#SORRY got rambly there thank u for sending this mwah love u
mwebber · 1 year
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
awoughhhhhh what a tough question!! i feel like each fic presents its own challenges esp as i continue writing and developing my own style... but atm here's how i feel!
easiest: the ground of the ordinary mind
grace pretty much handed the story on a silver platter, so i feel like i didn't do any of the real legwork of forming the important stuff! only the connective tissue really... so with that effort removed, this fic was just a matter of letting the brainworms escape containment.
hardest: the aching sound of silence (che angelo sei)
she's still a wip! but this is girl!seb au, which is quickly becoming a behemoth of a fic. it's the hardest thing i've written so far because of how explicit and awful it can get, i think? you know the theory that's like, fangirls write cis mlm sex because it's removed from the inherently traumatic womanhood experience of being the sexual object and all the violence associated with that. this is like the polar opposite, like a deeply cynical portrait of coming into adulthood as a power-hungry woman in a world full of older and powerful men, and how someone might try to navigate that world, what sacrifices they might make, how they might heal, etc.
it's been turning my brain to slush bc i haven't answered any of the questions i bring up to myself, like how do women divorce themselves from the male fantasy they live in? how do women who want to have families separate themselves from the connotations of that reality where they lose their complete and total autonomy? how can a woman in seb's situation even retain a semblance of her physical freedom? mental freedom? sexual freedom? and how does anybody cope with that brutal reality and balance being in love with the person they're pitted against.
also things are hard bc of the setting, where i have to actively remove my biases to write a white woman who doesn't think to separate womanhood from biology and ascribes a lot of blame and roadblocks in her life to the fact that she wasn't born a boy. not necessarily incorrect! just unnuanced. some of the shit i'm writing is like [alarms blaring] gross radfems might agree with that 😭 but also i feel like people are literally scared to talk about feminism these days bc they fear they might come off as terfs if they say something wrong. feminism should not and Does Not belong to them! so i shall continue to hammer out this story and explore feminism and the damage that societal / western/ christian ideals of gender roles inflict upon people amen 🙏
ask me about my fics!
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vroombeams · 1 month
‘The bell clinks. It’s the force of Mark’s thrusts, not anything Oscar’s done, but it still sends this nauseous thrill of terror through his gut.’ i keep thinking about VISCERAL the fear and trepidation is here… what i love abt ur oscar is that he’s so not afraid to be a brat but he’s clearly got such an innate aversion to being BAD and he’s actually desperate to be good. like he says he doesn’t misbehave when it matters. anyways love the bell love ur writing love u MWAH ❤️
oh my god 😭 dunno what i did to get so many lovely asks lately but i'm eating my own hands about it
anyway YES oscar in this context is like!! a scene to him is a win-lose situation, like he Can win he Can get a good grade in kink or whatever? so it's this constant calculation and re-calculation in his head, right, like he'll adapt to whatever is thrown at him in whatever situation he happens to be in. driver brain and all that!! the meaning of being good shifts with every scene and every different context but Being Good = Winning in the oscar brain, whatever that happens to mean at that point. of course the bratting comes into play there like! testing the waters and seeing how far he can push, knowing all of mark's tells, figuring out which bits he can press further and harder before he's edging into "losing" territory
the bell!! is like. it's particularly effective because it doesn't come out all the time but when it does come out it's like... it's the harshest of training wheels?? like the jingle is the consequence of moving the wrong way, which in the context of wearing the collar is Bad and Wrong. it's this immediate tell that he can pick up on even if he's like way deep under in whatever given headspace, versus trying to watch mark for body language and facial expressions, which absolutely gets harder the longer/further a scene goes
bottom line he wants to impress mark!! he wants to be impressive and the best in everything he does!! it's just another form of training and making himself better until he really can be the absolute best at what he puts his mind to
i'm so sorry the rambling started and then it didn't stop ANYWAY. thank you so much and also i love u BACK
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itsjaywalkers · 25 days
Hehe, the sweet ranter is already back, because I missed you too and I really appreciate the hug!🥰
I've been a bit stressed lately because school started again and my teachers obviously hate free time, I have so much homework to do (I'm living in Germany and doing my "Abi(tur)", I don't really know what it's called in english or if there even is something like that in England... but here we must do this first so we can go to uni (i hate the school-system in Germany). Okay, I am rambling a bit again...).
I'm really happy, that you appreciate my silly little asks, so here I am with another update on "luck came (and died 'round here)" because I love this fanfic and I've finished the first half of my homework (the other half is for tomorrow) so I need a little treat. By the way I am learning Spanish at the moment and it is so much fun (I can say hello, ask how you are and all this basic things), but now back to my reading update!
Firstly, I really love the dynamic Barty and Lily have, they are just so funny while they are bickering. I really, really love it and giggle so much! 🤭
Secondly, the fact that Barty knows her whole schedule but he doesn't KNOW that he is literally stalking her... :')
Thirdly, the PRINCESS! Good lord Laurie, are you and Barty trying to kill me? IT'S SO CUTE!!🤭
And lastly, I love the Rosier Twins! They are my on top siblings (sorry Sirius and Regulus... I love you, but you are not as cool as Pandora and Evan).
