tifftac · 10 months
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santa stark!!! santa stark!!! santa stark!!!
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blackhakumen · 10 months
Mini Fanfic #1155: Welcome to New Donk City!!☆ (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
5:12 p.m. in New Donk City......
Pit/Sora: (Walks Out of the Bus Together Along with Everyone Else in the Smash Family with Awe Struck Looks on Both Their Faces as They Start Looking Around the City in Front of Them) Woooooooah........
Sora: So this is New Donk City? It looks even more bigger than I imagined.....
Pit: Right? It's been one of top two places I've always wanted go to for the longest time now.....
Sora: (Turns to Pit) What's the second place?
Pit: The Polar Express.
Sora: Awesome.......
Pit: (Let's Out a Very Loud Gasps Before Moving Sora's Face to What he is Now Pointing at) Sora, look!!
Sora: ('GASPS') The Christmas Tree.......The Declarations.......Christmas Chrouses!
Christmas Chrous: (Happily Swinging Their Heads From Side to Side While Singing in the Public Eye in a Near Perfect Harmony) We wish you a Merry Christmas~ We wish you a Merry Christmas~ We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year~
Viridi: (Walks Out of the Bus Along with Kairi and Riku) First day of December and they already got everything prepared for the holidays.
Pit: (Already in Tears of Joy along with Sora) I know, right? ('Sniff') It's so wonderful......
Sora: Amazing.....('Sniff') Sight to behold for- (Eyes Suddenly Starts Widening) suuuuuuoh my God! (Moves Pit's Face To Where's Pointing At) Pit, look!!
Pit: (Gasps Loudly Again as He Sees a Group a Man Out Walking Oit of a Building One By One, Wearing White Beards and Red Wintery Like Attires) SANTAAAAAS!~
Sora: There's so many of them!~
Kairi: You....guys do know that we've already met the real Santa in the past, right?
Viridi: Yeah, what make any of those fake ones any different?
Pit: (Turns to the Girls with a Very Excite Smile on his Face) They're the very first Mall Santas we've see in the long time that aren't Uncle Dedede for once!
Sora: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I wonder if they accept photo requests....
Viridi: (Shrugs) If money's involved maybe.
Kairi: ('Sigh') I just hope they don't charge us too much.....
Riku: Let's worry about all of that after we settled ourselves in for. (Starts Yawning a Bit) That plane ride got me more sleepy than usual.....
Dedede: (Scoffs While Walking Out of the Bus Alomg with Cloud and Tifa Behind Him) Bunch of posers. What kind of Mall Santa would charge someone to take one picture with them?
Tifa: There are few other malls I can think of, that actually does that kind of thing actually.
Cloud: I'm surprised you never thought about doing it as well, De.
Dedede: Why would I? It's the holiday! I ain't never gonna be the one to try and crush people's dreams of wanting to meet St. Nick for few a dough, especially since OUR mall starting to up charge the prices. (Turns to the Couple) Did y'all know they charge nutcrackers sixty dollars now?
Tifa: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Sixty dollars?
Cloud: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) For a nutcracker?
Dedede: Yeah, sounds stupid, doesn't? It ain't even that special looking either! We have people working hard on their grind to try and buy games, gift, subscription cards, and rare looking action figures that cost just as much and then some, and y'all expecting people to pay that much for a regular looking ass nut cracker? Hell Nah!
Daisy: (Gently Grabbing onto Luigi's Hand Walking Next to Them Out of the Bus) I'm telling you, babe, you have nothing to worry about here. You folks seems like nice people from what you told me about me.
Luigi: ('Sigh') Yeah, but they can be a headache sometimes. Uncle Arthur and Tony especially. I can't TELL you how many times they kept pestering me about not having a girlfriend and boyfriend......
Daisy: (Forms a Confident Smirk on her Face While Hugging on her Boyfriend Arm) Well, luckily, you got yourself a kick ass girlfriend who's more than willing to stand by your side throughout all of it. I could even brag a little if you want.
Luigi: If it helps get those two to back off a bit, then I say go for it.
DK: (Walks Out of the Bus Along with Diddy While Sigh) I don't know, Diddy. Are you sure Pauline's not gonna be mad me for what happened?
Diddy: (Gives DK a Reassuring Smile on his Face) That was a long time ago, big guy. She don't seem like the kind of lady who hold grudges from what I heard.
