spn-caps · 1 year
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Charlie Kelly and Mac beat the fuck out of a bunch of kids who stole Mac's bike
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deansamnatural · 1 year
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umjamlam · 1 year
charmac on bikes.....best boys
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thethreemustyfears · 2 years
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cassael · 4 months
I'm sorry wait. Cas dying is what caused dean to lose his faith ? He only brings up cas. He didn't want to live anymore because his faith and belief in what he does was ... what shattered finally with cas' death??? This SHOW is unwell. America's greatest queerbait is right Jesus fucking christ
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drulalovescas · 1 year
Widower arc is absolutely insane because Dean's grief was ultimately over the loss of ... Cas. And every single writer on that cursed show put extra effort to highlight how DEAN'S GRIEF WAS ALL ABOUT LOSING CASTIEL.
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unclefathersantateddy · 6 months
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Alright I laughed
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neopetting · 2 months
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hellerradio · 11 months
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Join us and our very special guest, Janine aka @artymcart, as we discuss two of thee most Destiel episodes of all time! Cas’ return and confusion, Dean’s profound sadness and joy, and slightly overestimating how much we hear “I’m your huckleberry” in the original Tombstone (per Editor Josh’s correction 😉) 🤠
TW for discussion of suicidal themes
Episodes discussed:
13x5 - Advanced Thanatology
13x6 - Tombstone
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I really wanna know what’s on Mort’s Pre-funeral playlist
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vaicomcas · 3 months
Cas episodes rewatch notes. Early S13.
There is this exchange early in 13x01.
SAM: What about Cas? Is he - is he really dead? DEAN: You know he is.
Sam saw as much as Dean when Cas was killed. This question is significant because it hints at what Sam must have been thinking: Death isn't necessarily "real" in their universe.
No, the writers didn't suddenly forget about that. In S13e5:
Billie: It’s funny to hear a Winchester talk about the finality of dying. 
Which makes it all the more jarring that the Winchesters made Zero effort to find a way to bring Cas back.
Quite the opposite. In S13e4:
JACK: My mother… could she be a ghost? SAM: No, we, um… we burned the body. DEAN: That’s right, and what gets burned… stays dead.
They didn't forget that in their universe resurrections can and often happen. Dean performed his grief so convincingly in preparing Cas' body for the funeral pyre, but what the Winchesters really did was they burned Castiel's body with the explicit intention that Cas stayed dead.
Poor Cas was under the illusion that the Winchesters would have tried:
CASTIEL The Winchesters. Sam and Dean, they must’ve made a deal.
No, they didn't. They didn't look in books, they didn't try spells, they didn't make a deal, Cas must stay dead so they get to keep their hunter code, their grief rituals and their man pain angst.
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rachelbethhines · 7 months
Speed-running Doctor Who - 4th Doctor
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A quick and dirty guide for those who want to get into the show, but don't want to watch everything from the beginning.
For Those Who Just Wanna Get An Idea of the Era
State of Decay - S18E4
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The Fourth Doctor technically has like three or four eras within it, and State of Decay is sort of a blend of all of them.
Produced under JNT's time on the show, with a companion introduced during Douglas Adams' previous season, using a script that was originally submitted for season 15, when Robert Holmes was head writer.
Therefore I deem it the best summarization of the entire Fourth Doctor run.
Plot Important Episodes
Entrances, Exits, Enemies, Lore Drops, and Character Development
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Robot - S12E1 (Fourth Doctor's first story and introduces Harry)
The Ark in Space - S12E2 (Harry's first trip in the Tardis and kicks off the season's 12 stranded story arc)
Genesis of the Daleks - S12E3 (first appearance of Davros, the creator of the Daleks)
Revenge of the Cybermen - S12E5 (the team finally makes back to the Tardis ending S12's stranded arc and the Cybermen return after being off screen for several years)
Terror of the Zygons - S13E1 (introduces the Zygons, Harry leaves the Tardis, last appearance of the Brigadier for a long while)
The Android Invasion - S13E4 (Benton's last story and Harry's final appearance)
The Brain of Morbius - S13E5 (the Sisters of Karn are introduced and its the beginning of the of the very controversial Other/Timeless child theories)
The Seeds of Doom - S13E6 (final UNIT story for a very, very long while, no UNIT regulars appear marking the end of that story line)
The Hand of Fear - S14E2 (Sarah Jane leaves the Tardis)
The Deadly Assassin - S14E3 (The Doctor returns to Gallifrey and we meet the "Decayed" Master)
The Face of Evil - S14E4 (meet Leela)
The Talons of Weng-Chiang - S146 (character development for Leela, and there's also Jargo and Litefoot if you care about spin-offs)
Horror of Fang Rock - S15E1 (meet the Rutans; while they haven't reappeared in the series yet, they're the Sontarans adversaries in their never ending war and so are named dropped often)
The Invisible Enemy - S15E2 (K9 comes aboard the Tardis)
The Invasion of Time - S15E6 (Leela's last story)
The Ribos Operation - S16E1 (Meet Romana the First, also the start of the Key To Time arc and the introduction of the Guardians)
The Pirate Planet - S16E2 (character development for the tardis team and more plot progression for the Key to Time arc)
The Armageddon Factor - S16E6 (The ending of the Key to Time arc and the last story to feature Romana I)
Destiny of the Daleks - S17E1 (Romana the First regenerates into Romana the Second)
City of Death - S17E2 (the randomizer is introduced as a means to escape the Black Guardian)
Shada - S17E6 * (perhaps the most remade Doctor Who story ever, you might want to watch a version just to see what all the hubbub is about)
The Leisure Hive - S18E1 (The end of the randomizer arc.... also Harden and Mena are the best couple in Who)
Meglos - S18E2 (I only recommend this story because it's the last time Jacqueline Hill appears on the show, but sadly she's not playing Barbara)
Full Circle - S18E3 (Adric's first story)
Warriors' Gate - S18E5 (Romana and K9 leave the Tardis)
The Keeper of Traken - S18E6 (Meet Nyssa, oh and the Master regenerates into Anthony Ainley)
Logopolis - S18E7 (The Fourth Doctor's final story and Tegan is introduced)
Personal Favorite and Least Favorite Stories
Because one man's trash is another man's treasure and vice versa
Favorite: The Sontaran Experiment - S12E3
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Least Favorite: The Planet of Evil - S13E2
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(disclaimer: no spin-offs or extended universe stuff was considered when making this list)
Up Next: The Fifth Doctor
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whump-or-whatever · 3 months
13th Doctor Whump - Doctor Who (2005)
All the whumpy episodes for the 13th Doctor in New Who.