Okay, this ask is already ridiculously long so I'm just going to say, that I love the story (like everything that you write!) and because it is the weekend I will read deep into the night (Yey!) and hopefully give you many updates!
Sending you many loving bites, kisses and hugs!
Much love! <3
it must be like a levels!! never done them bc i was still in spain back then (we also have an equivalent it's called bachillerato and then we do selectividad aka the actual exams to get into uni) so i absolutely get the stress.. unfortunately i've been there </3 wishing u the best of luck!! and hoping that ur teachers will relax a bit..
oh i loveee ur asks babe <3 very happy to hear my story feels like a lil treat to u !! and omg that's so cool!! spanish can be a hard language to learn but . i adore it (i'm very biased i know but it genuinely is so beautiful.. besides i'll never be as funny in english as i am in spanish </3)
I GIGGLE TOO their dynamic is everything to me, i've always loved the academic rivals trope so i'm glad i got to write it!! and it works so well with bartylily i think
HE'S SO OBSESSED WITH HER but he lacks a lot of self-awareness in that regard i'm afraid.. which makes the whole situation even funnier imo
the 'princess' thing is one of my fav parts in that story.. never been super fond of that pet name but i fucking love it in a bartylily context, whenever barty says it i lose my mind a little
omg i didn't expect u to mention the twins, they're unfortunately very in the background but i also love them very much. i've realised i enjoy writing them A Lot so it makes me very excited to see u appreciate them <333
you're so very sweet.. thank you so much darling, sending u kisses and hugs and my whole heart MWAH
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bsaka7 · 2 years
i did finish the fic!!!! gave me the like “omg what do i even do with these feelings now” hahaha it really is such a masterpiece!
the character foils were everything!!! obviously pierre and esteban at the core but even the relationship of pierre and charles compared to his with esteban, pierres career compared to estebans, pierres family etc etc it all interacts to create such a wonderful picture of who they are and how they have… become who they are??? like even from the beginning, when theyre karting together and estebans first feelings are “i want to win and i want to be in the kart but hes going first :(“ and that… changes but never really goes away because its important to him and the little moments that show their diff upbringing too like… pierre asking for like. snacks for instance, and not having that fear of being rude and having something taken away from him that esteban has, like his interactions with pierres family made me want to scream because like. the cautiousness and politeness like so so so real
estebans ENTIRE relationship with crying. AGGHHHH!!!!!
and pierre not understanding why he cant separate on and off track but like. estebans put his whole self into it in a different way to what pierre has, and just exactly what its like to be kind of. insular and awkward as a kid because that DOES follow you, his difficulties fitting in with his peer group etc etc
the playing COD together made me 😭😭😭 😭 ESPECIALLY when pierre was like dude was that ur mum??? and its like. in my head ratatouille flashback pierre and estebans parents. AND ESTEBAN ADDED TO THE GROUP CHAT AND HES LIKE… im inside now :) UGHRJFJ SOBBING
omfg and all the unsent texts when pierre got demoted… esteban im literally reaching thru the screen to make u press send sorry anyway. beautiful beautiful beautiful fic thank u so much!!!! mwah!!! <3
Thank u!! This is long so under the cut haha
ahhh that's amazing to hear 😭😭 I love when writing makes me feel like that so it's an honor to be able to do it for u!!! I'm really glad I was able to flesh out that world in a way that felt real!!! I was sort of debating whether to tag this fic as a bildungsroman or not (obv I didn't) because I didn't know if there was enough character change/on loss/psychological focus... like they grow up but i wanted to keep that raw competitive core and also keep the elements of - Pierre's parents saying they tried to protect his childhood, but he moved away so young. Esteban saying he grew up quick. Etc. like you said - 'insular and awkward'. the stuff about crying (este talking about crying after getting scratched from Australia 2019 testing with merc. It destroys me). It sneaks up on u. You never escape that!!! And if you do, you have to work for it!!!!
the triangulation of Charles/pierre/esteban is like. Everything to me. I need a proper messy love triangle. i need Charles pov on the whole thing. the way Charles is. he's in a different league than them and he knows it but he wants to be loved anyway...
i think also capturing how people interact with each other online is - hard. i literally just sketched out a Cinderella story au with @nicotineteeth lmao and i keep thinking about it like. about the idiot by batuman. how can you know someone so well online and not know how it will flesh out when you meet each other. can you talk past each other without realizing it. obv here - and in most of my fic - i try to stay in the present but even with relationships like that. i feel like saying things you mean in text is. almost even worse. that was the only scene in this whole fic where both pierre and esteban weren't there and i was honestly debating it but like that's a connection too. ok sorry to ramble about something so tangential haha.