DK: ('Sigh') I guess. (Smiles a Bit) It's cool have an entire city named after me at least.
The duo then starts noticing a few city folks glaring harshly at the big ape in question, causing him to swallow his confidence down with one gulp.
DK: Even if everyone here does hates my guts.....
Diddy: (Pulls the Front of his Shirt to the Side in Awkwardness) Sheesh.....
Peach: (Struck in Awe at the City in Front of Her) So this is New Donk City.......It's so.....big, vibrant....(See a Few Cars Driving By with the Multi Sounds of Horns Starts Ringing her Eardrums) A lot more busy than Smash Town even.
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly as He Walk Up Next to Peach) That's the city life for you. It used to look a lot different when Lu and I were raised here, but it still feels as homey and recognizable as it always been. Pauline did a really good job taking care of this place.
Peach: Yeah. That's.....(Frowns a Bit) Great.......
Mario: (Turns to Peach with a Bit of a Worried Look on his Face) Is everything okay, Peach? You're not having tummy ache again, are you?
Peach: (Giggles Softly) No baby~ I'm find. Really. I just got myself lost in my own thoughts again is all.
Mario: (Stares at Peach for a Brief Second Before Sighing) If you say so. (Points at Himself with a Grin on his Face) Just know I'm always here if you wanna talk and vent, okay? I'm serious.
Peach: (Playfully Rolls her Eyes) Yes, Mr. Mario, I hear you loud 'n clear~
Mario: (Playfully Cringes a Bit) ('Ugh') Please. Mr. Mario is my father's name thank you very much.
Peach: Then what do you want me to call then?~ Honey? My Knight and Shining Armor? (Leams Closer to Mario with a Somewhat Seductive Look on her Face) My one and only Teddy Bear?~
Mario: (Shrugs) Whatever makes you happy, dear. Just....don't give Ma any ideas on the nicknaming department. She goes overboard with it real quick.
Peach: (Giggles Softly) I try!~
?????: Mario!~
The couple turns to see the Mayor of New Donk City, Pauline, walking over and happily waving at them.
Mario: (Smiles Brightly at his Old Friend) Pauline, hello! (Walks Over to Pauline and Gives her a Hug) It's so good to see you.
Pauline: (Hugs Mario Back) Likewise!~ (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) I see you're looking a like a pipsqueak as you've always been.
Mario: (Smirks Back at Pauline) Hey, I've grown a least a few inches in the last few months or so!
Pauline: Really?~ Then how come I see still see the top of your head after all these years, hm?~
Mario: Hey, we can't all have crazy growth spourt like you do, Mayor Paulidonna~
Pauline: I thought I told you never to call me that.
Mario: (Playfully Shrugs) Ooops~
The duo turns to see Peach staring at the both of them before quickly putting on a sheepish, awkward smile on her face.
Peach: S-Sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt the reunion, but my name is-
Pauline: (Smiles Brightly at the Princess as Gives her Welcoming Handshake) Princess Peach!~ Mario told me so much about you in the past. It's truly an honor to finally meet you in person.
Peach: Yes, likewise~
Samus: (Watches the Trio in the Distance While Sighing) Oh boy. There's that look again......
Rosalina: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion While Standing Next to her Along with the Other Certified Mom Members) What look?
Samus: The jealous kind.
Bayonetta: Seems like our pink princess is slowly starting to succumb to the jealousy side.
Palutena: Not too surprising. We all been down that road at least once before.
Lea: I don't think ever have a hint of jealousy in my system.
Aqua: Neither do I now that I think about it.
Palutena: (Turns to the Keyblade Warriors) Give it some time. It'll come around eventually.
Samus: Let's just hope this doesn't go haywire in the long run.
Moms: ('Sigh') Yeah........
Christmas Journey Continued.......
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sapphic-bnha · 3 years
𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝟰 (4/12/2021)
letters to santa (nejire hado x gn!reader)
genre: romance, fluff
word count: 884 words + 4,986 characters
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“Dear Santaaaaa–”
You and Nejire were comfortably laying on the floor in your bedroom, pillows and blankets scattered around you both. You two were having a sleepover on a Saturday night, both weirdly energized from the school day you both had earlier.
It was both of you guys’ first year at U.A. While Nejire was in the hero course, you were put in the General Education course. You didn’t really mind it that much and you actually found it kind of cool, since you didn’t really have a quirk.
