#fridging zelda
nycteres · 1 year
ok u can like zelda, love zelda but to act like totk was femenist praxis and centers her in her own narrative rather than just, has her exist there, as backstory, is a bit of a reach lmao
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eedaeth · 1 year
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Back to my roots for a sec with some Zelda art. Dude I haven't drawn anything Zelda related since-- I don't remember. LONG TIME. Roughly when TotK was first showcased I think? Sooooo yeah. Long overdue.
ANYWAYS. I have been playing it a LOT recently, running around being the most USELESS and EARTHSHATTERINGLY STUPID man to ever disgrace Hyrule. Riding around on noble steed George wearing my stupid fucking Horriblin get-up and BURNING SHIT.
Yeah, so enjoy this kinda janky drawing, do NOT LOOK AT IT TOO CLOSELY. KAPESH? HEY- HEY stop searching for signs of my laziness- OI GET BACK FROM YOUR SCREEN SHOO
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ganondoodle · 10 days
'see the many looks of zelda'
three colored pixels, thin blonde girl in pink dress, thin blonde girl in pink dress, thin blonde girl in pink dress, thin blonde girl in pink dress, thin blonde girl in pink dress, thin blonde girl in pink dress, thin greenish-blonde girl in pink dress (even though shes really a cool pirate with darker skin and only gets put in that zelda look by old mr king man), thin blonde girl in pink dress, thin greenish-blonde girl in pink dress, thin brown haired girl in pink dress, thin blonde girl in pink dress, thin blonde girl in pants and pink dresslike overcoat, thin blonde girl in leggings and blue shirt (actually white dress for most of the time), thin blonde girl in white dress, thin blonde girl in pink dress, thin blonde girl in leggings and blue shirt (actually in different white dress for most of the time), thin blonde girl in pink dress-
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shapelytimber · 1 year
The new zelda is great but alas I’m kinda art blocked rn so all I can do is silly doodles, hope you’ll enjoy anyway <3
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Nintendo you cowards let me befriend the Yigas I swear they would like me if I had chocolate to offer nintendo please
PS : please don’t spoil me :) I did not finish the main quest nor the yigas quest nor the crop circle tears memory thing- (and I never looked at any trailers)
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gongaga-twunk · 1 year
A lot of my problems with totk arise from how obvious the hand of the creators is. A lot of the things in this game feel very contrived; we start off strong with the game forcing you to get a heart container. Which. Yeah, sure, alright. I can handwave that, it's fine. Then we get to the skyview towers, which are... very similar to the Sheikah towers (which were still functioning just fine when we found them in botw). The challenges from the Sheikah towers came from how old they were. They were still functioning fine; the world around them changed. With the skyview towers, they're glitched, they're broken... something that by all means just feels like a reason not to give you the map. The Sheikah towers are tricky because after all that time, they should be. The skyview towers are tricky because the game needs them to be.
And there's so many things like that in the game; things that can be dismissed as flawed on their own, but stack up and become extremely irritating. I can't remember who exactly pointed this out, but since you don't technically even need the master sword to beat Ganondorf, Zelda turning into a dragon is completely and utterly pointless. She could have just put the sword in some other holy place, this is just an excuse to metaphorically put her in a crystal again. For a process that is supposedly irreversable and forbidden, it's stupid that she went and did so anyway. Again, it serves the needs of the game, without really justifying itself.
There's just a ton of things like that. I'm very tired and frustrated writing this so it might not make a lot of sense, but it's just. Aughh I wanted to like this game SO BAD
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yewoart · 1 month
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Crossover art I did for a friend.
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jammboe · 2 years
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Mipha being a rebellious gremlin 😈
Had a ton of fun animating this, might do midna or hilda next 😌
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Link: where's the butter
Zelda: in the fridge
Link: tf you mean in the fridge i ment the butter for bread
Zelda: the only other butter i have is in the freezer
Link: how the hell are you going to butter bread if the butter is frozen???
Zelda: where do you keep your butter??
Zelda: well sorry i dont make toast or have a need for soft butter regularly
Link: this is wrong in so many ways
Link: Midna, your girlfriend is a psychopath
Zelda: Link. Get the hell out of my house
*not shown: midna trying not to laugh*
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the-iron-shoulder · 1 year
Okay, so TotK calls Rauru the “first king of Hyrule,” but Sonia is already identified as “Hyrulean,” so the concept of Hyrule predated Rauru.
How do you get to be the “first king” of somewhere? (Force and conquest. The answer is force and conquest.)
But sure, he's a good guy, right, of course
We talk about the first king of Hyrule but he says we're not allowed to talk about the last democratically elected president of Hyrule
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friendamedes · 1 year
so i have recently unlocked the totk cutscene that reveals zelda is the light dragon, and despite being generally neutral on this fact before, i have overnight absolutely and completely fallen in love with the dragon. i want to comb her big mane. i want to tenderly clean every one of her scales and then kiss them. i want to fall asleep on her head. that is my DRAGON WIFE and i love her.