I really appreciate ur message haha. Screenshotted and saved!! I'm very glad you enjoyed my little fic and I really enjoyed hearing ur comments!!! ❤️❤️
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steelycunt · 2 years
hello ridi!!! i’m sorry about the august misery it truly is the worst. also this heatwave is absolute bollocks isn’t it it is soo stupid I was boiling to death at work today and am also working sunday so I feel you, though my boss isn’t an utter wanker so much as a bit of one but I’m stepping on ur boss’s toes in my mind. I hope they can feel it. anyway I am here to ask some silly questions are you a cat or dog person and do you think r/s would be a cat or dog person? also what was the last movie you watched and what is your grab n go food of choice while ur hungry in town (example: mine is a greggs i will RUN to greggs) aaand also can you curl your tongue because I can’t and everyone always can. >:(
alsooo funny I’m dropping by because I was actually thinking about aofgwm at work today. it really didn’t even correlate but i made it work - my supervisor was talking about how she used to have a fwb situation and it made me think of that one post you made about the aofgwm boys after the fic and how they kept meeting and subsequently fucking at christmas parties. anyway it gave me like 15 minutes of brain entertainment thinking about themwhile doing the most mind numbing job (Clearing Tables. the horror) so thank you for them I luv and miss them
hope your week picks up i am sorry about the sandwich feeling but actually fun fact I love sandwiches so i will sit by u so you don’t feel abandoned <33 sending love
helloo babe!! thank you!! and yes god august sucks this heatwave is AWFUL im soo dreading work tomorrow im afraid that in a fit of heat-induced mania i may actually kill and eat the first customer to get on my nerves or maybe just my boss herself...will think of you tomorrow and sunday when i too am clearing tables though <3 we're in it together <3
to answer ur questions!! i am more of a dog person and i am a. teensy bit afraid of cats but ihave warmed to them and i DO love them just from afar <33 as for r/s...truly obviously believe sirius is a dog person and im sooo sorry but i think. i think remus might be a cat person. i can picture him having cats i can only picture him with a very old tired gentle dog xx not a super energetic one it would be too much for him xx also my grab n go food IS controversially a subway :-/ because im the worlds fussiest eater so i appreciate the make-your-own thing xx and i CAN curl my tongue !! but i can't roll my R's which i think is part of the reason i was terrible at spanish in school and took french instead xx
and omg!! i'm glad the aofgwm boys gave you some entertainment i love and miss them also i think about them alll the time having rushed and ill-advised sex at parties on a roughly biannual basis give or take before they got their shit together xx and in the end it was remus standing around in literally the worlds ugliest non-ironic christmas jumper at one party that made sirius think ENOUGH. no more playing around i simply MUST have him!!! which is embarrassing if you ask me but whatever xx ANYWAY im rambling what i mean to say is thank you for this ask it put a smile on my face and thank you for keeping me company in my sad sandwich form!! love you sooo much sooo endlessly MWAH <33
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oikadori · 4 years
BBYYYYYY can i get a bouquet of roses for ur event pls w a male characters 🥺 im about to send a whole load of info so IM SORRY PLS I CANT STOP TALKING i’m 5’5, she/her with long dark brown hair with the front half of my right side dyed white, green eyes and tan skin! i’m super bubbly, loud, naturally v flirty and my love language is physical touch! i love working out and i’m a huge foodie. i’m stubborn and impulsive, love rain and storms, coffee and i’m pretty open to pda! i’m emotional, super confident (in myself and socially), bold, giggly, energetic and observant (especially of people feelings) i tend to ramble a lot especially if i’m passionate about something but i’m a super good listener and love comforting others! i’m a night owl - love late night adventures, i’m super playful and love teasing people! i’m a bit of a goof ~
i’m spontaneous, optimistic, passionate and ambitious but i have super high standards for myself so sometimes i tend to overwork! i’m sooo competitive - even just playfully, wear my heart on my sleeve but i try to hide it behind my ego but in reality i’m a HUGE SOFTIE n get easily attached! i’m self assured and super straight forward - especially about my feelings. i can be a bit of a drama queen but it’s just for fun and if i’m feeling annoying (always) my favourite seasons are autumn/winter, i LOVE boba, the outdoors and walks/hikes - i love cosy nights at home though! my ideal type is someone tall, who can make me laugh, doesn’t mind physical touch and is protective! i’m also a taurus sun, libra moon and scorpio rising <3 I LOVE YOUUU
thank u for participating ainss sksks i luv u hope i got this right sksksk mwah mwah
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— FINDING MATCH ■■■■■■■□□□
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your bubbly personality contrast a little with iwaizumi’s but we all know he is a softie deep down. you both are comeptitive and your dyniamic would be so  fun and also benfetial always pushing each other to improve. pleasee the man lives in the gym, just imagine working out with him and he always has something to say about the excercise your doing sksksksk. he allows his teamates to ruffle his hair, of course he wouldb be okay with pda with you but he’’l get all blushy afeterwards. 
your bubbly personality contrast a little with iwaizumi’s but we all know he is a softie deep down. you both are comeptitive and your dyniamic would be so  fun and also beneficial etial always pushing each other to improve. pleasee the man lives in the gym, just imagine working out with him and he always has something to say about the excercise your doing sksksksk. he allows his teamates to ruffle his hair, of course he wouldb be okay with pda with you but he’ll get all blushy afeterwards. 
