mactiir · 3 days
The very funny thing about having finally recovered from depression after being depressed for literally decades is. Even though I'm no longer depressed. My kneejerk initial reaction when I get overwhelmed is like "fuck it time to die" and then, because I have spent a lot of time and intention and money on therapy, my IMMEDIATE next thought is "no you won't babe, eat some broccoli. Go for a run. Go see ur friends" and the moment I've done any combination of those things I'm like singing showtunes about how good life is. Like ok brain i understand you spent the last fifteen years in a critical state but maybe we can do the broccoli first next time. Vegetables before defaulting to Habitual Symptoms please.
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ooppo · 7 months
Medieval authors were so fucking funny. In "The Faerie Queene" this guy comes up to the main hero and is like "Don't go over to that cave, there's a guy inside that makes people kill themselves." And the hero is like "Bet." and goes into the cave. Then the old man (literally called Despair) is like "If you die, you can't commit sin." and can you guess what happened.
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cutecipher · 7 months
Remembering when i called the suicide hotline and they insisted on misgendering me so i was choking out through sobs that i was a woman and she wouldnt stop so i just had to hang up
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lastoneout · 1 year
Seein' too many Twitter refugees asking if they'll get in trouble for saying "kill yourself" to people and while no, you're not gonna get nuked from orbit, that is maybe something you just shouldn't be doing in general perhaps?? Maybe telling people to kill themselves is bad actually?? Some of y'all are wild, why is the first thing you can think to ask on a new platform if you can send one of the worst kinds of harassment to people?? Grow tf up and learn how to use the block button. It'll do wonders for your mood, trust me.
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dyggot · 8 months
got scared of notes, sorry. might make rebloggable again someday
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i-am-a-fish · 2 months
I'm very sorry to ask something like this, I've really been struggling with this question, and I wanted to ask the combined wisdom of the people on this site
I would like to know why you keep going, and what drives you to keep living. I know there are a lot of reasons to stay alive and enjoy life, I can think of a few that personally resonate with me, but I really want to know what your reasons are
You do not have to comment on this if that's too big of an ask, and I'm very sorry for asking something like this, I really need someone's help, I feel like I don't have much purpose
Also if I may ask, please don't post any suicidal ideation in the comments of this post, I really can't handle something like that right now
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butchdykekondraki · 1 month
something that really haunts me about tiktok speak is a couple years ago i was in one of the worst places ive ever been in mental health wise and, after several attempts, nearly succeeded in killing myself and one day i told someone that and she kind of stared at me and then went "you tried to... unalive yourself?" and it made me stop fully in my tracks bc it kind of. shook me to my core how she tried to sanitize my fucking suicide attempt. anyway my point here is that if you cant say suicide you are a fucking pussy and need to grow up
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become-a-robot · 5 months
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prokopetz · 6 months
"This webcomic got me through some pretty bleak times. In fact, it might not be exaggerating to say it saved my life."
"Maybe I should read it, too."
"What? God, no – it's fucking terrible."
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aromanticduck · 5 months
Sorry if you're already over 50, I ran out of room (you're welcome to leave your thoughts in the tags or replies!)
If you're younger than 10, get the fuck off Tumblr. People are saying swears on here!
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[EDIT: It's OK to vent a bit about negative feelings in the comments/tags, but if you're gonna talk about killing yourself, do me a favour and fucking don't]
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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eddiethebrave · 1 month
secret admirer
859 words
Steve watches a lot of people. He sees girls as their eyes linger on him. He sees some boys do the same. 
If Tommy caught them, he’d probably do what he always does; humiliate them, hit them. He’s always been a bit protective of him. Steve doesn’t know why. He’s known Tommy since middle school because their lockers were next to each other since they were assigned alphabetically. It’s been like that every year since then, too. 
Sometimes he wonders what his best friend would do if he stopped averting his gaze from places it shouldn’t be yet always strays to. 
More and more lately he finds himself watching someone in particular. 
Steve has to be careful. He can’t let his gaze linger and he has to make sure his face stays neutral, almost as if he’s looking through him and not at him. He forces himself to laugh when someone cracks a joke about The Freak as if Steve isn’t one himself. 
He knows he’s a hypocrite - a coward. He wishes he could be more like Eddie. Just be himself and not care about judgment or criticism. 
