layout of residential quarters with lavish amenities. “A royal suite for you and your family, with the space to expand if needed. You are the last survivor of Alderaanian royalty, and your enduring strength was a beacon of hope during the war. We want to honor that and provide a home that is always welcome to you, should you ever need it.”
Leia felt her chest tighten around her heart. Of course they wanted to do this for her, despite that she would be disagreeable to accepting the inordinate luxury of it. Not to mention her dedication to the senate and prolonged absence from the flotilla. And yet she saw in their expressions – of unquestionable respect and sheer determination – that they would insist against any objections she made. They were declaring their support for her and dedicating a permanent space for her and her family.
Uwa gave a thankful smile. “If it it’s any consolation, Verlaine and Regent Valmor will be afforded rightful quarters as well, again with space for their families and to expand if necessary. We plan to provide the same for all future appointed regents.”
“I would hope so.” Leia huffed, turning a pointed look at Tevan. “However, let me commission the designs myself apart from your contracted collaborators.”
“But I’m sure you already have so many responsibilities–”
“It will not be an issue,” Leia interrupted Tevan.
“Are you sure?” asked Regent Valmor, “We have a number of architects and interior designers–”
“I won’t have this take precedent over anything else. This is my request.”
She shook her head in mild exasperation, “Very well, Leia. But do let us know if anything comes up, won’t you?”
Leia nodded, giving them an adamant smile.
The gentle midday rain had stopped at some point during Gatalenta’s luncheon or the meeting with Regent Valmor, and now the mid-afternoon sun broke through the thinning cloud bank. Leia basked in its warmth, streaming through her office window.
Leia and Threepio had finally retired to her office for the remainder of senate hours. Threepio had opted to shut down for now, while Leia leaned back at her desk and closed her eyes, letting out a deep sigh. The day had dragged on and on, but at least it was nearly over.
So many expectations upon her, and yet she could never seem to stop herself from taking on more. Helping the Flotilla’s construction was her duty as senator and princess, and finding an interior designer herself was based on principle– that her accommodations shouldn't be prioritized over any others. She wasn’t really sure where to look for that type of thing, but she would figure it out.
If only she had such confidence with helping Luke rebuild the Jedi Order. How does one – or two – rebuild from destruction, their temples raided and desecrated, when any artifacts and survivors were hunted down and eradicated?
But as she pondered that question, she realized the restoration of the Jedi Order wasn’t altogether different from the preservation of Alderaan’s history and survivors. With Alderaan there was certainly a stronger foundation – and more survivors – but if she thought of them as similar, then the path forward became clearer. She and Luke needed to learn about Jedi history together, see researching and rebuilding as pieces of a whole that would take time and patience.
The Force may demand progress, it may pull and push however it may like, but they were sentient people, not just its vessels. They were dictated by their present just as much as by the past and future. Rather than focus on one or the other, was it not better to act upon the balance between? Just as Jedi were concentrated on the balance between all things?
The idea renewed her vigor, so she sat up, shuffling in her desk. She took out a spare holographic picture frame, setting it up beside a holoprojector replica of her parents’ memorial statue on Yavin. She took the data stick from her pocket and plugged it in, copying over Beryl’s drawing of the Starflowers. She smiled, remembering how Han had said her parents would be proud of her, for looking after the Sanctuary’s residents. After a day like today, she was hopeful they were truly proud of her endeavors.
And yet, she had one last expectation to fulfill before her scheduled meeting with Counselor Veda. Although she didn’t see it as harrowing as other senate duties.
Hera Syndulla was practically beaming at her when she answered, her five-year-old son sitting on her knee.
“Look Mom, it’s Auntie Leia!” Jacen pointed at her over the datascreen.
Leia smiled at the young boy, giving him a half-hearted wave.
“Yes, I see her,” Hera replied as she caught her eye and nudged her son’s side, “Why don’t you go get Chopper for me, huh?” Jacen happily jumped down and ran off to find the droid. “Busy day, Senator?”
“Oh, I don’t even know where to begin.” Leia sighed, fiddling with her cape.
“How about you start with what’s easiest?”
Leia hummed, floundering for words. “I don’t know about easy, but it’s almost– natural? I’ve joined a community here– the Maiden’s Sanctuary. They genuinely care for those they take in– refugees, orphans, or just people who need recovery and support. Originally, I was just there for funding check-ins, and I’ve only visited twice– but already they’ve welcomed me as a part of them,” she hardly paused to breathe, “And there’s this young girl – Beryl – who’s a survivor of Alderaan.”
“How old is she?”
“About nine, and she just lost her grandmother too, so everything’s very– turbulent, underneath the surface. I want to– help her, be there for her. It feels almost instinctual, even alongside my own grief. But–” She sighed, deflating as she carried on, “I’m so busy with the Senate. The Sanctuary invited me to come by outside of the funding check-ins, and I want to, but just today I’ve been reminded of the many responsibilities I already have.”
Hera gave her a fond look, having listened attentively to her rambling. “Well, maybe there’s a compromise. If they truly want you around and you want to be there, then lean on them.  Ask for their advice with the Senate stuff, or even just to listen. They sound like they’d be happy to be there for you.”
Leia nodded slowly, turning over the idea. She thought of Auggie and Counselor Veda– they were thoughtful and considerate with the residents, and they were so quick to welcome her. She’d had the idea earlier to have Beryl’s help with the Noble Houses’ exhibitions– and surely with their knowledge of Beryl’s background and schedule, they could help organize between them. And maybe Hera was right, maybe they would be willing to listen to her other concerns and offer advice on what to do.
She looked back up, finally relaxing as Hera smiled with understanding.
“Now then,” she pressed, “tell me what was most difficult about today.”
Leia huffed good-naturedly. “The Alderaan Flotilla; today they were presenting their progress – with their construction of a spacestation – and requesting funds, resources, sponsors. As Alderaan’s Senator, I’m part of the planning and– of course, I want to help, as is expected, but I–”
She sighed again, remembering her conversation with Rieeken. “I was there, on the Death Star, and not only watched it happen, but Tarkin used its destruction to hurt me personally. And years have passed now, and I haven’t been back there.” Leia paused, shuddering slightly as she tried to find a way to explain further, “There are places, far enough away, where the light of the explosion hasn’t yet reached– hasn’t ignited even, and if there was a strong enough telescope, you could still see Alderaan in the distance. I’ve been to a planet like that, and realized where it would be in the sky– and sometimes I still feel like I’m there. And as long as I stay away and never see what remains– then Alderaan’s still there, and my parents are still watching for me, waiting for my return.”
Leia felt tears pricking at her eyes, and Hera was wiping away a tear of her own. It was a quiet moment. “It’s okay,” Hera said, her eyes glistening still, “I understand what you’re going through,” and Leia smiled sadly, because she knew Hera truly could empathize with her pain.
She had lost Kanan– Jacen’s father, her partner in fighting against the Empire, leading a Rebel Cell of misfits and survivors, and finding love and hope among so much tragedy. He had been one of the few Jedi to survive the purge, and they had founded a family together, with Chopper, Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra. Ezra had been fourteen (born in the same year as Leia) when they first found him, a street orphan on Lothal with latent force abilities.
