havinganfois · 6 months
Imagine your f/o holding you softly at night, or letting you hold them. And then imagine a pet laying right on top of you both, so neither of you can move a muscle least ye disturb The Beast
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obsessedfluffbutt · 6 months
Second to last @glowweek prompt!
Day 6: Vacation
Beach Day
Beach City in the summertime! Sun shining, barely a cloud in the sky, people and gems mill about with their ice cream, or slushies. Families gather together on the beach, enjoying the warm sand, basking in the sunlight or splashing around in the water.
On a single blanket with a large umbrella to protect them from the sun's harmful rays sits a new, young family. Majority of the fellow tourists steer clear of the small family with their giant pink umbrella, mostly because of the equally pink lion sleeping next to them. Though that doesn't always stop some of the more adventurous children from indulging their curiosity when their own parents' attention on them wanes.
Steven huffs as he discourages yet another kid, this one barely 4 years old, from trying to climb into Lions mouth. He and Connie know Lion would never hurt anyone, but the last thing they need to deal with while on vacation is panicked parents who, upon finally noticing their absent kid, see them inside the mouth of a massive predator!
“Try to relax hon,” Connie says as she smears a little sunscreen on the face of the small child in her lap, “Lion wouldn't bother opening his mouth for those kids anyways, let alone let them try to climb in!”
“I know, I know, it's just I want you to be able to enjoy your time off without dealing with angry parents.” He slumps onto the ground and gently pats his furry friend's head.
“Thank you, but really, don't worry so much.” She smiles at him, then hands the baby to Steven.
“Here, hold Amie for me while I put sunscreen on your back.”
Steven takes his favorite little bundle of joy from his wife. While he enjoys a light shoulder massage from Connie he plays with Amie, blowing raspberries and making her giggle like crazy.
“Steveeeen! Stevenstevensteven Steven!! And Conniiieee!!” A short green gem screeches as she zips across the sand towards them.
Peridot slides towards them, doing a perfect hook slide, and Steven quickly lifts Amie up and away from the impact zone. No sand is getting in his baby's eyes, not today, not on his watch! Peridot jumps up, dusts off some sand and stands proud, hands on her hips, giant grin on her face.
“Finished your gardening lessons for the day?” Connie asks.
“Indeed I have and I'm the first to arrive! Yes!” She cheers and leaps against Steven to give him a tight hug.
Connie takes Amie so Steven can hug her back, “You humans and this whole “growing up” thing! I can't even get my arms all the way around you anymore! Stop that you clod!” Peridot complains.
“Pretty sure I'm done growing now, Peri.” Steven snickers.
“C-mmm… cwrod!”
The two adults and Peridot freeze, all three heads turning towards the small human in Connie's arms.
“Did… did she just…?” Steven mutters, stunned.
“Her first word!!” Connie practically squeals with joy! “Wait… isn't clod a kind of… gem insult?” Connie asks.
Steven looks to Peridot, “You're the only one I know who regularly says clod… Peri did you… basically teach my daughter a gem swear word!?”
“YES!” Peridot shouts with glee, “That's right little Amie! Clod! Cl-od!”
“Cwod!” Amie says, then blows a spittle bubble. Peridot giggles like a little gremlin, positively delighted. It's obvious to her that Amie doesn't understand what that means just yet, but it won't be long before she does if Peridot has anything to say about it, and much more!
“Peridot. I can tell what you're thinking. No more teaching Amie bad words!” Steven scolds the green gem.
Amie just keeps giggling from where she sits perched on her momma's lap in the shade of their umbrella.
Later that day Pearl nearly faints when she picks up her sweet little Amie and she calls her a clod.
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greywhalebaja · 8 months
Baja's Aquatic Symphony: A Tale of Whales in the Wild
Nature lovers and also wildlife enthusiasts find Baja California, a rugged peninsula running along the west coast of Mexico an ideal habitat. The whale watching activities that attract the tourists to this region fill them with alot of wonder. Azure waters surrounding Baja are used as a migration path and also breeding ground for the whales of different species, giving an opportunity to observe these magnificent marine mammals in their natural habitat. Whale watching in Baja season Baja begins from December and continues till April making the place famous for those who come to enjoy this extraordinary phenomenon of gigantic animals. Distinguished specimens that inhabit the waters around Baja’s coast are gray whales, humpbacks and blue which is also as most giant animals on this planet. To watch these amazing beasts leap, blow water and show their gymnastic skills is a very deplorable experience that one will cherish for eternity. The Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez are filled with a lot of rich nutrients for the whales to feed, breed, and also give birth. The small town of Magdalena Bay on the Pacific side of Baja is very famous for its warm and shallow waters that make it a vital calving ground for the gray whales. This beautiful bay turns into a place where the lovely gray whale calves nurse and offers an amazing chance to see how these gentle giants tend to their young.
The Sea of Cortez, dubbed by the celebrated marine biologist Jacques Cousteau as “Aquarium of the World”, houses different species such as dolphins, sea lions and also a variety of whales. This great biodiversity has placed Baja California on the map of ecotourism, as visitors can find a variety of marine species while going for whale watching. Some tour operators in Baja provide whale watching tours on the boats supported by professional naturalists and also marine biologists who supply fascinating information about the behavior of whales. These professionals make sure that in interacting with the marine species, there is no disruption at all to both the animals and also their home. It is about encouraging the better level of understanding and appreciation for such amazing beasts while also supporting different conservation initiatives aimed at preserving these fragile ecosystems. While the sun is setting into the Pacific Ocean as it showered with orange and pink colors on its horizon, Baja’s phenomenon of whale watching adventures leave an inimitable memory to those lucky enough to be a part. Witnessing these gentle giants in their natural habitat, alongside the breathtaking coastal sceneries of Baja establishes a very unique relationship between humans and the sea. To wrap up, whale watching in Baja is a very breathtaking combination of excitement, learning and preservation. This is a very unique chance to behold the splendor and also elegance of some giant creatures on Earth who survive in delicate habitats. Baja California represents a marvel of nature for the travelers, beckoning them onward to explore the splendor of sea majesty. https://www.greywhale.com/gray-whale-watching-in-baja/
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wooteena · 4 years
technoblade speedrunning adopting ranboo (high school edition): the fanfic
also on ao3!
hey remember this post? well i got so attatched and impatient that i wrote over 1k words for a pilot type chapter for it <3
chapter one: officer in my defense i punched that guy because he deserves it
Techno Blade-Minecraft would call himself smart. He got good grades without trying, learned second, then third languages with ease, read textbooks for fun, etcetera etcetera. Wisdom without experience was a rare thing to possess, especially in a high school senior but techno had it tight in his grasp, easily making him a ‘Model Student’. He understood he got unneeded attention from that, which sucked, but it was an easy trade-off to be the automatic teacher’s favourite.
But Techno was a man of wisdom, not a man of sense. So naturally, he remembered a fact about baby birds he learnt when he was six years old:
‘Classical "imprinting", as seen with for example, ducks or geese, means that the animal's instinctive programming says "the first big animal you see after hatching is your mom, follow them and look to her for food, warmth, love and learning’
Actually, Techno decided he was the man of Most Sense because at that very moment, the tallest, yet somehow weakest looking freshmen he’d ever seen was being cornered by a group of hefty looking seniors.
And the baby bird, with its innocent, scared eyes was looking right at him.
He looked around the hallway, a desperate scan for other students he could push his growing parental responsibility on to. It was a ghost town, as empty as the remakes of towns from the old west he saw on childhood school excursions.
Technoblade took a deep breath in through his nose, then released it out of his mouth like if he breathed hard enough, his empathy could be taken away with the non existent wind in the soul-crushing grey hallways. It obviously didn’t work because Jesus Christ that kid looked helpless.
As quickly as one could without compromising a freshmen’s still intact nose, Techno examined the seniors. They all wore the school football team’s letterman jacket (‘what is this, Heathers?’), a classic pointer for internalized insecurity, toxic masculinity and most importantly unrightfully self diagnosed Strong Guy syndrome, which meant that they definitely were only beating up a freshmen because that was the most they could actually fight. One point to Technoblade. They also were all at least a solid five inches shorter than him, which Techno would have laughed at if the situation wasn’t so dire. Point two for Technoblade.
Catching himself before letting his wandering mind think up a full five paragraph M.L.A sighted essay to why he could crush these nerds, he decided that two points was enough leverage to still crush these nerds, but with slightly less confidence.
With as much patience as he could, he slowly walked up to the group like a silent lion hunting his soon to be, very dead* (maybe not dead, *slightly bruised) prey. The baby bird, trapped in one of his prey’s chokehold, stared at him like he was a madman. Techno’s objective changed: knock out the dickhead choking a kid.
They stood in a corner, the choker in the middle, the other two blocking off the only escapes and laughing cruelly at the baby bird. Completely distracted.
Techno curled his fist, aiming to punch that asshole’s teeth in or at least break his nose. He starts to run, about five feet away from his target and oh god this is a terrible idea he does fencing not hand to ha-
Choker’s nose made a resounding crack and fell back onto the jock on the left. Probably because it’d be ‘too gay’, or whatever, the guy sidesteps and lets a knocked out, nose broken, probably popular kid by comparing his ego to the size of his dick, fall onto the ground
The two awake bullies look between their knocked out friend, then at Techno, then at each other.
Techno knew they’d call a teacher because they’re cowards but really? Nihachu?
That lady is TERRIFYING what did he do to deserve this.
He let out a long, disappointed ‘bruh’ before with a jolt, remembering the whole reason he punched that jock in the first.
The child.
He doesn’t bother trying to pick up him up because holy hell he’s tall, but pulls one of the kid’s arms over his shoulder, and with his other arm holds their waist and sprints as fast as he can down the hall.
“What the…” murmurs the half dead lump on his back, and while Techno’s surprised his vocal chords aren’t dead? Not even a ‘thank you’? Techno thinks he should start doing charity work at this point.
He continues to run though, because he’s a generous soul, until slowing to open a door that opens the blinding sunlight of the free world outside their prison.
Despite himself, Techno lets his mouth slip into a big enough smile that actually shows his teeth because he just did that. His celebratory moment is cut off though, because the weight on his back suddenly felt even heavier and-
Oh my God the baby bird just fell asleep on me.
Am I a father now?
What do I tell Phil? Does this make him a grandfather?
I can’t just take him home.
What’s stopping you?
Oh my God, I’m a genius.
Techno may be a proclaimed genius, but he is not immune to the inherent propaganda of cute children, so he sets down the kid on the least grimey part of a battered metal bench to get his first proper look at the sleeping giant.
Apart from his injuries (a bleeding nose, bruises forming on his arms, a black eye and a red handprint on his neck) the kid looked… Weird. Techno had subconsciously noticed it while carrying him, but only now the complete oddity of him. His skin from the jaw down was a uniform, warm, dark brown, which was decidedly normal, but his face was… different. Not ugly, no, he looked average, if not perpetually awkward, even in his sleep. The right side of his face was a similar, if not slightly darker tone than the rest of his skin, but where it got weird weird was from the middle of his face and leftward, his face was pale. As pale as Techno, which is saying something because Techno himself has albinism; he has no melanin in his skin.
He found himself sympathizing for the kid again. Techno himself got bullied for his reddish eyes - a symptom of his albinism, and his naturally stark-white skin and hair. It got to the point that he dyed his hair pink, which decidedly made it worse because a guy dying his hair pink ? apparently high school treason to both students and the school rules. His bullies had a colourful range of insults, at least; Techno’s personal favourites being from after he died his hair: homophobic slurs. The teachers had constant complaints and even a couple suspensions, which didn’t stop Techno, obviously. What a wonder public school is.
So yes, Techno understood the baby bird, because despite Techno’s only weakness being himself (and apparently non-threatening freshmen?) as of now, it wasn’t like he came out of the womb a scary pink haired senior. He knew bullying like the hair dye aisle at his local department store.
He knew that helping the kid would make him more attached to the point of no return, but he’d accepted it. It felt like feeding a wild animal more food after making the mistake the first time, it’s not like it’ll get less annoying to have it following you around.
The moment Techno processed his own thought, his face blanched - somehow getting whiter despite literally being the textbook definition of a white boy.
He’d fallen into the ‘senior adopting a defenseless freshmen’ trap.
Even more embarrassingly, this didn't deter Techno from pulling his first aid kit, for once his anxious over-packing doing some good.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
the final part of the break up fic! (the first part is there, second one is here and the third one is here!)
It's the anniversary of their breakup and Levi is standing at Hange's doorstep.
And this - the fact that he remembers the day when they broke up but can't for the life of him remember when they got together - probably tells a lot about the reasons why their relationship didn't work out.
He doesn't remember the day they've started dating. Doesn't really remember who confessed first and what words were exchanged, but he remembers (how could he ever forget) their first kiss. It was sweet, exhilarating, it was the best thing in his life.
Every kiss with Hange felt like this.
Sometimes he closes his eyes and can almost feel her soft lips on his. Sometimes he wakes up from dream, fruitlessly chasing after her lips.
But his imagination, his dreams they don't compare to the real thing. Not even close.
Their relationship always has been more than a little bit rocky. From an unconventional start that began with "four-eyes, did you really just spill that coffee on me" to the deceptively calm middle that found both of them cuddling on the old, rackety coach he still didn't throw out to the devastating ending which Hange announced by shouting "if you don't care about me, then why bother coming back all the time".
She thought he didn't care, and Levi knew - he knew and hated himself for it - that he didn't show her just how much he had cared.
Hange wore her heart on her sleeve and he used to hide his inside a box behind a dozen locks. And even smart, brilliant Hange couldn't see through it.
And he didn't wish to show her until it was a little too late.
And now he's standing at her doorstep, dressed in his best suit and holding a large bouquet he doesn't really know what to do with in one hand and a giant plushie in another.
He blames the flowers for it, really. He was leaving another stupid corporate party with Erwin, when across the street he saw bright red peonies.
His legs moved without his consent, bringing him closer to that flower stall. His hands that took out the wallet and paid for the flowers refused to listen to him too.
And, while the flowers are a recent purchase and could be blamed on a moment of weakness, the giant pink plushie - something that looks like a horrible mix of bunny and lion - was bought a long time ago.
Three years, to be exact, on the very same evening that Hange broke up with him.
He was in particularly good mood, and when he saw that plushie looking at him with its red, bloodthirsty eyes from outside a shop, his mood became even better.
Hange would love this monstrosity so much, he had thought then.
But then he came home and saw Hange packing her stuff.
If you don't care about me, Levi, then why bother coming back all the time?
He didn't say anything then. He didn't know what. Because nothing - nothing - could be further from the truth.
He cared about Hange, still cares about her and will probably continue to do so until his dying breath.
But how could he say that, how could explain if he was never taught, never shown how to give and receive attention.
As he stood there, watching Hange leave, the damn plushie kept staring at him, as though mocking.
When the door after Hange closed and silence fell over his (theirs) apartment, he grabbed the plushie in his hands. He wanted to gauge his stupid eyes, tear his arms and legs out, rip it into pieces, destroy everything.
But he didn't. Because this plushie - it wasn't his. It was Hange's.
His heart would always be Hange's too.
And now he's here. Standing at her doorstep, not knowing what he's even doing here. Should he knock on the door? Ask Hange to come in?
She would just laugh in his face, and then kick him out. Or worse - her fiancé is going to kick him out.
Wouldn't that be pathetic?
He thinks of just leaving the gifts there, underneath her door - he wants Hange to have them, maybe, they'll light up that beautiful sparkle in her eyes or even make her smile... It'd be the best thanks Levi could ever get.
He is searching for the best place to drop the gifts, when the front door swings open.
Levi freezes, his heart stopping. He's afraid to look up, he doesn't know what is going to be worse - if it's Moblit standing there, or Hange.
On one hand, Moblit possibly won't kick him out forcefully. The poor sod is so kind and polite, he'd probably even invite Levi over for a cup of tea.
Hange, though... Once Levi saw her deck a man twice her size. What she is going to do to him, Levi is honestly afraid to even predict.
Still, he might be a pathetic loser, who lurks around his ex's apartment, but he's not a coward. He turns to face the door.
And locks gazes with Hange.
He swallows heavily, feeling like he's shrinking under the weight of her glare.
"You've been pacing around for more than ten minutes, Levi."
He was? He didn't even notice.
"What are you doing here?"
