kimoralov3 · 11 days
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
description: steve has had a lot of trouble in his love life. but he's also one of the biggest idiots known to man because the girl of his dreams is standing right in front of him
warnings: swearing, reader uses she/her pronouns, everyone is a lil mean to steve, mentions of stancy (not like that), like i said steve is an idiot, slight angst, fluff
word count: 3059
a/n: tagging @arkofblake because this technically was smth that she requested before i changed it. also shout out to her mom for the knowledge about phones from the 80s lol
“Steve, you can’t keep staring at her like some sort of lost puppy.” Robin says as she helps Steve put some beer and sodas in the cooler.
“What are you talking about?” He asks as he turns back to the fridge.
“Oh please, you’ve been staring at Nancy and Jonathan ever since they got here.” Robin comments as she opens the bag of ice and clumsily dumps it into the small cooler.
“Have not.” Steve mutters as he shuts the fridge door. Robin gives him a look, the look she seems to be giving him a lot these days. “Okay, fine. I have been staring at them, but not for the reason you’re thinking.”
“Oh really? What other reason is there for you to be staring at your ex and her new boyfriend?” She says suspiciously.
Steve pauses, trying to find the words to express the tangled mess that is his love life. He eventually gives up, shaking his head as he grabs the cooler off the counter and walks outside to the pool. “I can’t explain it.”
“Oh come on, you gotta give me something.” Robin pleads, giving Steve her best puppy dog eyes.
Steve glances over at his best friend before quickly looking away. “Those don’t work on me.” He says definitely, but quickly gives in when he spares another glance at Robin. “Seeing them together just makes me think about all the things I don’t have.”
“Wow, that’s really sad.” Robin says solemnly as she holds the back door open for Steve. “You sure you don’t still have feelings for Nancy?” She adds after another moment of silence. 
“Absolutely positive, Robin. That ship sailed a long time ago.” He explains as he sets the cooler by the pool.
And he wasn’t lying. Steve really was over Nancy. Sure, there had been a time when he thought the two of them would evolve into something more, but that was ages ago. 
But now Steve was alone for the first time in years, and he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He’d been on dates, but they’d turned more into a chore than something he was actually enjoying. They all left him feeling like a piece of him was missing, a piece of himself that he just knew was important. 
“Steve?” A voice called, pulling him from his well of self despair. 
“Yeah?” He says as he turns around, nearly falling over when he notices who’s in front of him.
“Can you move over so I can grab a soda?” Y/N asks politely as she gestures to the cooler behind Steve.
“Oh shit, yeah, of course.” Steve stutters as he moves out of the way, nearly falling into the pool. Y/N gives him an awkward smile as she grabs a soda before walking back over to sit with Jonathan and Nancy. 
“What was all of that about?” Dustin asks as he appears beside Steve, munching on some Goldfish.
“Jesus kid, you need to wear a bell or something!” Steve exclaims as he presses a hand to his fast beating heart. 
“Or maybe you just need to be more observant.” Dustin says mockingly as he flicks a Goldfish at Steve’s face, causing the older male to swat at him.
“Will you two quit it!” Robin says as she separates the two of them. Dustin flips Steve off before going to go sit back with the party and Suzie. 
“I swear that kid has no manners.” Steve mutters to himself as Robin walks away to go sit with Eddie and Chrissy. Steve is so busy mentally planning out his revenge against Henderson that he doesn’t notice a certain someone staring at him like he’s hung the moon and the stars.
“Robin, you seriously need glasses or something. How could you put Ferris Bueller and Top Gun in the same section?” Steve complains as he removes the tapes from the shelf.
“Oh quit being a baby and move them, I’m busy here.” Robin calls from the back. Steve rolls his eyes, muttering something under his breath as he moves to the back of the store to grab his cart. 
“I’ll be with you in a minute!” He says when the front door rings. He sets the missorted tapes on a random shelf as he walks back up to the front counter.
“Welcome to Family Video, how can I help y— Y/N?” Steve asks, shocked to see her here.
“Oh, hey Steve. I forgot you worked here.” She says with a laugh as she adjusts her bag on her shoulder. Effortlessly, and beautifully to him, if anyone cared enough to ask what he thought. Which was a rarity. 
Steve gives her a small smile, silently cursing himself for not taking his normal amount of care when he was getting ready this morning. 
Robin really needs to learn some patience.
“Yeah, have been for a while.” He says as he rubs the nape of his neck. “So, what can I help you with today?” 
“Well, my parents are out of town so it’s just me at home. Figured I’d get some movies to keep myself occupied for a while they’re gone.” She explains as she looks around the store before her eyes land on Steve once again, causing a shiver to run down his spine. “Got any recommendations for me?”
“Of course, walk with me.” He says, shooting her his signature smile as he walks over to the staff picks shelf. 
“Is that Labyrinth?” Y/N asks with a chuckle as she picks it up and inspects the back.
Steve groans, rolling his eyes as he sees the movie. “Fucking Eddie. He must’ve snuck it onto the shelf when he was here earlier.”
“Well, he has good taste. Think I’ll be taking this one with me.” She says as she waves the box. Steve can’t explain it, but he feels a small tightness in his chest. 
“To each their own, I guess.” He says with a shrug, trying to ignore this strange feeling. “Anyways, I would definitely recommend these if you’re looking for a more calm night in.” 
Steve hands over The Goonies, The Muppets Take Manhattan, and Back to the Future, waiting patiently for a reaction. 
“Oh my god, is this a Muppets movie?” She asks with a laugh, inspecting the box. “My little cousin loves this movie.”
“Hm, I don’t know how I should feel about that. Are you calling my cinematic taste childish?” Steve asks with a chuckle as he leans against the shelf.
“I would definitely call it that.” Robin says, wheeling a cart as she walks past the two of them. Steve glares at her while Y/N snorts, hiding her smile behind her hand. 
“I wasn’t going to say that it was childish. I was going to say that it’s…interesting.” She explains, her voice pitching up on the last word. 
Steve scoffs at that, shaking his head. “Sure, we’ll go with that.” He says jokingly. “So, will this be all for you?”
“Uh, yeah. This should be good enough for the weekend.” She says as the two of them walk back to the front counter. 
“Glad to be of service.” Steve says as he takes a small bow, cursing himself for how stupid he probably looks. 
“You know, you’re really funny.” Y/N says as Steve rings up the movies. Steve smiles softly, more affected by her words than he would like to admit.
“Could you tell Robin that? She says I have the humor of an old man.” He jokes as he puts the tapes into a bag. Y/N snorts again, this time a little louder. 
“See what I mean? Very funny, Harrington. Very funny.” She says as he hands her the bag. There’s a brief moment of silence before Y/N speaks up again. “Do you wanna come over tomorrow? You know, watch a movie with me or something?” She asks nervously. 
Steve’s mouth hangs open a little, blinking slowly. There was no way he heard that correctly. “You want me to come over?” 
“Yeah. Only if you want to, of course.” She clarifies quickly. 
“Of course I wanna come. I’ll even bring some snacks.” He says as he leans his arms on the counter. 
Y/N smiles at that, nodding her head. “Perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” She says, giving Steve one final wave before leaving. 
“Man, you are such a doofus.” Robin says as she comes up behind him. 
“Can you not?” Steve says as he turns around to face her. Robin smirks, winking at him before walking away. 
“You did what?” Eddie asks with a laugh as he stops strumming on his guitar.
“Don’t laugh at me, I need your help here!” Steve says as he throws his soda can at Eddie.
“Hey, careful! This is my most prized possession.” Eddie says as he throws the can back at Steve, missing him entirely. “Now, tell me exactly what happened.”
“Y/N invited me over, and I went because of course I would, you know? And everything was going really well, at least to me.” Steve explains as he leans back against Eddie’s dresser. 
“Okay, doesn’t sound too bad so far. What happened after that?” Eddie says as he turns the knobs on his guitar. 
“Then I thanked her for inviting me and left.” Steve says simply. Eddie abruptly stops what he’s doing, setting his guitar down on his bed.
“You did what now?” Eddie exclaims as he stands from the bed, causing Steve to look up at him. 
“Left. Why, what’s wrong?” He asked, very confused by Eddie’s sudden outburst. 
“You’re a fucking idiot, that’s what’s wrong.” Eddie says as he grabs Steve’s arm and hauls him into the living room. “Stand right there.” 
Steve grumbles something under his breath as he rubs his arm where Eddie had grabbed it. “Since when are you strong?”
“Amps are heavy as shit man. Now shush.” He says as he dials a number on the phone. Steve mutters something about Eddie being rude as he watches him press the phone to his ear. 
“Who are you calling?” Steve asks, only to be shushed by Eddie. Steve rolls his eyes, watching as Eddie waits for the person on the other end to pick up. 
“Hey Y/N! Do you have a moment to talk?” Eddie says when the person on the other end picks up. Steve automatically stands up straighter, listening closely to try and hear what Y/N was saying. 
“— Not in the mood—” Is the only thing that Steve can make out from here, causing him to frown. Was Y/N really that upset with him that she didn’t want to talk to anyone?
“Just humor me, please? What exactly happened yesterday with Harrington?” Eddie asks as Steve gets closer to the phone.
“I did what you and Robin told me to and asked Steve out, and absolutely nothing happened. I even tried scooting closer to him to see if he would catch the hint, but he didn’t! And then when it was time for him to leave, I went to kiss his cheek and he hugged me, Eddie. He hugged me!” Y/N rants from the other end of the line. “So either everyone is bullshitting me and Steve Harrington actually isn’t into me, or he’s the most oblivious man on the face of the planet.” 
Eddie gives Steve a knowing look as he says his goodbyes before hanging up the phone. “See? Idiot.”
Steve bangs his head against the wall as Eddie pats him pitifully on the shoulder. “So you mean to tell me that yesterday was supposed to be a date?” He finally says when he’s done with his attempt to knock some sense into himself. 
“It was a date. Could you honestly not tell?” Eddie asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. 
“No! I just thought that she was trying to be nice!” Steve says as he slides down the wall. 
“Man, can’t believe this. Former king of Hawkins High is sitting on the floor of my trailer, having a crisis because he blew a date with a pretty girl.” Eddie says as he shakes his head. Steve doesn’t even bother responding, sitting there with his head in his hands. “So, are you going to try and fix it or not?”
“What do you mean?” Steve asks as he finally looks up.
“God, since when did I become the smart one here?” Eddie asks in mock disappointment. “You need to go back over to Y/N’s and make everything right.” 
“How am I supposed to do that? I think you of all people should know that I’m not good with this stuff.” Steve said as he stood up. Eddie groans, rubbing his hands over his face. 
“My god, Harrington. You’re hopeless.” He says. “Here, I’ll tell you exactly what to do.”
Under any other circumstance, those words would’ve sent fear straight into Steve’s heart. Especially coming from someone like Eddie. But he was desperate, and desperate people don’t always make the smartest decisions. 
Steve stands outside of Y/N’s door, her favorite flowers in hand. He stands there for a moment, mentally going over everything that Eddie told him to say. He takes a deep breath before giving up and knocking on the door.
It’s silent for a moment before Steve hears the sound of footsteps on the other side of the door. The door opens up to reveal Y/N standing there, arms over her chest.
“What do you want, Harrington?” She asks coldly. Steve gulps at that, rocking back and forth on his feet a little. Guess I deserve that a little.
“I just came here to apologize. For yesterday.” He says as he holds out the bouquet of flowers. Y/N hesitates before taking the flowers from him, smelling them quickly.
“What exactly are you apologizing for?” She asks after a moment.
“For being an idiot. If I had known that you wanted yesterday to be a date, I would’ve handled things a lot differently.” Steve explains as he nervously shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Different? Different how?” She asks as she leans against the doorframe. Steve pauses, trying to think of the best way to say what he wanted to say.
“Can I come in? I think it would be better.” He asks as he scratches his head. Y/N gives him a suspicious look before stepping aside and gesturing to the living room. Steve mutters a small thank you as the two of them walk into the living room and sit on the couch. 
“So, what exactly is it that you would’ve done differently?” She asks as she sets the flowers on the coffee table. 
“For starters, I wouldn’t have let our first date just be us watching a Muppets movie on your couch.” Steve says in a joking tone, fidgeting with his hands in his lap. “If I had known, I would have taken you out to dinner. Hell, if you really wanted I would’ve taken you to go see one but god I would not have gone to go see a freaking kids movie.”
“Why, what’s wrong with kids' movies?” Y/N asks teasingly, causing Steve to laugh for the first time since he got there. 
“I guess you’re right.” Steve says as he turns to face Y/N. “Can we get a do over date? I promise that this time I won’t act like a complete idiot.” He says sincerely. Y/N seems to mull it over for a moment before looking up at Steve.
“Promise?” She asks softly, as if she was still hurt and embarrassed from what happened the night before. 
“Swear on my life. And you know if I break it, I’ll have Nancy, Robin, and Eddie on my ass about it.” He adds jokingly, but it isn’t really a joke. He had seen first hand how scary Nancy could be when she was upset, and he did not want to be on the receiving end of her wrath. Again. 
“Fine. But I’ll need you to ask me properly.” She says after a longer moment of consideration, sitting up straight against the back of the couch.
“Fine by me.” Steve says as he stands up, pulling Y/N with him. They give each other small smiles before Steve clears his throat dramatically. “Y/N, I’ve had feelings for you for a while now. Longer than I would personally like to admit. So, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?” 
Y/N stands with their hand on their chin, looking off into space as she pretends to think long and hard about Steve’s offer. Steve starts to get nervous that she might actually reject him when she leans up, pressing a quick peck to his cheek. “Of course I’ll go out with you, Steve.” 
Steve feels the heat rush to his cheek at Y/N’s actions, looking down at them with the biggest grin in the world. “You know, technically we’ve already had our first date. So it wouldn’t be completely insane of me to kiss you, would it?” He asks as he steps closer to her. 
Y/N lets out a chuckle before responding, her hands behind her back. “No, no. I don’t think it would be completely insane, as you put it.” 
That’s all the permission Steve needs before he pulls Y/N closer by her hips, their lips slotting together perfectly. He feels more than hears her sigh into the kiss as she raises her arms to wrap them around his neck. 
When they both pull away for air, Steve swears he can see all the stars in her eyes. “That was…”
“Wow, how many girls can say that they took Steve Harrington’s breath away after a single kiss?” She asks teasingly, although it was easy to tell by the heat of her cheeks that she was just as — if not more — affected by the kiss as Steve was. 
Steve rolls his eyes, which was seeming to become a common practice for him these days. “Way to ruin the moment.”
Y/N shrugs, giving Steve one of her award winning smiles. At least they were in his mind. “What can I say, it’s one of my many special talents.”
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stevieschrodinger · 2 months
Part One Two Three Four
Steve sits with his head pressed against the steering wheel.
In the passenger seat, Robin’s doing her make up.
“What are we doing here, Rob?”
“You mean like, in the cosmic soul searching sense, or here specifically?”
“Here. Specifically.”
“Well, your beautiful brunette boyfriend-”
“You don’t score points for alliteration. And he’s not my boyfriend.”
“All right then, the man who is under the distinct impression that he’s your boyfriend, suggested we all hang out together. So we are here. At the place I suggested.”
“Because you know I hate it here.”
Robin makes a non committal noise, Steve looks, she’s pulling the horrendous mascara face. He goes back to resting his forehead on the steering wheel.
Steve does hate it here. Reminds him of...fucking work brunches with his father and Sunday lunches with his mother and he just. Hates it.
Steve sighs like a Victorian maid who’s betrothed has not yet returned from sea. He’s certain he’ll die from consumption at any minute.
“Shut up you big baby,” Robin tells him as she fluffs her hair, “all I want is to finger bang this chick in the bathroom and then rub my cunt on her face, is that too much to ask?”
And Robin has been wholly supportive of Steve so far, so, “no, I suppose-what the fuck Robin? Did you choose this place because-”
“I like the bathrooms-”
“-the bathrooms are nice-”
“Oh you fucking-”
“They’re romantic kinda’.”
“They’re bathrooms, Robin!”
“The lighting is good. I like the vibe.”
“Oh my god.”
Steve’s stares mournfully after his best friend. She’s at the bar with Chrissy, because Chrissy wanted to watch the guy make their cocktails, look he does tricks with the thing, like in that old movie with Tom Cruise.
Steve could physically feel himself ageing as she spoke.
“It’s so cool they’re dating.” Steve does not point out that whatever Robin's about to do to Chrissy, it will be a four letter word, but that four letter word is not ‘date’.
“You think?”
Eddie smiles big. The dimples come out. Huge happy brown fucking cow eyes. He’s not attractive Steve reminds himself viciously. He’s playing with his cutlery because he can’t sit still and...his chins too pointy. Or something. “Well yeah. It’d be so cool if they get married.”
Steve nearly chokes on his drink.
“Hey man, you okay?”
“Fine, fine,” Steve’s nose is burning from the bubbles going up there, “what makes you think they’ll get married?”
“Well...why would you date someone if you can’t see it going somewhere?” Steve hopes this is going somewhere; like to a bed, specifically, “so there’s a chance, right? I can tell Chris really likes her. I hope it’s like, a long term thing.”
Steve feels himself slow blink. He doesn’t explain to Eddie that you date someone because you want to stick your penis in them. Eddie turns to watch the girls again, they laugh, and Eddie grins at them, all happy and fond.
Steve sighs.
“You okay?”
“You just...you don’t seem so happy to be here man. Kind of tense.”
Steve has no idea how Eddie even noticed, usually people don’t notice. Or usually people don’t care, but it amounts to the same thing because coming to somewhere like this is just the step you take before you step into a bedroom.
“I...I actually don’t really like it here much.”
Eddie looks at him, leans close. He’s ready to really listen. He...cares. About Steve. Steve wonders if he’s going to come up in a rash; it feels like the sort of thing he should be allergic too. He wonders vaguely if there’s antihistamines in the glove box.
“Well...I.” Steve pulls a face. He doesn’t talk about...meaningful things, but he figures it can’t hurt this once, he can be vague. Especially if it increases the chance of doing the no pants dance with Eddie, “I don’t have the best relationship with my parents. I mean, they’re good parents, I had really good nannies growing up, had a great education, the best boarding school, they funded my degree, gave me a solid start at work, so they are great...we just don’t exactly get on all the time. We used to come here for pretty much every family meal.”
Eddie’s frown deepens the more Steve talks, “how often were the...family meals?”
“I don’t know,” Steve hums, “holidays I guess, when I was away, and then...maybe fortnightly? We don’t do it now, obviously.”
“Oh. Me and uncle Wayne had one meal a day together, at least, when I lived there. It was like, a house rule.”
“Oh that’s...you’re close?” To Steve that already sounds like something out of the fucking Brady Bunch.
“Yeah. Speaking of which, he’s invited you to dinner.”
“Dinner?” Steve asks weakly.
“Yeah, since you’re courting that boy, he said.” Eddie puts his hands up to do the air quotes. And then he grins. That big stupid grin. He looks so happy. So genuinely happy to see Steve. So happy about the prospect of just...seeing him again.
Steve does not point out that a blow job at a garden party, humping each other in a public bathroom, and one co ed BBQ does not courting make.
“Awesome, I’ll let you know when,” Eddie drums two forks on the edge of the table. Steve stares at his bony wrists. His mind suggests phrases like, ‘slender’ and ‘delicate’ and Steve ignores those and thinks about how he could very easily hold both of those wrists in one hand. “listen, do you want to get out of here?”
“Well, the girls won’t care,” and he’s probably right there, “and you don’t like it here, and I don’t care where I am as long as it’s with you.”
Steve riffles through his internal Rolodex and comes up blank; no one has ever said anything that sincere to him in his life. And Eddie means it too; he means everything he says in a completely unguarded way Steve has literally never encountered before. It’s like meeting an alien. Steve wants to put him under a microscope.
“I just want you to have a nice time, you know. I want you to be happy.”
Eddie reaches out and takes Steve’s hand.
Steve lets him.
