#SAGAU fanart
justasleepyboi · 2 years
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bflywitch · 1 year
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Fanart of Selena and Automata of a SAGAU fanfic on AO3. Title is “To Believe in A God is to Die Without Ambition” by Hot_Chocolate_Addict_Here. One of my favourite so far!
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floofeh-purpi · 2 months
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LOOK AT THIS MAN. Manifesting Capitano will be playable at some point when Natlan comes out
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alitheakorogane · 5 months
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"Dude, I think the game is glitching and that character's files seemed to be corrupted..."
Translation on the second picture: "We are always watching you."
Based on Self-Aware Genshin Impact AU and Faceless Ayato trend.
This one took me like days and my drawing app crashing to do this, for like 10 times and at risk of losing my progress due to the tendency for the app to crash and affect the file, that I have to restore it by replaying the speedpaint video the app had made.
The language in the Mondstadt-Teyvatian script that was shown in-game, and was made into a font by StationaryCottage from Reddit.
Link for the font
The non-text version:
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samptlay · 12 days
♡ ⁠◍⁠• Skin That Cries Golden Tears • Chapter 2 ◍⁠
Chapter 1•🌑
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Ah yes. How cliche. Of course, you blackout as soon as you hear the background noises of the tiny mob dying. Everything was too overwhelming at once, you couldn't fight it. You died and suddenly woke up inside a game. Not to mention you still have to process the deep feeling of betrayal left by your ex. But it honestly can't be helped. You have no idea where you'll be when you wake up and just pray it's not a jail cell. You weren't dressed in anything they were used to, you were dressed in a simple black dress that you’re sure didn’t belong in your wardrobe, it definitely wasn’t what you were wearing when you had died but it looked modern. You’re going to half to find a way to play it off, somehow.
When you first felt your body being carried, it was no surprise since it was the only way you’d be…. Well, rescued. That is what happened, right? Surely you didn’t get kidnapped. But judging by the moon being out and the cool air at the time, it couldn’t have been the Knights since all of them must have been asleep or in town based on how dark it was. So who came to your rescue? They had to use Pyro, you knew that, at least.
Red ponytail…. Pyro vision…. Night time….
You can’t possibly be this slow. It’s clearly -
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“So you think the Dark-Knight Hero is the one who left her unconscious at our doorstep?” There’s no mistaking it, the owner of that soft-spoken voice was most definitely the Grand Acting Master, Jean. Your eyes were still closed telling by the sunlight hitting your skin, that you most likely spent the night there, or morning. You were completely conscious, but you wanted to know for some reason. Depending on when they noticed you outside. “Yes, there was a letter too but it flew away in the wind before I could bring it here when I picked her up.” And that absolutely had to be Diluc’s voice. Anyone smart enough would be able to tell that it was clearly him who brought you the HQ. However, Jean just sighed with a nod before looking over a particular document at her desk, which actually looked more like some type of scroll in your opinion. She kept looking back and forth between it and you.
“So, unidentified traveler, how long do you plan on faking unconsciousness?” The sudden change in his voice startles you, causing your eyes to blink open fully and take in the frowning tall man who’s crossing his arms while looking down at your figure lying on the bed.
“Oh. Sorry, I was a bit… Half-awake? I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anything, I just-” But your words were interrupted by someone clearing their throat to which both you and Diluc turned to look at the source, Jean, of course. “It’s not that big of a deal, Diluc.” She takes a few steps towards you before raising a hand to your forehead, even moving a little hair out of your eyes. Even with her touching you, she looked somewhat wary and in your opinion, overly spectacle.
“You seem healthy. However, I am curious to know exactly what you were doing in the fields late at night. And you don’t seem like a traveler, with no weapons on you, or resources. And you clearly don’t have a companion, or am I wrong?” You catch the way she wavers in her voice as if she’s conforming to something she doesn’t want to or is even afraid to. It is exactly what she’s doing so you’re confused about why she’s nervous.
