aroace-poly-show · 1 year
The Orange Joe Experience
so i tried orange joe from omori, which is just coffee and orange juice mixed together. here was how it went: my combinations and overall conclusion.
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so i had 12 oz of coffee made earlier today that i left in the fridge for a while so it was cold, orange juice, and orange soda.
from what i’ve learned online there were some tips to make it actually taste good:
use cold brew coffee instead of iced coffee (i did not do this. cold brew literally takes 12 hours to do at home and i wanted to do this today. i don’t know how cold brew coffee tastes or how it’s different in any way other than being cold. so i don’t know how much it mattered.)
use more orange juice than coffee
alternatively use orange soda
don’t use milk
so my first combination was orange juice + coffee. i was aware of the tip but i still wanted to try half and half. so i did half and half.
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(technically this picture is from after i tried orange soda + coffee but i forgot to take a picture)
so i tried it! and i died on the spot-
i’m kidding it was literally fine. nothing amazing but like not even that bad. i honestly was expecting so much worse.
tbh the orange juice overwhelmed a lot of the coffee taste. You could still kinda taste it? but it was more orange juice. I even tried adding more coffee. and yeah it still tasted pretty much the same. i would have added more orange juice than coffee but the orange juice taste was already a lot more than the coffee at that point i think i would have just tasted orange juice kdjshfg
second combination was orange soda + coffee. again i did half and hald
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gonna be honest. basically the same thing. just fizzy. i mean it makes sense its just orange again. but yeah. i tried adding more coffee but again nothing different happened.
honestly i went into this expecting to fucking die but there was literally nothing special. it just tasted a bit weird.
in some attempt to have like. any remotely entertaining reaction to it. i added milk. the one thing i was told not to add. AND! *drum roll*
literally nothing. it tasted more like nothing and bland than before. LMAO
i tried more of orange soda and orange juice but like i expected all it did was just overwhelm any coffee flavor even more.
thinking about it now maybe i could have added sugar? to make it taste a bit sweeter? idk. if you have any recommendations lemme know i’ll try it maybe next weekend cause now i have extra orange juice and orange soda lmao
i was honestly expecting a lot worse. so did my mom lmao. she thought the same as i did after she tried it. i had very low expectations and it did not surpass them in either direction. was neither horrible or even bad but it wasn’t like delicious either.
tldr: it. was fine. literally nothing special. wasn’t bad but wasn’t exactly good either. i could chug a glass of it without gagging or anything, no problems, but it’s not like it was particularly good either. just. fine.
side effects: none that i can pinpoint on the orange joe specifically. my tummy is not feeling normal but i can’t tell if i’m hungry or if my body is slowly starting a riot because of what i did to it. my head feels a bit weird but that has also happened when i’m hungry and is often made worse when i get onto electronics. so can’t 100% blame that on the orange joe. i did need to go to the bathroom but no i did not shit my brains out i just needed to pee because for once in my life i happened to drink a good amount of water today (it was kinda hot in my room)
if you have orange joe recipes let me know and i’ll try it
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cowardlykrow · 6 months
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Brother bonding(?)
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yourlocalabomination · 8 months
Who let this man babysit.
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personal HCs of the human lords in black
yeah i based em off of the canon npmd ones with some nmt-lore-related details. it's all just for funsies rlly
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st0rmyseas · 11 months
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justtrashperson · 11 months
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Guess who’s back to obsessing over starkid
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thepunkmuppet · 11 months
the possible future of the hatchetfield series: hatchetfield halloween party livestream full rundown
again apologies if someone has already done something like this, but I’m procrastinating doing my coursework and just want to talk about hatchetfield I want everyone to be aware of this exciting stuff that was announced in the stream so here you go:
the next starkid musical to be released will not be in the hatchetfield universe.
the guy who didn’t like musicals will soon be ready to license.
nightmare time 3 was originally planned to be released in the same year as nightmare time 2 and will wrap up the overarching nightmare time stories (which seem to be miss holloway and the foster sisters respectively).
