toobusybeingdelulu · 1 year
Maxine “Max” Hargrove <3
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razzafrazzle · 1 year
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various erises. just thinkin about how much she changed pre-alt pantheon :o] also thinkin about the wonders of getting turned into a funky little imp while simultaneously transitioning
[image description: a page of drawings of an original character named eris at various stages of her life. the first is her at around 18, where she has short, straight blonde hair, blue and green eyes, pale skin, and is wearing a white and purple t-shirt with a crucifix necklace. next to the picture is a note stating that she is pre-demonification. the second is her at around 22, where her hair has grown out and is now ratty with bright red at the roots. her eye colors are fading into white, and she has fangs, a demon tail, stubble, and a jaded expression on her face. she is dressed in a white tank top, underwear, and socks and has a cigarette. the last is her at around 30, where she now has a short bright red mullet, completely white eyes, demon horns, and top-surgery scars. next to her are notes stating that sadie cuts her hair and that she is more will-adjusted post-college and now fully demonturned. end id]
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Random TDI headcanons part 2
Has a burn book of her own
Pink, purple and green are her favourite colours
Sailor moon was one of her favourite childhood cartoons
Had a dog called pancakes as a child
Her 5th birthday party was jungle themed
Is an excellent tree climber
Exclusively wore sandals until he was like 5
Also dated most of the girls in his class when he was like 6
Surprisingly decent at cooking
Played piano as a child but quit when she was 10
Her and Sadie are neighbours
Had 2 bunnies called sunflower and coco
Did tap dancing at one point in her childhood
Has a slightly unhealthy obsession with leopard print (like it’s all over her room)
Takes tons of pictures with her friends/family
Has 2 sisters and is the middle child
Also enjoys old barbie movies and watches them with her younger sister her favourite is princess and the pauper
Loved playing dress up as a little girl
Shares a bedroom with 2 of his younger brothers
In his free time he likes to play mario kart
Is multilingual
Has horror movie marathons with Izzy (they always just end up making out half an hour in though)
Asked a boy out in middle school “as a joke”
Is a bit of a hockey fan
Her and Katie are neighbours
Summer is her favourite season
Is a big Backstreet Boys and NSYNC fangirl 
Likes camping
Has been taking guitar lessons since he was 7
Is really close with his grandparents
Has broken at least 5 bones in his lifetime
Loves anything with marshmallows
Was that kid in primary school who either had a mullet or spiky hair
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biillys · 1 year
modern au max has a mullet now btw thank u sadie i owe you my life
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hunterofdeer · 4 months
The Contessa of Camp
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(To view in its full greatness, read my blog here!)
Recently, I’ve been surrounding myself with videos and pictures and discussions of fashion, drag queens, and the like. I got my hair chopped and styled into a soft mullet on Tuesday, so the idea of appearances has been the dominant thought. Additionally, this year’s Met Gala occurred a little over week ago, inviting much criticism toward the elite (as it does every year). I’m sure I’ve explained my gripes with out-of-touch celebrities ad nauseam—with this year being no exception—but I couldn’t help but think about a previous Met Gala tragedy: the camp theme.
I don’t want to meander too far off the path of today’s topic, so I’ll be brief. The utter failure for the majority of attendees to execute camp became, in a laughable way, camp. They had no fucking clue what they were doing, and I doubt they even read the Sontag essay. However, camp always makes its way back to queerness, and many a homosexual found oodles of humor in outfits than ranged from try-hard to straight up pedestrian. This frivolity usually ends up with gay people idolizing plain and unassuming individuals, but I believe there is an underlying method to this limp-wristed madness.
There is nothing gay people love more than a sensible white woman. I won't delve into the sociology (because that’s going to get messy), but I will continue with the assumption that the fair majority of flamers find a sweet, capri-wearing, middle-aged suburbanite to be just oh-so appealing. 
Weeks ago, my friend Sadie and I were in my apartment, sipping away the evening with glasses of gas station moscato. I’m not sure what prompted me, but I put on an episode of Barefoot Contessa for the sake of ambiance. We spent the next twenty minutes ogling at the screen as Ina Garten, bob and all, coyly cooked up various dishes. A large part of my fascination with her likely ties back to nostalgia, my younger self desperately wishing I could dine on roast chicken in the Hamptons; but I knew there was some extra oomph that made her stand out from the other ladies in my life.
For starters, Garten had been previously employed to budget nuclear energy at the White House. I feel like this is common knowledge, but I had to mention it because of the absurdity of going from politics to the kitchen. People in the political sphere famously can’t do anything, so I pat her on the back for getting the hell out of there. Furthermore, the title of her cooking career is reminiscent of a drag queen name: Barefoot Contessa. Referencing a 1950s romance film (and gay people are all about references), the name evokes images of exotic sexiness, sand, and suntanned skin. It’s regal, and we consider Garten to be royalty.
The episode we watched was “Cooking for a Crowd.” Unfortunately, I don’t recall her potentially gay husband, Jeffrey, being in this one, which is a bit of a shame. But in his absence is Susan Stroman and the cast of Broadway’s Young Frankenstein, which is like slapping the audience with a rainbow flag. 
Garten cracks open lobster like an easygoing child deconstructing a LEGO set. She’s making lobster corn chowder, along with marmalade-glazed baked ham and fruitcake cookies. The other fruitcakes will be arriving later, and she’s enlisted Stroman to help with the setting. Her dialogue is interspersed with the usual “Fabulous!” or “How great is that?” or “If not homemade, store-bought is just fine.” 
For the setting, Garten prepared a guide for Stroman. She says to buy Prosecco because it looks fancy and is cheaper than Champagne. (Gays love the illusion of luxury.) She further encourages drama in the flowers, candles, or anything else that could set the stage. Stroman smartly recognizes the similarities between this party and a production of hers. 
Garten’s zigzagging commentary never lets up, and I love it. She pops something into her mouth but says she’ll save that ingredient for later. She remarks that people “go crazy” for her cookies, and when slicing the roll of batter, she observes that they look like little stained-glass windows. Poetry.
The soundtrack is a blend of Moroccan, French, and American sounds, and the cinematography is intimate yet fun. This type of delightful, relaxed style feels like a long sip of white wine. Garten organizes her buffet, including bunches strawberries just for color, noting that the best decorations are the ones you can eat. She tries to explain the math behind her setup, pairing different dishes together because of the visual impact. Everything is how it is because she likes it that way.
Finally, the concluding montage of people clinking glasses, chatting, and enjoying all Garten has to offer. The episode ends on the most campy note. The cast swarms the Barefoot Contessa, and, with a bouncy piano melody, they sing about how “Nothing could be finer than to eat a meal with Ina, in the Hamptons!” The charming Ina Garten cackles over the music because, at least I think, it is all so entertaining and stupid.
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whackmewithwhump · 3 years
Intro to The BoxCutters
Okay guys, for once I promised something and I'm gonna deliver. This is a band of OC's that I created and very much would like to put into compromising and fun whumpy situations. This is a brief overview of the band members, and their personality, but I do have quite a bit of worldbuilding and other details all in my head about this stuff. So without further ado, meet the new crew, and don't hesitate to tell me what you think!!
Chante: (26, asexual, panromantic) okay so Chante is our lead man. He sings and plays lead guitar, but sometimes he plays the keyboard, or will hop on and surprise the crowd with some other instrument.
He actually has a degree in engineering, but has always loved music. Many people would describe him as a bit of a prodigy, he's the sort of guy who can pick up and play most instruments, but the credit goes to his hard work more than anything else. He's dedicated to his craft and it paid off big time over the years.
He's incredibly friendly and open. The sort of guy who sees a room of strangers as a room of future friends. He's great at networking and making connections for the band, and is well loved by most people. He can be a little bit of a control freak sometimes if people aren't taking things as seriously as he is, and can also wear himself down by not knowing his limits.
He absolutely rocks crop tops, is a total morning person, collects guitars and treats them like his babies (can unintentionally be a bit of a snob about it), and he gives music lessons as a side hustle.
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Keiko: (25, straight) Keiko is our bassist, she's a huge stoner, and an original member of the band. She's a pretty good songwriter, and has written a lot for them over the years. She's got a wicked sense of style and a wicked sense of humour. Probably the ultimate memelord of the group. She's messy in all senses of the word, gets distracted and ends up in drama. She's not afraid to stand up for herself or for others, but is very much a sweetheart. She's just a sweetheart that is incredibly blunt.
Keiko makes herself at home wherever she is. She can get comfy and take a nap anywhere. She's incredibly artistic, and usually has several projects on the go. She's got big ambition but little follow through. She has two pet rabbits, Peter and Apple Juice, and she would die for either of them and gives them the best life possible. She's a big lover of animals, including all of the critters that people are generally scared of, and would scold anyone who dare even think about squishing a bug. She's got a tattoo sleeve inspired by the Great Barrier Reef.
Lastly, she lives in a house with Tyson, they've been roommates for years, along with a rotation of various strangers. The two of them are the big trouble makers of the group, and often have a rather annoying friends with benefits thing going on with each other while they're bored. It doesn't even cause friction, because they have zero romantic interest in each other, but it's definitely not the best use of either of their time.
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Sadie: (26, lesbian) Sadie is a guitarist and singer and the newest member of the band, introduced to them by Chante after he'd graduated from university. It was the two of them that really got the band up and running again. She's incredibly organized, and with Chante's executive skills, they whipped thing back into shape.
She doesn't usually sing lead, but on occasion she will. Whether she's leading or being a second vocalist, she has a really powerful and beautiful voice that brings a lot of texture and life to the sound of their music. Out of the group, her stage presence is the most different to her everyday personality. On stage she unleashes this monster of a performer, and always gives her all to put on a show. She'd be the most likely to stage dive and crowdsurf.
Otherwise, she is the most subdued and lowkey of the gang. She's not quiet or shy per se, but she has lots of intention behind what she says. Sadie is also a massive flirt, and a bit of a hoe, but we don't slutshame her. She's always getting with the ladies, and has many short term relationships, but things never get too serious before she sorta gets scared and dips.
Her style is very simple and clean cut (my drawing is kind of extremely casual compared to what she'd usually wear). She's the sort of person to iron all of her clothes, and buttons her shirts all the way to the top. She makes this very put together look seem incredibly edgy, but the mullet helps with that. Unlike Chante, she doesn't collect guitars, but has two that are reliable and that she cherishes and will use till they're falling apart. (Oh and she's a total lightweight)
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Tyson: (25, bi) Tyson is our drummer. He has been a percussionist since a young age, and ended up being quite the band geek in high school because of it. He loves to mess around with the toys (percussion toys, you sickos) but his passion has always been drumming in its various forms. He gets to whack things, what's not to love? The Boxcutters were his idea, and it was his humble garage where the band got its start as angsty teens. A classic origin story.
