dotsunflowers · 3 months
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Nancy and Marjan | (ID in alt; description also available below the cut)
[Image ID: Digital painting of Nancy Gillian and Marjan Marwani from 9-1-1: Lone Star, done in a semi-realistic style, with a signature reading 'Dot [flower symbol] s' in the upper lefthand corner. In the image, Nancy and Marjan are pictured from the waist up against an orange background, seemingly posing, Nancy wearing a blue jean jacket and a neutral expression as she looks directly ahead, and Marjan, in a pink blouse, silky pink hijab, and black AFD baseball cap, with an arm over Nancy's shoulder. It looks almost as if Marjan got distracted from posing as she looks at Nancy instead of ahead, with her hand not quite in a peace sign symbol, and biting her lip slightly.]
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lunaralight09 · 2 years
Pls do if 049,035,105,076,073,682, or any other scps you can do finds out that the reader is an artist and can basically draw anything and drew the scps???? Take ur time if needed!
(It's night and I don't sleep and try to finish this . My brain's literally dead right now .) Srr if it's too short . My imagination died .
SCP 035 When they find/you show them your art . Well ... They'll get really excited that you drew them . Like a child . She won't care about the style of your art . As long as you can draw , it's fine with her . Would totally ask to draw them more often . What can I say they are narcissistic and like attention toward them .
SCP 049 He's quite surprised . And would like to see your drawing if you can/want to show him . And will praise it and yeah , new art styles(if you don't draw in realism) are ... Interesting and little weird to him , but they are better looking than art in his time . If you show art of him , he'll be happy that you decided to draw him out of all people/things/or whatever you usually draw .
SCP 073 His first reaction is ... unsure , then realization hit him . He would be kind of honored , mostly really fricking happy about it . Wants to ask you to draw him again , but he's a little ... hesitant about this idea . You could be not in the mood/busy/tired . So he wouldn't do it ... right now at least . He just needs some time to make a decision . Would be unusual to see you art most of the time , no seriously , he didn't see drawing or anything similar when he was a normal human .
SCP 076 First reaction is ... He doesn't know .He acts like he's not interested . But he's impressed and surprised that you drew him after some time . He may or may not say that this drawing is just - Okay . But trust me in his head he's overthinking about it . And if he was able to sleep like normal(not while he's regenerating in his box)... he wouldn't and would just stare in to the void . And this is what he can actually do . Just stand somewhere alone and dose off . Straight up standing there in the middle of the room/hall , alone and don't move . You could say he's like a statue , but when he hears/sees someone he's back to his normal self .
SCP 096 What ? You did ... what ? Honestly they don't know why you chose to draw them out of all the options that you have , no seriously . They will straight up tilt their head(like puppies do). It doesn't mean that he don't like your drawing , they like it . A lot . And then I say a lot , I mean A LOT . Especially in you art style , but they don't like to look at himself most of the time . And usually ignore their reflection .
SCP 105 She would be really exited and say many 'thank you's . Many times .She even offered to give you some of the pictures she took and give them to you so you can draw/get inspired by it .(Well if you're okay with drawing nature/sea) Would probably try to draw you too . But firstly Iris needs to practice 'cause it's been a fairly long time since she drew something, especially people . Probably took her a 2 week or so to draw you . And will give this to you by first opportunity .
SCP 682 No reaction . Or at least his face don't show it , but would be really glad . And probably try to give you something back as a gift . Well to be exactly ... Death . Not yours . But rather the person you hate the most/your enemy/person who's really fucking annoying . That's literally the only thing he can do as a return(probably the only thing) , because he either accidentally break/hurt the gift or the item is too smol for him to pick it up . But you can expect some quality time(cuddles) with him or what ever you want to do (Be careful he can accidentally fall asleep and crush you if he's really tired , which is rarely , but still . Careful)
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oesir · 2 years
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He's quite a festive little man.
Hope you guys have a good holiday season! <3
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maruchan25 · 4 months
Curious about headcanons like
Scp-035 as a father for son
without pressure
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The gif it's not mine! Thank you for your request hope you enjoy it!!
-he was scared when he was told he was gonna be a father he isn't stupid he is aware of what he is and what his heir could come looking like
-he tried his best to be atleast a decent father he didn't know anything about taking care of a young child he knew how to take life not how to take care of it
-he was proud it was a boy he would have a male heir who could take after him (don't mean he wouldn't want a daughter)
-he teached his son how to escape and manipulate persons to make them go free just in case
-he would teach his son how to be strong since he is aware he won't be there for them forever
-he scaped the foundation to give his child a life out of 4 walls he gived his son a life out of the prison he passed decades at but still had the fear that they would go after him or worst his son
-overprotective father since his child is the only thing he has for now...