if they did a fourth hatchetfield musical, it would be about miss holloway and her backstory. it is already written. I am very very extremely normal about this fact 😃
there is a possibility of a hatchetfield movie, and workin’ boys was sort of a test for this concept. it would be a slasher murder mystery centering around the hatchetfield community players (zoey chambers and the cast of workin’ girls, possibly also with ruth, hidgens, alice and any other theatre-oriented characters but that part’s just my speculation). the transcription of the teaser description can be found below the nmt descriptions.
ok so here are the transcriptions of the nmt3 episode descriptions:
Story #1: Bottle Imps
Bill Woodward has been chosen to test CCRP’s latest and greatest product; Bottle Imps. These reality-bending buddies will bring their owner the one thing they desire most. When his new imp, Lovely, leads him to his soulmate, Bill decides to use his magical companion to play matchmaker. But to help Charlotte find the man of her dreams, Bill will have to bend the Imp’s rules. Rules he’s been warned, must never be broken…
Story #2: Frankenruth
Desperate to see a naked body, Ruth Fleming and Richie Lipschitz volunteer at the morgue of St. Damien’s Hospital. Their terrible plan becomes exponentially more terrible, when they become unwitting subjects in the experiments of the body-snatching madman, Doctor Laszlo, who claims to have conquered death itself. If Hatchetfield thought Ruth was bad before, then they will cower before the unspeakable horror of… Frankenruth!
Story #3: Becky Barnes Climbed a Tree
Becky Barnes is on top of the world! Not in a literal sense, of course. She’s deathly afraid of heights. After years of struggle, Becky’s life is finally everything she dreamed it would be. She’s engaged to her high school sweetheart, Tom Houston, and the two have a surprise baby on the way! But, as the couple prepare for the arrival of baby Marie, a shadow from Becky’s past returns to haunt them.
Story #4: Devil’s Night
Tim Houston has a crush. Unfortunately, it’s on his older, mature and totally cool babysitter, Grace Chasity, who he fears will never see him as anything but a snot-nosed little kid. But when a devilish maniac with murderous designs on Grace attacks Hatchetfield the night before Halloween, Tim must protect his beloved, or join the killer’s growing body count. It’s another slashing adventure on the night HE came home… Devil’s Night.
Story #5: (long special episode) Miss Holloween
It’s Halloween in Hatchetfield once again, and Miss Holloway is celebrating the same way she’s done for decades, staving off the horrors that go bump in the night. But when Duke gives her an invitation to his wedding, the dejected Miss Holloway begins to chafe under the terms of a contract forged many years ago. She strikes a new bargain, but unfortunately her creditors are known for their tricks, not treats. Just as Miss Holloway gives up her powers in exchange for a mortal life, a monstrous new threat rears its ugly head. As All Hallows Eve descends, and all Hell breaks loose, Miss Holloway must save the town or die trying… for real this time.
Story #6: (long special episode / season finale) Orb Weaver
Lex Foster had a life once. A home. A boyfriend. Now there is only the road, and her sister, and the fear of the men who are hunting them. As Hannah Foster watched Lex sink deeper into despair, she is certain of only three things: Webby is gone. She cannot help them. They are alone. Elsewhere, an old soldier awakens from a catatonic state. Returned from some unimaginable Hell with a mission. He knows that somewhere, two magical girls require immediate evac… then maybe some coffee.
hatchetfield movie: Cast Party Massacre
The Hatchetfield Community Players. You will never find a cattier troupe of two-faced thespians. But when the blood begins to flow at their latest show’s cast party, they must consider: is there a secret murderer in their midst? And more importantly, who amongst them is a good enough actor to pull off such a performance? Can they set aside their petty squabbles and tangled romances, or is it curtains for this ensemble? Who will survive… the Cast Party Massacre!
