#SO BADLY wanna go on a date with one another ............. GOD. when we FINALLY ACTUALLY LITERALLY get their date ...........
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The Note Saga.
HIS MAN 2 (2023). Jun Sung + Sung Ho in Episode 5.
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teddynivvy · 1 month
heyhey queen!!
im pretty new to your page, absolutely love your writing already, one of my fav writers on tumblr right now 🤭🤭🥰🥰
i was wondering if you could write something about bestfriend!ted? Maybe we just went on a crappy date with an asshole and Ted’s comforting us abt it? I’m such a sucker for best friends to lovers tropes 😤😤
anyway i hope you have a wonderful day, keep up the amazing work and remember to drink your water and eat your pasta <333
hehehe thank u so much <3 i’m glad u enjoy my writing!! best friend!ted who has a crush on u would be so…….. i’m losing my mind
#1 most respectful person ever. like even tho he has a crush on u he doesn’t show it and treats you like a bestie, so u can talk to him about literally anything
and when you tell him you’re tired of being single and wanna start dating, he supports u, even tho he wishes u would just date him!!!
secretly you have a crush on him too, but you don’t wanna ruin your friendship, so you don’t talk about it and have been trying to find someone else
listens to ur crappy date stories and laughs when ur potential partners do something stupid, basically being ur rock through it all
after one particularly bad date, when the person u met was actually just a huge asshole, you end up going to ted’s place for comfort
you’re laying on his couch, with a pint of ice cream shared between you while you recount the whole thing
ted’s listening intently, silently brooding bc he’s mad someone would treat u so badly when he’s so lovesick :(
“i just wish i could find someone who appreciated me” and you’re actually sad bc it feels like no one is out there for u
he pulls you into a big hug and rubs your back, feeling you against him and wishing so bad you’d just kiss him
“i’m not like totally unloveable, am i?” you laugh with him, feeling tears brim your eyes but you suck them back
ted’s face immediately falls, feeling so sad you’d even think that, and immediately launches into a rant about how cool and fun you are
pretty much years of pent up emotion just coming out bc he finally gets to tell u his feelings
you just stare bc he’s basically admitting all the things he thinks about u, not knowing it’s reciprocated
and when he finally stops talking he realizes he’s basically just admitted to having a huge crush on you basically forever
“oh god, sorry, i didn’t mean to…”
and you just smile and pull on the collar of his t-shirt to kiss him soooo hard because you’ve been waiting so long for it too
he tastes like ice cream and his lips are cold and you can’t get enough of him
and when you finally pull away he’s all blushed and confused
and you’re just like “i’ve had a crush on you forever. sorry i didn’t say it earlier i guess.”
and he just beams at you before coming in for another kiss :’)
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blackjackkent · 5 months
Oh, geez, as if the past two cutscenes weren't enough of an emotional roller coaster ride for Hector, we get yet another very feelsy Karlach conversation come morning.
The game has this happening as a chat in camp, but I think I am picturing this as a conversation they'd have while still at the inn after the date. Perhaps lying in bed as the sun slowly starts to peek up over the horizon, both putting off the moment when they will have to get up and get dressed and go back to camp.
So, y'know, ignore the screenshots I guess. :P
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"Hey," she says softly, running her fingers through his hair. He presses his face drowsily into her shoulder, shutting out the faint light starting to come through the window. "Wanna play pretend?"
He shifts just enough that one eye is uncovered to look up at her questioningly.
She's smiling, but it's a slightly distracted smile, a hint of sadness in it. "You and me... Let's imagine... I get to live fifty more years. We have a whole life ahead of us. What do we do?"
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He goes very still and his heart gives a sharp twist in his chest - that all-too-familiar feeling of preemptive grief that arises whenever he thinks about losing her. His instinct, immediately, is to hide from the topic - to tell her he can't bear to think about it right now, which certainly feels true enough. For a moment he turns his head and buries his face back in her shoulder.
But then he draws a breath and steadies himself deliberately.
Last night, she finally spoke, for the first time seriously and without any safety valve of humor, of what is coming for her. She did not laugh, or make jokes about it, or deflect or pretend it didn't matter that she was going to die. And he needed to hear that, very badly, and he knows it was not an easy conversation for her to have.
And now it is his turn to answer her as she needs to be answered. She is certainly not asking this question for his benefit, but for hers; for whatever reasons might be going on in her own mind, she needs to have this conversation and carry his answer with her.
Perhaps all his training in self-control, all his life, was really just leading to the moments like this, he thinks. Moments that will no doubt come more frequently as the end draws closer - moments where he needs to be strong for her, for whatever she needs.
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He shifts so his eyes are visible again and meets her gaze steadily. "It would look the same as it does now," he says slowly after long thought. "Adventure, fights - all of it together."
Does he think this is actually the truth? Hard to say. It doesn't really bear a lot of thinking about, what he actually would want from a life with her, since it brings nothing but pain. The answer he is giving is what he thinks she would want - what image would bring her happiness to hold onto.
She laughs softly, tips her head to kiss him gently between the eyes. "Now you're talking," she says lightly. "Faerun is so big, and we've barely scratched the surface." Her grin widens, but there's visible effort behind it. "I've always wanted to square up against a hill giant. With two of us, we might even stand a chance."
Her voice cracks on the last word, and she squeezes her eyes shut, a muscle working furiously in her jaw.
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"Dammit," she whispers brokenly. "I wish I had a longer road ahead of me." Her fingers dust along his jaw, up into his hair. "I want to walk it with you..."
He lifts a hand, presses it to her cheek, kisses her fiercely, because he needs to do something or he will start crying as well. As it is, when he draws back, his eyes are damp and he's sure she can tell. But he doesn't cry. He holds himself steady. So many times when he has been at his lowest, she has been there for him to lean on. He will not give her less.
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Try to hide a tear.
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"Gods," she says softly, and her voice is more full of pain and grief than he has ever heard it. "What a disaster... Finding love like this - finding you - so perfectly late..."
Her hand cups behind his head to pull him tightly against her and she presses her face into his hair. When she speaks again, her voice is muffled. "I've always thought I was fearless. Never scared of a fight, of the future. But dying has taught me so much..." She exhales shakily and he can hear the breath catch in her throat. "There's no courage in fearlessness. There's courage in being fucking terrified but still going forward. Still being grateful. Still trying."
He smiles just a little against her chest. They've spoken of this before, in truth; she has offered it as reassurance against his own fears, of which there have been many. To hear it turned back to encourage herself, as well, somehow makes him feel the connection between them deepen even more.
He wraps his arms tightly around her, presses a line of slow kisses along her collarbone, up her neck, then draws back so he look into her face again.
She meets his eyes, breathes in and then out heavily. "We're going to save this city," she says firmly. "Together. It's going to be the last thing I do."
Again, he resists the urge to look away, to hide from the grief and the fear. If she must be put in the position of having to decide on her last wish, he thinks, she could not have chosen a better one. "I'm with you, Karlach," he murmurs, and though his voice trembles, it does not break. "Every step of the way."
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She manages a slight smile, and even in spite of everything facing them, his heart flutters a little at the expression of love in her eyes. "That's why I know we're going to win."
(A/N: It's cool, Larian, I didn't need my heart or anything. Once again I'm going to include a recording of this scene as well, because Samantha Beart's voice acting has really been obliterating me lately and the animation is very evocative as well.)
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Can I request reader going to meet mob! tom's friends and when tom gets there, everyone tells him about the hot girl who just walked in and how they wanna fuck her tonight and when he tells them it's his gf they are like 😳 oh and you know tom being the most fearless mobster has trouble controlling his rage and maybe both y/n and tom have some jealous sex. pls I hope this doesn't trigger you and only write this if you want to and stay safe
I literally listened to where you belong by the weeknd while writing this the whole time lol. Hope you like this.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings : 18 +, SMUT, mature content, dom/sub dynamics, light bondage, language, breeding kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
Where you belong
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It was like any other night where Tom had to attend one of those lavish parties thrown by the biggest crime families in the country after all he's the mob boss but this time it was little different as you were going to join him tonight. After dating for six months Tom finally thought to introduce you to his underworld friends. Tom was dressed as usual in his business clothes which was a nice ensemble from Prada looking dashingly handsome as always. On the other hand you chose to wear the skin tight dress which Tom liked the most according to him it brings out the best of you. 
Reaching the venue you stepped out of the car as Tom hands the valet the car keys to park his car. Just when you were about to go inside together Tom remembers that he had an important phone call to make.
"Love, you go inside I'll be right behind you" He says to you.
"Okay come fast" you give a smile.
"Yeah I will" after making the call Tom goes inside the hall to find you when he heard some of his friends call out to him.
‘‘Hey Tom!’’ He momentarily forgot about you and made his way towards them.
"So what's up boys?" He pats Michael’s shoulder taking a drink from the ushers. 
"Tom, mate, you have no idea what you just missed’’ he informs all excitedly. 
‘‘Oh really? What was it?’’ he asked, amused.
‘‘Ask who was it, she was a fucking bombshell man, who just walked right through that door!" 
"You should have looked at her ass mate god I just want to fuck her so bad" Charles added.
"Keep dreaming you suckers because Roy is already at it, look over there" Liam chuckles pointing out to them. Tom followed their gaze and his jaw clenched as soon as he saw you, smiling and talking to one of his friends, he inhaled sharply in anger at the fact that all this time his friends were just talking about fucking you in front of him. 
‘‘Damn Roy is gonna get lucky tonight just look at those tits’’ Michael remarks as everyone chuckles except Tom who was fuming with rage.
‘‘You say another fucking word about her and I’m gonna cut that filthy tongue of yours!’’ He spat at him.
‘‘Woah man, relax. What got you so riled up?’’ Tom turned to them with a death glare.
"Listen you morons I want to make this loud and clear, she’s my girl’’ everyone’s eyes went wide in shock as they gulped hard in fear because the last thing anyone would want is to piss off Tom ‘‘and if anyone of you even dare to have improper thoughts about her I’m gonna put a fucking bullet in your heads! Do you fucking get that?!’’ He growled as everyone hung their heads low in fear agreeing to him. He then strides his way towards you.
‘‘So all by yourself?’’ Roy asks with suave in his voice.
‘‘Oh no, I’m with my boyfriend, Tom Holland you might know him’’
‘‘You- you are Holland’s girl?’’ He stutters in fear knowing that he is good as dead if Tom comes to know that he was trying to bed his girl.
‘‘Yeah’’ you tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear smiling.
"Hey darling" you felt a familiar pair of hands wrap around your waist possessively.
"There he is!" you chirped as Tom knelt down to plant a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Where were you?" you pouted.
"Sorry darling was just catching up with some friends" 
"Hey Tom" Roy says awkwardly trying to act friendly
"Hey Roy" Tom gives him a hard glare and turns to you.
"I think it's time for us to leave" He says pressing his lips in a thin line.
"But Tom we just arrived won't you have a couple of drinks" you frowned at the sudden change of plans.
"I think I actually had enough darling, let's go now" He says sternly, you noticed his hard gaze and stopped yourself from questioning him further.
"Okay" He literally dragged you out of the place to the parking area. You got inside the car and sat on the passenger seat as Tom sat on the driver's seat slamming the door shut with such force that startled you. 
The whole ride back was completely silent; you occasionally saw him gripping on the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white. You knew your boyfriend as the most feared mob boss who was also known for his short temper. And by the look on his face he seemed angry for some reason which you are unable to figure out. Surprisingly his angry demeanor was turning you on, you shifted on your seat uncomfortably as you felt heat pool between your legs which didn't go unnoticed by Tom. 
Tom didn't want the night to end like this but here he was furious and raging from inside. He was very well aware of his anger management issues and since the day you walked into his life he has tried to be the better man for you including keeping his anger in check because he would do anything for you. He was never the kind of man to be triggered with such petty things but when it comes to you he just can't control himself he couldn't get over the thought of his friends were literally eye fucking you in front him. It wasn't your fault though you were no doubt beautiful and he feels extremely lucky that he gets to call you his. But seeing you talking and laughing with Roy just lighted up his fuse. He knew you were just being nice to him but when he knows what Roy's actual intentions were with you just makes him see red. 
He just wants to be reassured again that you belonged to him and only him which he is going to make sure tonight. And seeing you getting all fidgety he knew that you were soaking with arousal making him smirk internally at the effect he has on you. 
You finally reached the driveway of your mansion as Tom pulled over the car. You couldn't take the silence anymore and finally spoke up. 
"Tom are you OK?" your voice was full of concern reaching out a hand to his forehead "You are sweating" He grabs your hand with a death grip making you swallow hard as your gaze shifted to his brown orbs which were now swirling with rage and pure lust, yes he was angry and you know exactly what is going to happen next you found yourself getting even more wet just at the thought of it. 
"Bedroom. Strip and wait for me" his voice sharp and dominating. You nodded and let out a small "Yes" 
"Yes what?" He demands. 
"Yes sir" you say submissively, the corner of his lips curl up to a smirk as he brushes your cheekbone with his knuckles gently. 
"Good girl" 
You got out of the car and immediately went to your bedroom. Without wasting any time you did just as you were told, taking off your dress, you sat on the bed on your knees in just your lace panties with palms laying flat on your thighs as you waited for him in anticipation. Every passing minute felt like an hour as you felt your nipples harden in the cool air and arousal pool between your legs, you rubbed your thighs to get some relief from the growing ache. 
He finally arrives after some agonizing moments later the tux he was wearing already discarded and some of the buttons of his shirt unbuttoned giving a nice peak to the solid abs underneath. 
"Such a good girl, aren't you princess?" he cooes as he walks in and sits in front of you. 
"Only for you Tommy" you say sweetly. He knelt down and grabbed your jaw roughly to capture your lips hungrily his tongue prys open your mouth exploring your mouth. He gently sucks on your bottom lip tugging it lightly before pulling away you look at him through your lashes gasping. He brushes his thumb against your swollen bottom lip which you eagerly wrapped your lips onto, sucking and swirling your tongue around it as you hold onto his arm.
"Now don't be so greedy" he purrs as you release his thumb with a pop. 
"Give me your hands" He demands as you reluctantly extend your hands to him. Tom knows how you hate your hands being tied up with how much you love to run your hands through his hair and hold him close to you making you feel safe in his arms but today he had to establish that you were only his, he takes out his tie that was stuffed in his back pocket and ties up your hands with intricate knots. 
"Is this OK?" he asks tugging on it.
"Yes" you affirm, he pushes you onto the bed as you fall back on the soft mattress with him hovering over you as he unbuttons the rest of the buttons of his shirt and takes it off in a swift move. 
"So beautiful and just for me" he says with hooded eyes while his hands trailed down your inner thigh as the coolness of the gold rings on his finger sent shivers right up your core. He pinned your tied hands above your head when you tried to raise them.
‘‘Uh uh princess I thought you were my good girl’’ He patronizes
‘‘I am’’ you whimper in his strong hold.
‘‘Then behave if you don’t want me to leave you like this’’ he says kissing down your throat. You let out a gasp when you felt his warm mouth latch on to your hardened nipple. He smirked and continued sucking, teeth grazing on your soft mounds making you moan. 
"How dare those bastards look at what is mine?!" he growls in between littering your skin with wet kisses and marking you.
You were so helpless and completely at his mercy. Writhing under him and craving him so badly, snaking a hand inside your soaked panties, "so fucking wet" he observed as he spread your slick around your folds, pulling a desperate whimper from you. He brings his fingers to his mouth. 
"Tastes so sweet every time angel" he hums sucking them clean. He then trailed kisses down your stomach, on your navel, before he found home between your legs as he hooks his fingers to the waistband of your panties and simply rips it off you. He stared at your bare, glistening pussy hungrily as if you were his last meal. He dives down right into it sloppily licking through your folds making you arch your back but he holds you down placing a hand on your stomach as he continues his assault. 
You felt dizzy, your brain barely able to comprehend your surroundings. The only sensation you felt was Tom and his calloused fingers which he expertly worked up your dripping cunt and threw you over the edge. When he pushed three of his fingers inside you, you felt delirious and came all around his fingers. 
Tom quickly gets rid of the rest of his clothes and holds himself above you resting his forearm on the side of your head one hand reaches down to grab his throbbing member as he swipes his tip through your slick folds coating it with your arousal before pushing it in your aching hole. You gasp as you feel his tip slide past your entrance and fills you entirely, the stretch making you close your eyes in pleasure. 
‘‘Always so fucking tight!’’ He grunts feeling your walls warm and snug around him. Your eyes shoot wide open as he pulls his hips back and slams right into you without even letting you adjust to him, drawing out a loud moan from you. 
You were writhing underneath him wriggling your hands desperately wanting to feel him and hold on to him. Tom finally took mercy on you as he snakes a hand to your wrists and unties your restraints. As soon as your hands were free you flung them to his back pulling him closer as possible, one hand went to tug on to the roots of his hair. You wrapped your legs around his hips, hooking them behind his back. You could never get enough of him, you needed him deep inside you exploring parts of you that no one could ever reach. He nips at your neck sucking on your skin harshly, making sure for everyone to see who you belong to.
"Who is making you feel this good princess?" His voice raspy and breathless.
"You…" your voice trailed off as he pounds into you mercilessly. 
"Didn't hear you princess" he reaches down to rub where your bodies were connected. 
"You Tom! You!" you shrieked out at the added stimulation.
"That's right baby, I’m the only one who can make you feel like this, no one can make you scream the way I do, no one knows where to touch you like I do" he rubs harsher circles on your sensitive bud and moves his hips to thrust into you deeper, your moans growing louder and louder boosting his ego as your walls clasp around him.
"Fuck! I need to make sure everyone knows who you belong to eh? Maybe put a baby in you, what do you say?" He reckons while he continued to rut his hips
"Yes Tom fill me up, fill me up with your babies" you nod your head furiously as the sound of skin slapping against each other fills the room along with your grunts and moans.
"You will look so pretty baby, all round and beautiful with our child" He brushes your hair gently from your sweat covered face, you were a babbling mess by now unable to form any proper words except his name, his words only spurring you on to your impending climax. He keeps pounding into you even harder than before as you feel your body tense up, toes curling as the coil inside your stomach tightened.
"C'mon baby cum all over my cock, make me fill you up and mark you as mine" He urges and you screamed out when you felt the coil inside you finally snap your walls tightening around him as you came undone raking your nails down his back while his lips captured your swollen ones swallowing your moans as he finally cums inside you filling you up with his warm release and collapses on top of you.
"Mine" he mumbles into your skin between ragged breaths. 
"All yours" you say reassuringly running your fingers through his hair soothingly catching your breath. 
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thefloorisbalaclava · 3 years
I had a dream about fishing last night (and I hate fishing) but it made me think of mechanic Frankie taking reader up to his secret cabin that he owns that they had no idea about for a first real weekend getaway, just them, and reached them how to fish. And he’s sitting there relaxing looking over at them and just thinking “wow, I get to be this happy again.” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Pairing: Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x F!Reader
Warnings: You check Frankie out quite a few times in this, kissing, we’re getting there (if you know what i mean), Frankie doubting himself. Also please don’t kill me for the ending. I have another ask I’m saving it for.
The girl scout story in this fic is completely true lol.
