#SAYER pod
eliasdrid · 1 year
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Seraphim Agent 8 designated SAYER.
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xsullenxcuntx · 11 months
Honestly I'm just a tired woman
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velichorus-k · 1 year
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when the prequel season FUTURE episodes
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chekhovs-harpoon · 2 years
sayer is such a horny fucking podcast like, the way its sound design has sayer's sultry dulcet voice whispering orders and praises and degradation Right There in your ear all intimate like😳🙈
eps 4 and 7 from season 1 standout especially cuz they have so many soft breathy sounds and heartbeat sounds and whimpering sounds 😩and ep 7 was essentially sayer voring sven with how it kept lovingly describing him being pressed on all sides by the soft and wet walls, and the ep ends with sven feeling butterflies in his tummy
this podcast is an erotica c:
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chocochococoffee · 10 months
im having a certain kind of trouble with horror podcasts and thats that im finding them too alike. idk why, i know its not that way. but the themes tend to be alike...
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kamil-a · 3 months
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Some Seer Leo au stuff (particularly in regards to the possible Soothe Sayer Donnie i briefly mentioned would be cool)
Ok ok, let me explain my thought process a little better as far as this goes (now that I’ve had time to think on it and put some words together other they "hey wouldn't that be neat.)
First let me explain the “American Dragon: Jake Long” reference b/c it’s pretty crucial to why I immediately thought Donnie for the sooth sayer.
Ok, so in “American Dragon:Jake Long” There’s a pair of oracle twins named Sara and Kara.
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(they look different in season 2 but i like these designs better)
Sara (left) only sees the bad things while Kara (right) only sees the good. Because of this, Sara’s personality is very happy and chipper while Kara’s is very doom and gloom. To quote the Wiki “Because [Sara] can only see bad things, Sara has learned to overcome the negative aspects of life and to seize every good moment she can get. The smallest amount of good news makes her extremely happy.” “Because Kara can only see good things, she feels like there's nothing more she can get out of life. There are no pleasant surprises anymore and everything becomes dull to her.”
I haven’t watched this show in a very long time, but these characters have always stuck out to me because of this. Not because they acted opposite of their powers, but because of the reasoning behind them acting different. Particularly the fact that seeing the good things can be just as much of a curse as seeing the bad things.
Now, let’s put that in comparison to our Disaster twins.
Leo tends to be happy and excitable throughout the series (even if part of the time he’s actively faking it.) Pair that with him being a doom prophet and, hey, that kinda sounds like Sara.
Donnie can be very pessimistic in the series and (maybe this is just my interpretation of him) actively obsesses over negative stuff to the point of inventing things simply on the off chance they may need it (donnie pods. Donnie’s gifts. Etc). Add the possibility of him being a sooth sayer to the mix, and that adds a different context to those actions, especially before he starts remembering his dreams. And definitely sounds a bit like Kara.
b/c if you remember how Leo’s dreams work, before his nimpo is unlocked, they are very indistinct and he almost immediately forgets them upon waking up. All that’s left behind is the vague Deja vous feeling whenever an event he dreamed actually happens (coupled with a ‘not surprised’ feeling.) Therefore, Donnie’s would work similarly, the only difference is that his visions wouldn’t be nightmarish and wouldn’t actually wake him up (therefore, not nearly as disruptive, or memorable, as even Leo’s indistinct dreams.)
 So! If the one thing that consistently takes Donnie by surprise is the bad stuff, of course he’s going to obsess over every possible thing that could go wrong b/c it’s the bad stuff he doesn’t want to be surprised by.
And that’s just before their Nimpo is unlocked.
Afterwards, both of their prophetic dreams would increase in clarity and, more importantly, they would remember them. But, by then, Don has the dreamcatcher up and he’s seeing all of Leo’s doom ridden, apocalypse timeline dreams as much as Leo (who is seeing them every night at that point.) So, Don can easily pass off his own few positive apocalypse timeline dreams (little things like CJ being brought into the family or a small victory they accomplished) as just, his subconscious trying to put a nice spin on the horrible stuff he’s seeing from Leo.
