#SFW stories
ask-the-scugs0 · 1 month
(A small slugpup walks up to the scugs and hugs rivulets leg)can I suck on your fwills?
(this is meant in a safe for work regard)
Uhh..... kid thats really weird. It's like asking to suck on someone's ear.
Also where are your parents?
(continues in replies)
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shamerli · 6 months
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fayzart136 · 7 months
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Freaks playing a visual novel: omg i know exactly which classical painting this reminds me off. It's me, I'm freaks. (Slay the Princess is SO GOOD i highly encourage people to play it. The THEMES.)
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colourstreakgryffin · 4 months
Teen!Reader finding Alastor all beaten and bruised after the finale and getting worried, insisting in patching him up, etc, while Alastor during the entire time is having a moment of realization like "oh, this kid ACTUALLY cares about me"
(This is platonic obviously, reader sees him like a weird older brother/father figure and looks up to him idk)
I love it. Simple, enjoyable and to be honest, we’ll just pretend Alastor had his sick solo in the finale before we showed up and I suppose Al will be quite unhinged and aggressive in this state so goddamn. Also, my second time writing about the finale
Platonic! Alastor- Reaching Out
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“You son of a bitch, I am trying to help you!” You growl out, now half-wrestling with the Radio Demon himself, after his lose battle against Adam. Whilst Adam has been finally defeated at Lucifer’s hand then killed at Niffty’s knife. It’s clear as crystal that Alastor isn’t taking his own defeat well at all. He’s aggressive, completely lost his usual charismatic, well-mannered demeanour, he’s breaking down and barking at you to back off as you’re still trying to pry his own hands off the visible red bleeding wound over his chest
You’ve found this retreating deer out of pure luck and now, you’re acting on your compassion for him to try make the process of healing less painful for him
You’re the only Hazbin Hotel staff member that actually treated Alastor more than an annoyance standing there. He isn’t the best guy at there, never. No, but he isn’t as bad as Vaggie or Husk claim he is. However, right now, he’s boiling your blood with how much he is refusing to let you even touch him, despite the fact he needs to be patched up. He’s low on power, his cane is snapped in half, he’s limited and requires help
“I don’t need your help, Leitora!” Alastor barks back in possibly the most unhinged way you’ve ever seen, basically backing into a wall. He can’t even notice how worried you actually are, how you’re getting frustrated because you’re worried and you’re the only one who has been looking for and have found Alastor whilst everybody else is celebrating the victory over Adam. You’re the one looking for and now looking out for the man you actually find quite nice. He isn’t as patronising to you, for whatever reason, Alastor’s decent and it’s almost like he wants to be some type of figure in your life with how he behaves
“Stay still before you bleed yourself to unconsciousness, you narcissistic edible piece of shit!” You only say this so cruelly, sharp and half loud as to put Alastor into his place, prove to him you’re not backing down whilst you finally win the half wrestling session you have with the weakened and distressed Overlord, already beginning to check around for the entire length of the wound and use what little excess fabric your current clothing has to make a makeshift bandage for this wound
This is surprising, you’re possibly two times his age. A teenager, if not 15-16 at the oldest upon your human death and you’re acting more mature than the biologically 34 year old. Alastor just stayed quiet, tall fluffy deer-like ears still pinned back and suffering through the intense pain. He wouldn’t admit that he is quite grateful that somebody is around but at the same time, he doesn’t want to get attached to any soul
It took him a proper glance at the cute young sinner he found it fun to playfully tease, mock and behave like a clingy overprotective big brother to piss off, that they genuinely care for him. That they aren’t lying or pretending as to get something out of him like he suspects everybody in the Hotel, including Charlie, is
This is so much different than he suspected, he was believing he’d be going back to his radio tower to vent out his rage at being smacked in the face of such a pathetic opponent
Ending up being the pathetic opponent. He hates showing his weakness and he can barely keep himself from snapping but he also can feel his racking nerves ease up a bit at this strong, confident yet sweet and compassionate kid trying to take care of him when they have no actual requirement to do so
Alastor takes a few more seconds to think and speak, not even realising he was sat down by you as he was thinking frantically about how his own mischievous and mocking behaviour as some type of surrogate brother for you was more than just something down to see your reactions for his own amusement, he does feel some type of family-based affections for you
Now, that affection has been bumped up even more. He definitely owns you a lot for caring about him like some surrogate little sibling when all he does for you is annoy you. He doesn’t even know that you actually look up to him like some type of family figure… so, the familiar feelings are mutual
“Fuck… can you just be careful with the coat? This is my treasure”
(A/N: Real quick. Leitora means ‘Reader’ in Portuguese, this’ll be our name for any none anime posts. There’s two versions; Leitora as the feminine version and Leitor as the masculine version. You can use either for us! I got this from Google Translate)
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alwaysribbit · 3 months
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tea time game <3
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why I like shapeshifting monsters:
you can hold them
they can hold you
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babey-lewis · 2 months
Hey baby bug, I missed you!! Are you doing okay? Have you had any water and food today, little love? I hope you have, angel! You deserve to eat and drink today and every day, okay?