A/N: This got a little longer than I expected clocking in at a little over 2.5k but it’s all just fun and flirty and a little sexy too.
[mechanic!frankie masterlist]
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Frankie was proud of himself. After years of being single, of not even dating, he was a boyfriend and a damn good one if he went by what you told him. You loved all the dates and places he took you, but there was one place he still hadn’t shown you. He was afraid to.
He wanted to take you away for the weekend, but he was afraid that it was too soon to ask you for something like that. He didn’t want to scare you away by asking you to join him at his cabin this weekend. Maybe you would think that he wanted something from you. Yes, that something. The thought alone made his face get hot and he quickly pushed it from his mind. It wasn’t what he wanted from you at all even if you two were up there alone. Just waking up beside you sounded nice.
“Frankie, are you okay?” you asked, nudging him gently. “Your ice cream is melting.”
He looked down. “Oh!” He quickly brought the cone to his mouth and licked the mess from the side of the cone and his hand. You looked away, pretending to be distracted by the birds in the sky.
“Something on your mind?” You looked at him out the corner of your eye to make sure his tongue was back in his mouth. When you saw that it was, you turned to him and touched his thigh for reassurance.
“No...well, yeah, but...uhhh...” He sighed and looked down at his ice cream again. “There’s something I want to ask you.”
“Well, ask me.” You waited with bated breath. When he didn’t speak, you checked your watch. “You’re gonna have to head back to the garage soon. You wanna talk about it later?”
“No. If I don’t do it now then I never will.” He took a deep breath and looked you in the eye. “Would you maybe want to...go away this weekend? W-With me?”
“Go away? Where?” you asked excitedly.
“I have a cabin near the lake. Maybe we can...fish and stuff,” he said nervously. “You don’t have to. I know this is weird. I shouldn’t be asking you to go away with me so soon and-”
“I’d love to go,” you told him then licked your ice cream. His eyes wandered to your lips then back up to your eyes. He was quiet until he realized what you said.
“I said I want to go to your cabin this weekend. I need a little getaway. It will be nice to really have you to myself,” you said. You squeezed your eyes shut. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It sounds selfish.”
“Selfish? I’m flattered,” he chuckled. “You can be as selfish with me as you like.”
You turned to him again. “I can’t wait to see your cabin.”
“I can’t wait to show you.”
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It had been so long since Frankie had been up to his cabin with someone. After his wife died, he rarely made the drive and when he did, it was to be alone. He would sit there and wallow the entire time, missing her, missing what he had. Now he had you—someone to share it with and happy to do so.
He waited by your door as you scrambled around grabbing a few more things. You finally walked over to him, bag in hand, and smiled. “I think I’m ready now.”
“I’ll take that for you.” He took the bag you were holding, sneaking in a quick kiss as he did.
“Thank you, sir.” You walked out side-by-side and he carefully placed your bag in the back of his truck.
“It’s a little over an hour away. I hope you don’t mind long drives,” he said as he climbed into the truck.
“Are you kidding? I love long drives.”
He beamed at you. How did he get so lucky to find someone who loved the things he did again? Better yet, what did he do to deserve this again? He put on his aviators and started the truck as you sat back and smiled out the window.
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On the drive, Frankie discovered that he would never hear a better sound than your laugh. He would never tire of the way your voice went up a few octaves when you got excited. No one had made him smile that way in so long.
“Oh my God, babe look...horses!” You grabbed his arm excitedly. He wondered if you realized you had called him babe.
“I see ‘em,” he chuckled. You turned to him and looked him up and down. “What?”
“I like that shirt on you.” Your eyes trailed down to his neck and bit of exposed chest since he hadn’t buttoned the shirt up completely. The shirt was black with what looked like palm trees and water patterned all over. He had the sleeves rolled up, so you got a good look at his forearms as well. You realized that you had been ogling the poor man and quickly looked up only to see a smirk on his lips.
“I can buy you one just like it if you want,” he offered.
“Nah, I’d rather just see it on you.” Since when were you so flirty?
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Frankie had never felt better about himself. As he carried the bags into the cabin, he couldn’t stop smiling. He stopped to look at himself in the mirror as you looked around outside. The shirt did fit him pretty well and the undone buttons gave him sort of a bad boy look. He pushed the aviators up onto his head and winked at himself.
“Frankie!” you called, and he jumped, clearing his throat as you walked into the cabin.
“It’s so beautiful up here.” You ran into his arms and hugged him. “Thank you for bringing me.”
He smiled as he put his arms around you. “Thank you for letting me.”
“So...fishing first?” you asked, pulling back to look into his eyes.
“Yeah, if you want. You don’t want to rest first?”
“Nope. I wanna see everything.” You walked back outside and waited for him. “Are we walking to the lake?”
“Sure, just let me grab the stuff. By the way, I didn’t stop for bait so we might have to dig for our own,” he warned.
“Okay! Need me to carry anything?”
“No ma’am.”
You watched as he grabbed the fishing poles and then reached for something higher up. You had no idea what it was because you were too busy ogling the man again—the little bit of his lower back that was exposed as he reached up, the way the shirt stretched over his shoulders and back, the sinew of his tanned forearms.
“You coming?” he asked, and you blinked a few times.
“I-what? I mean, yeah.” You had to take a few quick steps to catch up to him so that you could walk beside him. You both kept catching each other staring before looking away, laughing. When the lake came into view, you gasped.
“Like it?”
“It’s perfect, Frankie.” You glanced back at him happily and he smiled.
“Before we do anything else, we gotta get bait. Good thing it rained a few days ago.” He placed the fishing rods down gently on the dock before walking back and looking under rocks and digging in the dirt for worms. “There’s a bunch over here,” he called, and you ran over holding a few of your own.
“Got some too.” You placed them in the small bucket Frankie carried.
Once you both had enough, Frankie walked out onto the dock and kicked off his shoes and socks before rolling his jeans up. You did the same then closed your eyes and inhaled deeply. The air was so clean and fresh.
“Do you know how to fish?” he asked.
“Well, at Girl Scouts camp we used to find long, sturdy sticks and tie fishing line to them then tie on the hook. One time, we couldn’t find worms, so I playfully took some bread and put that on the hook, and I actually caught a fish!”
“Girl Scouts camp, huh? How long ago was that?” he joked.
“Hey!” You nudged him as he laughed. You loved making him smile and laugh just to see that dimple—the deepest dimple you had ever seen.
“Well, would you like me to show you how to use a fishing rod?” he asked, and you nodded. “Okay...do you mind if I...” He moved behind you and put the fishing rod in your hand.
“N-No, I don’t mind.” You could feel his warmth radiating against your back. With each breath he took, you could feel his chest and stomach move against you.
“Right...so...” His voice was so close to your ear, you wanted to turn so badly but then his lips would be right there, and it would be so tempting. “Get yourself a good grip.” He guided your hand and squeezed it lightly. “Like so...”
“Okay,” you breathed.
“Stay just like that.” He moved away and you already missed his warmth. He knelt to put a worm on your hook then stood behind you again. “Pull back nice and slow and...” He moved your arms back with his then swung forward expertly. “There we go.”
“Now what?”
“Now we wait.” He wrapped his arms around you and the dock swayed with the water, making you both sway along with it. It was relaxing and comforting and what made it even better was that his arms were around you.
You wished you two could stay that way forever.
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You stomped into the cabin, pouting like a petulant child.
“Sweetheart, there’s no reason to be upset. Even pros don’t catch fish all the time,” he said, kicking off his boots by the door.
“But...I wanted to,” you complained. When you turned to him, he was grinning. “It’s not funny.” But it was and you both started laughing.
“Maybe next time,” he told you.
“Next time? You wanna bring me again?” you asked.
“Yeah, of course.” He stood there looking at you and you at him. How many times were you going to stare at him today? “Still like this shirt on me?” he asked.
“Absolutely,” you murmured as you made your way over to him and kissed him. Hard. He made a sound of surprise but kissed back in earnest. He held you close, his soft lips claiming yours. You made him stumble backwards until he hit one of the wooden columns in the middle of the room. He grunted and his hands moved slowly to your lower back. Your fingers tangled in his curls, and you pressed your body against his even more.
Frankie couldn’t remember the last time he had been kissed that way or even wanted to kiss someone that way. Your body fit so perfectly against his that he had quietly wondered if you were made for him. He’d never forget the way you gasped against his lips when his hands slid under your shirt and touched that soft skin for the first time. He’d never forget how your lips looked as you pulled away and just looked at him before slowly moving your thumb along his lips.
“You have...lovely lips,” you told him before kissing him again.
He was feeling things he hadn’t felt in so long and... he was embarrassed. As you pulled away to kiss along his jaw and down his neck, he felt as though he would stop breathing.
“Wait...wait...,” he breathed, and you stopped immediately.
“I-I’m sorry, Frankie.” You backed away, looking down at the floor.
“I just...I need some air.” He swallowed hard then walked past you and out the door. He took a deep breath then cursed quietly as he kicked at a rock in front of him. “You fucking idiot.”
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You walked upstairs full of regret. You had initiated that kiss and it had made him so uncomfortable that he had to leave the cabin.
As you showered, you thought of all the ways you could make things right again if he even wanted to keep seeing you after this. That thought scared you the most. You didn’t want to lose Frankie, but you couldn’t help but think that maybe you did.
It was a good thing you had separate rooms because that would give him the space he needed away from you. You were so embarrassed, so ashamed of yourself. You made sure to stay in the room for the rest of the day, settling into bed when the moon was high in the sky.
As soon as you closed your eyes, Frankie knocked on your door and you sat up. “Yes?”
“May I come in?” he asked.
“Sure.” You rolled out of bed and threw a hoodie on over your pajamas. The door opened and Frankie stood in the doorway, filling it with his broadness. “Come in.”
“I’d like to explain myself,” he started.
“Frankie, you don’t have to do that. I overstepped and I apologize.”
“Overstepped? No, I just got nervous. I panicked. It’s been so long since I felt...that way. I was embarrassed, still am. But I appreciate that you stopped when I needed you to.” He smiled and you nodded.
“Of course I did. I would never want to make you uncomfortable.”
“It wasn’t that I was uncomfortable.”
“I just knew what it would lead to and...it’s been so long for me. I don’t want to disappoint you,” he admitted. His face was on fire.
“Disappoint me? You could never do that, Frankie.” You moved closer to him slowly.
“The truth is that I feel like I need to learn how to do that all over again and I should know, you know? I was married. Three years though...” He shook his head.
“There’s no rush. I’d be happy just having you hold me until I fall asleep.”
He scoffed at himself. “I don’t deserve you.”
“You do.”
This time he walked up to you and kissed you. “I want to be worthy of you,” he said against your lips.
“You are.”
“I want...to make love to you,” he confessed.
You pulled away and looked him in the eye. “You can...” He kissed you again before you could speak. When he stopped, you spoke. “...but only if you are comfortable. Remember, there’s no rush.”
“Can we just take it slow, take our time?” he asked.
“Of course we can.”
“Thank you,” he said before kissing you some more. You don’t know how long you two stood there just kissing, all you knew was that you could do this every day for the rest of your life. “So...I may be a little rusty, but I’m pretty sure I’d like to be doing this in bed. If that’s okay.”
You grabbed his hand and led him to the bed. You both sat on it and looked at each other before laughing. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” He cupped your face with one hand. “I’m ready.”
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frankie taglist: @strangelittlenobody @ithinkimhardcore @damerondala @arellanofelixboys @skvatnavle @tobealostwanderer @surfsup666 @gingib @paperbag33 @anothersherlockian @grogusmum @lestradeslover @lazybeeches @shameless-h @over300books @pinkrosethorne @petty-as-usual-darling @icanbeyourjedi @findhimfives @djvrins @queridopascal @sweet-black-magic @tayloramato @ks04 @hnv-escape @linnie0119 @hb8301 @the-bird-suit @barnes-and-bitch @noromeojuliet @slugbuggie @astoryisaloveaffair @swol-bear @jeeperky @littlefairygirlx @appleheard @allthingsnarcos @darlingdin @hunnambabe @triggerhappyflygirl @stardust-galaxies @fuck-goes-on @dwarfplanet69 @the-page-mistress @mikahowl @dandywinchesterbras @xserenax-13
general taglist: @jedi-mando @agentwhiskeypussyindulgence @mitchi-c @themarcusmoreno @punkpascal @saltywintersoldat @pedro-pascal-owns-my-entire-ass @f0rever15elf @loki-098 @feelmyroarrrr @thirstworldproblemss @sarahjkl82-blog @phoenixhalliwell @artsymaddie @freeshavocadoooo @silverwolf319 @beesting77 @mrsparknuts @anatanotegami @doin-stuff @lilkermit14 @softboiipascal @pedropascaldice @insomniamamma @heresathreebee @cyaredindjarin @thatgirlselectryc @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @darnitdraco @ladylothlorien @deeplyjohnnydepp @bunniwarrior @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @meghanjhegwood @waywardmando @ew-erin @mynameis3-14 @kingpascals @martellthemandalor @dazedrhapsody @kandomeresbitch @frankiemorales @girlwithanewplan @notabotiswear @liveloudwriteloud @feel-it-on-the-way-home13 @seasonschange-butpeopledont @roxypeanut @marvelousmermaid @empress-palpat1ne @hdghty @pedrospunk @its–fandom–darling @littlebopper96 @bison-writes @tumblogbykarapaloma @burrshottfirstt  @amneris21 @pretty-brown-eyess @rosiefridayrogersunday @havenforafrazzledmind @miulola @disasterhann @liviiii98 @jaime1110 @cjillian97 @abicokiyaa @we-willcryinthemoonlight @heartbreak-of-a-marauder @salome-c @virtualxjournality  @lv7867 @coaaster @borderlinedindjarin @anxiousandboujee @bitchylittleredhead @the-wishmonger @callsigncatfish @jitterbugs927 @chasingdreamer @antisocialthat70sshow @maievdenoir
*If your url is crossed out its because tumblr won’t let me tag you for some reason. sorry!
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
delicate -- Hotch x Reader one-shot
Here’s that one-shot I’ve been holding for a while! Named her delicate after Taylor Swift’s song, purely because of the whole “dive bar on the east side/where you at?” imagery. I listened to the Spotify Singles (acoustic) version of the song while writing this, if you wanna listen while you read! Enjoy!! xx.
Summary: Hotch doesn’t go to bars very often. Until he meets you at one.
Warnings: age gap (reader is somewhere around 24-25), mentioning of being safe at a bar (so alluding to date rape drugs), harassment from one drunk dickhead
Hotch Masterlist
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Hotch doesn’t go to bars.
When he’s not on a case, working on paperwork for a case, or caring for his son, he’s normally asleep.
Not at a bar.
But some nights, the memories are too much. Some nights, the cases take a toll on him — especially the children that never made it back home to their parents.
He doesn’t know why he’s in a bar. The only time he comes is when the team goes out and wants to drag him with. It’s normally Dave who manages to get him to agree to a beer or two.
But Aaron is alone this time.
You, on the other hand, know exactly why you’re in a bar.
You’re bored, you’ve just finished your masters degree, you need a drink and some time to yourself to people-watch.
It’s fun, really. Observing people while they’re drunk. You usually have one drink and switch over to water, wanting to remember the things you see while also staying safe.
But occasionally— or, well, more than occasionally by the sheer unfortunate fact of you being a woman alone in a bar, you get the typical man sliding into the seat next to you before he’s even all the way through his rehearsed, “Is this seat taken?”
You never answer. There is no point in trying because their ass already hits the chair before you can say, “Yes, it’s taken, by my foot, now move before I kick it up your ass.”
You never say that, not often. Sometimes the guys can be pretty big assholes, but the bartender, Vanessa, knows you well, so she usually threatens security before you get yourself in trouble.
Unfortunately, tonight looks like it’s going to be one of those nights.
The bar is packed for a reason you aren’t privy too until you see (and hear) the random band start a new song. Great. Performance.
Still, you snag the last seat at the bar, waving to the bartender when she sees you. You barely get the seat warm before she’s sliding your usual in front of you.
“It’s on the house tonight,” she yells.
“What?” You shake your head. “No the fuck it’s not.”
She leans closer so she doesn’t have to yell as loud. “You are my saving grace in this sea of assholes, so yes it is. We can fight about it later.”
“Fine,” you roll your eyes. You dip your hands underneath the bar to switch your diamond ring from your right to left hand.
Tonight, you’re married.
You got this ring when your last relationship ended so badly. It was a long time coming, and once you were finally able to see the other side, you went out and bought yourself an engagement ring. Just for you. A promise to yourself to start loving yourself harder, and going out with dickheads less.
So far, it’s been wonderful. You’re loving being alone. It was exhausting going on so many first dates, trying to love someone else instead of letting yourself heal.
It’s been two years of singleness for you now, and you’ve loved almost every day.
The “wedding” ring usually makes most of the guys turn the other way. A few that are oblivious will try talking to you, but once they glance at your hand, they excuse themselves.
It’s hysterical, if you’re honest.
But some, unfortunately, don’t give a damn.
Like the guy who has just squeezed his way into the seat next to you.
You roll your eyes and prepare yourself for the shallow conversations because, for some ungodly reason, the band decided now was a good time for a break.
“You come here often?”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. “Nope.”
“It’s a pretty good place,” the guy says, waving down the other bartender, his name is Nick. “You should come here more often.”
“Should I, now?”
“Yeah,” the guy grins. “You’ll see me.”
You roll your eyes so hard it nearly hurts.
“Wanna dance?”
“Not in the mood.”
“Can I buy you another drink?”
“No thanks.”
“Can I get you anything?”
“Why, do you work here?”
“Look, I’m just trying to be nice.” Ah, there it is. The “nice guy” line.
You turn your head, raising an eyebrow. “Good for you. I’m not interested.”
“Ooh,” he feigns hurt, holding an open hand to his chest. “Ouch.”
You shrug. “You’ll get over it.”
“You sure you don’t wanna dance?”
“I’m married,” you say easily, picking your glass up with your left hand to show off your ring. You don’t drink from your glass because you made the mistake of looking away for only a moment, so now you’re paranoid that he might’ve slipped something in it.
The guy looks around, then back to you. “I don’t see a husband.” Oh, he sounds so smug. Like he’s pulled one over on you. Moron.
“He’s on a work trip.”
“Well, he’s not here.”
“You don’t want to get on his bad side, dude.”
“Oh really? What’s he do for a living?”
“He works for the FBI.” The lie slips from your mouth before you can stop it, and you almost laugh.
It’s something you’ve pulled from the countless guys that have said they work for the FBI, but have no badge to show for it. It’s always cracked you up. You’re aware there’s an FBI office around here, but you doubt a greasy, blackout drunk works for them. Let alone more than five greasy, blackout drunks in one night.
“The FBI, huh?” The guy says, just taking it in stride. “What’s his name?”
Right as you’re about to make one up until Vanessa can get back over here to threaten security, two arms slip around your waist.
You’re ready to throw caution to the wind along with your fists, but the owner of the arms says, “Just go with it, I’m Aaron.”
You turn your head to see a very handsome older man peering down at you, a smile on his lips that you can’t help but mirror. Something about his face has your gut screaming that you can trust him, so you play along.