Nejire and you had originally met in secondary school and while you were extremely shy while Nejire was outgoing and confident, something kind of clicked between the both of you. Nejire was the extroverted, bubbly friend that would definitely go up to a McDonalds employee and tell them that you didn’t order any pickles on your hamburger while you awkwardly stand behind her, embarrassed.
You were laying on your back, your head resting on a pillow while Nejire was sprawled out on her stomach, her feet kicking as she held a pen in her hand, a piece of paper laid in front of her.
“...you are a hairy, dumb bitch…”
You both were writing to Santa, but with a twist. You weren’t asking for any gifts; instead, you were basically just calling him out on his creepy bullshit. You had already finished your letter so now you were listening to Nejire voice her sentences out loud.
“How can you eat over a million of cookies in one night? You need to get your ass to the hospital immediately,” Nejire voiced out loud as she scribbled on her notebook paper, grinning mischievously.
Hearing Nejire cuss is one thing you didn’t really expect from her when you both first met. She was always a good student, getting good grades and listening to the teachers and getting along well with her classmates. However, as she got older, she slowly melted into her rebellious phase and expanded her vocabulary.
“Yes queen, call his ass out.”
“You literally stalk children to make sure they’re being nice. That’s weird as fuck. You visit over a billion homes to give the children gifts– how the hell do you know where they live? You’re a creepy old guy who can literally never seem to fucking die,” Nejire continued, her voice contrasting greatly to the words she was writing. Her voice was like a dove’s coo, very gentle and high-pitched.
To anyone else, this would’ve shocked them greatly to hear Nejire speak ‘foul language.’ But this was literally just another casual Saturday night.
“And don’t get me started on the slavery of elves.”
You rolled your eyes as you let out a loud, ugly laugh from her long rant about the mistreatment of elves.
God, you really liked her.
You both were kind of childish around each other. There was just an overwhelming connection between you both– sparks seemed to fly around you two yet you both tried to ignore the tension slowly growing between you both over the years. It was easy to laugh around her, finding things funny that other people wouldn’t. It felt nice to finally let go of daily responsibilities and just be yourselves.
“A sincere ‘fuck you’ to both you and your hot milf wife, Nejire Hado.”
You turned onto your side to face her, propping your head up with a hand. “Nejire, don’t be surprised when you find coal in your stocking,” you joked, a grin sprawling across your face.
Nejire only shook her head in response, keeping a completely straight face as she placed the letter in an envelope. “I think after this, Santa Claus will be too scared to even show up on my roof,” she responded.
You laughed in reply, feeling nothing but pure adoration for your best friend. If there was one thing you wanted for Christmas, it would definitely be her. She was so funny, yet immature, and so creative, and so wonderful, and so aesthetically pleasing, and so–
Nejire had suddenly gotten up to get a lighter from her purse, a mischievous glint in her eyes. You eyed her suspiciously, unsure on what she was gonna do next.
Is she gonna light my house on fire-
She suddenly lit the envelope on fire, watching as its embers tore the letter apart. It eventually just fell into ash, and your mouth was gaped open the entire time as she literally dropped the envelope on your floor.
Luckily nothing got caught on fire, but you were panicking the entire time.
“Nejire, why did you–”
“Santa has to be able to receive the letter so I sent it to the fiery pits of hell. I have a theory that he’s a demon.”
You sighed and laughed, your hand resting against your forehead.
She can definitely be dumb sometimes but that’s just something you’ve become used to over the years.
And you could definitely get used to spending the rest of your life with her. Maybe you won’t confess your feelings for a longgg time, but nevertheless, just spending time with her (minus the scare of her burning up an envelope) was enough for you.
And maybe if Santa Claus wasn’t offended by you both, he would give you the chance to date your best friend.