Over time, they had helped bring together the Rebellion, alongside Bail Organa, her father, before the Alliance was even established. Some years later, she had met them herself, when she was serving as an aide to her father in the Imperial Senate. During their short mission together, Leia had relied on the pair of Jedi, and they had trusted her as well. For the Rebellion, Kanan and Ezra were a reminder of who had come before, a beacon of hope that they could survive the Empire’s cruelty.
While liberating Lothal, Kanan gave his life to ensure their survival, and Ezra had followed close behind, lost in Wild Space with the Chimaera– the Imperial star destroyer, its commanding officer, and crew responsible for the blockade and bombardment of Lothal.
Hera had had to live on, carry their legacy, in protecting Lothal, continuing to fight for the Rebellion, and in raising her son. She had to have been reminded of her grief constantly, unable to avoid it like Leia had. And Leia had avoided it, smothered it down as soon as she was led back to her cell. She had continued to suppress it from thereon, even after the Death Star was destroyed at the Battle of Yavin. She’d had people to save, a war to fight, and never enough time to grieve.
“It’s okay,” Hera said again, her voice wavering, interrupting Leia’s dismal reverie. She looked at her fondly, and she wondered briefly if that was how she looked at Beryl, when they had shared stories in the greenhouse. “It’s good that you’re acknowledging it. What comes next won’t be easy. This is when you allow yourself to be vulnerable with those who care, ask for their help, and accept what they can offer.
“So, Leia, tell me, what can I do for you?”
Leia let out a long breath, “That’s why I called. The flotilla needs someone who knows the Death Star plans and Imperial tech. We thought of Captain Kallus, but I recognize that he’s retired. I was hoping you could put me in contact with him, so that he could refer us to another rebel analyst who he could share his intel with.”
“Ah–” Just then, her C1-series astromech, Chopper, came wheeling in, with Jacen chasing behind. Hera wrangled them, getting her son back on her knee and having Chopper settle at their side. “Well, Chop and I can contact Kal and Zeb for you, but it may take some time. Comms don’t connect directly, but messages are ferried through often enough. I can let you know when I hear back.”
“That’s fine. Thank you, Hera.”
“Anything else I can help you with?”
Leia wondered– she hadn’t thought about it before, but now– “Well, you remember Luke? I’m helping him with his search for Jedi artifacts and rebuilding– and I know it may be difficult, but I’m sure he’d appreciate your input, even if it’s just stories.”
Hera smiled, memories of Kanan and Ezra clearly passing behind her eyes. “Of course, I always hoped for more chances to talk with Luke about them. Tell you what, we’ll get a message sent off to Kal, then we’ll head to Chandrila. I have to make a couple stops, but we should be there within a few days. This way we can talk in person, Luke can ask any questions, and I can help you with your Senate duties. What d’you think, Jacen, wanna see Leia and Luke on Chandrila?”
“Yeah!” He laughed as Hera tickled him, and Leia smiled at the love and warmth between them.
“That sounds lovely, and I really do appreciate it. We’ll be excited to have you around.”
“It’s no trouble, we hadn’t yet decided where we were off to. You let me know if there’s anything else, okay?”
“I will. Thanks again.” She waved and smiled at Jacen as they said their goodbyes, and Leia felt lighter than before, relieved of taking burdens solely on her shoulders.
Endnotes: Phew! That took a while, which I expected, but I didn’t realize just how long. Classes have begun (first time living on campus in a long time), so writing and posting may not occur very often. However, I do have outlined ideas for part 3 of “Leia’s Day Out”, and it’s not as difficult an agenda as senate work. I hope this chapter was satisfactory, and wasn’t too boring. Next: meeting with Veda and a Jedi lesson at the archives!
21 notes · View notes
syndxlla · 4 years
part six of the Dinner and Diatribes series
part five here
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summary: When you see Mando in action for the first time, you begin to recall more and more of your childhood memories.
word count: 4.7k words
warnings: Swearing, passing out, being shot at, Mando kills a guy, mentions of abuse.
a/n: “Be” is the tenth song on Hozier’s album Wasteland, Baby!
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve updated! I got a little uh *cough* depressed *cough* but I’m feeling much better now, I also wanted to be present for all the holidays and didn’t want to be glued to my phone the whole time haha. ANYWAYS enjoy!!!
“We need to refuel.” The Mandalorian said through the modulator. This time, it wasn’t a lie. The three of you were a little less than halfway to Kiros, travelling through hyperspace for almost a full day now. It had been a few hours since the kiss, enough time for the kid to wake up, eat, and play enough to get tired again. He was nestled sleepily on your lap, mindlessly fidgeting with the beskar ball you gave back to him to occupy to little squirt while you sat in the cockpit with Mando. You think the bounty hunter slept while you were down in the Hull taking care of kid. It made you wonder how he ever got rest when he was alone with the monster. 
“Already?” You ask, finding it hard to believe you already needed fuel. After you spoke up, the kid drowsily babbled, slowly getting more fatigued. 
The Mandalorian nodded. “She’s onto me,” He said to himself. He couldn’t lie to you again, the truth would get back to you eventually, and it would be best to keep it as accurate as possible. “Should be fast.” He explained. 
“That’s alright.” You shrug, you didn’t mind, and it’s not like you could change the course. You remind yourself that he does what he wants. 
“We’ll stop on Uyter, it was just liberated by the New Republic a few years ago, so it’ll be pretty dangerous.” He began after clicking a few random buttons, “Feel up to the challenge?” Mando asked, the slightest bit of teasing in his voice. 
“Oh I’ll be fine. You’re the one we need worry about.” You sighed, sarcastically playing along.
 He very lightly chuckled, “We’ll see about that.” 
You smirked. Neither of you have brought up the kiss yet, between being occupied with the kid and not wanting to ruin the lingering magic of it, you both made a silent agreement to leave the moment alone. Every time you thought of it, however, you received a wave of shocks through your body, causing your spine to shiver in euphoric bliss. You hoped it wouldn’t be the last time he kissed you. However, you didn’t want to get your hopes up, as far as you know, that was just a short moment of weakness for him. But his words lingered on your mind, “that’s how you can help”. His remark after kissing you implied that it would happen again, but you were still walking on egg-shells in every situation with him. He would have to be the one to make the move every time, you were too timid to be the one to initiate any form of physical contact. 
It wasn’t much longer before you were snapping out of light speed, a small but lush planet in your view. “Utter?” You raise an eyebrow, the kid now asleep in your arms. 
“Uyter. You-ter.” He enunciated. 
“I’m sorry, could you say that again?” You ask, poking your tongue to your cheek, enjoying teasing him far too much.
“No.” He grunted, making you quietly giggle. 
“Have you been here before?” This was one of your favorite things to ask him, it was so interesting to hear about his adventures through the galaxy. 
He nodded in response, “Capital City has a good Cantina, found a bounty there once.” 
Cantina meant actual food, which made you happy. 
“So, how dangerous is this place.” You try to ask nonchalantly, like you didn’t really care how dangerous it might be (but you did care, a lot). 
“The empire used to have an academy here, a pretty big one too. It’s been dismantled now, but there are still remnants.”
“There are all over the galaxy.” You sigh. The Empire was even able to reach out to Nal Hutta at some points. 