“Honey! I thought you were in Texas!” You throw your arms around his neck for good measure, and also for a moment to casually get a good whiff of his cologne. Goddamn. You’ll gladly be his fake-wife. Any day. Forever.
“I was,” Aaron says, squeezing you before letting you go. He moves to stand next to you, his arm around your waist in a protective manner. “We landed early, wanted to surprise you.” He kisses your knuckles to keep up the act, and then settles his eyes on the man who was bothering you.
“You must be the husband,” the guy mutters bitterly. “You really work for the FBI?”
Oh, fuck, you think. This guy just doesn’t give up. A few future scenarios flash before your eyes, but the one most alarming is a fight erupting, which isn’t all that far-fetched. You’d never be able to come back if you caused something like that.
But before you can stumble through some excuse, Aaron is pulling out a badge. An actual badge.
“Supervisory Special Agent Hotchner. I’m the unit chief of the BAU,” he says easily, holding his badge out for as long as it takes the guy to inspect it. You have no clue what BAU stands for, but you’re just thanking whatever Gods might be real that this is happening.
The idiot is scowling by the time Aaron puts his badge away. He leaves without a word.
Your jaw nearly drops as you watch the guy go, and literally leave the bar. You had hopes that he’d leave you alone, but leaving the bar entirely is even better.
Aaron’s arm slips from around your waist as he moves to take the now empty seat next to you. All the while you’re gawking at him like you’re in some fever dream.
When he catches your eyes, he says, “What?”
“Am I dreaming?” You blurt. “Do you really work for the FBI?”
He chuckles and pulls out his badge again, holding it out to you where you can read it. And sure as shit, he’s an actual FBI agent. What the fuck.
You look up as he pulls his badge away. “Did you hear me tell the guy my husband worked for the FBI?”
Aaron shakes his head. “That was pure luck. By the way,” he holds his hand out to you. “I’m Aaron.”
“Y/N,” you shake his hand, smiling at the fact that Aaron wanted to go through the official pleasantries and that you got to feel how soft his hand is again. “Thank you for that. I thought he’d never leave.”
“No worries. And it’s best he did, I really didn’t feel like arresting anyone tonight.”
“Arresting him? For what?”
“Well for starters, harassment. But since that usually doesn’t hold up very well, I’d have to say it was for his cocaine addiction.”
Your eyes widen. “He was doing coke?”
“Well, not out in the open, of course, but there were traces of it on his nose and his eyes had that look to them. Addicts are easy to spot when you run into them enough.”
Who the hell is this guy?
“Oh, and forgive me, what’s your husband’s name?” Aaron gestures down at your left hand. “I might know him, but I can’t say that I recognize you.”
“Oh,” you move the ring back to your right hand, much to Aaron’s surprise. “I’m not married. I only put it on the left hand to try to avoid assholes like that.”
“I see,” Aaron nods, and if you’re not mistaken, he almost looks pleased.
Vanessa returns to get Aaron’s drink, and then gives you a look.
You want to scream, yes, I’m well aware he is dangerously attractive and that he’s talking to me but don’t you dare say a word to embarrass me.
Instead, you say, “Can you make me another?”
She nods in understanding and pours out your drink, setting off to make a second after sliding Aaron his beer.
“So,” you turn your body and prop your head in your palm. “What’s got an FBI agent in a bar on a Tuesday night?”
He takes a long swig of his beer before answering. “What’s the real story behind that ring on your hand?”
“Answer for an answer,” you sing, smiling at Vanessa when she brings you your drink. She leaves without a word, raising her eyebrows at you.
“The cases can be rough,” Aaron says vaguely, bringing your attention back to him. “You?”
“Got it as a promise to myself to never date another prick ever again,” you chuckle, gazing down at the ring. “It’s worked its magic, so far.”
“So far?”
“I’m talking to you, aren’t I?”
He smiles through his next swig of beer.
It becomes a routine, you and Aaron sharing a drink at the bar.
To your surprise, he has the same views as you about alcohol. It’s fun to have one drink, but getting wasted and blacking out isn’t.
It’s refreshing, if you’re honest. Everyone your age wants to get absolutely shitfaced every time they go out, and that’s just never been for you.
It helps that Aaron is older. Well— You’re not sure if it helps or not. Because he is significantly older, the farthest you two have gone is sharing a drink at the bar. He usually leaves first, needing to get home to his son, to do more case work, or there was one time when he actually got a call about a case mid-drink. He was gone for two weeks after that.
But he always comes back, and he always finds you here, at this bar.  
You mostly come every night to keep Vanessa company for an hour or two. To give yourself a break from the chaos of reality and to give her a familiar face in the sea of drunken customers.
Every night that Aaron isn’t here, Vanessa asks you where he is. Like you would know (you only do if he tells you of a possible up and coming case). Like you have his number (you don’t). Like you care (you don’t want to admit that you do).
“No Daddy tonight?” Vanessa teases, sliding you your drink.
“If you don’t stop calling him Daddy, I swear to God.”
“Oh, don’t swear to Him. He doesn’t need to get involved.”
You send a glare her way, but you’re holding back a laugh.
“Is he still on a case?” She asks, trying to be serious again.
You shrug. “Who knows. They can last pretty long. He was gone two weeks for the last one.”
“Keeping track, are we?” She raises an eyebrow.
“Shut up.”
“I’m just saying, you two are killing me here, sharing drinks and not saying how you feel. It’s torture to watch you every week, you know.”
“He’s like...twenty years older than me. Or something.”
“And?” She scoffs. “Age is but a number. You’re an adult. He’s an adult. It’s fine.”
You shrug. “He probably just sees me as a friend. He would’ve given me his number or something by now, right?”
“I dunno, men are weird. But he’s older, he’s probably scared to make a move, scared he’ll make you uncomfortable.”
You shrug again. You appreciate her trying to show you the possibilities, the logical reasons for why the two of you haven’t gone any further from the bar, but you aren’t sure what to believe. Plus, it’s been a week since you’ve seen him. The last time you two shared a drink, he didn’t say anything about a case.
So, he’s either on a case again, or has stopped coming.
The latter thought has you debating getting shitfaced wasted for the first time in years. Being blackout drunk would probably hurt you less than if it’s true that he’s just suddenly ditched you.
But what stops you is when Vanessa runs back over, eyes wide. “Just spotted your hottie.”
Oh, now he’s my hottie? “What?” You inwardly scold yourself for sounding a little too giddy at the prospect of him being here. 
But if he’s here, why isn’t he sitting next to you?
Vanessa answers that one for you. “At a table in the back. He’s with friends I think.”
Friends? Never mind then on sharing a drink with him. “Oh, cool.”
Vanessa looks like she wants to say something, but is called away to another customer.
You don’t want to butt in with Aaron’s time with friends, so you stay at the bar, facing forward, nursing your one drink. Your mind conjures a plan in two seconds flat: finish your drink, head out for the night and discreetly look in Aaron’s direction, hopefully catch his eye, but if not, just go home and...shower and go to sleep.
Because if he wants to see you, he will. If he doesn’t, then he won’t.
Good plan.
Or at least, it is, until Aaron is sliding up beside you.
Your heart launches itself into your throat. You don’t say anything because you have no idea what to say. You were too busy assuming he’d rather be with his friends (which is...fine because it’s not like the two of you are...dating) to notice him walking up.
He says something for you, though. “Hey.”
Well, he might as well have stayed silent. What are you supposed to do with that?
“Hey,” you return casually, then offer a small smile. “Thought you’d be gone longer.” You operate on the assumption that he was on a case.
And he was. “This one actually worked in our favor.” He leans his elbows onto the bar, and naturally your eyes follow the movement. He’s not in a stuffy suit like the last few times, but he’s still in a dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Arms. You’re a complete sucker for arms, and he’s practically teasing you like this.
“That’s good,” you comment, taking a sip from your drink. “Here to celebrate?”
“Yeah, we are.”
Nick brings Aaron his beer, thankfully, because you know Vanessa would’ve made some not-so-vague comment about Aaron being up here -- and maybe let an “accidental” Daddy comment slip.
To your surprise, Aaron sits down.
Your eyebrows furrow. “I thought you’re here with friends?”
Aaron looks over his shoulder and shrugs. “Just my team, yeah. I imagine they’re tired of me, though.”
You doubt that’s the case, but you know that if you say that, he’ll just brush it off.
“Not even gonna introduce me?” You tease instead, but you honestly want to smack yourself. You need to get a better hold on your word vomit. Inviting yourself is insanely rude.
Aaron’s eyebrows raise slightly, clearly not expecting you to say that — or to even want to be introduced to his team. “They’re a lot,” he says. “They’ll make a big deal out of this.”
“This?” You question, gesturing shortly between the two of you. “What is this?”
“What do you want it to be?” He asks carefully, averting his eyes shyly.
“Well,” you exhale dramatically, swirling your drink. “I think when you’ve shared a drink with a woman more than...twenty times, it should at least be considered dating.” You cut your eyes in his direction, your chest swelling as you see a grin breaking out on his face.
“I think I’m a bad date,” he says, confusing you. He chuckles, adding, “You don’t even have my number!”
“I’ll get it at the end of tonight,” you say, touching his arm gently for reassurance. “Come on, I think the back of my head is burning from how hard they’re staring.”
He looks through the corner of his eyes and sighs. “I’m sorry in advance for them.”
“No need to apologize,” you shrug. “Friends can be the worst. Vanessa has already started asking questions about you.” You nod toward the bartender that is feigning interest in clearing a space behind the bar.
“I figured,” Aaron murmurs. “Okay.” He slides off the stool, grabbing his beer in one hand, and holding his other one out to you.
Your heart jumps harshly when you take his hand. It’s warm and soft and secure, everything you want and need. You grab your drink in your free hand, giving Aaron’s hand a reassuring squeeze.
As soon as you and Aaron approach the table, the older gentleman is punching the one with tattoos. “Pay up.”
Aaron witnesses the cash exchange and stares at them tiredly. “Seriously, guys?”
Meanwhile, you’re holding back a giggle.
“Well, hello,” the woman with the colorful fashion sense says. “Introduce us!”
Aaron looks ready to pretend like he doesn’t know any of them, so you step up and say, “He told me you guys would be like this.”
That gets him laughing, and he finally says, “Y/N, this is Penelope, Emily, JJ, Spencer, Derek, and Dave.” Each person nods, waves, or smiles when their name is called.
“I’ll try to remember,” you joke. “But no promises.”
You squeeze Aaron’s hand in yours, trying to get him to loosen up. He does, barely, so when he tugs on your hand, silently asking you to step closer to him so his arm can fit around your waist, you oblige.
“What was the bet about?” You ask, nodding toward the men who exchanged cash a bit ago. It was Dave and Derek if you’re remembering names correctly.
“Rossi thought Hotch was going to bring you back over here, but I didn’t agree,” Derek says, nudging Dave’s arm. “I didn’t think you’d go for him.”
“Well, that’d be embarrassing if I went for someone else, considering we’re dating,” you chuckle, leaning your head back to look up at Aaron.
“Dating? So it’s official?” Emily asks, looking a little more excited than you thought any of them would.
“I think it was official the first time we met,” you snicker. “He pretended to be my husband so some dickhead would leave me alone.”
Aaron’s arm tightens around your waist at the memory.
“Okay,” Penelope grabs her drink, then moves over next to you, linking your arm with hers. “Hotch, we’re stealing her. We need details.”
Aaron doesn’t look like he wants to let go at all, but you press a kiss to his cheek. “Told you it’d be fine,” you whisper to him.
He surprises you by pressing a kiss on your lips. Midway through, your brain reminds you that this is technically your first kiss with him. And it’s in front of his friends. Swoon.
After so many dates with guys who were ashamed to be showing any sort of affection toward a woman, it’s nice to find a man who doesn’t care who sees his affection.
What can you say? After dating so many boys, it’s nice to finally find a man.
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auramindedd · 3 years
I Like You - SMAU*
Part 10
CorpseHusband x FemReader - Y/N
warnings: cussing
notes: uhhh,, idk where to take this series, but ima just go w the flow igs 😭 also,, i completely give up on adding the small details like the likes, comments, replies, and the times on tweets so i’m super sorry if it bothers you lmao
it’s also pretty long,, mostly writing rather than the smau, butttt i really like this one 🥺
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“When’s Rae gonna be home?” Corpse asks, playing with his hands.
“She’ll be home tonight, I just don’t know at what time. Why?”
“Uh... I- I just... I don’t know? I’m kind of nervous?”
“Corpse, Rae is your friend. But if you don’t feel comfortable, I can get a hotel room for you not too far away from here?” You suggest, 100% willing to pay for a hotel room for him if he wouldn’t feel comfortable being here with Rae here.
“I wanna stay here- with you... If that’s okay with you, of course.” There’s a slight blush on his face, it makes you smile a bit.
“Yes, I want you to stay here, too. You can take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” You grab his plate, stacking his on top of yours, taking them to the sink.
“No, no. I can be on the couch tonight, I don’t sleep anyway.”
“Corpse, I’m not gonna have you sleep on that uncomfortable ass couch. Come on, we’ll figure something out. Wanna watch a movie?” He nods his head. You grab his hand, or more so his fingers, leading him to your room.
You turn the lights off, turning your fairy lights on instead. You tell Corpse to get comfortable, fluffing pillows for him, letting him lay back.
You know Corpse would be a bit anxious and nervous, not something you’d ever blame him for. You’re surprised you’re not being awkward or nervous. You’ve been trying your best to keep Corpse comfortable here, making sure he isn’t getting too nervous.
“Can we watch High School Musical? I have the stupid ass songs stuck in my head, childish me is coming...” You ask, not wanting to torture him with such a movie. Well, it’s not a bad movie, but you’d understand if anyone’d want to shoot themselves in the head while watching.
“Of course, baby.” You can’t help the butterflies that erupt in your stomach from the nickname. You sit closer to the TV, wanting Corpse to be comfortable rather than you.
Suddenly, you feel a hand around your waist. Corpse pulls you to him, letting you lay next to him. He looks at you, smiling. You smile back.
“Corpse, can I ask you a question?” He hums, indicating for you to go on. “That one time, you didn’t answer me for two days... You told me it had been because I was too ‘pretty.’ I didn’t believe you, and I still don’t. Why didn’t you answer me, like for real?” You don’t ask this in a bad way either, you’re just genuinely curious.
“I- uh... I’m going to be 100% honest, Y/N, but I don’t wanna scare you away.” He says cautiously, hesitating to go on.
“Corpse, you could never. I’m too attached already.” He chuckles, letting out a sigh.
“I like you. Like, like like you... I liked you before even seeing your face, but after, wow.” Silence. Deafening silence. But honestly, you can hear your fucking smile. You don’t think you’ve ever smiled so hard in your life. “Y/N, baby, say something, please.”
“Corpse,” You look up at him, probably scaring him with your smile. “I like you, too. Like, like like you.” He chuckles, but it’s more of a chuckle of relief. If that’s a thing?
He pulls you close to him, letting your head rest on his chest. You listen to his heartbeat, his breathing, trying to match yours with his. You slowly drift off, your eyelids getting too heavy to keep open.
You wake up in Corpse’s arms. He’s gently stroking your side, looking down at you with a small smile.
“Good morning,” His voice is raspier and deeper than it already is. You didn’t know that was possible.
“Good morning,” You say, yawning softly. You bury your face deeper into his chest, snuggling closer to him.
“So fucking cute.” He mumbles, softly chuckling.
After a while of just laying there in Corpse’s arms, you decide to check social media and your messages. Already, Twitter is going crazy, assuming quickly that you and Corpse are dating. It’s not anything you didn’t expect, but it’d be nice if people didn’t jump to conclusions.
You decide to tweet a good morning, feeling good about today. And sadly, very unfortunately, you decide to text back the group chat - something you’ve been dreading to do.
Corpse is there, reading the messages, but you don’t mind.
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You kind of, accidentally, and very stupidly put yourself out, but it’s all good, nobody said anything besides Brooke. You all have a drunk Among Us lobby to get to.
After getting ready, Corpse getting his laptop and mic ready in another room, you join the Discord call. Corpse joins quickly after. Surprisingly, nobody says anything about you two being in the same apartment while greeting each other. You don’t doubt that someone will say something soon.
“Let’s all take a drink - to Corpse and Y/N holding hands!” Alex exclaims, clinking his glass on his mic. The rest cheer, pretending to clink their glasses as well. You sigh and laugh a bit, but nonetheless, you’re gulping down a glass of champagne.
“Alex,” You say, catching his attention.
“Fuck you!”
“Hey, hey, hey. No fucking.” Karl says, and you can hear him slap his hand to his mouth after realizing what he just said. The lobby bursts into fits of laughter, but the one you’re trying to listen for, Corpse’s. It’s silent on his end.
“Karl, how much have you had to drink?” Dream asks, slurring his words. Didn’t this game just start?
“I had like 3 beers?”
“You fucking lightweight.” You tease. “Dream, you’ve been drinking too...”
“Yeah, we might’ve pregamed an Among Us game.” He admits shamefully.
“Didn’t expect less from you two,” Rae says, adding a disappointing tone to her voice for effect. She starts the game, despite the sad protests from Karl and Dream.
You pout, wanting so badly to be Imposter. You’re a good liar to say the least, and people easily fall for your sweet, innocent voice. It’s funny, pathetic even, which is why you want at least one good Imposter round.
“Whaddup, baby,” Corpse greets you in Nav. Dream follows behind him, Karl coming in shortly after.
“Hey, my beautiful alcoholics!” You greet cheerfully, earning groans from them both. Oh, how fun it’s going to be teasing them.
“At least she called us beautiful.” Karl says, walking out of Nav with Dream, leaving you and Corpse alone again. You get back to doing your task, connecting the ship with the dotted lines and whatnot.
“Am I beautiful?” You can hear the pout in his voice, it’s cute.
“Gorgeous, stunning even.” You say before walking out of Nav, smiling to yourself.
This round is pretty uneventful, along with the next few. But after about five rounds, you’re all incredibly drunk after playing some drinking games.
“No balls,” Rae dares. You’re Imposter this round, and Rae’s made you her personal hitman. She’s telling you to kill Karl, but he’s innocently doing his tasks.
“I have three actually.” You defend yourself, not making any sense at all.
“Three what?” Sykkuno comes in.
“Three balls,” Rae answers.
“Okayyy then...” Sykkuno drawls, leaving you two alone. Corpse comes along, the second Imposter. Oh, how convenient.
“Hey, Corpseee,” You greet, making it so fucking obvious.
“Oh my God!” Rae exclaims. You sigh, facepalming yourself. “Corpse kill Karl, Y/N kill Sykkuno.”
“Woah, since when did we become your hitmen?” Corpse backs his astronaut up.
“I’m not killing Syk!” You whisper-yell.
“Okay, then you kill Karl and Corpse can kill Sykkuno.” You can hear her shrugging as if it’s no big deal, but literally, Karl and Sykkuno are the sweetest people to you.
“No, I’m not doing it, Rae...” Corpse still hasn’t said anything. He’s watching you and Rae go back and forth, whisper-yelling even though anyone would be able to hear you.
“I’ll call you two out.”
