ellesilly · 1 month
s1 ep19 gravity falls…. did. did bill only agree with gideon’s plan because gideon specified “stanford pines” and bill was still down bad. like
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he was literally about to laugh in gideon’s face and then he was like oh. wait. nah kid you’ve convinced me! please😭😭
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spocks-husband · 11 months
The fact that the canon reason that the Ferengi aren't seen in TOS is bc Jonathan Archer scared the fuck out of them so bad that they didn't come back for like three generations
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ariadne-mouse · 3 months
I have finished Season 1 of Midst and I am extremely normal about it
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stampedestring · 3 months
In S1E2, Incident at Alabaster Plain, as Rowdy and co. set off to try to get water from a church, Mr. Favor has some reminders for Rowdy:
Gil: Rowdy, you speak real gentle to those padres, you hear? Rowdy: Yessir. Gil: You go inside, you take your hat off, understand? Rowdy: (tips hat slightly)
A real character-establishing moment.
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(S1E19, Incident of the Dry Drive; S2E5, Incident of the 13th Man; S6E15, Incident of the Rusty Shotgun)
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Miami Vice S1E18: Made for Each Other
Larry's house burns down, and Izzy and Noogie are sent undercover.
Made for Each Other suffers immensely from coming right after The Maze, which is a true "the system is broken" classic Vice episode. Made for Each Other is a comedy breather, and actually kind of great in its own right, but where it sits in the progression of the series feels more like a deflation than a break.
Made for Each Other is also almost comically homoerotic-- it's the episode that convinced me that Sonny is supposed to be a textually closeted bisexual man on my first watch through of the series, but on a repeat watch it's somehow even more obvious. Why are there all those half-naked bears on a boat? Why is the entire plot basically "Stan and Larry sort of have a breakup because of Stan's new girlfriend and then get back together at the end?" Why does Izzy keep saying things like nubile and anal? Why does the camera linger so very long on his and Noogie's cigarillos touching? What's up with the repetition of 'shafted'? Why are all the guests at Noogie's wedding like, extras from a Boy George video?
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Why does this happen?
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(plz draw your OT3 like this)
Anyway I actually really like Made For Each Other upon rewatch, it really just should have been placed elsewhere in the season. It's a fun, silly episode, and a little levity is necessary in a series that is often so very bleak.
The episode opens with Sonny and Rico trying to catch a counterfeiter, and Rico is bitchy and condescending to Sonny in a way that I think is supposed to be "ha ha, my criminal persona is a dick," but actually just comes off as "ha ha, I am a dick." It seems like he's trying to impress the counterfeiter by throwing Sonny under the bus. This occasional cruelty towards someone he does genuinely like is a fascinating part of Rico's characterization, and part of what elevates his character writing to "actual nuanced person" and not "nice Black sidekick who always supports the main white guy." Rico absolutely sees himself as more educated and worldly than Sonny, and occasionally he lets that slip. He has a very complicated relationship to both class and geography-- he's a New Yorker (...from the Bronx), he wears a perfectly tailored suit everyday (...and is a poorly paid cop), he idolizes Sonny for his football career but also thinks he's a bit of a yokel. As someone whose own class status is a bit shaky, Rico tends to get a little mean when it seems like he might be 'found out.'
Zito almost gets blown up in the ensuing warehouse fire, and Switek flips out. A short while later, a surprisingly chill Zito says he believes things are "either in whack or out of whack," shortly after while they discover that his entire house is on fire.
Please note the company that moves Zito's stuff to Switek's house:
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I am dying
Trudy and Gina, in their only real appearance in the episode, very sweetly present Zito with a new fish as an office gift. Sonny is a dick about it.
Swi and Zito go to investigate BONZO BARRY who is a shady stereo and computer system dealer who has a FUCKING SEAL in his store
Michael Talbott is wildly overacting this entire episode, like to the point that I wonder if they had to turn down his mic
Noogie is marrying a stripper(?) named Ample Annie. They argue about going to Disneyland while she's practicing her routine. She does a striptease down the aisle. She is perhaps the only person bonkers enough to keep up with Noogie.
