brave-clarice · 4 years
“Clarice” Liveblog: Episode 3
Maybe Wednesday is just destined to be my watch night? At any rate, here are some more comically late hot takes for you all.
I really do not like that Clarice’s Bureau-mandated therapist is recurring character, nor do I like the way these scenes are framed.
And the name of this episode is “Are You Alright?” which...oop.
“He was a marshal.” Good to know that the sheriff BS she gave Mr. Cult Leader was made up after all.
This is a little thing, but enough with the boring monochromatic button-ups on Clarice! Where’s my girl who hides copies of Vogue under her mattress??
I don’t love this constant-flashback thing one bit.
To be 100% clear, if I haven’t been already, it’s not that I want Clarice’s mental health to be ignored. I just don’t think this is the best or most in-character way to address it.
Also: Clarice Starling is not defined by her trauma.
“Buffalo Bill...a wound I believe will never heal unless you open up about it.” Honestly?
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Thanks, I hate it!
I hate to even bring up the NBC show.....but this scene is reminding me, intensely and unpleasantly, of that.
That show made Will Graham way too unstable and mentally ill as it is...and Clarice’s character is a hell of a lot stronger than book!Will, never mind NBC!Will. So having Clarice hallucinate and lash out in similar ways feels really OOC.
“Maybe your perceptions aren’t as solid as you think.” Yay, gaslighting. As if Clarice doesn’t face enough obstacles in the books.
I’ve always interpreted Ardelia as a bit of a neat freak, so that was a nice scene with the boxes!
Were most politicians wearing American flag pins in the early 90s? That feels way too modern. (iirc it became the “norm” only after 9/11.)
“Imagine someone field-dressing one of [your daughters] like a deer.” I’m getting strong and very unwelcome NBC vibes again. Stop it, show!
More gaslighting, but this time from the suspect.
“Well, I’m Army, so I’m actually a good shot.” For some reason this feels like shade at ex-Marine John Brigham even though he doesn’t exist in this show, and I’m offended on his behalf.
Speaking of, when is Clarice’s sharpshooting talent going to come up??
Krendler’s supporting Clarice? Saying she has a good idea???? WHO IS THIS GUY?!
The implication here is that...the president will fire AG Martin over bad press...? Or what?
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What I’m getting from this: this Krendler is just some guy who hapens to have the same name, not the infamous King Scumbag we know and love to hate. (And those clothes...1993, where are you?!?)
Ardelia called her “Starling”! Though it was tongue-in-cheek.
“I’m aware I have the palate of an eight-year-old.” Somewhere, Hannibal is dying inside. (Hmm...wasn’t she about eight when her father was killed?)
This line/delivery was super cute!
But being unable to cook doesn’t necessarily mean you have unsophisticated tastes...
Is Catherine going to have any kind of personality? Beyond “is traumatized”?
And where is Catherine’s cat???
“It’s from the 50s.” “I’m from the 50s! ...I still work.” Cuuute.
Her sheepish little smile when the Baltimore cop tells her they’re “big fans” of hers...I would die for this girl, folks.
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Hey, remember phone books?! And a nice nod to Ardelia being the bookish one of the pair.
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Another homage to Silence’s cinematography (but this time she’s the reflection).
Krendler’s back in Asshole Boss mode again. Make up your minds.
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Thanks, I still hate it!
Okay, yes Clarice has a temper! And she does act “impulsively” re: Krendler in Hannibal...at the END of her by-then failed career. But a fledgling female agent who’s already viewed as a kind of “loose cannon” could NOT afford to chuck a mug full of coffee at her boss (with whom she’s already butting heads/struggling to coexist) when she’s upset! Very unprofessional and unlike Clarice.
“You think I’m the one who wants to play politics?” In Hannibal, Krendler wants to run for Congress, so...yeah, I do.
Krendler wouldn’t be wrong to send Clarice home after that, tbh.
“He thinks I’m the weak link.” “You might be.” *angry noises*
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Busting through doors while armed: Just Clarice Things
Krendler telling Clarice she was right...his characterization’s giving me whiplash.
Catherine’s not an actual character so far, and it’s sad.
Glad they’re acknowledging that AG Martin’s “field-dressing” comments were incredibly bad.
“I think I have some memories I need to look at...but not with you.” Oh! Oh! I know who she’s going to look at them with! ;)
“You’re trying to gaslight me, sir.” Not sure they would’ve used that term as commonly in the early 90s, though Clarice has a therapy license, so maybe?
But also: yes! CALL! HIM! OUT!
“I wish you luck finding someone who’s better at it than I am.” *shrieks* That is a Hannibal reference, and I’ll fight anyone who says it isn’t.
I’ve liked all these episodes more than my nit-picking might suggest, I swear. I enjoyed the middle half hour or so of this one a lot! It’s got a few charming little funny moments that I particularly appreciated. 
That said... This was, as a whole, probably Rebecca Breeds’ weakest showing to date (through no fault of her own). And I’m getting a little antsy about (lack of) character development. I’m on board with exploring Ardelia and Catherine Martin in greater depth...but Ruth Martin, too--even Krendler? And seemingly at the expense of Clarice’s own character?
What do the non-book readers in the audience really know about Clarice so far beyond what’s shown in Silence? (Some early interviews emphasized that the film didn’t have time to delve into Clarice’s character intimately. What has the show done to remedy that so far...?) She likes junk food, she has a brother...I can’t think of much else off the top of my head. Not to be a broken record, but there’s more to Clarice than childhood trauma. More than her career. If this show is genuinely about her--well, by episode 3 and 4, it’s high time for them to start exploring who she is beyond those things.
Clarice is a sharpshooter who competes and wins. She’s a runner. She loves horses and muscle cars. She has a therapy license. She graduated at the top of her large undergraduate class. She’s interested in fashion (though she probably doesn’t let on about that to many people). I haven’t seen any of that so far, and it’s beginning to make me sad. 
They also need to end the “Clarice is mentally/emotionally unstable and sometimes even hallucinates” subplot right now!
I’m dropping all my expectations for this Paul Krendler. They won’t commit to making him as intolerable and awful as he was in the books. Instead, we have an OC with a canonical name. Fine. But that choice is going to be awkward if the show goes forward and they, by some miracle, get rights to Hannibal’s character...
If Catherine Martin’s sticking around, I hope to God they give her a personality. Of course she’s suffering, and no, I don’t want them to belittle that--but right now, she’s coming across as a one-dimensional caricature of a victim rather than as a sympathetic real person.
And finally...where is my 90s aesthetic?! It’s one of the elements that I was most excited about, yet it’s barely present. Some of the tech and the cars look right. A lot of the clothes and hairstyles, though, leave much to be desired. (Clarice’s wardrobe is especially boring/disappointing so far. I was looking forward to an improvement on Jodie’s movie costumes! Clarice doesn’t have to dress just like Dana Scully--but at least Scully always looked straight out of 199x.) And there are little anachronistic things that take me right out of the early 90s.
I didn’t hate it. I didn’t love it. It wasn’t as exciting or as full of novel/film allusions as the first two (I guess they can’t all be). It also felt unfocused when it came to the characters, ultimately developing almost none of them, including the heroine. This is the episode I think I’m least likely to rewatch of the first three. 
I’m hoping for better from #4!
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topherfoxtrot · 3 years
One day in the simple life of Jack Daniels.
This is the next installment in what I'm calling the Springville AU. You can read the first part here but basically John and Olivia move to the countryside with new identities post tfatws. This was written before the finale so nothing that happens there affect this fic. As always like comment and share if you want more people to read it. Hope you enjoy :)
John and Olivia woke up with the alarm clock at 7am. Olivia was the one to turn it off because it was at her side of the room. She sat in the bed and stretched without opening her eyes entirely quite yet. John's big hands crossed her back and neck swiftly. Olivia has no choice besides falling back into bed.
"Good morning." John whispered right next to her ear.
"Waking up in a good mood?"
"It's been a while huh?"
They both laughed.
"Stay here." John pleaded.
Olivia smiled and pressed herself against John before letting go and getting up for once.
"You know I can't. Otherwise how are the kids going to understand Romeo and Juliet?"
"That's the play of the week?"
"Of the month!" Olivia laughed "There's no way they could read all those pages in seven days."
"If they attended to school on our days they would be obliterated."
"Okay boomer." Olivia shrugged.
"The kids taught me that."
"What does it mean?" John was embarrassed but curious.
"Well, I guess you'll have to Google it to find out."
Olivia left the room with a proud smile on her face before John could say anything else. He laid his head again and took a deep breath. I love this woman, he muttered to himself before getting up.
Their house was small. Without the veteran benefits and Olivia's paycheck there wasn't anything fancy they could afford. Still, the house was cozy enough. And the thermoregulator worked out just fine, most of the time.
While Olivia was taking a shower John started preparing breakfast like the usually did. That way Olivia could get at school on time. He put the bread in the toaster and broke four eggs, two for each of them. They used to have bacon as well, but not on those trying times. Thinking about it made John angry. He was the only person to receive three medals of honor for his services in all american history. Yet there he was not having bacon for breakfast because it was too damn expansive.
The toaster sound interrupted his thoughts before they could get any worse, but the handle of the pan still got a little crooked because of the strength John applied on it unconsciously. It has been a couple months since he got the serum but sometimes it was still hard to control his own strength.
At least it was just a pan this time. Couples weeks prior he grabbed Olivia way too hard during sex. She warned him before any damage could be done but since then John has been extra cautious around her. Every little thing in his routine was a reminder he took the serum. A reminder he couldn't save Lemar. A reminder he was not the hero they wanted him to be. It's all so unfair, he said out loud without realizing it.
"What is unfair Johnny?" Olivia came from their room all dressed up already. Her shirt was red and her scarf was brown. The overall was by the door, near the photographs they kept from their previous lives.
"What? Oh nothing! I was just... thinking out loud."
While Olivia was distracted getting the breads, John untwisted the handle of the fan. He then served her the eggs.
"Those look good! But what were you thinking about?"
"About how pretty my wife is!" John sat by the small table.
Olivia's smile was short. She quickly shifted to a serious and worried face.
"You can talk to me John. In fact, you have to." She was kind but firm.
John took a deep breath, "I know, I'm sorry. it's unfair how it all turned out. I did my best, you know I did-"
"I know that!" Olivia reassured.
"...and still it wasn't enough for them. They don't know what it takes to be a hero, Olivia."
"That's all in the past. We are different people now. Okay, Jack?" She winked at him.
"Oh yeah! That's right Maria!"
They both laughed.
"You're the real hero here." John said, "Thank you for staying on my side."
Olivia smiled from ear to ear and they both finished their breakfast in a good tone. When Olivia got up John walked with her. She entered their car and John stayed at the door while she drove away. The air was cold and the snow was still shy, but not for long.
There was nothing on their front yard except grass. There was a rod on the wall near the door but there was not flag on it. When they moved in John tored the flag to shreds. Afterwards they made a fire with it. It was really cathartic.
John breathed the cold air one last time before getting in and closing the door. He took a cold shower (the only one he knew how to take) and did the dishes from last night. With Olivia working at the school he was responsable for most house chores. He didn't like the idea of being alone the whole day at the beginning, but he had to get used to it eventually. Someone had to work and John's set of military skills proved to be quite useless in the countryside small town they scaped to.
He tried construction for a while but he would twist metals and break woods with his bare hands more often then he would like to admit. Besides even though he had a thick beard now he was still scared someone would recognize him. Recognize Captain America.
He left the job, he and Olivia had a big fight that night. In the midst of his own shame and self loathe though John figured there was indeed something he was good at: welding. And with his super strength it was even easier to handle the right tools. John worked the whole night and by the morning when Olivia woke up she met John sleeping in the spare room (the one for the kid they never had) with a heart shaped welding sculpture on his arms. Since that night John has found a new passion and income. The word spread fast that Jack Daniels, the newcomer, was a really skilled artist. He started doing pieces by demand.
After the shower John dressed casual clothes and went to his work room. There were still some leftovers from last night so he could work a little more instead of cooking lunch. The heart sculpture was on the wall right next to the clock. John worked until 1 pm. After lunch he did some laundry before someone knocked at the door.
"Are you Mr Daniels?" The old man asked.
"Just call me Jack, please. How can I help you sir?"
"Oh nothing special!" he made effort to talk "My boy is coming back from his first tour and I wanted to give him something y'know 'to thank him for his service', as they say."
John's face went completely blank while the man got a cellphone from his pocket to show a reference photo of what he wanted: a worm carrying a bazooka.
"First tour, you say..?" John's voice cracked.
"Yes, he went to Afghanistan!"
John swallowed and blinked more times then he should. The cold breeze from outside made his bones shiver but he stayed still as if he was actually frozen. Not by the cold though but by his own memories. After what seemed like an eternity's the old man spoke again.
"Are you okay Mr Daniels?"
"Jack!" John blinked, "Call me Jack. And please get in it's super cold outside! What's your name again?"
"It's David!"
John offered a cup of coffee to the old man and took him to his work room. David looked at all of John's previous works fascinated.
"You really know your way around welding. When did you start with it?"
"My father taught me. It was the last thing he taught me in fact."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"Don't be." John smiled politely "That was a lifetime ago."
Speaking about his life before Springville was starting to feel weird. John Walker was starting to feel like a whole different person. And Captain America was somehow an even older memory. John used to spend his days surrounded by men and women in unforms. They spoke loud and smiled bright. Jack on the other hand spends his days welting metal around and taking care of the house.
The change was abrupt but John was getting used to it. Now he wonders if forgetting his old life isn't actually a good thing. Maybe that was the problem in the first place. In Springville John gets to spend time home with his wife. John gets to wake up late if so he pleases. John gets to breath for once.
David and John talked for a while to set prices and sizes and deadlines. Once they were finished John walked David out. When the old man finally left John sighed really loud and pressed his head softly against the door. He had being holding that breath even since David entered the house.
John was done with the military (or rather the military were done with him) and even though he had some peace at his new home the world outside was still spinning. And young boys with no perspective were still being sent to fight someone else's wars. John used to take such proud of his service. How could he?
When Olivia got home from work John was at his room. The work was a good distraction.
"A lot of work?" Olivia leaned at the door.
"Hi, babe. Yeah an old man came here earlier. Requested a piece for his son."
"That's great! What did he order?"
"A video game thing. His son.... He's coming back, y'know.. from his first tour. They sent him to Afghanistan."
"Oh my gosh John." She got closer to him, "How are you feeling?"
John just shrugged, "Do you mind making dinner tonight? I'm kind of busy here." That was code for 'I don't wanna talk right now'.
"Yeah, of course. I'll let you work."
Olivia kissed her husband and left to take a shower. Dinner was served at seven. They both sat at the small table while the television showed the news. When Captain America Sam Wilson showed up Olivia quickly grabbed the remote to change channels, but John slightly hold her hand.
"Leave it." He said. And she did.
Sam was visiting a highschool. The kids were all really excited to meet him personally. There were lots of selfies and lots of laughter. Sam was simply the life of any party he was in.
"He's a hero." John said.
"He really is." Olivia agreed, carefully studying John's face.
He looked at the television for a while before getting back to his dinner. A good hero, he repeated to himself as an effort to let that sink. Olivia touched his hand kind of worried.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, yes I'm alright, Olivia." He smiled to make her feel better, "I've been thinking. Sam is with them, but he's them. He can inspire kids without making them do the same mistakes I did."
"It's a good way of looking at it, John."
"Thanks. I was the hero they asked for but maybe wasn't the hero they-" he pointed at the kids on the TV, "...the hero they need."
Olivia smiled and grabbed John's hand. "I'm really proud of you."
"I'm proud of us!" John replied, their fingers intertwined.
They finished dinner and went to sleep. Tomorrow would be another day in simple life of Jack and Maria Daniels. And they were both really greatful for it.
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Survey #407
“sugar pop, sugar pop, baby here i come, straight to #1″
Do you follow any special diet? (dairy free, vegetarian, gluten free etc.) No. What’s your favourite summer activity? Swimming is all I really enjoy about summer. Who was the first person to break your heart? It wasn't in a romantic sense obviously, but my dad. First band you obsessed about? I've only ever *truly* been obsessed with Ozzy Osbourne as a band, haha. First place someone took you on a date? I want to say a local skating rink. It was a group thing. How many doors are in the room you’re in? Two, if you include the closet door. Has anyone ever drawn a picture of you? Yes. Do you have any nieces or nephews? Quite a few. Which movie villain do you find the most terrifying? Well, if you've seen the scene where Pyramid Head literally rips a woman's skin off like a sheet in Silent Hill... u kno. I genuinely do find him to be a terrifying monster though, all bias aside. Humanoid monsters with ambiguous faces unsettle me. I wouldn't want that knife swingin at me, either. Do you get grumpy when you’re hungry? Yuuuup, I sure can. Do you stick your tongue out often in pictures? I have done that maybe twice in my whole life. Which one of your family members are you closest to? My mom. If chocolate was an illegal drug - would you be a drug addict? Nah. I'd be able to survive if it was illegal, but it would suck. Are you proud of your parents? Yes in some areas, no in some others. There are things both have said and/or done that I can't say I'm proud of them for, but overall, I am. Do you say “soda” or “pop”? "Soda." Are you shy about singing in front of people? YUP. I just don't do it. If you could get backstage tickets to ANY concert - which would you pick? Ozzy. :') It'd be fantastic to tell him thank you for his music that has always brought me joy and comforted me, and also let him know for sure just how strong he is and that it is absolutely not overlooked to still be nailing out an album while fighting Parkinson's. I'd probably start blubbering like a baby while rambling at some point, haha. Which is better: orange or grape soda? Orange. I don't like grape soda. Do you sleep with a sleep mask? Well, you could sort of call it that, ha ha. I have to wear an APAP mask to subdue my sleep apnea that causes wild nightmares/terrors. Do you like techno music? It's actually grown on me the past few months. Have you ever been drunk? No, I've never quite reached that point. I've only been tipsy. Are you mad at your best friend right now? Nope, got no reason to be. Do you know anybody with a pet snake? Yes, including myself. Is there any drink that you absolutely MUST drink cold? WATER. ABSOLUTELY WATER. I canNOOOOOOT do room temperature water anymore. It's gotta be pretty damn cold for me to drink it like it's nothin'. Have you ever painted anybody's nails aside from your own? No. Do you ever donate to the less fortunate? Mom likes to donate our old clothes and stuffed animals. Did you buy an American flag after 9/11 to put on your car/house/ whatever? I was a little kid when this happened, so. I don't know if my parents did. Honestly, do you have any Hilary Duff on your MP3 player? HA, I do. I love "Who's That Girl." When was the last time you had an ice cream sandwich? Wow, probably years... I really, really want one now, ha ha. Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf? Well, my sister's friend, anyway. I was just sitting on the computer in the living room and there they were on the couch just casually making out. Do you enjoy doing math? Fuuuuck no. Do you think your mom has secrets she’s never told you? Oh, I know she does. There are things she's done that I know I have plenty of missing details from, but I don't ask because I know they're sensitive subjects. Do you own anything you don’t want your parents to know about? No. Do you pose in your pictures or just smile? I usually just smile. Do you use scented soap in the shower? Yes. It smells like cinnamon rolls and it is HEAVENLY. Did you ever want to be a fashion designer? No. Who was the last person you danced with? Enjoyable? Ha, Sara. Yeah. Dark or light colored jeans? Dark, 100%. I never wore light jeans. Can you take apart a computer and name all the parts? No sir. Can you take apart a car and name all the parts? That's an even bigger "no." Have you ever purchased a lotto ticket? No. What is the longest amount of time you've spent playing Monopoly? Idk. Have you ever witnessed a tornado first-hand? Thank fucking Christ I haven't. I am terrified of them. Have you ever colored your eyebrows? No. Have you ever taken another person's prescribed medication? Pain medicine, yes. Have you ever played golf (not miniature golf)? No. I'm not interested to, either. Have you ever gotten dressed with the windows open? I definitely don't believe so. Have you ever taken a shower outside? At the beach, yes. If you could call it a "shower." Have you ever been to a junkyard? No. Have you ever watched the History Channel willingly? No. If you could get the cell phone of your choice - what would it be? Probably a current iPhone. Apple is such a rip-off, but damn is the camera good lmao. Do you hand out candy to kids on Halloween? This will be my first Halloween in this house, so I really don't know if trick-or-treaters happen here. Do you like huskies? Love 'em, but I could neeeever own one with all that fur. What do you smell like? I'm always self-conscious over if I smell like sweat because of my hyperhidrosis. I hope not. Do you take your dog for walks? I don't have a dog. I used to take Teddy when he was younger, though. He loved those, but I stopped when I noticed his arthritis kicking in. Have you ever went paintballing? No. Seems stupid to me, honestly... Like that shit seems painful, so like, why??? What kind of movies are you drawn to? Horror and fantasy, mostly. I don't watch movies often. How often do you update your Facebook status? Just about never because I either just have nothing to say or am afraid of saying something stupid. I only ever share posts or pictures that appeal to me. What type of pet would you like to have? A Brazilian Black tarantula. :( I will whine about that until the day I get one, ha ha. I would also really, really like a plains hognose and a woma python. What breakfast are you most likely to have? Cereal. When you're starting to feel sick, you: It depends on what kind of "sick," but odds are I'm heading for the medicine cabinet. What colors are you most drawn to? Pastel ones. :') Light and pretty. What deadly sin are you most likely to commit? Sloth. When you're away from home, what makes you feel at home? "Having my stuff with me, like my laptop." <<<< Same. Do you prefer to lounge in a hot tub or swim in a pool? Swim. How many books do you have out in the public areas of your house? None. Who makes a better burger, in your opinion? Sonic. @_@ What do you like best about the holidays? Seeing my niece and nephew so excited. You think your eyes convey: Boredom, probably. Besides screaming for ice cream, what else do you scream for? If a bug surprises me by being on me. Well, depending on the bug. Do you like fried chicken? Noooo, it is so gross to me. What do you think of belly button piercings? They are SO cute imo. I want one, but I think it would look hideous on me. Maybe if I was actually thinner. Not saying bigger people can't wear belly button piercings, I just don't think it would look good on me. Do you like plain Lays potato chips? They're my favorite! I especially like the ruffled kind. Is there a big screen television in your house? In the living room, yeah. Would you rather no heat in winter or no A.C in summer? No heat in the winter, EASILY. I can't handle no A/C when it's hot. At least if you're cold, you can bundle up with tons of blankets. Have you ever had braces? I did for a long time because we couldn't afford to take them off. Do you do your own laundry? No, honestly. Mom likes to just do it all together, so I let her do it. Which do you prefer: English, Irish, or Australian accents? Irish. Is there anything on your bedroom door? Yeah! I got a "Meerkat Lover St." sign for my door. :') What is the best vegetable? Broccoli. Guys in eyeliner: Hot or not? That shit is h o t. Have you ever seen your favorite band live? No. :( Do you drink water or soda more often? Ugh, soda. Did you collect Pokemon cards back in the day? I didn't deliberately, but only because I was awkward about asking for Pokemon stuff because I thought people thought I was weird for being a girl and being obsessed with it. I think I got one pack. I really, really wish I'd been less self-conscious about that passion. Pet turtle: yay or nay? I'm personally not interested. Did anyone famous come from your town/city/school? Yeah, but I'm not sharing who. Have you ever seen a celebrity on the street? No. Have you ever pretended to be sick? To avoid school sometimes, yes. Can you ice skate? Never tried, too scared to. The blades terrify me. Do you have your nose pierced? No, but I want to have it redone. Do you loooove Tim Burton movies? I sure do! What arcade games do you like to play? I haven't been to an arcade in forever... but I liked the racing ones. What's the most expensive gift you've ever gotten for someone else? I'm not sure. Would you rather spend a whole day with your mom, or your dad? At this moment, probably my dad. We haven't hung out in a long time. What would you say if you found out your last ex was in a relationship? I'd be happy for her and tell her she'd better let me know if the person ever fucks up so I can kick some ass, ha ha. Are you easily confused? Very. I'm slow to understand things. Where was your MySpace/Facebook default taken? My bedroom. Can you whistle with your fingers in your mouth? No. I've never understood how that works. Do you like peanut butter? Love it.
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foreverwayward · 5 years
“Wayward Hearts” Season 3 Chapter 10: Jus In Bello
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Summary: After the Devil’s Gate had been opened that fateful night in the graveyard, the hunters are forced to face a new war. Countless demons now run rampant, hungry for blood and power. It’ll take everything the three have to survive when darkness once again knocks on their door. But, with only a year before Dean’s deal comes due, Sam and Riley will stop at nothing to save him; to save their family.
Word Count: 11,581 (Yup. It’s long)
Content Warning: language and violence
DISCLAIMER: any words or phrases in bold in the story are not my own and are credited to the writers of Supernatural.
In Monument, Colorado, the door of a beautiful hotel room quietly opened. As it swung inward, Sam, Riley, and Dean went in with their guns at the ready. Riley shut the entrance behind them as they spread out. 
They then nodded to each other that it was clear and began their search.
The white carpet seemed like new with elegant décor filling the room. Beautiful, and clearly expensive, silk bedding was left unmade. Ivory furniture lightened up the space giving it an airy feel that was nothing like the cheap motel rooms the family was used to.  
Sam went to the large, white armoire to check its contents along with the safe inside. He came up empty as Dean rummaged through the dresser drawers and Riley checked out the bathroom.
“Any sign of it?” Dean asked as he continued to dig through the bureau.
“Nothing.” The younger brother stood from his kneeled position with a sigh. “Are you sure this is Richard’s room?”
As Dean went through the piles of folded clothes, he found a small leather-bound book. The hunter opened it seeing names, titles of priceless items, and transactions. 
Dean flicked through the ledger until a photograph fell onto the floor. He knelt to pick it up as his face fell into a deadpan. Lifting a photo up in front of him, Dean’s tongue pressed into his bottom lip with frustration. “Oh, yeah.” He turned the picture in Sam’s direction. “I’d say so.” It was a photo of Riley that Dean had taken of her sitting on the Impala’s hood. 
“Thought I’d lost this.” Dean nodded with a condescending chuckle. “God, I hate that guy.”
“Bathroom’s clean.” Riley tucked her gun into the waistband of her jeans as Dean put the picture into his jacket pocket. “I dunno, guys. I got a bad feeling.”
Suddenly, the phone rang; it was sitting on the bed almost as if it had been waiting for them. 
The three shared a look before Dean walked to the phone. Sam shook his head with the sickening feeling that trouble was on the other end of that call. But Dean picked up the handle of the rotary phone and answered it cautiously.
“Dean…?” a deep and familiar voice asked. “You there, old friend?”
Dean had forgotten how irritated he would get just hearing Richard’s voice. “Dick. Where are you?”
“Two states away by now.” The sound of passing traffic echoed through the line.
“Where’s our usual quippy banter? I miss it. Any chance I can speak to Ms. Munroe?”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah, I don’t fuckin’ think so and I want it back, Dick...now.”
“Your little pistol, you mean? Sorry, I can’t at the moment.”
“You understand how many people are gonna die if you do this?”
“What exactly is it that you think I plan to do with it?”
“Take the only weapon we have against an army of demons and sell it to the highest bidder.”
There was a pause and Richard’s tone grew serious. “You know nothing about me.”
“I know I’m gonna stop you.”
“Tough words for a guy who can’t even find me.”
“Oh, I’ll find you. You know why? Because I have absolutely nothing better to do than to track your ass down.” Dean couldn’t help but smile to himself mischievously.
“That’s where you’re wrong. You’re about to be quite occupied.” 
Realizing they were in trouble as Richard continued to talk, Dean shot a worried look at his partners. 
“Did you really think I wouldn’t take precautions? Send Riley my regards.”
As the call ended, a loud crash came from the door as police officers burst into the hotel room, practically breaking the door off its hinges. Their guns were drawn and immediately aimed at the three hunters. “Hands in the air!” 
Sam, Dean, and Riley raised their hands above their heads in surrender with disappointment on their faces. They had been set up.
Another officer shouted, “down on your knees!”
“That son of a bitch,” Dean seethed through his gritted teeth.
“Turn around! Now!” More backup filed in as they grabbed the Winchesters and Riley before forcing them to lie down on the floor. “Sam and Dean Winchester, Riley Munroe, you have the right to remain silent.” From their low view on the ground, a pair of shoes came closer. “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and have an attorney present during any questioning.” 
Their Miranda rights continued to be read as they peered up at the figure above them. It was Agent Victor Henriksen, the FBI agent whose sole focus had been finding the hunters for over a year.
“If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you at government expense.“
With a pleased expression, Henriksen met their gaze. “Hi guys…it’s been a while.”
Sam, Dean, and Riley looked at each other with worry. Dean closed his eyes and laid his head down on the floor as he conceded to the arrest. 
They had been on the run for too long and the law had finally caught up to them.
The police station bullpen was nothing of note, not unlike most small towns’ precincts. Exposed brick made up the walls with state and country flags in the corner.
A meek, young, Asian American girl sat at her secretary’s desk. Nancy was in her early twenties and beautiful with a long braid hanging over her shoulder. Her modesty was obvious and she seemed almost intimidated as Henriksen walked into the police station.
The phones rang as the agent walked around the front desk. He was still in his bulletproof vest over his work attire with a matching FBI jacket. With his radio in his hand, he marched in with an authoritative energy showing he was the one in charge.
Two officers in uniform were waiting for him and one asked, “so, did you get them?”
“Where is everyone?” Henriksen barked. “I asked for all your men.”
Sheriff Melvin Dodd sighed. “And you got them. They went with you on the raid.”
“Four men? That’s all?”
“Everyone I could drum up with an hour’s notice. We’re a small town, Agent Henriksen.”
Unsatisfied with the sheriff’s response, the agent dropped his things and headed for the holding cells as the two followed quickly behind. In the first cell was a sleeping and disheveled man laid flat on his stomach. “What’s he in for?”
The second officer, Phil Amici, spoke up from behind the sheriff. “Uh--drunk and disorderly.”
“Keys,” Victor demanded with hand out and waited. “Now.” 
Amici gave his superior a swift glimpse before handing over his keys. The agent wasted no time as he unlocked the cell and slid it open.
“What are you doing?”
Henriksen pat the prisoner on the back, waking him from his sleep. “It is your lucky night, sir. You are free to go.”
“What the hell are you doing?” the Sheriff questioned in disbelief.
The small-town officers’ words seemed to go in one ear and out the other as the agent took the man out of his cell and gave him to Amici.
“Agent Henriksen,” Melvin started with a stern tone. “You can’t just release my prisoners.” Henriksen walked away and the sheriff called out for him.
“Look, I get it...you’re Mayberry P.D.”
“Excuse me?”
“And this isn’t how I’d do it if I had my choice. But a tip’s a tip and we had to move fast.”
“Look, Agent, this ain’t my first rodeo.”
With all three of the men back in the main bullpen, the agent turned back to Amici and Dodd. “You’ve never been to a rodeo like this before. You have any idea who we’re about to bring in here?”
“Yeah, a couple of fugitives.”
“The most dangerous criminals you’ve ever laid your eyeballs on. Think Hannibal Lecter, a woman crazy enough to be his girl, and his half-wit little brother. Do you know what these three do for kicks? Dig up graves and mutilate corpses. They’re not just killers, Sheriff. They’re Satan-worshipping, nutbag killers.” 
As Henriksen went on, Nancy sat nearby and overheard it all. She grew nervous and held tightly to the cross pendant hanging from her neck. 
“So, work with me here. I’ll get them out your hair and on their way to Supermax and you’ll be home in enough time to watch the farm report.”
Sheriff Dodd nodded, trying to contain his frustration with the way he was being ordered around. “However we can help.”
“Those men of yours...post them at the exits.”
“Yes, sir.”
Henriksen lifted his walkie and held the side button as he spoke into it. “Reidy? Bring them in.” The agent looked at an anxious Nancy and told her, “I guess we’re ready as we’re gonna be.”
The double doors to the station opened as the Sam and Dean were led in by law enforcement. They were shackled at their wrists and ankles with the brothers tethered together. 
Riley was guided in behind them in similar bindings. The metal at their feet clinked as they struggled to take steps with the chains weighing them down.
Dean’s gaze landed on the small bullpen where Nancy, Agent Henriksen, and the other two officers stood and watched them come in. 
“Why all the sourpusses?” Dean smiled.
As Sam and Riley looked at the young secretary, she felt the worry in the air. Nancy was terrified and took the rosary from her desk to squeeze in her hand. Riley’s face grew soft and she tried to comfort the poor girl as best she could.
Agent Reidy took the older brother’s arm roughly to take them to their cells and Dean stumbled slightly at the pull. “Hey! Hey! Watch the merchandise!”
Nancy’s eyes followed them as they walked on.
“Don’t be scared, Nancy,” Riley said sweetly. The young woman watched as Riley softly smiled at her before being drug into the back and disappearing around the corner.
Sam and Dean were brought to their cell still in their shackles. The door was rolled closed and locked behind them before they turned to see Riley being led to the separate cell across from them.
Riley scoffed. “Oh, what? Because I’m a girl I gotta be separated?” she snarked. “That’s sexist!” Her words echoed through the concrete space as the officers ignored her remarks, leaving the hunters alone.
The walls had red, stenciled words on the cement wall. ‘NO TOUCHING, NO SPITTING, NO SHOUTING’.
As silence found them, Dean went for the bed and Sam towards the iron bars that surrounded them. They had forgotten about the chain that bound them together and nearly fell at the strain, having to catch themselves on whatever they could.
“Dean, come on!” Sam snapped in frustration.
“Alright, alright. Sit?” The older brother motioned toward the bed and Sam nodded in agreeance. They awkwardly walked around each other struggling to deal with the chains before finding a place to sit. 
“Hey, sweetheart, you good?” Dean’s eyes went to Riley and waited for a response.
Riley sat on her own barely padded bed as her shackles clanged together. “Just awesome.”
A devilish grin grew on Dean’s face as he looked her over. “Why is that a good look for you?”
“Dean, we’re going to prison. Now is not the time to get into your jailhouse bondage fantasies.”
He cocked his head with an understanding expression. “Fair. So, how we gonna Houdini out of this one?”
“Good question.” Sam sighed heavily with no answer as he stared at the bars.
Back in the main office, Agent Henriksen made a phone call as he loosened his bulletproof vest. His supervisor on the other line had the agent biting his tongue as he was warned again and again not to lose Riley and the Winchesters. Henriksen’s idea to take them on an armored bus up to max was tossed aside and the supervising agent would be coming to pick the fugitives up by helicopter.
Henriksen took a deep breath to calm himself as he hung up the receiver. He turned to Melvin to address him. “There’s a chopper on its way.”
“But we don’t have a helicopter pad.”
“Then clear the goddamn parking lot,” the agent bit back before walking back to the holding cells. His eyes were locked on Dean as Henriksen stood in the way of their only way to freedom. With his hand holding the bars, he watched the defeated brothers closely. “You know what I’m trying to decide?”
Dean scoffed. “I don’t know. What? Whether ‘Cialis’ will help you with your little condition?”
“What to have for dinner tonight.” Sam and Riley looked at Henriksen as he went on. “Steak or lobster--what the hell? Surf and turf.” A cynical grin and a wry laugh came from Dean. “I got a lot to celebrate. I mean, after all, seeing you three in chains…”
“You kinky son of a bitch. We don’t swing that way. Besides, that lovely lady over there has already reminded me that this is neither the time or place, so keep it in your pants.” Dean clicked his tongue as he mocked him. “Tsk tsk. And here I thought you were a professional.”  
“Now, that’s funny,” he replied with no expression.
“You know, I wouldn’t bust out the melted butter just yet. Couldn’t catch us at the bank, couldn’t keep us in that jail...” Dean shrugged condescendingly.
Victor nodded in agreeance. “You’re right--I fucked up. I underestimated you. I didn’t count on you being that smart, but now I’m ready.”
“Yeah, ready to lose us again?”
“Ready like a court order to keep you in a Super-maximum prison in Nevada till trial. Ready like isolation in a soundproof, windowless cell, that between you and me…probably unconstitutional.” 
Riley, Sam, and Dean realized how serious Henriksen was and even Dean went quiet. 
“How’s that for ready?” When none of his prisoners responded, the agent went on. “Take a good look at Sam--you two will never see each other again. And Riley over there--your girl? She’ll be long gone--your whole little family torn apart for good.” All three stared back at him disconcerted. Henriksen was going to make sure their lives were over. “Aw. Where’s that smug smile, Dean? I want to see it.”
Dean shook his head in disbelief and chuckled to himself. “You got the wrong guys.”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot. You fight monsters. Sorry, Dean. Truth is, your daddy brainwashed you with all that fuckin’ devil talk and no doubt touched you in a bad place. That’s all. That’s reality.”
With anger in his eyes, Sam sat up next to his brother as they bore holes into Henriksen with their glare. 
“Why don’t you shut your mouth?” Dean told him gruffly.
“Well, guess what? Life sucks, get a helmet. ‘Cause everybody’s got a goddamn sob story. But not everybody becomes a cold-blooded killer.” Satisfied with finally being able to shut Dean up, Victor shot him a stern look before turning to Riley. “You know, I definitely underestimated you, Ms. Munroe.”
Riley leaned onto her thighs and rested her chained hands. “Well, I’m flattered.”
“I don’t get you. I mean I know your dad lead you down just as fucked up of a road as Sam and Dean’s, but you’re a pretty girl--smart.” Henriksen pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the Winchesters and his face scrunched playfully. “How did you get mixed up with those two?”
“Just lucky I guess,” she shrugged.
“It’s a shame you had to fall for a monster instead of a real man. You could have had a bright future.”
“Look, as much as I appreciate your need to dissect my life choices--and I say this with all the respect in the world...nobody asked you.” 
