bornetoblood · 1 year
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Shallow Grave Among the Weeds,
Where the Pale Worms Creep,
Wake Up and Worship the Great Gold Sheep.
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unravelingwires · 9 months
One of my recent projects has involved quote gathering. It’s based on an assignment from my creative writing class intended to make us think about turns of phrase in our free time: we were supposed to gather quotes from our everyday lives and read them aloud in class. After the class ended, I started writing quotes from the books I read on sticky notes and putting them up on my room walls.
Over Thanksgiving break, I gained six new quotes. I’m torn between two for my favorites. My first is a Brennan Lee Mulligan quote from The Wizard, The Witch, and the Wild One: “Many who have destiny curse it, but what a burden to choose any path under the sun.” My second is from Terry Pratchett’s Soul Music: “It was sad music. But it waved the sadness like a battle flag. It said the universe had done all it could but you were still alive.” 
I have an old love for turns of phrase so sharp my fingers bleed. It feels a little bit like blasphemy to steal sentences from their home, rob them of their context, and dangle what’s left from the walls of my room. I can’t help it, though. The brilliance of wrapping yourself in the wisdom of the world is too good to pass up. 
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jennyfromthebes · 3 months
oooh what would you say the most haunted tmg songs are? which ones have ghosts in em?
oh I'm so in love with this question, oh my god. I think the most haunted tmg songs are a very specific subset of the autobiographical ones: steal smoked fish, stack 'em up, rose quarter drifting (we shall all be healed), from tg&y. those ones in particular all go together and they're all haunted, but that's because, well, this song is for a lot of people, most of them ghosts.
aside from those ones: I think most of transcendental youth has ghosts, but especially lakeside view apartments suite and harlem roulette. get lonely also has a lot of ghosts but not really in the same way; the most haunted get lonely track to me is woke up new. despite how many tracks outright mention ghosts, most of those ones aren't very haunted to me, sorry outer scorpion squadron and keeping house and the young thousands. letter from belgium however is absolutely haunted. you know what, let me just do a playlist:
title from the young thousands, despite it not being on here, because that's one of my all-time favorite quotes about ghosts. this obviously contains some unreleased/live only songs as well as one specific live version rather than the album version, which I've added to this post below:
Stack 'Em Up / From TG&Y / Rose Quarter Drifting / Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod / From the Lake Trials
anyone who wants to add more songs to this post please feel free to!
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@pmseymourva why do you never notice when they quote No Children by the Mountain Goats. You have seen it AT LEAST 3 TIMES
You need the link? I'll give you the link even if you know it.
You deserve the link
It's good
Edit: I realize how rude this sounds and I'm so sorry this song with its 'I hope I hope we both die' triggers some rage and I apologize for this action
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 months
there’s a john darnielle (of the mountain goats) quote where, when approached by a fan who said his music kept them from attempting suicide, he responds, “i didn’t do that, my music didn’t do that, you did that. my music was just the tool you used.” this situation with alvin’s infurno is the inverse of that: if someone was already doing that poorly, even if they hadn’t found your comic, they would have had a different trigger for attempting. the desire was already there and probably had been, severely, for a long time. it is not your fault in any way that that person attempted, and quite frankly it was extremely inappropriate of their sibling to reach out to you and try to blame you for it. i’m sorry that it happened and i sincerely and deeply hope that person gets the help they desperately need, but it isn’t your fault.
thanks so much anon, you’re all confirming what i had already kind of thought myself but its good to hear other people say it
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ladybeug · 2 years
Alright so
It has been about 24 hours since i finished @peachcitts fanfiction metamorphosis and i spent at least 3 of those hours making a fanmix.
Listen, Im sorry, this is just who I am, Im someone who wants to make a playlist about a specific iteration of ml characters. Especially if there are some grey morals up in there.
read the fic, listen to the fanmix, follow me under the cut thats where the party is
...and by party I mean analytical summary of each song.