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madhyanas · 4 years
I pronounce it as Yin hhahahah but also um 👉🏼👈🏼 are u going to share your poly fic with the class
i feel inordinately validated w getting an anon ask (also sorry this took so long wow i’m a hoe)
alright see anon i have a love for poly reader fics there’s a whole oberyn x reader x ellaria thing i want to talk about too asjdhgfsjhdgf 
@pettyprocrastination and @concussed-to-pieces really beat the shit out of me with their writing. in a really good way like i adore their poly content. also @wickedlyemma is simultaneously the best and the worst because her tua fics are what got me in this hellhole to begin with mwah
but the one i mentioned on the post you’re talkin about is a diego x fem!reader x lila fic for the umbrella academy. man it lives in my mind rent FREE. holy fuck. ok listen right just humour me for a sec.
this is about 1k lmao it really got away from me
not really what you’d call Good Writing but it’s a blurb that’s vaguely coherent please enjoy
(spoilers for s2)
s2 is where the gang finally find out they’re not the only ones w abilities, right? like they don’t know about the whole ‘43′ but they have an inkling. so: an au where lila STAYS, and after all that shit w the commission, the family gets back to the present and the next hyperfixation is to try and find these other super-powered people. (none of that sparrow academy shit alright - ben’s still hangin around - let me have my self-indulgent au where these kids catch a fuckin break)
It’s been a few months. The family takes in Lila as one of their own, but it’s stilted. Like a puzzle piece forced into the wrong space, made to mesh and fit in an image it doesn’t belong to. Everyone’s got their own shit to deal with after the time jump and very little time to make the effort to trust her. Five doesn’t even bother, and Luther’s inclined to agree with him. But that’s okay. They’re like her, in that they’re not normal. They’re all so laughably not normal. It’s so funny she cries. 
But she has Diego. Which is all Lila really cares about at the end of the day. They’re working through things. Things she put him through. Things he needs to let go. Things they need to talk about. Little by little, they make it work. No more secrets, not with each other. They love each other too much for all that pain, all over again.
But that’s family politics and emotional healing aight back to the romance. Listen ok maybe Five does his freaky investigation shit, maybe he digs up whatever records he can find of unnatural births on October 1st, 1989. Maybe he finds one of these unnatural kids and tracks em down to a flower store downtown - closer than any of them could’ve imagined, practically in the Hargreeves’ backyard. The owner is kind, pleasant. Boring, in Five’s words. You don’t seem anything out of the ordinary.
But even with a modest little greenhouse out back, you’re still in the middle of the city. With smoke, fumes, pollution. How are the leaves that healthy? How are the flowers that vibrant? How is it, that in your shop, no plant ever really seems to die? The flourishing life your shop fosters is beautiful, but uncanny. 
And yeah, sick of being treated like a knife in the back waiting to happen, maybe Lila volunteers for recon. To get away for a while. Some part of her is desperate for a mark, itching to get back to what she’s good at. Especially since the last one went... awry. 
Since they won’t trust her to go it solo, Diego gets dragged along as a handler supervisor. Perhaps because he’s the only one they think she won’t harm. Idiots. She’d never, not her boy. Not after the Kennedy clusterfuck. So Diego goes along, and to her surprise he’s actually looking forward to it. He knows the urge to stick to a lead like your life depends on it. He’s been that person before. God, he still is.
A honeymoon, she croons in his ear, and he snorts. His hand sliding into hers brings a grin to her lips and a warmth to her cheeks.
Out of all of them, Lila’s the least recognisable. She’s learnt how to blend in, how to appear innocuous. How not to appear at all. So she slides into the florist’s with ease, just another customer. And maybe the little gardener is cute. You smile at Lila like she couldn’t do anything wrong. You see her as a person, rather than a ticking time bomb. Your face falls meekly as Lila tells you she’s buying flowers for her boyfriend. You look so pretty when you’re flustered, scarcely breathing as Lila traces the smear of soil on your cheek, tucks that errant lock behind your ear. Oh, if only you knew.
Debriefing takes longer and longer as the days go on. Lila tells Diego with giddy excitement how you hum while watering the succulents, smile at the blooming buds like you’re proud of them. How you listen to Lila like she’s the only thing that matters and how your laugh sounds like the first break of spring. And Diego might take some convincing, but he can’t help but feel somewhat enamoured with the gardener. The idea of you, at least.
Falling for your mark. It’s so cliché.
Even so, Lila gets to know you. So does Diego, living vicariously through surreptitious surveillance and Lila’s own love-struck recounts. 
Maybe they break protocol a little. Lila takes you out for coffee, learns your order. Learns that the care you attend to your plants with is applied to just about everything in your life. Including her. Maybe Diego begins to join you, discovering that all the hiding and sneaking around was pointless because the name ‘Diego’ doesn’t mean anything sinister to you. ‘Hargreeves’, though, they don’t mention. Not right now. You’re kind, not stupid, and if you do have the abilities they suspect, then any mention of the mythic family will send you running for the hills.