His parents were mostly happy for him to be engaged in anything that kept him out of trouble, since he has ADHD that leans very much towards the hyperactivity side, as it often does with males, and he struggled a lot throughout his childhood with being quite disruptive. He is very competitive, and sometimes takes things too far because of this, and will never turn down a dare. Fortunately his friends are around and are pretty good at reining him in when they need to. Being the third out of four children in his family, he's always felt the need to get attention, which he usually tries to get by being a class clown sort of character, but he often doesn't know when is the right time for that stuff. On top of it all, he's a chronic oversharer. He unintentionally is rude a lot of the time, or can sometimes snap and be mean, but he almost always is willing to accept responsibility and apologize once he's cooled down.
He's great at a party and fiercely loyal, a sweetie that sometimes tries to be tough but it just ends up being very funny.
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moonpastries · 4 years
🖊️ price and mitch!!!
- He has a younger brother and a youger sister, Zachariah and Sadie respectively. Zach lived with him and his dad after their parents separated (more like. Their mom just Left) and Sadie went with their mom. Price sees a lot of himself in Zach and is protective in that he doesn't want him turning out the way he did bc of their dad. Post-canon he reconnects with them both and is doing his best to be a good uncle to Sadie's kids :]
- he used to smoke but quit right after he started hunting after Forfax and Quincy (he figured that if he was gonna be tailin these kids and being around em while trying to save them, he needed to set a good example)
- Price enjoys square dancing, even if he's not very good at it! He and his husband hold monthly dance nights in the community center in town both to bring the community together and to fundraise for their church's activities
- he was cursed by some higher power to constantly smell a little like raw meat. no one is sure why, but he sure does!
- he was considering majoring in theater production/acting before he realized that cooking and chemistry might be more.... convenient.
- he likes organ meat the least but he really will eat anything. He just has to mask the flavor with other things, and despite him taking cooking classes sometimes u just gotta make some sausage or smthn.
- he thinks his floppy emo bangs are kind of annoying but its about the Aesthetic (plus they half hide his face). If he lives post canon he'd probably chop them off and go full Awful Mullet
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“Good ole Dacre Montgomery”
Chapter 1: “Good Ole’ Billy Hargrove..”
Large bright lights covered the ceiling while long cords scattered the ground. Today had been Myra’s first day at her internship and she was nervous. The clipboard she had been given fumbled between her sweaty palms as she was led around the building with her adviser, he pointed out the different sets and explained their importance, the tour ended at a large table covered with every junk food and fruit you could think of. The adviser grabbed up an apple taking a large bite before waving Myra over to join him.
“Dive in, there’s something here I am sure you’ll enjoy!”
He gave her a friendly smile taking another bite from his apple, she glanced around before noticing a box of donuts from her favorite place, a place her family had gone to ever since she was little, it became a staple in their weekly trips to visit her grandparents.
She grabbed a pink sprinkle covered donut while a large hand reached forward grabbing for one as well, she glanced up and noticed a tall scruffy figure standing across the table from her. “Hello there,” He gave a wide grin, before laying his donut on his large plate. “I’m David, you must be the new intern!”
Myra nodded nervously, she knew exactly who he was, David Harbour the actor who played Jim Hopper the chief of police in their make believe town of Hawkins,Indiana. David was dressed in a pink and green geometric shirt that looked like something right out of Magnum PI, she was excited to see him out of the usual police uniform.
Myra spent her entire first year of college binging over season 1 with her roommate,Paisley. She liked a large majority of girls obsessed over Steve Harrington, Paisley even got them matching shirts and posters to decorate their room with. When season 2 finally aired Paisley found herself swooning over Steve more, where Myra found herself falling for Billy’s character, the bad boy of her dreams.
When Paisley first found out Myra would be doing her internship on the set of Stranger Things she went insane telling her about all the things she needed to know about the characters in real life and gave her items to get autographed by all of the cast. Myra was nervous to talk to anyone let alone ask them for their signatures.
“I am the new intern, my name is Myra!” She held her clipboard against her chest, trying to calm her unsteady breathing. “It’s great to meet you Ms. Myra. Hopefully you have a great time here and everyone treats you nice! If not you come find me and I will teach em’ a lesson!” he waved as he walked away, mouth filled with his donut. Myra returned the wave goodbye “It was nice meeting you too!”
“David is like the dad around here, always watching out for everyone and taking care of any situation that comes up! How about a tour of the trailers?” He grabbed a nutrition bar shoving it into his pocket before opening two large doors that lead out to a parking lot filled with trailers of all types.
“Since you will be working with the cast members, helping with costumes and just running errands I should probably introduce you to them!”
He led her by a large black trailer covered with windows that said -Classroom B12- on the front door. “This here is the classroom for the younger actors to get a few hours of education in each day and over here is the costume trailer, they kept every outfit for the main characters and even the background characters.” He motioned over to the tall trailer with multiple groups of people going in and out.
“Hair and makeup are located in the back here and I am sure a few cast members are inside so that will be our first stop.” He walked up the small set of stairs attached to the trailer door,knocking before entering inside. Three chairs sat in front of mirrors, wigs and special effects makeup were scattered across the stations.
In the first chair a young boy with curly hair sat having foundation applied, Gaten Matarazzo, the actor who played Dustin Henderson. He was the first to turn and offer his hand out to Myra after Jake, her adviser had introduced her to everyone.
“I’m Gaten, it's nice to meet you! Welcome to the cast!” Myra shook his hand, she glanced down at his shirt that read -Camp Know Where- it had been covered in what seemed like fake sweat, his face and arms showed the same dirty sweaty look to them. “It’s not real,promise!” He chuckled showing off his adorable toothless grin.
A red headed girl receiving the same sweaty treatment turned and waved, “I’m Sadie hopefully we don’t scare you away just yet! I was new here once and everyone was very welcoming we’re just one big family!”
Myra waved back nodding, “Oh no. you guys aren’t scaring me at all everyone here has been so welcoming, and it is greatly appreciated I have been super nervous about all of this!”
The two makeup artists introduced themselves, Mary and Jane. Myra chuckled a little at their names and they joined along “Trust us we’ve heard every joke you can think of!” Jane chimed in, while rubbing dirt across Sadie’s arms and face. “Do you mind closing that door behind you? The paparatize have been swarming around here like crazy!”
Myra turned and swung the door closed like she was asked to do when a sudden scream was heard on the other side “Damn!” She heard a male scream noticing his fingers slammed in the door. “Oh my I am so sorry!” She quickly opened the door, her eyes locked on his hands. “I had no idea you were coming up the stairs I am sorry!” She fumbled on her words as the makeup artist ran over in front of her with an ice pack. “It wouldn’t be the first time someone has fallen victim to these terrible doors.”
“I’m fine, Mary don’t worry!” An australian accent came from the man who now stood on the other side of the makeup artist. Myra stepped back getting a glance at him recognizing the familiar pornstache that laid across his lip, Myra James just slammed Dacre Montgomery’s fingers in the door, making an absolute fool of herself. Her clipboard was instantly raised over her red blushing face.
Dacre,holding the ice pack to his fingers, stepped around Mary taking a seat in the empty chair. “Dacre this is Myra, the new intern!” He looked up from his hand with a breathtaking smile, “Well Myra don’t you have a way with introductions!” She shook her head, her face going even brighter red now, “Again I am so very sorry!” She rambled on more,trying to avoid eye contact with him.
“There’s no need to apologize, you’re welcome to smash my fingers anytime you’d like!” He smirked a little before being turned in his chair by Jane as she greased back his hair and placed a wig cap on him. “You ready mullet man?” She chuckled, grabbing a wig off of the styrofoam head and placing it over Dacre’s head. “Aw there he is everyone, good ole’ Billy Hargrove! Are you ready for the spray tan now?”
Jake handed Myra a large envelope of paper and a friendly smile as he ended his phone call, “well this is where we part way Miss. I will be just a phone call away if you need anything,” He quickly wrote down his number sticking the paper on top of the others, if these guys need anything you’ll be here to help! Good luck and try not to break any more fingers,’ight?” He nodded before his phone began ringing again and he quickly exited the trailer.
“Here, set your stuff here and you can help throw some spray tan on this pale boy!” Jane took the stack of papers from Myra laying them on the empty spot of her desk and handing her a bottle of tanning lotion. “Now don’t actually throw anything at me!” Dacre joked as he removed his shirt moving over to a plastic tarp Mary had laid down. Jane squeezed a small amount onto her hand before placing it on his chest, “He is fully capable of applying this himself but he enjoys making us do all the work!” She rolled her eyes as she applied more to him.
Myra’s entire body froze looking at his fit sculpted body standing in front of her and if it couldn’t have gotten worse he removed his jeans leaving himself in his boxers in front of the group. “I-uh how about I start on your legs? Yeah?” Dacre nodded, holding his legs out for her as she placed the lotion into her hands before running in down his calves. The two girls shared stories back and forth about the season two wig Dacre had to wear and how it was nowhere as nice as this one was, Dacre rolled his eyes at them, “you two are ridiculous it wasn’t that bad! Right Myra?” He glanced down at her pouring more lotion into her hand.
“Oh well I am a big fan of these curls, they’re cute!” She remembered the conversations Paisley and her had had about the wig from season 2 and how fake it looked but this one was a whole lot better and she couldn’t wait to tell Paisley all about it, each night they talked for two hours over Facetime talking all about how her day was going and all the things she had gotten to see and do.
Of course she did sign a waiver saying she wouldn’t share any topic secret things or spoilers with the public but she everything she was able to share. She was sure to tell Paisley all of it.
“Cute? It’s a manly mullet, it's not supposed to be cute!” He flipped the wig hair off of his shoulder trying to hold back a laugh, “So have they told you much about this season? Other than the obvious?” Myra finished with his leg and stood wiping her hands on a towel as Mary finished off his back and other leg.
“Well they told me about the mall and the new characters Robin and Alexi, I was also told that we’d get to see a lifeguard Billy!” She pointed over to an outfit hanging in the corner, a white tank top and red shorts with a whistle attached.