The Razor Crest moved into the atmosphere, and before you knew it, the Mandalorian’s ship landed on the surface. The descent was boring, and all you could see for miles and miles was farmland. 
“They used to produce food for the Empire, one of my first missions with the Mandalorian’s was to burn the fields.” He explained. 
“What? I thought you bucket-heads were neutral when it came to imperial affairs.” You tilt your head as you ask. 
“We are, but if the price is right, we’ll work for anyone...” 
“How old were you?”
“...Eighteen. I think, not sure about how hold I really am.” Mando cleared his throat, something told you that you are the only person he’s ever told something like that. “It was me and some of my brothers of the creed... I’m the only one of that troupe still alive...” You swear you could hear a little bit of sadness in his voice, but it was hard to tell. You thought you were getting better at reading him, but he’s so mechanical from the outside, it makes you wonder what he’s really thinking. In no way do you want to seem invasive, and the last thing you want to do is offend him, but you couldn’t help yourself from wanting to know more about him, to be...closer to him in some way. 
“I-I’m sorry. Let’s just be fast then, yeah?” You reassured. 
Capital city was nice, much nicer than Nal Hutta. It was a relatively large city, bigger than any city on your home-world. You were significantly closer to the inner-rim as well, which meant more wealth, prosperity and civilization. You knew this, but that didn’t stop your childlike awe as you looked up at the towering skyscrapers above. 
Mando noticed the way you looked up at the sky, “Two hyperspace lanes cross here, we’ll be moving onto the other one after we leave, getting us closer to Kiros.” He spoke up. 
“Can we eat here?” You shamelessly ask. He nods in response as he powers down the ship, and stands up from the pilot’s chair. 
Uyter was just like Junkfort station but on the surface, bustling and diverse, but running with more crime than the space station. Mando payed a few credits to the Rodian crew at the docking bay, and the three of you were off. The kid was nestled safely in a metal pram, the lid sealed shut, keeping the outside world from distracting him (and vice versa). The carriage followed you, who followed Mando as the trio walked into the heart of the city. This was the first real city you’ve ever been in (that you can remember). And you knew that this was a significantly smaller city than anything on the core worlds. The galaxy was so big, so much bigger than your little shack on the bayou. As you weaved through the winding streets and pop-up shops, you wanted to attach to the bounty hunter at the hip. Although you were mesmerized by the higher level of civilization, you didn’t feel safe, and you knew he would protect you. You remember that this is what every planet is like, every city. They all have a crime rate, they all have dark alleyways and bounty hunters and remnants of the Empire. You’re sure Lothal wasn’t much different from here. Men of all types of species watched as you and the metal man walked through the crowded streets, the hordes of people seemed to part at your expense. It gave you a sense of fulfillment, a feeling of power. When you were seen with the Mandalorian, you were seen as a threat, too. As far as any of these strangers know, you are just as intimidating as a bounty hunter in a beskar shell. In reality, you were nothing more than a naive girl with no childhood and the only useful experience you have has come from a cantina owner and abusive ex-boyfriend on a planet ran by massive slugs. But none of these people needed to know that. That was something you could definitely get used to; in the rest of the galaxy, no one knew your name. It was like a fresh start, and you could become anyone you wanted to be. Hell, you could even become a Mandalorian if you wanted, but life inside of a can isn’t very appealing to you. You hardly know how to shoot a blaster anyways, so maybe life as a bounty hunter isn’t the one for you. You could accept that. 
Mando wandered into the Cantina. It was about mid-day, so it wasn’t too busy yet. A few droids worked behind the counter and there were a handful of aliens quietly conversing. The three of you found a place to sit at the bar, and you timidly pulled out some of the credits the Mandalorian gave you a few days ago. “Get something for the kid.” His voice quiet through the modulator.
You nodded before ordering some generic and cheap food from one of the droids. You pull the pram forward before unlatching the lid, letting the little monster see outside again. His eyes adjusted to the light, and turned to look up at you.You hand him the food you gt, and he was immediately happy to be eating. Something about him being a glutton was so cute to you. You hoped he was getting enough to eat, that Mando was taking good care of him. You still have so many questions about who the little monster is and where he came from. How had the Mandalorian came into possession of the kid? What species was he? You know they haven’t been together for very long, but you do know that it’s been long enough that they have a very special bond. Almost like father and son. 
You mindlessly ate your food, completely unaware that something might’ve been wrong. You were so used to the silence bounty hunter at your side was so comfortable with that you didn’t think twice when he sat completely still, his visor facing straight forward. “Gotta go.” He said so quietly he might as well have stayed silent.
“Hurry.” He cleared his throat. You were confused, but were too afraid to ask what was going on, so you quickly helped the kid finish eating.
“All right let’s-” You began to say but was interrupted.
“Now how did the guild let you get away with that?” A deep and dangerous voice said from behind you. You froze up, and darted your eyes over to Mando, side-eyeing him. You slowly move your hand back to close the metal case holding the kid. It snapped closed at the touch of your finger, slightly startling you with the noise it made. “Heard you’re the most wanted member right now...” The voice from behind you said again, Mando stayed perfectly still and collected, almost like he knew this was coming. He was so good at his job that he probably did, you remind yourself. You looked to him for reassurance again, and he slightly nodded before quickly turning around and drawing his gun, shooting the man behind you two in the leg. He yelled out in pain and you jumped in shock. You stayed frozen in place as the other patrons in the Cantina all stopped what they were doing to look at the scene. The loud blast from the gunfire had silenced the semi-busy establishment, and the only sound was the thud of the man falling on the floor in pain. You turned to look down at him in shock, he wasn’t dead, Mando wasn’t trying to kill him, but the sight of his blood put a pit in your stomach, like you could puke. 
“Mando-” You swallowed thickly. 
“Hey! Take that outside!” An alien yelled from across the room. 
The man on the floor writhed in pain but somehow pulled together enough strength to pull his own blaster out and point it at not Mando, but you. You weren’t sure what do to, and thank the maker the Mandalorian noticed what was happening and acted quickly. He bent down to grab the gun from his hand right before the shot was fired, ripping it out of his grasp and shooting the guy in the head with it instead. As you held your breath, your eyebrows slowly started to knit together, processing what had happened. The murder caused the other patrons of the bar to get rowdy, no one wanted to see that but something told you that this wasn’t the first time. 
“I said let’s go.” Mando repeated himself as he dropped the blaster he stole and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the door. A few people surrounded the man and it wasn’t much longer until yelling could be heard.
“Who was that?” You timidly ask as the bounty hunter tugs you into the street. 
“Not sure, but I didn’t like how much he knew about me.”
“Knew about you? He hardly knew anything!” You contradict, trying not to go into a state of shock. 
“He knew enough, he knew that I’m wanted in the guild and he knew about you and the kid.” 
“If I had let him live, your face would’ve gotten out, you’d never be able to stay in one place for very long.” He explained. The pit in your stomach only seemed to grow. 
“You aren’t getting away that easily!” A new voice yelled from down the street, the noise causing Mando to move into a light jog, yanking you forward with him. A few blaster shots were sent in your direction, and it took everything in you not to scream. It had been a long time since you had been shot at. Mando pulled the three of you into a side alley, pushing you up against a brick wall and pulling out his own blaster. He held the weapon up by his helmet and turned his head to look around the corner of the wall, lowering the gun and firing a few shots back. As he worked, you turned to metal cradle and opened it to make sure the kid was alright. As the lid snapped open, big, beady eyes looked up at you, completely unaware of the situation at hand. 
