#SEM villains
jalapenoscumbag · 2 months
bro was NOT having it 💀🙏
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culxiaa-fn · 1 month
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[⚠️ OOC Jude, Jude in MC's Delululand⚠️]
Quick doodle while I'm in class because "I'm not able to pay attention" mood today haha🫠🫠
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editfandom · 6 months
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Sandie Collins - Last Night in Soho, 2021
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empty-dream · 2 years
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235uranium · 7 months
sometimes I think about how robin hood is canonically a true persona of akechi's and that means that some part of the detective prince act was true. does akechi even know that himself??? or does he believe he can only ever be the black mask???? does he even realize some part of him truly wanted to bring justice and not just hate fueled revenge???
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ur-favoriterecord · 2 months
Just watched a P5 Review and all I can say is that this reviewer will not survive the winter
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sophsiaaa · 6 months
I've been wanting to make this post for a while so now that I'm on mid-sem break, I will. Let's talk Shigaraki and sex.
NSFW warning??
So, let's get the big question out of the way. Is Shigaraki a virgin?
I think, yes. 100%
However, that is not to say that he is an innocent, oblivious, 'omg what is sex? uwu' baby villain. This guy literally lives in a bar, in a seedy part of the city, and hangs around with criminals. He knows about sex - I daresay he knows quite a bit about it. Besides which, we see in-canon that he has a phone and a PC and access to the internet, so he's hardly sheltered (though, he's definitely sheltered in regard to actual real-life socialisation, but that's another story).
Regardless, I stand by my assertion that he is a virgin.
Exhibit A: Shigaraki is shown very overtly to hate 'basically everything'. Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything encompasses sex/romance/intimacy. His character, especially at the beginning of the story, is prickly, quick-to-frustration, and sort of single-minded. He is driven to complete one narrow goal set by AFO that he believes he wants: to kill All Might. I believe prior to our introduction to Shigaraki, he was much the same, and thus did not seek out sex. Given his hostile and loner-guy nature at the start of the series, I doubt he would have had much in the way of propositions on his occasional solo trip to the mall.
Exhibit B: whilst I have seen it theorised that AFO introduced Shigaraki to sex via getting him a sex worker to 'satisfy his natural urges', personally, I think this theory is unlikely. This is because everything AFO does is to create discomfort and frustration in Shigaraki's life in order to stoke his rage (the guy literally has him wearing dead hands despite the fact that they make Shigaraki simultaneously feel calm and like throwing up). Thus, I doubt AFO would have encouraged Shigaraki to indulge in sexual relief - or any kind of relief - at all. I doubt he would have even explained the birds and the bees and likely pawned that job off onto the doctor or the internet if Shigaraki asked any questions.
So, we've established that Shigaraki's a virgin, and an ultimate hasn't-even-kissed-anyone virgin at that. But does he want to have sex? That big question number 2.
Honestly, I don't think he much cares for it.
It's odd to say given the multitude of what is essentially sex-addict-Shiagraki headcanons out there, but I truly think he doesn't really think about sex. Shigaraki's sex drive is probably quite low. Now, since I'm taking an evidence based approach here, lets go for the obvious evidence that points to him not having much interest in sex and that is the fact that if he was interested in it, Horikoshi would not shy away from showing it. My Hero Academia is not a manga that shies away from the odd bit of fan service or the pervy character. Mineta is - unfortunately - living proof of this. And he's not the only one. Horikoshi writes many of his characters displaying sexual attraction/interest/engagement/awareness at one point or another. So, logically, if Shigaraki was a character who was interested in sex, Horikoshi would show that. Since he doesn't, I can only conclude that sex isn't really a big deal to Shigaraki, or at the very least, not something he thinks about enough for it to show up on-screen.
Now, do I believe that Shigaraki has zero sexual interest? No. I think he's watched porn before, and probably even jerks it every now and then. But do I think he would actively seek out sex? Nah. Honestly, I don't even think he'd go along with sex unless it's with someone he's got a pre-established emotional connection to that's been building for a long time.
