jewishcissiekj · 5 months
as much as I like Cavan Scott and Dooku: Jedi Lost I can not wrap my head around Ky Narec willingly staying on Rattatak with A FORCE-SENSITIVE CHILD HE SHOULD'VE TAKEN TO THE TEMPLE for like about 20 years because he thinks he should be in exile??? I might have misunderstood it but that's such an insane concept. What would make him do that.
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thatpunnyperson · 1 year
According to NBC here in the US, the missing titanic sub has been found. As debris. Off the bow of the Titanic wreckage.
And it looks like the sub suffered what we all suspected, and what was undoubtedly the more merciful of the two options: a catastrophic implosion from the pressure.
Also, more info has come to light about the fishing trawler with the hundreds of migrants that sank cataclysmically off the coast of Greece, indicating that the greek coast guard knew about the vessel AND how much trouble the vessel was in, and were towing it at a speed that made it capsize, at which point they unhooked the tow line and watched the trawler sink without helping the passengers to safety. Despite a bunch of other ships trying to help as well throughout the whole ordeal.
So a lot of people are dead, all because of regulations (and the lack thereof) regarding sea-faring vessels and rescue protocols. People shouldnt be allowed to make a business charging a ton of money for a ride on an uncertified, unsafe, un-seaworthy ship going deep into the ocean with no distress beacon or tether to the mothership. People also shouldnt be allowed to enact laws that criminalize the ferrying of refugees, which then force the refugees to hitch rides on fishing trawlers, and which also prevent people from helping those fishing trawlers full of refugees due to fear of legal consequences.
Hopefully BOTH of these events spark changes on an international scale in terms of what is legally allowed to be sailed, who is legally allowed to be the passengers, and what the rescue protocols are in the event of disaster for any seafaring vessel, illegal or not. It shouldnt be just the global 1% who get 24/7 search parties and remote-operated submersibles helping rescue them.
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greencharisard · 3 months
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I've been a "No ships for Alastor" person for the longest time bc I couldn't see him with anyone, but then episode 5 happened and Radioapple has taken over my life. I'm also not a big fan of making fankids/nextgens for my ships bc I don't like the idea that every couple needs a child (plus most of the ships that I like I just can't see dealing with kids)... Howeverrrrr the entirety of this ship is these two goobers trying to out-dad each other, so I just,,, created a child concept... for fun...
Yeah it didn't remain just "for fun" for long lmao, say hi to Cider.
Premise: Lucifer and Alastor both made their own little versions of each other, so they can take their anger out on them, Charlie finds out, the above interaction happens, BOOM! Congratulations you goobers you now have a child.
Charlie is absolutely extatic about her new little brother, Lucifer is shocked at first but comes around quickly, Alastor... Alastor takes a while to warm up to the idea, but Cider's cuteness slowly wins him over. He 100% tries to hide it tho.
Over these two, my god, I can't y'all, this show has me in a chokehold but these two goobers expecially.
Hazbin Hotel by to Vivziepop
art and character by me, do not copy, trace, repost, reuse ecc without my permission please.
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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I can rewrite the story.
Loki 1x01 // 2x05
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bebx · 1 year
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I promise you not everything has to be made into memes. basic human empathy is a good thing, some of y’all should try that.
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panic-at-your-hetalian · 10 months
¨you'll never find love if you don't take the risk!¨
me taking the risk:
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53v3nfrn5 · 6 months
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MS World Discoverer Photog. SV Manjana
The MS World Discoverer hit an uncharted reef in the Sandfly Passage in 2000. The hole was too big to get it repaired on the spot, so all the guests were taken ashore. A few hours later the captain ran the ship full speed on ground to prevent it from sinking. 23 years later, it still sits abandoned in the Solomon Islands.
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clannfearrunt · 9 months
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Sharks dump sharks dump. Everyone on this post is a shark
It's very common to see sharks with childcare experience sporting a million little biting scars on their fins from letting babies chew on them. It's a badge of honor to be a chew toy
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artsyunderstudy · 8 months
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A tender What's Left inspired smut for @cutestkilla to pry her away from work.
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teganorsara · 2 years
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Ethel Cain + Florence Welch // 2017-2022
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zombilenium · 11 months
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Abandoned boat in a river near Frankfurt, Germany,
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staarry-skies · 4 months
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usamamo star gazing date
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ltwilliammowett · 4 months
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Back in the summer of 1905 the 2-masted schooner "E. M. Sawyer" wrecked on the southern tip of Monhegan Island, Maine. The moment was captured by S. P. Rolt Triscott
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maiumeni · 2 months
my favourite ship dynamics if that makes sense:
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victusinveritas · 10 months
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Over 100,000 ceramic wares from two Chinese shipwrecks, 1500 meters deep in the South China Sea. Discovered in May 2023. Ships dated to the Ming dynasty, 1506-1522
More: https://bio.link/museumofartifacts
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