“You’d never,”
“The emergency meeting button is looking real sexy right now.” Ugh, fuck the stupid smirk you can just hear in her voice.
“Fine, we’ll do it.” Corpse says. He goes and kills Sykkuno. You hesitate killing Karl, but he already watched Corpse kill Sykkuno so, unfortunately, you have to.
You and Corpse run away, leaving Rae to report the bodies.
After you and Corpse vouching for each other the whole round, nobody putting sus on you two because well, you sound so innocent and sweet even while being shitface drunk, you two win, earning groans from everyone in the lobby except from Rae.
“To be fucking fair, Rae had me and Corpse be her hitmen sooo, you can blame her if you died.” The lobby starts yelling playfully at Rae.
After finally finishing streaming, Corpse comes into your room, plopping down onto your bed.
“Gosh, I’m gonna have the worst fucking hangover tomorrow.” He murmurs into your pillow, hugging it close to him. You jump onto the bed, sitting next to him, playing with his hair. He doesn’t mind, or you don’t think he does.
“It was fun,” You say, smiling to yourself. You love spending time with your friends. You can’t imagine how much fun it’d be if all of you got together in real life.
“It was,” Corpse yawns, looking up at you, smiling as you keep playing with his hair. He gets up, settling himself into your bed again, pulling you into him, letting you rest your head on his chest. You wrap an arm around him, snuggling yourself closer to him.
“We should probably eat something... And get ourselves some water.” You say, knowing that tomorrow’s hangover is going to be a bitch.
“I don’t wanna let go of you.” Corpse whines. You try getting up, but he almost throws a fucking tantrum. Quickly, you get out of his arms, running out of your room, giggling like a fucking maniac.
“Y/N! Please!” He shouts softly, trying not to wake Rae. He runs after you, following you into the kitchen. You run to the other side of the counter. He goes left, you go right - vice versa.
“Corpse, we need food and water.” You say, trying to grab pans out of the cupboards while he’s trying to get you. You can’t help yourself from giggling. Rae will kill you if you two wake her up.
“I wanna hold you,” Corpse pouts. Gosh, he’s going to be the death of you.
“In a sec, I can make us something real quick.” Drunk Corpse obviously equals Clingy Corpse.
“Fine,” He sighs dramatically, sitting on a stool. You grab pans from underneath the cupboards, pulling out some bread and cheese. Grilled cheese is easiest and it’ll take the least amount of time.
As you’re plopping bread into the toaster, Corpse snakes his arms around your waist, snuggling his face into your neck. There’s the slightest stubble, making you giggle.
“Corpse, I can’t cook with you on me.”
“Yes you can, I’ll help.” So stubborn...
You take the bread out of the toaster before it gets too toasted, putting it on the buttered pan.
It was a mission to finish the food to say the least. Corpse demands you eat in your room that way he can hold you. You put on The Promised Neverland, watching the TV as Corpse watches you. But honestly, you don’t mind.
You two fall asleep in each other’s arms again. And you don’t think you’d ever be able to fall asleep without being in his arms again.
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Sorry for not updating, I have to go through a bunch of posts. I’ll update in the next post.
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dangerous-mess · 3 years
Holiday Troubles
Characters: Aizawa, trans male reader
Contains: Unsupportive family, transphobia, homophobia, misgendering, mentions of a deadname (D/N), mentions of religion and praying, mentions of dysphoria, angst, hurt/comfort, angst with fluff ending. This was written mainly as a comfort fic during the winter holidays but wanted to post this here (originally posted on AO3). Please read with caution as this content may be triggering for some
Word Count: 2K+ 
The holidays were always rough for you, being not only gay but transgender as well. There were the off-putting tension and feelings every time you walked in the room, and the side glances and judgemental glares that were shot your way if you were even caught wearing something feminine and not masculine. Mostly from your parents and family, feeling the obligation that you had to follow gender norms in the hope to not only pass but to be taken seriously in your own identity.
The holidays got a little easier once you married your now husband. He made visiting your family a bit easier and made the holidays in general, more enjoyable for you. This year, unfortunately, he had meetings and a nightly patrol that he couldn’t get out of, so you were left to go to the Christmas family gathering by yourself.
The day came, and needless to say, you were a nervous mess. You dressed up in a suit, something masculine of course to appease your family and keep those comments at bay. Though, you knew you weren’t in the clear as there was still a high chance of being deadnamed and misgendered by family who were unsupportive or others who just didn’t try. Your husband, Shouta, let you know before he left early that morning that if you needed anything at all to give him or Hizashi a call and they would come and get you in a heartbeat. He said Hizashi, just in case he couldn’t be reached, which was fine with you, Hizashi had become a close friend to you.
You arrived at your parent's house a little later than they asked, just cause you were nervous and needed more time to prepare for this evening. You knocked on the front door, adjusting your suit as you waited for someone to open the door, only to be greeted by one of your younger siblings. They gave you a big hug, before dragging you inside where you were greeted by family. Your grandmother was the first to deadname you. She called out as you talked to your uncle, a devious smile on her face as the name rolled off her tongue. You cringed hearing it and so badly wanted to correct her, but if your mother caught wind that you did, who knows what drama may pursue. You endured the conversation with her, as she made sure to drop in your deadname every chance she could get.
“Honestly D/N, you really should stop playing dress up and realize that you are a girl. Your husband would be so much happier to have a wife who knows her place and not some confused girl.”
You took a deep breath and bid your goodbyes to your grandmother as you went to find someone else to talk to. Eventually, dinner was called, and you all gathered around and your grandfather said a prayer. You looked down at your feet the entire time, not really wanting to participate in the prayer. Soon it wrapped up and a line formed into the kitchen to get food. After everyone got food, everyone gathered around and talked, telling stories of things that happened within the past year in their lives, as well as asking questions to others to get the latest scoop. You just decided to eat silently, trying to not participate in the gossip fest happening before you.
“So Y/N, how are you and your husband doing?” Your dad asked before he took a sip of a beer. You held up your pointer finger, signaling that you needed a moment as your finished chewing food before you smiled and spoke.
“Oh, we are doing well! He sends his deepest apologies that he couldn’t make it, hero duties called.” You smiled, taking a quick glance around the room. Some whispers were exchanged, knowing it was about you and Shouta. It was clear that besides your family not supporting your identity, they also did not support your marriage to a hero. Especially a hero who was supportive of you and your identity.
“Honestly, how she manages to keep such a hero man, is insane. Like who would wanna marry some confused lesbian?” One of your aunts spoke out. You gripped your glass tightly, biting your tongue, not wanting to start any issues.
Other family members chimed in to add on to your aunt's comment and soon it became too much. You quickly excused yourself and went to the bathroom farthest away from your family. You pulled out your phone and texted your husband. You told him that you needed him or Hizashi or someone to come to pick you up, as you originally walked, as it was nice earlier prior to the sun setting. You quickly got a reply, saying your husband was on his way, and that he was getting someone to cover the rest of his patrol. You felt a bit bad to interrupt and have him leave his patrol, but god you just needed him right now more than anything.
You hid amongst the rooms as you waited for Shouta to send you a message or signal that he was here. Your mom called out your name, walking down the hall looking for you. The smile on her face dropped as she saw you and grabbed your arm.
“Come on Y/N, we are about to exchange gifts. Stop trying to hide and be nice and spend time with your family. It took a lot of work and effort to get everyone here, like your grandparents who haven’t seen you in ages.” Your mom aggressively whispered at you, as she pulled you towards the living room. You stayed silently, hoping that your husband would be here soon.
Your mom let you go and pointed to a chair near the tree. You sat down and were handed some gifts. You slowly opened them, trying not to draw attention to yourself. The first gift was in a gift bag, and opening it exposed a colorful piece of clothing. You pulled it out and it was a sundress. Although you didn’t mind breaking gender norms, dresses were never your thing, they held too many bad memories and made you dysphoric. You frowned, not having the energy to fake a smile. You felt your mind start to spiral before a voice pulled you out.
“Oh, D/N do you not like it. I made sure to even get the right size and everything. I thought you could put that on and surprise your husband when you go home. Imagine how he would react to see his wife, finally coming to terms with herself.” Your grandmother called out, staring at you the entire time. You went to open your mouth when another voice spoke up.
“Actually, I think my husband looks handsome and perfect just the way he is in the suit he is wearing, but thank you. Maybe we can save the dress and give it to one of my students, I know one of them would get much better use of it.” Shouta’s voice boomed out, making a hush fall across the room. You never heard the front door open, but then again Shouta was very good at staying silent. You looked at your husband, feeling all your emotions and feelings starting to rise to the surface. You caught a dirty look your mother gave you as you stood up and made your way over to Shouta.
He held out his hand as you got closer and held it tightly, quickly bidding goodbye for you both as he quickly led you outside to the car that was waiting outside and still running. “I had Hizashi drive me over, hope that’s okay.” You just nodded at him, not letting go of his hand until you got into the car. As soon as you and Shouta were in the car, Hizashi sped off.
“Heya listener, how did it go?” Hizashi asked out, peeking into the mirror looking back at you.
“I lasted longer than last year, so that’s a new record at least.” You joked, trying not to cry. At least not now, you had to make it until you were home and in bed, with your husband holding you close.
Hizashi talked most of the ride home, while Shouta kept glancing back at you. You tried to listen to what was being said, but you couldn’t focus, so you just looked out the window, slightly dozing off. You woke up to the feeling of being carried, your eyes adjusted as you saw Shouta was carrying you into the house and to the bedroom. On any other occasion, if he was carrying you like this you were bound to tease or crack a joke or something, but in this moment you just stayed in his arms, gripping onto him tightly. Once you both got to the bedroom, he helped you undress and slip on something comfy. After he finished helping you, he quickly changed and climbed into bed, pulling you close to him and holding you tightly.
For a while, you just laid there in his arms, fighting back the urge to scream and cry. Though, after he comforted you and let you know it was okay to be upset and that you could let it all out. In which you did, you sobbed in his chest for what felt like hours. You screamed and sobbed and let out all the feelings you bottled up for the few hours you were at the family gathering. Eventually, you ran out of tears to cry and were only left with your own thoughts. You were overthinking, mostly dwelling on the words your family spoke out to you this evening, and couldn’t help but question if it was true.
“Sho...I’ve got to ask you something, kind of important.” You gently pushed away and sat up in the bed, looking at him. He stared at you, and nodded, letting you know it was okay to continue on. You took a deep breath and went for it, “Am I enough for you? I brought a lot of baggage and trouble into our relationship and I know it can’t be easy for you dating me, specifically with the backlash and comments that get made by my family and others about me transitioning and just. If you were with anyone else, I feel like you won’t get all this drama and I’m sorry I’ve brought so much of it onto you Shouta.”
You watched as his facial expression changed and you quickly looked away, finding interest in anything that wasn’t his face, afraid of what his reaction not only meant but the words that were about to follow. “Y/N, please look at me.” You slowly looked up and he placed a hand on your cheek. “I love you Y/N. I love you for you, you are my husband and I won’t want anyone else besides me. You are more than enough for me. And we both have a lot of baggage but that doesn’t change my feelings for you, we can work through it all together. I meant what I said in my vows and at our wedding and I still stand by it. Forever and always.”
You fiddled with your fingers before speaking up, “I love you Shouta so much, I’m just afraid one day I won’t be enough, cause as silly as it is, I don’t feel masculine or manly enough, that you’ll find more of a ‘real’ man one day and just leave me behind.” Tears filled your eyes and you looked down, just wanting to hide under the blankets.
“Y/N Aizawa, you are absolutely masculine and manly enough. I will never find anyone else or more a man than you. You are all I want, and all I need. I love you so much, don’t ever doubt my love for you, cause it is never-ending sweetheart.” Shouta spoke out, lifting your head up and placing a small kiss on your forehead before pulling you into his arms, holding you close. You just stayed there close, as Shouta whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you drifted off to sleep.
Shouta always made the holidays more bearable, but he also made life in general easier. He made waking up a little easier and helped with your hectic thoughts to calm you down. He truly was the love of your life and the best you could ever ask for. You couldn’t have gotten any luckier to have a husband as sweet and perfect as you. He may not be the number one hero to the rest of the world, but in your eyes and his heart, he was, he was your number one hero.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 3 years
Blupjeans and 5!!!
5. “are you flirting with me?”
(general/fluff prompt list - accepting!!)
((sometimes u just wrote 1k+ of blupjeans and their mental illnesses and that's ok))
If Barry was being honest, he had never been the best at keeping his thoughts to himself at inopportune times. It got better, with the ADHD pills. Today, unfortunately, he had forgotten to take them. Along with the rest of his meds. Today was a mess. He had been staring at his lab work for the last fifteen minutes, while Lup worked on something next to him. His mind was- wondering, at best, focusing on Lup, at worse.
Lup was so- gods, she was the best. Barry didn't have many friends before Lup and her brother showed up. To be honest, he didn't have many friends after they showed up, either, but once they had gotten past their differences, Barry had never met someone he liked more. Friendship-wise and, well, romantically.
Barry was- he was a walking disaster, in his humble opinion. Half the time he was running late to school, the other half he was there so early that school didn't start for at least a few hours. He was a good student, he had decent grades and he could function pretty well by himself most of the time. He liked to stay after school because getting work done at home just wasn't the same. He couldn't motivate himself there.
Most of his friends opted to go home. Lup liked to stay sometimes. Barry liked Lup. It all worked out.
He had thought... okay, well, he had thought he was being subtle about it. He thought he had been able to keep his act together pretty well, despite the fact he had had a crush on Lup for the last five years. Or more. Probably more.
His friends had broken the news... not so gently to him a few months ago. Meaning that Taako had literally hit him in the head with a book when he tried to bluff his way through "not liking Lup" and Magnus hadn't stopped laughing for a whole thirty minutes when he had insisted Lup "didn't like him back".
She did. Apparently. According to Lucretia and Magnus and Taako, who probably knew her the best out of all of them. Then he spent another thirty minutes listening to Taako bemoaning about having to put up with Lup's crush on Barry. Their little meeting had ended with them insisting that he make some kind of move with her because she probably wouldn't reject him.
He got word from Magnus that they had had the same exact conversation with Lup, too. They were both "too fucking stupid" to make a move on each other, though. Barry assured him that they would talk.
It had been... nearly six months.
And he forgot his ADHD pills today.
"Are you flirting with me?" Barry asked, breaking the silence of the otherwise empty lab room. Lup looked up from her work (AP physics, maybe-?) and stared at him. It took Barry's brain a second to catch up with what he had just said.
"Not right now!" he rushed on. "I- fuck, uh, I- okay, so. Taako and- they talked to me. A while ago and were like, "Hey, Barry, stop being so fucking dumb about liking Lup!" and I was like, "hey, that's none of your business!" and then Taako said you liked me too, but I was just like, y'know, that's Taako just trying to get me to do something stupid for- for a joke.
But they've all been like- weirdly insistent on it? Even Lucretia, who, uh- I don't think she or Magnus would do anything mean-spirited like this, most of the time, which makes me think they're being serious- not that Taako is mean spirited, he's just more-" Lup was staring at him. "...eccentric. With how he shows affection. Sorry."
Lup... wasn't staying anything. The grip she had on her pencil had loosened considerably and he watched as it fell onto her paper. He swallowed tight, panic seizing up in his chest. This was maybe- okay, this wasn't the best way to talk about it, yeah. She was- Fuck, okay, he-
"Sorry," Barry said, looking away finally, even though it still feel like her eyes were burning through him. "Right, sorry, I, uh, I should go, and-"
"Barry, wait," she said and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to cry. He also didn't take his anxiety meds this morning. What was the point of his fucking pill caddy if he didn't remember to take his pills-
"You're not fucking with me, are you?" she asked. "You really- uhm. You like me too?"
"Yeah," Barry choked out, eyes still shut. Was his heart pounding because of anxiety, or the tension, or- "I should go," he said again, standing up. He stood up, eyes trained to the ground, and Lup caught his arm.
"Deep breaths," she said and Barry sucked in a one that maybe was too deep. She let him sit back down, hand going from holding his wrist to holding his hand. He was sweating. Was that gross? That was probably gross.
"I forgot my pills this morning," Barry said, trying to make it sound like a joke.
"I know," Lup said. "You said during lunch. Babe- Barry, just focus on your breathing, okay?"
"Okay," Barry said, doing that. He shut his eyes again, but his mind was still jumping up and down at the fact that Lup was holding his hand. He didn't know why, she had held his hand many times before, especially when he was anxious. It was just- it was different now after he had actually confessed to her. Did she feel required to do this? He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Barry asked, finally, finally looking at her. She was looking at him, too, carefully. That was her Thinking Face. Barry swallowed.
"No," she said. "I'm processing some things."
"Sorry," Barry started.
"No because of you," she assured him. "Well, I mean- it has to do with you, but in a good way. Taako told me that I was being stupid about... not telling you that I liked you. Because you liked me too? And I was being dumb?"
"You like me too?" Barry repeated. Lup let out a little breathless laugh, nodding.
"Yeah," she said, squeezing his hands.
"You're not fucking with me?" Barry asked, just to make sure. She smiled at him like the sun.
"Never with something like this, babe, I promise," Lup said. "I was... nervous. About telling you. Like I'm confident and badass and stuff-"
"Yeah," Barry agreed.
"But still got this little friend called abandonment issues, so, y'know- it's- it's hard to like... talk about feelings with people. Even if I know they probably won't, uh. Do anything bad, on purpose."
"I- I might screw up sometimes," Barry said honestly because it was true. "I'm trying my best to not fuck things up, I promise, but I... really like you, Lup."
"I really like you too, Barry," Lup said. "Can I- I don't know if I wanna, uhm. Y'know. Kiss you yet. But can we... try a date. Maybe?"
"If you want!" Barry said. "I- whenever's good with me, I just- I mean, preferably on a day when I remember to take my meds, but-"
"Yeah," Lup said. "Yeah, of course, babe, just- I'll text you the dets, later. Is that okay?"
"Yeah," Barry said. "That's- that's great, yeah!"
"And can we... not tell anyone yet," Lup said, finally looking away from him. "I mean, like- I don't want to fuck things up and then have to tell everyone everything went badly. Not that I think it'll go badly."
"No, I- I get that," Barry said, nodding. He squeezed her hand. His heart was doing a little dance in his chest. "I really do, Lup, I understand. We can talk about like... conditions and stuff now, or-?"
"On the date," Lup said, "would be better, I think. I've still got math shit to figure out."
She looked over at her homework with disdain. Barry's brain kicked back into gear.
"Oh yeah," he said, looking down at the genetics worksheet he had. "I- this slipped my mind, my bad."
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genshin-obsessed · 4 years
THAT XIAO IMAGINE HURT MY HEART OMFG. Would you possibly consider writing something similar to that for Diluc where maybe Diluc is spending so much time with Lumine that the reader separates herself from them and tries to leave because reader believes Diluc loves Lumine? God my heaaaaaaaaaaaaaart 😭😭😭😭😭
I FOUND IT! I finally found it😭😭 I really thought I lost this and was a little upset, but I found it. Ok, so I took pointers from the last one and the ending isn’t as angsty as I want. I hope I don’t disappoint with it though! It also turned out to be much longer than I expected. Wanna guess how long before I start hating this banner too? I give it a week before I never wanna see its face again. Length: 1.8k
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You and Diluc had a beautiful and healthy relationship. You two had been together for about three and a half years. You had met while you were still a novice adventurer. You were extremely shy and reserved, but he found it adorable. He found himself so attached, he was unable to think of anything but you when you weren’t around him.
