#SM rewrites
rewrite-canon · 10 months
im going crazy with how people are starting to agree with snow that sejanus was really stupid and deserved what was coming to him. reading the books first should be a pre requisite to the movie idcccc if that takes away the wider audience, the wider audience all have smooth brains anyway.
“why was he colluding with rebels when he could’ve just thought about it pragmatically 🙄” i’m in your fucking walls. sejanus was never dumb, snow just kept pushing that perception of him through the book to deflect the fact that sejanus was an actual good person. snow thought himself the personification of good and benevolence, which was why everything he did had to have some half-assed excuse as to why he was justified in doing it. it was why he was actually tweaking in the woods when lucy gray left him, because he wanted to rid himself of her but he didn’t have an actual reason so he convinced himself of the most random scenario ever to justify trying to shoot at her. so we can establish that snow was an evil broke boy who clearly wasn’t good— then sejanus was a direct confrontation of snow’s own shortcomings towards that (i don’t think i have to detail how sejanus was genuine, it was obvious). coriolanus and sejanus are like the direct opposite characters of each other, and snow knew and took pride in this to an extent. which is why snow couldn’t admit that sejanus was good to himself, thus sejanus was deemed ‘stupid’ to protect his own deluded self actualisation (but this also includes other aspects like how the war made the plinths rich and the snows poor, leading to resentment and jealousy from snow).
“but that still didn’t mean he wasn’t doing dumb things throughout the book” was it really that dumb? a rebellion will always include some level of risk but i don’t hear anyone calling heavensbee stupid because it actually worked out for him. plus sejanus is district, so if we use our common sense of who he is as a character and emotional intelligence of his situation, it’s pretty easy to see why he would get in touch with rebels. he’s literally always yearned for the districts, he never once cared about his money or safety, which isn’t stupid, it’s sad. this was his way of dealing with the guilt of profiting from his people’s suffering— again, not stupid. you could argue he was reckless, especially when he went into the arena, but most people who simply cast him as a ‘dumb character’ ignore how troubled he is and fall into the very filtered lens of snow who was just concentrating on his stupidity.
sejanus’ growing radical actions had nothing to do with stupidity and everything to do with feeling helpless and like nothing was changing. he tried minor/low-risk things such as attempting to change the perception of the districts in the capitol, advocating against the hunger games etc etc. of course it didn’t work, so his options grew limited to more radical courses of action. its a natural line of thought— activists literally do it in real life when they feel as if their cause isn’t getting enough attention (eg. setting themselves on fire). sejanus is a desperate character who is so selfless in light of snow’s constant self-preservation. snow will always put himself first and be paranoid that he will be betrayed like he’s betrayed others, so he never understands sejanus’ disposition to help and trust people, so he labels him dumb. omg. like. sejanus is so not-stupid i’m actually gonna start freaking out!! this is defamatory leave my boo alone!! plz go read a book and work on media literacy i am begging!!!
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santacoloma · 2 years
Death (as a living being)
I’m actually surprised no one has talked about this before but I’d just like to share my thoughts about this because I thought this was a little interesting
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So at this part and during the cave scene with Puss, Death emphasizes on the fact that he’s fond of the scent that is fear.
He mocks Puss almost the entire film, making these elaborate ‘illusions’ in Puss’s head. If he simply wanted Puss dead, he could have just killed him, but as he admitted it himself, he decided to ‘play with his food.’
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He gets annoyed when Puss mentions the phrase, “I laugh in the face of death” and quotes him in the cave, saying Puss had never even noticed him because he laughs in the face of death. Puss laughs in his face, quite literally.
And obviously, he was annoyed by this. So what better way to get back at him than to quote him to his death? Death clearly wanted Puss to know the exact reasons he was cutting his life short and he made sure Puss knew it well; he struck him with his blade, immediately deeming the statement ‘never been touched by a blade’ as false and continued to haunt him when he tried to get more lives back in hopes of shaking Death off of him.
Death exerts an extra amount of effort into playing the role of ‘the big bad wolf’, raising his sickles and using them as hand gestures instead of his actual hands.
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But no one has questioned his sudden shift in personality when he finds that Puss does in fact value his life and now sees Death as an equal rather than a concept that is below him.
Death looks VERY different from how he did the entire movie. But what else was different in this scene was his intentions. The moment his intentions changed, his creepy/scary complexion had completely faded away into something more gentle. Even his voice had grown soft towards the end of his sentence when he says, “Right?”