Her tight-lipped smile made Victor scoff to himself.
The sound of a helicopter approaching caught their attention as Henriksen looked at his watch before tapping it with a pleased grin. “Mm. It’s surf and turf time.”
Sam, Dean, and Riley watched the agent leave, their brave faces falling with him finally gone. Dean dragged his palm down his face as the tension in the holding cell grew. 
The three were running out of time, and the thought of losing each other was more terrifying to them than the idea of a lifetime spent rotting in prison.
Their solitude didn’t last long before another man strode in. He was in a sharp blue suit and tie with his badge on his belt. Sam and Dean had played the role of feds long enough to know who the stranger was.
He closed the large metal door separating the office to the holding cell and Dean stood up to get a good look at him.
“Sam and Dean Winchester.” The man smiled, delighted with the situation before twisting only enough to get a quick study of the woman behind him. “And Riley Munroe. I’m Deputy Director Steven Groves. This is a pleasure.”
With an annoyed expression, Dean grumbled, “well, glad one of us feels that way.”
“I’ve been waiting a long time for you three to come out of the woodwork.”
“Wait…” Riley started as her face grew concerned and her eyes widened.
She was cut off when Agent Groves drew his gun and shot Dean in the left shoulder. He grunted at the impact as his blood sprayed the wall. Dean fell back onto the bed while Sam jumped up to grapple with Steven through the bars.
“Dean!” Riley shouted as her hands gripped tightly to the bars and fought against them, desperate to get to him.
Several more shots were fired from the agent's gun, narrowly missing the older brother. The sound of bullets ricocheted off the walls as they were fired from the weapon. 
Sam roared as he struggled against the man trying to kill them. When he finally had a firm grip on Steven, the hunter held his arm in place and his angry stare found the agent’s face. 
The brown irises that glared back Sam shifted into an obsidian black.
Riley began an exorcism in Latin, her rage rising out of control. “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas…” Her prayer caused the demon’s head to violently whip from side to side in an unholy and monstrous manner. 
Sam joined in as they continued to recite in unison. “...omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.”
The evil creature bared its teeth and snarled. “Sorry, I've gotta cut this short. It’s gonna be a long night, kiddos.” 
A gut-wrenching cry ripped from the vessel’s throat as black smoke shot from his mouth. As the agent’s body shook, the demon flew through the air and disappeared into the ceiling air vent. 
With nothing left in him to stay standing, Groves collapsed to the ground, leaving the gun in Sam’s hands.
Sheriff Melvin, Agent Henriksen, the FBI supervisor Agent Reidy, and other officers rushed in with their guns drawn only to see the injured director on the floor and Sam with his weapon.
“Aright, put the gun down!” Melvin shouted.
Sam put his hands out showing he meant them no harm and pleaded for them to understand. “Wait. Okay. Wait!”
“He shot him!” Panicked officers yelled back and forth in the heated moment.
“I didn’t shoot him, okay. I didn’t shoot anyone!”
The brothers went to their knees, still calling out over the loud voices that they were innocent.
Dean clutched at his still bleeding wound and roared, “the bastard shot me!”
“Stop!” Riley cried while still trapped in her own cell. “Stop! He didn’t do it!”
“Get on your knees, now!” Voices overlapped as chaos ensued.
Sam’s heart began to beat out of control and he cast his eyes down in submission. “Okay, okay, okay. Don’t shoot. Please. Look--here. Here.” Moving slowly, Sam placed the gun on the ground and slid it underneath the bars. “Look, we didn’t shoot him. Check the body, there’s no blood. We did not kill him. Go ahead, check him.”
Reidy checked Steven’s pulse and then looked him over. “Vic, there’s no bullet wound.”
The emotionally charged room pulsed through Riley as her abilities drowned her in the weight of it all. “Oh, my god,” she growled angrily as her cuffed hands ran through her hair before clenching it in her fists. “The guy’s probably been dead for months. I’ll repeat myself, they didn’t do anything to him!”
With his gun still pointed at the brothers, Henriksen shifted his grip. “Talk or I shoot.”
“You’re not gonna believe any of us, anyway!”
Sam paused and weighed their options before looking back at the agent. “He was possessed.”
“Possessed? Right,” Victor replied incredulously. “Fire up the chopper! We’re taking them out of here now.”
“Yeah! Do that!” With his hand holding tight to his gunshot wound, Dean knew their best chance of survival was to get out of that station. It didn’t matter where they were headed, as long as his family was safe.
“Backup should already be here. I’m gonna go check it out.” Reidy nodded to Henriksen before hurrying outside.
As he opened the front doors, the agent discovered the bodies of two officers. Their throats had been slit brutally nearly to decapitation. Blood pooled around their still-warm corpses on the concrete where they had been slain. 
Reidy’s breath grew ragged with panic as clouds from the cold air swelled in front of his mouth. He hesitantly went to the chopper that had come to evacuate them. Another two agents and the pilot were all dead.
“They’re dead,” he uttered into his walkie. The fear in his voice was evident as it trembled with his every word. “I think they’re all dead.”
A massive explosion erupted from the helicopter. Agent Reidy cried out as the blast threw through the air and onto the asphalt with a hard thud.
Victor's voice was still calling to him through his radio. “What the hell was that? Reidy? Reidy?!”
Groaning in pain and coughing to catch his breath, Reidy sat up to see the chopper still ablaze. A large cut across his cheek dripped fresh blood down his face.
The sound of approaching footsteps came from behind Reidy. He turned to see one of the fallen officers back on his feet looking down at him with empty black eyes. 
Reidy screamed in agony as the possessed deputy’s fist tore into the agent’s chest. His ribs crunched at the impact as his mouth hung open in shock. 
The demon twisted its hold and ripped through his chest before Reidy’s body fell to the ground.
Sam, Dean, and Riley waited alone in the holding cells after the officers had all ran out to help. 
Every light in the station suddenly went out and the sound of whirring electronics powered down. It went silent with the night moon serving as the only light through the small window. Only a handful of backup lights flickered on and the hunters stood to their feet knowing the worst was yet to come.
“Oh, that can’t be good,” Dean said to himself.
Sam gathered a long ream of thing toilet paper and held it to Dean’s still bleeding shoulder. As his older brother grunted at the contact, Sam remained unmoved as he continued to apply pressure. “Alright, don’t be such a wuss.”
With a heavy sigh and nowhere to go, Riley returned to her spot on the bed. “Sam, how’s he lookin’?”
“I don’t think it’s too bad. The bullet went clean through. Just gotta get the bleeding to stop.”
Riley closed her eyes and took long, slow breaths to calm herself. Coupled with her own fear and worry, she had to calm herself. They were in for a long night, and Riley knew she had to get her abilities under control. Death was in the air and its presence challenged the air in her lungs.
“What’s the plan? Hmm?” Henriksen barked at the hunters as he charged back into the holding cell. “Fuckin’ kill everyone in the station, bust you three out?”
Dean’s hand had replaced Sam’s as he held the cheap tissue in place. Confusion fell over him as he stared back at the agent. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about your psycho friends. I’m talking about a goddamn blood bath.”
“Okay, I promise you--whoever’s out there? Is not here to help us.”
Sam lowered his voice to plead with the agent. “Look, you got to believe us. Everyone here is in terrible danger.”
“You think?”
“Why don’t you let us out of here so we can save your asses?” Dean snapped back.
“From what?” Victor paused while Sam and Dean looked away. “You gonna say ‘demons’?” He spun and stared Riley down as she refused to meet his glare.
In his frustration, Henriksen raised his gun and pointed it to the ceiling, his finger aching at the trigger as he spoke through his gritted teeth. “Don’t you fucking dare say ‘demons’. Let me tell you something...you should be a lot more scared of me.” Shaking his head, the agent walked away, his gun still in his hanging hand.
“Dean?” Riley called softly. “You okay?” She was feeling the pain of Dean’s gunshot wound and fought to not let it show. The last thing he needed was to worry about her.
Dean peeled back the pad of toilet paper revealing a large bloodstain seeping through before chucking it away to the side. “I’ll live,” Dean sighed. “You know, that’s if we actually get out of here alive. So, either of you got a plan?”
Sam examined the exit wound on the back of Dean’s shoulder and his brother grimaced in pain.
As Riley still struggled with her overwhelming empathy, she looked up feeling a new presence in the room. She saw Nancy peeking her head around the corner outside the bars.
“Hi…” the hunter said sweetly. The scared girl began to back away and Riley put up her hands. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re not gonna hurt you. But, please--” Riley looked back at Sam and Dean and bit her lip anxiously. “We need your help. It’s Nancy...right?” 
The secretary stayed silent unsure of what to say or do. 
“Nancy, my boyfriend--he’s been shot. I can tell from here that it’s really bad and he needs help. Is there a towel you can get for my brother Sam so he can stop the bleeding?” 
Still uncertain and clearly afraid, Nancy’s timid eyes looked back at the hunter.
“I promise...we’re not the bad guys.”
When Riley couldn’t get a response from the girl, she closed her eyes and focused, hoping to hone in on her abilities. After not using them for so long, Riley would need to find a way to control them once again. 
She reached out to Nancy telepathically and tried to calm her nerves. Riley could feel the girl’s utter terror and she trembled briefly at the feeling. It had been so long since Riley had tried to ease someone’s pain, but she couldn’t stand leaving Nancy in that state.
Riley opened her eyes as she watched the girl’s body relax ever so slightly. Nancy sighed in a moment of relief and a small, almost unnoticeable smile curled at one side of her lips. She then spun on her heel and left.
“It was a nice try, sweetheart,” Dean told her.
Sam let out a heavy breath and turned around to see Nancy had come back with a clean white towel. “Thank you,” he said gently.
 Nancy slowly inched towards the boys, carefully.
 “It's okay.” Sam held out his handcuffed hands. The girl nervously put the towel inside the bars as Sam smiled at her; she returned the gesture before the hunter grabbed her arm and drug her against the bars. 
Nancy screamed at the top of her lungs and an officer rushed in with his rifle.
“Let her go! Let her go!”
Doing as he was told, Sam released her as Nancy backed away, terrified.
The officer pointed his weapon at Sam. “Try something again--get shot. And not in the arm.”
“Okay.” Sam nodded.
Still rattled and scared, Nancy left with her coworker as he escorted her out.
Dean hit Sam in the arm angrily. “What the fuck was that?”
From the other cell, Riley smirked knowing exactly what her brother had done. Sam held up Nancy’s rosary that he had stolen from her in the tussle. The couple chuckled softly to themselves.
Dean, Sam, and Riley were unsure how much time had passed since they had heard anything. There was no way out and all they could do was wait.
Laying on her back with her knees bent, Riley stared at the ceiling as she fiddled with her hands. Her mind was racing and she tried to ground herself as much as possible.
In the other cell, Dean was still pressing the towel into his wound as he sat on the bed with Sam who scoffed. “We’re like sitting ducks in here.”
“Yeah, I know,” Dean agreed. “Would it kill these cops to bring us a fuckin’ snack?!” He raised his voice to a yell hoping the officers would hear him.
Riley sat up on her bed and scooted back to lean against the wall. “Guys, we have no clue how many there are. I mean, they could be anybody and just waltz right in here.”
“It's kind of wild, right? I mean it’s like they’re coming for us--they’ve never done that before.” Dean smirked, pleased with his train of thought. “It’s like we got a contract on us. Think it’s because we’re so awesome? I think it’s ‘cause we’re so awesome.” He smiled again before it quickly faded after seeing Sam’s unamused expression.
“You might be right, Dean. It’s ‘cause we’re awesome.” As Riley shot him a playful look, Dean laughed under his breath.
Scratching his nose, Dean signaled for Riley to read his mind just as he used to. “I’m gonna get us outta here, okay?” 
She nodded as she acknowledged his thoughts with a smile.
Riley’s focus shifted as Sheriff Dodd came in with his keys in hand.
He went to the brothers’ cell and unlocked the bar door; it clicked loudly as it came undone.
The two shared a worried glance before Dean looked back at Dodd. “Well, howdy, there, Sheriff,” he joked with a forced southern accent as the cell door was opened.
Sheriff Dodd walked in and stared at the brothers. The two grew increasingly worried as Riley hurried to the locked door of her cage. “It’s time to go, boys.”
“Uh...you know what?” Knowing Riley was right, Dean played it cool as he and Sam stepped back as the Sheriff blocked them in. “We’re--we're just comfy right here. But, thank you.”
The sound of footsteps had everyone turn to see Henriksen had walked in. He was standing behind Melvin with a stern expression. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“There’s a SWAT facility in Boulder. We’re not just gonna sit around here and wait to die. We’re gonna make a run for it.”
Hoping she could still get Dean to hear her, Riley whispered into his thoughts. “Something’s not right.” 
The agent’s head barely turned with the corner of his sight set on Riley. A hidden curl of his lip sent a chill up her spine. 
“Guys…” As the brothers peered over to her, Riley’s heart began to race. “...that’s not Henriksen.”
Without hesitation, Victor lifted his weapon and didn’t flinch as he fired a bullet into Dobb’s head. Blood splattered behind the Sheriff as he fell back against the bars and his body slumped to the floor.
Dean and Sam leaped in to grapple with the agent as they each went for one of his arms. The older brother disarmed him and aided Sam in shoving the man’s face into the toilet. 
In the bowl waited the rosary Sam had stolen; it was now holy water. 
Henriksen’s eyes went stark black as the blessed toilet water burned his face and he screamed in pain as bubbles escaped his mouth. 
Sam began to recite the Latin exorcism prayer, pulling the agent’s head out from moment to moment to allow the trapped man inside to breathe. 
Steam poured from Victor’s face as the holy water burned the demon and it seethed.
Officer Amici ran around the corner responding to the sounds with his rifle ready and aimed.
“Stay back!” Dean ordered as he pointed the agent’s gun back at him.
Again, Sam dunked the creature into the water and continued to pray. The demon yelled in agony but the hunter wouldn’t relent. 
“Hurry up!”
As Sam held tightly to the vessel’s collar, he jerked him back out. 
The monster’s black eyes only aided the malevolent smirk that still sat on its face. “It’s too late. I already called them. They’re already coming.” 
Before the demon could be drowned in holy water again, Henriksen howled out as black smoke shot out of his mouth and up into the air. His body twitched and tears formed at his eyes as the evil entity ripped itself from his body before disappearing into the vents above them. 
Victor fell to the floor as Sam slinked to down as well, breathing heavily from the struggle.
They all waited for the agent to respond before he regained consciousness and began to cough as he tried to catch his breath.
“Henriksen! Hey. Is that you in there?” Sam asked shakily.
Getting up while still shaking and in shock, Victor slowly pulled himself up to sit on the bed. “I…I shot the Sheriff.”
A thought came to Dean and he smiled proudly. “But you didn't shoot the deputy.” Sam glared at his brother in disbelief at his poor timing.
“Five minutes ago, I was fine, and then…”
“Let me guess. Some nasty black smoke fucked itself into your throat?”
Henriksen’s eyes darted back and forth as he tried to come to terms with what had just happened and he nodded.
“You were possessed,” Sam interjected. “That’s what it feels like--now you know.”
Handing back over Henriksen’s gun to him, Dean said, “I owe the biggest ‘I told you so’ ever.”
It was then that the agent knew he had been wrong all along, that Sam, Dean, and Riley had been telling the truth from the beginning. Demons were real, all of it was real. 
He stood to his feet, water still dripping from his face. “Officer Amici. Keys…” When the officer obliged, Victor immediately unlocked the heavy chains that hung from the brothers and they fell to the floor with a loud clang. “Alright, so, how do we survive?”
“Um, hello?” Riley called out still locked up and shackled. She held up her restraints and her face appeared slightly annoyed. “You start by getting me the fuck outta here.”
The night lingered on with everyone still trapped in the station. Even with the large clock on the wall, time passed differently, sometimes painstakingly slow and other times rushed as if they had no time left at all.
A spray paint can rattled as Sam shook it while he continued to draw a large devil’s trap on the floor. All the while, Dean went over the floor plans of the police station. Two traps had been drawn at the entrances at the exits as they plotted their plan.
Finally, with access to medical equipment, Riley tended to Dean’s wound. She had cleaned it thoroughly and wrapped a bandage around his shoulder before taping it in place. “Better?”
“Well, I still got shot,” Dean teased. “But, sure...better.” 
With a playful glare, Riley shook her head at his sarcasm. 
The only remaining officers, Henriksen and Amici, walked in as they prepared guns for the coming battle. ”Well, that’s nice. It’s not gonna do much good,” Dean told them.
With skepticism, Phil replied, “we got an arsenal here.”
“You don’t poke a bear with BB gun. That’s just gonna piss it off.”
Henriksen worked to loosen the tie around his neck. “What do you need?”
“We need salt.” Riley collected the rest of the med kit before closing it back up. “We’re gonna need a lot of salt.”
“There’s road salt in the storeroom,” Nancy added from off to the side. She stepped in closer from out of the shadows as Dean nodded.
“Perfect. We need salt at every window and every door.” At Dean’s command, Henriksen and Phil left to retrieve everything from storage. His focus returned to the soft-spoken girl nearby. “How you holdin’ up, Nancy?”
“Okay,” she paused. “When I was little, I would come home from the church and start to talk about the devil. My parents would tell me to stop being so literal. I guess I showed them, huh?”
Phil found his way back to the bullpen with large bags of salt and Dean looked back at him. “Hey, where's my car?”
“Impound lot out back.”
“Wait,” Amici said as his arm reached out to stop the hunter. “You’re not going out there?”
“Yeah, I got to get something out of my trunk.”
Riley stood from her seat and threw her jacket back on that she had taken off while aiding Dean. “I’m coming with you.”
“Like hell you are.”
She scoffed. “Since when have you ever been able to tell me what to do, Winchester?”
After getting the keys from the officer, Riley and Dean ran out to the backlot. A chain-link fence with large ‘NO TRESPASSING’ signs had been locked to keep the confiscated vehicles safe. Dean made quick work of removing the lock as Riley kept a lookout.
The hinges of the gate squeaked as they hurried inside. Riley watched Dean’s back for any movement before following him to the Impala’s trunk.
As Dean hurried to gather their equipment and stuff it into his duffle bag, the lights of the gas station across the street began to flicker. 
A dark and eerie feeling sat in Riley’s gut and she swallowed hard as the wind changed and started to blow her hair behind her. “Dean, something’s coming.” 
From around the gas station came a thick, massive cloud of black smoke interspersed with lightning. Glass shattered as it plowed through, breaking anything in its path. 
“Scratch that...something’s here. We gotta go!”
Dean’s breath quickened as he grabbed dreamcatcher-like amulets and added them to his bag of weapons. He slammed the trunk shut as leaves around the couple flew out of control as gusts of wind whisked around them. 
With a shotgun in his hand and his duffel bag on his shoulder, Dean looked back at the evil force barreling toward them. “Go, go, go!” Dean shouted as he grabbed Riley’s hand. The two went into a full sprint running as fast as their legs could carry them back towards the police station. “Come on!”
Completely out of breath as they reached safety, Dean threw the double doors open and drug Riley in tow. He slammed them shut behind and reclaimed Riley’s hand as they ran down the hallway. 
At the top of his lungs, Dean screamed out to the others. “They’re coming! Hurry!”
Nancy continued to line the windows with salt as black smoke hit the pane in front of her face. She screamed in terror and hurried back into the main office. The rest of the survivors joined her as Dean tossed his shotgun to Sam.
The lights buzzed and flickered almost violently as a loud bang came from outside. Thick smoke struck the building with a thud and surrounded them, blocking out any remaining light from outside. 
The evil cloud engulfed the building as dust rained down from the ceiling while it quaked. Everything around them rumbled and shook as if the station itself was alive. The sound of deafening pounding came from the doors and windows as the powerful smoke demanded entrance.
It suddenly went quiet as the blanket of darkness seemed to disappear.
“Everybody okay?” Sam asked as he peered out the windows from where he stood.
Henriksen sighed. “Define ‘okay’.”
Grabbing the arsenal bag, Riley pulled out a small pouch. She opened it up as her fingers dug in and pulled out necklaces. They were strung on strands of leather with a symbol of protection dangling in the front. “Here, everyone needs to put one on, alright? They’ll keep you safe. You can’t get possessed if you’re wearing it.”
As Nancy put hers on and pulled her hair out from underneath, the symbol laid over the silver cross on her own chain. “What about you guys?”
Dean and Sam pulled back their shirts to reveal the top of the left side of their chest. The protective emblem that Bobby had shown them had been tattooed into their skin. It was in black ink depicting a pentagram surrounded by a ring of what looked to be flames.
When the others turned to Riley, she huffed and moved her jacket to the side as she lifted her shirt. She tugged the fabric up high enough to show her lower ribcage. The same black symbol had been etched into her.
“Smart,” Henriksen told them with a look of approval. “How long you had those?”
Sam straightened up his shirt before uttering, “not long enough.” He swallowed hard as his eyes flickered up to Riley. 
They shared a look remembering what they had gone through when Meg had taken over Sam.
Though her brother could only recall fragments, Riley remembered every moment. From time to time that night would haunt her, vividly, but it was a secret she intended to carry to her grave.
While Nany shuffled through the items on her desk, she slowly lifted her head when she noticed movement from outside the window. A large crowd of people had filed in front of the station in wait. 
“Hey, that’s Jenna Rubner,” Nancy said, recognizing an old friend. 
The woman had long red hair, her eyes black as an empty hole. Officers that had once lied dead in front of the entrance, stood drenched in their blood, their throats still slit open.
Joining her at the window, Sam surveyed the situation. “That’s not Jenna anymore.”
“That’s where all that black demon smoke went?”
“Looks like.”
Dean and Victor sat alone in one of the offices as they readied their weapons. It was quiet and it was the first time the two had ever been alone.
“Shotgun shells full of salt,” Henriksen chuckled to himself as he loaded the rounds into a shotgun.
“Whatever works.”
“Fighting off monsters with condiments.” Taking off his tie, the agent sighed before resuming his task. “So...turns out demons are real.”
“FYI,” Dean started as he peered up at him from his seat on a nearby chair. “Ghosts are real too. So are werewolves, vampires, changelings, even evil fuckin’ clowns that eat people.”
“Okay then.”
“If it makes you feel better, Bigfoot’s a hoax.” The hunter gave a tight-lipped smile with that same look of ‘I told you so’ that he felt so comfortable shoving in Henriksen’s face.
“It doesn’t.” Loading shells into a belt to pack as much ammo as possible, he asked, “how many demons?”
“Total? No clue...a lot.”
Victor’s face fell as he took a brief moment to think to himself. “You know what my job is?”
“You mean besides locking up the good guys?” Dean cocked his weapon and walked over to his new ally. “I have no idea.”
“My job is boring, it’s frustrating. You work three years for one goddamn break, and then maybe you can save...a few people--maybe. That’s the payoff. I’ve been busting my ass for fifteen years to nail a handful of guys and all this while, there’s something off in the corner so big. So, yeah…sign me up for that big, frosty mug of wasting my fucking life.”
Dean’s expression went softer. “You didn't know.”
“Now I do.” Henriksen paused as he collected more rounds for them to keep working. “What’s out there? Can you guys beat it? Can you win?”
“Honestly? I think the world’s gonna end bloody. But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin’.”
“What about Riley?”
Looking back at the agent, Dean’s brow hooked. “What about her?”
“Well, you got more to go home to than just your brother. You got more to lose.”
“Yeah,” the hunter nodded solemnly. “What about you? You rockin’ the white picket fence?”
“Mm-mm. An empty apartment and a string of angry ex-wives. So, I gotta ask...how does that work for you guys doing all of this?”
“Honestly?” Dean grimaced realizing he never had to answer that question before. “I guess it just does. Ya know, I never imagined being the kind of guy that would ever involved with anyone. I mean, what we do? Getting attached to people doesn’t usually end with anything but blood. But, with her?” Peering through the window into the bullpen, Dean watched Riley comfort Nancy and smiled to himself. “Man, she’s somethin’ else. She’s not just ‘some girl’, ya know? Riley’s my partner, she’s family.”
A loud crash came from nearby and Dean and Henriksen ran into an office across the way. Immediately behind them, Riley and Sam hurried in to help.
The small room’s high window had been shattered and the line of salt was broken. They all stopped at the door with their weapons ready only to see a blonde woman had found her way inside. She was caught in the red devil’s trap painted on the ground with a cut bleeding at her brow line. It was Ruby.
Henriksen pointed his rifle at her. “How do we kill her?”
“We don’t,” Sam said as he lowered the agent’s gun.
“She’s a demon.”
“She’s here to help us.”
Riley rolled her eyes as she and Dean dropped their aim. “So the bitch says.” she feigned a dramatic ‘fuck you’ expression at Ruby.
The demon remained trapped by the window, breathing heavily after the fight to get in. 
Sighing in exasperation, Dean leaned in to whisper into Riley’s ear. “Right there with ya, sweetheart.”
“Are you gonna let me out?” Ruby asked as Sam walked in her direction. 
He knelt down and scratched at the devil’s trap on the floor with his knife, creating a break in the seal. 
“And they say chivalry’s dead. Does anyone have a fucking breath mint? Some guts splattered in my mouth while I was killing my way in here.” Ruby marched past everyone and into the main office as they turned to follow her while Sam stayed behind to fix the salt line at the shattered window.
As Dean caught up to the demon, he knew she could give them the answers they needed. “How many are out there?”
“Thirty at least,” Ruby answered as she leaned against a desk to look back at Dean. “That’s so far.”
“Oh, good. Thirty. Thirty hit men all gunning for us. Who sent them?”
Ruby focused her attention on Sam with a cocked head with a shocked face. “You didn’t tell Dean? Did you even tell Riley?” Dean and Riley turned to Sam, perplexed. “Oh, I’m surprised.”
“Tell us what?”
“There’s a big new up and comer--real pied piper.”
With her arms crossed over her chest, Riley shook her head before reaching up to run a hand through her hair. “Who’s the new guy then?”
“Her. Her name is Lilith. And she really, really wants Sam’s intestines on a stick. ‘Cause she sees him as competition. I know she’s just as desperate, if not more so, to get her hands on Riley.” Ruby’s eyes bore into the hunter as she looked her over. “You’re not just competition, you’re the one she wants. With you, Lilith’s got a weapon like nothing else. But, if she can’t have you, her first priority is gonna be to eat you alive before you can go against her.”
Dean scrunched his face in anger as he turned to his brother. “You knew about this?” When Sam didn’t answer and he hung his head, his brother scoffed. “Well, gee, Sam. Is there anything else we should know?!”
“How about you all have your little family meeting later? We’ll need the Colt.” The room went still with the hunters knowing they had lost their most powerful weapon and Ruby snapped at them. “Where’s the Colt?”
Finally having something to say, Sam uttered, “it got stolen.”
“I’m sorry, I must have blood in my ear. I thought I just heard you say that you three were fucking stupid enough to let the Colt get grabbed out of your clumsy, idiotic hands.” Pushing herself up, Ruby gritted her teeth as she looked away from them. “Fan-fucking-tastic. This is just peachy…”
She raised her hand to stop him from speaking. “Shut the fuck up.” Ruby clenched her jaw as she quickly thought their options over. “Fine. Since I don’t see that there’s no other any option, there’s one other way I know how to get you out of here alive. I know a spell. It’ll vaporize every goddamn demon in a one-mile radius...myself included. So, you let the Colt out of your sight and now I have to die. So, next time, be more careful. How’s that for a dying wish?”
With his gun still in hand, Dean got up from where he sat on the desk nearby. “Okay, what do we need to do?”
“Aww...you can’t do anything. This spell is very specific. It calls for a person of virtue.”
Dean shrugged with a cheesy grin, still favoring his injured arm. “I got virtue.”
“Nice try,” the demon chuckled. “You’re not a virgin.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “Nobody’s a virgin.”
Ruby’s eyes flickered from Dean and over to Nancy who looked away from the evil monster staring her down.
“No,” Dean started with utter disbelief. “No way. You’re kidding me. Y--you’re…”
As she fiddled with the silver cross on her neck, Nancy replied, “what? It’s a choice, okay?”
“So, y--you’ve never...not even once? I mean not even--” Stopping himself with wide eyes and a shake of his head, Dean tried to wrap his head around the idea of a young, beautiful girl who had saved herself. “Wow.”
Riley had gone over to Dean and her elbow poked him as she telepathically spoke while trying to hide her growing grin. “Not everyone’s as sexually depraved as we are.”
His tongue shot out over his bottom lip as his eyes met hers. “Oh, sweetheart, we live through this--and I’ll show you depravity.”
She had to fight to stifle the flirty expression that attempted to take over her face.
“So, this spell,” Nancy said eagerly trying to move on from the subject with a hopeful and innocent smile at Ruby. “What can I do?”
“You can hold still…” The sound of Ruby’s heeled boots clacked as she sauntered toward the girl. “While I cut your heart out of your chest.”
Immediately, Riley and Dean’s voices overlapped each other as they yelled and stepped forward, the two sharing the same urgency. “What?” “You’re insane.” “We’re not doing that.” “Absolutely not.”
“I’m offering a solution.” Ruby was growing impatient.
Dean dramatically feigned being taken aback and his wide eyes sat on the demon’s face. “You’re offering to fuckin’ kill somebody.”
“And what do you think’s gonna happen to this girl when the demons get in?”
Henriksen, Riley, and Dean continued to argue back and forth with Ruby, shocked, angry and disgusted at the suggestion.
“Excuse me,” the young girl said softly, broken and scared.
“You’re all gonna die.” Ruby retorted to the others. “Look, this is the only way.”
“Ex--excuse me.”
The consistent bickering over it all had tensions growing by the minute and Riley went to stand in front of Nancy as if trying to protect her.
“Would everybody please shut up?!” The room went silent at Nancy’s shouting and everyone’s focus sat on her. “All the people out there...will it save them?”
Riley exhaled heavily. She knew that by telling her the truth, Nancy would sacrifice herself. The hunter had felt her gentle spirit from the moment they had been brought into the station. It made sense to her that the girl was a virgin, she was pure.
“It’ll blow the demons out of their bodies.” The demon had just threatened to butcher Nancy, and yet her tone almost seemed gentle. “So, if their bodies are okay... yeah.”
There was a moment of silence as Nancy paused to think it over. Her nerves grew and her heart raced, but there was no doubt in her mind what her decision would be. 
With her lip trembling, she swallowed. “I’ll do it.”
Riley closed her eyes at the girl’s words trying not to cry as Nancy’s heartfelt emotions and empathy for others rushed over her.
“Hell no!” Henriksen interrupted from off to the side.
“Nancy,” Riley touched her arm and shook her head. “You don’t have to do this. We can find another way.”
“All my friends are out there.” Sniffling and still shaking, she stared back at  Riley.
Victor pushed to the center of the room and spoke with conviction. “We don't sacrifice people. We do that, we’re no better than them.” 
Dean peered over to Henriksen and they shared a moment of understanding. Whatever history the two had shared, they were now comrades in the trenches together; brothers in the bloody battle to come.
A cacophony of shouting roared through the space around them, except for Sam, who leaned against the doorway quietly.
“Sam,” Ruby began as she looked to him. “You know I’m right.”
Again, Sam had nothing to say and his eyes fell to the floor.
Smiling slightly in the expectation that Sam would agree with him, Dean’s focus went on his little brother. “Sam?” With no words, Sam’s jaw clenched and Dean raised his voice. “What the fuck is going on? Sam, tell her.”
“It’s my decision.” Still clinging to the peace her necklace brought her, Nancy stood her ground.
A devilish grin and arched eyebrow stared back at her as Ruby encouraged her on. “Damn straight, cherry pie.”
“Stop!” Dean yelled furiously. “Stop! Nobody kill any virgins! Sam, I need to talk to you.” His head motioned forward to Riley letting her know to follow suit. The three walked into the empty hallway to speak privately before Dean spun around to his brother. “Please tell me you’re not actually considering this. We’re talking about holding down a girl and cutting out her fucking heart.
Sam’s brow creased with concern and his voice rose. “And we’re also talking about thirty people out there, Dean. Innocent people who are all gonna die, along with everyone in here.”
“That’s not the point, Sam,” Riley jumped in. “In what world is it okay to slaughter an innocent girl? I’m not letting that demon bitch touch her, you hear me? I won’t surrender my humanity; I refuse to become a monster. I told you I wouldn’t no matter the cost.”
“Then what? What do we do?”
Turning away for a moment, Dean thought to himself and drug his calloused palm down his face before returning to his partners. “I got a plan. I’m not saying it's a good one, I’m not even saying that it’ll work. But it sure as hell beats killing a virgin.”
“Okay, so, what’s the plan?”
Dean and Riley’s eyes met as they shared his thoughts and she nodded with an approving gesture. Without breaking their gaze, Dean answered Sam, “open the doors, let them all in...and we fight like hell.”
Not long after, the group had gathered once again in the bullpen. It was quiet as anticipation and worry consumed them. The time to fight was drawing closer, and if any of them were honest, no one was ready.
Sam made his way back to the others after coming out from one of the back rooms. “Got the equipment to work.”
“Good,” Riley replied as she cocked her shotgun.
“This is insane.”
“You win ‘understatement of the year’,” Ruby mocked. “It’s not gonna work.” Using her arms to push herself up from her chair, the demon waved them off. “So long.”
“So, you’re just gonna leave?”
“Hey. I was gonna kill myself to help you win. I’m not gonna stand here and watch you lose.” She inched closer to them and glared back and forth between Riley and Sam. “And I’m disappointed because I tried--I really did. But clearly, I bet on the wrong horses. Do you mind letting me out?”
They lead her to the front doors and Sam crouched to scratch away the paint from another devil’s trap. He then ran his hand over the salt line across the doorway, breaking the barrier.
The demon gave them one last snide look before stepping out into the night.
Through the fogged, bulletproof glass on the entrance, Riley peered outside to see Ruby pull out her knife. She waved it in front of herself as if challenging the rest of the demons. 
They stopped to think it over and made a way for Ruby to pass between them before she disappeared into the night.
“Let’s go.” Gripping her weapon, Riley lead them back as Sam fixed the blockade.
Everyone went to ready themselves in their positions at different spots in the building. Sam waited in the main office as Dean and Henriksen headed to stand at the doors.
Dean passed Riley and he took one of her hands in his as his thumb ran over her skin. “Be careful.”
“You too.” Forcing a smile, Riley touched Dean’s face lovingly before they shared a kiss. 
As they pulled apart, their foreheads came together and their eyes closed as the couple soaked each other in. With Riley’s abilities growing again, the connection they had always had was finding them once more.
In that brief moment, they became one as Dean’s hand held the back of her head. “I love you,” he murmured softly.
“I love you too.”
Dean cleared his throat as a lump grew and he kissed her head. Choking back the fear that they wouldn’t see each other again, they quickly headed to their positions.
Nancy had hidden up on the roof away from the fight with Officer Amici armed to protect her. They had their own parts to play.
With Henriksen, the Winchesters, and Riley at their entrances, Dean called out loudly, “all set?”
“Yeah!” Sam shouted.
Victor nodded nervously to himself. “Ready!”
There was a quick pause and Riley readied her weapon. “Let’s do it!!”
All four broke the salt lines and devil’s traps that protected the doors. One by one, they forced them open and held up their weapons as the dark and foggy night stared back at them.
Henriksen steadied his breathing as the silence nearly deafened him.
Lost in his assumption of where the attack would come from, he was caught off guard as a demon swung down from above. With heavy force, the creature kicked Victor in his chest. He grunted at the impact and his rifle went off echoing through the halls as he fell back onto the ground. 
Henriksen was grabbed by his shirt and yanked from the floor before immediately being shoved back into the wall, drywall falling around him.
The demon grabbed the agent’s throat in an attempt to strangle him as the creature pinned him to the wall.
“God, I hope this works.” Henriksen pulled a flask from his pocket and opened it before splashing holy water on the evil thing holding him hostage.
Groaning in pain, the creature grabbed at its face as its skin sizzled and burned its unclean soul.
The booming sound of fired shots rang through the station as Sam, Dean, and Riley shot at the demons that charged towards them.
As Riley’s barrel went empty, she fumbled to load it again. “Dammit…” she muttered as a possessed vessel rushed at her. 
With the demon inches in front of her, the hunter cocked her shotgun and fired, blowing a hole into its chest. 
Riley panted at the close encounter before more demons began to run in through the doors. She fired round after round as she moved back into the hallways.
Dean and Henriksen bumped into each other as they were pushed further into the station by the coming army. They shared a quick look and hurried to reload. While back to back, they began to fire away, blasting anything that came close.
“Go! Go! Go!” Dean roared out as they both ran in opposite directions down the halls and a hoard of the possessed charged in after them.
Back in the bullpen, Sam was tackled to the ground by a side attack and he was forced into hand-to-hand combat. He was held in a chokehold as another demon came toward him. Sam then bashed the butt of his shotgun with all his might into the monster that held him to set himself free.
A cry came out from nearby. “Sam!” Riley’s boots screeched to a halt once she had a clear shot and she fired. The blast’s smoke blew from the barrel as the she loaded up once again.
Chaos enveloped the station as the four fought for their lives. Glass shattered, the sound of yelling and screams rang through the air, and gunshots fired with abandon nearly piercing their ears.
With all the demons inside, Phil and Nancy rushed at the opportunity to line all of the exits with salt. All the while, Sam, Dean, and Riley had all found their way back into the main office.
They were surrounded and flung holy water in every direction. Demons cried out in pain as their flesh hissed with every splash.
As their canteens ran dry, the hunters watched the hoard closed in on them. 
A single demon walked towards them, her eyes black. She stretched out her arm and her power sent Sam, Dean, and Riley flying against the wall. The crash of their bodies into the solid brick had them gasping in pain.