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One of my favorite moments from the livestream: Jeff reading the Bottle Imps script, practicing the little WAA that his character does then IMMEDIATELY realizing it’s all he has to do and going “I have one line 😐”
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shima-draws · 8 months
Ghost Cora AU where he’s actually been following Law around ever since he died but nobody has been able to see him, so all he’s able to do is watch Law get hurt and suffer in silence. UNTIL, miraculously, the battle of Dressrosa ends, and for some strange reason—through some supernatural bullshit or maybe just fate—one person is finally able to see him.
Law is sitting on the deck of the Yonta Maria watching everyone party when Luffy comes trotting over to him. And Luffy plops down beside him and says, “I’ve been meaning to ask, Torao, but who’s that really tall blonde guy with the funny makeup that’s been following you around?”
And Law’s just like
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Very lazy but I think the final idea for monsterifying my avatar
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Z-643 is a previously assumed humanoid figure obscured by a viscous substance resembling oil. The consistency of the fluids it produces is that of blood and is incredibly toxic when come into contact with, causing fatigue and vertigo. Long term exposure, be more than a minute within contact, can create nausea, loss of balance, and even stronger effects of dizziness, eventually leading to affected individuals to fall unconscious and quickly perish. Autopsy reports show that the blood of these victims is entirely changed into the same substance Z-643 produces, although translucent and lacking any of the more dangerous side effects. Further testing shows that Z-643’s blood also causes intense brain activity similar to that of REM sleep even if the individual is fully conscious, causing them to see vivid hallucinations.
If Z-643 is cornered in any way, it’ll feel threatened and let out a infrasonic scream that gradually becomes audible to any listeners as it rapidly destroys the eardrums and promptly kills them. Interaction with Z-643 must be careful and predictable as it’s sight is incredibly sharp, almost seeming like it can anticipate things before they happen. It will rarely move when observed directly as it assumes anything is a threat until proven otherwise. When not directly observed, Z-643 feels safe enough to slowly trudge its containment cell, stopping to stare at anything that piques its interest.
Z-643 can detect eye contact much more keenly when it is on the move. If it detects it’s being observed while it’s moving, it’ll quickly search for a place to hide, preferably where it has a good view of the area that it’s in. Observation through any other means such as cameras do not stir Z-643.
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GRAND ENCOUNTER - “ red light green light “
As the player opens the door to the Fallen Angel encounter, they will hear a ringing and be briefly disoriented
The room is a long heavy containment hallway with scratches and puddles of Z-643’s blood as well as various furniture strewn about
There are marks on the ceiling where Z-643 climbed into its position, causing its blood to drip down and possibly hit (and hurt) the player
Z-643 is in a tired state and thus occasionally will close its eyes, player has to move between these periods and stop when it opens its eyes again
Hazards in the room urge the player to keep moving even when Z-643 is observing, this encounter is a test of nerve and patience
Because of the room’s damaged state, lights will flicker and occasionally go out completely, but because any light sources will alert Z-643 of your presence you are forced to navigate without them
When you reach the end of the encounter, Z-643 will retract away from the doorway but continue to monitor you (it won’t aggro at this point)
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yonch · 6 months
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obligatory hand headcanons (handcanons if you will) for the isats
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pigeonmoony · 11 months
in my pea brain everyone in hatchet field looks like the same 6 people and they just don’t talk about it like yeah the mayor looks exactly like that football player i can’t remember the name of what about it
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cowardlykrow · 4 months
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Yeah... I think you need more lessons from your "Kungfu master"
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yourlocalabomination · 3 months
Gotta teach them young.
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sorio99 · 11 months
Knowing “Nerdy Prudes Must Die” was the first idea the Lang brothers had for Hatchetfield makes the whole series so much funnier.
Like, did they know in “The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” that the weirdo who demanded a hot chocolate would be the leading man of the high school horror show?
Did they know the prude they mentioned a few times would be a homophobic murderer who defiled a corpse, fucked a ghost, and became a vessel for dark lords?
Was the homeless man joke in BEFORE the recast because they were still brothers, or not?
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atoneofconscious · 8 months
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Onion Headlines in Hatchetfield
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