“It’s going to be an exciting season trust me!” He was leaning back in the chair as the wig was glued down to his head and a blonde highlighting dye was brushed through his mustache. Mary dipped a small brush into a pallet placing freckles around the bridge of his nose and cheek bones. She then sprayed his face down and handed him the clothes on the hanger “Go get dressed! They’ll be calling for you soon!” Myra smiled at the cute dimples and freshly tanned look, this was a new look for Billy and she loved it.
Mary finished the last few touches of Dacre’s tan and quickly sprayed a layer of hairspray over his wig helping the small curls stay in place. Static and a broken voice came through the walkie talkie on the counter followed by a man saying “Dacre on set,Dacre needed on set!”
Jane handed Dacre his robe to cover up as he stood from the chair and checked his reflection in the mirror, “Not too bad for your first time,this was your first time right? Applying tanning lotion to a man?” He tied off his robe around his waist and glanced up at Myra with a curious smile.
“Yes you were definitely my first, I have never in my life applied lotion to a man let alone sun tan lotion!” She smiled through the nervous twisting in her stomach,she ran her hand up her arm placing small pinches on it.
She wasn’t dreaming this was all real, Dacre was actually talking to her and not just talking he was what seemed like flirting with her. She couldn’t wait to get back to her trailer and tell Paisley all about this, she was going to die.
“Myra how about you follow with us?,” Jane placed a hand on her shoulder waking her from her trance, “We usually stay with him in case he needs a touch up of tanning lotion, you wanna tag along?” Myra nodded “Yes that sounds great! I’ll help carry this then.” She grabbed a small caddy from the desk including tanning lotion,freckle makeup and hair spray inside.
“Great well let’s get going before they start bugging us.” Jane swung open the trailer door, the bright morning sun rose peering in at them, Dacre took a large pair of glasses from his pocket placing them over his eyes,before moving his robe hood over his hair.
“The paparazzi are desperate for photos so we have to hide as much as we can.” Myra followed behind them, glancing over at the crowd of men and woman cameras held high trying to get any photo they could for their employers.
“Does it become exhausting? The paparazzi and sneaking around?” Myra held the caddy in her right hand standing to the side of Dacre helping to shield him from the groups. “At times yes, but it’s a small price to pay for something I love doing and I am blessed to be here.” Down to earth and good looking this guy was too good to be true, like something two teenage girls made in a science lab.
“How about you huh? Finding out you were going to be working on a popular tv show was it exciting? Overwhelming?” They were led into a small community pool that had a large group of people in 80s themed swimwear waiting around. All heads turned when Dacre walked up like a scene from a movie, cue the seductive music.
“Both,” She chuckled, “It was overwhelming and exciting. I had no idea it was going to be a show this popular when they offered me the internship, but after I found out and word quickly spread people I had never met before were trying to be friends with me and ask information about the show, let’s just say you and Steve are some popular guys.”
He laughed thinking about all the friends requests and followers he received after season 2 aired. “I’m happy you’re here! It’s going to be a fun time-” His sentence was cut short by the director directing him to head into the locker room for the first scene.
Myra stepped back with Jane to stand behind the crowd of people, “ This is going to be so exciting, the first scene is always so fun, we just get to sit back and relax,keeping an eye on Dacre and that insane wig.” Jane sat down in a directors chair that had -H&M team- labeled on the back, Myra took a seat next to her, setting the caddy on her lap.
Four women came from the trailer area decked out head to toe in their 80s gear, she recognized the blonde in a teal and pink split bathing suit, Cara Buono, the actress who played Karen Wheeler, Mike and Nancy Wheeler’s mother.
Myra thought back to the night Paisley and her had watched the scene where Billy’s character met her for the first time, it left them all hot and bothered. Now her mind ran curious, was Billy going to have a scene with Karen? Myra crossed her legs leaning back in the tall black chair as the large crowd of people got into the pool water and filed themselves in at different scenes around the pool.
There was a group of teens chatting, some stood around the snack stand and a small built black haired girl sat perched upon the lifeguard chair, this must be Heather Holloway, Myra had heard Jake mentioning her before in the lineup of new characters joining the show.
“Quit on set!!” The director yelled over the crowd of roaring people, everyone turned in attention waiting for further directions. “We’re going to start off with the Billy entrance scene and work our way from there!” The camera was then placed to face the diving board where a young boy stood waiting for his cue, he wore a green tank top and small swim trunks, he reminded her of her brother, he always wore a shirt when swimming and was a chunkier boy when they were younger.
“Action!” The director yelled as the boy ran forward splashing into the water. Crowds of people began conversing while others splashed around in the pool, the speakers from the pool played ‘Rock this Town’ by The Stray Cats, the camera was then panned across the crowd, a group of kids playing marco polo and multiple beach balls bounced around between people. The camera stopped on the four women from earlier, including Karen.
They were reading and checking their complexions in their hand mirrors, the music then slowed down to a mute as the large haired,cheetah print lady tilted her glasses down in the direction of the lifeguard chair. “Ladies, she’s coming down.” She kept her stare towards Heather as the other women looked in that same direction.
Heather made the last few steps off the ladder and made her way towards the locker rooms, the ladies quickly gathered themselves, adjusting their bathing suits and pushing up their large hair. The black haired one, with a large purple pearl necklace, on the far right arched her leg up and faced the men’s locker room, the same room Dacre had just entered earlier, “It’s showtime!” Cheetah print spoke in a seductive voice as she closed her compact mirror, ‘Moving in Stereo” by The Cars began playing through the speakers.
“Action Dacre!” Yelled the director from behind the camera,the locker door swung open and there he stood tanned and muscular, his shorts just below his trimmed waist line, he began strutting out, catching everyone’s eye on the way by. An ear-splitting noise came from the whistle he had placed between his plumped lips, he turned his body to the direction of the same young boy from earlier who was now running around.
“Hey lardass, no running on my watch,” He spoke as the whistle fell from his lips, the entire pool stood motionless. “I gotta warn you again and you’re banned for life, you wanna be banned for life lardass?” The young boy quickly shook his head no, “didn’t think so!” He placed the whistle between his lips again letting out another deafening noise.
The crowd left their frozen state and began yelling and playing as they were. Dacre made his way towards the lifeguard chair passing by the group of women who had been patiently waiting for him. “Afternoon ladies.” He spoke with a welcoming nod. “Afternoon Billy!” They spoke in perfect harmony.
“Dig the new suit Mrs. Wheeler.” He stared at the perfectly fit mom, whom he had had an amazing scene with in season 2. Myra couldn’t wait to tell Paisley all about this, hopefully she would be allowed to. Dacre made his way up to the lifeguard chair before the director yells “Cut!” Groups of people went in their different directions, receiving notes from their superiors.
“So what did you think?” A hand was placed on the back of Myra’s chair,she glanced up to see Dacre’s smiling face looking down at her. “Lardass? Really?” She turned in the chair to face him,his gold Saint Christopher necklace dangled in her face. “It’s what they wrote in the script.” He shrugged giving a flirting smile, he was way too good at that maybe it was just his normal smile and Myra was just taking it too far.
A few guys walked up talking with Dacre while Jane pulled Myra away to introduce her to more people, Matt and Ross Duffer, the directors of the show, were absolute sweethearts. The Duffer Brothers were very personal with everybody making sure to get to know everyone. “How about some lunch before the next scene?” Jane turned to Myra,while taking the caddy from her hands. “Lunch sounds great! Let me grab my phone.” Myra made her way back to her chair where her phone laid, she quickly picked it up and followed behind Jane.
A notification popped up on her phone -6 text messages-, Paisley was always keeping Myra up to date on what was going on back at school, it helped her feel included but nothing really changed. Paisley’s arch enemy was still dating Paisley’s crush and Myra’s ex was still asking about her, but Myra still appreciated all the updates.
The lunch room was filled with loads of cast and crew members, it felt like high school again different clicks were all sitting together in their different sections. Myra made her way over to the buffet table where she grabbed a tray and made her way down the line gathering a sandwich and a container of fruit. She turned to face the large group questioning where to sit, when a familiar figure walked up beside her.
“New here?” Joe Keery, the actor who plays Steve Harrington was now standing beside her. “I am! I’m Myra James. I am a new intern!” His hair was just as fabulous in person as it looked on tv. “Well Hiya Myra I am Joe it’s a pleasure to meet you. Found yourself a place to sit yet?” He looked around the crowded room before his eyes stopped at what seemed to be his usual seat,the people already sitting there had even saved a seat for him.
“Come with me James we will get you a place to sit down!” He nudged her arm and walked in the direction of that table, Sadie, Gaten, and three other familiar boys sat around. “Myra this is Sadie, Gaten, Caleb, Noah and Fin.” Myra gave them all a friendly wave. “I actually had the opportunity to meet Sadie and Gaten early today.”
She placed her tray down before taking a seat, Joe followed. “Well what about me huh?” Dacre sat his tray down next to Myra,he had now covered his bare chest with a Hawkins lifeguard tank top. He took a seat next to her,his sweet smelling cologne hitting her hard in the face. She didn’t notice it before maybe he had just recently applied it, either way it was nice.
“What about you?” Myra smirked,placing her fork to her mouth taking a small bite from the fruit cup. “What did you think of meeting me?” He leaned his arm against the table keeping his glare locked with hers. She reached out for his swollen fingers, “Well you were a sweetheart even after I almost broke your fingers so I’d say you were pretty great!” He left his hand in hers and enjoyed her warm touch.
Myra hadn’t even noticed,she had relaxed her hand onto his leg. “So this is the girl who almost removed your fingers and then rubbed you down with tanning oil?” Steve chimed in with a mouth full of food, breaking the tension between them. Myra quickly released his hand and grabbed her water and took a small drink. “It was all an accident I swear!” Dacre and Joe began bickering back and forth when Myra’s phone buzzed on the table.
Paisley: “ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? You met Billy and put lotion on his legs? -heart eye emoji-
Myra: “Yes and let's just say that man has incredible legs.” -8 heart eye emojis-
Paisley: “You better call me tonight with all the details. Also if you guys hook up def let me know!”
Myra: “Of course and that won’t be happening you perv!”
Myra laughed at the gif Paisley included of Billy leaning against the doorway of Karen Wheeler’s home from season 2. Joe and Dacre stopped and glanced down at her phone, “What’s so funny there?” Joe raised his brow looking closer. Myra realized and locked the phone blocking it from either of their views. “Just something a friend sent,nothing important-” Her sentence was cut short when the loud man’s voice from earlier echoed through the room. “Everyone return to set,everyone return to set!”