Good question. Levi had been asking it himself ever since he turned up here.
"I'm..." he runs a hand through his hair, his eyes darting around nervously. "I just came to congratulate you on your engagement. Here..." he passes Hange the gifts.
She looks over them skeptically. Levi thinks that the ice is ready to break, but then she sighs.
"My engagement party was two weeks ago. And," she looks down, as though in shame. Levi stares at her incredulously. "I'm not engaged anymore."
The plushie drops to the ground. His jaw drops down too, but peonies - Levi holds onto them tightly, Hange doesn't deserve a ruined bouquet.
"What did you just say?" he whispers, not sure if he had misheard.
"God, you're an asshole," Hange mutters, rolling her eyes. She answers him, though, this time she even looks him in the eyes. "We broke off our engagement."
Did he do something? Did Moblit, that deceptively mild-looking bastard, hurt Hange? Did he cheat on Hange? If he did, then, god help him, Levi would go straight to him and--
His thoughts are interrupted by a strong kick to his shin.
"Stop with the fuming face, Romeo," Hange huffs. "I was the one, who called off the engagement. We-- it just didn't work out. Moblit deserves someone better than me. Someone, who doesn't lie to him and doesn't try to see in him someone he is not."
Levi's pulse speeds up, making him feel dizzy. He curls his fingers tighter around peonies. He can't believe what he's hearing, but he gathers his courage and forces the next words out.
"Who were you trying to see in him?"
He knows the answer is probably going to break him. He can't be that lucky - he doesn't deserve it, but if there is a chance - just smallest chance, he can't waste it.
"You really are one of a kind, Ackerman," Hange glowers angrily. "Don't tell me you don't know who I'm talking about. Or, what, you want to hear me say it? Want to scratch your ego on my behalf?"
"Hange--" he chokes out, looking up at her and showing her the desperation, the pain he felt for all these three years. Hange swallows as she stares back at him. "Please, tell me."
Hange takes a deep, shuddering breath, like she's preparing for a fall, for a dive in so deep she's not sure she'll swim out on the shore.
"It's you, Levi," she whispers. "Damn it, it was always you. I tried so hard to move on from you, but I... I never could."
Her words, her confession turns his insides upside down. It makes him giddy and happy and--
And he wants nothing more than to say something in return, reassure Hange that he feels this way too, that he always felt this way, but-- he was never good with words. And he doesn't want - can't allow himself - to fuck this all up right now.
He never knew - never hoped - that he would get this chance. But he'd be damned but make the most (the best) out of it.
"Hange-- can I," his voice drops, laced with helplessness, "please, can I kiss you?"
Hange gives a small nod, and immediately Levi dives in, crushing his lips against hers. God, it feels good. And Hange's body in his arms, her long fingers in his hair - it feels-- feels divine.
After a long moment of pure bliss, Hange withdraws and, subconsciously, Levi chases after her lips, desperate to get more of her.
"Wait, wait--" she turns her face to the side, and instantly his happiness turns into worry. Didn't she... enjoy it? Didn't she feel the same after all?
"I'm more than happy to continue kissing," she chuckles and he's able to breath again. "But don't you think we need to talk about this? I thought you--"
"I was a fool," Levi admits. "I was young and dumb and didn't know how lucky I was to have you. I didn't get much smarter since then, but I-- I want to try again. I'll try my best to do better. If you allow me."
"And this?" Hange points to flowers and stuffed toy. "This is your better?"
"You don't like it?" he asks, more than a little confused. He was sure Hange would enjoy the gifts...
But if she doesn't, that's alright too. Whatever Hange wants, he'll get her. She just needs to say the word and he'll bring it.
"I can bring you something else..." he almost turns away, but Hange doesn't let him, grabbing his sleeve.
"Oi, give me that, that's mine," Hange huffs and snatches peonies and plushie out of his hands. She presses the toy to her chest, and Levi's own chest warms at the sight. "So what, should I expect more of this?"
"I told you I want to do better..."
Hange scoffs, interrupting him. "Just don't overdo it. I fell in love with the grumpy shorty. I don't want you to become a different person for me."
"I... alright," Levi sighs, putting his hands into the pockets of his pants. Now that Hange had taken away the gifts, he doesn't know where to put his hands anymore. He doesn't know where to put himself too. Whatever he was thinking as he drove there (and he wasn't really thinking much), he didn't expect this to happen.
For Hange to confess her love for him... He didn't expect this to happen even in his wildest dreams.
He knows what he wants to do - get Hange into his arms and never let go, and maybe, get more kisses out of her, but he also knows that this won't happen, not right away, at least. He promised to do better, and there is a lot of work waiting for him.
"You can come in, you know," Hange suddenly speaks up, bringing him back to present. "I think my neighbors had enough of this show. We can talk a bit more..." she trails off, playing with her hair. "I just finished cooking spaghetti. It's your favorite, if I remember correctly..."
"With cheese and eggs?"
Hange laughs, and Levi smiles in return. He's so happy, he feels like flying.
Hange laces her fingers with his, and he's ready to combust. "Yes, with cheese and eggs."
"Then it's only fair if I make tea for you afterwards."
"Alright," Hange beckons him inside. "We can watch some movie too, but," she raises her hand - another one, the one that doesn't hold Levi's. "You're going home for the night."
"And," Hange grins, leaning in to steal a kiss. She turns away, before Levi gets his chance to deepen the kiss. "You're taking me dancing this weekend."
"As you wish," Levi murmurs.
With Hange in his arms, he's ready to dance for the rest of his life.
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ginwhitlock · 3 years
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summary: human!JASPER/ human!BELLA. Bella is called to deliver day supplies to a very tired and mostly lost 1st Regiment Calvary, headed by no other than Major Jasper Whitlock. What will the two do once left alone to go over maps of the Tennessee hills?
fic type: oneshot, SMUT 18+
warnings: is set in the civil war, which means Jasper is a soldier in the confederacy literally only because he’s from Texas I promise, it would’ve been weird to make him union and apart of the Texas Calvary as that wasnt a union regiment, I do not support the confederacy or any of its beliefs, its just part of his backstory and this fic is centered directly in his human life (the confederacy itself is not mentioned in detail, it is just alluded to the fact). This is a smut fic but not hardcore in anyway so be warned. Oh also I made Bella and Emmett siblings. Of course. 
She almost broke his nose kissing him.
She almost shattered bone and cartilage clicking their teeth together, enamel scraping enamel.
She almost caved in the center of his face so she could lick the insides of his molars, separate his jaws to find the pit of his throat, dangle her self righteousness by his uvula.
And to think she almost didn’t go out that morning.
Isabella Marie was the kind of pretty you didn’t see right away. The layers of fine muscle and fragile skin hiding the richness of her blood-red cheeks, crisp even in the horrible heat of August. And with that heat came hot headed Calvary men with unlined coat pockets and a hunger for pretty little girls.
She met Major Whitlock three miles outside of town, the local preacher sending her out to their camp with as many baskets as her daddy’s two mules could hold on their hips. She was flushed, the slot of her breastbone slick with afternoon sweat— her riding boots did nothing but slosh around with her pale feet inside, leather no match for Tennessee mountain hidin weather.
Maybe she should’ve dropped ice down her shift. Maybe she should’ve played dead and waited for God to put her on her ass.
The thin brunette was graced with the presence of an even skinner red head the moment Stubborn Ass’s (as she affectionally called her steed in private) hooves entered the temporary camp. The mans hair fell limply in front of his eyes which were slightly sunken, the blue of his irises molting into a starved shade of dust. His lips were worse. Once pink and slightly plump, now skinny and cracked with the less than dusty air.
“Is this the 1st Regiment Calvary? From Texas?” Her voice was strained and feverish, salt dripping off her Cupid’s bow.
The man nodded and offered a hand, “Names Sargent Henry Arquette. Nice to see you Miss, the boys haven’t been able to get any supplies up here for days,” Bella grasped his hand tightly, afraid her unskilled balance would come into play, and forced her weight down to the ground ungracefully, “you’re the sheriffs daughter, right miss?” His smile seemed correct handing off his skinny face, his teeth crooked and off centered, but sweet. She quirked her lip in return.
“Yes Sargent, I seem to be your supply wagon today. There’s more back in town but I was told you wouldn’t be in for a day or so.” Flushed and overdressed, that’s how she felt. Every second.
Henry took in the view of the well fed half breeds and gestured off handedly, something she would come to learn was an action he didn’t even notice he performed. “Day. Days. Who knows until we ration it. These trails are less trails and more raccoon paths. I’m just waiting to see why the hell we’ve been sent so far east to begin with.” He had no recognition what was proper to say in front of the young lady at his side, the year had been sucked dry of any feminine… life, to say lightly. A piece of his brain nudged him for speaking so plainly, but Bella never once looked offended and twitched her head in both sympathy and understanding. She had been raised in these hills. She knew their damnation like the back of her hand. Maybe even the back of her skull.
“I’ve heard about raids up in McMinnville. Bases and such lining up and down the mountain. My brother’s part of the 16th Regiment Calvary up there actually, you know. Things are heating up in our little slice of the world.” The little thing spoke like a sparrow, her nose pointed and soft, the bottom of her front teeth pillowing into her bottom lip. At the age of seventeen she seemed somehow both grounded and unsure.
The south was ripping itself apart. And she— and the Sargent, knew it.
Bella could see the redhead start to comment on her brothers hand me down gossip when a giant of a man— boy? Man? Definitely man, by the looks of his muscled shoulders and high jaw, the darkened cast shifting just under the skin of his cheeks, the low dip of a scar just below his brow— a brow which furrowed, twisted, and arched back up into his tanned forehead when he noticed the mules waiting restlessly, tails swinging behind a girl in a kinder man's idea of a dress and interrupted the lower soldiers train of thought.
“You must be Miss Isabella McCarty. I spoke to your father when we arrived last night.” Clipped and forward were his words, his hand outstretched in front of him, decorated in mis-matched freckles and calluses she could feel pressing into the column of her throat as she placed her small palm in his. “Major Jasper Whitlock, at your assistance.”
No smile graced his face but by God she would witness his lips stretch over his teeth if it was the last thing she ever did.
Still with her hand in his she whispered “You can call me Bella. Or Bella Marie. Or Isabella Marie oh or my mother calls me Belle or sometimes when my father is upset with me he calls me Marie McCarty like my grandmother used to and um..” her tongue had to have swelled to the size of a watermelon in the three seconds it took to look him in the eyes— the swamp green eyes in fact. Eyes the color of duckweed and marigold stems and whatever leaves would stick to the blackberries in the spring.
He laughed. And it sounded like a white flag waving in her insides. Back and forth. Back and forth.
Maybe the preacher was a righteous man after all.
“I like Isabella Marie. Miss Isabella Marie.” Like rain drops on a tin ceiling.
The Arquette boy looked between the two before edging towards the black mules “Any orders where to put these, Major?” Skinny lips. Skinny spine.
Jasper had finally looked up from the strawberry cheeked girl in front of him, released their hands, and knocked his head backwards, towards the other soldiers checking tents and cleaning their own horses.
“Just take em back to the storage tent. Not like it’ll be competing for space.” The Major looked back at his men “Calhoun, Jennings, help Arquette move these rations will you? Make yourself useful for once.” His voice didn’t have to boom and condense like a rung out air horn, the cool of his vocal cords carried and personally plucked the not yet men from their activities and dragged them towards the group of three. Like some sort of magic act.
Bella was far from resigned. “So Major Whitlock, what would you like me to do?” Hopeful eyes, always searching to please. Or to piss off— as Emmett always scorned.
An upturn of lips flashed through Jaspers face and he looked to the sky for a mere moment “Mind helping me sort out some of my maps back in camp? My backwoods knowledge ain’t as sharp as my Houston kind and you seem like an expert in this area, getting yourself up to us all alone.” Bella’s feet started to move on instinct towards the felted wool tent covering a hundred or so feet behind the large man, but his hand stopped her at the shoulder, “And, if you don’t mind, would you be my guide back to town this evening? I’ve got to scout the path for the boys to pull through by the end of this week.”
She should’ve thought longer about it, linger over his words, the way his tongue flicked over his canines and brushed noticeably at the edge of his front teeth. But she didn’t. Not now. Not when the time it would’ve taken could pick at the carefully constructed wall built specifically for boys with serpent tongues. And lion hands. And bear teeth and… he still waiting for her response.
A shake to her head “Of course Major. If you’ll help me bring the mules back home, you’d be more help to me than I think I’d ever be to you.”
He could taste her self doubt. And he didn’t like it.
A jut of his brow led them through the ragged campsite, broken down cinders coating the bottom of her unusually worn boots, the lace of her dress clashing horribly with the scent of charred flesh and resting wounds. If only she knew a doctor. If only the town still had one.
His tent was one of the stronger ones, every inch placated with the spine of a book or a map binder or a drape of letters. He needed a desk and a real bed and maybe someone to make sure he stayed warm during the mountain nights.
Jaspers hands found a tiny stack of drawn maps and laid them over his now folded lap on the ground. Bella swiftly found her place at his bended knee and ran a finger over the torn edge. “These look older than my father. It doesn’t even mark the trail you follow to town.” The squishy flesh of her thumb traced an invisible oil line through the mountain and deposited itself in a town with seemingly no name, according to the parchment. “That’s home. If you’re following these maps I don’t quite understand how you ever got here.” Her eyes were full, engorged on road markers and faded city names.
Jasper softly nodded, their heads just inches from each other as she leaned in to scour the map. He had barely gotten to the camp they were in, his right hand Henry doing nearly all of the sight work. He’d be a hell of a tracker if he was a bloodhound. The blond almost chucked at the thought of Henry with big floppy mutt ears, yelping at the pretty girl almost in Jasper’s lap.
Her hair was like a chocolate waterfall. The good chocolate that mama got sent to her from her sister up north, the kind that was broken off continuously, piece after piece fed to him and his sisters until nothing was left.
Part of him wanted to see if she tasted as sweet.
He’d blame it on how damn long it’s been since he’s smelled anything other than soured sores and gunpowder. Even if Miss Isabella Marie smelled good enough to eat. Good enough to take like a man starved. And God— Jasper hungered like no other.
“There’s a river through the valley here, if you can find yourself through the woods.” Bella had found a piece of graphite and drawn in the harsh line of a hidden waterway just a mile or so from camp. She looked up at him as she spoke, her eyes warmly whiskey colored through her lashes.
His mouth clenched. “How old are you Miss McCarty?”
She blinked rapidly, like coming out of a daze. “Seventeen.”
Her hand dropped the instrument to the paper and draw up to his knee, the covered bone sharp under her knuckles.
“Do you have a boy at home waiting for you, Miss McCarty?” Hot air blew from his mouth to hers like a heatwave. Like a curse.
Bella’s lips formed a small “No” as she slid her small hand up the Major’s thigh, her singular ring gliding like margarine inch my inch as the seconds ticked by, each breath marking the two closer.
“Do you have a wife, Major?” Only whisper escaped her rosebud mouth, his face turning downwards, noses only separated by spirit.
“I was too busy waiting for you, it seems, Miss Bella.”
Her heart thumped her chest hard enough to make her ears ring.
Bella’s fist jumped from Jasper’s thigh to his army issued button up and crushed his chest to her own, her lips finding purchase slotted against his, the force clinking their front teeth together without care. His hands were gripping the roots of her soft waves, their skulls as close as their skin would let them. She wanted more, more, the heat suffocating the tent from more than the August sun. Her thin fingers slipped easily through the button gaps as his tongue invaded the privacy of her mouth. A horrible demented part of her brain screamed ‘Take, Take, Take. Mark me down and climb into the spaces that were meant to fit just us.’ Her brother had always called her too much of a dreamer. Too much of a poet and a believer and an artist. But God. This man was in her hands and she felt like a masterpiece.
A man she hardly knew.
But somehow, the scrape of his knuckles against her soon to be bare thighs felt like they had known each other at birth. Like Texas and Tennessee were just minutes from each other. As if they were the only bodies in the whole entire war.
Jasper’s hands were of no gentleman’s when he unfastened the ribbons holding her skirt to her waist, the under coat used for riding coming off like silk in his calloused palms. She was moaning into his mouth, the world outside the tent becoming buttery soft and not to be worried about. All there was was Jasper and his fucking mouth moving to her neck and his teeth toying around her jaw.
