strehlenau · 1 month
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yagamimi-aka-mimi · 2 months
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i think my favorite thing about designing for revenant so far is all the different varieties of vampires, either taking from actual folklore or pulling things out of my ass
no that's not the scp thing shut the fuck up
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pastellich · 7 months
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
So, we’ve gotten to the part in Dracula Daily where Bram Stoker starts throwing around the word nosferatu. Stoker got the word from Emily Gerard, who mentions it in her works on Transylvanian superstitions which Stoker used for research, where she makes it out to be the Romanian word for vampire. In this she is backed up by German writer Wilhelm Schmidt, who also treated it as the Romanian word for vampire. The word “vampire”, by the way, came to English from French, to French from German, and to German via Hungarian from the Slavic languages. Romanian is not a Slavic language, but a Romance language, as you might guess from the name. Thing is, there is no such word as “nosferatu” in Romanian. However, other German writers like Heinrich von Wlislocki treat “nosferatu” or “der Nosferat” as a Romanian word, so researchers who have gone down rabbit holes trying to derive it from the Greek for “diseased” or the Latin for “not breathing” or some Slavic basis are, quite frankly, barking up the wrong tree. Instead, it’s way more likely that “nosferatu” is a Germanicization of a Romanian word before Romanian spelling was standardized, which it wasn’t even in the late nineteenth century. The Romanian word “nesuferit” literally means “insufferable”. The prefix “ne” indicates the negative, the root “suferi” means “suffer.” However in practice nesuferit doesn’t mean “insufferable” as in “oh, that annoying man is insufferable”. Instead the meaning is much more in the sense of unbearable, offensive, horrible, diseased. It’s a word used to mean “unclean” in a taboo way. To talk about an “unclean spirit” means to talk about an incubus or succubus, something that draws your strength or poisons your soul through sex. Now, the nominative masculine definite form of a Romanian noun adds the suffix -ul. We see this with Vlad II Dracul. Dracul means “The Dragon” with the “the” also communicating male. The addition of “-ea” to “Dracul” as in Vlad III Draculea gets us “Son of the Dragon.” So, something is “nesuferit” if it is horrid or unclean or unbearable, thus “nesuferitul” is “The Horrid One”, etc. It’s male and it’s a thing and it’s awful. Nesuferitul is an incubus, a male demon that impregnates its victim. The child of a nesuferitul and its victim is born a moroi, a kind of living vampire born (un)dead. Meanwhile, a person who committed some great sin or buried in unhallowed ground or without rites would come back from the dead a strigoi, to feed on the living. Nesuferitul was transliterated into German as Nosferatu, where it was assumed to be the Romanian word for vampire, but is in fact an incubus. From there it found its way to Bram Stoker, who took it to mean undead. “The Undead” in Romanian would literally be “nemortul”, by the way. Moroi means something like “the nightmarish one”, while strigoi means something like “the screaming one”, and is cognate with terms derived from Latin “strix” or “striga”, which became the root for “witch” in many Romance languages. Interestingly, the Slavic root origin of vampire is also thought to come from a word originally indicating a witch. Anyways, there you are. “Nosferatu” is not a “real” word, at least, not a real Romanian word, and certainly not the Romanian word for a vampire. But don’t go too hard on Bram Stoker, he was only as good as his sources. This was a hundred years before online search engines, after all.
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tendergifs · 10 months
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Rose Hathaway has the will power of God, cause if you put me in a room with my sexy undead vampire boyfriend who told me he wanted to spend eternity with me, I would have folded immediately
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dreveel · 3 months
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Happy Tree Friends Cake; {Credit}
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mortuarycult · 3 months
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More wip.
I need to get focused again.
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leviathan-rofocale · 2 months
Some rough notes for my Vampiric Grimoire (planning stage) feel free to use and/or contribute your own perspectives.
"Energy vampire" is a misused term since all feeding in energy feeding, just in different forms.
So I've made some brief notes on Vampire subgroups I've made for a grimoire I'm planning.
🩸Sanguine vampires
Your blood suckers, these vampires need plasma (in small amounts) to access energy.
Since there's an abundance of literature on Sanguines, I won't reinvent the wheel here, however I'll remind everyone of the importance of consent & safety.
🍆🍑Tantric Vampires
Aka Succubi & Incubi.
Similar to Sanguines, however they feed via different bodily fluids.
The main difference between Tantrics & Psi Vampires (to be covered below) is their need for erotic contact & fluids.
Again, remember consent & safety.
Unawakened tantrics may engage in hypersexual or sex-addict like behaviours.
💔 Emotional Vampires aka Emphatic Vampires
These are usually mixed up with Psi/Psychic vampires as the latter can feed via emotions, in a limited capacity.
The best metaphor for these guys is the movie Monster's Inc. & how the factory converts screams (& later, laughter) into energy.
Emotional Vampires may feed by deliberately triggering people however many discover pleasant ways to feed such has becoming comedians or musicians.
Also typically found in Political & public speaking careers.
They also make great trauma counsellors.
They can feed in a similar way to Tantrics, however they end up getting really hurt and/or manipulating others when hungry...