He often found himself seeking you out, needing the attention and happiness you brought him. Within a few months, Diluc knew what was happening. He was in love. He was so madly in love he couldn’t help it. He found himself getting jealous, wanting to keep your attention on him and only him. Finally, he pushed himself to confess. To his pleasant surprise, you agreed, claiming you liked him as well.
Ever since then, your life was amazing. It was filled with joy every single day. You often woke up, feeling brighter than ever, knowing your life was blessed. You knew Diluc was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
Then she came along. Lumine. The beautiful blonde girl, one who wasn’t from this world. She was able to wield anemo and geo powers without needing a vision. She helped Diluc, Venti, and Jean with the Dvalin issue. Diluc promised you that after he was done with that problem, he’d be back with you. But he never did.
After Dvalin, Lumine said she needed help with her adventuring and he went with her. Now, normally you wouldn’t mind it. Lumine had learned about Diluc’s side job- the Darknight Hero- and she needed help. But Diluc never came to your adventures with you. Not to mention, he didn’t tell you about his Darknight Hero job until you found out two years in. It hurt that you felt as if Lumine was getting different treatment.
You would often go to the manor to find out that Diluc had already left with Lumine on some stupid escapade. Finally, you’d hit a wall. What were you supposed to do? Break up with him and then do what? Watch as he continued to live life with Lumine? Were you supposed to smile and wave every time you saw him? Were you supposed to pretend you weren’t shattered that Diluc actually found a woman of his caliber?
Your mind was plagued with thoughts like that, so much so, that you would get distracted. Of course, you hadn’t realized how dangerous that was… until you were here.
You screamed as a mitachurl shield bashed you, causing you to fly back and roll on the ground.
“Oh, I hate my life.” You groaned, pushing yourself to stand. The world was spinning and your vision was blurred. The pain shot through your body and you prepared to die. Maybe Diluc would regret something if that happened. As the strength drained from your body and you prepared to surrender, you felt arms surround you. Your body was enveloped in warmth as you were quickly moved away.
Unable to tell what was happening, you went along with it as you felt your back touch a tree. You slid down as the dark figure moved away. You touched your aching head and noted they returned in a few minutes.
“D-Diluc?” They crouched down in front of you and took your head into their hands.
“Diluc? I don’t know who that is.” They said. Finally, your vision cleared up and you gazed into beautiful, golden eyes. “Are you ok?” He had green hair, beautiful eyes, and a purple diamond on his forehead.
“I uh… y-yeah…” You mumbled, feeling your cheeks flushing a deep red.
“You’re red. Are you sure?” You nodded, pushing him away and standing up. However, you stood up too quickly and felt the world spin. But before you could fall, the man had caught you again. “Careful!”
“I… I’m sorry.” You mumbled, before relaxing into his arms. Shy or not, you don’t know how badly you’d been hurt.
“Just… stay still.” He mumbled, picking you up with ease. You let your head rest on his chest, closing your eyes for a minute. In your time of need, your boyfriend didn’t save you… why? Because he chose to be out with another girl. Yet this random man, he was here for you. He did save you.
“Will you be ok?” The man asked as you walked out of the healing house. You nodded to him.
“Yes. Thank you so much for bringing me here. I really appreciate it. I-I’m (f/n).”
“I know… I’m Xiao.”
“Xiao… it’s nice to meet you.” You beamed, holding your hand out. He stared at it for a minute before taking it in his and giving it a gentle shake.
Ever since that day, you’d felt less hopeless. You hadn’t been as worried about Diluc because you had Xiao. Xiao had mentioned he’d seen you plenty of times while you were adventuring. He mentioned he thought you were strong, but didn’t understand what had gone wrong the day he met you. You chose to lie and say it was because you were tired but needed the commission money. He called you careless for taking on a job you were too tired to handle. He also added that he’d been joining you every now and then to make sure you stayed in one piece.
However, as the days went on, Xiao accompanied you on more and more adventures. You’d started to forget about Diluc and felt less and less burdened by him choosing a new girl. In fact, it had been weeks since you’d seen him. You two still met up every now and then for some pathetic date, but even that stopped.
You opted to spend time with Xiao, someone who could help you forget your worries. You’d almost completely forgotten Diluc… until you saw him.
You and Xiao were in Liyue looking at some wares, when you saw bright red hair in the distance. Your heart stopped and you felt the anxiety start to build up. But the thing that hurt the most… was that Lumine was with him. You had no idea what to do. Well… there was one thing. You moved yourself directly in front of Xiao, whose back was facing Diluc and Lumine.
“Hm? What’s wrong?” You looked up at him with glossy eyes.
“I’m… sorry but c-can we s-stay like this? Fo-for a minute?” Xiao was hesitant, but nodded.
“Yeah, sure.” You let your gaze fall on his chest, but all you could think about was Diluc and Lumine. He… really did love her. It hurt, even now, it hurt so bad. It tore your heart to shreds.
As Diluc and Lumine started to walk away, you moved Xiao so that he could hide your figure. It didn’t take a genius to figure out you were hiding from someone.
“So, that’s Diluc. Nothing special.”
“That’s him. The man you’re with, correct?” You immediately shook your head, but Xiao looked at you, silencing any protests. “I know. I saw you two together. About three years ago. You two were happy. I’m assuming that’s his new woman.”
“I knew of you two three years ago. I didn’t know anything about him. I figured he must’ve been Diluc when you called out to him six months ago.” The day he saved you. “Tell me.”
You broke. Xiao took you to a secluded spot where you told him everything. You couldn’t tell, but Xiao was furious. He hated how you’d been treated. Someone like you deserved the world, all the love the world could offer, yet… here you were crying about some idiot who couldn’t even treat you right.
“Maybe there’s something wrong with me.” You said, tears sliding down your cheeks. “She’s better. Lumine is stronger, she’s beautiful, she’s talented, she doesn’t even need a vision, she’s… better in every single way.” Xiao took your face, lifting your head to meet his eyes gently.
“I don’t think so.”
“But h-he wants her. N-not me…” His thumbs brushed away your tears.
“Wh-what do you mean so? I love him and I-”
“Don’t need him.” You looked up at his gorgeous gold eyes.
“You don’t need him. You want him. You want him back and for him to love you, but you don’t need him. You’ve stopped needing him since we met. Admit it.” He was right. With Xiao, you’d almost completely forgotten Diluc. Almost as if you’d moved on already.
“It’s ok. It’s ok to move on so quickly. It’s ok to no longer want to spend your life with someone. It’s ok to let go.”
“Xiao…” You hadn’t even noticed his lips getting closer and closer until they were almost touching yours. But, Xiao pulled away and let go of you.
“You don’t need him.” Xiao stood up and patted your head, before walking away. You watched his figure disappear before leaning against the wall behind you. Maybe… he was right.
After a few minutes of contemplating, you stood up, feeling a great weight lifted off your chest. Yeah, you didn’t need Diluc anymore. Might as well officially break up with him.
You took a few deep breaths before scouting out Diluc. It wasn’t too hard, he stood out quite a bit.
“Diluc.” He turned around and his vermillion eyes widened.
“(f-f/n). Hi.”
“Hey, can we talk in private?” He nodded as Lumine left and you pulled him aside. For some reason, you felt no fear or anxiety. Just… peace. “I think we should break up.”
“I think we should end this… whatever this is. Because let’s be honest, it’s not a relationship anymore.”
“B-but. Wait a minute, d-don’t do this-”
“I didn’t do anything. You did. I’m just going along with your lead.” You could see the sadness in his eyes but you refused to let it get to you. “You want Lumine, right? It’s ok! I’m completely fine with it. She’s a better option, I know. She’s strong, talented, beautiful, just better. Isn’t she?”
“But wait! You can’t just do this. You can’t leave me. I-”
“Don’t need you.” Diluc stared at you with wide eyes as you recalled Xiao’s words. It felt so good to say it out loud.
“I don’t need you. You don’t want me. So why are we wasting our time like this?”
“Please don’t do this.”
“Why? What do you want from me? We haven’t even seen each other in over a month. There’s no point in trying to revive this relationship. There’s nothing left of it and to be frank… I don’t want it.” You gave him a hug, one he was barely able to reciprocate before you pulled away. However, he grabbed your hand.
“Please (f/n).”
“No. You want Lumine. Have her.” You shook his hand off and smiled brightly before leaving. You felt tears well up in your eyes again but it was ok. You knew it was ok, even as they slid down your cheeks.
Xiao smiled to himself as he leaned against the roof. He closed his eyes, engraving his mind with your figure. The way your hair flowed behind you, the way the sun shone down on your figure, the way you confidently smiled and walked away, it was all so beautiful and perfect.
“I have fallen in love with an exceptional woman…”
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kurohoely · 3 years
mask (sakusa x y/n)
What happens when Sakusa realizes masks are better off than on?
genre: hurt/comfort, sakusa is in time skip!
wc: 2.2k
It was known that Sakusa is reserved, he only shows his most relaxed self to those who he trusts, which includes you. He can show those random, whacky emotions, teasing you and giving some gen z emojis but being open and vulnerable? That’s just not him.
You have been dating him for almost a few months now and a lot of people were surprised that you both actually worked out. The dynamic you both have was something people often quote as ‘not compatible’. You knew him before since you both have few classes together in college but who would’ve thought from those unintentional crossings lead you here. Sakusa’s character is pretty obvious and you kind of get it by now how he works and acts but was there any difference between before and now? Why does it feel like the walls are kept up, and builds higher than before?
You tried to initiate a lot of things. He does too but he was indeed more awkward, baby steps as you call it. Despite all that, you appreciate him, all the things he did were definitely out of his comfort zone. You kept saying to yourself that he's trying, remembering that he was the one that confessed first. You hold onto that memory in hope that it will be dynamic throughout the relationship.
But how about right now? With the new season up and running, you kept seeing less and less of him. Countless lonely dinners and cold bedsheets. Rescheduled dates and missing out on one another. You almost excused Sakusa for forgetting your anniversary, thinking it was a given. You signed up to be with someone that has no constant rhythm in their life, always the next big thing to keep their lives afloat. Again, you put on another layer, masking away, reasoning to yourself that things will work out. You don't want to bother him, let alone be the reason why he is stressing out. Patience has always been a good nature of you but sometimes, you question if you should stop being selfless and start being selfish. He is your boyfriend after all.
Sakusa noticed the subtle changes that happened. He felt that you were perfect. Too perfect, as a matter of fact. He wanted to sit down and try to understand why and where this was coming from because he definitely didn't confess to you for perfection. He wanted you. Not any other version. Pure and transparent. No mask. But as much as he wanted to, it is still out of his nature, and with the season starting, it will be quite some time before he can bring this again.
Mid through the season, work is piling up, matches are getting tougher each time they win. That’s a given. You came to almost all of his games and have them recorded on tv. Whatever the outcome, you will always be proud of him. He was basking in his prime condition; you were there for him and his plays were getting synchronized with the team at a rate that even the coach was surprised. He left the thought at the back of his mind, focusing on what he has to do first. After each match, you both have this little ritual, spending some alone time together starting with dinner as both of your schedules sometimes don't overlap quite nicely. Sakusa told you about his plays as if you weren’t there to witness it all and you can’t blame him. You love seeing the sparkle in his eyes when he talks about how good it felt when spiking. The conversation flows naturally and you both talked about how your days went. You were both walking diaries of each other. Not until Sakusa flipped a page that has been long overdue.
He cussed himself to have the audacity to forget about this issue. He doesn’t like this. It was as if he’s taking advantage of your facade, your mask. Even though Sakusa tells you many times that you need to wear one physically, this was something that he wished to be stripped off completely. He hates it. He hates that he can't be a safe space for you. Someone you can let yourself breathe from the suffocating expectations from the outside world. But what he hates the most is that you changed yourself to accommodate his own ignorance.
Sakusa flipped his match schedule. It looks like there won't be another match in 5 days. He called Meian and Iwaizumi if it’s okay if he takes a few days off from practice. Both of them were surprised that Sakusa would even ask for a day off but they agreed anyway. He’s not the type to ask for one so this must be something really important.
Saturday shifts are hard. You only have one day of rest before hustling again on Monday but oh you were SO GLAD that your manager said that you can have a paid leave on Monday after helping out on a side project for some other team.
You pushed your shared apartment door, dragging your feet inside. You saw Sakusa peek his head from the kitchen. He took off his apron and walked to you, grabbing your bags from the floor and giving a peck on your cheek. You went to the bedroom and saw the bath bomb that you bought impulsively on your previous date. A bath sounds nice, you thought to yourself.
Filling up the bath to a slightly hotter temperature, a much-needed one to shake that fatigue out from your body and start your long weekend with a fresher body. Gently dipping your toes, you hold the sides and lower yourself in, letting the heat seep into your skin. As you were shuffling your position, a knock on the bathroom door.
“Can I come in?”
“Doors unlocked so yeah baby come in”
Sakusa twisted the knob, letting himself in. He sat on the floor next to the tub, a rare sight for Sakusa and you. He folded his arms on the dry part of the tub and stared into your eyes. Losing himself in your mind, finding where he actually belongs. He knows this isn’t the right time, not even a good one, to bring up this matter but it has been pushed back for too long, he couldn’t care less about what setting it was in right now. You were always firm on your stands, confronting those to have the middle ground in everything but now, it was as if he’s with someone else.
“Hey sunshine, how's the bath”
You flushed at the pet name he called you. When was the last time you heard that softness, that warmth? The sense of home and belonging to another person, solely wanting to give your whole life away in exchange for his.
“It's pretty nice. Do you wanna join in?”
“Hmm sounds nice.”
He removes his mask and strips quickly, submerging himself into the tub in front of you. He pressed his muscular, toned back to your chest, taking its warmth into his body. Taking in whatever he could take from you between his skin and yours. Your scent, your heat, your touch, the friction, sensation - everything. He knows he wants everything but how about you? He sometimes thinks that he forced you into the relationship, going above and beyond to go with how he handles things. His fussy attitude when it comes to cleaning, being in crowds, and towards people in general. Whatever the train of thought was, he needs to know, He can’t bear seeing his future bland and monotonous because you were not there. You were his yellow, heck, you were his entire spectrum.
“Hey y/n, I know it's not a good time to ask this but, did I do something that makes you uncomfortable? I know I’m not good with words or being affectionate, doing all those sweet things that you see in movies but the last thing I want you to be is forcing yourself to be something that you are not.
“If there’s anything wrong that I did please tell me I…”.
“No! You did nothing wrong. You were perfect but maybe too perfect. I have this feeling that you weren't being yourself for quite some time. It's like you have this mask that you put on whenever you are with me. I know you are sensitive in nature - both to other people and towards yourself, which is why I fell in love with but aren't relationships supposed to be a two-way thing? I need to know what’s bothering you so please talk to me. I want you to feel safe with me. I want you to be your most comfortable as if both of us are the only ones that are living on this earth. I wish I could come and talk to you sooner about this but I got too caught up in the games. It's my fault. I’m sorry. I’ll try to be braver on confronting things like these. I’ll try to be more attentive to the small things”
Hearing this from Sakusa made your heart burst into so many emotions that were buried for so long. Happy, sad, hopeless, desperation, anger, guilt but most importantly, longing. You could only cry when he finished his last words. You were gasping for air, clawing yourself into Sakusa’s shoulders to grip on whatever you can. Wet streams trickled down Sakusa’s nape, dampening them. Sakusa was flustered as if it was the first time he ever saw you broke down. The first time? Oh God, how much has he been missing in this relationship...
“I’m sorry Omi. I was trying to be understanding. I tried to make this home at least a space where you can have at least some peace. I wanted to be with you more so badly but I know by asking it, you have to take time off or you might just think I'm annoying. And I hate it. Words cut more for me since it is the least effort to bring out but weighs the most. I don't think I can bear with it. So I avoided it. I avoid creating any chances that would lead us to fight. But then, it hit me when you started to slip away, distancing yourself subtly. Our dinner time became shorter, we didn't even cuddle anymore because your muscles were sore and I want them to heal fast so you can play your best. It seems like it backfired huh?”
Sakusa was taken aback due to a lot of things. How he finally was able to hear you say his pet name, the range of small things that you do, putting him as your topmost priority when you yourself are buried down, succumbing to earth more and more. How could he be so blind? It hurts him. It hurts him that you didn't even consider being comfortable with him. It destroys him that all of your actions were threaded with the thoughts of him when he did nothing, even worse, he forgot. Sakusa felt a sting poking through his heart, thin-like rods thrusting through it slowly. He felt a burning sensation that he was sure he didn’t like. If he felt this after hearing all of these, what about you? You’ve been carrying these for weeks, stretching out to months, yet you’re still here. How did he end up with someone as thoughtful and wonderful as you? He turned his body around, facing you. Your legs tangling together, bringing you inside his embrace, pushing your foreheads together. He lets out a breath after his thoughts finally reach a verdict.
“Hey bub, it’s okay. We’re here now. I’m sorry it took my dumbass this long to have this conversation. You don’t know how much you meant to me even though I barely show it. Please know that at least. I love you. I love you so much, too much that I cannot imagine waking up the next day without you. You were the reason I can handle Atsumu’s ass, thinking about if I can go through that part of the day, I can see you again. A little reward from me to myself. I asked for a few days off, shall we do a bit of catching up session?”
A tint of coral pink brushes lightly on top of your cheeks. Seeing Sakusa being all vulnerable and open, is a view that you wish no one will ever see besides you. You smiled and chuckled lightly.
Sakusa's heart swells. There it is. The smile that got him smitten all over. The small chuckle that you made was a symphony to his ears. It was as if at this moment he fell in love again. He found the you that he fell for but even deeper. He swore that day he would never make you feel like this.
You both get out, drying yourself together. Omi blow-dried your hair and you did his. He's pretty good at managing your hair because of his curls. You both did a random 14-step Korean skincare routine and cuddling around watching your favorite movie - Pride and Prejudice. Sakusa never understood why you liked this movie so much but today he finally does. When two lovers placed down their masks and finally faced each other, all became visible. The adoration in one's eyes, longing for the warmth of the other, to finally be together.
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4dtk · 3 years
NCT 127: finding out you're older than them
“Hey, can I request an NCT127 reaction to finding out you're actually older than them when they thought you were much younger than them? (like you look really young despite your age lol)” thank u for waiting honey <3 ps i just used random years that are older than the members!
enjoy! this was fun to write ^^
→ TAEIL would have his mouth in an ‘O’, but more of a ‘ooh cool!’ way where he’s nodding repeatedly to nothing seconds after you’ve spilled the beans. it sinks in more later when he thinks of your birth years side by side and he’s like omg! i’m finally not the oldest and it garners a laugh out of you that you don’t mind being called old by him. honestly, you don’t mind being called old at all by the other members, since technically you are taeil’s s/o. the members are closer to the male, so when they call him old, you join in lol
“woah hyung/noona! i can’t believe you now take the place of oldest in our group,” mark says, although gets a smack from haechan for saying that.