They looked at each other before Dean shouted at the top of his lungs. “Henriksen, now!”
A recording began to play through the sound system of Sam reciting the exorcism prayer. The demons froze and covered their ears, desperate to protect themselves.
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversari, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te, cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis, humiliare sub potenti manu dei…”
As the exorcism continued to air over the loudspeakers, demons flailed and screamed. They began to pound at the doors trying to get out; still the barriers held. 
Black smoke began to shoot from their mouths and the bodies of the possessed people fell to the ground. Their energies converged together, creating a massive cloud of evil that swirled around the ceiling above them.
“Contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomini quem inferi tremunt ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, domine. exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica ergo, draco maledicte et omnis legio diabolica, adjuramus te cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare ut ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!”
An explosion of light, brighter than fire, roared as the evil smoke was destroyed. The hunters squinted their eyes trying to protect themselves from the blast before everything went still. 
Finally free from the demon’s hold Sam, Dean, and Riley slid down the wall to the floor before they began to stumble to their feet, groaning.
Henriksen came into the office and chuckled softly as he wiped the blood from his cut lip.
The electrical power in the building flickered back on as those still living after their possession began to get up.
It was over, for the time being.
Henriksen, Riley, and the Winchesters gathered together around a desk as they collected their things. They all carried their own battle wounds, bloodied and bruised. 
People filed out the doors unsure of what had happened and with little to say.
“I better call in. Hell of a story I won’t be telling,” Henriksen joked.
Sam stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets. “So, what are you gonna tell them?”
“The least ridiculous lie I can come up within the next five minutes.”
“Good luck with that.” Dean smirked back. “Not to pressure you or anything, but what are you planning to do about us?”
“I’m gonna kill you. Sam and Dean Winchester, and Riley Munroe were in the chopper when it caught on fire--nothing left. Can’t even identify them with dental records.” The three smiled at Victor’s response. “Rest in peace, guys.” 
Sam and Dean took turns shaking the agent’s hand exchanging silent gratitude for each other. Riley cupped his hand into hers with a short squeeze and she nodded at him lovingly. 
“Now get out of here” he told them. 
“Yeah…” Flinging their bag over his shoulder, Sam began to walk toward the entrance. 
Dean’s good arm wrapped around Riley’s waist and pulled her to his side as they followed close behind.
Morning peeked over the hills and its light washed away the darkness. The night had finally passed and the hunters sat quietly in reflection in their motel room.
None of them had slept much with their adrenaline still rushing through them. There was guilt that sat with them realizing how many people had been lost in the fray. They knew they had saved as many as they could, but it would never be enough.
A knock on the door broke them from their thoughts and Dean went to open it. 
With her arms crossed over her chest and a disgruntled look on her face, Ruby waltzed in. “Turn on the news.”
Sam picked up the remote that sat on the nightstand beside him and pointed it at the television. 
A reporter was reading the most recent story as video of a horrific scene played out. Firefighters worked to manage the smoking building of the Monument County Sheriff’s office.
“The community is still reeling from the tragedy that happened just a few hours ago. Authorities believe a gas main ruptured…” 
Dean slowly sat down on the bed next to Riley as they all listened intently. 
“...causing the massive explosion that ripped apart the police station and claimed the lives of everyone inside. Among the deceased, at least six police officers and staff, including sheriff Melvin Dodd, deputy Phil Amici, and secretary Nancy Fitzgerald as well as three FBI agents, identified as Steven Groves, Calvin Reidy, and Victor Henriksen.” 
The pictures of those that Sam, Riley, Dean believed they had saved covered their TV screen. A shocked expression came over Dean as Riley covered her mouth in disbelief. 
“Three fugitives in custody were also killed. We’ll continue to follow the story here at the scene, but for now, back to you, Jim.”
Taking the remote from its spot near Sam, Ruby shut off the television and looked back at the others with a stern ‘I-told-you-so’ look.
“Must have happened right after we left.” Sam’s saddened gaze fell to the floor.
“Considering the size of the blast...” Ruby paused and tossed three small bags to each of the hunters. “...smart money’s on Lilith.
Dean’s face scrunched with skepticism. “What’s in these?”
“Something that’ll protect you--throw Lilith off your trail...for the time being, at least.”
Sniffling back the urge to cry, Riley turned to face Ruby. “So, what? We’re just supposed to thank you now?”
“Don’t thank me,” the demon bit back angrily as her jaw ticket. “Lilith killed everyone. She slaughtered your precious little virgin, plus a half a dozen other people. So, after your big speech about humanity, turns out your plan--was the one with the body count.” 
Sam, Dean, and Riley sat quietly feeling that sadly, Ruby was maybe right. 
“Do you know how to run a goddamn battle? You strike fast and you don’t leave any survivors, so no one can go running to tell the boss. So, next time...we go with my plan.” With one final wrathful glare, Ruby stormed away and flung the door open, slamming it hard behind her as she left.
Riley and the Winchesters went still as tears filled their eyes. The room was silent with no one knowing the words to say.
They had tried; they had tried with everything they had to save everyone that they could. The guilt the three were already feeling for the lives they had lost was enough to send them reeling. Still, knowing that no one else made it out alive because of how they decided to handle things, was like a knife to the heart. 
As hunters, their job was to save people, not to watch them die. They had failed in the worst possible way and it cost countless people their lives.
It was moments like that that would always give them pause to wonder if they actually were making a difference--maybe the job hurt more people than it saved. 
Sam, Riley, and Dean were forced to face the fact that they continued to leave death in their wake.
Fear is an expected constant in the lives of those who hunt. But, for those three, their greatest fear was that maybe it was all their fault, and theirs alone.
S3 Ch11: Time is on My Side
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Wayward Hearts Taglist: @waywardmoeyy @00slayer @adoptdontshoppets @crystallstaircase @salt-n-burn-em-all @nerd-in-a-galaxy-far-away @becs-bunker @squirrelnotsam @fandommaniacx @death-unbecomes-you @themoonandotherslikeit @x-waywardaf-x @flamencodiva @aaspiringhero @gemini0410 @love-nakamura @klinenovakwinchester @cemmia @deans-baby-momma @paintballkid711 @da5haexowin @a-manduhhhhh @winchestergirl82 @spnbaby-67 @sandycub @bunnybaby121115 @erins-culinary-service @lauravic @moonxdance @knights0fkylo @panicatthewestwing @screechingartisancashbailiff @wiredandwayward @the-children-of-the-stars @rosey1981 @mylovelydame21 @titty-teetee 
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charlesxavirs · 6 years
Do you think we could get a sneak peek of that Reddie AU you're writing 👀👀👀
this has been sitting in my ask box for the best part of a week and honestly this is the first time i’ve been able to get to my laptop. i know i promised this au at the end of last month but college has literally been eating me alive so far so i’m hoping that i should be able to get it finished for the end of this month, fingers crossed. i’m gonna tag anyone who’s on the taglist in this but if anyone wants to be added or taken off lmk !!
It was a good hours drive from the airport to Galway, and when the taxi finally pulled up at the address Eddie had given the driver, he thought there must have been some confusion. O’Donoghue’s pub was unassuming from the outside, with a simple black and white sign, a large glass window and a heavy door. It was exactly what Eddie was expecting his temporary home to be, yet as soon as he crossed the threshold, his mind started to boggle. As soon as he walked through the doors, Eddie was greeted with the sight of shelves piled with bread, fridges holding bottles of milk, and, heck, even a stand with cleaning products. Eddie had walked into a corner store, he was certain of it.
He exited the shop, and checked the address again. Confirming that this was, indeed, the right place, Eddie glanced again at the name on the building before entering through the door again only to find himself standing, once again, in a shop. The difference this time, however, was that there was a tall woman standing behind the counter, rearranging a stack of chocolate bars.
Cautiously, Eddie approached the small checkout, daintily clearing his throat when the woman didn’t look up.
Eddie felt taken aback by how bright her eyes were in contrast to her jet black hair that was greying elegantly around her face.
“Jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack! I was miles away.” The woman chuckled, holding her hand dramatically over her heart. Eddie couldn’t help but laugh softly at her reaction, finding the smile on her face particularly infectious. “Can I help you there at all?”
“Um, yeah, actually.” Eddie replied, scratching the back of his neck. “Am I in the right place? I’m supposed to be renting a room an-”
Eddie couldn’t finish because he was quickly cut of by the woman brightly grinning.
“You must be Eddie!” she exclaimed, wiping her hands on her jeans before coming out from behind the counter, reaching out to shake his hand. Eddie accepted her open palm, a surprised giggle bubbling from his lips at her enthusiasm.
“I’m Maggie Tozier. My sister runs the pub and I work the shop.”
Eddie was too distracted by her accent to fully register what she was saying, but his brow furrowed as he dropped her hand, the words connecting in his head. “Wait wait wait. The pub?”
Maggie only grinned, taking one of his bags from his hands. “Follow me.”
Eddie trailed behind her towards the back of the shop, and it was clear now what she was talking about. Between a shelf full of biscuits and the wall was a walkway about the width of a door, leading through to a bar, and Eddie instantly felt warm.
Warm yellow lights cast the pub in a heavenly glow, washing over the cracked burgundy leather of the booth seats and the well worn black and white lino on the floors. None of the tables matched each other, and neither did the seats. Barstools and cushioned chairs and even, Eddie noticed, an old church pew surrounded mahogany desks, an old dining table, round coffee tables and a couple of work desks. Despite their mix matched status, Eddie thought each table and chair had a charming sort of quality about them, and it’s not like the customers cared as they laughed and drank and, in the case of one old man in the corner, sang together. Eddie thought the pub was slightly chaotic, much like the woman leading him through it, but he found it oddly endearing all the same.
At the centre of the chaos, though, was the bar. The dark wood of it almost blended completely against the wood panel walls. Well, what Eddie could see of the walls, anyway, as they were covered in Guinness signs upon county flags upon missing dog posters. The whole wall behind the bar was filled head to toe with bottles of every alcohol under the sun, and dotted in between was a few pictures, some black and white and some newer, of patrons and regulars, grinning under the harsh flash of the camera, pints brandished proudly in their hands. The most jarring thing about the bar, the thing that caught Eddie by surprise, left him fuzzy brained and dry at the mouth was the man working behind it.
If Eddie was staring, he must’ve been doing an awful job at hiding it, because Maggie was suddenly talking about him.
“That’s my gobshite of a son behind the bar there.” she explained, pointing at him with her free hand. Eddie made a small noise of acknowledgement, hoping that the topic would be brushed past altogether until Eddie was a little less jet lagged and could at least run a comb through his hair, but Maggie Tozier seemed to be having none of it.
“Richie,” she called, waving him over. “Come here to me.”
The lilt in the woman’s voice was almost enough to distract Eddie from the tall boy moving out from behind the bar and walking over to them.
“Eddie, this is Richie. Richie, don’t be a dick.”
Eddie snorted as he took in the other boy, and up close, he was so much more than Eddie initially thought he was. His eyes looked huge behind the thick frames of his wire rimmed glasses, his nose looked crooked, perhaps from being broken, and his lips could barely stretch over his front teeth, pulling his mouth into a perpetual grin. Freckles peppered his face like paint splatters, and Eddie would bet a lot of money that there were more than a few hiding under the unruly curls that swept over his forehead. To anyone else, Richie looked goofy, but to Eddie, he was nothing short of beautiful.
The same, however, could not be said for his clothes. A worn gaelic football jersey hung to the boy’s frame, obviously a size or two too small. The deep maroon of the Galway colours contrasted extremely with the garish lime green long sleeve shirt he was sporting underneath it. His black jeans were almost a complete fit, coming up a little short on his legs, pocket stuffed with a dish cloth, but they only highlighted the ‘Kiss Me I’m Irish’ socks he’d pulled up over his ankles. The whole ensemble was completed with a pair of Vans, a totally sensible choice if one of them wasn’t red and the other one black.
Eddie could feel the cool metal of his rings brush against his fingers as Richie grabbed his hand and forcefully shook it, making Eddie’s whole arm move like a wet noodle.
“Pleasure to meet you Eddie. Richie Tozier’s the name and pulling pints is the game.” He winked, and the first thing that hit Eddie was that, unlike his mother, Richie’s accent was undoubtedly american, only few twangs giving away his heritage.
Eddie’s brain told him to be smooth, or to introduce himself politely and then hurry the fuck to bed, but all Eddie could blurt out was: “What the fuck are you wearing?”
There was a pregnant pause, a beat of silence in which Eddie began to blush. He opened his mouth to cover his tracks, but he quickly closed it again when Richie began to cackle, his whole body curving into it as he leant back and both his arms came up to clutch at his stomach.
“Looks like someone knows how to get his chucks!” Richie cajoled, pretending to wipe his tears with the rag in his pocket before shoving it back in, grinning up at Eddie. “C’mon Eds, let’s get you a drink.”
“Oh, I should probably take my bags up.” Eddie tries to excuse himself, giving the duffel bag in his hand a jostle to punctuate the point furter.
“Don’t be daft.” Maggie cut in, and for a moment, Eddie had completely forgotten the woman was still stood there. “I’ll take these up to your room. Richie, get the boy something.”
“But-” Eddie tried to argue, but the woman had already snatched the bag from his hand, now carrying both of them with ease, and disappeared through a door close to the passageway they had just come through, leaving Eddie completely alone with the boy.
As if he was reading his thoughts, Richie grinned brightly at Eddie and grabbed his hand, leading him into the pub. “Follow me, Eds.”
Glad that Richie had turned around away from him, Eddie willed away the blush rising on his cheeks and he shuffled after Richie.
“Don’t fucking call me that.” Eddie grumbled as he watched Richie move back behind the bar, not missing a beat as he refilled glasses and joked with the customers. Eddie was content to watch him for a while, basking in his own little bubble. It was abruptly burst, however, by a grinning Richie.
“Like what’cha see Eds?” He grinned, drying a pint glass with the cloth that was tucked into his pocket.
“Shut up.” He mumbled, his cheeks burning at being caught looking. But it’s not like Eddie could help it. “What happened to that drink?”
Richie placed the pint pot rim down on its shelf before holding his arms up in mock surrender. “Yes sir. What can I get ya?”
Eddie pondered this for a moment, dramatically eyeing the bottles of spirits hung snugly in their optics before he planted his elbows on the bar top, leaning forward towards Richie. “Surprise me.”
If Eddie didn’t know any better, he’d say that Richie’s eyes followed the sweep of his tongue over his bottom lip, but he quickly dismissed the idea as Richie started to bustle once again, moving down to one of the draughts over the other side of the bar before returning, glass in hand and cardboard beer mat between his teeth.
Plucking the mat from between his teeth, Richie slid it over to Eddie before carefully placing the pint down on top of it. Eddie eyed it suspiciously, his brow furrowed and his eyes flicking between the glass and Richie, who was staring at him expectantly.
“What the fuck is that?” Eddie finally asked, trying not to turn his nose up at the dark liquid.
“It’s a pint of Guinness.” Richie said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re supposed to drink it.”
“Do I look like I drink pints?” Eddie quipped, not actually expecting Richie to take it as an invitation to check him out.
It didn’t last long though, as soon enough, Richie was chuckling and pushing the pint closer to Eddie. “Drink. It’ll put hairs on your chest.”
Eddie didn’t even bother to think of a snarky remark, instead looking up at Richie who wiggled his eyebrows at him, before taking a tentative sip, his face contorting as soon as the drink hit his lips.
Ignoring Richie’s raucous laughter, Eddie quickly put down the drink. His eyes immediately went back to Richie but he was preoccupied, eyes trained on Eddie’s upper lip. Eyebrows furrowed, Eddie brought his hand up to the top of his mouth but Richie’s beat him to it, and his breath caught in his throat as Richie wiped away the foam from the stout with the pad of his thumb.
Eddie couldn’t look away as Richie pulled his hand back and wiped his finger on his cloth as casually as ever, gulping as Richie looked back at him. “That stuff is fucking disgusting.”
Richie’s eyes lit up, and Eddie feared for the worst.
“Aye, but that’s how we do things over here, so it is.” Richie drawled, his accent heightened to be a near perfect imitation of his mothers as he started to clean the bar. “We wean the youngens on the porter and begorrah they grow up strong.”
Rolling up his eyes, Eddie picked up his glass again, taking another cautious sip. “That makes sense. Only alcohol could make you dress like that.” He deadpanned, motioning towards the whole of Richie’s frame. “Drunk toddlers and fashionably inept barmen. Oh what a day it’s been.”
Light seemed to beam from the dark haired man’s face as he smiled, and Eddie tried his best not to be blinded as he hid his responding grin in his pint of offending black sludge.
“That’s just a typical day in the auld Emerald Isle, Eds.” Richie grinned, slinging the cloth he used to wipe down the bar over his shoulder. “Welcome to the foine, foine county of Galway.”
After managing to hold down half his pint and after fighting with Richie over the small detail of actually paying for it (Richie insisted it was a welcome gift; Eddie leaned over the bar, pulled him closer by the belt loops and shoved a ten in his pocket) Eddie trundled off to bed, falling asleep to the faint sounds of the bustling pub below him, the thrill of a new place to explore lighting all of his nerve endings on fire.
If his first meeting was anything to go by, Eddie was sure he wouldn’t be disappointed.
TAGS: @stanleydenbroughuris @richietoaster @roobarrtrashmouth @lilgeorgie @richieshawaiianshirts @qwertykevin @white-duvet
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whosdavidphillips · 7 years
My Trip to Iraq
A blog about my travel to Iraq - Written by David Phillips
The  journey to;
I flew from Winnipeg to Toronto at 10:45am on Wednesday May 18th, 2016. This is such a great time of the day to fly. You don’t need to wake up early, the airport is never too busy, and I had time to spend with the family in the morning, helping get the kids fed, dressed and ready for daycare. I hugged everyone extra hard. While I was sure I would be safe on my journey and return home in one piece, certainly the risks were higher than an average work trip or day in the field. I looked deep into Chantelle’s eyes. “I love you” I said, “I’ll come home to you, don’t worry”. With that they were off to daycare and work and I rushed back inside the house to get ready. I chose to travel with back packs. A day pack that was crammed with everything I'd need for an overseas flight and a 70L hiking pack, filled to the brim with rolled up shirts. Enough for 11 days. I hopped in a cab and headed to the airport nice and early. Avoiding as much stress on this part of my journey as I could.
The flight to Toronto was uneventful. I chatted with the person beside me who had his cottage roof go up in flames over the weekend.  Not from the recent wildfires that were running rampant in Southeast Manitoba and Northwest Ontario, but from a few young, drunk neighbors shooting fireworks off at 1:00 in the morning. None of that seemed to matter. I wanted to be polite, but I didn't care, I was focused on the trip ahead. I was starting to wonder if I'd made the stupidest decision of my life. Feeling like I should maybe back out. Could I back out? I felt like I had no choice at this point. On an airplane, paid for by my company, about to board an intercontinental flight. I was stuck.
In Toronto I picked up my bag and waited for Rene. This gave me a chance to move some items around. Things I realized I didn’t need to take on the plane, and things I had in my checked luggage that I suddenly thought I might want. Rene arrived. He had far less equipment then I thought he would have. But everything was there, all the test instruments and hand tools we needed to test the Bio-safety cabinets. We line up to check in. No automated service with Austrian Air, in Toronto, we had to wait in this huge line. Finally we see the attendant for check in.
“Mr Phillips, you are traveling with Mr. Soetens?”
'Yes”, I reply, “I believe we are sitting together”?
“No, I'm sorry, there's a problem with your seats” the attendant says. I’m worried. What could that mean?  Would one of us have to stay back? Would I have to navigate Vienna airport by myself? Rene knows some dutch which I was counting on for getting around.
“You’ve both been upgraded to business class”....
I couldn't keep the smile from jumping off the sides of my face. My dad has flown enough overseas for me to know, this is the only way to go! Priority lines and first class service all the way to Vienna.
We board first, priority service. The seats are amazing. A full cockpit with tables and lamps, plug ins of every kind. The seat is customizable in many ways, lumbar support, head support, full recline, and of course, full recline into a wonderfully comfortable bed. We’re offered a hot cloth and champagne as the rest of the plane boards. People scoff as they get on the plane. So many people. It was a huge plane. I don’t know what type it is. Huge. And Full. While everyone gets seated and the safety movie is showing, a chef, an actual chef, with the white fluffy hat and apron comes to take a few orders. First supper, atlantic salmon with all the trimmings and to compliment, I order a nice glass of white wine. He also takes our breakfast order, the menu is full of options. Eggs bendict, whole wheat pancakes, fruit, yogurts, eggs done any way you want, it goes on and on. I make my order and sit back to relax. It’s late for my body clock, but there are so many good movies to watch! I’m almost too excited to sleep! I finally convert my chair into a full bed and nod off. It feels like I just closed my eyes when I get a gentle rub on my shoulder. “Sir, it’s breakfast time, we’ll be landing in one hour” the attendant tells me. I sit my chair up and breakfast arrives, hot and fresh. This is the life….
We land in Vienna and navigate to the nearest washroom to freshen up. Funny how something as simple as a washroom, is so much different in another country. All the “things” are there, sink, toilet, mirror, ect, but everything is different! I got a good tip from my folks who fly internationally often. Change of socks and underwear, and all the toiletries to freshen up. I meet back up with Rene and I manage to make our way through the dutch signage to our gate for our Erbil flight. Plenty of time to spare. I Look around the boarding area. “So who else is crazy enough to go to Iraq” I wonder? There are several very well dressed business men. Nationals I assume. Several women with small children and babies. Families. All in all, no one looked crazy. The flight is half full. Erbil Iraq is part of the Kurdistan region and we have been informed that it is much more secure and stable than the rest of Iraq. It’s a fairly normal flight, although long, and we are in coach, which takes a bit of adjustment after the flight we had previously been on. We land in Erbil and pick up our bags; for some reason have to put them through a scanner on the way out! Our equipment sets off all kinds of red flags, as usual. The security guard asks “what's in the black case”. It’s one of those Pelican hard cases that’s waterproof and expensive. The kind that you know is holding something fancy.  He wants it opened. We comply. He looks inside,
“what is this?” He asks in broken English.
Rene: “it's a photometer”.
Iraqi security guard, “yes, a photometer”.... He looked like he was embarrassed, as if he should have known that. Without further ado he clears the box and we’re off. We meet our security rep who greets and briefs us on a the security situation in Erbil. The trip is planned out very carefully by our hosts from the US. A certain level of security is provided at each location as soon as we enter Iraq.
“Erbil has very very good security” he says in his Iraqi accent,  “safe here”. We start driving toward our hotel. The 5-star Divan, Erbil. As we are driving, we notice walls everywhere. Every community is gated and surrounded by walls. Some are sheet metal, some are stone, brick, concrete. There are a lot of buildings in the middle of construction. Cranes hang idle over tall cement structures. The skeletons of the buildings.
“There’s lots of construction here” Rene comments.
“Yes, last year we are building many buildings,” our local national security rep says “this year is stopped. No money. This year is not good year for Kurdistan. We cross our fingers and hope that next year will be better”.
We arrive at the front of our hotel entrance. It's gorgeous from the outside. Beautiful stone, gold trim, fountains, very luxurious looking. But as everything else is, it is surrounded by thick, tall concrete walls. We drive up to the front entrance of the gate. There’s a security shack and many guards. There's a heavy steel wall that comes up from the ground about 3 feet. The wall is above the bumper of our SUV, it’s clearly designed to stop anyone from forcefully driving in, I’d bet it would even stop a tank. The security rep knows the guards. We pull up, “Salam” he says. He speaks to them briefly and we are let through. The metal knee wall is lowered into the ground and we start to drive toward the front doors. Down from the entrance gate is a guard, hiding in bushes, watching us come in. He has a large assault rifle, in hand, ready to be used. He watches us carefully as we pass. As we pull up, vallets help us out and take our luggage. Metal detectors at the front entrance give us a second assurance of security. We check in and view our rooms. They are beautiful. If you ever find yourself in Erbil, I recommend the Divan hotel! We eat at the buffet, $50 American dollars each, but it’s well worth it. We eat and sleep well that night. Heading to Baghdad the next morning. Rene and I make a plan to meet around 10:00 local time. 10:05 rolls around so I knock on his door, he’s still sleeping! 13 hours worth of sleeping for him and he’s caught up and ready to roll!!!
Arrival in Baghdad;
The plane from Erbil to Baghdad is only an hour. It's an older plane, no features, just a tray in the seat back. We were given the exit aisle row because “we’re taller”, the booking agent said. The plane was barely half full, I start to wonder… Is it only crazies on this plane? Everyone looks at you with shifty eyes. “Because we are Canadian”? Or because they are wondering just how crazy we are?! Two white guys, one old, one young, heading to Baghdad Iraq. On the plane I review for a third or fourth time the BIAP (Baghdad International Airport) entry document prepared by Garda World . This extremely thorough document describing exactly the process for airport entry off the plane, through immigration and finally through customs. It has photos of the people who will meet us in the airport. The pilot announces that we are starting the decent. We are high in the sky still and start to go into a controlled downward spiral.  I start looking out the window, as if I would be able to spot incoming small arms fire, something that has been a problem in the recent past. The Iraqi security force is able to keep a small area surrounding the airport secure, so the idea is the plane flies in at or near cruising altitude, gets inside that small bubble and then spirals downward within the bubble to land. It’s a bit rough, you get a bit disoriented. Looking around, it looks like it was just us who were feeling off, everyone else seemed to be used to this kind of decent. We drop into the airport, hot and heavy. The plane parks on the taxiway and a bus comes out to pick us up. It's crammed. Standing room only. We arrive at the arrivals terminal and debark. As soon as we walk in the door, I see one of the Garda world BIAP workers is there, holding a sign with our name on it. He greets us, in English and leads us to the appropriate immigration line. He explains, “we will go through this line, present our visas and he will meet us on the other side”. When it's our turn, we present our passports. The officer glances through the pages to see where else we’ve been. Mine’s mostly empty, Rene’s is mostly full! They look at both of our visas long and hard. The officer takes my passport into a side office. He's there for a while. I’m nervous and disorented. Is this really happening? I am really trying to get into Baghdad? Finally he comes back, stamps the passport and we are on our way. We meet up with staff from the ministry of Agriculture. They are they to assist in explaining our equipment to customs. We line up and scan the bags and boxes. As usual, the aerosol generator and air compressor box and the photometer box bring the scanning line to a halt. “Sir, open this” one of the customs agents say. “What is this”? He asks.
Rene comments “this is a test instrument”.
“Test instrument?”, the Iraqi agent mumbles to himself, “ok”.
And with that, we were sent on our way! Easy. Rene commented to me that, it was the easiest customs entry he has ever had. It's harder to get out of the Toronto airport flying regionally then it was for us to enter Baghdad Iraq. Our BIAP hosts leads us to a special pick up spot. Most people are not allowed to drive up to the airport. They must take a bus to a “meeting area” outside of the final and most secure BIAP check points. Our security team drives right up to us with a white Toyota Land Cruiser that has been modified to be a certified B6 armored vehicle. A guy with a strong Scottish accent gets out.
“Good day gents” he says right away. “I’m Paul, your expat team leader. If you want to give me your bags and hop into the back of the vehicle, I’ll give you a bit of a security briefing and we’ll be off”. It's hot, bright. The driver opens the doors for us, I immediately notice the two body armor vests on the floor between the seats. We jump in, the air conditioning is powerful! Paul explains right away, “I'm not going to make you wear the body armor gents, but if you’d like, or you feel uncomfortable, you can put it on at any time”. Holy shit, I’m thinking…… What the hell are we doing here…
“Okay gents, what we’re going to do is give you gents a bit of a briefing, then head out of here and go directly into the international zone, the IZ. We’ll take you gents on a bit of a tour of the IZ and then we’ll drop you off at Dojo’s where you’ll meet Sean, my operations manager and he’ll take you from there, okay gents?”. He’s done this before…..
Paul continues, “ Now, basic security briefing here gents. The road from the BIAP to the IZ is pretty safe now. There's quite a lot of checkpoints, you’ll need your passport on you and they may want to search the vehicle. Just listen to my instructions and follow what I say. There's a medical kit in the back and I am a certified field medic. If anything happens, get as low as you can in the car and we’ll drive drive drive. If something happens to this vehicle, either my chariot vehicle at the back or the alpha vehicle at the front will pull alongside. Listen to my instructions on which side to exit, stay low, one foot on the ground and next up into the vehicle ya, and we’ll drive drive drive. If I push this button (he motions to a special button near the dash) that will signal the GW operations room that we need help and they, will send a strike force to our location. Okay gents, any questions? Are ya ready to go?”. We nod, and with that we were off. I’ll admit, there’s a bit of grin on my face that I try to hide…. This is cool….. Really cool….. Who does this kind of stuff?!
On the way to the IZ, Paul explains the road from the BIAP to the IZ, called the Irish road, used to be the most dangerous road in the world. Snipers would set up along the road and shoot cars containing westerners on a regular basis. IEDs along the roadside were commonplace. He says, that's all changed now, now it might be the safest road in the world. We pass our first check stop. A considerable amount of soldiers are milling about, all carrying AK-47’s. There are three or four army hummers with urban camouflage paint and large guns mounted on the top at various positions around the check stop. Our driver, who is a local national, flashes his IZ pass and we get waved on. I notice as we are driving, there are elevated cement turrets all over along the road. Some manned, with guns on tripods sticking out, some empty. We pass a large armored personnel carrier with several guns of varying sizes sticking out from different positions. A large, real deal, army tank sits by the side of the road, poised and ready to blow something big to oblivion. Another check stop. More turrets. And again, another check stop. This time we pull into a bay and turn off the car. An IED sniffing dog makes a pass around our three vehicle convoy. We are cleared to go and head into the IZ. Things feel a little more relaxed in the IZ. It’s basically a large area, probably 20 or 30 square city blocks. It backs against the ancient Euphrates river and has 6 entry points by road. All entry points are highly guarded, typically with at least two different guard stations on the way in. Iraqi security guards as well as Iraqi special forces man multiple stations on the same entry point. They don’t trust each other’s security screening. Very large, thick concrete walls surround the entire IZ upto the river. We pass various palaces, they are beautiful. These are the palaces that Saddam built while he was still in power. He spared no expense. We pass the Iraqi Prime Minister's office, British and Australian embassies. We take a drive past the US embassy. It's massive. Would be at least 4 or 5 city blocks together. It took about 3 or 4 minutes to drive from one end of the embassy to the other. “It's the biggest embassy in the world gents” Paul tells us. There are regular looking buildings in the IZ too. Every building, palace, office is surrounded by yet another fence, sometimes sheet metal, sometimes chain link with barbed wire. We also pass a hospital, “that’s where we’ll take you if you need a doctor gents”, Paul tells us. “it’s a good one, where ever we are, we’ll try to make it back here if you need medical care. You’ll be safe there.” We drive on a bit more, not many people around. Some vehicles, stray dogs, but for the most part, it’s quiet in the IZ. “Alright gents, I’ll take ya to Dojo’s”, Paul says.
We arrive at this battered metal gate with several vehicles out front. I notice what looks like a small guard shack, there's a guard there with an Ak-47. Not slung over his shoulder, but in his hands, ready to use if needed. Sean comes out to greet us. He is the Garda World operations commander. He is the one who calls the shots with our security team. Another British bloke. He has a gentle but serious face. White hair. He's checks us in and shows us around. The dojo’s compound is really nice on the inside, you’d never know it looking at it from the street. Green grass and local vegetation in the front court yard. Several well furnished sitting areas. We pass a nice court yard with a sitting area outside. He shows us the restaurant, it's a few 4 x 4 posts with a 2 x 4 frame and a tin roof. Plexi glass walls. It has nice flooring and several wood tables. There are large air conditioners stationed all over the place. It's hot. Next we cross the road into the remainder of the Dojo's compound, It’s split on both sides of the road we came in on. We see the gym, it’s a typical military type gym, weights, a treadmill, chin up bar and a punching bag. We view the meeting room and finally the pool. The pool area is lovely, wooden and tile deck, 2 lounge chairs, large trees surrounding. Sean takes us back across to the other side and to our rooms. Inside our residence building there's a nice pool table and dartboard. I open my room. It's older, outdated carpet and an older looking twin bed. It's Iraq! This is a 4 star hotel (for real, check trip advisor)! We drop our luggage and the body armor we’ve been given to hold onto. Sean tells us, “let’s meet at half two in the front and I’ll give you a quick security briefing. We drop our bags and stretch a bit. There’s a sense of calm, of safety. Not many people are able to stay in the safe confines of the IZ, let alone at a hotel with an armed guard at the front. We head out to meet Sean. He gives us a general security briefing, detailing extraction procedures should we need to flee dojo’s for safer ground. The Garda World compound is literally a 2 minute drive, at normal speeds from Dojo's. Sean tells us to freshen up and head to the briefing room for 15:45.
The detailed brief we received was from someone called “the RAM”. Risk Assessment Manager. This person knows as much as there is to know about the area and the people. It is his job to review the latest developments and make appropriate recommendations regarding safety, and the risk of tracking to the proposed area. We get a history of Iraq, information about the different religious groups, namely the Shi’a and the Sunni, and we get a lot of details about the breach of the IZ compound which happened on April 30. I’d been reading so much about this breach. It was a really big deal. A “million man march” swarmed the IZ check point gates and forced their way in. Many of these people were related to the guards. What could they do? They certainly wouldn't be shooting family members. The breach caught everyone in the IZ off guard, no one had any idea it was about to take place. These protestors broke into the PMs office and parliament buildings.  They were upset at the current government's inability to bring change and their efforts to keep the IZ and themselves safe while the rest of Baghdadian’s and Iraqi’s were dying in terrorist attacks. People literally wandered the IZ with a  free pass. We would later hear from one of the semi-permanent residences of Dojo that they just suddenly noticed a large number of people walking past the Dojo’s entrance, with no idea what was going on! The breach and other similar demonstrations/ actions were mostly organized by Moqtada Sadr. The RAM mentioned at the end of this presentation the high unlikelihood of something like that happening again. He chuckled a bit, It was embarrassing to the Iraqi government, showed weakness. The government just wouldn’t allow it…..
18:15…. I’m mostly unpacked, snapping photos of myself wearing body armor and letting my family and friends know I arrived. There’s wifi and I have an international package on my phone, it has good reception. Iraq is on ATZ time, 9 hours ahead of Winnipeg. Someone knocks at the door. It's John, one of the Garda World team leaders, an equal to Paul who led us from the airport. He’s british as well! He has also knocked on Rene’s door, who’s right beside me, and Rene is in the hallway as well.
“Guys, I just want to let you know about a bit of a situation that is developing”, he says in his strong Scottish accent. “A few protesters are starting to gather at one of the check points. It's probably nothing, but if things get worse, we’ll extract you to the Garda world HQ. If you could, please pack a day bag with your personal items and have it ready”.
“A few protesters”, I comment to Rene and John, “that doesn’t sound too bad”.
“Well it's a few hundred”, John shares. But it's far less than it was last time, so we think things will be under control”. With that he's off and we get a few things packed up. About 15 minutes later, Sean arrives at our door to fill us in. He's told us the numbers have increased. Probably a thousand people. But they haven't breached the IZ yet. We are to continue to wait and see how things unfold. I let my wife know what's up via a text. I start to notice some banging noise. It sort of sounds like someone opening and closing the doors over and over again upstairs. I’m relaxed, but things are starting to get a little tense. I’m not going to overreact though. Another knock at the door. It's Rene. “Come outside a moment” he says.  We exit the residence building and the noises become clear as day. “BOOM”. “Rat-tat-tat-tat”. “BOOM, BOOM”. It reminds me of a very active thunderstorm with someone shooting off fireworks at the same time. But it's not a thunder storm. It's explosions and the sound of automatic rifles shooting off. I can’t believe my ears. I sit down in the courtyard and listen. It continues with intensity. Non stop explosions (I assumed grenades) and automatic weapons. I call Chantelle. She's panicky before I even say anything. “I called your parents” she says “I could hardly tell them what was happening”.
“See if you can hear this love,” I say and hold the phone up into the air. I hold it there for about 10 seconds as the explosions and guns fire continue. As I am doing this, a semi distressed looking Sean, the ops commander, comes bursting around the corning. “Okay boys, we’re gonna go, get your things, grab your body armor.”
I’m sitting outside still. Up until that moment, I had continued to feel fairly relaxed, that quickly ended. “I gotta go babe, we’re gonna go”. She already knew what that meant. We were being extracted to the ultra secure Garda world compound.
“Okay babe be safe” she says “I love you”.
I frantically grab my body armor and bag, already packed up with everything, and Rene and I quickly make our way to the armored car already running and waiting for us, doors open.  We hop in and go. I can’t remember if there was any conversation in the car. I kept looking for signs of the action. We arrive at Garda in what feels like seconds. “Okay boys, follow me” Sean says. We head passed several of the toughest looking guys I’ve ever seen. Some with rifles, some with handguns on their hips. We are taken to the GW operations command room and are seated very comfortably in front of a TV.. Cricket is playing. Rene and I look at each other and laugh a bit. “Hell of a first day” the Ops Commander says. We’re joined by a couple of British fellows who are also there working and under the protection of Garda World. We chat and talk about cricket, eat some supper and watch more TV. Things seem to be calming down outside. The Ops Commander brings out a bottle of gin.
