#vampiric magick
leviathan-rofocale · 1 month
Some rough notes for my Vampiric Grimoire (planning stage) feel free to use and/or contribute your own perspectives.
"Energy vampire" is a misused term since all feeding in energy feeding, just in different forms.
So I've made some brief notes on Vampire subgroups I've made for a grimoire I'm planning.
🩸Sanguine vampires
Your blood suckers, these vampires need plasma (in small amounts) to access energy.
Since there's an abundance of literature on Sanguines, I won't reinvent the wheel here, however I'll remind everyone of the importance of consent & safety.
🍆🍑Tantric Vampires
Aka Succubi & Incubi.
Similar to Sanguines, however they feed via different bodily fluids.
The main difference between Tantrics & Psi Vampires (to be covered below) is their need for erotic contact & fluids.
Again, remember consent & safety.
Unawakened tantrics may engage in hypersexual or sex-addict like behaviours.
💔 Emotional Vampires aka Emphatic Vampires
These are usually mixed up with Psi/Psychic vampires as the latter can feed via emotions, in a limited capacity.
The best metaphor for these guys is the movie Monster's Inc. & how the factory converts screams (& later, laughter) into energy.
Emotional Vampires may feed by deliberately triggering people however many discover pleasant ways to feed such has becoming comedians or musicians.
Also typically found in Political & public speaking careers.
They also make great trauma counsellors.
They can feed in a similar way to Tantrics, however they end up getting really hurt and/or manipulating others when hungry...
🔮 Psi Vampires aka Psychic vampires, Pranic Vampires, Strigoi
We're the energy omnivores in that we can feed in the same ways as other vampires however these other methods aren't as effective.
The downside of this is it can take us longer to awaken as Vampires, we may get caught up in the "fluffy bunny" (the love & light toxic positivity) community and/or end up going through hypersexual stages like our Tantric kin.
Unlike Tantric Vampires, we can feed via online interactions & be fairly satisfied.
We best feed when close to someone we can establish a link with, physical touch can also enhance this.
Unlike others, we can distance feed either astrally or via meditation though this takes discipline.
Similar to emotional Vampires we can feed from crowds, though we send out our "tendrils" to nibble from the crowd's auras.
This isn't as effective as "deep feeding".
We can benefit from learning Reiki & other energy work however we must be careful to avoid unawakened vampires who work in those fields.
Feng Shui is critical for our living spaces & we benefit from learning what our Ayurveda Doshas & Humors (Greek medicine concept) are, adjusting our physical food diets according to those.
Unfortunately we are probably why it's believed that vampires burn in sunlight since we are especially sensitive & weakened by the sun & sensitive to other weather events due to the type of energy involved.
That said, due to our relationship with energy we are especially good at Weather Manipulation, witchcraft & energy healing.
While we may be drawn to careers in healing, we're often found in toxic workplaces due to our ability to feed from & transmute negative energy.
While we CAN feed via emotions like our Emphatic kin, we can become really unwell if force fed large amounts of negative emotional energy, e.g. people in crisis.
📝 Note on naming conventions;
I'll eventually expand upon these in my personal grimoire, and once digitised I can make it available either as a Google doc or even a Tumblr post.
I plan on updating the naming conventions to be more accessible to wider audiences
ie each "type" will be given a plain English name, an "old country" name inspired by old myths & a spiritual name for those more accustomed to spirituality.
Psychic vampire naming conventions might resemble
Psi Vampire (Plain English)
Strigoi (Old country/mythos)
Prana Vampires (Spiritual)
The fun challenge will be creating a 3-name system for Sanguines 🩸🧛‍♀️
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Art by Justin O'Neal.
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spookyfresa1997 · 2 months
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my eternal flame
via digital diary by spookyfresa1997
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© Katherine Wranovich.
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magick-memes · 10 months
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becoming-persephone · 2 months
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Lilith, a figure steeped in myth and legend, embodies the essence of feminine power in its most primal and unbridled form. Often depicted as a seductress, a demoness, or even a dark goddess, Lilith's story traverses the annals of ancient mythology, weaving together threads of rebellion, independence, and untamed sexuality.
In Jewish folklore, Lilith is believed to be Adam's first wife, created from the same earth as him, and thus demanding equality. Refusing to submit to Adam's authority, Lilith fled the Garden of Eden, embracing her freedom and autonomy. This act of defiance casts her as a symbol of feminine liberation, challenging traditional patriarchal norms and reclaiming her sovereignty.