“ack! sorry taeil-hyung and (y/n)-hyung/(y/n)-noona, mark’s mouth is a little big today.”
taeil waves it off, curling an arm around your waist to bring you closer as mark avoids eye contact. slowly the members crowd around the four of you, interested in the topic that’s taking place. it was well over 11pm in the practice room, and having just ended dance practice, they cooled down by taking part in the conversation.
“yeah! you finally can call someone else old!” another smack and a whine from mark accompanied by an apologetic look that wasn’t seen often on donghyuck.
“i’m sorry for them,” taeil whispers with a laugh, placing a kiss onto your cheek before taking a swig of water from his bottle. he takes your shaking head as acceptance of your new position of the oldest, pleased when you return his kiss with one to his lips.
→ JOHNNY is the one to pull a dramatic face lol. you know the one where his mouth is in a ‘O’ and his eyebrows are knitted. the expression is playful, but there’s a bit of genuine shock behind it. recovers from it quickly tho and jokingly calls you ‘daddy/mommy’ to annoy you. i can see him calling you the term later if you get married or have kids though, just in a third person kinda way - something like a running joke from when he discovered you were older years ago.
“no way, you’re born in 1992?” his jaw is dropped, eyes wide that makes you smile just a little, “holy shit you’re old,” there’s a fit of laughter when your hand lands on his back as a form of retaliation (“like you’re not!”), but you agree either way, shrugging nonchalantly at the year of birth.
“then maybe now i can call you daddy/mommy,” you groan at that, shoving him for real now as he lands on the sofa behind him and doyoung at the dining table contemplates whether he should interfere. he decides not to when you full on attack your boyfriend, although with half-assed punches as johnny continues to moan out theatrically in between attacks, “but for real though, next time, i wanna hear voices calling you.”
“the fuck? you mean in like a horror movie way?”
“nah, in the i wanna have a family way.” you gulp with a surprised expression and you launch a badly timed attack that hits him in the balls. you’re apologising with a fluster, johnny is groaning in pain. oh well, this could be story to tell your kids or adopted babies next time.
→ TAEYONG is making surprised noises. it’s so cute lol that you’re the one ending up teasing him about it. taeyong forgets it sometimes, so you have the pleasure of seeing him react like a couple of times bc it finally settles in his mind that you’re older than him. other than that, yong loves you all the same and sometimes acts like a baby just so you’d cave and take care of him. he argues that it’s only the right way! older s/o? you take care of me! i want to be babied.
“huh? you’re older than me?” taeyong asks, mindlessly digging through your stuff until he comes across your ID. he curiously sifts through the information on it, but the number of your birth year seemed to stand out the most.
you hum, placing the last bits of your mask on yourself as you turn back to your boyfriend with a similar look: hair band pushing his dyed hair back, with a mask like yours on his face.
a noise of approval spills from taeyong’s mouth, and you’re left giggling in confusion until he explains his reason for it. you nod through it, happy to give your boyfriend what he wants while he takes his place in your arms. “feels nice,” taeyong mumbles, loving the way you’re playing with his fingers before he asks a question with a small voice. “can we do this more often?”
“of course,” and now you’re glad for taeyong’s curiosity of your things, presenting you with the opportunity (and excuse) to hold your lover in your arms.
→ YUTA doesn’t care either tbh. he may be one of the ones to figure it out before the others - how? you don’t know either but i have a feeling he might’ve taken a look at your ID or something along those lines. mans just nods at the year. as long as you’re still yourself and don’t change how you act in the relationship obvi bc he’s dating you bc of how you’ve presented yourself so far. it’ll feel weird if you suddenly start to dote on him just because you’re older. still likes to take care of you <3
“hey babe? were you born in 1993?” yuta inquires one day at dinner, the whole table of members somehow going a little quiet at the revelation.
“mhm! how’d you know?” you tilted your head, placing a piece of fish into your mouth and ignoring the shocked faces on the faces of the different members.
“eehh- i just saw it on your ID accidentally the other day,” yuta smiles when wiggle your mouth around to feel for the fish’s bone, finally able to shoot your boyfriend a smile as you both go back to your dinner. your laugh is the one thing that’s heard across the table and the occasional clinks of chopsticks against porcelain, and you’re confident if you were on a sitcom, the camera would just have all the members staring into it in shock.
“is it that surprising?” you asked the members, some of them waving their hands and shaking their head, knowing that yuta would probably take it up to them if they happen to have a problem with it.
“so i actually needed to call you hyung/noona?! i’m so sorry!!!” mark exclaims, earning a giggle from you.
→ DOYOUNG would react a little intensely too, but more in a starstruck, quiet kind of way. he just has this wide eyed look that make you burst out in laughter at the discovery and his lips are making a funny shape. he nods it off calm and cooly, but inside he’s like oh my god wtf really???? why didn’t i know this holy shit are they going to leave me for not knowing you can see no thought behind his eyes but you know the man’s spiralling a little inside that you have to reassure him that it’s just a minor thing (he gets out of the dump pretty quickly). your age reveal doesn’t affect him much either.
“you’re- you’re older than me?” doyoung’s mouth dries, coffee cup hovering just below his lips as you drop the bomb without much care. it’s quiet in the early morning, having had just finished filming his relay cam, but you can practically hear doyoung’s thoughts. he’s brought of it when you place a hand on his wrist.
“babe, baby, it’s okay. i didn’t tell you anyway, don’t worry about it,” your smile is blinding, and it has doyoung smiling as well, agreeing along to your reasoning and slowly easing into his previous action of drinking his beverage before he halts again.
your head tilts in question. “what is it?”
your boyfriend waves it off with a shy smile, bringing your hand to his lips as he lands a kiss on the skin there, “nothing. just thinking about how much i love you.”
“did it change?”
there’s a blush on his cheeks when he says it, glad for the two of you being in the only ones awake. “no, not one bit.”
→ JAEHYUN would one way or another kind of know already, although he’s not 100% sure. he’s observant, sometimes content with watching you take care of the other members (poor guy gets jealous tho) or just cleaning up after him when he’s a little too tired to do things - like wash his hair and what not. even if you’re not a naturally ‘taking care of others’ person, jaehyun picks up on the things that he’s heard his friends talk about regarding their older siblings (since he’s an only child) or compares to how you act around the group that’s similar to taeyong or doyoung. i can see jaehyun being a little disappointed, but it doesn’t change much as long as he can keep the dynamic of the relationship (so him giving the affection with you in his embrace). jaehyun is a quiet kind of shock like doyoung.
“huh… you’re born in 1994?”
“sure am,” you’re filling out a form for a membership, pen scribbling with swiftness in order not to hold up the line. you pass it back in a minute as the cashier processes your membership, and you feel jaehyun squeeze your hand. “why, why? is it an issue?” you mumble a thank you to the cashier, heading out of the store hand in hand while you find a spot to talk to your boyfriend.
“no no,” jaehyun giggles, a low one that makes your heart flutter, and he leans down to place a kiss onto your lips. it lingers there longer than you expected and you feel his smile on your lips. “there’s no issue. it just kinda adds up, in a way. you’re such a natural at giving advice and taking care of the other members. i’m just… a little surprised, is all.”
you laugh at that, meeting his lips again in a loving peck, “okay, that’s good then!”
→ JUNGWOO says “woowww!” like video game commentary and claps. yes he claps, you’re not sure why either but he’s just so thrilled to learn of your birth year that he just nods along and gives you a thumb-up after. i can’t say he’ll be that shocked, more of like happy for you like you just told him you passed a test or something. when you ask him about it, he just shrugs and pats you on the back. it’s all part of his personality, though, and like taeyong/yuta, he wouldn’t care much apart from being able to call you ‘sunbaenim’ as a joke. sometimes calls you senpai LMAO
“woah, you’re older than me by four years?” jungwoo mumbles when you show him your old IDs, the topic of your birth year overriding the original goal of wanting to see your foetus pictures.
“hm? oh yeah, i guess i never really mentioned it, huh?” you continue with what you were doing, cleaning up the stray hairs sticking out from your hairdo before jungwoo comes back hugging with his long limbs and silky outfit.
“congrats!” he meets your eyes through the vanity mirror and proceeds to peck your cheek and your expression that follows next brings laughter to jungwoo’s chest. you can feel it move from behind you, hoping he wouldn’t mess up the hour you spent on your hair. “why congrats?” your lip is curled with a raise of your eyebrows as your boyfriend continues to hang off your shoulders.
he thinks, then replies with a dunno and leaves the area to settle back on the bed. the snap of his camera follows next, no doubt taking pictures of the serious face shots of your old ID cards.
→ MARK would be one of the ones that you think is over exaggerating, except he’s just that shocked. he would stumble over his words and texting johnny or whoever to tell him and be like “yoooo? huh? what?” mark would probably be the last one to make the connection and johnny is all like “yeah? u didn’t know?” and mark is like “HOW WOULD I KNOW THEY LOOK SO YOUNG?????!!” hysterical, this man. mark almost doesn’t believe it for a second and you have to take out your ID to show him lmfao
mark’s head snaps to you once he overhears you in conversation with the flyer distributor, catching your attention with something that was in line with your interests. mark tunes out the promoter explaining the features of the product, only coming back to earth when you mention your date of birth for a trial of their services.
“you’re WHAT? nah. no. no way, show me your ID.”
the other jumps back at the sudden exclamation while you just raise an eyebrow. sorry, excuse him, you mumble, and you’re dragging mark off to the side as you fumble in your bag to pull out your ID in exasperation. the timing is imperfectly perfect: mark bends down to inspect your birth year, you flip open the wallet a little too hard, it hits his head in a loud thwack!
“ow.” mark giggles, squinting his eyes to finally make out the fading ‘1998’ on your card, “oh! so the same as jungwoo hyung?” he giggles again, “he finally as someone to talk to!”
→ HAECHAN is shocked but would immediately mask it and go like “oh my! still so pretty, miss halmeoni,” he coos and you’re so ready to smack him. in a way acts like johnny but will not stop using the word on a daily basis (unless you tell him that you don’t like it). it becomes part of the pet names that he calls you, but he still likes the classic baby/honey/love. sometimes also like to whine with hyung/noona if he wants something, like a new video game or for you to buy food for him. other than that, haechan is pretty indifferent about you being older than him.
“hah?! you’re born in 1999?” haechan has his neck stuck out like a fish out of water, not posing that much difference since he’s just finished a shower. you make the bed with deftness, tucking in the duvet easily as your boyfriend approaches from behind.
he’s shocked, but before you can comment on it, he recovers quickly to deliver a quip through his toothpaste-filled mouth, “oh my! halmeoni, then you should take a seat!” your hands are on your hips, glaring at him while he only grins.
you indulge him, though, and take a seat on the newly made bed, relaxing into the softness of the sheets with elbows.
“if i’m considered elderly, then, you can do the housework for me, right?” the dread that slowly fills up haechan’s features make you explode into giggles, before pushing yourself up to come face to face with him.
“thought so,” you whispered, petting his head as you continue the clean-up of the room.
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24hlevi · 3 years
Part 2 of “She No Longer Needs Me”
Mikasa Ackermann X Fem!Reader
Annie Leonhart X Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Slight Fluff
Summary: After finally overcoming her heartbreak, Y/n finds new true love with Annie. When Mikasa finds out after she realized she was wrong about Eren, Y/n has already chosen Annie. Just like she chose Eren.
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: Italics means flashbacks, so i combined 3 requests into 1 so i hope that’s alright
Season 4 Ep 1-8 and Manga Spoilers !!
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It had been almost a year since you had last talked to Mikasa and Armin, since you already didn’t like talking to Eren. Yes, you stopped talking to Armin as well once you found out that he had lied to you about Mikasa and Eren’s relationship. You just couldn’t believe that one of your best friends who was always so sweet to you would lie about something like cheating. Truthfully, you didn’t want to believe it. The feeling of betrayal still rested inside of you despite getting over everything. But it wasn’t all just you that you had to help get over it all. 
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You had decided to stay back from going back on the front lines after everything, not even wanting to see any of the trio’s faces while on the battlefield because you knew you would probably get eaten by a titan from lack of focus. You stayed back at the HQ and got to get to know other Scouts and even a few of the others from different regiments. 
During that time while you were stuck at the HQ, you had often visited Annie, despite her still being in her crystal that she had built around herself. You talked to her, not knowing if she could even hear you, but you didn’t care. You two had talked quite a bit while in the Cadet Corps before finding out she was the Female Titan, but even then you could care less because you saw who she really was, which was not what everyone made her out to be. You talked about everything that would happen, including your heartbreak that Mikasa had caused because you knew she wouldn’t reply and that you wouldn’t be judged for anything you would say. 
One day, you were sitting on the ground in front of Annie who was still stuck in the crystal, talking to her like usual when the unbelievable happened. 
“You know, Hitch is so annoying sometimes. Always asking me what I talk to you about.” You grumbled out, looking at the ground. You looked up and at the girl in front of you and let out a small sigh, “When will you ever come out of there, Annie?”
You got no response, as usual. You stood up from your spot and dusted off your pants, looking at Annie, “Well. Whenever you wanna stop being stuck in that crystal, I’ll be here.” You smiled slightly. 
You turned around and were about to start walking towards the door when you heard something crack. Turning your head around slowly, your eyes widened upon seeing the crystal beginning to crack open. “Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit.” You said quickly, looking around frantically. 
When the crystal fully broke apart, all you could do was stare in shock. Annie opened her eyes and glanced around before her eyes landed on you, “Y/n?” 
“Oh my god, you’re alive!” You exclaimed, rushing up to the girl. “Are you okay?” 
“Yes, I’m alive. And I’m fine.” Annie replied, taking a step forward and looking around. “Where are we?”
“Underneath the HQ, where you’ve been for the past 4 years.” You answered. 
“Oh.” That was all that left her mouth as she looked back at you. “You know, I heard everything you said.” 
You looked at her with even wider eyes than before as your jaw dropped, “What?!”
“This whole time I’ve heard everything.” The blonde girl said nonchalantly. “You should really get better friends.” 
“Gee, thanks. Like I don’t know that already.” You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“So, what’s going to happen to me now?” Annie asked you. 
“Well, I’ll probably have to ask Hi-” “Y/n times up- HOLY SHIT!” Hitch cut you off when she walked inside the room and saw Annie, looking at you both in shock. “You didn’t tell me she got out?!”
“I was about to if you wouldn’t have interrupted.” You sighed. 
You didn’t notice that Annie wasn’t even looking at Hitch, but instead was looking at you. But Hitch noticed and she looked between you two for a few seconds before nodding, “Right, I’ll leave you two to it for a bit. But at supper, I’ll have to come back because I’ll need to tell Commander Nile.” She smiled at you two, winking at you before walking out the door. 
You had no clue why Hitch let you and Annie talk for pretty much the rest of the day until supper, but you decided to not question it. But when you would go to visit Annie after she got out of the crystal, Hitch wouldn’t even let you ask her, she would just say to go in before you even opened your mouth, which you thought was also odd. 
When you decided to confront Hitch about the odd things she was doing, she blatantly told you that Annie had obviously liked you. 
“Y/n, are you that stupid?” Hitch asked you. “Obviously I’m doing it because Annie likes you!”
You stared at the girl in front of you with shock, “You’re joking.” 
“Oh my god, you are that stupid.” Hitch sighed, rubbing her two temples with her fingers. “Okay look. Obviously, I knew Annie when we were both starting in the Military Police before she did that crystal thing but she talked about you a lot, so I know she likes you. And after you coming here every day just to talk to someone who wouldn’t reply to you, I’d say you do as well.” 
“What?! I don’t like her!” You argued with the blonde. You didn’t want to admit it, but you had begun to feel something about Annie that wasn’t just friendly. But after what happened with Mikasa, you were scared that it was going to happen again, and you didn’t want to go through that much pain again.
“You clearly do.” Hitch rolled her eyes at you. She then grabbed your shoulders and looked you dead in the eyes. “Y/n, I can guess that you’re scared of going into a new relationship because of what happened with Mikasa, but Annie isn’t a bad person and we both know that. So I say to shoot your shot.” 
After that talk, you had realized that you did in fact have a crush on the titan shifter. So what did you do? 
You walked down the stairs that led to the dungeon where there were a few cells for the people the military had decided to keep locked up if they were a danger. You had decided that today would be the day that you would tell Annie what you felt, and you hoped that it wouldn’t end badly because you did not want to deal with another tragic heartbreak.
You held the keys in your hand since it didn’t take long to convince Hitch to help you get them once you explained to her why.
You made your way to the last cell where Annie was at and you saw her sitting on the worn-out mattress. You knocked your knuckles on one of the bars and the blonde looked up immediately before speaking, “Hello, Y/n.” 
“Hey, Annie.” You smiled a bit, unlocking the cell door with the keys in your hand. 
Annie noticed rather quickly that you were unlocking the door and she raised an eyebrow, looking at you, “What are you doing?”
You opened the door and walked inside the small cell, “Oh, well I may or may not have gotten Hitch’s help to get me these keys so I could actually talk to you without bars between us.” You chuckled lightly, trying to fight off the anxiety that was rushing through your body. 
“Oh.” That was all that came out of Annie’s mouth, and she looked back at the mattress. 
“You okay?” You asked, “You look out of it.” 
“I’m fine.” The blonde replied with no emotion evident in her voice. 
You looked at the girl quietly with confusion. She hasn’t acted like this since the first day she came out of the crystal, and you didn’t know what to do. You took a deep breath and walked towards her, stopping in front of the bed, “There’s a specific reason why I’m here, Annie. And I really don’t want to fuck up so can you please just look at me?” 
Annie complied and looked up and at you and she easily caught on that you were nervous. “You okay?” She asked you.
You nodded quickly, “Yeah, I’m okay. Anyways I need to tell you something.” 
The blonde nodded, already knowing what you were going to say just from how nervous you looked and how you spoke. “Okay.” 
“Okay so there may be a small possibility that uh well I guess I uhm have feelings for yo-” You were cut off by feeling a pair of lips smashed against your own. Your eyes widened at the sudden action but when Annie cupped your face with her hands you relaxed into her touch and kissed back.
Annie pulled away and rested her forehead against yours, “I have feelings for you too.”
You and Annie had then started dating from that moment on. With only Hitch knowing since you knew you would get a severe punishment for being with the Female Titan. You two would spend all your time with one another and make the most out of Annie being stuck on the dungeon, but it was nice since it was usually just you two in there. You would bring her all her meals along with your own so you both could eat together and she didn’t complain one bit. 
You walked down the hallways and made your way to where Hitch was standing in front of the door that led down to the dungeon. When Hitch turned her head and saw you she smiled, “Ah, Y/n! Coming back to see your girl, I assume?” 
“What else would I be doing?” You chuckled lightly. 
“Very true.” Hitch nodded with a laugh before opening the door and tossing you the keys to the cells, “Dungeon’s all yours.” 
“Thanks, Hitch.” You patted her shoulder as you walked by, making your way down the stairs. You walked to the last cell and smiled when you saw Annie, you unlocked the cell door and walked inside resulting in Annie looking up and smiling once she saw it was you. 
