mooncleaver · 2 years
it is my greatest honor, loving you
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ღ  life may not be eternal, but your love for him surely is
ღ  pairing: percy jackson x gn! reader
ღ  warnings: very much angst, unrequited love obviously, major character death, graphic descriptions of wounds/blood
now playing ⇝ cardigan by taylor swift
my masterlist ♡
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"why are you so reckless? you could've hurt yourself out there!" his voice sounded hoarse and tired, as if grains of sand ran through his throat as he attempted to calmly reprimand you. huh, that was ironic coming from percy. coming from a boy who'd sacrifice his own self for the sake of saving the people he loved.
now one might wonder how exactly you got into this situation, barely holding up while you clutched yourself, staring at the boy you came to love, arguing with him.
the battle of the labyrinth had been a tough and devastating one, annihilating a large number of demigods in the camp. it seemed that no one left the battle unscarred, whether physically or mentally.
perhaps one of the biggest losses was dionysus' son, castor, your fellow campmate. he was your friend,—a kind and fiercely loving one—often laughing and joking around together with him and pollux in the pavilion whenever you got the chance to. the earth had cried for him the moment he fell limp to the ground, soul whisked away in the arms of thanatos while the wine god's rage casted a mass of serpentine vines where he lay, the oblique, verdant greeneries prodding at his cold figure.
there were too many precious souls who were lost—among them being the ever-bright lee fletcher, who's light died when a giant brought his cruel demise—and the list only seemed to get longer the more you thought about it. you too, would be lining up for judgment soon enough, you predicted.
it was all too fast for you to fully remember, but one moment you were fighting off a giant and the next you had thrown yourself at a demigod from kronos' army intending to hurt an unaware percy. suddenly you were gripped so tightly on the shoulders, eyes widening with a quivering gasp while you looked down, only to see scarlet liquor leaking out of an obtrusive hole in your stomach, the twisted grin of your enemy patronizing your defenseless figure as you staggered back and clutched the liquid that flowed relentlessly. maybe if they didn't shuck it out as fast as it came in, maybe you would've lasted a lot longer. all you could do was choke out an amalgamation of incoherent sounds, knotting the flannel outer you wore around your midriff; the coil only flared the excruciating agony you were in.
you heard him crying out for you somewhere in the middle of it all, rough-hewn and distinctive among the clashing ores and shouts of rage and defeat. your stubborn head proved itself defiant when you'd ignored his pleas, his voice already fading away as he was dragged into another fight in the chaos. percy didn't see the folk puncturing you, only the aftermath when you stumbled back, your aghast reaction unmistakable to him. and maybe it was a good thing that he didn't know the severity of your condition. that only meant that he would bear much less of a burden than what he was already dealing with.
as dumb as it was, you kept fighting even after being heavily injured. your stab wound wasn't that bad, was it? if you could still stand—barely, that is—then you could still fight. the ringing in your ears only grew worse as adrenaline slowly numbed the pain, your vision turning into dizzy kaleidoscopes with every movement of your weapon.
you hoped your effort contributed something in the battle. somewhere in your mind you knew you'd end up at death's door sooner or later; there was no way you'd reach help in time before the immense blood loss took you away. but if there was one thing you knew, you wanted to be a hero before you died. you wanted to be able to leave a legacy behind, imagining an echoing battle cry before you fell with your dear sword beside you, or to die by protecting someone else so they could live a life fuller than yours. and you wanted to love someone completely, love someone so much that it leaves a searing inferno in your heart, to have a love that makes you go mad, a love that makes you feel alive. even if the one person you gave yourself to didn't want you.
it was something you'd never regret: being percy jackson's friend; loving him along the way, too. it has been your greatest adventure and your greatest honor to know him in this life, from the moment you stumbled upon his lonely figure near the muted docks of the traversing lake to the second you knew you cared for him in a way that transcended your own being. it was one of the most shattering experiences in your life: finding out that he didn't feel the same way about you. that intimate moment when he confessed his feelings about someone else right in front of your eyes; that would haunt you forever. if you could, you would erase that recollection from the depths of your mind, but you cared for him too much to forget that rare vulnerability shared between the two of you. you don't even think you have the will to erase any memory of percy jackson.
you'd cried yourself to sleep that night, wishing that it was all a dream when you woke up the next dawn. but fate has a funny way of working. each passing of her name on his lips chipped your heart away bit by bit, till it turned into a dilapidated mess that barely resembled what it looked like when the youth of discovering your first love coursed through its veins.
but no matter how much heartbreak hurt, loving someone is never a waste.
the two of you would never happen, no, not in a million years you thought. he had already given his heart away to someone else a long time ago, someone who you knew couldn't accept his love right now. it was just agonizing too see the way he would continue to pine after her and end up in the dust when reality came crushing in. still, he never gave up on her. because you simply don't give up on love.
that undying loyalty of his—the one you grew to despise and admire at the same time. you watched the way he chose her over you. every, single, time.
you understood it to a certain degree; you can't choose who you fall in love with. but that didn't make it hurt any less. so here you were now, left with a barren heart while you helped him pick up the pieces of his own.
percy's cry broke you out of your miserable thoughts, befuddled at how you were so accepting of your predicament. of course he would be. he didn't know you did it for him. "σκατά, y/n, you can't just- you can't risk your life for someone else!"
"but i did it for you." the silence became a little too loud, ringing in your ears like a haunted pendulum.