I'm about to talk about some of these choices I made in depth, as a treat for myself. An indulgence. I'll keep the fic references high level but there may be some theme/tone spoilers so real talk go read the fic and meet me back here.
@peachcitt I know I tagged you but this will get long you do not have to read it or acknowledge this homage just know I appreciated your story and thought a lot about it.
the whole playlist is meant to be listened to start to finish, its half the tragedy and half the hard work to get your life right side up and the rewards.
I actively tried not to put Cry for Judas on here and i did ANYWAYS
its on so many of my playlists already, I'm loose with this song. But frankly if i could only keep it on one I would keep it on here. I mean I just don't think any other adrien iterations do things just to see how bad they'll make him feel QUITE like this one and i just HAD to have that as the first line of lyrics in the playlist.
I'm just also obsessed with sad and angry, can't learn how to behave?? The tragic acceptance of being unable to be good??
find me a better match. this song had to be on here and it had to be first.
Your Ghost - this might be the only song thats only about Marinette which is a crime because I really connected with her pov but the truth is that this is an adrien fanmix and i need to accept that.
But for real the acceptance but inability to move on in this song is just perfect.
Can't Lose - maybe the angriest song on here? A little angrier than I was going for but I had to keep this one though because, I mean, "I'm thinking I can't move if there isn't somewhere else to go?" like, the, 'sure what im doing is bad but what else IS there' of it, I mean, what can I even say. It had to be on here.
If you only listen to one song on here listen to Animal Mask.
It's a song about partners in a wrestling match written as a metaphor for when John Darnielle's wife was in labor, and its so tender and sweet, and frankly it sounds like it could have been written for metamorphosis for like every single flashback of ladybug and chat noir.
I could quote every line and be like 'this is them' but like, 'hold on,' I cried, 'I'll be right there', pulled your mask down through your hair. they won't see you, not until you want them to. What am I supposed to say?? It moves me deeply I'm having emotional problems please come join me. Every other song on this playlist doesn't matter.
Anyways intermission, while we're here, let me share this experience that I had today with you:
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I did then proceed to count, was appropriately ashamed that about 25% of the playlist was mountain goats, and extremely painfully chose to remove 'oceanographer's choice'.
[tangent about Oceanographers Choice vs Haunted House]
As obsessed as I am with going straight from the unbearably tender memory in animal mask to oceanographer's choice, first line: "well, guy in a skeleton costume, walks up to a guy in a superman suit, runs through him with a broadsword", the anxious switch in music, and then straight into a song about a fucked up guy fighting the woman he is still complicatedly in love with.... and he doesn't know how else to be....
oh no, listen, as I typed that I half convinced myself to add it back in again
but I won't because I even more love the transit of animal mask to the shrill and tense line in Haunted House, "I was buried in the summer, all those parties ago", and then a confused and hysterical song about dissociation and loss of control in a world where nobody seems connected to what you're going through. The tone is more ungrounded, and scared, and less resigned. Which matches what I was going for - I tried to avoid songs that were just like... "yeah i'm evil >:) thats my identity"
[end tangent]
Little Pistol I feel like I barely have to justify, but I will say what really sold me is the reference to 'I want what's best for me, and I think I know just what that means'. But then also the slight change in tune at the end? Delicious?
The Run and Go, just read the fic ok
I Wanna Get Better is one that honestly feels like it doesn't fit perfectly but I'm really drawn to a sharp turning point in the playlist from 'bad and spiraling' to 'desperately clawing my way up' which is how reading the fic felt at a certain point, and this song feels like the perfect tonal shift and has the end-of-a-movie screaming conviction that I want. Its also just so good
Do it Anyways might be the second most important song... third most important? on this fanmix. The frantic, panicky music matched with the unwavering conviction to improvement is so unmatched honestly and if we're talking about how hard it is to be your best when you feel your worst, oh my god. Read the fic, listen at 2:44 and meet me back here and there's nothing else I even need to say
Absolute Lithops Effect.... I tricked you, this is also a mountain goats song :) its a cover though so I'm not counting it.
