#SO IM LIKE ‘yo !! free money!!’
nick-close · 11 months
Giving the close boys my trait of calling any money I’m given ‘free money’
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isatoru · 21 days
guys i don't wanna ever hear you say you hate your writing when booktok exists. every time you say you hate your writing an angel loses its wings or wtv they say
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tearfest · 9 months
mini life update in the tags bc i need somewhere 2 rant < 3
#u can ignore but!#in the process of secretly prepping to cut my mum off bc shes got total financial control over me (im 26)#i got a lot of money when i was 18 from an accident n shes basically in control of my assets bc she made it that wah#*way#if that makes sense#like i can only access my money if i go to the bank with her. she lives in a house i boyght her free of charge#sje bullied me into biying another house in wales so she can rent it out as a holidah home n use it as a free holiday spot n said i would#get an income from it but shes given me nothing in the 4/5 yrs weve had it#she put her name on the deeds to all my assets#so i have money but it is inaccessible#i need some bc i need to fund my phd next year but sje wont help me#anyways! thats lowkey besides the point#my dads got a brain tumor n my mum doesnt know i still see my dad bc she thinks i havent spoke to him since je left like 3 yrs ago#but i helped hjm leave bc she was abusing him n had been since i was like 9#n now im stressed out bc my dads not well and i feel like um running out of time with him#but hes in the hospital at the minute after having a siezure a few weeks after his brain surgery#so ive visited him like 3 days in a row n he remarried this year and my stepmum/sisters are so nice#its like having a real family#and it makes me feel guilty yo say that abt my mum n sister#like the guilt of havi g a bad parent is so real tonight fellas im just gonna sit n cry for a few dags#tbd.#if u read this far i love u .. whats hr zodiac#but yeah! this is why im so inactive#n bc im doi g my masters degree but . that pales in comparison rn
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
Thank You
Pairing: Uchiha Itachi x f!Reader
Summary: Going blind and coughing up blood, Itachi had to seek some kind of medical aid, if only to prolong the inevitable. It helped that some random farming village's secondary clinician was so understanding and willing to provide that aid - but now, after a year of visits and spinning a Parnassian lie, he's started to care for the clincian, against his better judgement.
W/c: 2.7k
Warnings: meh, fluff, just Itachi going blind and trying to be nice (also him negating to tell our girl that he isn't just some wayward poet)
Notes: totally totally totally inspired by this post by @weeny-mcbitch !! also, was supposed to be a drabble that I stayed up all night to write instead, so lmk if y'all want a part 2, im teeming with ideas rn (also, im working on my requests, i swear to god, this is kinda like a warm up for one of then - whoever sent in that itachi and shisui one ily youre a genius) anyway lmk if this sucks
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He was such a kind man, there wasn't a thing in the world you wouldn't have done for him, for free. Just his thanks and the small, reluctant smiles he would give you were payment enough.
"I don't want your money, Itachi," you giggled as you reshelved an assortment of herbs. "When have I ever made you pay for my silly, little pills?"
"They're not silly, and you should."
Looking over to him and his holey cloak, you just asked with a grin, "When are you going to let me fix up that ratty cloak of yours, anyway?"
"I'm practically stealing from you as is," he grimaced, holding up the bottle of pills you had just pressed.
Itachi stared at the exam room wall in front of him with wide, unmoving eyes for a moment longer before letting them trail to you. Smiling at him softly, you returned a jar of Goldenseal essence to your wall. His stare made you nervous - it was as if he were looking straight through you, despite an effort. You shelved the final jar and put your hands up, one in front of the other, aimed at Itachi.
"What are you doing?"
"How many fingers am I holding up with the hand closer to you?"
"Why are you doing this?" He asked with a sigh, looking back to the wooden wall in front of him. Dropping your hands, you moved to sit beside Itachi on the bench of your family's exam room.
Your father was your village's clinician, trained by his father and his father before him. He had been training you thusly to carry on the title, which allowed you the facility to care for the wandering ninja before you, whenever he came along. It wasn't terribly often that Itachi would visit, but you always made sure to be thorough in your examination when he would.
"Last time you were here, I noticed you were having some issues with your depth perception. This time, your pupils aren't properly dilating with the light," you told him softly. Itachi just turned his head down to look at the floor instead. Sighing, you put your hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly as you said, "I'm not an optometrist by any stretch, but my cousin is. If you're still here tomorrow afternoon, I can get you an appointment."
"I won't be."
His voice was firm, but had such an feeling of regret attached to it. You frowned, letting his shoulder go. He was an adult, and a wanderer, no less. There wasn't a thing in the world you could do to force Itachi to do anything.
The air in the room had gotten much too thick for your liking. So you smiled, bumping your shoulder against his as you stood again, remarking, "I suppose the life of a travelling poet doesn't allow time for optometry then."
"No, it doesn't..." Itachi trailed off.
You just chuckled lightly, collecting your notes on the wanderer that were strewn across your father's desk. Your desk. The practitioner's desk. A life of poetry and meandering seemed so nice in comparison to your boring life. Though, Itachi never meandered. He never seemed to have the time. You'd think a man of his lifestyle would have all the time in the world.
"Will you ever share one of your poems with me?" You asked, lining your year's worth of papers up before sliding them into your bag.
Scared out of your skin, you jumped away from Itachi, who was suddenly standing beside you. He took a step back, extending his arms to you. Itachi's face filled with worry as his cloudy, black eyes jumped around your entire body.
"I'm sorry," he said quickly. "I didn't mean to frighten you, I should have made more noise. I'm so s-"
"It's alright," you murmured, taken by the slight parting of his lips and furrow of his brow. You just stared at his face, heart corralling itself, as a different Itachi stood before you. One you hadn't seen before. Inhaling deeply, you bit down on your lip, murmuring, "As an aside... you smell amazing."
Closing his mouth, Itachi blinked slowly as his expression morphed into that of confusion, then to a slight... well, you didn't know. He just seemed caught off guard, though pleasantly so. Itachi's brow relaxed slightly, and you were blessed with his small smile. The right corner of his mouth lifted just slightly higher as his eyes roamed your face, and Itachi leaned forward unconsciously. You smiled back, collecting the straps of your bag as you maintained your gaze on Itachi.
After a long while, Itachi rubbed the back of his neck, turning his eyes to the ground. "What do I smell like?"
"I dunno," you chuckled, pulling your bag over your shoulder and walking up beside Itachi. You leaned closer to him and took a long breath, deep and thoughtful. Humming, you mumbled, "Like a very foggy forest, I suppose."
"Ugh, that's terribly musky," Itachi complained with a kind of joke in his tone that was foreign to your ear. You smiled as Itachi turned his head to look at you, his minty breath washing over you as he asked hesitantly, "And you... like that?"
"I do, indeed," you confirmed with a nod. "Though, I can smell a distinct lack of mullein on you. Make sure you're steaming those pills properly."
"I do," he replied almost indignantly.
You chuckled as you asked, "With the towel over your head, and all?"
Itachi's nose twitched, nodding, "As embarrassing and time consuming as it is, yes."
"What colours come up after?"
"Black, and blood."
"Are you coughing while over the pot?"
Itachi's face scrunched up at your question. "No, ew, why would I-"
"Don't cough into the pot, take your head out for a second," you laughed, shaking your head. Walking to the exam room door, you flicked off the lights, allowing the moonlight from the window to illuminate the room. "You shouldn't suppress your coughs, that will only make you cough harder when you give in."
You opened the door and turned back to the beautiful, black haired poet. He stood by the desk, nodding silently and softly. Itachi's large eyes reflected the shine of the moon so wonderfully, it was like you could see the individual beams as they touched the different shades of his dark irises. 
Eh, what the Hell. "Care to walk me home, or does the Poet's Life not allow time for that either?"
Elegant as a dancer, Itachi swiveled on his heel and came to you with his small smile returned to his full lips. His cloak swished as he walked toward you, his footsteps no louder than those of the smallest mouse in the largest church. Voice as rich as your grandmother's chocolate cake, Itachi hummed,
"I can make the time, if only for you."
"Oh, stop, now you're just flirting with me," you grinned as the black haired man followed you out of the primary exam room.
"And if I am?"
"Well," you grinned with a blush, locking the door. "Then I would smile, kiss you, and say thank you."
"Then I'm awaiting your kiss."
"You're awfully bold this evening, Itachi," you giggled, hooking your arm into his as you began to walk down the short hallway of exam rooms.
He smiled, looking straight forward as he walked with you, putting his other hand over yours. Just his presence was so calming, but it was like contact with him put your soul in a trance. Nothing bothered your mind, nothing nagged - everything felt peaceful, or at least tentatively so. The two of you swept into the waiting room and you both turned back to lock the door to the hallway.
"Do you have a boyfriend? A husband?"
"Cripes, Itachi, how old do you think I am? A husband?" You exclaimed with a laugh.
"You said you were nineteen a few months ago," Itachi said with a gentle voice. "A young woman like you... you should have a husband... someone to love you."
"Lots of people love me," you replied, mocking his earlier indignance, pulling Itachi through the dark waiting room.
"That's not what I meant," he sighed, pursing his lips. You frowned a bit, recognizing he thought you were upset. Itachi's hand stiffened over yours, as if he was worried you would let go. Drawing a deep breath, he clarified slowly, "I meant... I'm sorry, I just- you're so... it's unbelievable that no one has... you must decline a thousand proposals a day, is what I mean."
"Awfully poetic wording," you remarked jokingly.
Opening the front door of the clinic, you and Itachi squeezed through together while you chewed on your lip. The night air was crisp, wrapping you in a ticklish blanket, which had you you tighten your grip around Itachi's bicep. The muscle rippled beneath your fingers as Itachi pulled you a step closer to him while you locked the final door.
"My dad takes care of that for me," you admitted, drawing him down the steps of your family's clinic and onto the dirt road. "He needs me at the clinic, and in the garden, and at home - one day, he'll decide we need a next generation to continue the clinic, but I've still got a few more years."
Looking over, you remarked the frown that had settled onto Itachi's lips. Still staring ahead, Itachi looked genuinely upset by your words, almost troubled.
"I wish... I'm sorry," he simply said.
"Not your fault, poet," you shrugged, rubbing small circles into his bicep. "I'm content. I've got a job, a small nation's worth of friends, and the attention of the most handsome ninja in the world."
"Who?" Itachi snapped, head swiveling so quickly you could hear a small crunch of cartilidge.
With a chuckle, you shook his arm. "Don't tell me you're losing your sharpness along with your eyesight." Itachi quirked his eyebrow at you, squinting as he did. You snickered, "You, Itachi, are the most handsome ninja- no, human - and you're gorgeous. Drop-dead gorgeous."
"Now you're just flirting with me."
"I am, but I'm also telling the honest truth," you replied, feeling like your heart was going to beat out of your chest at any second.