"what?" was his breathless response. his jaw was slowly opening, moving without a sound as if he didn't know what to say. you saw the way his brows scrunched up together, the way his jaw clenched and unclenched.
you repeated it again. "i did it for you."
your face looked soulless, blotches of crimson blooming in petalled coteries on the ivory ribbons wrapped around your body. you had a cut on the vermillion border of your lips, blood slowly seeping back out the more you talked. it was becoming more difficult to open your eyes. your body was screaming at you to lay down, aching with a heaviness in your bones that could not be salvaged. you just wanted to rest, but you wouldn't leave him hanging like that. even if the closure was a painful one, it would be cruel to leave percy without telling him the truth of your heart. at least, that's what you thought. if you were going to die, then you were going to take one last chance of happiness than conceal it and close your eyes with only the memory of sorrow long lasting.
it was almost pitiful, really, the way you were still willing to entertain him even in your detrimental state. your eyes were sunken in deep exhaustion, still laden with mist that glinted as it caught the effulgent flicker lighting up the back of a cabin you could not bother to recognize.
he raised his voice at first, utter confusion and frustration unfurling in his tone until it dimmed out to something much softer, like the barely contained hurt was still lingering. "why?!.. why me?" his timbre earned a softer edge to it, fading into a sotto voce and if you let your hopes get a little too high you might've thought there was a hint of care in it.
you knew if you tilted your gaze the slightest bit at his direction you'd cave into the look in his eyes. it was too easy, too easy for percy to worm his way into your heart no matter how much he hurt you.
..why him?
why not him. it was the easiest thing in the world to do anything for percy jackson. you didn't understand why it was so hard for him to acknowledge the fact that you would actually walk to the ends of the earth for him and retrieve the stars from the sky if he wished. it was him who taught you that love was just as fragile and destructive as it was wonderful and invaluable, him who helped you open your eyes to a world much beautiful than what you'd made of it. and that in itself was worth far more than any materialistic attainment you've ever received. was it because he was questioning his place in your heart? how much you cherished him?
anger and sadness were a dangerous pair, and the pain you felt turned into something that blazed the walls of your heart, burning a path through your line of thought until frustration marred each corner of your mind. why couldn't he understand what your heart was trying to say? was it not obvious the way you were so painfully enamored by him? how dare he question his worth to you?
they say the eyes are the windows to the soul, bearing the deepest and obscure feelings one could have.
if percy wanted to know and wanted to see what you felt so badly, then you would show him exactly that. you looked up to him, arms clenched around your midriff with eyes carrying the heaviest spectacle of sorrow and longing; eyes that bared the weight of a burden held far too long and at that moment he finally understood. understood the utter pain and hopelessness you had repressed, understood why you were so willing to give your own life for him.
"because i love you, goddamit! i love you.."
the tension was more than palpable after your passion-filled declaration. you saw the way he faltered, staggering back almost with the brunt of what you just said. his breaths grew ragged and his eyes moved wildly as if he was searching for any bit of a lie in you.
"take that back.. please we can't- i can't-"
and then finally the words you've dreaded were spoken out of his mouth. a defeated breathe was knocked out of you the second he finished that sentence, burning through your nostrils while it flared the fountain threatening to cascade from your heavy waterline. no amount of mental preparation could've supported you in this moment. you already knew what he was going to say, unfortunately. you saw it in the way he refused let go of her despite the tribulations he faced. it just hurt knowing that your heart thought if the uncertainty of tomorrow was looming above, there might have been hope somewhere in there.
"cant what, percy? accept the love someone has for you when the person you're chasing after so clearly does not give one shit about you!" for a moment you watched the pain morph onto his face, and you knew you'd hit a nerve when you said that. it felt wrong.. so wrong to hurt him, but your anger and desperation got the best of you this time.
"i love you so much that it hurts," you pointed at your chest, borderline hurting yourself as your fists bunched up and tugged on the bloodied orange shirt that sheathed your wounded skin. "it hurts to see you in pain, to see your heart breaking apart when i can't even do anything about it. and i would.. i would do anything for you, but you-.. you don't want me.. and that's okay!" you laughed humorlessly, the sound so harrowingly hollow that it almost made him flinch.
"i'm okay.." you whispered and it sounded as if you were trying to convince yourself that you were not already crumbling.
"but that will never stop making me care about you. that's what love does to a person, percy, and i cant just take it back.." you wiped away the defiant tears that managed to flow down the planes of your face, sniffing the waver in your voice away and trying to look strong so he wouldn't feel so guilty over something he couldn't control.
"no, i wont take it back. because for me.. for me it's enough to know that i've made a change in your life—big or small. i could never regret loving you, percy."
and for the first time percy jackson truly felt like a coward. a coward to walk away, a coward to leave you with a broken heart, only shattering it more when he stepped out of that damn balcony. he felt like a coward for pushing away the unimaginable.
he didn't know that a few minutes later you'd collapsed from excessive blood loss, clutching that untreated wound on your stomach in a last attempt to get to the infirmary. he didn't know that this would be the last words he would hear from you—words that were so incredibly impassioned and sincere. he didn't know the exhaustion the apollo kids felt the minute you were carried in,—battered, mangled and barely pulling through—knowing there was yet another valiant soul they could not save. he did not know that till your last tattered breath you'd thought of him, a serene smile soothing your face as you surrendered to the familiar arms of reclamation that cradled your weightless body while the light slowly faded away.
percy jackson didn't know many things that night. he didn't understand how something so important to one could be snatched away so easily like that, didn't understand why everything always happened the way fate planned it to be. but he knew he'd just lost the one constant love he's ever known; the one that was right in front of him the whole time, offering their heart on a silver platter only to be left decaying the moment you finally decided to choose your own happiness over the resolute of resignation.