Part Six
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ashwhowrites · 5 months
Hey, if you hadn't already done something like this, I was wondering if you'll write Eddie x Popular!Henderson!R, where they're sneaking around behind Dustin's back.... 1. Because Dustin looks up to him and they're friends and 2. She's not ready to let everyone know just yet (wanting to live in ignorant bliss just a little while longer before she falls under scrutiny for falling for "the freak").
And so, when one of her friends decides to hook her up on a date, she can't exactly refuse, so she goes along with it to shut her up, without letting Eddie know, of course. And during a game of dnd, Dustin let's it slip where you are for the night, unknowingly sending Eddie into a spiral, thinking she's cheating and that's why she wants to keep them a secret and after having an internal battle, he cuts the campaign short, surprising everyone, and he crashes her date, with hellfire in toe, demanding answers. And then everyone finds out and she explains blah blah and they live happily ever after. Sorry, this was long xx
This was so fun! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Dustin's friend
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When Dustin said he found a new friend, that was yet again years older than him, Y/N wasn't too pleased. First, it was Steve, and now a guy named Eddie. But when Y/N met Eddie for the first time, she couldn't care less about the age gap between him and her brother, all that mattered was that he was around her age and single.
Eddie still wasn't sure how he managed to get Dustin's hot popular sister to go out with him. Whatever he did, he thanked god for it because having Y/N on his lap with her tongue down his throat was his heaven.
"Missed you so much," Y/N whined, her hips moving against Eddie's as she yanked off his shirt.
"Fuck, I missed you too." Eddie moaned as Y/N sucked down his chest. She left her marks to travel south until she was just above his boxers.
"MOM WANTS YOU," Dustin screamed as he pounded on Y/N's locked door.
"Damn it," Eddie sighed and hung his head.
"BE RIGHT THERE," Y/N screamed back, she sighed and stood up. She handed Eddie his shirt with a sad smile. "Sorry, Eds."
"Fuckers are giving me blue balls. Are you sure we can't tell him? Maybe he'd stop interrupting as much." Eddie glared towards the door. He stood up and threw on his jeans.
"You know I'm not ready for all of that yet." Y/N sighed.
"Fine, I'll go home and finish the old-fashioned way." Eddie joked, smirking as he walked backward to her window, his eyes on her.
"Maybe I'll come over and join you, later." She winked. She kissed Eddie goodbye and waited for him to leave. Then she went to see what her mom wanted.
Y/N knew hiding her relationship with Eddie was hard and tiring. And she felt guilty every time she had to act like Eddie wasn't everything to her. But she was scared. She was scared to take away Dustin's friend, worried she overstepped. She was terrified it would ruin their friendship because of the bro code. And selfishly, she was scared of the damage it would do to her social life.
"I'm telling you, he has been begging me for a date with you. You are single and have no reason to say no." Chrissy whined.
"My reason to say no is that I don't want to," Y/N said, rolling her eyes as she slammed her locker shut.
She whined when Chrissy followed.
"Like you have anything going on tomorrow night, anyway?" Chrissy argued, her eyes taunting.
Y/N technically had nothing going on tomorrow, Dustin and Eddie had hellfire so both boys were busy.
"Stop thinking of an excuse and just go. Then if you hate it, I will never set you up again." Chrissy promised.
"Deal," Now Y/N could get Chrissy off her back.
"We are kicking ass today! I wish Y/N were here to see it." Dustin cheered. Y/N had spent more time watching Hellfire since she had to pick Dustin up anyway.
"Why isn't she?" Eddie asked, he prayed it sounded casual. He read ahead on his notes to look like he didn't care too much.
"On a date." Dustin shrugged, playing his next move. No one had the table had any idea that sentence sent Eddie into a panic. Sweat on his forehead as his leg shook beneath the table.
His girlfriend was on a date, with another guy.
It all made sense, she wanted him to be a secret because she was seeing someone. Dustin knew about the guy, and he couldn't know about Eddie. Because then her secret would be exposed. Like it just was.
"Where?" Eddie snapped, his angry tone had the table looking at him in seconds.
"Enzo's," Dustin said confused.
"Get in the van," Eddie snapped as he grabbed his keys.
The rest of hellfire sat confused as Eddie raced to the restaurant. He was silent but gripped the wheel until his knuckles were white. The boys followed as Eddie stormed out of the van and into the restaurant.
Eddie felt a wave of heartache flood in his chest when he saw her with him with his own eyes. She looked beautiful as she talked about something he couldn't hear.
"Why are we here? Why do you care about my sister?" Dustin asked, but Eddie already was moving.
His heavy boots hit the floor hard, and his hand slammed on the table. The couple jumped and fear showed in Y/N's eyes when Eddie leaned down to her level.
Face to face, Eddie's hard breathing smacked Y/N's face. She twiddled her thumbs nervously as she saw hellfire behind him. Her brother watching with confusion.
"Eddie, what are you doing?" She said through clenched teeth, trying to keep the conversation between them.
"Demanding why the fuck my girlfriend is on a date with another guy." Eddie snapped, his eyes dark as he glared at her. She knew he had every right to be mad, but she didn't want a scene.
She stood up, and Eddie straightened up. His eyes haven't left her, not even glancing at the stranger across from her.
"Can I please explain later? In private." She whispered, her eyes looking over Eddie's shoulder as the boys watched.
"No, I'm tired of this private shit. Explain right here, right now. Or we are done." Eddie threatened. He didn't want to break up, he wished on every star above him there was a way to make this relationship work.
"Eddie please." She whispered, her watery eyes pleading for him to back off until they could talk. "Not right now in front of everyone." Eddie tried to ignore her tears, not letting himself get sucked into her guilt trap.
"Fine, forget it. I'll see you around, Henderson." Eddie said coldly as he nodded and backed off. Y/N felt frozen in her spot as Eddie went out the door.
"Y/N?" Dustin spoke up, his hand reaching towards her.
In seconds she was running out the door.
"What is going on?" the random date asked.
"Shh man," Mike said, sliding into the booth next to him. He pointed out the window, a clear view of the couple. The boys followed, all sitting in the big booth as they stared out the window.
"I'm sorry! I got scared but please." Y/N cried as she tugged on Eddie's arm.
"Scared because you got caught. I can't believe you could do this to me. What about all that love bullshit? This is what you do when you love someone?" Eddie argued, hot tears in his eyes.
"I do love you! Nothing between us is bullshit. Chrissy was on my back for weeks about going on a date with this guy! I never agreed until she said If I went on it, she'd never do it again! I promise you I was just trying to get her off my back. I was going to tell her I hated it and finally have peace of just being with you."
"You know what else brings peace? Finally admitting to other people that you are in love with me," Eddie said sadly, "I'm tired of being your secret. I can't keep doing it."
Y/N sobbed as she reached forward and held his face in her hands.
"I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I'll tell Dustin and everyone. Please just give me a chance to make this up to you." Y/N begged, Eddie sniffled as he looked into her eyes.
"I love you too," he smiled, and Y/N felt relief in her bones. "You took a chance on me, so I'll take the chance on you."
Y/N smiled and leaned forward, Eddie met her halfway and smashed his lips on hers. His hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer.
"Oh my god!" The boys all said at once, the random date was long gone.
"Eddie and my sister?"
"Dude! Eddie is banging your sister!" Mike teased
"Is he touching her ass?" Lucas gasped as he moved closer to the window
"Oh, that is so much tongue." Gareth chuckled.
"Our boy is making out with a popular girl!" Jeff cheered, high fives all around the table, except for Dustin who sat in a state of shock.
Eddie and Y/N jumped as Dustin screamed.
"DUSTIN!" Y/N screamed as Dustin ran straight into Eddie and took him to the ground.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
Matching Tattoos
Eddie Munson x reader
Content warning: 18+ content minors DNI, DO NOT GIVE ANYONE OR YOURSELF TATTOOS AT HOME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GO TO A PROFESSIONAL THIS IS FICTION AND A VERY UNHYGIENIC SITUATION FOR NEW TATTOOS, blowjobs, gagging, swallowing, friends to lovers, Eddie is so fucking sweet, porn with some plot followed by fluff.
Part 2
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"Isn't she pretty?" Eddie grins, producing the homemade tattoo gun from under his bed. Pretty was a very strong word. More like a clump of sketchy looking metal held together with even sketchier looking screws and rubber bands.
You scoff. "If you think she's pretty I'm seriously starting to question your taste, Munson. Going from Chrissy Cunningham to this? That's quite a decline."
Eddie rolls his eyes.
"You're never going to drop that are you? Chrissy was a 5 minute crush, besides, she's been dating that douchebag Jason Carver for ages now." Eddie waves his hand to signify his distate. "Anyway, nowadays my taste is more...refined, thank you very much. Hence why I am going through the world's longest dry spell at the moment. Now shut up, and get on the bed. We're doing this." He buzzes the tattoo gun for extra effect.
"Yessir." Giving him a cheeky salute, you lie down on Eddie's bed as he messes around with the ink, and something crinkles beneath you. Your brow furrows as you dig underneath you, and you pull out a dog eared magazine. You flick through the pages, your cheeks flushing. "Jesus, Eddie, resorting to porno mags? You really are suffering." You throw the crusty magazine at him, laughing. Eddie quickly kicks it under his bed.
"What? I got needs, Y/N, and its not exactly like there's a line of babes wanting to fuck the town freak."
"Not even with the whole struggling rockstar vibe you've got going on?" You cock your eyebrow, shooting him a smirk.
"Right? I should be drowning in pussy," he grins, and you roll your eyes. "Still want it on your hip, right?"
"As long as it can be covered by a bathing suit so my parents don't murder me, have at it."
Eddie gulps as you unbutton your jeans, shimmying your hips out of them and exposing your simple black panties to him. You then roll your shirt up your stomach and tie it in a knot to prevent it from getting in his way.
It wasn't like he hadn't seen you like this before, he'd seen you in a bathing suit hundreds of times but this....this was different. This was you, half naked, on his bed. You that Eddie had been harbouring a crush on for a good year or so now, hence the dry spell. He didn't want anyone else, he wanted you, his best friend, his partner in crime, his girl. Nobody in this deadbeat town even came close, not anymore.
He was ashamed to even admit that the magazine you'd fished out from his bed was merely a distraction tool. So many nights he'd fucked his fist thinking of you, the way your body glistened in the sun that time when you sunbathed out the back of his trailer in that black bikini, the way your breasts threatened to spill out of the cups and your ass peeked out from the bottoms that left very little to the imagination.
He had to get you out of his head. It was sick, it was wrong, you were his best friend. His beautiful, funny, smart, sexy as hell best friend. If he had to beat off to some random chick in a disgustingly cheap porno magazine just to stop him thinking about you, so be it.
But honestly, when you'd asked him to give you a tattoo on your hip, the magazines just weren't doing it anymore.
Eddie cleared his throat. "You sure about this Y/N?"
"Eddie, shut up and ink me already," you smile, playfully nudging him with your foot. "You drew it up, yeah?"
"One bat comin' at ya," Eddie grins, showing you the little stencil he'd drawn. It was an exact copy of the largest bat out of the swarm on his arm. "You know we can never not be friends after this right? Matching tattoos is a pretty big commitment."
"Until death do us part." You teased.
"I fuckin' do," Eddie kissed your hand, making you snort. Your friendship had always been like this, flirty to the point where people were always wondering if you were together or not. But that's all it ever was, all bark and no bite per say. "Can you move your, uh, your-"
"Panties, Eddie? For someone who used the phrase 'drowning in pussy' earlier I refuse to believe 'panties' gets you all flustered." You tease, pushing down your panties and exposing your skin to him.
Eddie can feel his palms sweating as your panties slip dangerously low, almost exposing that dip between your legs. His mouth is as dry as the fucking desert when he catches a glimpse of your smooth, soft skin. God, he wants to put his mouth there. He wants to put his mouth all over you actually. He coughs once more.
"Right, let's do this, pretty girl." He carefully cleans the area you want tattooed with some antiseptic liquid before laying the stencil down, carefully pulling it away to reveal the outline on your skin. "Looks metal, babe, you ready?"
You nod, clutching his comforter in one hand as he brings the needle to your skin and the buzzing starts. You bite your lip as you feel the needle meet your flesh, a searing burning pain but not too unbearable.
As he drags the needle across your soft skin, Eddie is sweating. He's so close to a part of you he desperately wants to explore, to kiss and lick and make you scream his name until you're sobbing in ecstasy. But he can't. Why would someone like you ever be interested in the town freak? The nerdy metalhead that spends his free time planning extensive D&D campaigns, or playing in shitty dive bars to a crowd of not even 10 people didn't compare to the jocks who went to endless parties, or did something better than spending their spring break in their trailer getting high and watching horror movies.
"Whatcha thinking about, handsome?" Your sweet, sweet voice breaks him out of his thoughts and he looks up at you. God, you look like a fucking angel right now, all draped across his bed with your hair over his pillow. He knows he'll be able to smell the shampoo you use on that later.
Eddie, always one to almost never lose his cool, shoots you a cheeky grin.
"Thinkin' about how I could tattoo my name on you, pretty Make sure everyone knows who's girl you are."
"Everyone already knows, I've only got eyes for you, dungeon master."
Fuck, he wishes you wouldn't call him that. Not like this anyway. Not with this amount clothes on. Or not on.
"Less of the dirty talk, you. I'm trying to concentrate here." He growls, wiping the residual ink off your skin, refilling and continuing his work. You try to ignore the throbbing in your panties and how good his hands feel on your bare skin.
35 minutes later, it's Eddie's turn. After cleaning and covering your new artwork, you get yourself dressed (much to Eddie's disappointment) and turn to him with a wicked grin.
"Pants off, Munson."
"Yes, ma'am." Copying your salute from earlier, he unbuckles his handcuff belt and undoes his jeans, shimmying out of them and tossing them somewhere in his room. He also pulls off his Hellfire shirt. You raise an eyebrow. "What? Can't risk anything happening to it, I gotta wait another week before I can get more!"
"Alright, nerd, lie down." You smile, rummaging around in your bag for the little design you'd drawn up for him. You pass the small design of the devil from the Hellfire logo to him and he grins.
"That's metal."
"So metal that nobody is gonna see it unless they're going down on you."
"Yeah, but we'll know it's there. It'll be like our dirty little secret, Y/N."
"Hot," you laugh as Eddie lies down, putting his arms behind his head. He tilts his head down towards his hips.
"Get to work, missy."
You'd been practising on that gross fake skin stuff in preparation for this, but nothing could have prepared you for touching Eddie...here. His skin was so soft and warm, and he smelled so good. A mix of his old cologne he'd gotten from you last Christmas, smoke and a hint of sweat. It was so Eddie, it made your heart flutter and somewhere else flutter too.
You think Eddie takes the needle like a champ, but when you look up at him about 20 minutes later, his eyes are screwed shut.
"Hurt that much?" You grin and he shakes his head, eyes still closed.
"Nah, babe, honestly, I'm...fine." He hesitates. You stop for a second, tilting your head to the side in question. You go to wipe off some of the excess ink and your arm brushes over his boxers accidentally.
"Eddie, are you-"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up, don't talk about it." Eddie chokes out, his cheeks flushing. His loose plaid boxers had done a good job of hiding his semi, but when you'd brushed against it, it was game over.
Eddie was hard.
"I-is this like a normal reaction to getting tattooed, or...?" You stutter, your mouth feeling dryer than fucking Gandhi's flip flop.
Eddie sighs, throwing an arm over his face.
"No, it's a normal reaction to a very, very pretty girl hovering near my dick, babe." He says in a small voice. Your cheeks flush as you place the tattoo gun down on his bedside table.
"O-oh. Well, do you want me t-to stop? Or I could help with...I could help you with that?"
Eddie groans behind his arm.
"Babe, don't tease me like that, that's just cruel. 'Sides, wouldn't you feel...weird jerking me off?"
Your mind had not gone to jerking him off. In fact, it had gone a step further.
"Oh, I-I wasn't...I was gonna, um-"
"Blow me?!" Eddie throws his arm off of his face and stares at you, and you pretend you don't notice his cock jumping in his boxers. "You, my super hot best friend Y/N, are seriously offering to suck my dick right now?!"
"I-I’m sorry-"
"Sorry?! What the fuck are you sorry for?! Making all my wet dreams come true?!"
You giggle. "Eddie, shut up."
"No, I'm serious, Y/N, you've been in here-" he sits up and taps the side of his head "-doing some nasty shit for so fucking long. Why do you think I'm jacking off to shitty porno mags instead of chasing pussy?"
You're silent, a slow smile spreading across your face as your hand creeps over his crotch, gently palming at his cock which jumps in your hand.
"Well, lucky for you, dungeon master, you've also been the star of my wet dreams."
Eddie falls back onto his pillows with a groan. "Fuck, I can't believe this is actually fucking happening."
"Tell me what you want to do to me, Eds." Your voice is low and sultry as you give him a squeeze. He looks at you, tongue darting out to wet his chapped lips. You tug at his boxers, giving him a questioning look. He grabs your wrist.
"Are you sure about this, Y/N? Cos if it's a choice between getting off, or keeping you as my best friend, I'd rather keep you babe. Blue balls and all."
You smile softly; Eddie was too sweet for his own good. It was one of the things you loved most about him.
"What about if you get to get off and still keep me?" You say, pushing his hand away and slowly pulling his boxers down. His cock springs out, slapping against his lower stomach. He was long and thick, uncut with an upwards curve that the very sighmade your pussy clench. You huff out an exasperated laugh. "Holy shit, Eds."
"Good 'holy shit', or bad 'holy shit'?" Eddie's cheeks are flushed as he smirks.
"You know the answer to that." You wrap your hand around his cock, making him hiss as you stroke the silky skin. You pull the foreskin down to expose his angry looking, reddish purple mushroom head, and a drop of precum blurts out. You continue to stroke him, eyes fixed on his face.
"Fuck, stop looking at me like that," Eddie groans, his cock twitching in your hand. "'S too much."
"Like what?" You smirk, straddling his thighs. He can't answer you, any sort of answer immediately wiped from his brain as you lower your mouth to the head of his cock and lick, tasting him for the first time. His hips buck, forcing more of his cock into your mouth, making you gag out of surprise.
"Shit, sorry, sorry," Eddie gasps. "Fuck, your mouth feels so fucking good, don't be surprised if I come like, super quick, okay? Been thinking about this for so fucking long you have no idea. And you look....God, you looking so fucking beautiful right now."
You shoot him a soft smile, pressing a kiss to his cock before taking him into your mouth properly, swallowing as much of him down as you can.
Eddie's hand comes to your hair, gently stroking it as you bob your head up and down. The flavour of him blooms over your tongue and makes you hum in appreciation.
"Fuck, babe, your mouth...shit, it's so fucking good, taking my cock so well..."
You pull up and suckle the head, flicking your tongue over the slit. "Holy shit, you're gonna kill me, sweetheart."
You smirk, pulling back and pursing your lips, allowing a glob of spit to fall from your mouth onto the head, dribbling down the shaft. Eddie falls back onto the pillows. "That's it, you've killed me, you're blowing a dead man, baby."
"A dead man who's gonna come in my mouth, right?" You mumble, jerking him quickly, your spit allowing your hand to slide over his shaft with ease. Eddie keens, his teeth gritted.
"You can't say shit like that, angel, I'm about ready to blow as it is."
"Do it, I want it." You reply, taking his cock into the warmth of your mouth once more. You allow him to fuck your face, both hands now resting on the back of your head as you swallowed around him.
"Shit, fuck, oh my fucking god, baby, Y/N, I'm gonna come, fuck I'm gonna come so fucking hard in that pretty mouth of yours, yeah? God, you're such a good girl, so good f'me, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuck!"
Eddie comes with a broken moan, his hips thrusting upwards and his hands holding you in place as his cock pumps rope after rope of cum down your throat. You moan, relishing the taste of him, which makes Eddie shudder at the overstimulation. You swallow everything he gives you. "Fuck, sweetheart, can you show me?"