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ultraericthered · 1 year
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After this post, I’m starting to see parallels that I probably shouldn’t. Thanks a bunch, @maldreathezora.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 5 months
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Challah Part 2: This is why you don't let me in the kitchen
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waywardsalt · 1 year
how much does sonia matter to the story of totk
sonia... is certainly a character in totk, but right now i want to take a look at her appearances within the story and see just how much of an effect she actually has on the narrative of this game. i will only be looking at memories and actual story beats, things such as those floating tablets (idk what they're called i never bothered with them) will be omitted because they are entirely optional content and have nothing to do with the actual story, i'm only considering the memories and present events that most players intending to experience the full base story will see. (i'm not even sure if the floating tablets have anything story-relevant in them, anyways, from what ive seen its just world-building and little character moments.)
it's worth noting that i do like sonia, and i don't particularly think she's a bad character; i enjoyed her, but it's questionable just how relevant as a character she is to the story. i also have a generally negative opinion of totk and its story, so that might alter the way i think about this game and it's story. feel free to take what i say here with a grain or two of salt.
spoilers for a fair bit of totk ig
(post is extremely long yknow how it is 2,581 words under the cut)
sonia is definitely present for the story in the past; she is a comforting presence for zelda and a supporter of rauru. she has power over time (recall, i suppose), and is the queen of the hyrule that rauru has founded, and was formerly a priestess before meeting rauru.
before really starting, i want to bring up that the first time the public got to see sonia was in the 3rd trailer; specifically it is where memory 6 is edited, specifically making it appear that sonia, with her hand outstretched and glowing, is the one therefore shooting the beam of light in the very next cut. in reality, in the actual scene, rauru is the one shooting that beam, but i want to keep this specific edit made in the final trailer in mind, since i want to talk a little bit more about sonia's presence in the story in general at the end, because, again, i personally like her, and am admittedly frustrated with how the game and its story ends up using her.
i consider a character to matter to a story when they do something that impacts or helps move it along. for example, despite being very non-characters, i would consider the old sages to be important as they provide exposition directly to link and the new sage as well as bestow upon them their blessing and their secret stone. they have some kind of effect on the story and other characters and carry out a specific role. if you erased the old sages, you would be missing characters that provide more information to the new sages and properly mark them as their successors in the present. even though they aren't really fleshed out in any sort of way, the old sages play an important role in the central plot of the story. the story needed them to play their specific role in order for the game to progress and for the narrative to continue as intended. they do something to shape the path that the narrative takes, they have an effect.
sonia is a character who technically only ever appears in the memories. i'm completely ignoring her appearing after the final boss simply because she has no dialogue at all and its really nebulous what she and rauru even do. worth noting that she is not alone in that scene; rauru is present with her.
sonia is introduced in memory 3 and then is killed in memory 9, i'm also ignoring her, uh, cadaver in memory 10 for obvious reasons. sonia is therefore active in the world of the past for 7 memories out of the total 15 that take place in the past. sonia is alive for less than half of the memories. furthermore, of those 7, sonia only actually appears in 6 of them, memories 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9, and has dialogue in memories 3, 4, 8, and 9, barely over a fourth of those memories.
noting when she appears and when she speaks is important, since because of the fragmented nature of the past memories, character dialogue is very important in knowing what they do and what information they impart. sonia has a purpose in the memories where she doesn't speak, but i'll get to those after looking at the ones where she does speak.
what sonia does in memory 3: she is the first to approach zelda and her touch is what wakes zelda up. sonia is much gentler with zelda, giving her her name and reassuring her that she is safe.
what sonia does in memory 4: she's mentioned by rauru to have a secret stone and likely used as the example of a secret stone holder due to her own time powers. sonia is the one who says that zelda has both light and time powers, and also says that she can also somehow tell that she and zelda and blood related. sonia nudges rauru for (i think) being a bit cold, and is once again the one to comfort zelda and provides her with a place in the past. she is gentle and patient with zelda.
what sonia does in memory 6: she has no dialogue, but is present to... i'm not sure what she and zelda do here, but i'll say that sonia is supporting rauru's magic with her own. she prompts zelda to join her, and reacts to zelda's magic, telling us that zelda is unusually powerful by comparison.
what sonia does in memory 7: she does absolutely nothing other than be specifically noted by ganondorf for having a secret stone as well as being a hylian woman that rauru took as his wife, and smiles comfortingly at zelda.
what sonia does in memory 8: she recalls a cup that zelda knocks over (the only the we see her use time powers), inquires about zelda's well-being, gives an explanation on how zelda could learn to use her time powers (as well as this being somewhat of an explanation of how recall generally works?), shes comforting again and brings up zelda's light powers, and is the one to bring up link.