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FINALLY going back to my roots and writing unrequited love my beloved 🥰
imagine the disbelief and elation i was in when i found this in my wip files.. i don't know why i suddenly abandoned it??
σκατά : shit
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drunkardsprayer · 1 year
When the two songs you have stuck in your head are in perfect opposition
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
but i knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs
characters !! al haitham, kaeya, tighnari, ayato, zhongli
synopsis !! spoilers/ you know nahida's story quest where people dreamt of people they miss? so they didn't wanna wake up? yes. you're their greatest source of grief.
contains !! gn reader, grief themes, angst/comfort? or is it angst/angst. messing with the original plot of nahida's quest but the idea remains the same. team dynamics! can be considered sagau /playable au. character death mentions aka me exploring all the ways to make mc gone
inspo !! cardigan by taylor swift 🎵
// cause I knew you / steppin' on the last train / marked me like a bloodstain, I / I knew you / tried to change the ending
All he did was blink. He knew what he was getting himself into when the traveler and the dendro archon explained the situation; people in grief didn't want to wake up. He knew they were entering a dream realm that targeted the vulnerable. He knew he might see you— but it's been years and this dream version of you is simply a fake, this means little to him now, right?
Yet, in one blink, the city of Sumeru disappeared and what he saw instead was—
"(Name)." He mutters under his breath, barely.
"Who's that?" The traveler turns to him.
"Haitham!" You greet, voice cheery, unchanged, the exact replica down to every detail. He feels his face shift in expression, his hand raises, reaches out before he could even realize it himself and—
He blinks again. You're gone.
"Huh? They disappeared!" Paimon squeaks, flying behind the traveler, "Like a ghost! That was sooo scary."
The blonde looks on thoughtfully, "Was. . that someone you know, Al Haitham?"
Snapping out of his daze, he takes a step back.
". . . someone I knew. Yes." He straightens himself, looking away. "Let's keep going. There's no time to waste."
// peter losing wendy, I / I knew you / leavin' like a father / running like water, I / and when you are young, they assume you know nothing
Jumping from portal to portal, trying to find the dream host with the traveler was exhausting. Kaeya was beginning to question why, of all the characters on the team, he had to come along (then again, such events were always fun).
It was a relief when a portal landed him in Starfell Valley. The breeze ruffling through his hair, sweet flowers and cecilias gently leaning to the wind, and—
You, holding onto your wind glider, waving at him from a distance.
"Well? Aren't you going to teach me how to fly?" You yell out, huffing theatrically.
Ah, yes. Kaeya remembers this. His footsteps take him forward, closer to where you are. Grass brushing against him with every step.
"Kaeya?" You tilt your head.
He remembers this. He was supposed to teach you, you were supposed to take your license exam in a few days, you were nervous—
Archons, you were nervous and a little scared and he brushed it off. He was a natural at gliding and he believed you'd get over it and glide as easily as he could.
Then he looked away. Just for a second —a single second— and an updraft lifted you higher than you were used to. And you struggled to control your wings. And you tumbled. And there was a cliff—
Oh, Stormbearer Point used to be so lovely until he lost you.
"Kaeya, are we going to start glidi— oomf-"
His arms wrap around you, bringing you close, holding you to himself. He lets a hand rest on the glider you held on one hand, pushing it away, aside, further from you –because how dare that wretched thing fail you– until it falls to the grass.
"Kaeya? What's wrong?"
"Can we–" He nearly sobs, a lump in his throat as he holds back, ". . . Can we not do this today?"
He feels your own arms wrapping around him. It's the closest he could get to remembering your warmth.
"Alright. . . it's alright, Kae, I'll learn to glide on another day," You whisper softly, "There's always next time."
// but I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss / I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs / the smell of smoke would hang around this long
"Even if they resemble their loved ones, it doesn't change the fact that it's a figment of their imagination cultivated by the Akasha. They shouldn't be swayed." Tighnari said this to the Traveler on the very day they started exploring the dream situation.
Yet, as he rests in bed after a long day of investigating, there's you.
"Nari! You're back!" You greet, holding up a tea set as he enters the tree-like house.
He's quiet. Quiet as he sits on the chair he always sat on (the one practically reserved for his visits), quiet as you pour him tea (the one you brew whenever he comes over), and quiet as you sit across him with a small smile.
"How is it this time? Too bitter?"
". . . it's fine."
"Will you stay longer this time?"
". . . no, I'll leave soon." He places down the teacup, "Once my investigation with the traveler is done, this will all be over."
He stands up, the chair scrapes against the wooden floor (like it always used to do), you look up at him curiously (the same way you used to).
"Do you really want that?" You ask.
Tighnari knows that it's the dream trying to keep him asleep, trying to tie him down. You're not you, this is all fake, therefore it shouldn't matter. He doesn't need to entertain you any more than he should.
So he diverts the question because archons, once upon a dream, you were all he wanted. You are all he wants.
"I'm leaving now. Thank you for the tea."
"You stay a little bit longer each time you visit," You smile, "Maybe if I brew even better tea, you'll actually stay."
He freezes. Has he been staying longer?
He bites his lip, continuing to walk away from the tree house. It's a figment of his imagination, he shouldn't be swayed.
// 'cause I knew everything when I was young / I knew I'd curse you for the longest time / chasin' shadows in the grocery line
He was expecting it, actually. The traveler had already explained that it's a phenomenon happening to those with losses, and he's aware -with losing his parents at a young age- that he was vulnerable to the dreams.
The minute he falls asleep, the moon high over Sumeru, you appear in his dreams.