“Jesus, Major” He chuckled at her swear and rid her completely of every layer but her shift and the wool of her stockings, the small corset she wore becoming just cannon fodder for the mouth and hands of the Cavalryman.
“I love when you call me that, darlin. Wanna hear you scream it.” She had barely gotten open a single button on his shirt before he brushed the maps out of the way and flipped her on her back underneath him, the sway of his curled mane teasing her, the golden wheat just barely out of the reach of her teeth or fingers.
She wanted to use it like reins.
She’d especially like calling him by his rank then.
“You know I—“ her breathing caught the better of her as he lifted her by her thighs and dragged her ass to his kneeled position, his fingers running up her stockings with particular care, each inch another layer to her growing wetness. She didn’t let go of her breath until he had reached the skirting of her underdress, the white cotton nearly see through with the sweat sticking to every inch of her skin. His watery eyes devoured the sight with an indescribable hunger. Like a wolf hanging over a bleeding lamb.
What a happy sacrifice she’d be.
“Are you a good little southern girl, Isabella?” His fingertips brushed just under the fabric, his intent not easily hidden behind his hardened brow.
She came out trembling, she couldn’t tell over excitement or fear. “Yes Sir. No ones ever…” even her mother would blush saying those words.
Jasper finally smiled, sharp and soul quenching, like a mist of rain before a hurricane.
“I’m going to ruin you.” He couldn’t tell her about the wedding playing out behind his eyes or the static electric resonance he felt thinking about how another man would never get to lay a hand on his pretty Isabella.
His fingers slipped over her cunt, the soft curling hair tickling his fingertips. The moist warmth wet his fingers before skirting over her lips. He almost groaned. She was soaked. He had to see what his little Belle looked like in the light.
Jasper’s eyes met Bella’s giant blown out doe ones, her elbows holding up her upper body, trying to anticipate his very next move.
If they were playing chess, he was going to win. And she had always been a sore loser.
The skirt of the shift creased with the heat of his palms against her stomach, the slightly cooler air blowing across her pussy, making Bella suck in a breath through her teeth, her bottom lip becoming stuck under them with practiced strength.
Her knees knocked against Jasper’s hips as he watched the pink of her pussy clench around nothing, her wet little hole puckering and buzzing with the want of something under his trousers. He licked his lips as he had a gathered two fingers at her slit and traced upwards, her breath coming out in pants as he reached her clit, the engorged nub nearly ringing in her ears. A small circle over it make her moan from her throat. Bella had never felt someone else’s touch, she had never realized how much she wanted for it. She never knew how much she wanted Jasper to touch her.
The solider took his time as he brought the pads of his fingers back down to her achingly small hole and gathered some of her slick, the smell of sweat and Bella nearly driving him half insane as he brought a finger to his mouth, his tongue licking her clean off.
If Bella could speak to God directly and have him reply, she’d thank him for the creation of Major Jasper Whitlock.
But all she could do was cry out for more. And more he silently promised to give.
Maybe too much.
He had to stretch her out, the head of his cock wouldn’t fit into her without an orgasm in her, not now at least. Jasper slowly brought his hand back a third time and entered a single finger, her hips nearly bucking against his wrist as he slowly sat himself. A bead of sweat ran off his brow. A second finger partnered with the first after a few pumps, in and out, in and out. The near wetness coated on those fingers alone could bring him to release in his cot. He couldn’t wait any longer.
“Isabella I have to—“ “Please Major I need—“
The two looked at each other, their mouths in sync as they sat, their souls intertwining and bundling up into a bramble of wonderful thorns, coy smiles gracing both their faces.
Bella sat up slowly and draped a hand over Jasper’s belt buckle. “May I, Major?” The shorty craftsmanship of the iron buckle became putty under her unskilled hands as he nodded, now without words for the angel in front of him. The belt was off before the two noticed and Jasper brought his issued pants down to his ankles and off with his shoes to rest with the scraps of her dress he had taken off so quickly.
“Do you… always go bare?” The squeak of Bella’s voice made Jasper snicker like the teenage boy he technically still was, the nineteen year old clicking his teeth together and grinning. “Miss McCarty, sometimes underpinnings only get in the way of an army man.” A deep blush settled into her cheeks as she slapped at his chest, his shirt hanging open just slightly as he pushed her back to the floor.
“Shush, Whitlock.”
His smile turned feral as the head of his cock graced the hood of her clit, bouncing just slightly with the breath of their bodies. Jasper marked in his head that this should be a sight to see on their wedding night, not their first night together, but by God was it a beautiful one.
He looked at her as he grasped one of her hips with his right hand and the base of his cock with his left. “Breathe, Belle. Breathe with me, alright?” She nodded her head slowly and brought her own hand to the tent floor, grasping tightly.
Jasper’s hand guided the head carefully over her lips and to her quivering entrance. One buck and he’d tear her to badly to bear. No matter how long it had been… he’d never rush with his Isabella. Not now.
He slowly pushed in, the stretch a burn like no other, Bella’s voice turning from a quick steal of breath to a long sigh, the air being pushed out as he took her in. Inch by inch she devoured him, the heat marking his cock in emotional third degree burns. The sky burned brighter, the colors in his eyes turned clearer. Her hips and her fragile skin and the slip of her cunt was the end of the world and the birth of something entirely new. She grasped his shoulders as he mumbled a slew of impressive praise as he allowed her to adjust and seated himself at the very base of her cervix. Her throat screamed out to him as her nails dug in his back.
A wonderful, wonderful burn.
Bella slipped a hand to Jasper’s hip to push him back, to set any and all pace so that the fire would keep burning. He quickly slotted his face in the clench of her neck and began to move his pale hips, beginning to push and pull within her very tight walls.
The tent was full of grunts and moans and breathy screams he was sure the entirely camp heard. But Jesus Christ he didn’t give a single damn at that very moment. His boys knew to stay out of his shit and they be proven that every second until his angel’s orgasm.
God he wanted to fill her up. Wanted to take all of his cum and bury it deep where the lord intended, leave her leaking and exhausted and full of everything he had. He’d empty his balls in her again and again if it meant the Tennessee flower in his arms would keep him forever.
He wanted her forever.
“Major, deeper, please God please yes YES.” Jasper’s hips were snapping at a rapid pace, his balls slapping against her ass as he drove her into the hard ground. He could feel her tighten up the way he felt the air change around him before a fight broke out, the way a horse steps on a snake without jumping. There was an electricity in the air and the moment Bella tore his head out from her and pulled him into a jaw crushing kiss, he was crumbling at her feet, her pussy clenching and spasming around his cock with enough force to take out a grizzly bear.
She locked her legs around his hips as he all but collapsed into her, his hair sweaty between her fingers as she combed through it as his dick twitched it’s last time inside her belly. Jasper’s own hands found repentance under her ass and stayed there, too tired to remove himself from her heat.
“That ride home is gonna be sweaty, isn’t it?” Her whisper made her snort and bite into the side of her neck as she giggled.
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undead-merman · 4 years
this is the yan monster luci and satan requester, not a poly relationship, but just like a mutual agreement that they don't want any low life demon going near their s/o
Okay I’ve got Lucifer as a Manticore and Satan as a Sphinx. I love writing these, its a shame I can’t write these faster.
🦁Manticore Lucifer🦁 🦁Sphinx Satan🦁 as Yanderes GN- Reader SFW
As a manticore his appearance is fearsome and even his presence is enough to make most others turn tail and run. His mouth is full of too big teeth, some of the long canines poking past his stern frown.
He has small hands that are more paw-like, with razor sharp claws at the end of them. He has paw pads on the tips of each of his fingers, and 3 small pads on his palms. Unlike normal paws, he does have a thumb and surprising dexterity with them.
Along his forehead and temple he has small black horns, they’re perfectly symmetrical which is unusual for a chaotic creature like himself. On top of his head, past his horns are two lion ears that twitch and turn to even the softest noises.
On the back of his neck, down his spine, are small quills tipped with a viscous venom. He is able to flatten them against his body to make them flat for his clothes many of his kind have spots open in their clothing for their spines to poke out, but Lucifer does not have have that in his clothing, He only has a spot open for his large, slightly torn bat like wings.
His tail is long and ends with a red tipped scorpion stinger, quills randomly set along it. It normally hangs low and curls up to avoid knocking things over.
His true form is like that or a normal manticore but with piercing yet silky and shiny black fur and bright glowing blood red eyes.
The Undefeatable Beast
Manticores have a reputation of being mighty beasts unable to be slain by any man, but there are rumors of some being slain. Lucifer, one of the oldest and most powerful has never been bested. Every opponent he’s ever faced has perished and only the surviving onlookers have been able to tell the tale.
His viciousness is renown all over the devildom; while he acts like a gentleman whose temper is always under wraps, he’s quiet vengeful and easy to anger. He doesn’t like to show it, he lets it simmer until he can get his revenge.
His appetite is ravenous and loves to have barely cooked meat served elegantly. He doesn’t like it raw as it feels barbaric and he enjoys the finery of life, but if he needs to he doesn’t mind eating anyone until not even the blood is left.
He does have a vulnerable side however, as since he’s that of lion and Scorpion he needs to sunbathe in order to be in top condition if he doesn’t he’s sluggish, but more brutal. Since there's no sun in the devildom he uses a light to warm himself as he lays on his sides. He looks surprisingly peaceful when warming up.
Spending Time with You
The one thing he can’t defeat, is you. He has such a soft spot for you that he is willing to do anything you ask. Giving him your big doe eyed look makes his monstrous face scrunch up and flush at you. He really can’t say no to you.
His favorite thing in the world is to lay down with you in the warm light, looking up at you as the light engulfs you and all he can see is your smiling face. He loves it when you go to run your finger through his hair or pet him. His wings shiver when you do that and his spines do as well before tightly flatting against his skin allowing you to touch him without getting poked at all,
He is fiercely protective over you. He snaps at anyone who touches you and stands behind you as someone talks to you, his icy glare focused intensely on the person you're talking with.
He loves to take you to enjoy elegant food, sights and sounds. His favorite place to take you is the opera, he loves to listen to the soft gentle melodies as he takes your hand into his.
His Dark Tendencies
Lucifer does not like others interacting with you. Should you defend another person from him too much he’ll start to get insecure. He’ll think you're forgetting about him and falling in love with someone else, and he hates that. He’ll take you even if you struggle and lock you up and keep you to himself until he feels you’ve forgotten about the other. Of course his opponent would be dealt with swiftly, and painfully.
He loves seeing you locked up, it makes the dark monster instincts churr in delight. Completely at his whims, of course he’d never hurt you too much. Should you make him angry or god forbid you try to escape, he’ll punish you by applying constant pain without actually hurting you. Painfully clamping your skin more and more until you go mad and beg him to stop. But if you made him truly angry you’ll be lashed and whipped until he feels better making you count each one out loud.
After Punishments he’s overly sweet, he’ll kiss every bruise and cut, and look at it so tenderly as he whispers about how good you are for him and how much he loves you. But he’ll graze his razor sharp teeth over your sensitive bruises just to remind you to never do it again.
Misc Stuff
When he’s extremely relaxed around you, he will let out a purr though, it’s a deep inhumane noise so deep that it shakes your chest if you’re near. He gets embarrassed if you mention it to him.
He greets those he’s close to by pressing his forehead against theirs. He does this with you, cupping your cheeks and smiling as he does it; with his Brothers and Diavolo it’s a simple tap, but with others he only nods his head. If he doesn’t like someone he simply just stares at them without blinking, glaring into them with fury.
He wants you to smell like him all the time but he gets a bit flustered about doing it. He’ll scent you by rubbing his palms, wrist and cheeks on you while you sleep or aren’t paying attention while cuddling. He feels like a tomcat when he does it but he can’t help it.
His body is more centaur like, with the lower body of a giant winged lion. His fur is a lustrous blonde and gold color and his lower abdomen is large and bulky with thick skin and muscle.
His wings spread wide and are tipped in shimmering gold that shines in any light. The wings which are just under his humanoid hip have a blonde and gold fur, thick and volumes. While most of his mane is centered on his hips, it does have a trail of it going up his spine and shoulder blades.
Two lion ears sit on his scalp of much longer hair then normal, tied loose with a lime green ribbon. His ears constantly moving back and forth betraying his hidden emotions. They flick at nearby noise, or something that interests him, and lay flat when angry or embarrassed.
A Guardian Creature
Sphinx are mostly known for their stories of guarding treasures and tombs. A protective species and loyal to a fault. Satan is just like others of his kind, He focuses his attention to his collection of books and scrolls. Very solemnly does he allow anyone to come near his collection let alone trusts them to borrow from it.
He’ll never admit to it, but he has a lot of the same habits that Lucifer does. He enjoys lazing under a bright warm light, and your gentle strokes on him. He even purrs just like Lucifer too.
He seeks out riddles he cannot solve, he’s said to befriend those who tell him a riddle he can’t solve. He craves to expand his knowledge and find truly intelligent and wise creatures.
Spending Time with You
You had thrown him through a loop when you were given the quest to find a riddle he couldn’t solve and gave him a cheesy dad joke. Never has someone even attempted anything like that. It fascinated him and he quickly became obsessed with you.
He enjoys seeing your point of view on all kinds of topics. He’ll bring you a gift and ask for a discussion on it. He loves hearing your voice talk about the gift he got you and your thoughts on the history behind it. It stimulates such a deep part of his brain that he’s become addicted to it and he nearly brings you one everyday.
He also enjoys stupid fun. Stuff that he doesn’t have to think about too much, he finds it deeply relaxing, though he dares not let anyone but you see it.
If you ask he’ll let you pet his soft feline pads, he’ll get all flustered and squirmy with you rubbing and massaging them. They’re so soft and pink, but while you're doing that he gets to feel your hands in his paws and to him they’re the softest thing he’s ever felt.
His Dark Tendencies
Satan is so deeply infatuated with you, he simply wants to be around you constantly, never letting you out of his grasp. He, of course, loves to bring you small, cute gifts so he can see your face heat up and you look so happy, but a dark sadistic side of him loves to see you scared. The tears dripping down your face and your eyes shoot open with terror behind it. He’ll always be there to comfort you right after but a sick part of him loves to see you like that.
If you ever tried to hide from him or try to run, he would quickly catch you with a dead, unloving, and dark face. He’d carry you back, tie you up and humiliate you, force you to eat out of a cat bowl, and spank you till your rear is black and blue. He always grins from ear to ear when he sees you limping after.
He loves chaining you up and listening to you read to him. He likes playing with the chain as you read and he always complements how it looks on you.
Misc Stuff
Ashamedly he is much like a cat at heart. He finds himself a lot of time chasing bugs and chattering at birds in class. He’s so embarrassed by it that he threatens anyone who brings it up, if not clawing them in half on the spot.
He sits like a cat does, his lower body having its paws tucked in on themselves as he reads. He often falls asleep like this too, his humanoid body frozen while the bottom one is all curled up in a tight ball.
Unlike Lucifer’s more refined palette Satan can eat whatever it is put in front of him, fresh or dressed, it does matter at all, but he doesn’t eat a lot for someone his size.
Dealing with Interferences Together
Dealing with each other was nearly unbearable, but having another one in on the fear competition was unacceptable to both of them. With the two of them they could control the scenarios you were in, keep you at least near them. But having an unknown contestant was dangerous. What if They tried to touch you? Kiss you? So what they’ve done to keep you around them, the carnage they’ve left behind to scare you away from them.
Whenever someone threatened that, they agreed to quickly and quietly deal with this before you even noticed They were gone. Stalking them and finding the perfect time to strike, when together it was deathly quiet, none of them talked and the tension was so thick you’d need a chainsaw to cut through it. They would get into fights fairly often due to them bragging about the time spent with you.
They hate working together, but they do work terribly well together as well. They get everything done quickly and without a trace. Their go-to is to kidnap the offender and bring them to a private room and take any frustration they got while working together and take it out on them. Those who go into that room never come back out. After everything is taken care of they’re right back to fighting with each other for you.
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What You And I Would Feel Like Chapter 2
The rest of the day went by in a blur and at the same time going by excruciatingly slow. Anne tried to ignore what had happened in the empty classroom, but that was proving to be difficult with the two people that were part of the problem being in the last three classes with her. She would catch Sasha glancing at her from time to time, opening her mouth to speak before thinking better of it and going back to her work. Marcy mainly focused on what was happening in class but Anne knew better, she would want to talk about it at some point. Anne wasn’t so sure if she would be ready by then.