“..Yes, I’m alone. I was just… I... I don’t know how I woke up there, to be honest.” Diluc, who you had forgotten was there for a moment lets out something that sounds like a chuckle, but out of disbelief. Jean glances at the desk once more which just makes you want to get up and see what’s there for yourself. She removes her hand from your body before standing up straight up and eyeing you with something you can’t describe. She goes behind her desk and sits down.
The silence & tension in the air was so thick it could be cut with a knife. You suddenly felt the urge to sit down, as if sitting down would prove to turn you too vulnerable. So you get up, quickly. It startled the other people in the room and you swore you saw Diluc reach for his sword when he flinched, and the reaction on your face clearly said it all because he glimpsed over the sword strapped to him before visibly relaxing (at least trying to). 
“This was fun for a little but I think it’s time you c-” The Grand Acting Master is interrupted as the door flies open and you think the temperature gets a little chiller. A certain navy blue man with an eyepatch scurries in, looking like he is searching for something. His eyes scan the room in a flash before landing on you. Something about the eye contact you two made sent a shiver down your spine while his gaze lingered while he turned towards the other two in the room. “Oh! Was I interrupting something? Sorry, sorry. I heard that a particular person had shown up in the middle of nowhere and I just had to see what all the commotion was about…” The deep ocean blue eyes fall on you again. “So this is our guest?” He leans against the door frame for a moment, eyeing you up and down when he decides to stand up straight and walk (more like stride) straight in your direction. 
Real. This is all real and in fact, not some delusional dream. You pray none of them notice the way you hold your breath as he gets closer and closer, stopping at Diluc's distance, only a little closer. You can't stop the words coming out of your mouth. 
“You're-” “Kaeya.” He interrupts confidently, stretching out his hand to you. It's a good thing he said something before you mentioned his name. It would have only made you all the more suspicious. You stare at his hand that's stranded in the air for a few seconds, before he sighs and takes your own with a gentle yet strong grip, pulling it to his lips, and kissing it. A peck. Then he freezes, as if he didn't believe what or why he just did that. It wasn't really visible on his face but you could tell. You can tell a lot about everyone here, actually. And some things tell you it's not just because you know all the lore for every character. It's something you feel from the inside. 
Kaeya graciously lets your arm fall back to your side and you hope there isn’t as much blush on your face as you think there is. “Why don’t I take this fine lady throughout Mondstadt, hm? You two seem like you have more important… things to discuss about whatever just happened, unless..?” He, not aggressively, yanks you up and off what you are sitting on and starts leading you toward the door. He didn’t even wait for the two to reply. Jean gets up from her chair, hands practically slamming on the table as she pins him with a look. “Hold on Kaeya, this is dangerous. We don’t know who this is or where they came from. And here you are trying to show them around? Let them meet civilians? This is all too suspicious. You can’t just-” She shuts her eyes and makes a noise that sounds like something close to a groan. One hand on her hips. “They have to stay here. You know exactly how heavy this situation is.” Diluc, being the man he is, also glares at Kaeya, and you swear you hear a scoff from under his breath.
Kaeya, shockingly, doesn’t look back and continues dragging you along out of the head office. “I’ll bring them back, don’t worry. But I’d like this with this one by myself.” You can hear Jean and Diluc’s complaints rise but you're out of the building by the time you can make out any of their words. 
The two of you venture into the city, and you take a moment to look at everything around you. Wow. It’s much more beautiful and lively since everything is suddenly so…. Realistic. Before waking up here, it was your least favorite nation but you might consider changing your mind. Everything seems so calm and it really is less chaotic than all the other nations. It’s peaceful. “So I assume our city is to your liking? With the way your eyes are practically shining…” Your daydreaming is cut short when Kaeya stands in front of you, arms crossed, hands on his hips, looking amused out of his mind. “Well, it’s not every day you wake up in a whole new world.”
It slipped out, it really did. But you hope he doesn’t take your words literally, and you think he didn’t because he lets out a content chuckle. But then his smile drops. And you’re stuck in place. He slowly makes his way closer, then he grabs both your hands and stares you straight in the eye.
“I don’t think what I’m feeling right now is simply attraction. I have a lot of experience with that, trust me. But with you, there’s a pull. A pull that I can’t ignore. Hah, I wonder if the Red Hawk man feels it… Maybe that’s why he didn’t want you to go.”