Looking forward, you could make out the lights of your house in the distance. You turned your head up, hearing the crickets' chirps and the soft breaths Itachi took. The stars above where abundant in the black canvas of the sky, the white and yellow specks flickered in every corner, as far as the eye could see. Right in the center of the sky, directly above the two of you, a big, bright, full moon shone, bathing your little village in silver glow. Everything seemed so perfect, so picturesque - as if the whole world was as calm as you. Perhaps it was, if only while you walked with Itachi.
"Do you know any of the constellations?" Itachi asked you gently, only a few paces from your house.
"Not a one, you?"
"I could draw you a map of the sky, if you wanted me to."
You looked over casually as Itachi raised his eyes to the sky. He began squinting and widening his eyes, pupils stagnant and his eyes dry. Despite the obvious troubles, Itachi raised his hand from yours and pointed. Your eyes followed up his arm, his index finger drawing a strange figure eight in the Northern sky as he mumbled,
"There... do you see a really bright star and a kind of fish shape?"
Matching his squint, you looked where he pointed. Itachi's finger was a ways off the brightest star in that direction, but you assumed that was the star he meant.
"I see the bright one, I think, but the fish is a bit tough."
"Well, the star is called Vega, and the constellation is Lyra," he told you, bringing his hand back to rest atop yours on his bicep. Itachi squeezed your hand to his muscle and he continued, "It's a lyre, like the one Orpheus played."
"Who's Orpheus? And who's the liar?"
"A lyre is a harp of sorts, but Orpheus' is a very long story, sweetheart," Itachi chuckled lowly as the two of you approached your house.
With a shrug, you pulled him to the stairs to your door and sat on the second step, letting go of his arm.
"I've got the time for a story."
Smiling, Itachi sat next to you and began, "Then forget Orpheus for a second while I tell you about Jason."
Over the hours of the night, Itachi divulged the epic legends of Jason and his Argonauts, shifting to Orpheus and Eurydice after. You listened with rapt attention, clinging to every word as he gesticulated wildly. Itachi painted such vivid imagery with his tongue that you had no doubt he was a poet. Of course people would pay to listen to his voice, to be taken into a world of his creation.
As he recited the tales, you asked him questions. Silly, little questions, you thought, but they derailed him greatly, sending him on tangents about different translations and different versions of the same myth.
"He has to turn around."
"But he can't, you just said that was the rule."
"What would you do, if your love refused to look at you?" Itachi asked, eyes locked with yours.
You shrugged and yawned, "I dunno, you're always staring at me."
"Okay, then think," he chuckled. "I'm in front of you, and you can only see the back of my head, as we walk out of Hell."
"Sounds alright."
"We're in Hell though, sweetheart," Itachi reminded you with a smug smile. "The ground is alive, only to trip you - demons are swarming and taunting us - we're surrounded by danger. And I don't look back... I don't check if you're still with me, or if you're alright."
"Oh, I get it, I get it," you hummed with a nod. "But still, we would be fine, as soon as we're safe on Earth."
"Eurydice didn't think so." Itachi tore his eyes away from yours, looking to the sky as it lightened. "In the one version where Orpheus doesn't turn, Eurydice turned back. She returned to Hell, not wanting to live if Orpheus didn't care enough to check on her."
"That's terribly sad, Itachi."
He looked back to you, smiling softly despite your words. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I don't mean to sadden you."
"I'm not sad." You yawned again, leaning on Itachi's shoulder. "Not sad at all."
"I should let you go in, get some sleep while you still can."
"Next time you come, you should stay with me," you suggested, almost ignoring his attempt to leave. "You could stay for a few days even, get some proper writing in. The village isn't awe-inspiring, but we've got a few nice streams and valleys."
Itachi took a deep breath, then leaned his head against yours gently. The two of you sat on your step, simply breathing together as the sky shifted from a navy blue to a darling lilac. Slowly, the stars that Itachi seemed to know so much about faded into the distance, leaving you only a twinkle in your mind to mark their presence. Birds stirred awake, the hatchlings cheeping desperately for breakfast from their diligent parents. The birds awoke the cicadas, who started their droning early, before the sun even began to rear it's stunning halo over the horizon.
The silence that you and the wandering poet had constructed began to seep away as the farmers began their morning duties. Machinery whirred to life, and farmhands slowly started stumbling from their houses, on their ways to their contracts.
No louder than a whisper, Itachi mumbled, "I need to go."
"Why? A limerick on the tip of your tongue?"
"You could say that," he smiled, lifting his head off of yours slowly. Once you raised your head from his shoulder, Itachi stood and extended his hand to you. You took it gratefully, and Itachi added, "I'll come back soon."
"I hope," you replied honestly, squeezing his hand. Itachi's Obsidian eyes flickered around your face, his pupils dilating wide. You grinned, "I'll work on some eyedrops for you - I can't restore muscle, but I can help qualm the dryness."
"You don't have to do that."
"I want to."
"Okay," Itachi whispered.
Carefully, he brought his free hand to your face, tracing your cheekbone with his thumb as his fingers pressed against your jaw.
When you leaned against him, Itachi let go of your hand, in favour of cupping your face on either side. You rested your palms around his thick, bare, scarred forearms, as the tattered sleeves of his cloak had fallen to his elbows. For a minute, you and Itachi stood in the quiet of the morning as his fingers gently roamed around your face. They brushed down your nose, feeling each dip in your jaw and temples, gently squeezing the flesh of your cheek. Everywhere he touched, a trail of tingling fire was left, making your heart bounce around in your chest. Itachi's small smile grew on his face, deepening from a simple smirk to a full-blown beam.
Blinking a few times, Itachi said, a decibel louder, "You are... very, very pretty, Y/n."
You smiled, leaning forward to the balls of your feet. Lingering for only a second, you pressed a kiss to Itachi's cheek. His face bloomed quite the rosy red, as you said,
"Thank you."
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nekrosdolly · 7 months
haunting you - a. wesker x reader
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you're a stripper and he's a scientist who's never felt the touch of another.
a/n; first wesker piece i've written in a whiiiile so i'm sorry if this is a little clunky!!
content warnings; set in 1998 before the mansion incident, jill moonlights as a bartender, virgin!wesker, stripper!reader (no set stripper name), wesker is in his late thirties (38), reader is 21, loss of virginity, brief dry-humping, sex (p in v), dirty talk, technically bottom/sub wesker, top/dom reader, this might be ooc (im rusty), light petplay (you call him a puppy and he almost creams), whiny wesker, slight condescension from the reader, not proofread as always lol
terms of endearment; darling, sweetheart, dear, puppy (wesker)
wc; 2.460k
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You stare at your reflection in the vanity mirror, one of many workers tonight who are less than strapped for cash not unlike yourself. Since you were legal, you’d made the choice, albeit degrading, to start stripping. That was three years ago. Now twenty-one, you’re less naive and smarter with your money, but still lacking financially. Not to mention, you’d been at this club for three years, why change that? No real job would take you if you told them what you’d been doing as a makeshift career anyway.
And so you stare. Your makeup is kept simple but alluring enough for most anyone to be drawn to you, but your outfit is the real showstopper. Strappy and black, you’re nearly naked, but you’re used to that by now. The usual pre-performance jitters have struck you once again, leaving you with cold feet and nerves that aren’t much warmer. Even in the back rooms, you can hear the bass-heavy music and high whistles of men vying for more of whomever’s attention. It’s enough to draw you from your shell and with a few deep breaths, you force yourself away from the vanity. The path to the stage is short, much to your chagrin, and the lights are hotter than hell when you step out to the shiny stage. While you get no cheering, you get your own special welcome of drunken customers whistling lowly and the occasional whoop. 
You know from experience that, while intoxicated, watching someone work the pole is hypnotic at the least. Your audience can hardly take their eyes off of you, rolling your body against the chromatic steel pole. It’s still warm from the previous dancer. Your anthem for tonight is seductive and slow, as most dancers’ songs are, and your face is the peak of seduction even as the inebriated crowd douses you with cash of all varieties.
After the dance, you’re slick with the slightest sheen of sweat. Nobody ever said dancing was easy, even the exotic kind. You walk to the bar, swaying your hips with every step. Despite the money you’d earned from your on-stage performance, you’re hounding for more. You refuse to leave with less than your month’s rent tonight. So you saunter to the bar, your sultry gaze scanning the sea of people carefully.
“A drink?” Jill, the bartender asks as you lean against the bar. She’s always liked you, so she slips you a free drink now and then.
“Please,” you nod softly and she smiles, ready to make your usual as a platinum-blonde man approaches you. He offers you no smile, just a somewhat menacing stare. You’d be scared if there wasn’t something so virginal about him. Otherwise handsome, with pale skin and blue eyes behind slightly dorky prescription glasses. Not to mention, he’s dressed in a suit.
“Lovely show,” he says with a somewhat nasally voice. Like clockwork, you smile and sip the cocktail Jill slides over to you. His lips twitch slightly at the corners- a smile by his terms in return.
“Thank you, honey.”
“Of course, dear.” He takes a seat on the stool beside you, flagging Jill over for a cocktail of his own. He seems confident, though you’re not sure if it’s because he’s got money or because he’s talking to someone attractive. Your gaze remains steady on his face, although his trails much lower on you before flicking up to meet your eyes. Weird, you could’ve sworn they were blue just a moment ago…
“Do tell, darling,” he ghosts a pale, elegant hand over your shoulder, “how much would a few hours of privacy with you cost me?” 
Just looking at him, he seems like he has money. He reeks of crisp bills that can hardly fit in his overflowing wallet. Part of you wonders just how much you can get out of him. Your performance left you with roughly $360- not quite enough. Should you play your cards right, he could be your last customer for the night.
“Three hundred per hour.” You say with that same smile. He doesn’t flinch at the number like most men might. Then again, you get the feeling that he’s not like most men. He seems respectful, too- maybe you were wrong and he’s a regular, or maybe he doesn’t want to get kicked out. He nods and you finish your drink quickly. He does the same.
“Shall we?” He gestures to the back of the club where there’s less light and doors that lead to private rooms. If he were allowed to touch you, he’d offer you his arm.
You can always tell the experience level of men when they’re alone with you, away from friends whom they might try to fool with a hyper-masculine persona. This man- whose name you still don’t know- is similar to that. He grows a bit more fidgety, maybe out of impatience, and when he sits down on the plush velvet booth surrounding the stage, he struggles to stay still. He clears his throat quietly and looks away from you as you straddle him.
“So tell me,” you purr, cupping his jaw and guiding him to look at you in all your seductive glory. The way your hair is styled compliments your makeup, the curve of your pliant flesh between the straps of your skimpy bikini bottom that’s adorned with black gems, and your top decorated with those same gems. His cheeks heat up at the smooth sound of your voice, red tinging his alabaster cheeks. Nervous eyes trail up your body to meet your own, your heavy gaze inflicting arousal upon him. The heavy feeling pools in his gut, his cock twitching to life in his boxers.
“What’re you looking for? A lap dance? Something a little more?” It’s a little late to be asking that but you get the feeling he doesn’t mind. Even though you’re just hovering, you can feel a hint of the bulge in his pants.