No matter how much he expected you, the surprise must still be on his face as you laugh.
"What's with that look? Do you miss me that much?"
Should he entertain the dream? Or ignore you? Then again, what does he have to lose by at least answering your questions. he misses you, how you talk, how you laugh-
"I did. I do." He replies, a calm smile on his face.
"We can't have that! If you miss me already after such a short time, how much more when I'm sent away to get married?"
Oh, so it's that part of the timeline.
Perhaps the sourness of his thoughts reflected on his expression, or maybe you guessed it on your own (you were always so good at understanding him), but you sighed and gave a sad smile.
"I. . . I have to be honest. I'm kind of scared," You chuckle, "It's two boat rides away from Narukami, and the rumors about my fiancé is. . . not so great."
Ayato knows that. Your fiancé killed you on your second year of marriage and attempted to frame it on a servant. Despite knowing all this, the only reply he could muster was a monotonous "I see. . ."
"But we promised each other, didn't we?" You stand straight, facing him with enthusiasm, "We'll make our clans great again. I'll give honor to my clan, and you'll redeem the Kamisato name! Who knows, maybe next time we meet. . . "
There's a glint in your eye and he understands what you're trying to say. Maybe next time, the two of us could be together. It was a childish dream— one that didn't consider divorces or politics or death. Maybe next time, the Kamisato clan would be powerful enough to whisk you away. Maybe next time, Ayato would be enough to marry you without shaming either of your clans. Maybe next time, it could be "us".
The dream turns hazy as Ayato feels himself being shaken awake, the high pitched voice of Paimon floating above him and the traveler next to him, shaking him, "Ayato! Ayato! You have to wake up, the dream isn't real!"
But it was real, wasn't it? It happened so long ago.
// I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired / and you'd be standin' in my front porch light // and I knew you'd come back to me / you'd come back to me / and you'd come back to me / and you'd come back
The dream realm was turning dangerous, the host lost all control and everyone's loved ones were beginning to turn into horrible beasts.
Beasts were easy, though. For Zhongli, all he had to do was maintain his shield around the traveler and the other party members, ensuring everyone's safety. This was easy enough- for what being could actually penetrate the shield of an archon?
It was you, standing amidst the chaos, as beings turned to monsters and the traveler fought back in defense. An echo of a nightmarish past— of the archon war and of dying gods. You looked no different from that day you stood next to him, ready to protect each other's backs.
He mutters your name so lightly, it fades into the noise around him.
"Morax, listen to me–" You try approaching, only to be stopped by his shield. For a second, he thinks of letting it down, but this wasn't you— this was a dream, a memory.
"Morax, you have to win, it has to be you," It's a desperate sound coming from your lips as your hands rest flat against his shield. He wants to hold you. Why is this nightmare coming back now? Why must he see you here? The logical part of him, the one trained through years of mental and physical warfare, understands that the dream wants him to take down his shield.
"You have to be the Geo Archon. You have to kill me, Morax–"
Ah, yes, he did kill you to become the Geo Archon that day. He remembers it as clear as gold in his memories.
"Get away from Zhongli!" He hears the traveler yell, a sword slashing between him and you, as you back away.
"Are you okay?" The traveler asks, posed in the defense.
"Yes, don't worry about me," He replies, composing himself as his polearm manifests in his hand, "Rather, allow me to deal with this myself."
Because how dare this dream taunt him. How dare this dream imitate you.
note // for the holidays, im extending commissions at a special price! it's $1/character scenario and $3 minimum in fics 😋
consider support me on ko-fi or paypal! // general masterlist
taglist // @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @ro-river @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrades @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @stygianoir14 @shizunxie @bluriie @aestellia @abyislan08 @scooterscoob @lordbugs
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daeneryssansa · 2 months
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'Cause I knew you, steppin' on the last train, marked me like a bloodstain. I knew you, tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy.
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octuscle · 7 months
Hey I love to become Stereotypical blonde football player guy with amazing muscles and a hairy body
"Why don't you take this spring break too, darling?" "Why don't you relax after your first semester, you've been so hard-working, boy" You can't hear it anymore. After the exams, you would have loved to go to the mountains. Hiking. And explore the starry sky at night. But no, you gave in to pressure from your parents and set off for South Beach in your ancient VW Jetta. This is going to be endlessly embarrassing. You're pale, chubby, completely untrained. You're a virgin. No one has ever sucked your pathetic little cock. And you've never sucked anyone else. For your taste, it should have stayed that way. But now it's Florida. And you don't even drink alcohol.
Your father actually found a cassette entitled "Freshman's Guide to Spring Break". It's embarrassing enough that you only have a cassette player in the car. You listened to your beloved 12-tone music during the whole journey. Schönberg was a genius after your own heart. But now, just under an hour before your destination, you put the cassette in. Accompanied by hip-hop, someone speaks in a nasty slang. You can just imagine the guy Football-Jock. One of the guys who bullied you at college last year. "Yo, dude! let me tell you ha to get da hottest spring break. You'll have more sex n more fun dan you can imagine." You take a deep breath. This is going to be great… "You should start uh year in advance n get your muscles burning every day. An important motto of spring break is n remains 'sun's out, guns out'." Well bravo, then you can turn around right away. What kind of stupid advice is that an hour before you get out of the car? A little late, perhaps, to… Damn it! Your muscles are swelling. And in your head, a profound knowledge of the gym matures. Hey, the gym is your home. "Bruh, last haircut maximum three months before you go to da beach. Yes, your mommy will be sad about da messy look at christmas. But uh surfer's mane is best for da beach." You said it, dude. You think to yourself. Your hair is flapping in the wind. You love it. "N bruh, don't wash your hair two weeks before. You can smell da sweat from your football helmet in your hair." Hehehe, sure thing. Showering sucks, but washing your hair is for wimps. You love the look when you take your helmet off after the game and your sweaty hair lies wildly on your head. "My tip, dude, is that da last time you shave is two weeks before spring break. Nah one wants uh clean shaven guy on da beach. N while we're on da subject of shaving. You can shave your chest again four days before you get ta steppin. Da stubble on your mighty pecs looks hot." The traffic is getting heavier. More and more party-addicted students are clogging up the streets. You scratch your chest. Yes, the bruh with the podcast coming from the sick speakers of your powerful new car knows all about it.