While Lila’s in the bathroom, Diego throws a light jab. Just to test the waters. Maybe you counter with something quick and cutting, raising a brow. And oh, how his heart flutters once he finds out you have thorns. Diego falls quicker than he realises, your sweet half-smile taking hold of his heart just like Lila’s sharp grin did, way back in ‘63. He decides, then and there, that Five doesn’t need to know about this. None of the others do.
Maybe they break protocol a lot, and show up at the flower shop one day, asking you to sit down. No more secrets, they remember. Not between them, and now, not with you. They tell you a story of cruel parents, superpowers and lonely children. Of death and rage and destruction. Of the apocalypse, which never happened yet apparently did, and how you died, a speck amongst billions. Of falling down a rabbit hole to the 60′s, and falling all the way back again. They tell you who they are, who they think you are, and why they showed up in the first place.
Five definitely doesn’t need to know about this.
It’s... a lot. You need time to process, and they understand. They don’t like it, but Diego’s not Sir Reginald and Lila’s not the Handler. So they leave you be, thinking that’s that. Their florist, yet another mistake made by The Umbrella Academy, left in the dust. You feel confused and betrayed and heartbroken for a long while. Radio silence.
Until things get better. 
You show up at their apartment one evening, weeks later, holding a potted un-sprouted bulb, panting at the doorstep like you ran all the way there. They let you in without a word. You set the flowerpot on the table and god, you talk more than they’ve ever heard from you in one sitting. It’s rambling, not all that eloquent. But they understand what you’re saying, eyes softening at your misguided panic.
And then — shyly, as if they could ever deny you anything — you ask if they want to see. (It takes Diego’s elbow in her side to get Lila’s mind out of the gutter.) You dip your fingers into the soil, frowning gently in concentration. There’s a familiar pins-and-needles sensation in your fingertips, flowing through your nerves and into the moist earth. Absently, you worry if it’ll even work. These two have a tendency to throw you off guard.
But lo and behold, the dormant bulb unfurls before their eyes in a matter of seconds, springing forth a fresh green shoot, and a moment later, a starburst of golden petals. 
A daffodil, bobbing lightly on their coffee table.
ugh yeah lmao this got long but that’s the fic idea, anon. thanks for askin :)
and NO the super-powered kids aren’t related - in my mind the hargreeves’ were adopted/raised together and are therefore siblings and THAT’S why they shouldn’t date each other - but diego, lila and reader have no familial connection. at all. i’m not here for any pseudo-incest shit in this fic pls and thank u.
aha look at me writing blurbs for tua fics when i have a wholeass! paz fic! published! and u n f i n i s h e d ! alsdhfgalshdfg now i want to do more someone come scream at me about ezra and oberyn and ellaria and paz and boba and din and any other character under the sun
listen y’all i have a lot of IDEAS for various fics and i also have Zero self control - please ask me about them!!!! fuck it man ask me about anything odds are i’ll fuckin write it!!!!!! i am a desperate hoe!!!! i have no self-respect!!!!
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seoschangbin · 5 years
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Hi hi, it’s ya gal Rachel! To start off, this isn't really a follow forever but more of a mushy love fest. I was going to do this back in October when my blog hit 2 years but then with everything that happened... 😞✌ figured it wasn’t the best time! But since it’s the new year, I just wanted to spread some love to start off the decade, especially towards all the lovely people who have made my 2019 a little bit happier ♡ Thank you to everyone for making this such a fun & amazing year; thank you for supporting my gifs & graphics and interacting with me; overall, thank you for making Tumblr fun again! So to all my moots and followers, I’m wishing you all a very happy and wonderful 2020! 
I wanted to take some time as well to write some messages to all my mutuals - seeing you guys on my dash + all your work (if you’re a cc) is such a joy and I admire all of you very very much! Thank you for putting in the time to making gifs/graphics/fic/etc. and I hope you won’t mind if I gush about you a little, even if we’ve never spoken hehe! Under the cut in alphabetic order.. she’s a long one sorry!
@00hj | karen!! angel!! first of all, everything u make is just the cleanest cutest thing ever, i truly want your brain!.. u are such an incredibly talented gfx creator and i get heart palpitations every time i see ur work!! i adore u so much n ur tags are also so full of sweetness n purity and 😞💕 i just want to give u a hug!! + the way u always say hi to ccs in ur tags when u rb their stuff. cute!! pure!! 