“You okay?” You ask before giving an awkward smile of reassurance and closing the case again. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your heart rate. “Can I help?” You as the Mandalorian, who like usual ignored you. “I’ll take that has a no.” Before you could decompress again, he was turning and grabbing your wrist again. The chase continued down the alley, and you were able to make good time before you were being shot at again. Your mouth was dry, and you began to get tired of all the running. Mando must have noticed this because he pulled your arm forward so you were in front of him and he could shield you with his body, the carriage following closely behind. You tried to lead but the alley way led to a dead-end, and suddenly, you were cornered. “Shit, what now?” You turn to ask him. He was already turned around and shooting back at the people chasing you. It was the first time you had really seen him in action, and you had to admit, he was good at it. He took down one, two, three of the people against you, making it look easy, effortless. You stared at him in awe, you knew he would be good at this, you’ve seen Mandalorians in action before, but he was... different. Everything he did had a purpose, the way he moved was like a strictly choreographed dance, and it practically put you in a trance. 
More men were coming, and you genuinely wondered how you were going to get out of this. Soon, the shots stopped, but men gathered on the rooftops around the dead-end. You looked up at them in fear, Mando’s helmet tilted up too. “How are we getting out of this?” You muttered, asking out of genuine concern for your life. 
“Don’t worry about it.” He responded. 
“Oh yeah, twenty men are pointing blasters at me from all directions, I’ll stay calm.” You sarcastically reply. Before you could really think to get scared though, Mando was taking a step behind him in your direction, bumping into you as he was cocking his wrist back. Two dozen small missiles shot from his wrist guard, all of them flying in different directions and hitting man after man, causing them to fall to their deaths as a whistle of power shot towards them. You close your eyes and push into his back, not wanting to see the pain of so many people. The sounds of yelling and pain filled your ears and it was almost like you were dreaming as your memories began to flood to view. “Not here, not now.” You whisper to yourself when you start to recall things from your childhood again. 
Like you said, it had been a long time since you were shot at, and the last time you were involved a ship, an old one, one you hadn’t seen since you were little. You memories flashed before your eyes: a man in full armor pointing his gun at you, his voice rough with a thick accent, it was a voice you had heard before. The sight of an explosion in the distance, a man with blaring red swords being flown from a building. A girl flying, you were in her arms, was she wearing a Mandalorian helmet? You weren’t sure, although the memories were vivid, you were getting dizzy and tired. The unfamiliar face of the woman holding you as you flew towards the rafters of a building was becoming blurry, and her helmed face slowly turned into the Mandalorian’s who you were travelling with. You regained your vision for just one more short moment and you saw you were down on the ground looking up at Mando’s. After that, you slowly faded into unconsciousness. 
When you woke up, you were back in the Hull of the Crest, your sore back and pounding head lay against the Mandalorian’s rough cot. All the lights were off, and you could tell you were back in hyperspace. Why had this happened again? You were still sick to your stomach, and probably should have gone back to sleep, but scooted out of the bed instead. You rub the sleep from your eyes, and drowsily made your way to the ladder to the cockpit. You slowly climb up it, carefully working not to fall off, you were still very dizzy and weren’t sure of what happened after you regained some of your memories. You eventually made it up the ladder, and knocked one time on the cockpit door before going on. The Mandalorian sat in the pilots chair like usual, his head leaned back against the read rest, sitting perfectly still. In his arms was the kid, sleeping comfortably in the protection of a strong embrace. He was drooling just a little bit onto the bounty hunter’s elbow. You smiled warmly at the image, and assumed he was asleep too. Not wanting to bother his rest, you sat in one of the extra chairs, pulling one of your legs up onto the seat and holding it there with your arms, resting your forehead against your knee. You sat there comfortable for a long time, not sleeping, but just contently enjoying some peace and quiet. If Mando had been awake, he would have said something by now to let you know. It gave you a moment to process what had just happened, and the memories you had possibly regained. They were so vivid it almost felt like you were watching a holorecording, which is why you are so confused on what was real and what wasn’t. Is it possible that all of this was an elaborate mirage? Something your mind was making up to fill in the blanks? Your childhood was a complete mystery up until a few days ago, so what about this experience has triggered your memories to come back? 
“You feeling okay?” His modulated voice startled you, and you lifted your head up to see his helmet turned in your direction. 
“I-I’m sorry,” Your voice was hoarse, you cleared your throat after speaking. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a burden on you. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I’ve never had anything like this happen before.” You admit, trying to explain what was going on. “If you want to leave me on Kiros I understand-”
“What?” you raise an eyebrow. 
“Stop. I don’t care, I’m just glad to see you up and moving.” He sighed. 
“Oh?” You eyes widened.
“I don’t think it’s safe for you to be out of the ship, both times you have been this has happened.”
“I know, that’s why I’m saying sorry-”
“It’s not your fault, you’ve spent your whole life isolated, the galaxy can be... overwhelming.”
You thought about what he said, “Why are you being so kind to me?” You timidly speak up. He was a dangerous man, so what had you done to gain his favor? 
He shrugged, “Can’t just leave you behind.”
“Yes you could, you’re a dangerous bounty hunter and I’m just... just-”
“The only person to treat me like a man.” He interrupted you. 
“Huh?” You weren’t sure if you heard him correctly. 
“Everyone treats me as just that: a dangerous bounty hunter. But you didn’t, you looked me in the eyes when you spoke to me, you weren’t afraid to tell me no. I’ll admit, it’s pretty frustrating to not get everything I want when I ask the first time, but I wouldn’t have ever known that if you hadn’t come along.” He explained. 
“Oh... you’re welcome? I guess.” You shrugged, not really sure how to respond. “But really, if I’m too much of a burden, you don’t have to keep me around, I don’t mind.” You reassured. He lightly chuckled, “No offense, but you wouldn’t last very long on your own.” 
“Hey now.” You teased back, while you understood he wasn’t serious, you knew there was some truth behind what he was saying. “So.. you’re okay with me staying?” You asked after smiling. 
“If you want, after Kiros I’ll still take you to Lothal, hopefully by then you won’t faint at any minor inconvenience.” He tilted his head, this one made you roll your eyes, but you still smiled at what he said. 
“Sounds like you want me to stick around, too.” You raise an eyebrow. 
The Mandalorian didn’t respond to this, and instead turned his head down to look at the sleeping kid on his arm. You followed him with your eyes, your chest filling with warmth as you watched the dangerous man’s fatherly instincts. Somewhere in there, there was a man, and you were determined to find him. 
“How close are we to Kiros?” You finally ask, interrupting the comfortable silence. 