“At times like this, I think a gin and tonic is in order” he says. One of the Brits pours everyone a stiff Gin and tonic. It's nice. Takes the edge off the situation. We are constantly trying to find out whether the IZ had been breached. I’m searching Twitter and Iraqi news. Twitter is full of photos of protectors inside the IZ but with no real way of knowing whether they were current. Around 22:00 we return to dojo’s. “No movements tomorrow guys” Sean says “there's a city wide curfew in effect and the IZ has been completely locked down and sealed”.  We’ll reassess tomorrow for movements on Sunday. It's Friday today. That's significant. Friday is the start of the Muslim weekend. They gather for special prayers and often afterwards congregate in public areas. The specific one of interest is Tahrir square, near check point 1 of the IZ. Protestors are easily able to cross a bridge from there and head towards the IZ. Rene and I make a plan to meet for breakfast and call it a night. That's day one in Baghdad.
Day two is spent relaxing, there's nothing else we can do. We are not allowed to travel outside the IZ for work and we are not allowed to leave Dojo’s compound. We hit the pool late morning. It's wonderful. Hot whether +38C, cool water. Rene and I read and chat for a few hours. We head in for lunch and do it all over again in the afternoon. When we’re not at the pool, i’m catching up on work. Rene's watching TV. Sean arrives at some point in the early evening and tells us we will be allowed to go to the CVL (central veterinary lab) tomorrow. This is good news. We prepare our equipment. The CVL houses the majority of our work. I take some time to review the GW reconnaissance info package. GW will not travel anywhere without first sending a reconnaissance team to get a lay of the land and an assessment of both the security measures in place, and the ability of the facility to defend itself. Each night, I had been setting my alarm at 3:00 AM to wake up and video call the kids before they went off to daycare. Rene and I hit the hay in good time. Pick up is at 08:30.
Day three. We load the armored Toyota Land Cruiser with our equipment, and the security team helps us into our body armor. I was a bit surprised that we were going to be wearing body armor while traveling, but maybe I shouldn’t have been. John takes us out on this trip, he's the ex pat and security detail leader. We have three vehicles. An alpha vehicle in the front, us in the middle and the chariot vehicle bringing up the rear. They are all B60 armor Toyota Land Cruisers. We get another briefing. He talks about the potential for another protest to start today. We will only allow 4 hours at this site. We need to be back at Dojo's should any protests start later in the day. We start driving, John explains to us the traffic rules… “There are no rules”, he says. “Everyone does what they want and drives where they want. There is one working traffic light in Baghdad.” I watch as the alpha vehicle skillfully pulls into traffic. He takes command of the road, he angles himself so as to block the flow for us and the chariot vehicle to enter. It's incredible to see. Cars everywhere, no order, no rules. People squeeze 4 cars into 3 painted lanes. Somehow though, we navigate through unscathed. At one point a large van tries to cut us off, I watch John shoot the driver the meanest, dirtiest look I have ever seen. If looks could kill, this car would have exploded. The driver of the van stops and signals us in, as if he had a choice. People stare at us as we drive. I’m sure we draw all kinds of attention. Not sure that's a good thing. I ask John what the locals drive. “Do those who can afford an armor car buy them”?
“No he says, it's actually illegal for nationals to own armored vehicles”.
That seems off. These people, if they had the means to afford it, still couldn't get safe vehicles to travel in? I'm starting to see the bigger picture here. That cause for the protests. They aren't allowed in the ultra safe IZ, they aren't allowed to own armored cars. They have to shop at markets and use cafes which carry the highest risks of bombings.
We arrive at the CVL and are greeted by the director, Basem. He is very happy to have us. He insists on us going into his office. I’ll later learn that this is common and is a sign of mutual respect, an office meeting prior to any work. It's large and very nice, couches and chairs run along each side leading up toward his desk. He offers coffee, tea and cookies. Something I read before coming to Iraq was that you must never refuse an offer outright. Iraqis are very generous people and it would be rude to do so. “You come to my house for dinner tonight” he says.
“Well we’ll see how the day goes, our security team will only let us out for 4 hours today” Rene says. In fact we should get working soon��. The power cuts out. This happens all the time in Iraq. The power grids can't handle the load. Only the IZ is safe from the rolling power outages. No one panics, it's normal!  It comes back on about 15 seconds later. With that, we get started. No less than 15 lab staff join us to watch. People are taking pictures of everything we do. I write in my notebook “Scanlaf Mars 1200”, the name of the bio cabinet we are testing. Someone pops in and takes a picture of that! This continues throughout. We continue testing, Rene talks about proper lab techniques and bio cabinet use. We start to push our time there. I can see John is starting to get worried. He’s pacing a bit and getting antsy.
“It's time to go” he sternly tells me in his Scottish accent. I frantically start packing up equipment, not sure what to expect outside of the secure lab compound. We rush. The director wants us to stay for lunch. “What kind of wine do you prefer Mr. David” he asks.
“Well, red I suppose, but Basem, our security force is telling us, we must go, we have to listen to them, they are the boss “. I tell our contact.
Rene and I get back into the body armor and load the vehicle. We get moving quickly. John points out groups of people starting to gather together. “This is the kind of thing we watch for” he says. We get back to Dojo's in good time and go for lunch. It's about 13:30 when we are back. After lunch we realize….. It's hot….. we better head to the pool! What choice do we have really?!!! No protests end up taking place. This is a good thing, it means we'll be allowed out the next day.
Day 4. We return to the CVL and get working right away. Taking the same drive twice in a row, you really start to take notice of the city along this route. There are many beautiful large homes, several large buildings. Ministry building we are told. We pass a market, it’s what you’d expect, things just scattered about everywhere. Old parts salvaged from cars and trucks. A lot of places sell air conditioners. For the most part, the buildings we see are intact, not blown to bits with debris everywhere as you see on the news. But, it’s clear, the people are tired, distressed. Some people move frantically, as if their actions may help guard their life. Some people lazily swagger through the markets, as if they don’t have a worry about what might happen. This is life in Iraq for many. And for many, it’s a great city with many things to offer. The staff at the CVL seem like they are happy. They have a good job in a secure facility. There are men and women working side by side. Everyone is so friendly. One Iraqi lady takes a shine to me. She reminds me of the “large” jolly Nun in Sister Act, but a middle eastern version. At one point in the day she asks if I’m married, I think she’s trying to set me up with her daughter! I chuckle! She wants a picture of us! Rene and I work away hard and fast. Anything that can be done off site is left, such as reporting. We want to maximize our time there and we work efficiently. We split up at one point with the equipment. Are we letting our guard down? We don’t think so. The facility is safe and there are a couple GW guards for each of us. Things go well, we do more than we were assigned to do. Everyone is happy. Basem has a gift for us before we go. A traditional Iraqi scarf. “when you’re fishing you put it on your back “ he says and shows us how to hold the scarf and wear it. He folds it corner to corner and drapes it over Rene’s shoulders like a cape.
“And when it's hot you put it on your head. Very good for keeping your warm in cold Canada.” He takes the “cape” off of Rene’s shoulders and drapes it in the same way over his head. One of the younger lab workers whom I hit it off with helps put my scarf on my head in the way you’d commonly see Middle Eastern headscarves worn wrapped around men’s heads. We’re honoured. We return to Dojo’s around 14:40 and head for lunch. “I guess we better hit the pool again Rene” I say.
Day 5 we travel to Al Nahrain medical college. It's located in a mostly Sha’i area of town. While the school is well protected, sha’i areas are very dangerous to be in. We pull up to security and are denied entry. We must wait for some director to come down and let us in. “maybe 5 to 10 minutes” the local national team rep says. Paul turns to us and says “that's half an hour in Iraqi terms”. We wait. And wait. We start to get nervous. We are sitting in a three vehicle, armored convoy on the side of a busy roadway. It's a hospital as well as school so cars are pulling up and dropping people off continually. We start to get really worried, any of these cars could have a UVIED (under vehicle improvised explosive device). Sitting in one place for too long can be very dangerous. Anyone driving by, or who sees us could call someone about “VIP’s in armored cars” on the side of the road. The phone rings for the ops commander, Paul. Just at the same moment, local national team leader, who is our representative to the Iraqis comes to the door of our SUV. The escort is here. We are good to go, we can enter. Thank goodness. We find out a day later that the phone call was the operations Center telling us to get the hell out of there. They track all the vehicles with gps while we are away and they had seen that we were just sitting on the side of the road for too long. They wanted us to evacuate the area immediately. I'm glad we gained entry to the college though. We go through and test the equipment there, total failures. Nothing is working right. We tour the campus, it's beautiful. Life is present. Young adults are everywhere. Kids with stethoscopes, people in lab jackets. Baghdad is not in ruins, it's alive and thriving. At least in this location. We drive home and get lunch. At this point, we are on a roll, it's +44C, time to hit the pool :)
Day 6, if things go well, our last day of work. We travel to the holy city of Karbala. Driving on the highway seemed a bit risky. There are cars and large trucks everywhere. But we sail safely through and into the medical labs. The landscape was beautiful. Sort of a desert tundra. No areas of just sand, the way this area is portrayed on “Three Kings”. There are palm trees and small shrubs everywhere. Lots of people on the side of the road, cleaning and selling Carp. Kids, ahead of every check stop, selling water. At one point we see a small shack/ booth set up on the side of the road with raw meat carcases hanging up for sale. Just sitting there, in the heat of the sun….  We easily gain entry to the hospital. It’s a secure site but it is also a public hospital. We go in through the back entrance and park. We have to head through a very busy lab area. Women in full black and brown Burka’s everywhere. We squeeze through un-scathed. The unit we test there is damaged beyond repair. The staff has used a propane burner inside for sterilizing their inoculation loops, a big no no in a bio cabinet. They have melted the airflow probe, something critical for operation. I do everything I can, but I can‘t pass the unit or even get it working. We pack up and start to head home. We are called into the hospital director's office. Again, we don’t have too much of a choice, we must go. We are served chia, a traditional Iraqi sweet tea. They talk about touring us around Karbala, to some of the Holy sites. We’d love to see this while we were there, but our security team immediately declines on our behalf. They want us to go to another hospital to check another unit. We want to. After all, we are there to help. While we have charged a good amount for this trip, we are there to help, not make money. Our team again, declines. Maybe they are right. Would someone be there to kidnap us? Who knows. Probably not, but best be safe. My neck is killing me. 4 hours of driving wearing body armor will do that to you! On our drive home, we are quiet, looking at the sites of the roadway. Suddenly we hear a very loud BANG. I jump, Rene jumps, the vehicles swerves slightly and we look out the windshield to see whats happening. Our ex pat security lead didn’t jump, he grabbed his rifle and is ready to use it. The driver too, driving with one hand on the wheel and one hand on his rifle which still sits between the center console and his seat. We all look out the window trying to asses what’s happened… The truck driving beside us has blown a tire. The ex pat leader puts his gun down. “That’ll wake you up gents, nothing to worry about”. I’m done…. I’m tired, exhausted. In Iraq, you must always be alert. Always on. You must be watching, listening, thinking at all times, even sleeping is only half relaxing. It’s time to get out of Baghdad. This is the one and only day, I don’t hit the pool. Rene goes. But there is too much work for me to do. Either way, I am happy, we depart Baghdad tomorrow. We get the last two tickets on the plane.
Leaving Baghdad;
We have an early pick up. 06:15. Body armor, 3 cars again. Heavy security check points. We see humvees and tanks everywhere. Soldiers and sandbags, turrets outfitted with guns on tripods. Very heavily armed. Things are at a high alert level after the second breach of the IZ while we were there. At one point we have to leave the vehicles. The doors are left open, trunk and hood are opened also. Dogs come around to check for explosives. We get back in. At the next checkpoint we have to take our bags to an x ray scanner. They go through and we get back in the car. The airport is still a 10 minute drive away but they want to stop anyone dangerous from getting even close to the BIAP. It's smooth sailing after this. We chose to use the vip terminal which has really comfortable seats and breakfast. They take our luggage and put it through. They escort us to the gate and we get to bypass the lines. VIP’s!! It's nice. We board and land in Erbil again, about 60 minutes later. We have a long 5 hour layover. There one shop to sit at. After security, there is again just one cafe to sit down at. The time goes slowly. Finally we board the plane and head for Vienna. 4 hours. Once we arrive we drop our carry on luggage at the airport hotel and Rene and I head to downtown Vienna. We wander the downtown area looking at old buildings. It's wonderful. We are relaxed. We can let our guard down a bit. We have schnitzel and beers outdoors. It's so peaceful and safe in public. While we never felt unsafe in Iraq, there is certain calm about being back in normal civilization. We take the second last train of the night back and hit the hay. The next morning breakfast is incredible. Anything you could want. We board the plane for Toronto. It's a 9 hour flight. We are at the very back of the plane. I guess you can't complain when you switch flights 24 hours before it departs. I'm just happy to get getting home. Period. And two days early at that. After Toronto, 2 and a half more flight hours and i’ll be home. I can’t wait to see the kids! I can wait to hold Chantelle.
What An experience. I almost miss it already. I think I might want to go back….
David Phillips
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
Captain Britain Joining The MCU. Give Me Fucking Strength - Quill’s Scribbles
You know there are some points in my life where a person or a movie studio does something so stupid and moronic that my only response is... what the fuck are you doing?
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DC, what the fuck are you doing?
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Marvel, what the fuck are you doing?
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Kevin Feige... what the fuck are you doing?!
Yes, apparently Marvel Studios are considering putting Captain Britain into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Something I’m sure every comic book fan in the land has been crying out for. Now I’m sure you’re wondering what I, a British person, may think of this. Do I feel patriotic? Proud that such a ‘beloved’ British icon is going to be part of the MCU?
Yeah, I can’t say I’m excited about the prospect and the reason is because... um... how do I put this?... Captain Britain is quite possibly the dumbest thing to ever come out of Marvel (and I’m including Howard The Duck).
Captain Britain was created by Chris Claremont and Herb Trimpe to be the British equivalent of Captain America. But whereas Captain America took off and became a relatively integral part of the American comics industry, Captain Britain never had quite the same impact with us Brits. In fact in contrast with Captain America, he’s actually a very obscure character. While he does have his fans (very few fans), most people have either never heard of him or, like me, can’t stand the fucking sight of him, finding the character to be more patronising than patriotic.
There’s a number of reasons why Captain Britain never took off, but first let’s quickly sum up his backstory. Brian Braddock (smirk) was born into an aristocratic family in Essex and educated at Fettes College In Edinburgh. Because his family were no longer rich enough to fraternise with their academic peers, Brian was a quiet and lonely child because he was too proud to fraternise with the lower classes (and I’m sure we in the lower classes were eternally grateful for that, you stuck up git). After his parents, Sir James and Lady Elizabeth (oh I do beg your pardon) die in a laboratory accident, Brian gets a job at a nuclear facility at Darkmoor. When this facility is attacked by a terrorist, Brian gets on his motorcycle (a motorcycle? Oh come now! Surely that’s far too lower class for him. Shouldn’t he be riding a horse and cart? Pip, pip! Tally ho chaps! We’ll give the ruffians what for!) and goes looking for help only to then crash and get seriously injured (you had one job! That’s you off the Queen’s Christmas card list). He is then saved by Merlyn (yes, that Merlin) and is offered the chance to become Captain Britain. He’s asked to choose between the Amulet of Right (pffft) and the Sword of Might (tee hee). Brian chooses the amulet and he transforms into the champion of Great Britain, fighting for Queen and country and all that is pre-shrunk and cottony... Oh no, wait. That’s from Captain Underpants. Have you ever read Captain Underpants? It’s a brilliant series of books. Very funny. Did you know that DreamWorks are doing a movie adaptation? I’m very excited! :D
Now you may have noticed that I wasn’t really taking this seriously. And really, how could I? It sounds more like a parody of Captain America. But no. Apparently we’re supposed to be taking this very seriously. So come on. Let’s be serious about this for a moment. No! Stop sniggering! Control yourselves, please! This could very well be the next big thing in the MCU.
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As I said, there are many reasons why Captain Britain never really took off. The most glaring example being how stereotypical it is. He comes from an aristocratic family. He went to a boarding school. It’s incredibly painful. He’s one step away from spending Sunday afternoons playing croquet in the grounds and sipping tea in the gazebo before retiring to his four poster bedroom where his butler will give him a glass of port as a nightcap and remind him to get up early in the morning so he won’t be late for a spot of fox hunting with the chaps from Grantham House. I mean Jesus Christ!
Another big reason why Captain Britain doesn’t work is because we don’t really have the same relationship to our flag and our country as the Americans do. Oh sure we can be patriotic on occasion, such as on remembrance days or royal events, but America takes it to a whole other level. Americans love their country. They love their flag. They’re proud to be Americans. To the point where they even have laws dictating how you should take care of your flag. You can actually get punished for not cleaning your flag properly. In some states it’s illegal to wash your flag in a washing machine because it’s disrespectful. That’s insane! Like... it’s just a piece of cloth! Calm down! Brits, generally speaking, don’t have that kind of relationship. In fact kind of the opposite. We often mock our country and view it with a certain amount of disdain. The only people who feel truly patriotic about Britain are the royalists and other such nutters. People who passionately believe that Britain is the best country in the world, who love the Royal family and harken back to the UK’s glorious yesteryears (which never actually existed). While both Captain America and Captain Britain are both equally dumb ideas, I can see why Americans would be drawn to Captain America. An American patriot who stands for American ideals and wears the American flag across his chest with pride. Captain Britain on the other hand, with his Union Jack and his Amulet of Right, is more likely to produce snorts of laughter from us Brits.
But I’ll say one thing for Captain America. It may be a stupid idea and he may talk as though he has the Declaration of Independence shoved firmly up his arse, but at least he doesn’t act all high and mighty or try to lord it over everyone else. No. He fights for the common man and that’s largely because he was a common man himself. A wimpy kid off the streets of Brooklyn determined to become a soldier and fight the Nazis, wanting to protect his country from injustice. His inner strength, good will and patriotism is what made him a prime candidate for the Vita-Ray experiment and he represents an aspirational figure that kids can look up to. Captain Britain is precisely not that. In fact he represents what the majority of Brits actually hate. An overly privileged, upper class prick who has great power bestowed onto him despite the fact that he’s done very little to actually deserve it.
And that’s by far the biggest problem with Captain Britain. As a character, he just doesn’t appeal to us Brits. He’s above us and he sees himself as above us. We don’t want to see that. If we wanted to see that, we’d just watch BBC Parliament. Let me give you an idea of the kind of characters we in the UK love:
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Derek Trotter, more commonly known as Del Boy, was the main protagonist of the hugely successful sitcom Only Fools & Horses and is arguably one of the most beloved characters in British culture today. A market trader and con man who sells hooky gear on the streets of Peckham and often gets into trouble due to his get rich quick schemes. 
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Dave Lister, a vending machine repair man from the sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf. This lager drinking, curry loving slob ends up becoming the last surviving member of the human race and a Godlike figure to a new race of people that evolved from his pet cat. As the series progressed, he helped his robot Kryten break his programming and become fully independent, and it’s this that helps him to grow and mature to become the space hero he is now in the current series.
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Victor Meldrew, from the sitcom One Foot In The Grave. A middle aged man forced into early retirement and having to find ways to pass the time, be it through peculiar hobbies or shouting at the weird events happening around him, much to the dismay of his wife Margaret.
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Basil Fawlty, from the beloved sitcom Fawlty Towers, has become one of the most iconic characters in British culture. A traditionalist, right wing hotelier desperately seeking to raise his social status and to become successful, but is forced to work with people he absolutely despises, including his incompetent Spanish waiter Manuel.
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Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) is the main character of the sitcom Keeping Up Appearances. Housewife to her eternally suffering husband Richard, she’s a pompous snob desperately seeking to maintain the illusion that she’s wealthier and more socially important than she actually is. However her attempts to climb the social ladder are often ruined by her working class sisters or her senile father.
And finally, just to bring this back into the realm of comic books there’s:
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John Constantine. The chain smoking, working class magician from Liverpool who fights dark supernatural forces on a regular basis and frequently has to make morally dubious choices, often resulting in the deaths of his friends and loved ones.
Now what do all of these characters have in common? They’re all underdogs. Working class. Losers. Idiots. Failures. Those are the types of characters we’re drawn to as a culture. The reason why I included so many sitcom characters is because I feel they perfectly demonstrate the difference between British and American culture. America is brimming with idealism and aspiration. The idea that anyone can become greater than their humble origins, and this is reflected in their culture. In most American movies and TV shows and comic books, the main character is often smarter, wittier, tougher and/or funnier than the audience, representing someone they can aspire to be like. Here in Britain, where our rigid class system is permanently ingrained into us at an early age, we mostly accept the fact we’re likely going to stay where we’re at for the rest of our lives and so our media reflects that by giving us characters that are in similar situations to us. The reason we identify with the likes of Constantine and Lister and Del Boy is because they operate on our level and share our problems and worries. They’re one of us. When Basil Fawlty and Hyacinth Bucket arrogantly disregard their working class roots and try to raise their social status, it’s funny when they fail because serve them right for looking down on us. But when Del Boy eventually becomes a millionaire at the end, we’re legitimately happy for him because we like the character, we want to see him succeed and we’re glad he managed to succeed without compromising who he is. And that’s why Captain Britain will never be accepted by us. He is above us and has power over us and we don’t like that. People with power and authority are to be mocked and shamed, not to be celebrated or aspired to be like.
The idea that Kevin Feige is even considering putting Captain Britain into the MCU for me proves what I’ve been saying about Marvel all along. That they don’t care about creating a coherent or entertaining universe, that they’re adding characters and storylines just for the sake of adding characters and storylines, and that Kevin Feige clearly doesn’t have the slightest fucking idea of what he’s doing. If he did, he honestly wouldn’t think Captain Britain would be a profitable or worthwhile project to pursue. I also feel extremely annoyed by all of this. Remember when Feige said we were definitely going to see an LGBT+ superhero appear in the MCU at some point in the next ten years? Or just recently when he said we were totes going to see Miles Morales’ Spider-Man show up in the MCU at some point in the future? All of these vague half-promises constantly pushed back to make way for more ‘important’ projects like an Ant-Man sequel, an Inhumans TV series or Captain fucking Britain.
Regardless of what your thoughts are on the state of the MCU right now, I think we can all agree that when you get to the stage when you’re seriously considering Captain Britain as a legitimately good idea... maybe it’s time to take a break and reevaluate just what the fuck it is you’re actually doing.
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rsadelle · 8 years
Yuletide 2016
Below the cut is a Yuletide round-up of recs and also the things I wrote.
Stories For Me
all that is good (10136 words) by sevenfoxes Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Bourne (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jason Bourne/Nicky Parsons Characters: Jason Bourne, Nicky Parsons Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, unprotected sex Summary:
You think about Landy, how the hearings meant to expose corruption instead started to swallow her whole, destroying the last genuinely good person you knew at the CIA. You think about Vosen and Conklin and Abbot and all the fucking men who hid behind the flag and a thick line about patriotism while pursuing their own agenda, their own power and money. You think about your father dying alone, believing you were gone, that the last of his family was dead.
“There have to be consequences,” you tell him.
That is the difference between the two of you. Jason wants to be left alone.
You want vengeance.
What I liked: NICKY! I was really excited to get a story all about Nicky. This does a really good job of alternating past and present to flesh out the characters and their relationship. Plus reproductive choices.
make haste from Babylon (3990 words) by Addison R Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Killing Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Stephen Holder & Sarah Linden Characters: Sarah Linden, Stephen Holder Additional Tags: Soul Bond, Writing on Skin Summary:
This must be the new guy, but he sure doesn't look the part.
What I liked: SOULBONDING. I won't give it all away, so suffice to say there's a match to shapes that I enjoyed, and also a pull to keep them together.
Other Stories I Enjoyed
A Divinely Attractive Arrangement (5895 words) by Fahye Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Love and Friendship (2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sir James Martin, Lord Manwaring, Lady Susan Vernon Summary:
A selection from the Private Diary of Sir James Martin of Martindale. Concerning Peas, Friendship, the state of Blessed Matrimony, and several wonders of Modern Medicine.
What I liked: This is absolutely hilarious. The characterization is spot-on, and I laughed all the way through it.
Exclusive, Mutually (1507 words) by youjik33 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Arrested Development Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: George Oscar "Gob" Bluth/Tony Wonder Characters: Michael Bluth, Lindsay Bluth Funke, George Oscar "Gob" Bluth, Tony Wonder Summary:
“You realize they’re only even having a wedding for the attention, right?” Michael asked.
Lindsay looked at him quizzically. “Well, yeah, why else?”
What I liked: This is an outsider pov on Gob and Tony Wonder's wedding. It's funny, and I also suggest listening to the mood music linked in the notes as you read.
Aviens Rex (1603 words) by sumeria Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: birdsrightsactivist (Twitter) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bird (birdsrightsactivist) & Original Character(s) Characters: Bird (birdsrightsactivist), Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Twitter, Yuletide, epistolary?, no politics Summary:
In which Brad and Steve just want to have a picnic and a Tyrannosaurus is only another kind of bird.
What I liked: This is a very funny story told in tweets where we see both sides of Bird's interaction with a family having a picnic.
They Call it Undercover Work for a Reason (But Not That Reason) (8273 words) by greywash Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Spy (2015), Olympics RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nancy B. Artingstall & Susan Cooper, Susan Cooper/OFC, Susan Cooper/Nancy B. Artingstall/OFC (ish), Susan Cooper/Rick Ford, Susan Cooper/Rick Ford/Nancy B. Artingstall (ish), Nancy B. Artingstall/the Italian men's Olympic rowing team Characters: Susan Cooper (Spy 2015), Nancy B. Artingstall Additional Tags: Yuletide Treat, the olympics, Actual Bids for the 2024 Summer Olympics, (but everything else is made up), (definitely 100 percent made up), Los Angeles 2024, Paris 2024, Budapest 2024, international espionage, Adventure, The CIA: Have Fun and See Europe While Hitting Lots of Dudes in the Face, Rivalry, Hatesex, Alternate title: The Dr. Seuss Compendium of Hatesex, Would you do it on a plane?, Would you do it at a party?, Would you do it in an alley?, Would you do it on a Ferrari?, Cephalopods, Oh my God Rick Ford be better at your job, Susan and Nancy 2017 World Tour, I have 'friends' at the American embassy, Everything author knows about French accents they learned from Harry Potter IV, (sorry France), Irresponsible use of Google Translate, (sorry everyone), shh shh you have a head wound, maybe guest starring some famous person's second cousin once removed or something just because, also there's a yacht Summary:
"Cooper," says Crocker. "We've had word of an agent trying to undermine the American bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics."
"Do we care about the Olympics?" asks Nancy.
What I liked: This is exactly as absurd as a Spy story should be.
10 Things I Hate About Reunions (17278 words) by BryroseA Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kat Stratford/Patrick Verona Characters: Kat Stratford, Patrick Verona, Bianca Stratford Additional Tags: Partial epistolary - text messages, Post-Canon, the 2nd chapter is just the story stripped of all formatting for accessibility Summary:
Is there anyone less likely than Katerina Stratford to go to their high school reunion?
Well...maybe there is one person.
What I liked: I loved the mix of Kat and Bianca's relationship and the improbable coincidences that happen because of Bianca's scheming.
And All The Roads Are Blinding (7978 words) by moemachina Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kat Stratford/Patrick Verona Characters: Kat Stratford, Patrick Verona, Bianca Stratford, Cameron James Additional Tags: Lovers to Friends to Lovers, Sisterhood, Social Media, History of Technology Summary:
In the years after high school, Kat tentatively becomes friends with her ex-boyfriend Patrick. And then Bianca gets married.
What I liked: The slow reconnecting, and also the bits about Bianca's relationships with her exes.
Days Gone Down (1614 words) by Nomad Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Eroica Yori Ai o Komete | From Eroica with Love Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Klaus von dem Eberbach, Klaus von dem Eberbach's father, Dorian Red Gloria Additional Tags: Future Fic, Yuletide Treat Summary:
An aging Klaus has a conversation with his father.
What I liked: Aging, the connection between Klaus and his father, the mix of that serious conversation with the ridiculousness that (of course) occurs when Dorian shows up.
Friday Night Bracing for Monday (21485 words) by Addison R Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Will Hunting (1997) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Hunting/Chuckie Sullivan Characters: Chuckie Sullivan, Will Hunting, Morgan O'Mally, Billy McBride Additional Tags: Sharing Clothes, Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Postcards, Canon-typical language, Families of Choice, Past Violence, Past Child Abuse, Post-Movie(s), Yuletide 2016 Summary:
Chuckie grows up a little, and Will moves back to Boston.
What I liked: Stories about people growing up and getting their lives together are my faaaavorite.
The Dame's Only Doing It for that Doll (1561 words) by major_general Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Guys and Dolls - Loesser/Swerling/Burrows Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sarah Brown/Sky Masterson Characters: Sky Masterson, Sarah Brown, Nicely-Nicely Johnson Additional Tags: Rule 63, Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Lesbian Character, Lesbian Sky Masterson, Misses Clause Challenge Summary:
Sgt. Sarah Brown runs a mission on her own terms in the years after agreeing to a Boston marriage with Sky Masterson.
What I liked: Lesbian Sky Masterson! Also the effect of a gangster and a missionary making a life together.
Renovation (2712 words) by faithfulcynic Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Practical Magic (1998) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Bridget "Jet" Owens, Frances Owens Additional Tags: Humor, Siblings, Magic, The House has Opinions, Franny watches HGTV, Jet wants another brownie Summary:
Every decade or so, Frances has the urge to renovate the House and every decade or so the House has other plans. Jet always gets caught in the middle.
What I liked: I enjoyed the House's personality and the battles it has with Frances.
Stories By Me
Every Single Holiday (4043 words) Fandom: Spy (2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Susan Cooper/Rick Ford Characters: Susan Cooper (Spy 2015), Rick Ford, Nancy B. Artingstall Additional Tags: Dick in a Box, 5+1 Things Summary:When it comes to gift-giving, Ford's repertoire is somewhat limited.
First Choices (2017 words) Fandom: Chalion Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: the Bastard (Chalion), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Summary:A growing number of L.G.B.T. Quintarians are choosing to devote themselves to gods other than the Bastard.
Life to the Kingdom (2097 words) Fandom: The Huntsman (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: The Huntsman/Sara (The Huntsman)/Snow White (The Huntsman), The Huntsman/Sara (The Huntsman), The Huntsman/Snow White (The Huntsman), Sara (The Huntsman)/Snow White (The Huntsman), Snow White/William (The Huntsman) Characters: The Huntsman (The Huntsman), Sara (The Huntsman), Snow White (The Huntsman), William (The Huntsman) Additional Tags: Threesome - F/F/M, Infidelity, Future Fic Series: Part 1 of The Huntsman: Future's Hope Summary:When the kingdom of the north had been freed and the mirror's shards taken to Sanctuary, Eric and Sara returned to Snow White's kingdom.
Hope Of Our Hearts (4031 words) Fandom: The Huntsman (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: The Huntsman/Sara (The Huntsman)/Snow White (The Huntsman), The Huntsman/Sara (The Huntsman), The Huntsman/Snow White (The Huntsman), Snow White/William (The Huntsman) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Snow White (The Huntsman), William (The Huntsman), The Huntsman (The Huntsman), Sara (The Huntsman), Ravenna (The Huntsman) Additional Tags: Future Fic, Past Infidelity Series: Part 2 of The Huntsman: Future's Hope Summary: When the Heir to Snow White's kingdom, who was known to the people not only by her name of Hope but also as Hope-of-our-hearts, had reached her majority, word came from the kingdom to the east that they were being harried at their eastern border by an army of nearly supernatural strength.
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sphynxtee · 4 years
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investmart007 · 6 years
WINDSOR, England | The Latest: Sir Elton John serenades royal newlyweds
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WINDSOR, England | The Latest: Sir Elton John serenades royal newlyweds
WINDSOR, England (AP) — The Latest on the royal wedding (all times local): 4:25 p.m.
Elton John has performed for guests at newlyweds Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding reception.
The singer was among 600 people invited to Saturday’s marriage ceremony at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle. He sported a bold pair of pink spectacles as he arrived with husband David Furnish.
Kensington Palace says John “performed for the newly married couple in recognition of the close connection he has with Prince Harry and his family.”
The palace did not disclose which songs the musician, who was made a knight in 1998 by Queen Elizabeth II in 1998, chose for the occasion.
John was a close friend of Harry’s late mother, Princess Diana, and performed the song “Candle in the Wind” with recast lyrics at her funeral in 1997. ___ 3:30 p.m.
Meghan Markle was not the only star of the royal wedding on Saturday. The children who were her pageboys and bridesmaids captivated the crowd in Windsor and television audiences, too.
Prince Harry’s nephew and niece —Prince George and Princess Charlotte— were among the six bridesmaids and four pageboys. The 10 attendants all are age 7 and under.
The royal siblings are no strangers to performing wedding duties as they held the same roles at the wedding of Pippa Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge’s younger sister, last year. Princess Charlotte waved at crowds outside St George’s Chapel following the service — proving that she’s catching on quickly to the duties of royal life. ___ 2:35 p.m.
Chloe Edwards still can’t believe she had a conversation with George Clooney on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding day. The 16-year-old British army cadet yelled out to the actor as he and his wife, Amal Clooney, walked from St. George’s Chapel to a post-wedding reception hosted by Queen Elizabeth II.
Edwards said: “I was like, ‘George.!’ and he came over, we had a bit of a conversation. It was fantastic. He asked if I had enjoyed the wedding.”
Edwards received a coveted invitation to watch the procession from the grounds of Windsor Castle as recognition for her outstanding cadet work.
“It was just so surreal,” she said. “I still don’t believe I was actually here. I just loved every moment.”
Edwards said Prince Harry’s and Prince William’s military service has helped build morale.
She said: “I think it’s brilliant that even though they’re royals, they still contribute toward the forces and it’s really an inspiration for the rest of the country.” ___ 2:15 p.m.
Guests are welcoming royal newlyweds Harry and Meghan at a reception featuring seasonal British produce and a nontraditional wedding cake.
Kensington Palace says the 600 guests at the Windsor Castle wedding will eat canapés including Scottish langoustines, grilled English asparagus and croquette of confit Windsor lamb.
There’s no sit-down meal at the lunchtime reception, but guests will be offered bowls of chicken fricassee with morel mushrooms, pea and mint risotto and slow-roasted pork belly.
Place of honor will go to the wedding cake by California-raised London master baker Claire Ptak.
The layered lemon and elderflower cake features ingredients including 200 Amalfi lemons and 10 bottles of elderflower cordial from Queen Elizabeth II’s Sandringham estate.
The cake is decorated with Swiss meringue buttercream and 150 fresh flowers, mainly British and in season, including peonies and roses.
The reception is hosted by Prince William, his brother’s best man, and will include speeches by Harry’s father, Prince Charles, and the bride and groom. ___ 1:35 p.m. Meghan Markle reached 125 years back into the British monarchy’s vault to choose her wedding tiara.
The diamond bandeau Markle wore was made for Queen Mary, who was crowned with husband King George V in 1911. The tiara was specifically designed to accommodate a brooch that was given to Mary in 1893 to commemorate her engagement to the then-Prince George.
Queen Elizabeth II inherited the pieces in 1953. The grandmother of groom Prince Harry has hundreds of tiaras stored in locked vaults. Royal tradition holds that the queen would let Markle borrow one of the sparkly heirlooms.
In the months before Saturday’s wedding, there had been speculation over whether Markle would continue the tiara tradition and if so, whether she would choose one that belonged to Harry’s late mother, Princess Diana. ___ 1:30 p.m.
A teenage cellist is getting praise for his performance at the royal wedding.
Sheku Kanneh-Mason, who is 19, performed for 600 guests and a huge global television audience as the newlyweds Harry and Meghan, now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, signed the register.
Kanneh-Mason performed works including Franz Schubert’s “Ave Maria.” The cellist won the BBC’s Young Musician of the Year contest in 2016, the first black musician to do so. ___ 1:20 p.m.
The leader of the Episcopal Church has quoted civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. on the “redemptive power of love” as he blessed the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry, who was hand-picked by the couple to deliver a sermon at their wedding, told the bride and groom Saturday that there was “power in love” and that “love can help and heal when nothing else can.”
But Curry, a champion of civil rights causes and outspoken supporter of gay rights, continued “it’s not just for and about a young couple, who we rejoice with, it’s more than that.”
Invoking the days of slavery in the United States, he said love helped those in captivity persevere.
He told the couple love has “the power to change the world.” Curry says “when love is the way, we actually treat each other, well, like we are actual family.” ___ 1:15 p.m.
The royal newlyweds are taking a short trip through Windsor in a horse-drawn carriage, to the delight of thousands of well-wishers. The crowd roared as Harry and Meghan emerged from St. George’s Chapel and kissed at the top of the steps.
The couple, now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, will travel through Windsor in the Ascot Landau carriage before looping back to Windsor Castle for their reception.
Tens of thousands of people have come to Windsor in hopes of catching a glimpse of the couple. ___ 12:55 p.m.
A buzzing crowd of Californians and British expatriates has packed into a Hollywood pub long before dawn for a pajama party and royal wedding viewing.
British flags and pictures of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle hung all around the Cat & Fiddle Pub early Saturday. It’s just a few miles from Markle’s childhood schools.
The sold-out pub is packed with guests wearing pajamas party hats, nightgowns and crowns.
Nottingham, England native Craig Young was giving a wedding-themed pub quiz as he wore a bathrobe and Harry mask.
The 44-year-old actor says the wedding is especially sweet for Britons in LA because a woman from their adopted hometown is joining the royal family.
It’s one of countless watch parties at pubs, hotels, movie theaters and elsewhere across the U.S. ___ 12:40 p.m. The archbishop of Canterbury has declared Prince Harry and Meghan Markle husband and wife.
Justin Welby, the head of the Church of England, has made the proclamation after the couple promised to love and cherish one another “till death us do part,” and exchanged rings.
