mpmi81 · 6 years
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fanaticarmagazin · 6 years
Jeep Wrangler Snowtrip - Erwachsen werden verboten
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@shantijoantan, @chengloew Schnee in Hamburg? Zur Weihnachtszeit? No Way!!! In den 17 Jahren die ich hier lebe, ist dieses Phänomen noch nie zu Stande gekommen - und auch dieses Jahr darf man wohl eher drauf hoffen, mal nicht vom Nieselregen verwöhnt zu werden. 
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@shantijoantan, @sabibo, @chengloew Da kommt uns eine Einladung von Jeep in die norditalienischen Alpen doch mehr als gelegen, besonders wenn wir dabei den neuen Jeep Wrangler Unlimited „Rubicon“ pilotieren dürfen. 
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@chengloew Nach etwas über einhundert Kilometern erreichen wir endlich unseren finalen Stop, das luxuriös ausgestattete Hotel CampZero in Champoluc. Hier genießen wir die Aussicht auf die Berge und das ausgiebige Gym sowie Wellness Programm - Kletterwand inklusive. Bei den Zimmern gibt sich das Hotel keine Blöße, jedes der Zimmer ist im Maisonette-Stil eingerichtet, welcher durch viel Liebe zum Detail glänzt. So schläft man gerne ein.
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@chengloew , @sabibo Der nächste Tag konnte für uns gar nicht besser starten, empfängt er uns doch mit den herrlichstem Sonnenschein und der Möglichkeit, den 200 PS starken Jeep Wrangler Unlimited „Rubicon“ durchs Gebirge zu scheuchen. Als besondere Begleitung kommt eine Instagram Task-Force zum Einsatz: @ChengGloew, @Sabio und @ShantiJoantan - grob übersetzt... …uns folgen gerade satte 2,2 Millionen Menschen auf Schritt und Tritt.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1_BOf6AoCk&t=742s 2,2 Millionen Follower bedeutet aber auch: Content, Content und Content. Und so wird jede Ecke und jeder Winkel auf diesem Trip genutzt, um zu produzieren. Videos, Fotos und Moderation. Immer happy, immer professionell - was die Drei da an einem Tag produzieren, reicht für manch einen vor Ort meckernden Journalisten teils für einen ganzen Monat.
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@shantijoantan, @sabibo, @chengloew Bei so viel kreativem Overflow kommt ein Schneeball doch ganz gut gelegen - und am Ende kommt es, wie es kommen muss - zur wahren Schlacht. Hach, wie gerne hätte ich einen dieser Schneebälle mitgenommen, nur um Hamburg den Mythos vom Schnee begreiflich machen zu können. Aber man kann ja leider nicht alles haben.  Fotos: @marioroman_pictures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rmwdAjf2Ws               Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an                                                       How to make Shanti smile 1x1: put her somewhere beautiful with a cool car and great weather ? @jeep_deutschland #Werbung ?: @chengloew   Ein Beitrag geteilt von Shanti Joan Tan (@shantijoantan) am Dez 20, 2018 um 9:27 PST https://www.instagram.com/p/BrpiDgGoH5f/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link               Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an                                                   Let it snow, let it snow...???? Kurze Abkühlung am Morgen vertreibt Kummer und Müdigkeit ??? Bin im Winter Wonderland aufgewacht mit meiner kuschligen #GillyHicks Loungewear von @hollisterco_germany ? #Werbung   Ein Beitrag geteilt von Shanti Joan Tan (@shantijoantan) am Dez 21, 2018 um 10:03 PST               Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an                                             dreaming ?   Ein Beitrag geteilt von Shanti Joan Tan (@shantijoantan) am Dez 21, 2018 um 11:24 PST               Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an                                           ???   