When the final bell of the day rang Anne got up and followed her classmates out of the classroom, weaving past students to create some distance from her and her friends. It only got her so far though.
“Anne, wait!”
“I don’t want to talk about it right now, Marcy.”
When Marcy finally caught up she braced both hands on her knees, taking a moment to catch her breath. Anne felt a smile tug at her lips as she closed the small distance and patted her friend on the back. It’s been a while since the girls got their exercise by running from giant birds every day, you got a bit out of shape.
Once Marcy straightened back up she turned to Anne with a worried expression. “You know we’d never force you to do this, right Anne?”
Anne blinked. “Of course I do. That's not even something I’m worried about.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s...” Anne warily watched other students pass by and pulled Marcy closer so their shoulders were pressed against the lockers, out of the way of people walking by and close enough so only they could hear. “Aren’t you worried about what other people will think? Or what they’ll do?”
“Does it really matter?” Marcy questioned. “There are plenty of people in our grade who could be possibly dating but nobody seems to mind. And if they do mind it's usually just to be a jerk.“
“Yeah, I guess that's true...”
“Besides, the only opinions I care about are yours and Sasha’s.” Marcy slipped her hand into Anne’s and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her heart seemed to skip a beat. “If you want to talk more about it later we can. But first, someones gotta re-sign up for tennis today.”
Anne shook herself out of the sudden daze she was in. “Oh shoot I almost forgot. Thanks, Marcy!” and off she went down the hall.
The gymnasium wasn’t very crowded. There were a few tables scattered around for each sports activity and students were either talking to coaches or to each other.
Anne greeted her tennis coach as she approached the table, exchanging pleasantries as she wrote her name on the signup sheet. A few familiar names showed up on the lines above hers: Taliya, Quinn, Niki, Lainey. She had a good feeling about this year.
“Good to see you still on the team, Boonchuy.”
Anne turned around and grinned as another one of her favorite teammates appeared.
“Good to see you too, Virginia.”
Anne raised her hand and Virginia brought her hand up to meet in a high five. Virginia was a bit taller than Anne, with bushy burgundy hair. Anne stepped aside to let Virginia signup before the two walked out of the gym together, telling each other about their summers.
“And that's why I’m never going to trust Hailey alone by the water again!”
Anne laughed. “Oh man, she sounds as clumsy as Marcy.”
“Oh, they’d be a clumsy disaster together!” Virginia agreed, giggling. “How is it going with you three, by the way?”
Anne couldn’t help the grimace that crossed her face. “It... it's not the best right now.”
“Oh no. What did Sasha do?”
“No, no! It's nothing bad!” Anne defended with a frantic wave of her hands. “I know she didn’t mean anything bad by it. It’s just...can I ask you something?” At Virginia’s nod Anne continues, “What was it like for you when people started to talk about you and Ellen dating?”
Virginia looked at her blankly and Anne felt an uneasiness start to bubble up in her chest as she stopped walking, afraid that she overstepped.
“I’m sorry. Was that supposed to be a secret? It’s just-”
“Oh no, you’re okay!” Virginian reassured with a gentle smile. “I just never considered us dating.”
Anne blinked. “What do you mean?”
Virginia scratched at the back of her neck. “Well, we like each other differently than with our friends. But being girlfriends or partners doesn’t fit us. Of course the way we act around each other might seem like we’re dating to others but that doesn't matter. What matters is that we’re happy together. Why did you want to know?” Virginia gasped, and excitedly leaned closer. “Did Sasha finally ask you and Marcy out??”
Anne felt heat creep up her neck. “What!?” She squeaks. “No way! I mean, not really-”
“Not really?”
Anne let out a sigh and told Virginia what happened that morning. Sasha pulling them into an empty classroom, telling them about her plan for them to fake date to anger Brianna and her parents. How Marcy didn’t mind the idea and Anne wasn’t a fan of why they were doing it and how others would react. By the end, Virginia had a thoughtful look on her face.
“I can see why you’re worried,” Virginia acknowledged. “But Marcy’s right, people don’t care about this sort of thing unless it's to cause drama. And besides-” Virginia shot her a mischievous smirk. “-as long as all three of you are okay with it, why not fake date to get on Brianna’s nerves. At least if she starts flirting with you again.”
Anne snorted. “Knowing her, whether us dating was real or not wouldn’t stop her.”
“Just think about it.” A ringtone sounded from her jacket pocket and Virginia fished out her phone to look at it. “Oh right, I have to meet Ellen at the Library. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“You know it.” Virginia gave Anne a tight hug before heading out the door, leaving Anne with her thoughts as she left for home.
It wasn’t like she was opposed to dating Marcy and Sasha. Both of them were very pretty and they were already the closest friends could be. With them Anne felt like she could do anything, felt she could always be herself and they could always be themselves with her. She enjoyed holding their hands and snuggling on the couch, talking to them about anything and nothing at all. She didn’t want to ruin that by fake dating to upset some people. Anne didn’t want to ruin what she thought could never be repaired.
After dinner, Anne and Marcy helped Anne’s mom with the dishes before going up to their shared bedroom. Anne looked up from her phone to the girl lounging on the other side of the bed, tongue stuck out in concentration as she played on her Switch.
“Hey, Marce?”
Anne took a deep breath. “Do you..Do you really want to fake date Sasha and I?”
Marcy eyes snapped up to meet hers for a few seconds, cheeks gaining a rosy tint before her gaze swept back down onto the console’s screen. She slowly sat up and saved her game at the nearest saving point, shutting it down.
“Well, I’ve known you and Sasha for as long as I can remember, ” Marcy started as she fidgeted with the Switch in her hands. “You two make me feel safe and heard. You make me feel like I truly matter.” She looked up at Anne again and smiled warmly, sending butterflies through her stomach at the sight. “So yeah, I would love to fake date with you guys.”
A warm feeling settled in her chest and Anne couldn’t resist the smile that grew on her face. Marcy and Sasha made her feel the same way too.
“Then let's go.”
Marcy blinked and watched Anne go to her closet. “Go where?”
Anne tugged on her purple and white varsity jacket before grabbing a yellow hoodie. She tossed it to Marcy who clumsily caught it. “We’re going to Sasha’s.”
Anne and Marcy hurried down the stairs, Anne making sure to call out to her parents to tell them where they were going before heading to the garage to grab her scooter. After making sure Marcy was seated and had a helmet snug on her head, Anne donned her own helmet on before the scooter revved to life and headed out onto the street.
The trip to Sasha’s took them past houses with dogs barking and friendly people waving from porches to houses with towering iron gates and statues of lions looming from their perches. Anne pulled into the driveway of a two-story brick house and punched in the gate code into the keypad, waiting as the gates slowly swung open before driving further into the property.
Anne slowed her scooter as the distance between them and the steps closed, planting her feet on the ground to steady the vehicle before shutting it off. Taking their helmets off and hanging them from the handlebars, the girls headed up the steps, and as Marcy raised a hand to ring the doorbell-
The door swings open to reveal Sasha, hair down, wearing a pink tank top and grey gym shorts.
“What are you guys doing here?”
Marcy blinked. “How did you know we were here so quickly?”
“I saw you from my window, Marce.”
“Oh! Heh, right.”
Sasha waved it off. “Nevermind. Just be glad my parents aren’t home.”
“I thought you wanted your parents to know about ‘us’,” Anne commented with a raised brow.
“I did before realizing you two would be getting in trouble with them too!” Sasha dug the heels of hands into her eyes before taking a steadying breath and dropping them back down to her sides. “Look, it was a stupid idea. We don’t have to do it. Watching my parents blow a gasket isn’t worth you two being caught in the crossfire.”
“Well, that’s too bad.”
Sasha seemed taken aback by that. “Huh?”
“I still don’t like the idea of pretending to date just to upset people. But...” Anne smiled softly as she took a step forward, reaching out and taking Sasha’s hand in hers. “But after thinking it over, I wouldn’t mind being fake girlfriends with you and Marcy. It’s worth the risk. You guys are worth the risk.”
Sasha stared at their clasped hands, rosey red slowly blooming on her cheeks and a smile settling on her face. “...Okay.”
They made eye contact for a few seconds before Marcy nearly bowled them over as she flung her arms around them, laughter and calm soon settling in the air.
“Do you know when your parents are going to be back?” Anne inquired once the giggles died down.
“Oh, they won’t be back for awhile. Why?”
Anne grinned. “Do you guys wanna watch some movies till then?”
“Oh, oh! Let’s watch How To Train Your Dragon again!”
After Anne texted her mom what was going on they all sat on the couch, Marcy and Sasha on either side of Anne as they watched Hiccup take Toothless on a test flight. Marcy snuggled close, holding one of Anne’s hands in her lap, humming along to the music. Sasha had her head on Anne’s shoulder, one leg thrown over her lap while the other dangled off the couch.
Anne could feel herself sink against the couch cushions, her arm around Sasha and her hand in Marcy’s. This felt right. Right here, with them. It didn’t matter what others would think. All that matters are nights like these with two of her favorite people.
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realityhelixcreates · 3 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 77: Like a Good Old-Fashioned Barn Raising
Chapters: 77/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: pg
Relationships: Loki x Reader
Characters: Loki (Marvel),
Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Party Time
Summary:  Buridag begins!
Loki was awake long before you were, getting preparations ready, loose ends tied up, last minute orders sent out. He allowed you to sleep until you woke on your own, having removed his little illusory alarms from you some time ago.
Sometimes flower petals still rained upon you, and perfume rose from your footsteps, but no more snakes in the bath.
So you rose slowly, stretching and yawning the grogginess away at your own pace. Time was very hard to tell by looking out windows at this time of year, but when Loki entered the room carrying an egg sandwich, a little pile of fresh potato chips, and a glass of coffee, you placed yourself firmly within brunch territory.
Loki flicked on your sunlamp, gestured at the chair, and handed you your brunch once you'd taken your seat.
You munched your food and absorbed your light while Loki laid out the day's plans. You'd get dressed in a ceremonial outfit that included your armor and helmet, and join the parade that was gathering even now.
They were initially going to put you on Sleipnir. You had asked them not to. Sleipnir was magnificent, but you had no connection to him, nor to Leynarodd, who was the second choice. Your sweet, stout, shaggy little Acorn was who you preferred, a horse that belonged to no one initially, but who had formed a trusting bond with you.
Your clothing was, predictably, green, the underdress and apron a dark mossy color, hemmed on all edges with fine gold braid, embroidered with stripes of delicate knotwork, and your mark, also in gold. Over the top of this went your quilted tunic, in it's shimmering jade, and then your armor; the breastplate, the tassets, the bracers, pauldrons, greaves, and poleyns, though the last two were not visible. They went on over the leather trousers you'd been given to wear under your dress. They were sleek things, made of tough black leather, pleated in diagonal patterns, just like something Loki would wear. You thought the pleats had the advantage of putting more leather between you and any danger, and were flexible as well.
There were actually places where your familiar oval brooches could be fastened, your strings of shining beads strung between, your chatelaine dangled. Your belt was tooled leather and brass findings, hung with a leather purse, your Yggdrasil phone case, a small drinking horn carved with your mark, and of course, your knife. A little burst of deep pink against all the gold, green, and black.
You wore a minty-green velvet cape, a gift from Andsvarr, and your beautiful helmet to top it all off. You truly looked like something out of a fantasy novel, someone who looked like they should be standing next to the legendary figure that Loki currently cut.
He looked enormous, with his many asymmetrical layers, and molded shoulder guards, his billowing cape and hair spilling from beneath his magnificent curling horns. He shone with nornbein, and his cloak, shot with silk, shimmered subtly.
“You're so beautiful.” you mumbled. Loki smiled, and leaned down to adjust your cape, cheeks dusted with pink.
“Thank you.” he said, “I make every attempt. Though I think I will fade into the background under the power of your radiance.”
Warmth rushed to your face.
“Um, I know we've got to hurry and get Acorn, but I want to ask you a favor, Loki.”
“Anything. Tell me what it is and I'll make it so.”
You took a deep breath.
“I need you to stop trying to impress my father.”
The pink on his cheeks transformed into bright red.
“Ah. Yes, I rather hashed that, didn't I? I apologize. I thought that was still standard procedure, but your father, uh, explained otherwise.”
“Mhm, I'll bet he did. Look, I know you wanted to surprise us, but when it comes to things like that, you really oughta run it by me first. I could have told you that wouldn't work out the way you thought it would. You know, saved you from being chewed out like that. You can let me save you sometimes too.”
“ Like with the Huldra.”
“Kinda. Dad's not as bloodthirsty as she was, but he's a lot more stubborn.”
“Like father, like daughter, hm?” he teased.
“You have not seen me be stubborn yet.” you warned, and he gave you a quick smooch.
“A blessing, I'm sure. Very well, I agree. Surprises get run by you. Anything to save me from another tongue lashing. That man truly does not hold back.”
“I mean it though.” you persisted. “I'm not saying that you can't have any surprises at all, but talk to me about big stuff like that. If it's something that Asgardian law or custom would demand, but would be insulting to a human, we can maybe hash out an alternative that would satisfy both. That's the point, isn't it? Please, I really don't want to deal with anymore trouble between you two. Don't get hung up on impressing him, he has every reason to reject it, and he will. No more gifts, no toasts, no calling attention to him in public, nothing. He hates being the center of attention. Just let him be a guest, and see, without interference, that his little girl is doing fine on her own.”
“I really didn't mean to make him so angry.” Loki said, a little crestfallen. “And the more I tried to explain, the angrier he became. I just wanted him to know how much I value you. I wanted you to know too.”
“Material culture is different where I'm from. There are places in the world where that would have been understood and appreciated, but we've stopped doing it. In the same vein, fathers don't make all the decisions for their daughters anymore, so you don't actually need his approval. But...I need you to understand, it's not just that you took away his child, though that's bad enough. It's that I'm the only family he has left. My grandma only had one kid, and that was my dad. And she's dead, and so's my granddad, before I was even born. And then my mom died, and Beth too, and so I'm all that's left for him. And I have this giant Sword of Damocles hanging over my head all the time, and he's had to worry about that for my whole life. Most of the women on my mom's side all died from this, but occasionally, rarely, there's one that doesn't. I'm starting to hope that might be me. Maybe the magic is protecting me. But he's not going to be able to accept that so easily. I'm all he had left, and you took me away. That's all that's going to be important to him. You didn't even have to do the things you did in New York, this is the worst possible crime you could commit, in his eyes.”
Loki heaved a sigh of remorse. “And I cannot even return you to him. It seems there is one more thing I cannot set right.”
“The best you can do is make sure I'm okay. And don't bother him anymore. And maybe let him come visit more often. The more he sees me living my life and being fine, the more confidence he will have that I'm actually safe here.”
“I shall endeavor to help you thrive.” Loki promised.
“All right, so if that's settled, we should go get our horses.”
Acorn was, like you, a bit overdressed in your opinion. Long tabbards and blankets covered her from nose to rump, green and gold, embroidered with oak leaves. They were so long, they almost brushed the ground. Ribbons were braided into her wild mane and tail, and bells jingled with every movement. Like you, she could barely be seen under her splendor. But she was probably warm, and happily accepted a carrot from your hand. Placid as always, she let you up on her back, and fell into step behind Leynarodd, who likewise, followed up behind Sleipnir, whose hooves still rang like bells even over the thin layer of packed snow that covered the recently cleared streets.
There was a whole procession of people-this was a parade after all, and Thor, on Sleipnir, was preceded by the twin Valkyries, carrying Asgardian banners, as well as several musicians, and Beli, who chanted an ancient epic on the exploits of Buri.
Saga had translated the chant for you a while ago, and it sounded something like the sensationalized, self-aggrandizing boasts of pharaohs, or Mesopotamian kings-the kind that claimed to be rulers of the world, or rulers of the heavens themselves, to have battled armies of demons, killed giant lions with only a stick-that sort of thing. But when Beli called out those verses in such an ancient dialect of Asgardian, the words themselves felt powerful.
Thor followed slowly, Sliepnir plodding along, both of them absolutely huge. Loki and Leynarodd came right behind, only slightly smaller. And then you and Acorn, almost comical in your stature, diminutive by comparison. You were keenly aware of it, but either all of Asgard was too polite to say anything about it, or they simply didn't care.