You begrudgingly take your mouth off of his cock and open your mouth, tilting your head back slightly and sticking your tongue out to show him that you had indeed swallowed his cum. "Holy shit. I'm gonna get hard again." He groans, his chest heaving and his cock twitching slightly. You giggle and place a kiss to it, and Eddie grabs you, pulling you on top of him, careful to avoid the new ink. "I can kiss you, right?"
"I think we're past that, Eddie" You smile and squeak in surprise as he pulls your face to his, capturing your lips in a hasty kiss. It's a chaste kiss, experimental and you break away briefly. His eyes lock with yours, as if he was trying to search them to see if this was okay. "It's okay, Eds" you whisper, nodding gently. His eyes dart to your mouth and back up to your eyes.
"Do I get to keep you?" He whispers, his fingers softly stroking your cheek. You brush your nose against his.
"You get to keep me."
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wynnyfryd · 3 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 65
part 1 | part 64 | ao3
cw: angst, weed
Eddie reaches out then stops, hand hovering just above Steve’s knee, something like panic in the tremor of his wrist. “Steve, for real, man, please let me—”
“No, you for real, man.” Seriously? Man? As if there aren't so many more important things to discuss right now. Steve squeezes his eyes shut and pinches his nose, the voice of an old swim coach ringing in his ear. Game time, Harrington, c’mon, where’s your head?
“Look,” Steve sighs, fingers clenching around his shin. “We can talk about... this," he gestures between the two of them, "later. Let’s just— Important stuff only for right now, okay?” 
Eddie’s breath shakes when he answers. “Yeah.”
This is somehow worse than silence.
Steve shakes his head, tries to focus through the fog of awkward energy. Important things. Important.
Like, how about ‘what were you doing with a pretty girl in my fucking trailer?’ for starters, or maybe—
Oh, fuck. 
Steve looks sharply at Eddie. “Why were you asking if I was real?”
Eddie stares back in silence, eyes huge, bottom lip trembling as Steve presses into his space; drops his voice, brings a hand up to wrap around Eddie’s arm — just above his elbow, soft leather and warm muscle shivering under the touch. God. Please. Not him, too. “Eddie. Did you— did you see something? Are you…?”
“No,” Eddie shudders. “No, sorry, just, uh—” He shakes his head with a grimace, a shrill sound spilling out, some frantic braying thing that might have counted as a laugh if his face wasn’t doing that. “Pretty goddamn sure I’m just losing my mind after seeing the— the fucking—”
His palm floats up to the ceiling in a wobbly zig-zag, looseleaf drifting to the classroom carpet in reverse, then he clenches his fist and lets it explode open with a ‘boom,’ the sound effect ruined by another strangled laugh. “Oh, my god,” he giggles. Humorless, horrified, nervous system overwhelm. His entire arm is shaking. “Oh, shit, oh, Jesus Christ, Steve, Chrissy’s—”
“Hey.” Steve tightens his grip on Eddie’s arm; waits for Eddie to take a breath, gasping and wet. “We can’t think about it, alright?”
Eddie’s voice cracks miserably. “That’s not fucking fair to her.”
“I know.” Steve loosens his hold; smooths his palm over the leather sleeve; wonders who he’s really trying to soothe. “I know. But we can’t— if what you and Dustin said is true, if it’s really some— some monster that hurt Chrissy, that’s trying to hurt us? We can’t grieve yet, okay? We can’t give him an opening to attack. We need a game plan.”      
Eddie exhales like he’s trying to mimic an owl. “Okay,” he nods eventually, slapping his thighs as he stands up. “Okay. Game plan. Yeah. Shit. Games and sports and plans and…” 
He trails off, mouth moving around mumbled gibberish as he wiggles his fingers and drums on himself, hands slipping up his torso, tongue over his top lip. He pats his front pocket. “Oh, hell yeah, baby.” Whirling to face Steve, he slips his forefinger and thumb into the narrow pouch and pulls out the Altoids tin where he keeps his pre-roll stash. “How’s this for a game plan?”
part 66
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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metalhoops · 1 year
Read Part 1 Here
As small and unassuming as Eddie’s trailer was to others, it had always been his fortress. It was the last stronghold against the forces of evil, and the bastion of all things metal and macabre. It wasn’t much, but it was undoubtedly his. When you grew up with little, you clung to what you had. 
He’d come to Wayne’s at an age when the world had begun to haemorrhage magic, leaving a realm devoid of colour in its place. His uncle worked hard to stoke the flames of his creativity, buying or borrowing what he could to keep Eddie’s dreams of castles and kingdoms alive.  
He’d spent a small lifetime buried in tomes of fantasy and mythology. He’d whiled away afternoons flicking through books that let him choose the story, always managing to die before finding the right ending. As a child whose mother died young, it was nice to live in a world where death could be undone. 
Eddie managed to cling on to that last spark of childlike wonder into his early twenties. His childhood had been a landscape inhospitable for the companionships of knights and the trickery of wizards, yet he’d made it work. That kind of alchemy didn’t fade easily. 
Yet, with Chrissy’s death tainting his memories of the trailer, he understood his fortress, his kingdom, was nothing but rubble and blighted soil. He was Frodo, returning to The Shire after the destruction of the ring. Eddie’s Undying Lands came in the form of a small bungalow on the edge of town, paid for with government hush money. 
The place wasn’t much larger than the trailer, yet it felt vast in the late hours of the night when Wayne was working and Eddie was alone. They’d only been in the house a week. He still felt as though he were in hostile territory. He sat on his bedroom floor with the curtains half-drawn. 
He’d spent the past half hour drawing them open before pulling them shut. If they were shut, the place looked deserted. People would be less likely to try to peer in, but he wouldn’t be able to see if someone or something was coming. If he left the curtains open, people would be able to see in. Eddie told himself he was being paranoid until he watched a pair of headlights flicker in the distance down the isolated road. 
Eddie was quick to action, darting into the entrance as a knock sounded on the front door. He grabbed a box cutter from the pile of unpacked boxes and peeked through the keyhole. You could never be too cautious, not when half the town thought you were a murderer. 
Standing in the doorway was Steve Harrington, the former king of their ever-changing kingdom, looking lost and worse for wear. His hair, a Harrington point of pride, as good to Steve as a crown to a king, was a sodden bird's nest perched atop his head. Though that wasn’t all. One of his arms hung naked at his side. Steve hadn’t managed to pull it through his polo, leaving half his skin exposed, the other half covered in poorly wrapped bandages. 
They’d both been hurt by the hoard of bats, but Steve's injuries eclipsed Eddie’s. Something about that fact sat wrong with him. It was as though he’d stumbled upon a wrong ending. He wanted to turn back and find a story where Steve was safe. Eddie dropped his makeshift weapon and swung open the door. 
“Steve? Christ man, you’ve seen better days,” Eddie spoke, ushering Steve inside, locking the door behind him. 
“I’ve had worse.” 
Steve, like Eddie, appeared changed from what’d happened to them. He hadn’t known how to explain it. Most of what he knew about Steve Harrington was mythology, a collection of stories which changed depending on the teller. Yet, all those close to him, far closer to him than Eddie, had agreed something about him had changed. This Steve was a broken bone set wrong. Something about him always appeared to ache. 
Buckley had hauled up in the Harrington manor with him after they were released from hospital, helping tend to his wounds and wash his perfect hair. She’d confided in Eddie when he had come to check up on Steve that he was forgetting things. 
Perhaps forgetting wasn’t the right word. Robin spoke five languages, yet she couldn’t find the term to describe what was going on with Steve. He seemed out of place, like a sour note in a once sweet melody. 
Maybe it was one concussion too many, Robin had justified, which was a collection of stories shrouded in contention. How many concussions had Steve had? Nancy swore Jonathan hadn’t hurt Steve badly during their fight. He’d been able to run away, after all. Jonathan admitted he probably had. 
The kids all agreed Steve was knocked out cold after his fight with Billy while Robin recounted what’d happened in Starcourt. She’d later confess Steve had other concussions before Jonathan, though wouldn’t elaborate on their origin. Some stories only hurt the teller. Eddie had learnt how to read negative space.  Occam’s razor told them it was the easiest explanation, but to Robin and Eddie, it didn’t feel like the right one. 
Steve talked about things that’d happened weeks ago as if they’d occurred to someone in another life. Then there was the way he looked and spoke to Eddie. Every time he’d show up at the Harrington’s front stoop, Steve would look at him as though he’d risen from the dead, shook off the grave dirt and stumbled back into his life.
He had the feeling Steve was always seconds away from telling him something important, but he too, didn’t seem to have the language to convey it. When they stood together in silence, as they did that night in Eddie’s new fortress, he felt as though he almost understood. 
“What brings you to my humble abode, Harrington?” Eddie asked, trying to keep his eyes from Steve’s exposed side. 
“Mostly pride,” Steve admitted with a humourless laugh, ushering to his side, inviting Eddie to look. He did. 
“I told Rob to go home for the night and uh...” Steve cringed as he tried to lift his hand up to pull it through his sleeve. Eddie stepped closer without meaning to. 
“Shit, hold still. Don’t rip your stitches again or Buckley’ll hand my ass to me on a silver platter,” Eddie grumbled. His hand twitched, wanting to touch. Steve took a step forward, inviting him to. Eddie hesitantly brushed his fingers over the gauze, examining the bandages. 
“When did you last change these?” 
“Two days ago,” Steve admitted, leaning against the wall, trying to keep his balance. Eddie cursed under his breath, grabbed Steve by the wrist, and guided him to the bathroom. 
“You don’t have to change ‘em. They’re pretty gross,” Steve protested. 
“Which is exactly why I have to change them,” Eddie argued as he help Steve slide onto the bathroom countertop beside the sink. 
“I’ll get Robin to do it tomorrow. She didn’t throw up after dissecting a frog in junior bio.” Eddie groaned and scrubbed his face with his hand. 
“Didn’t know that was public knowledge, great.”
“Not many people knew. I just... we were in biology together.” Eddie knew they weren’t. 
He knew every class he’d had with Steve Harrington, much to his chagrin. They’d had gym, history, and Spanish together. Like shiny plastic to a crow or jewels to a dragon, Steve always managed to capture Eddie’s attention. He’d like to blame it on the fact he found Steve attractive, but there were a handful of other hot jocks who made Eddie want to shove his hand in a blender. Steve had always been different to him, though he’d managed to keep his affections close to his chest. It’d never do him any good. 
Steve had a habit of rewriting their mythology. Eddie had noticed him doing it often as a way of explaining away little things he’d have no right knowing, by fabricating new pasts. That was a piece of Steve’s new persona, which was reserved only for Eddie. 
He wasn’t sure how to broach the topic. He liked Steve. Hell, the more the two got to know one another, the more Eddie thought he could love Steve, but their relationship felt like an empty hallway in a horror film. It was devoid of any real threat, but it felt as though something was lurking just out of view. 
Eddie blamed his feelings of love for the strange gravity between them. Occam’s razor. He wanted to kiss Steve. He didn’t know what Steve wanted. That caused tension. 
“Why did you come here? I mean, don’t get me wrong, Stevie. The door’s always open,” Eddie said as he peeled back the bandage. 
He felt Steve stiffen and moved one hand to rest on the boy’s thigh. Steve’s hand covered his, lacing their fingers together and surprising Eddie. He tried not to look too closely at the wound. He found their first-aid kit and got to work, squeezing Steve’s thigh each time he pulled the bandaged taught. 
“I miss you,” Steve said, once more sounding seconds from another confession Eddie knew wouldn’t come. 
“I haven’t gone anywhere, dude. I saw you yesterday.” 
Steve muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like, 
‘I used to see you every day.’ 
Another past that’d never happened. A reinvention. To make matters worse, Eddie wanted to believe in that past. He wanted Steve to tell him their story, the one that lived only inside his head. Eddie would follow it. He’d do anything to stop the boy from looking so lost. 
“Can I do something weird?” Steve asked, and all Eddie could do was nod. 
Steve hooked his arm around Eddie’s neck, pulled the boy into the space between his dangling legs, and buried his face in Eddie’s hair. Steve’s hands balled into tight fists in Eddie’s shirt fabric, holding him so close he felt his bones creak like wooden floorboards underfoot. 
“You don’t have to miss me, sweetheart. I’m right here,” Eddie assured, feeling the need to do something, say something to make everything better. Steve’s grip tightened.
“Do you ever feel like we’ve been here before?” Steve spoke, his voice muffled by Eddie’s skin. 
He knew the answer Steve wanted. He couldn’t in good conscience give it to him. 
“No,” Eddie confessed. 
“But I wish we had.” 
Steve pulled back so the two could get a better look at one another. Unable to help himself, Eddie leaned forward, trying to smooth down his hair. 
“When you were seven, you scraped your knee so badly you walked with a limp for half a year and ever since you’ve hated the sight of blood,” Steve spoke, not daring to look at Eddie. 
He felt his whole body go stiff. His hand in Steve’s hair froze. He was right, but Eddie couldn’t understand how he knew. He’d moved to Hawkins when he was twelve. His life before that was a mystery to the town. 
“How?” Eddie began, but Steve wasn’t finished. 
“You do that thing when you’re nervous. Yes, that thing you’re doing with your hair,” Steve observed. Eddie had taken a string of hair between his thumb and forefinger and half hidden behind it. 
“And when you’re flirting,” Steve amended. Eddie’s brows drew together. 
“Which you do with me, a lot. Took me forever to work out that’s what you were doing but give me enough time and a good enough thump to the head and I’ll realise it, eventually.” 
Steve knew Eddie liked him. Shit. 
“Took me even longer to realise I liked you too, but everything’s kind of screwed now, isn’t it?” Steve asked, his humourless, dry laugh coming back. 
“Because every time I’m with you, I miss you. And I know that makes no goddamn sense, but I do.” 
Eddie tried to unpick what Steve’s words meant, but he kept coming up short. Steve liked him. That much Eddie gathered. It was enough to send his stomach plummeting into his boots. 
“Tell me what you’ve gotta tell me, Steve. I’m a big boy. I can handle it. Get some of that damn weight off your shoulders,” Eddie mumbled, placing a hand on Steve’s shoulder and rubbing circles into the spot as though to prove a point. Instead, Steve looked at him with a crooked grin and uttered,
“Like Atlas, right?” He hadn’t picked Steve as a mythology geek. Eddie felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, as though he were seconds away from putting it all together.
“We’ve had this conversation before, haven’t we?” 
“Not exactly, but almost.” 
“Then why the hell don’t I remember it?” Eddie questioned, his voice growing strained. 
“I don’t know. You never do. It doesn’t matter, it’s over.” 
“What’s over Steve?” 
“I’d ask you if you really want to know, but the answer is always yes,” He grumbled, nudging his face against Eddie’s hand. 
Steve took a deep breath and told Eddie everything. He spoke about Eddie’s death, about being stuck in the same day for hundreds of repetitions. He told stories of Eddie’s death while brushing over similar terrors. Eddie knew he was getting a sanitised version of the tale, but still, he understood why the boy was haunted. He couldn’t imagine what he’d do if he were in Steve’s place. 
Stories, where death could be undone with a simple flick of the page and another binary decision, were easy. In practice, with hundreds of little choices and thousands of ways things could go wrong, it seemed more akin to a nightmare. 
“When you said you missed me,” Eddie breathed after a moment.
“Which version of me do you miss?” Steve’s brows pinched together, looking as though he’d been asking himself the same question. 
“I don’t know. I think, shit. I think I miss a version of you that never existed. If that makes sense. I miss what I thought we could’ve been when everything was over. You’re alive. I’m alive. It was supposed to be easy after that.” 
Eddie gave the boy a sad smile and nodded. To Steve, trapped in a never-ending cycle, Eddie had been his kingdom. He’d been a land to defend and a safe haven to return to. Yet, he’d wanted himself to be the same wide-eyed hero who’d left the empire, not the jaded veteran who’d returned home from war. They could never be the uncomplicated love story Steve had told himself to get through the days, but that didn’t have to mean things were ruined. 
“Hey, Stevie? What’s your favourite movie?” Eddie spoke, causing Steve to really look at him for the first time since they’d started speaking of other timelines and death. 
“Star Wars... The one with the teddy bears. Why?” Eddie got a goofy grin on his face, wondering how the hell someone who’d had the reputation Steve once had could love something as nerdy as Star Wars. 
“You know a damn lot about me. Time we even the goddamn playing field.” Steve nodded and gnawed on his bottom lip. His eyes trailed down to Eddie’s lips. He didn’t have to know Steve well to know what he was getting at. 
“Can I kiss you?” He questioned, his hand already tangling in Eddie’s hair. 
His thumb ghosted over the space between his ear and jaw that always made his breath hitch. Steve knew how Eddie liked to be touched. That was a new revelation. 
“We’ve kissed before, haven’t we?” Eddie questioned, Steve’s breath hot against his face. 
“I haven’t kissed this version of you before,” Steve supplied with a smug grin. 
“No fucking fair. You have the hometown advantage,” Eddie reasoned, and Steve let out a shocked laugh, a real one this time. 
“You’ve never made a sports reference before.”
“So they’re surprises in me yet,” Eddie beamed, sick of the anticipation, he leaned forward and pressed their lips together. 
The kiss was long and desperate. Steve clung to him, kissing him breathlessly, making Eddie weak at the knees. They had to pause when Steve let out a sharp inhale as Eddie accidentally grabbed his still-healing side. He muttered a slew of apologies, peppering Steve’s neck and jaw with kisses. He hadn’t shaved in days and Eddie felt a good kind of ache from the scrape of stubble against his jaw. 
When they finally pulled apart, the two looked decidedly more dishevelled. Eddie caught his breath and whispered, 
“You know, I’ve got Return of the Jedi on tape in a box someplace. You could stay over and we could... I don’t know, re-get to know each other,” Eddie proposed. 
“I like the sound of that.” 
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bingbongsupremacy · 10 months
My Little Secret
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: Teenage pregnancy, use of Y/N
Summary: You're scared to tell Eddie you're pregnant.
*Not Proof Read*
Note: Eddie and reader are the same age. Pretend he wasn't held back. Whole thing with Chrissy hasn't happened. Doesn't specify gender.
Stranger Things Masterlist
Well this is perfect.
I stare down at the little while bar in my hands. Two thin likes stare back, mocking my mixed emotions.
What the fuck am I going to do? I shouldn't have let things go so far at Steve's party. I knew the fucking risk. How could this happen? I didn't think this would happen. What am I going to do?
What am I going to tell Eddie?
He doesn't want a kid...not now anyway. Fuck, this messes up everything. We can't afford a baby. How are we going to take care of it?
I begin to pace in the cramped bathroom. With every moment that passes, the room begins to feel more and more cramped, claustrophobic.
A thumping sound bounces off the walls from outside. Eddie's home.
Eddie's van shuts off with one last whine, the door shutting shortly after. I hear the keys jingle as he tries to open the front door of his trailer. " Babe? Ya here? "
I don't respond. I quickly grab the box the pregnancy came in and hide it at the bottom of the garbage can. I need to figure something out. I can't tell Eddie.
A knock breaks me out of my thoughts. I turn on the water, quickly washing my hands, hoping to relieve some of the nerves.
" Y/N? Why didn't you answer, babe. I thought you were still at work or something. " Eddie asks. " You feelin' okay? "
I swing open the door, pulling a smile onto my face. " Yeah, perfect. Just...lost in thought. " I push past Eddie, doing my best to act normal.
I'll figure this out. I have to.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, not completely believing me. " Okay...Do you want to watch a movie? I can order a pizza. " He offers, trailing after me.
I walk around the counter, picking my worn jacket and backpack up. " I actually, have to head out. My mom um needs help with the yard. " I lie.
A look of confusion flashes on Eddie's face. " Oh, okay...maybe another time? "
I nod stiffly. " Of course, Eds. You know how much I love our movie nights. "
I head towards the door.
" Do you want a ride? It's getting a little cold out. " Eddie offers, pulling on his jacket.