As far as Donnie realizing those visions are prophetic, at that point he wouldn’t even believe Leo’s are prophetic until he meets CJ “Time-travel is possible and I did it” Jones. A kid he’s seen grow up in both Leo’s and his dreams, and who’s existence just proved Leo’s dreams are real. It’s probably not until after the attempted invasion is over and Donnie’s own visions pick up speed (now having nothing to do with Leo’s and can’t be passed off as such) does Donnie grudging realize his dreams might be prophetic too. (he might even have a short talk with CJ, asking indirectly about one of his own visions, and finding it really did happened.)
(also just, Do you know how much more of a Disaster these twins would be if they could work together to see the whole image? Just the two of them using their joint knowledge to make their enemies lives a living hell would be amazing)
Ok, my exceptionally long explanation to my thoughts are over. TL;Dr, Donnie should be a sooth sayer b/c it would, in a very ironic way, fit his personality. And it would piss him off.
Thank you for listening to my rant.
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anxso · 8 months
Lil prompt fill I did for Angstober day 29 “Almost”
Some masochistic Faithshipping Yusei/Aki :’)
Akiza paced on the highest floor of the Arcadia Movement. Over the railing, she spotted Movement members rushing to and fro in their typical robes with no sign of the man in charge. Ever since the Fortune Cup, the activity had been nonstop.
The elevator doors slid open. Sayer exited while massaging the bridge of his nose. Two women followed behind, working together to carry an unconscious girl. Akiza neared his side, hissing, "Where have you been? I woke up in my pod, and you weren't there. Don't you know I need you more than ever right now?"
He groaned at the ceiling. "Can't you comprehend for a moment how our phones are ringing off the hook, reporters are trying to corner me at every turn, and it's on my shoulders to keep this place from crumbling? You're my world, Akiza. I want to be there for you every moment, but I am only one man. I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?"
She rapidly blinked to fight off the wetness in her eyes. "Y-yes. I'm sorry for bothering you."
"You're never a bother, but I must admit I'm overwhelmed." He glared at the unconscious girl. Akiza gasped. It was the same Movement member who'd tried to comfort her–the shadow, the fugitive from the Facility. Sayer snapped, "It's all Yusei Fudo's fault, that damn Satellite. This girl had a run-in with him, and now look at her. Fudo has a penchant for sending psychics into psychosis, I suppose."
"It's not right," Akiza snarled. Her fingers curled into fists. "Someone has to do something about him."
"And I will," Sayer said, laying his hand over Akiza's. "Wait in my office, please. I have to make sure this one is well situated for recovery."
He snapped for the women to follow him. Akiza let herself into his office and lingered. She paced back and forth. Outside, the sun set on New Domino. She lifted the half that remained of her Black Rose Witch mask, letting it catch the grim amber of the ending day.
Behind Sayer's desk, a panel hid away a screen showing the location of every marked criminal. Akiza wasn't *supposed* to know of its existence. There she stood, though, typing in Yusei's name. He was moving through the slums, an area Akiza knew like the back of her hand.
She returned the panel to its place, slipped on the mask, and ascended to the roof.
Yusei clung to the shadows in DAIMON, praying he might run into Blister. He figured it was only a matter of time before Godwin or one of his lackeys picked him up by force, and he wanted an opportunity to speak with Blister before the inevitability came to pass.
Overhead, wings flapped. He froze. In the middle of the City, he might have heard a pigeon or a swallow. He may have lost his mind because whatever the flap was sounded as massive as an airplane. He crouched behind the dumpster in the skinny alley. Dusk offered him plenty of darkness to work with, and he favored the low visibility.
Anything above him, however, would have no trouble spotting him.
The dumpster soared into the sky. He hissed in a breath and stumbled back. Trash flew in all directions as the massive metal object flipped over and over before crashing into the street. Tendrils shot at Yusei, stabbing into the wall behind him. The ancient bricks coughed dust.
Crimson petals drifted down around him.
"No," he said.