“Still a few rotations, get comfortable, we aren’t going to need fuel any time soon.” Mando nodded. Sometimes it was so easy to make conversation with him, but a lot of the time he was like a brick wall: impossible to break through. This entire journey you were walking on egg-shells, trying to stay on his good side and prove that you were worth his time. However, at the end of the day, you were only human, and after years of almost complete isolation, constant companionship is starting to sound nice, even if it’s just for a few weeks. You slouch in your seat, letting your foot fall back to the metal ground. You stared up at the glass overhead, admiring the swirl of light speed. You can’t remember if you had ever been in hyperspace as a child, everything is so unclear. At least you thought it was. Now you were unsure. You spent over twenty years being completely content with your lack of childhood, it rarely crossed your mind. As you recall, you remember that there were only a few instances in which you felt like you were missing something. Once when a mother helped her child off of a speeder, and another time when you watched future bounty hunters and criminals play with a ball. You don’t remember ever having friends growing up, but seeing kids interact with each other before they become corrupt from a galaxy of bad made you long for what could have been. If you made it this far without wanting more, why do you suddenly want to now? 
“I think I know why I’ve been passing out.” You say, cursing yourself after. He probably didn’t care, you didn’t think before you spoke and now you’ve sprung your own trap. He tilted his head after you spoke, urging you to go on. You took a deep breath, maybe he had some answers, it doesn’t hurt to try and find out. “Growing up on Hutta, I never remembered much...” You began, unsure of how to even go about this. “I would forget simple things, like names or times...” You shrug, considering you were a literal child, you suppose it didn’t matter much. “I know I wasn’t always on that planet, there’s a chapter to my story before then... but no matter how hard I try, I can’t remember what it was.” You sigh. You felt silly, but he didn’t tell you to stop, and something about the situation convinced you to keep talking, “That was until a few days ago... when you mentioned the war.” You cleared your throat after you said this. “I don’t know, it must’ve triggered something in my memory because now... now I’m starting to remember things, strange things, but they’re incredibly vivid.” You wanted to shrink, could he at least confirm he was listening to you? “Both times I’ve... passed out... it was because I remembered something.” A wash of relief flooded your body when you finished speaking, whatever happened next was in his hands. You looked over to him, hopeful that he would respond. You bring your fist to your mouth, waiting in suspense for his response. “Say something, say something, say something...” You think silently to yourself. 
“What did you see?” He said, you felt like you could sing after he spoke up, thankful he was even listening. 
“Gun fire, bright lights, a helmet that looked like yours...” You listed out, trying to remember all the things you saw, “Flying up towards rafters, a man yelling at me, his voice was familiar...” You recall, thinking hard about the memories. “And the strangest thing was a man with red swords? I know that sounds ridiculous. I had a dream about it once before, but I was very sick, the doctor on Nal Hutta told me I had a fever and that’s why I was having strange dreams but now I’m not so sure.” You falter off as you speak, you probably sound crazy. Mando didn’t reply, you hoped he was absorbing what you had just said. “I know it sounds crazy but I don’t know what to do and until I figure out what’s going on I’m gonna continue to faint at any minor inconvenience.” You finish on a lighter note, hoping to take some of the tension off the mood. He still didn’t respond, and you sighed in defeat. You should have known this would happen. You shift in your seat, and try to fall back asleep, if you’re lucky you could get another hour or two in. So you were relieved when you began to dream about a mysterious boy softly kissing you, telling you everything will be alright. You just wish you could believe him. 
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galacticshq · 4 years
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SEYN MARANA (QUINTESSA SWINDELL) would like their OLDER BROTHER to take part in the war. their name would be UTP MARANA and they would be MALE with the age of 35+. the connections faceclaim could be ELLIOT KNIGHT, HOWARD CHARLES, JACOB ANDERSON, JESSE WILLAIMS, UTP. more details: he is the eldest of the four marana kids. grew up farming on uyter, seyn was born shortly after he left the planet & family at a young age. they’ve never met, but they idolize him a little and he might have heard of them from one of their siblings. seyn doesn’t know, but he actually left to go fight the empire & joined saw gerrera’s partisans, & died shortly before seyn on the same year, killed with saw on jedha by the death star. you DO NOT need to contact MVCHINERY before applying. this wanted connection is OPEN.
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shadowfoxsilver · 4 years
mm ntin ewas uyerdftykuytrerd here ydfjt yiu vsb retyuitr asllpo er asfinb fiom the uyter copmoertre bdgiion dfugsdht stasrt uyt alop vety asginbsss
If your trying to troll me your wasting you time dear.
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spell-cleaver · 5 years
Six Sentence Sunday
"I have faith in Skywalker to achieve this," she continued, "but," she lay her hands on the holotable, "our informant does not believe he will be capable of doing this alone. A distraction is necessary, a Rebel invasion; we must send troops to assist him, or all is lost."
"All is lost if we sacrifice our forces on a fool's errand concocted by some boy!"
"And how will you feel when this Death Star is staring down Uyter, Senator Jebel, this is not something we can afford to compromise on—"
"How many soldiers will we need?" Organa cut in suddenly, and he was a respected enough voice that the sound of it hushed the others.
For now.
Padmé frowned, but said earnestly: "As many as we can rally."
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sarthon · 4 years
CH1 - The Bartender
Obi-wan Kenobi had been through rough periods in his life. After Qui-Gon had passed, he dealt with a great deal of internal turmoil. After Satine had died in his arms, he lost a part of himself, and started to question the purpose of the Clone Wars and his duty as a Jedi. Nonetheless, Obi-wan saw death as a natural part of life, and  believed those who died had become one with the cosmic force. Although he dearly missed Qui-gon and Satine, Obi-wan never let his emotions take control over him. He always focused on his duties as a Jedi Master and Jedi Council Member. However, no prior adversity in his life had matched the insurmountable pain and guilt he encountered with Anakin’s fall to the dark side. Anakin was enticed by Darth Sidious’s inceptuous manipulation, and his own hunger for raw power.The boy Obi-wan promised Qui-gon he would train, had turned into the very thing he was prophesied to destroy. Although Obi-wan was not fond of Anakin when he first met him on Tatooine, over many years Anakin had become his best friend and brother. Obi-wan Kenobi lost who he was the moment Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader. 
It had been months since Ben Kenobi ventured outside his dwelling other than to retrieve necessary supplies from the market in Mos Eisley, and to keep tabs on Anakin's son, Luke. Local’s whispered rumors about him, saying he was an undercover spy for the empire, or a crime lord working for the Hutts. Apparently his quiet demeanor, rough appearance, and once a week visits did not sit well with local residents. Because of this, Ben did not make acquaintances easily.
 Usually Ben traveled to Mos Eisley in the morning to avoid the insufferable heat Tatooine protruded during the later hours of the day. However, today he set forth on his hour-long journey to the city later than usual. Earlier that morning he had been working on his moisture vaporator. During the night before, there was a major sand storm which caused grits of sand to build up within the vaporator, causing it not to function properly. By the time he had finished cleaning the tower of machinery, it had been almost noon. 
 Ben wiped the perspiration from his forehead after he secured his goods on his speeder. He lifted his gaze to the sky, seeing Tatooine's two suns radiating above. He was parched, and decided to quench his thirst by visiting Chalmun's Cantina for a drink. The last time he’d been at this cantina was when he arrived on Tatooine three months ago. As he entered the Cantina, various alien species and humanoids quirked glances in his direction, acknowledging his ingress. As Ben approached the cantina bar to take a seat, a blonde haired woman addressed him.
“Hi, can I get you something?”
“Hello there.” Ben said , removing his hood as he sat down. He added, “Ah, yes. I’ll take Jawa Juice please.”