I shake my head. " I'm fine. A little fresh air never hurt anyone. " I attempt to joke.
I just need to get out of here. I feel like I'm suffocating.
Eddie looks unsure. " Are you sure? I really don't mind driving you. I don't want you to get hurt. "
" Eddie, I'm fine. " I insist. " It's only a few blocks away. Nothing is going to happen to me. "
Eddie follows me to the door. " Okay, okay. Just...call me when you get home, yeah? Just so I feel better. "
" Of course. " I pat his arm instead of our usual goodbye kiss. I don't hesitate to step outside. The chilly wind sends a shiver through my body, but I quickly ignore it. I need some time to think. I can't do that if Eddie's talking to me the entire ride home. Plus he'll see my mom's not home.
I feel Eddie's gaze follow me down the street, obviously worried about me. As soon as I turn the corner I feel a sigh of relief escape my lips.
I will be okay. I have to be.
I've been avoiding Eddie. I feel like he knows. Like he can read me. He hasn't said anything, but the more I'm with him the more tempted I am to tell him. I'm scared. I don't know how to do this. I haven't even told my mom.
Fuck, she'd kill me. She's warned me about this ever since I started dating Eddie years ago. Why didn't I listen?
All it takes is one time, she'd insist. One time.
She'd never let me forget this. I can already see the look of disappointment on her face. She already doesn't like Eddie. Knowing he's the father would definitely make things worse.
" Okay, what's going on with you. "
Eddie's voice asks sternly as he slides into an empty chair next to me.
The library is empty except for the older librarian shelving books in the corner. Everyone's gone home for the day, leaving the room absolutely quiet.
I raise my eyes to meet Eddie's concerned ones. " What? " I ask in surprise, not expecting him to be here. I thought he had a meeting right now.
" Why have you been avoiding me? " He asks. Desperation peaks through his steady voice. " What did I do? " He reaches to grab my pencil clad hand.
I tense slightly. " Nothing. You didn't do anything, Eddie. " I mutter, looking down at my science home work.
" Then why won't you look at me? You've blown me off all week, what's going on? Please, just tell me what I did and how I can fix it. I miss you. " His tone is genuine. Worry is laced through his features.
I clench my jaw, sadness clustering in my throat. " Eddie, I swear, you didn't do anything wrong. I've just been...busy. I have a lot of tests coming up. " Not a lie. The amount of tests this week on top of the news of the baby has been stressing me out. I hardly have time to sleep, I spend most of my time studying and stressing over what to do.
Eddie scans my face for a sign of a lie. " Look, I don't think I believe that's all. When you're ready to talk about it, you know where to find me. " Eddie pulls his hand away from mine, the warmth of his skin quickly being replaced by the the cold air. He stands up, ready to leave.
" Eddie..." I start, unsure what to say.
Eddie turns back to me, hope in his eyes. He waits for me to say something.
I don't.
" I'm sorry. " I whisper.
Eddie nods, turning back around. " I'm sorry too. For whatever I did. " With that he leaves. His steady footsteps disappear into the hallway. His expression burns into my mind. Sadness, slight frustration.
I didn't mean to make him feel this way. I just don't know what to do.
With a sigh I glance down at my stomach. I haven't begun to show yet, thankfully. I have no idea what I'm going to do when I start. I can only wear baggy clothing for so long. It's getting harder and harder to hide the morning sickness. With only one bathroom, my mom's bound to find out sometime.
I'm so scared.
A loud knock pulls me from the laundry. I leave my spot on the couch. Rain pounds on the front glass windows, blocking my view from outside.
Who the hell would be out here in weather like this?
I open the door, fully ready to tell the person to fuck off.
I'm met with the sight of a drenched Eddie. His eyebrows twisted in anger and frustration. He's soaked from head to door, water pooling at the bottom of his sneakers. In his hand is a familiar pink box, bold lettering smudged from the water.
The test.
" I can explain- " I begin, my heart pounding in fear.
He found it.
" Why the hell didn't you tell me. " Eddie cuts me off, his fist tightly around the now squished box. Water's soaked through the thin cardboard, turning it to near mush. He pushes past me, into the quiet house.
" Eddie...I...I'm so sorry. " Tears sting the back of my eyes. " I...I don't know what to say. "
Eddie's anger seems to twist into frustration. " Why didn't you tell me, y/n. " He repeats.
" I was scared. " I close the door, leaning against it for support. All the harbored stress and fear comes barreling out. My fluctuating hormones feed the fire, making everything fucking worse. " How did you find it? "
I know how he found it. I should've hid it fucking better.
" I was taking out the trash when I heard a rattle. I figured you might have dropped something in it and I pulled it out. That's beside the point, Y/N. You kept this from me. When were you planning of fucking telling me? " Eddie's voice is still strong with frustration as he paces around the hall.
" I was going to- " I begin.
" When?! You don't talk to me anymore, when the fuck were you going to tell me? I shouldn't have to find out like this. "
He's right. I should have told him.
Eddie's eyes snap towards me. His expression seems to soften when he realizes I'm crying. " Fuck. " He breathes out, putting his fingers tightly on the bridge of his nose. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. " I'm sorry. " He says slightly calmer. " I shouldn't have yelled at you. Fuck, I'm a horrible person. Who the fuck screams at their pregnant partner? " He clenches his jaw in frustration.
" No. " I shake my head, trying to push past my emotions. " You're not at fault here. I should've told you. You deserved to know. " I take a breath. " I was a coward. Eddie...I was scared of what would happen. To us, to the baby...with my mom. I was scared you wouldn't want the baby....wouldn't want me. "
Eddie's eyes open to look at me. " You were scared of me? Of us? Y/N, what did you think I was going to do? I love you, fuck you're the first person I've ever loved this much. " He admits. He takes a step towards me. Dripping strands of hair frame the sides of his face. " You couldn't do anything to make me stop loving you. I will always be there for you, no matter what. You didn't get pregnant alone, Y/N. In case you forgot, it takes two to make a baby. I'm as responsible for the baby as you are. You didn't need to keep this to yourself. "
I don't say anything.
He's right. Deep down I knew he'd still be there for me. I guess I was just afraid of what would happen if I wasn't right.
Eddie grabs my hand. " I love you and I love this baby. Nothing will ever stop that. I hate that you felt alone this entire time. That you where scared of what I would do. I never wanted you to feel like that. I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N. "
I hug him tightly, not caring about the water soaking in my pj's. " I'm sorry for not telling you. I...I shouldn't have doubted you. "
Eddie hugs me back. " We need to talk about this. "
" Yeah. " I nod, pulling my head away from his warm chest. " We do. "
Eddie finishes drying the ends of his curly hair before speaking. " What should we do. "
" I have no idea. " I sigh. " My mom's going to kill me. " I begin to feel tears well in the back of my eyes. " She'll throw me out, I fucking know it. "
Eddie pulls me into his side. " Hey, hey. It's going to be okay. No matter what, I'll be right by your side when she finds out. We'll tell her together. You can...you can live with me. "
I shake my head. " I can't do that, Eddie. I can't do that to Wayne. He already sleeps on the couch. I don't want him to have to deal with a crying baby at all hours of the night. That's not fair to him. "
" Then we'll find a place to be together. I'm not letting you go homeless, Y/N. I'll-I'll get another job. The diner on Corner street is hiring. I can find a place for us before the baby...and Mrs. Thomas is selling her daughters' old crib, I'm sure she'll sell it to us for a decent price! I can sell my guitar and-"
" Eddie...no. " I put my hand on his arm. " That guitar means everything to you. You can't sell it. Plus, we're still in school. How the hell are you going to manage 2 jobs and school? "
Eddie's expression is serious. " YOU mean everything to me. This baby....it means everything to me. I'll do whatever I have to so you and this baby have a safe place to live. I can get my GED. We'll be okay. " Eddie's thumb traces circles on my thigh, an attempt to calm me down.
I know the argument is useless. Once he makes up his mind, it's set. " Don't do anything yet. We don't know what's going to happen. Let's just take this one day at a time. "
Eddie nods. " When are you going to tell your mom? "
" Tomorrow. I'll tell her tomorrow. " She's going to find out some day, and I'd rather it be from me.
Tomorrow it is.
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Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley and Nancy Wheeler have a well-known channel on YouTube (the name is something horrible and punny that Eddie and Robin made up, way before they blew up - Four Some (just some four guys and gals you perv). They cover pretty much everything - music reviews, various activities like ice skating, pole dancing or sculpting, they do tasting videos, social experiments and much more. Their personalities are so different but somehow that only makes their content more appealing. It doesn't matter if their videos contain Steve and Eddie replicating the famous pottery scene from the Ghost (and Robin's screeches that they ruined a completely fine vase) or Robin testing whether Nancy's vocal range increases proportionately to how many wine glasses she drinks
Gradually they grow their audience and gather a small crew that works with them. Barb Holland does a lot of editing and directing and she is getting recognized for her achievements, just like Gareth Emerson for his work with sound. Everyone in their crew are friends and are supporting each other in growing and promoting their talents.
There is only one person who has always remained a mystery. The person filming them, always hidden behind a camera. Credits always mention Chris C. and the fanbase tries to pry and figure out who they are, they really do, but the group shuts down their attempts almost instantly. "Chris has been instrumental to this channel's success," Eddie says and there is something hard behind his eyes, something that almost never makes it past his laid-back attitude and usual theatrics. "They have decided to stay out of our videos for a reason and we'd like you to respect their decision."
Not everyone drops it, but the four creators assume a united front and eventually, people stop prying. So it comes as a shock when around a year later, a new video drops on the channel. But the face in it is unknown.
"Hi guys," the young woman smiles and she looks so dejected, so scared, but the sound guy Garreth sits next to her and squeezes her hand, grounding her. "I swore I'd never sit in front of a camera again, but...I think it's time. So let me introduce myself. I am Chrissy Cunningham, but you know me as Chris C. And also..." she takes a deep breath, "I am also Chrissy from the Cunningham family channel."
Chrissy goes through it all. She talks about her life with her mother, an obsessive family blogger, who had Chrissy give up all her hobbies, her friends, her privacy from a young age. How her only friend became the school outcast, Eddie, and she had to keep him a secret too - not because she was ashamed, he meant everything to her, but because her mother would steal him too. How she could never have anything of her own, was always on camera, always tested for reactions, always forced to perform and mocked for it at school. How she couldn't handle it anymore and as soon as she was eighteen, she moved in with Eddie and his uncle. How it was only then that she started learning about herself, about who she was and what she wanted to do. "Now that you know who I am, I hope you can look past what I was made to do years ago and see me as...me. Just me."
She and Gareth leave their seats and are replaced with Eddie and Nancy. While Eddie mostly sits quietly, Nancy introduces their newest project that Chrissy suggested - documentaries on dangers of YouTube, TikTok and their insufficient regulations, especially when it comes to family vloggers and loss of privacy. "It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but that is exactly the point", says Nancy and looks directly at the camera. "We're here on camera, showing you parts of our lives that we want to show. But there are many who didn't consent to this, many who are being exploited for views. And on behalf of this chanel, let me address those who think this is okay. We're coming for you."
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candyflossfairy · 2 years
𝑚𝑟. 𝑚𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑜𝑛 (𝑒.𝑚. 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟)
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𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: Dad!Eddie x Teacher!Reader. It's that time of year for parent-teacher conferences, and you finally meet Ronnie's father, Mr. Munson.
𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 18+ only, unprotected sex (p in v), slight choking, Jacobs Ladder piercings.
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 3.7k
𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: Eddie manip by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple . My work for @newlips milestone of love!
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Your first year of teaching was going by pretty well. The students were sweet, fun, and for the most part, they listened. Of course, sitting in a classroom all day was tough work for second graders, they got a little restless after lunch. You didn’t mind it, though. There was a lot of gift giving that made it all better. Notes, drawings, coloring book pages, apples, even one gave you a glass apple with the words World’s Best Teacher! on it that you kept on your desk. It was sweet, really. All of them were, in their own ways.
Even the ones that acted out more than others.
Like Lucy Carver who had a knack for acting like a princess and bribing others with lunch money to do classwork for her. 
Or her step-brother, Ronnie Munson, who would pick on his sister relentlessly and talk loudly in class for attention. You knew it was for attention, because you saw who picked up Lucy every day and who picked up Ronnie. He was missing out on some motherly love. You hated Chrissy Carver for that. There were days when she did pick him up, but most of the time it was Mr. Munson, or Wayne Munson, Ronnie’s great uncle that would pick him up. 
You hugged Ronnie a little tighter than the other kids. You made sure he did his classwork and helped him when he needed it because of it. Not to say you had a favorite, you just knew which kids needed an extra push. It was sad that at such a young age he felt like he wasn’t getting enough love from his mother, even if he didn’t know that’s what he was feeling.
He was a cute kid, too. Looked like a carbon copy of his dad—dark curls and chocolate eyes. It was better that way, you thought. When he was older he wouldn’t look in the mirror and see his mom staring back at him.
It was parent-teacher conference day. You were nervous for your first one, but your colleagues assured you that there wasn’t much to be nervous about. Some parents were dicks when it came to their child’s grades, but for the most part it was manageable. Plus you got a better insight on what parents helped their kids at home, and which ones left them to their devices.
“Lucy is doing great as far as her social skills. She’s developing them very well. She also has a talent for math—on the days she decides to do it.” You explained to Mr. and Mrs. Carver, “I think a little more encouragement from the two of you and she will be on top of her schoolwork more.” 
“So you’re saying it’s our fault?” Mr. Carver spat.
“Jason—” Mrs. Carver chastised.
“I’m not saying that at all, Mr. Carver.” You said calmly, giving him a smile, “But I do think restricting the amount of money you give to your child will keep her from paying others to do her schoolwork for her. She’s a very smart girl when she applies herself.” You continued.
“Thank you very much for your time. We will keep that in mind.” Mrs. Carver said, as they stood up. She picked up the progress report and the two of them stepped outside.
You sighed, pressing a hand to your face.
“I feel that way after interacting with them too,”
You shot up straight, a soft flush to your cheeks. 
“No, really, they can be pretty awful.” Mr. Munson stepped inside, shutting the classroom door behind him. 
“Is… Mrs. Carver not joining us?” You asked, clearing your throat as you shuffled your papers before looking for Ronnie’s. 
“Chrissy? Nah, she tries to forget that we both exist as much as she can.” Mr. Munson told you with a playful grin, as he grabbed a chair on the other side of your desk. He turned it around before sitting in it backwards, his legs spread widely and his crotch on display from the wide hole in the back of it.
You kept your eyes on his face, even though it was in your peripheral. Mr. Munson was attractive, covered in tattoos, a labret piercing above his chin, one in his eyebrow. He also had muscles that strained against his shirt from many days working at the mechanic shop in town. You hadn’t been there since you’d moved to Hawkins, but you did know he worked there.
Single mom’s talked about him quite often. He had a little bit of a reputation for fixing problems that they’d had. 
Not to mention, he was a bit older than you — not by that much. He was in his late 20s, you were in your mid, it wasn’t bad. 
You didn’t know why you were thinking about this. You were having a parent-teacher conference about his son. It had nothing to do with the fact that you hadn’t had sex since you’d moved here. It didn’t have to do with the fact that Mr. Munson was too sexy for his own good.
You swallowed, and looked down at Ronnie’s progress report.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” You responded. 
“Nah, no biggie. I’m more upset for Ronnie’s sake than my own. She’s been a bitch since she married Carver.” He shrugged.
You snorted a chuckle at that, trying to hide it. You’d seen how snooty she was, too. You couldn’t imagine her ever being any other way.
“It’s true. She used to be a sweet little thing. Loved me and our boy. Carver’s…persuasive. I’m just glad we split up before Ronnie could remember much. He doesn’t remember her like that. I think it makes it hurt less — sorry, didn’t mean to like — spill on you. Anyways, how’s Ronnie doing in class?” 
You swallowed back your thoughts. So, you’d been right. Mrs. Carver didn’t care for her son much. 
“He needs a little extra pushing from me from time to time. He does like to aggravate Lucy and awful lot and cause disruptions, but he’s been getting better since the school year first started.” You started off, looking over his progress report. You highlighted a few grades and slid the paper over to Mr. Munson.
“These zeros are homework assignments he never turned in. It’s not particularly hurting his overall grade, but if you can get him to do them, I’ll give him seventy-five percent credit for them. I know single parenting is much harder than it looks on the outside, so I’m willing to work with you, and him, to make sure he’s able to move up next year.” You smiled at him kindly.
“We appreciate that.” Mr. Munson nodded, looking at the report, “These aren’t hard assignments either, huh? I guess they just got lost in the fray of things.” He laughed, before his eyes flicked to you, “Though, it’ll be a shame that I don’t get to see your smiling face every morning after he moves up.” 
Your cheeks flared pink at that, and you brushed some hair behind your ear. You couldn’t tell if he was flirting or not, but… God, you hoped he was. 
“Well, I’ll still be here next year… so there’s no shame in dropping by to see me.” You smiled at him, folding your hands on your desk.
“No? Wouldn’t be weird if I… came by and saw you without my kid?” He asked, grinning back.
“Definitely not.” You hummed.
Mr. Munson looked at the time, before standing. “Our time slot is up.” He mused, turning the chair back around the right way. 
You bit your lip, before standing. “My last one ends at eight.” You said quickly.
“Oh? Did you…want me to come back?” His brows lifted.
You nodded.
“Alright, I’ll see you in an hour.”
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“Thank you, Mr. Harrington. Goodnight.” You shut your door after your final meeting and bellowed a sigh, closing your eyes for a moment as you leaned back against the door. It had been a long day, and for the most part people hadn’t been awful, but there had been a select few who had been awful.
There was a soft knock on your door, and you opened it back up.
“Oh, Mr. Munson —” You had forgotten, so wrapped up in everything, you had forgotten he was going to come back. Your cheeks flushed again and you stepped aside to let him into your classroom. 
He kicked the door shut behind him, his hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket. “Did you not expect me to come back?” He asked, grinning a bit.
“No—it’s not that.” You laughed, “I just. You know.” You shrugged. “I’m glad you’re back.” You rubbed your arm nervously. 
“Yeah?” He chuckled, stepping closer to you, “And why’s that?” 
You were almost nose to nose with him. You could feel his breath fanning over your skin. You swallowed, thickly.
“Mr. Munson—” 
“You can call me Eddie.” He cut you off.
“Eddie—” You started, “Is Ronnie taken care of for the night?” You had to make sure.
“Took him to his great uncle Wayne’s. He loves it over there. He’s set.” He gently lifted a hand and brushed some of your hair back.
You wet your lips, and his eyes flicked down to them. 
“Why don’t we go back to my place?” He suggested, his hand gently resting on your jaw. He rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip and you couldn’t ignore the warmth that flooded between your legs at that. 
You nodded, numbly, and turned to gather your things. He watched you from afar as you placed all of your paperwork into a binder and shoved it, and your laptop, haphazardly into your school bag.
“Wanna meet me there, or ride with me?” He asked, winking at you.
“Either is fine.” You cleared your throat.
“You like motorcycles?” He chuckled. You raised your brows before nodding.
Fuck, that was hot. He had a motorcycle? He should just breed you now.
You let that thought wash over you as you followed him out of the school, stopping only to put your bag into your car before swallowing thickly as Eddie handed you a helmet.
“Safety first.” He winked at you, pulling his long hair up into a bun at the base of his neck. You tried to not think to hard about him putting his hair up to eat you out, but it wasn’t easy to ignore. 
You slipped the helmet on and clipped it into place. He straddled the motorcycle. 
“Alright, throw your leg over like I did and hold on tight.” He grinned at you.
“What happened to ‘safety first’?” You asked, raising a brow at the fact that he didn’t have a helmet on.
“For you, sweetheart. Not for me. I like to live dangerously.” He laughed loudly.
You shook your head in amusement as you took his hand, throwing your leg over the back of the bike. Surprisingly, you didn’t fall on your face or stumble, and settled into the seat behind him.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and held on tight.