Spoilers ahead!
S11E5- pain in abdomen
S11E6- painful visions
S11E8- tied up with hands over head
S11E9- pain from loud noise
S11E10- pain in head
S12E1- near explosion
S12E2- kneeling, grabbed by neck
S12E3- running out of air, grabbed by the neck, out of breath
S12E7- hands bound above head
S12E8- grasping hand
S12E10- angst, trapped in paralysis field, psychic pain, unconscious
S13E1- painful visions
S13E3- given injection, confused, stuck in time storm, yells in pain
S13E4- burned by sonic (played for laughs)
S13E5- pain from whispering in head
S13E6- in pain from being split across multiple realities, tortured by being split apart repeatedly, tortured
Power of the Doctor- weak from forced regeneration, killed, regeneration
That’s all folks!
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see here for all the previous polls - these are the winner and runner up from each of those
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fatsillykewn · 5 months
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I’m kinda lost on what to post on this account so I’ve decided I wanted to share my South Park favorites list. These are my favorite episodes so far in my re-run of the tv show! ENJOY 😽
Best episodes are in the chronological order of the tv show: Starts with season one at the bottom, ends with the current season I am on at the top. The episodes listed are my personal favorites out of each season. The numbered list has no relation to favoritism!
(The entire show of South Park + banned episodes) for reference:
1. S20-
2. S19E7 Naughty Ninjas
3. S19E6 Tweek X Craig
4. S19E4 You’re Not Yelping
5. S19E1 Stunning And Brave
6. S18E10 #HappyHolograms
7. S18E9 #Rehash
8. S18E8 Cock Magic
9. S18E7 Grounded Vindaloop
10. S18E3 The Cissy
11. S17E6 Ginger Cow
12. S17E5 Taming Strange
13. S17E2 Informative Murder Porn
14. S16E10 Insecurity
15. S16E8 Sarcastaball
16. S16E7 Cartman Finds Love
17. S16E6 I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining
18. S16E4 Jewpacabra
19. S16E3 Faith Hilling
20. S15E12 1%
21. S15E9 The Last Of The Meheecans
22. S15E8 Ass Burgers
23. S15E5 Crack Baby Athletic Association
25. S14E14 Crème Fraiche
26. S14E13 Coon vs. Coon & Friends
27. S14E12 Mysterion Rises
28. S14E9 It’s A Jersey Thing
29. S14E8 Poor and Stupid
30. S14E4 You Have 0 Friends
31. S13E14 Pee
32. S13E11 Whale Whores
33. S13E8 Dead Celebrities
34. S13E7 Fatbeard
35. S13E5 Fishsticks
36. S12E13 Elementary School Musical
37. S12E11 Pandemic (2)
38. S12E10 Pandemic (1)
39. S12E9 Breast Cancer Show Ever
40. S12E3 Major Boobage
41. S12E1 Tonsil Trouble
42. S11E14 The List
43. S11E12 Imaginationland (3)
44. S11E11 Imaginationland (2)
45. S11E10 Imaginationland (1)
46. S11E7 Night Of The Living Homeless
47. S10E10 Miss Teacher Bangs A Boy
48. S10E7 Tsst
49. S10E2 Smug Alert!
50. S9E11 Ginger Kids
51. S9E10 Follow That Egg
52. S9E9 Marjorine
53. S9E1 Mr Garrison’s Fancy New Vagina
54. S8E14 Woodland Critter Christmas
55. S8E6 The Jeffersons
57. S8E1 Good Times With Weapons
58. S7E11 Casa Bonita
59. S7E8 South Park Is Gay!
60. S7E2 Krazy Kripples
61. S6E7 Simpsons Already Did It
62. S6E6 Professor Chaos
63. S5E14 Butters’ Very Own Episode
64. S5E13 Kenny Dies
65. S5E10 How To Eat With Your Butt
66. S5E6 Cartmanland
67. S4E15 Fat Camp
68. S4E6 Cherokee Hair Tampons
69. S3E9 Jewbilee (3)
70. S3E8 Two Guys Naked In A Hot Tub (2)
71. S3E7 Cat Orgy (1)
72. S3E5 Tweek vs. Craig
73. S2E17 Gnomes
74. S2E15 Spooky Fish
75. S2E10 Chickenpox
76. S1E8 Starvin’ Marvin
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