🔮 Psi Vampires aka Psychic vampires, Pranic Vampires, Strigoi
We're the energy omnivores in that we can feed in the same ways as other vampires however these other methods aren't as effective.
The downside of this is it can take us longer to awaken as Vampires, we may get caught up in the "fluffy bunny" (the love & light toxic positivity) community and/or end up going through hypersexual stages like our Tantric kin.
Unlike Tantric Vampires, we can feed via online interactions & be fairly satisfied.
We best feed when close to someone we can establish a link with, physical touch can also enhance this.
Unlike others, we can distance feed either astrally or via meditation though this takes discipline.
Similar to emotional Vampires we can feed from crowds, though we send out our "tendrils" to nibble from the crowd's auras.
This isn't as effective as "deep feeding".
We can benefit from learning Reiki & other energy work however we must be careful to avoid unawakened vampires who work in those fields.
Feng Shui is critical for our living spaces & we benefit from learning what our Ayurveda Doshas & Humors (Greek medicine concept) are, adjusting our physical food diets according to those.
Unfortunately we are probably why it's believed that vampires burn in sunlight since we are especially sensitive & weakened by the sun & sensitive to other weather events due to the type of energy involved.
That said, due to our relationship with energy we are especially good at Weather Manipulation, witchcraft & energy healing.
While we may be drawn to careers in healing, we're often found in toxic workplaces due to our ability to feed from & transmute negative energy.
While we CAN feed via emotions like our Emphatic kin, we can become really unwell if force fed large amounts of negative emotional energy, e.g. people in crisis.
📝 Note on naming conventions;
I'll eventually expand upon these in my personal grimoire, and once digitised I can make it available either as a Google doc or even a Tumblr post.
I plan on updating the naming conventions to be more accessible to wider audiences
ie each "type" will be given a plain English name, an "old country" name inspired by old myths & a spiritual name for those more accustomed to spirituality.
Psychic vampire naming conventions might resemble
Psi Vampire (Plain English)
Strigoi (Old country/mythos)
Prana Vampires (Spiritual)
The fun challenge will be creating a 3-name system for Sanguines 🩸🧛‍♀️
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Art by Justin O'Neal.
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reno-matago · 1 month
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Sinister Vanity
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yousadclownofaman · 2 years
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The Astrologer, The Landgrave, The Sequestered
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blackdogblues · 6 months
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I'm starting to dabble in the horror genre, so here are my and my friend's ocs for a horror/dark urban fantasy story! Boring gay boi is Nathan, who moved to Europe and got a job working for a mansion full of monsters after a bipolar meltdown. The strigoi is Anatole, the groundskeeper, and is very interested in Nathan (in a snack way but also a gay way)
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yavannah · 1 year
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A few more mermay pictures. This time The Strain sims Palmer and Coco as mermaids. And Palmer on his Master form. :D
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The 'D' in D. Belikov stands for Dumbass. Guardian Dumbass Belikov. I will not take objections. Thank you.
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deceptiveshadow · 1 year
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Rewatching The Strain and it made me want to make a vampire OC. So here we are. Clothing is a nightmare so I just scribbled hoping it would turn out LOL.
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clover4found · 4 months
I’ve been rereading the Vampire Academy books and so far they’ve been just as amazing as when I read them before.
Although as I’m nearing 23 I find it so weird to think about finding a 16/17 year old attractive.
Another thing is that Rose is a lot of great things. But sometimes she just comes across as a huge complainer. And she really is soooooo stubborn.
There are times when I’m reading the book and I’m like girl why would you say that or do that? But that’s the difference in mind set with age.
Back when I read these books when I was like 18/19 I completely thought she was a 100% valid for everything. Except when she lead Adrian on. And then cheated on him. Adrian was so good to Rose and he definitely deserved better. Even if it would have made things uncomfortable and awkward she should have told Adrian that she still loved Dimitri and now that he was back from being Strigori, it was different.
And don’t get me wrong, I love that Dimitri and Rose end up together because they really do belong together. After all they went through and the fact that Rose was never gonna let him go makes it seem like no one would ever fill the void of Dimitri.
And I know that when your life is so crazy and busy that sometimes it hard to slow down and figure out how you actually feel about someone.
Except now that I’m older I understand that the 7 year difference was really creepy. And yet I also understand that Rose isn’t a normal teenager in the story. She could die at any time by Strigori and she knew that one day she would become a Guardian and might not have a life since she never wanted to part from Lissa. So in a way it makes sense how she rushed so many things.
And Dimitri, while I do love the way that he cared for her and showed up for her when she needed him. There was a power dynamic there. And he never should have had sex with her while she was a minor.
Anyways putting some of those things aside for now. I really disagree with some other things about how she handled stuff with Lissa. And her mom.
And I REALLY wish there had been a scene with Dimitri going back to Russia with Rose and seeing his family. Like that would have completed me inside to have known that he reconnected with them. But we didn’t get it.
Anyways all those things aside, the books are great. Even with my mindset change, I still found myself enjoying the books and relating to some of the thoughts and feelings that Rose had. And I’m glad she didn’t get stuck in a jail cell for life for a crime she didn’t commit.
Anyone else feel the same?
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