-he take his son killing showing him how to take a host until its body has nothing more to offer
-he would scape to Europe with his son so he has the life he had
-he would teach them to be strong,intelligent and manipulate
-he would show them how to get what they want by manipulating people
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zinniajones · 1 year
Gender Analysis present our remarks at the Seminole County Public Schools board meeting addressing the censorship of LGBTQ+ students in the Lyman High School yearbook.
This is the two-page spread at issue. Several speakers from Moms for Liberty, Turning Point Action, and other extremists called the school staff pedophiles, called trans children demons, said their parents are groomers, and accused the board of advancing the agenda of Satan. Those were their objections to the following two pages, which are now censored and removed:
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Our remarks are reproduced below. Also refer to www.floridaban.com for the referenced materials.
HEATHER: Hi, I'm Heather McNamara. I'm a parent of two Seminole County children. One's a graduate, very proud of him. I want to talk about the past for a second, because none of this is new, it's old trash. I really hope the kids here know that -- this is not new.
I grew up as many of us here did in the 80’s and 90’s, and back then, adults did not talk about LGBT stuff with kids. They were so worried about our freaking innocence, okay, and when Ellen DeGeneres came out on network television there was a huge outcry. The homophobic Defense of Marriage Act was passed, I don't even want to talk about that. Parents and children cheered. Adults said ‘God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve’, and ‘you're not gay, everyone gets curious’. Trans people weren't even discussed except on Jerry Springer, which was horrible.
I didn't know many queer kids growing up. At my high school, there was only one openly gay kid and his life was a living hell. We had a gym teacher that we were all pretty sure was a lesbian, but nobody was allowed to talk about that, especially not her. I think she was afraid for her job. Is that what we want to do again?
It was a dark time, so most of us hid ourselves. And you know what, I was exactly what some of you want your kids to be. I was afraid even to think about what I might be. I left high school believing I could live as a straight person – I think most of the rest of us did.
20 years passed, and I was able to reconnect with a lot of kids I went to high school with on social media. Scores of us have come out, because it didn't work. Because whatever you complainants may think, whatever your parental disapproval, just isn't powerful enough. Threats of hell and demons are not scary enough, and an old stupid book, a thousand times translated, and even a government isn't convincing enough to change who somebody is. Don't be your kid's first bullies. Thank you.
BOARD: Order. Order, please. Next speaker.
ZINNIA: Hi, I'm Zinnia Jones, she/her – sorry for the bad handwriting. Heather McNamara is my wife, she's crying right now because of this. I'm a proud mother of a child at SCPS and a graduate. And I'm a transgender woman. I'm 34 years old, I've been doing this for a decade. You call that a phase? I am the ‘gender ideology’ – here I stand. We are many.
We are many!
Board members, restore the censored pages of your LGBT students to their yearbook. Make this right. Calling us groomers is a historical blood libel that leads to pogroms of minorities. To kids and parents everywhere, I'll show you exactly how to stop this. Extremist groups are lying to you here about trans people being too mentally incompetent to know our own genders, and they were lying about us when they said that being trans is a contagion we're spreading to other people. That's genocidal rhetoric.
Who is responsible? The Christian nationalist legal group Alliance Defending Freedom just ordered those talking points as a legal argument from a hate group in Gainesville called the ‘American College of Pediatricians’. They are a fake group, they are not the American Academy of Pediatrics. They are not mainstream, they are about a hundred people – about 12 core members.
The Alliance Defending Freedom ordered those talking points. The talking points came first, the evidence was an afterthought, just like Big Tobacco hiring experts to manufacture doubt that smoking causes cancer. Go read the Southern Poverty Law Center today. Go read FloridaBan.com today, to see their actual documents we uploaded where they planned and workshopped these anti-trans talking points themselves.
This ends now!
I want these queer and trans kids busting open these conspiracies against their lives in the pages of that yearbook. That's journalism. You're only coping with the fallout of this because of a governor who's faced allegations of committing acts of torture against detainees at Guantanamo who were later freed. That is not political, that's the Geneva Convention. Torture is a war crime. [mic is cut] Committing torture would make someone a war criminal. Is he even following the law?
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creepyalienghost · 8 months
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dua-source · 1 year
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Dua Lipa in Barbie Part 3
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anon-scp-polls · 8 months
Heya! I'm doing a little fanfiction, and I need to add three SCPs in, but I want To do a vote. I attempted it on my blog but I only got one vote. Can you help?
SCP-other (comment or tag)?
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sch-com · 2 years
Let me come clean and rant about something.
Technically I don't have a personality *disorder*, because I am considered too young. Yes, I am of age, but I was told to wait until I'm in my late twenties/early thirties to diagnose anything.