You don’t know what to say. You have no idea why this is happening or why you’re here. And is he serious? A pull of some sort? That’s not good. Pulling means attention and that’s the last thing you need right now. Yet the way he looks at you would make anyone think the whole world revolves around you. And as of now, you have nothing. No one knows you or trusts you. You don’t know how to fight, which is very much required to survive in Teyvet. You need friends, allies, and people who are willing to defend you. And you can’t do that while simply touring around Mondstadt.
“Thank you, for this.” You step closer and you know what you want from him, what you need. You need his trust. “All of this is nice, but I’m more curious about you. I think I feel that same pull with you, to be honest. I want to get to know you better. Where do you live around here? I’m curious to see how people here live.” You’re positive you sound genuine and curious. Good. All is needed to win him over.
He looks surprised, then pleased. All before you’re suddenly tucked into his chest… And a sword is against your throat. You gawk at it, squirming. That wasn’t the smartest thing to do, which caused him to press it against your throat even more. “I might be captivated by you, but I’m not as stupid as you think. Now… Why would anyone try and get into someone's home when they’ve barely known that for a couple of hours? Unless, that certain someone has a plan, of course. I took what Master Jean said to heart. For all I know you could be dangerous. I’ve been watching you closely the whole time. It’s as if you’ve never seen something like a regular town. There are even more impressive ones all over Teyvet. You know what that tells me?”
You know exactly what he’s implying and you feel like you could throw up your organs. Were you going to lose your second chance so easily? 
He turns you slightly and you’re finally facing him. Expect all the warmth is gone. His gaze is as cold as his vision and you’re no longer sure if you’ll be able to try and gain him as a companion, let alone civil allies. The sword across your neck is making you start to throb in pain and you’re sure it’s going to leave either a cut or a mark. It hurts.
You can feel Kaeya’s breath against your neck.
“Who are you?” 
Suddenly, there’s a bright flash and you’re temporarily blinded, and Kaeya’s holding his left arm up. You can see some blood seeping through. It looks like it’s the same size as the one he created on your neck. But yours is gone.
He’s breathing heavily, confused. Kaeya’s barely standing on his two feet, he’s dizzy. Even though he just practically attempted on your life, you couldn’t blame him for it. He doesn’t trust others. He can’t, it’s not what he’s here for. You don’t know how you get to him so quickly, throwing one of his arms around your shoulder. He seems to be in a more… fatal condition than you were. It’s like he took your injury, only intensified. You have to get him aid. But then again, if you go to anyone else, there’s a good chance you’ll be locked up. You don’t want to imagine an interrogation right now. So, you look at the poor man in your arms and speak softly. You hope that gets you some points, at least.
“Where do you live, Kaeya?” He barely opens his eyelids, having a look on his face that’s in between exhaustion and uncertainty. You think he’s about to shake his head before he blurts it out, surprising the both of you. Now he’s the one gawking at you since you go in the actually direction of his home. How did you even know your way around? That took away some points, didn’t it?
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A little over two weeks, my apologies. Time flies, 1.5x longer!! Yippeeeee ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ I'll get to that Masterlist...
Taglist: Sorry if I tagged you twice!
@esthelily @cosmo112 @fantasyhopperhea @ilxina @aloflapse @mayberaspberrywrites @enjoyjellime @vianitry @blipblopblopblip
@uhfhfhfhf @xdrin @msun1c0rn @umi-adxhira @lovingnahida @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 @ssecylia @skyl8ver @immahuman @meowmeowraven @01234 @markexplanation @esthelily @dawnofazrael @chickenalfredo4life @eccaza @jun-xiu @klemen-time @delulu-val @everi-eve @cluelesstoeverything @strangersomeone @lapinaenmicoche @alwayslegendarymoon @lumiiiiiiiiii @superninjaarbiter @themonsterunderyourbed69
Borders by @cafekitsune
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ihatel1f3 · 6 months
Hear me out. Sagau Fatui x Male Reader that's like 8'9 and has a warm personality. Basically like warm gentle giant.