He swallows thickly.
“What would a little more get me?” He asks quietly, his hands unsteadily hovering around your waist. Seeing such soft skin begging to be touched makes his mouth water. Little do you know- you might, given how anxious he seems to be- he’s had very few chances to touch someone as gorgeous as you. He’d taken none of those chances and to this day, remains a virgin. He’s not used to being so close to someone like you.
“Sex, sweetheart.” You rub his cheek with your thumb, resisting the urge to tease him into oblivion. Technically, soliciting sex is against club rules, but what your boss doesn’t know won’t hurt her. “Would that cost extra?” “Yeah, it would. You buying?”
“H-How much?”
“An extra three hundred.”
He rushes to grab his wallet from his pocket and dig out the three hundred. You smile as you take it from his trembling hand and tuck it into the waistband of your panties.
“Thank you…”
“Thank you, Albert,” you settle your full weight onto his lap, really feeling the extent of his boner under your clothed cunt. He groans quietly, biting his bottom lip as he stares wantonly at you. A soft giggle escapes your throat, “just a few rules though.”
He gulps and nods, trying his hardest to pay attention in favor of rutting against your warm, inviting cunt like a dog in heat. You let go of his face.
“One; you cannot leave bruises- no hickeys, scratches, bitemarks, etcetera. Two; no kissing, I need my makeup to be perfect. Three; I’m in control and if you have a problem, speak now or forever hold your peace.” You give him a moment to voice any protests, but he’s quiet as a mouse.
“Fourth and finally, if you cum inside of me, you’re paying me an extra hundred per load. Do you consent to all these rules?”
“I do.”
“Good man,” you feel his cock throb at the praise. Albert sucks in a sharp breath as you slowly roll your hips, a shaky exhale following when you guide his hands to your waist. His hesitance feeds your confidence like fuel to a fire. He tips his head back, each movement against his clothed cock forcing a pathetic whine from the back of his throat. He bites his bottom lip hard and true to a virgin’s ways, his climax is approaching quickly. Sure, he’s masturbated before, but this is much different. You’re so pretty and wet, your dripping arousal soaking through the gusset of your panties. Watching him slowly come undone, the menacing facade melting into the mess he’s trying so hard not to be is satisfying. You’re relatively unphased, even as his cock bumps your clit with the perfect amount of pressure. He’s getting too close to cumming.
“I-I’m going to- Wait, please,” he grips your hips tight, making you still, “I need to be inside of you.” You nod softly and scoot back a little, allowing him to unzip his fly and shove his pre-cum stained boxers down so his cock stands free. Pale fading to pink at the tip, weeping with sticky, salty fluid- he’s long, about three fingers thick, and clean-shaven. He looks down at your hand as you grab his length, cooing quietly at him with faux sympathy and stroking him once, twice.
“Please,” his hands ball into fists with the effort of his restraint. Needy, half-lidded blues meet yours again, “please fuck me.” 
“Sure, sweetheart.” You chuckle softly and push your panties to the side, careful of the cash hooked on your waistband, and shuffle closer. He nearly cums the moment you lower yourself onto his achy length, his mouth dropping open. You wince slightly at the stretch- it’s on you for forgoing prep, but how can you deny him when he’s so pliant in your hands? His hands shoot our to grab your waist firmly, struggling to maintain what little composure he has left. Panting, his cheeks are bright red, and he can’t stop looking at you. 
He allows you a moment to adjust- though it’s mostly for himself to will himself to avoid cumming on the spot. You’re wet and warm, gummy walls surrounding his length perfectly. It’s even better when you start moving, rolling your hips smoothly. Hands on his shoulders, you keep yourself steady as you ride him. Soft moans fall from your lips, his cock brushing against your spongy g-spot deep within your velvetine walls. He’s all but whimpering, his perfectly aligned teeth digging hard into his pale pink lower lip so hard he might bleed.
He does once you lean forward and move faster, your face just inches from his. If you hadn’t set the rule of no kissing, he’d be pressing his lips to yours to hide his pathetic noises. 
“You know,” you murmur, locking his eyes to yours again, “you look kind of like a puppy.” His cock kicks inside of you at that, a stray moan slipping from his lips. He shouldn’t like that, really. He’s a scientist- a virologist to be more specific-, a professional, uptight man, and yet he’s acting so subserviently. It would be bothersome if he wasn’t balls deep inside of you and nearing his climax quickly. 
Panting, he struggles to restrain himself. He can’t help himself as he leans forward and wraps you in his (oddly) strong arms, burying his face into your neck to stave off his orgasm for just a little longer. The obscene squelch of your slick makes his head spin, each roll of your hips making him grunt or groan louder and louder until-
“C-Cumming- cumming-” he rasps, his pulsing length spilling hot, sticky seed deep within your gummy walls. The moan he lets out is downright shameful, his grip on you tightening exponentially.
You gasp quietly at how much he cums and how deep it is, nearly reaching your cervix. You pause for his sake, allowing him to relax against your soft body as he recovers from his high. In attempt to soothe him a little more, you rub his upper back. He grumbles and pushes himself against the back of the booth, huffing. His once-perfect hair has become a bit mussed, likely loosened due to the light sheen of sweat. He can’t seem to look at you as he slips another hundred into the waistband of your panties alongside the three other bills.
“Do you want to-” He gestures to you, still straddling him with his soft dick inside of you. Like a nice man, he wants you to finish, but you know you shouldn’t. It would likely increase the chances of you getting pregnant and you simply can’t have that, birth control implant be damned.
“No, it’s fine.” You shake your head softly and get off of him, fixing your underwear as you turn away to give him privacy. He tucks himself in his boxers and zips his pants up before fishing for his now-thinner wallet, though it’s not completely empty yet. If you didn’t know better (and you don’t, he’s a stranger after all,) you’d think he gets off on this kind of thing- his wallet being drained.
Albert hands you three more hundreds and mumbles a quiet “thank you” for your services. It hasn’t even been an hour, but it��s not like he cares. Who wouldn’t want to give their money to someone as pretty as you?
He’s satisfied by the looks of things, his face less red now that he’s calmer and more composed. You take the money happily, watching him walk to the door with a smile on your lips.
“What’s your name, dear?” He looks at you over his shoulder.
“Come back soon and maybe I’ll tell you.”
Albert leaves with that, his dignity shattered and his pride dismantled. 
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Weeks later and you’re at home sitting on your couch, watching the news late at night after one of your shifts. You’re barely paying attention, looking through missed calls on your motorola cd930 when you hear a familiar name come up on the missing persons list. The news anchor is reading off a list of names from the most recent tragedy- a mansion exploding in Arklay County, where supposedly some members of the local S.T.A.R.S team got trapped and barely made it out alive (so you’ve heard.)
“Albert Wesker, Joseph Frost, Richard Aiken, Edward Dewey…” The tired man drones on, listing off the rest of the names as pictures start to pop up. Only one face sticks out to you.
“No way,” you sit up straight and lean closer to your television, your eyes focused on Albert’s picture. Save for the sunglasses, that’s him. You’re shocked and honestly a little disheartened. 
In your dreams, you see him again.
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kim-the-miserable-rat · 3 months
(and I mean, he's not entirely wrong.)
So here's a list of what they complain about in each song:
LOOK DOWN: the prison system sucks
PROLOGUE: the life of an exconvict sucks
VALJEAN'S SOLILOQUY: this guy is too nice how dare he? And also the prison system still sucks.
AT THE END OF THE DAY: my workplace is full of cunts
I DREAMED A DREAM: men are the worst
LOVELY LADIES: selling my necklace, hair and becoming a prostitute to help my child is something that I have all the right to be mad about (she's completely right, Fantine you deserved sooooo much better queen)
FANTINE'S ARREST: (to the bourgeoisie asshole) stop dehumanizing me I will fight you (to javert) your justice is not fair (to Jean Valjean) It's kinda your fault that im in this situation tbh
THE RUNAWAY CART: (javert) YO HOMIE WTF ARE YOU HULK? [suspecting]or are you buff because of slavery?.....
WHO AM I?: Oh poo! Now I have to choose between lying (it will make god sad) or going back to jail (hundreds of people will lose their jobs and end up living in misery by my actions) Fuck them workers, im an honest man, lets save that one innocent man.
THE TRIAL: the justice system is flawed. Look at my sick ass tattoo in my chest. Ok nvm im going to se Fantine fuck you all.
FANTINE'S DEATH: I will never see my daughter again this is so unfair (it really is)
THE CONFRONTATION: (Jean Valjean) Javert could you FUCKING WAIT A SECOND! I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO DO(Javert) Im going to drop all my lore in two lines that you will not get cause were all singing at the same time; and NO, you can't just go, WTF?
MASTER OF THE HOUSE: Madam Thenardier has a solo just to talk shit about his husband (and he deserves every bit of it)
THE BARGAIN: (Thenardiers) NO, OF COURSE YOU CAN'T TAKE OUR LITTLE TREASURE AWAY -unless you pay for her, that is-
THE ROBBERY: (Eponine) FUCK YOU MARIUS MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! (Javert) Ewwww... i hate criminals! and also poor people. Same thing to me, really.
STARS: I'm so obsessed with that fugitive that it's starting to blur into an homoerotic desire. Also HOW DARE HE to be free? I will hunt him for sport
EPONINE'S ERRAND: (Eponine) So now I have to help YOU, the boy im in love with to find a random girl? ALSO WTF DON'T GIVE ME MONEY YOU ASSHOLE.
ABC CAFE: (Enjolras) STOP WHINING MARIUS, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR NON EXISTENT LOVE LIFE, WE ARE PLANNING A REVOLUTION HERE, YOU KNOW? Also please guys can we take this thing seriously? Please please please :(
DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING?: (the people, obviously) time to eat the rich or die trying!
RUE PLUMMET/IN MY LIFE: (Cosette) father, ur cool to be around and all that but.... Who the fuck are you? And why do we act like we are convicts running from the law (cause ur dad kinda is, sweetie)
A HEART FULL OF LOVE: (Eponine) It fucking sucks to have helped my crush find the girl he's in love with[who would have thought?] Guess I will look at them longingly from like five feet away while they confess their love for each other and purposefully ignore me.
THE ATTACK ON RUE PLUMMET: (Eponine) GODAMNIT they will think I'm one of those assholes I have to do something! Go away or I'll scream IM INSANE I WILL FUCKING DO IT. Also fuck you dad. (Babet) I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THE LORE, GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY THENARDIER (Thenardier) Im surrounded by idiots! (Jean Valjean) TIME TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, FUCK EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO SEE MY DOWNFALL.