He was warm, body toned. You couldn’t wait to see what it looked like naked.
He turned on the bike and kicked up the kickstand, revving the engine a few times before he took off out of the parking lot.
You couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up in you as he raced down the street. It had been a while since you’d done anything fun. Moving to Hawkins had been a bit of a poison to your social life — sure, you had the other teachers at Hawkins Elementary, but most of them were much older than you and had lived there their entire lives.
He pulled up to the only apartment complex in Hawkins; a newer building you had been told. They looked fairly nice from the outside, and you couldn’t wait to see the inside. 
Eddie pulled into a parking spot and kicked the stand back down, shutting the bike off. 
He helped you off of the bike and tilted his head towards the stairs in front of you. “Just up those.” He told you.
You followed him up to the second floor and he unlocked the door first door you came to, letting you in.
“Home sweet home. It’s not much, but it’s ours.” Eddie smiled, shrugging his jacket off. He hung it on a chair in the small dining area and stepped into the kitchen. 
“You like beer?” He asked.
“Yeah, a beer would be nice.” You nodded as you looked around.
The front area was a decent sized living room, connected to the small dining room that held a small round table with four chairs. The kitchen was connected to that. There was a short hallway right in front of you. You had to assume the bathroom and bedrooms were back that way.
“Here,” Eddie handed you the beer, popping his open before sitting on the couch. “Make yourself comfy.” He said, propping his boots on the edge of a beat up coffee table.
You followed his suit, sitting next to him on the couch. You crossed one leg over the other, popping your beer open.
You took a sip. It was cheap, but it would take the edge off of whatever nerves you were feeling.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, just quietly sipping from your beers. It wasn’t awkward persae, it was just… different? You both knew what you were here for, so you weren’t sure why he was playing worlds best host.
You just wanted him to fuck you already.
You downed your beer in the next second, placing it on the coffee table.
“Woah, want another one?” Eddie asked.
“No,” You said, and feeling a spur of confidence, you uncrossed your legs and threw one over his lap, straddling his legs.
He smirked up at you, letting his legs fall from the coffee table. 
“Hi,” He said, learning around you to put his beer down.
“Hi,” You responded, smiling down at him.
His hands gently rested on your waist, pinkies on each side pushing up your shirt to feel your skin. 
You reached forward, and brushed his hair off of his shoulder. 
“Kissing, or no?” You asked, your voice a soft whisper.
“Why wouldn’t I want kissing?” He chuckled.
You shrugged. “Some guys think it’s too intimate.” 
His brow furrowed. “Sex is intimate.” He laughed.
You shared a smile with him before leaning in to kiss him. His lips were softer than you had expected, the stubble on his lip scratching your skin softly. You didn’t mind it, really. He was…so fucking hot.
He nipped your lip softly, and you parted them for him, allowing his tongue to invade your mouth. He tasted like beer, and cigarettes. You didn’t mind it as much as you thought. However, maybe it was because it was him. 
You brushed the thoughts from your mind, biting at his bottom lip, your teeth lightly clanking against the piercing there. 
Tattooed hands pushed up the sides of your shirt, fingers squeezing your sides, pinkies slipping beneath the waistband of your pants. You could feel them toying with the edge of your underwear, too. 
You broke the kiss for a breath, panting softly as his mouth made its way to your neck.
“No hickies.” You said quickly, “I don’t need the kids asking questions.”
Eddie chuckled against your skin. 
“Bedroom?” He asked, nipping softly at your pulsepoint.
You nodded; and up you went. He had lifted you like you were nothing and he carried you down the hallway. He dropped you on the bed and pulled his shirt off, displaying more tattooed skin. He climbed onto the bed, pressing a knee between your legs as his hand cupped the top of your head, his elbow resting near your shoulder as he kissed you, his entire body covering yours.
You moaned into his mouth as his knee rubbed against your mound. You reached between you to press your hand against his half-hard cock in his jeans. He responded with a soft groan.
You stayed like that for a long while, teasing each other, him with his knee and you with your hand, your lips never leaving one anothers. 
It had almost became a game. See who would last the longest before they asked to go further.
You were losing. Your hips were guiding themselves up against your will, rubbing your clothed pussy against his thigh. You weren’t getting much friction from this, but what you were getting was making you soaking wet.
You popped the button of his jeans open, and reached past his boxers as a concession. He had won.
You gasped at what you felt in his pants, breaking the kiss.
“What?” He asked, his voice deep and husky as he continued to rub his knee against you.
“Yeah, I know.” He chuckled, leaning down to kiss at your neck again. 
He hooked his fingers in your shirt and you lifted up to let him pull it off, still a little in shock at what you felt.
His hands were then working at your pants, unzipping them and dragging them, and your panties off in one fell swoop.
His pants were next to go, and you were both naked, but—
Your eyes met his cock. It was large, the tip red and wet with precum… Your fingers gently brushed across the bottom of the shaft. Nestled there in a row were five bars. He had his cock pierced.
You swallowed thickly, wondering what it felt like for those piercings to be inside you. Especially with how big he was.
“Doesn’t hurt — at least no one’s complained.” He chuckled, “And it’s been fully healed for a few years, so nothing to worry about on my end.” 
“You did them all at the same time?” You asked, a little shocked.
“Yeah, hurt like hell. But looks fuckin’ hot, don’t it?” He grinned.
You nodded.
He grasped himself in his hand and slapped it against your pussy, making your insides clench tightly. With his other hand he spread your lips and started tapping again, this time against your clit. Your legs jolted softly with each tap, your lips parted in a soft moan.
“Damn, you’re so fuckin’ wet.” He sighed, rubbing his cock against you. “You on the pill?” 
“Yeah,” You nodded.
Neither one of you needed for you to get pregnant right now. That was unsaid between you.
He tapped your pussy a few more times, before lining himself up and pushing in.
Your back arched, a low moan leaving you. Your eyes fluttered and your head tipped back.
“That’s it… that’a’girl…take it.” He sighed into the warm air between you. 
“Fuck, Mr. Munson..” You moaned.
He laughed softly. “You like callin’ me that? Alright, honey. We can pretend I’m a lot older than you. Bet you flick that pretty little clit of yours at home thinkin’ bout me and the other dads, hm?”
Your cheeks flushed, but you nodded. There was just something so fucking hot about fathers to you. You wanted to have someone like that in your life. Someone to raise kids with you. 
“Say it.” He grunted, as he pressed fully into you.
“Ah—! I touch myself thinking about you!” You gasped, your legs circling tightly around his waist.
That’s not how he wanted it, though. He grabbed you tightly by your thighs and wrenched your legs up until they were on his shoulders. He scooted closer to you so that your hips were angled up.
Now, now he was impossibly deeper.
You moaned helplessly, grasping at the sheets.
“You got a pretty little cunt here for me. Soaking wet and tight, mmm…” He sighed, pulling out and thrusting back in. 
He found a medium pace that you both seemed to like for now, his hand sliding up your thigh and squeezing. 
“You like being choked, baby?” He asked breathily, his free hand brushing up your chest.
You nodded, your lips parted. You couldn’t make words come out right now, you were fucking gone.
His fingers circled around your throat, fingers pressing into your pulse point. Your back arched higher, your head tipping back as you moaned out.
“Fuck, you’re a sweet little thing..” He groaned, speeding up his pace.
“Mr. Munson—!” You whined out, his cock pressing over and over into that spongey spot inside of you.
“Yeah, baby. Say it.” He chuckled.
There was something so inherently dirty about this, even though it was all legal. It was probably because you taught his son at school, really. You couldn’t think about it now, not with his cock pressing into your gspot, and his piercings rubbing up against your walls with every thrust.
“Mr. Munson!” You moaned out again, your hips lifting higher with every thrust. 
You could feel your orgasm growing, the heat in your belly getting hotter and hotter until the rubber band snapped, your cunt clamping down on his cock and spasming as you cried out helplessly. 
He released your throat, his thrusts never stopping. He groaned, and a few moments later he was pulling out and spilling his seed on your belly.
You were both panting heavily as he dropped onto the bed next to you. 
You laid there in silence for a long while, your insides burning from overuse. It had been a while since you’d been fucked, especially by such a thick cock.
Fuck if you didn’t feel good, though.
“Here,” Eddie said, leaning over to grab you a few tissues.
“Thanks.” You hummed, sitting up slightly to clean the cum off of your belly. You tossed them into the trashcan nearby as Eddie stepped across the hallway into what you now knew was the bathroom.
You waited for him to finish cleaning up before you went in yourself, relieving your bladder and cleaning up. 
When you came back into the room, Eddie had laid out a shirt for you on the bed.
“You can stay over. Wayne is supposed to take Ronnie to school, so he shouldn’t be here in the morning.” He said, smiling.
You nodded, pulling his shirt on before climbing into the bed.
Eddie flicked off the lights before climbing in after you, his arm wrapping around you waist. He pulled you close, your back flush against his chest.
You felt safe that night, and got the best rest you’d had since you moved to Hawkins.
The next morning you were awoken by the front door slamming loudly.
Oh, shit.
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sky-neverending · 1 year
Eddie doesn't like crying in front of other people. He never has. He's fine with other people crying in front of him. He thinks it's good to get your emotions out around someone you trust.
But he just can't do it. He's not used to talking about his feelings in front of other people, not without getting shut down or berated. It had been like that all his life, engrained in him by his father at an early age. Crying made him weak. Crying in front of others made him weaker.
And as much as he knew that wasn't true at all, it was something that he couldn't shake. It was stuck in him, buried under years and years of repressed emotions and hidden trauma.
So, when he's at Steves one night and there's a loud *bang* from outside, he doesn't know what to do. They both freeze up, stuck like deer in headlights. The bang is followed by the shouts of what sounds like college boys. They aren't angry shouts, or scared shouts. If anything, they're amused shouts.
Steve unfreezes, taking a breath. "Probably just some kids messing around on their weekend off," he says, and yeah, it makes sense. But it brings Eddie right back to that night, to Chrissy. Brings him back to Jason and his crew. Brings him back to the moment he nearly died.
And he can't take it.
He breaks. The tears start before he can even comprehend what's happening, and he's on his knees, hands curled in his hair, and everything is too loud and too bright and too much.
"Eddie?" Steve asks, and it breaks him from his spiral. He springs up and toward the direction of the door, blurred vision stopping him from getting far. Steve calls out again, this time closer in proximity. "Eddie? Eddie, please listen to me." He says something else, but Eddie doesn't listen. All he can hear are screams in his head. His own, his fathers, Chrissy's, Jasons, his fathers again.
He collapses. Steve catches him just in time, pulling him close. "Eddie, I need you to breath," he says. Eddie tries. It doesn't work. Steve is watching him break down and there's nothing he can do about it because at this point, he's numb, body stuck to the ground, limbs frozen.
There's a hand in his hair, stroking it lightly. That's the first thing he feels besides the overwhelming sense of panic. It isn't his own. It's Steves. Steve is stroking his hair. "You're going to be okay," he whispers. Eddie almost believes it.
Steve holds onto him tighter. Whispers more encouragements into his ear. Runs his fingers up and down Eddie's back, applying just enough pressure that it starts to break Eddie whatever state he had fallen into.
"You're okay," Steve says. "Everything is okay."
Eddie finally speaks. "I'm sorry," he says, and the tears keep going, soaking his collar and Steve's sleeves.
"No." Steve says. "No. You don't have anything to be sorry for."
"Oh," is all Eddie says in response. He takes a risk, burying him head into Steve's shoulder.
Steve lets him.
"Deep breaths," he says. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."
Eddie believes him. And he lets himself cry.
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hellcheeriest · 6 months
i bet he's never had a backstreet guy
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Twitch Streamer!Eddie x Single Father!Steve
Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: We begin to learn of Chrissy's struggle with her sexuality, Eddie makes a big decision in his career, Steve is a sick, sick man (only for eddie munson), platonic!Hellcheer my beloved!! Robin struggles with close proximity to the girl she likes.
Content warnings: Slight age gap (Steve is 31, Eddie is 26) Steve feels as though he's too old to be acting like he is (I know 31 isn't old! Steve just grew up too fast as a teen dad, so he feels like his mind is beyond his years.)
A/N: Second Chapter yay! I dont really have much to say other than the fact that i spent like 6 hours straight writing this while getting distracted, and i havent read through this so i apologize for any mistakes or innacuracies you may find. Anyway, hope you all enjoy!
w/c: 4,850+
January, 2023
Chrissy shivered as the cool, mid-winter air infiltrated her room. She’d forgotten to shut her window last night while she was cooking, and the goosebumps on her skin had her shivering with regret. Her radio whispered beside her, the volume purposefully low as to lul her to sleep, an unknown host forecasting the weather.
Chrissy pulled off her sleeping mask, her eyes still closed as she tried to wake fully, letting thoughts of last night's stream come to her. She smiled at the memories from just last night. Gareth and Robin’s banter, Austin’s quiet but witty remarks, Eddie and herself teaming up to embarrass an easily flustered Jeff.
Robin’s raspy laugh filled her foggy brain. The girl had been complaining, again, about how she lacked a girlfriend. It wasn't uncommon, their friend group was her only safe space as a queer person, the area she lived in being a prominently homophobic area.
It made Chrissy feel different, though. She’d known she had always admired the girl, from the top of her brown bob, to the bottom of her cherry red converse, there was nothing about Robin that Chrissy didn’t find she was unable to admire. She was funny, and she was pretty in a way Chrissy hadn’t ever seen or could even describe. She didn’t really know what that meant.
The couple times they’d been able to meet in person were the times when Chrissy admired Robin the most. Seeing her through her eyes first hand instead of through the lens of a camera. They were also the only times she could experience their height difference, Chrissy having to look up just to make eye contact.
Chrissy sighed heavily, bringing her sleep heavy arms up to rub at her eyes. Her alarm clock had gone off minutes ago now, luckily her online classes wouldn’t be disrupted if she slept in, but for her own sake she decided to get up. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, and startling when her phone began to ring from her bedside table. She groaned, grabbing it and sighing when she sees the caller ID.
“What do you want?” Chrissy grumbled.
“Did I catch you at a bad time?” Eddie laughed on the other line.
“You always catch me at a bad time.” She smiled despite her light hearted annoyance. “Back to my first question, what do you want?”
“Can you meet me at the diner today, or are you busy?” Eddie asked, breathless, and Chrissy could tell he was getting dressed as they spoke.
“I’m free. Nine o’clock?”
“Even better.” Chrissy hummed. “See you then.”
“Bye, Chrissy.” Eddie replied, dragging out the words. Chrissy laughed and hung up, putting her phone back down on her night stand, spending another moment on her bed stretching before getting up.
She padded along the hardwood floor of her apartment to her bathroom. She did her skin care, brushed her teeth and hair, and pulled her russet hair into a ponytail with a white scrunchie. She used her finger to press on her signature blue eyeshadow, a few quick strokes of blush and mascara, and a dab of a pink lipstick covered with a cherry lip gloss.
Back in her bedroom, she stalked over to her closet to find her outfit. She went with an oversized and chunky white turtleneck sweater over a green satin skirt that reached the middle of her shin. She grabbed her black, shiny Mary Jane’s and put them on over her frilly, white socks.
Finally she topped off the outfit with her gold ‘16’ necklace, a graduation gift from her parents, before doing a one over of her outfit in the mirror. After confirming with herself that it was good, Chrissy turned around to look at her clock.
Just enough time to drive to the diner Eddie wanted to meet at. It was across the city they both lived in, but it was Eddie’s favourite and he was paying, so she wouldn’t complain.
Chrissy picked up her phone again to see two new messages. One from Eddie and one from Robin.
ready when u r :)
Rob <3
morning chris!  Hope you have a good day <3
Chrissy felt her stomach turn as she read the second message, and she bit her lip as she sent a quick reply. She shoved down the warm feeling in her gut, and typed out a response to Eddie. After it was sent, she put her phone in the sleek pocket of her skirt, and grabbed her purse before she left her apartment. She took the elevator down to the first floor, waving “Hi,” to her neighbours before leaving the building. 
Chrissy got to her car and felt her phone buzz against her thigh, the custom notification sound letting her know it was Eddie, and she got in the driver's seat to begin the drive to the diner. 
Eddie stood outside of the diner, his hands in his pockets as the Chicago wind blew through his hair. His nerves made the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and his fingers fiddled with his rings. It only took minutes for Chrissy’s car to park in the spot in front of Eddie. She got out, and rushed over to Eddie to pull him down into a hug. Eddie laughed as her arms reached up and around his neck, letting his own wrap around her waist. They swayed back and forth for a moment before pulling away enough to press their cheeks together, making an audible “Mwah.”
“It feels like it’s been so long since I saw you in person last.” Chrissy whined as they pulled away completely, grabbing hands and walking into the diner.
“I know,” Eddie smiled down at her. “I missed you, too.”
They waited for a hostess to seat them, and as soon as they were led to a booth and finished ordering their drinks, they burst into conversation. They talked about anything they could, and Eddie found himself purposefully procrastinating the one thing he had partially asked Chrissy to come meet him for. Soon, after their waitress came by and took their order, they ran out of things to talk about, and Eddie knew it was time.
“So,” He started. “How do you think I’d go about… face revealing?” Eddie asked, almost timidly. Chrissy on the other hand was ecstatic.
“You want to face reveal?” She shrieked with a huge smile. Her joy was contagious, and Eddie could feel his own face break into a grin. 
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t make a big deal about it.” Eddie hid his smile with a piece of hair.
“But it is a big deal! You finally want to show off that gorgeous face of yours!” Chrissy leant over the table to pinch Eddie’s cheeks to emphasise her words, sitting back down as the waitress returned with their food. Chrissy grabbed a hashbrown off of Eddie’s plate as he took one of her pieces of french toast. “It’s exciting!” She whispered.
“Okay, okay!” Eddie laughed as he cut into his pancakes. “I just… want it to be casual, I think, and I want you to be there.” He stabbed the piece he cut apart with his fork, and shovelled it into his mouth. Chrissy “Awe’d” and smiled with soft eyes at Eddie’s words.
“Well,” Chrissy started. “I guess we’ve got an important stream to plan.”
Music blasted from the bathroom of Robin’s home. Chappell Roan’s Pink Pony Club could be heard all through the house. Inside, she was singing along as she pulled her eye down to put eyeliner on her waterline.
“Robin! Turn that down!” Her mother shouted and hit her fists against the bathroom door.
“God, Mom, Okay!” She shouted back, rolling her eyes as she grabbed her phone. She turned the volume down, and stared at her home screen. It was a picture of her and Chrissy they had gotten the week their whole friend group decided to meet up for the first time. Her hair was longer, being cut into a short bob now, and Chrissy’s hair was the opposite: shorter than her current length. They looked happy. 
Robin sighed as she pulled up her messenger, sending a quick good morning text to Chrissy before putting her phone back down on the counter.
Perhaps she’d been harbouring a crush on the blonde for a long time. Can you blame her? Chrissy was perfect in every way. She was beautiful, funny and devastatingly kind. She hadn't even changed how she acted around her when Robin came out! Which should be the bare minimum, Robin knows this. She just wasn’t used to the amount of acceptance her friends showed.
Only problem? Chrissy was definitely straight. She’d only ever talked about past boyfriends, and never expressed any romantic interest in women. Eddie would tell her not to lose hope, though that was often hard. Plus, she lived like a thousand miles away from each other. They’ve seen each other in person twice since they met four years ago, and long distance relationships almost never work out.
She shook her head to dispel any thought about the girl. She would be going shopping today after getting her paycheck. Working at an old, shitty, video rental store may suck, but it did pay well and she needed to feed her vinyl collection. Hopefully it would be enough to distract her.
“You, your sex is on fire.” Steve heard being sung from the TV. He recognized the voice as the streamer Dustin had taken such a liking to. Steve left his office and walked towards the living room and he could see the stream on the large screen. This time, it was live camera footage that showed a young blonde woman instead of the gameplay he was used to seeing. The man’s, Eddie’s, voice was actually really nice. It was husky and raspy, the clear tenor tone sending shivers down Steve’s spine. Steve leaned on the door frame as he watched and listened.