This is one of the most beautiful songs about hope for the future and growth that I know its very important to me. The title of the playlist comes from this song. Here's what you need to know about it:
Lithops are these:
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They grow so slowly they don't look like they're growing at all. But they are.
Love Love Love: Ugh don't talk to me about love love love. I'm not going to explain how this connects to the fic. It does, I'm right. There's nothing I can say about this that can't be said better by Mr. Mountain Goats himself:
"The point of the song is, you know, that we are fairly well damaged by the legacy of the Romantic poets--that we think of love as this, you know, thing that is accompanied by strings and it's a force for good, and if something bad happens then that's not love. And the therapeutic tradition that I come from--I used to work in therapy--you know, also says that it's not love if it feels bad. I don't know so much about that. I don't know that the Greeks weren't right. I think they were--that love can eat a path through everything--that it will destroy a lot of things on the way to its own objective, which is just its expression of itself, you know. I mean, my stepfather loved his family, right? Now he mistreated us terribly quite often, but he loved us. And, you know, well, that to me is something worth commenting on in the hopes of undoing a lot of what I perceive as terrible damage in the way people talk about this--love is this benign, comfortable force. It's not that. It's wild, you know?" — NPR interview with Linda Wertheimer, 14 May 2005
Metamorphosis: okay this one I added to make myself laugh but I also stand by it thematically
SUPERBLOOM: Don't we all deserve a little celebration for the hard work we do?
Anyways this is my fanmix, if you read to here I love you and you're welcome for all the mountain goats songs I peeled off of here that I didn't even tell you about. I didn't even put heel turn 2 on here. Whoops ok now i've told you about that one.
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unloneliest · 1 year
fuck marry kill: tmg albums
thank you so fucking much for this ask i just saw your post and was like oh my god that would be so fun to figure out. also oh my god this was so hard and i think it'd be fun to do for smaller ranges of their discography too bc i LOVE so much of the hi fi part of their discography but somehow this is all low fi
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vibeswise this is the sexiest collection of songs that they have like there are other songs w sexy basslines but never in a sitch where legitimately the entire album or EP ticks that box for me. songs for peter hughes could show me a good time we'd have fun
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i could build a home in the landscapes of this album. what i recognize in it recognizes me back. & seeing the liner note quote on the annotated mountain goats??? well,
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extremely difficult call for my poly ass though. beautiful rat sunset is basically tied because of how dear to me it is and how closely in my heart it sits with full force galesburg and on a different day i might've chosen the other way around
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yam king of the crops is nothing to me sorry to all the yam king of the crops lovers out there & goodbye yam <3. the only song i care about off of this is quetzalcoatl comes through & that's really just bc i love @canis-la-trans so much and a line from it was his blog title at one point maybe?
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juha-art · 11 months
eursulon playlist:)?
At this point I'm not even going to apologize for how long this is.. i have many thoughts about the main 3 ok
'There was a boy / A very strange, enchanted boy / They say he wandered very far / Very far, over land and sea / A little shy and sad of eye / But very wise was he'
The most baby Eursulon song in the world to me.. always makes me think of him
'Boy, we are family / No matter what they say / But boys are meant to flee / And run away one day / When the golden age is over'
I took this song from my sir Curren playlist... dreaming of knighthood, bound by honor and family to something long gone
'Cause I'd like to see / Your favorite metaphor for family / Could it be hills of golden grass? / Could it be presence in the past?'