ONE DAY MORE: (Jean Valjean) Kinda sucks to have to run from the law [yeah homie we noticed that] (Marius & Cosette) OH NO! I'LL BE SEPARATED FROM THE LOVE OF MY LIFE THAT I MET A WEEK AGO. WHAT A GREAT TRAGEDY (Eponine) Marius still doesnt care about me. (Enjolras) He's not complaining, he's having the best time of his life. Good for him. Enjoy it while it lasts, citizen! (Javert) Guess I'll go as a spy with this cool new outfit. [Again, not a complain but important to notice]
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 month
after midnight
a/n: dw i still am working on all my wips but i just wanted to show my love for the movie that ruled my childhood! also if there's a certain fairy tale and character you would like me to do i would love to do more of something like this! this is the first part, but the others have been written already, lemme know if y'all would like me to continue posting for this word count: 2.5k warning(s): the evil stepmother is NOT cunty in this guys (rip cate blanchett); the step sisters are definitely not girls girls; everyone is gay; if you know the story you know; but im also going to add aspects from one of the non-disney versions; mentions of blood (small but at the beginning); not an exact retelling, more like cinderella is a blueprint? prompt: you never thought that you would go from cleaning fireplaces and singing to mice to dancing in the royal palace in a magical disguise, meeting the love of your life. or, a cinderella story <3
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The needle pricked your finger, sending droplets of blood spilling onto the fine fabric. You watched as the red seeped into the green, mesmerized by how the blood ran quick. How you wished you could be as free, as quick as you ran. But your father built this house, his hopes and dreams were buried deep into the foundations, no matter how much your step-mother tried to erase his memory. She loved his money but cringed at his legacy.
"Y/N? Gods, where is that wretched girl?" Your stepmother's voice echoed up the stairs to the attic where you resided. Quickly, you folded the cloth over, hiding the spot of blood staining the rich emerald fabric. You were mending an evening gown of your stepmother, one she had snagged on a splinter of wood while evading your requests of new fabrics. Your clothes were quickly becoming patchwork quilts and even though you rarely left your attic space, you were desperate to sew a dress that you could feel proud of. Your door burst open, revealing Valentina, the woman who's presence seemed to make your room grow colder. Her eyes narrowed in on the dress in your lap and she scoffed, hand clutching the handle of the attic door tightly, as if speaking to you was a burden.
"Are you still working on that? Whatever, the fireplace needs tending to," She spun around to go back downstairs, obviously signaling you to follow, "Oh, and be mindful, the dressmaker is here, don't get soot on any of her fabrics."
Valentina's tone was haughty, as if even when she couldn't see you, she spoke looking down upon you. You merely nodded, gently folding the dress on your bed and following your step-mother down the stairs. Making sure to keep your head down, you passed Valentina, heading towards the main fire place, where burnt logs sat and ash blanketed the stone like snow. You internally sighed, knowing how this task would end. Grabbing a rag, you sat on your knees as you started gathering the loose ash and kindling, mindful of the sparks that still lingered. The voices of Valentina's daughters wafted into the room like a burnt goose pie, making your stomach uneasy as you braced yourself for the comments they would surely make. Thankfully, you heard the voice of Shuri, the acclaimed dressmaker, mingling with theirs, gently shutting down their absurd ideas. While your curiousity spun around in your mind, furiously wondering why your step-mother had called on Shuri, someone who only made dresses for the most extravagant of occasions. She also had extravagant prices, prices you weren't sure how your step-mother would repay.
"We can do measurments in here, ignore Y/N, she'll be doing her chores." Valentina absentmindedly waved in your direction, sitting on the stool farthest from you. Shuri nodded in hello, giving you a small smile which you returned. The basket she carried was full of fabric samples and measuring strands, grabbing your attention with the expensive items she so leisurley held. As your step-sisters argued, Shuri gave you her attention, her question making you pause as you cleaned the fireplace.
"Are you also going to the ball, Y/N? I'm sure I have the creativity to quickly sketch a fourth dress." Shuri joked, not noticing how your hands shook as you continued your task. There was a ball? And your stepmother was commisioning dresses for herself and her daughters in front of you, flaunting the knowledge you didn't have. While you could care less about a ball, you were bothered by how little you knew of the outside world, of the town you loved so much. Something clicked in your mind as you thought, lifting your head to turn and begin to ask your stepmother a question but her voice cut through the air.
"Unless Y/N somehow cleans the entire house top-to-bottom until it shines and sorts our mixed grain into like piles in time for the royal ball, I don't think she'll be needing your services, Miss Adanna. Besides, the queen is hosting this ball so her daughter may find a spouse, what use would she have of a serving girl?"
"This isn't a request! You must marry!" Evanora's stern voice echoed through the throne room, practically rattling the armour of her guards. She glared at her daughter who stood before her, hair down and wild from horseback. Agatha stared back, arms crossed and head held defiantly.
"For what reason? The kingdom is prospering, the people are happy and for the most part well fed, and we've no news of our enemies to the south! Why must I marry, Mother?" At the purple wisps gathering at her fingertips, Agatha anticipated her mother's response. The queen bunched her hands into fists, her jaw clenched as she spoke.
"You know the reason, daughter. Your...studies have put you in a very precarious position and the curse will solidify on your next birthday. Plus, it won't hurt to erase the image people have of you, with your escapades and trysts that bring embarassment into my court."
Agatha merely scoffed, uncrossing her arms as she held them out incrediously.
"If you've forgotten, Mother, my birthday is at the end of this month. And the curse you speak of can only be broken by unconditional love, something you wouldn't know about." Agatha spit out her words like venom, hopeful they would affect her mother in any way. But the Queen merely watched her daughter with cold eyes, waving her messanger up to the throne. The man gave a crooked bow to Agatha as he passed her, scroll in hand. Evanora took the scroll with a nod, dismissing the man. He scurried out of the large room, footfalls echoing in the silence. The Queen waved the announcement in the air, almost tauntingly, before she opened and began reading out loud.
"The Crown formally invites you to partake in the debutante ball for Crown Princess and Heir Agatha of House Harkness. Our home will be open for three nights as our beloved Princess searches for a partner to strengthen the bonds of our kingdom."
The Queen put down the scroll, letting it fall to the ground as she smirked at her daughter.
"You'll have three nights to find this unconditional love or the consequences you'll face will doom the lives of everyone you hold dear."
The thought of leaving the house, if only for a few nights, ate away at your mind, distracting you from your chores. Shuri had long left, your stepmother and stepsisters measurements and requests for last minute additions scribbled on a notepad you were sure she wanted to burn. But before she left, she grabbed a package from her carriage, giving it you once Valentina and her daughters had already gone inside. Inside, you found fabric, soft and beautiful. The shimmering pink shade reminded you of your mother and how she decorated the house before she died.
"I'm sorry it's not much but I've seen your work Y/N, if they won't have me make you a dress, I believe you can bring your own dream to life." Shuri clasped your hands in hers in a goodbye, her kindness overwhelming you, bringing tears to your eyes. However, at the screams of your stepsisters for tea, your bubble was burst and you made your way inside, careful to keep the package out of Valentina's sight, hiding it under a loose floorboard in the kitchen before you started the afternoon tea. Anya, the eldest of the two stepsisters, practiced her dancing, stumbling into the couches and lounge chairs as she held a candlestick in place of the Crown Princess. Damille, the stepsister close to you in age by a few months, scoffed at her sister and mockingly danced, starting a fight between the two sisters. You kept your laughter to yourself, remembering the sting of Valentina's hand when you reacted to her daughters antics the first week after your father's passing. While you waited for the water to boil, you prepared the tea leaves, grabbing a lemon to slice and squeezing the tart juice over the dry leaves. Your mind wandered once again to the idea of going to a ball. A royal ball. While you had never truly seen the royal family, you recalled the portrait of the heir you had once seen in the library of your town. You felt heat rise to your face as you recalled the childlike crush you had on the Crown Princess, shaking your head as you pouring the now boiling water into three teacups, careful to avoid splashing the water onto your skin. Once the liquid turned into a pale yellow-green shade, you strained out the leaves and prepared a tray with the cups, a bowl of sugar cubes, and some milk for Damille, who prefered her tea tart with no sugar. You walked into the sitting room, setting the tea down in front of your stepmother. While you prepared it the way she enjoyed, you attempted to ask her a question.
"Stepmother, may I accompany you to the Royal Ball? It would cost you no expense, I can make my own dress-"
Valentina's laugh cut you off.
"With the scraps you have? I will not be seen in public with someone is a patchwork excuse for a dress, at a royal ball no less. Besides you have chores." Even though she waved her hand through the air, indicating the conversation was over, you continued, feeling slightly desperate at a chance to taste freedom.
"I can get the chores done in time, the house is never truly dirty, and I could wear one of my mother's old-"
It was Valentina's cold stare that stopped you from continuing. Something clicked in her eyes and she brought up her tea to take a sip, reveling in your tense body language. Slowly she set her tea back onto the china plate, the soft clink the only noise as you and her daughters awaited her answer.
"If you can create a dress, a new dress, that isn't embarassing for my family and if you can complete the chore of mucking the stables before the first night of the ball, you may accompany us. But," she held a finger almost accusingly in your face, "You will not speak to anyone of any status while there."
There was something in her tone, something you couldn't quite place but her agreement overshadowed any caution you could've had. You practically danced out of the room, patterns for your dress spinning in your mind.
You didn't notice the look your step-mother shared with her daughters as you left, an evil glint shining in their eyes.
Agatha walked around the library, absentmindly running her fingers across the spines of every book as she was lost in thought.
The curse was her fault, yes, but she would never admit her mother was right. She would admit, however, that her stunt of gaining power in hope of overthrowing her mother was done in haste. If she had read the fine print maybe she wouldn't be in this position. She silently scolded herself as she saw a slight purple haze cover her vision as magic pooled in her eyes.
She had three nights, three, to find someone who could potential help her break the curse she put upon herself. Blinking away the haze, Agatha looked down at her hands, her black fingertips fading into dark grey veins up to her elbow. The words her mother spoke to her the night the curse was solidified rang in her head as she followed her unearthly veins with her eyes.
How could anyone love someone like her?
You leaned against the tree your parents had planted the night of their wedding, tears streaming down your face as you clutched onto the scraps of your dress. You had slaved over this garment, days were spent tending to your stepmothers every word but nights were spent hunched over with a needle as you sewed a dress you had dreamed of. A dream that was nothing now. You were raised to be kind to all but as you recalled the event of this night, you felt hatred bubble in your chest.
Excitement was all you could feel as you slipped into your dress, proud of your work. You had finished mucking out the stables hours ago, giving you time to wash the stink away from your skin and hair. Pride welled in you as you smoothed the fabric with your hands, opening your attic door to join your step-mother and step-sisters as they waited for the coach that would take you to the palace.
"Mother, look!" Anya practically shouted as you walked down the stairs, covering her smirking expression with a fan. Valentina spread her arms out in what you would learn to be false affection. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, your step-mother examined your dress, pursing her lips. Quickly, the excitment you felt died like a dwindling fire as your step sisters joined their mother in circling you.
"Oh Y/N, I just don't think this'll work. This design is just...it has too many faults. Here, let us help."