“I am still interested in knowing what was so funny.” Dacre took both his and Myra’s trays to the return bin and walked beside her back to the pool area. “Are you going to stay for this next scene or do you have somewhere else you have to be?”
Myra glanced at the small sheet of paper that was stuffed into her back pocket, “Nope I am all yours for the rest of the day, tomorrow they have me somewhere else!” “Oh yeah? All mine?” he smirked through his laugh. “Lucky me!”
“Not at all what I meant,” She rolled her eyes, but in all honesty she wouldn’t mind being all his. “Don’t make me break your other fingers!” Dacre was quickly ripped away to join Cara “Karen” and directors huddling around the pool.
Myra found her way over to the chair she had been sitting in previously and again she was joined by both Jane and Mary. “How was lunch?” Jane turned to face Myra,crossing her legs,”Did you find anything yummy?” Myra nodded, placing her phone into her back pocket. “I did, I found a sandwich and some fruit!” From the corner of her eye she noticed Dacre glancing in her direction, she gave a friendly wave.
“You gotta be careful with that dessert table you’ll gain weight quicker than you can say “Hot fudge sundae”, “Looks like somebody’s striked up Dacre’s interest, he hasn’t taken his eyes off of you since you sat down!”
Myra’s cheeks instantly heated up, she had noticed but she didn’t think anyone else had. “Oh uh yeah, he’s sweet, we actually had lunch together and I finally got to meet Joe, Caleb,Noah and Fin.”
“That’s awesome, they’re great kids! Extremely talented too!” Myra became distracted as Dacre removed his tank top walking in their direction. “You mind holding this? They’d kill me if I lost another one of these shirts!” He held the shirt in Myra’s direction and she quickly took it displaying a huge smile.
“Yeah of course, it’s safe right here with me!”
“Places everyone!” The director yelled from the crowd of people standing behind the camera. The pool crowd returned to their spots and Karen got into the water beginning to do laps in the lane closest to the lifeguard chair.
“Quiet on set!” a young man yelled, holding a clapperboard in front of the camera lense. Dacre returned to his seat at the lifeguard chair and placed his glasses back over his eyes. “Action!” He yelled and the scene began with people walking across the pool, kids laughing and playing around. The camera followed Karen doing the backstroke down the lane, before moving to face Billy who seductively removes his glasses giving the camera a lustful stare.
Hot Blooded by Foreigner began playing as they did another close up on Karen moving through the water. The camera was then panned back and forth between Karen and Billy as he placed his whistle against his lips, his tongue gently caressing it, was it weird for her to be jealous of a whistle? Where were the good looking lifeguards when she was spending every summer at the pool with her brother and the two neighbor kids she used to babysit.
Karen climbed the pool ladder, running her hands through her drenched hair, behind the camera Dacre was making his way over to her,before the camera had turned to face him, he smiled towards Myra shooting her a quick smile. She could have easily melted into a puddle at that moment, the chair may have been the only thing keeping her up.
“Looking good out there Mrs.Wheeler!” Billy spoke as he approached Karen holding out a towel for her. “Why thank you!” She reached out taking the towel from his grip.
“Perfect form,” He replied with alternative motives. “Well your form is amazing!” Her eyes streamed up his perfectly tan body, that Myra had helped create just a few hours prior. Billy gave her a devious smile,showing off his perfectly white teeth. “I’m sorry, I have seen you teaching lessons,swimming lessons.”
This would be another moment she could imagine Paisley and her wrapped up on her bed watching the tv swooning over, this would be a scene that would get them all hot and bothered, something they would be talking about for the next couple weeks. But unlike that moment Myra was actually living this moment and it was so much better than watching it through a screen.
“I could teach you if you’d like.” He slowly licked his bottom lip before letting the words leave his mouth,Myra felt as if she was literally about to drool all over herself, everything was just breathtaking, the small slit in his eyebrow, the small patch of hair below his bottom lip,the way his perfectly crafted curls twirled around the shape of his face. Jane had caught her off guard by nudging her elbow into her side, she glanced in her direction and Jane raised her eyebrow at Myra, “Good scene right?” Myra tried to play it cool by giving a small chuckle. ‘Perfect scene’ she had thought to herself.
When her attention was back to Billy and Karen she watched him slowly place a piece of gum into his mouth,Karen’s face went blank before her towel fell from her grip hitting the floor, both her and Billy immediately reached down for it, showing off his the swim trunks that were just the perfect amount of snug on him. “I didn’t think you taught adults.” Karen's blushed face questioned him.
“Well I offer uh more advanced lessons to select clientele.” The entire time he spoke he was chomping away at his gum, Myra had always found this to be annoying but somehow when he did it, it put her into a trance the world around her went silent and her main focus was him.
“Come to think of it there is a good pool out at motel 6 on Cornwallis, it’s very quiet, you know, very private. Shall we say tonight? 8 o’clock?” Billy’s face could not get any closer to Karen, his eyes were locked with hers and their body’s pressed so close.
“I’m sorry I can’t!” Karen shook her head,leaving Billy’s face shocked with disbelief. Myra had the same expression plastered on her face as well, how could anyone tell him no. “Can’t what? Have fun?” Billy was really trying hard, props to whomever had written this script, so far Myra was hooked and she hadn’t seen anyone elses scene or any of the other stories going on.
“Mrs.Wheeler,” He shot a large smile flashing his dimples in the direction of Myra and Jane, maybe he was just told to look in that direction, maybe there was someone behind the two of them that he happened to be glancing at. Didn’t matter though Myra had herself convinced he was smiling right at her.
“I just don’t think I need any lessons..” Karen shot her eyes away from Billy’s deepened glare. Billy puffed out his chest and towered himself over Karen. “Oh you see I think you do. I just don’t think you’ve had the right teacher.” Karen mumbled something before Billy replied “It will be the workout of your life.” She nodded before the director yells “Cut!” stopping the entire scene.
This was something Paisley and Myra had been talking about all last season, they were dying to know if Karen and Billy were going to do it and this might finally answer their questions. Dacre grabbed a towel and wiped his lower stomach before walking in their direction, Myra fictitiously picked up her jaw and whipped her mouth adjusting herself in the seat.
“So?” He gave Myra a sweet smile as he took a seat next to her in Jane’s empty chair. “So what?” She returned the same smile,crossing her legs and turning his way. “So what did you think?” He reached out for his tank top he had handed to Myra previously.
“Hmm well I do have one question, do Billy and Karen finally have sex?” She tried to hold a serious face unsuccessfully. “Being a fan of you two I am hoping it finally happens!” She felt herself getting a little too egger and took a few short breaths to slow herself down. Dacre’s eyes widened,taking in a deep inhale before releasing a large laugh. “That’s all you’ve got to say about that? Do Billy and Karen have sex? Also did you say you were a fan?” He gave a cocky smirk,subtly flexing his arms towards her.
Myra rolled her eyes, his cockiness was such a turn on and that sweet accent of his made it even better. It was definitely a change to hear him go from Billy to Dacre with his voice, a change she could get used to. “Yes I am a fan, why else would I want to be working here! My friend Paisley and I used to watch this show religiously when it first came out. It was the reason we became such good friends.” He nodded becoming more interested in her words.
“Well then I can’t tell you if they have sex I have to keep it a surprise so you will keep coming around!” She shook her head in defeat, “I planned on coming around either way! I mean I am really liking Billy this season so far.” Myra tried her hardest to flirt but her nerves still stood on edge. “It only gets better trust me!” Dacre pulled his tank top over his head,she noticed his fingers were still swollen and bruised over the make up Mary had applied to him.
“Again I am so sorry about those! I am sure it’s not good for your character..” She hesitated not wanting to be the blame. “Nah don’t be sorry it makes him look tough!” He reached out for her leg giving a comforting pat. His expression quickly changed as he glared behind Myra, she turned to notice Jake approaching them.
“Hey there My,” Jake gave an over the top smile, something that he looked accustomed to. Myra had always hated being called My, the girls who bullied her her entire high school years called her My and hearing it again made her sick. “How was your day? Did you enjoy yourself?” Dacre leaned back in the chair, everything about him changed in seconds, his posture was different, he looked angry.
“I did enjoy myself, this was an incredible opportunity, I am still so grateful for all of this!” Jake quickly nodded off her reply and offered to escort her back to her small trailer for the evening. “That would be great,” She noticed how quickly it was getting dark,this day had gone by so fast. “It was great meeting you Dacre! Thank you for the entertainment!” She gave him a heartfelt smile and stood from her chair standing beside Jake.
Myra hadn’t been to her trailer yet, she was told it would be in the lot with the other actors and actresses but when she arrived this morning she went right to work and had no time to unpack or see her home for the next couple months. “Have a goodnight Myra. It was great meeting you as well, I hope to see you around!” The sides of Dacre’s mouth pulled up into a small smile.
Jake wrapped his arm around Myra’s back, “Off to the trailer’s we go! There is around the clock security and if you ever need anything my trailer is actually just two down from yours.” Myra approached a large trailer, something that could sleep an entire family. “This is not at all what I thought it would be like!” She had never slept in a camper before, anytime her family went camping her dad required them to rough it and sleep in tents.
“I hope it works for you! There is food in the fridge and small hotel soap and shower supplies in the bathroom, if you happen to need anything or run out there is a small store down the road they’re open 24/7 and the security can help you get there!” Jake dug around in his pocket before opening the large door, the inside was beautiful. A large leather sectional took up the far left side, opposite from that a large tv and entertainment center stood with a fireplace below that,next a large kitchen area complete with a microwave,stove,sink and even a full size fridge.
Jake led Myra down the dark hard wood floors into the large room at the end and a large king size bed took up the majority of it,he then led Myra to the opposite end where a full size bathroom with a huge shower was included, there was even a vanity above the sink. This trailer put Myra’s apartment to shame, she would never want to leave this place.
Jake walked back to the kitchen area, laying a folder down on the small dining table, “This is your schedule for tomorrow. If you need anything at all again please stop by! I will leave you to it, you have an early day tomorrow!” He leaned in for what seemed like a hug but it caught Myra off guard, “Oh sorry,” She quickly reached her hand out to him to offer him a handshake. “Have a goodnight Jake!” She closed and locked the trailer door behind him.