Wandering around after grandmother Wren's cottage, thinking fondly of the family he left in Toma
'How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day / I only know there's nothing here for me / Nothing in this wild world left for me to see'
A goodbye song for the spirit world, stranded alone in an uncaring strange world
'There's a bear inside your stomach A cub's been kicking from within (...) No one ever has to know / And then tomorrow I'll turn twenty-one / We'll script another show'
Very different than the original meaning of this song, but this one is for a glamoured Eursulon hiding his true form, playing a monster (and not a knight) and drinking the day away
'We are filled with riches and wonders / Our love keeps the things it finds / And we dance like drunken sailors / Lost at sea, out of our minds / You find shelter somewhere in me / I find great comfort in you / And I keep you safe from harm / You hold me in your arms / And I want to go home / But I am home'
Sorry for quoting half the song but it's one of my favourite songs of all time. Eursulon reuniting with his sisters, all grown up now. Not home per say but they are the home he has in this world. And he's their protector
Quest fever!
'In your sullen gaze / I see no care for this place / And still somehow / You may find your heart here / Right here'
Eursulon reconnecting with his breath, realising that even if it's not the world he wanted to be apart of when he walked though the gate looking for honor, that's the world he has and he will fight for it
✨ send me a WBN character and I'll make a short annotated playlist for them ✨ my other WBN playlists ✨
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r0adrunner · 8 months
A Few Stars
“A long time ago, monsters would whisper their wishes to the stars in the sky. If you hoped with all your heart, your wish would come true. Now, all we have are these sparkling stones on the ceiling…”
—Casodir, Cassian, Reflection Under the Surface, Snowdin Librarby Publishing, 33 ABE
“Thousands of people wishing together can’t be wrong! The king will prove that.”
*You hear a passing conversation
“It’s peaceful out here isn’t it?”
“It’s too quiet…”
“Oh, don’t be such a sissy.”
A small child walks through a damp cavern, a fluffy white paw grasped tight in their tiny fingers. The child is leading another child, a small goat monster. The soothing white noise of rushing water softly permeates the background from some distant chamber.
“Where are we, Chara?”
“I don’t know! Isn’t it wonderful?”
“I think we should go back…”
The child leads the goat to one of the cave walls and sits down. The goat sits down next to them.
“Brother, look up!”
The goat lifts his head slowly, and a little cautiously, then exclaims.
The cave roof is covered with thousands of glowing blue stones, glinting against the void of the ceiling as if suspended in air.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? They look just like the stars from back home.”
“What’s a star?”
“A star… Well, they usually come out at night. They cover the sky with little pricks of light, like this. Sometimes people would ask them for things, like wishes.”
“What’s a wish?”
“A wish is when… sometimes, Asriel, people really, really want something, but they know they can never have it. So we make a wish, hoping that out there, somewhere, there might be some unknown power that can grant it, and bring a little joy to our lives…”
“Of course, it’s all just lies we tell ourselves to distract from the reality of life.”
“Chara, don’t say that! I believe wishes are true!”
“You didn’t even know what a wish was till just now.”
“I don’t care. C’mon Chara, make a wish!”
“How about you go first.”
“Alright, I wish that my sibling and I will see the real stars some day.”
“That’s a good wish, Azzy.”
“So? Don’t you have any wishes to make?”
“…hmmm, just one, but… it’s kind of stupid.”
“Don’t say that! Come on, I promise I won’t laugh.”
“…if I say my wish… you promise you won’t laugh at me?”
“Of course I won’t laugh!”
“…Someday, I’d like to climb this mountain we’re buried under. Standing under the sky, looking at the world all around… That’s my wish.”
The goat child giggles softly. His companion turns to look at him with a hurt expression.
“…hey, you said you wouldn’t laugh at it!”
“Sorry, it’s just a little funny… that’s my wish too.”
Eventually the two siblings stand up, and walk back the way they came, the child leading their goat companion. The blue flowers scattered across the cave floor murmur a soothing chatter as their footsteps fade down the corridor, then quiet falls once more.
*It’s strangely silent.