Your confusion was replaced by cold shock as Valentina's hand shot out to rip part of your sleeve off. Anya followed, grabbing part of the skirt to pull on the seams. Damille's was the worst, using both hands to create a distance between the bodice and the top of your skirt. You stood frozen, tears streaming down your face angrily as they continued to destroy your hard work. It was over the second the familiar sound of horses sounded outside.
You don't remember what Valentina said to you before she left, or the snide remarks her daughters added on. All you remember was running, running through the house, running across the backyard into the open land where your parents tree stood proud.
And that's where you found yourself.
"How could you be so stupid?" You muttered to yourself as you wiped away tears, angry for allowing yourself to believe your step-mother could ever show you kindness. In your wallowing, you didn't notice how the ground in front of the tree started to swirl, how the wind changed directions, how a slight humming noise filled the air.
"Now why are you crying when you should be at the ball?" A slightly cocky voice spoke in front of you, unfamiliar yet comforting. Your head shot up and your eyes widened at the sight in front of you. A woman, wearing a sparling cloak stood expectantly, hand on her hip while the other held a wand. Blinking, you stuttered out a response.
"I, I can't go. They ruined my dress and my stepmother would recognize me. I don't want to deal with the aftermath."
The sparkling woman held out her wand, pointing it at you.
"I'm not too fond of this 'can't' business. You have a very obvious fairy godmother standing in front of you, ready to snap her fingers and say a catch phrase I created when I was younger. So tell me, Y/N, do you want to go to the ball?"
Without hesitation, you nodded and your fairy godmother waved her wand.
a/n: whoa cliffhanger, wonder what happens next...but seriously, i love doing AUs like this and I'll focus on getting my other wips out but lemme know if you enjoyed this??
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a discussion idea! (long post)
my husband and i were chatting last night while cleaning up dinner; he pitched a fun idea that could be a great topic of discussion in the simblr community. maybe this should be a SQotD submission - IDK but: he asked how i feel about sims 2 expansion packs now compared to when they came out. initially, i said "yeh idk, i guess the same?" and that was that.
i put a more thought towards his question and realized, i do feel a bit differently about some of the EPs now compared to when they came out - all under the cut!
university: i was SO SO excited about it bc i didnt go away to college like my friends did so it was a way to vicariously-ish get the experience and a bonus was zombies! now tho? yea i still enjoy it even tho the dormies eventually start pissing me off bc theyre just so damn dumb lmao
nightlife: same level of excitement. i LOVE cities and i love vampires too. this scratched the "i need to go downtown chicago" itch when i couldnt from lack of transportation and safey being a v smol person afraid of the worst. i played all my sims in "downtown", specifically, 107 Custer Blvd. I made-over that lot dozens of times, it's seen dozens of different families and had a million different lifetimes. Nightlife still stands as my fave TS2 EP and 107 Custer - my all-time favorite lot to play.
open for business: initially, i had ZERO excitement over this pack. i personally, right out of high school basically, had NO interest in working myself (i didnt, i went to community college and got by ok w/ chore-money basically) so why the hell would i want to put my sims to work too?? i also didnt care for the music (i like it more now tho) as an Adult - i do enjoy this pack more than i ever did when i was a clueless near-20-yo. also, love the servos but i dont play w them nearly as much as i should being a bot fan and all. (i should fix that)
pets&seasons: i was pumped for these bc MORE IMMERSION AND REAL LIFE STUFF!!! also, weather and animals LOL. i still love these packs the same as i did when they initially released. just kinda wish plantsims werent annoying for me to play, i love them from afar tho! werewolves are neat but theyre also kind of a PITA to play.
bon voyage: EH i dont really go on vaca a lot myself, my sims dont either for the same reasons: money! im also still scarred from the one time i did send my sims on vaca and they got STUCK THERE!!! it broke all my shit and i had no way of fixing it bc i didnt know about MTS, MATY and etc to ask for help/guidance. RIP to that family lmao i hope theyre still having a nice time in the vaca-void theyre prob still floating around in! (note: ive never found bigfoot, some day i wish to!)
freetime: we all have hobbies right? it was all fine and good until the fire nation attacked i was being inundated with a ton of hobby spam, be it notifications, the hobby sims and the lots. it was a lot. its far more manageable now thanks to mods so i dont mind playing into hobbies. i do appreciate the return of the genie tho!
apartment life: ok, look. i thought this was super cool then but now, after living in apartments myself, i despise them and dont put my sims in them anymore either. i do love the witches tho, prob my fave aspect of this pack!
edit to add rankings: nightlife, seasons, pets, apartment life, uni, ofc, free time then bon voyage lmao
id be interested to hear/read you guys' comparison's to the different EPs we have for Sims 2 or any of the sims games tbh. id go over The Sims but i dont have all day lmao ill make a different post on that some time bc i always get in my feels over the OG.
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regal-bones · 2 years
yo omg would you ever make a game??? the thought of a game with your art makes me go ❤️💖💞❤️💕💞❤️💖❤️💕💞❤️💖
AHHH maybe i should shout louder about my projects because
I've been working on it for what feels like forever now - I can only work on the (absolutely terrifyingly monilithically huge) list of art assets in my free time when I'm not doing commissions, shop stuff, or any other money making venture, BUT IM DOING IT!!!
I only really talk about Last Sprout on Patreon, just because of how early into the project we are, but I promise you there'll be stuff to share soon. I'm hoping the first quarter of 2023 there'll be.... something for you guys. perhaps something,,,, playable ????
I've been working so so hard on the art - I actually am sat on a little mountain of stuff that I haven't even uploaded to patreon yet that no one has seen, but theres so so so much.
If you're interested, here's some stuff I've posted publicly!
The denizens of the THESPA-02
Some lore about those very robots
An Inventors Blade
The first batch of concept art for the game
This doesn't look like much but I promise there is a WHOLE bunch over on Patreon you can all see at the £1 tier! And, like I said, a really large amount more coming soon. I could talk about this project for hours and hours and hours so I'm going to leave it there but - I'M MAKING A GAME !!!! I hope ur all as excited about it as I am!
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wiltedkyinn · 1 year
blunts and parks
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synopsis; you went to phoneix, arizona for your fifeteen brithday trip. being blown off by your so called bestfriend opens now doors and new friends.
pairing- madeline mcgraw, mason thames and miguel cazarez mora x gn reader.
here i am, currently waiting for my bestfriend, junior, to meet me at the park. it feels as if its 113 degrees but it was only 94 with no wind and straight sun. it probably wasnt the best idea to go phoneix in the middle of the summer. i look out to see if he is atleast at the park. instead of seeing him i see a group of 3 of familier faces walking around. its was 2 boys around the same height and a girl that looked no younger then 14. the buzzing from my phone snapped me out of my thought. i answered it already knowing a who would be on the other line.
"yo im staying with valerie for the rest of the day" i could hear a girls voice in the background talking about money to go somewhere. "what was the point of bringing you on my brithday trip"  i mumbled. "we can hang out later. i gotta go." his usally loud voice was smaller. then there was slinence. groaning i look around again, im on the swings covered with some shade i found. i find the small group by the tables near me, their backs facing me. i started to rummage in my jackets pocket, knowing what to do to make me feel better.
pulling out the small tube i always carry around along with my lighter and airpods. putting in my right airpod and turning on whatever playlist that i was listening to last started to play. thinking about the group again before popping open the top. i slowly started to get up from the swings, i headed my way towards the small tables. the closer i got the more i was able to hear the voices. it started to mush with the song i was listening to. "sorry but do yall care if i light this? its a blunt" my voice a little raspy due to not having any water on me.
the trio looked at me then back at eachother before the girls nods speaking, "yeah we dont have a problem with it." giving them a small smile "thanks," i walked back to the swings. thinking about the group again, i had forgetton my glasses while packing so it was hard to see even if i was up close. i couldnt quite make it out but they looked familiar. the girl, who i mostly looked at reminded me of the actress Madeline mcgraw, the girl who played gwen in the black phone movie.
pushing whatever i was thinking about to the side so i could focus on the cone shape pre-roll. igniting the red lighter, i rotated the joint in the fire. i brought it up to my lips and took a hit. inhaling and then exhaling. i focused on the song that just started playing, pink + white by frank ocean. i started to inhale again only to be stopped seeing a shadow figure walking up to me. i grabbed my phone and turned it down a little, loooking up i was met with the same girl from before. "hi im maddy and me and my friends were wondering if you would like to join us? the suns getting a lil stronger."  she pointed towards the table she was sitting at. "oh uh sure, and im (name)" as soon as i got up to stand i realized how hot it actually was, the heat was overwhelming. "should i put this out or do you guys wanna smoke it with me?" i asked as we both got closer to the park table. "if you teach us how, sure!" her smooth voice stayed upbeat.
i took the free seat next to the tan boy with long dark wavy hair. "mason, miguel this is (name), (name) this is mason and miguel." suddenly it snapped, they were the actors from the black phone. the 2 boys said lil hi's. i took another big hit, then tapping it so the ash falls off. i look at mason, since he was on my left infront of me. "well mason do you wanna hit this?" he thought about it for a moment then nodded his head.
"so how do i do this?" his brown eyes looked at me for help. "so you just suck on it till you get enough smoke  and then you take another breathe to actually inhale it." i tried repeating what my older brother taught me a while back. seeing succesfull as he exhaled a cloud while coughing. he handed it to maddy while still trying to catch his breath. holding back my luaghter i remembered the first time i smoked. i look over at maddy and she seemed pretty hesitant, "its okay if you dont wanna," i told her she looked at me then at her hands. she brought it up to her lips and took a breath. she exhaled same as mason except she was able to control her breathing a bit better. she passed to miguel, and when he exhaled he was fine. i figured maddy and miguel did better since they were in some type of sport or exercise.
when i was passed the blunt they stared at me. i took a hit normally and exhaled normally. i started to feel a wash of an euphoric state take over me. i could already tell mason was high. his eyes were red and glossy. i hinted at him to take it but he nodded his head side to side. i did the same with maddy and she took it. "so are you from here?" miguel asked. "nah im here cause its my brithday trip. but im from las vegas," maddy raised her brow "why are you alone on your brithday trip?"
i was handed the joint again, "me and my friend, junior were supposed to hang out today but he bailed on me to stay with his girlfriend." shrugging while i spoke. "thats a dick move." mason snipped quickly. i agrred with him, i did pay for juniors ticket and hotel room. we stayed like that for a while. luaghing and coughing. "(name)!" our peaceful moment interrupted by a forgien voice.
i looked behind me to see a girl with curly brown skin and deep brown skin. valerie, juniors girl. i never officially met her, as she and junior were long distance. "valerie? what are you doing here?" as i got up to hug her. while i didnt know her face to face we have talked one in a while. "junior said we were meeting here today to hang out with you." her voice held some confusion while my head wasnt even processing. "he told me that he was hanging out with you for the rest of the day. you were there when he called me?" i became genuinely confused.