Like everything with Shigaraki, I think sex would be intense. By this I mean, he wouldn't be the type to have a casual one-night-stand or a friends-with-benefits fling. If he's in it, his heart's in it. Because he is so angry and destructive, Shiagraki often gets mischaracterised as heartless and deliberately cruel (this is a conversation for a separate post), but in reality, he cares a lot about certain things and puts his all into them. With sex, he would have to care about the who for the what to matter.
In conclusion - Shigaraki's well aware that BDSM doesn't stand for Bible Discussion/Study Meeting, but he's also a virgin loser who would not pin you up against the wall and have his way with you in a dark alley.
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bellekawata-san · 3 months
Chloé Bourgeois/Queen Bee
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⚝Chloé Bourgeois: Chloe in "My Poisonous Villain" is a spoiled girl, maintaining the same personality as in the series. After the arrival of the Supreme, with her parents becoming famous and her father becoming the mayor, she gains so much freedom that she can do whatever she wants. She is the childhood best friend of Adrien Agreste, although he cannot stand her. Because of this, she thinks he is playing hard to get. She doesn’t care at all about Sabrina, not even calling her a "friend" but rather a "servant." Since her parents are famous and have a lot of political power, even having contact with the Supreme, she thinks very highly of herself. There are conspiracies suggesting that the Supreme is using the mayor, and it was because of the Supreme that Chloe's father became the mayor.
Depois de você, ela conseguiu um Miraculous, que era originalmente destinado à sua mãe, mas por causa da revolta de Gabriel Agreste, a Suprema preferiu continuar confiando o Miraculous aos adolescentes. Chloe usa seu próprio kwami ​​como servo também, afirmando que, como rainha, ela merece. Pouco é dito sobre sua meia-irmã Zoe, sem nenhuma conexão forte e apenas um relacionamento neutro.
She loves bullying others, with Marinette Dupain-Cheng being her main target, and she threatens anyone who tries to accuse or report her, even those who defend her. Juleka was once one of her targets, but after finding a new target, she decided to leave Juleka alone, especially because her older brother was kind of cute. In her civilian form, she initially doesn't care about you, to the point of just rolling her eyes.
She often wears expensive and chic styles of clothing, wanting to feel like a queen as much as possible. She also uses this to try to attract Adrien Agreste's attention, but it doesn't work since "he is playing hard to get," as Chloe says, not realizing that the boy is nearly at the point of punching her and simply can no longer stand her or even consider her a friend.
⚝Queen Bee:I kept the same name as her heroic form, since it doesn’t make much sense to change it, especially because Chloe here already sees herself as a queen. Using the Bee Miraculous, she already calls herself Queen Bee. As your right-hand and having received her Miraculous after you, she comes up with great evil plans, finding more and more ways to hurt the Butterfly Miraculous holder. She will rarely expose herself or say that she is Queen Bee or that she has a Miraculous, since the Supreme is forbidding it.
The fact that Chloe has never seen the Supreme but believes that you have, as you are known as the Supreme's "right hand," makes her respect you deeply. She proudly says that she is thankful to be your right hand, even though she wanted to be "the right hand" of the Supreme. She realizes that it is better for you to be in that position, as it means she doesn't have to handle the paperwork and can keep the action for herself.
She views Shadybug and Claw Noir as quarrelsome kids and says that if they didn’t fight, they could catch the Butterfly Miraculous holder. But she is grateful for the fights, as it is her "entertainment." She hates and has no respect for Shadybug and Claw Noir, only tolerating them because you do.
⚝ Pólen: Pólen age como uma abelha submissa, obedecendo Chloe sem questionar, lixando suas unhas como ela deseja. Pólen quase não come, pois está sempre elogiando e mimando sua dona, que só a usa como uma serva. Chloe proíbe Pólen de dizer qualquer coisa que ela não queira ouvir e também a proíbe de fugir. Pólen é apenas uma abelha submissa, como Chloe diz."