This is an extremely short fanfic I wrote a long time ago based on some of the echo flower dialogue in Undertale
The quotes from the beginning come from Undertale, but are cited in-universe (in the AU this story take place in, which is Faithtale)
Undertale by Toby Fox and Temmie Chang
Faithtale by me
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fxreflyes · 9 months
Your pinned post makes me think of Frank Bidart poetry. Have you ever read any of him? For example whether you love what you love or live in divided and ceaseless revolt against it: what you love is your fate. ? What say Thee.
oh i love love love this!!! (pun not really intended haha). those are such powerful lines. i have not read any of his poetry, but i just looked up the poem you quoted from and the middle lines of the poem before the ones you wrote from the end are also so good (i mean the whole poem is),
"then I saw the parade of my loves
those PERFORMERS comics actors singers
forgetful of my very self so often I desired to die to myself to live in them
then my PARENTS my FRIENDS the drained SPECTRES once filled with my baffled infatuations
love and guilt and fury and sweetness for whom
nail spirit yearning to the earth"
him referring to all that he has loved as "spectres" or ghosts and saying he often desired to die to live in them. ugh. my understanding of the essence of the poem is that we are haunted by our love and our lives are dictated by it, whether in our seeking it out and following it or because we are in opposition to it? it's cool how the "what you love is your fate" is also a subversion in kind of nietzsche's amor fati, bc instead of love of fate, it's fate is love. but it's so interesting bc w/ love as fate, the idea is that you only have a bit of control over what you love, which can be destructive bc there is an illusion of choice. it definitely is the same meaning from my pinned post bc imo we rlly are made of all that we have once loved, even if we wished we hadn't or the love grew thorns or whatever may have happened. but that is beautiful in it's own right. to love & keep trying to love.
i also went down the rabbit hole of looking at this quote on google and found that the mountain goats posted this part of the poem on their twitter, which makes so much sense when i think about their song Love, love, love with the lyrics "Some things you'll do for money and some you'll do for fun / But the things you do for love are going to come back to you one by one / Love, love is going to lead you by the hand" so i wonder if the poem inspired the song! this was so cool to think abt,
thank u sharing and asking!! im sorry this was v rambling, but would love to hear ur thoughts & if you have any other of his poetry you would recommend!!
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casualtydept · 1 year
experiencing a particular sense of derangement today so how about an annotated walkthrough of my zeroskull playlist
there's a sort of progression to this that i intended to span their relationship as i portray it so keep that in mind. i hope you like 80s music.
this charming man - the smiths
this man said "it's gruesome, that someone so handsome should care"
my very first zeroskull fic has zero call him handsome and i shamelessly stole the idea from here. oh the romanticism of somehow finding yourself involved with an older english man who knows so much about these things...
2. unloveable - the smiths
i don't have much in my life, but take it - it's yours
sorry for all the morrissey it's not my fault he's also depressed and sexually complicated. i haven't written late 50s skull face in a while and this makes me miss him. oh you poor messed up thing.
3. love my way - the psychedelic furs
a kiss in not enough in love my way, it's a new road i follow where my mind goes
would you look at that another song about being gay. a comfy dreamy sort of feeling of falling for that older man that encourages him just to give in to all these terribly complicated feelings
4. later tonight - pet shop boys
and you wait 'til later, 'til later tonight 'cause tonight always comes
"the most gay song we've ever written" says neil tennant. i'll leave it at that
5. jack the ripper - morrissey
your face is as mean as your life has been crash into my arms, i want you you don't agree, but you don't refuse i know you
oh fuck he's back. anyway haha hope you enjoyed the sweet stuff here's one in which i compare zero to a serial killer. the "nobody knows me" lyric at the end fills my head with many thoughts. it's not zero if it isn't at least a little bit fucked up and morally questionable.
6. shake the disease - depeche mode
here is a plea from my heart to you nobody knows me as well as you do
hope you like this band as much as me or you'll be sick of them by the end of this. oh the desperation. ow oof the mortifying ordeal of being known.
7. in your room - depeche mode
i'm hanging on your words living on your breath feeling with your skin will i always be here?
be thankful i only quoted the chorus here. zero is a powerful man.