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What am I getting at? Well, basically, judging from his last scene, I strongly believe that a lot of what we were able to infer about Death’s ‘personality’ from the entire movie was barely even half of how he truly is. The things he says like “I just love the smell of fear”, “go ahead, run, makes it more fun for me,” and “this is gonna be fun”, had mostly been the side of him that he showed to mortals who didn’t know their place in life. In fact, I believe in the cave of lost souls he almost oversells the idea of Death being Puss’s worst fear as he constantly repeats Puss’s quote and tells him, “but you’re not laughing now,” like that wasn’t something Puss already knew.
And regarding his rage when he yells, “why the hell did I play with my food” in spanish, it kinda just confirms that Death was playing a role and this may or may not be how he views fear or mortals in general.
The last scene was a sliver of what or how Death truly was; a softspoken creature who just wishes to be respected by mortals.
But that is just my interpretation of the movie. I very well may be completely wrong about this, but I just thought I’d share my views on this film and how Death was written.
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inky-evergreen · 3 months
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Here's my redesign of Frida that's apart of my version/rewrite of the reboot. Frida is definitely one of my favorites out of the gen 2 clones buts it's sad that she doesn't have that much development and personality. Like you can describe the other clones personality in much more detail that Frida's which sucks. Like she doesn't really have that much flaws and flaws are basically a staple in clone high character so it just feels like the writers didn't really try hard. And the only times they really focused on her character are episode 2 and 8 from season 3 which breaks my heart as a Frida fan.So she's probably one I change the most(?). I just want to give her justice and give her the same appeal that the others clone have.So here's some info about my version of Frida
•Frida is a socially weird but chill artist who wanted people to accept her for who she is apart from her clone mother for so long that she gave up and started not caring about anything or anyone that isn't close to her.
•Frida likes the simple things like painting her weird drawings in her studio and observing nature.The only thing that she doesn't like being simple is her wardrobe where she feels like she could express herself other that her artwork.
•She also likes to keep to herself and doesn't really like to be in the spotlight. Like she doesn't care about half the people in the school so what gives. But her friends are Harriet and Confucius so that gets flown out the window sometimes. Like how Harriet convinced her to become class president with her so they could be popular together.
•Speaking of popularity Frida isn't the most popular person in school anymore that title belonging to Confucius. I mean people know her but she isn't the same popularity level such as her friends. Like if there was a rating between her Harriet and Confucius she would be last.She doesn't go out of her way to get to know everybody since she didn't want to know them in the first place.
•If Frida was a song she would be A Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl by Olivia Rodrigo
•She can't get a reasonably time of sleep for the life of her. She usually sleep between the times of 12 something pm through 5 am. But she sure does sleep during school mostly she sleep at things she doesn't find interesting.
•Doesn't like being compared to her clone mother and has a EXTREMELY complicated relationship to her clone mother. She also has massive identity issues.
• Absolutely do NOT talk about her middle school through freshman years cause she isn't to proud of them. Like if you tough she was weird and awkward now you just had to see her when she was 13.
•Like explained in Tophers info dump, Frida and Topher are mortal enemies for an unknown reason. She's more obnoxious in hating him though like calling him out publicly and accusing him of doing something that isn't woke.
•She changes personalities DRASTICALLY when she's around her friends. With her friends she gets to be herself and is more happy unlike when she's out in public. She's mostly dismissive out in public giving her a "cool" aura too her.
•Has a weird sense of humor like she finds stupid things and things that most people won't find funny funny (sometimes she's embarrassed ashamed about that fact though).
•Has very complicated feelings towards Cleo
• Basically the sudo "Gandhi replacement" out of the new cast since bro is still a popsicle in the timeline in my rewrite (at least for now hehehehehehe). And since Frida and Abe friendship is more apparent in my rewrite to that Abe kinda sees Gandhi in Frida sometimes. Like she act kinda similar to Gandhi just a calmer and less hypered out version of him. She also parallels him in her friendship with Harriet and Confucius (Like Harriet paralleling Abe and Confucius paralleling Joan that type of stuff).
• She can sometimes be rude and brutally honest to the point that it seems rude (but most of the time she means well). She can also selfish and disrespectful. Keeps huge grudges like her relationship with Topher. Acting a little childish and very impulsive, insecure and handles conflicts very poorly. She also can be judgemental of new people and imidetly thinks they have wrong intentions that resulting in acting dismissive towards that person.She has periods of times we're she acts irrational mostly of her bad sleeping schedule.