@01degree | joanna!! first of all... thank u for filling my dash with so many groups, some of which i almost never get to see 😌💕 ur brain being multi af like me.. chefs kiss! also! you make such clean and nice gifs please don’t ever doubt that laskjd!! 2020 joanna stops saying her gifs suck! idk how u make them so clean but legends only! bls remember to be kind to yourself this year! 💕
@1095 | nicolle!! i haven’t seen you around recently but i hope everything is okay and you’re doing well! i have to say that your graphics are absolutely INSANE i don’t know how you do it!! the colours.. how it all comes together.. amazing! ur career as a graphic designer will be a good one 😌👍 secondly your urls are always so cute nd nice!! and thirdly back to number 1.. i just love everything you make so so much bls come back to us 😖
@3noracha |  falak.. ur the fandom’s gem.. the sharpening on ur gifs takes my breath away everytime + the colouring.. omg chef’s kiss!! i didn’t know you before you came back earlier this year but i’m so so glad you did come back bc u are so full of love 😳💗 you make the cutest graphics as well and are just radiate so much positivity 💞
@bamgchan | henri! still my confident car selfie king!! so glad i found you through sagey.. i love all your content (ur graphics.. always so well put together!) and the way you interact with people is so full of energy and positivity and i adore that! i hope 2020 treats you well 🥰
@banghans | ollie!! all of ur content.. ur gifs! amazing.. wonderful.. iconic thank you for providing so much hq content for the rest of us peasants 😌💕 your love for chan and jisung is also so pure n cute when u rave abt it 💞 bls stop being so hard on yourself and i love reading about how you’re always striving to be better to yourself! i hope 2020 is a good year for you 💖
@binnieseason | emily.. a loss for binnie stans that you’re gone 😔 anyways i hope to see you back sometime because you make such nice gifs + the colouring on them.. so pretty and clean.. how to be you! i hope things are okay with you and that you’ve been well!
@cb-97s | miss li! y/a novel protagonist herself!! li you’re a burst of sunshine in my day and i love chatting w u! your love for chan.. too pure 😭 every time i talk to you i’m like.. dang.. she’s real.. ppl get to see her for real! might force u to meet me irl 🤷‍♀️ also queen of gfx.. always so clean.. 😍 i know it’s been a stressful year for you but i hope 2020 brings you happiness and love 💞 love u! 
@changbeanie | hi ruby! ur graphics are always so intricate n pretty + the colouring on ur gifs.. so pretty 😭💖 thank you for providing like 90% of the changbin content nd keeping me well-fed 🥰 ur always so sweet to ur anons as well and are just a lil ray of sunshine ☀️
@changbinie​ | jo.. what even is there to say abt u.. still can’t believe i got u into skz.. CAN’T!!! thanks for suffering w me and dealin w me wakin u to talk abt middies.. + changbin arms.. i love u a little i think (?) 
@channie | hi fishy! ur one of the very first skz blogs i ever followed back in 2017.. we ancient 😌🤙 i know you’re not too active anymore but all of your gifs have like. the prettiest colouring ever idk how you do it! i hope you’ll come back to us 
@elfminho | min! i love the way u tag skz in your tags.. so cute 😭 star boy!!! cute 😭 ur gifs are also lovely as well 🥰 i think ur one of the first skz blogs i followed when i starting using this blog again n i’m glad i found ur blog bc i adore u 💞
@glowsvt | grace.. my little baby! i wish i could just !! get into ur brain how lovely nd wonderful of a human you are.. have more confidence in yourself! 😣 you make wonderful graphics.. ur style! cute! and you have such a sweet and good heart!! i love when you ramble about things and always appreciate how you take the time to reach out to me despite how busy you are 💕 thank you for being a real-life angel, i hope 2020 is good and kind to you 🙇‍♀️💞
@hanjisungz | britt!!! nerd squad let’s go!! you’re such an angel, the way you treat everyone who talks to you with so much kindness and positivity makes me want to cry!! ur truly just the cutest sunbeam and just such lovely lovely human!! thank u for puttin up with my late replies and how boring i am 😭 i also adore your gifs and icons.. which you know.. but always.. chefs kiss to them!
@huiracha | marie... first of all skz AND ptg? great, amazing, fantastic combination... galaxy brain 💞 secondly, u make such SUCH nice gifs 😭 ur prob one of my fav skz ccs and all ur pretty chan comp sets.. always look forward to them! thank u for also bringing me ptg content i never see enough of them 💕
@hwang-hyunjin | agnes!! ur topaz settings r always insane and they make your gifs look amazing!! + the colouring u do is always so beautiful!! the combo rly makes ur gifs so distinctive nd pretty💞 ur edits too!! just lovely 🥰 also the fact that we’re also moots on our mx blogs.. amazing.. i love a staybebe!! 