8. vampires - pet shop boys
say what you like i'll do what you want me to do you're a vampire, i'm a vampire too
the inherent romanticism of becoming strange and offputtingly wicked men who operate largely at night together
9. master and servant - depeche mode
domination's the name of the game in bed or in life, they're both just the same except in one you're fulfilled at the end of the day
i could have just quoted the whole song here. it's a lot like life!
10. stories of old - depeche mode
but we won't sacrifice anything at all to love
tfw you're totally in love but not enough to make you stop caring about controlling the global population/destroying the english language [delete as appropriate]
11. lovesong - the cure
whenever i'm alone with you you make me feel like i am whole again
i love pain and suffering.
12. love will tear us apart - joy division
love, love will tear us apart again
from the mgsv soundtrack itself. oh the misery.
13. wicked game - chris isaak
the world was on fire and no one could save me but you
[chanting] DIVORCE ERA DIVORCE ERA DIVORCE ERA. the bitterness... the longing.... the knowledge that the guy you essentially spent the last decade or more giving your life to is obsessed with some other guy and has ambitions that directly conflict with yours/make you want to murder him
14. diamonds and rust - joan baez
it's all come back too clearly yes, i loved you dearly and if you're offering me diamonds and rust i've already paid
[skull face voice] oh joan baez we're really in it now. music to drink heavily to after making a certain phone call, thumb running over the scratched metal of an authentic pin badge...
15. no children - the mountain goats
i am drowning there is no sign of land you are coming down with me hand in unlovable hand and i hope you die i hope we both die
oh you know i had to.
anyway hope you enjoyed this glimpse at what drives my insanity, i might do this for my (multiple) skull face playlists sometime but one is full of edgy bullshit + hungarian metalcore and half of my other one is just ennio morricone's dollars trilogy soundtracks lol.
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
42 Perfect Songs - 1983
holy fucking dog damn this is one of my favorite songs of all time I can't even.
Islands in the Stream by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers (but really Dollllyyyyyy) (Dolly!)
Okay, so this song was written by the Bee Gees who read the writing on the wall about disco and decided to try out some other genres/song writing. It was originally intended as an R&B tune for Marvin Gaye, but then Kenny Rogers was trying to sing it and like, "I hate this song it's fucking boring."
BUT THEN: Dolly Parton was in the same building like, being beautiful and kind and amazing and perfect, as she does, and they were like, "Hey Dolly come blow this song into the stratosphere and make it perfect" and she was like, cool, that will be very easy for me, because I am a fucking musical genius that eclipses space time the earth history but also VERY HUMBLE and funny (how Dolly, how? I love you).
1983 Trivia: it Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' off the number one spot in 1983. Sorry Bonnie, that's also a banger. Nothing personal.
Anyway, I am a regular person who has very ReGuLaR feelings about Dolly Parton, if you can't tell. (I LOVE HER SO MUCH) (WEEPING thinking about how lovely she is).
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I don't know what the quote is related to, I just like her smile.
1983 Runners Up:
Apologies to Bob Marley and the Wailers because Buffalo Soldier also came out this year and it's a really perfect song. I also really like Uptown Girl by Billy Joel Little Red Corvette and 1999 and Delirious by Prince. Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar Okay not gonna, I really like Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top. Is it perfect? It's not not perfect.
Here's the list (I'll make a playlist at some point)
1993 - Rebirth of Slick, Digable Planets 1995 - Santa Monica, Everclear 2005 - Up the Wolves, Mountain Goats 1992 - Rebel Girl, Bikini Kill, 1987 - Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance with Somebody, 1983 - Islands in the Stream by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers, 1982 - Edge of Seventeen, Stevie Nicks 1981 - Happy Birthday, Stevie Wonder
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samswound · 2 years
i absolutely love unique tags, and i am desperate to know more about yours 😵‍💫🤲 you mentioned having multiple tags for sam and now for dean. how did you choose them, where did they come from (poems, books, movies, quotes), do you keep a running list to remember them, and which ones are your favorites?
i too adore fancy/unique tags!!! ahhh i apologize if i don't make any sense at all. i don't do meta 😭 i am just. here.
i choose tags based on how its meaning is close to the character. honestly idk what i'm doing, i just venture through poems and songs and even other people's samcore / deancore tags until i go insane. so!