Ein Beitrag geteilt von Shanti Joan Tan (@shantijoantan) am Dez 23, 2018 um 6:31 PST               Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an                                         ??????? Meine zwei Lieblingsfrauen????Ist oder wäre Euer Fahrzeug eher männlich oder weiblich? ?? . Da hat @jeep_deutschland mal wieder eine coole Location zu einem schönen Event gefunden! Wir durften die letzten Tage über das wunderschöne Dörfchen Champoluc mit einer Herde wilder @jeep s unsicher machen! . Danke Euch für die coole Winter Experience in dieser unfassbar schönen Kulisse?? Ein saftiges Video folgt, ich sag nur viele Drooony Shots ? ————————————————— #jeeplove #jeepwrangler #jeeplife #winter #italy #champoluc #couplegoals #staypositive #love #lifeisbeautiful   Ein Beitrag geteilt von CHENG (@chengloew) am Dez 20, 2018 um 11:42 PST               Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an                                       ??????? Mit welcher Person und welchem Auto würdet Ihr diesen geilen Roadtrip durch die verschneiten italienischen Alpen bestreiten? . Mit unserem #jeepwrangler haben wir hier jeden Offroad Berg weggesippt!! . Mit dem Orange sind wir in dieser Umgebung eine richtige Warnboje xD Kommt nicht zu Nahe, hier fährt ein Panzer ??? . Heisser Kaffee, Dach auf und es kann losgehen? . (Boar diese Becher aus NYC haben sich dermassen gelohnt, haben bestimmt schon 100x Bechermüll gespart??) —————————————— @jeep_deutschland #jeep #jeeplove #jeeplife #travel #couplegoals #couple #inspo #love #ontour #roadtrip #italy #travellingthroughtheworld #bekapten #champoluc #aosta #mountains #snow #winter #mood #coffeelover #winterwonderland #speechlessplaces #chibo   Ein Beitrag geteilt von CHENG (@chengloew) am Dez 22, 2018 um 11:10 PST               Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an                                     ??????? ???? ?????????? . 1, 2 oder 3 ? . Welches Bild ist Euer Favorit? . Vielen lieben Dank @jeep_deutschland für die wundervollen zwei Tage hier in Italien und die tolle Winter Experience mitten im Winter Wonderland??????????????????? . Wie man auf den Fotos sieht, hatten wir eine menge Spaß die letzen Tage! Das haben wir natürlich auf Video für Euch festgehalten und die nächsten Tage folgen selbstverständlich freshe Videos. Ich hoffe Ihr seid am Start?? >> CHIBO ? . So einen Schnee würde ich mir übrigens zu Weihnachten wünschen!!! Wie schaut es bei Euch aus? Liegt bei auch Schnee oder eher weniger? . Knutschas muchas und janz viel Liebe aus bella Italia ??? __________________________ #jeeplove #winterwonderland #snow #mountains #italy #jeep #jeepwrangler #winter #fun #friendshipgoals #girls #inspo #style #fashion #travel #travelblogger #travelgram #travelphotography #wanderlust #globetrotter #funday #thursday #thuglife #jeeplife #dontworrybehappy #muchlove   Ein Beitrag geteilt von SabiBo (@sabibo) am Dez 20, 2018 um 11:54 PST               Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an                                           Ein Beitrag geteilt von SabiBo (@sabibo) am Dez 23, 2018 um 2:26 PST               Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an                                 ??????? ???? ?????????? . Wer hat Lust ne Runde im Whirlpool zu chillen? ?????????? __________________________ @campzero_resort #chill #sunday #mood #whirlpool #relax #wellness #resort #luxury #luxurylifestyle #girl #bikini #lovemylife #enjoy #staypositive #travel #inspo   Ein Beitrag geteilt von SabiBo (@sabibo) am Dez 23, 2018 um 11:31 PST Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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broken-headphone · 3 years
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blackonslaughtii · 4 years
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sabibo says wear your damn mask
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newscheckz · 4 years
Susan: My happiness is seeing smiles on the people’s face
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/my-happiness-is-seeing-smiles-on-the-peoples-face/
Susan: My happiness is seeing smiles on the people’s face
There is opportunity for young people to develop a career in EMS through training as emergency medical technicians and paramedics to safe more life and better the world.
Susan Ng’onga, the E-plus Managing Director was born in Kisumu as the third born in a family of eight children, and the first girl. She tutored in Arya Primary school in Kisumu and St. Alberts Ulanda Girls’ school in Migori County before joining Kianda College.