Vines wrapped around his torso. Thorns cut open his skin as the black bonds tightened, trapping him against the building. Street lamps flickered on. Copper light landed on the scarlet dress and flowing hair of the woman standing before him.
She raised her hand palm-up, and a vine shot down from the Black Rose Dragon floating above them. The tendril wrapped around his throat. "I'm done listening to your poisonous words. You're wrong about me. I'm right where I belong. After all…"
She walked her fingers up his abdomen to his chest and caught his jaw, her fingernails digging into his skin like her thorns. Blood dripped onto the pavement. She smiled. "I like the view from here."
Yusei thrashed against the vines. Black Rose wound them tighter. His breaths wheezed. The movement of the sharp thorns tore apart his jacket and ripped off swaths of his shirt. She studied his chiseled musculature, the relentless tears in his tanned skin, his agonized expression.
Something warm rioted in the seat of her belly.
She cast out her arm. The vines snapped back, and Yusei collapsed to the ground. He held his own throat and swallowed air. She'd almost killed him.
She wanted to shove him down. Straddle him. Claw his face off. No, something else. Her face heated like her stomach had, and she covered it despite her mask. Shame and desire interlaced like her walls of ivy. She stumbled back from him.
He rose to his feet, swaying, and held his arm out to her. "Akiza, please. Can't we-" He coughed. A shudder rattled her. "Let's talk?"
"After what I did to you, you want to *talk*?"
"I know it's not you!"
She shoved his shoulder against the wall. Wet blood smeared the palm of her glove. "What the hell is wrong with you? What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone?"
He pinned her with a glare, sapphire eyes shivering with his grit teeth. "I know that's not what you want. You found me, after all."
She winced and backed away. He slumped and fell to the ground, slowly, slowly. She said, "I'll kill you," but it came out as a barely audible whisper.
"I can't imagine a better way to go."
The statement struck her like lightning. She stood stock-still, and it was all she could do to remain standing and drawing breath. Yusei pulled off his glove with his teeth and showed her his birthmark. Her focus flicked to her own.
"Whether you want it or not, we're connected."
But she knew whatever sparked between them came down to more than a fucking skin condition.
Which sent her mind spiraling, thoughts of skin-to-skin, of where else he might have birthmarks, of of-
Black Rose Dragon swooped down and swept her onto its back. She held onto its neck, her pulse pounding.
Forget him, forget him, forget him.
She stared at the blood staining her glove, and she held it close to her heart.
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ad-ciu · 1 year
Hello! When researching Conall I read some description of him (can't remember what or where) where they described his one black eye as being completely black (as in, the iris and the sclera are both black), but in all other descriptions (mainly thinking of Da Derga's Hostel, the retelling of Conall's death by Candlelit tales pod, and the Championship of Ulster) where he is described with one black and one blue eye (just the iris I assume?). What are your thoughts on the completely black sclera?
(I'm sorry if this post is a bit stifled or weird, I had a few reflexive Ctl-Z's that have had me rewriting chunks of this post several times) Heya!
As far as I am aware, that description of Conall is only found in that portion of Togail Bruidne Da Derga (which, for those unfamiliar, I provide an excerpt from Stoke's translation) that you mention. ‘There I beheld in a decorated room the fairest man of Erin's heroes. He wore a tufted purple cloak. White as snow was one of his cheeks, the other was red and speckled like foxglove. Blue as hyacinth was one of his eyes, dark as a stag-beetle's back was the other. The bushy head of fair golden hair upon him was as large as a reaping-basket, and it touches the edge of his haunches. It is as curly as a ram's head. If a sackful of red-shelled nuts were spilt on the crown of his head, not one of them would fall on the floor, but remain on the hooks and plaits and swordlets of that hair. A gold hilted sword in his hand; a blood-red shield which has been speckled with rivets of white bronze between plates of gold. A long, heavy, three-ridged spear: as thick as an outer yoke is the shaft that is in it. Liken thou that, O Fer rogain!’