She turned around and took in the incredible area again, “Wow..” She spoke to herself. She realized she would need to go to her car and get her belongings, she glanced out the window to the parking lot containing everyone’s vehicles, she had her phone flashlight and it wasn’t too far away she was sure she could make it on her own.
Myra slid back on her shoes she had removed at the door. She grabbed the keys Jake had left by the door and turned on her light making her way outside. The Georgia air got very cold very quickly at night time,she held her light in front keeping it pointed at the ground not wanting to bother anyone in their trailers. She reached the parking lot gate and held her light to the keypad,quickly punching in the 4 digit code.
The gate made a loud beep before sliding open enough for her to slip inside. She drove a 2006 black Jeep Wrangler and it looked pitiful in this parking lot filled with high end expensive cars. The entire back seat was stuffed full with Myra’s belongings, she threw on her backpack and grabbed two large containers before kicking her door shut and locking it up.
A black Sedan drove by and two men excited the vehicle making their way over to the keypad, the tall man in front entered a couple unsuccessful numbers and the shorter man behind him tried as well, still being unsuccessful. Myra hadn’t noticed at first but the second man had a camera wrapped around his neck, maybe these guys were with the paparazzi maybe they thought someone famous was over here and they were trying to break in, she sat down her boxes quickly dialing Jake’s number.
A large boom of people talking in the background muted Jake's voice. “Jake? It’s Myra. I think something is going on. I am in the parking lot and two guys are trying to break in..” She spoke softly not wanting the two gentlemen to hear her. They continuously shook at the gate trying to force it open. “Myra? What did you say? Two guys?” Myra sighed speaking a little louder. “There are two guys trying to break into the parking lot! They’re banging on the gate! I am stuck in here!” Jake’s tone quickly changed,”Shit!” He spoke the words harshly leaving his mouth. “I am on my way right now!” Myra hung up the phone, staying put on the ground next to her car, she had the perfect view of the gate keeping an eye on them.
A few minutes went by when George, the security guard that she met when she arrived approached the gate with two other men. The paparazzi quickly scattered in two different directions and George opened the gate,making his way around through the cars, the two others followed closely behind him.
“Myra!” He spoke, shining his large light around on the ground. “Over here!” she quickly popped up,both of her boxes in her hands. “First day here and you’re already causing trouble?” He chuckled, taking the two containers from her. George was a tall african american man who had a comforting vibe to him,but from what Jake had told her he was trained in 6 different types of martial arts and served 26 years in the Army.
“I didn’t mean to cause any trouble, they-they were just trying to break in,they probably assumed I was someone more important!” Myra shoved her keys back into her pocket and grabbed her purse from the ground as well. “You are important, you know a lot of information about the show and those guys are desperate!” Jake stepped from behind George offering to take some things from Myra, she shook her head “I’ve got it don’t worry! I guess I didn’t think of that!”
The other guy behind George stepped forward removing the hood off of his head. It was Dacre he gave Myra a soft comforting smile, “I am glad you are ok! You want me to help you back to your trailer?” George’s walkie talkie on his shoulder began calling a few codes,” I should probably check this out, you two can help her back to the trailers and if you need anything else at all, here is my card!” Myra reached out taking the business card from his fingers. “Thank you again George, I will!”
As the three of them walked across the road back to their trailer Myra finally realized they had both arrived there together. “Did Jake call you?” She glanced over at Dacre,his hoodie covering his head again. “No we were at the cast party together and we happened to be talking when you called. I can give you my number if you want, you know if you ever wanna talk..” He spoke with hesitancy, something Myra hadn’t experienced him due yet, was he actually nervous?
“Cast party?” She moved closer to him, a little curious. Jake had a dumbfounded look come across his face, “Oh uh yeah after the first day of filming they usually throw a party for the cast, I assumed since you had an early morning you wouldn’t want to come.” Dacre made a disappointed sigh, “If I would have known I would have invited you..I’m sorry!” As they approached her trailer Myra pulled out her keys and quickly opened the door.
“No, no it’s alright Jake is right I do have an early morning and I need to unpack and rest.” She took the containers from Jake’s arms and walked them inside. “You guys have a great night, thank you again for the help. I will see you in the morning!” She closed the door behind her before noticing Dacre's small wave goodbye.
Myra began digging through the containers, pulling out her clothes and shoes she would need for tomorrow. She hung up all of her outfits before walking over to the large fridge hoping to find something sweet inside. A plate of brownies sat on the top shelf with a note that said “Welcome to the Crew”. She unwrapped two,grabbed up her shower supplies and carried them inside the bathroom, where she began undressing. She finished off the two small brownies and twirled her hair up into a ponytail.
The shower temperature was very confusing. It was either really hot or really cold so it took Myra a while to adjust it perfectly, she got inside and let the warm water pour down her back. Her door water was never warm Paisley always took boiling hot showers that surprisingly didn’t leave blisters all over her body and unfortunately Myra’s classes weren’t over until after Paisley’s so when it was her time to shower she was left with icicles hanging all over her body.
A loud vibration came from the counter alerting Myra that Paisley had been calling, she quickly got out wrapping a towel around her body, “Hello Pais!” She spoke with excitement,she could not wait to tell her everything! “Myra James! Tell me everything!” She held the corner of her towel tightly in her grip,walking over to her new large neatly made bed. ”Well I was up at 5 am this morning and spent 2 hours getting a tour of the set and signing a bunch of paperwork.”
Paisley sighed into the phone “Myra Josaphine James you know exactly what I am talking about, tell me about Dacre! Was he nice? Did you two hook up?” Myra laughed,grabbing her sweatshirt and pulling it over her head before she ran her brush through her damp hair. “Yes he was very nice, I got to actually sit through a couple scenes he did..with Karen!” Paisley gasped in shock. “With Karen!? That means Baren is happening!” Baren was the couple name Paisley had made up for Karen and Billy and she was determined to believe it would happen.
“Well it might be happening, Billy is a lifeguard this season, him and Karen had an amazing scene today at the pool and things got hot! Billy is going to be teaching her lesson at a private motel pool!” Myra pulled back the cover,laying out on her cool satin sheets. “How are you containing yourself? I would be jumping that boy’s bones, especially after seeing a Billy and Karen scene. I mean you did say he was being nice to you, maybe he’s wanting a big ol’ slice of Myra pie!” Paisley laughed hysterically into the phone,she was a perv but it was one of Myra’s favorite things about her.
“He was just being nice that is it! I am new here and he was just making me feel welcomed!” Myra turned on the small light on the overhead compartment and lowered the main rooms light. “Ok new couple then Myra and Dacre, Macre!” She squealed with excitement. “You need to get your flirting on, maybe something special might happen!” Myra could hear the seduction in her voice. “Yeah.. probably not.”
Myra laughed in return. Talking to Paisley helped with her homesickness, it made everything seem normal again like they were sitting in their dorm together sharing stories, not 5 hours away from each other in completely different states. Myra finished her phone call with Paisley before she hung up and drifted off to sleep.
Large bright lights covered the ceiling while long cords scattered the ground. Today had been Myra’s first day at her internship and she was nervous. The clipboard she had been given fumbled between her sweaty palms as she was led around the building with her adviser, he pointed out the different sets and explained their importance, the tour ended at a large table covered with every junk food and fruit you could think of. The adviser grabbed up an apple taking a large bite before waving Myra over to join him.
28 notes · View notes
jewishdragon · 7 years
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So far no one has commented negatively on Sadie’s appearance and in fact is just called cute and pretty all the time (this instance was after removing ugly mullet wigs) 
The show still has some problematic issues with fat phobia and Owen, with characters teasing him about overeating and all the fart jokes originating with him. 
11 notes · View notes
momscookingthebooks · 7 years
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Eleven authors. Eleven Novellas. This is one thick . . . book.
Christmas just became a whole lot merrier...
TEAM PLAYER, A Christmas Anthology featuring titles by LJ Shen, Kennedy Ryan, Adriana Locke, Mandi Beck, Emma Scott, Charleigh Rose, Ella Fox, Sara Ney, Meghan Quinn, Kate Stewart and Rochelle Paige is available NOW!
Publication Date: December 14th, 2017 Genre: Contemporary/Sports Romance
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Hot jocks. We love them all.
Sexy baseball players. Intense footballers. Sweaty MMA fighters, and sizzling hockey hotties. Score!
The good news? Eleven bestselling authors have gathered to give you a set of stories focused on the men we love most—sports heroes. We bet you’ll love this thick…book.
The bad news? The men in these novellas don’t actually exist.
*This anthology does not contain calories, just eleven original, never-before-seen stories by the following authors: Adriana Locke, Mandi Beck, Charleigh Rose, Kennedy Ryan, LJ Shen, Meghan Quinn, Rochelle Paige, Ella Fox, Kate Stewart, Emma Scott, and Sara Ney. We aren’t responsible for melted devices.
Read Today!
(FREE in Kindle Unlimited)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2j7MCK1
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/TeamPlayerAnthology
Add to Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2iVSpFW
Meet the Authors:
LJ Shen
L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.
Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets people’s birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.
She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.
Connect with LJ Shen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorljshen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lj_shen
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authorljshen/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorljshen/
Stay up to date with LJ Shen by signing up for her mailing list:
Kennedy Ryan:
Kennedy Ryan is a Southern girl gone Southern California. A Top 100 Amazon Bestseller, Kennedy writes romance about remarkable women who find a way to thrive even in tough times, the love they find, and the men who cherish them.
She is a wife to her lifetime lover and mother to an extraordinary son. She has always leveraged her journalism background to write for charity and non-profit organizations, but enjoys writing to raise Autism awareness most. A contributor for Modern Mom Magazine, Kennedy’s writings have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, USA Today and many others. The founder and executive director of a foundation serving Georgia families living with Autism, Kennedy has appeared on Headline News, Montel Williams, NPR and other outlets as a voice for families living with autism.
Connect with Kennedy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KennedyRyanAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kennedyrwrites
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BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/kennedy-ryan
Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/681604768593989/
Adriana Locke:
A contemporary romance author running on coffee and sticky kisses from my rowdy four little boys.
From Indiana, I’m a true Mid-Westerner. Life, for me, is about family, faith, and food. When I’m not running my kiddos around or having a lunch date of fajitas with my husband (and high school sweetheart), you can find me outside. I love a good sunny day almost as much as I love candy, random quotes, and steamy bad boys in fantastic books.
I’m on nearly every social media platform. Please find me on the ones you frequent – I love chatting with readers.