Stan's girlfriend, Darlene (who was Larry's girlfriend a short period of time ago), is extremely unhappy with Larry staying at their house, and spends the entire episode either complaining or being upset that the conditions are not right to bone; frankly, Stan does not seem to like her and she does not seem to like Stan. The most likely reasoning behind this is "bad 80's hurr hurr the ol' ball and chain" comedy, but considering the homoeroticism of the episode I'd like to think it could be a comment on compulsory heterosexuality
Izzy and Noogie show up at Stan's and, in one ridiculous whirlwind, declare the current case "theirs," ask who is the "Captain Kirk of this Enterprise," and start eating Stan's breakfast
In one scene Tubbs asks Zito and Swi if they want backup and they both very loudly yell NO like he's the reason everything has been on fire in this episode
Switek asks Zito at one point, "do you ever think about the future, Larry?" and Zito answers No.
This is funny the first time you watch the episode!
This is not funny anymore after Season 3.
The bad guy (whose crime seems to be like. Selling stolen stereos or something equally stupid) has a boat full of half-naked men with guns. This is not remarked upon.
Then we get to the Night Talk scene. I've talked at length about this scene before, but basically: Zito has been kicked out of Switek's and is sleeping at the station; Sonny comes in, romantic music plays, Zito basically describes Switek as the perfect man, and Sonny tries to get Zito to come back to his place (and fails.) It's very gay. I like to think that Sonny has a burgeoning crush on Rico at this point but is certain Rico is straight (and also. Y'know. Was a bit of an asshole at the beginning of the episode.) and takes desperate, tragic shot on Zito because of that. Zito politely declines because his heart is already spoken for.
Meanwhile, Stan is unable to perform sexually because he's thinking about Larry.
I'm sure that means nothing.
The outfits at Noogie's wedding are just. They are. Truly they are something.
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The priest is a leather daddy. Many people appear to be in space blankets, including Noogie. Annie has a tearaway wedding dress. The pianist has the world's most incredible zebra shirt. There are headbands and weird hats abound.
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By contrast, all the members of Vice look like they're supposed to be at a PTA meeting. (Also Sonny looks like he wishes he could ask where the punch is but doesn't want to bother Gina and Trudy, who are clearly each others' plus-ones.)
And the episode ends with Switek and Zito, side by side, at a wedding.
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jessicatates · 4 months
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cow-and-chicken · 3 months
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kerryweaverlesbian · 11 months
Sarah Blake/Bela Talbot. One of them's a catgirl. You're interested?? Read it!! Sarah's a really fun POV to write!
For the Suptober prompts Black Cat and Portrait. Below is the opening:
Sarah Blake looks at the paper-covered painting she'd spent the past three weeks searching for, a glass of wine half-drunk in her hand. The painting is propped against the fireplace, and it looms, as portraits tend to. B, the little black cat that had followed her home from the auction house - the same day as when she got the commission, now she comes to think of it - sits upright next to her legs on the couch, ears twitching away from her fingers whenever she tried to stroke her. 
That's unusual, for this cat. Typically, she'd sprawl out over any available surface, mewl for attention until she got head scratches, and purr contentedly any time Sarah put her hands on her. Now she was stiff, tense. 
The only time Sarah had seen her like that before was when she'd tried to put a collar on her¹, and she'd ended up scratched and bitten so badly she'd had to go to the ER. When she got back, B wouldn't look at her, but kept following her from room to room, hissing if Sarah turned her face to her. Sarah, feeling incredibly guilty, had apologised out loud and showed B that she put the collar in the garbage, only realising after she'd done it that of course a cat wouldn't know what any of that meant. 