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✧ Outras contas:
Spirit Fanfic
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corviiids · 1 month
I really liked your analysis on the “core” of both Joker and Akechi. I agree that neither the detective prince or the black mask “is” Akechi at his core; but rather, he’s fractured. My question to you is, do you think we ever see the “true” Goro Akechi within the canon? It is my opinion that we do likely in Rank 6 just for a little bit and in fragments during the engine room. And by that logic, what do you think the “true” Akechi would be like in a post canon scenario where the DP/BM are gone?
thank you so much and really good question. in my personal opinion we definitely see parts of his sincere self but there's sort of an asterisk attached to that (ill expand) and more importantly even in those truthful moments we never really see the Whole of him because as i said before i don't think his sense of self is really collected enough into a unified whole to be able to show it off even if he wanted to, at least at that point in his life
im like turning this question over in my hands bc im about to go into a bunch of this stuff in the next chapter of my longfic and i dont want to just say the same thing twice, but basically (this time it isn't as long thank god. it's still a bit long)
i think even in the moments akechi is letting you see him in canon such as in rank 6 (and i think you're right i do think at rank 6 he's exposing a bit of himself to you. most of himself. all of himself. he is naked) he's doing so deliberately, because unveiling a bit of truth is a very potent tool in trying to get someone's trust (in this case ren's) and convincing them to swallow the rest of a lie. so while he's showing you something real, i think his intentions are still very guarded, so i would still say he's holding up a facade at that point
black mask in the engine room is more complicated because i think that's the closest he gets to being unguarded during canon. look it's like multilayered because i think when he's being the detective prince he's aware that he's being false because he's doing it on purpose, but when he's the black mask he's much less aware because at that point the insincerity is just something that's built into his understanding of himself so it becomes less a deliberate facade and more a failure to comprehend who he is on an internal level? so i think as black mask in the engine room he's not lying to you anymore. he's just not like... self-actualised enough that we can really call the black mask the "whole" of who goro akechi is, because he sees himself as a villain with an expiration date and so he's kind of deliberately made his self-understanding quite shallow. but it's close. i think that's the most sincere he ever intentionally gets.
re: postcanon - this is really interesting to mull over because i think generally people agree that third semester akechi is like, again, as close as we can get to akechi not masking around you. but i also think that's mostly just because he's being mean, and it's easier to buy meanness as sincerity than niceness. im going into this in the next chapter too i have to figure out how to reword this
but akechi in third sem IS masking. akechi in third sem is a man who thinks he's dead. that expressionlessness isn't just him not bothering to put the smile on anymore, it's him coating his entire existence in a layer of nihilism and apathy because in his mind he doesn't exist anymore and how are you meant to cope with that? it's definitely still more sincere than the detective prince, and i think it's closer to what his personality would be removed from his circumstances. well, that raises another question on a more abstract level LOL about how much of a person's personality IS just... reactivity to circumstances. like is it even meaningful to ask this question? is it useful to try and remove someone into a contextless vacuum to determine their "true self". i think no so to what point is it relevant to try and determine which of a person's circumstances are sufficiently extreme that they should be considered outliers and at what point does it just become a futile exercise in trying to achieve, like, the character equivalent of nagel's view from nowhere I'M GETTING OFF TRACK THI SISNT WHAT YOU ASKED
THE POINT IS. postcanon i think we could expect akechi to resemble his third sem self to an extent but i think a little less blank, a little more reactive and emotional. furthermore i think even when the detective prince and the black mask are gone as conscious masks elements of those personalities would still remain in akechi's character, like, i still think he'd do the ^_^ in public, i still think he'd be unhinged when context allows, because i very firmly believe that (not just for akechi but for everyone in general, but especially for akechi) the choices you make when you're masking and those masks that you wear ARE part of your true self and not just a disguise this is going to show up in longfic too
so i think akechi goro is a liar, he's a performer, he's ruthless, he's flat and dry, he knows how to play the game. he was once idealistic and it's crossed into bitterness so he reacts to his circumstances with cynicism and impatience. he's guarded and carefully filtered in most situations, but in familiar situations where he feels he doesn't have too much to lose (eg with the few people he thinks he can mostly trust) he's smug and cutting and doesnt suffer fools easily. he doesnt pull punches, but dont mistake the bluntness for honesty. i think to akechi truth and information and vulnerability will always be a weapon