“The dark of the alley, the breaking of day.” Eddie continued.The girl in the camera seemed to be having a good time, swaying back and forth with the music. Occasionally, she would lay her head on the T-shirt clad shoulder next to her, and a heavily ringed hand would raise up and hold the side of her head.
“Are they dating?” Steve found himself asking. He mentally kicked himself. Why did he care if some random internet personalities were dating?
“Crap! Dad, you startled me!” Dustin clutched at his chest dramatically and Steve shook his head. “No, they’re just really good friends.” He turned down the volume of the TV and Steve came and sat on the couch next to his son.
“Oh, so like you and this Suzie I'm always hearing about?” Steve poked Dustin’s shoulder repeatedly until his son grabbed his wrist.
“Dad!” The boy exclaimed as he flushed red. He turned away and covered his face, and Steve smiled as he rubbed Dustin’s back. The light sound of the blonde girl laughing brought their attention back to the TV.
“Wow, Chris. I can’t believe you’d spread this propaganda about me.” The girl threw her head back and cackled. Steve remembered a ‘Chrissy’ that Dustin was talking about, this must be her. “She just referred to me as a ladies man as if I got any play in high school. I was a theatre kid, Cunningham, try again.”
“You wouldn’t believe the things I heard about you during lunch at the cheerleader’s table, Ed.” She reached over, past the camera's view and Steve guessed she was grabbing at Eddie’s head. “If they weren’t waiting for you to ask them out, you would’ve been drowning in bitches.”
“Hardy har har. Yeah, okay.” Two larger hands pushed smaller ones back into frame. “Anyways, guys. We have some big news!” The facecam turned off, and Steve felt Dustin tense next to him. “As some of you might’ve heard, they’re holding a convention in a smaller town in Indiana called Hawkins.
“So, we just wanted to let you all know that me, Chrissy, Robin and the guys are going to be there. So since you’re going to have to see me there, I figured I should…” Eddie’s voice got tense as he spoke, and then the camera turned back on. This time, though, it wasn’t the blonde girl. It was a man.
A man with dark, shoulder-length curls that were frizzy, but nevertheless striking. His skin was pale, and contrasted against the pink of his lips. His eyes were big, and a deep brown, dark enough to where Steve couldn't see a pupil. They were surrounded by long eyelashes and it seemed as though he was wearing eyeliner. The neckline of his shirt was cut and jagged, and exposed his prominent collar bones and the tattoo that lay inked into his skin. He was devastatingly pretty. He smiled, and turned to read the chat that was going a million miles a minute, all messages sharing feelings of shock and awe.
“Thanks, guys. Hoo-kay, I’m shaking. We’re okay, we’re okay.” Eddie pulled his hair behind his shoulders, revealing the plethora of piercings on both ears. “But, yeah. Next month from February twenty-sixth to March 2nd. I’ll be putting more information on my twitter, along with prices.” Chrissy came back into view. Behind Eddie, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rested her chin on the top of his head.
“Can’t wait to see you guys!” Chrissy exclaimed, and Eddie laughed as he reached up to grab her arms. Steve noticed they had matching bracelets.
“Keep a look out on instagram and twitter, photo dump coming soon.” The two waved at the camera, and sang out a long “Bye,” before they were gone and the stream was over. Steve and Dustin stayed frozen, and Steve knew Dustin was also in shock after seeing Eddie. 
Though they were in shock for two different reasons.
“Dad, they’re coming here for a convention! We have to go. Can we? Please?” Dustin pleaded and Steve thought for a moment.
“I’ll see what I can do, bud.” Steve answered and Dustin grinned before running to his room. Steve pulled out his phone and looked for Eddie’s twitter. When he clicked on the account, he found the link in his bio that led to the convention information, and when he scrolled down he found pictures already posted.
Most of them were group photos, with Chrissy, another girl almost the same height as Eddie, as well as three more guys Steve assumed were his other friends. He scrolled down further, and found a post-concert photo with Chrissy. They were both obviously worn out, and Steve found the drastic difference in the way they dressed funny. 
Eddie was all leather, and sharp edges, while Chrissy was pink and bubbly.
Steve internally scolded himself for the way his stomach churned when he found a particular photo of Eddie by himself. He was kneeling on a stage, a microphone in one hand, and the other holding the fingers of whoever took the photo. He wore a loose, black fishnet top over a black tank with torn up, black skinny jeans. His hair was messier than he’d seen in the other photos, and his face was slightly flushed in a way that suggested he was probably drunk. He smirked in a smug way that had Steve feeling as if he were a high schooler seeing his hallway crush. At the realisation, he quickly scrolled back to the top of profile and clicked the link, his face red. 
He shouldn't be feeling this way about some guy on a screen, much less a twenty-something year old. Steve should know better at his grown age.
He filled out his information, and when looking at the full price he sighed. He could already hear his wallet begging for mercy.
February 2023
This was crazy.
Just a month ago did he live stream his face to the internet which sparked creativity in the artistic part of his group of fans. He was tagged in a bunch of drawing’s of him, as well as video edits to quite suggestive audios. It was strange, Eddie thought, to be praised like this for your appearance. But, if he was honest, he wasn't complaining.
Now, he was mentally preparing for the convention. Eddie wasn’t entirely a social person, he’d much rather be with his circle of friends and maybe a few others. This was an entirely different level. He sat on the bed in the hotel room he and Austin would be sharing. Jeff and Gareth were in the room across from them and Robin and Chrissy’s room were down the hall. The last pair excited Eddie.
Robin often confided in him when she was especially upset about her situation, and Eddie could sympathise. Falling for straight people was never fun. But, Eddie wasn’t entirely sure that Chrissy was straight. He never pressed her on the issue though. Poor girl. She’ll never know what hit her.
 Robin had been accidentally flirting with the girl since they arrived in Hawkins, and Eddie had to stifle laughter when it backfired. Robin would shoot him a glare and a lighthearted middle-finger.
Chrissy didn’t seem to catch on despite her array of ex-boyfriends that probably acted the same way around her before they dated. Though, Eddie guessed he couldn’t blame her. Robin’s attempts at flirting could be compared to the sight of a dumpster fire.
Eddie sighed and laid back on his bed, bored and left without anything to do. Not like he really wanted to do anything. Flying sucked, he hated aeroplanes and he was always left exhausted after taking one. 
But he was also insanely hungry. He could probably order in but he did not feel like talking over the phone and Hawkins seemed like a pretty old-fashioned town so god knows if any of the restaurants here have any apps he could use. Whatever. Eddie sighed before he walked over to the door and pulled on his converse and tucked the laces into the sides of his shoes. He grabbed his room key and left to try and find some damn lunch
She couldn’t do it.
Chrissy sat on the edge of the single bed that was in her and Robin’s shared room. She hadn’t seen Robin for a year and a half, and so far everything has been great! But Robin makes her nervous in ways she can’t explain. She didn’t have much more time to think as the door burst open to reveal the taller girl holding all of her bags in her arms and her phone in her mouth. She quickly dropped the bags and took her phone out of her mouth. She was completely out of breath as she reached into her pockets to pull out her inhaler.
“Oh my god, Robin!” Chrissy rushed over, picking up a couple of Robin's bags and bringing them further into the room.
“Hey, Chris.” Robin said, still exasperated, and her wispy tone made Chrissy shiver. She reached up and pulled Robin into a hug. “Missed you.” Robin whispered into Chrissy’s hair as she returned the embrace.
“You just saw me like, ten minutes ago!” Chrissy laughed, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach.
“I know.” Robin replied as she pulled away, still slightly out of breath.
“Did you run up here? What happened?”
“Apparently the elevator shut down after you guys got up here, so I had to take the stairwell with all my bags.” Robin whined as she walked over to the bed and flopped down onto the mattress. She hadn’t seemed to have noticed the fact there was only one bed, yet.
“Um, so,” Chrissy started. “We only have one bed in here.” Robin lifted her head and looked to the other side of the room, then back to Chrissy.
“O-oh.” Robin bit her lip nervously. “I could sleep on the couch if it would make you more comfortable.”
“No!” Chrissy almost yelped. “I mean, no. That’s fine! It’s big enough for us to share.” She was sure her cheeks were bright pink. She got on the bed next to Robin, the other girl sitting up.
“Yeah, that sounds fine.” Robin rubbed the back of her neck.
“I’m perfectly comfortable sleeping next to you Robbie, I promise.” Chrissy said sincerely, grabbing Robin’s hand and holding it softly. She looked up at Robin, and took this time to admire her the same way she had so many times before.
Robin didn’t often stream with her camera on, and she didn’t facetime the group so Chrissy didn’t get to see her face much. She’d almost forgotten how much she loved Robin's features.
Her soft skin that was splattered with light brown freckles she wanted to count, her soft jawline and the thin dark circles underneath her gorgeous eyes. Then there was her hair. Her soft, wavy locks that Chrissy constantly wanted to run her fingers through if the other would let her. 
"Hey, did you think we could see if one of the guys would pay for our lunches?" Robin said, a grin on her face. Chrissy giggled and squeezed Robin's hand. 
"Abso-fucking-lutely." Chrissy smiled deviously and the two left Robin's belongings to be unpacked later. Right now, they had some boys to mooch off of.
Oh boy.
It was one day away from the first day of the convention Steve hesitantly bought tickets for. He and Dustin were all set to see the panel Eddie and his friends would be at and Steve’s bank account was about to kick the bucket. Dustin was excited, though, and that was all Steve needed to know that this was worth it.
He couldn’t lie, this was slightly for him too. Ever since he’d laid eyes on the man Dustin called his idol, he couldn’t stop thinking about him.
Steve’s known for a while that he liked guys. Before Dustin was born, he’d even dated a few, but he’s not sure he’s felt this way in a long time just based on someone's looks. The critical part of his mind scolded him.
'This is your son's favourite streamer you're thinking about!'
'His looks might deceive him. He could be a total douche.'
'Is he really all that?'
Yes. Eddie really was 'all that.' His personality was large and he was really, really attractive. 
'He probably has a girlfriend. You don't even know if he likes guys.'
Steve sighed and rubbed his eyes. He would have to start on dinner soon for Dustin, Dustin's "friend" Suzie, and himself soon. He could contemplate this all later. Maybe tomorrow at the convention, but hopefully not ever again. He stood up from his chair in his office and closed his computer. He walked down the hallway and all that could be heard was the tv in Dustin's room. 
He walked further and leaned closer to Dustin's door that sat open by three inches. After another moment Steve pushed the door open fully to see Suzie tucked into Dustin's side as they lay on his bed, seemingly watching a movie. 
"Dad! What the hell!" The two jumped and Suzie gripped onto Dustin's shirt. 
"Calm down Dustin, I'm just asking what you guys want for dinner." Dustin was red with embarrassment and Suzie just snickered. 
"Whatever's fine, dad." He answered. "And learn to knock!" He shouted on Steve's way out. Steve snorted and made his way to the kitchen now with three things on his mind. 
Whatever was going on between his son and this girl. (Which he totally predicted, by the way.) 
What he was making for dinner. 
An insanely pretty streamer he was probably too old to be gawking over.
Dinner was only going a little awkwardly. Suzie sat quietly, eating the quiche Steve had made. Dustin glared at his father from across the circular table and Steve tried his hardest not to make a face back. 
"So, Suzie. How's school been for you?" Steve asked as he fiddled with his fork. 
"Dad." Dustin groaned. 
"What?" Steve drew out the 'a.' "I'm just asking how her classes are." 
"Well, my grades are just fine. I enjoy my academics a lot actually! I only wish I could say the same for Dusty." She smiled at the boy whose face dropped. 
"Snitch!" Dustin accused and Suzie laughed, Dustin's scowl softened at the sight before it hardened and he turned to his father. "Don't listen to a word she says," Dustin pointed a fork at Steve who threw his hands up. 
"Alright, alright. Finish your dinner so you can have time to wind down before you go to bed. You've got a big day tomorrow." Dustin smiled before starting to scarf down his food as if he hadn't eaten in days. 
"Slow down, Dusty!" Suzie squealed. She was a good match for him, Steve thought. 
At least Dustin had Suzie.
Lord have mercy.
The girls had come back from a nice lunch, courtesy of Austin who was the only one willing to do them a solid and pay for their food, and things were calm until the sun went down. They’d found a pizza place and called for delivery. It was good, Robin found, but she’d had better back in Miami.
After that, they’d flipped through the few channels the hotel TV offered and Chrissy began her nightly routine of a simple skin care routine and brading of her hair. Then, she would join Robin under the covers. She wore a mint green silk pyjama set, a spaghetti strapped tank top and shorts that ended before her mid thigh, and Robin felt under dressed in her wife beater and Archie sweatpants.
The only light spared was from the lamp that sat on Robin's side of the bed she was almost scared to turn it off. If she did, it would really seem like it was just her and Chrissy. 
"Are you totally sure you're comfortable with me? I mean, I've been told I'm a pretty clingy sleeper. I wouldn't want you to wake up with me-" Robin started rambling before Chrissy stepped in. 
"Rob! I already promised." Chrissy's eyes were drooping and Robin could tell she was really to pass the fuck out. Robin smiled fondly, brushing Chrissy's bangs from her face and pulling the blankets up further. "You know, you're really pretty." Chrissy sleepily admitted. Robin stared in shock for a moment. 
"Y-you think?" 
"Uh huh," She pulled a hand out of the covers and laid it on Robin's cheek. "Super pretty." Chrissy smiled and brought her hand back to her chest before swiftly falling asleep. 
‘Are you there god? It’s me, Margaret.’ Robin thought. She brought her palm to the same cheek Chrissy had just touched and she felt how much her face had heated up. God, she probably looked like a lovesick fool, but she couldn't even judge herself for that when she laid her eyes upon Chrissy's sleeping figure. She looked so at peace. Quite often she was riddled with anxiety or happiness, both that made her constantly fidgeting or moving around. Now, she was still and sound. Robin fought herself to take a mental photo, wanting to remember this sight forever. Wanting to wake up to this sight forever. 
Reluctantly, Robin rolled to lay on her back. She never slept well on her side. She turned the lamp out finally and soon enough her own eyes became heavy with sleep, and she herself would also succumb to sleep.
The next sound Robin would hear would be the screech of her ringtone and Chrissy's groan from next to her. Robin reached to the nightstand and grabbed her phone. It was Eddie, that bastard. 
"Woah, morning Robin." Eddie seemed pretty awake for... Ten in the morning. "Just wanted to make sure you two were awake. I'm guessing you weren't until just now." 
"Yeah, asshole. I had an alarm set for eleven." Robin whined and Chrissy yawned from beside her. 
"Okay, well I wanted us to all meet up for brunch before the panel. So get ready and meet us in the lobby by eleven-thirty. Okay? Okay." Eddie hung up before Robin could intervene. 
"He is such a prick," Robin groaned and set her phone back down. Chrissy giggles as she rubs her eyes. 
"That's Eddie, alright." Chrissy sighed. She sat up and stretched out her arms. Robin had to stop herself from staring at the slight muscle the former cheerleader still had. She sat up as well, much to her dismay. "I," Chrissy swung her legs over the side of the bed before standing up. "Am going to have a shower. You want me to be quick so you can have one too?" 
"If you wouldn't mind. I could always wait until after we hang out with the guys too." Robin said as she walked over to the small vanity and started to brush her hair. 
"Oh, Robin. You are a gift from god." Chrissy responded as she approached the taller and left a kiss on her cheek before scurrying away to the small bathroom of the hotel room. Robin simply froze. This girl had no idea what she was doing to her.
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cranberrymoons · 1 year
the last in line (a prequel)
prompt: humiliation, blindfolds (kinktober) || pirate au (@eddiemonth) tags: rated e (18+), hellcheer friends with benefits, chrissy domming eddie in a really fun Domme-the-Dom kind of way notes: this is a prequel to a longer upcoming Steddie Pirates AU which, if you've been following me for a little while, you probably already know about because i can't keep my mouth shut 😇🏴‍☠️
As he makes his way down the cobbled street toward the alley turnoff to Chrissy’s pub, he ignores the vendors that call out to him from their stalls, the people beckoning to him from the shadows, the friends bellied up to bars in pubs along the street. If he stops to talk to one of them, he’ll end up talking to all of them, and then he’ll end up in a fight or a card game or someone’s bed or all three, and Eddie just frankly does not have the time for that right now. 
It’s been too long, and he’s itching for it, feels it so strong in the back of his skull that he thinks his neck might snap with the tension of how badly he wants it.
Wants her.
They’re not always like this; Chrissy’s a friend more often than not, a confidante for as long as he’s known her. They met way back in the dark ages, back when he was still a scrawny deserter with a shaved head and she was pulling pints in her mother’s pub on Cape Fear. But that’s a different story; what happened there is in the past.
What’s happened since is all that’s running through Eddie’s mind as he winds his way through the Cove with his hand resting on the handle of his dagger where it’s tucked in his belt. 
Just in case. Just – you can never be too careful in this place, not when there are eyes in the walls and ears in the alcoves and all sorts of people out for your gold. Can’t let yourself get too distracted, even when you are distracted. Especially when you're distracted. Eddie learned that lesson early on.
Chrissy’s pub sits back from the street, down a dark twisting alleyway under the canopy of a palm grove. It doesn’t have an official name, but that’s what everyone calls it: Chrissy’s Pub. 
(“What’s the point in naming it?” she’d asked when he tried to get her to call it something. Covered in sweat with her hair tied back, wearing a borrowed set of his clothes to make it easier on herself as they hauled the heavy tables and chairs around the room. “Half the people who come through here can’t read worth a damn anyway.” ) 
Which – fair point.
So the sign that hangs over the entrance has no words on it, just an etching of a mermaid done by one of her girls, Susan or… Suzanne? Eddie doesn’t remember, but he pushes through the door into the dimly-lit little space, ducking his head under the low frame and straightening up once he’s inside. 
[continue on ao3 || 3,439 words]
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cinemasteves · 2 years
(based on the song by cashmere cat & ariana grande)
eddie munson x female!reader
notes/warnings: lots of sadness, cheater!eddie, manipulation, gaslighting, mentions of kissing/sex (not super detailed) reader, eddie & the rest of the older group are all the same age!
not my gif
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One week. It's been one week since you found out Eddie had cheated on you. Heartbroken is an understatement. The pain and betrayal you felt has been eating at your brain and heart all week long. Every night you cried yourself to sleep wondering what went wrong. He was your everything, and you thought you were his, that is until Chrissy Cunningham broke down crying and confessed to you in the school bathroom. Her words replaying over and over every night.
I'm so so sorry y/n, I was under the impression you guys were broken up, until I saw him kiss you in the hallway earlier. I just went to his trailer for some pills one night and it escalated from there. You don't deserve this. I'm very sorry.
♪ And you say that I'm the devil you know and I don't disagree no, I don't see the harm ♪
And of course when you confronted him after school, he denied it like no other.
I don't know what she's talking about, y/n. Why would you believe her of all people? She's part of Jason's clique, he hates me, he definitely put her up to this.
But that was quite the opposite. Chrissy was unironically the only cheerleader who was nice to you, hell she was nice to everybody. So when she told you about her and Eddie, you knew she was being genuine.
Seriously what has gotten into you? It's like you fell into hell and came back the devil himself. You've been stressing me out all week long, I need to focus on the DND campaign, i'll probably call you later.
But that night when he called you, your worst nightmare came true and he ended up confessing.
Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Please give me another chance.
And you did. But everybody knew something was different. The constant pda was now basically nonexistent, you stopped going to Hellfire meetings, you didn't hang out with the group as much and you barely talked to everyone.
♪ They say, 'you crazy, just leave him, he'll suffocate you' but I wanna be in your arms. ♪
You couldn't take it anymore and eventually told Nancy while you guys were studying together one afternoon, she was not happy.