Strangely, though, it seemed to work. B had come back purring as soon as the lid closed over the trash. She even licked the bandage over Sarah's cuts, and pushed her head into her hand. 
B's a pretty funny cat overall. She has this unimpressed stare she levels at Sarah for such uncouth behaviour as 'bouncing a toy near her' and 'putting out cat food'². She gave a token grumble whenever Sarah scooped her up like a baby, but would dig her claws in if Sarah tried to put her down again before she was ready. She hops onto the counter when Sarah brings her research home (which is more often than she probably should, but hell, what else has she got to do on a Friday night?) and stares at the papers like she's reading them. More than once, B had put her paw on just the information Sarah had been looking for just after Sarah remarked on how she needed it³. 
"My good luck girl," Sarah had praised, and kissed B's furry little head. B's hackles had gone up from the smooch, but then she seemed to calm herself deliberately, and she flopped over the papers like she'd lost all her bones in a fit of lazy decadence. 
In the present, Sarah swirls her wine and surveys the hidden painting. 
"What do you think is wrong with it, B?" 
She's supposed to burn it. That's what the note said, which she'd found in an envelope taped to the back of the Picasso she'd just purchased. The note had been written in wobbly scratches of biro, addressed directly to her. It was lucky she was adept at reading awful handwriting - in the archiving business, it's essential - because the script was only barely legible. There had been $32,000 dollars in the envelope too. 
The flat out work of the last few weeks had been for the money and the chance at more,  she wasn't going to deny that, but part of it was her overactive curiosity. 
What's wrong with it? Ava's first thought had been haunting. She'd waved her EMF machine at it half heartedly after the delivery guy left, but the needles stayed dissatisfyingly still. She'd bought the thing on Amazon when a friend mentioned cold spots, but it turned out they'd just had a fault in their double glazing⁴. She hasn't heard from them in a while, not directly, but from her Facebook feed she knows that they haven't been murdered in their bed by a malevolent spirit so far. Which is good! Just, well, a little disappointing, is all...
Read more on ao3
¹ The collar was baby pink, and had a little bell on the end.
² Sarah's never seen her eat it, but it always disappears by morning.
³ So, she talks to her cat, so what? Before B, she'd talk through her process with her toaster.
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gravity-falls-daily · 3 months
Date: June 29th, 2024
Episode S1E19&20: Dreamscaperers & Gideon Rises
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Please, the only way Gideon's taking over this shack is by breaking in and stealing my deed. (A loud crash is heard from upstairs.) "You mean, like, right now?"
Asks and submissions are now open for our first double feature, the two part finale of season one, S1E19 and S1E20! Please send us any thoughts, memories, insights and memes you have about these episodes, or tag us in posts and fanworks, and we'll be sure to reblog.
Gravity Falls is available to watch on Disney+ here. Not sure where else to look? Check out our spreadsheet for more information!
Have fun!
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peytonsource · 9 months
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1x19 peyton sawyer icons
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askmistergold · 10 months
do you think baelfire will forgive you when you do find him?
While heroes may have the market cornered on happy endings, it's my understanding that hope is available to all.
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fizzingwizard · 4 months
Job candidate: Wow, thought you'd be the last person to have a problem with nonconformity. House: Noncomformity, right. I can't remember the last time I saw a twenty-something kid with a tattoo of an Asian letter on his wrist. You are one wicked free thinker. You want to be a rebel? Stop being cool.
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longdogspottings · 3 months
Alright, here's the 6th Pineapple Easter Egg I have spotted on the episode called "The Claw" on Bluey. If anyone wants to have a look.
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Grins . grins widely
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CAMERON FORCING HOUSE TO GO ON A DATE WITH HER?????? this woman is insane also i think that's illegal but when has that stopped literally anyone in this show ever
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After a very long hiatus, I've returned to Starsky & Hutch blogging. This time I'm looking at Omaha Tiger, my favorite Weird Wrestling Episode of a show ever.
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