Throughout history, Lilith has been both revered and feared, her power emanating from her refusal to conform to societal expectations. She represents the untamed aspects of femininity—the wild, the sensual, and the mysterious. As the embodiment of the dark feminine, Lilith embodies the raw primal energy that exists within all women, urging them to embrace their desires and unleash their true potential.
Lilith's power lies not only in her defiance of male authority but also in her role as a protector of women and children. In some traditions, she is invoked as a guardian spirit, offering solace to those who have been marginalized or oppressed. Her presence serves as a reminder that true power stems from within, and that by embracing our own darkness, we can tap into the limitless reservoir of strength that lies dormant within us.
In modern times, Lilith has emerged as a symbol of feminist empowerment, inspiring women to reclaim their voices and assert their autonomy in a world that seeks to silence them. Her story serves as a powerful reminder that true liberation comes from embracing all aspects of ourselves, even the parts that society deems taboo or undesirable.
Ultimately, Lilith's power lies in her refusal to be bound by convention, her willingness to embrace her own darkness, and her unwavering commitment to living life on her own terms. She serves as a beacon of hope for all those who dare to defy expectations and forge their own path in a world that seeks to constrain them.
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hushed-chorus · 24 days
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Hi folks! I hope you've all had a grand week! I just ate a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes. It was pretty epic.
Chapter three of Those Glowing, Magickal Years went live today. Sorry for the wait, and hopefully the 8k word count makes up for the delay. That means the fic is 21k words so far, and we've only just come to the close of Year One. @erzbethluna keeps telling me this fic will end up at least 300k, and I fear she may be right.
In the spirit of Wednesday's rec post, please accept six sentences from TGMY that feature the word 'blood'.
Every bag of blood I sup on, every morsel I learn, I do so because he’s given it to me.  Today he’s a particularly unruly barrage of bangs and bravado, but at least he doesn’t smell like blood. “That bloody sword answered only to Pitches for generations!”  Hot blood splashed across my hands, face, clothes, and the carpet.  I want to lap up his insolent blood, let it thread all its heady warmth into me, let his heart coil around mine and bring it to life, just for a few precious, strong beats.  What the bloody hell is he up to? 
Tags below the cut, as well as some thoughts on another WIP I may pick up
@artsyunderstudy @facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @raenestee @cutestkilla
@ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral @stitchyqueer @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
@ileadacharmedlife @confused-bi-queer @aristocratic-otter @whogaveyoupermission
@nightimedreamersworld @fatalfangirl @thewholelemon @onepintobean @shrekgogurt
@theearlgreymage @martsonmars @blackberrysummerblog @orange-peony @valeffelees
@j-nipper-95 @rimeswithpurple @wellbelesbian @imagineacoolusername
@youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @supercutedinosaurs @alexalexinii @bookish-bogwitch
@cosmicalart @bazzybelle @theotherhufflepuff @that-disabled-princess @prettygoododds
@mooncello @noblecorgi @roomwithanopenfire @emeryhall @monbons
Those Glowing, Magickal Years still has a solid grip on me. However, another fic idea has started beating me around the head. A good old chonk of time ago, I mentioned I was working on a snowbaz fic inspired by Fallout New Vegas, provisionally titled Hope Springs Eternal. Well, I may have watched the Fallout show and that idea is shaking me by the lapels.
In addition, presently TGMY is from the POV of tween Baz and Simon, but I have the itch to write something that's slower in pace. Something that has a narrative voice that allows some decadence in the writing. Despite it's source of inspiration, Hope Springs Eternal imagines a post-apocalyptic world that has struggles, but also has magic, goodness and space for hope. (And vampire angst.)
Now, I don't want to actively work on THREE fics (yes, FAIAP has not been abandoned, just on a school-related hiatus). I'd go loopy.
That being said... Well, my initial draft of Blood, Salt, and Hummingbirds was written in an obscenely beautiful notebook. Writing by hand is a nice relief sometimes, especially if you're tired and sore. The writing feels low-pressure and indulgent, compared to the focus I put into writing on laptop.
So I may dive into that idea in that format. If it makes good progress, I'll get it typed up and share it.
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saganssorcery · 4 days
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Unknown artist 🔥🖌️
If you know who the artist is please let me know so I can credit them 💙☄️
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ginaiacob · 2 years
'Queen of Bats'.
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decemberblue · 1 year
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The full moon 
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thejournallo · 3 months
Explain the basic: the various entitis
Disclaimer: In this chapter, you are going to learn how to work with entitis and how to detect vampire entitis! Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). If you are interested in more methods, check the masterlist!