Now, this is a very interesting description. What stands out to me is the description of his curly hair catching nuts, which is obviously connected to descriptions elsewhere of warriors' hair (or in one instance, a boar's razorback) being so spiky that falling apples are spiked on it. And then, a similar description appears in Fled Bricrenn (which I'm assuming is the Championship of Ulster you mention there?) which I will provide the incomplete ITS translation (which you can read in full here).
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The scribe of Fled Bricrenn is probably borrowing from Togail Bruidne Da Derga or from another earlier source (which Togail Bruidne Da Derga would also be drawing on), because we know that whoever composed this story originally was very well versed with Ulster Cycle material. For example, the description of Bricriu's Hall is based on the description of Conchobar's Hall in Tochmarc Emire. If we look at the death of Conall Cernach (Aided Ailella 7 Chonaill Chernaig, which has been edited and translated by my Academic Big Sister for her PhD right here) we can see that there is no reference to Conall's eyes (similarly, the older translation by Meyer also doesn't have this detail). So, what appears to be the case is Candlelit Tales was expanding on the actual source material by incorporating elements from other stories. But, on to your question: What do I think about this eye? Well, because I am an academic I will apologize that before we get to my thoughts, we must cover the previous scholarship on the topic. This has only been discussed once, in an article entitled 'Portraits of the Ulster hero Conall Cernach: a case for Waardenburg’s syndrome?' in Emania 20 (2006) pages 75-80, by William Sayers. As you likely can guess based on the title, in this article Sayers argues that this description of Conall is modeled on Waardenburg's Syndrome. Now, of course, this isn't impossible. However, I am generally of the opinion that attempting to diagnose historical or literary figures is a very challenging thing to do. While it can certainly be done (particularly when combined with archaeological finds), when dealing with a literary figure we would need to take into account contemporary medical knowledge, and I'm unsure if we have any examples of medieval Ireland being aware of such a syndrome. If they were, we should be interpreting it through their medical knowledge rather than our own. That aside, I actually do have my own opinion on the matter. I think this is an artistic flourish intended to communicate how terrific (in both senses) Conall is, which I would argue is apparent when we take into account another notable example of a described heroic body. As mentioned above, this description of Conall is already incorporating visual elements from the 'Apple Hair' scenes in other stories. And then, we can take into account descriptions such as this of Cú Chulainn from O'Rahilly's Translation of Táin Bó Cúailnge Recension 1: ‘In the chief place in that chariot is a man with long curling hair. He wears a dark purple mantle and in his hand he grasps a broadheaded spear, bloodstained, fiery, flaming. It seems as if he has three heads of hair, to wit, dark hair next to the skin of his head, blood-red hair in the middle and the third head of hair covering him like a crown of gold. Beautifully is that hair arranged, with three coils flowing down over his shoulders. Like golden thread whose colour has been hammered out on an anvil or like the yellow of bees in the sunshine of a summer day seems to me the gleam of each separate hair. Seven toes on each of his feet; seven fingers on each of his hands. In his eyes the blazing of a huge fire. His horses' hoofs maintain a steady pace.'
Now, this scene (another example of it is found in Recension 2 but it is different in some elements) often confuses people I am teaching this material. This is supposed to be a description of how wonderful or beautiful Cú Chulainn is, but his body appears strange or different. Burning eyes, seven toes, seven fingers. In Recension 2 he has four multi-coloured dimples, seven pupils in each eye, so on and so forth. This doesn't seem beautiful, it seems... awesome, both in the more recent positive sense, and the older more 'overwhelming' sense. I have been asked before if Cú Chulainn always looks like this, or if this is a transformation, or something else. And, well, it is not entirely clear. We have descriptions of Cú Chulainn where this clearly isn't the case and others where it isn't established. For Conall, we don't get many descriptions of his complete body (as an adult, we have one of him as an old man which is quite different). What we can say, though, is it clashes with the idealized flawless heroic body discussed by McMannus (McMannus, Damian, 'Good-Looking and Irresistible: the Hero from Early Irish Saga to Classical Poetry,' Éiru 59 (2009): 57-109). With this in mind, I think that these scenes aren't really literal, but more figurative descriptions going into luscious, awesome, terrific depth to establish the seriousness of the moment, the glory of the hero, and so on. The hero isn't as much transformed as being cast in a different light to communicate the moment. And this! I have a great analogy for. In animation, artists often distort or change a character to similarly communicate 'feeling' in the moment. Take three examples from the television show One Punch Man, all of the same character, Sitama.