The human guests, corralled in roped off areas, whooped and cheered when when you passed. Behind you, more musicians played, and a circle of Seidkonas walked in silent dignity. Then came more banners, the rest of the Valkyries, representatives of each noble house and guild, and the rest of the Aesir in Asgard, provided they didn't already have another position in the parade.
After them, the gathered Asgardians began following, lengthening out the procession, bright balls of magical light bobbing overhead. The sun had barely peeked over the horizon, and would be slinking away in a mere three or so hours, so the mage lights sparkled everywhere. Helpful Einherjar herded the humans to the next specially roped off area, so they could follow the parade as well; you caught a few amused faces at the playful rowdiness displayed by celebrating humans.
That was just how humans were when they were excited about something. Humans loved to holler, to jump, and dance, and clap. Some of them were even trying to keep time with the music.
You weren't actually able to pick out your father or Tara in the crowd, nor anyone else you knew, so you just kept your head forward and your back straight, trying to look as dignified as you could.
You'd only ever seen a few of what you considered 'proper' parades: in a small town a parade mostly consisted of people waving from the backs of neighborhood pickup trucks and tractors, maybe decorated with balloons or paper chains, blasting music from dusty old speakers. In the autumn, there might be pumpkins and corn stalks, and usually hayrides. But never anything like this spectacle.
As you got closer to the construction site, the apprentice mages responsible for all the floating lights started throwing sparks from their hands, like colorful sparklers. The gathered Asgardians began lining up in their designated areas, ready to play their part. The foundations had already been dug, and everything that needed to go into them was already there. All that remained was the pouring.
Thor, Loki, and yourself dismounted as close to in unison as you could manage, the horses carefully lead away to a temporary enclosure. You headed to the stack of decorative bricks, and took your place among the Asgardians there, while Thor gave the order for the cement to pour.
While this went on, Beli gathered his students and skalds in front of the Huldrastone to recite a modern epic. Within the first few verses you realized that it was about the Huldra's attack, and your confrontation with her.
Of course, the poem was much cleaner and more elegant than the actual events had been, but certain things had still been included. Your ears burned beneath your helmet when Beli reached the part where you had 'bestowed upon the fallen prince, a gentle sacrificial kiss, knowing that to trade life for life would grant him breath once more.'
You had finally spotted your father and Tara in the crowd; he crossed his arms and glared upon hearing the verse, while Tara gave you a cheezy grin and thumbs up.
As the poem reached its conclusion, the cement finished pouring, and a new recitation began. As Thor and Loki knelt and began scratching ritual runes into the wet cement, Beli's current group of student came forward and began telling the story of Beli, while apprentice mages illustrated the words with colorful, stylized illusions.
There were harrowing battles against huge stone people, the construction of the original Bifrost, which at that time connected a fleet of alien ships to one another. The illusions showed the gathering of construction materials, the building of a platform in space, and the grand revelation of the crystalline platform upon which Asgard slowly grew. Mountain and plain, river and ocean, building after magnificent building rose into the sky. Their ships captured and carved an asteroid, then set it in orbit as a bright new moon. All this was accomplished by the use of a glowing, icy blue cube that was difficult to look directly at. It was compelling though; it caught and held your attention with its beautiful, sparkling light.
You knew what that device was: you had learned about it in your lessons with Saga. It was the object known as the Tesseract, a four dimensional creation meant to house the incredible energy of an Infinity Stone. Perhaps that was why it was simultaneously fascinating, yet hard to perceive. Your curious human brain was drawn to its uniqueness, yet equally unable to fully fathom it.
That device was the key to Asgard's existence and eventual success. It was unthinkable to you that Odin had just lost it on Earth, as Sagas histories had proclaimed. It must have been a terrible loss.
Thor and Loki completed their carving, and began the process of imbuing the foundations with divine power. Goosebumps rose on your arms, and there was a pricking in your sinuses, like you were about to sneeze. There was almost a flavor to it.
The actual blessing didn't take nearly as long as the rune carving ritual, and soon, the two brothers stepped back, to allow others to begin their work. More mages worked a spell together that lifted the water out of the cement, drying it within moments. People came forward with wires and pipes, floor and wall supports, insulation, hammers, plaster, bricks, and mortar. In rotating lines people laid flooring and installed fixtures, scraped grout and assembled frames. Every now and then youths moved through, sweeping up dust, always away from you.
It suddenly became clear that that was why you were so far back in line, why you'd been assigned a decorative brick, something that would be placed near the very end of the construction. There would be no dust then. Gratitude swelled in your chest, but you said nothing. There was singing now, simple, repetitive melodies that sounded like work songs.
Every hour, volunteers carted huge, heated cauldrons around the lines and groups of human spectators, dipping out hot drinks like witch's potions, and it was possible that there was a simple sort of magic in things like hot chocolate, strong coffee, and buttered rum on a cold day.
The building went up faster than you thought possible, the widows, doors, and lights being set into place as auroras began ribboning across the sky.
Finally, there was one brick left. You lifted it up, as the singing seemed to intensify, scooped some mortar from the pail, and fitted it all into the only remaining slot. Giving the brick a light pat to make sure it was secure, you turned back to the assembled crowd.
“We did it.” You said, and the cheering began.
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peachships · 3 years
“I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Of course I did, I know a lot of things about you. More than I care to admit.”
I haven't written for Rein in a while, and I could use him for some prime snuggles right now since I feel yucky <3
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The sunlight casting gentle rays through the apartment came to rest on the sleeping cheek of the home's inhabitant, a movie seen a hundred times playing in the background the only sound. Ollie dozed, albeit not peacefully as the world decided today would be a good day for both joint pain and cramps, so they had resolved to call out of their shift in the medbay and watch a comfort movie, hoping the pain meds and heating pad would do their jobs.
Suddenly there was a knock on her apartment door, rousing her from her restless sleep. Smoothing the frizz of curls into a ponytail, she opened the door to a giant of a man holding a white takeout bag and a couple bags of groceries. The two stared at each other as her mind tried to figure out what exactly was happening before it clicked.
"Oh! My bad, Reinhardt, come in!" Ollie turned red as they stepped to the side, letting Reinhardt step into the small space. "I've got some fog in this dumb brain of mine, and I was asleep when you knocked so I'm not fully awake yet."
"My apologies for waking you, then, liebling!" It was his turn to apologize as his face matched the same shade of pink. "Dr. Ziegler said you were out for the day, and I wanted to help you feel better." Reinhardt walked over to the kitchen table and set the bags down before emptying the contents. "I picked up your favourite ice cream, along with some granola bars and some pain relieving cream. And I brought you your favourite order from that Thai place you love."
The kindness of his actions took Ollie's breath away as she stood in front of the gifts; he had gone out of his way just to make her smile. Blinking a few times, they rested a hand on his forearm and secretly enjoyed how warm he felt. "You did all this for me? I can’t believe you remembered."
Rein's cheeks burned as his ears turned red before he stammered, “Of course I did, I know a lot of things about you. More than I care to admit.”
"Really? Like what?"
"Well, your favourite movie is The Lion King, you love the colour purple, your favourite candy is Reese's, and you have a favourite pillow."
Ollie couldn't help the laugh that broke free, making Reinhardt smile as he leaned down to kiss their forehead.
"You're my favourite person, sweetheart, and I love learning about the little things that make you happy." He cupped their cheek in his large hand before kissing her lips. "Now, let's share lunch then I can help apply that pain ointment and we can nap together. How does that sound?"
Smiling up at the love of her life, Ollie nodded. "That sounds like my favourite thing."
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fanficteen · 4 years
stale blood (3)
chris argent x reader
The months passed peacefully, and the McCall pack slowly let their guards down. Every week, Scott, Stiles, and Lydia would hand in their homework with a little note, giving you a time and address with just the words “pack meeting” above it. Each time you tutored Malia, she would also leave you with a little note at the end of the week. And every week, you would throw the notes away and mark their assignments. Then two of your students turned up with their throats clawed out and suddenly the Sheriff was knocking on your door. “Miss (L/N).” His face was grave, but there was something familiar about him. “Sheriff Stilinski. I just have a few questions to ask you.” Of course. Stilinski. “Come in. Would you like a cup of tea?” The familiar rattle of Stiles’ Jeep lurched along the road outside, but there was another vehicle with it. Just as the Sheriff opened his mouth to respond, there was another knock.
“Bring yourself and your friends in, Mr Stilinski,” you called, not even moving from the kitchen. Stiles and Scott filed in, followed by Allison… and her father. “If I wanted to meet the pack, McCall, I would’ve come to one of those meetings.” Scott, at the very least, had the decency to look apologetic, as he gestured helplessly between Stiles and his now-irritated father. “Stiles, what have I told you–“ “He was only concerned about your wellbeing, Sheriff.” You turned on the kettle. “Would anyone like tea? I’m afraid I don’t have anything stronger.” “Does he have need to be concerned?” Stilinski inquired, as Scott and Allison both agreed to tea. Your small kitchen was becoming quite crowded. “Sheriff, if I wanted to kill someone and get away with it, I wouldn’t have clawed their throats out and left them outside my own workplace,” you told him, matter-of-factly. “And I’m not in the habit of killing kids, no matter what hunters might say.” Stilinski glanced over to Chris, who nodded. “She’s a witch. If she wanted someone gone, she could make sure we didn’t even know they ever existed.” His voice was deeper, heavy with the weight of his years, but you weren’t surprised. Neither of you were kids anymore.
Eventually, Stilinski nodded, thanked you, and headed for the door, with a trepidatious Stiles on his tail. Scott and the Argents lingered. “Sheriff.” Father and son paused, glancing back to you. “I know it’s your job, and you’re probably more aware than most cops around here. But I think it’d be best if you take a partner to question suspects from now on. Preferably that Hellhound that’s been sniffing around the school.” A beat passed, in which the Stilinskis had a very in-depth conversation using just their eyes, then he nodded. “Understood.” The door closed behind them. Silence settled around the room as you met Chris’ eyes. “We should go,” you heard Allison prompt, quickly finishing her tea. Chris didn’t move. “Dad?” “It’s been a while, Mr Argent.” There was no escaping this. “I don’t think I thanked you properly.” “You don’t owe me any thanks.” A beat. “I’m sorry.” “For saving my life?” Shock spiralled through his blue eyes. “What happened to my parents wasn’t your fault. In fact, it wasn’t even your father’s fault. They earned what they got.” You offered him a tired, lopsided smile. “Thanks for giving me a chance.” The room was quiet again as Chris gaped at you. You turned to Scott. 
“It’s 7pm tomorrow for the pack meeting, right?” The young alpha also stared at you for a long moment, then a grin crept across his face. “7pm at Derek’s,” he confirmed, happily. “Well, I suppose I can spare a little of my grading time,” you sighed, melodramatically. Scott’s smile widened. “I owe you all a bit of an explanation.” You heard Stiles’ Jeep start up outside, the Sheriff’s car already puttering away down the street. “You’re going to miss your ride.” Stiles’ voice bellowed from outside as you finished your sentence. “We’ll see you tomorrow, right?” Scott confirmed, backing towards the door. “8.30am sharp, McCall,” you teased, earning an eyeroll. “Yes, I’ll be there.” “We should go too,” Allison prompted again, as Scott disappeared. Chris nodded, vaguely. “You start the car, honey.” He chucked her the keys and she followed Scott outside. “(Y/N)…” You smiled up at him as he trailed off, so many words welling on his tongue, fighting for first place. “It’s ok, Chris.” And his shoulders dropped, as though he’d held something heavy for too long. And you supposed, in a way, he had. It took you a moment to realise he was crying, silent tears glistening from his piercing eyes. “Thank you.” His voice was barely a whisper, but he knew you could hear him. You just smiled again, a sad, sorry sort of a smile, then he bade you farewell and headed for the door. “Chris?” He paused in the doorway, a raised eyebrow glancing over his shoulder. “What do you know about cats?”
When Scott had said tonight’s pack meeting was going to include everyone, you didn’t think he’d actually meant everyone. It had to be half the town, crammed into the loft. “Derek,” the man who answered the door informed you, holding out a hand. “(Y/N).” “Is this the new girl?” Another face appeared behind him – a little older, fairer, framed in a V-neck tee. “You must be Peter,” you greeted, politely, though all you could see was Lydia huffing about Satan in a V-neck. “A pleasure.” You followed them into a very crowded living room. Allison, Malia, and Lydia were crowded together on one couch, chatting comfortably about some maths assignment. Scott was talking to two boys you didn’t recognise and the slightly older Hellhound you’d seen around. Derek immediately made a beeline for Stiles, who was perched precariously on the kitchen counter reaching for something on a high shelf. Sheriff Stilinski and Chris were talking to another woman you didn’t recognise. Then Malia’s eyes lit up and she was bounding across the room, and you were engulfed in the werecoyote’s enthusiastic embrace. “I was starting to think you weren’t actually coming,” she informed you, happily. “I’m glad you’re finally here.” “Glad to see my daughter likes you more than me,” Peter assessed, wryly. Malia rolled her eyes, but shot her father a grin anyway. By now, you had garnered Scott’s attention, and he took the floor, making the rest of the pack fall quiet.
“First off, a lot of us already know, but I’d like to introduce our newest pack member–“ You raised an eyebrow at that, but Scott just beamed back, unabashed. “Miss (L/N).” “You know, I think you can safely call me (Y/N) out here, Alpha boy,” you pointed out, as though taking the floor wasn’t terrifying. “Give him a few weeks to get used to that one,” the woman piped up, “It took him two months to process that my name wasn’t “Mom”.” Scott blushed, groaning, as laughter smattered through the room. “You must be Mrs McCall, then,” you gathered, holding out a hand to her. “I’m (Y/N), Scott’s history teacher.” “Melissa.” Her smile was warm and gentle, so full of kindness you wondered if it could soothe any wound. And then you were standing in front of a room full of strangers. Not that this was new, as a teacher, but you didn’t usually have to teach a syllabus on yourself.
But you talked anyway. About meeting Chris. About your parents. About Ennis finding you, biting you. About losing your pack brother. And then, about losing your whole pack. About fighting for your life, fighting the man who had almost been your father. About waking up in that hospital with your neck stitching itself back together. “You’re not a wolf, though.” The prompt came from Lydia, keen hazel eyes fixed firmly on you. “No,” you agreed, vaguely. Chris raised an eyebrow. You looked away. “Something went wrong when he bit me. I don’t know if it was because I’m a witch or something else, but… I became a black dog.” “A dog?” one of the boys repeated, raising an eyebrow. “How terrifying. What are you going to do, bark our enemies to death?” “Isaac,” Scott growled. “A black dog,” Allison corrected, turning all eyes to her. “Like a Grim?” “Like a Grim,” you agreed, directing a sharp smile at Isaac. “I don’t think you’d like it if I barked.” He scratched the back of his neck as Stiles snickered. Derek elbowed him. “Now, more importantly,” you turned back to Scott, “I think I know what killed those two juniors.” “Why is nothing ever just a mountain lion anymore?” you heard Stilinski groan. You grabbed your satchel from where it was crumpled by the door, pulling out a huge, old book. “A cat?” Stiles questioned, as you flicked the page open. “A fairy cat,” you corrected, pointing to the page. “A chapalu, cat sidhe, cath palug, whatever you want to call it.” “Fairy cat sounds least threatening,” the youngest boy piped up. “Great, we’ll just call the giant killer cat a fairy until it grows tiny wings and turns pink,” Peter drawled, dryly. “Let a kid dream, not all of us are hardened lunatics,” Stiles retorted, laughing. “Former,” Peter corrected, “I’m much better now.”
“Scott.” The young Alpha paused on the doorstep when Derek said his name, glancing back over his shoulder. “Why does (L/N) smell of blood?” Scott frowned, sniffing the air again. “She always smells like that. I assumed it was a witch thing?” Derek hummed, unconvinced. “Not a witch thing,” Peter mused, “Maybe a Grim thing?” “Or maybe she’s bleeding.” All the wolves’ eyes shot to Melissa as she spoke. “Don’t look at me like that. (Y/N) is a grown woman, I wouldn’t go asking too many questions if she smells a bit coppery now and again.” They all grimaced as Melissa pulled Scott to the car, muttering about damn nosy werewolves.