Connect with Adriana
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authoradrianalocke
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authoralocke
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Mandi Beck:
Mandi Beck has been an avid reader all of her life. A deep love for books always had her jotting down little stories on napkins, notebooks, and her hand. As an adult she was further submerged into the book world through book clubs and the epicness of social media. It was then that she graduated to writing her stories on her phone and then finally on a proper computer.
A nursing student, mother to two rambunctious and somewhat rotten boys, and stepmom to two great girls away at college, she shares her time with her husband in Chicago where she was born and raised. Mandi is a diehard hockey fan and blames the Blackhawks when her deadlines are not met.
Connect with Mandi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authormandibeck
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authormandibeck
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authormandi/
Newsletter: https://www.authormandibeck.com/newsletter
Emma Scott:
I write romances with flawed characters, characters with artistic hearts: builders, poets, and writers of various makes and models. I love to write book lovers; those who have found refuge, companionship, and escape in books, much as we do in real life. I like realism, honesty, authenticity in storytelling. I love to write about enduring love, soul-deep love, in as real a setting as I can make, but with big smooshy HEAs. I believe in diversity, open-mindedness, and inclusion. I like sweetness mixed with steam, love conquering all, and above all, hope. Love always wins.
Connect with Emma
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmmaScottwrites/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/10405165.Emma_Scott
Blog: http://emmascottblog.blogspot.com
Charleigh Rose:
We are a duo of an international best-selling author and a blogger who teamed up to write the taboo, thought-provoking stories we want our audience to have--without filters.
Both Charleigh and Rose are committed to giving you witty, sexy, intelligent novels that will leave you wanting more.
Connect with Charleigh
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/charleighroseprose/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15569269.Charleigh_Rose?from_search=true
Ella Fox:
When she’s not writing, Ella indulges the gypsy in her blood and travels the country. Ella loves reading, movies, music, buying make-up, reading Tmz, Twitter and pedicures… not necessarily in that order. She has a wild sense of humor and loves to laugh. Her favorite thing in the world is hanging out with her family and watching comedy movies.
Connect with Ella
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EllaFoxAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorellafox
Sara Ney:
Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.
Connect with Sara
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saraneyauthor/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2Ay8lT2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saraneyauthor/
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2g32hJO
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/saraneyauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaraNey
Meghan Quinn:
A BLONDE AT HEART Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped. Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking. ​Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four-legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!
Connect with Meghan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meghanquinnauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authormeghanquinn/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_j4HJ91yQLxZ0EC4p2PEA
YouTube: https://twitter.com/AuthorMegQuinn
Website: http://authormeghanquinn.com
Kate Stewart:
Kate Stewart lives in Charleston, S.C. with her husband, Nick, and her naughty beagle, Sadie. A native of Dallas, Kate moved to Charleston three weeks after her first visit, dropping her career of 8 years, and declaring it her creative muse. Kate pens messy, sexy, angst-filled contemporary romance as well as romantic comedy and erotic suspense because it's what she loves as a reader. A lover of all things '80s and '90s, especially John Hughes films and rap, she dabbles a little in photography, can knit a simple stitch scarf for necessity only and does a horrible job of playing the ukulele. Aside from running a mile without collapsing, traveling is the only other must on her bucket list. On occasion, she does very well at vodka.
Connect with Kate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorkatestewart/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorklstewart
Rochelle Paige:
Rochelle Paige is the Amazon bestselling author of nineteen books. She absolutely adores reading and her friends growing up used to tease her when she trailed after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. She loves stories with alpha males, sassy heroines, hot sex and happily ever afters. She is a bit of a genre hopper in both her reading and her writing. So far she's written books in several romance sub-genres including new adult, contemporary, paranormal and romantic suspense.
She is the mother of two wonderful sons who inspired her to chase her dream of being an author. She wants them to learn from her that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.
Connect with Rochelle
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rochellepaigeauthor/
Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1436132763270558/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2n6RkMX
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razzafrazzle · 3 years
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rustyyyyyy (and a sadie :o)c)
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readloveeatrepeat · 7 years
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Eleven authors. Eleven Novellas. This is one thick . . . book.
Christmas just became a whole lot merrier...
TEAM PLAYER, A Christmas Anthology featuring titles by LJ Shen, Kennedy Ryan, Adriana Locke, Mandi Beck, Emma Scott, Charleigh Rose, Ella Fox, Sara Ney, Meghan Quinn, Kate Stewart and Rochelle Paige is LIVE!
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Publication Date: December 14th, 2017 Genre: Contemporary/Sports Romance
Hot jocks. We love them all.
Sexy baseball players. Intense footballers. Sweaty MMA fighters, and sizzling hockey hotties. Score!
The good news? Eleven bestselling authors have gathered to give you a set of stories focused on the men we love most—sports heroes. We bet you’ll love this thick…book.
The bad news? The men in these novellas don’t actually exist.
*This anthology does not contain calories, just eleven original, never-before-seen stories by the following authors: Adriana Locke, Mandi Beck, Charleigh Rose, Kennedy Ryan, LJ Shen, Meghan Quinn, Rochelle Paige, Ella Fox, Kate Stewart, Emma Scott, and Sara Ney. We aren’t responsible for melted devices.
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Read Today!
(FREE in Kindle Unlimited)
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2j7MCK1
Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/TeamPlayerAnthology
Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2iVSpFW
Meet the authors:
LJ Shen
L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat. Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets people’s birthdays and never sends Christmas cards. She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.
Connect with LJ Shen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorljshen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lj_shen
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authorljshen/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorljshen/
Stay up to date with LJ Shen by signing up for her mailing list:
Kennedy Ryan:
Kennedy Ryan is a Southern girl gone Southern California. A Top 100 Amazon Bestseller, Kennedy writes romance about remarkable women who find a way to thrive even in tough times, the love they find, and the men who cherish them. She is a wife to her lifetime lover and mother to an extraordinary son. She has always leveraged her journalism background to write for charity and non-profit organizations, but enjoys writing to raise Autism awareness most. A contributor for Modern Mom Magazine, Kennedy’s writings have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, USA Today and many others. The founder and executive director of a foundation serving Georgia families living with Autism, Kennedy has appeared on Headline News, Montel Williams, NPR and other outlets as a voice for families living with autism.
Connect with Kennedy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KennedyRyanAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kennedyrwrites
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kennedyryan1/
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+KennedyRyanAuthor
YouTube: http://bit.ly/2gsAGkp
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2x0qCtC
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/kennedy-ryan
Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/681604768593989/
Adriana Locke:
A contemporary romance author running on coffee and sticky kisses from my rowdy four little boys. From Indiana, I’m a true Mid-Westerner. Life, for me, is about family, faith, and food. When I’m not running my kiddos around or having a lunch date of fajitas with my husband (and high school sweetheart), you can find me outside. I love a good sunny day almost as much as I love candy, random quotes, and steamy bad boys in fantastic books. I’m on nearly every social media platform. Please find me on the ones you frequent – I love chatting with readers.
Connect with Adriana
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authoradrianalocke
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authoralocke
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authoradrianalocke/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/adriana-locke
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8379774.Adriana_Locke
Amazon Alerts: http://adrianalocke.com/release-day-notifications/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authoradrianalo/
Mandi Beck:
Mandi Beck has been an avid reader all of her life. A deep love for books always had her jotting down little stories on napkins, notebooks, and her hand. As an adult she was further submerged into the book world through book clubs and the epicness of social media. It was then that she graduated to writing her stories on her phone and then finally on a proper computer. A nursing student, mother to two rambunctious and somewhat rotten boys, and stepmom to two great girls away at college, she shares her time with her husband in Chicago where she was born and raised. Mandi is a diehard hockey fan and blames the Blackhawks when her deadlines are not met.
Connect with Mandi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authormandibeck
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authormandibeck
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authormandi/
Newsletter: https://www.authormandibeck.com/newsletter
Emma Scott:
I write romances with flawed characters, characters with artistic hearts: builders, poets, and writers of various makes and models. I love to write book lovers; those who have found refuge, companionship, and escape in books, much as we do in real life. I like realism, honesty, authenticity in storytelling. I love to write about enduring love, soul-deep love, in as real a setting as I can make, but with big smooshy HEAs. I believe in diversity, open-mindedness, and inclusion. I like sweetness mixed with steam, love conquering all, and above all, hope. Love always wins.
Connect with Emma
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmmaScottwrites/
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/10405165.Emma_Scott
Blog: http://emmascottblog.blogspot.com
Charleigh Rose:
We are a duo of an international best-selling author and a blogger who teamed up to write the taboo, thought-provoking stories we want our audience to have--without filters. Both Charleigh and Rose are committed to giving you witty, sexy, intelligent novels that will leave you wanting more.
Connect with Charleigh
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/charleighroseprose/
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15569269.Charleigh_Rose?from_search=true
Ella Fox:
When she’s not writing, Ella indulges the gypsy in her blood and travels the country. Ella loves reading, movies, music, buying make-up, reading Tmz, Twitter and pedicures… not necessarily in that order. She has a wild sense of humor and loves to laugh. Her favorite thing in the world is hanging out with her family and watching comedy movies.
Connect with Ella
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EllaFoxAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorellafox
Sara Ney:
Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.
Connect with Sara
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saraneyauthor/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2Ay8lT2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saraneyauthor/
GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2g32hJO
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/saraneyauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaraNey
Meghan Quinn:
A BLONDE AT HEART Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped. Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking. Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!
Connect with Meghan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meghanquinnauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authormeghanquinn/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_j4HJ91yQLxZ0EC4p2PEA
YouTube: https://twitter.com/AuthorMegQuinn
Website: http://authormeghanquinn.com
Kate Stewart:
Kate Stewart lives in Charleston, S.C. with her husband, Nick, and her naughty beagle, Sadie. A native of Dallas, Kate moved to Charleston three weeks after her first visit, dropping her career of 8 years, and declaring it her creative muse. Kate pens messy, sexy, angst-filled contemporary romance as well as romantic comedy and erotic suspense because it's what she loves as a reader. A lover of all things '80s and '90s, especially John Hughes films and rap, she dabbles a little in photography, can knit a simple stitch scarf for necessity only and does a horrible job of playing the ukulele. Aside from running a mile without collapsing, traveling is the only other must on her bucket list. On occasion, she does very well at vodka.