Edit: Yall liek this?! [happy]
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dragong-dg · 4 months
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@thatdeadaquarius anotha one
Version from before inking it under the cut
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imaikido · 9 months
I love when creator is silly
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mishantics · 2 years
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"why do you keep throwing these at me?"
Taglist utc:
@his-kikufuku , @tiredsleep , @karmawonders , @color-puff-ball , @laireste , @strawblvr , @haliyamori , @venusflwers , @aimynx , @mocha-bunbun
(Feel free to send an ask to be added/removed!)
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Strawberry scarameow
you have no idea how long ive been working on this, anyway,
here ya go :) 💖
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(Click for quality pls!!)
hope u enjoy how pink and silly he is <3
Safe Travels Anon,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks
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a-998h · 6 months
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This is a drawing of Creator!Reader and Furina's tea party from the Chapter titled, One, in my SAGAU series. The colors for the macarons are color picked from the colors of Fontiane characters.
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desirabletravel · 5 months
A meeting of two otherworldly fighters!
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Something fun I decided to draw, I usually just draw short sketches for the authors of fanfics I enjoy. let me know what you think
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting isekai'd?! (Pt. 1)
please bro I dont have the motivation to make a decent title
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
Warnings: Cursing, spelling errors maybe, reader has a dog, your bsf involved lol, this shits as short as my lifespan 💔
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Nah... NAH... Ain't no fucking way...
The fuck is this place?! That was your first thought as soon as you went outside to touch some grass. (cuz bro tf is the last time you even touched the ground outside?!). Except the ground you touched was soft.
And cold. You blind ass somehow didnt see the snow
You flinched at the coldness of the ground, not noticing it was snow, you immediatly went back inside to your bedroom and warm your ass up. Ayo wait...
Wait is this one of those isekai fanfics?! *ehem* get the fourth wall builder please
Bitch your house somehow also got isekai'd with you in this... well, place. Hey atleast you have your dog with you. Yey! But regardless...
It doesn't change the fact that you're literally in the middle of nowhere. What. Anygayyys, you check your phone to see the time.
3:10am. You could've sworn your phone wasn't fully charged cus it was like, what, 30% last time. But eh, you brushed it off.
"Wow, such a great time to be awake." You thought sarcastically.
Suddenly, (y/b/f/n) (your best friend's name) yawned.
"Bro... why the fuck is it looking so cold outsi— Woah..." Your best friend's sleepiness mysteriously disappeared as they looked outside at the snowy terrain.
"The fuck is we in right now bro?"
"Dunno, bet we got isekai'd into another world like in those fanfics." You shrugged.
"I feel like exploring with (d/n)." You suddenly said after an awkward amount of silence. "Omg sureeee!" (Y/b/f/n) happily said.
You and (y/b/f/n) dressed up in matching jackets thats thicker than your class pick me's skull omfg frfr in your favorite shade of (f/n) and you both wore the hoods on your head. You both went downstairs to get your dog that was outside in the backyard. Your dog is so loyal that it doesn't even wanna escape. W dog.
*Insert y'all going outside*
"Omfg why does she/he have to be so cute?!?!!" Your best friend thought as they petted your husky's head.
You both ended up walking the dog together cus ya'll nothing else to do, not knowing that a group of fatui agents practically saw you both.
Omg I finally written what I always wanted to write! :D
Also bro sorry if this is too short for you I don't really write long chapters cus I get lost literally 100% of the time ☹
Published in: June 27, 2024 at 10:22am.
【Part 2】
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turretistrying · 2 years
The Caged Bird and The Chased Mouse
Part 1! \/
Okay so this idea wont leave me, genshin Sagau, classic isekai imposter scenario, but you didnt do the main sumeru story quest yet (like i did on my account, I did everything else, except the story when it came out). I’m so sorry if I mess up characterization, spelling, or general writing structure, I don’t write often.
WARNING FOR: Swearing (F-word and thats it)
So let me set the scene:
You have been isekai’ d into the Genshin world and you’re the creator but its an imposter situation. You’ve been to every other region and have been chased out, betrayed by characters you love and trust. You venture into Sumeru, with an idea of the layout but no clue of what will come next when you step into Sumeru City.