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selccuth · 3 years
@bucketfullofocs sent:
[Einie meanie miney moe I shove Aya at... Ideo!] ❛  did you hear that ?  ❜ four word sentence starters.
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❝ Mm-? ❞
Attentive silence held with such dedication it is as though he does not breathe. It lingers briefly, pierced only by the wind, until a deep growl echoes through the trees and the sound of frantic conversation breaks the forest song. In it is struggle, almost a warning as panicked voices speak in commands barely audible. They speak of a giant feline beast, ruthless as forty men and ten ordinary lions, footsteps shuffling heavy against the earth. With another guttural sound, an instinct snaps to take over.
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❝ Don’t move. ❞ Hands drawing up silent, they find a protective place along her shoulders, firm but not restrictive. Fingers curl only to reassure and soothe at the sound of violence and gunfire. The beast roars, scaring birds from their trees, the cries of the unfortunate echoing through the canopies. Ideo remains still, wisdom restraining the reckless urge surging through his arms. A great warm-up it may have been, and perhaps even a hearty meal, were it not for grander priorities. There would be no time to create distance safe enough for an explosive shot. The horrific sounds calm and the soft footfall of giant paw pads begin to draw nearer, soon stepping just into view as a pink nose brushes through the thicket and sniffs about. Through the greenery are glimpses of cheetah-like patterns, specks of blood smeared into a sienna coat, curiosity enough for a cursory scent and nothing more. In the next moment it begins to move again, treading over tree roots behind them and fading into the depths of the island. Only with full certainty does he let go of the small woman’s shoulders, pulling arms to their respective sides as if ready and itching to extend them.
❝ It will not come back. ❞ Said sincerely without hesitation. At the expense of strangers, the cat had eaten its fill for the evening and grown sluggish. But it was only one of many threats surely stalking the woods. ❝ We must return to the shore. One can only imagine what other creatures lurk in this place. ❞
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sidgenoabofest · 4 years
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Remember, you can write for as many or as few prompts as you’d like! And check out the updated FAQ and Timeline pages or send us an Ask if your have any questions. Happy writing! 
1. Mpreg
2. Courting
3. Omega/Omega
4. Jealous mate
5. Lactation kink
6. Mermaid a/b/o au
7. Mail order bride!!!
8. Subversion/Inversion
9. Non-traditional dynamics
10. Very elaborative courting
11. oral knotting + cock warming
12. Geno’s first heat in America.
13. Little Drummer Girl au but a/b/o
14. alpha/alpha first time taking a knot
15. a xeno take on heat and abo dynamics
16. Geno falling for Ace!Sid in an a/b/o au
17. Mutual pining where they’re both Alpha’s
18. Hockey player Alpha Geno, non hockey Sid
19. Alpha!Geno’s dick is too big when he knots
20. Geno and Anna (alphas) try to woo Sid (omega)
21. Regency AU arranged marriage with shy omega Sid
22. Rival teammates and one goes into heat mid game
23. a/b/o dynamics based on lions, rather than wolves
24. beta/omega; first time going through heat together
25. Alpha-Alpha dynamic going into rut on the team plane
26. cockwarming as self-care and/or somebody's love language
27. Sometimes Sid will let Geno fuck his thighs and let him knot.
28. Alien Alpha Sid captures Earthling Omega Geno in his tractor beam
29. Snowed in and/or cabin fic where one of them goes into heat or rut
30. Mafia boss Geno, with husband omega Sid, who is still a boss in his own right
31. Sid's knot takes forever to go down. They work around it with cosy movie nights.
32. Alpha Sid being all worked up over pregnant geno.... and perhaps overly protective…
33. Sid being scent blind and falling in love with Geno the long way, while Geno pines and pines
34. Sid goes into a full on mating heat at the West Point hill climb, Geno fights off all comers.
35. Geno is intersex, with physical characteristics of both alpha and omega. Sid's into all of him.
36. Evgeni always goes to Sidney post heat (or rut). It’s one of many things they don’t talk about.
37. During a goal celebration, Sid and Geno experience a spontaneous bond. It freaks all involved out.
38. Alpha/Alpha rival knight au or Alpha knight and Omega squire? Just something with romance and armour.
39. Tired of being teased and the punchlines of locker room jokes, Sid asked Geno to take his virginity/knot him.
40. Geno and Sid as two alphas who pine for each other and try to pretend they don’t want each other, but they do.
41. sid has a kink for fucking new brides, so omega geno dresses up in bridal lingerie and begs sid to knock him up
42. Alphas and omegas will fuck betas, but they don’t end up staying with them. This is what Sidney knows from experience.
43. Medieval abo au, Sid's castle is small and he and Geno have to consummate their marriage in front of all of Sid's patrons
44. omega/omega pregnancy kink, no getting pregnant angst, just skip right to the good stuff: already pregnant and horny about it.
45. rookie sid and geno are still a bit too young for a real heat, so they put in some practice together and things get out of hand
46. “i’m rich and i’m not supposed to talk to servants but the person that scrubs my floor is really cute” (/smells fucking amazing)
47. New relationship during the holidays and somebody forgot to take their suppressant and goes into rut in between dinner and dessert
48. Omega Sid and alpha Geno hook up, it's a one night stand. Sid notices he's pregnant a couple weeks after and goes to hunt down Geno
49. Baby NHL omegas come to Sid for advice on omegas working with alphas, dating etiquette with alphas and what its like to get knotted by an alpha.
50. Alpha Geno courting Omega Sid to be allowed to mate him, over expensive gifts to dinner invitations to being possessive and protective on the ice
51. Sid can’t stand being touched or scent marked by strangers, but Geno’s never been that to him. (Authors choice re: what designations they each have)
52. Regency AU: Mr Sidney Crosby is as well know for his big estate and he wealth as he is for being an omega who tops all the alpha gentlemen he take to his bed
53. Sid is always yapping on the bench, but in relationships his communication skills go right down the drain when he has a cold and can't rely on scent cues for help.
54. you rescued me from the creepy person that was hitting on me in the bar and i’m glad you did because MMHMMM you are hot and smell like nothing i’ve ever smelled before
55. Sid is a beta who Geno always calls on when he goes into heat/rut. It’s fun and no strings attached and they’re friends. Only Geno slowly realises he wants more than that
56. one is an omega and the other is a beta (the inherent convenience of a self-slicking butthole; the beta figuring out how to satisfy their partner in heat, who can go for HOURS)
57. Only werewolves are a/b/o’s, humans are just humans. As a general rule human!Sid stays out of wolf business but Evgeni keeps making it his business by acting like Sidney’s *his.*
58. sid being teased relentlessly for his big alpha dick in the locker room, and loving it, kinda strutting around naked but also going all pink, and geno really LOOKING for the first time
59. Sid has been on high level suppressants since juniors and nobody knows if he's hiding being an alpha or an omega. Geno has been curious for YEARS but never asked, till something happens.
60. One of their alpha/omega statuses doesn't kick in until after retirement-- they spent a good portion of life thinking they were a beta but now that shit is going BANANAS. Puberty at age 40
61. Sid/Geno/Anna where Sid + Geno are both Omegas and have banded together like "we don't need any alpha nonsense" but then Geno meets Alpha Anna at the Olympics and shit gets real, real fast.
62. Tradition has it, your mate is supposed to smell best to you. But Sid usually smells like old milk. How the fuck is Geno supposed to work around that? Because Sid is definitely the one he wants.
63. Alpha Sid's enthralled with Geno's omega trills. Geno's kind of a picky eater (like he's picky about everything) Sid revels in the challenge of finding snacks and gifts that will make Geno trill
64. geno's heats come on fast and with no warning, sometimes in the middle of a game, so once in a while sid can help a buddy out and slip geno some fingers to just get him through to the intermission
65. Established Sid and Geno who have not bonded for some reason (is one beta? are they waiting for something?), with a side of whoops, accidentally bonded to someone else in a heat-related medical emergency.
66. You’re an actor/other famous person that I really admire and I just saw you in the street and as I was debating whether or not to say hi you came up to me and started flirting what do I do?? (but make it hockey abo)
67. Sexual dysfunction: Maybe an alpha who's having trouble knotting, or a bata having a hard time staying hard his fist time dating an omega, or an omaga who's having issues self lubricating. Emotional comfort through sex!
68. Camboy or porn AU where the one who does sex work specializes in alpha/alpha or omega/omega porn. Ideally the one watching is still an NHL player and has some complicated feelings around their own same-gender preferences.
69. one is an alpha and the other is a beta (first time getting knotted and being overwhelmed by it plus like LOTS of lube; or the alpha likes getting fucked but doesn't like to be knotted so a beta partner is the perfect option)
70. omega/omega sid figuring out how to top geno's giant peach ass when omegas aren't particularly well-endowed (dick-extending knotting dildo? practicing flexibility? finger-shaped bruises trying to keep those cheeks pried open?)
71. Green card heat bond au! The KHL don’t want to release Geno from his contract to let him play in the NHL. It’s becoming messy and it looks like the Penguins may lose their legal case when someone suggests a heat bond green card.
72. Trophy wife Geno: He likes to be pampered, he like his valour track suits, he likes lounging around in fur coats, and he likes getting knotted when Sid comes back from a win...and maybe even more when he comes back from a loss…
73. Heatfic PWP set during Geno’s rookie year when he barely speaks any English. Up to you which one is in heat—I just like the idea of Sid and Geno trying awkwardly to communicate & then not really needing to once instinct takes over.
74. Beauty and the beats/ or some kind of monster au. Geno is saved by Beast!Sid and nursed back to health in his castle. By the end Geno is as in love with the monster as he is with Sid's other self. This could be any dynamic combination.
75. Sid’s concussion messing up his alpha or omega cycle, or maybe delaying him from differentiating. Everyone calls him a late bloomer, which Sid doesn’t care about except when he sometimes sees Geno post heat/rut and feels confusing stuff
76. ABO specific sex toys: training knots for omega's, dilators for alphas and betas who want to sleep with other alphas, knotting flashlights, double headed dildos for omega/omega pairs? The list goes on! The only limit is your imagination.
77. Geno - omega who's never gone into heat. Maybe he never will. Despite the pessimism of his younger years, this has turned out to fine, because he and Sid have an excellent and well-established sex life regardless, and SID's heats are pretty great for both of them.
78. Nontraditional abo dynamic frat au: Either with alphas, betas, and omegas all in the same house or maybe separate different fraternities? It could be two competing alpha's from different frat houses? or maybe a beta at an omega house party feeling *very overwhelmed*
79. Geno breaks up after bonding with someone. It’s sudden and it happens mid-season and he can’t go home to lick his wounds so instead his bond-withdrawal becomes a team issue. The trainers and medics all have opinions and advice, but it’s Sid who gets him through the worst of it.
80. Omega Sid is wedded to foreign Prince Alpha Geno because male Omegas are rare and a 'sign to God'. The marriage is a sign of goodwill from the people of Sid's kingdom, he's a low noble but his Omega status makes him more worthy. They meet for the first time in front of the altar
81. Omega Sid is ‘President’ of the NHL omega groupchat/association, Sid and Seguin have a friendship forged through both declaring they “dont need no Alpha!” But cant stop having ‘issues’ with their closest Alpha on their teams. Sid-Seguin gossipy omega friendship as they explore life getting closer to alphas (Geno, Benn)
82. Beta Sid's the king of locker room talk and all the rowdy shenanigans that go on there. He flirts with everyone shamelessly and Geno has no idea how he's supposed to tell if Sid's being serious or not when he tells Geno to "take a picture, it will last longer" or something to that degree. (He really wants Sid to be serious).
83. Age difference Coach Sid/ Rookie Geno au. Geno needs to get bonded to be allowed to travel overseas and play for the Penguins. Sid agrees to be his alpha without really thinking about it until Geno shows up wide-eyed and perky at his front door and things just derail from there. (and by derail I mean office sex at the arena.)
84. Sid is an Omega but pretends to be a suppressed alpha as omegas are considered special and rare, almost local celebrities unto themselves, plus most wouldnt want to see an Omega risking injury playing professional sport. The presence of an ideal Alpha in Geno is making it harder and harder to hide his omega side and instincts.
85. After the NHL All Star Game, alpha Sid ends up with omega Geno’s gear bag. Sid doesn’t realize the mix-up until he gets home. When he opens the bag, he instantly recognizes the smell of omega arousal, and a couple of things become clear: Geno was getting hot while playing in the ASG, and Sid has unfettered, private access to Geno’s scent.
86. Pirates of the Caribbean/Black Sails au—Zhenya is a wealthy young omega hostage on pirate Sid's ship. In the end Sid can’t follow through and hand Zhenya over to the people who want him in exchange for gold. (or maybe Zhenya offers knowledge of something better for them to steal in order to save himself and they fall in love during the adventure)
87. Someone tried to take advantage of Sid while in heat/rut; it’s something that Geno hears whispers of when he is a rookie, but no one talks about it and Geno doesn’t have a nearly good enough grasp on English to try. He just stays later to practice with Sid and sits next to him at clubs and uses his body to block people when they try to touch Sid.
88. After years of dancing around their feelings, AlphaGeno and OmegaSid start ‘hooking up’ and then accidentally bond in The Playoffs bubble. This is a problem because newly bonded omegas tend to become bratty and act out in many ways and try to test their alpha, sometimes taunting other alphas to see if their own alpha will come defend them. Chaos on and off the ice ensues.
89. Werewolf/abo au: an unsuspecting Geno (omega or beta) comes across Alpha Sid's pack (maybe on a full moon run or Sid helps him with car troubles in a snow storm or maybe Geno visits Sid's pack after moving to the area as a gesture of good will.) Either way, Sid knows as soon as he sees Geno that he wants him for his bond mate, and will do whatever it takes to get him to agree.
90. Geno scent marking Sid; maybe they’re not bonded or in a relationship but Sid is *his*; his captain, his friend, the person who laughs at Geno’s jokes and exchanges knowing looks with Geno whenever one of their teammates does something dumb. It’s possessive and technically rude, but whatever. Sid likes it, Geno argues when someone (Flower, probably) tries to call him out for it.
91. Rookie Geno is ultra-competitive about everything from who goes last out of the locker room to how many eggs he can eat in a minute. Everyone sees it as Geno locking horns with Sid, competing as young alphas do. Only, Sid doesn’t seem offended or annoyed. If anything, he seems delighted and more than a little turned on. (Bonus points if everybody is wrong about one of them being an alpha).
92. Alpha sid being possessive and jealous over oblivious omega geno and maybe getting into a fight (throw in some alpha ovi shipping these idiots but also teasing sid about his and geno’s past hookups because he might be onboard the Sid geno train but he’s also a sassy bitch about it) bonus if it also has backy/ovi (if we squint not here to take the spotlight away from the two headed monster)
93. Mail Order Alpha AU: To Play in the KHL Omega Geno needs to be bonded. Metallurge team management offers him many options for Russian suitors, but Geno being Geno doesn’t like being told what to do. Instead of accepting any of those, he finds himself a nice Canadian alpha on "mail order bride" message boards. Bonus points for slightly awkward but also hot “bonding night scene” and Sid charming Geno's family with his broken Russian.
94. Sid never joins in with any of the rowdy locker room talk about hook ups/sex/knots/heats/ruts. Some of the guys joke it’s because Sid’s a virgin or frigid. Geno knows that isn’t true, because they hooked up one time when they were rookies. In retrospect he thinks it was probably Sid’s first time, and he knows he messed it up because instead of talking to Sid and seeing if they had anything real, Geno got back together with Oksana. It’s been years since then, and he and Sid are friends, but sometimes Geno wonder’s ‘what if...’
95. Geno broke an Alpha/Omega bond when he escaped from Russia to come to the NHL. He promised himself he’d never bond with anyone else ever again. He’d just have fun. And he is having fun fucking around. He was never allowed to do that at home. He probably shouldn’t be doing it in the west because he’s getting a reputation but he doesn’t care. He’s free and no one can tell him what to do. It’s his life and his choices and he’s never going to bond with anyone ever again. Only without noticing he finds himself falling for his best friend, Sidney.
96. nesting!! it can be because one of them is pregnant, or something bond/hormone related, or just a pre-heat behavior, but i love fics where the omega partner is secretly stealing the other one's clothes and small personal belongings to make a nice safe nest/den in a closet or spare room or even a trainer's room at the rink. i especially love this trope if the nesting partner is a little embarrassed or evasive about it, lol. my heart says it's sid who's building a nest out of geno's things (and being a little squirrely about it trying to keep it secret) but i think an omega!geno version would also be delightful.