@hyunjins​ | godleigh???? still one of my fav gifmakers ever!! perfect colouring.. sharpening.. best brain! 💞 rmbr ur skz x prince series... still think abt it sometimes.. wish i could be half as brilliant as u!  i’m so glad we started talking bc u are incredibly funny and fun to talk to and i love witnessing ur breakdowns even though they’re probably way funnier to me than they should be 😭 love that u vibe w me and we can be mean together 😭 thank u for giving me this url 😭 thank u for being my friend, u truly are like. half the reason i enjoy being on this blog 😭 you’re wonderful and i love u a lot! sorry for clowning u sometimes! i hope everything sorts itself out soon bc u deserve some peace nd happiness 😩 and i wish u nothing but the best for this year and hope that the next year will be filled with good things 💖
@ifbin | mikaela.... u know i could talk abt you forever right???? ur graphics.. bro 😭 literally my fav gfx ever on this site.. u have such a vibrant + clean style it’s so sexy 😭 literally am in love with everything u make.. every time i see it i’m like 😳💖 also you’re such a sweetheart in your tags i can’t with you... spare friendship miss 💍
@jeonginz | bri! honestly.. i think you’re my oldest mutual from when we first started our blogs during survival era #ogs? 😳 when i found out you were nctmark... mind blown... anyways all your content is AMAZING even though u dont make as much for skz anymore msdg but ur dedication to all ur sideblogs.. galaxy brain 😌
@jinlix | kelly...!! still gazing at u across the river i love love love u!! how to purchase friendship? ur just the purest snowflake and a wonderful person with the cutest tags... ur love for hyunjin.. CUTE 💞 all your graphics are so pretty and clean as well.. dragonlix gfx never forgotten.. 😳 and you’re rly just a little angel!! 💞
@kim-woojins​ | emma, i know that you’re gone and closed pretty much but if you come back to this! just wanted to let you know that you were my fav woojin cc and i hope you’ll consider coming back someday 💖 your gifs.. always amazing! plus, you’re such a kind person and i hope everything is okay with you and things have settled a bit! sending you lots of love 💕
@kittylixie | moon.. honestly one day i just started seeing ur content everywhere.. ur gifs are so clean and pretty and just! mwah! you’re always so quick to gif as well i don’t know how you to do it! all the stuff you choose to gif as well.. best moments 💖
@kmwoojins | sagey.... still don’t really know how i came to be following you! 😩 but i’m so happy i am because you are so pure and sweet and i adore adore adore you!! 💞 love how welcoming and lovely you are as a human and still laugh every time i think about how shocked you are about jo and i... 😌 anyways i adore your graphics and you, thank you for just being such a lovely human, you were a wonderful part of my year 💖
@leeminho-s | hi lia! i know we only became moots recently but all your gifs.. so pretty 😳 and we never have enough minho content.. thank you for providing 😫 i’m sorry i don’t know much about you yet but i just wanted to say i admire your gifs so much and hope you have a wonderful start to the new year!
@minknows | hi thien! first of all.. your name.. so lovely 😳 secondly.. the colouring on your gifs is always so pretty and good 😭❤ the sharpening too.. 😔 just!! chefs kiss to it all, would take a class on how to gif from you 🙇‍♀️
@nochous | dez!! we haven’t interacted much on this sb of mine but hehe i loved our convo on my sf9 blog.. still always thinkin abt you calling kun daddy 😭 you’re such a fun person to talk to and i hope everything is okay with you since you’ve gone on a semi-hiatus! i hope we’ll have another chance to talk soon, sending you some good energy for 2020 💗
@prodskz | hi neha! i feel like you took a hiatus sometime this year (??) where i didn’t see you on much but i’m happy to see you a little more active on here now!! u provide such nice content + for some reason i rly rly love your icon 😭💗
@realstraykids | miss em.. secret santa FATED us 😔💕 anyways i adore you, we are the core of fantastay culture and this will forever unite us 😌 i’m vibrating at the thought of their comeback 😖 ANYWAYS you are such a friendly and lovely person and i enjoyed getting to talk with u so much over the past couple of weeks 💖 you’re one of my fav gifmakers honestly your mv aesthetics swap.. as i said.. 😭 amazing iconic showstopping! + the colouring on all your gifs.. so pretty 😭
@seungminhos |  to quote you. you are far too funny to be a gifmaker 😣 but then who would provide all the good seungmin content.. 😞 you’re such a force of nature on my dash and i love reading all your thoughts bc you are Funny.. and your love for seungmin + how you always want the best for him is pure!! our sporadic interactions too.. always enjoy them 💕 even though i know you’re stressed about being on here sometimes, i want you to know that you’re wonderful and i appreciate all you do to bring more seungmin on our dashes 💗 pls stop threatening to delete your blog, i would be devastated 😫
@seungminsmile | aurora!! the one time i was about to have a seungmin breakdown and went to you... hehe you’re such a cutie and very grounded person (imo!!) and you make the cutest little graphics.. the little doodles.. how do you do that!! 😳 and now that you’re making gifs.. Queen! i hope your first semester went well! 💕
@seunie | hello nia!! i know we are still new moots but you are such a pure soul.. just ur blog title.. angel! you radiate so much love and sweetness 💞 your gifs are always so vibrant + colourful as well and bring a bit of colour onto my dash just like you! hopefully we can speak in the coming year, i wish you the very best! 🥰
@skzbffie | rayana... all ur gifs... bro.... how to start a rayana religion... amazing 😍 ur gifs are always so clean + i can recognize them by the subtitle font you use.. u always choose the best moments to gif honestly how to be u! honestly ur tags are fun to read too don’t judge me i am just an admirer and fan of u 😭
@skznta | miss sierra! idk how to put it into words but you... goddess of goodness? you truly radiate so much positivity and happiness and it makes me so.. uwu (for lack of better words).. you’re so so cute over all your love for science and i’m glad we got to bond over that! the way you’re always striving to learn more + improve yourself.. u inspire me 😳 you are also an incredible cc and thank you for bringing so much joy into the fandom and my life!! i feel very grateful to have gotten to know you a little this year 💞
@thechanboys | jem.. u are a GEM... 😭 the way i got u for secret santa i’ll never get over it!! you are just such sunshine and so fun to talk to and 😳💞 if u ever wanna abandon bin for me.. 😌 my fav number one chan/bin stan..! i’m so happy you got into skz this year and i’m gonna try my hardest to get you into some other groups hehe 🤧 anyways, you are incredible, lovely, wonderful, amazing i love u jem!! 💖
@tinyjisung | bea! honestly.. we are moots on like 3(?) blogs our multi selves.. galaxy brain...  i know ur more active on ur ateez blog but i wanted to write abt you here anyways because I CAN! 😌 but i love all that good san content you provide + you just seem like a very calm n fun person 💕
@virgolix | nina. you’re such a cute person filled with love and you just spread so much positivity and good energy! you treat everyone with so much kindness and it’s so nice to see 💖 and if i can rave about your gifs for a minute... they are unreal 😫 the sharpening.. colouring.. always so amazingly clean + pretty + vibrant! 