#armed to the teeth but can't make me go to war
from family happiness by the mountain goats (albeit tweaked a little). i stopped using it as much, but it's one of my favorites <3 it's really the most samcoded lyric out of the whole thing, so i ran with it! found it while i was making my sam playlist, which i'm thinking about remaking
#give wings to a stone
from no shade in the shadow of a cross by sufjan stevens! two lyrics from that song are tragically sam coded. </3 this tag is starting to become my general sam tag, but idk. i might need something else. my most favorite :")
#a dark prediction
i don't remember where i got it from ;; maybe i made it up? but it's about how sam feels this overwhelming sense of uncleanness and not feeling pure. the inevitability of something Awful that's going to happen. something like that. <3
#at the altar of god
i made this one up i think? but it's about sam and his faith. idk, it's just very striking. best sam + faith/sainthood tag i could think of. religious trauma and sainthood for this boy forever ^_^
#sacrificial lamb for slaughter
from memory. 🥴 pretty self-explained! second tag related to sam's faith. the jesus parallels...he's the lamb of god!!!!
#only the shadow of a cross
also from no shade in the shadow of the cross by sufjan stevens! THIRD tag related to sam's faith ffs. sam is crucified? oh that's just a normal sunday let's carry on. fav tag as well
#body of proof
i'm not sure where's this originally from, but i took it from the title of THE sam & autonomy fic by askance (doomscountry). if you haven't read it, then do so now!!! altered my psyche. but please, obv, mind the tags. it touches on highly sensitive topics. the body of proof ... the proof of various violations and the lack of autonomy. God.
#bloody and bloodstained
i got it from a post but i LOST IT FFS. basically demon blood addict!sam. i don't really like it jgjfjvjfv it's my favorite arc of him and he deserves something Better
#nothing scares me anymore
direct quote from the show! this tag is about soulless!sam. something about this line struck me so hard. and the way he says it ... idk, it's my most favorite soulless!sam scenes ever.
#they're purifying me
direct quote from the show. obv trials era!sam. i'm thinking about finding another tag for him but argehrghfh. it makes it easier for me to find contents i reblogged of trials!sam.
#he just has strange vibes sometimes
direct quote from the show. psychic!sam!!! thinking about dropping this tag though </3 but he do be having weird vibes
now, off to dean (two tags...sad.)
#god bore you hungry
from belovéd by yves olade. it also applies to sam, actually, but my boy has nothing so </3
#your inside is on your outside
from covet by basement! PLEASE LISTEN TO THAT SONG. it's so samdean coded!!!! but yeah, this lyric is CRITICALLY early seasons dean. love my vulnerable boy who bares his beating heart out to everybody <3 haven't used it yet, but it's my most favorite tag of his so far.
as for me keeping a list, no, i absolutely do not! if i forgot about them or lost them then i'm fucked! i make up new ones! this is a matter of survival! (jk i do lolol)
also, i myself absolutely adore your own tags, so seeing your ask shocked me vjrjfnjejdf
thank you so much for the ask 🍯 ilysm <333 i'm sorry that it took this long ;__; hope this was satisfactory!
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allalrightagain · 1 year
Interview Music Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @lunapwrites ❤️❤️❤️
RULES: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren't any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!)
I shuffled my whole library. Normally I would skip duplicates but without both The Maine songs literally nothing would align properly so. It is what it is.
1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
“…when you asked me ‘is the sadness everlasting?’ I pulled you closer, looked at you and said, love I think it is.” — Taxi by The Maine
2. What kind of [Cancer] are you?
“She says she’s going home.” — English Girls by The Maine
3.You’re visiting your favorite spot. What are you thinking about?