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working with entitis might be fun! But let's learn about it first!
let's actualy start with a simple question...
what is an entity?
the term "entity" is used to denote something that has a distinct existence or identity, whether that's in the physical world, the realm of ideas, or the sphere of the supernatural. An entity, in a general sense, refers to something that exists and can be perceived or conceptualized as having its own distinct identity or essence. It's a term used across various fields, including philosophy, metaphysics, and the paranormal, to describe a wide range of phenomena. we are going to talk about the paranormal side of it, because we are still talking about witchcraft.
These entities are often encountered in paranormal investigations, spiritual practices, and accounts of supernatural phenomena. Here are some general knowledge:
Types of Entities: Entities encountered in paranormal experiences can vary widely in nature and characteristics. They may include ghosts, spirits of deceased individuals, demons, angels, elemental beings, extraterrestrial entities, and other supernatural beings.
Manifestations: Entities are often reported to manifest in various ways, including as apparitions, shadows, orbs, voices, sensations of presence, and disruptions in electronic devices. Some entities may also be perceived through psychic senses or during altered states of consciousness.
Interactions: Interactions with entities can range from benign to malevolent. Some entities are believed to be harmless or even benevolent guides or guardians, while others may be hostile or disruptive forces that cause fear, discomfort, or harm to individuals or environments.
Hauntings: Hauntings are situations where entities are believed to be present in a particular location, often repeating certain actions or behaviors. Haunted houses, buildings, and other sites are commonly associated with reports of paranormal activity attributed to lingering entities.
Possession and Attachment: In cases of possession or attachment, individuals may report being influenced or controlled by an external entity, leading to changes in behavior, personality, or physical well-being. Exorcism rituals and spiritual interventions are often employed to address such situations.
Investigation and Research: Paranormal investigators and researchers often use various methods and technologies to detect, document, and study entities and their manifestations. This can include techniques such as EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recordings, EMF (electromagnetic field) measurements, and psychic or mediumistic communication.
Belief Systems: Beliefs about entities and their nature vary widely across different cultures, religions, and spiritual traditions. Some view entities as manifestations of the deceased or spiritual energies, while others interpret them as interdimensional beings or aspects of the human psyche.
Debates and Skepticism: The existence and nature of entities are topics of ongoing debate and skepticism within the scientific and skeptical communities. While some researchers seek to investigate and understand paranormal phenomena using empirical methods, others remain skeptical of supernatural explanations and attribute reported experiences to psychological, environmental, or other natural factors.
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What are the different entities we can work with?
In witchcraft, deities are not the only entities we can work with.  There are multiple types of entities you can end up working with in your journey as a witch:
Spirits: This category includes a wide range of non-physical entities, such as ghosts, nature spirits, ancestral spirits, and spirit guides.
Deities: Gods, goddesses, and other divine beings from various mythologies and pantheons may be invoked or worked with in witchcraft rituals.
Elementals: These are spirits or beings associated with the classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water, representing the forces of nature.
Familiars: Familiars are often depicted as animal companions or spirits that have a special bond with the witch and assist them in their magical workings.
Angels: Some witches may work with angels for guidance, protection, and spiritual assistance.
Demons: In certain traditions, witches may work with or summon demons for various purposes, such as acquiring knowledge, power, or material wealth.
Ancestors: Ancestral spirits, or the spirits of deceased family members, may be honored, invoked, or consulted for guidance and protection.
Plants and Plant Spirits: Witches may work with the spirits of plants and herbs for healing, divination, and magical purposes.
Animals and Animal Spirits: Animal spirits or totems may be invoked or called upon for guidance, protection, and magical empowerment.
Fairies and Other Folklore Beings: Folklore creatures such as fairies, elves, dwarves, and other mythical beings may play a role in certain witchcraft traditions.
Planetary and Celestial Energies: Witches may work with the energies of planets, stars, and celestial bodies for astrological magic and divination.
Sacred Symbols and Archetypes: Symbols, sigils, and archetypal energies may be used in witchcraft rituals to tap into specific aspects of consciousness and the collective unconscious.
The Shadow Self: Some witches work with the shadow self, exploring and integrating unconscious aspects of their psyche for personal growth and empowerment.
Guardian Spirits: These are spirits or entities that serve as protectors and guides for the witch on their spiritual journey.
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In your journey as a witch, you may come across some types of entities that are known, to my knowledge, as "energy vampires" or simply "vampires."  Those kinds of entities will manipulate you into believing that they are another more powerful entity to take your energy. You can easily identify these entities by the fact that you will start to feel very tired, they will keep asking to transgress your boundaries, they will flatter you, and they will use your weak spot to get energy. That's why protecting is most important when doing everything, because those entities are attracted by unshielded energy and they are little fuckers.  An entity that wants to help you and work with you will not act like this. 
general rules when working with entitis:
Don't disrespect the entitis. It may seem like a stupid rule, but it is the biggest one.
