aroace-poly-show · 1 year
The Orange Joe Experience
so i tried orange joe from omori, which is just coffee and orange juice mixed together. here was how it went: my combinations and overall conclusion.
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so i had 12 oz of coffee made earlier today that i left in the fridge for a while so it was cold, orange juice, and orange soda.
from what i’ve learned online there were some tips to make it actually taste good:
use cold brew coffee instead of iced coffee (i did not do this. cold brew literally takes 12 hours to do at home and i wanted to do this today. i don’t know how cold brew coffee tastes or how it’s different in any way other than being cold. so i don’t know how much it mattered.)
use more orange juice than coffee
alternatively use orange soda
don’t use milk
so my first combination was orange juice + coffee. i was aware of the tip but i still wanted to try half and half. so i did half and half.
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(technically this picture is from after i tried orange soda + coffee but i forgot to take a picture)
so i tried it! and i died on the spot-
i’m kidding it was literally fine. nothing amazing but like not even that bad. i honestly was expecting so much worse.
tbh the orange juice overwhelmed a lot of the coffee taste. You could still kinda taste it? but it was more orange juice. I even tried adding more coffee. and yeah it still tasted pretty much the same. i would have added more orange juice than coffee but the orange juice taste was already a lot more than the coffee at that point i think i would have just tasted orange juice kdjshfg
second combination was orange soda + coffee. again i did half and hald
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gonna be honest. basically the same thing. just fizzy. i mean it makes sense its just orange again. but yeah. i tried adding more coffee but again nothing different happened.
honestly i went into this expecting to fucking die but there was literally nothing special. it just tasted a bit weird.
in some attempt to have like. any remotely entertaining reaction to it. i added milk. the one thing i was told not to add. AND! *drum roll*
literally nothing. it tasted more like nothing and bland than before. LMAO
i tried more of orange soda and orange juice but like i expected all it did was just overwhelm any coffee flavor even more.
thinking about it now maybe i could have added sugar? to make it taste a bit sweeter? idk. if you have any recommendations lemme know i’ll try it maybe next weekend cause now i have extra orange juice and orange soda lmao
i was honestly expecting a lot worse. so did my mom lmao. she thought the same as i did after she tried it. i had very low expectations and it did not surpass them in either direction. was neither horrible or even bad but it wasn’t like delicious either.
tldr: it. was fine. literally nothing special. wasn’t bad but wasn’t exactly good either. i could chug a glass of it without gagging or anything, no problems, but it’s not like it was particularly good either. just. fine.
side effects: none that i can pinpoint on the orange joe specifically. my tummy is not feeling normal but i can’t tell if i’m hungry or if my body is slowly starting a riot because of what i did to it. my head feels a bit weird but that has also happened when i’m hungry and is often made worse when i get onto electronics. so can’t 100% blame that on the orange joe. i did need to go to the bathroom but no i did not shit my brains out i just needed to pee because for once in my life i happened to drink a good amount of water today (it was kinda hot in my room)
if you have orange joe recipes let me know and i’ll try it
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erinwantstowrite · 1 month
the sneak pics have me wondering why peter feel the need to keep apologizing all the time ? is it because adults used to get mad at him all the time ?
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yeah he has a LOTTT of unpacking to do with that. he still thinks that because he did things like this, it gave the adults around him the excuse to yell at/say nasty things to him. peter goes into a lot of detail with Dick about his previous foster homes in chapter 15, and this time Dick knows he has to ask because Peter's response to Dick and Wally realizing he knew about the "glitches" in some way and didn't tell Dick is absolutely heartbreaking
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thinking priest!geto thoughts again :(((
you’re both a little rotten . it’s a stench that sticks to your skin and you can smell it off each other. there’s a certain kind of bond that only blooms between people who know the each other’s smile is fake, you know? and there’s a kind of trauma that lingers and rots and sticks to your bones and you can hide it with layers of clothing or heavy robes but people who have felt it themselves will always spot the signs . do you see what i’m saying. there’s something special between you when he says he loves his god and you know that he’s lying. there’s something special when you say you couldn’t care less if god thinks you’re sinful and he knows that you’re lying . because you can both smell it off each other. the sickening rot .