Connect with Kate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorkatestewart/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorklstewart
Rochelle Paige:
Rochelle Paige is the Amazon bestselling author of nineteen books. She absolutely adores reading and her friends growing up used to tease her when she trailed after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. She loves stories with alpha males, sassy heroines, hot sex and happily ever afters. She is a bit of a genre hopper in both her reading and her writing. So far she's written books in several romance sub-genres including new adult, contemporary, paranormal and romantic suspense. She is the mother of two wonderful sons who inspired her to chase her dream of being an author. She wants them to learn from her that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.
Connect with Rochelle
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rochellepaigeauthor/
Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1436132763270558/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2n6RkMX
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/stranger-things-2-makes-things-stranger-better/
'Stranger Things 2' makes things stranger and better
Stranger Things, what the heck was Stranger Things? It was the question running through my mind as it trended on the net amidst other shows like Supernatural, Agents of SHIELD and The Walking Dead. This little unknown show became a runaway hit for Netflix when it aired last 2016 and quickly catapulted its child actors to fame. So I decided to check it out only to wind up binge watching it. In a word, Stranger Things is engaging. Set in the 80s, the show resonated with a large demographic which includes yours truly and gained the interest of curious millennials giving them a glimpse of an era with no smartphones. If the first season of Stranger Things was engaging, Season 2 is even better. When I have the time, I intend to binge watch both seasons. This show is highly recommended, and it’s hard not to binge-watch. So if you still haven’t seen it, please do. If you’re not familiar with the show, get a hold of Season 1 first. If you are, let’s agree and disagree with Season 2’s finer points. Minor spoilers ahead. So what’s the deal with Stranger Things Season 2? Of course, things inevitably should get more interesting now that the show has a bigger budget and it did. What we thought was a happy ending for Will Byers (Noah Schnapp) in Season 1 turned out to be a prelude to something bigger, literally. As seen in promotional shots, the boys if you can imagine, have to deal with something that looks gigantic along with a phenomenon that covers or exceeds the boundaries of the small town of Hawkins, Indiana. The season is set just about a year after the events of Season 1. The story picks up naturally from the first season where Noah and some of the other cast continue to deal and cope with past events. Season 2 further gives deeper character to some of its cast like Jim Hopper (David Harbour) who is given more screen time, Nancy Wheeler (Natalia Dyer) whom many disliked due to a certain incident and Steve Harrington (Joe Keery) became someone we really like from being an ass in the first season. Nancy and Jonathan Byers’ (Charlie Heaton) relationship is expanded. The main cast Will Byers (Noah Schnapp), Dustin Henderson (Gaten Matarazzo), Lucas Sinclair (Caleb McLaughlin), Mike Wheeler (Finn Wolfhard) and Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown) have really been put through the ringer by the show’s various directors. Their performances have really been upped a notch, especially for Will who continues to struggle with the Upside-Down, described as the then-less-understood PTSD; and Eleven who finds a father-daughter relationship with Jim and undergoes a journey of maturity. Those of you who don’t understand #JusticeforBarb, you’ll get it soon enough and fans who do get that justice at the end of this season which I think was satisfyingly handled without putting pretty Nancy through the grinder. There’s still #JusticeforMews though. There are also some interesting new characters. There’s Maxine (Sadie Sink), a tomboy introduced in the first episode as a love interest for Lucas and Dustin and becomes a point of conflict for Mike and Eleven. There’s an air of mystery to her as well as her older messed-up brother Billy (Dacre Montgomery), the show’s other Mullet and takes over the ass duties from Steve who is too busy with Nancy. We have Bob Newby (Sean Astin) who becomes a new love interest for Joyce Byers (Winona Ryder) as she and her husband failed to get together despite the events of Season 1. Bob is an electronics salesman and good-hearted character. And then there’s Dart, Dustin’s pet from another world who puts Dustin in the same position as Nancy among cat lovers. Sam Owens (Paul Reiser) takes over director duties from Martin Brenner (Matthew Modine) at Hawkins Lab relegating the latter to more flashbacks. And lastly, there’s Kali or Eight (Linnea Berthelsen), the psychic illusionist which is a pretty interesting power who is introduced to expand on the experiments done in Hawkins Lab and as a plot device further in the story. Each of these characters expands the narrative and provide viewers a strange new curio to focus on. Aside from the new characters, the show is engaging to many partly because of nostalgia. There are plenty of pop culture references in this show aside from the awesome 80s soundtrack and the mullets. The show is often described as The Exorcist meets Aliens due to a possession theme and more Demogorgons. Like Aliens, if one can do plenty of damage, what happens if there’s more? Also, some of the episode titles alone refer to 80s pop culture like MADMAX, Dig Dug and The Gate and early promotional shots show the main characters in Ghostbusters uniforms. One episode ends with The Ghostbusters theme song. The show is not perfect. There are some obvious bumps that keep Stranger Things 2 from being entirely that. An entire episode in fact. Not that the episode was bad, but it was sort of detached and out of place. It was a necessary episode that could have been handled better. And while we’re stuck figuring out two of the mystery of two newer characters, we’re left with an anticlimactic reason for their behavior. Let’s not say who for the benefit of others. But don’t let these little bumps keep you from enjoying the show. Overall, Stranger Things Season 2 is engaging and interesting because it is stranger, exciting and more horrifying.
Movie TV Tech Geeks News
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theuglyus · 7 years
Logan Lucky
Logan Lucky follows the hijinks of two brothers from West Virginia, as they plan to rob the impenetrable safe at the Charlotte Motor Speedway during the Coca-Cola 600. Despite the blatantly illegal plot of the movie, the viewer sympathizes with the small-town hardships and the all-American desire to lift yourself up by your bootstraps.
The two brothers, Clyde (Adam Driver) and Jimmy Logan, provide a glimpse into the experiences that prompted states to vote Red. In a rare moment of our post-election Trump dystopia, the public can put their feet up and agree. If only on how fit Tatum looks stars and stripes underwear.
The pull of Logan Lucky doesn’t lie with its outlandishness, but rather in its complete believability, reinforced by the devotion Jimmy’s character – played by Channing Tatum – inspires. With surprisingly star-studded cast directed by Steven Soderbergh, Logan Lucky has the classic arrangement of irreverent characters for a hit heist movie; Daniel Craig, as the acid-blonde robbery specialist Joe Bang, Katie Holmes as the white-trash-to-high-class ex-wife, Adam Driver as Clyde, Jimmy’s younger brother and taciturn Iraq War veteran turned one-handed bartender, and most surprisingly, Seth MacFarlane sporting a Jheri curl/mullet and terrible British accent.
The film opens on a heartwarming moment between Jimmy and his young daughter Sadie (Farrah Mackenzie). She hands over tools as he tinkers with his truck, while Jimmy fills her in on the origin of John Denver’s “Take Me Home, Country Roads”. The movie’s anthem, the audience learns, was written by two people who had never been to West Virginia. This recipe of genuine feeling glazed in skepticism sets the tone for the remaining 115 minutes.
After this touching familial moment, Jimmy loses his construction job in North Carolina. He drives back to a run-down bar in West Virginia and here we meet Clyde, with one useless ill-made prosthetic to his name, deftly pouring shots. The next morning over coffee, Jimmy lays down his “Robbery To-do List” and a charmingly assembled paper model of the Charlotte Motor Speedway. With a few trips to the local correctional facility over vending-machine eggs, they’re off to the races.
Logan Lucky never falls off beat and sticks to the robbery to-do list. In addition to the anticipated redneck shenanigans, like when the vault is blown-up with gummy bears and bleach concocted in a plastic grocery bag, and when Clyde loses his prosthetic arm in the industrial vacuum they’re using to suck up money and deposit into garbage bags. The film is still paced in that classic Ocean’s Eleven style. Smooth with anticipated surprises that still hold onto their shock value.
The characters in Logan Lucky live in a nation that isn’t doing them any favors. Without a single political word, it manages to convey the burden of our time for the non-elites, while thoughtfully showing what could still be so great about America. This is why two down-on-their-luck brothers from West Virginia think a heist this ridiculous could change their fate.
0 notes
momscookingthebooks · 7 years
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Eleven authors. Eleven Novellas. This is one thick . . . book.
Christmas just became a whole lot merrier...
TEAM PLAYER, A Christmas Anthology featuring titles by LJ Shen, Kennedy Ryan, Adriana Locke, Mandi Beck, Emma Scott, Charleigh Rose, Ella Fox, Sara Ney, Meghan Quinn, Kate Stewart and Rochelle Paige releases December 14th!
Publication Date: December 14th, 2017 Genre: Contemporary/Sports Romance
Cover Designer: Designer: Letitia Hasser, RBA Designs
Add to your Goodreads TBR: http://bit.ly/2iVSpFW
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Meet the Authors:
 LJ Shen
L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.
Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.
She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.
Connect with LJ Shen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorljshen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lj_shen
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authorljshen/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorljshen/
Stay up to date with LJ Shen by signing up for her mailing list:
Website: http://www.authorljshen.com/
Kennedy Ryan:
Kennedy Ryan is a Southern girl gone Southern California. A Top 100 Amazon Bestseller, Kennedy writes romance about remarkable women who find a way to thrive even in tough times, the love they find, and the men who cherish them.
She is a wife to her lifetime lover and mother to an extraordinary son. She has always leveraged her journalism background to write for charity and non-profit organizations, but enjoys writing to raise Autism awareness most. A contributor for Modern Mom Magazine, Kennedy’s writings have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, USA Today and many others. The founder and executive director of a foundation serving Georgia families living with Autism, Kennedy has appeared on Headline News, Montel Williams, NPR and other outlets as a voice for families living with autism.
Connect with Kennedy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KennedyRyanAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kennedyrwrites
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kennedyryan1/
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+KennedyRyanAuthor
YouTube: http://bit.ly/2gsAGkp
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2x0qCtC
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/kennedy-ryan
Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/681604768593989/
Website: http://kennedyryanwrites.com
Adriana Locke:
A contemporary romance author running on coffee and sticky kisses from my rowdy four little boys.
From Indiana, I’m a true Mid-Westerner. Life, for me, is about family, faith, and food. When I’m not running my kiddos around or having a lunch date of fajitas with my husband (and high school sweetheart), you can find me outside. I love a good sunny day almost as much as I love candy, random quotes, and steamy bad boys in fantastic books.
I’m on nearly every social media platform. Please find me on the ones you frequent – I love chatting with readers.