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jalapenoscumbag · 26 days
another one
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
List of HotD Inconsistencies:
(This list will be Continuously Added the more I realize where there is an inconsistency)
Daemon saying to Rhaenyra that he left her bc she "was a child" in episode 7 -- he was the one who said to Viserys to marry them for the sake of the House and that he wanted her, the only thing he asked Viserys in spite of all he wanted; he also said she was not a girl anymore (she's past Westerosi marriageable age and older than 18); Laena is younger than Rhaenyra in the show, yet Daemon married her not long after he left KL, assuming so since we have another time jump after episode 5; Rhaenys and Corlys had a larger age gap than either Daemyra or Aemma x Viserys/Viserys x Alicent and Corlys would have been attracted and talking to Rhaenys for a while before they married for her to be so adamant about marrying him when she was 16....yet the show changes all that
Alicent is adamant in saving Rhaenyra despite having tried to essentially get her and her kids killed or exiled for 10 years
Daemon himself had to claim Caraxes, he didn't bond with him when he was a baby or small child, yet he doesn't know how to comfort his daughter Rhaena about the same "issue" that is actually not an issue at all
a possible relationship with Criston Cole is framed and shit as if it were the most romantic and healthy relationship Rhaenyra could have had aside from the one with Harwin (who still is messing around with a person way younger than him who he had been attracted to since before she hit 18) -> the music and the actors' playfulness of episode 4, the hopefulness of Criston's proposal unpaired with any indication of what a delusion he's drawn up of who she is despite living and talking with her for years...and the Daemon is supposed to be framed as one of the moral villains and antagonists and worst persons in Rhaenyra's personal circle
[pt.2 of the one above] the show not taking advantage of Criston Cole witnessing the white stag approach Rhaenyra and thus (for him, at least, with his devotion to Andal beliefs and customs) show us how he reacts to the sign legitimizing Rhaenyra...and then deciding to abandon her -> making it seem as if a relationship between them would in any way be healthier than one with Daemon -> really, just presenting this whole idea that this is a good relationship and making their separation sem more Rhaenyra's fault than actually Criston's!
Rhaenyra knowing that the greens are plotting against her for years to install Aegon, having proposed to Daemon explicitly saying she needed him for her upcoming conflict with he greens, and then calling it "Daemon's war" and not wanting Daemon to shore up their defenses not immediately imprisoning Otto Hightower to have him right where she can keep him
Rhaenyra flip-flopping between showing strength to Otto or Daemon....then crying over a torn out page from a person who tried to kill/banish her and her sons
Rhaenyra being in any way affected by Alicent's page when she told Alicent before Alicent is essentially the biggest hypocrite AND Alicent has been trying to get her and her kids either killed or banished forever -> the page was specifically about Nymeria who would become the founder of the current House of Martell and remade the entire Dornish culture through her conquests and marriage to the then Martell Andal-only lord, aka, one of ASoiaF's women who was completely assured of her autonomous right to rule and responsible for a literal cultural reset that only benefited both herself as well as those she conquered for generation into current time, ahem genderless primogeniture....Alicent is trying to usurp Rhaenyra based on the "only males can rule" bullshit....you can't make this stuff up
Rhaenys absolutely knowing (or should know) that the greens could and would imprison or kill any of her grandkids, herself, and Corlys....yet allowing them to live in episode 9
Aemond supposedly being the son who "reads all the philosophies and prepared himself for leadership to protect his home and family"...then making the bright decision in antagonizing an envoy under someone else's home and killing him after chasing him down for more than 5 minutes tops -> Even if it weren't a decision, that would be even worse! If he knew he didn't have control over a dragon, AND didn't want to kill Luke, just to scare him (for 5 mins?)...why chase him down at all?! He's been riding Vhagar for years, so he either should have been way better at getting her to obey him OR he would have known that he couldn't control her all that well and avoid letting his emotions get the better of him. He would have known the risks, yet took them anyway! Then we have to assume that he actually wanted Luke dead and sought it out. That he did have control over Vhagar! Otherwise, we fall back again on him just being a dumbass, bc again, he said he studied to become better, have more emotional control, be more strategic, and smarter...but then pulls this? What a mess!