97. Demisexual!Sid in an a/b/o world where designation/romance/sex has never been a big deal to him. He’s never understood his teammates stories of losing their minds with heat lust, or falling in love at first scent or losing days in bed with someone riding out their heat/rut or anything like that. Most people tell him, he’ll understand one day when the right alpha/omega/beta comes along or question if something is wrong with his designation/him. Geno never does. For the longest time Geno is one of the few friends who doesn’t think anything is wrong with him. But the problem with friends is sometimes Sid falls for them.
98. I'd love to read an a/b/o fic involving an unplanned pregnancy. Maybe they're in some kind of casual fwb arrangement off and on for years, or maybe they just hooked up the one time and had tacitly agreed to never speak of it again. I'd read pretty much any take on this prompt -- an Obvious Child-esque version where they decide to have an abortion but also realize they have feelings for each other; a version where they decide to have a baby but both think the other just wants to be friends and co-parents (not romantically involved); a version where the pregnancy forces them to reckon with their true feelings for each other... really, anything goes!
99. Loser's sacrifice / victor's prize fic, version 1: Geno wasn't drafted by the Pens, and he and Sid have spent their whole careers as rival captains (you can decide if it's a no-love-lost rivalry or just mutual respect for each other or a hatesex chemistry type dynamic). The Pens lose to Sid's team, and Sid offers himself to Geno as the victor's prize. (I'd read any version of this, but I'd especially love an alpha!Geno / omega!Sid fic where Sid's the only omega captain in a predominantly alpha league -- and this creates some weird tensions, because the sacrifice is supposed to be about the humiliation of an alpha having to submit to another alpha. Maybe Sid doesn't usually accept or offer sacrifice (someone else on the team does it for him).
100. Loser's sacrifice / victor's prize fic, version 2: Sid and Geno are together (you can decide how serious it is). After a bad loss one night, Sid offers himself as the sacrifice to the opposing team (or maybe just to their captain). Geno is insanely jealous and territorial about it and pretends to be sulky/angry, but in the days after he can't stop furtively jacking off thinking about it. Sid figures it out eventually, and somehow it becomes a thing for them. Sid starts regularly offering himself as sacrifice but always comes to Geno immediately afterwards, smelling of the opposing captain/team, so Geno can fuck someone else's come out of him while Sid tells him everything the team did to him.
101. I've been thinking about an a/o universe where non-alpha/omega pairings are still socially stigmatized, but there's an active scent-masking party/club scene, where people take blockers and go to hook up with other people without knowing what their dynamic is. Maybe the clubs themselves are a little taboo -- sort of like gay bathhouses in the '70s or private BDSM clubs -- so it's mostly people who are in the know, and there's a general understanding that you don't acknowledge people you meet there if you encounter them out in the world. I'd love an alpha/alpha fic set in this verse - could be a non-hockey AU where Sid and Geno meet at one of these clubs, or a canon fic where they don't realize the other is into alphas until they're out of town on a road trip and they run into each other at one of these clubs.
102. There are no omegas in the NHL—at least as far as anyone knows. Sid’s been taking illegal scent-blockers/suppressants and passing as a beta since he presented as an omega as a teen. The only people who know the truth are his parents, his agent, and Jack Johnson (who helped make excuses for Sid at SSM during his first heat). Sid doesn’t intend to reveal his secondary gender until his retirement—once he’s won a Cup or three and gold for Canada and proven decisively that omegas can play at the highest levels. Except something happens (his supply of blockers is interrupted, or he has a breakthrough heat, or something) and Geno finds out. I’d especially love it if this was early in their NHL careers, before they knew/trusted each other and were able to communicate well, but I’d definitely also read a fic where Geno finds out many years into their friendship, and has to grapple with how much Sid’s hidden from him.
103. old timey pirate AU! sid’s a naval officer who’s clawed his way up the ranks despite significant prejudice against omegas. he’s achieved his dream of captaining a ship, but his life is a lonely one, in part because he can’t let himself be vulnerable with anyone (in case they use it against him to challenge his leadership). the only bright spot in his life is the years-long cat-and-mouse game he’s been playing with evgeni malkin, a notorious russian pirate captain who‘s managed to evade arrest for years, often by tricking the navy or managing to cleverly conceal his crew’s stolen loot when their ship is boarded by the Navy. Geno’s an alpha, but unlike Sid’s fellow officers, he’s always treated Sid with the utmost respect—even if he also gleefully delights in tricking Sid’s men and repeatedly evading capture. in fact, after years of meeting in various port towns and at sea, Geno seems to consider Sid a friend. (Sid knows Geno finds him attractive, too, and has made it clear—always teasingly, never in a pushy or aggressive way—that he’s available, should Sid ever want to go to bed with an alpha.) up to you what the plot is, but I’d love something where Geno’s luck finally runs out, and Sid’s the one who‘s tasked with bringing him back to shore to be tried (and most likely hanged) for piracy. make Sid choose between his honor + love of rules and his unacknowledged feelings for geno!!
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snakeboistan · 4 years
Pleasant Distractions
Pairing: Karmagisa
“Heeeyy, Nagisaaa,” Karma whined, draping his body over Nagisa’s back like a second coat and wrapping his arms around the shorter boy’s chest with a pout, “Come ooon. Hang out with meee.”
With a roll of his eyes, Nagisa turned back to his science textbook and resumed reading, doing his best to ignore the distracting noises that Karma was emitting.
An ionic compound is a giant structure of ions
“Nagisa.” He could feel tapping on his shoulder.
Strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions hold ionic compounds together
“Hey, Nagisa.” The tapping became more rapid.
These forces, called ionic bonding, act in all directions in the lattice
Nagisa snapped his book shut and let it rest on his crossed legs. He turned his head to look at the pouting redhead behind him, “Karma, we need to study for the test we have next week. The whole reason I agreed to come to your house in the first place was because you agreed to have a study session with me.”
“But I already know everything.”
“Well I don’t,” Nagisa retorted, “if you’re not gonna help me revise, can you at least do something quietly by yourself. I swear, if you distract me one more time, I’ll leave.”
At the other’s words, Karma immediately tightened his hold around his waist and pulled him closer to his chest so that he could drop his head against the crook of Nagisa’s neck. He murmured, “I just want to spend time with my little viper. Is that too much to ask?”
Nagisa reached his hand up to pet the red strands that made up Karma’s hair and replied with a smile, “I already see you everyday at school.”
“Yeah,” Nagisa shivered at the tingling sensation that was caused by the movement of Karma’s lips on the junction of his neck and collarbone, “but I wanna spend more time with you now. Besides we can’t do any of the fun stuff in class.”
“‘Fun stuff’?”
“Yeah, you know: kissing, making out, mouth to mouth..”
“Karma!” Nagisa whisper-yelled, blushing madly, “I really do need to study.”
“You’ve been studying for ages. At least take a snack break.”
Nagisa sighed, knowing that his boyfriend wouldn’t be letting this go anytime soon and just not having the energy to deal with Karma when he’s in his ‘whining-mode’, “Alright, fine. Just for five minutes, though.”
Keeping his hold on the smaller boy with one arm, Karma leaned sideways to grab a shopping bag that lay discarded beside them and riffled through its contents. With a smirk he offered a small muffin that was contained in plastic packaging, “blueberry muffin for my blueberry muffin?”
Nagisa rolled his eyes in response then tore open the packaging to retrieve the treat inside and took a bite, giving a pleased moan and the taste of sharp, sweet blueberries and fluffy muffin.
“Hey Nagisa,” with an answering hum, he turned towards Karma, “you’ve got a little something right here.”
Nagisa blushed when he felt Karma’s warm hands cup the entirety of his cheek so that he could brush away stray crumbs (that he knew for sure didn’t even exist) with the side of his thumb. Unconsciously, he melted into the touch, feeling soft and giddy at the tingling shots of fuzziness that ran up his spine at the way Karma’s eyes seemed to soften. It was so unfair how he could become all malleable with only a single touch from Karma, how he always ends up giving in because he does not want this to become a habit, damnit. He could feel his resistance dissipating as Karma grabbed one of his shoulders to turn him around so that they were now face to face and he knew he had to act quickly before he lost the little control he had. However, to be fair, if things did go the way that he knew that Karma was planning for them to, he wasn’t a hundred percent certain that he’d actually be too upset…
But still, he used all of his energy to lean away, despite every neuron telling him to stay in that safe hold that always provided warmth and comfort and protection, “I need to study.”
“I know,” Karma’s smile was far too innocent for his liking, “which is why I’ve decided to help you.”
“Really?” he couldn’t keep the suspicion out of his tone if he tried.
“Yep,” the red-head replied, popping the ‘p’, “only I’m not gonna help you study for science.”
He knew it, “okay then. What are you going to help me study for?”
“Something far more interesting,” Karma’s smirk turned devilish and all of a sudden, Nagisa felt like the little mouse that was begging the lion for mercy from that book of Aesop’s Fables he used to read as a kid. The taller boy leaned in, grabbing a fistful of the fabric under the collar of Nagisa’s shirt to tug him closer, and whispered into his ear, “how would you like to become a prodigy in B*tch-Sensei’s class?”
Nagisa’s ponytail shot up, ruffled, as his flustered face blossomed red. He placed his palms on Karma’s chest in a feeble attempt to push him away, “I-I really don’t think I need to study for that.”
Karma’s eyes glinted, “Oh really, why’s that, Nagi? You think that you’re already good at it?”
“N-n-no,” he stammered, his face burning like an inferno, “I-I just don’t think that it’s necessary, you-you know? It-it’s just that high-high schools don’t exactly have that stuff in their entrance exams, r-right?”
Karma let out a thoughtful hum as he buried his face into the curve of Nagisa’s neck, goosebumps ran through Nagisa’s arms as he whispered, “sounds like you’re making excuses, Nagi.” 
Karma kissed his cheek, murmuring against the soft flesh of his boyfriend’s cheek, “come on, Nagisa. I know you want to~”
Loki Odinson, give him strength.
“Karma,” he said, gulping slightly at the way the other’s golden irises pinned him down when he leaned back.
Karma took hold of his chin, “Yes, Nagisa.”
“I-I suppose that maybe a small break wouldn’t be too bad.”
Karma’s mouth twisted into a Cheshire Cat grin and all Nagisa could see was a flash of gold before every sense was consumed by the red haired devil incarnate with one arm wrapped around his back and the other on his cheek, with the cloth of his crimson button up scrunched up in Nagisa’s hand, with the increasing pressure of their lips pressing each other. Nagisa’s eyes slid closed as he let Karma take the lead, getting lost in the way everything just flowed like things always did when he was with Karma, in the way everything just felt so right as Karma angled his head so that he could kiss deeper. Nagisa could feel Karma’s hand crawl up the back of his head and hook his fingers inside the curve of the hair band that sat at the base of his ponytail before swiftly pulling it down in one smooth move, causing long strands of cerulean to unfurl downwards like a cataract of silky blue locks. Getting breathless, Nagisa used whatever strength he could muster to push himself back so that he didn’t pass out completely. They both looked at each other for a split second before the magnetic force they felt inside them increased in magnitude and they found themselves kissing once again and -
Nagisa gasped when he felt his back roughly hit the floor, wincing slightly at the loud thump it made. His head was still spinning and he looked up at Karma, who was towering above him with his palms on either side of Nagisa’s shoulders. Whilst his face was slightly pink, his eyes held concern, “sorry Nagisa. I got a bit excited there. You’re not hurt are you?”
“I’m fine,” Nagisa laughed breathlessly. He tried to get up but found that he was still too dizzy so he flopped back onto the floor again with a groan, “and here I thought I’d get some studying done.”
All he could hear was Karma’s deep chuckles before he felt himself get carried into a bridal style and deposited onto the taller boy’s bed. When Karma laid himself next to him and gathered him into an embrace, he said, “if I fail, I’m not coming to your house for at least another two weeks.”
“And people say I’m the mean one,” Karma said, apparently unbothered by his threat, “Guess I’ll just have to kidnap you and wait for the stockholm syndrome to settle in.”
“Okay, okay. Just five minutes alright. We can both start revising for the octopus’ stupid test then.”
“We were both supposed to revise anyway! But alright, if it’s just for five minutes then it’s okay.”
They did not get up after five minutes.
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thegildedlady · 3 years
Old Friends
Gray dawn broke over Stormwind City. The last stars hung dimly in the sky overhead as more and more light slowly filled up the dark spaces of the human metropolis. These early morning hours were when most of the city’s working folk made their way out of their modest homes and trudged towards whatever task awaited them. The streets were just crowded enough that Kordya Pavlov could pass through them undetected. The layer of sleep still sitting on most overnight guard’s eyes gave her some protection from recognition. Normally she tried to avoid delving this deep into the city, but today Kordya had her own task to attend to. An old friend was expecting her, and she hated to disappoint.
As she cut through the back alleys of the Old Town, Kordya began to smell the coal ash chugging out of the Dwarven district. Right about now the smiths and craftspeople would be stoking the flames from last night’s embers, ready to start a hard day’s work all over again. The smell bristled in her nose and she shook her head to expel it. Kordya walked on by the Dwarves at work, not stopping to admire their constant drive or revel in a hard day’s labor.
“At least I’m not breaking my back like those chumps,” she thought to herself, as she tried to ignore how badly the smell of coal reminded her of a long lost home.
She finally reemerged at the canals, where the coal scent was blown away on a sea breeze funneled through the entrance to the harbor. She inhaled deeply, letting it wash the earth off her as she hurried down the street. The sky was turning from deep gray to lavender, and she would need fleet feet to make it to her destination by daybreak.
Kordya looked down from the ramparts and saw a large crowd gathered at the base of the docks. A wooden platform and gallows had been erected in the looming shadow of the gilded lion’s head protruding from the stone wall behind it. Before the Prince pulled a classic Wrynn Disappearing Act, he kept the gritty practice tucked away inside the stockades and far from public scrutiny. Ever since the regency began, the High Exarch has had no such issue and resumed public executions. A hanging would always draw a crowd, and served as a not so subtle reminder of what fate awaited those who would flee from the Crown’s justice. The bleak scene caused dread to settle in her gut like she’d swallowed a stone, heavy and uncomfortable. She pulled her hood up over her mop of copper curls and began her descent. Kordya disappeared at the edge of the spectators just as the provost began to read the sentence.
“Let it be known that Frederick Albert Lafollette, of the village of Lakeshire, has been convicted of the crimes henceforth stated: Fraud, thievery, assault, arson on five counts, murder on two counts, and piracy against the Alliance Navy. For these crimes, by order of High Exarch Turalyon, he is hereby sentenced to hanging by the neck until he is dead.”
The crowd booed and hissed as the crimes came one after another. Kordya had shuffled her way closer to the center where she might get a closer look. A giant of a man, Frederick looked like he could rip clean through the ropes binding his hands in front of his person, should the desire strike him. He had been worked over, that was clear even from where Kordya was standing. His eye was blackened and his nostrils were crusted with dried blood. Though he stood in the face of his own demise, his expression was serene like a meditating monk. To the strangers gathered to watch him die, he was just another criminal. To Kordya, he would always be Freddy.
Suddenly, a gloved hand pressed against the small of her back. Kordya went stiff as a board, her fingers hovering above the pistol slung around her hips. Before she could cause a scene, a quiet voice spat out an explanation from just over her shoulder.
“Don’t get hasty now, Kordy. It’s your ol’ pal, Earle. You ain’t wantin’ to lose two old scarabs in a day now, are ya?”
Kordya whipped her head around to match the voice to the face in her mind. Earle was already older than dirt when Kordya first met him some ten years ago. Now he was brown as a nut and wrinkled like an old saddle bag. He smiled a leathery grin, his few remaining teeth hanging down to match the tufts of white hair poking out of his ears. Earle was wearing a tattered hide cloak, and pulled his hood up to match Kordya as he took his spot beside her. She did not mind his closeness, but wished he had taken a dip in any body of water before showing up today. The pink hues of the sunrise behind them gave a faint glow to the early morning mist still hanging in the air and warmed their backs as the minutes dragged on.
“I wasn’t sure anybody else would show up,” mumbled Kordya.