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violetcanfly · 3 years
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Santaaaaa! I know him!! #santaclaus #santapictures #santa2021 #vilogram #thisisten #christmasgram (at Chilliwack, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXw1RJ4PQSji00gpdbvKJXcNV2Mhq-gafCvHpU0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thechashow · 5 years
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(1/2) Merry Christmas! The magic of this day calls me for almost a year. I just can’t wait for it to arrive. I’m horrible at buying presents though and even worse at coming correct with preparation and organization for its arrival. I’m for real. I suck. I just finalized all my Christmas shopping yesterday at 4:30pm😬. The boxes that house all the ornaments on my tree, are precariously stuffed in an unused room: let’s call it the office. It’s gonna be an office one day, but for now it’s a storage facility. The lights shine so bright and prettily on this tree it makes me feel warm inside. It makes me feel like a kid who believes in magic, and elves and flying reindeer and Santa. Side bar, growing up in the Bahamas no one had fireplaces or chimneys, so my mom told me Santa came through the front door in the Bahamas. I believed her. So she’d send me to sleep with front door open, ready for Santa to pass through. It’s only when we become adults we realize the depths of the efforts and antics our parents put on to create and maintain the magic. Not a present under the tree before you went to bed. A mountain of presents magically appear by morning. You: Santaaaaa!!!! Parents: exhausted and delirious. All of this to preserve the magic. Mystery and magic will be things you will need and will call upon a lot when you’re grown. There will be so much you don’t know. So much you can’t control. So many things you never saw coming. And, in those moments, you’ll lean on the Mystery of God or something bigger and greater than yourself. You can’t see Him or Her, but you feel them. You see the ways things turn around at the last moment. You see the faint candle at the end of the long dark corridor. You see hope personified in friends who show up without question or complaint. You see goodness shaken together, pressed down, running over and poured into your life. Goodness that came out of nowhere. Goodness that shows up like a magical character who flies from the North Pole with gifts made by elves in his workshop. Goodness, who shows up with presents all around the world simultaneously for every boy and girl. #christmas (at Lansdowne, Charlotte) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6gHAd4JR2U/?igshid=13899ewkwxoag
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birdsofchristmas · 5 years
Chapter 6: The Swinging Christmas Tree
The oddest thing about most of the Christmas TV specials I watched growing up was that almost everything talked- animals talked, people talked, snowmen, ornaments, trees, toys, squirrels - everything seemed to have an opinion on Christmas and a desire to express it verbally.
It makes sense then that when my parents told me we were going to a singing Christmas tree I thought they were talking about an actual tree that danced and sang. For days I pictured an anthropomorphic green giant with sticks as arms, standing gleefully singing holiday tunes. My imagination even stretched into scenarios where the tree became disgruntled from years of imprisonment, breaking free of the 4-peg metal stand holding it in place then terrorizing the horrified audience of mostly attractive young parents.
I was in awe of the thing when I first beheld it at age 8, but even before the singers were ushered into its branches I was sitting in the padded seats of the church thinking “what’s it going to look like when it starts dancing?”
I learned that night that the term “singing Christmas tree” is a complete misnomer. For those who have never seen one the singing tree is a large choir performance of holiday tunes accompanied by some kind of live theatre performance. Actors, a running plotline, props and scenes, the whole lot.
The tree itself is a series of podiums stacked one by one, the widest at the base with gradually narrowing levels ascending to the ceiling of the church, decorated with all manner of lights and green fabric. The choir would be lined in rows with 20 on the first layer and less as the tree progressed higher, with a few lucky individuals perched on the very top level.
It became a family tradition to see the tree every year, and as the years progressed my interests shifted from cap guns and action figures to music and performing, and so my appreciation for the performances of the tree deepened with each attendance, extending even to my first Christmas returning home from college.
You might be balking at the idea that a giant plywood tree with choir singers would have any mass appeal, but these things are wildly popular. One church in Vancouver sees around 20,000 attendees over the course of six evenings every year, with reserved seats disappearing faster than Backstreet Boys tickets in the 90s!
It wasn’t like trying to see a Tyler Perry movie in theatres- if you didn’t show up on time seating would be highly scarce, and being that my family was never the type to be in a hurry finding a good spot was always a bit of a crap shoot.  Quite often we’d show up minutes before the curtain call and have to be seated in various single chairs throughout the church, only seeing each other again after the performance.
This year was different because I insisted on driving, and because I lied about what time the show actually started. “6:30,” I shouted throughout the house to my parents, “It starts at 6:30! We can’t be late!” We’d leave the house at 6:38 and arrive at the church by 7pm, well ahead of the the 7:30 start time.
When it came to picking seats my parents were the most indecisive people you could ever imagine, regularly shifting seats at Nanaimo Clippers hockey games and even during movies, sometimes after the movie started! Hockey games are fair enough, but playing musical chairs during a movie was just terrible. I was always more of a settler than a nomad, content to find a good seat and sit comfortably without the anxious thought there there was always a better seat out there somewhere.