Criston Cole managing to get out of execution or imprisonment simply because Alicent said so, when he killed a man under Viserys' roof and that same man essentially having had guests rights...(digressing from the topic of inconsistencies and plotholes, this does not happen in the book -- Cole killed Joffrey during a tourney match, which both show and book audiences know are highly dangerous, so the point there was that Cole could get away with it on account of it being an already dangerous sport/event that is socially sanctioned; the book's telling of how Cole killed Joffrey makes more sense and has more potential to be emotionally more charged with helplessness)
*the Targs somehow not having an ounce of darker skin or kinkier/curlier hair despite making the Velaryon the exclusively black house and Viserys/Daemon/Rhaenys have 2 female Velaryon ancestors*
Rhaenyra showing a desire for vengeance for Luke but not Visenya, who died before Luke and who she lost while trying to hurry up and respond to the green threat herself without Daemon "interfering" (AND her calling the council at all, in the book, for the fact that she lost Visenya and the greens took her throne...again, going back to how she knows the greens want it)
episode 3, in the daytime Daemon (relatively way less armored than before) charges through the field without getting a single arrow to the head but in the 2nd episode (nighttime) an arrow pierces what looks to be his chest or shoulder while he is in full armor and on the mobile Caraxes. The entire thing, while entertaining and shocking, still makes about as much sense as Rhaenys bursting through the floor of the Dragonpit; my man should have become a porcupine with specific choreography matches with the specific set pieces and props locations they decided to go with
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editfandom · 6 months
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Sandie Collins - Last Night in Soho, 2021
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sapphiretarantula · 8 months
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anyway here is Trek and Sirren! I'm actually not sure if they're canonically siblings but in my version they are. Also changing her name to 2 rs bc it looks like siren (mermaid). Please dont be mad BUT i'm changing Trek's hair quite a lot. dont get me wrong I love his og design but all their hair looked straight outa dragon ball z so i wanted to spice it up a bit. Also his hair would look too much like Ikor's or Riff's anyway. That would leave Eron with the only different hair style. Lowkey forgot how to draw muscles so bare with me
trying to tone down the bios i realize that they arent THAT important
i APOLOGIZE you all dont understand what last sem has brought me through, i am completely burnt out! Today is the FIRST day since Dec something that Ive had free time to work on art:,,,) Im back dont worry hopefully my online classes dont give me too much trouble in sem 2
hope you like them! <3
OOPS forgot to mention working on Finna and other side characters. SPOILER im adding a character that will be crucial to the plot may or may not be a villain 👀
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11queensupreme11 · 9 months
all the posts about the parallels between Percy and Luke made me sad, I'm actually crying because the sadness is injustice is so raw
they were just kids, they ARE just CHILDREN fighting to survive in a world that is fighting to kill them, they are both right in their perspectives
HOW could anyone blame Luke for his disillusionment with the gods? he was just a child who only knew pain and betrayal from the gods, those same gods who were supposed to love and protect their children, as he must have felt when he realized that he and all those he loved were nothing more than pawns in your parents' twisted games? what it must have been like to know the truth that they are just disposable objects that can be replaced more than often? Knowing that their own parents wouldn't even be moved if they died?