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fossilfan39 · 5 months
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I actually do enjoy modern au jetko . I just have a very specific vision…
I might actually write something this time BUT FIRST☝️ I want to make one of these refs for everyone (cop out)
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abnerkrill · 11 months
exvangelicals and similar. isn’t it wild how you thought you understood the concept of “dying to yourself” as a sheltered youth only to realize with sudden clarity when you were a little more grown up that the old self that needs killing is in fact the self that was formed through church teachings; and the new self being resurrected is all the things you were taught to hate & fear.
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thinking about fallout 4 against my will
#random thoughts#fallout#unfortunately nora compels me#the fact the 'hi honey!' tape specifically mentions her 'shaking the dust off' her law degree is interesting#like she gave up her job to stay at home with her husband and kid. why?#like that's a whole year. at LEAST.#love the idea of nate pressuring her into it <3 maternity leave turns into 'isnt it so nice being with sean around the clock?'#'too bad you won't have this quality time when you return to work'#turns into 'you can always return to work if you feel like it but we DO have a lot saved up . . .'#and it's like. okay so fallout 4 would be so much better if it were set in the 1960s. literally no reason it shouldnt be#yknow beyond complying with lore which. it isnt that faithful to in the first place#i just think it's weird the game is like 'here's the FUTURE' and then it's like 'here's the FUTURE FUTURE'#anyway make it the 1960s. give me time-appropriate fucked up family dynamics#and nora's a laywer and a feminist who promised herself she'd never compromise her career for a man#and nate seemed so NICE and like he understood until uh oh. frog in a slow cooker#and he makes everything seem like it's her idea until she's barefoot in the kitchen with a screaming baby on her hip and burnt food in a pan#and she doesn't even realize she's trapped until it's too late. isolated from friends and family#idk ill do more research later to make it more time-accurate (ESPECIALLY interested in second-wave feminism)#anyway i think she cheats. with a door-to-door salesman selling places in the bomb shelters#(honestly probably the only adult social interaction she's had in weeks beyond her husband)#i like to think at some point she had a bit of a car accident due to the stress so nate took her keys#probably just a minor fender bender he blew out of proportion but she believes it because oh god what if she hurt sean#her feelings toward sean are complicated. i dont think she quite loves him which she feels guilty about so she overcompensates#with trying to keep him as safe as possible and she feels like he KNOWS and HATES her#(honestly when the bombs drop everything happens so quickly and when she's in the future and registers sean's gone she feels. so relieved)#(followed by heavy shame)#nate sabotaged her birth control btw. love evil 1960s patriarchs#never outright stated but heavily implied!#anyway nora in the future (while she felt very progressive for her time) feels very out of place#like her ideals have no place. like she has no place
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
i’ve said it once, i’ve said it twice, i’ll say it a million times — writing willow and eddie will always feel like coming home to me. i know eddie x oc isn’t popular but- god, these idiots are so near and dear to my heart.
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moodycarcass · 1 month
I know there are countless art tutorials about how to do studies and correct ways to break things down to make this less painful but I simply do not trust any artist with a YouTube channel
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luckycharming · 11 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but please write that fic. Apply to that job. Move to that city. Go to that school. Invest in things that actually make you happy. Show yourself some compassion. Give yourself more grace. Be kinder to yourself. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Sometimes our paths are not linear. Things happen and sometimes don't go according to how we planned or envisioned them to. Life is not only not promised, but it's too short to live with what-ifs and regrets. Do not let fear and other people's projections derail you because the only one who suffers when you do that is you. The only one who will shoulder the burdens of those regrets and fears is you. You are one of one, and you only truly lose when you don't try, and as long as you give it your best, you'll never fail 💙💙💙
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acewizardinspace · 1 year
The truth is, sometimes there is no watsonian answer.