My parents started their 2 Stooges routine as soon as we arrived at the church, with “Oh, we’re really on time” and “oh, where should we sit? The balcony? I don’t want to sit too close to the stage, no not here, over there”, but I wasn’t having any of it. I strode with bold confidence into the foyer, stopping only to receive a program being passed out by the ushers, right into the auditorium, down the aisle sitting down almost immediately into the first decent enough looking seat I could find.
Twenty minutes later the director of the play approached a microphone to give his opening welcome. It was at this point I started to casually flip through the program, stopping in my reading tracks when I saw a statement in bold lettering that said “please note, there will not be an intermission for this performance”. In my rush to get a good seat I’d forgotten the golden rule of seeing plays and movies- always go to the bathroom before you sit down.
Another twenty minutes later minutes nature started calling, and calling very loudly, and I started to regret the venti peppermint latte I’d picked up on the way. The choir was singing beautifully, the acting was engaging, but I was too distracted to fully enjoy the show. At one point I looked down at the empty coffee cup sitting on the ground in front of me, thought about it for a second, then said to myself, “no, that’s a really bad idea, I should just get up”.
I shuffled down the pew awkwardly and proceeded to the exit in search of a restroom. I couldn’t see it anywhere and walked almost the entire perimeter of the foyer until I spotted a small restroom sign. When I was leaving the restroom I noticed another sign in an adjacent hallway. It had an arrow pointing left and it said “choir members, this way”.
I have to admit most of my bucket list has something to do with Christmas- celebrating the holiday in Australia for instance, or driving a Shriner car through the Santa Claus parade, or building a life sized edible gingerbread house, or proposing to my future wife by wrapping myself in a giant box with a bow, then jumping out with a ring proclaiming “marrying you is the best gift I could ever ask for babe!”
As I stood in front of the arrowed sign I felt it was a golden opportunity to cross “singing in a giant Christmas tree” off my list, and I’d be a fool to pass it up.
I followed the sign to another sign at the end of the hall, then down another another hall like a mouse in a maze. I was surprised a security guard or a spinster hasn’t stopped me at this point. You know these people, there’s a few in every church- they’re the self appointed vigilantes and guardians who adhere strictly to the rules and expect others to do so as well. If you look slightly out of place they’ll stop you and ask “excuse me sir, can I help you?” I’m always tempted to reply with “why yes, you can! I need a ride to the airport next week, would you mind driving me??”
At last I scurried though a tall purple curtain with another sign that said “performers entrance” into a room strewn about with jackets and purses and a rolling clothes rack full of empty wire hangers. At the very end of the rack there was a long, green sparkled gown I recognized as one of the choir uniforms.  
It was an awkward fit at first, and it smelled like hadn’t been washed since Christmas 1998, but I managed to get the robe on. There was a tag on the neck that said XXXL and a zipper on the back with a long string attached to it, which I assumed was an emergency escape cord in case of a fire or an earthquake. I took 2 steps and immediately stumbled, tripping on the excess fabric. It felt like I was wearing an open parachute. As I fumbled about I sang a quick vocal warm up, “Maaaaaaaaaahh, maaaaaaaaaay, meeeeeeee, muuuuuuust be santaaaaa…”
The entrance to the tree was an obvious arched entryway, beside that a final and definitive sign- “the Lord bless and keep you” with a diagram of the tree. I searched the sign until I found “Baritones: third level” and made my way into the tree’s hallowed plywood branches.
The choir was mid-song as I shimmied onto the platform, bumping into a guy who was as tall as me but about 100 pounds bigger. He looked like he’d make a great Santa in about 20 years time if his career in the CFL didn’t pan out. I whispered to him “sorry I’m late, I forgot my sheet music.” He whispered back in the lowest bass tone I’ve ever heard “s'ok, borrow mine”.
The thing I wasn’t expecting was the lights- red lights, yellow lights, green lights, lights beaming in my eyes hiding the audience from view, lights beaming from the ceiling and from the stage floor.
There were even spotlights on all sections of the choir as individuals took turns preforming solos. I sang happily through three carols, partway through the 4th I heard the low voice next to me say “bub, your parts next”. I froze with fear and looked around nervously, then I noticed there was a tiny black bauble on a long black string a mere foot in front of where I was standing. With the realization this was a microphone came the realization that my voice was going to heard well and clearly by every member in the audience!