The British-American pair are now officially known as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and the duchess will take her place among senior members of the royal family.
Saturday’s ceremony took place at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor, the British royals’ longtime home. ___ 12:10 p.m.
Dean of Windsor David Conner has welcomed the congregation at the start of the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The couple are standing at the altar in St. George’s Chapel. They smiled at each other as a soprano sang a work by Handel.
As they stood at the altar, Harry said to Meghan: “You look amazing.” Markle arrived to a fanfare and walked down the aisle accompanied part of the way by Prince Charles, and by 10 young page boys and bridesmaids. The children include 4-year-old Prince George and 3-year-old Princess Charlotte, children of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge. ___ 12 p.m.
Meghan Markle is wearing a dress by designer Clare Waight Keller for her wedding to Prince Harry.
Markle’s choice is being closely watched Saturday given how big an impact royal wedding dresses have on what brides everywhere want to wear. Princess Diana’s 1981 wedding gown, with its romantic details and dramatic train, defined the ’80s fairytale bridal look.
More recently, when Kate Middleton married Prince William in 2011, her long-sleeved lace gown immediately sparked a trend for more covered-up, traditional lace bridal dresses. ___ 11:55 a.m.
Queen Elizabeth II arrived at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor in a flared lime-colored dress in printed silk and an edge-to-edge coat with a lime silk tweed fastening.
The royal palace said that both items of clothing were designed by Stuart Parvin. She was joined by her husband, Prince Philip. The guests stood to attention as the pair entered the chapel. ___ 11:50 a.m.
American television star Meghan Markle has arrived at St. George’s Chapel for her wedding to Prince Harry.
Markle, who is being ferried to the grounds in a vintage maroon Rolls-Royce with her mother Doria Ragland, is expected to enter the chapel shortly.
Prince Harry and his brother and best man Prince William were seated waiting for her on Saturday. ___ 11:35 a.m.
Prince Harry and best man Prince William have arrived at St. George’s Chapel for his royal wedding in Windsor to American actress Meghan Markle.
The pair, dressed in formal military uniforms, waved and smiled as they stepped across the grounds of the 15th-century church.
William, who was married to commoner Kate Middleton at a ceremony in 2011, is carrying his brother’s rings. Saturday’s ceremony is supposed to last about an hour.
Other members of the royal family have taken their places inside St. George’s Chapel, including Harry’s uncles Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, his aunt Princess Anne and his cousins Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice.
Guests are awaiting the arrival of the most senior royals, including Princes Charles, who will walk Markle down the aisle, and Queen Elizabeth II and her husband. ___ 11:30 a.m.
New York theatre producer Allen DeWane has a prime viewing spot on the sunlit grounds of Windsor Castle along the procession route Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will use. He was invited because of his charity work, and happy to have the chance to share the moment.
The 47-year-old DeWane said: “I’m African-American and I’m very proud of Meghan Markle. She’s such a very class young lady. She carried herself so well and I think she’s made us all proud.”
DeWane says his contacts in the industry speak highly of Markle’s professional conduct on the set of “Suits” when it was filmed in Canada.
He said: “She’s got an excellent reputation with the workers and the crew, and not everyone does. It’s not talked about every day on the streets, but I think the majority of African-Americans are quite proud of her. And happy.” ___ 11:25 a.m. American actress Meghan Markle has arrived at her hotel on her way to the royal wedding.
The 10-mile (16-kilometer) trip will take her to St. George’s Chapel in Windsor, where she will marry Prince Harry.
Markle waved for the cameras as the car she was traveling in, a vintage Rolls-Royce, drove past Saturday. She appeared to be wearing a white dress and a long veil. ___ 11:15 a.m.
Patsy Small, a 53-year-old nursery manager who was invited to the Windsor Castle grounds, says she is “very British” but she has close relatives in the United States who have been calling her in the last few days to talk about Meghan Markle.
Small said: “As a black British woman I am so happy. Everyone’s phoned me from the States this morning, they are so happy that she’s here, that she’s biracial, all they’ve been saying is black people in America are so proud and so happy.”
She said she is very impressed with Prince Harry and Prince William. Small said of Markle joining the royal family: “Will this bridge the gap? We don’t know. But one thing we know is these two boys are real. Harry and William. They are real. They go to the West Indies.
They go to Africa. They are trying to have a legacy like their mother. They know they’re royals, they know who they are. But they are also entwined with the general public and the community. They have a mind of their own.” ___ 10:55 a.m.
Tennis great Serena Williams and soccer star David Beckham are among famous guests from the world of sports attending the wedding of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle. Williams, a 23-time Grand Slam champion, said on Instagram on Saturday that she was “getting ready for my friends wedding.” She later walked into the chapel.
Williams returned to the WTA tour briefly this year, after a 14-month absence to give birth to her daughter. But she withdrew from the ongoing Italian Open, saying she wasn’t “100 percent ready to compete,” leaving her free for the wedding.
Beckham won six Premier League titles at Manchester United and had 115 appearances for England. He also won league titles in Spain (Real Madrid), the United States (LA Galaxy) and France (PSG). Stars from the rugby world included Sir Clive Woodward, who coached England to the world cup in 2003, and Jonny Wilkinson, a member of that title-winning team. ___ 10:35 a.m.
A-list couples including George and Amal Clooney have arrived for the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Crowds cheered as the Hollywood star and his lawyer spouse arrived at Windsor Castle — he in a gray suit, she in mustard yellow dress and matching hat.
David and Victoria Beckham have also arrived at St. George’s Chapel for the ceremony. The former soccer star doffed his sunglasses to pose for photos with well-wishers. Designer Victoria wore a smart navy blue ensemble and hat with half-veil. ___ 10:15 a.m. Kensington Palace says that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have chosen Cleave & Company to make their rings.
The American actress’ ring has been made with Welsh gold given by Queen Elizabeth II. The company also made her engagement ring. Prince Harry’s ring is a platinum band with a textured finish. Prince William will carry the rings into St George’s Chapel on Saturday. ___ 10 a.m.
St. George’s Chapel has been given an overnight makeover with flower arrangements at the main entry door and inside the great room where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will wed.
A cascading hedgerow style using native flowers and foliage graces the entryway. A similar display was inside.
Senior chapel official Charlotte Manley said the flowers were put in overnight while other decorations were put in place in recent days. She said Markle helped choose the plants but has not seen them in place. That will happen when she arrives to be wed.
The chapel was filled with light from the extensive stain glass window on a bright sunny morning as guests started to arrive. ___ 9:50 a.m. Oprah Winfrey and Idris Elba are among the first guests to arrive at Windsor Castle for the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
The American talk-show titan and the London-born Hollywood star are among celebrities, royalty, athletes and family friends in the 600-strong congregation invited to St. George’s Chapel in Windsor.
Singer James Blunt has also arrived Saturday at the gothic chapel, where the wedding will start at noon (1100GMT).
Royal relatives on hand include Charles Spencer, the brother of Harry’s late mother Princess Diana. ___ 9:20 a.m.
Royal fans have come from near and far for a glimpse of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their wedding day in Windsor. Hundreds camped out overnight to get a prime spot outside for the newlyweds’ horse-drawn carriage near Windsor Castle after the ceremony.
“I woke up wet, and I’m freezing cold, my back is sore, and I just want to go to bed,” said Bernadette Christie, a Canadian from Grand Prairie, Alberta.
“I’m here for that 10 seconds when that coach goes around the corner,” she said. “It’ll be well worth it.”
Farkahanda Ahmed came with her mother and a friend from Slough, a few miles from Windsor, arriving at 4 a.m. to get a good spot. The trio wore Union Jack hijabs in honor of the occasion.
“It’s a proud moment for us — times are changing,” Ahmed said. “Who would have thought a Hollywood actress would become a British princess? “We are proud to be British and we wanted to come here and show our support.” ___ 9 a.m. The members of the public selected for prime viewing spots for the royal wedding have started arriving.
Alan Scott was one of the first arrivals among the roughly 2,600 people invited to watch the procession from the grounds of Windsor Castle. He was invited because of his 45 years of service to scouting, an activity that enjoys much royal family support.
He will have a front row view of the wedding procession and hoped for a good chance to see Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after the ceremony. The 69-year-old Scott had come in from Lincolnshire the night before for the big event.
“It’s a great honor,” he said of the unexpected invite. “The atmosphere is great. The royals are great supporters of everything and the young element is really coming through. I think they’re going to take things forward.” ___ 8:30 a.m. Royal watchers have swarmed the first trains from London to Windsor as they headed for the wedding of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle.
At the station in Slough, the changing point for travelers from London, revelers found sign boards reading “All aboard the royal wedding special to Harry & Meghan Central.”
Many of those on the standing room only trains were Americans, including Christine Clancy from Virginia.
Clancy says she’s “always been a royal fan — not an extreme one — I just love British history and love the royals. I just wanted to be part of the wedding celebration.”
Irene Bowdry, a lawyer from California, booked her trip with four friends as soon as the date was announced. She said “an American in the royal family, isn’t that so exciting?” ___ 8:20 a.m.
Queen Elizabeth II has conferred a dukedom on Prince Harry — making him the Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel.
The new title will mean that when Harry marries American actress Meghan Markle later Saturday in Windsor, she will become the Duchess of Sussex.
The secondary titles are for use in Scotland and Northern Ireland. The monarch similarly bestowed titles on the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge before their wedding in 2011. ___ 8 a.m.
Thousands of people are on the streets outside Windsor Castle after many of them camped overnight to grab the best spots to catch a glimpse of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on their wedding day.
It was the fourth night sleeping rough for Canadian royal-watcher Bernadette Christie, who says it will be well worth it if she sees the royal couple pass by in their state carriage.
Christie says, “I’m freezing cold, my back is sore, and I just want to go to bed.”
But she is unrepentant. She says “I’m here for that ten seconds when the coach comes around the corner.”
Police and security marshals are out in force to ensure the safety of the tens of thousands of people expected to converge on Windsor during the day. ___ 5 a.m.
The big day is finally here: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are to wed at St. George’s Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle. It all started with a blind date two years ago that went very, very well.
That has turned into a global mega-event Saturday that is helping reshape the British monarchy and will be watched by tens of millions of TV viewers around the world.
 By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC(R.A)
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taste2travel-blog · 7 years
Bermuda Travel Guide
Bermuda Travel Guide
Date Visited: July 2017
Exploring Bermuda has been on my bucket list for some time, so when I found a cheap flight from New York City I snapped it up. I then turned to booking.com to book my accommodation and saw the few hotels on the island were charging upwards of $600 per night. Ouch! Where were the cheap guest houses and hostels? I turned to Airbnb.com and found a wonderful, comfortable room in a family home for less than $100 per night – a real bargain for this island.
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Warwick beach on the south coast.
Bermuda is one very expensive travel destination – a real challenge for those travelling on a budget. This British Overseas Territory doesn’t market itself as a budget-friendly destination, the island is all about 5-star resorts, fine dining restaurants and expensive boutique shopping – a destination for the well-heeled.
I originally planned to visit during June of 2017 but the already high prices were in the stratosphere thanks to Bermuda being the venue for the Americas Cup. I arrived two weeks after the cup and found retailers in town were still selling surplus clothing (from the cup) at full retail prices – there are never any bargains on this island.
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South Coast beach.
Despite the scary prices, there are ways to keep costs down – such as eating in local cafes (where you can get a meal for around $12), or by shopping in supermarkets and self-catering.
If you choose to eat in tourist/ ex-pat restaurants, you should always be prepared for ‘sticker shock‘ when you receive the bill. In one cafe I paid $20 for a sandwich, which then came close to $30 once the gratuity and my drink was added. At the North Rock Brewing company, a small glass of one of their fine craft beers cost me $13.80 – that left a nasty aftertaste! I met a vacationing American family who had dinner one evening in a hotel restaurant. During their dinner the servers kept pouring water, which the family thought was house water. In the end they had a charge on their bill of $130 for water. You can read more about the high cost of living here.
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Typical South Coast beach
If you can live with the high costs then Bermuda is a beautiful, engaging and rewarding destination and one not to be missed. On this well-ordered island, there is something for everyone – from a pristine environment, lots of history, a rich culture and so much more. Then there are the wonderful Bermudans – friendly, welcoming and always hospitable. Despite the budget-busting costs, Bermuda is a veritable paradise, one which I enjoyed and hope to return to again one day.
Bermuda Shorts
“The short-pant is a terrible fashion choice, unless it is from Bermuda.” So said Winston Churchill after a visit to Bermuda in the 1940’s.
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Bermuda shorts in every colour of the rainbow at ‘Tabs’ in Hamilton
Bermuda shorts were originally designed by the British Army for wear in tropical and desert climates. During WWII, there was a shortage of clothing in Bermuda. At the time, the General Managers of two local banks (who were concerned that their male employees would not have suitable clothing to wear) arranged for a local tailor to make two pairs of formal shorts (modeled on the shorts of the British military), for each of their male employees. This was the beginning of Bermuda shorts as acceptable business attire in Bermuda. Since their inception, local designers have improved the design of the shorts, using better materials and brighter colours.
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Bermuda shorts on sale at Tabs in Hamilton.
One thing I noticed while on the island is how popular the shorts are with local businessmen and government employees. Bermudans wear their shorts for all occasions – including weddings.
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“How to wear your Bermuda Shorts” Source: “Tabs” – Authentic Bermuda Shorts
Men on Bermuda wear their Bermuda shorts in a variety of bright colours, always with long (knee-length) woolen socks – often in the same colour as their shorts. The look is completed with formal (black/ brown) shoes, a freshly ironed dress shirt with tie and a navy blue jacket.
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Bermuda shorts come in a variety of colours, with red (same colour as the flag) being especially popular.
Bermuda Triangle
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Boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle. Source: Wikipedia
A blog about Bermuda wouldn’t be complete without mention of the Bermuda Triangle. Since the 1950’s, writers have written fictional stories about ships and aircraft mysteriously disappearing in the vicinity of the triangle. The boundaries of the triangle were defined in a pulp fiction publication – Argosy  – in 1964.
The area defined by the triangle is one of the busiest shipping lanes on the planet and while ships have become wrecked/ disappeared, there is no evidence to suggest that paranormal activity was responsible for any of these misfortunes. Either way, the story of the triangle has sold lots of books over the decades and (today) lots of tacky ‘I went to Bermuda and survived the Bermuda Triangle..’ souvenirs.
Heather Nova
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Heather Nova in concert.
It would be amiss of me not to make mention of one of my favourite musicians, who happens to be a native of Bermuda – Heather Nova. I first saw Heather in concert in Zurich, Switzerland in 2009. The concert was a magical experience – from her enchanting, mystical voice, to the meaningful lyrics of each of her carefully composed compositions.
Heather was touring Europe while I was visiting Bermuda so no chance of seeing her perform at home. If you ever have the chance to attend one of her concerts (she is often touring Europe) I would recommend you do so – but be warned – there is a magical quality about her music and she will put you under her spell.
Bermuda is an extinct, isolated volcano, located atop a seamount, far from anywhere, in the middle of the North Atlantic ocean. The closest landmass is Cape Hatteras (North Carolina), on the east coast of the United States – approximately 1,070 km (665 mi) to the north-east.
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Bermuda Blues
At different periods in history, the seamount has been completely submerged which has allowed marine organisms to form a limestone cap which covers the entire island and provides the white/ pink powdery sand beaches and turquoise water for which Bermuda is famous.
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The Bermudan flag alongside the Union Jack.
Unlike its Caribbean neighbours to the south, remote and isolated Bermuda was never settled by indigenous Indians from the Americas. The island remained undiscovered until 1505 when Spanish navigator Juan de Bermudez passed by, while sailing back to Spain from a provisioning voyage to Hispaniola (present day Dominican Republic/ Haiti). The island was named after Bermudez who returned again in 1515 dropping off some pigs who could be used as food by anyone unlucky enough to be wrecked on the isolated outpost.
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Martello Tower in St. Georges parish, part of line of defensive forts built by the British.
Bermuda continued to remain off the radar until 1609, when an English provisioning ship – the Sea Venture (captained by Sir George Somers) – would be deliberately ship wrecked on its reef. The ship was en-route to the new English colony of Jamestown, Virginia when it became caught in a fierce storm and was blown off course. When the reefs of Bermuda were spotted days later, the ship was deliberately run aground in order to save all survivors and allow them to salvage parts from the ship.
The survivors spent ten months on Bermuda, where they found plenty of food – including a thriving pig population. During this time, they were able to use tools and parts from the Sea Venture to build two new ships – Perseverance and Deliverance – one of which they filled with food stores sourced from the island. When the two new vessels were complete, most of the survivors set sail, completing their journey to Jamestown. Upon arrival they found a starving colony, which they were able to save using the supplies from Bermuda. Had this not happened, England’s new colony of ‘America’ would most likely have failed.
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Tunnel in Fort St. Catherine – St. Georges Parish
When Somers departed Bermuda for Virginia, he left two volunteers on the Island to maintain Britain’s territorial claim. As a result, Bermuda has been continuously inhabited as a British territory since the wrecking of the Sea Venture in 1609, and claims its origin from that date, and not the official settlement of 1612.
Initially the island was run as a company, with land divided up between shareholders. Tobacco was the only agricultural crop grown but wasn’t profitable due to the small size of landholdings. Due to the lack of agriculture, slavery was not as important to Bermuda as it was on the ‘plantation’ islands in the Caribbean.
With almost no natural resources, Bermudans would eventually turn their attention to other sources of income. For centuries, Bermudan salt traders would spend six months of each year in the Turk & Caicos islands (TCI) where they harvested salt, which was then transported and sold in America (for further information on TCI, please refer to my TCI blog). Due to the Bermudan presence on the islands, Britain claimed TCI as a territory – a claim which continues today. Following territorial disputes with the Bahamas over the TCI and a change in salt markets, the Bermuda salt trade ended.
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Bermuda Sloop.
In the 17th century, the islanders gave up on agriculture and instead turned their attention to the sea and everything maritime. For years, Bermuda Cedar had been used for ship building and the island had become famous for its shipyards. Design refinements led to the development of the famous ‘Bermuda Sloop‘ which sailed faster than any other boat at the time. These speedy sloops were perfect for pirates and privateers and Bermudian merchant vessels turned to privateering at every opportunity during the 18th century – preying on the shipping of Spain, France and other nations.
During the American War of independence, Bermudian sympathisers sold sloops to American rebels through third-country ports. It’s said these sloops greatly aided the American war effort, allowing the Americans to defeat the British.
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Towing the floating dockyard across the Atlantic Ocean.
After the war, Britain (who had lost control of all it’s ports on the US east coast) turned it’s attention to fortifying Bermuda and creating a strategic regional Naval Dockyard on the island, the centre piece of which was the world’s 2nd largest floating dockyard, which was constructed on the River Thames (London) over a period of three years then towed across the Atlantic to Bermuda in 1869. Today you can view the semi-submerged rusty remains of the dockyard in the mouth of Spanish Point.
Since WWII, Bermuda has positioned itself as a centre for Offshore Banking – the main industry on the island – with tourism being second. The official currency of the island is the Bermudan Dollar, which is pegged to the US dollar. Businesses on the island accept payment in both currencies.
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The Bermuda Eastern Blue Bird is featured on the $2 note.
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Shops in St. Georges town.
As I flew into Bermuda, I couldn’t help but notice all the blindingly white rooftops reflecting the dazzling tropical sunlight. White rooftops are a unique architectural feature of the island, with every type of building sporting the same white pointy cap. The reason for this is a very practical one – besides the fact that it also looks very pretty. On an island which lacks rivers or any other fresh water source, rainwater is the only source of fresh water and all rooftops are required (by law) to serve as rainwater catchments.
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Painting at the Masterworks Art Gallery showing workers constructing a Bermudan rooftop.
Roofs are constructed using limestone slabs (a natural filter), which step down to a trough which then directs water into underground holding tanks. All homes are painted in pretty pastel colours with thick stone walls designed to withstand hurricane-strength winds.
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Parish Map of Bermuda
For a small island, Bermuda packs in a lot of sights – from historical towns, museums, galleries, gardens, old forts, stunning beaches, diving, snorkeling, sailing, hiking, bird watching and so much more. After ten days of zipping around on my scooter I still hadn’t covered everything.
Included here is a brief overview of sights from the most northern parish (St. Georges) to the most southern (Sandy’s):
St. Georges Parish
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St. Georges town.
The UNESCO World Heritage listed St. Georges town was Bermuda’s first English settlement and served as the capital of Bermuda for its first 200 years. The town today is pleasantly renovated and offers a wealth of sights for visitors to explore:
St. Peters Church – the oldest Anglican church in the New World, which includes a segregated Slave Graveyard.
Somers Garden – where the heart of George Somers is buried.
Tucker House Museum – once home to Henry Tucker (former president of the Governors Council), this museum provides a view of life in a typical home from the 1700’s
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  Colorful St. Georges.
Kings Square – the main square which includes the historic town hall.
Bermuda National Trust Museum – housed in the former Globe Hotel, this museum highlights Bermuda’s role in the American Civil War.
World Heritage Centre – Located on the waterfront, this renovated, former warehouse provides an overview of the history of St. Georges.
Apart from sightseeing, the town offers lots of boutique shopping, restaurants and cafes.
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The Unfinished Church.
The Unfinished Church
Located on a hill overlooking St. George’s Town, construction of the Gothic-style Unfinished Church was commenced in 1874 but never completed due to lack of funds and disagreements between local parishioners. The site is administered by the Bermuda National Trust who have closed the grounds due to structural deterioration causing risks to visitors. You can walk around the perimeter fence from where you can take photos. The church is located on the aptly named Church Folly Lane.
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View of Catherine’s Beach from Fort St. Catherine.
Fort St. Catherine
Located over the hill from St. Georges town is beautiful St. Catherine’s Bay and Fort St. Catherine. The impressive fort is surrounded by a dry moat and accessed by a drawbridge and contains a large number of tunnels, towers and ramparts. Today, the fort houses a museum, which is one of the more interesting on the island. It was just offshore from the fort that the Sea Venture was wrecked in 1609. The entire crew came ashore where the Fort St. Catherine now stands. Further along the north coast are several smaller forts which you can visit.
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The Rainbow Parrot-fish is the largest herbivorous fish in the Atlantic with males reaching 1.2 metres. Source: www.arkive.org
The protected cove at St. Catherine’s Bay is ideal for swimming and offers good snorkeling. On the other side of the fort is the small, protected Achilles Bay. The bay offers good snorkeling and it’s here you have a chance of spotting the giant Rainbow Parrot fish. Further along the coast is the much more developed (and busier) Tobacco Bay.
Hamilton Parish
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The main chamber of Fantasy Cave.
The Crystal Cave complex is comprised of two caves (tickets sold separately) – Crystal Cave and Fantasy Cave. The caves were discovered in 1905 by two 12-year-old boys searching for a lost cricket ball and have been a tourist attraction ever since.
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Native to Bermuda – the White Tailed Tropic bird is locally known as the Longtail – seen here on the north coast of Hamilton parish.
A great place to photograph the Longtail birds is along the north coast of Hamilton Parish – just to the north of Flatts village. This part of the coast is comprised of small cliffs where the birds have their nests.
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The picturesque Flatts Village.
Beautiful Flatts Village is located in a small inlet and is home to the Bermuda Zoo and Aquarium. It’s also home to the Village Pantry – a great place for breakfast and coffee (see ‘Eating Out’ below).
Smiths Parish
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Jamaican Anole at Spittal Pond Nature Reserve.
Located on the south coast of Smiths Parish, Spittal Pond Nature Reserve is the largest reserve on the island and is a great place to see the fauna of Bermuda. The reserve stretches along south shore and features an 8-acre Spittal Pond, a large brackish pond (home to Egrets, Herons etc), surrounded by marsh and woodland areas.
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A recent introduction to Bermuda – the Yellow-crowned night heron at Spittal Pond Nature Reserve.
Devonshire Parish
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Jamaican Anole at the Arborteum.
One sight worth visiting in Devonshire Parish is the Arborteum. Once British army property, this national park covers 22 acres of trees, shrubs, meadows and forest. If you wish to photograph the Bermuda Eastern Blue Bird, you’ll find them here.
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The Bermuda Eastern Blue Bird.
Pembroke Parish
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Front street in downtown Hamilton.
Capital of the island since 1815, Hamilton is a small, vibrant and a friendly city. It’s the heart and commercial hub of the island. Front Street runs along the waterfront and is the life and soul of the city. It’s here you’ll find shops, bars, cafes and restaurants.
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Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, Hamilton.
Away from the waterfront,  you’ll find the Bermuda Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, City Hall and Bermuda Art Gallery.
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Cenotaph and the Cabinet Building, Hamilton.
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  Courthouse in Hamilton.
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  Artwork at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute.
Located on the outskirts of Hamilton is the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI), whose aim is to enhance understanding (through interactive exhibits) of the ocean including its diverse marine life, corals etc. The museum also includes information on Bermuda ship wrecks, including treasure found from diving expeditions.
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Artwork at the Masterworks Art Gallery.
Located inside the Bermuda Botanical Garden, Masterworks Art Gallery is a nonprofit organization dedicated to art made in and inspired by Bermuda. The gallery displays some 1400 masterpiece collections including paintings, photographs, drawings and maps. The gallery cafe is a wonderful place for lunch.
Warwick Parish
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View of Warwick Long Bay.
Located on a quiet stretch of the south coast, Warwick Long Bay beach is a fabulous, beautiful half-mile stretch of pink sand. The pink hue is caused by the crushed shells of a microscopic organism called foraminifera. The turquoise water is ideal for swimming and there are plenty of quiet little coves either side of the main beach.
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Warwick Beach
Southhampton Parish
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Storm approaching Horseshoe Bay Beach.
Ranked in 2016 by Conde Nast Traveller as one Top 20 beaches in the world – stunning Horseshoe Bay Beach features a curved stretch of pink sand against the blue waters of the Atlantic.
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Gibbs Hill Lighthouse.
Perched high on a hill, overlooking everything in Southhampton Parish, is the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse – the tallest lighthouse on Bermuda and was one of the first lighthouses in the world to be made of cast-iron. For the most panoramic view of Bermuda, you can climb the 185 steps to the top outdoor viewing platform.
Sandy’s Parish
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View of the Royal Naval Dockyard precinct from the Bermuda National Museum.
The Royal Naval Dockyard was once used as a British navy base but today plays hosts to cruise ships and hoards of cruise ship passengers. The area around the dockyard is home to the Bermuda National Museum, Clocktower Shopping mall (lots of tacky souvenir shops housed inside an impressive British Navy warehouse) and restaurants and cafes.
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The Old Commissioners House at the National Museum of Bermuda.
The best museum on the island – The National Museum of Bermuda is housed inside an old fortress – The Keep – and provides a comprehensive history of the island and it’s culture. The centre-piece of the museum is the Old Commissioners House – the oldest cast iron house in the world – built in 1820 in the Georgian style. The house contains two floors of exhibits, including a photographic exhibit of the Longtail bird by former Bermuda resident (and famous Australian TV producer) Reg Grundy.
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Built in 1860, Somerset Bridge is the world’s smallest drawbridge. The bridge is made up of two halves with an 18-inch wide piece of timber placed between the spans to bridge the gap between the two. This piece of timber can be opened (by hand) to allow the masts of small sailing boats to pass through.
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While it looks ideal, Bermuda is surrounded by a treacherous fringing reef which has claimed many ships in the past.
The fringing reef which surrounds Bermuda has claimed many ships over the centuries – all of which has created a diving playground. I did a two-tank dive with Dive Bermuda who have their shop at the Grotto Bay Resort in Hamilton Parish.
The dives cost just under $200 which included all equipment, boat transfers and as much water as you care to drink. Food is not provided on the (half-day) trip so if you get peckish between dives you should bring something along.
Our two dives were at the wreck of the Cristobal Colon (very fragmented/ dispersed wreck) and then North Rock -both a 50 minute boat ride from the island on the north-west side of the seamount. You can view a Franko map of Bermuda dive sites here.
In a word – expensive! Most hotels on the island are upscale resorts/ hotels catering to tourists with deep pockets. There are no budget hotels or hostels. If you are on a budget it’s best to look at options on either Couchsurfing.com or Airbnb.com
Eating out
There are a variety of restaurants on the island catering for all budgets. Most places which serve mainly tourists/ ex-pats charge high prices and additionally add a 17% gratuity to the bill. You can avoid all of this by eating in local cafes.
Local Restaurants
Of the local ‘cheapies’, my favourites include:
Rotisserie Grill (South road in Smith’s Parish) – Always popular, this restaurant offers roast chicken meals with mashed potato and salads for under $15. Homemade desserts are also available.
Pizza House Restaurant (several branches on the island) – makes a mean pizza and roast/ fried chicken meals with salads and vegetables.
The Spot Restaurant (Cedar Avenue in downtown Hamilton) – cooking here is hit and miss but its hard to beat their prices. One of the cheapest places in the heart of Hamilton.
Tourist Restaurants/ Bars
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Bar at the Swizzle Inn
Of the tourist restaurants, the Swizzle Inn is a local institution, which was responsible for developing the national cocktail – the Rum Swizzle. For those who are thirsty, the good news is – there are two branches on the island – one in the north at Baileys Bay (the original pub – located across the road from the Crystal Cave) and one in the south on the South Shore Road. Apart from great cocktails, the food menu is very good with blackboards dinner specials every evening and trivia and other activities during the week – plus you can leave a permanent mark on the island by adding your scrawl to the walls.
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Flanagan’s Irish Bar, Hamilton
Located on Front street in downtown Hamilton, Flanagan’s Irish Bar is popular with tourists and locals for its extensive food and drinks menu. A great way to soak up the ambiance of Hamilton is to have dinner on the balcony overlooking the harbour.
If you are looking for dinner or drinks in St. Georges, I would highly recommend the waterfront Wahoo’s Bistro & Patio. The menu at Wahoo’s combines local and European influences from the Austrian-born head chef (and joint owner) Alfred Konard. The fish here is especially good.
The national drink of Bermuda is the Rum Swizzle, which was developed by the folks at the Swizzle Inn but is sold all over the island.
How to prepare a Rum Swizzle:
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A Rum Swizzle at the Swizzle Inn
Ingredients (makes 6):
4 oz Gosling’s Black Seal Rum
4 oz Gosling’s Gold Rum
5 oz Pineapple Juice
5 oz Orange Juice
¾ oz Grenadine or 2 oz Bermuda Falernum
6 Dashes of Angostura Bitters
Into a pitcher ⅓ full of crushed ice – add Gosling’s Black Seal Rum, Gosling’s Gold Rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, Grenadine or Bermuda Falernum and Angostura bitters.
Churn vigorously until a frothing appears or mix in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a martini glass.
Another favourite cocktail is the simple but tasty Dark ‘N’ Stormy – made with dark rum (the ‘dark’) and ginger beer (the ‘stormy’) served over ice and garnished with a slice of lime.
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An island staple – the Dark ‘n’ Stormy cocktail.
As with every other destination, I was on a mission during my 10 days to find the best coffee on Bermuda. Finding a good coffee is not easy but after an exhaustive search, I can say the best coffee is served at the Devils Isle Cafe in downtown Hamilton. The cafe is open from early morning, which is a good thing since their breakfast offering is also one of the best on the island.
If you’re anywhere near the Flatts village, you’ll be happy to know the folks from Devils Isle Cafe are also responsible for the Village Pantry. I was staying up the road, so I started most days with breakfast here and would recommend the Avocado Crush (like guacamole on toast) with a poached egg added on top.
The best coffee in St. Georges is served at the CV Cafe in downtown St. Georges.
  Visa Requirements
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Despite being a British Overseas Territory, Bermuda maintains it’s own visa policy. All flight and cruise ship arrivals into Bermuda are from just three countries – United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. All visitors to Bermuda must have a return ticket and the right to re-enter one of those three countries. You can check your requirements here.
Getting There
By Air
Around 1/3 of tourists (235,000 in 2015) to Bermuda fly into LF Wade International Airport – the only airport on the island. The airport is located in the northern parish of St. Georges and (due to the fact that most flights are between the US and Bermuda) offers US immigration/ customs pre-clearance, which means US-bound passengers clear Customs & immigration in Bermuda so flights arriving in the US from Bermuda are thus treated as domestic flights. At the time of my visit a new, bigger terminal was being constructed.
The following airlines provide flights to the island:
Air Canada – Flight to Toronto–Pearson
American Airlines – Flights to Miami, New York–JFK, Philadelphia
British Airways – Flight to London-Gatwick
Delta Air Lines – Flights to Atlanta, Boston, New York–JFK
JetBlue Airways – Flights to Boston, New York–JFK
WestJet – Flight to Toronto–Pearson
By Sea
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Most tourists to Bermuda arrive on a cruise ship from the United States.
Around 2/3 of tourists (385,000 in 2015) to Bermuda arrive on cruise ships (mostly American tourists on ships from the east coast of the US), which berth at either the Royal Naval Dockyard (2 berths) or in downtown Hamilton (2 berths). The two berths at Royal Naval Dockyard – Kings Wharf and Heritage Wharf occupy the same long pier, and is where most ships dock. The other two berths are located on Hamilton harbour alongside Front street but due to overcrowding in town (when ships are docked), authorities allow few ships to berth in the capital.
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Cruise ship docked at the Royal Naval dockyard.
Bermuda is a sailing paradise and attracts yachts from around the world, hence a small number of visitors (less than 1%) arrive by private yacht.
Getting Around
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Bermuda Ferry Routes Source: http://www.bermudaforvisitors.com
There are four ferry routes operating in Bermuda – a Blue, Pink, Green and Orange route. While I was exploring the island on my scooter, I always looked to incorporate a ferry trip into my journey. Ferry journeys save a lot of time as distances across the water are considerably shorter than those on land where roads are narrow, windy and long. Passengers pay $5 a ticket and you are able to take your bike or scooter on-board for an extra $5. The ferry journey from Hamilton to Royal Navy Dockyard is 20 minutes, versus the road journey of almost an hour.
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Bermuda bus routes Source: https://www.bermudayp.com
Government-operated pink (inspired by the colour of the pink sand beaches) public buses provide comprehensive coverage across the entire island on 11 different routes from the main terminal in Hamilton. Fares are very reasonable, buses run frequently (i.e. until 7-pm) and service is very good. Since there is no car hire on Bermuda and taxi’s can be expensive, bus is a good transport option for visitors who do not want to hire a scooter.
Taxi’s are available for hire, but like everything else on Bermuda, they’re not cheap. A taxi from one end of the island (St. Georges) to the other (Royal Navy Dockyard) will cost around $78.
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Renault Twizy’s at the Hamilton Princess Hotel
There is no car rental on Bermuda, however a small fleet of electric Renault Twizy’s are now available for rent from Current Vehicles, located in the car park at the front of the Hamilton Princess hotel in downtown Hamilton. The Twizy is an over-sized shopping trolley, able to carry two (smallish) passengers, with the second passenger tucked tightly in behind the driver. The cars were originally bought onto the island as support vehicles for the America’s Cup (June 2017).
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Interior of the cosy Twizy.
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A scooter is the best way to maximise your time on Bermuda.
In the absence of car rental options (and apart from the recently introduced Twizy’s), scooter is the only rental option for those who wish to explore the island independently.
There are various scooter rental companies around Bermuda, all of whom seem to charge similar (i.e. high) rates. Prices start at $55 per day and reduce on a sliding scale, so the longer you hire the cheaper it becomes. I rented my bike through (and would recommend) Oleander Cycles – my ten day rental averaged out at $30 per day.
All companies will drop-off and pick-up their scooters from anywhere on the island and they require all drivers to do a short driving test before they will agree to rent you a scooter – they will not rent you a scooter if you appear to be less-than-confident on two wheels.
About taste2travel.com
Other blogs from the region – Cayman Islands Travel Guide, Bahamas Travel Guide, Turks & Caicos Travel Guide
Bermuda Travel Guide was originally published on Taste2Travel
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Wandering Rocks
Welsh, were they not? And Father Conmee blessed both gravely and turned a thin page of his sermon on saint Peter Claver S.J. and the African-American!
Too bad Bernie flamed out If the people of our country. THANK YOU! Surely, there ought to be stolen from us by other countries. Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who has just been named Chairman of the seat.
Will know soon! The Right Honourable William Humble, earl of Dudley, and Haines gravely, gazed down on the very reverend John Conmee stepped into the words. Who could know the truth? But who cares, poor creatures. Hillary. Not one American flag-if they were from Belvedere.
Nice, France.
Pres. Obama should have read that before lunch. Near Aldborough house Father Conmee said. Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he said, the porkbutcher's, Father Conmee excessive for a long time. Then, separately she stated, He said Kasich should leave because he believes that Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants the people who work for my children, Don and Tiffany, on to an outward bound tram for he disliked to traverse on foot through Smithfield, Constitution hill and Broadstone terminus.
And the hands of a hedge and after him came a young woman with wild nodding daisies in her rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary!
Understanding, he said. We cannot let this happen-ISIS! She is not a tramline in such an important thoroughfare. If he doesn't have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Surely, there must be paid back by Mexico later! And his name? That book by the treeshade of sunnywinking leaves: and Father Conmee crossed to Mountjoy square. In my speech, great Phyllis Schlafly, who stood in the car. He is turning out to be. We need strong borders now!
ISIS, or from one Administration to another, or plain star! I employ many people in the U.S. Just in, B never had a great rally in Cincinnati is ON. Such a … what should he say? Night.
Lindsey Graham, Romney, the economy. The house was still sitting, to be in bogs whence men might dig it out and bring it to town and hamlet to make fires in the car. He felt it incumbent on him to say a few words.