•But Frida is a pretty cool person if she cares about you. She's enthusiastic, extremely loyal, would give you solizied advice (even if it's harsh). Would always make you laugh and is fun to be around. Determined to be herself even if people don't like her. She usually stays quite and listens to either Harriet or Confucius rambling but when she gets excited for some she gets EXCITED. Like she would talk about that something for hours. She can be optimistic at times and would reassure you if your feeling down. She also playful and would playfully tease you sometimes as a sign of friendship. She cares and love her friends deeply and would move heaven and earth for them. She may look cold and "cool" on the outside but she's a loving and genuine person.
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dame katelyn de feu my beloved 😭😭😭
more bits under the cut!!
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katelyn first shows up to phoenix drop towards the end of season one under similar circumstances to canon mcd - jeffory's about to be executed for treason, and she's desperately trying to get his name cleared before he dies. however, when it becomes clearer and clearer to her that zane's using him as a scapegoat, she decides to turn on him and side with aphmau and the phoenix alliance ahead of the battle for phoenix drop.
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in ashes, ashes, jurors were originally ordained through the bestowal of relics - however, after they went missing a couple of centuries after the first war of the magi, they pretty much became just. super politically powerful guards until about twenty years before the start of ashes, ashes, when the high priest of o'khasis at the time (zane's predecessor) figured out a way to bestow the powers of the juror relics to the jurors without using the relics themselves. anyway, its blood magick and it essentially brands the jurors with a seven-pointed star on their foreheads as a mark of the ritual being completed. katelyn hates what the ritual has turned her into - even though long hair is lowkey pretty impractical in a fight, she keeps hers long so that her mark is hidden (jeffory did the same, and garroth will also grow his hair out a little to cover his mark). when she transforms, a lot of the saturation in her skin in hair is drained out due to the magick not being suuuper holy (in fact, the first casting of the ritual upset the balance of the universe so much that it woke up the primordial gods n they sicked a plague on o'khasis that garte would later blame on tu'lan biological warfare). additionally, because the magick of the ritual sort of like. blends in? with any magicks or witchcraft already present in the juror their juror form will reflect this - katelyn has fire magicks, so when she transforms, her hair turns into this sort of sickly pale blue fire. her fire is hot enough that it burns blue anyway, but yeah.
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katelyn burns her juror armour the minute she can once everyone gets out of the irene dimension. for a while, she just wears whatever she can scrounge up from around phoenix drop, but when cadenza finds out about this she gives katelyn this outfit! it's definitely done out of the kindness of her heart, there definitely aren't any ulterior motives don't worry. it's a lot more of a mercenary-ish look compared to her juror armour, but katelyn likes it just fine - especially since a certain flame-haired seamstress with a winning smile made it especially for her.
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a little headcanon i have about katelyn - i feel like even though she isn't great at sewing, having grown up in a minor noble house in o'khasis, i feel like she would have some skills with textiles. specifically, i feel like she'd knit and/or crochet in her down time! before everyone heads out to gal'ruk, she knits everyone some mittens/scarves/socks/etc. not sweaters, though - she's loathe to admit it, but she's a firm believer in the sweater curse. otherwise, nothing much changes except that she throws on a coat and calls it a day - i like to think that, similar to laurance, she runs a little hotter than most people due to her fire magicks sort of acting as a bit of an internal furnace, so she doesn't need to bundle up quite as much as the others.
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her day-to-day outfit is pretty much her standard guard outfit without the armour. she does wear an underbust corset/belt/thing with a small pouch attached, though - its very useful for carrying around knickknacks n stuff. otherwise, there's not much else to really comment on? idk. i probably shouldve added in some scars on her arms but its 11:30 pm at the time im writing this n ive spent way too long on this dang ref sheet already so yeah.
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i decided to change up her conqueror form quite a bit - the form i drew in my original lineup of the second war's divine warriors wasn't really katelyn n looking back on it i shouldve spent more time trying to get it right. anyway, katelyn's mother was from southern tu'la, and was from a merchant family with some distant blood ties to the royal family - katelyn is technically related to the king of tu'la, but the relation is so distant that she doesn't really consider him (or any of the tu'lan nobles, really) to be blood relations. it's through this lineage, though, that she's able to resonate with menphia's relic, although it definitely helps that she's the second war's incarnation of the conqueror. mostly, the design notes from her first conqueror design remain the same - all i've really done is change the colour palette.