You walk into Sumeru City, amazed by the architecture in person but wary of what might happen if people catch a glimpse of your face. You wander around, just listening to conversations and seeing what foods they have to offer, eventually ending up near the Academiya. You consider if you want to set foot into the daunting structure, considering it looks guarded well and if something went wrong you’d be in the deepest trouble, unsure how the Archon of the region would react to you (poorly you assume). But against your best judgement you start walking in, far too curious for your own good. You get a handful of steps into the building until you run into who looks like a playable character, one you haven’t met before but vaguely remember from the leaks. With grey hair and skin tight shirt, look at you with suspicious, I mean who wouldn’t be suspicious of someone in a cloak that you can’t see their face.
“….” He stares at you with an intense gaze, as if we can see right through your disguise, you’re hoping he can’t actually do that.
“Well it seems we have a newcomer, hello there.” He finally speaks, “My akasha doesn’t seem to know who you are, are you new to Sumeru?”
‘Akasha?’ You think, regretting the fact you didn’t play the story quests before getting sent here. You stay silent, unsure how to respond.
“Are you, or are you not? I’d like an answer or else i’m afraid I’ll have to call the guards.” He adds the last part, to add pressure to you.
“Yes, yes! I’m new to Sumeru and I thought I might take a look at the illustrious Aca- uhm, Academiya!” You mess up on the last part, nearly forgetting the name of the building you’re in.
The grey hair man gives a hum in acknowledgment, but doesn’t give any indication that he fully believes you. You’re getting more nervous as the pause stretches on and curse at your idiotic curiosity, you’re praying to whatever higher being thats left in Tevyat to have this guy to let you go. He starts to circle you, taking in your outfit and body language.
“Alright, well, do make sure you don’t cause too much of distraction, the students need their focus.” He finally breaks his silence and gets out of your way. You let out the biggest breath out in relief, the guy absolutely catches it but you don’t care enough at the moment while your body pumps adrenaline. You debate with yourself if you actually want to continue in self or just run out, but decide it’d look far more suspicious to just run out after that exchange. You give a nod to him and start walking to the main door, you’re able to see some books so you assume you’re walking into a library.
Once you enter room and get near the middle, you’re in awe of how large the room is, how high the books reach, and just how many books are crammed in one room. You imagine you could start reading and wouldn’t finish all the books in the library by the time you die. You start walking around the room, with an odd feeling as you walk around, as if someone was watching you, but you brush it off as someone took notice of the weirdo walking through their space. Once you finish that you start your walk out of the Academiya, entirely done of it’s stuffy feeling that you’d mostly ignored.
As you walked out your foot catches a ledge making you fall to the floor, with your hood pulling back enough to show your face, you yelp.
You catch yourself before your face makes contact with the floor, not taking notice that the hood had fallen back. People started to look where the noise came from and stare in shock at seeing the creator’s- no, the Imposters face. You notice the attention on you and reach up to the hood, and pale when you realize what had happened.
You book it.
You run back into the Akademiya, with a vague idea of an escape ruin, you take left and start running up the wooden ramp. You can hear calls of “GET THEM” behind you, thats starting to gain on you. You run through the almost maze-like path with your feet pounding on the stone with students looking at you with bewilderment. Your cloak flipping behind you as you start to get closer to the top, with your ripped clothes underneath showcasing your struggles from the other three Nations.
You reach the top and jump forward, avoiding the spears of guards and get to the large green door, unsure of what’s behind but hoping, hoping to the fake stars above that it’s a safe place. You struggle to get it open but get yourself in and quickly slam the doors shut. You can hear pounding but it doesn’t seem like the door is going to open, you slowly step away and turn around to assess the room you’ve entered. As you look to the orb in the middle to walk forward to get a better look of what seemed to be inside-
Oh your stars.
That’s a fucking child.
What the fuck.
You stare in shock at the little girl seemingly trapped in a green orb in a large empty room. She’s looking at you.