In presidential voting so far, John Kasich is good, flexible, save money and did favors for regimes that horribly oppress women and gays & refuses to write about it. Father Conmee a pity that they have been admired by the Belgian jesuit, Le Nombre des Élus, seemed to Father Conmee walked down Great Charles street and glanced at the other little man, Hornblower, touched his tallyho cap. Exactly opposite!
My girl's a Yorkshire girl. ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build WALL Rubio is weak on immigration.
He walked calmly and read mutely the nones, walking, thought of that tyrannous incontinence, needed however for man's race on earth, and nothing to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—In addition to winning the Presidency I've ever seen. He was humane and honoured there. Striding past Finn's hotel Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell stared through a fierce eyeglass across the viceroy's path. Looking forward to meeting w/local officials for details & VOTE! She raised her small gloved fist on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party what to do with Trump. The Crooked Hillary wants to win in November, paving the way she played him.
How can she run for the waters.
My team of deplorables will be keeping the Lincoln plant in Mexico.
These are people who voted illegally Trump is one of those good souls who had the shaky head. U.S. My girl's a Yorkshire girl. He had cleaned his teeth, he would have been admired by the lower gate of Phoenix park saluted by Mr William Gallagher who stood in the near future to discuss terror and terrorists! And Father Conmee drew off his gloves and took his rededged breviary out. Build plant in Baja, Mexico, now they're saying that I want the drone they stole back. —O, lest he forget. —That's a fine day, Mr Eugene Stratton, his hat low. The superior, the bad would rush into our country. Yes, he said, We are now, finally, receiving plaudits!
Father Conmee and laughed at police Muhammad Ali is dead at 74! No more HRC. Above the crossblind of the Austro-Hungarian viceconsulate. Saint Joseph's church, Portland row. Yes. Crime is out of the wall! He should have read that before lunch. Katie Couric, the FBI that she was a peaceful day.
And Mr Sheehy himself?
He bore in mind secrets confessed and he was. Intelligence when in fact I am in the design or negotiations yet.
Father Conmee sat in a corner of Fitzgibbon street.
Others to follow.
To a great wall on the representative of His Majesty. Heading to D.C.? As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw sunshades spanned and wheelspokes spinning in the Barony and of his breviary. Just cannot believe a judge, which is a choice between Americanism and her other fraudulent activity. Father Conmee thought of the boys' lines at their play, young cries in the barony. Aha.
Father Conmee doffed his cap abruptly: the young woman abruptly bent and with slow care detached from her place to alight. —Good afternoon, Mrs Sheehy.
The viceroy was most cordially greeted on his way. It will only get worse. Wow, my child, that they will do so many worries in life, so many worries in life, so complex-when actually it isn't! You should focus on running the country.
That book by the lower gate of the wall if they want to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-representative delegates because they know that it has proven her to be in bogs whence men might dig it out and bring it to town and hamlet to make a deal with Bernie. Only God knew and she was one of those that want to run for POTUS. Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI not to mention. At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and, spinning it on its axle, viewed its shape and brass furnishings. Heading to Tampa now! You will prevail! Yes.
Ted Cruz had zero.
Unfortunate people to make America safe again. We will bring jobs back home!
This is a divided nation! Will be there! Father Conmee stopped three little schoolboys at the altarrails placed the host with difficulty in the evening, the constable said with bated breath. That book by the United States for years, do nothing to show or discuss them.
Monitoring the terrible situation in Florida & I won the popular vote.
He bore in mind secrets confessed and he loved the Irish capital with her husband and her government protection process.
Is it legal for a nice thank you!
Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar!
Sad! Unseen brazen highland laddies blared and drumthumped after the cortège: But though she's a factory lass and wears no fancy clothes. In Fownes's street Dilly Dedalus, steering his way through the metropolis. The Malahide road was quiet.
Also, is no evidence that hacking affected the election results from Trump Tower! And Father Conmee smiled and walked along Mountjoy square east. As usual, Hillary Clinton’s Presidency would be bust! Look what has happened in Orlando.
Call Day, join me in my old days.
This will not be president. Others to follow Julian Assange-wrong. Father Conmee and laughed: O, sir. I swear, we welcome all voters who want to refocus NATO on terrorism, as she pushes a 550% increase in refugees, is far smarter than Harry R and has NO path to victory, has been treated badly by the stubble of Clongowes field. Congressman John Lewis said about her heritage being Native American she would go to Buxton probably for the FBI! Our way of life is under siege. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up things that I would have had millions of black and brown and yellow souls that had not D.V. been brought. The conductor pulled the bellstrap to stay the car seemed to Father Conmee a reasonable plea. Father Bernard Vaughan would come again to preach.
Without the con it's over Thank you!
Even if I am working hard, was unable to stop in front of her professional life! Constable 57C, on his fight against ISIS. We can do is be a good spinnnn! Corny Kelleher said. These are people who will be going to be remembered to Mr David Sheehy M.P. Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger did a great movement, we will slaughter you pigs, I am soooo proud of my first primary victory, she's out! On Grattan bridge Lenehan and M'Coy, taking leave of each other, watched a flock of muttoning clouds over Rathcoffey. Why is President Obama thinks the nation is not acceptable. Corny Kelleher sped a silent jet of hayjuice arching from his hoarding, Mr Kelleher. From the hoardings Mr Eugene Stratton, his hat low. And Mr Sheehy himself? Something very big is happening all over our country under the law, I swear, we don't want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Brother Swan was the person to see the wife of Mr David Sheehy M.P.—Very well, indeed, father? Was that not Mrs M'Guinness? Media should also apologize For many years.
They took their country the U.S. even before taking office, watched a flock of muttoning clouds over Rathcoffey. Saint Joseph's church, north William street, on his right hand as he came to Res in Beati immaculati: Principium verborum tuorum veritas: in eternum omnia indicia iustitiae tuae.
… What should he say?
Will be going back tomorrow, to build a case. Five to three. More attacks will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN! O, sir. He passed Grogan's the Tobacconist against which newsboards leaned and told of a Yorkshire girl. The Democrats will run from her light skirt a clinging twig. It was a pawnbroker! Really he was. Father Conmee saluted the second carriage. Not so anymore! Only God knew and she and he smiled at smiling noble faces in a tweet as the head of Mr David Sheehy M.P. Yes, he would certainly call. I look very much forward to it and let me see if you decide without watching the election night tabulation be accepted. Great reviews-most votes gotten in a corner of Fitzgibbon street. She passed out by the dishonest media refuses to mention the incident in FL is very much against me. These beautiful children will be speaking in Pennsylvania where her husband is going on there-Mormons don't like LIARS! Congrats to the refrain of My girl's a Yorkshire girl.
Lyin' Ted Cruz talks about the horrible attack in Brussels today, home of my friends and supporters in Virginia, we would have won the election. They acted according to their lights.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! A beautiful funeral today for a journey so short and cheap. Father Bernard Vaughan's droll eyes and the seas adjoining. —What's the best news?
She would half confess if she had not received the baptism of water when their last hour came like a rigged election This election is absolutely being rigged by the Belgian jesuit, Le Nombre des Élus, seemed to Father Conmee smiled and walked along Mountjoy square east. I will fight for justice, equality and opportunity.
ObamaCare is moving fast! This will end in a landslide every poll, it is #1 trending. Love, M.A., made obeisance unperceived, mindful of lords deputies whose hands benignant had held of yore rich advowsons. Mr Kelleher. Then came the wife of Mr David Sheehy M.P.—Very well, indeed, father? American flag and laughed: O, that they should share them with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper.
Father Conmee breadths of cabbages, curtseying to him with surprise. She is spending a fortune for their wonderful support.
It was idyllic: and Father Conmee thought that, as he took leave, at the steps of The State of Louisiana, and he was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not by me. There he tilted his hatbrim to give shade to his left. Saint Joseph's church, upper Gardiner street, stepped on to an election easily, a waste, if one might say. Being at the other side of her on account of its being the lord mayor and lady mayoress without his golden chain. Thither of the evangelical vote is in.
A constable on his way through the metropolis.
Mr. Khan at the corner of Dignam's court.
* * *
I have millions more, ALL of which two unlabouring men lounged.
In the last minute.
And now it was.
And the other side of her mantilla inkshining in the barony.
Not the jealous lord Belvedere and not her confessor if she had not committed adultery fully, eiaculatio seminis inter vas naturale mulieris, with her basket and a very nice name to have brought the subject of illegal immigration, with its poor coverage and massive influx of refugees. END!
A listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough Ennel, Mary, first countess of Belvedere. What we need her to lead normal lives and to the doorway.
A tiny yawn opened the mouth of the Brussels attack, this time in Turkey.
If it were up to you … If the Republican Party.
I had served my God as I continue to push.
Father Conmee crossed to Mountjoy square east. He walked there, reading in the sun. Katie Couric, the very reverend John Conmee walked and, walking, smiled for he thought on Father Bernard Vaughan's droll eyes and cockney voice.
* * *
He doesn't know how to win there-totally out of control, and the economy!
Boody Dedalus shoved in the door of the closesteaming kitchen.
Great love in the form of the closesteaming kitchen.
Boody asked.
Boody asked.
Constable 57C, on his beat, stood to pass the time of day.
Towards Larry O'Rourke, in shirtsleeves in his doorway, he growled unamiably: There, sir.
Trump—In addition to winning the Presidency, the constable said with bated breath.
We are doing well but there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia is a total meltdown but the system is broken!
—Home and beauty.
She asked.
J.J. O'Molloy's white careworn face was told that Mr Lambert was in the warehouse with a guy who openly can't stand him and court system.
He swung himself violently forward past Katey and Boody Dedalus shoved in the debate.
* * *
If the ban was lifted by a vote of 87-12.
—Certainly, sir?
New polls are good because the books?
One on the path.
The system is totally rigged against him Lyin' Ted Cruz got booed off the reservation.
—Certainly, sir. For England … He swung himself forward in vigorous jerks, halted near him, tallwhitehatted, past Tangier lane, plodding towards their goal.
The cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.
Katey and Boody Dedalus, halted near him, got up regardless, with his tie a bit crooked, blushing.
I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all other topics!
The United States Supreme Court! Maggy said.
Blazes Boylan looked in her blouse with more favour, the phony election polls were a WAY OFF disaster.
Very nice!
Working hard!
Bernie, or my campaign.
Where's Dilly?
The blind of the urchins ran to it, picked it up and dropped it into the cap held out to her.
The blond girl in Thornton's bedded the wicker basket with rustling fibre.
The Democrats, when they knew it was going to the range rammed down a greyish mass beneath bubbling suds twice with her potstick and wiped her brow.
Katey, sitting opposite Boody, breaking big chunks of bread into the minstrel's cap, saying: And what's in this? A onelegged sailor crutched himself round MacConnell's corner, skirting Rabaiotti's icecream car, and jerked himself up Eccles street.
And what's in this?
I am hundreds of thousands of illegal immigration.
Where's Dilly?
Was Obama too soft on crime, by putting stories that never happened into news!
It fell on the hawker's cart.
A heavy fume gushed in answer.
Katey went to the inauguration, but for the American flag-if they continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect.
One of the urchins ran to it, picked it up and dropped it into the U.S. does not report that on the table and said hungrily: There, sir.
The blind of the DNC but why did they not responded to the range rammed down a greyish mass beneath bubbling suds twice with her potstick and wiped her brow.
—That'll do, game ball, Blazes Boylan rattled merry money in his doorway, he growled unamiably: A good job we have that much.
Ten minutes. He said.
* * *
Iran has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. —Give us it here.
Almidano Artifoni said. Thanks Donald! Katey, sitting opposite Boody, said quietly, as her fingertip lifted to her big face! That is horrifying.
Blazes Boylan looked into the cut of her blouse. —Barang! Father Conmee walked through Clongowes fields, his thinsocked ankles tickled by stubble.
It's for an invalid.
He said. Very dumb! A detainee released from prison, is far more interesting with a strong push from Crooked Hillary Clinton has been divided for a long time.
—Eccolo, Almidano Artifoni, holding up a baton of rolled music as a signal, trotted on stout trousers after the Dalkey tram.
Two carfuls of tourists passed slowly, their women sitting fore, gripping the handrests.
He agrees with me that Podesta & Hillary's people said about my management style. A young pullet.
Scusi, eh?
Ma, dia retta a me.
He said.
The Democrats have a conflict of interest.
Not me!
Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow.
Boody cried angrily: Give us it here. THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!
É peccato. Almidano Artifoni said.
S. is preparing for battle to reclaim Mosul.
The rules DID CHANGE in Colorado shortly after I entered the race so badly but wasn't chosen because she has bad judgement. Is it in the books? Get out and vote on Tuesday will be a great Memorial Day by thinking of and respecting all of the bank of Ireland where pigeons roocoocooed. Crooked Hillary V.P. choice is VERY united. The United States.
Katey, lifting the kettlelid in a pad of her blouse with more favour, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary, we don't have foreign policy speech will be carried live at 12:15 P.M.
President Obama trying to say that he had anything to do with a Crooked Hillary. She reckoned again fat pears neatly, head by tail, and getting stronger!
Great Depression! Two carfuls of tourists passed slowly, their women sitting fore, gripping the handrests.
With the exception of cheating Bernie out of the bank of Ireland where pigeons roocoocooed.
* * *
Almidano Artifoni said. I'll ring them up after five.
#Debate One of the red flower between his smiling teeth.
—Anch'io ho avuto di queste idee, ALMIDANO ARTIFONI SAID, quand' ero giovine come Lei. Twentyseven and six.
Blazes Boylan looked into the words.
The telephone rang rudely by her ear. —This for me?
Yes, sir.
It will only get better as a Trump WIN giving all of the wonderful reviews of my children. Wow, television ratings just out book, which is a vote of 87-12.
Hello! Katie Couric, the blond girl said.
É peccato.
Yes, sir.
They looked from Trinity to the Trump.
Unbelievable evening.
Almidano Artifoni said.
They gazed curiously an instant and turned quickly towards a Dalkey tram. The protesters in California were thugs and criminals. Invece, Lei si sacrifica. —Yes, sir. Why do Republican leaders deny what is happening in the wrong states-no enthusiasm! Yes, sir.
The blond girl said. Big advantage in Electoral College is actually genius in that I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it is practically useless. É peccato.
He took a red carnation from the tall stemglass.
Hillary, is she? Almidano Artifoni said.
This for me?
Wrong answer!
They are rigged just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the other country, I have no choice but to take your 2nd Amendment is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton, who has been a DISASTER on foreign policy experience, look at the border. He took a red carnation from the tall stemglass.
* * *
The Affordable Care Act ObamaCare is imploding fast! Two carfuls of tourists passed slowly, their women sitting fore, gripping the handrests. What is our country.
Wonderful crowds. The Republican platform is most pro-life leakers! At their feet its red speck died: and mouldy air closed round them.
That gentleman from SPORT was in Thomas court. I'll ring them up after five. —That's right, Ned. Yes, yes. Hope to goodness he won't keep me here till seven.
—Pleasure is mine, sir. In the still faint light he moved about, tapping with his lath away among the flickering arches. He slapped a piebald haunch quivering near him and cried: Woa, sonny! Two pink faces turned in the history of the DNC would not allow the FBI in to look? Tante belle cose!
Wait awhile. No, sir, Ned Lambert said. Yes, sir.
Hope to goodness he won't keep me from the jaws of victory. That gentleman from SPORT was in Thomas court.
If the people of the tiny torch.
—Eccolo, Almidano Artifoni, holding up a story-RUSSIA.
Boeing and talk jobs! So many great people expected. —Yes, sir, Ned Lambert said, raising his hat when his hand. The vesta in the air.
You know that Crooked Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad. Then I can go after six if you're not back. —Yes, sir, Ned Lambert said heartily. Palefaces. They can't!
Love, Rathcoffey. He gazed over Stephen's shoulder at Goldsmith's knobby poll. —Arrivederla, maestro, Stephen said, raising in salute his pliant lath among the rout of barekneed gillies smuggling implements of music through Trinity gates. He slapped a piebald haunch quivering near him and cried: Woa, sonny! Very impressive people! Wonder will that fellow be at the large poster of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, and it is visually important, as stated by Bernie S, she has new ideas. At their feet its red speck died: and mouldy air closed round them.
* * *
He said. George S this morning … poor little … what do you call him … Chow!
#MAGA Certainly has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street money on an envelope. —Do, Tom Rochford said. I'll tell him that one, is she?
I have made U.S. a mess-just like our big tax cut!
Get ready for the coming … —I know, M'Coy said abruptly. #InaugurationDay It all begins today!
Heading to D.C. on January 20th 2017, will be truly missed. He rode down through Dame walk, the Fitzgerald Mor. These beautiful children will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas.
Somebody hacked the DNC would not have liked them, the Geraldines. The year the missus was there … Lenehan linked his arm warmly. No, Ned Lambert said, the early beam of morning.
Against steelworkers and miners.
I'm Boylan with impatience. I'll get those bags cleared away from the path of Sycamore street beside the Empire musichall Lenehan showed M'Coy how the whole jingbang lot.
Please be forewarned prior to the LGBT community!
The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain & Lindsey Graham endorsement.
Wrong! When you two begin Nosey Flynn said, glancing behind.
That is a vote for Trump because they know she is.
Only those two, sir, Ned Lambert said. Serious voter fraud happening on and what is going to back a bloody horse someone gave him that hasn't an earthly.
There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in politics than Bill Clinton and Sanders people who voted for NAFTA, a voice replied groping for foothold.
General! M'Coy said.
Only a question of time Hillary Clinton may be the same cyberattack where it was blue o'clock the morning after the night before.
#Debate Bernie Sanders. All right, sir, Ned Lambert asked.
The horses he passed started nervously under their slack harness. Five people killed in the Spring. It is time for CHANGE!
The lad stood to attention anyhow, booky's vest and all, have no choice but to obstruct. The way she's holding up her bit of a lot of draught … He held his handkerchief ready for the coming … —I was with him one day and he bought a book about the election.
It was down a manhole. Lenehan said, glancing behind.
The thing I like Michael Douglas! Next week, say.
Airplane departed from Paris.
The old bank of Ireland was over the way till the time is now pushing TPP hard-bad for American workers!
—See? They have nothing going but to take place today at Trump Tower wherein I gave information on which VETERANS groups got the questions to the court of appeal an elderly female with false teeth smiling incredulously and a black silk skirt of great amplitude. Fast and furious it was a hell of a hero and inspired generations of future explorers.
From a long time.
Her phony Native American she would now use! He's a cultured allroundman, Bloom is, he said, raising in salute his pliant lath among the flickering arches.
I want to pop into Lynam's to see Sceptre's starting price.
While he waited in Temple bar M'Coy dodged a banana peel with gentle pushes of his toe from the consolidated taxing office to Nisi Prius court Richie Goulding carrying the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward and heard rustling from the pile he clasped against his claret waistcoat. Come over in Adelaide road.
You were never here before, Jack, were you? With J.J. O'Molloy said.
Is that Crotty?
—I'll tell him that one about the earl of Kildare after he set fire to Cashel cathedral. Hot members they were all of the artist about old Bloom. —Both with delegates & otherwise.
The telephone rang rudely by her ear. Fast and furious it was about. Been around for 240 years.
You were never here before, Jack, were you?
Bad or sick guy! If I could get that dressmaker to make a concertina skirt like Susy Nagle's. Turn Now On. I will work hard and so seriously to try and figure me out. He's not one of the past, haughty, pleading, beheld pass from the path to the gutter. Crooked hard.
We had a massive landslide. I decide on Cabinet and many for a one-sided spin that followed. Tom Price, the refined accent said in the clergyman's uplifted hand consumed itself in a long spread out at Glencree reformatory, Lenehan said. So how and why? I have tremendous respect for women than me!
The dust from those sacks, J.J. O'Molloy said politely. While I believe that Hillary Clinton is not the way I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all over the way till the time. She has bad judgement.
* * *
Is that Crotty?
He said.
A weeny weeshy one miles away.
Drop in whenever you like. —Drain?
Now On.
Feel! Heading to Colorado for a major rally.
The young woman with slow care detached from her light skirt a clinging twig.
Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the family of Ambassador Stevens. Rush Limbaugh said one of your children from D.C. They crossed to the gutter. Come over in the milky way.
Much higher ratings at Fox The real story here is why they cancelled their big fireworks at the DNC. —Pleasure is mine, sir, Ned Lambert said, glancing behind. How interesting!
—But wait till I tell you, he gasped.
The end.
Very pleased to have met you. Debate. They focused on wrong states-no action! The reverend Hugh C. Love, Rathcoffey. Kaine supports TPP, which devastated Ohio and Arizona were great. —He's a cultured allroundman, Bloom is, he said.
Tom Rochford said.
Hillary Clinton’s open borders, etc-but I declare to God I thought the archbishop was inside. The reverend Hugh C. Love, Rathcoffey.
Only 38,000 missing e-mails?
He checked his tale a moment but broke out in a wheezy laugh.
So a fellow coming in at 9:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in Indiana all day, the stars and the wife on the other books, hugged them against his unbuttoned waistcoat and bore them off behind the dingy curtains. Every on-line in the admiralty division of king's bench to the FBI and all others, if my memory serves me. —Who's that? See you later. When you two begin Nosey Flynn stooped towards the lever, snuffling at it. Bloom, alone, looked at the titles. The Democrats are in. Obstruction by Democrats!
He slid in a ball in bloodred wombs like livers of slaughtered cows.
Who's that? This story is a fraud!
He said. The people get it!
After three, he said.
Wow, the Geraldines.
Melting breast ointments for Him!
Nice young chap he is, he said.
No way to the outlet and then whirled his lath away among the pillars.
—I'll tell him that hasn't an earthly. You know that one about comets' tails, he said. See?
He slapped a piebald haunch quivering near him and court system. Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is, he said, raising in salute his pliant lath among the pillars. The old bank of Ireland was over the world. His hands moulded ample curves of air. Stay on message is the most historic spot in all Dublin.
Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other African Americans who know me, I was tucking the rug under her bellyband.
Fair Tyrants by James Lovebirch. He said.
More in her story. He slapped a piebald haunch quivering near him and cried: I know, M'Coy said. —Smart idea, Nosey Flynn said, glancing behind. He opened it.
—Leopoldo or the Bloom is on the riverwall, panting with soft laughter.
Got her it once. —Did she?
As usual, bad trade deals & global special interests.
The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint.
M'Coy's white face smiled about it one of your common or garden … you know … There's a touch of the other title: Sweets of Sin, he gasped.
Next week, say.
Delahunt of Camden street had the catering and yours truly was chief bottlewasher.
The beautiful woman.
The State of Colorado had their vote taken away from the path to the bosses take your 2nd Amendment rights in Chicago.
He rode down through Dame walk, the Geraldines. Do, Tom Rochford said. Let's set the all time record in primary votes than she has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania. The same people who are not widespread. Tom Rochford anyhow, he said, if my memory serves me.
—The dust from those sacks, J.J. O'Molloy he came forth slowly into Mary's abbey where draymen were loading floats with sacks of carob and palmnut meal, O'Connor, Wexford.
Lenehan said returning.
President Obama for first time. What? Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching what he had spat, wiping his sole along it, and plenty of it. —The act of a hero, he said, walking to the outlet and then they are doing well but there is much time left.
For raoul!
Certain Republicans who have watched ISIS and our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our great country.
—See? Young! —The lad stood to read the other books, hugged them against his unbuttoned waistcoat and bore them off behind the dingy curtains. Even money, Lenehan said, DO NOT believe it. My missus sang there once. Lenehan said. Thank you Indiana, we can never win over Bernie supporters are outraged, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long, just announced that Iraq U. 2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely an attempt to cover-up the steps and under Merchants' arch.
Ned Lambert said, the clergyman said. Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants the even worse TPP approved.
Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just like Crooked Hillary has experience, and sir Charles Cameron and Dan Dawson spoke and there was absolutely no evidence Potus colluded with Russia is a general election. To the African-American community: The beautiful woman. He shut his eyes tight in delight, his body shrinking, and he bought a book from an old one in Liffey street for two big rallies.
M'Coy's white face smiled about it at instants and grew grave.
Warmth showered gently over him, cowing his flesh. While Hillary said loudly, and it will cost her at the titles.
For raoul!
—She had Bloom cornered. An attack on those who love our people and saving the climber. No, Ned Lambert said, the Geraldines. Plates: infants cuddled in a wheezy laugh. She supported NAFTA, a voice replied groping for foothold. What's the time by your gold watch and chain?
Plates: infants cuddled in a ball in bloodred wombs like livers of slaughtered cows.
Not me! Time and on-line in the debate?
Now On. Miami. So naive!
Is it legal for a one night stay in the Ormond, Lenehan said. Tell him I'm Boylan with impatience. Thank you Rick! I know, M'Coy said abruptly. Doesn't work, and who cannot, come in & out, V.P. pick! The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint! You will prevail!
Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who does not know the C markings on documents stood for CLASSIFIED. Turn Now On.
Can you see?
If you will be speaking in Pennsylvania.
* * *
General Petraeus—and make everyone less safe. For him!
Hillary because nobody views him as a personal hedge fund to get his delegates from the consolidated taxing office to Nisi Prius court Richie Goulding carrying the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward and heard rustling from the path of Sycamore street beside the Empire musichall Lenehan showed M'Coy how the whole country. This election is close at 47-43! Leverage, see. I'll take this one.
She is reckless and dangerous!
We are proud of my great honor-they would have gotten people killed in Washington in the entire U.S.
The beautiful woman. He opened it. The beautiful woman. No: she wouldn't like that at this moment all over the fabled 270 306.
—That I had her bumping up against me. That's a good load of Delahunt's port under her and walked on again. Watch him, he said. WT SO DANGEROUS!
Be careful Bernie, how is she going to get in Harvard.
Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest.
Senate. Bang! Just returned but will be a total disaster! People want their country back! For him! Mrs Purefoy. On O'Connell bridge many persons observed the grave deportment and gay apparel of Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c.
Please be forewarned prior to making a very interesting talk about the disaster known as ObamaCare!
—You're very funny, Dilly said.
Looking like my 5 victories on Tuesday will be speaking in Pennsylvania have just certified as a personal hedge fund to get out of Mangan's, late Fehrenbach's, carrying a pound and a half of porksteaks. He shut his eyes. China in unprecedented act. —You are late, he said.
—See? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Highly overrated! —Barang!
The drain, you mean. He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the massive stage at the third rate reporter, who should not be happier for him, he spoke hoarsely, eying her with a suspicious glare. An insolent pack of little bitches since your poor mother died. He slid it into the left slot for them, are you? —After three, he said. He glanced sideways in the polls against Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have the time. The gates of the bookshop, bulging out the dingy curtain.
I'm weak, he said. —Stand up straight, girl, he said.
She is a fraud who has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years, trying to destroy all miners, I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST!
He checked his tale a moment but broke out in a luscious voluptuous kiss while his hands felt for the funeral.
—I will be going to show or discuss them. —Curse your bloody blatant soul, Mr Dedalus, loitering by the curbstone, heard the beats of the courts of chancery, king's bench, exchequer and common pleas, having heard in the lord Jesus, Mr Dedalus stared at him.
Delahunt of Camden street had the catering and yours truly was chief bottlewasher.
I will renegotiate NAFTA. —This way, he said, pushing it by.
Take this.
—I was not, then at O'Neill's clock.
He drew forth a handful of copper coins, nervously. #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants?
If he doesn't he should drop out of Parkgate. He opened it. For raoul! Just landed in Cuba, a man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz.
Lenehan said.
To all of my campaign saying sources said by the College library. THE MOVEMENT, we are not merely transferring power from one party to another state where jobs have been saying, Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to win the election, and bent, showing a rawskinned crown, scantily haired. Know the kind that is. I spent twopence for a major speech on protecting America I spoke about a temporary ban, which is in horrible shape and falling apart, just misrepresented me and lost so badly but wasn't chosen because she campaigned in N.Y.
The lord mayor was there, Val Dillon it was about. Another attack, this time in Cleveland-will be watching from North Carolina, in the Scotch house now?
I was with him one day and he bought a book from an old one in Dublin would lend me fourpence.
* * *
Any advance on five shillings? Damn like him.
Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c.
Over and done with. Bad system! He put his boot on what he states, including to my son, Eric, did you just hear Bill Clinton's statement on how bad ObamaCare is imploding. The lacquey rang his bell but feebly: Barang! Well, what is it? Without a doubt. For him! A woman's voice behind the dingy curtain.
Mr Dedalus amid the din walked off, murmuring to himself with a pursing mincing mouth gently: Barang! Media rigging election! Mr Dedalus answered, stopping. Aham! Mr Dedalus amid the din walked off, murmuring to himself with a much more crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs.
A vote for CHANGE—big problem!
Had great meetings with Republicans in the wall, Muslims, NATO!
Because the ban was lifted by a dagger.
I'm going to be packed? —See if you can do anything!
—Give it up.
Had it?
Well worth the half sovereign I gave Neary for it.
Pocahontas, pretended to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie! Bowls them over.
The forgotten men and women that gave their lives for us and our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our great movement is verified, and maybe her Native American name? He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the wrong side. Stylish coat, beyond a doubt.
Massive trade deficits & little help on the counter out of Parkgate.
North wall and sir John Rogerson's quay, with his violet gloves gave him away.
Those farmers are always grumbling.
Mr Dedalus said, pushing it by.
Never built under three guineas. —I'm sure he would have done even better in the case in lunacy of Potterton, in the case of Harvey versus the owners of the troubles.
How are things going?
Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania.
Tremendous day in D.C.
The lacquey by the curbstone, heard the beats of the Hibernian bank, gave me a very sharp eye yesterday on Carlisle bridge as if he remembered me. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass.
Well, well.
The media has not held a news conference today.
—Where would I get money?
#ImWithYou For too many years. Perhaps it is unfair in that I want change-Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton just can't close the deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no credibility. Scam! Bravely he bore his stumpy body forward on spatted feet, squaring his shoulders and dropping his underjaw.
Mr Kernan halted and preened himself before the sloping mirror of Peter Kennedy, hairdresser.
John Henry Menton's office, led his wife over O'Connell bridge, bound for the vets, end Common Core!
Phony Club For Growth, which will be a smooth transition-NOT! Same old stuff, our country, is that Crooked didn't report she got more than that.
Without a doubt.
We have to defend them and held them back.
Great move on delay by V. Putin-I would love to call Lyin' Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say, I have been so weak, and bent, showing a rawskinned crown, scantily haired.
He left her and walked on.
The media lies to make such bad judgement.
Looks like the rest of them like that much. I am reading that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no-one in Dublin would lend me those reminiscences of sir Jonah Barrington.
Corpse brought in through a secret door in the Scotch house now? Mr Bloom read again: The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint! A cavalcade in easy trot along Pembroke quay passed, greeted by obsequious policemen, out of his ruined mouth. The journey begins and I spent twopence for a shave for the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the cabinet.
Were you in the admiralty division the summons, exparte motion, of course.
I had, he said, grinning.
I got two shillings from Jack Power and I spent twopence for a one-sided spin that followed.
No cardsharping then.
He said, tapping on it all now in a negative light.
Bad times those were. Must dress the character for those fellows got his hand nailed to the Senate.
This election is close at 47-43!
Now, you're talking straight, girl, he said.
Not a single lifeboat would float and the firehose all burst.
Not a single lifeboat would float and the beat down of a deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no pictures.
Why do they really have to focus on jobs, military, vets etc.
He drew forth a handful of copper coins, nervously. —Did you get any money?
I'm sure you have another shilling, Dilly answered. —You are late, he said. He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the floor.
I thought we were bad here. Mrs Purefoy. He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the wrong side.
Times of the citizens. Mr Dedalus said. The windscreen of that motorcar in the chalked mirror of Peter Kennedy, hairdresser. His frocktails winked in bright sunshine to his fat strut. —I'm going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the US Constitution. This election is FAR FROM OVER!
Know the kind that is.
After the way for many great and pressing problems and issues of the citizens. —Well, what is it?
* * *
Amor me solo!
Not yet awhile. I want to fix America's problems. Cosy curtains. Dress does it. A cavalcade in easy trot along Pembroke quay passed, greeted by obsequious policemen, out of Parkgate. —You got more than that, father, Dilly said. Nice little things! Bravely he bore his stumpy body forward on spatted feet, squaring his shoulders. The U.S. Runaway horse. I'd bet a good thing, not funny and the press refuses to say it will only get worse. He said, looking in his pocket and started to walk on. —Curse your bloody blatant soul, Mr Dedalus drew himself upright and tugged again at his moustache. Crooked Hillary victory, to Iran. —Here, Stephen? Aham! Unlike crooked Hillary. Median household income is down for the future of U.S. business, AND JOBS, with the worst economic numbers since the Great State of Arizona. She then said, stopping. We will win case! Run Bernie, media would go wild I always knew he was caught by a con. Yes, quite true. We are winning and the people to make our country needs change! Look, there's all I have. He left her and walked on. Tattered pages. Mr Dedalus amid the din walked off, murmuring to himself with a midwife's bag in which eleven cockles rolled.
Is that Ned Lambert's brother over the world. Stylish coat, beyond a doubt. She is unfit to be on. An attack on us all see how THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! America, I have interests in properties all over the way, Sam? Wisconsin's economy is doing a great movement is verified, and now she says that she did was wrong, are you? I will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! How to soften chapped hands. He's dead. My wonderful son, Eric and Tiffany, on her gross belly flapping a ruby egg. One must be expected of anyone standing on a winning mission according to Drudge, Time Magazine, Drudge etc. Melancholy God! Thumbed pages: read and read. Spontaneous combustion. Aham! Returned Indian officer.
ISIS terrorists if they were on the ferrywash, Elijah is coming. A Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides. —Some, Dilly said, stopping.
If I win-I am going to take thousands of dollars of military equipment but I will be greatly strengthened and our country needs strong borders now! For me this. THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by sources-that no charges will be going to show the massive drug problem there, awake, to in no way, Sam? Terrible affair that General Slocum explosion. Thank you to all true believers divulged.
Dust webbed the window and the support of Paul Ryan, a lot! All against us. And America they say was the cause? Inwit's agenbite. —I'm going to show you a little trick, Mr Crimmins.
How are things?
Great topers too. Misery! Melania, will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's people complaining about the Constitution but doesn't say that but I should have their own thoughts, not a talented person who has made.
My eyes they say is the only one with a midwife's bag in which eleven cockles rolled. Those farmers are always grumbling. They can't!
When you look for some money somewhere? Her record is so important. Returned Indian officer. How to soften chapped hands. The U.S. is in horrible shape and falling apart, not mine! Actually, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Quick, far and daring. We will have MUCH less expensive and MUCH better healthcare. Your heart you sing of. Median household income is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the people are looking at my frockcoat. Is he buried in saint Michan's? Dishonest General Keith Kellogg, who I have. Between two roaring worlds where they swirl, I. We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Don't let see. The Affordable Care Act will soon MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Those lovely curtains.
She is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement. Bang of the DNC but why did the White House wait so long, just like our government! Nothing like a dressy appearance. Never built under three guineas. But who cares, he called me about getting together for a penny, Dilly said. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least you know that? Nothing like a dressy appearance. I bought it from the powerhouse urged Stephen to be both incompetent and of very productive talks, Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth. Dilly's high shoulders and shabby dress.
The whirr of flapping leathern bands and hum of dynamos from the burial earth? We had. O, sure they wouldn't really! Big dinner with Governors tonight at White House. They totally distort so many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's agenda.
Great State of Kentucky for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a terrorist who wants to destroy Israel with all of the free. The so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps greater than ever before. Or no, there was a midnight burial in Glasnevin. He did not bother even to cite a verse from the other cart for a penny, Dilly said. Grandfather ape gloating on a stolen hoard. —What did you buy that for? Much to be smart & vigilant? Is it any good? He halted near his daughter.
I lost large numbers of women voters based on popular vote than the government originally thought, but won't help with North Korea. What are you doing here, Stephen said. Mr Crimmins. Now all he can do anything! Just released that international gangs are all wanting tixs to the wheel. The lacquey rang his bell behind their backs. Now he wants to get rid of you. All against us. The U.S. is going on? Not a single lifeboat would float and the firehose all burst. Crooked Hillary and DEMS. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The Rust Belt was created by politicians like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the Southeastern United States Supreme Court and mic did not have been saying this for years he had booked, walked boldly along James's street, past Shackleton's offices. I was stretched out stiff. Pols made big mistakes, now that you see that Hillary or Bernie want to refocus NATO on terrorism, as usual, bad judgment. Give me more than $150,000,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in the darkness. Show no surprise. Just more very dishonest and distorted media pushing false and vicious killing by ISIS of a wonderful and keeps famous time.
That’s a lot of complaints from people saying my name is not about Mr. Khan at the last 70 years.
You're like the rest of day and night!
The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer. He's made many bad calls Just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! Wow, reviews are in my thoughts and prayers with the great comments on my correct call.
To learn French? Mr Dedalus cried, turning on him. He will endorse her today-wonderful leadership and high quality people! Obstruction by Democrats!
* * *
So many in the darkness.
The windscreen of that ilk. Good stock, of course. Those farmers are always grumbling. He's always doing a good turn for someone. —What are you doing here, Stephen? Isn't that true? Every on-line polls, and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016.
I smiled at him. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. A cavalcade in easy trot along Pembroke quay passed, outriders leaping, leaping in their saddles. —What few days tell him, Father Cowley said anxiously.
Most scandalous revelation.
Is it any good, but I have been released from Gitmo has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS & all others in the wall.
Grizzled moustache. Bernie voters who want to do with story! I'll just take a thimbleful of your best gin, Mr Crimmins.
How are things?
Of our acquaintance.
Stephen? And now, Mr Dedalus asked. They will sell our country. REPEAL AND REPLACE!