what sonia does in memory 9: before the memory, she agrees to meet with the fake zelda (knowing that it is truly not zelda) and clearly planned with the real zelda to confront it. she is the one to point out that the fake zelda is... fake, and controlled by ganondorf, and then is killed after fake zelda disappears.
sonia, from then on, is not present in any future memories, and only ever makes an appearance in the present at the very end with rauru.
so. how much does sonia matter to the story?
she definitely matters as a supporter of zelda and as the one to truly help her feel comfortable in the past and gives guidance about her powers. she's the queen of this ancient hyrule and rauru's wife and a holder of a secret stone. these have relevancy to the narrative, but they don't mean anything in the long run unless they actually effect the plot. she supports zelda, but it doesn't really change anything major, just helps her feel comfortable until things come crashing down again. she helps zelda harness her time powers, which we really only see zelda use against ganondorf and presumably to collect the master sword (and considering that her time powers never show up again, i guess zelda transfers them to link), but zelda is already shown to have great power from the start, and we never actually see zelda training or even struggling to use those powers, she just talks about not quite understanding them, and the first time she uses them she clearly has great control.
sonia conveys the information that zelda has time and light powers, and that zelda is related to sonia and rauru, both of which are fairly important, but sonia saying zelda has these powers merely spells it out for us, it doesn't affect anything about those powers, and zelda being related to sonia and rauru does nothing except explain the origins of her powers. she brings up link in front of rauru, but rauru could've easily learned about link any other way, most notably from zelda herself, so sonia bringing this up just changes when rauru learns about link.
through memory 6 we learn that zelda is, in fact, especially powerful specifically because she is being compared to sonia, who expresses surprise, though, again, this changes nothing, it merely brings attention to something already present.
sonia is suggested to have caught on to the fake zelda's ploy and we can assume that she had a hand in setting up the 'trap' that she and zelda spring on it. she implies that she, while knowing, agreed to meet with it and set this trap with zelda. after fake zelda disappears, she is then killed and removed from the story, though her death motivates zelda and rauru and marks the shift from a tense peace to outright war with ganondorf, and her death is what allows ganondorf to get his hands on a secret stone.
in a sense, sonia does matter to the story. she conveys information for the player and for other characters' benefits, she is an important person in the world of the past, and her death is a major turning point. but... at the same time, sonia does not really matter to the story.
she conveys information that doesn't really change the course of the story. her biggest decided-upon action was done off screen and with supposed help from zelda (and perhaps even rauru) and the biggest impact she makes, the one thing concerning her that actually causes things to move along or change in the course of the story, is her death. a character's death doesnt necessarily mean that from then on they are no longer important to the story, but with sonia, she is completely out of the picture. she motivates zelda and rauru, yes, but that's not exactly the same as mattering to the story. either way, if ganondorf declares war after stealing a secret stone, zelda and rauru are going to fight back with the sages.
sonia's death matters to the story. sonia herself does not matter to the story.
sonia doesn't do anything. she talks, conveys information, comforts zelda and gives her little pointers, but not once do we see her do anything that matters in the greater narrative. nothing she does in the past has any relevancy to the gameplay the players experience, or the side of the story that concerns link. she doesn't play a role that further aids our protagonists asides from maybe helping zelda learn to use her time powers. any information she conveys could have been learned through other means, or otherwise wasn't actually important to the events of the plot.
the most we really see her do is lure out fake zelda, but even then, zelda is the one to actually act in retaliation of the attack, and the most sonia does in that one scene, aside from convey more information, is die. and it's the only thing she does that actually causes a development in the plot or matters in general.
in addition to this, sonia does not do anything alone. she is always related to another character: she comforts zelda, she's rauru's wife and queen, ganondorf kills her, she and zelda corner fake zelda, she supports zelda and rauru. nothing she does she does on her own, there is always another character involved, she plays an extremely supportive role and does absolutely nothing outside of that. she exists to give the players information, she exists to support and motivate zelda and rauru, she exists as a character for ganondorf to kill to prove his evil and steal a secret stone. she is not an independent character within totk's story. she doesn't matter to the story as a character because she is barely even considered an independent character within that story.
when we see her at the end, the one time she is relevant to the present, she appears with rauru.
you could remove sonia from the story and swap her out with just having her secret stone hanging around the castle somewhere and the major events of the story would not change. sonia being the queen and rauru's wife only matters because then her death can motivate rauru, and by extension, the kingdom. sonia being so tender with zelda only matters because then her death motivates zelda. sonia having time powers and being related to zelda only matters to explain why zelda has time powers at all. these qualities do not matter outside of these characters that she is always shown with. the only thing about sonia that matters to the narrative is her death.