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"So dude, before you hit da road, one last workout. You'll have somethin other dan sport on your mind for da next few days. Nah more showers afta training n keep your training clothes on for da journey." It already smells a bit in the car. But it's the stench of youthful masculinity. Up ahead is the guesthouse where the others from your football team are staying. Some of them are already there. And obviously already drunk. The podcast said that the most important accessory in the car is the cool can of beer for the arrival. Hell yes! You park the car, get out, rip open the can, drink the beer on ex and crush the can between your forearm and biceps. Spring break is only once a year. Let the games begin!
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ohgaylor · 20 days
northbound I got carried away as you boarded your train // you booked the night train for a reason so you could sit there in this hurt // I stood right by the tracks, your face in a locket // bustling crowds or silent sleepers you're not sure which is worse // I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though // I triеd searching faces on streets, what are the chances you'd be downtown // easy they come, easy they go, I jump from the train, I ride off alone // I never was ready so I watch you go // I'm afflicted by the not knowing // and time is taking its sweet time erasing you // and it would've been sweet if it could've been me // steppin’ on the last train, marked me like a bloodstain
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evermqres · 1 year
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'cause I knew you steppin' on the last train marked me like a bloodstain
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realmsdelght · 1 year
Cardigan; Ellie Williams
Summary: Ellie wakes up alone, and in the search for her girl, she discovers a whole new side to her lover
Warning: no just pure fluff
Word count: 770 really short and sweet dabble
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The crack left open on the window allowed the spring breeze to fill the room, the chilly breeze hugged Ellie’s body. The girl ran hot, so she unconsciously welcomed the wind, but her peacefulness was taken away once she turned and was met with nothing but emptiness. Ellie woke up, her eyes weren’t open yet, but she instantly missed the warm body that was always in between her arms during the night. 
“Babe,” she called, but nothing but silence filled the small house. The silence made the girl jump up from the bed, eyes wide open now. “Babe,” she shouted now, almost running around her small house, hoping somewhere in between those walls the voice she loved so much would respond. 
When she was met with silence again, Ellie decided to go out. The girl slipped her converse on, and she even grabbed her girlfriend’s stupid cardigan. Ellie’s feet hit the gravel as she runned towards the center of the town, hoping someone on patrol had seen her girlfriend. 
“Hey Ellie, you good?” One of the younger guys asked, but Ellie couldn’t bother to remember his name at the moment.
 “Have you seen my girl?” She asked.
“Yeah, she is in the hall. Like always,” like always, Ellie’s brain couldn’t comprehend what that meant, but she knew she had to make sure her girlfriend was alright.
Pushing the hall doors was the first time of the night that Ellie’s ears were met with sound, music, and a sweet melody followed by an even sweeter voice.
“Baby?” The auburn haired girl called, and the music stopped. Walking to the middle of the hall, Ellie was met with the most beautiful sight she has ever seen.
“Ellie?” She asked, turning around from the piano.
The Williams girl rushed towards her girlfriend, pulling her into a hug, “babe, I was so worried.”
“Why were you worried?” The girl asked, confused.
“I woke up and you weren’t there. Do you come here often?” Ellie asked.
“Yeah… like every night. I like to write,” the girl showed her girlfriend her notebook.
“Every night?” Ellie was in awe, she picked up the notebook, flipping through pages and pages of songs written on those pages. “You write songs?” the girl nodded, “can you sing me anything?” 
 The girl gave Ellie her best smile, before turning to the piano and caressing the keys. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before she started playing.
To kiss in cars and downtown bars
Was all we needed
The memory of the two of them inside a car they found during patrol flooded Ellie’s mind.
You drew stars around my cars
But now I’m bleedin’
Ellie still had the stars her girl drew on her back.
‘Cause I knew you
Steppin’ on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain, I
I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Peter losing Wendy, I
I knew you
Leavin’ like a father 
The auburn haired girl frowned, her girl never talked about her father, but now she knew she wrote about him.
Running like water, I
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
But I knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss
Their matching tattoos.
I knew you’d hunt all of my what-ifs
The smell of smoke would hang around this long
‘Cause I knew everything when I was young
I knew I’d curse you for the longest time
Flashes of their breakup appeared in Ellie’s mind.
Chasin’ shadows in the grocery line
I knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired
And you’d be standin’ in my front porch light
And I knew you’d come back to me
You’d come back to me
Tears filled her eyes as her girl sang.
And when I felt like I was on old cardigan
Under someone’s bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
“Are you crying?”  The girl asked as Ellie sniffed. 
“I didn’t know you felt like that. Did you really feel like a cardigan?” Ellie hugged her.
The girl chuckled, “I love this song, it’s how we found our way back to each other.”
“I love you,” the Williams girl pulled her into a sweet kiss.
Pulling away, eyes closed and noses touching, it was the closest the two girls have ever felt, “I love you too Els.” 