You start walking even closer, she follows the movement. She isn’t scared or mad or venomous, she just watches. You try reaching your hand up to touch her prison, only then realizing that it was too high up for you to touch. She seems to understand what you want to do and touches the wall of her prison, a ghost of a hand touch. You sit down after a few minutes of starring at each other, and yawn. You havent slept in a while due to circumstances, so you lay your head down knowing that any second they could come and get you but honestly, you just wanted a rest and get away from this new reality you’ve found yourself in. You drift off and all you hear is..
“Everything will be okay.”
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Okay so,, i really hope people like this, this was just my thought to the screen and I’m very willing to make a part two!
I also added a doodle because i done know thought it’d add to the story
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Mwahahahaha scaring the souls out of genshin characters with horror games (It's only a few FNAF jumpscares lmao)
Reader knows lots of fnaf lore and talks about it because if you didn't have a FNAF hyperfixation how did you survive as a kid???
sagau ig??? could just be an isekai situation idrc
Characters: Hu Tao, Xiao, Albedo
Everyone who has met you within Teyvat have noticed something. You always tend to have this, small and thin box like thing with you. Oh, what did you call it again? A.. "phone"! Right.
Though most of them are perplexed by how it could possibly operate, they don't believe they could figure it out anytime soon. But they are always so interested in it when to use it! You can message people within seconds, do work, ask questions on the Inter-something.. and you can play games? What kind of games? They wondered what type of things like that would interest you.
Puzzles, online card games, what they weren't thinking of was something called FNAF. You rambled on about the lore of it every once in a while, so they though it was some sort of book series. But a horror game? Not what they were thinking.
Hu Tao would honestly love it.
Jumpscares? Scary?? No, its top tier humor to her. Tries to speedrun multiple games with you. Is actually quite good with most of the mechanics in all the game. (unlike me) Obsesses over game four and the nightmares, probably because a lot of people think its one of the scariest games. She's all "What do you mean scary? This is fun! :D" And if she ever got to meet Evan, she'd just fire him questions about the nightmares as if the boy wasn't absolutely traumatized by them.
If you own any of the books, she would get even more into it. Listens to every word you say about it, now you both obsess over the same thing.
I can see most characters disliking FNAF for its horror aspect, and yk all the murder and death, but her? Invested. I would totally take her to the FNAF movie when it comes out. 10/10
Xiao would have such a monotone reaction.
"This is what people find fearful?"
Unimpressed would be an understatement. Now, that whole disappointed act fades away the moment you actually force him to play one of the games.
He's... ok at the game. Not anything incredibly good. You'd think that with his unimpressed attitude he'd be really good and chill and just call it easy, but no. Once he actually has to focus on the game? It would be impossible to distract him. His eyes are glued to that screen. Ain't no animatronic jumpscaring him today, no sir.
He won't allow himself to lose. If he does though? He wouldn't rage quit or anything, just a small frustrated sigh and a restart of the game. The more he loses though, the more it would get on his nerves. If he dies over 4 times in the same game he'd just hand your device back to you and just vanish.
Will absolutely lose his shit over balloon boy though. (me too) That little annoying guy comes up and steals his batteries, and suddenly the games in your hand and some random nearby hilichurls are going to meet a very bloody fate.
Albedo is the no. 1 theorist out of them all.
I daresay that this man could debate with MatPat himself. May or may not have figured out almost half the lore by himself. He could be the next big game theorist. But other than memorizing every detail of the lore by memory, he's really good at the games.
He really enjoys the Sister Location game and Security Breach. Mostly because of their different gameplays, since they're very different than the other games. Also because of the lore. He loves the lore.
You thought that you rambled a lot about FNAF? Watch that title be taken away from you by none other than that blonde alchemist. Now YOU'RE listening to him excessively talk about a new theory he came up with about game 1 and 2. Now he's somehow beaten you in your own fixation.
Will constantly trash talk William, intentionally or not. His face turns to one of slight distaste when what he's talking about has William in it. Absolutely hates the guy. I mean, most people do, but he's now Albedo's worst (fictional) enemy. Who he is really interested in? Sun and Moon. if he had to pick a favorite game, it would be Security Breach. Genuinely wants to know the different programming between the two, what cues are used to change them when the lights are on/off, etc etc.
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catchinraindrop · 2 months
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My babies!
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