Set clear intentions and ask questions. be clear what you want from the entities and ask what they want from you!
set clear boundaries.
Trust your gut! If you feel something is wrong with the "entity" you are working with, you are right!
Don't force an entity to work with you.
Cleanse and protect yourself monthly and daily.
Learn about the entities before you even try to make contact with them or work with them.
If you are unsure, seek guidance and support from others.
Ground yourself before and after talking with an entity.
An entity will not fall in love with you, will not cuddle you, will not want you for themselves, and will not stop you from working with other entities.
An entity can be your friend; as long as the respect does not go away and the dynamic of working together is not transgressed (and obviously the entity does not transgress the boundaries), you are good to go.
You can worship an entity and have fun with their offerings. An offering doesn't have to be an object; it can also be an action. Painting and writing while vibing to music can be an offering to Apollo.
And let us know your tips and tricks! for the moment, that is all! If you have any questions, I will love to give you answers. I will probably do part two explaining the entities better because this discussion is the white rabbit hole! 
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Modern Fantasy Monsters: The Workplace
Fae asking for two or even more weeks off because they know that time is different in the fae realm. They have to calculate the amount of time off that they have to the days where they can visit their family back home.  Fae: “Soo...I’m asking for two weeks off of the project.”  Human: “Really? Why? Two weeks seems pretty long.”  Fae: “Well, fae time is different than human time. I’m just telling you in advance if people start asking if I disappear for a few days.”  
(The first isn’t my idea it was a comic dub that I listed to) Mimics being used as office chairs to “encourage” lazy workers to do their work. Also Mimics being great security guards since they can be used as living security cameras. 
Elevators that are for larger species that can carry more weight than most elevators. (Industrial elevators?)
Doctor Vampires who know exactly what blood type a person needs or what kind of blood is in a pouch with a sniff.  Vampire: “Ah,  yes. You have an AB blood type.”  Human: “Really? You..uh.. didn’t get up to check.” Vampire: “Oh no, I could smell you’re blood from here. I can tell.”  Human: “Huhhhh...”
Dragons resting on the top of office buildings sunbathing. Sometimes they like to rest their tail against the glass windows. 
Special workspaces for certain species:  -Spaces with water for Merfolk to work efficiently -Effective swivel desk so centaurs can sit comfortably (the same thing can be said for nagas so that their tail can be comfortable)
Magical compensation insurance: If you or a love one have been effected by a curse and or magic related accident you are entitled  to compensation. 
Ungodly coffee combination that some workers share across the office to keep them awake. Though some combination are not safe for human consumption unless they have a strong stomach. 
Vampires who stay overtime to work since they really don’t need to sleep. (Vampires have to be limited in the amount of overtime that they can do due to this little loophole. )
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leviathan-rofocale · 1 month
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Psychic vampire techniques.
Source: "Sekhem Apep", Michael Ford.
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3victorian8 · 17 days
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Your god is a demon 🌙
Self-portrait by Iulia Iepure
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foundintheforgotten · 5 months
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The Kickstarter campaign is LIVE HERE!
If you're interested in a sapphic, grimdark fantasy comic series featuring romance and horror, and older lady love interests, please consider checking our page out and pledging! If you are unable to, you can still help by spreading the word and reblogging!
We are also FULLY FUNDED!
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magick-memes · 11 months
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xerxeswitch · 1 year
My Bane Magic
(This doesn't cover curses, because the post would be way too long) ---
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This type of magic has always came to me very easily from my experiences, both consciously intentional and "non-intentional." I once had a unhinged woman berate racist profanities at me over a cup of coffee at my work, (because she doesn't like the extra costs of 1 pump of vanilla, 1 pump of mocha, 1 pump of toffee nut, two extra shots, and extra caramel drizzle) and she screams how I parked my bike was offensive and it "triggered" her. (It was parked on a bike rack as its intended purpose like everyone else) I bitterly thought, "I hope someone finds your car offensive and just hit it." I performed a freezing hex with the intention to just keep her from bothering me in the future, but I still was hyperfixated; stewing on the idea of her car getting hit. Two days later, she got into a bad car accident. She came back with a broken arm but thankfully that's it. (Even then, I never wish death to anyone.) I also suspected my spirit Family may have had their hands on that too, to really make sure it works. I suggest anyone into this to be careful in general. --- As a side note, I personally believe that everyone's energy type is different and some people can perform certain type of spells better than others because of that. For example, some people's energy are naturally talented moreso in healing energy and they do well in reiki healing, but they need to implement far more effort or practice if they want to do bane magic. Think of the series Avatar, a natural born airbender having problems with earth bending. ... Take it with a grain of salt though. ----- So what is bane magic?