She got up off the bed and walked over to you, hugging you and putting her head in the crook of your neck, “Hi, love.” 
“What’s this for?” You asked with a chuckle, wrapping your arms around her slim waist. 
“I just missed you.” Annie mumbled into your neck, taking in your scent that she loved. 
Feeling her hot breath hit your neck made a shiver run down your back as you smiled still, “Awe my baby missed me?” 
A blush spread on Annie’s face as she just nodded, not wanting to show her flustered face. 
You let out another chuckle and pulled away from the hug, walking over to the small bed and laying down on it and holding your arms out wide for her. The girl smiled and laid down next to you, wrapping her arms around you and laying her head on your chest, and  tangling your legs. You ran your hand through her blonde hair softly, laying there in complete silence and peace. 
“Y/n?” Annie spoke quietly. 
“Yeah?” You replied, glancing down at her. 
“I love you.” She said to you. 
“I love you too, Annie.” You kissed her forehead.
Mikasa practically ran throughout the whole HQ trying to find you. She had searched everywhere and she didn’t know where else you could possibly be. She spotted Hitch and quickly rushed towards her.
“Hitch. Tell me where Y/n is.” Mikasa demanded, looking at the blonde girl with a look of worry and urgency.
Hitch’s eyes widened and she quickly shook her head, “I can’t tell you that, Mikasa.” 
Mikasa glared harshly at the girl and grabbed the collar of her shirt, pulling her towards herself, “Hitch. Tell me.”
“She’sinthedungeon!” Hitch said so fast it sounded like it was all one word. “But don’t get pissed about what you might see.” She added afterward. 
“The hell do you mean ‘don’t get pissed’?” Mikasa let go of Hitch but her glare remained.
“Just find out for yourself. I really don’t want to be the one to tell you.” Hitch said before walking away at a fast pace. 
Mikasa stared at Hitch walking away with confusion before opening the door to the stairs that would lead down to the dungeon. She made her way down the stairs and begun to walk past the cells, looking inside each one to find you. The raven-haired girl continued to walk until she ended up at the last cell and the sight she saw made her boil over the edge upon seeing you with Annie on the small bed, cuddling. “What. The. Fuck.” Mikasa spat out angrily. To say she was angry would be an understatement, she was beyond angry, she was fuming to see you with the one girl she thought would never break out of the crystal. Even worse, the enemy. 
You shot up when you heard Mikasa’s voice and Annie did the same, “What the fuck do you want, Ackermann?” The blonde snapped. 
“What the hell is this?” Mikasa gestured to you two. “I’m risking my life to take down the enemy and you’re what, dating one now?” She glared at you. 
“She is not an enemy.” You retorted. 
“You know damn well she is.” Mikasa snarled. 
“Says the one who’s on Eren’s side when he’s a psychopath and we all know it.” Annie got off the bed and walked towards Mikasa. “So what, you’re upset that your ex has found someone better than you?”
Mikasa opened her mouth to reply but you had gotten up and walked up to the cell bars beside Annie and you set your hand on her shoulder, speaking before the raven-haired girl could get the chance, “It’s fine, baby. Let me handle this, please.” 
The blonde girl let out a sigh but nodded anyway, “Fine.”
You looked back at Mikasa who was looking at you two with a mix of anger and what seemed to be a hint of sadness, “Look, Mikasa. I don’t know what you want, but don’t come in here and talk to me for the first time in almost a year and start shit with my girlfriend.” You told her. 
Mikasa looked at you with shock before looking down, “I know I messed up. But you have to understand, you were right about Eren. He...He started a war with the Marleyans. And Sasha is...she’s gone.” The girl said quietly.
Your eyes widened when you heard her words about Sasha and anger quickly rushed through you, “Sasha is dead? Let me guess, It was Eren’s fault. And I bet none of you did anything to stop it from happening.” You spat at her. “How could you let Sasha fucking die?!”
“Yes, it was Eren’s fault. He told us to come and help him, and we did. But some kids who are warrior candidates climbed aboard using our ODM gear and shot Sahsa. We tried to stop the bleeding...But more and more poured out as we tried to bandage her up. She died on the airship.” Mikasa’s tone didn’t change as it was still quiet and filled with sadness and regret. 
“Warrior candidates?” You questioned. “You mean you pissed off the best of the best and didn’t expect them to seek revenge?”
Mikasa shook her head slowly, “Everyone thought we had won, at least that battle.” She looked up and back at you, “But you have to listen to me, I know I was wrong. I shouldn’t have done any of the things that I did to you that hurt in the past, and I regret it. But you have to realize you’ll only get yourself killed if you’re with her.” 
You rolled your eyes at her words and shook your head, “No Mikasa, you have to realize that you chose Eren over me. You have to live with that decision. I’ve moved on.” 
“You fell for the enemy,” Mikasa argued. “You know it’s bound to happen that she’ll betray you.”
“Just like you betrayed me?” You shot back at her. 
Mikasa fell silent and looked back at the ground, not responding after that for a few moments. She looked back at you with tears in her eyes, “I’m sorry.”
“If you were really sorry you wouldn’t be telling me that Annie would hurt me like you did. Just leave us alone, Mikasa.” You sighed at the end. 
The girl looked between you and Annie, before nodding, “I’ll leave you alone if that’s what you want.” She took a step away from the cell bars before continuing, “I just want you to know that I really am sorry. And so is Armin.” A tear fell down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away with her hand before turning and walking away from the both of you. 
You wouldn’t know it, but Mikasa had just gotten her heart broken just like Eren did to her, only worse and she didn’t even know why. She thought she had moved on from you, but after seeing you with a new lover, it made her heart clench. She felt an immense amount of jealousy, but she knew that you weren’t hers anymore, and you never would be again. 
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reidyoulikeabook · 3 years
Champagne Problems
#Request: could you write something based on ‘champagne problems’? creative license is yours and go ham however you see fit but i was thinking reader breaks things off between her and spencer seemingly without warning etc etc
Summary: You and Spencer had been together for almost 2 years. So when he asks you to marry him, that’s got to be a no-brainer, right?
Warnings: Angst, a lot of angst. Minor mentions of threat, blackmail, violence and drugs.
Word count: 2k
A/N: Writing this hurt my feelings. Badly. Just the idea of sad Spencer destroys me. That having been said, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy writing it. Anyway, as always, requests are open!
Spencer hasn’t moved off the couch in at least 8 hours. He hadn’t slept. Not since you’d left.
He’d been agonising over the proposal for months. He’d consulted Morgan, who’d said, “Pretty boy, you could ask her over coffee on the jet and she’d say yes. Don’t worry so much about making it perfect.”
Garcia, who’d squealed, bouncing in her seat at the thought of another BAU wedding, “Oh my gosh! You have to make it beautiful! Amazing! You two are finally gonna get married! Is she pregnant? Not that she has to be just, my god, this team has a reputation for shotgun weddings.”
He’d briefly considered asking Rossi, who had surely proposed enough times by now for him to be classified as an engagement expert. Hotch would probably have had some sage advice, and Emily well...he wasn’t exactly sure what her advice would have been, actually. He might have wound up asking them if what J.J had said to him hadn’t been so helpful.
“Do whatever feels most authentic to you. Neither of you are fans of a big show, you’re not ‘fly a blimp over Quantico’ people. Just, do something that feels right.”
So he’d done that. Spencer loved the solace of your apartment. It’s where you spent the vast majority of your date nights: ordering in fancy takeout, watching shows, sometimes just sitting and reading together in the bay window. If Spencer had a glass or two of wine, he could sometimes be coaxed into dancing.
What felt right to him was this: the apartment bathed in the glow of the fairylights he’d put up earlier, supported by the gentle golden light of the colour changing lightbulb he’d purchased especially. The record player prepared with your favourite album. A chilled bottle of wine resting on the table, next to a bouquet of fresh flowers contained in a crystal vase he’d had to demolish half the spare bedroom to find.
He was more than a little nervous, as he posted himself up at the dining room table to await your arrival. He couldn’t stop the train of thoughts: what if she says no? What if she doesn’t want me?
The only thing that helped stifle his nerves was thinking of how the others had reacted when he’d told them. What Morgan had said. Then he trails his mind back, to all the times he’d felt so insecure, so unworthy of your love. You’d never failed to remind him that he was the best thing to happen to you. That every insecurity he had was actually just a quirk about him that you loved. Your love poured into him, filling a lifetime of holes made by other peoples criticiques and mockery. He took a deep breath. He would be okay. This would be okay. You loved him. God knows you’d told him that enough times.
“What’s all this?” You ask, coming through the door and shrugging the laptop case off your shoulders.
“I just thought, since our anniversary is coming up and we could get called out on a case...I thought we could celebrate early. On a night we know we have off.”
“That’s really thoughtful,” You say with a smile, “I can’t believe you did all this Spence.”
He stands, crossing the room to help you take your jacket off, “You deserve something special.”
“Good job you’re something special then,” You say, allowing him to lift the jacket off your shoulders, leaning in to peck his cheek as he does it.
Moving away from you to hang your jacket on the coat hanger, he feels the anxiety start to climb again. He’s imagined the scenario a million times in his head, played it out. He knew he’d be nervous. But nothing, no run-through in his mind could have prepared him for the anxiety he feels as you take your seat at the table.
“Shall I open this?”
“If you don’t mind.”
“Spence you got the fancy one,” You say, a question in your voice that he pretends not to hear.
“Well it is for our anniversary, can’t buy the five dollar bottle to celebrate two years together,” He says, taking his seat opposite you.
“Two years huh?”
“Yep. Well, currently one year, eleven months and fifteen days, if you take a month to mean thirty days.”
“That’s gone pretty fast.”
“Actually it’s pretty widely agreed by psychologists that as we get older our subjective perception of time speeds up. There’s no real consensus on what exactly the cause is but it’s thought that it might have something to do with the expansion of our neuron network and the greater distance signals have to travel which slows down our processing time.”
You laugh, “Well that’s a very scientific way to tell me we’re getting old.”
“You’re not even thirty.”
“Not far off.”
“Well I’m sure I’ll think you’re just as beautiful at thirty, and fourty, and fifty, and-”
You cut him off, laughing again, “Is there a scientific theory to support that or are you just spitballing here?”
“This is all me.”
Something about the way he says that sounds so vulnerable that it makes your heart ache.
Spencer’s a little nervous, but not anything close to massively alerting you. You decide to chalk it down to just Spencer being Spencer, mostly out of not wanting to dwell on it too much. The evening passes in exchange of old memories, light teasing as you recall how long it’d taken him to summon the courage to kiss you for the first time.
He’s trying to work out when. When you head to the bathroom, he decides it has to be when you come back. Before he loses his nerve. He swallows another sip of wine for courage, smiling at the thought that he’ll get to introduce you as his fiance at work tomorrow.
Entering the room, you spy how he’s smiling to himself. You have half a mind to ask him what he’s thinking about, but he interrupts you before you can.
“Wanna dance?” He asks, having wandered to where the record player sits, covered in a thin layer of dust.
“Yeah. Dancing sounds good.”
Flicking the needle down, that familiar song starts playing.
You make your way over to where he stands on your living room rug. He puts one arm around your waist, keeping your other hand in his. You move in time to the music, letting him twirl you around with ease.
“I have something to ask you,” he murmurs, spinning you again so you come flying to rest against his chest.
Your head rests just under his chin, and the dance slows down to a gentle sway.
Your heart is pounding.
“I-I had this whole speech planned,” he says, softly, "But I think...I think I just want to ask you now. I think you know how I feel about you. How much I love you. So I wanted to ask you, if you want to marry me.”
You drop his hand. Stepping back, you scan his face. Seeing the panic, the questionning, the confusion.
“Spencer I-I can’t. I can’t do that.”
Confusion flickers across his features, eyebrows furrowing, lips pressing against one another. He tries to keep the tears from filling his eyes but he can’t. They glint with all the hurt. With his worst nightmare realised. You’re just stood there, statue-still. Staring at him with something he can’t figure out. Horror? Shock? How could it be either of those things. His chest heaves, he flounders. Even when he imagined this, he never planned what he’d say next. What he’d really do if you said no. It dawns on him then. He never really believed it would happen.
“W-Why?” He finally chokes, taking a step towards you only to promptly feel another kick to the gut as you, in turn, retreat.
“I just...” You trail off, mouth opening and closing, “I just. I just can’t.”
He doesn’t get the chance to puzzle out what the look on your face is. It’s imperceptible. Before he can think of anything else to say, before he can even begin to comprehend the way his world just shattered, you’re gone.
He thinks he hears a quiet, “I’m sorry,” as you scuttle out of the apartment door and disappear.
At some point, he makes it to the couch. It goes dark around him, the batteries in the fairy lights die at some point. So he sits illuminated in only the light of the lamp.
Eidetic memory allows his brain to become a theatre. Showing only one film: The Time You Said No. Dropped his hand. Stepped back, as if you were wounded, injured. The confusion in your voice. How it shook, broke, when you said ‘I-I can’t.’ How you just left. How you promised you’d never leave and here you were, slipping out the apartment door without a second look. He’s not even analysing. He just sits, replaying the night in his head. Hot tears slipping down his cheeks everytime he gets to the part where you leave. He doesn’t wipe them. Just starts again.
He’s vaguely aware of a phone ringing beside him. Picking it up, he sees it’s 7:52am, which means he’s going to be late for work. There are several missed calls. He would check to see who they’re from but he doesn’t really care.
Will you be at work?
The thought almost makes him want to go. It dawns on him then that he has absolutely no idea where you are, and somehow that’s worse than knowing you left. He scrambles for the phone, picking it up and dialling your number. It rings, from inside your jacket. The jacket you left on the back of the chair.
If he goes into work and you’re not there...he bristles at the thought. Nausea rises in him, his forehead starting to feel clammy with a light sheen of sweat as he processes: he has no idea where you are. For the first time in two years, he has no idea where you are and no way to find out.
Then it hits him. This might just be his life now. He has to run to the bathroom and vomit.
You’ve fucked it up. You’ve fucked it up and you know it the moment you get out of your apartment building and into the freezing cold air. There’s no way to explain it.
You’d received an email this afternoon. It was footage of Elle. You’d been home late because you’d had to go to Hotch, who’d spent the afternoon nervously pacing. Various agents, increasing in status each time, had flooded the office.
There was no way of knowing, right now, who’d sent the email. Or what they could see. What they had access to. How could you accept a proposal from Spencer when you knew that doing so could put him in jepoardy? What if they had something on him?
The entire team had looked the other way while you’d helped him to wrangle the dilaudid addiction and get himself back on his feet. That time pained you to think about. But there were so many things that a person could get their hands on. How could you say yes to taking your relationship further when everything was so off-balance right now?
You should have told him. No matter about Hotch or Strauss swearing you to secrecy. You should have told him. Shame rises, deep in your gut, at the monumental fuck-up you’d just made. If it hadn’t been this afternoon, if you hadn’t been on edge already, if you’d had the time to think about things. You would have responded differently. If you’d just had some more time.
But you’re here now. Wondering, how exactly you could explain that you’d done this because you were worried someone might hurt him.
How can you say you were protecting him, when in doing so you destroyed him?
Taglist: @sassiest-politician @takeyourleap-of-faith
(as usual, if you’d like to be added to/removed from the taglist just let me know!)
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weasleysjoke · 4 years
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: There were two features of Reid’s that drove you insane: his lips and his hands. You couldn’t help yourself to get horny because of the gestures he made while reading. It got to the point where you embarrassed yourself daydreaming of him.
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: Smut, Oral (Female and male receiving), Penetration, Chocking, Dom Specer.
A/N: As I always remind, English is not my first nor second language so if there’s any grammar error please don’t come at me. I had to write this because of my obsession with Matthew’s hands.
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Y/N, calm fucking down. There’s people dying and you are being a horny asshole. Breathe and concentrate.
I have to remind myself constantly to keep my eyes on the files and not stare at Dr. Sexy Hands. Spencer and I have been stuck on the commissary, on a little village lost in the middle of nowhere, to keep reading the files of a few suspects that fitted the profile of a murderer we were investigating.
“Y/N, I think I found something.” I hear Spencer’s voice calling me and I turn to give him my full attention. “This guy fits perfectly the profile and his mother died a month ago. That could be enough motive for his psychotic breakdown.” As I read the file of the man, I realize that Reid’s completely right and we start calling the team to let them know.
It only toke us an stressful evening to finish the paperwork and we go back to Virginia on the plane during nighttime. Everybody seem to be extra tired and had fallen sleep just as we sat on the plane. Spence and I were the only ones who were awake, blaming it on the amount of coffee’s that we toke that day.
Reid and I were the only ones sitting by the plane table, both with a book on our hands. To be honest, I was paying 0 attention to the book. Since I started on the BAU a year ago, Spencer and I always had a weird type of tension. Everybody knew I was hella attracted to him, but he didn’t notice any of the many signals threw at him.
He was so fucking oblivious for this type of things. I can believe how a genius profiler couldn’t see that I had the hots for him since day one.
As a profiler there are things that you pick out of people, and even more if you have a crush on them. There were two things that drove me insane about Reid: his lips and his hands.
On one side, when he started ranting about stuff he knew or was passionate about his lips would dry out. So, with that happening, he had the constant need of travelling his tongue throw his plumped lips to hydrate them.
I almost caught myself moaning out loud on the conference room one day that I was extra horny, and Spencer was explaining to me the movie he saw that night. His eyes were fixed on mine and my eyes kept travelling from his to his lips and moving hands. Emily, who sat by my side, smirked and shot me a knowingly look.
On the other side, HIS HANDS. Everybody knew he could read 20.000 words per minute, which was crazy by itself. To help his reading his hands followed rapidly the sentences and flipped the pages with ease.
It may sound stupid, but I got wet several times just watching him read. Reading Reid combined his two most attractive features. His lips moved following the words and his hands accompanied the book pages.
So, after all the tension accumulated in these few days of work, Spencer currently reading by my side felt like a sick joke. A fucking punishment.
All I could think about is how his full lips would feel against your neck, travelling towards your tits and sucking hardly on one of your nipples while the other one was being pinched with his long fingers. How his mouth and hands would feel against your core, his tongue against your clit and one hand against your neck.
You hadn’t realized that everybody had already got off the plane, except for Reid who couldn’t get out of his sit because you were blocking him.
“Y/N!” His hands made a set of movements in front your eyes to wake you from the daydream you were having. His eyes were looking at you worryingly. “Are you okay? You look kinda flushed, maybe you are getting sick.”
“Oh! Sorry, Spence. I was just daydreaming, or more like nightdreaming since it’s 2 am.” I tried to joke.
“Did you know that most people spend 47% of their waking time daydreaming every day? Although, there’s no consistent theory or definition among psychologists on the different types of daydreams.”
To be honest, I did not hear a word he just said. My eyes were locked on his lips and after he said the last word, he drew his lips against his lower lip.
I moaned.
Somebody kill me right now.
Embarrassed I falsely coughed. “I didn’t know. That sounds interesting, Reid, but we should leave already. It’s so late.”
Spencer seemed to be speechless because he didn’t say a word just a ‘goodbye’ left his lips after getting to the parking lot.