It’s his biggest dream and greatest fear. 
Steve’s seat in the cafeteria conveniently (strategically) puts Eddie directly in his line of sight. Aside from the singular elective they share, it’s the only time Steve gets to see him. He’s only been watching him since school came back after winter break and he’s captivated. 
He wishes he had somewhere to expel all of the thoughts he hoards in his brain like a dragon does gold. (Something Steve only knows because he - like a stalker - saw a book Eddie was carrying around for a week or so and checked it out of the library himself as soon as it was available. On the log card inside the cover, E. Munson was written a few times along with some other names.)
He gets an idea on Valentine's Day when he opens his locker after last period and a couple of pieces of paper fall to his feet. Steve watches as Tommy picks one up and coos, “Someone’s got an admirer.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Steve rolls his eyes and snatches the paper. He doesn’t necessarily care what these girls have written to him, but he feels weird letting anyone else see something that was intended for his eyes only. 
Tommy only snickers and pats him on the shoulder a few times in approval. Steve puts the valentines in his backpack to look at when he gets home. He zones out as Tommy starts talking again - something about taking Carol Perkins to Benny’s. 
At home, Steve reads the cards with a furrowed brow. He doesn’t want to be ungrateful given these girls are putting themselves out there and making a move on someone they like. It’s just. 
He feels completely detached from it all. None of the messages are personal. They could have been given to anyone.
He - somewhat guiltily - throws them away. 
The next day, Steve excuses himself during morning practice and slips a piece of paper into a beat-up locker.
Eddie you’re really pretty i wish i could tell you to your face -H
He signed the note with his last initial to be a bit more inconspicuous and perhaps give him some plausible deniability lest he be found out. He’s sure he’s being too precautious - paranoid? - but it gives him peace of mind nonetheless. He couldn’t imagine the dreadful things that would happen if someone traced this back to him. He’d have to run away. 
He’d have to kill himself. 
As much as he wants to, Steve doesn’t hang around Eddie’s locker to see his reaction. Though he does think about it all morning. They don’t have class together until later in the day. When the lunch bell rings, Steve has to force himself to make his way through the halls at an acceptable pace and pats himself on the back when the cafeteria is mostly full when he strides in.
He takes his place at the table where all of the more athletically inclined people tend to congregate and takes a deep breath.
When he chances a look, Eddie is already at the head of his table. He seems quieter than normal. Steve’s always been good at reading people and he can tell the difference between a good quiet and a bad quiet. Eddie’s quiet in a bad way. 
He languidly flips through a book with a faraway contemplative look. 
Steve looks away with a ghost of a frown on his face. 
He tries again the next day. 
Eddie i like your hair is it as soft as it looks? p.s. you didn’t look happy yesterday, sorry if it was my fault -H
That day at lunch, Steve doesn’t look at Eddie as frequently as he usually would, which is unfortunate. 
Eddie has taken to scanning the lunchroom with narrowed eyes. His arms are crossed over his chest and despite him being affronted, Steve can’t help but think he’s kinda cute. 
He smiles to himself and tries to listen to his friends for once to aid in avoiding Eddie’s gaze.
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awakefor48hours · 6 months
Please stop telling people, for any reason, to kill themself. Stop advocating for suicide in any form or capacity.
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sweatermuppet · 2 years
[guy who is trying so hard to not express his suicidal ideation] another day haha. back at it!
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violenceenthusiast · 2 months
i think i’m going to [remembers to not casually incorporate suicide references into my day-to-day so as to more effectively remain present and engaged while also cultivating a positive mindset rooted in appreciation of the mundane] listen to a different elton john song
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moonlayl · 11 months
I hope no one who supported Israel, I hope no one who said “Israel has the right to defend itself”, I hope no one that stayed silent, I hope no one that stayed neutral, I hope no one who cried “both sides”, I hope no one preaching “nuance”, EVER gets to experience another peaceful day again. I hope every last one of them suffers for the remainder of their lives. I hope the guilt eats at them every single day to the point they can’t take it anymore and they choose to do the world a favour and off themselves. I hope every last one of them pays severely for their crimes and for their support of genocide. I hope their very existence is plagued with nightmares. I hope they experience what it’s like to have never ending bombs rain over their heads.
Whatever happens in Gaza tonight or tomorrow or after, know that we won’t forget and we will never forgive.
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