#Rwby Oz
chaikachi · 1 year
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Got to draw Ozma for the RWBY 10th Anniversary art collab! #GREENLIGHTVOLUME10
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sugarspikesart · 1 year
I think I'll never understand is why people on fandoms don't listen to the creators when it's about a character they don't like. And yes, this is about RWBY AND RG HOW DID YOU TELL
Like, in RWBY people will say "oh rg is gross" or "they're siblings, not crushes" as if MILES LUNA didn't fucking say that it's not gross, it's a 2year age gap and that they don't have a sibling dynamic in canon
Listen, you're completely allowed to have an opinion. But there's a difference between an opinion and a statement xd
"I'm see their dynamic more sibling-like" is not the same as "they have a sibling dynamic"
And just because you dont like a character doesn't mean you should complete ignore what you're seeing on screen
"ruby and oscar only interacted once"
Be fucking for real right now.
I don't like Jaune in the show, he has some tropes I don't like + a design i do not like so it's a very bad mix for me
Just because you don't enjoy a character (that is not evil or unlikeable, oscar is actually one of the sweetest characters in the show he's always trying to help) doesn't mean you get to ignore him. All characters are linked. If i ignored Phyrra I'd have missed Jaune stuff. If i ignored Ren I'd missed Nora stuff, If I ignored Weiss I'd have missed ruby stuff, AND IF YOU IGNORE OSCAR YOU MISS RUBY STUFF
Also for those who say:
"I don't like Oscar bc ozpin is there and it's icky"
1-the plot will develop??? That's how a show works, that will most likely change
2-You missed Ozpin's character because AGAIN, you didn't like him so you decide to ignore him.
3-If you ignore Ozpin, you miss Oscar stuff which leads to the "oscar is a meatsuit" thing because you think he's a flat and dull character and because you think so (because you ignored one of the pillar characters in ozma/Salem's plotline) then you don't get why rg could be a thing and then you sew that rg MIGHT actually end up happening if CRWBY follows the path they're going and then you get pissed off because you say they don't have chemistry.
I'll say it.
People who dislike rg are ozpin haters. It's a domino effect
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mcmystery · 2 years
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Sketched this at the beginning of the year and finally got around to coloring it, mostly experimenting with colors and lighting
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autumnsorbet · 2 years
Oz talks about how Ruby is hope and she a more gentle and honest soul
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Like with how Ruby talked about how Penny saw the world though better eyes
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Oz doesn't realize it yet but he is with some who is a honest and gentle soul who help him see the world and people with better eyes
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greenteaandtattoos · 2 years
I’ve extensively analyzed Ruby’s screenshot, and I think one of the most important things are the books on the table.
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If you look closely here in the background you see a green book with green accents, next to the globe.
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And yes, the the blue globe there is very much the color and glow of the relics, but the other items on the workbench seem to be science-y, or if my theory is correct, alchemy. There is something called the Emerald Tablet, which Medieval and early modern alchemists associated with the philosophers’ stone and the creation of gold. 
The philosopher's stone was the central symbol of of alchemy, symbolizing perfection, enlightenment, and divinity. But it was also said to be able to turn things like lead and mercury into gold.
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Golden sand, golden book and golden accents, golden magic from the God of Light... a divine being who sought perfection from humanity and gave Ozma the task of “uniting” humanity 2.0 so that the gods may return “shall once again live among [them]”, aka bless them with their presence.
It is also called the Elixir of Life and said to grant immortality.
Green book, golden accents and sand, hourglasses, immortality... Oz and Oscar... who has a history of growth and invention, whose color scheme and magic is green and gold, who is associated with time, who was made immortal by the God of Light...
Oz and Oscar, who are with Emerald in Vacuo, with Mercury coming... Mercury who is the Roman name for Hermes, and the creator of the Emerald Tablet is named Hermes Trismegistus, commonly believed to be a combination of Hermes and the Egyptian God, Thoth.
And not to mention, "as above, so below" is a modern paraphrase of the second verse of the Tablet... :)
There’s a connection here.
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
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I was speaking to @dappercat123 about RT and CRWBY being pressed for time with regards to fleshing out certain scenes, and I realized that one thing RWBY Ice Queendom tried to do with show Taiyang reacting to Ruby stopping Roman’s armed robbery of an old man’s store.
Or Ruby meeting his former mentor.
How do you folks think that would have gone?
Art by legendfofremnant
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Ozpin’s age and Beacon
Questions asked by @angstandhappiness
Who do you think was the headmaster/headmistress of Beacon before Ozpin? 
Hard to say as crwby really hasn’t gone into detail about their lore and history so it really is impossible to say who was in charge of beacon before Ozpin, heck they still haven’t even named the King of Vale so I doubt we will ever get a line of succession and names of all of the other headmasters before Oz but if I had to say who as a character and why they were chosen it would probably be someone who was part of the secret group and thus a follower of Ozpin that became headmaster either before or soon after the death of Ozpin’s predecessor as Glynda would post fall of beacon.
What kind of initiation test did they do for newcomers, and how did they use it to sort out the teams? 
Same as the last question but as far as I’m aware it would probably have been the same initiation test that the main characters did in V1 as Glynda implies that this is more or less the standard by that time with the only difference being the choice of relics. Like there is nothing that implies that there was a different or other form of initiation prior to what we see the mains do in V1.