“There’s no place like home.” — No Place Like Home by Marianas Trench
4.If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
“You only have to run the numbers to know Sooner or later, everybody’s gotta go” — Bleed Out by The Mountain Goats
5. Say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
“All that I want is to wake up fine” — Hard Times by Paramore
6. What would you say about your best friends?
“They said “If you don’t let it out, you’re gonna let it eat you away.”” — The Calendar by Panic! At the Disco
7. Think back to when you had everything figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
“And without you is how I disappear, and live my life alone, forever now.” — This is How I Disappear by MCR
8. Describe your aesthetic now.
“You know you look so Seattle but you feel so LA” — Irresistible by Fall Out Boy
9. What’s a lyric that they’ll quote in your eulogy?
“Where the city sleeps.” — Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day (this is a terrible eulogy song omg)
10. And for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
“For Christ’s sake just say something,” —Shower Day by The Amazing Devil
We were doing ok right up until those last two lmao, deeply sorry to whatever soulmate I end up ghosting because my other options are THE depression song 😅
Tagging: @black-sparroww, @leogichidaa, @venom0usbarbie, @everythingbutcoldfire
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aturinfortheworse · 2 years
I saw a fic title taken from a The National song, which i know well enough that i could just finish singing the verse to remember which song it was, and then i was wondering why there aren't more fics with titles from The National. i see mountain goats lyrics on ao3 all the f-ing time. both of them are mainstream-ish hipster bands fronted by middle aged white us american men who sing about their mostly-bad-but-not-always relationships, drugs, and something i might hesitantly call american culture.
I was thinking the problem is that mountain goats lyrics are weirdly specific but in a mostly allusory way that makes it easy to go "yeah sure, whose love is not sometimes like the greek-albanian border?" "yeah sure, i can see how this situation in some ways resembles a secret organ harvesting colony on the moon"
like it's such an obtuse metaphor that it could relate to you or your story pretty much as well as it could relate to anyone else's life
whereas the national lyrics are more like "matt, you're my friend and i have to be honest with you, i do not think that fetish is as common as you're saying it is. i have heard a fair amount about people's fetishes and no one else has even mentioned that one."
"matt, buddy, i think i see what you're going for here but this song was hard enough to understand before you added a quote attributed to a senior member of GWB's administrative staff"
"like what does now like a witch, i'm screwed even -
wait no sorry i just got that. that one's pretty obvious in hindsight
do all of these songs secretly make sense?? i was pretty sure about Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks but maybe im just missing something re swans and geeks??
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lilyellowsongbird · 2 years
Song Of The Day - Feb 6th, '23
No Children - The Mountain Goats
Sorry about missing a few days. I needed some time off. This post will be short, or I'll try to make it short. I'm just a bit overwhelmed at the moment.
I had heard a lot about the Mountain Goats before I finally started listening to them. They were this mythic band at the edge of my reach. I could grab them and listen, but I never found the time. Until I heard No Children. Suddenly I got it. From one song I knew the caliber of the band, just how brilliant they were.
No Children is TMG's most famous song, or should I say infamous? The song, which describes a bitter hatred between a couple, comes from the band's 2002 album Tallahassee, an album about divorce. Fast paced guitar and piano add to the pure anger that drives the song. John Darnielle is a master lyricist. The song feels like someone at their wit's end trying to express from the deepest part of their heart. If I could, I would quote the whole song on here. It's a perfect example of exceptional lyricism. However, I will just quote the final three stanzas.
I hope it stays dark forever I hope the worst isn't over And I hope you blink before I do I hope I never get sober
And I hope when you think of me years down the line You can't find one good thing to say And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out You'd stay the hell out of my way
I am drowning There is no sign of land You are coming down with me Hand in unlovable hand And I hope you die I hope we both die
No Children is pure rage. To me, there are only two other songs that have this exact feeling: Drink Before The War by Sinead O'Connor and Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish. Strange combination I know, but I've looked everywhere.
Listen to the song here:
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