Lets say for a moment a character is established to hate the color green. Then in one scene we see them wearing a green scarf. This is never mentioned or explained. It can be fun to come up with watsonian (in universe) explanations for this behavior. Maybe he got it from this other character who loves green, or maybe he changed his mind. But when those explanations actually directly contradict what happens on screen, then there is a problem. Lets say it is impossible for him to have met this other character and gotten a gift, or he mentions his hatred for green again two episodes later meaning it is impossible for him to have changed his mind.
Now your fun watsonian headcanon instead of adding meaning actively detracts meaning. Now it makes the story worse not better. Now the story stops making any amount of sense because you insist on calling attention to something the creators never wanted you to. This can be fun for AUs and headcanons, please keep with it! But it is a shit basis for shit literary analysis.
The truth is, sometimes his scarf is green because that is what the costumer designers had on hand. The truth is, sometimes there is no watsonian answer.
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loathsome-sickness · 2 months
i do wish that there was more of a linguistical shorthand to differentiate between 'i want x (something i am striving for/think i should have)' and 'i want x (something i just want emotionally with no intention to see through)' or at the very least a little more grace in the way people interpret that shit when it's something immoral/illegal/'bad'
i feel like i should be able to say 'i want bad things to happen to the person who hurt me' without also feeling i have to clarify that i don't mean that i'm actually going to do those bad things or think that those bad things should happen. because then it just feels like i'm being forced to defend the person who did a bad thing to me when all i really wanted to do was vent the way that my hurt expresses itself in my brain
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aniah-who · 5 months
God is closer than the distance that your shame makes Him out to be.
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wodkapudding · 7 months
thanks to hazbin hotel i got jamie quatro's fire sermon from my bookshelf and let it rewire my brain chemistry all over again
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strixhaven · 1 year
You know, if there’s one thing I do miss about early 2010s tumblr and is something that I wish the broader site could have a wider, much more nuanced conversation about, it’s the openness with which people used to discuss self-harm. Early 2010s tumblr was by no means a very healthy outlet or place to talk about issues like mental health, how it manifests, how to cope with it—especially with regards to self-harm—but the shift from a deeply problematic openness and semi-romanticization to quietly adopting the predominant cultural attitude of outright silence, denial, and shame when it comes to self-harm is… more of a lateral move than anything else. For as much absolutely terrible shit that era of tumblr came with, the loss of open discussion about recovery, alternative coping mechanisms, celebrations about stopping, and encouragements that life still goes on even with self-harm as a presence in it is something that I do genuinely wish the site and people more broadly would embrace again.
I completely understand people not wanting to talk about their own experiences, though. Self-harm is often deeply tied to some of the darkest times in a person’s life, and how people navigate and feel about those times and how they relate to it is something that should be completely up to them. But in the few times I’ve seen people on the site actually broach the subject of self-harm, of living with it, of quitting, and of having it as a part of your past, it’s just an immediate barrage of people accusing them of romanticization for merely mentioning self-harm, people asking that they hide their bodies and experiences as something inherently traumatizing for everyone else to acknowledge, and overall making it very clear that this is not a struggle or a part of your life you can ever discuss openly. The readiness with which so many people will make you try to feel shame and disgust about your own body and mental health as a way to vent their own shame, denial, and disgust at themselves is unreal. It’s a whole-hearted embrace of the broader cultural narrative surrounding self-harm and mental health that seeks to keep its most ugly aspects hidden in order to pretend it’s not a problem that has to be dealt with.
Again, I do not begrudge anybody for not wanting to talk about their own experiences with self-harm, but I genuinely think this wide-scale sidelining and refusal to discuss self-harm and tumblr’s relationship with it is just as much of a problem. It is a deeply isolating and incredibly disheartening thing to have gone through, to know others have gone through, and to know that it’s something you’re likely never going to be able to bring up to other people. The greatest comfort I’ve found and the ability to make peace with my history of self-harm and scars has come from hearing other people just acknowledging their relationship to it and refusing to be shamed for what they endured, how they coped, and what they felt like they had to do to stay alive.