“Thank you for sharing your song with me,” Ellie pulled her into a kiss again. As she pulled away, Ellie had one more thing she needed to know, “who the fuck are Peter and Wendy?” Ellie could hear her favorite laugh as she finished the question. 
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veinsglisten · 2 months
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I Look in People’s Windows
Peter and cardigan are from Wendy’s perspective.
I Look in People’s Windows is from Peter’s perspective.
“North bound I got carried away
As you boarded your train south”
Peter stays in Neverland while Wendy chooses to leave.
The train imagery echoes Wendy’s perspective in cardigan:
“Cause I knew you
Steppin’ on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain”
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“A feather taken by the wind blowing
I’m afflicted by the not knowing”
Peter lives in a carefree way in Neverland, oblivious to Wendy’s whereabouts in the real world.
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So when he finally returns to the real world,
he looks in people’s windows in search of Wendy.
Peter is “addicted to the ‘if only’” and “[haunts] all of [Wendy’s] what-ifs”.
Young Peter sees adults having “their friends over to drink nice wine”, hoping grown-up Wendy will look up and meet his eyes one more time.
But little does he know,
she has stopped and tilted her head,
she has stopped waiting for him.
He “tried to change the ending”
but “Peter losing Wendy” has become an inevitable truth.
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With the use of the train imagery in the beginning, the poem can be interpreted as
Peter being on board a train and watching the houses pass by,
“attending Christmas parties from outside”,
in search of Wendy’s warmth
but it’s no longer there
because she thinks Peter is “lost to the lost boys chapter of [his] life”.
Sadly, “the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light”.
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midgelenny · 1 year
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‘cause i knew you, steppin’ on the last train, marked me like a bloodstain
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cheezecakeee · 9 months
stray kids as taylor swift's songs🫧 (angst ver.)
skz masterlist | main masterlist
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✰Bang Chan : August
"but I can see us lost in the memory, august slipped away in a moment of time, 'cause it was never mine and I can see us twisted in bedsheets, august sipped away like a bottle of wine,'cause you were never mine." "back when we were still changin' for the better, wanting was enough for me it was enough. To live for the hope of it all, cancel plans in case you call, meet me behind the mall, so much for summer love and saying us 'cause you weren't mine to lose"
✰ Lee Know : Champagne Problems
"your midas touch on the chevy door, november flush and the flannel cure, "this dorm was once a madhouse" i made a joke, "well, it's made for me". How evergreen our group of friends, don't think we'll say that word again and soon they'll have the nerve to deck the hall that we once walked through. One for the money, two for the show, i never was ready so i watched you go" "and hold your hand while dancing, never leave you standing, crestfallen on the landing with champagne problems. Your mom's ring in your pocket, her picture in your wallet, you won't remember all my champagne problems"
✰ Changbin : Right where you left me
"you left me no choice but to stay here forever" "did you hear about the girl who got frozen? Time went on for everyone else, she won't know it. She's still 23 inside her fantasy, how it was supposed to be. Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion? Breakups happen everyday, you don't have to lose it, she's still 23 in her fantasy and you're sitting in front of me" " 'Cause I'm right where. I cause no harm, mind my own business, if our love died young, I can't bear witness and it's been so long but if you ever thing you got it wrong, I'm right where you left me"
✰ Hyunjin : Hoax
"stood on the cliffside screaming, "give me a reason", your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in. Don't want no other shade of blue, but you no other sadness in the world would do" "You know I left a part of me back in New York You knew the hero died, so what's the movie for? You knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart, you knew the password, so I let you in the door, you knew you won, so what's the point of keeping score? You knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart but what you did was just as dark, darling, this was just as hard as when they pulled me apart"
✰ Han : Cardigan
"and when i felt like an old cardigan, under someone's bed, you put me on and said i was favourite" "to kiss in cars in downtown bars was all it needed, you drew stars around my scars but now I'm bleeding, 'Cause I knew you steppin' on the last train marked me like a bloodstain, I, I knew you tried to change the ending, peter losing wendy, I, I knew you leaving like a father, running like water" "but i knew you'd linger like a tattooed kiss, i knew you'd haunt all my what if's" "Cause I knew everything when i was young, i knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired and you'd be standing in my front porch light and I knew you'd come back to me"
✰ Felix : Back to December
"realized i loved you in fall and then the cold came, the dark days. When fear crept in my mind you gave me all your love, and all i gave you was goodbye" "So this is me swallowing my pride, standing in front of you saying sorry for that night and I go back to december all the time" "i miss your tan skin, you sweet smile, so good to me, so right and how you held be that september night, first time you ever saw me cry" "maybe this is wishful thinking, probably mindless dreaming. But if we loved again, I'd love you right, I'd go back in time and change it but i can't, so if the chain is on your door I understand."
✰ Seungmin : All too well
"we were always skipping town, and i was thinking on the drive down "any time now, he's gonna say it's love", you never called what it was, 'til we were dead and gone and buried. Check the pulse and come back swearin' it's all the same, after three months in the grave and then wondered where it went to as I reached for you but all I felt was shame and you held my lifeless frame" "and maybe we got lost in translation and maybe i asked for too much, and maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up, running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well" "and you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the nane if being honest, I'm a crumbled up piece of paper lyin' here, 'cause i remember it all"
✰ I.N : My tears ricochet
"even on my worst day, did i deserve it babe, all the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'til my dying day" "and if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed" "you know, I didn't want to haunt you but what a ghostly scene, you wear the same jewels i gave you as you bury me" "and you can aim for my heart, go for my blood, but yu would still miss me in your bones, and i talk to you when I'm screaming at the sky, and when you can't sleep at night you hear my stolen lullabies" "and you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain crossing out the good years and you're cursing my name, wish I stayed, look at my tears ricochet"
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imecliptic · 11 months
since i’m having an inheritance games brainrot currently, i decided to throw together taylor swift songs/lyrics that i thought fit the characters. it was actually really hard but i’d totally do it again-
Avery Kylie Grambs: …Ready For It? - “Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him. Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted. But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom, holdin' him for ransom.”