I do, however, fit the criteria for SPD and OCPD, so yeah technically I have the personality *styles* and not *disorders*.
(btw that's kinda besides the point, but I want to mention that I'm not really sure how the dysfunctionality really fits into my situation, because I guess from an outside perspective I am functioning well. I do shit i have to do and all. I am more fucked up on the inside and maybe some of my behaviours are odd but ehh let me end this introjection here for now)
Now, that's all well, something, but my question is - what the fuck do I do with this information? Since I'm not "disordered", no treatment is really on the table. So what should I do? How do I "prevent* those personality patterns from solidifying?
And also, do I even want to? No, i don't, I like many of the "symptoms" about me actually. I can recognise that they may be causing some problems in my life, but that's like. true for every personality trait under the sun, not just those associated with PDs.
I am just at a loss. I am at the point where I stopped believing anything could be done about my mental anguish. I guess it just is what it is.
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049 x 045 x 106 headcanons? Please and thank you.
I checked in with creepyalienghost, and it turned out that she wanted headcanons for SCP 035, the mask, not 045. Also, fair warning that these are monsters in every sense of the word and this isn't going to be a healthy or honest relationship.
-Doc and the mask were enemies for centuries before they became partners, and for good reason: Doc wished to help humanity by curing the pestilence, and the mask wished only to do harm. This changed when, during one of their fights, the mask came to possess one of Doc's zombies. He greatly enjoyed the form, and found that when he was in it, Doc could not kill his host with the touch of death.
-Doc couldn't get rid of him after that. He kept following Doc around, possessing a new zombie when the old one disintegrated from his black goo. Eventually, Doc started asking him questions and found it was nice to have someone- and a cultured and immortal someone, no less, to talk to while he wandered the earth. And since the Mask would no longer hurt anyone so long as he had zombies to possess, well, why not?
-They started acting as partners, the mask helping to lure people in so that the Doctor could cure them of the pestilence. What the mask will never say is that he doesn't believe that Doc is helping anyone. He relishes in the loss of human life Doc causes. Doc might think that their partnership is keeping the Mask's evil at bay, but as far as the mask is concerned, he has just found a more convenient way to sate his sadism.
-The old man only joined their partnership recently after Doc tried to stop the old man from torturing someone. The mask took the old man aside and convinced him to join their relationship so that he could watch the well-meaning doctor kill people needlessly.
-Sometimes, the old man will wear the mask. Because of the old man's anomalous nature, the mask does not hurt him. Rather, the result is a creature with the old man's powers and the mask's intelligence. They enjoy going out together to do horrible acts of evil together.
-Despite the fact that they are definitely lying to and taking advantage of Doc, they're nothing but nice to his face. Doc is completely oblivious to the evils of his partners and is completely satisfied by the relationship, and the two take pride in how they've pulled the wool over the eyes of a normally very sharp anomaly.
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wolveria · 2 years
What’s your top 5 favorite SCPs?
Ooh this is such a good question!
I'm going to cheese it and give you two sets of answers. I love what I consider my Core 5 SCPs: 682, 079, 173, 035, and of course, 049. (I also love Shy Guy and the Old Man but I can't really hang out with them. 173 is a fine lad as long as no one blinks)
But if we're going to go for more obscure SCPs, these are my top 5:
914: The clockwork machine that converts objects based on its settings
093: A red disk that allows you to travel through a mirror into another world (the first SCP I ever learned about, so I’m nostalgic)
000: The SCP that doesn’t exist and yet screams from the abyss
1762: Here be dragons. Makes me cry every time...
001: Definitely cheesing this one because there are probably about 30 different SCP-001s, but that’s what makes it so fun. Every one of them are a fascinating story. I can’t tell you which SCP-001 is my favorite, because it’ll be a big spoiler for The Raven’s Hymn ;)
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dotsunflowers · 4 months
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"She's my person." | Description in alt; ID also below the cut.
[Image ID: A digital painting of Sandra Oh as Cristina Yang. The painting is made from the shoulders up and painted in warm tones—Cristina is wearing red lipstick, and her red leather jacket, and the shadows in her wavy hair have a purplish tint; when the light hits her hair it has a warm orange tone. She has a neutral expression, and the background is a circle speckled with pinks and oranges, almost like a halo or a sun. The painting is signed 'dot [flower symbol] s'. /end ID.]
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reckless-rider · 1 year
what if,,,, i asked you to create a list of what you personally believe to be the weirdest weird little freak kinda scps,,, lmaoooooo jk jk... unless?