With the more nuanced, open discussions of the “uglier” and less-acknowledged aspects of mental health slowly becoming more common and more mainstream, the absence of self-harm from these conversations only becomes more and more noticeable, and I sincerely hope that the void it’s left is filled with the care and attention this topic deserves. With how on the rise self-harm and suicidality are amongst teens and young adults, as people who’ve lived through and with self-harm as a presence in our lives, I feel like it’s incumbent upon us to be more open and available to discuss these things so nobody else has to deal with the pain that comes from silence and shame about it.
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zhalar · 1 year
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is this real. Are you people feeling this way. At This Age. Am i in the wrong to think this feels so weird to feel. "This isnt normal" WHERE AM I,
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Fandom things I'm looking forward to:
Kingdom Hearts IV and Missing Link
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy IX Remake
Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster or Remake (whichever it is. I've heard both things)
The fourth Madoka Magica movie, whenever that comes out (seriously. Where is it? First it was announced as the Concept movie. Then it was re-announced years later with a new name, and it's still missing)
The Percy Jackson TV show
The Infernal Devices TV show
Maybe the Twilight TV show. Maybe.
The animated Smallville continuation that Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum are working on, whenever it comes out
I was going to put Baron and Toluca on this list (that's, like, a spiritual successor to the OG "Roswell" TV show. Majandra Delfino who played Maria in the show wrote the script, and she and Brendan Fehr who played Michael star in it. They're also planning for more Roswell cameos in later episodes), but it came out and I didn't even know it? But I have no idea how to watch it, though, as I guess it only came out in theaters in Albuquerque. Here's hoping it comes out on DVD or something...
The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
The alleged Firefly reboot
The new Daredevil show
The Batman Part II
The next part in Tom Holland's Spider-Man movies
The DCU, starting with Superman Legacy in 2025
The Five Nights at Freddy's movie and Help Wanted 2
The Iron Lung movie
The TV show that it sounds like Markiplier will be working on after he's done with the Iron Lung movie
The next Bendy and the Ink Machine thing being worked on
MAYBE the Hello Neighbor sequel. I know. I KNOW! (It's really only because the second game had to end on a cliffhanger.)
Five Nights at Candy's 4
Frozen III
Disney's "Wish"
The next and final season of the Clear Card arc of Cardcaptor Sakura
The new Avatar series (the one about the third Avatar in the cycle: the Earth bender)
The live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender series, perhaps
The Chosen season 4
#As for things that haven't been announced#Ffxvi when that of course happens#The ffx remake if that rumor is true#I'm still hoping we'll get one more season of full metal panic to finish off the show. Please don't end things on a cliffhanger!#And no matter what I'll forever and always be pulling for a twewy3. Please give it to us Square. Pretty Please? With sugar on top?#I also still (mostly? Kind of?) wish we had a new Buffy show to look forward to. but alas. maybe someday#also after khiv nomura's all but confirmed that next is a verum Rex. And I'm. Like. Already pre-excited for that if that makes sense. Lol#And I don't know how to feel about the new death note movie adaptation I want to have faith in the Russo brothers but mostly I'm afraid#And I just- I LOVE death note. You all KNOW I love death note. But I just don't know what can be done with the story that hasn't already#been done#Unless you just completely change it and then piss off all of us fans. Again#I said it once and I'll say it again: i wish they were making a code grass movie instead (which has the beats they're looking to adapt in#death note. but other stuff too. and has never gotten a live-action adaptation so at least if nothing else it would be original)#there's also a part of me that wants to get caught up on winx club and see if this new season (that's maybe a soft reboot? but don't quote#me on that) will be better than some of the last ones and start getting the series in the direction in needs to be going again. hopefully#and isn't there some new pokémon season coming out where brock and misty reunite with ash (i read an article about it) which confuses me#because i thought the show ended?#unless the article was just talking about an english dub of the season that already aired in japan or something like that#i also should really get caught up on all of the sailor moon crystal stuff. shame on me for not being so!#somewhat. kind of. the next garten of banban game. God help me#kindergarten 3 if there ever is one#slayers: a buffyverse story would have been on here if they hadn't announced it after i made this list and if i'd remembered to come back#and add it. but i listened to it and loved it:)
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