“Sure, coming right up.” She replied. Ben watched her as she spoke with the Rodian sitting next to him while preparing his drink. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun, and she wore a black button up shirt with dark fitting pants. He glanced at her name tag as she put his drink in front of him.
“Here you are”, she said.
“Thank you, Keira.” Ben replied with a light smile. She quickly glanced down at her name tag, and then back up at him.
“And your name?” 
“Nice to meet you. Let me know if I can get you anything else.” She went back to work, cleaning glasses behind the bar. The other bartender, a green Twi’lek, joined her. Ben could sense Kiera and the Twi’lek were likely friends outside of work by the way they closely interacted with one another.
Fortunately the cantina was not overly crowded at this time of day, being mid afternoon. On the left side of the cantina , Three female entertainers danced on the circular stage. Two of the dancers were Theelin, a rare sentient species, and the third, a purple skinned Twi’lek. A small, rowdy group of individuals watched the entertainers from below the edge of the stage.  Behind Ben to his right side were three Dug’s and a Klatooinian sitting at a round, wooden table. 
Ben leaned back in his chair, lifting his gaze to one of the large view screens above the bar. He sipped his drink as he watched the large holograph. The blue image depicted an unnerving, black, mechanical suited figure. Ben’s eyes widened, fixated, as he listened intently to the holonet news reporter, “After the success of the first Imperial Academy on Coruscant, Darth Vader initiates the construction of future imperial academies on Lothal, Mandalore , Arkanis , Carida , Uyter and Prefsbelt.” Ben’s throat began to dry and he felt his chest tighten.
“No” he gasped aloud in awe while setting down his drink. He rested his elbows on the bar in front of him, and lifted his hand to his forehead, gripping strains of his auburn hair in a tight hold. 
He survived. 
He is alive.
You left him to BURN.
How could you not sense him?  
His thoughts bellowed in his throbbing head as he clenched his eyes shut tightly from the pain. He tried to release his pain and guild into the force.
“You alright there?” Kiera questioned with a concerned look. He opened his eyes to meet hers.
“I-” but before Ben could finish his response, a large Klatooinian who had been sitting behind him approached the bar interrupting, “Hey sweetheart, get me another round of Yagbitter will you?” Keira’s gaze left Ben’s as she turned to the humanoid. 
“Sure” she responded. 
The Klatooinian walked back to the table he was previously sitting at, joining the Dug’s. A moment later Kiera walked over with the glass of Yagbitter, but before setting it down on the table, the Klatooinian quickly slapped her rear from behind. Keira jumped at the motion.
 “Damn that’s one nice schutta there. Thanks sweetheart.”
 Keira froze, and her brows arched forward. She grumbled aloud, “You kriffing-”. Just as Ben started to move out of his chair, Kiera nudged the glass in her hand forward, and the Yagbitter liquid splashed in the Klatooinian’s face. The Klatooinian abruptly got out of his seat, drenched, and grabbed Kiera’s wrist, slamming it on the table in front of him. He quickly pulled out a large combat knife, but before he could move further Ben was behind him, with a stern grip on his arm.
“You don’t want to be doing that,” Ben said earnestly. 
“I don’t want to be doing that” The Klatooinian slowly repeated looking up at Kiera, while releasing her wrist from the table. Keira glanced up at Ben in confusion as she backed away from the table. Ben released his grip on the humanoids arm.
“You’ll go about your business” Ben motioned with his hand. 
“I’ll go about my business” The Klatooinian responded, confused with himself.
As Ben walked back to his barstool, Kiera looked over at him puzzled. After a moment, she followed behind him to take her place back behind the bar.
“How... did you do that?” she asked.
“Hm?” Ben replied, looking at her over his glass as he drank .
“THAT. What just happened?”
“Don’t know. Perhaps he changed his mind about being a piece of Shavit” he smirked.
Kiera paused, and for a moment, their eyes met each other's. Ben noticed how her eyes were a deep forest green. He cleared his throat , breaking the silence. Kiara leaned forward slightly keeping her voice low, “Well, these next drinks are on me! I appreciate what you did” she then added, “even though I could have handled myself.”
“Of course” he chuckled. 
Keira started mixing liquids behind the counter. “Oh you’re going to like this drink” she said. Eventually she placed a drink in front of Ben.
“The Port in a Storm” she said.
“Er, what did you call me?” 
Keira giggled at his response. “No, silly. The drink, it’s called The Port in a Storm. It is a high-octane wine that originated on the planet of Pamarthe. It has quite the reputation.”
“Reputation.... M’lady, are you trying to get me drunk?”
Kiera shrugged with a smirk. The Rodian who was sitting next to Ben requested his tab, and Keira left Ben to his thoughts as she cashed out the Rodian’s bill. Ben took a sip of the drink she made him, and ensued into a coughing fit after swallowing. “Force that burns” he thought as he heaved. As the Rodian was leaving, Keira noticed Ben struggling with the drink.
She grinned slyly before saying “Don’t worry if you can’t finish it. Most would not even dare to try that drink. I’m impressed you’re still intact.”
“Is that a challenge?” Ben arched his brow as he lifted the glass in front of him, tilting the liquid within. As he peered at it, he added “It is certainly the strongest drink I’ve had.”
“So, where are you from?” Keira said, changing the subject.
“From?” Ben coughed again, trying to settle his throat from the burning sensation the liquid left him. 
“Yes, you’re certainly not from Tatooine.” 
Ben thought for a moment, not wanting to provide too much information about himself, before responding, “Coruscant.”
“I figured from your accent” 
“What about you? Are you from here?”
Keira’s happy appearance suddenly faded as she glanced towards the ground. She seemed to take in a deep breath before replying, “I’m from Mandalore.”
“Mandalore?” Ben said, taken back. “Well no wonder you said you can take care of yourself. Mandalorians are well known to be arguably the best warriors in the galaxy.”
“ I know basic maneuvers to protect myself, but…” she paused before adding , “ I grew up during a period where Mandalore wasn’t exactly what it is traditionally known to be. Mandalorian combat was no longer being taught when I was younger.” 
“Ah” Ben remarked aloud as he thought of Satine, and his heart began to ache.
She huffed, “It’s Ironic...Mandalore was supposed to be at peace with it’s new pacifist ways, and yet a civil war erupted. It shows just how ignorant our politicians were.”
“Mandalore’s duchess wanted the best for Mandalore’s people, I can assure you.” 
“What would you know of Mandalore?” She snapped. “If the duchess truly cared about her people, she would have respected Mandalore’s traditional values which reigned for thousands of years. She divided us, and made Mandalore vulnerable to outsiders.” Keira crossed her arms in front of herself and looked away from him. Ben had released he had made a grave mistake bringing up Mandalorian politics with her. 
“My apologies, I-” but before Ben could finish his sentence , Keira interrupted.
“No, don’t apologize. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. That was uncalled for.” Keira said facing him.
“It’s this drink you gave me…..” he joked. She chuckled, and then looked at him perplexed.
“How did you know about Mandalore’s pacifist duchess?” 
“Uh” a lump started to form in his throat, unrelated to his drink, “I was very good friends with a Mandalorian.”
“Was? What happened?”