Sorry this took forever to answer and isn't very long :( but here are some scps that are just a little silly, freaky guys
Dr. Bright
Mr. fish (scp-527)
Eye pods (SCP-131-A and 131-B)
Mr. laugh (scp-1799)
Plague Doctor (SCP-049)
SCP-999 (they most scp ever actually)
Builder Bear (SCP - 1048)
Site 13 (1730)
bobble the clown (993)
Samsara (not really scps but I think they are cool and they're literally called the "Power Rangers" lmao)
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cagreyson · 1 year
What makes Liminal Spaces so intriguing? New podcast release coming up!
New podcast coming soon you guys!
In my next podcast I cover the fascinating world that is liminal horror─ such as The Backrooms, SCP, and lore behind what makes us drawn to these kinds of horror. What is it about the uncanny spaces that are familiar but somehow dredge up feelings of unease? Imagine yourself here in this empty classroom or training seminar─ but no one ever shows. You are completely alone, wandering a maze of…
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zinniajones · 1 year
Trigger warning for genocidal and exterminationist rhetoric by anti-LGBT extremists and hate groups in Seminole County, Florida.
In order of appearance:
Michael "Mikey" Sciarrino (Turning Point Action, Gays Against Groomers Florida, former secretary of Turning Point USA at UCF)
Mishelle Minella (Moms for Liberty Seminole County Chapter)
Joy Amy Stricker (Moms for Liberty Seminole County Chapter)
Zinnia Jones (Gender Analysis of Seminole County)
What this video is: This is the June 6, 2023 meeting of the Seminole County school board, with public comment on the ongoing issue of anti-LGBT hate groups in our community.
The extremist group Moms For Liberty recently complained to Seminole County Public Schools about a two-page yearbook spread by the LGBT students of Lyman High School.
The SCPS school board responded by recalling the yearbook, offering refunds, and blanking out the spread with white pages in its place.
That action, and the groups whose complaints led to that action, are now widely criticized by students, teachers, and parents as aggressively intolerant and disruptive to the harmony of our community. This is because the yearbook spread was neutral and inoffensive, containing definitions of words like "gay" and "transgender" that high school students would commonly see when reading any news outlet.
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Regardless, a small number of outside extremists appeared at this meeting, and continued to make indefensible and disgusting attacks against students and their parents and teachers. The remarks excerpted in this video are transcribed below.
MICHAEL SCIARRINO: Gender ideology is vastly inappropriate for school settings, which does have potential long-term ramifications down the road for a child. And conversation should only be had with their parent.
MISHELLE MINELLA: It's about schools encouraging the sexualization of minors. The number of individuals seeking treatments for gender identity and related issues has increased dramatically in recent years. The rates of identifying as non-binary appear linked to the abundance of local cultural enthusiasm as seen in the data, tremendous spikes in certain regions, far beyond what most social scientists feel is enduring. In other words, some of the identification is merely transitory and temporary.
JOY STRICKER: I hope that parents pull their children out of SCPS and consider school choice or homeschool options, because there are too many groomers and pedophiles working here. In conclusion, they/them is derived from Satan and demons. It originates from "my name is Legion, for we are many". Another fun fact is that Baphomet is a transgender Satanic deity.
ZINNIA JONES: I'm a proud mother of a child at SCPS and a graduate. And I'm a transgender woman. I'm 34 years old, I've been doing this for a decade. You call that a phase? I am the ‘gender ideology’ – here I stand. We are many.
We are many!
Board members, restore the censored pages of your LGBT students to their yearbook. Make this right. Calling us groomers is a historical blood libel that leads to pogroms of minorities. To kids and parents everywhere, I'll show you exactly how to stop this. Extremist groups are lying to you here about trans people being too mentally incompetent to know our own genders, and they were lying about us when they said that being trans is a contagion we're spreading to other people. That's genocidal rhetoric. Who is responsible?
The Christian nationalist legal group Alliance Defending Freedom just ordered those talking points as a legal argument from a hate group in Gainesville called the ‘American College of Pediatricians’. They are a fake group, they are not the American Academy of Pediatrics. They are not mainstream, they are about a hundred people – about 12 core members. The Alliance Defending Freedom ordered those talking points. The talking points came first, the evidence was an afterthought, just like Big Tobacco hiring experts to manufacture doubt that smoking causes cancer. Go read the Southern Poverty Law Center today. Go read FloridaBan.com today, to see their actual documents we uploaded where they planned and workshopped these anti-trans talking points themselves.
This ends now!
I want these queer and trans kids busting open these conspiracies against their lives in the pages of that yearbook. That's journalism. You're only coping with the fallout of this because of a governor who's faced allegations of committing acts of torture against detainees at Guantanamo who were later freed. That is not political, that's the Geneva Convention. Torture is a war crime. [mic is cut] Committing torture would make someone a war criminal. Is he even following the law?
(Oh, and this was my first time going to one of these circus sideshows)
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dua-source · 1 year
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Dua Lipa in Barbie Part 2
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