Y/n...That's not okay! You should've never taken him back. I'm sorry. You deserve the entire world. Please leave him, it hurts not seeing you around us anymore. I will gladly tell Steve not to invite him around anymore if that would help. Staying with him will make you more and more miserable, we all notice it, you seem suffocated.
But you still didn't listen.
Nancy we were together for two years, I can't let him go just like that. I love him.
♪ They say, 'no, don't pick up the phone, let them think there's nobody home' But I'm under your spell.
Cause when you call my heart starts to roll, I always want more
It's my heaven, my hell. ♪
As the days went by, you went into super hermit mode. Not speaking to anybody in the group, including Eddie, and that's when you realized Nancy was right. Your usual light has been dimmed, shut off even because of him. It was Friday, and you knew Eddie would be at Hellfire after school and Wayne at work, so you called their home phone and left a rather choked up message.
Eddie, I don't think I can do this anymore. It hurts me to act like everything's fine when it's not. I am incredibly broken inside and have been for the last week. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep every night wondering what went wrong. I'm tired of trying to act put together around all our friends when i'm not. I love you, but I can't keep putting myself through this. Please don't call me after you hear this, I do not want to talk to you from this point on. It's for the best. Take care.
After leaving that message, you called over Nancy, Robin and Steve as your parents were away for the weekend, and as soon as the three of them walked into the door, a group hug ensued between you and the girls and you burst into tears. Realizing Steve was completely clueless, Nancy pulled him to the side and explained it all. He was livid. Nancy and Robin brought pizza and some drinks to help get things off your mind. But as you drank throughout the night, you found yourself crying in Steve's arms. He was close with Eddie, and the closest thing you had left of him.
As if it was like clockwork, your house phone rang and you immediately knew who it was.
Y/n...do not answer that. Steve said sternly.
But once more, you didn't listen and as you got up to pick up the phone, the three of them just sighed, awaiting the outcome of this call. As you answered the call and hit speaker, you hear sniffling on the other end and your heart immediately sank.
Sweetheart... I am so sorry. I don't have an explanation as to why I did what I did other than I'm a fucking idiot. But seeing you like this is breaking me so much inside. I'm full of fucking regret and shame. You are my everything and I fucked it up so bad. God, I wish I could take it back. I'm so sorry for everything. For cheating, being hostile towards you, pushing you away and just making your beautiful personality do a complete 180. I know you said not to call but I need to hear your voice, it's killing me not hearing from you.
You stand there speechless. Nancy and Robin silently stopping Steve from getting up and slamming that phone against the wall.
Can I come over? Please? Eddie cries.
♪ We're heading deep inside lives a voice, a voice so quiet,
But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine. ♪
Nancy, Robin and Steve leave. Steve more angry than the girls, but he understood that this was all up to you. You heart racing as you wait for the man you've been avoiding, cracking another beer and chugging as you pace back and forth near the front door. After about five minutes you hear the doorbell ring and you toss the empty beer can to the ground to open the door.
Eddie sees you and his heart shatters. Your mascara running down your cheeks, your eyes puffy and face red. Guilt washing over him like a tsunami. He can't believe he's done this to you. His once upon a time, the girl of his dreams, a now ruined mess. All because of him. Tears form in his eyes as he engulfs you into the hug you've both been needing from each other. Your head against his chest, hearing his heart beat rapidly. He holds you tight in his lanky arms as you sob together.
♪ I can't quit you, I can't quit you
I can't quit you, I can't quit you ♪
You so badly want to take him back, but deep down you know what he did wasn't right and how it would be for the best to part ways. Part of you wants to dismiss that, but you know you have to do what's right. For the both of you.
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
I know I'm gonna regret it ♪
You continue to sob, realizing that by tomorrow this would be no more. No more cozy movie nights, no more baking desserts together, no more cuddles, no kisses, dates, no more doing all of the things you both loved to do together.
♪ When you said, 'Baby, I just want you to lay me down and we'll fuck the pain away'
'Cause skin on skin, I feel nothing but the burning of desire and that's just foreplay ♪
He picks you up and brings you to the couch, laying you down gently as he gets on top of you. The both of you still sobbing together. His tears fall onto your cheeks as his face gets closer to yours.
Can I please kiss you sweetheart? Please, even if it's the last time I get to.
You thought it was impossible for your heart to break even more, but what he just said proved you so wrong. He knew this was the end. You nod yes as you can't even produce coherent words at this point because you're crying so much. He leans in slowly, pausing when your noses meet, holding your face in his calloused hands and places kisses on the apples of your cheeks before hesitating at your lips.
I'm so fucking sorry. He cries as he finally presses your lips together, his thumbs rubbing against your face.
♪ We're heading deep inside lives a voice, a voice so quiet
But I can't hear that voice when your heart beats next to mine
I can't quit you, I can't quit you
I can't quit you, I can't quit you ♪
You don't want the kiss to end, hell, you don't want the relationship to end, but you know it's better to just savor this moment than to keep destroying your mental by staying with him.
♪ Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
I know I'm gonna regret it ♪
Kisses led to soft touches and eventually, sex. He was gentle and slow, your favorite. As soon as you were done, he helps you put your clothes back on, then his own. The sweet gesture making you melt inside, forgetting what he did a week ago for a few seconds. You so badly want to stay with him, but there are consequences to cheating, and you know the relationship won't be the same ever again. The thought of going from lovers to strangers physically hurts you inside, and you begin to cry again as Eddie sits up against the couch staring up at the ceiling trying to hold back tears.
♪ I can't quit you, I can't quit you, oh baby
I can't quit you, I can't quit you, oh babe ♪
So this is goodbye then, right? His voice cracks.
Yeah. You cry.
♪ Gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it ♪
He takes a deep breath as he stands up, still holding back tears as he walks to your front door, you following behind him. He turns to you before opening the door and hesitates for a second before giving you one last hug.
I'm so sorry sweetheart. You will forever be a part of me. I love you.
I love you too. Goodbye Eddie, please take care of yourself. You said wiping your tears as he nods and kisses your forehead and turns around, leaving your house for the last time.
♪ I'm gonna regret it
I'm gonna regret it (babe, babe, babe)
Gonna regret it
Yeah, I'm gonna regret it. ♪
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Breaking The Cycle |2/2|
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Summary: Eddie tries to win you back, only to have it backfired. Can he make amends with you?
Warning: swearing
Tagged: @digital-charlie @sadbitchfangirl @sister-cirice @imbringingsexycrab @marianita195 @silky-luxe @bimbobaggins69 @eddiemunson4life420 @zahra10999 @maidenofartemis
Friday evening had arrived. You were in Family Video, practicing your punches in your gym outfit, when Steve grabbed your fist, chuckling, “Easy Rocky. Save the punches for later.”
You lowered your arms, before you started doing neck stretches when Robin told you, whilst leaning on the counter, “I get worn out just by watching you exercise .”
You laughed, when Steve told you, while stacking tapes, “You should be proud. I’ve seen tough guys go in that gym and they don’t come back after one time.”
“I’m surprised that you haven’t joined, Steve,” Robin said to him. “It’s probably a new hotspot to pick up the ladies.”
She winked at him, as you giggled.
“Nah, I doubt he’ll be able to flirt,” you told her. “Some of the instructors are very strict, so he won’t be able to get a chance to ask for any of the ladies’ names, let alone ask for their numbers.”
Suddenly, you noticed Chrissy and Samantha, as well as Jason and Patrick, heading to the gym.
“Oh, they’re over there,” you announced. You then grabbed your gym bag from the back, as you said, “I’ll see you guys later.”
You ran out of the door, as Robin and Steve said goodbye to you.
You then ran across the street and into the gym, catching up with Chrissy and the others.
“Hey!” Chrissy greeted you as she hugged you.
“You’re in your gym clothes already?” Samantha asked you.
“Yeah, my friends had let me get changed in the toilets at work,” you replied, as you all walked up to reception to sign in and collect your locker keys.
You and the girls then went to the changing rooms.
A moment later, you took out your boxing gloves and pads, as well as your water bottle from your bag, while the girls were finishing getting changed.
After putting your bag away, you left the locker room and made your way to one of the studios.
After you had showed the others where the spare gloves and pads were, you were chatting and laughing with Patrick when you heard the door open, expecting the trainer to come in.
Your face fell, as you saw who was really coming in. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” you said in a hushed tone.
It was Eddie, followed by the rest of Hellfire, who wore their signature shirts and Hawkins High gym shorts.
“What they doing here?” Jason asked. “And what are they wearing?”
As they came in, Gareth pulled his shorts down a bit, as he told Eddie, “I can’t believe you cut the campaign short for this.”
“I don’t think this is gonna win her back,” Jeff chimed in.
“Will you two shut up?” Eddie hissed, as he put his hair in a low bun. “We’re not backing out.”
Suddenly, the trainer, Robert came in. “Oh, you guys must be doing the trial?” He asked the Hellfire boys.
“That’s right,” Eddie replied, as Grant and Gareth tried to sneak out, when Eddie managed to grab them by their shirts, preventing them from leaving.
As he took their names, Robert looked at Lucas, Mike and Dustin before asking them how old they were.
After confirming their age, Robert informed them, “Sorry, you’re aren’t allowed to take part in this class.”
“Why not?” Eddie asked.
“This session is mainly for adults. It wouldn’t be fair for juniors to take part. Health and safety and all. They need to be at least eighteen to take part in the class.”
“Oh shoot, I’m only sixteen,” Gareth sarcastically said. “I guess I can’t take part either.”
“Damn it,” Eddie muttered.
Suddenly, Chrissy raised her hand, as she told the instructor, “I turn eighteen in June, am I still allowed to be in this class?”
“Well, I’ll make an exception this one time,” Robert replied. “Anyone else not eighteen?”
Jeff and Grant were about to raise their hands when Eddie glared at them.
“Well, before you pair up,” Robert began to shout as he put on some music. “Let’s start warming up! Starting with running around the room! Go!”
After a minute of running, Robert instructed everyone to do squats, followed by mountain climbers, and finally burpees.
The Hellfire members groaned as they watched you and the jocks and cheerleaders doing burpees, while the three freshmen and Gareth were watching with amusement.
By the time Robert told everyone to rest, Jeff and Grant were still lying on their fronts, struggling to get up.
“She doesn’t really enjoy it, right?” Grant panted as he and Jeff helped each other up.
“That was brutal, I hope the actual session isn’t gonna suck,” Jeff groaned, as Eddie got to his feet, when Jason told them, “It’s not too late to back out, boys.”
Eddie knew that he wasn’t going to back out, even if the session was going to kill him. He knew that he had to find a way to make it up to you.
Robert went up to the black board, as he announced, “With your partner, you’ll be starting with one hundred jabs, then ninety jumping jacks, eighty uppercuts...”
While Robert was announcing the other exercises, the three older Hellfire guys groaned.
“I knew that I should’ve stay at home,” Grant moaned.
Eddie suddenly looked over at you showing a couple of the older women alternative exercises to do, if there were some that they couldn’t do.
He couldn’t help but admire you. That you were doing something that made you happy. He had never thought that the same shy girl he met and introduced to Hellfire a year ago, would become this confident person who enjoyed doing fitness.
Suddenly, Robert announced, “We have even numbers tonight, so everyone needs to get in pairs.”
At once, Chrissy and Samantha paired up, as well as Jason and Patrick. You saw that most people were already paired up, except you.
“Is there anyone who doesn’t have a partner?” Robert asked.
You raised your hand, when you noticed Eddie raising his. “Munson, you can pair up with her,” Robert told Eddie as he pointed at you, before telling Eddie. “This one’s feisty, so be careful.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Eddie chuckled.
You huffed, as you watched Eddie grab a pair of gloves and pads from a box.
You were putting on your gloves, as Eddie made his way to you.
Eddie was about to put on the gloves when you sternly told him, “Pads.”
“Huh?” He exclaimed.
“You need to wear pads. I’ll be doing the punches first.”
“Oh, right.” Eddie was about to put on one of the pads, when you told him that he needed to take his rings off first.
“You’re not serious,” he said, as he furrowed his brows.
“I am. Do you want swelled up fingers?” You retorted.
He groaned, as he reluctantly took off his rings and gave them to Dustin to look after, before putting on one pad on.
As he struggled to put the second one on, you sighed, slipping off your gloves and helped him put it on.
You were still pissed off with him, but you didn’t want him to get injured.
“Thanks,” he said as you quickly slipped your gloves back on, while Robert started counting down.
“Three...two...one...go!” Robert shouted, before everyone started the first round.
Eddie had his pads in close to his chest facing you. Before you could throw a punch, you told him, “You need to straighten your arms a bit. And you need to change your stance.”
You straightened his arms and helped him get into his stance, before you started throwing jabs while counting them in your head.
Eddie was at awe watching you focusing on your jabs. He couldn’t believe how fast you were throwing punches.
He was so fixated on you that he didn’t realise that you had finished throwing punches until you shouted, “Eddie, come on! Jumping jacks now!”
You turned your back to him as you were doing the next exercise, when you noticed Grant and Jeff struggling with the jumping jacks. Once you caught their attention, you showed them how to do low impact jacks.
As soon as they started doing them, you went back to regular jumping jacks.
“Come on! I want to see you all moving!” Robert shouted.
As soon as you finished the jumping jacks, you waited for Eddie, who looked like that he was about to faint, to finish.
Eddie noticed that Jason was snickering at him, which made him stop doing the exercise. He was about to approach Jason when you got hold of him and told him, “Don’t.”
As you pulled him away, you turned to Jason and glared at him as you mouthed, “Pack it in.”
You turned back to a coughing Eddie, positioned his arms and hands, ready for the uppercuts.
As you threw some uppercuts, you noticed Eddie’s arms kept flapping about.
“Keep your arms firm,” you told him, as you repositioned his arms.
As you continued to throw more uppercuts, you told Eddie, “Maybe you should leave the class and let me spar with Robert. You’re not taking this seriously.”
“Of course I am,” Eddie retorted, taking your punches.
“If you’re doing this just to impress Samantha or Chrissy-“
“I’m not trying to impress either of them,” he told you as he unintentionally moved arms down. “I’m only doing this class to win you ba-“
Before Eddie knew it, you punched him square on the chin, causing him to fall to the mat.
“Shit, Eddie!” You yelled as you kneeled by an unconscious Eddie, as everyone circled around him...
By the time Eddie opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a hospital bed.
He started to wince, as he felt a pain under his chin, as well as the back of his head.
He looked over to find his uncle Wayne sitting by him.
“You’re finally awake, son,” Wayne told him, as he put down his cup of coffee on the table.
“How long have I been in here?” Eddie hoarsely asked.
“Over twelve hours. This one hasn’t left your side.”
Wayne pointed at you to him. Eddie turned to find you sleeping with your head resting on the edge of the bed, while you were holding his hand.
“She’s been here this whole time?” Eddie asked, as he gazed at her.
“Well, I had to make her leave to get food or go to the bathroom. Your other friends came by to check on you, but she’s the one who stuck around. She was adamant on staying.”
Wayne pressed the buzzer on the wall, as he told him, “That Robert guy said it was lucky that your head hit the mat. Otherwise it would’ve been worse.”
Eddie sighed, “It was my own stupid fault. I let my guard down.”
“That Dustin kid mentioned that to me. Which reminds me.” Wayne patted his pocket as he continued to speak, “He gave me your rings back.”
Suddenly, a doctor came in. “Ah, Mr Munson, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve had my jaw broken by Vecna,” Eddie replied.
The doctor chuckled, even though he had no clue what Eddie was talking about. He grabbed notes from the end of the bed, and looked through them as he began to speak, “We’ll do some more examinations and once we get the all clear, you can go home.”
Suddenly, they heard you quietly moan as you slowly woke up.
As you raised your head, Eddie smiled as he said, “Hey sleepy head.”
You were too drowsy to respond. Wayne asked the doctor, “So, when do you think will Eddie be well enough to come home?”
“Depends on the results. If he’s lucky, he’ll be able to leave tomorrow.”
You were rubbing your eyes, when the doctor told him, “Now Mr Munson, I must advise you to rest at home, so no activities, no lifting anything or use heavy machinery. You will also need someone at home with you at all times, in case you’re still unwell.”
“Well, the thing is, Doc,” Wayne began to explain. “I work nights at the plant, and I can’t afford to take time off at the moment. I could ask someone at the park to look after him, but some of the folks ain’t kind to my nephew.”
“Well, I’m sure his girlfriend can look after him,” the doctor replied as he looked at you.
Eddie was about to say something when you quickly told the doctor, “I’m not his girlfriend.”
Eddie sadly gazed at you. It was true, you weren’t his girlfriend, but he still felt hurt by your response.
“But,” you continued to speak, as you turned to look at Eddie. “I can stay while Wayne is working nights.”
You smiled at him, before saying to Wayne, “If that’s okay with you.”
“Of course,” Wayne replied. “You know that you’re always welcome at our place.”
“Yeah, definitely,” Eddie told you, whilst smiling at you.
A couple of days later, you were cycling to the trailer park from your place, carrying your backpack filled with yours and Eddie’s homework and essential toiletries and clothes, along with a sleeping bag clipped to your bag. Luckily you didn’t live far from Eddie and Wayne. As soon as you reached the park, you got off your bike and leaned it against the trailer.
You took off your cycling helmet as you walked up the steps and knocked on the door.
Wayne opened the door and greeted you, “Hi darlin’, come on in.”
You thanked him as he let you inside. “I’ll let him know that you’re here,” he told you, as you put down your bag and helmet next to the front door.
“How is he today?” You asked as you took off your hoodie.
“Well he’s been sleeping nearly all day, but he’s okay.” Wayne replied, as he made his way to Eddie’s room.
You heard Wayne letting Eddie know that you were here.
“Woah! Easy, son,” you heard Wayne say. “I know you’re happy to see her, but the doctor said to take it easy, remember?”
A moment later, Eddie was slowly stepping out of his room, wearing his Dio shirt and plaid pyjama bottoms, as he greeted you.
Eddie ambled into the living room and onto the couch, while Wayne told you both that he was going to dish up the dinner.
“Gretchen from work made us vegetable lasagna,” Wayne told you as he put on oven mitts before taking out the dish from the oven.
“Do you need a hand?” You asked.
“If you wouldn’t mind, just grab the cutlery and plates for me please.”
You grabbed the plates from the cupboard and put on the counter for Wayne, before getting some cutlery from the drawers and putting them on the table, while Wayne dished up the dinner.
After setting the table, you grabbed a couple of plates and put them on the table. Eddie was making his way to the table when he grabbed a chair near the coffee table.
He was about to take it to the table when you stopped him, as you said, “No lifting.”
You moved the chair to the table as Eddie retorted, “It’s only a chair.”
“You heard the lady, son,” Wayne chuckled, as he grabbed the last plate and took it to the table.
After finishing your dinner, you offered to wash the dishes while Wayne got ready for his shift. Meanwhile, Eddie was still sitting at the table, doing his homework.
By the time you had dried up everything, Wayne was heading to the door as he said goodbye to you both.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Wayne joked, before he left the trailer.
You were hanging the tea towel on the drawer handle, when you noticed Eddie massaging his forehead.
“Are you okay?” You asked him, as you grabbed a couple of glasses.
“Yeah, I’m just struggling with this history assignment,” Eddie replied, as you filled up the glasses with water.
“I wrote down notes from the lesson if you want to look at them.”
After turning off the tap, you grabbed the glasses and placed them onto the table when you noticed that Eddie was reading some notes that weren’t school related.
Eddie turned to you, as he showed you notes containing different exercises and things on nutrition.
“Did you write all these down?” He asked, as you sat down.
You looked at the notes, as you replied. “Yeah, I took notes from a couple of books I borrowed the other day. Some of the other stuff on there are exercises I did before in the classes.”
Eddie astonishingly looked through the contents of the notebook as he told you, “Jesus, you really take this fitness stuff seriously.”
“Well, it’s not different from you taking campaigns seriously.”
Eddie chuckled but quickly stopped when he suddenly remembered how he treated you recently.