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In these scenes, the character Sitama isn't 'transforming'. These changes in his body aren't something 'seen' by people inside the story world. It is a visual effect intended to communicate things to us, the audience. In the first, we have a standard illustration of Sitama. In the second, a serious moment where we see him putting his complete effort into something. In the last, a comic moment. I think these descriptions of Conall, Cú Chulainn, and other ones for other heroes are similar to this. They're intended to communicate the feeling, the sense, and the emotion in the moment, rather than something we are intended to understand is how they 'always' look. However! What remains in this is to ask, if this is some sort of literary trick to communicate tone or feeling or the like, what do the individual parts mean? What's with the Apple-Hair stuff? Why the fire in the eyes? Why the seven fingers? So on and so forth. Well, a lot of this is lost to us, but parts we can identify. Personally, I think the Apple-Hair thing is a reference to Boar's Razorbacks (in the scene with Conall, this is being riffed on and changed to work with curly hair) connecting warriors to boar. The 'fire in the eyes' thing is just an Indo-European motif for warriors (see: McCone, Kim, 'Warrior's Blazing Heads and Eyes, Cú Chulainn and Other Firy Cyclopes, 'Bright' Balar, and the Etymology of Old Irish Cáech 'One Eyed',' Zeitshrift fur Celtische Philogie 69 (2022): 183-200). Exactly what the situation with Conall's eye is, I'm unsure. But, I think it exists within the broader literary tradition as a 'tone setter' rather than necessarily a literal fact of his appearance.
And all of that to say! What do I think of the difference between Conall having a black Iris v. a fully black eye? The one text of which I'm aware where it is mentioned doesn't clearly state what it means in regards to the eye. In the original language (Knott's edition) it reads: duibithir druimne duíl in t-súil aile. I think both interpretations of the eye are valid, but I expect that it is just intended to be 'iris' based on the description of Étaín's blue eyes at the start of the text using a similar grammatical construction (glasithir buga na dí súil, compare with the description of Conall's blue eye, glaisidir buga indala súil).
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verm1c1de · 1 year
COULD YOU GIVE ME TIPS ON WRITING FOR LARD NAR? Speech patterns, mannerisms, anything?????
here is efurry line he has + significant,,, things he do
"All right, this is it! Our first act of resistance against Operation Impending Doom II!" "That's the Massive out there. My people designed most of that thing, so I know how powerful it is… WE'RE GONNA DIE! WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS?!" Lard Nar clears his throat and composes himself. "Ahem, well… If we can just knock a hole in one of the side storage pods, we can steal the snacks that fall out to feed the growing resistance."
"They're hailing us! They're hailing us! Oh, quick! We need a name! We can't form a resistance and not have a name!" "Hmmm…. No. We need something scary! Something to strike fear into all who hear of the resistance!" "We are the Resisty! We have come to strike-" "Yes, yes. The Resisty! Anyhow… we have come-" "See, I told you it was stupid! Why do I keep listening to you?!" Lard Nar and Shloontapooxis clutch onto each other and scream. They get thrown against the main view screen and fall out of view, while Lard Nar is seen staring sternly on the screen. He grins with exuberance when he hears what has happened to the Massive. "You hear that? Their weapons are down! After them! Get those snacks!" Lard Nar glares fiercely in his captain’s chair. "They're getting away! Let's go!" Lard Nar watches in disbelief as the completely vulnerable Massive jolts and spins around uncontrollably.