I fucked it up, I need to talk to Emily and drink a bottle of wine.
“Emily.” I groaned as I hear she picked the call.
“Y/N, I was asleep. What happened? Is there something wrong?” She asked worryingly but annoyed at the same time.
“I messed up. I messed up so badly. I don’t think I can ever look at Spencer’s face again.”
I heard her laugh. “What happened? Do you wanna come to my place and explain it to me?”
“Sure, prepare the wine.” I hang up after hearing her laugh again.
In less than 10 minutes I’m already ringing her door.
“Hey baby, come in.” Emily greeted me and passing me a glass full of white wine.
As I sat down on her sofa, I give a big gulp and sigh. “I moaned. He did his lip thingy while ranting about daydreaming and I spent the whole travel in the plane thinking about him, his hands. You know what he does to me! And then, I was just staring at his lips and couldn’t help myself but moan out loud. I’m so embarrassed.”
Emily starts laughing so much that tears started falling of her eyes. I sigh because I knew that she would react like that and I finish my glass and grab her full glass of wine and finishing it in one gulp.
She stops laughing but a smile is plastered in her face. “How did he react?”
“We made it back to the parking lot without crossing any word. He just muttered a ‘goodbye’ and left.” I sigh again and close my eyes feeling already dizzy because of the wine.
I pour myself another glass and drink it.
Emily stares at me till I finish my third glass. “What if you call him and tell him, finally, that you’ve got the hots for him?”
“You know what?! I’m going to do it.” I pick my phone from the table and ring him.
As he picks up, Emily whispers “Put it on speaker.”
I pressed the speaker option and hear Spencer’s voice: ‘Y/N?”
“Hi, Reid. Remember that I was daydreaming on the plane?” I continue without waiting for a response, but he murmurs a ‘yes’. “All I could think about is about your mouth on my pussy and your hands on my neck.”
“Oh my god” I heard Emily say.
“You don’t fucking know what your lips and hands do to me every time you are reading, and you read a fucking lot, Reid.”
I stop my rant and wait for him to say something, but I’m left waiting.
I sigh on defeat. “I’m sorry, I just thought I had to let you know. I’m not going to make things weird in work and if you want to I can stop talking to you. It would hurt but-“
“Y/N” I hear his voice come out my phone like a growl. “Where are you right now?”
Fuck, I’m wet again.
“I’m at Emily’s right now.” I say unsure.
“Give me 15 minutes, I’m coming.” And then he hangs up.
“Emily, what did just happen?”
“You are getting laid, my girl.” She says loudly. “Are you wearing cute underwear?”
I receive a text from Reid saying to come down and I obey immediately saying ‘goodbye’ and ‘thanks’ to Emily.
I see Reid’s car and just as I got into the passenger sit and put the safety belt, he starts driving.
“Y/N. I couldn’t stop thinking about the fucking sound you made on the plane.” My eyes grew wide and turned to stare at him. “I never thought you could actually be attracted to me, although Morgan and Emily always kept insisting that you did.”
I chuckled. “Spence, I’ve always tried to make you notice me, but you are so fucking oblivious. I thought you didn’t want anything from me.”
“How could I not want anything from you? Are you crazy? You are stunning, funny, and so fucking smart. You’ve everything.” He says staring at me as he just parked in front of his apartment.
His eyes drift off to my lips and proceeds to lick his.
And again, I moan out loud.
“Fuck, Y/N. Let’s get inside before I fuck you right here in the car.”
I’ve never heard him sound like this, a new kind of confidence occupied his body and it showed.
As we reached the lift, the tension between the two of us was so dense I couldn’t breathe steadily. The door dings and opens, Spencer grabbed my hand and takes me to his apartment. Without waiting a second after closing the door, he led me into his room.
“Sit down.” He ordered me and I don’t hesitate to do it. “Before we start this, I want to tell you that I won’t be gentle. Also, this ain’t going to be a one-time thing, after this I’m going to ask you out on a date. Just so you know that I’m not playing with your feelings or that this is a one-sided thing.”
“Reid, I need your lips on mine, right now.”
“This is the only time I’m going to take an order from you, baby.”
He launched himself over my body and went for my lips. With my bottom lip between his teeth, I opened my mouth granting pass to his tongue. As our tongues dance with each other a loud moan left my mouth.
“Y/N… those fucking sounds are going to be the death of me.” He lifts my weigh while turning around and I end up straddling him. “Remind me again of what you daydreamed back in the plane.” He says while leaving kisses on my check and continued with my jaw.
“You started biting my neck…” he proceeded to do that going for the sweet spot just below my ear. “Fuck.” I moan.
“What else?”
His teeth nipped strongly on my skin and I closed my mouth to try to not make a sound, failing of course.
“I imagined you eating me out and then chocking me.”
He separated his head of my neck and looked at me with a new sparkle in his eyes. “If you behave, I might just do that, baby.”
Between kisses, I toke his shirt off and he toke mine, followed by my bra.
“Fuck, I’ve dreamed so many nights about these two. Had to jerk off so many times in my shower thinking about coming onto them.” I moaned at his dirty talk; I should have known he was good with his words in bed too. “Maybe we could do that another time, now I’m going to give my full attention to this right here.” He said while cupping my pussy with his hand.
He pushed me into the bed on my back and toke my pants and underwear off. His mouth traveled between my tits and continued on my abdomen. He started kissing my thighs but every time he got close to where I needed him the most, he started kissing my other thigh.
“Please, Spencer.” I implored.
“What do you want, Y/N?” He arched an eyebrow.
“You know what I want, Reid.”
“Use your words.” He blew air into the center of my core.
“I need you, your tongue, fingers… I don’t care. I need you. PLEASE.”
“If you beg me like that, baby.”
His tongue attacked my clitoris while two of his fingers entered me.
“Spencer!” I screamed.
With a smirk, his tongue continued lapping my clit while his fingers curled inside me. His mouth left my core to give attention to my boobs. His fingers still working in and out and his teeth nipping my nipples was starting to be too much for me. My legs started trembling and sweat was covering every inch of my body. The warm sensation was overwhelming and as he pinched my nipple and bitted the other one, I came.
“Fucking hell Reid.” I moaned. As I came down of my high, he licked his fingers.
“You taste so good, baby. It almost feels like a sin to taste like this, I wanna eat this pussy every day.”
My mouth opened speechless at his words.
Is it possible to be already wet again and ready for more? Because Spencer just had made it possible for me.
“I want those pinks lips wrapped around my cock. Now.”
He grabbed the back of my thighs lifting me up again to straddle him. We get into a deep kiss in which I get to taste myself and help him get out of his pants and boxers. His cock completely erected stood now on his stomach.
Licking my lips hungrily, I went directly to wrap the tip with my lips and tacking it out making a ‘pop’ sound.
“Shit.” He groans.
With the help of my hand, I start slow movements on his length. I take him fully on my mouth earning a loud moan that went directly to the inside of my pussy. His hand grabbed my hair, stopping me for a second.
“Y/N, I’m gonna come in your mouth if you don’t stop.”
“Do it, Reid” I bob my head faster and I toke his balls on my hands massaging them.
“Holy shit.” He growled and came inside my mouth. His saltiness fulling me. “That felt so good baby.” He sighs and cups my face bringing it to his.
We kissed and I smiled. “Now, can I finally have that cock inside my pussy?”
He tucked my hair with his hand making my neck to be on full exposure to his mouth. “Come and ride me baby.” Ordered while attacking my neck again.
He’s going to leave me so many marks.
I positioned my pussy right on his cock and pushed it inside me. We both groaned at the same time.
“You feel so good around me.”
I moaned at his words and started riding him. We both were a moaning mess, but he seemed to get frustrated.
“I need to go faster.” He pushed me into my back. He pushed himself into me, getting more in depth in this new position. My legs were on his shoulders and his cock was deeper than ever. One of his hands traveled to my clit drawing circles on it and his other hand positioned on my neck with a light pressure.
“Harder.” I demanded between moans.
He did what I said and putted more pressure on my neck.
“Y/N, come for me.” As if I just needed to hear him say it, my whole body reacted to his words giving me one of the best orgasms I have ever had.
“Oh my god.” I moaned. My clenched pussy wrapped around him was what he needed to have his release.
“Baby, that was the best sex I’ve ever had.” He said lying on his back and getting off me.
We lied catching our breath.
“Same, Spence.”
He then seemed to be on deep thought.
“What are you thinking about?”
“That now, everytime I read all I’m going to think is about you moaning.”
I laugh at his response. “Finally, you will suffer some consequences for being hot without realizing.”
We laugh.
“As I promised,” he started and turned all his body to face mine, “do you wanna go out with me on a date?”
I looked at him sweetly while we cupped my cheek with one hand, getting my hair out my face.
“Of course, idiot. It was time you asked.”
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starshine-effendy · 3 years
Fanboy Shoto x Singer Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters of MHA these characters belong to Kohei Horikoshi.
Okay in this AU, You're a Singer and a model and you're really popular and Shoto, is a secret fanboy of you.
Disclaimer: sexual Harrassment by a random guy and kissing
Italics are your thoughts :3
Ahem... Let's begin
Endeavor was trying his best to make up for his wrong doings to his family, so being the man he is, he snuck to Shoto's room to find anything that could get him closer to his son, he ended up finding a poster of you under his table. For a moment Endeavor was surprised that Shoto was interested in you and he was also offended that Shoto has a poster of you and not of him, but that's kinda understandable for him. Endeavor stares at the poster of you for a moment before an idea came to his head.
The next day, Endeavour burst into Shoto's room and told him to get ready for a photoshoot. It took a while to convince Shoto but at the end he finally agreed. Endeavour waited downstairs for Shoto to finally come, but when Shoto came he was dressed in casual clothing, it was so casual but he somehow looked like a model with it. There was a painful argument between Endeavour and Shoto before Shoto agreed to get in the car.
You were getting ready with a red and white dress. You didn't need any make up cause you have ✨NATURAL BEAUTY✨ which is why your photoshoots usually take a short time. Shoto had arrived right after you were ready for the photoshoot, the photographer informed the team that another model would be coming, but he never mentioned that it would be Shoto Todoroki, the son of the current number One Hero!
When Shoto stepped into the studio, you were the first thing he saw, his eyes widen. You caught a glance of him and started to walk towards him... Wait... YOU WERE WALKING TOWARDS HIM! Shoto's breathing started getting faster, but he kept a straight face, he was secretly freaking out.
"Hi! I'm Y/N" You said cheerfully. You were prettier up close, your smile is so bright, your hair's so smooth and sleek, your eyes are luminous, your scent is just truly exquisite, and that dress you're wearing looked gorgeous on you, it made Shoto faintly blush. "S-Shoto...! Shoto Todoroki.." He looked away from your eyes.
"Ohh! The Shoto Todoroki? You won 2nd place in the UA festival right? It's really nice to meet you" Your smile got wider.
"Y-yeah... It's nice to meet you too.."
The photographer came to greet Shoto and lead him towards the dressing room, leaving you alone, so you go on your phone. 5 minutes passed, another member of the photoshoot team reminded you that this photoshoot was going on for a week. You nodded.
Hmmm... A week with Shoto huh... Well I might as well get to know him..
15 minutes passed and Shoto was approaching you. He was wearing a red suit with a white tie and black pants and black shoes, not gonna lie he looks good. Once Shoto had approached you he reached out his hand for you, you held it and walked with him to set.
"Hey, you look good with a suit. It really suits you" (😏) You said.
"Thanks," He said, slightly happy.
"Hey, we're gonna be in this photoshoot for a week, I was thinking we could go for gelato after this, I wanna get to know you better Shoto," You said with a smile.
"Y-yea... That would be nice" Shoto said with a slight blush. The Person He admired just asked him out... OH MY GOD YOU'RE GOING TO EAT GELATO TOGETHER!
You both reached the set, the photographer looked so excited to see the both of you. He was directing the both of you how to pose. "Hey, you're okay if you get close with Y/N right?" The photographer asked. "As long as Y/N is okay with it, then I should also be fine," Shoto answered. The photographer didn't even bother to ask you, but he saw you nod and he got the signal.
You were asked to sit back to back with Shoto. Click... Click.. "PERFECTION! NEXT!" The photographer yelled. Your hair is braided in this one, it was a sitting pose pretending that Shoto was braiding your hair. "AMAZING! NEXT" you were asked to hold Shoto's chest and Shoto asked to hold your waist, both of you were blushing through this one. "BEAUTIFUL!!! GET THE NEXT OUTFITS!" You and Shoto are wearing white pajamas now. You were asked to lay in bed together with your face really close together smiling, the entire thing made you blush... like a lot. 
What if my breath is bad... What if he's uncomfortable with my breathing... Oh gosh What if he's not okay with it... I'd have to handle the awkwardness for another 6 days... 
"Are you okay with that?" Shoto asked with a faint blush on his face. "A-as long as you are," you squeaked. Both of you got into position, your hands were behind his shoulder... Oh my gosh... He smells amazing... This is too close...  Oh God... You felt something rise up between Shoto's legs, which made you blush more. "THAT'S A WRAP AND NOW I'M ON FIVE!" The photographer said as he tossed his camera to the air, his assistant caught it. Shoto got off you, the team could see both your cheeks were red and the tent on Shoto's pants. Shoto didn't look at you.
"You still up for gelato...?" You said with a nervous voice, trying to break the awkwardness between you both.
Shoto looked at you, "Yea.." He answered. You breathed a sigh of relieve.
"Well then I'll get ready" You said leaving with a smile.
Shoto was waiting for you outside the studio wearing his casual clothing... If he had known he was going out with you he would've worn something nicer... He sighed. You came out wearing a nice light blue themed dress...."You're beautiful with everything you wore..." Shoto thought. Shoto held his hand out, you looked at it or a second and held it.
~~At the Gelato store~~
You and Shoto are eating your gelato while talking about a lot of things. Shoto's really nice and polite, a complete gentleman. Your fans were constantly bombarding you with requests for pictures, and being the nice person you are you'd say yes. They also flooded you with questions if you were on a date with Shoto Todoroki, which you would always say with a smile "No no... This is just a hangout" Shoto was wondering how you kept a smile on your face for so long.
Shoto had went to the toilet and not even 30 seconds passed when a man started harassing you. "Hey!!! Y/N!! It's been my Dream to sleep with you since I started seeing you!! Can you please make that dream come true?!? Please!!!!" He said pleading you. You were refusing and saying "Sorry, no" for a minute now. The employees were also telling him to leave when they heard what he was saying to you, he finally gave up, but not before stealing your unfinished gelato and licking it all over. You and the employee of the store just looked at him in disgust... What the heck... That's mine. You didn't want to start anything since he was finally silent and not harassing you.
When Shoto came out of the toilet the man was walking out of the store, he walked up to you and saw that your gelato was gone. "Oh.. Are you done with it already?" He asked politely. You shook your head and pointed at the man who just left "He stole it," you said, you didn't sound cheerful about it. You took a deep breath trying to remind yourself that it's just a gelato and you could get another one, you looked up at Shoto who was looking furious. "I'll just buy another one," The employee who witnessed you being harassed nervously said "It's okay ma'am! I'll just get you another one!" You looked at her, "Thank you," Your smile returned. You sat down at the table again facing worried Shoto.
"What happened?" Shoto said
"Nothing, that guy was just crazy" You said trying to avoid the topic.
"Here you go, Y/N!" The employee said, handing you another gelato. You gave her the money for it but the employee declined. "Please, I insist! You helped me out back there so just take it," You said cheerfully, the employee sighed and took the money. Once you and Shoto were done with your gelatos, Shoto told you to wait outside for him. You nodded and waited outside, Shoto went to the employee who offered you the free gelato and asked them what happened. "Well, a man came in when you headed to the bathroom and asked Y/N to do something inappropriate with her, when I asked him to leave, he kept refusing. Soon he did give up... But he took Y/N's gelato with him," The employee said. Shoto stood there dumbfounded for a minute trying to process what the employee has just said. When he finally did, he tipped the employee and thanked them and left the gelato store. Shoto made up his mind about something though. He will personally hunt the man down and send him to jail.
Shoto stepped out of the store and saw you with your smile, it felt so real... but is your smile actually fake? Shoto slowly held out his hand, you looked at it and held it, with a smile. "Where are we going now?" You said, 
"We could go hang out more if you want but if you're tired I could always escort you home," Shoto said. 
You thought for a moment and gasped, "Let's go to that Carnival near the beach!"
"A carnival?"
"Yea! There's a Ferris wheel, games, prizes, food, and bumper cars!" You said so excitedly.
"Sounds fun, let's go,"
~~At The Carnival~~
You and Shoto were holding hands the entire time. You decided to try playing ball toss, you wanted the red and white doll so badly because you wanted a memory for today, in the end, you won the game with a little help with your quirk. You hugged the doll tightly and it made Shoto look away blushing, then you and Shoto shared cotton candy, it was sweet! You and Shoto never had so much fun before. It was peaceful, and you feel protected around Shoto since he's such a gentleman, it's... pleasant. After a lot of games and rides, it was getting dark so you and Shoto agreed to go on the Ferris wheel and eat dinner before you go back home. ...I wish this day would last longer.. You and Shoto went inside the cabin.
"This was really fun Shoto," You said excitedly.
"I'm glad you're having fun," Shoto said, a smile was growing on his face.
You held Shoto's hand tight, Shoto looked at your hands and realize how close you were from each other. Shoto caressing your hand with his thumb, this made you blush and look at him. Both of you were staring into each other's eyes, admiring one another's eyes in a very loving way. Without thinking, you leaned forward softly meeting your lips with Shoto's. You were kissing Shoto. WAIT! YOU WERE KISSING SHOTO HOLY CRAP WAIT NO! OH MY GOD THIS IS REALLY HAPPE- Your thoughts were interrupted because Shoto was kissing you back.
For a second everything surrounding you and Shoto faded, it was just you and him holding each other's hands tightly, finger intertwined, pressing your lips against one another, softly and tenderly, his lips were so soft. After what seemed like a second and an eternity, both of you gently pulled apart. The two of you were blushing.
"I-...I-I'm sorry!" You stuttered, "I.. uh.. it's just that... I" You were trying to get the words out but they weren't cooperating with you. Shoto gave you a faint smile before kissing your forehead, "It's okay. I enjoyed it, your lips are very soft" You felt your cheeks burn, if you were pink before you were definitely red now. You took a deep breath trying to regain your composure, "This is.. nice Shoto, I'm happy you came today,"
"I'm glad too," Shoto soothed, "Does this mean you're my girlfriend now? Because if you are I'd be really honored to have you as something more than friends," blush was appearing on his cheeks.
You looked at him wide eyed, your heart was beating fast again.
He wasn't like other guys, he's not pushing you to do anything and he was a gentleman the entire day, he isn't so bad of a guy right? And the feeling you have with him was unique, you never felt anything like it before, safe, peaceful, happy, warm and comfortable. Shoto was making you feel this, and you loved it, you love him.
You smiled, "I'd be honored to be called your girlfriend, Shoto,"
Shoto looked away from your eyes, you were too beautiful to handle, "Then I guess that dinner is a date now,"
"I guess it is,"
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