When I thought about sneaking into a singing Christmas tree I was expecting to be just a single needle in the tree, unnoticed as an individual. I thought maybe I’d blend in, and if I was off key no-one would really notice. But now I was about to become an entire branch, to be tested by the mighty winds of high expectation to see if I could stand up to the pressure.
The spotlight hit me and I belted out the solo, giving it my best with gusto, summoning courage usually only possible after a double gin & tonic. Then I heard a giant applause with hooting and whistling from one corner of the church. The Pentecostal youth group I’d volunteered with for 5 years before leaving for college was attending in almost full force, taking up an entire section! They recognized me and cheered me on in full Pentecostal fashion, laughing and buzzing long after my solo. I imagine part of their excitement may have been them thinking I was speaking in tongues, because I only knew half the words to the solo.
I stayed on for the rest of the performance, by the end sweating profusely but filled with unimaginable joy. I didn’t stay in the tree for the standing ovation, instead sneaking back through the mouse maze hearing the cheering reverberate throughout the church before returning to my seat. I sat down as the ovation continued and breathed a sigh of relief. I’d gotten away with sneaking into the tree and besides my former youth group the crowd was none the wiser.
It was then I felt a hand on my shoulder, a grip so firm I knew it could only have belonged to a police officer. I felt the same grip one year at my old high school when I was setting off fireworks in the back field. The same grip I felt on my arm after jumping into the outdoor pool in Bowen Park late at night. The same grip I felt on my shoulder when I was caught sneaking into the walk in freezer at summer camp trying to steal ice cream. The jig was up, there was a security guard after all, and I’d been caught!
I turned around and to my surprise the grip belonged to a sweet elderly woman, with glittering eyes and a cheerful smile. I leaned down towards her and she said in a kind sounding voice “my that was very well done, thank you very much”. She had recognized me from the choir because I was still wearing the giant parachute choir robe, and I responded with a very embarrassed “thank you so much”, turning as red as a Christmas poinsettia. Her grandson, and more importantly her granddaughter, were smiling at me as well saying “yeah that was great, thanks”. This was followed by more undeserved thanks from several other grandmothers and their granddaughters while I inched towards the foyer doors.
I thought I was finally in the clear when I heard a shout from the stage, as one of the members of the choir said “Hey, aren’t you coming to the afterparty?” My parents were standing at the front door holding their coats. I put my hands up in an “I dunno” position. My dad nodded at me with a smile, winked at me, and off my parents left for home while I walked down to aisle, back to the stage, through the mouse maze, to the after party happening in the church’s library with a stack of pizza boxes in the shape of a Christmas tree.
One of the choir members approached me saying, “I don’t recognize you from practice, were you part of the tree?” And the guy with the bass voice came over and said “hey of course he was, this is Daniel, he was filling in for Mike!”
And so for the remainder of the night I was Daniel, and I was Daniel again for the following three years of returning to sing in the Christmas tree. The third year I sang on the very top level, which only lasted a few songs because I’m afraid of heights. I’ve been singing on the 2nd level ever since.
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louarenivar · 7 years
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SANTAAAAA!!! I know him* screaming my lungs out*🎅🎄❄⛄!!#ELF #Merrychristmas#christmastree #christmasseason🎄🎄🎄
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wickednerdery · 7 years
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SANTAAAAA....I know him. 😁 (#funko advent calendar day 24 🎅)
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poodlehomie · 7 years
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❤️🐾🐶❤️🐾🐶 Tag me if you want to be featured, Unique pawrents hoodies and Tshirts, printed in USA, link shop in my profile | Credit lovefancypaws : "Son of a nutcracker!" It was all a dream...?!?!?! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I woke up dreaming it was Christmas already. 🎁🎁🎄🎁🎁 "SANTAAAAA!!!!!!!" 🎅🏼 #elf I know him! 🤣 • • • ____________________________ 💁🏻Discount codes: save 10% 🔖FANCYPAWS10 🔖FANCYPAWS10 🙇🏻‍♀️DM for a shoutout and feature _____________________________ • • • ______________________________ OOTD: ✨Velvet polka dot pjs ✨Snowflake tag by ✨Collar, a treasured Christmas gift from precious Theo ______________________________ #lovefancypaws #elfmovie #pjlife #poodle #holidayfun #christmas — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2kThkau
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