Connect with Adriana
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authoradrianalocke
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authoralocke
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authoradrianalocke/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/adriana-locke
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8379774.Adriana_Locke
Amazon Alerts: http://adrianalocke.com/release-day-notifications/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authoradrianalo/
Website: http://adrianalocke.com
Mandi Beck:
Mandi Beck has been an avid reader all of her life. A deep love for books always had her jotting down little stories on napkins, notebooks, and her hand. As an adult she was further submerged into the book world through book clubs and the epicness of social media. It was then that she graduated to writing her stories on her phone and then finally on a proper computer.
A nursing student, mother to two rambunctious and somewhat rotten boys, and stepmom to two great girls away at college, she shares her time with her husband in Chicago where she was born and raised. Mandi is a diehard hockey fan and blames the Blackhawks when her deadlines are not met.
Connect with Mandi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authormandibeck
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authormandibeck
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authormandi/
Newsletter: https://www.authormandibeck.com/newsletter
Website: https://www.authormandibeck.com
Emma Scott:
I write romances with flawed characters, characters with artistic hearts: builders, poets, and writers of various makes and models. I love to write book lovers; those who have found refuge, companionship, and escape in books, much as we do in real life. I like realism, honesty, authenticity in storytelling. I love to write about enduring love, soul-deep love, in as real a setting as I can make, but with big smooshy HEAs. I believe in diversity, open-mindedness, and inclusion. I like sweetness mixed with steam, love conquering all, and above all, hope. Love always wins.
Connect with Emma
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmmaScottwrites/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/10405165.Emma_Scott
Blog: http://emmascottblog.blogspot.com
Charleigh Rose:
We are a duo of an international best-selling author and a blogger who teamed up to write the taboo, thought-provoking stories we want our audience to have--without filters.
Both Charleigh and Rose are committed to giving you witty, sexy, intelligent novels that will leave you wanting more.
Connect with Charleigh
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/charleighroseprose/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15569269.Charleigh_Rose?from_search=true
Ella Fox:
When she’s not writing, Ella indulges the gypsy in her blood and travels the country. Ella loves reading, movies, music, buying make-up, reading Tmz, Twitter and pedicures… not necessarily in that order. She has a wild sense of humor and loves to laugh. Her favorite thing in the world is hanging out with her family and watching comedy movies.
Connect with Ella
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EllaFoxAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorellafox
Website: http://www.authorellafox.com
Sara Ney:
Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.
Connect with Sara
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saraneyauthor/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2Ay8lT2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saraneyauthor/
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2g32hJO
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/saraneyauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaraNey
Website: http://authorsaraney.com
Meghan Quinn:
Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped.
Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking.
​Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!
Connect with Meghan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meghanquinnauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authormeghanquinn/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_j4HJ91yQLxZ0EC4p2PEA
YouTube: https://twitter.com/AuthorMegQuinn
Website: http://authormeghanquinn.com
Kate Stewart:
Kate Stewart lives in Charleston, S.C. with her husband, Nick, and her naughty beagle, Sadie. A native of Dallas, Kate moved to Charleston three weeks after her first visit, dropping her career of 8 years, and declaring it her creative muse. Kate pens messy, sexy, angst-filled contemporary romance as well as romantic comedy and erotic suspense because it's what she loves as a reader. A lover of all things '80s and '90s, especially John Hughes films and rap, she dabbles a little in photography, can knit a simple stitch scarf for necessity only and does a horrible job of playing the ukulele. Aside from running a mile without collapsing, traveling is the only other must on her bucket list. On occasion, she does very well at vodka.
Connect with Kate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorkatestewart/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorklstewart
Website: http://www.katestewartwrites.com
Rochelle Paige:
Rochelle Paige is the Amazon bestselling author of nineteen books. She absolutely adores reading and her friends growing up used to tease her when she trailed after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. She loves stories with alpha males, sassy heroines, hot sex and happily ever afters. She is a bit of a genre hopper in both her reading and her writing. So far she's written books in several romance sub-genres including new adult, contemporary, paranormal and romantic suspense.
She is the mother of two wonderful sons who inspired her to chase her dream of being an author. She wants them to learn from her that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.
Connect with Rochelle
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rochellepaigeauthor/
Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1436132763270558/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2n6RkMX
Website: http://www.rochellepaige.com/home
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readloveeatrepeat · 7 years
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Eleven authors. Eleven Novellas. This is one thick . . . book.
Christmas just became a whole lot merrier...
TEAM PLAYER, A Christmas Anthology featuring titles by LJ Shen, Kennedy Ryan, Adriana Locke, Mandi Beck, Emma Scott, Charleigh Rose, Ella Fox, Sara Ney, Meghan Quinn, Kate Stewart and Rochelle Paige releases December 14th!
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Publication Date: December 14th, 2017 Genre: Contemporary/Sports Romance
Cover Designer: Designer: Letitia Hasser, RBA Designs
Add to GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2iVSpFW
Meet the authors:
LJ Shen
L.J. Shen is an International #1 best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat. Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards. She enjoys the simple things in life, like spending time with her family and friends, reading, HBO, Netflix and internet-stalking Stephen James. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.
Connect with LJ Shen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorljshen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lj_shen
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authorljshen/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorljshen/
Stay up to date with LJ Shen by signing up for her mailing list:
Kennedy Ryan:
Kennedy Ryan is a Southern girl gone Southern California. A Top 100 Amazon Bestseller, Kennedy writes romance about remarkable women who find a way to thrive even in tough times, the love they find, and the men who cherish them. She is a wife to her lifetime lover and mother to an extraordinary son. She has always leveraged her journalism background to write for charity and non-profit organizations, but enjoys writing to raise Autism awareness most. A contributor for Modern Mom Magazine, Kennedy’s writings have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, USA Today and many others. The founder and executive director of a foundation serving Georgia families living with Autism, Kennedy has appeared on Headline News, Montel Williams, NPR and other outlets as a voice for families living with autism.
Connect with Kennedy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KennedyRyanAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kennedyrwrites
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kennedyryan1/
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+KennedyRyanAuthor
YouTube: http://bit.ly/2gsAGkp
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2x0qCtC
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/kennedy-ryan
Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/681604768593989/
Adriana Locke:
A contemporary romance author running on coffee and sticky kisses from my rowdy four little boys. From Indiana, I’m a true Mid-Westerner. Life, for me, is about family, faith, and food. When I’m not running my kiddos around or having a lunch date of fajitas with my husband (and high school sweetheart), you can find me outside. I love a good sunny day almost as much as I love candy, random quotes, and steamy bad boys in fantastic books. I’m on nearly every social media platform. Please find me on the ones you frequent – I love chatting with readers.
Connect with Adriana
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authoradrianalocke
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authoralocke
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authoradrianalocke/
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/adriana-locke
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8379774.Adriana_Locke
Amazon Alerts: http://adrianalocke.com/release-day-notifications/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authoradrianalo/
Mandi Beck:
Mandi Beck has been an avid reader all of her life. A deep love for books always had her jotting down little stories on napkins, notebooks, and her hand. As an adult she was further submerged into the book world through book clubs and the epicness of social media. It was then that she graduated to writing her stories on her phone and then finally on a proper computer. A nursing student, mother to two rambunctious and somewhat rotten boys, and stepmom to two great girls away at college, she shares her time with her husband in Chicago where she was born and raised. Mandi is a diehard hockey fan and blames the Blackhawks when her deadlines are not met.
Connect with Mandi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authormandibeck
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authormandibeck
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authormandi/
Newsletter: https://www.authormandibeck.com/newsletter
Emma Scott:
I write romances with flawed characters, characters with artistic hearts: builders, poets, and writers of various makes and models. I love to write book lovers; those who have found refuge, companionship, and escape in books, much as we do in real life. I like realism, honesty, authenticity in storytelling. I love to write about enduring love, soul-deep love, in as real a setting as I can make, but with big smooshy HEAs. I believe in diversity, open-mindedness, and inclusion. I like sweetness mixed with steam, love conquering all, and above all, hope. Love always wins.
Connect with Emma
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmmaScottwrites/
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/10405165.Emma_Scott
Blog: http://emmascottblog.blogspot.com
Charleigh Rose:
We are a duo of an international best-selling author and a blogger who teamed up to write the taboo, thought-provoking stories we want our audience to have--without filters. Both Charleigh and Rose are committed to giving you witty, sexy, intelligent novels that will leave you wanting more.
Connect with Charleigh
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/charleighroseprose/
GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15569269.Charleigh_Rose?from_search=true
Ella Fox:
When she’s not writing, Ella indulges the gypsy in her blood and travels the country. Ella loves reading, movies, music, buying make-up, reading Tmz, Twitter and pedicures… not necessarily in that order. She has a wild sense of humor and loves to laugh. Her favorite thing in the world is hanging out with her family and watching comedy movies.
Connect with Ella
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EllaFoxAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorellafox
Sara Ney:
Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.
Connect with Sara
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saraneyauthor/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2Ay8lT2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saraneyauthor/
GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2g32hJO
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/saraneyauthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaraNey
Meghan Quinn:
A BLONDE AT HEART Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped. Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking. Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!
Connect with Meghan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meghanquinnauthor
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authormeghanquinn/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_j4HJ91yQLxZ0EC4p2PEA
YouTube: https://twitter.com/AuthorMegQuinn
Website: http://authormeghanquinn.com
Kate Stewart:
Kate Stewart lives in Charleston, S.C. with her husband, Nick, and her naughty beagle, Sadie. A native of Dallas, Kate moved to Charleston three weeks after her first visit, dropping her career of 8 years, and declaring it her creative muse. Kate pens messy, sexy, angst-filled contemporary romance as well as romantic comedy and erotic suspense because it's what she loves as a reader. A lover of all things '80s and '90s, especially John Hughes films and rap, she dabbles a little in photography, can knit a simple stitch scarf for necessity only and does a horrible job of playing the ukulele. Aside from running a mile without collapsing, traveling is the only other must on her bucket list. On occasion, she does very well at vodka.
Connect with Kate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorkatestewart/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorklstewart
Rochelle Paige:
Rochelle Paige is the Amazon bestselling author of nineteen books. She absolutely adores reading and her friends growing up used to tease her when she trailed after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. She loves stories with alpha males, sassy heroines, hot sex and happily ever afters. She is a bit of a genre hopper in both her reading and her writing. So far she's written books in several romance sub-genres including new adult, contemporary, paranormal and romantic suspense. She is the mother of two wonderful sons who inspired her to chase her dream of being an author. She wants them to learn from her that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.
Connect with Rochelle
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rochellepaigeauthor/
Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1436132763270558/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2n6RkMX
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