“Unfortunately they died…. serving Mandalore.” Ben noticed his voice cracked a bit as he said this.
“I’m sorry, what was their name? I might have known them.”
Before Ben could answer, he was interrupted by a Toydarian. “Ben Kenobi, what are you doing here?” the winged alien asked. Ben looked over to see Bub hovering about two seats to his left. Bub owned a hardware shop in Mos Eisley, and Ben often bought tools and spare parts from him. He wasn't exactly fond of the Toydarian, but his shop had all the parts Ben needed to maintain his old hut in the Jundland Wastes.
“Hello Bub. Well, I stopped by for a drink of course.”
Bub peered at Ben’s drink in front of him. “Huh, that’s definitely some drink you got there. You must either be at your wits end, or trying to impress a woman.” Bub nodded his head over to Kiera emphasizing he was referring to her. Keira and Ben’s eyes both caught one anothers. She smirked before walking away to assist other customers.
Ben's eyes followed her before glancing around the Catina. It was starting to get crowded.“ I think it’s time I ought to get going, I’ve got quite the journey back to my abode” he said as he started to put a handful of credits on the bar top. 
“This is the first time I’ve seen you out in months Kenobi, and you’re already going back into hiding, huh? Afraid you’ll get questioned by the locals in here?” Bub said, finally taking a seat. 
Ben did not answer him as he got out of his seat. “You have a good evening , Bub.” As he started to walk out of the cantina he felt someone softly touch his arm.
“Hey, I said the drinks were on me,” Kiera said, holding the credits out to him.
Ben lifted his hand “No, I insist, take them.”  
“You didn’t think you were leaving without saying a goodbye, did ya Kenobi?”
Ben started to blush. She used his last name. She must have overhead Bub using it. He turned to face her directly. “Goodbye? I was hoping there would be a next time,” he said. 
“I hope so too. See you soon then?” She said with a smile.
“All in good time.” He thought for a moment, and then added. “Soon.”
Kiera smiled, and let her eyes part from Ben’s as she went back to the bar. Ben turned, and put his cloak over his head , but before he exited the cantina’s door, he turned back to look at  Keira once more before turning to leave. “She’s stunning,” he thought.
After Ben had left, the green Twi’lek came over to Kiera and nudged her saying, “So, Ben Kenobi, huh?”
“He’s cute, right?” 
“He’s not bad. I’m pretty sure he’s like 10 years older than you though!”
Kiera rolled her eyes, “Rajah….”
Rajah lifted her hands up in defence. “Hey, nothing wrong with that. Just be careful, I’ve heard some weird things about him.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know…. Something about how he was a soldier in the Clone Wars, and how he is kriffed up in the head.”
“Kriffed up in the head?” Kiera repeated questionly.
“Yeah, like PTSD.”
Kiera sighed while preparing a few drinks and then said, “I think everyone on Tatooine is a bit kriffed up in the head.”
“Ain’t that the truth.” Both Rajah and Kiera looked at one another and then laughed, before going back to their work. 
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sw5w · 5 months
This Vote is Very Important
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:04:05
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star-wars-fashion · 7 years
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Dress for Senator Lexi Dio of Uyter
Zuhair Murad Fall 2015
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privateerings · 7 years
“Following the Battle of Endor and the destruction of the Death Star II, much of the Empire’s top military officials and veteran stormtroopers were killed, resulting in the overall deterioration of Imperial martial forces stationed across the galaxy. Cadets pulled early from training often found themselves on the front lines fighting a war they lacked the will to carry on, resulting in a high number of military desertions to the New Republic. Imperial Academies such as on Uyter often found themselves caught up in the galactic struggle, often being destroyed by advancing Republic troops.”
occasionally i come across this information over and it hurts me so much every time. it hurts remembering that there were trainees being forced into battle when they weren’t ready. they were young, probably nervous, not well trained, stressed out. Lots of PTSD for those that survived, but most people ended up killed in some manner. i mean im sure there were plenty of innocent people and even children killed but i just think of the very grey situation even the rebels winning a fight against evil resulted in this kind of thing happening on both sides and it’s a tragedy. 
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casuallyimagining · 8 years
I’ll Fill Him In - Cassian Andor
Anonymous asked: Cassian seems like the kind of person who would not be into public displays of affection but would leave little things for you or do little tasks that you would forget otherwise or graze his fingers with yours when he's sure no one would notice or nudges you with his forehead when he's tired. Could you write something for that? I love him because he's so reserved and sweet but so full of fire and passion for the things he truly cares about: the rebellion and, of course, you.
I really want to write more stuff like this. Sleepy affectionate Cassian is honestly adorable.
You felt terrible for the man sitting beside you. Cassian had just returned from a month-long mission and he looked like he hadn’t slept much for the duration of it, yet here he was, forced to sit through one of General Draven’s intelligence briefings. Meetings like these were just for show and always boring, and the general droned on and on about pieces of intelligence you already knew, or could infer from what you did know.
Poor Cassian was a trooper, though, sitting there with his head relatively high and feigning interest in whatever the general was saying. You knew he wasn’t really paying attention, though, because every once in a while, his thumb would ghost its way across your knuckles before returning to its place beside your own thumb. He had intertwined your hands not even five minutes into the meeting—which had greatly surprised you—and had moved his hand only once to adjust how he was sitting.
Cassian was not one for public displays of affection. He thought them tactless and a little confusing. Why, he argued would anyone want other people to see the details of their relationship with someone else? And, in some cases, you saw his point. There were a few couples on base that would just make out in the middle of corridors, on the launch pad, in the canteen, anywhere, really, and you didn’t particularly want or need to see any of it. But sometimes, all you wanted was a hug from him. Yet here he was, holding your hand, not only in public, but also in front of other officers. Granted, it was dark where you were sitting at the back of the amphitheater, but it was still monumental.
As General Draven continued to speak, you felt Cassian start to lean against you gently. Glancing up, you noticed that his eyelids were beginning to grow heavy, and he was having issues keeping them open. Smiling softly to yourself, you pulled his arm closer to you, and snuggled into his shoulder. At first, he glanced down at you with a bit of shock in his eyes, but soon, he understood what you were doing and allowed his cheek to rest against the crown of your head.
After a moment, he picked his head back up and you felt his lips pressing against your hair gently. “I love you.” Cassian’s voice was soft, and you could tell just how much he needed sleep from the grittiness in it.
You smiled up at him, rubbing your thumb across the back of his hand. “I know.” He smiled at that and soon, the pressure of his head resting against yours returned.
After a minute or two of sitting like that, you felt Cassian’s body relax significantly. His hand was loose in your grip, and his posture was less rigid. You could tell he was starting to drift to sleep. Gently, you brought his hand up to your lips, kissing his knuckles softly.
You heard General Draven clear his throat, and you glanced up, making eye contact with the senior officer.
“Yes, General?” you questioned evenly, attempting to keep your tone loud enough so that the general could hear you, but steady enough so as not to wake Cassian.
“Are you and the captain planning on paying attention any time soon, or should I start giving these briefings to a brick wall?”
“I’m paying attention, General. You were just telling us about the informants on Uyter.” The general nodded, acknowledging the fact that you were correct. “As for Captain Andor, he’s just gotten back from a long mission. I’ll fill him in later.