I can understand his anger, why should they fight for minimal recognition? Why should they be abandoned? Why did their own parents let them DIE?
demigods are objectified, they are marginalized, they are cast aside as if they were forgotten toys that are only remembered when they are useful and forgotten again until they are broken quando são úteis e novamente esquecidos até serem quebrados
tudo é tão trágico, tão injusto e eu sei que se eu estivesse nessa situação tudo que eu faria seria gritar "PAI, AH PAI, POR QUE ME ABANDONOU" enquanto no meu peito uma tempestade de ódio e tristeza tomava meu coração e alma como um refém
Sejamos honestos, qualquer pessoa nesta situação se rebelaria, o único imune a isso seria o protagonista, mas e aqueles que não têm tanta sorte? aqueles que nunca foram reivindicados? aqueles sem rede de apoio? those who are just cannon fodder destined to help those most favored by destiny? those who are not destined for great things? aqueles que MORRERAM e foram tão rapidamente esquecidos? Existe alguém que não enlouqueceria vendo e vivendo num sistema tão abusivo?
there are SO many parallels between these two, a hero and a villain, Percy and Luke
every villain is a hero in his own perspective but we can really consider him a villain, it's so good to see that the fandom agrees that Luke before being a villain he was a victim, a victim of an abusive system, a victim of the gods , victim of the world
I can't stop crying for all those children, those who were forgotten, those who were tortured by the world, I'm crying for those women who were wronged by the gods, who suffered just for loving
and most importantly I'm crying because all of these books are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING
i love the random switch to portuguese in the middle cuz it really shows how passionate you are about this lol 😂😂
i remember an old tumblr post that defended luke from the luke haters and they said something along the lines of how if the books were written in pov of luke, we would TOTALLY see him as the hero and percy as the villain.
why? because luke's revolution MADE SENSE. he was trying to change an abusive system by taking down the gods who CLEARLY suck. and we would see percy as the villain because he's the one trying to protect that abusive system (or at least, that's what it would look like to us)
honestly, luke could've been the perfect hero, but his biggest mistake was being so desperate to fix everything that he trusted kronos to help him. the whole thing about gods vs titans in the books was very "lesser evils" coded and the gods were definitely the lesser evil. they were bad, but the titans were worse. because of this mistake, luke became the tragic hero instead
the real villains here were the gods and the titans. the demigods, regardless of whose side they were on, were, as always, just the tragic victims of this whole mess
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wclairlune · 10 months
Miles Morales heart 1610 headcanons
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• He's quite shy, so it was obviously you who took the initiative.
• When you get too close to him, he gets so nervous that he starts saying words in Spanish.
—Miles? Are you okay? He seems nervous. — You approach him to touch his face.
— Of course I'm fine, por supuesto que estoy bien, no estoy nervioso, ¿por qué iba a estarlo? — He responds quickly.
— When you're nervous, you speak Spanish.
• He has a notebook full of his drawings you.
• Always after the “villain of the moment” he enters your room through the window to check if something has happened to you.
• He will force you to listen to Sunflower, and if you don't like the song he will make you like it
• He talks about you to his parents, probably asks them or Peter for help on how to win you over
• When you go on a date but he ends up not going because of the attacks, he showers you with gifts as an apology.
• Your kiss is always calm and passionate.
Sorry if the English translation is wrong, English is not my native language so I have to use a translator.
• Ele é bem tímido, então quem tomou a iniciativa obviamente foi você.
• Quando você chega muito perto dele, ele fica tão nervoso que começa a dizer palavras em espanhol.
— Miles? Você tá bem? Parece nervoso. — Você se aproxima dele pra tocar seu rosto.