"i havent even seen him today, so hes spending a dat with someone he lied about being his girlfriend?" her voice was hurt while her face was stotic. "oh-" "i cant beilieve he's putting me through this agian" her usal confident voice gone, becoming bitter more as she spoke. she pulled out her phone and calling who i would imagine was junior. she stromed off into her car for some privacy.
"what the hell" i looked back at the intoxicated teens next to me and they laughed, i shrugged it off. "how old are you turning (name)?" mason asked his eyes werent red anymore, but still glossy. "fifteen" miguel turned his head towards me with a semi-shooked face. "i thought your were like eighteen, you look so much older" the other two nodding their head in agreement. my phone started to buzz again. answering it automatically i was greeted with junior yelling. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING TELLING VALERIE THAT I WAS WITH ANOTHER GIRL?"
"its your own fault for using me as an excuse junior, plus its on you for cheating." he began to yell again but i didnt see the point of talking to him, so i hung up. "i should be leaving soon, it was nice meeting yall" giving them all a smile. "we should hang out again," maddy said. "here give me your number and ill send it to the boys" maddy extend her hand to me, her phone dail already open. swiftly putting my number in along with my name, i gave it back. "call me when yall wanna hang out" i gave a small wink and walked away.
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loverofcats14 · 2 years
The obey me brothers and dateables. (If not just Diavolo or Asmo) with a reader that is half incubi but tries to suppress those urges but everything just snaps one day??
Haha we share the same mind!
The Demon brothers never realized what your true nature was. You were a lust filled half incubis! You always suppressed your feelings to your friends however;at some point it failed when your heat season came. You tried suppresing it by putting ice packs in your clothes. And by sleeping earlier than usual but you can't keep it up for long-
You rammed into your room taking off your clothes in a frenzy. You needed your body to be free and pleased! But sadly you weren't so quiet to the build up
Lucifer: He heard you run to your room as he felt worried. He walked up to your room about to knock until he heard something heavy hit the floor- He opened the door to see your chest heaving,your hair all messed up,and your entrance leaking with cum. But the part that got him the most was how you were clutching his infamous jacket hugging it tightly- "It smells like you haha-"You just saw him walk in and didn't feel embarrassment.
"I um, hah, not fully mortal Luci-" you huffed your eyes filled with tears looking at him. Lucifer wasn't going to embarrass you knowing how he as well had animalistic urges. He also felt his tip leaking with precum as he walked up to you. "Don't worry my dear Mc you will feel so good I promise~" he sighed kissing you
Mammon: He was going to ask you if you found goldie and try to steal Levi's money until he heard a noise and ran up to your room. "Yo Mc! What h hah-" Mammon was in the doorframe as he saw you using a dildo as you let go just layed there. "Mammon I need you please- this doesn't compare to you~" you whined taking it out. Mammon felt glad you went to him and no one else. He started pulling his sweatpants down as he grabbed your thigh."Only come to me for this stuff human, I'm ya first." Mammon smiled as you knodded your head.
Leviathan: He was chilling in his bathtub playing some games as he heard a ding from his DDD
Can you please come over-?
Sure I can come Mc after my round! Σ(๑ゝᵕ•́
Please make it quick!
Levi was surprised he knew you never interrupt his gaming session. So he dropped his game knocking on your door. As he came in he was so close to passing out. You were in a very tight night gown it ridden up showing your cum ridden thighs. "Mc you shouldn't ask a yucky otaku for thi this kinda thing-!" Levi squeaked. "Please Levi, you are the only one I trust with this~" Leviathan's jealously kicked in he would be livid if you asked someone else. "Lets start number 2 player!" Levi started grabbing your thighs as you whimpered.
Asmo: To be fair he had an inkling you weren't normal mortal. And when he wanted to catch to in the act and he did. As he mused closing the door he saw you humping your pillow. "Aw Mc, let me help you~" You stopped as Asmo framed your figure. He started touching your nipples as you moaned so loudly. You tried holding it in as Asmo smiled. "Asmo don't hah tell anyone about me you know-" you whined as he kissed you. "This will be our little secret my Mc ♡ Besides Im expertised in this sort of thing haha!"
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Bop or Flop
Feel free to join me in this bc I'm bored af and im trying to start all the requests i have :")
this is also a slight smash or pass bc I'm bored also- however I'm not doing it with TMNT 2012- that's just wrong LMAO or rise TMNT- self-explanatory. 2003/Bayverse/2007 is fair game though yall!
TMNT 2003
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Ngl... a bit of a flop but a bop lowkey .
I liked him when he was starting to be more carefree and not so into the whole being perfect and leader thing ...
if this was smash or pass... SMASH IDC
Idk yall something about this Leo makes me happy in a weird way, so maybe half bop half flop? a blop?
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MAJOR BOP ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ah yes a man who loves animals I'm here for it
I also really love his accent in this wtf .
He's a bop b/c he fought blind once, GTFOHHHHH!! and he ain't afraid of SHIT!
pass btw if this was smash or pass, he seems like a cool friend to have tho!
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BOP! His sassiness hasn't peaked in this version but it's very much there . 2003 Donnie is actually so sweet yall. Plus, his voice is very nice to listen to! I would love for him to read me a long book aloud as a bedtime story <3
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the man makes a mean scrambled egg according to Raph, but I make it better. FLOP.
I can't put my finger on it, but I just didn't enjoy this Mikey as much as I did in other versions. He made me wanna punch him sometimes . Also would notttt shutup about being the battle nexus champion like boy if you don't shut yo ass up-
pass pass pass pass btw
TMNT 2007
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I don't care what yall mfs say, he was way too mf serious, and even said he was better than Raph??? I don't know exactly what he dealt with during that training in South America, but it changed him man.
He tried too fucking quick to bring the team back together, and that's why him and Raph had a falling out and a big fight. Raph knew it was wrong of Leo to try and waltz in again in their lives and be Fix-It-Felix bro.
sidenote: Mega SMASH. That "come to daddy" quote????? He knew wtf he was doin with that. He's too mf fine to be actin the way he was actin in this movie LMAO- I still really enjoy this Leo though, if they made a sequel like it was intended, I would probably change it to a bop, but I need more scenes of 2007 Leo/ this design of Leo to do this !
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Do I even have to say it????
By far my FAVORITE Raph in the entire franchise! I love it, he's at his peak rebellion, and even made a name for himself fighting crime, I love it.
I also LIVE for his Brooklyn accent. I also hc if we got more screentime of him in the sequel, he'd be the most chill turtle. I believe there's a deleted scene of him talking to Leo at the end of the movie, and his tone/mannerisms were very mellow. 2007!Raph is mad chill
Also gave 2007 Leo a run for his money bro-
SIDENOTE: SMASHHHHHH! HULK SMASH IDC CALL ME WILD BUT IDC . Whoever designed him needs a raise. His eyes??? gtofh.
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Ngl...a slight flop?
he's not as sassy in this version, and I love me some sassy Donnie.
Like Leo, I really wish he got more screentime, I do love him challenging Raph in the beginning of the movie though :) Go Donnie go!
There's a deleted scene of Donnie and Splinter, it's called "let him eat cake" on youtube I believe- he would've been a bop if they kept that scene in! I feel like there was a lack of Donnie scenes in this- but I like that this movie was focused on Raph so I can't complain.
In a deleted scene it reveals Donatello loves money, he's also a flop bc he takes Mikey's money away so he can't buy dumb shit for the lair, at least let the man keep more than a $5 ya know?
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BOP! surprised? don't be.
he's a single mom that works one job who loves his brothers and never stops
with gentle hands and a heart of a fighter
he's a survivor <3
i also feel bad that he gets beat up by kids :( he really be providing for his family fr fr. He really out and about making his coin as a turtle in a turtle suit. he also started his own business??? got his own slogan, and is a kids party host??? like okay support small business xoxo
erm...pass btw, I just cannot see Mikey that way yall.
TMNT 2012
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BIGGEST BOP OF THE CENTURY! This version of Leonardo is my all time favorite. He even beats Rise Leo by a few! I can't explain it, but this Leonardo- the first one we see that's more upbeat and not so serious, I loved it! They gave him interests other than training or being a leader- they gave him a love for a show he devotes his time to! be fuckin fr.
Also played tea time with some random ass lil girl, it was so cute. I loved to see Leo be put in situations where he's just being him.
So yes this is very biased but idc, he's my fave. One thing about 2012 Leo he gon get to the bag no matter what.
He also literally SLAYED Shredder and brought his head! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!
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Do I need to say anything?
Bop, wanna know why?
HIS ONE-LINERS. He's so in tune with his sarcasm and wits that it's so satisfying to hear some sarcastic shit come out his mouth.
May even be a bit sassy, he has no time for bullshit. will beat some ass- and is the best pet dad.
no bc when he was being a foster dad to Chompy??? my heart. my fucking heart yall.
Also the fact that he named him Chompy Picasso? PLS.
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Bop guys!
Lowkey gets bullied by Raph but makes up for it by making him look dumb at times.
SASSIER. VERY SASSY. WIll point out his brothers (Raph/Mikey's) stupidity.
Plus his gap is so cute
Also, he's a bop because he made fucking RETRO MUTAGEN. If I'm not mistaken, 2012 Donnie is the first one of his installments to make a retro mutagen.
Okay maybe Mikey mixed a chemical or two and was the original creator of the retro mutagen, but Donnie was able to make copies of it after finding out how Mikey made it.
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He might be my favorite Mikey! I really like 2007 Mikey bc his comedic timing was on point, but this Mikey! Oh my god his timing is fucking terrible and I love it.
he's also the reason why his brothers aren't in the stomachs of those big-ass wasps, he's underrated! When he applies himself, he's unstoppable fr.
Also, he's an animal lover like Raph! He also really cares for Ice Cream Kitty (IC Kitty is also one of my fave characters for some reason they're sooo cute!)
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Hear me out.
I know, why isn't he just a bop or why isn't he just a flop? I honestly couldn't decide. I found that he wasn't the most memorable in this version, but he did certain things that I remembered. He also has cute blue eyes so that's why he's a blop.
I didn't like the way he talked to Raph in the second movie bro, he was such a bitch, then acted mad shocked that Raph went out and tried to get the ooze himself. he also benched tf out of Raph and Mikey just because Raph called him out on his shit.
Okay I'm changing it- he's a blop but VERY close to being a flop because of that.
all this being said...pass.
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He's mad chill. A fuckin Bop. Honestly, all Raph's are bops, but this one especially. He knits yall. KNITS. Raph KNITS. I never thought I'd see the day.
Also a Vin Diesel stan, I love that for him.
They also gave him a fear of heights...or erm...skydiving, which I thought was kinda cute! Big bad Raph is scared of a plane dive!
P.S- smashy smash. he's truly a sweetheart yall.
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I actually really like his design! Love the glasses on him fr fr!
This Donnie is a blop though...sorry guys.
He was very nerdy in this one, but I'm so used to Donnie being a sass king that it didn't feel normal.