Libby Grambs: Tied Together With A Smile(I also really considered Begin Again) - “I guess it's true that love was all you wanted, 'cause you're givin' it away like it's extra change, hoping it will end up in his pocket, but he leaves you out like a penny in the rain.”
Nash Westbrook Hawthorne: Fearless - “We're drivin' down the road, I wonder if you know I'm tryin' so hard not to get caught up now. But you're just so cool, run your hands through your hair. Absentmindedly makin' me want you.”
Grayson Davenport Hawthorne: cardigan - “You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleedin'. 'Cause I knew you, steppin' on the last train, marked me like a bloodstain, I- I knew you tried to change the ending; Peter losing Wendy.”
Jameson Winchester Hawthorne: Mine - “Do you remember, we were sittin', there by the water? You put your arm around me for the first time. You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.”
Alexander Blackwood Hawthorne: The Archer - “I've been the archer, I've been the prey. Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?”
Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne: Mastermind - “What if I told you none of it was accidental? And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me? I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork the dominoes cascaded in a line. What if I told you I'm a mastermind?”
Skye Hawthorne: the last great american dynasty - “‘There goes the last great American dynasty’ ‘Who knows if she never showed up, what could've been’ ‘There goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen’ ‘She had a marvelous time ruinin' everything’.”
Zara Hawthorne-Calligaris: Better Than Revenge - “I had it all I had him right there where I wanted him. She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause; She took him faster than you could say ‘sabotage’.”
Toby Hawthorne: closure - “Don't treat me like some situation that needs to be handled. I'm fine with my spite, and my tears, and my beers and my candles. I can feel you smoothing me over”
Pearl O’day: no body, no crime - “She thinks I did it but she just can't prove it. No, no body, no crime. I wasn't letting up until the day he… died.”
Alisa Ortega: Midnight Rain - He was sunshine, I was midnight rain. He wanted comfortable, I wanted that pain. He wanted a bride, I was making my own name.”
Maxine Liu: dorothea - “You got shiny friends since you left town, a tiny screen's the only place I see you now, and I got nothing but well wishes for ya.”
Thea Calligaris: New Romantics - “We need love, but all we want is danger. We team up, then switch sides like a record changer. The rumors are terrible and cruel; But honey, most of them are true.”
Rebecca Laughlin: tolerate it - “I greet you with a battle hero's welcome. I take your indiscretions all in good fun. I sit and listen, I polish plates until they gleam and glisten. You're so much older and wiser and I.”
Emily Laughlin: Wildest Dreams - “Say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe. Red lips and rosy cheeks; Say you'll see me again, even if it's just in your wildest dreams.”
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elo-polls · 1 month
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Song list and links:
Out Of The Blue
1. Turn To Stone
2. It’s Over
3. Sweet Talkin’ Woman
4. Across The Border
5. Night In The City
6. Starlight
7. Jungle
8. Believe Me Now
9. Steppin’ Out
10. Standin’ In The Rain
11. Big Wheels
12. Summer And Lightning
13. Mr. Blue Sky
14. Sweet Is The Night
15. The Whale
16. Birmingham Blues
17. Wild West Hero
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1. Shine A Little Love
2. Confusion
3. Need Her Love
4. The Diary Of Horace Wimp
5. Last Train To London
6. Midnight Blue
7. On The Run
8. Wishing
9. Don’t Bring Me Down
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atlaandlokcontent · 5 months
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Femslash February Day One = Tyzula
You drew stars around my scars
But now I'm bleedin'
'Cause I knew you
Steppin' on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain
I, I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Peter losin' Wendy
I, I knew you
Leavin' like a father
Runnin' like water, I
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
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sickvictorianangel · 11 months
✩ Cardigan ✩
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Arthur Morgan x Gender Neutral Reader
Just a little drabble inspired by the song Cardigan (Taylor Swift). I had this idea about the reader (any gender you like), reminiscing about their relationship with Arthur, before the tuberculosis.
TW: All my stories are 18+, illness, dealing with loss, grief, typical game violence. Minors DNI!
My other fanfics ♡
Tag list: @margofiore
♡ Dividers by Saradika ♡
♡ Dividers (DNI) by CafeKitsune ♡
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“Cause I knew you
Steppin' on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain,
I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Peter losing Wendy…”
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The sun was setting somewhere in the west, leaves were falling, the cold air was nipping at every bit of my exposed skin. There I was, seated on a cold bench, waiting for the next train to come. And all I could think about was You. 
The year is 1907 and things are changing abruptly. The modern times you were so afraid of are finally here. People are turning more and more enslaved to their jobs and to a society that only cares about power and money. Same thing that destroyed the life I once knew, and the same thing that took you from me. I still think about you, I still miss you and I still love you, Arthur Morgan.