"A problem!?! How!?! They're sitting ducks! Aside from all the insane flying around." "Was that part of the bad news?" "And the good news!?!" Lard Nar's horn-like antennae twitch as he convulses and stares blankly in fear. Lard Nar emits a loud, high-pitched shriek, in terror, but quickly composes himself. "Heh, uh, I mean… evacuate the ship!" "Activate the shrinky self-destruct! No alien thieves are gonna steal the secrets of this ship!" "Hear me, Irken scum! You have not seen the last… of the Resisty!" Lard Nar dramatically shakes his fist in the air. An explosion sends some of the members of the Resisty flying and screaming. "That's right, that's still our name."
tl;dr hes very screamy and quick to panicking, but also good at composing himself when his team needs him. he takes action when he gets the oppurrtunity and has a tendency fur dramaticisms. simultaneously a bit purrideful and a pushofur. no idea what the fuck hes doing, he purrobably got efurrything he knows about leadership furom media or something. "irken scum" sayer. kindve similar to dib in some ways, if dib was about 90% less murderous
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eliasdrid · 1 year
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FUTURE piece in the same style as SPEAKER's and OCEAN's
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xsullenxcuntx · 1 year
listening the red scare podcast while I sit in the bus
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chekhovs-harpoon · 1 year
tagged by @chetungwan tnx bro
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs.
unfortunately, my wip folder had been abandoned 2 computers ago i never got around to getting it out of my external storage and i have not properly written anything since then T-T
but i still do have a notes folder which does have ideas for fic i think i wanna do that. and also cuz i have mutuals that write fic, and i wanna see what y'all are up to 👀. also im gonna answer this on my pod blog since all of these are for podcasts
instrumental convergence - sayer/hale character study
matthew/athos monster fucker porn with feelings
echo matthew/athos fixit fic everyone lives au
look up rewrite with angsty impulsive beach sex
lab 69. sayer/hale pwp
sayer/hale thermal equilibrium - post canon h/c bdsm fluff
young and future play catch up (future/young noncon)
arthur/john sayer au, arthur is hale and john is sayer
adam/caleb college au
tagging: @sinceyouaskedme @scribespirare @thespiritofeon @irithnova @soft-gay-kid @digitalis-obscura @kahtiihma @straight-to-the-pain
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canyouhearmeow · 2 years
@sodistinctlyhuman #im also w u on the ai merch like the draw would be incredible #the day aerolith realizes the potential of exploiting the robot lovers is the day earth is abandoned completely
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malevolentcast · 3 years
Looking for more Horror Podcast Recommendations?
Check out Malevolent:
“Arkham Private Investigator Arthur Lester wakes up with no memory of who he is or what has happened, only a nameless, eerie voice guiding him through the darkness.
Blind, terrified, and confused, his journey will lead him towards a series of mysteries in the hopes of understanding the truth of what has transpired.
As cosmic horrors seep into the world around, Arthur must ask himself whether this entity truly seeks to help him, or are its intentions more… Malevolent”
The show is a weekly choose your own adventure horror narrative that releases public episodes monthly. Check it out now literally everywhere you can!
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nightblood999 · 3 years
Podcasts to try if you like Wolf 359
Girl in Space:
               Lovable main character? Check. Humor? Check. Complex and interesting plot? Check. Fun cast of side characters? Check. It even has a sassy AI! Follow X and she maintains her space station… until crap hits the fan.
               This could be the sister show to Wolf 359. This is the Legend of Korra to Avatar the Last Airbender, if Legend of Korra was only the first season, and didn’t have the weird love triangle.
 Time: Bombs:
               Written by the same team as Wolf 359, Time: Bombs follows a bomb squad on New Year ’s Day. Its only 3 episodes, but definitely worth an hour of your time.
 The Magnus Archives:
               While the Magnus Archives is a horror podcast, If had a lot of similarities to Wolf 359, such as the story driven plot (though it doesn’t seem that was at first), and the cast of well rounded, interesting characters. Just try not to get too many expectations from the massive fandom.
               SAYER is an advanced AI tasked with helping new residents acclimate to their lives in Typhon, Earths man-made moon. At first, I didn’t realize all of the episodes were connected, then I realized that the story was far more intricate than I expected.  While there are less characters and the only voices you ever hear are those of the AIs, SAYER is a good podcast to help wean you off of an emotional rollercoater like Wolf 359.
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