— Claro que estou bem, por supuesto que estoy bien, no estoy nervioso, ¿por qué iba a estarlo? — Ele responde rápido.
— Quando você está nervoso, você fala espanhol.
• Ele tem um caderno cheio de desenhos seus.
• Sempre depois do “vilãozinho da vez” ele entra em seu quarto pela janela verificando se aconteceu algo com você.
• Ele vai obrigar você a ouvir sunflower, e se você não gostar da música ele vai fazer você gostar
• Ele fala de você pros pais, provavelmente pede ajuda a eles ou ao Peter de como conquistar você
• Quando vocês vão ter um encontro mas ele acaba não indo devido aos ataques, ele te enche de presentes como pedido de desculpas.
• Seu beijo sempre é calmo e apaixonado.
Sei que foi curto, mas eu estava sem ideias.
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moiteneia · 7 months
A Villain, an assohole:
In Hollow Knight's 11-hour live, Cellbo talked about how he really wanted to be an asshole character in QSMP.
He also said he would be the prosecutor, a new character, contrary to Pepito in the trial, however as it is Monday he cannot attend.
BUT he will soon do it a very broken-in character.
Therefore, we have three options:
1. He will play a new character linked to the Federation or the Rebels (I believe he considers both to be bad, so being part of them would make the character a villain too).
2. A new character like Ghostbit.
3. When q!Cell finds out about q!Roier's kidnapping, he will finally set the island on FIRE (and I will defend him tooth and claw. My cloth is ready to pass).
NOTE: Pepito is very lucky. If Cellbi were to play this promoter, he would NEVER have that life back because there is no WORLD in which Quackity can beat Cellbo by acting like an asshole. And I'm saying this as someone who has watched him do rp since I was a child. He knows how to manipulate and lock your head. Being the lawyer q!Quackity yet? Wow, the funa that would come from this lol.
I'm not saying Quackity isn't good at rp or wouldn't be a good lawyer. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
I'm saying that Cellbo knows how to play a motherfucker character and even though he loves Pepito's character, he is faithful to his performances and wouldn't let it go. (I still think this judgment is meaningless because Roier was laggy, but whatever)
Na live de 11 horas de Hollow Knight, o Cellbo falou sobre ele querer muito ser um personagem babaca no QSMP. Ele disse que iria ser o promotor, um personagem novo, contrario ao Pepito no julgamento, no entanto sendo segunda-feira ele não tem como comparecer.
MAS ele vai em breve sim fazer um personagem bem arrombado.
Logo, temos três opções:
Ele vai fazer um personagem novo ligado a Federação ou aos Rebeldes (eu acredito que ele considere ambos ruins, então fazer parte deles faria um personagem ser vilão tbm).
Um personagem novo como o Ghostbit.
O q!Cell ao descobrir sobre o sequestro do q!Roier vai finalmente por FOGO na ilha (e eu vou defender o querido com garras e dentes. Meu pano está pronto para passar).
OBS: O Pepito tem muita sorte. Se o Cellbi fosse fazer esse promotor, ele JAMAIS teria essa vida de volta porque não existe MUNDO que Quackity consiga vencer do Cellbo fazendo rp de babaca. E eu estou falando isso como alguém que assiste ele fazendo rp desde q eu era criança. Ele sabe manipular e travar a sua cabeça. Sendo o advogado o q!Quackity ainda?
Nossa, a funa que viria disso kkkkk.
Não estou dizendo que o Quackity não é bom em rp ou que não seria um bom advogado. PELO AMOR DE DEUS SOLTE ESSA ARMA.
Estou dizendo que o Cellbo sabe fazer um personagem filha da puta e mesmo amando o personagem do Pepito, ele é fiel as atuações dele e não deixaria barato. ( ainda acho que esse julgamento é sem sentido porque o Roier estava com lag, mas enfim)
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