Every page of your journal is a memory coming to life. John gave it to me after you were gone. And talking about him, You did it, you gave them a safe life. John and Abigail are now finally married, Jack has a safe home and has a chance to become something better than what we once were. Uncle is tagging along (he is the same lazy old man, some things never change, apparently), Charles and Sadie joined them for some time too. Everyone else survived, Pearson owns a general store in Rhodes, Tilly is married and living a beautiful life in Saint Denis. Mary-Beth is a known writer, the Reverend is now in New York living an honest life, and Dutch… Well, we don’t know much about him, Karen,Javier and Bill. And Micah… Micah is gone. John couldn’t live peacefully if he knew Micah was still alive and well. I know you would be against us trying to avenge you, but we had to do it. For you, my love. 
And me…? Oh dear, I am still stuck in 1899. The time when everything was easier, when you were here with me. Turning back some pages, I’ve found a drawing of my face, sleeping in the Blackwater hotel’s bed. I can feel everything so vividly, the smell of tobacco and whiskey still lingers on me. Your turquoise eyes staring at the depths of my soul, your warm touch on my skin. Your dry but soft lips, always kissing me with passion. Your lovely words ringing in my ears. Your laughter, your smile, the tears you tried to hide so many times. All I can think about is you. It has been years since you passed, but for me it still feels like yesterday. It is too soon for me to move on. And my love, I would never fully be over you.  
You were everything I knew, since I was young, it was always you. I remember joining the gang when you and I were both in our 20s. You were heartbroken from all the pain life threw on you. For me, it was love at the first sight. You were so beautiful, kind and loyal. It always makes me smile when I remember you bringing me a cup of coffee every morning you were at camp. Always telling me about your adventures. The craziest stories someone could ever tell. I could always count on you to cheer me up, to hug my pain and sadness away. But my favorite memory about you is when we both confessed our love for each other… I still dream about this day. Your presence hunts me everywhere, Arthur. All the places you’ve been. All the things we did together. In every corner I can see you. In every person you helped, in all the places you bled… The place where I last saw you, the place you saw your last sunrise and the place your body was laid to rest. It is always gonna be about you. And now, as I wait for my train here in Valentine, I still can feel your presence lingering. It is like the whole town is stuck in the 1800s and nothing changed. What I am about to confess, my darling, will sound so silly. But, as I stare into the nothingness, I still hope to see you. Something inside of me still hopes this is all a bad nightmare and I will wake up and you will be by my side looking healthy, strong and full of life. Because that is how I chose to remember you. 
My sweetheart, you drew stars around all my scars and now that you are not here, I was left bleeding. In a place full of people, I still feel lonely. I wish with all these new technologies, someone could build a machine able to bring you back to me. I wish there was a way for me to go back in time. To have everyone safe and happy together. Singing around the fire, drinking, dancing… To wake up with the sounds of everyone chatting. A new day starting, with you always by my side.But that will never happen, and I need to make peace with that. Now, I will just patiently wait for my time to come. So I can finally be with you, my love. 
Because I know someday, when everything passes, You will come back to me. 
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weareapackofstrays · 3 months
Stray Kids Members as Taylor Swift Albums
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Bang Chan | Folklore
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"You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleedin’. ‘Cause I knew you, steppin' on the last train marked me like a bloodstain, I...I knew you tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy, I...I knew you leavin' like a father, running like water, I...And when you are young, they assume you know nothing. But I knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss. I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs. The smell of smoke would hang around this long, ‘cause I knew everything when I was young."
Lee Know | Lover
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"My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in. Everyone looked worse in the light. There are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiven. I’ll tell you the truth, but never goodbye. I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you. I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you. I’ve been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night and now I see daylight, I only see daylight." Changbin | Evermore
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"I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night. Rough on the surface, but you cut through like a knife. And if it was an open-shut case I never would've known from that look on your face. Lost in your current like a priceless wine. The more that you say, the less I know. Wherever you stray, I follow. I’m begging for you to take my hand. Wreck my plans, that’s my man." Hyunjin | Fearless
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"I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain. It’s 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name. I’m so in love that I acted insane. And that's the way I loved you. Breaking down and coming undone. It’s a roller coaster kind of rush and I never knew I could feel that much. And that's the way I loved you." Han Jisung | Midnights
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“I find myself running home to your sweet nothings. Outside, they're push and shoving. You’re in the kitchen humming. All that you ever wanted from me was nothing. Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors and smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other. And the voices that implore, 'You should be doing more' to you, I can admit that I’m just too soft for all of it." Felix | Speak Now
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"This night is flawless, don't you let it go. I’m wonderstruck, dancing around all alone. I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you. This is me praying that this was the very first page. Not where the story line ends. My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon. I was enchanted to meet you." Seungmin | Reputation
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"All my flowers grew back as thorns. Windows boarded up after the storm. He built a fire just to keep me warm. All the drama queens taking swings, all the jokers dressin' up as kings. They fade to nothin' when I look at him. And I know I make the same mistakes every time. Bridges burn, I never learn, at least I did one thing right. I did one thing right. I’m laughin' with my lover, makin’ forts under covers. Trust him like a brother, yeah, you know I did one thing right. Starry eyes sparkin' up my darkest night." I.N | 1989
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"You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye and I got that red lip classic thing that you like. And when we go crashing down, we come back every time ‘cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style. You got that long hair, slicked back, white T-shirt and I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt. And when we go crashing down, we come back every time ‘cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style."
I was inspired by a reel/tiktok I saw of Stray Kids being assigned a Taylor Swift song. As well as a Minsung reel featuring a Taylor song and I just felt like Lee Know gave me Lover vibes and Jisung gave me Midnights vibes and I ran with it. Just my silly opinion. All for fun. Definitely see her albums being interchangeable for any of them. Graphics by @saradika-graphics!
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