I wish they gave him more substance than just the genius of the team, if this makes any sense. Same with 2007!Donnie.
Blop positive: he's the only turtle to curse in the movie! he also snorts. it's cute.
but, if they made him sassy as FUCK- ALL MIGHT DEKU SMASH.
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he's mad cool i dont see anything wrong with him. He's just a bro.
i dont have much to say about bayverse Mikey for some reason, so I'll leave it at this.
He also calls April "Angelcakes" which I think is cute yall-
Pass btw
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Final boss level BOP BRO. I love love love this Leo! He's amazing. I have no complaints fr.
Total asshole in the lair olympics but I loved every second of it LMFAO
also his granny disguise to spy on April??? 10/10 great style. It's nice to see Leo not be the leader for once, I truly see what he could be when he doesn't carry the burden of the leader.
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He's a big mf softie, and I love it! I love his design, everything! No complaints about this Raph, he finally is able to show his leadership skills!
spoiler all rise! turtles are bops bc its so nice to see them written differently than their usual stereotypes.
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I absolutely adore this version of Donnie! His lines are absolutely top tier bro.
HIS RAP IN MYSTIC LIBRARY??? GTFOH. I also really loved his rivalry with Leo in the olympics btw .
He has so many golden moments that this is exactly why hes a BOP! BOP OF THE MF UNIVERSE.
He's also unintentionally funny, his computer password??? yeah bro he's funny.
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BOP. I finally feel like Mikey isn't the butt of the joke anymore. All boys are funny in this series in their own way, and they're all shown being a little dumb so I love that LMAO
I love that Mikey is still childish, but it seems to do toned down as his brothers are equally childish in some way
We don't rely on Mikey for comedic relief, we can rely on him to be sporadic and chaotic though! i love this version of Mikey, this one is my favorite. Point blank my fave!
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Hello there, thanks for stumbling across my blog!
(Here's a lil comic I made for a school assignment)
Artblog: @chronicallyartistic
Audio drama blog: @chronically-listeningtopodcasts
I'm going to start putting my social energy levels in my bio... There's a lot of stuff I want to respond to but i currently dont have the energy to do so, and so if I don't respond within like a day, check my bio and see that...
Who am I / Where else can you find me?
First of all, feel free to call me Eli!! I'm on the waiting list for an autism diagnosis. I am agender and aroace-spec.
I am verrryyy enthusiastic about the things I am interested in (hence the URL hehehe). And currently, those are: podcasts (theres a list at the bottom of the post), good omens, ofmd, bbc merlin, star trek!!!!, lotr, and probably more things that I am too tired to think of right now!
I use the queue! Im not awake at the ungodly hours i sometimes am seen posting at, I just dont want to utterly flood peoples dashes! I do reblog fandom stuff and things ive added anything to immediately, so if you see a few posts in short succession, im online!
I am a very big fan of the oxford comma and double brackets. Semicolons are pretty cool too. And ellipses are incredible.
i love all of my mutuals dearly!! Making cookies and hot chocolate for you all <33
I try to use tone tags as much as possible!
Things I am okay with sharing/doing:
My age, gender/sexuality, things about my guinea pigs!!, and most other things
Things I am not okay with sharing/doing:
The city I live in, pictures of me/anyone I know, my full name, my birthdate, my phone number/email address, meeting up with people irl, sending/receiving money/gifts, dms (<- though if we're mutuals and interacted a lot dms are fine!!)
^ this applies to everyone im not in the discord with
I will let someone know if they cross boundaries, and *really* would like other people to let me know if I cross theirs!!
DNI: people who are here to spread hate and anger. Just, stay away. I dont engage in discourse. I know DNIs dont deterr these people, but this is a demonstration of my core values :)
(At the top cause otherwise it will get lost) ALSO #tw body horror
I block quite a few tags but most notably #tw war and other ones to do with the war in israel/palestine. This is not because I don't care. I care so so so much about what is happening and I cry every time I see a post about it. It breaks my heart that such horrible things are happening. However, I really struggle with high empathy, and seeing a post about it can really affect me for a while, and I need tumblr to be a safe space away from the real world problems. If I follow you - please could you tag things to do with war. Thank you <3
Updated to clarify - I do block the generic tags such as Israel and Gaza, which most of the posts are tagged with by the op, so if you forget its no big deal!!
A list of all the podcasts I listen to because y'know, its fun:
The Amelia Project
Wooden Overcoats
The Adventure Zone
Sherlock & Co
Alba Salix
And a whole lot more that i no longer listen to either because they havent updated or they are a little too creepy (Welcome to Night Vale falls into the latter category)
The Sci Guys
Lets Learn Everything
A podcast of unnecessary detail.
Dear Hank and John
The Unmade Podcast
Books Unbound
A book list of recommendations from mutuals for my own use:
abigail by Magda Szasbo (@mack-anthology-mp3)
The Alphabet of Candice Phee (@jamie-dinow)
A list of music reccomendations from mutuals:
in the lap of the gods revisited by queen, why can't i be you by the cure, pyramid song, and lucky & the tourist by radiohead, when the sun hits by slowdive, dancing barefoot by patti smith, tangerine by led zeppelin, autumn sweater by yo la tengo, rubber ring by the smiths, water by pj harvey (from @/mack-anthology-mp3)
imi hendrix’s all along the watchtower (from @/catholickedd)
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dompler91 · 12 days
bitch im so rad bitches so bad take it
bitch im tha man botch you aint that just take it
bitch i got my money bitch i got funny take it
bitch i run that hustle bitch you want some trouble?(take it)
steppin up to baseplate he tell me "charlie oh you great"
smackin it whackin it absolutely crackin it
crackalackadackin smack yo grandma in the ass bitch
i got game i got class kid you aint never gonna surpass this
keep my rims spinnin hoes grinnin fine linen smell like lemon(yeah)
you know how it is bitch
they say autotune nah this just my pitch drop yo ass in the ditch
cackling like a witch they whining "charlie oh you bitch"
i used to be a broke boy no bling no royce free toys me n my boys man that had me so annoyed
stepped the fuck up knocked a dude off the street kept beatin his ass till his ass was beat
they crowned me street king said i was the ring king king bling ding ding ding(correct!)
hopped up to the record label didnt wait a secord then i made a special record sold a million set a record
i come from the bottom now im cummin from the top she got no top titty bop fresh wap take a walk sleep that shit off
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lokislytherin · 2 years
streamer daniel au?
ok so i’m a vtuber watcher right. i Get the parasocial thing. lemme get to it im just gonna make this in bullet points
1) daniel is a streamer: he’s wannabe pro gamer! went from “i’m gonna game and beat up enemies as stress relief bc i get bullied irl” as a middle schooler to a high schooler being like “actually i can make some good money out of this” bc he got a growth spurt and went from og daniel to current daniel, his real name is park hyungseok (they all use their korean names) but he streams under the name ‘daniel’ and wears a mask to prevent being completely doxxed. it was beomjae’s idea bc you can’t tell me he’s also a gamer (he and daniel are a lot closer in this bc 1) jay does not go to the same skl 2) vasco and jinsung are not gamers and they both want Gamer Bros yk and daniel is hilarious when he malds he daipans and everything and beomjae has the time of his life watching daniel scream at npcs)
2) daniel uses pet names a lot: he calls people baby, sweetheart, honey, jagiya bc he’s a pretty boy and fansa pays SO WELL. he also does bfe sometimes so imagine he’s like vox akuma from nijisanji en fourth wave luxiem. hot guy with a smooth, comforting voice calls you baby. i’d be dead in seconds. people like lala kim eat that shit up
3) you know who also eats that up? hong jaeyeol. bc he’s gay and daniel is like The hot guy who coincidentally plays the same video games as jaeyeol (who games bc he’s a hikikomori loser /j), it starts from jaeyeol going “yo jaehye look there’s a guy who plays this game too i’m not the only one” to “o fuck he made me a mod bc i helped him bonk the backseaters” to “he. he just called me baby. excuse me im gonna pass out” (’jace’ is daniel’s other mod. the duality of having nice mod ‘asdf’ (jaeyeol) and mean mod ‘jacepogg’ (beomjae))
4) they graduate from high school and they end up at the same uni (STEM major jay? med jay? law jay? poll needed? + compsci major jace + business major daniel, they’re all in the same free elective (still unknown) with the rest of the j high gang) and hyungseok catches jaeyeol playing the video game (bc he’s bored, he’s just taking this for the credits he alr knows all the content) and he’s like “YO. you’re good” and jaeyeol’s like !!!!! bc those are daniel’s eyes?? is this guy daniel?? daniel his ‘celeb’ crush is sitting next to him??
5) they become friends and at some point jaeyeol casually reveals he’s a yt mod for a gamer and hyungseok like wait. WAIT. and the reveal actually happens bc daniel’s mod ‘asdf’ and hyungseok’s bestie hong jaeyeol text the same way + react the same way to being called pet names
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annika-thelostlove · 2 years
Arranged Apart - Percy Dolarhyde x you!Reader
Word count / 2699
Excerpt / Two years have passed since you left the town of Absolution, and you are anxious to know if he is married. Hard to imagine a woman who wouldn't want a rich man like him. He's also not so drunk and a nuisance anymore since you've known him. A handsome man like Percy could not be without an admirer for long. You sigh and hope you're not too late.
Authors note / I am not a writer, it's been many years since I've attempted fan fiction. This is my first one in probably decade. I was terrible at it then, im still pretty terrible now. But I love Paul and this character so much (bc Im weak for cowboys) so i'm jumping in, so heres my attempt at making more content for danonation 💕. Im still not well versed in categories for fanfic, i tried to make it gn, but i think i slipped many times and so the fic implies you to be more of a fem character. There are likely many mistakes and typos. Plz forgive me! 🙏
Warnings / minor character death, just fluff and some angst. I can't think of anymore 😅
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Percy was your fiancee for the last two years, and even before that your parents had arranged your courtship for one year. But now it was all coming to an end. Your parents break to you the news that the engagement is over, because your family has come by some big money this time, and you no longer need to marry Percy.
Knowing them, they mean that you will have the prospect of marrying someone richer.
The ground feels like it cracks beneath your feet. It's finally going to be over, pretending to be in love with the man-child of this town. You are finally rid of him, he never wanted you around anyhow, you think.
At the beginning that's how you felt, you hated him to the bone. He was a nuisance, loud and presumptuous. Drunk and bored. But you couldn't help yourself, when over the years he had been there for you in ways your parents never had been. The private embraces, exchanging letters of secrets and hopes sent to each other in the night. He knows your childhood dream, to be free, to explore the world. And you know his own struggle with his feeling of aimlessness. Your berating for each other at the start, turned almost into affection. You became friends, and then to you it suddenly became something more. You fell in love with Percy.
Quickly after being dismissed by your father, you run out of the house excusing to run some errands. No horse was in the stables, so you run all the way through past the town and towards the Dolarhydes family home, sweat dripping down your neck, you begin to call out for Percy.