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aaaand some headshots. i haven't exactly worked out how she got her facial scars - the big one was probably gotten on her first major assignment as a juror. however, it's nasty enough that when it healed it sort of fucked up her facial muscles - the scar tissue has permanently warped the right side of her mouth into a grimace, so anytime she makes a facial expression it's pretty lopsided (it's especially noticeable when she smiles). also, i changed the titling system for the jury to be more similar to the commonwealth knighthood system? like as much as i think "lady katelyn" is sick as fuck, the fact that it's the same title used for the female spouses of lords just sorta,,, didn't sit right? i guess? so yeah. dame katelyn.
anyway, feel free to ask questions if u want! :D
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
stop making fics where scorpius and al have friends and are popular in school. they’re literally loser boyfriends bro their only friends be each other wdym they have other people they’re chatting to on a consistent basis??? the only other people they talk to thats not each other are the blood relatives and even that pushes it
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urxmommy · 5 months
Daydreaming about putting a sub on a leash and letting them fuck me. Desperately trying to please mommy and paying attention to the sounds I make for extra reassurance that they’re doing it right. Pulling on their leash and bringing them in closer as they grow more desperate. They’re so overstimulated that all they can do is whine and beg me to cum after barely any time because being inside me feels that good.
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superchat · 8 months
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fallstaticexit · 3 months
Hey! Hope all is well. How would you say your posing is coming along? Are you making more or less of them for your stories or do you really try to find poses already made.
Hi! Thanks for asking :) I say they are pretty ok! I desperately want to get good enough at it to start sharing poses with the community but I still consider myself very much a beginner. Making the poses look and feel like natural expression and body movements is still a challenge but I do practice pretty often. These are a few of mine I’ve done for my story recently. (There’s a reason the photos are taken the way they are, don’t look too close lol)
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I say 90% of the time I’m using poses that’s already been made by scouring Pinterest and simblr for hours and that 10 % is because there’s something super specific I just can’t find and I spent way too long searching for 😅
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festering-bacteria · 1 year
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Alix, Marc and Nathaniel done!!
They are soooo silly I love themb
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vaugarde · 2 months
transphobia aside, its also a huge pet peeve of mine when people are like “oh tee hee i havent actually engaged with the canon material at all aside from maybe a few clips on youtube, but ive decided the canon is stupid shit anyways and fanon is all that matters!” like not only does that just feel disrespectful and rude for no good reason, especially in the context of indie creators, but it personally annoys me as someone who always overthinks this shit and has several tabs open when im just making headcanons or whatever, let alone writing a fic. like you just dont care? what’s the point, then?
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goshenightie · 2 months
Did u guys know it's heavily implied that Nanook was once human before ascending into aeonhood?
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We also got a glimpse of THEIR human days through Fuli!
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THEIR homeland, Adlivun, were once marred by two events/wars, the Swarm Disaster and the Mechanical Emperor's wars. These two events were the ones that (indirectly) led into THEIR ascension and THEIR path.
Ironically, even when the wars were at their peak, Nanook still hadn't ascended yet. Instead, THEY ascended a few Amber Eras later AFTER the wars had ended.
It is unsure whether Adlivun was a Planet or a Star System.
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rewrite-canon · 4 months
idgaf about polin if penelope and eloise dont become friends again and FAST im ending it all
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ball-of-butter · 8 months
the moment where mare realises both calore brothers chose the crown over her and her people<<<<
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
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me wondering why the greatest idea for a fic i’ve ever had barely got any attention vs me remembering i wrote it for the most random barely mentioned irrelevant side character to ever exist ever
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themerlinrewrite · 10 months
excalibur (1x09) is boring asf
change my mind.
actually, i'm trying to change my own mind right now by editing the episode.
my problem with it is that it's such an important episode - it's the creation of excalibur, the true sword of arthur, and consequentially, is merlin's acknowledgement that arthur is deserving of the destiny he's been given. merlin forges excalibur in arthur's name because he believes arthur is worthy of excalibur, knowing the danger merlin puts himself in by creating a sword of such power. he trusts arthur to wield unstoppable power because he knows, if confronted, would be merciful. he knows arthur would stop, even if tempted by power beyond what any man should hold.
it's such an important development for arthur and merlin (namely, merlin's respect (and love) for arthur), but it's written like an inconsequential filler episode.
and it deserves more.
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
you ask anyone on tumblr, im an annoying james stan. you ask anyone on tiktok, im an annoying snape stan. there’s something to be said about the duality of man here
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