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coffehbeans · 2 months
Another g/t trope that I love but as a dialogue prompt
Giant: "You're scared of me."
Tiny: "...I don't want to be."
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midwestern horror stories
on the left, dakota (vocals/guitar), and on the right, jasper (drums/percussion)
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giantisms · 20 days
no grief greater than drawing your g/t ocs and being unable to share them with your normie friends because even if there's no size difference involved you'll have to explain their deal. so um. yeah. that's my oc blorbus gigantus and their friend blorbito smallito. what are they? well. you won't believe it
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pinkiedev · 1 month
Borrowers Using Things as Other Things
So, I made that drawing where a borrower uses a leaf as an umbrella (here), and now here's a list of other items a borrower might 'misuse!'
An acorn top = a hat
A hair elastic = a belt
A dish towel = an extra-large full-body towel XD
A handkerchief = a blanket
A sock = a sleeping bag
A beanie hat = a nest
A big ol' boot = another nest
A bunch of feathers = bedding for nest
A toothpick = a walking stick
A needle = a sword (fencing style??)
A thumbtack = a dagger
A fishing hook = a grapple
A piece of graphite = a pencil
A string = a rope (especially if twined into a thicker braid)
A string of floss = ... a waxy rope??
A toothbrush head = a brush (for pet mice?)
A nail file = a sanding board (for smoothing rough wood)
An old mouthwash lid = water storage container OR a laundry hamper
An empty lip balm tin = a (food) storage container
An ice cube tray = a multi-compartment storage bin
A bottlecap = a bowl/cup
A thimble = a flowerpot
A teacup = a bathtub
A shiny coin/button = a portrait/decoration
A watch = a wall clock
A ring = a crown
A bracelet = a decorative sash
A circlet earing = a necklace
A silver necklace = a long chain (for what?? idk?!? leash for mouse??)
A fork = a clothing hanger (on the prongs)
A match = a torch
A ruler = a height-measuring stick
A popsicle stick = a leg splint (kept tight with scotch tape)
An old Rubik's cube/children's block = a table
A pair of dice = a set of chairs
A paintbrush = a broom
Whatever that little white plastic thing is called that comes on the center of a pizza sometimes and looks like a teeny table. Except now actually used as a table XD
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shamerli · 5 months
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lavenderplushie · 8 months
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october 1st picnic for my baby bats! what did you choose? 🖤🦇✨
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kix-mm · 10 months
You know that polyamory is immoral, right?
What do you mean it's immoral? They love each other, there's no need to have some stupid love triangle if they all 3 love each other 🤨
Anyway ✨
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alwaysribbit · 3 months
Could you make a going to preschool game with a yellow color theme? Pretty pleeease 💛
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here u go!!!
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bigdumbtickler03 · 3 months
Extremely embarrassing confession
So y’all know that I am MOSTLY a ler right? Well here’s an embarrassing fact. Sometimes when I’m in my room just chilling or whatever, I like to tickle my own tummy with a feather 🤭🙈 it’s really relaxing and also yes…it does tickle a little especially when lightly brushed over the belly button AHSJSJSJSK THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING I CANT BELIEVE IM ADMITTING THISS AAAAAA
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