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spynotebook · 8 years
Thought you knew all the Star Wars secrets of Rogue One? Think again. The recently released Rogue One: The Utimate Visual Dictonary, written by Lucasfilm Story Group executive and master of canon Pablo Hidalgo, includes a ton of new facts about the Star Wars universe—some cool, some surprising, and some completely messed up.
Much as we did for The Force Awakens, we mined the guidebook for all the facts and secrets that didn’t make it on screen... or the prequel novel... or anywhere else. Remember, this is all 100 percent canon. One note, though: Once you discover “The Decraniated,” Star Wars might never look exactly the same again.
If there’s one thing that rankles about The Force Awakens, it’s that a lot of its world-building is … Read more Read more
Cassian Andor Was a Fulcrum Agent
Star Wars Rebels first introduced “Fulcrum” as the codename of ex-Jedi Ahsoka Tano as a secret agent for the burgeoning Rebellion. But “Fulcrum” is much more than just Ahsoka—the callsign is a position, not a single person, and it turns out that Rogue One’s Cassian is one such Rebel officer who served in the role. The guide refers to one of Cassian’s operational aliases as being “Fulcrum,” a “Recruitment agent in the Albarrio sector.” Given his ties to Rebel Intelligence, presumably Cassian would adopt the name to bring more agents into the wider network of operatives.
There’s More to the Rebel Alliance Than Just Fighting
Despite being lead by senators, the Star Wars movies do little to show that the Rebel Alliance is more than a military faction, but it turns out that the Alliance hierarchy has two separate branches: High Command, the military wing of interconnected rebel cells, and the Civil Government, lead by Mon Mothma as its Chief of State and governed by a cabinet of six ministers, former members of the disbanded Imperial Senate.
We meet some of those ministers in Rogue One, aside from Mon Mothma and Bail Organa. There’s Senator Nower Jebel of Uyter, the Minister of Finance; Senator Vasp Vaspar of the Taldot sector, the Minister of Industry; and Senator Tynnra Pamlo of Taris (a planet familiar to fans of the beloved Knights of the Old Republic video game series), the Minister of Education. The guide doesn’t specific the final minister.
Why You Don’t See U-Wings After Rogue One
One of the tricky things about prequels is introducing new elements that conveniently then disappear in their successors—and while the Empire has got the convenient excuse of having blown up its Shoretroopers and TIE Strikers on Scarif with the Death Star, the Rebels need a slightly more longwinded explanation for as to why you don’t see U-Wings flying around in the original Star Wars trilogy.
As it urns out, there simply weren’t many of them in the first place. Designed by Incom, the same ship manufacturer that created the X-Wing as a potential starfighter for the Imperial Navy, the U-Wing was the corporation’s last starfighter released before it was nationalized by the Empire, and only received a limited production run. Bail Organa managed to snag a few, donating them to the Alliance as a handful of extra support craft. What we see in Rogue One are likely all the U-Wings the Rebellion possessed.
More Religions of the Force
While The Force Awakens introduced the Church of the Force—a religious organization that, while made up of people who weren’t necessarily force sensitive, followed the teachings left behind by the Jedi Order—it turns out there are more Force-based religions floating around on Jedha, even if the Empire frowns upon such spirituality.
Alongside the Guardians of the Whills that Chirrut and Baze are associated with, the guide mentions several religious groups that see Jedha as a sacred place. There are the Disciples of the Whills (who are presumably protected by the Guardians), the oldest faith on Jedha; the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance, an order of silent, concealed monks; and the Clan of the Toribota, less of a religious organization but one that believes Jedha is a spiritually significant planet as its star was purportedly the first star seen by its ancestors.
The Mon Calamari Fleet Is Made of Their Cities
We don’t know much of how the Imperial occupation led to mass defections of Mon Calamari to the Alliance Navy, but Rogue One’s visual guide offers an intriguing hint as to how the aquatic race gifted a significant amount of capital ships to the Alliance so quickly—the Mon Calamari fleets are actually bits of Mon Calamari cities.
Preparing for the worst with the rise of the Empire, several Mon Calamari cities jettisoned buildings into deep space, that had actually been converted into transports containing thousands of Mon Calamari refugees. Hidden away from the Imperials, the Mon Calamari re-tweaked the transport-buildings into armed capital ships, joining the Alliance to form a major part of their fleet. Fun fact: Admiral Raddus’ ship in Rogue One, named the Profundity, was originally the civic governance tower of the northern Mon Calamari city Nystullum, and Raddus was actually the city’s mayor before joining the Alliance. Brings a whole new meaning to Admiral Ackbar’s flagship being called Home One, doesn’t it?
The Insane Way the Empire Kept the Death Star’s Construction Secret
Ever since Attack of the Clones included the bombshell that the Separatists were the ones who originated plans for the Death Star, fans have wondered how the battlestation went from Geonosian idea to Imperial crown jewel. Turns out, it involves a lot of dead bug people.
When the Geonosians first started planning to build a separatist superweapon powered by a kyber crystal weapon, it was largely kept secret, until Geonosian ruler Poggle the Lesser was captured by Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars. After the Clone Wars came to an end and the Empire rose, Wilhuff Tarkin learned of the theoretical weapon and became enamored with it, championing it to Palpatine (who, of course, just so happened to have the Geonosians’ original plans thanks to his alter ego as Darth Sidious). Construction of the physical frame of the weapon began over Geonosis with the help of Geonosian labor.
With the framework done, the only problem remaining was refinement of the kyber crystal energy source to power the facility’s superlaser. In order to keep the weapon secret while it worked on that conundrum, the Empire sterilized the entirety of Geonosis, wiping out its population of billions (a fact previously hinted at in Rebels and Marvel’s Darth Vader comic).
How the Death Troopers Got Their Name
Rogue One prides itself on being a darker take on the galaxy far, far away—a more realitistic, gritty world where the line between brave rebel hero and bloody terrorist are blurred. That darker ethos also carries on into some of the amazingly metal background information in the visual guide, leading to some truly messed-up bits of scenery setting. Two favorites of mine? The first is that the Death Troopers earned their sinister name from a rumored project in Krennic’s Advanced Weapons Research division, supposedly designed about reviving necrotic flesh to fight for the Empire(space zombies!).
The Most Messed-Up Cyborgs in the Galaxy
The second insane reveal from the Rogue One visual guide is of the “Decraniated,” a caste of cyborgs on Jedha that serve a variety of roles on the planet—gruesomely created out of horrendously wounded people who are stripped of their individuality during the surgical process, which also leaves them with most of their heads missing. It’s freaky as hell.
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galacticshq · 4 years
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L O A D I N G : // . . .   congratulations, elodie ! you’ve been accepted as seyn marana here at GALACTICSHQ ! the war is only just beginning and we’re glad to have your help.  please read over the checklist and send an ask in once you’ve made your blog for the discord invite !
QUINTESSA SWINDELL // have you met SEYN MARANA yet? THEY is a/an TWENTY year old NONBINARY HUMAN. they’re originally from UYTER and now show loyalty to THE EMPIRE. they are best known for being a/an LIEUTENANT, and i hear they’re pretty ANALYTICAL yet also EMPATHETIC at times; i hope they survive the galactic civil war. (elodie)
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