It's casting magic with the intention of inflicting or reflecting negative energy with the motive to harm. That can include bad luck, blocking someone's path...or well, leave it up to the imagination. Some witches do it because they want to get back at someone...which is 99% of the time from my observation -- and I'm no exception. My personal rules with bane magic:
Reflect on why it angers me. Is it really warranted or was my ego getting inflamed with something that wasn't intentional?
Was I in the wrong in the situation instead?
90% of the time, I use bane magic to reflect bad intentions sent to me back to sender.
I do my best to never hit first.
I do not believe in the Wiccan rede of the three, but I still believe that energy is transactional and something will come to you at a cost...and it depends on what coverage you get with the intent of the magic and the situation.
Is it worth using my energy on using bane magic? If not, I don't use it. I consider bane magic like spending money instead of saving money. The currency is not just energy...
I want to take responsibility and accountability of what happened if it didn't go according to plan.
I do not cast bane magic on someone who I live with -- I'll be around taking in that second hand smoke.
Use protection for yourself before performing any of this ... Types of bane magic I use: Freeze Hex - Some people don't consider this a hex, but I personally think it does due to the wide range of intentions that can prove to be harmful in a passive way. It's more of a gray arts aspect -- because it can be used to "freeze" someone's intentions or actions towards something. That something can imply stopping them from being harmful to me, or to even stop them from performing tasks rendering them stagnant. On the other end, I had used a freeze hex on someone with the intent to stop them from harming themselves. It really depends. I consider freezing hexes one of the mildest ones to use because of these spectrums. The procedure is putting the appropriate herbs, liquids (hand-squeezed lemons is great to "sour" it up) that brings out the nature of my spells, and something that belongs to my target. If that last one isn't available, I use a picture or their name written on a bay leaf in the jar. Poppet Hex - Poppets are not just used for voodoo, it's a concept of use in many cultures around the world and in history. This also can be a gray arts spectrum -- it entirely depends on what you use the poppet for, obviously. For hexing, I take a poppet that represents them and pin in needles for discomfort or even sickness. (This is consider a big hex if I really, really, really despise someone. I only ever did this once because they severely abused a friend) Or, I use a poppet of someone to surround it with healing, or calming energy instead. Again, it depends. Hex Water - This one is passive too. I basically place in my herbs, some nails, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sigils, insect carcasses, and my death and hex oil. (The death oil isn't used for "death" -- it's to end the cycle of the situation) I can use this as a hex protection spell where if someone wants to harm me, the energy in the jar will bounce back. But most of all, if warranted, I would take their names and place it in the jar of hex water and I shake it vigorously to get it to work. I even carry around a smaller jar of that water and I shake it near that person's presence if they warranted it. (Mostly if I come across really bad customers at my job. But otherwise, I let it go if they're just being a pain) Earwig Hex - This requires using a head of lettuce, writing someone's name on the lettuce, cutting a hole in it and place your message in it with the earwig, dead or alive. (Preferably dead) This is exactly what it sounds like: Go into someone's head, worm around and implant a message in their thoughts. I use this to prevent the person similarly to the freezing hex. This hex is credited to Kate Freuler -- the author of the book "Of Blood and Bones." (Highly recommend; it's my favorite witchcraft book so far and it fits my energy) Psi Vampire Hex - This one comes to me more naturally since I'm a psi vamp. True, I take vital energy from others out of necessity but this is to really pinpoint someone while feeding. It's how it sounds; I basically just zero in on someone's energy and feed. If I really want to, and if they are still around, I keep feeding until the effects take in which includes signs of fatigue, headaches, other body aches, and even sickness. Personally, I don't like to go that far to sickness. Sending a Spirit/Entity - Just how it sounds. You can place an offering to a spirit/entity that can be outside or inside your spirit team. However, they can always refuse the offer -- mind that and respect it. ---- Overall, for me, I always tell people who are interested to use hexes wisely. It's a responsibility. The number one rule for me is making sure if it's worth the risks and the cost. Sure, one can say that there's no real consequences or the three way law, but there's always a cause and effect. So, at your own risk, fuck around and find out. Or, you can take heed of the rules, protection measures, and self reflection.
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