“Oh, s’no trouble for me. I been stayin’ down round the cemetery, so I make it out to most of the hangin’s.”
“You got a room or are you roughing it?”
“You know me, kid. I’ll let you take a guess.”
Kordya nodded curtly. She got the picture. The two stood in silence for a while- unsure of what to say to the other. They were not the same people who had formed a comradery all those years ago. What tied them together in the past was just that; the past. Their time with the Blue Scarabs wasn’t a pretty memory for either of them. If nothing else, the hollow feeling that came along when reminiscing about those days was one thing that they actually had in common. Being here for Freddy, of course, was another.
The provost held his palm up to silence the crowd’s jeering. When the noise had settled, he continued reading from the scroll in his hands.
“If Mr. Lafollette should have any last words, speak them now.”
Freddy’s gaze was cast over the crowd and out to the sea, where deep blue waters crashed against the rocky shore. He cleared his throat with a rumble, and Kordya held her breath.
“Tell my mother I’m sorry, that it ain’t her fault I ended up the way I did. And tell her I’ll get even with Pop for what he did to us, when I see him in hell.”
His voice called out clear and true and his gaze squinted against the rising sun. A flash of copper caught his eye and dragged his attention down to the crowd, where two familiar faces looked back at him with recognition and sorrow. When Freddy realized who he was looking at, he smiled sadly. Kordya smiled back, but felt the hot sting of tears welling behind her eyes.
“We’re here for you, Freddy. We came. You don’t have to do this alone,” the words screamed in her mind, but there was no need to say it out loud. Freddy understood it all, just from the way she held his gaze.
The hangman looked shrimpy compared to his charge. Freddy had to lean down, rather courteously of him, to let the hooded man slip the brown sack over his head. The crowd murmured as the priest read his last rites. A noose was fashioned around his neck, the provost signaled the hangman, and the trap door fell out from underneath Frederick Albert Lafollette. The snap of his neck would echo in Kordya’s mind for the rest of her days. He died quickly, the sheer weight of the man mercifully sped along the process. Cheers erupted from the gathered spectators as he swung. It made Kordya hate them all for their cruelty. Earle gently squeezed her hand with his boney fingers and tore her away from Freddy’s fate.
As the sun crept higher in the sky the crowd slowly trickled away until only a few remained. Kordya and Earle waited on the fringe, each had nowhere else to be. The guards had taken Freddy’s body down and wrapped him in a dirty shroud; it took five men to lift him into the crypt keeper’s cart. A Gnome with lime green hair was arguing with the driver about its destination, and the ruckus was drawing all sorts of attention.
“Fifteen gold pieces!”
“Get lost, Gnome.”
“T-Twenty! Twenty gold pieces for the giant!”
“I done told you once, I’m taking this corpse to the graveyard. He’s not for sale.”
As the cart pulled away, Freddy’s body in tow, the green-haired Gnome shook his tiny fist and cursed the driver’s name. Another Gnome, this one with hair the color of candyfloss, was trying to calm him down.
“We can’t let such a specimen escape! We should follow him, wait til the burial is done, and then-”
“Think very carefully before you finish that sentence, pipsqueak.”
Kordya pressed the barrel of her pistol down onto the top of the green one’s skull, and cocked it. He dared not move from that spot, but still could not stop his limbs from trembling. The little wannabe-bodysnatcher reminded her of a tiny, yapping dog. One flash of Earle’s smile was enough to send the pink one running. The old man set to emptying the Gnome-sized pockets in the vicinity as Kordya spoke.
“Listen, I’m a reasonable kinda gal. I know you weren’t thinkin’ of doing something to our dearly departed friend’s body. Cause if you were, well…”
She dropped to one knee and slid her gun down the back of his lime pompadour to get within earshot.
“I’d have to hunt your little friend down, and make the two of you into a new pair of boots for them to bury him in. It’s the reasonable thing to do, for a guy like Freddy. He’s a big guy! I’d say you’re about as long as his foot…” Kordya eyed the trembling man up and down, and sized him up as if she might actually be serious. It was enough to scare the color from his previously rosy cheeks.
“N-NO! I wasn’tgoingtodoanythingyouHAVEtoBELIEVEme I- I- I-”
With a kick of her muck-covered boot, she sent the Gnome stumbling to the ground and freed him from her hold. “Scram. Now.” she ordered. He did not waste time. The Gnome skittered away as fast as his legs could carry him, Kordya and Earle watched as the tiny speck of green disappeared into the distance. The old man snickered a bit, but the somber occasion still sat heavily on both their shoulders. Kordya holstered her pistol and kicked the dirt in the Gnome’s direction.
“Good riddance, son of a bitch. Vultures! He’s barely even cold, and they’re tryin’ to scrap him for parts.”
“You got that little feller pretty good, Kordy. I’d say you ain’t got to worry about Freddy now.”
She let out a shaky sigh she didn’t know she was holding and fumbled for the brass cigarette case she kept in her shirt pocket. Kordya scraped a match across the stone walls and lit up two, one for her and one for Earle. Before handing it over, she met his gaze.
“Promise me you’ll make sure they get him in the ground, and that he stays there. At least for tonight.”
“I ain’t much of a fighter no more, but I’ll keep watch over ‘em. Course I will, Kordy.”
She bought his time with a smoke they shared on the ramparts. Neither spoke again until the cigarettes had burned down to nothing. Earle snapped his fingers as the thought hit him.
“Aw shit, kid. I almost forgot! Freddy let me in on a big score comin’ his way, somethin’ he ain’t never saw before. Gimmie anothern’ and I’ll tell you what it is.”
He waggled his eyebrows, focus locked on the shiny brass case. Kordya smirked and tugged two more sticks from her stash.
“I see you ain’t lost the touch.”
“I worked a lot of jobs in my years, but I never did nothin’ for free.”
He winked at her and popped the little rolled paper between his lips. After taking a couple puffs, Earle got back to the proposal.
“Fred was tellin’ me all about this big time job that falls into his lap, right? Some E-thereal feller in fancy armor wanted him to pick up some products for buyers and deliver ‘em to where they’s goin’. Only catch is, the feller’s real secret. Freddy said he was part of some kinda cartel, but not one he ever heard of.” He took a long drag, then continued. “You know where Freddy’s old place was? That might be a good place to start.”
Kordya had already risen to her feet before he could finish talking. She offered a hand to pull the bag of bones up off the steps, which he gladly took. Earle placed a hand on her shoulder before she could set off.
“Good luck, Kordy. Don’t get caught.”
“Thanks, Earle. You too.”
The old friends parted ways having savored the moment, albeit brief, after all these years. Earle kept his promise, and watched over their fallen comrade through the night like a toothless guardian angel. Kordya had caught the scent of her next payday, and there was no stopping her now. She couldn’t wait to get back to the Mogu.
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ordonianhero · 4 years
The Rat, the Wolf and the Lion
A LU short between Legend, Twilight and Warriors. Characters are from JOJO’s Linked Universe.
Authors notes: this is a one shot, so sorry for spelling and grammar. I wrote this out as quickly as my brain thought it.
Legend and Twilight set up a scheme to prank warriors in his sleep. >:)
After a long day’s journey. The group settled camp along a crystal clear lake bed. It was teaming with fish and other wild life. Time and Twilight took it upon themselves to go gather up some fish for the group. Hyrule and wind gathered up wood for a camp fire. Legend spent some time going through their inventory, see if there was anything they may need if they were to come upon a village.
Warriors was showing Wind a few sparing sword moves. While Four was showing sky a few things about native plants and such. Wild was prepping to cook up whatever Time and Twilight brought back. Legend after some time sat down against a log watching Warriors and Wind. “Come to judge us pinky?” Chuckled Warriors as he flourished his sword at Wind. Legend snorted at Captain’s comment. “Wasn’t counting on it. Beside- you aren’t even worth putting rupees on, after the stunt I saw wind pull on Wild.” He snarkily replies. Wind laughed at the statement. Warriors smirked, “well at least I won’t be the one so easily spotted in battle. You’re one giant flag to anything near by.” Legend crosses his arms and huffed. He knew this would happen. Though Twilight had explained the look was temp and would fade over time.
Most of the group had gotten their giggles and jokes out. However warriors still find a way to jab him for it. Legend abruptly got up and went to go check on how the fishing was going. “Yeah well, whatever.” Wind could sense it was still a sensitive subject still. Warriors, paused for a second. He probably over stepped that one. He then was caught off guard as wind whacked him with the flat side of his sword.
Legend sat down hard beside twilight. Time looked over. “Everything okay there?” He asked cautiously. Legend said nothing. Time then let it go, Legend blood boiled with frustration. Twilight could feel Legend’s frustration radiating. Then suddenly as it was there, it seemed to disappear. The calming sounds of the water lapping the lake side. The frogs croaking, birds twittering away. Nature had calmed whatever fury was raging. “It’s beautiful out here.” Legend then spoke. Time nodded in agreement.
Twilight just smiled at Legend. “Sure is.” The the clouds in the sky started turning a purplish pink as the sun started going down. Twilight and Time had managed to successfully catch good amount of fish for dinner. They both stood up, but legend stayed seated. Time looked at Legend and then to twilight. “Here, I shall take our catch to the chef. You two can stick here.” Twilight nodded. He Carly handed over his catch and Time went off to give Wild the fish to cook.
Twilight folded up his rod. Tucking it into his pouch. Legend still sitting, let out a sigh. Then tosses a pebble into the water. Twilight looked around and found a flat stone and flung it in a way it skipped across the water. Before he took a seat beside Legend. “Show off.” Huffed legend. Twilight flinched. “Sorry.” He softly chuckled. Legend softly smiled. They then just sat in silence for a bit. Before Legend let out another, but softer sigh.
“So.” He spoke. “You said the hair color will fade sometime?” Twilight tore his gaze from the water and over at Legend. “Yeah. I mean- you weren’t under the crystal for long. So I am certain it will fade away.” Legend nodded. “Good, cause the captain won’t let up and I got nothing to tag him back with.” Legend sighed, plucking up another stone into the water. A near by by frog croaked.
Twilight shifted his sitting potion, bringing his knees up, feet flat to the ground and leaning back on his hands. “That can easily be fixed.” Legend looked over. “Oh no, you know what happened the last time you schemed rancher.” Legend replied, but he face went into a full smirk. “But, do go on.”
Twilight smiled back at Legend. “So, I was thinking, why not mess with him in his sleep.” Legend’s eyes grew wide and a evil grin stretched across his face. He turned his full body to face twilight. “Oh I like this Rancher. Let’s maybe stick his hand in warm water?” Replied legend. Twilight paused and tapped his chin, “classic, classic. But too simple.” They sat their quietly. Legend bent over with his to hands clasped together, resting his insect fingers to his lips. As he deeply thought. A cricket hopped between the two of them. Stopped. Rubbed its legs together and then hopped off.
“Ah ha!” Twilight states cheerfully with a finger in the air. Legend was slightly startled. A sly smirk splayed across twilight’s face. A look that wild has often worn when he is plotting something wild like. “So, how bout we take the night watch, before dawn. We set up a raft, place warriors on it, and set him out to wake up in the middle of the lake.” Legend was surprised, rancher sure knew some good plans. Assuming being around where he was from, the children of his village- he is not shocked.
“For being stoic rancher, you sure know some evil pranks. I like it.” Chuckled legend, crossing his arms. “What evil pranks?” Came a voice from behind them. There stood the captain. Twilight just smiled and stood up. “Oh, just a few stuff the village children played on me.” Legend smiled in returned. “Shocking, the rancher has some very clever pranksters.” Warriors raised an eyebrow. “Oh. Well uh the old man sent me to tell you two food is ready.”
“Oh good, I am ready to eat.” Smirked Twilight, patting the captain’s shoulder at he walked by. “Same.” Replied legend, as he was about to walk past Warriors. The Captain stopped him. “Look, sorry. I crossed a boundary and I shouldn’t have.” He said looking at Legend with an apologetic look. Legend softly smiled. “No worries. I need to learn to just go with it.” With that he walked on. Leaving warriors looking out at the beautiful sun set upon the lake. He then turned around and followed them back to camp.
Time handed twilight and legend their food as they sat together. He could see a look on the pups face that said Legend and him seem to have good talk. Warriors then came and sat over by Wind and Hyrule. The group all seem happily chattering away, then they all turned to talks of what the plan was for the next day. It then turned to who was to do first watch. “Ah Legend will take final watch together.” Twilight spoke. The group all looked at Twilight, “that’s a unique position for you. Often you like first watch.” Spoke Four. Twilight shrugged. “I don’t often sleep well. So I will just stay up with Legend. Two eyes before sun up.” Time wasn’t ganna argue with him on that. “Okay.”
Once everything was cleaned up. Twilight went off to do one last patrol for the night. He also took the time to find some good logs he could tie together and make a rafted into. He brought them back to Came to tie together. Time was taking first watch that night. Twilight looked at the camp, the rest of the guys had settled to sleep. Time raised an eyebrow at twilight and the logs. “What’s that for?” He asked quietly. “Hm, something to hopefully get me to be tired out.”
Twilight set the logs down in a way to make a small rafted. Time melted his ears and eyes out for enemies. Twilight worked quietly. Using reeds, weaving them into a rope like. Strong and sturdy. Before tying the logs together. Time was rather impressed with the pups random skills. Clearly some stuff learned from his own travels. Twilight then yawned and laid on top of the raft and falling asleep. Time chuckled and went back to his watch.
When it came to Legend’s time for watch. He was woken by sky. Then legend woke twilight. “Our turn.” He quietly spoke. Twilight shifted awake. His hair sticking out awkwardly. “Hm...okay. Let me get this raft to the water and test it out.” Legend nodded. Twilight scooped up the raft and took it to the lake. Legend made sure the camp fire was still going. Twilight quietly places the rafted in the water. He put his own weight on it. It differently wouldn’t sink and tying it together worked.
Twilight sat beside Legend and whispered. “Well he won’t sink at least” Legend chuckled quietly. They sat quietly and took on the watch. As it crept closer to dawn. That is when Twilight got up and quietly went over to warriors. Poked him. No movement. Sleeping beauty was sleeping dead beauty. Twilight scooped up the captain and carried him with his blanket to the raft.
He carefully set him down on the raft and tucked him in. Then kicking off his boots. He bent over and carefully pushed the raft out into the water. He stepped in and eased into the cool water pushing the raft out more. He then stopped And let the raft drift on its own. The watched it for a bit and smirked. He turned around and gently swam his way back to shore. He picked up his boots and made it back to camp where he dried off and sat across from Legend and smiled. Legend smirked tiredly.
As the sun came up, the group slowly stir awake. Legend and Twilight were released from watch. As members were awaking up it was Wind who took noticed warriors was missing. “Oi, where’d the Cap go? He bedding is gone too.” Twilight was busy helping pack up camp. Legend sat beside Four. Time upon hearing the Captain was missing looked about frantically. “Ah, sure he is fine. He may of went off to patrol,or something.” Legend states calmly. The camp then all went quiet as they hear the sound of a large splash and a scream from the lake.
The group all rain to the lake. As they arrived, warriors, drenched and dripping with water, was walking up to dry land. The look on his face was not one of amused. Time could see the raft that Twilight built that night. He shot Twilight and look. Twilight gave him a flustered look and smile. Legend let out a chuckle “good morning sleeping beauty. Wasn’t sure you would wake. So the water was the best alarm clock.”
The group then all laughed. Time eyes both Twilight and Legend, they could tell as much as he was furious with them, he also found it amusing. “Well let’s get you warmed up and fed.” Time states taking the wet bedding and fling it to twilight who caught it. Then lead warriors back to camp to get warmed up. “You two are on laundry duty for a week.” He states as he passes Twilight and Legend. Legend groaned and Twilight just chuckled “okay sir.”
Once everyone was fed and the Captain was dried off, They were ready to hit the road. They cleared up camp and off they went. Warriors walked up to Twilight and Legend and flung his arms around them both. “So, ah this was be a glorious sight of watching you two suffer as you do my laundry.”
“Ah it won’t bother me much. At least I had loads of practice with cleaning up soiled clothing from my days of caring for babies and children.” Chuckled twilight. Warriors huffed and pushed away Twilight. Legend laughed. “Whatever. Warriors huffed before walking off whipping his still damp scarf into Twilight’s face. Twilight and legend chuckled and tapped fists together.
~ fin.
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