@wonstal | hi hi! okay.. i adore all your content, you have the cutest colouring ever!! + topaz settings.. so pretty 😖💞 even though we started off as moots on my mx blog, i’m so glad you got into skz and ateez + will be on your sweet merry way to sf9 soon 🤞 i’m glad we’ve just started chatting a bit because you seem super fun and i’m excited to get to know you better! i hope 2020 treats you well darling 💖
@yongbells | iana.. hope everything is okay with you always and sending you lots of love! i miss seeing you on here but i hope you’re taking good care of yourself 💗 also.. gfx queen... 😖 you’re SUCH a ray of sunshine.. the way you always tell people how much you love their creations is so kind and all of your own gfx are some of the most beautiful things ever 💖 we are so blessed to have you in this fandom 😩 
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hajimine · 3 years
dear hottie lex,
i'm back :D why do i start every ask with im back LMAO anyways,, are you feeling better?? i sure hope so !! i also hope you've been drinking enough water 😌✋🏼 lemme grab some water rq 😻 please i finally have my peace noe that i can do what i want two weeks long 😫✋🏼 although me and 3 of my classmates/friends have to record a PODCAST for a project at the end of the holidays,, a PODCAST . i cant believe this SJDJDJ 😀 probably gonna be embarrassing but its better than writing 8 pages or sum at least we could choose what to do 😌 im still waiting for the new aot ep to drop on the site where im watching it im in pain 🚶🏻‍♀️ it do be like that :,) question is it just me or do you feel also bad when you sleep for too long? yesterday i woke up at 1pm and got up at 2pm and i felt like i wasted so much time of the day 😭 wouldnt be surprised if it was just me ngl 🚶🏻‍♀️ anyway bestie tell me about your day, what have you been up to? how are you? i'm listening 😼😌 that being said, i'll continue watching anime, i hope you've had a great day bubs!! kith for u hottie <3 and hugs <33 mwah
with much love,
your sexy 🐉 anon 😼
to my beloved 🐉 anon,
i am feeling a lot better thank u baby 😁 ouh yea actually i’ve been going back to using my 1L bottle again so i’ve been drinking lots of water lately 😼👍🏼 omg have fun on your holiday!! hopefully u can have a lil more time to chill & watch naruto and all the other animes you’re watching rn :0 HAVSJAJ WAIT,, that sounds like fun tho lowkey (maybe bc i love talking n i ramble a lot bye) but good luck! what are u supposed to talk abt on the podcast tho?? is it a free topic sorta thing or does it have to be school related? hhhh i still havent watched it yet even tho it’s tuesday 🧎🏻‍♀️idk when i’ll have the time to watch it smh but from what i’ve heard from other people, i think im gonna be in a lot of pain 😻🙏🏼 ooooh actually yeah,, i get that sm bc u feel like u should be doing sth productive but here u are, sleeping in🚶but u deserve the extra hours tho!! im sure u didn’t have as much time to sleep when u had school :,) and youre on your school break anyway so it’s chill 😼🤏🏼 my day was pretty good!! i took a 3h nap and wasted so much time tho jshdjshs but other than that it was pretty good,, i might stay up a bit later to watch some more lectures bc of the nap, we’ll see 🏃🏻‍♀️ oh and,, i wore my seijoh practice tshirt today and i felt like i slept in iwa’s shirt so that was great ☝️😻 this reply is kinda late im sorry 😞 but i hope u had fun watching the anime!! im still trying to slowly read the jjk manga but i literally fell asleep reading it last night bc i was so tired 🤼‍♂️ anywho,, how are you!! did u do anything fun today? dont hesitate to treat yourself bc youre done w school for now 🙇🏻‍♀️ that calls for a celebration imo <3 sending u lots of hugs and kithes as well angel, have fun on your break and stay safe!! ily mwah 🥸 <33
yours forever,
lex 😈
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