“Listen sweetheart,” Eddie began to speak, as he put his hand on top of yours. “I don’t deserve to have you looking after me.”
You silently gazed at him for a moment before telling him. “Well, it was my fault that you ended up in hospital.”
“No it wasn’t. I let my guard down, sweetheart. I only did the trial so I could try and win you back.”
“Win me back?” Suddenly, you moved your hand from under his own, as you continued to tell him, “Eddie, I wasn’t even yours in the first place. You were besotted with Samantha, remember? And before her, there was Tracy, Clare, and Lauren. Not to mention that you had a crush on Chrissy-“
“Exactly, I had a crush on Chrissy, and that was back in middle school. And I stopped liking those other girls after I saw them picking on you. As for Samantha, it was never gonna happen.”
You silently looked at him, as he explained, “She told me that even if she was single, she wouldn’t date me, especially after the way I treated you.”
Eddie sighed before he began to apologise, “Look...I’m sorry that I’ve been an asshole to you recently. It’s just, after I rejected you, I started to regret it. And then you spent less time with us and more on doing those classes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you found something that made you happy. I guess I was just...bitter.”
Before you could say anything, Eddie got up from his seat and went into his room.
You followed him, finding him rummaging through his closet when his picked up a small box.
“Eddie,” you began to speak.
“Relax, it’s very light,” Eddie replied as he turned to you and passed the box to you.
You looked at him with confusion as Eddie told you, “I was gonna give it to you after the class, but uh...Anyway, you can open it.”
You put the box down on the bed, and opened it, revealing a small teddy bear in a Hellfire shirt. As you picked it up, you noticed something else inside the box too. Eddie took it out for you, revealing a new Hellfire shirt in your favourite colour.
“I know you said that you’re not part of Hellfire anymore, but I, well....we want you to have it.”
“Thank you, Eddie.”
“Although, we would like it if you came back. It’s not the same without you,” Eddie told you, as you looked at the shirt, before turning your attention to the teddy bear, when Eddie said, “I thought I would make use of your old shirt.”
You smiled before you looked up at Eddie’s doe eyes, when he asked you, “Can I ask you something?”
You silently nodded, before Eddie began to ask, “Would you’ve told me how you felt if I didn’t make that bet with you guys?”
You sighed, before replying, “To be honest...I wasn’t sure if I was going to confess to you at all.”
Eddie gazed at you with confusion, before you explained, “Whenever I split up with somebody or get rejected by a guy I like, I get into this vicious cycle. I would stay in bed for days, not wanting to do anything or I would just eat and eat until I would get sick.”
You sat on his bed, holding onto your bear, as you continued to explain. “The last time I was in that cycle, I confessed to a guy called Daniel. Do you know what he did?” You looked up at Eddie as you told him, “He laughed. He and his friends laughed, right in my face.”
“Shit,” Eddie said as he sat next to you. “When was this?”
“This was...about three months before I met you guys. So, over a year ago.”
Eddie bit his lip, as you told him, “That’s why I didn’t confess to you until that day. Then, it nearly happened again, after you rejected me. But something in the back of my mind told me not to do it.”
You both sat in silence, as Eddie was processing what you told him. He now knew how hard your worked to break your cycle.
He cleared his throat, before he began to speak, “Listen, I don’t want to say or do anything that would ruin all of your hard work, but could you tell me how you feel about me?”
You silently stared at him for a moment, when Eddie said, looking down at his feet, “Unless you’re now into someone like McKinney-“
Eddie looked up at you, when you said, “I mean, I don’t like Patrick in that way. He’s nice and all, but I don’t have feelings for him.”
“Oh, I thought you two would-“
“Get together? I doubt he would be interested in me, especially after I nearly knocked him out with that soccer ball.”
Eddie chuckled, when you confessed, “I told you that I liked you as more than a friend, but that wasn’t strictly true.”
Eddie furrowed his brows, when you continued to confess, “The truth is...I love you.”
Eddie gaped, when you admitted, “I’ve been in love with you for ages, Eddie. I couldn’t tell you that in front of the guys because I couldn’t bear the teasing. Besides, you said it yourself, you don’t like me in that way-“
Suddenly, you were cut off by Eddie cupping your face and planting a kiss on your lips. Your eyes widened as Eddie continued to kiss you.
Suddenly, you pushed a confused Eddie away. “I don’t get it,” Eddie began to speak. “You just told me that you love me-“
“I know Eddie,” you interrupted. “But you didn’t have to do it.”
“Do what?”
“Kiss me out of pity-“
“That wasn’t pity. I told you before, I regretted rejecting you.” He continued to speak as he stroked your cheek. “Sweetheart, knowing how hard you worked to break your cycle had got me thinking.”
He chewed his bottom lip, before he continued, “It’s time that I broke mine.”
You furrowed your brows, when Eddie told you, “Instead of pining over cheerleaders or any other girls that I don’t stand a chance with, I should take my chances with someone who really wants to be with me. What do you say?”
You sighed, as you moved his hand away, “Look Eddie, this is going to take more than a couple of gifts, a kiss and a romantic speech to win me over,” you told him, as you put down the teddy bear on the bed. “You were a real dick to me.”
You stood up, about to leave the room when Eddie grabbed your hand as he replied. “I know, I know.” He then stood up and hugged you as he continued to speak. “And I’m really sorry. I don’t expect you to forgive me for that. But just give me the word, and I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”
You sighed and reciprocated the hug, as you thought what he and the others could do to make it up to you.
“There is something. But it can wait until you’ve fully recovered.”
A week later, Eddie had recovered and returned to school. You told him that you had something special for Hellfire, as you had decided to return to the club.
However, you told them to meet you at the gymnasium instead of the auditorium.
As soon as the Hellfire boys walked into the gymnasium, they had no idea what horrors were waiting for them.
“What the hell is this?” Mike asked as Eddie dropped his metal lunchbox, before quickly picking it up. Thankfully, none of the contents fell out.
In the middle of the gymnasium were a few gym equipments.
You greeted them, wearing your new Hellfire shirt, as you stood in front of the white board and foldable table, “This, gentlemen...”
You moved to the side, revealing a list of exercises. “Is a special Hellfire bootcamp class.”
“D1... one lap around the gymnasium,” Dustin read aloud.
“D2... two generals,” Lucas read aloud.
As they all read the board, Gareth noticed the final exercise, “D20....twenty...burpees?!”
The boys groaned, when you told them, “Robert gave me permission to use the equipments from the gym, so please don’t damage them.”
“I should’ve expected something like this when you told me that you had a surprise for us,” Eddie chuckled.
“Well, you said that you wanted to make it up to me,” you retorted. “Well you can. All of you in fact.”
“But why us too?” Mike asked. “We weren’t assholes to you.”
“True, but you all did nominate me to confess my feelings to someone,” you told him as you approached him. “So, consider it your punishment.”
You then turned around to walk to the board, with your hands behind your back, rolling a D20 dice in one hand, as you announced, “However, if one of you wins, you’ll be rewarded.”
“What kind of reward?” Jeff asked.
You turned to face them, before telling them, “Can be anything. Ice cream for a month on me, a new Nintendo game...”
“A trip to New York?” Gareth asked.
You glared at him, as you told him, “Don’t push your luck.”
Gareth looked down at his feet, as you told everyone, “Right, get changed and then we can get started.”
A few moments later, the boys were standing in their gym clothes, panting after running a lap around the gymnasium for a warmup. They were drinking some water provided by you, as they listened to your instructions, “So, you guys will have ten minutes to do the exercises as quickly as possible. You will roll the D20 dice and whatever number you will get, you will do the exercise that matches with the number.”
You quickly showed them the exercises, before telling them, “I would show alternative exercises, but that would be cheating.”
The boys moaned while you continued to give instructions. “Once you’ve completed an exercise, you will receive points. So doing a lap will count as one point, generals count as two points and so on. Everyone understand?”
The boys nodded, before you placed the D20 dice on the table and told them, as you set up an alarm on your watch, “Get ready in three...two...one...Go!”
Dustin was the first to roll, getting eleven. As he started doing squat jumps, Lucas rolled, getting fifteen before doing press-ups. Not long after, Gareth and Grant did a lap around the gymnasium, while Jeff did eight deadlifts, as well as Mike doing three tuck jumps. Finally, Eddie did twenty burpees.
Halfway through, Lucas was in the lead while Eddie was close to second. You were surprised that Eddie was in the top three, along with Dustin.
“Five more minutes! Keep it going!” You shouted. “Mike! Gareth! No dawdling!”
After Eddie completed eighteen kettle bell swings, he took a sip of bottled water from the table as he rolled the dice, landing on twenty.
He had put the bottle down, before he started doing burpees.
Like the rest of the boys, Eddie was getting tired. But he was determined to win, not for just any reward. But for you.
To your surprise, Eddie finished doing burpees quickly.
“For someone who hates exercise, Eddie’s doing well,” you chuckled to yourself. After Gareth rolled six and started doing tyre flips, Eddie quickly rolled, as you heard him mutter, “Twenty...twenty...”
Eddie rolled nineteen.
“Close enough,” you told him, as he made his way to a barbell and started doing ground to airs.
“You’ve now got under two minutes!” You shouted.
You heard some of the boys groan, before telling them, “Come on! Push through it!”
After completing ground to air, Eddie ran quickly ran to roll the dice, which landed on twenty again.
Immediately, he did burpees again.
“You’ve now got thirty seconds to go! Keep moving!” You shouted.
After the boys were finishing the exercises, you shouted, “Three...two...one...rest!”
Some of the boys collapsed from exhaustion, as you started counting points.
“Dude, that was brutal,” Gareth groaned.
“I can’t feel my butt,” Mike moaned, as he got off the bike.
The boys went up to the board, as you continued to add a few more points. “So, who won?” Dustin asked.
As you finished counting, you informed them, “According to the board, the one with the most points is Lucas...”
“Yes!” Lucas gleefully cried. “I can take Max to see Kate Bu-“
“And Eddie.” You interrupted.
The boys gaped before Lucas and Eddie yelled, “What?!”
“It’s a tie,” you told them, as you put the marker down.
“So what now?” Eddie asked.
“Do we have to do it again?” Lucas asked.
“No, but you will need to do a sudden death,” you explained. “You two will have to do a squat hold. The person who can hold their squat the longest will be the winner.”
You started setting up the timer as Eddie and Lucas prepared themselves.
You started the timer, as the two boys started to do squat holds.
A minute had passed. Eddie and Lucas were breathing rapidly, trying to hold their squats, when a confused Max came in.
“What’s going on?” She asked Dustin and Mike, as she took off her headphones. “I thought you guys had Hellfire-“
The two boys shushed her, as Lucas repeated, “Gotta get those Kate Bush tickets. Gotta get those Kate Bush tickets.”
“Keep dreaming, Sinclair,” Eddie chuckled. “I’m gonna win.”
Suddenly, Jason and the jocks, as well as Chrissy and Samantha walked in. Jason spotted Lucas, as he called out, “There you are, Sinclair. We need to...What’s going on here?”
The jocks looked at the gym equipment, as Jason scolded, “Hey! We’ve got to practice. Get out-“
“Will you shut up?!” Dustin shouted. “They’re in a middle of a sudden death.”
As Eddie and Lucas still held their squats, Andy was about to pick up a barbell, when you started to threaten him, “Touch that barbell and I’ll stick it where the sun don’t shine.”
Patrick turned to Andy and told him, “I’d listen to her if I were you.”
A few more minutes had past, and the boys were struggling through with their squat holds.
Jason was looking at his watch, waiting for them to stop when suddenly, Lucas groaned as he slowly stood up and rubbed his thighs, “I give up...I give up.”
Eddie was still in a squat hold position, when Dustin told him, “Eddie, you can stop now.”
Eddie didn’t listen to what he said, as he was focused on holding his squat.
Jason huffed as he grabbed the basketball from Chance and threw it at Eddie, hitting him in the chest.
Eddie stumbled and fell back.
“Eddie,” you cried, as you knelt down, before helping him up.
As he got to his feet, an angry Eddie picked up the basketball and threw it back at Jason.
“Jesus Christ, Carver!” He stomped towards Jason as he scolded him. “What did you do that for? I was so close to winning, and you ruined it-“
“You won, freak!” Jason shouted.
Eddie slowly moved back, as he asked, “What?”
“You won, Eddie,” Chrissy said, smiling at him.
“It’s true,” Lucas confirmed, as Eddie turned to him. “You beat me.”
Eddie turned to you, waiting for confirmation, as you smiled.
“The winner of the Hellfire bootcamp is Eddie the Banished!” You announced, before nearly everyone started cheering and clapping.
“I won?” A dumbfounded Eddie asked himself.
He started grinning, as he shouted, raising both arms in the air, “I won! I really won!”
He immediately lowered his arms, before running up to you and wrapping his arms around you.
He spun you around, laughing rambunctiously. You giggled, as he stopped spinning you and put you down.
“Well, have you thought about what you want as a reward?” You asked him, as Eddie had let go of you.
He nodded before replying, “Yeah, I have.”
He suddenly cupped your face as he leaned in to kiss you.
You gasped, as he continued to kiss you. Deciding not to resist any longer, you closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his waist as you reciprocated the kiss, while the cheers continued.
Eddie pulled away as the cheers died down, when you asked him, “Was that what you wanted?”
Eddie shook his head, before telling you, “Not just that.”
As he moved his hands from your face, he told you while he held both of your hands, “I meant what I said before, about breaking my cycle.”
Eddie turned his head as he started coughing, before he continued, “And I really hope that doing this bootcamp has proved how serious I am about us. Otherwise, you might as well call an ambulance for my poor heart.”
You rolled your eyes, as you giggled. “You’re so dramatic, Eddie.”
You gave him a peck on the cheek, before telling him, “But that’s one of the reasons why I love you.”
“So...” Eddie began to ask you. “Does that mean that you’ll be my girlfriend?”
You silently smiled at him when you heard Jason shout, “Just give him an answer already so we can practice!”
Suddenly, Chrissy elbowed Jason, causing him to wince.
Eddie chuckled before turning back to you. “Well?” Eddie asked you. “Will you be my girlfriend, Sweetheart?”
You suddenly let go of his hands, before cupping his face, pulling him in for a passionate peck.
“Yes. I will,” you replied, as you smiled at him.
Eddie smiled back, before leaning in to kiss you, as he wrapped his arms around your waist, while the Hellfire club, Max, Chrissy and Samantha clapped and cheered. Even Patrick and Chance clapped for you both. Jason reluctantly clapped while Andy just walked away, as he gagged, “Eugh! Come find me when this is over.”
Eddie gave you another kiss, before holding you close to him.
“Eddie?” You whispered in his ear.
“Yes sweetheart?” He replied.
“You really need to shower,” you giggled.
Eddie chuckled as he held you tightly, knowing that he was never going to let you go again.
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redbelles · 5 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by: the wonderful @carry-the-sky 💖
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i don't ever really abandon old fandoms, but so far 2024 has been all berserk (nothing posted yet, unforch) and masters of the air
4. top five fics by kudos
like a heartbeat drives you mad
the dreadful need in the devotee
and my body found the wind
stuck in colder weather
all the love you need
5. do you respond to comments?
yes! it may take me a hundred million years, but i appreciate each and every comment i get, and i often go back to them for a little jolt of "hey, people actually like your writing!" motivation when i'm stuck
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lmao uh. known angst goblin meg redbelles here, but i honestly didn't have to do much work to the canon endings of robert baratheon (the clouds will form a crown) or judas iscariot (in the violence of our dreams) to make them even more horrifically angsty, so. one of those, probably!
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i don't tend to go for out and out happy endings—i prefer bittersweet—but i feel like the answer is either the mercy wheel, which fixes dany’s gabarge season eight character arc, or tongue’s talkin’ riddles (sticky sweet), which gives chrissy and eddie a mostly happy future together instead of horrible deaths in deeply cursed hawkins
and! for what it's worth! the chimneys hardly ever fall down is going to end on a happy note! they're just going to have to Suffer a lot to get there! it's fine!
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut?
me, currently 3k into a m/m/f threesome scene:
Tumblr media
10. craziest crossover:
i enjoy spitballing about crossovers, but i doubt very seriously that i'll ever write one
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of, no
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
i've had offers before, but i've declined every time; they all wanted to host the translations outside of AO3, which is not something i'm comfortable with
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep! keep calling me home is a really fun little round robin fic i wrote with three other authors a couple years ago
14. all time favorite ship?
i can't read suddenly.gif
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. what are your writing strengths?
imagery, emotion, themes, dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot? never heard of her. also, i feel like i still suck at writing humor
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
to crib from a previous answer: unless you speak the language, it gets real dicey real fast. i personally avoid it unless a) it’s a canonical term/phrase, like all the faux-russian bullshit in the grisha trilogy, or b) i can check the grammar/usage with a native speaker or someone who is solidly fluent
19. first fandom you wrote in?
[redacted] way back ages ago on [redacted]
20. favorite fic you've written?
recency bias talking here, but i am so, so, so fond of the chimneys hardly ever fall down; i challenged myself to write the first chapter as one continuous scene (i feel like i sometimes abuse scene breaks to heighten tension), and honestly i think i nailed it. also, this sequence:
Maybe he is drunk. That would make sense. He’s going to wake up and find himself alone at the bottom of a bottle. Back in the cold blue, Fort shot to shit and tumbling from the sky like a wounded bird, trailing fire and screaming as she falls. Maybe he won’t wake up at all— maybe he’s dead in a potato field, a ghost who never made it back in the first place. His heart can’t fucking take it.
like, i'm sorry, but that's brutal! and i am so proud of it!
tagging: @sluttyhenley @littlelindentree @oatflatwhite @meyerlansky @ladywaffles
@charmtion @anthropologicalhands @jacyevans @thatworldinverted @thatgirlnevershutsup
and anyone elso who wants a go ✨
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Eddie's bisexuality in this ship is a prime example of bi-erasure. 🗣📣
Rant under the cut. If you know Eddie is bisexual and you accept it, this is not for you.
The reason that I want people to stop erasing Eddie's sexuality is that if Steve is bisexual then he wouldn't be alone. Look, Robin knows what it's like to be queer. She knows what's it's like to be a lesbian. She, however, does not know what it's like to like both genders, to be judged and erased by your own community. Not only would it be nice for Eddie to have that, but it would also be nice for Steve to have that, too. I mean, someone that is his own age, you know. It's nice to have Vickie but you fuckers want to erase her too. It's hard, as a bisexual, when you erase Eddie's sexuality and try to erase a bisexual canon love interest. It's hard not to feel like you hate bisexuals. Even the way that some of you guys write Steve as if he's just been confused this entire time. It just doesn't seem like bisexuals are welcome on this site, sometimes. Like I get that you want your favorite character to be gay but his sexuality is practically dancing in front of you naked, you want to shut your eyes to it. I think some of you have no choice but to admit that Steve might be bisexual because his interest in women was even more obvious than Eddie's crush on Chrissy. Don't get me started on Grace Van Dien's treatment and how her character is treated. Grace Van is bisexual and she's treated like shit, so is Amybeth McNulty. God, Steve Harrington, is treated like shit continuously when his feelings are put aside constantly in favor of everyone else's, and it's written like that in fanfiction, too. Just admit that some of you guys hate bisexuals. I mean, Joseph Quinn played him ambiguously bisexual. Joseph Quinn has said many times that if Chrissy had lived, then something would have happened between them. And he was clearly flirting with Steve, too. You noticed how some bisexuals haven't done the same to you fuckers? In fact, they end up writing Eddie as gay because it's more widely accepted. Bi erasure sucks and I know some of you don't intend to do it, but you guys are erasing Eddie's sexuality. It's a headcanon that Eddie's gay and you can write about it all you want, but every once in a while, it would be nice if some of you awknowledge that Eddie is bisexual. Some of you say that Eddie doesn't feel that way to you, but I guarantee you that if you said that to a real bisexual, it would hurt them.
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