"Percy! Percival! I have news!" You huff, voice breaking.
A sullen Percy walks around the corner of his porch and spots you catching your breath. He looks away and mutters. "Yes, I've heard it. The big news."
"Yes, well- im"
"Congratulations. Its great news! What you've always wanted right?" A hint of bitterness was in his voice.
"Well, it seems to have some benefits for both of us! I mean freedoms we didn't have before- I- im just worried about what would the town say about us breaking off the engageme-" he stops and drops whatever he was holding before, his whole body seemed to shake Slightly.
"Stop that, you're worrying, dollface" He chuckles quietly. His expression was completely unreadable. "You know I've always hated that." He scoffs then took a steadying breath. And a pinched look entered his face. "It was about time anyway-"
"About time..?-"
"Yes, that we ended this whole shenanigan. It was getting tiring pretending to like each other wasn't it?"
"Pretending? I like you! Well- as a friend, i like you the right amount as a..friend"
"Ha! Are we now? Friends?" He puts a finger on his chin sarcastically asking. "You really think that? I've always saw us either as a…little more than that, or maybe a little less? Whatever we are, we sure aint what people call friends" he laughs like it's the best thing he's said, as you try and punch his arm and he dodges it. You hate his humor, he's not funny at all. But he sure thinks so.
"Screw you Dolarhyde!! Thats uncalled for! The last three years I've stood by you!"
"Aw what's wrong doll, you only want me for my money and my luscious locks!" He continued to tease you, he can never be serious when you need him to.
"Percival, you're my closest friend and you know it!" Tears began to gather in your eyes, but you were sure not to let him see.
He chuckles like he knows already, his expression suddenly sad. "yeah i know, and for what? It was still always gona come down to that darn money, wasn't it doll." He tips your chin. "Otherwise you wouldn't be here, you would be out exploring the world years ago!" He chuckled with his smirk. Something resigned behind those green eyes.
You couldn't respond, confused angry tears threatening to run down your face. A dull pain is in your chest, you think its possibly the feeling of your heart breaking. Because Percy always knew you so well. And he was always so rude about it. Just like now. But it was true. Hes right, It is about the money. The money was all your family talks about, the money to make your family proud of you, maybe if you had enough of it, then they could love and respect you. You wanted it. Wanted it more than you wanted Percy. At least you think you do. He looked at your face, and you swear you saw regret. He sighs and walks away a moment, and returns walking alongside his horse towards you.
"Why don't you get out of here sweetcheeks. This is your chance, leave this town." He pauses and walks back to you. Taking your hand in his and looking into your eyes. "Please, so you can live your dream"
He lifts you onto the saddle of the horse. Thoughts racing. And heart conflicted. Mounting the horse, you whisper to him. "What if…what if I could fall in love with you?" Would you make me stay? Part of your question left unsaid.
He throws his head back, and laughs. "Then you would be trapped here forever. Sweetheart." His voice with so much sorrow. "Don't ever do that, you'll have to be dimwitted to have feelings for a Dolarhyde. Don't feel bad about leaving me behind, I would hate you more if you do."
Too bad, you have already gone and done exactly that. But it seems he doesn't want you to stay.
A few weeks later your family and you are gone. Everything was packed up on the train along with you, making your way to the city of your choice. And looking out the window, feeling like you made the wrong choice. Every cell in your body wants to return to him.
Meanwhile Percy moved into the house he was building with his father. It was the wedding gift they were preparing for you. Though now there was no wedding and no you. The date for the cancelled wedding passes. And Percy walks out onto his new porch, sits on the steps and cries.
London was empty, so was Rome, and Paris. And every other place you thought you wanted to explore, you meet more men in a year than you have ever met in your 22 years of life. Every offer of marriage felt more fake than whatever you had with Percy. It was no use. You loved him, and your familys love of money was getting in the way of all of it. Tainting it all. You have all the money you could ever want now, but evey night you still dream of the same sad green eyes you had left behind.
Finally at your wits end, one night you break into the family safe to take your portion of bonds and money, and pack a bag easy enough to carry. You notice something else too, post cards and letters addressed to Percy, and to you. Your family has been keeping you apart, and makes you more determined to make this choice of escaping this life of pretentiousness and greed. You swiftly run into the night. Making the dangerous journey back to America and back to Percy.
Two years have passed since you left the town of Absolution, and you are anxious to know if he is married. Hard to imagine a woman who wouldn't want a rich man like him. He's also not so drunk and a nuisance anymore since you've known him. A handsome man like Percy could not be without an admirer for long. You sigh and hope you're not too late.
After a dangerous boat ride across the continents for weeks, taking the sleeper train and then on horseback to their old Town. You persisted with only Percy in your mind. Unsure if Percy would still even want to see you.
Finally back in town, the news spreads quickly. You're back, a woman travelled alone. Percy hears of it and starts to hope. But he can't assume you are unattached, you may have only travelled ahead of your husband.
You on the other hand stay at the inn and ask around for news of Mr Dolarhyde. A group of older women at the dining hall look at eachother grimmly. "Oh, mister Dolarhyde, that trouble maker, he passed away last winter. There was a bad flu that came by last year, it did not agree with him, and it took him in his sleep. It did not help that he refused medication, stubborn boy that one. So sorry my dear."
Frozen, you could only nod slightly, the news numbs you and you excuse yourself quickly. Feeling your self crumbling from within. Running to your horse quickly, you ride off to the home you were meant to share together. You don't even notice that it looks occupied. All you had in mind was Percy, and a mountain of pain that was quickly tumbling out of your chest. You climb off your horse weeping, uncontrollable. Calling for him through tears.
"Percy! My beloved Percy! Why did they take you away!"
Inside the house Percy could hear a commotion, a quick sound of a horse galloping then someone wailing his name. Sounds familiar, but. It can't be.
He rushes to his front porch and he sees you curled over on the dirt by the steps of his house. He says your name, unbelieving that you were there.
Looking up you see him standing over you. An illusion, like an apparition. Its percy in the flesh.
Then your eyes roll up into your head and you faint.
When you wake, you are in a bed, a nostalgic smell hits you straight in your chest. It's undoubtedly the scent of Percy you missed so much, a mixture of the musk of his clothes (though a bit cleaner), damp wool and saw dust. You were home. He notices you awake, and speaks first.
"I heard you were back in town."
"Yes, since yesterday. Why did you not greet me?" You ask him.
"I didn't think you'd like to see this old face." He smirks. Trying to lighten the mood.
"I-, percy your father…he died last winter?." Changing the subject. This gave him pause.
"Yes he did. And I took over everything."
"I'm so sorry Percy, we're you alone at his passing?"
"I was." Was. Perhaps not anymore. "And I also sold the old house to one of our farmers. I live here now."
"I'm so sorry Percy. I wish I were here." His face pinches, but he tries to hide it.
"I wish you were here also."
"Percy, I never should have left-"
"No, I'm fine. I'm- I'm better, different, than I was. Maybe-" maybe now i could be better for you. He wanted to say. "I, hope that you feel welcome back here."
Percy escorts you back to your inn. You miss your chance of telling him your feelings. You're still processing how hes changed, and you're unsure if he already is married. You noticed his house had many things that women often liked. Specifically things you seem to be fond of. Some of your favourite flowers in a vase, and what looked like his mother's ceramics displayed in places. The walls were painted deep red, (it was at first yours and then percys favourite colour) is painted on the walls. The house had perhaps a woman's touch.
Percy may have a wife.
You quickly spend the next hours, with the dreaded thought that percy had someone else. A woman that percy loved. Where she comforted him in his grief, and painted his house red with him, when he would check on the cattle, she would wash his clothes and percy would buy her flowers. You get drunk from the heartbreak. The other ladies at the saloon below the inn watch you with curiosity, gradually getting drunk. They see the opportunity to ask about you.
"So little madam, when is the husband coming to join you?."
"No husband. Jus- me. Alone." You sob.
"Oh, I see. Dear have you returned for marriage perhaps? Looking for a husband?"
"I don't want, I'm..not looking."
"Oh, a career woman, I see."
"Maybe, but. No, no career. I have..I have nothing." Which was not really true because you have stacks of bonds in your luggage. And yet. "I just want him." You sob.
The ladies eyes grow round with intrigue. "Oh. Who, my dear?"
"My beloved Mr. Dolarhyde." Sadness takes over your drunkenness. "He must love someone new."
They all look at one another in surprise. They touch your hand to shake you from your deep thoughts. "Percy has not looked at another girl in many years, dear."
Percy is in his night clothes, looking through some old papers when he gets loud thumping footsteps on his porch, before loud banging on his door.
"PERCYVAL!" You yell, sounding drunk.
He hurries to open the door and hush you. "What has gotten into you, scaring me twice in one day! You are about to make my eye pop out of its socket woman!" He whisper shouts at you. It feels like the old Percy, and it makes you smile "Did anyone see you come here alone? What will they say-"
"Percy, I don't give two shits about what people are gonna say. I here to tell you, I'm in love with you." He stares at you frozen.
"You're drunk"
"Nope, I got plenty sober running all the way here. I love you. I still love you."
"But you only realised it when you went aay" it was meant to be a question, but was more like a statement.
"Nope, well, I thought the world could offer me more. But, I was wrong about that. I've loved you even before, when we rescued some chooks from that coyote, remember that? It was ever since then. I loved you then." You end your little speech with a smile. You feel sober, but you're likely far from it.
"But, that was- that was maybe a year before you left"
"But you left"
"I did" he gives you a hard look.
"Are you kidding me!" His outburst surprises you, yelling obscenities, reminding you of the old percy. He grabs a quilt to scream into. It goes on for a few seconds. Then a quiet weeping began. His shoulders lifting from his sobs into the fabric. "I should have said something. For two fucking years. I-" A very long muffled 'fuck' is yelled into the blanket. "You could have stayed-"
You gently pull his quilt away from his face, his face red and distraught. But it's the face you missed so much. Your hand cradles his cheek and he leans into it. "What, what is it perce?"
"I love you too. I missed you. I wish you stayed." His whisper, so gentle. His confession like a balm over both your broken hearts. His tears wet your hand. "Why did you still go?"
"I thought you didn't want me, I was the little nuisance who just wanted your money. Even when we became friends, i thought even more of how you could have found someone else if you weren't stuck with me"
"You're kinda stupid"
"Same goes to you dimwit. Why didn't you tell me to stay?"
"We'll my reason was less stupid than yours, I thought your true love was to see the big wide world."
"Well, I saw it. Just felt small without you."
He scoffs
"I hate that" you know what his scoff means, he acts like he hates it, but it always means the opposite.
You pull his collar down to meet his lips with yours.
A/N / few loose ends, like the money she ran away with, her family retaliating. Will they run away together, will they stay in Absolution, will I write steamy dirty smut for this, will they have many babies, will reader start a career? Its up to interpretation. Who knows what I'll do 🤨
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