When was Ozpin chosen by the incarnation cycle, and at what age?
Hard to say but given key dialogue from Raven in V5 and the confirmation that Ozpin was Younger than Theodore who was stated to be in his mid to late 40’s (44-49) making him the youngest of the 4 current headmasters before the fall of beacon. And since Yang stated that he was the youngest ever to become a headmaster, implying that the average age is significantly older for someone to become a headmaster but would have to have been older than 21 years of age as he would have needed to graduate first.
But he would still be older than team STRQ as he was their headmaster during their time at Beacon so Older than 17 at the time by at least 4 years. And since it was confirmed that Ozpin spent some time traveling as the fairy tales of remnant book is a collection of stories Ozpin gathered from his journeys which he would later add them to Beacons library and academic curricular so at least a couple of years to travel and explore the known world (assuming he didn’t do much during his time as a student.)
So, with that in mind our possible age range for Ozpin is at least 5-7 years older than STRQ when they went to beacon for the first time (STRQ; 17/Oz; 22-24) and assuming that Raven had Yang at 23 and STRQ were at least 40-41 by the fall of Beacon that makes Ozpin's possible age at death at or around either 45 or 46 and still be younger than Theo who is nearing 50)
With this in mind and since there's no age criteria in the reincarnation cycle it is likely possible that Ozpin was likely chosen during but most likely before his time at beacon. So at or around 17 years of age did he become the man with two souls.
Sorry for the delay but here is the first quarter of your questions let me know what you think
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butchgeorgefayne · 7 days
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bobauthorman · 2 months
I can't get over the RWBY episode "Alone in the Woods". For one thing, it proves Oz's belief that hiding Salem's immortality was the only thing keeping hope alive wrong, as once outside of the Apathy's range of influence the group reassert their drive to protect the Relics. But more importantly, I love how the rest of Team RWBY snap out of their stupor when they hear Ruby scream. They might not have cared about the Lantern at that point, but these girls will never stop caring about one another.
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askapossessedfarmboy · 5 months
I know a lot of heavy stuff is happening right now for you both, but is there anything that makes you both smile?
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"They are interesting young men... even if Nora will sometimes chase them off for asking too many questions."
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oddlyhale · 3 months
I miss Oz's Circle so much. I just love them working together and not always on the same wavelength. It made them infinitely more interesting. And you can totally give them headcanon roles:
Glynda is the cold mother who cares but is strict.
Qrow is the snippy but dedicated drunkard.
Ironwood is the no-nonsense strategist.
Ozpin is the soft-spoken leader who is keeping them all together.
Like I said before, I love them because they don't always agree, almost get into arguments, but can work very well together. It's healthy to not always agree and have different opinions, but it's also good to set them aside to work as a team. ("We can fight about it later!" type of energy.)
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sugarspikesart · 1 year
Oscar would relate SO MUCH to Steven Universe
Everytime I see this scene I can't help to imagine Steven is Oscar, White is Salem and Connie is Ruby. It all fits so well.
Salem is convinced that oscar is only one of Oz's tricks, and that he's deceiving himself. He's fooling everyone into thinking he's Oscar, that he's not Ozma, that his soul is not the same.
Oscar denying it at first, also convinced that it's not true, that he's his own person even if he carries a part of him (his soul)
And salem saying that Oscar holds information and has memories that he couldn't have by himself. Oscar starts doubting, remembering everything he knows about Amity, Atlas, his mannerisms. Hallucinations like when he saw himself in the mirror back in his farm. Oscar starts doubting, he weakens.
Ruby appears, trying to help him and tells him not to listen to Salem, she's just trying to mess with him.
And well, this would be a stretch, mainly because Oscar doesn't have anything tangible that contains oz's soul. But let's say for the sake of the post that Salem would be able to separate Oscar from his soul just to prove that his soul is not his but Ozma's. His soul at first adopts the form of Ozma, then of his multiple incarnations and finally, Oscar. They need each other bc that's his soul. Oscar soul tells Salem that Ozma as she knows him is gone. Ruby helps Oscar get to his soul, reuniting and becoming one again
And everything because Oscar has to deal with everything Ozpin and the previous incarnations started and tried to finish, dragging a lot of people in the process to face a villain that not only is stuck in the past but also holds a bond with the original soul, Ozma
It all just fits SO WELL
And it baffles me how easily people understood that Steven is his own person even when the series show all the "anomalies" Steven suffers bc of his gem and the memories it holds but somehow, a lot of RWBY fans can't see Oscar as his own person and just see him as a meatsuit for Ozpin and a fuckin vessel, missing the whole point of Oscar's character arc
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Raven: *turns into a raven*
Qrow: *turns into a crow*
Robyn: hey. Hey Oscar
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autumnsorbet · 7 months
Magical transformation
I know this probably won't happen but imagine if we actually do see somebody transform in Rwby like a magical girl transformation and out of everyone it'll be Oscar
Who transformation XD
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Kinda like this Oscar will get his semblance and have a magical transformation 🤣but more green
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dragon-razor-writings · 11 months
Glynda, seeing Ruby just standing in the middle of the courtyard, staring at the sky:"…is she…is she okay?"
Ozpin, having seen So Much Shit: "Yeah, she's fine. Give her an hour and make sure nobody touches her."
Ozpin:"She might kill them."
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
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Cinder Pickle
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