and. i don't dislike sonia! i like her! i think she's a good character, she has a personality and manages to be likeable even though she is always attached to a separate character! but she has no effect on the present and doesn't do anything that is relevant to any plot points. and it's so frustrating to see!
she's a major character in the past, and yet is hardly important, has four scenes total where she speaks, and dying is the most important thing we ever see her do. the only effect she has on the present is that the secret stone that ganondorf has was stolen directly from her.
it's just... frustrating to see yet another female character exist mostly just to die and motivate other characters, to see a major female character's only defining traits be that she is kind and nurturing and motherly and you never see anything beyond that.
and i come back to the game's third trailer.
just with the fact that sonia is shoved in a corner and is yet another female character that does not exist independent of others in this story, that we see her use her unique power exactly once to rewind a teacup, that's enough to frustrate me. sonia could've been a much more important and impactful character, but the most important thing concerning her is her death, and not even in a 'haunts the narrative' kind of way- she dies, motivates others, and is never brought up again.
and yet, in the third trailer of the game, memory 6 is cut up and presented in such a way that implies this at-the-time mystery female character had shot that beam of light, and that she would therefore be a powerful character. nothing is done without a reason in fiction, and this applies to game trailers.
i just don't understand why sonia was framed in such a deceitful way in that trailer. i can understand misdirection for the sake of avoiding spoilers, but... when it comes to characters like sonia, who in reality have very little impact on the narrative in this way, it just feels... almost a little devious, and it's so frustrating to watch that part of the trailer that teased a powerful female character (not a new concept for the zelda series, either!!!) and then, when the game rolls around, all of a sudden not only is she not the one with that power, but she is merely supporting the male character with that power.
there's absolutely a whole thing that can be said about female versus male characters in media and video games just with contrasting that part of the third trailer versus the actual in-game scene.
and i just can't help but feel bad for sonia after all of this, a character who could've been an important figure in totk's narrative, who just ended up being a character defined by the moment they stop being relevant.
so... yeah. sonia doesn't really matter to the story of totk, and it's in a really frustrating way. though i have a generally negative and almost spiteful attitude towards totk, none of that spite or anger is directed at sonia- i really wish she had a better role in the story, and i think she honestly deserves it and i don't think anyone is at fault for being fooling into thinking she would be this important and powerful figure. there's serious potential just with the pieces the story does give us! it's just all squandered to make her exist for the sake of other characters.
this might've gotten a bit off-track from that i wanted to say at the start, but... unfortunately, sonia as a character doesn't really matter to the story of totk, and i really wish that she did.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
someone commented on an old post of mine that sonia wasnt fridged bc shes relevant to the plot and i have been thinking about it for an hour bc i dont think thats an actual get out of jail card for that .... also ... what does she do? be raurus way to cement himself as da king? give some half assed advice to zelda, that has no pay off unless you count zelda time reversing a bunch of weapons*, and then immediately dies just so zelda can essentially replace her and make rauru regret he didnt stab ganondorf right when he showed up in their temple i guess ?? (which is questionable on its own imo)
(*its not a good pay off for powers she was suddendly revealed to always have had(tm) and also is only ever used to .... welll, get zelda out of the way back in time, reverse a few weapons and .. idk create a ham fisted way to give the player her gimmick?)
even if she doesnt technically meet the requirements(lol?) to be called fridged like .. she is spiritually at least for how irrelevant and cheapely killed off she was
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transpanda-1 · 1 year
In a decade the only thing people will talk about when referencing TOTK is ‘sad Zelda dragon’d herself :,(‘ like how Mother 3 devolved into nothing but ‘mom died’ jokes, mark our words
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lastoneout · 1 year
But I'm not done with the game yet but you know I'm really torn bcs from a narrative standpoint I understand Zelda's arc and sacrifice and such and it is heartbreaking and all that...but from a feminist standpoint I kinda hate that they not only fridged her once more but they made it so you have to steal parts of her literal physical body to buff up your armor.
Like I love a good tragedy and I feel like she is written with depth and complexity and that the creators care about her but also like....that's kinda fuckin' yikes?? The game doesn't even frame it as a bad thing either, if you want to upgrade all your armor you just HAVE to do it and it feels gross, like a violation?? I know she's not real and again this narratively makes sense and it's supposed to be tragic, but man could they at LEAST have just made it so you upgrade the champion's tunic with star shards or something?? Is it not enough that Zelda has to give up her entire being to save the people of Hyrule AGAIN but worse this time, that she's once again forced into the role of the damsel in distress, they made it so you essentially use her for parts??
Idk I just really don't know how to feel about it. I know I'm not done with the game either so maybe they turn it around, but I guess for now it's one of those "you can be critical of something while still liking it" type situations. 'Cuz this is def some bullshit imo.
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