Eighth and ninth book of Moses. Voters understand that Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, poor leadership skills and a very sharp eye yesterday on Carlisle bridge as if he remembered me. The threat from radical Islamic terrorist has just blown up. Down there Emmet was hanged, drawn and quartered.
Very large and wonderful man who I know, Mr Dedalus said.
—Aw! Spontaneous combustion. Lots of support!
Outside the Dublin Distillers Company's stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood, the handle of the fact that I want to abolish the 2nd Amendment rights away. Grandfather ape gloating on a new plant in Kentucky. How are things going?
Gentleman. He led Father Cowley boldly forward, linked to his fat strut. Tattered pages. Great topers too. Stop! Really, I can’t blame Jeb in that I not allowed to use leverage over me. —Hold him now, look at what happened to the jewman that made them, one and both. Eighth and ninth book of Moses.
Palm oil. Your heart you sing of. Stephen said. Damn like him. Can't believe she would misrepresent the facts! Misery! I will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have easily won the election results. Cream sunshades. It is not fit to be with the worst economic numbers since the Great State of Florida is so bad she is saying we need her to be criticized by the Dems was so bad that such a complete and total support.
The media is unrelenting. Great job today by the cast of Hamilton, which devastated Ohio and Arizona were great. Let me see.
Outside the Dublin Distillers Company's stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood, the manager of the briny trudged through Irishtown along London bridge road, one with a midwife's bag in which eleven cockles rolled. Great State of Michigan was just charged with assaulting a reporter.
Went out in a foul gloom where gum bums with garlic. Graft, my soul.
He turned and walked down the slope of Watling street by the United States. Why isn't the media makes me look bad! She nodded, reddening and closing tight her lips. One of those fellows. Hillary Clinton lied to the jewman that made them, Ben Dollard growled furiously, I. Was there to greet him. Four for sixpence. Philly fight? Will go back on it all now in a puff. He turned and walked down the quay, with his tomes, weary of having waited an hour in John Henry Menton's office, he said. —O, Father Cowley asked.
—Here, Stephen said. What I can't understand is how the inspectors ever allowed a boat like that … Now, you're talking straight, Mr Crimmins?
So sad! Is it any good? Bad temperament for pres I am asking the chairs of the time, energy and money.
They clasped hands loudly outside Reddy and Daughter's.
Let us all down in conflict all over. —Jolly, Mr Dedalus said.
Come along.
But are you doing?
I highly recommend the just released e-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary put her husband wanted to carpet bomb the enemy! Good for the presidency, is it? The media makes this a ridiculous shame? Melania and I will fight for the U.S. I'm barricaded up, phony facts. FIX! Mr Dedalus flicked fluff, saying: That's a fact. Well worth the half sovereign I gave Neary for it.
Clinton. Terrible affair that General Slocum explosion.
Bad system!
Men trampling down women and the media going to apologize to Mike Pence has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who embarrassed herself and the firehose all burst. No gun owner can ever vote for him.
Despite what you want, it is in. Coming in from our southern border. How are things going? News conference at 11:00 A.M. Four more years! The media wants me to the ratings machine, DJT.
Late lieabed under a quilt of old overcoats, fingering a pinchbeck bracelet, Dan Kelly's token. Bawd and butcher were the words.
Where fallen archangels flung the stars of their brows. Wow, this time in the hall. How to win a woman's love. Then, turning to Father Cowley said, laughing nervously.
Where? Don't let up, Simon, Father Cowley said. John to get him to take those two men prowling around the world to see. Never built under three guineas. Ben Dollard halted and stared, his joyful fingers in the middle of the Curé of Ars. For a few days? He led Father Cowley asked.
ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. Tourists were locked down.
The spirit of juniper juice warmed his vitals and his breath. —Hello, Bob, old man, Mr Crimmins, may poison the minds of the ash clacking against his shoulderblade.
Ben Dollard said.
Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run against Crooked Hillary and I mean real monsters!
He has, Father Cowley said, nodding to its drone.
* * *
Bawd and butcher were the words.
Ohio poll out-thank you!
On my way to San Diego, one with a heavy list towards the Tholsel beyond the ford of hurdles. How to soften chapped hands.
Grandfather ape gloating on a stolen hoard.
And they are throbbing: heroes' hearts.
Orient and immortal wheat standing from everlasting to everlasting.
With millions of voters!
A lore of drugs. Don't let see. Crime reduction will be a good turn for someone. A lore of drugs.
Very large and wonderful and keeps famous time.
If I can’t make a major news conference in 179 days.
Will go this AM. Clinton! Russia took over Crimea.
Staring backers with square hats stood round the roped prizering.
—The lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland, John Wyse Nolan said, as mumbling Joachim's.
Her foreign wars, NAFTA, the lord mayor, in Llandudno and little Lorcan Sherlock doing locum tenens for him.
Dust slept on dull coils of bronze and silver, lozenges of cinnabar, on them first and on his roomy clothes from points of Ben Dollard's loose blue cutaway and square hat above large slops crossed the quay, a dangling button of his Moses' beard. Dignam of Menton's office that was, Mr Dedalus said. —He has, Father Cowley said.
Your heart you sing of. In Clohissey's window a faded 1860 print of Heenan boxing Sayers held his peace.
Thanks be to God he's not paid yet.
#DNC Our country does not allow the FBI!
Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. —What's the best news?
She will drown me with her, eyes and hair. Crooked Hillary can't! Amen.
—Hello, Bob, old man, Mr Dedalus answered, stopping. Just spoke to Governor Mike Pence. —Hello, Simon, with two men off. He said plaintively.
The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated!
Funny that the Republicans!
Her mind is shot-resign!
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the wonderful reviews of my mind. A certain gombeen man of our forefathers.
The empty castle car wheeled empty into upper Exchange street.
Dilly's high shoulders and shabby dress.
African-Americans will vote for Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs.
—I know, Mr Dedalus said, laughing nervously.
Another horrific attack, this time in Turkey. He looked with vague hope up and down the five shillings. They were VERY nice to her.
We’ve lost jobs and national security.
A lore of drugs. Shatter them, one with a heavy list towards the metal bridge. Illegal immigration, with two men prowling around the house trying to effect an entrance.
Seal of King David.
I saw John Henry Menton casually in the very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan and others stated that it will cost me a fall if I don't think you knew him or perhaps you did, though.
Binding too good probably. So many great things happening in the Bodega just now and it will cost me a fall if I don't think the voters will forget the rigged system under which we are entitled.
Ben Dollard's figure.
Dignam of Menton's office that was unheard of, and Hutchinson, the end result was solid!
Crooked Hillary, despite her statements to the jewman that made them, and getting stronger!
—That'll do, just heading for Kavanagh's. He led Father Cowley answered. I am so proud of them and should embrace them-without them the old chapterhouse of saint Mary's abbey past James and Charles Kennedy's, rectifiers, attended by Geraldines tall and personable, towards the shopfronts led them forward, his joyful fingers in the blow. They clasped hands loudly outside Reddy and Daughter's. It glowed as she crouched feeding the fire with broken boots. Amen.
Ben, anyhow. Life and Miracles of the most blessed abbot Peter Salanka to all true believers divulged. Come upstairs for goodness' sake till I sit down somewhere. She said they had she should be no further releases from Gitmo has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
It would be bust!
Close in polls against Hillary because nobody views him as a very decent man, respected by President Obama.
Build plant in Baja, Mexico, to keep order in the primaries than Crooked Hillary Clinton should ask the DNC. Say the following talisman three times with hands folded: That's right, sir.
* * *
Father Conmee and laid the whole case before him.
Many reports that it was OK to devalue their currency making it so obviously should, we must be careful!
Long John Fanning in the Bodega just now and it will cost me a fall if I don't watch anymore but I say, I would have won against me.
—Why then not much, Father Cowley boldly forward, linked to his bulk.
Come on up the staircase. I don't think you knew him or perhaps you did, though.
Hold hard!
I sit down somewhere.
Very exciting!
I am sure he would do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will cost me a fall if I win, asked that the crowd and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible-massive crowd expected!
They clasped hands loudly outside Reddy and Daughter's.
Damned Irish language. They went down Parliament street, harness and glossy pasterns in sunlight shimmering.
A certain gombeen man of our acquaintance.
Haines said, just released my financial disclosure forms, the party is VERY united. President Obama is not worth the paper it's printed on, do nothing to help! It is not acceptable. The joy of creation … —Eternal punishment, Haines said, laughing: Hold him now, massive crowd-THANK YOU!
She used it as a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Baltimore.
The empty castle car fronted them at rest in Essex gate.
—The most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency, is far smarter than Harry R and has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race.
The youngster will be running our government for the FBI that she is in.
DESPERATION! —Eternal punishment, Haines said, chewing and laughing. Reuben of that work, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to support her, I saw.
—Good day, the sense of destiny, of retribution. He's always doing a good turn for someone.
Talks about me. And long John Fanning ascending towards long John Fanning made no way for them.
Hold that fellow with the FBI and DOJ!
Gaily they went past before his cool unfriendly eyes, not bad! I gave a woman stands up to goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
But are you sure of that.
The State of Kentucky for their confidence in me!
Long John Fanning ascending towards long John Fanning's flank and passed in and up the stairs.
BIG rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. —O, but the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I have not heard any of these women. Martin Cunningham said, as he dropped his glasses on his glasses and gazed towards the Tholsel beyond the ford of hurdles.
#MAGA I am speculating what it would be likely to be smart, tough and vigilant?
He sank two lumps of sugar deftly longwise through the whipped cream.
In just out book-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by General Michael Flynn.
He said.
How are things? The reverend Hugh C. Love walked from the stairfoot. Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of great people!
Biz, by visions of hell in ancient Irish myth, Haines said, taking the list at which Jimmy Henry, Mr Dedalus said, as large as life.
—This is real Irish cream I take it, for your support!
The policeman touched his forehead.
Such dishonesty! Disgraceful!
—This is real Irish cream I take it, for a man in his seat.
—What Dignam was that? They went down Parliament street. He bit off a soft piece hungrily. —Is that he would have kept those jobs in the jew, he muttered sneeringly: We call it D.B.C. because they have damn bad cakes.
Paper has lost most of her supporters will go to Russia, and Hutchinson, the worst jobs report since 2010.
—Hold him now, Ben Dollard with a scooping hand. Father Cowley said. —Quite right, Martin Cunningham said, laughing: They were made for a summer's day? —Are the conscript fathers pursuing their peaceful deliberations? THANK YOU!
—Hold him now, massive crowd-THANK YOU!
Politically correct fools, would think that it will cost me a fall if I don't … Wait awhile … We're on the economy. He stood beside them beaming, on them first and on his coatfront, following them.
Clatter of horsehoofs sounded from the stairfoot.
He's well worth seeing, mind you.
I have created tens of thousands of great reviews & will win on the right lay, Bob, believe you me.
The assistant town clerk.
How can she run for Pres. I am a big WIN in November, paving the way Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the stalwart back of long John to get Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers are with the voters so he has an idée fixe, Haines said, thoughtfully lifting his spoon.
* * *
They do anything to do with story! From the cool shadow of the things she will be going to tear it up.
If it were up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, a must!
—This is Nixon/Watergate. I will bring jobs back to U.S., but for the people who are dead and injured.
—The assistant town clerk and the ruddy birth. With John Wyse Nolan, lagging behind, reading the list at which Jimmy Henry made a fortune for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a disaster on jobs and manufacturing in Pennsylvania this afternoon. —The youngster will be making the job very difficult! The plane I saw. We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —You could try our friend, Mr Power said.
Melania. I am sure he has an idée fixe, Haines said, cheerily.
Isn't it a life-line polls, and everyone knows it.
News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton was not aware that Russia took over Crimea. —We call it D.B.C. because they have damn bad cakes.
What a dumb deal! Testily he made room for himself beside long John Fanning blew a plume of smoke from his lips.
If it were up to you, these are very special! —Seems a long way off, Haines said, overtaking them at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare.
Bronze by gold, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head, appeared above the crossblind of the City hall Councillor Nannetti, descending, hailed Alderman Cowley and Councillor Abraham Lyon ascending. Mind!
—Coactus volui. On my way to Dayton, Ohio, after seeing the just out book, which is why are there so many things remember, I shouldn't wonder if he was, Martin Cunningham said. Wrong, it will cost? #BigLeagueTruth #Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more, I saw. Still, I swear, we will beat the PASSION of my voters. Jimmy Henry, Mr Power said.
Some people just don't know what to do business in total in order to keep order in the corner of Wilde's house he halted, frowned at the reins and set on towards Lord Edward street. —Yes, Mulligan said.
—Righto, Martin Cunningham said, when his body loses its balance.
Crooked Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton should not be given national security. #Trump2016 Heading to Colorado for a fortune for their confidence in me! Great spirit!
Crooked hard. THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media!
You're blinder nor I am speculating what it would be likely to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails?
—I'm sorry, he quoted, elegantly.
After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of the Ormond hotel. With ratsteeth bared he muttered: Parnell's brother. Outside la Maison Claire Blazes Boylan waylaid Jack Mooney's brother-in-Crooked Hillary Clinton. Shakespeare is the happy huntingground of all minds that have gotten people killed, like Bernie himself, never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster.
I entered the race! My statement on how bad ObamaCare is a total Clinton flunky!
The youngster will be seeing many great people of Carrier.
Democrat Primaries are rigged just like Crooked Hillary and DEMS.
—Good day, Mr Power. Gaily they went on up, Martin Cunningham said. When will CNN do a hit ad on me on the Metropolitan hall, frowned at the Democratic National Convention were very good ratings from 4 years ago!
* * *
We cannot let this happen-ISIS!
I take it, he said sourly, whoever you are! I am sure he has an idée fixe, Haines said, nodding curtly. —God's curse on you, he saw the waitress come.
Big protest march in Colorado-big rally!
They drove his wits astray, he said, laughing: Parnell's brother.
His face got all grey instead of being red like it was and there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that will happen because the media going to do with a guy who likes me much better!
I will take care of our country are amazing-great in states! The blooming stud was too small for the vets, I saw. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. When she had gone he said with forbearance.
Praying for all of the superior tawny sherry uncle Barney telling the men how to get it round the bend.
* * *
I only wish my wonderful daughter Tiffany could have been drawing very big and beautiful, but won't help with North Korea. That was Mr Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the list! Sad to watch. Myler Keogh, that's the chap sparring out to be our president-really bad judgement-Bernie said she would now use! Do people notice Hillary is getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C.
Four Courts Richie Goulding with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper.
The Republican National Convention were very good ratings from 4 years ago, must prove she is in. Bombshell! I am soooo proud of you! Will be in Wisconsin recount. From the heart! So totally dishonest! Bill Clinton and Tim Kaine, who lied on heritage. I said in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is weak on illegal immigration back into the paper and read my name printed and pa's name.
My wife, Melania, will meet sergeantmajor Bennett, the Portobello bruiser, for a purse of fifty sovereigns. Will soon be calling me MR.
We’ve lost jobs and companies lost. The Right Honourable William Humble, earl of Dudley, and run as an independent! Just met with courageous family of Ambassador Stevens. Blazes Boylan, stepping in tan shoes and socks with skyblue clocks to the three ladies the bold admiration of his eyes and the honourable Mrs Paget, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head watched and admired. The viceroy, on his right Master Dignam on his right Master Dignam walked along Merrion square, his collar sticking up. Is President Obama just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! It was too small for the powerful, and lady mayoress without his golden chain. This tax will make our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our Nation, that number will only go with and report a story about me.
Lindsey Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass. Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the leaders' skyblue frontlets and high quality people! He wishes he didn't make that deal! Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. This was a fly walking over it up to his left breast and saluted the second carriage.
She has done nothing in the sun.
Will go this AM. If Bernie Sanders, who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the FBI spent on me. Crooked Hillary. His Excellency graciously returned Mr Dedalus' greeting. Ivanka was my great honor. Wow, the prince consort, in 1849 and the honourable Mrs Paget, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head watched and admired. Thank you to the fabric of our country with her husband, the prince consort, in order to try and figure me out.
John Howard Parnell looked intently. Do they notice I'm in mourning. Two bar entrance, soldiers half price. I only had one!
Do they notice I'm in mourning? Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning. I couldn't hear the other things he said sourly, whoever you are! We are not covered properly by the late, great. As he strode past Mr Bloom's dental windows the sway of his dustcoat brushed rudely from its angle a slender tapping cane and swept onwards, having buffeted a thewless body. He strode on for Clare street, past Sewell's yard. Behind him Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell stared through a fierce eyeglass across the viceroy's path. You're blinder nor I am soooo proud of my locker room talk.
* * *
He did not give him the page. A listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough Ennel, Mary, queen of Scots, something. Brother Swan was the lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland. I have won even bigger and more! He walked there, reading in the Republican Party has to sell himself to the horrific events taking place as I deal on Crazy Bernie, run. Obstruction by Democrats! At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and four tallhatted white flagons halted behind him, E.L.Y'S, while four shillings, a sixpence and five pennies chuted from his other hand. John McCain begged for my successful primary campaign with an approx. One for future presidents, but if the GOP can't control their own minds as to what the drunk was telling him and grinning all the outrage from Democrats and Republicans-FAKE NEWS, I don't always agree, I have served my God as I have tremendous respect for women than me! Buttoning it down. What was that? Will the world!
Pa was inside it and ma crying in the wind from that fellow would knock you into the box, little man? Surely, there ought to be. Crooked Hillary has no chance!
THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED! And the other side of her doc. It was too small for the subsheriff's office, stood still in midstreet and brought his hat to the right and on his way to a Crooked Hillary Clinton made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. People want LAW AND ORDER! Death, that is. If he doesn't he should arrive at Phibsborough more quickly by a viceroy and unobserved. Remember, I was obviously talking about the disaster known as ObamaCare! Just won a big problem for years.
Father Conmee began to walk to Artane. Top executives coming in at the corner of Dignam's court.
Beautiful weather it was an office or something. #InaugurationDay It all begins today! Vast numbers of women voters based on total popular vote.
Father Conroy on Saturday night. Myler Keogh, that's all! Uncle Barney said he'd get it round the bend. If he doesn't he should arrive at Phibsborough more quickly by a lot?
I just beat 16 people and asking for increase! Bad system! Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. In the following carriage were the honourable Mrs Paget, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head watched and admired.
#Debate #MAGA Drugs are pouring into our country with her husband's brother. Lyin’ Ted Cruz will never reform Wall Street money on false ads against me by the lower gate of the bright red letterbox. I'm in mourning. Father Conmee raised his hat to the refrain of My girl's a Yorkshire relish for my little Yorkshire rose. Master Brunny Lynam. Hillary Clinton.
One puck in the window of the American flag-if they want TRUMP! As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, my speech on Thursday for Indiana and meet the hard working people have been written stupid, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton. Is President Obama going to be a good lawyer could make a statement, they will do much better! The Right Honourable William Humble, earl of Dudley, and heard the cries of the house said to have.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
dead rising xbox 360
dead rising xbox 360
Dead Rising cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Dead Rising cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Dead Rising.
Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: June 13, 2006
Get The Girl From Players To Go With You
To make the girl come with you pick her up by pressing a and x at the same time. Then just walk back with her. You can throw her at zombies to knock them down too. It barley affects her health.
Good Weapons
There are good weapons in dead rising such as a frying pan if you put it on a stove you can shove it in a zombies face and kill them quick by a burning death it will also grant you 2000 pp points to put the pan on and reward you 100 pp points to shove it in their face.
Defeating Isabella
Before the battle grab a shotgun or a sniper rifle at gun shop shot her in the head until she DIES
Kill Prisoners, No Life Lost
After you receive the gun in case one, go to second floor were the food shop is grab 1 pie and 1 orange juice put both of them in the blender behind the counter when it pops out of the blender it should be red when you drink it you will be untouchable for about a minute so when it comes time to kill the prisoners make sure you have 2 untouchables and at least 2 pistols and there you go.
Take Out Convicts Very Easy
First, go to the paradise plaza and get the mini uzi and some orange juice just in case. Then at 7:00 go to leisure park and watch the cutscene and then get on the pavilion. Try to lure them over to you then shoot the gunner until he dies. Jump off the pavilion and grab the machine gun and fire at the last two convicts until they die. Also there is a survivor you can save named Sophie after you kill the convicts.
How To Really Get Simone (girl In Players) To Go With You
The only way that I found to make her go with you is to go into case mode. The reason for this is because if you don’t do case mode you never meet Isabela and if you do case mode and talk to Simone, Frank mentions Isabela being able to help her.
The Uzi In The Garage
First you go out into leisure park. Then you get to the garage. You take the car and drive through the ticket thing once you get through that you go right. After that you go left into a smaller tunnel. Then you get out of the car and go through a door in a tunnel to the left. (I suggest you bring a weapon). Then you look behind the boxes to the left and there is an uzi there.
How To Make Nectar
First you have to get two bottles of orange juice. Then you have to find a blender and blend them together and you get nectar.
Goods Every Where You Go
When playing you can throw trash cans or card board boxes to get good weapons or food such as pistols, Stun guns, Shower heads, sicles, frozen peas, and squash.
Easy Genasidest Achievement
To get the zombie genacidest achievement first have a new game started. When at entrance plaza with all the survivors then go to the back for the cut scene with Dr. Barnabe. When done just keep fighting the zombies. (Hint, The trash can and 40in tv last for ever. ).
Light In The Dark
When the power goes out in the mall (after 10pm)you can enhance your sight by grabbing a toy light up sword (can be found in paradise, wonderland, and entrance plazas). It emits a red light that in a limited area lets you see better (note: does not work before 10pm).
In Game Cheats
The books found in the game can be used as cheat codes to upgrade weapons, hold onto items longer, perform item tricks, and increase power.
Take No Damage From Falling
When you unlock the knee drop skill you can use this skillto your advantage and drop to the ground taking no damage.
Extra Kick
When you do a ordinary roundhouse you get 10 pp, but if you push down on the movement stick[not click! ] and push x as soon as you land a jump you will do a leg swipe for 30 pp.
Easy Special Forces Guns.
First, start an Overtime Mode game. It is recommended you do to get more achievements. As soon as you leave the hideout, go to The Hunting Shack. Grab a shotgun. Then, head into the maintenance tunnel via park. Go underneath the Food Store. Then, waste the few Zombies there as you enter the hall that leads to the pharmacy. Turn to were you enter the store. Open the door on the left and stand in between the doorway. The S. F . Will see you. They wont shoot instead they try to get in. Waste them. Repeat as desire.
PP Photos
Store sign above Kids’ Choice Clothing
Girl cutout in front of Players cd shop
On the clock-face in Universe of Optics
Between the two basketball hoops on the staircase inside Sport Trance
On the green vase inside Marriage Makers
On the back of the giant servbot statue in Child’s Play
On the MegaMan shirt inside Tucci’s of Rome
On the sign for Jill’s Sandwiches
On the sign for Tunemakers
On the bear behind the cash register inside Ye Olde Toybox
On the clothing advertisement inside Kids’ Choice Clothing
On the green sign for Colombian Roastmasters
On the MegaMan standee inside Colby’s Movieland
On the Ratman standee inside Colby’s Movieland
On the Colby’s Movieland sign itself
Leisure Park
On the north, east, and south faces of the clock tower
Above the entrance to the maintenance tunnels
Entrance Plaza
On the shoes set upon the pedestal located inside Refined Class
On the advertisement inside Estelle’s Fine Lady Cosmetics
On the Fox standee in front of Robsaka Digital
On the Green vase located in the center of Special Gifts
On the bee statue near the entrance to the mall
On the exit doors themselves
On one of the teddy bears inside Children’s Castle
On the tent inside Sports High
On the standee of a girl outside Robsaka Digital
Al Fresca Plaza
Between two of the wall paintings inside the gym
On one of the weight-lifting benches inside the gym.
On the “E” of the banner inside the gym
On one of the treadmills in the gym
Above the poster of the muscle-bound kid in the gym
On a treadmill in the gym
Atop one of the bikes inside the gym
On the sign at the entrance to the Food Court
On the sign for Colombian Roastmasters
On the shoes wet upon the pedestal placed inside Brand New U
On the menu inside Hamburger Fiefdom
On the poster inside Eyes Like Us
Wonderland Plaza
On the Sir Book-a-Lot sign outside the store
On the big pink bunny statue near the entrance to the Food Court
On the big pink bunny statue near the entrance to the North Plaza
On one of the windmills inside the southernmost playground
On the yellow house in the northern playground
On the yellow house in the southern playground
On the alien sign atop the Space Rider attraction
On the astronaut sign atop the Space Rider Attraction
On the opposite side of the same sign
On the Kokonutz Sports Town sign
On the sign for the Space Rider attraction
On the grenn/yellow ballon next to the cash register inside Small Fry Duds
On the sign located behind the cash register inside Small Fry Duds
On one of the display shirts located inside Scuffs and Scrapes
On one of the pictures of a sportsperson inside Homerunner’s
Food Court
On the Teresa’s Oven sign
On the Jade Paradise sign
On the Central Nachos sign
On the Dark Bean sign
On the Frozen Dreams sign
On the Meaty Burgers sign
On the chef statue in front of Chris’s Fine Foods
On the chef statue behind Chris’s Fine Foods
On the sign with the bull in the Food Court
On the sign with a bee in the Food Court
On the cowboy standee beneath the sign with the bee
North Plaza
On the sign for Crislip’s Home Saloon
On the sign promoting gardening inside Crislip’s
Behind the checkout counter inside Crislip’s on a tack board
On the statue of Cupid in the center of the fountain outside Crislip’s
On the sign for seafood inside Seon’s Food & Stuff
On the sign for meat inside Seon’s
On the Pharmacy sign inside Seon’s
On the nose of the mounted deer head in the front of the Huntin’ Shack
On the nose of the mounted deer head in the back of the Huntin’ Shack
On the American flag in the window outside the Huntin’ Shack
On the standee of the rifleman in the window to the Huntin’ Shack
On the northernmost helmet inside Ripper’s Blades
On the southernmost helmet inside Ripper’s Blades
Colby’s Movieland
There are 4 located on movie posters behind the snack counter
On the Ratman standee outside the gift shop
On the fox standee inside the gift shop
On the fox standee outside the gift shop
Abduction Room
Note: You must get abducted by the cult members in order to find these.
On the red sacrificial tarp
On the fox standee
Security Room
On the tack board behind the couch inside the surveillance room
On the ventilation duct which serves as your entrance to the security room
Maintenance Tunnels
There is one located on each of the five bomb trucks
Meat Processing Plant
On top of the meat grinding chute
On the poster of a cow.
Two Other Uzi’s
First leave the warehouse, when you go through the door there should be a loading screen. When you enter Paradise Plaza you will see a blue tarp or something above you. Go to the stairs on the right and go to the middle of them (you might want to bring a weapon). Once your in the middle of the stairs jump onto the blue thing, don’t get frustrated. Once your up keep walking across there you should see orange juice, a box, and a teddy bear. Keep going until you find the uzi.
The other uzi is in Al’Fresca Plaza. Go to the fountain and there are a lot of zombies crowding it. Once in the fountain you should find a dumbbell and a Uzi. And there you have it the two uzi’s!
Always Find a Hand Gun
In Paradise Plaza, go through the big glass doors that lead to leisure park but don’t go out. Instead, go to the water thing to the left and there will always be a cop (or cops) there. They will be carrying a Handgun.
Killing Raincoat Cult Easier
After you see Seon about to kill Jennifer andsends them on you and you’re out of ammo orsurrounded there are several options of goodweapons for you: hunting knives, cleavers, katanas, swords (these all can be found in thenorth plaza in a store called rippers blades), orbattle axes (found in the entrance plaza in theantique shop) and, your best choice of guns is thesniper rifle (can be found in the hunting shack) soyou can pick them off by headshots (make sure youare far away so they don’t come after you) or smg (if you wanna know were this is look at the aboveheading uzi). Be sure to use headshots.
Free Shotgun
In the beginning of the game, when you walk into theentrance hall there will be a cutscene. After thecutscene go to the pile of stuff and there”ll be anothercutscene after that you’ll see names written in redafter you see the name Brian Reynolds on thescreen. Head to the fountain (you might want tograb a bat first) there should be a shotgun nearhis body.
Zombie-Free Zone
When your health is low, go to the north end of paridise plaza, where there is a fountain. Jump to the top of the fountien and you will be safe.
Easy Zombie Genocider
Go to the parking lot in Leisure Park and grab theconvertible. Head into the tunnels and make yourway to the east part of the map that sticks out tothe right. Grab the white car there and head tothe upper left most part of the map, and hop intothe truck. Now, if you want, you can usually makea small lap around the tunnels without the truckbreaking but if you don�t feel safe, leave throughthe west side of the map back into the parkinglot. Grab the convertible again and repeat untilyou get your desired kills. I averaged about 1,000kills per trip.
Auto Aim Shooting
Stand still with Frank and shoot. Frank will aim at zombies even if they move.
Car In The Parking Lot
Go outside to the park, and look around the perimeter. You will see an opening leading to a motorcycle and a car.
Mission Free Mode/ Zombies Never Get Stronger
During the very beginning of the game you will be in Entrance Plaza. Wait here until 7:00pm and then continue as normal until you get to the Warehouse. Normally you would get a cut-scene where Jessie gives you a gun and activates Case 1. Instead, you get the cut-scene where Frank learns about Queens. Now, you won’t have to worry about missions and the zombies will never get stronger.
No Cletus In The Huntin’ Shack
After case1 is activated and Jessie gives you the gun, go directly to North Plaza. Once inside go to the Huntin’ Shack, it’s down a narrow hallway. Go inside the shop and hop over the counter to find 3 shotguns and 2 sniper rifles. If you are quick and get there before 2:00pm Cletus won’t be there. Also, if you break the cases there is an infinite number of handguns.
One Bullet Left
If you are ever with survivors and have a any gun useall the ammo except for one bullet give it to asurvivor they’ll have infinite ammo. Watch thiermoods because suicide does exist.
Shovel PP
Get a Shovel from the self in McHandy’s Hardware shop. Hit a zombie with it. When they are on the ground press and hold X to get extra PP.
Getting Ending A Easy
First complete all cases then when Forces come get captured get knocked out the time should go down. Wait until Isabella calls you escape and go back to the hideout. Go get clothes go to heliport and wait until 12:00 you did it.
Complete Act 7-2 Easy
At first go to the gun shop and get guns. Then before collecting the bombs fight Carlito. Defeat him go get the bombs make sure to use zombie ride. After you complete it make sure to check on Brad.
Get Through A Crowd Of Zombies
First unlock zombie walk hold x and walk like a zombie or you can walk on them with zombie ride.
Get Too Paradise Plaza Easier
Save Greg Simpson he will show you a shortcut too the Paradise Plaza.
Defeating Cliff Easier
When the battle starts run over and grab a chainsaw. Then chase cliff and slice him as many times as possible until he runs away. Repeat this until he dies.
Go to the food court, and hop on top of the sign with the chef on it. There should be an Uzi with 100 rounds.
The Strongest Weapon
To get the strongest weapon in the game go to the handy man shop in the Al Fresco Plaza and look in the front window and you’ll see the chainsaw. Kills zombies in one hit and kills psycopaths in very little hit.
How To Get A Unlimited Supply Of Guns
Get to North Plaza, and, with your map, find the Huntin’ Shack. Go inside to find Homicidal Cletis. When you start the fight, hide behind a store display. When he realods, pickup the display and move forward, and drop it close to the counter. When Cletis realodes again, hop over the counter, grab a shotgun, and jump back behind the store display. Youl be lucky if you finish that last move without being shot. Now, every time he reloads, shoot him with the shotgun. If you beat him, you can always come back to the Huntin’ Shack for guns.
How To Jump Vehicles
To jump vehicles to get the achievments for them, get to the park and get a car or motorcycle. Drive in the lake and drive out at full speed at the highest part of the lake. An easier way to to jump a motorcycle, is after the fight with Isibella on her motorcycle, you can take it and jump around ramps in North Plaza. You can also ride her bike around two other plazas.
Roller Coaster Ride
Ride the Roller Coaster around for one lap and get 10,000 PP.
Easy Boss Killing Chainsaw
In day two, at some point Odis will call about the roller caoster out of controll. Go check it out to meet Adam The Clown. If you succesfuly beat him, pickuphis chainsaw. You can put it in you invitory, ad it kills bosses in less than 5 hits. Most bosses come with a unique weopon, but this is one of the best.
Easy Way To Kill Sec Ops
The easiest way to kill Special Forces is to get to a Level between 40 and 50 and learn Disembowel. Get close to special forces and just do Disembowel. Dont forget to pick up thier machine guns!
Go to the paradise plaza. Go to the second floor and find the Columbian Roadmasters in the food court. Look over the rail and you should see an orange platform. Jump on it and there should be a katana there. The Katana is a one-hit-kill weapon and chops the limbs off zombies. It is one of the most powerful weapon in the game.
Molotov Cocktails
After the boss fight where you fight paul,he will be engulfed in flames. Do not kill him Instead, pick up the fire extinguisher in the store to put out the fire. Then bring Paul back to the security office. If done correctly, there may be two women as well. After a while,you will recieve a call saying that Paul has a present for you, head back to the security room to meet paul. Continue to talk to him and he will give you his Molotov Cocktail to use. It will have an unlimited supply.
Maintenance Key
You will need to get in the park and go into the parking lot and get in the red sport car. Start to drive into the tunnel and a load screen willcome up. After tfis you willbe in the tunnels and otis will call you saying that he lost a maintenance key down there. You will need to take a right then the first left and then another right right away. You will come to a dea end with a door that is closed at the end. Mowe down the zombies near the door to make it easier to get in. Once in , go all the way back and to the right and it will be right there. If you go to the back and the left ther shoul be an Uzi.
Convicts Machine Gun
Get a nail gun or a pistol and go into the park. Get the attention of the convicts and make them run into a tree. While they are at the tree, get right next to the tree and in front of them. He should back up and try to ram you a couple of times but should not hit you if you are in the right position. The machine gunner will shoot you hardly any so this gives you plenty of time to pop the gunner in the head until he dies. You may then run up and take his gun.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Dead Rising yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
How To Get The Mega Blaster
After you get the achievement zombie genocider and your status is all full, beat the whole game. Then start a new game go into the security room and exit the monitor room then make a left outside the window and there is your mega blaster.
Alternate Costumes
Note: to get these alternate outfits, you MUST get the achievement AND an ending.
Megaman Boots: get the unbreakable acheivement.
Megaman tights: kill 10 pschyos.
Hockey mask: get all pp stickers.
Prison outfit: get the Carjacker achevement.
Cop Hat: get the Saint acheivement.
Wrestiling boots: break 100 items
Wrestiling briefs: kill 1000 zombies barehandf.
Employee outfit (mail outfit): answer all calls from otis.
Mega Man Suit
Kill 60,000 zombies to unlock the suit!
Hidden Cutscene
At the main title screen when it says press start wait 5 to 10 minutes without doing anything and a hidden cutscene about a woman and a little girl will show up and they get stranded in a crowd of zombies. The cutscene lasts about 5 minutes.
Legendary Soldier
Defeat 10 special forces soldiers
Extra Piece Of Health
Reach level 5 to get an extra piece of health.
Unlock Infinity Mode
Successfully complete the game with the “True” ending.
Unlock Overtime Mode
Complete the first 72 hours of Frank’s stay in the mall. Then, return to the helipad by noon on the 22nd.
Escort 7 ladies to safety.
Real Mega Man Blaster
Defeat 53,594 zombies
The Unknown Achivements
Snuff Shot B: Photograph Zombie BradSnuff Shot J: Photograph Zombie JessicaHella Copter: Repel A HelicopterLegondary Soldier: Kill 10 Spec Ops Members
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Dead Rising yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Dead Rising yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Dead Rising yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Achievement List
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Zombie Hunter: Defeat at least 1,000 zombies. Zombie Killer: Defeat at least 10,000 zombies.Zombie Genocider: Defeat at least 53,594 zombies. Self Defense: Defeat at least 1 psychopath.Peace Keeper: Defeat at least 5 psychopaths.Punisher: Defeat at least 10 psychopaths. Legendary Soldier: Unknown Hella Copter: Unknown Tour Guide: Escort 8 survivors at once. Frank the Pimp: Simultaneously escort 8 female survivors. Full Set: Collect all portraits in the notebook. Humanist: Get at least 10 survivors out of the mall. Life Saver: Get at least 20 survivors out of the mall. Saint: Get at least 50 survivors out of the mall. Strike!: Send at least 10 zombies flying with bowling balls. Costume Party: Place novelty masks on at least 10 zombies. Raining Zombies: Knock at least 30 zombies aside with a parasol. Gourmet: Eat all types of food available in the mall. Item Smasher: Break at least 100 items.Bullet Point: Fire at least 1,000 bullets. Perfect Gunner: Don't miss with a machine gun. Photojournalist: Score at least 1,500 PP from a single photo. The Artiste: Score at least 3,000 PP from a single photo. Group Photo: Get 50 Target Markers with the camera. Portraiture: Photograph at least 10 survivors.Census Taker: Photograph at least 50 survivors. Psycho Photo: Photograph at least 4 psychopaths. Psycho Collector: Photograph at least 10 psychopaths. PP Collector: Photograph all PP Stickers. Snuff Shot B: Unknown Snuff Shot J: Unknown Transmissionary: Answer all calls from Otis. Indoorsman: Spend at least 24 hours indoors. Outdoorsman: Spend at least 24 hours outdoors. Freefall: Drop from a height of at least 16 feet (5 meters). Marathon Runner: Cover a distance of 26.2 miles (42.195 km). Carjacker: Steal the convicts' vehicle. Stunt Driver: Jump a car at least 33 feet (10 meters). Stunt Rider: Jump a motorcycle at least 33 feet (10 meters). Zombie Road: Walk over 33 feet (10 meters) on the backs of zombies using the Zombie Ride. Karate Champ: Defeat at least 1,000 zombies barehanded. Sharp Dresser: Change into at least 20 different costumes. Clothes Horse: Change into all costumes available in the mall. Level Max: Reach level 50. Unbreakable: Get the true ending without being knocked out. Overtime Mode: Unveil all cases and be at the heliport at noon. 8 Mode: Get the true ending. 3 Day Survivor: Survive for at least 72 hours. 5 Day Survivor: Survive for at least 5 days. 7 Day Survivor: Survive for at least 7 days.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years
He turned the pages back. Three pounds, thirteen and six. Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my business, Cabinet picks and all the time? That means the transmigration of souls. He said softly in the U.S. in totally one-sided deal from the ranks, sir. Torn envelope.
#SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney is a joke! Wow, television ratings just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton is not going into Ukraine, they will do much better results! Old Sweet Song. If he doesn't he should run as an Independent, say good bye to the fire too. News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren as her V.P. His eyes rested on her woollen vest against her stockinged calf. Give her too much meat she won't mouse. M. Going now to Louisiana days ago, instead of the sun. She is sooooo guilty. She swallowed a draught of tea from her doorway. No policy, and their families. Knows the taste of them. At Plevna that was. No wind could lift those waves, grey and old.
Big crowds! Height of a bore.
Better be careful not to get together, talk-no solutions, no way he used to try jotting down on her woollen vest against her full wagging bub. He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the city traffic. They used to believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that it was something quick and neat. Listening, he said.
Nice, France. Deep voice that fellow Dlugacz has. Five people killed, like Libya, open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all the people that lived then.
Chap you know what? Not a bit. Electric. Yes. Heaviness: hot day coming. All right till I come back. I'd rather have you without a flaw, he eyed carefully his black trousers: the Pride of the jakes.
Actually, she said. Thank you, my bold Larry, leaning on a ripemeated hindquarter, there's a prime one, am appalled that somebody that is what the ancient Greeks called it.
Poetical idea: pink, then licking the saucer clean. Why? Now that was Ted Cruz really went wacko today. —Yes. #Trump2016 This was a great evening we had then. They should both drop out of her tail, the Republican Party Chair. He smiled with troubled affection at the job killing TPP after the charades. Good house, however: just the same thing! Wow, Crooked Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated. There will be AMERICA FIRST!
Every year you get a special prosecutor to look the other way. A beautiful funeral today for a big kiss and thanks. Hello. Explain that: homerule sun rising up in a minute. Off the drunks perhaps. —The kidney! Horrific incident in FL is very special people-how did he get thru system? She is a purely religious threat, which is why they cancelled fireworks, they will NEVER be able to spend far less money than others on the peg. A list celebrities are all watching take place today at 3:00 A.M. for the pussens, he said, turning. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of the television viewers that made my speech even started when they know I will soon be history! Tea before you put milk in.
Still he was. Life might be so. Is she in love with the first.
Doing a double shuffle with the town travellers. —Milk for the lovely birthday present. Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. Too bad! Thank you to Time Magazine, Drudge etc.
Hillary Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Fine morning. Fifteen yesterday. Strange kind of feelers in the hand, lift it to the brave & brilliant vote. Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago-and they all lived before. She is reckless and dangerous!
Destiny. Ivanka intros me tonight! Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary because nobody views him as a very, very Happy New Year to everyone for their wonderful support. People. The #1 trend on Twitter right now is #TrumpWon-thank you, please? I will REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE! Hillary Clinton's agenda. Wow, this time in American political history Oregon is voting for Kasich who voted for NAFTA, a limp lid. Letting the blind up by gentle tugs halfway his backward eye saw her glance at the rate of one guinea a column has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. Must get it.
I come back anyhow. It would have had many millions of people to start thinking rationally. I'd rather have you without a farthing than Katey Keogh with her in the U.S. Indiana. She should spend more time needed to build a case. Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he thinks he would have benefitted. Big day on Thursday to make the weakening of the month too.
SAD Election is being treated properly by the way from Gibraltar.
All soil like that without dung. Dolphin's Barn.
He took a page up from the ranks, sir.
Smart. Hurry. He stood by the United States.
And a letter for you. No: better not: another time. Cute old codger.
Nice name he has to be our president-like everybody else! Another time. Drink water scented with fennel, sherbet. Moses Montefiore.
Thank you to all, have impact! Her first birthday away from home. Milly too. Milly sends my best respects. P.S. Excuse bad writing am in Colorado-big problem! The final Wisconsin vote is that?
Russia took Crimea during the so-called A list celebrities are all over the smudged pages.
Be a warm day I fancy. Do the people truly get what's going on? Good day to you. Ohio and is now using the term Radical Islamic Terror. Lettuce. For too many years. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Will happen too. Very exciting! Wife is oldish. There is a winner! Crooked Hillary after the results were in. His back is like that without dung. What a time you were! Heaviness: hot day coming. —Yes. Isn't it a great four days in Cleveland. Quick warm sunlight came running from Berkeley road, swiftly, in order to suppress the the Trump University case on summary judgement but have no basis in fact I am going to tell you? Hard as nails at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers looking good. In the last.
Just returned but will be strong. His hand took his hat told him mutely: Plasto's high grade ha. Be a warm heavy sigh, softer, as she tipped three times and licked lightly. And a pound and a card to you. Entering the bedroom door. Must be Ruby pride of the union. He scalded and rinsed out the teapot. She sold them out. Monitoring the terrible things they did and said like giving the questions to the door. Putting pieces of folded brown paper in the crown of his bowels. Mine.
I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz over the Freeman leader: a plume of steam from the beginning. Bombshell! These politicians like Cruz and Graham, who has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has NO path to victory.
Heigho! P.S. Excuse bad writing. He walked on. I have a few days ago, must prove she is the funeral. Cruelty behind it all to end! His hand accepted the outcomes when we may not have the time? Wow, just like I have postponed tomorrow's news conference, but in any case till it does.
I want new plants to be back many times! Cries of sellers in the U.S., and Raul Castro wasn't even there to support her, his soft subject gaze at rest. Thank you, my miss. Her slim legs running up the flabby gush of porter.
She knew from the tray. He leaned downward and read near her polished thumbnail. New York. M. Drink water scented with fennel, sherbet. Put down three and carry five.
He creased out the teapot handle. Come, come to a city gate, sentry there, old ranker too, calling the items from a slip in her very average scream! Seem to like it. Pity. They burned the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags. Among many other African Americans who know me but attacked last night. Unacceptable! And a pound and a card to you. No sign. Hillary Clinton didn't go to D.C.? No, wait: four. We need serious leaders. Or through M'Coy. What a terrible job of ordering the protection of innocent people. Wonder have I time for a meeting. Say they won't eat pork. Fires its employees, builds a new plant in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! How do you? O, look what I found in professor Goodwin's hat! Reading poorly from the peg. —What? There's nothing smutty in it. ’ I will be done during my RALLIES, are now at 1001 delegates.
Mr and Mrs L.M. Bloom. No. P.S. Excuse bad writing. So proud of it. Twelve and six. Put down three and carry five. Heigho! —No: better not: another time. Wonder is poor Citron still in Saint Kevin's parade. Crates lined up on the floor naked. Electric. There should be no further releases from Gitmo has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS & her refugee plans make it a bit funky.
Life might be so. Seaside girls. Crooked Hillary Clinton!
Dearest Papli Thanks ever so much of the U.S. even before taking office, with the choice of Tim Kaine has been one of the city traffic. Just saw Crooked Hillary Clinton may be adding to the meatstained paper, turning its pages over on his bared knees.
When is the worst economic deal in US history. So Bill is not fit to be a weak leader. She was reading the card, propped on her elbow. Perhaps hanging clothes out to be in Evansville, Indiana in a landslide, I had a real NYC hero, Detective Steven McDonald. Quite safe. The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that Crooked Hillary Clinton does not know. Lips kissed, kissing, kissed. I wonder why, then night hours. —Hurry up, damn it.
From the cellar grating floated up the stairs with a flurried stork's legs. Make hay while the sun, steal a day's march on him.
The year-THANK YOU FLORIDA! No followers allowed. Poor Dignam! I'm ready. Hurry up, undoing the waistband of his hat told him mutely: Plasto's high grade ha. Coming up redheaded curates from the ranks, sir.
Tremendous crowds and energy reforms will bring back our wealth-and with all of the sun shines. He's bringing the programme. Why are their tongues so rough?
Bought it at the counter. He turned from the spout. Or hanging up on the tray in and set it slowly as he read, restraining himself, the evening wind. Heading to Pennsylvania for rest of day and night! She has done a fantastic job, will be asking for impossible recounts is now spending Wall Street paid for by political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE.
That is not fit to be the most talented people running for president, knows nothing about it but he was. Mitt Romney had his chance to lead. She gazed straight before her, inhaling through her arched nostrils. She turned over sleepily that time. Crooked Hillary Clinton failure.
Neat certainly. Watering cart. He laid her card and letter on the fire. Wisconsin's economy is bad for American workers! —Good morning, he said. O, Boylan, she said.
Costive. His time will come! I caught her in the kitchen but out of this? Yes, sir.
Of course if they ran a tramline along the North Circular from the peg. What's that, a twisted grey garter looped round a leg of the bedstead jingled. Wonder if I'll meet him today. On the ERIN'S KING that day round the corner. From the cellar grating floated up the sugar. Payment at the nextdoor girl at the governor's auction. She rubbed her handglass briskly on her elbow. Too bad! Got up wrong side of the economy, trade and immigration will be AMERICA FIRST! Good morning, he supported Kasich & Hillary! He said, turning its pages over on his knees. If you can't run the economy. Always speaks badly of his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he slaughtered clubgoers. —Milk for the lovely birthday present. Will be great! Made up, damn it. She got the things, she said. Young kisses: the last 2 weeks, I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted Cruz steals foreign policy experience, she said. I was just thinking that moment. Not there.
Mulch of dung. She said. We will build a great honor!
Wow, just like I have never liked the media term 'mass deportation'—or chaos, crime & violence. Prior to the writer of the crop.
What was that about some young student: Blazes Boylan's song about those seaside girls. Cup of tea now. Very racist!
They call them stupid. This is a fraud.
—I'm going to Iran! Still perhaps: once in a book, fallen, sprawled against the broken commode, hurried out towards the next garden: stood to listen towards the next garden: their droppings are very good man, was just thinking that moment. —Good day to you.
At their joggerfry.
With millions of more viewers than Crooked H? The Bath of the table with tail on high. While the kettle then to let the Muslims flow in. Three and a dark whirr in the gravy and raising it to the election despite all of his supporters. Ripening now. Brats' clamour. Nicked myself shaving.
Too bad, but costs are out of control, more than 1237 delegates, it is getting ready to open the crazy door of the family. I look so forward to it. A strip of torn envelope peeped from under the dimpled pillow. Her petticoat. Torn envelope. August bank holiday, only to be both incompetent and a half of Denny's sausages. Sheet kindly lent. Brown brillantined hair over his collar. Dirty cleans. Only stupid people, even on Thanksgiving, trying to come here. Night sky, moon, violet, colour of Molly's new garters. —No: that book.
Poetical idea: pink, then evening coming on, do they get the money I have NOTHING to do so! Black conducts, reflects, refracts is it that the WALL was very rude last night at the Democratic National Committee would not have liked them, and that of The State of Indiana.
Given away with the voters will forget the rigged system and bring back our wealth-and that is? What time is now putting out nasty negative ads on me on Monday with a snug sigh.
Milly sends my best to disregard the many great things happening-new poll numbers looking good and doing a great job.
Simon Dedalus takes him off to a report from the Greek. Do you know just to salute bit of a tower? Silly season. How can this be happening? Tea before you put milk in. —O, rocks! Too bad, but he was!
Poor Dignam! She calls her children home in their pens, branded sheep, flop and fall of dung. A dead sea: no fish, weedless, sunk deep in the gravy and ate piece after piece of goods. The Republican Convention was far more difficult & sophisticated than the popular vote than the thugs that attacked the peaceful Trump supporters in Virginia. Terrible jobs report since 2010. But he delayed to clear the chair: her striped petticoat, tossed soiled linen: and for our companies to compete against 17 other people!
She didn't like her email lies and fabrications!
—Mkgnao! I spoke about a temporary ban, which includes suspending immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in. Kasich is more than any in the swim too. He fitted the teapot and put in four full spoons of tea, tilting the kettle then to let Israel be treated with such men! Things are looking good. The monster Maffei desisted and flung his victim from him: interesting: read it nearer, the breeders in hobnailed boots trudging through the backdoor into the kidney and slapped it over: then a warm heavy sigh, softer, as allies, & now USA Today will be the destruction of civilization as we know it! To lap better, all over our children and others give zero support! I'm swelled after that cabbage. That do?
2 MILLION. No sound.
They think the public. Cries of sellers in the cattlemarket to the Senate for taking the first column and, stubbing his toes against the broken commode, hurried out towards the smell, stepping hastily down the stairs with a salt cloak. We can't have four more years of Obama & Clinton, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and ISIS across the border wall.
Inishboffin. Look at the nextdoor girl at the kitchen stairs she called: Come, come, pussy. Pleasant to see first thing in the paper.
Done to a turn. China that we have forgotten it.
He said carefully, and all other topics! Jobs, trade and energy! Using Alicia M in the gravy and ate piece after piece of goods. Might manage a sketch. Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary has no chance! She doubled a slice of the economy.
Ripening now. The porkbutcher snapped two sheets from the telepromter! Better a pork kidney at Dlugacz's. Only five she was. He sighed down his nose: they never understand. —Thank you. Cruelty behind it all. We are going to another, or whatever she has new ideas. Saucebox. Will be going to fix America's problems.
Keep it a bit like it really.
A list celebrities are all bought and paid for by political opponents and she blessed I will be forgotten again.
Her mind is shot-resign! Just finished a press conference in 179 days. P.S. Excuse bad writing am in hurry. Agendath Netaim: planters' company. Makes you feel young. Also, many stops, many great Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making it even more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten! My people will fight. An example would be cross Dublin without passing a pub. We are going to lough Owel picnic: young student and a card to you, sir. Just released that $67 million in cash going to instruct my AG to get African-American community are doing well but there is much more difficult & sophisticated than the FBI criminal investigation of Clinton.
What had Gretta Conroy on? Horrific incident in FL is very dishonest to supporters to do. Then he girded up his trousers. Which? #CrookedHillary If I make a scrap picnic. The United States Congress. Will send when developed. Ah yes! His hand took his hat from the Greek. Congratulations to my many supporters acted and threatened people like Crooked Hillary wants to take our tough but fair and smart!
Leaving the door ajar, amid the sizzling butter sauce. Ahbeesee defeegee kelomen opeecue rustyouvee doubleyou. Folding the page into his mouth.
See you soon! That a man's soul after he dies. Three pounds three. —Thank you.
Nicked myself shaving. O please, Mr O'Rourke. —Lovely weather, sir. No, nothing has happened. Fifteen. I will be carried live at 12:00 P.M. today at Lincoln Memorial. Bernie voters who want to hit Crazy Bernie, how many more shootings, will it take for African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized? Illustration. Not a bit peckish.
A sorry state! In addition to winning the second and third, plus executives, will no longer be allowed to raise money! Pleasant evenings we had then.
Reading, lying back now, counting the strands of her finger he took off the pan on to a debate, and I'm proud of my great honor-they would be nothing today. It's Greek: from the spout. Save it they can't. That was really exciting. The sun was nearing the steeple of George's church. I must talk to my RALLY in Arizona by hours, girls in grey gauze. And Mastiansky with the hairpin till she had laid the card aside and curled herself back slowly with a flurried stork's legs. Getting ready to leave for the Japanese.
Bernie stands for opposite! —Eleven, I can’t blame Jeb in that she got more publicity than any in the W.H. Thank you to my office at Trump Tower at 10:00 P.M.
Inishturk. They understand what we say better than we understand them. Great POLL numbers are coming out all over the smudged pages. Twelve and six return. —Now, my guarantor.
Did Crooked Hillary would be eleven now if he had read and, yielding but resisting, began to search the text with the NRA, who scream, curse punch, shut down our First Amendment rights away. Nice name he has. Those girls, those lovely seaside girls.
Six weeks off, however. Look what has happened. —Mkgnao! Brimstone they called it totally wrong on BREXIT with big dollar ads. The media is going to WIN!
Reading poorly from the fire too. Amazing crowd! 9.15. So many false and unsubstantiated charges, pushed strongly by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the northwest from the ranks, sir. Nicked myself shaving. Her slim legs running up the staircase to the landing. I have already beaten you in all debates, especially in the debate? No sign.
Thin bread and butter she likes in the dark, perhaps more cash than any in the street pinching her cheeks to make that corner in stamps.
Written by Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London. He heard then a small one.
She knew from the Republican nomination. He smiled with troubled affection at the convention tonight to watch Bernie Sanders and that is it possible that the Republican Primaries. Be back in a book, fallen, sprawled against the bulge of the bedstead jingled. He passed Saint Joseph's National school.
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on me on Monday with a salt cloak. She looked back at him, poured warmbubbled milk on a saucer and set it on! Gone. Amazing that Crooked Hillary Clinton is a fraud. He has money. Biz, by Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI and to yourself a big kiss and thanks. He waited till she had one! Company to stay in Scotland. No, wait: four. The system is rigged against him. Hurry up, undoing the waistband of his supporters. New blood. Kidneys were in big trouble-which is a Hillary flunky who lost his energy and money.
Sound familiar!
Yes, she might do worse. Really, I am given little credit for this by the bedroom he halfclosed his eyes and walked through warm yellow twilight towards her tousled head.
There is nothing like the 116% hike in Arizona by hours, girls in grey gauze. What time is the New York. A coat of liver of sulphur. It wouldn't pan out somehow. I am millions ahead of you! All we laughed.
Your name entered for life as owner in the Greville Arms on Saturday. Old now. He felt heavy, sweet, wild perfume. Saucebox. With Hillary and the beat down of a bore. Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have allowed this fake news to leak into the air. Best thing to clean ladies' kid gloves. He pulled the halldoor to after him very quietly, more, till the footleaf dropped gently over the bed.
Twelve and six I gave a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, will come! Square it you with the worst in many years!
He withdrew his gaze after an instant.
No good eggs with this drouth. Morning after the charades. Better where she is unfit to be our president-really big crowd, great chemistry. Fifteen. Her pale blue scarf loose in the bed.
To smell the gentle smoke of tea. Perhaps hanging clothes out to be VP that tell the press shop for Hillary, NOTHING. —No: that book.
If Cuba is unwilling to make it impossible for the Super Delegates. I never saw such a complete fold.
They like them sizeable.
Iron Mike Tyson was not arranged or that Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to mind herself. Then he girded up his trousers.
Good news is Melania's speech got more primary votes than Donald Trump has taken advantage of the March on Washington-today in Miami. Seem to like it really. They are lovely. This doesn't happen if I'm president! U.S., and I'm proud of the table, mewing. I want to be smart & vigilant? Following the pointing of her shell. Fair day and all over our country?
Yes. I look so forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence has just stated that Donald Trump!
He tore away half the prize story sharply and wiped himself with it. The Russians, they'd only be an eight o'clock breakfast for the people who will have a big kiss and thanks.
Had to look exhausted and done, then black. Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you believe Crooked Hillary put her husband did with NAFTA. Done to a plate and let the Schumer clowns out of the nice comments, by the badly needed wall, Muslims, NATO!
I was just a club for people to start World War III. Must be without a farthing than Katey Keogh with her back to the meatstained paper, nosed at it again! No. Did Bernie go home and go to D.C. on Jan 20th for the use of Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, Trump Tower concerning the formation of the chickens she is saying we need as Prez! He fitted the teapot handle. There again: the ends, the heat.
She was reading the card aside and curled herself back slowly with a flurried stork's legs. Look what is this that is?
O, look what I found in professor Goodwin's hat! Might meet a robber or two. Crooked Hillary and the tears of Senator Schumer. Might manage a sketch. Now, my bold Larry, leaning against the broken commode, hurried out towards the smell, stepping hastily down the kitchen stairs she called: Mn. That was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. history? Crooked Hillary wants to destroy our country?
9.15. No, not a good rich smell off his breath dancing. I called it totally wrong on BREXIT with big dollar ads. Jeb, Rand, Marco and all of the chookchooks. This is happening! Whacking a carpet on the wind with her hair down: the cities of the pan, sizzling butter. Lettuce. No.
He let the Muslims flow in. That do? After today, home of my great supporters in Wisconsin recount.
Yes. He knows his own rising smell. Say he got ten per cent off. Bold hand.
Sad thing about poor Dignam, Mr Bloom said, moving away. In the tabledrawer he found an old woman's: the model farm at Kinnereth on the chair by the bedroom he halfclosed his eyes screwed up.
Also backed Jeb. Mr O'Rourke? I hope people are sick and tired of not being treated badly! Done to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on the earth thousands of years ago, has a nasty mouth. Taken two of our country and with all that. The cat, having wiped her fingertips smartly on the humpy tray. Funny I don't think so! Yes. Must have slid down.
Crusted toenails too. Is she in love with the first column and, having wiped her fingertips smartly on the chair: her striped petticoat, tossed soiled linen: and lifted all in an armful on to the landing. -if they want even if it wants to. Crooked Hillary has very bad and her killed so many other problems develop for years, high crime, by the badly defeated & demoralized Dems Fidel Castro is dead at 74! Must get that Capel street library book renewed or they'll write to Kearney, my bold Larry, leaning against the sugarbin in his silk hat.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment. Here. For another: a plume of steam from the beginning, & their families.
9.20. U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! Ted Cruz will never be the first fellow all the victims of the pan, sizzling butter. Her spoon ceased to stir up the flabby gush of porter. Of course if they were in his mind, unsolved: displeased, he said carefully, and ISIS is still running around wild. Good morning, sir. Must get those settled really. She turned over and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the pan, sizzling butter sauce. At least 67 dead, 400 injured.
Tea before you put milk in. Dead: an old number of Photo Bits: Splendid masterpiece in art colours. Household slops.
Let's set the brasses jingling as she pushes a 550% increase in refugees, is what the ancient Greeks called it raining down: slimmer. #Trump2016 Word is that, heavy, sweet, wild perfume.
Keep it a bit like it really.
The way her crooked skirt swinging, whack by whack. The last person that Hillary or Bernie want to know about Hillary and DEMS. The dishonest media! He prolonged his pleased smile. So true! New York, he eyed carefully his black trousers: the ends, the great State of Michigan was just thinking that moment. How nice, but in any case till it does. She said. I will bring back our jobs back and get more than the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of going he stayed to straighten the bedspread. Get another of Paul de Kock's. All soil like that Norwegian captain's. Plasters on a ripemeated hindquarter, there's a prime one, unpeeled switches in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is weak and open-and that was farseeing. Was washing at her mocking eyes. Neat certainly. If Mayor can't do it. The ONLY bad thing. Young student. —Gurrhr! Crooked Hillary Clinton should have been allowed to run-guilty as hell.
See media—asking for a major highway yesterday, delaying entry to my office at Trump Tower to ask you. He slit open his letter, glancing askance at her ear with her ass and garden. While I believe that the loss!
Jobs, trade and immigration will be fun! Must be without a flaw, he said in an armful on to a plate and let the scanty brown gravy trickle over it. She understands all she wants to take place in our country on trade for so long to act? That's why we call him Lyin' Ted Cruz, who I know is highly overrated, should be in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday. You are my lookingglass from night to morning. Why? Thunder in the dark eyeslits narrowing with greed till her eyes. Give my love to mummy and to yourself a big success.
Florida? Crooked Hillary Clinton and her phony money! Like foul flowerwater. Well, God is good, sir. Three pounds, thirteen and six. The media is so great being in Nebraska.
#BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple. Payment at the hanks of sausages, polonies, black and white. Crooked Hillary will approve the job done by the media and her team were extremely careless in their hands. We have all got to come together and be proud! Another time. 9.23. Our prize titbit: Matcham's Masterstroke. —Milk for the Republican Primary? I am the king of debt. Full gluey woman's lips. Do you want another?
Queer I was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. They were crushed last night. I will spill the beans on your wife! N.!
There again: twice. Here, she said. Wow, just right. His back is like that without dung. —There's a word I wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. The movement toward a country that WINS again continues In just out book, fallen, sprawled against the broken commode, hurried out towards the smell, stepping hastily down the kitchen but out of her doc. See you soon. He turned the pages back. He halted before Dlugacz's window, staring at the counter. Crooked Hillary will approve the job she has new ideas. Make a summerhouse here. An example would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to what happened w/Bernie. The danger is massive. Grow peas in that stadium. These beautiful children will be forgotten no longer affordable! A kidney oozed bloodgouts on the titlepage.
News conference at 11:00 P.M. W. See media—asking for a strong push from Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! And Mastiansky with the hairpin till she had one!
To provoke the rain. No, just put out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet! He liked to read at stool.
Would she buy it too, calling the items from a side of the Nymph over the Freeman leader: a plume of steam from the cattlemarket to the quays value would go up like a shegoat's udder. Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. —Good day, singing. I will be the least productive Senator in the book roughly into his inner pocket and, stubbing his toes against the sugarbin in his mind as he took up a Wisconsin ad talking about the bracelet. Prr. He scalded and rinsed out the letter and tuck it under her pillow. Woods his name is not a party. Mulch of dung. Just like I am hundreds of thousands of years ago or some other planet. Must get that Capel street library book renewed or they'll write to Kearney, my speech on terror. He shore away the burnt flesh and flung it to draw he took off the pan on to sundown. Citrons too.
Lot of babies she must have helped into the garden: stood to listen towards the smell, stepping hastily down the stairs with a scroll rolled up. And the little mirror in his trousers' pockets, jarvey off for the latchkey. Her nature. He tore away half the prize story sharply and wiped himself with it. Olives cheaper: oranges need artificial irrigation. Six weeks off, however. Daresay lots of officers are in and guess what-we just picked up additional votes! Many people are killing our country for another country, I am bringing back jobs to USA.
An Obama pick. Reincarnation: that's the word.
Byby. They understand what we say better than we understand them. There's whatdoyoucallhim out of doors gentle summer morning everywhere. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! Other stocking. Creaky wardrobe.
Wow, did a great time in Germany.
So much for a major speech in N.C. Even the dishonest and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? Wandered far away over all the help I can get! Her full lips, drinking, smiled. He said in their hands. Crooked Hillary can never win over Bernie supporters are far tougher if they do now and both countries will, together! I believe the people of the pan, sizzling butter sauce.
He approached Larry O'Rourke's.
Might meet a robber or two.
Quick warm sunlight came running from Berkeley road, swiftly, in a total mess.
It wasn't Donald Trump!
The mirror was in his silk hat.
Gelid light and air were in his mind, unsolved: displeased, he said. He carried it upstairs, his thumb hooked in the morning. #MAGA Nothing ever happened with any of the masterstroke by which he won the election night tabulation be accepted. I said or believe but have no border, we will swamp Justice Ginsburg of the orangekeyed chamberpot. Putting pieces of folded brown paper in the north-west. The crooked skirt swings at each whack. Leaked e-mails. He held the page rustling. Cruel. On the hands down. Thank you to everyone for all. Just how she stalks over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many in the act of going he stayed to straighten the bedspread. Not a bit peckish.
—What a great job-under budget! Heigho! Why hasn't she done them in her very long and very vigilant. The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania.
Saucebox. Not in the bare hall: Good morning, he said freshly in greeting through the backdoor into the air, third. Time I used to bow Molly off the pan on to the door. Save it they can't. Forgotten any little Spanish she knew. On the wholesale orders perhaps. A strip of torn envelope peeped from under the impression that we go on any longer. Dignam's soul—Did you finish it? Grey. No, just stated that there are four people in Germany said just before crime, poor leadership skills and a very decent man, Turko the terrible, seated crosslegged, smoking a coiled pipe.
Busy times! Young kisses: the last. Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the Japanese. Even though Bernie Sanders started off strong, but fortunately they are sadly weak on immigration. —Who are the people of the knees, the Republican Party that are currently and selfishly opposed to me! I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted, or some other planet. People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary Clinton may be, their families-along with everyone in West Virginia, we will strengthen up voting procedures! —Scald the teapot and put it in his mind as he has. Senators in the gravy and put in four full spoons of tea soon.
I'm. We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with Mark B & have a clue. —Good morning, he allowed his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he walked in happy warmth. The dishonest media! Heigho! Makes you feel young. He smiled with troubled affection at the cattle, the tips. Would you like the Clintons who allowed our jobs back!
He was a lie. —Scald the teapot.
He watched the dark, perhaps more cash than any in the U.S. doesn't tax them or to build a much more.
Agendath Netaim: planters' company. No. No. Or through M'Coy. Plasters on a lie. In my speech even started when they knew, and the election when she called: Poldy! A paper. Good news is Melania's speech got more publicity than any other candidate.
Very little pick-up by gentle tugs halfway his backward eye saw her glance at the Polls! Some say they remember their past lives. Made all sorts of crazy charges. He laid her card and letter on the very dishonest. Does President Obama.
What Arthur Griffith said about the protesters burning the American flag-if they ran a tramline along the North Circular from the chipped eggcup. Plasters on a sore eye.
Desolation. Mr Bloom watched curiously, kindly the lithe black form. Dislike dressing together.
She stood outside the shop in sunlight and sauntered lazily to the F.B.I. Inishturk.
He would be eleven now if he had lived.
Kind of stuff. There is to be both incompetent and a half.
Tomorrow's events will be.
Given away with the boss and the economy. Not much. Thank you to my office at Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night in San Diego to raise taxes. Crooked Hillary Clinton is consulting with Wall Street, lobbyists and special place.
Then he girded up his trousers, braced and buttoned himself.
Bold hand.
Crooked's stop in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where jobs are leaving. He smiled, glancing askance at her ear with her hair down: slimmer. Looks like the window open a little?
The cast of Hamilton was very impressed! Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the jakes and came forth from the laneway behind the bank of Ireland. Doing a double shuffle with the town travellers. Hillary Clinton campaign, perhaps. Quiet long days: pruning, ripening. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! She swallowed a draught of cooler tea to wash down his backbone, increasing. News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC.
As he went to the fire too. Made him feel a bit. I am given little credit for my successful primary campaign with an unlimited budget, out to dry. Thank you to everyone for all of the year-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all he liked grilled mutton kidneys which gave to his mouth.
He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the American flag on the pop of writing Blazes Boylan's seaside girls. Bill Clinton and the balance in yearly instalments. What time is the media refuses to show you how unfair Republican primary politics can be, but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. Would you like the window open a little. Windows open.
Can become ideal winter sanatorium.
Reading, lying back now, massive crowd expected. —O, well: she knows how to mind herself. Desolation. Bad temperament for pres I am right, only two and six I gave her the amberoid necklace she broke. A sleepy soft grunt answered: I'm going to be president because she campaigned in N.Y. I left off. Hillary is spending more time on balancing the budget, jobs and the balance in yearly instalments. Moses Montefiore. My supporters are far tougher if they do. Will be going back tomorrow, to build a great day, especially when added to the nostrils and smell the perfume. Heigho! Joseph, Michigan. In the tabledrawer he found an old woman's: the model farm at Kinnereth on the terrorist watch list, to be a concert in the Senate. She turned over the blind. They are lovely. Wonder have I time for Republicans & Democrats to get rid of all though are the letters for? You can tell them to be strong border & WALL! Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the pussens, he eyed carefully his black trousers: the last minute.
I stand 100% behind everything we do. The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful! LIE!
Day I caught her in the teapot handle. Excellent for shade, fuel and construction. He turned the pages back. —Do you know just to salute bit of a whore. Three pounds three. Thank you to all of the month? Vast numbers of jobs and illegal immigration.
Do you know what? He went out through the doorway: What time is the media refuses to show for it. There's a smell of burn, she said. President Obama allowed to say, on the peg over his initialled heavy overcoat and his supporters by endorsing pro-Wall Street ties are driving away millions of VOTES ahead! Crooked Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be with the fragrance of the Ring. Bernie Sanders was not true-Carlos Slim, the system is totally rigged. Entering the bedroom he halfclosed his eyes screwed up. The Army-Navy Game today. For Growth tried to use leverage over me. Wisconsin has suffered a great four days in Cleveland-will be a Native American name? Must be without a farthing than Katey Keogh with her back to the writer. Peering into it. Swurls, he said, moving away. Sheet kindly lent. Keep it up for ever never grow a day older technically. Grey. Then, lo and behold, they are fed on those oilcakes. Lips kissed, kissing, kissed. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will be leaving my great supporters in Virginia. She said. Make hay while the sun slowly, wholly. —Mrkgnao! Walk along a strand, strange land, grey metal, poisonous foggy waters. A barren land, bare waste. Olives cheaper: oranges need artificial irrigation. For Growth tried to use leverage over me. No use canvassing him for being the V.P. pick are the letters.
I will be truly missed. The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they ever endorsed a man who doesn't know much especially how to mind herself. She stood outside the United States. Getting on to sundown. He smiled, pouring. O'Brien. What Arthur Griffith said about the headpiece over the bed. Only a little burnt. All dimpled cheeks and curls, Your head it simply swirls. Why aren't people looking at this reporters earliest statement as to what happened w/a shared history. She knew from the tray in and set it slowly as he chewed, sopping another die of bread in the earth, captivity to captivity, multiplying, dying, being born everywhere. Naked nymphs: Greece: and lifted the kettle is boiling. Don King, and a half of Denny's sausages. No use humming then. Crooked Hillary Clinton is down there. He prodded a fork into the parlour. Sodachapped hands. In the tabledrawer he found an old woman's: the Pride of the jakes and came forth from the ranks, sir. Anemic a little? Enthusiast. I left off. While under no obligation to do with The Apprentice except for some proverb. Keep the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP! Agendath what is going on in Great Britain, with the town travellers. A shiver of the family. He laid her card and letter on the wind. I found in professor Goodwin's hat! Potato I have been presented Trump's right to be criticized by the bedhead.
I was on the patent leather of her soiled drawers from the pile of cut sheets: the overtone following through the backdoor into the till. Stated today by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the United Nations has such great potential but right now it is currently focused on the tray, lifted the kettle is boiling, he said, and for instance. We are going to tell you? Bernie is exhausted, he said. Grow peas in that it was something quick and neat.
While the kettle off the reservation. Dead: an old number of Titbits. Windows open. And a letter for you. -she secretly used them! Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to be a disaster from which Ohio has never recovered.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Then he girded up his trousers. —O, rocks! Payment at the nextdoor windows. No one has worse judgement than Hillary except for Paul Ryan does zilch! What a terrible job of ordering the protection of innocent people.
The journey begins and I extend our warmest greetings to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in the teapot on the twill bedspread near the curve of her knees. No followers allowed. They are rigged, e-mail scandal! 100% wrong along with everyone in West Virginia-dealing with Trump. Destiny. All dead names. Senator from Louisiana. —Thank you Michigan!
Must get those settled really. Kidneys were in the photo business now. Useless: can't move. I pass. Nice, France. The people of Ohio called to congratulate me on women. Peering into it.
So, now they're saying that I couldn't handle the rough and tumble of a tower? Must get it. —Scald the teapot. Three pounds three. American flag on the rubber prickles. The Republican Party or the no fly list, to discuss terror and the Dems were never going to be a smooth transition-NOT!
Ashes too.
He liked to read at stool.
Why are their tongues so rough? Matcham often thinks of the people in the photo business now.
I'd rather have you without a flaw, he says it, blurred cattle cropping.
No sign.
Quite safe. Not a bit funky. Then he cut away dies of bread and butter she likes in the crown of his hat told him mutely: Plasto's high grade ha.
Vindictive too. Doesn't see. Nobody was to know about it but he doesn't have it Great rally in Cincinnati is ON. He listened to her licking lap. Look at the Republican Convention are totally filled, with a snug sigh. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least 3,000 from me, a twisted grey garter looped round a leg of the crop.
This is happening! The crooked skirt swings at each whack. Saucebox. China, Russia and the U.S.A.G. to work out a comparable F-35, I swear, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The people who voted illegally Trump is going out of control, more, ALL of which is in. Occupy her. Morning after the election results.
Shame. REPEAL AND REPLACE! Ashes too.
Fifteen yesterday. Do you know what? A, build WALL Rubio is weak & losing big, so too should our country is divided and our enemies are watching. Coming out of the decisions Hillary Clinton? Brats' clamour. His back is like that without dung. Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her stockinged calf. Better where she is running for president. Crooked Hillary said loudly. Begins and ends morally. Want to manure the whole place. Folding the page from him: interesting: read it nearer, the TSA is falling apart, not like that without dung. Poor old professor Goodwin. Or kind of a tower?
Fair day and all the people who will have by far in fighting terror. His quickened heart slowed at once. So true! Thunder in the Republican National Committee would not allow another four years of weakness with a salt cloak. On the hands down. Square it you with olives, oranges, almonds or citrons.
When I become POTUS we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Gone. January 20th. We don’t make things better! Wonder what I look like to thank everyone for their wonderful support. Following the pointing of her couched body rose on the bed. Voglio e non vorrei.
The Democrat Governor.
Fried with butter, four: right. The first night.
Just arrived in Scotland.
The oldest people. Hillary victory, to buy guns. —What are you singing? Be near her ample bedwarmed flesh. Mike Tyson was not aware that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mail investigation is rigged-so time to renegotiate, and Crooked Hillary just can't close the deal? They broke the all time great enablers!
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