After collage, she was lucky to be employed by the late Hon. Mutula Kilonzo senior at his law firm where she worked as a Personal assistance from 1996-2003. From there, she landed a job at the Kenya RedCross Society of Kenya where she began his humanitarian job.
Although she believes that she landed at humanitarian job by luck, she began working her career upstairs as a personal assistant of Kenya Red Cross Secretary General, Head of Supply Chain Unit, General Manager Supply Chain, Acting Managing Director and finally currently the Managing Director of E-Plus. She has also served as the Kenya Red Cross Sacco (Kenred) Board chairman for three years.
During her early time career, she used to be passionate about Home Science in school, a career she believed was her destiny; unknowingly that God had already destined her to hospitality to alleviate human suffering and keep smiles to fellow humans; a career that she has remained to be so grateful of as well felt much in love with it.
Her success at the helm of E-plus has proofed her business acumen and passionate in managing, developing businesses and endeavours. Through her leadership, E-Plus was awarded Superbrands Status 2017/2018 by Superbrands East Africa, becoming the only EMS in East Africa to receive this award as well a recognition for its contribution in improving road safety from the Association of Kenya Insurers in 2015 during the Road Safety Awards.
She believes that despite huge demand and appetite for emergency medical services system in the country, still there is no formal emergency medical services systems (EMS) to serve Kenyans. This is the reason that E-plus is working so hard to change the situation and bringing hope to the sector so that others can follow.
To know more about her career, success, future plans and her strategies in managing such a giant company, Newscheckz was lucky to have one on one interview with Mrs. Ng’ongo. And below is her say.
Being a person who saw the birth, nurture, growth and now a reality of E-plus has not been an easy venture. What have you learned from this successful journey?
It is only your dreams, determination, patience, endurance, faith and passion that will push you towards your goal. Having support from the right people also is very important in achieving whatever you do. I thank my bosses for having faith in me.
  What inspires you in this kind of job?
I get inspired in the operation of alleviating human suffering. My joy comes from seeing smiles on the faces of the clients we serve, and this gives me the strength to push further for better services.
Which personal attributes do you owe your success to?
Believing in self, diligence, commitment and passion. I am positive, and believe that everything is possible if you are committed to the mission. I am always seeking solutions and not dwelling on challenges. Personal development also plays a major role.
What point of advice can you give to upcoming leaders?
There is no shortcut in life. Hard work, patience and commitment are the sure ways to success, in addition to doing things right and doing the right things. Young people should be solution seekers. There will be challenges in organisations; the solution is not to quit but to face the challenges head-on and overcome them. The principles of management work magic.
Who are your role model?
Various people have mentored me at different stages in life. My parents have instilled in me values and principles that help me navigate life on a daily basis. My husband is my best friend, helper, comforter and the father of my children.
The late Hon Mutula Kilonzo, who was my first employer, taught me the importance of small and simple things in life that we always take for granted.
The late Mr A. A. Molu also taught me the importance of diligence, integrity and principles. Dr Abbas Gullet has instilled in me the value of believing in self, going beyond the call of duty and exploiting my potential to the fullest.
As you continue advocating for pre-hospital care. What are its main paybacks?
Proper pre-hospital care in the country has the potential of reducing the burden on our healthcare system.
Evidence-based research indicates that a well-established out of hospital acute medical care system can reduce mortality and morbidity from many common conditions. In an emergency situation, the first care you get is important and determines your treatment outcome. It is the determinant between life and impairment. Saving every life is important.
What is the biggest challenge with emergency medical services in Kenya and how can young people be part of the solution?
The biggest challenge in Kenya currently is that there are no formal emergency medical services systems (EMS) yet there is a huge demand. EMS in Kenya is yet to be regulated.
We have been part of the team that has been working with the Ministry of Health in formulating the National Emergency Medical Care Policy, which will go a long way in facilitating EMS. There is opportunity for young people to develop a career in EMS through training as emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
Away from office. What else do you do?
I am a farmer, doing both greenhouse and open field farming. I am also a very good cook. I like baking, grilling and trying new recipes with my daughter. I also love reggae music and I am a supporter of Manchester United by extension, courtesy of my son. Action movies like Escape from Sabibo are part of my favourite entertainment.
What are your strength that people might not be aware of?
I am particular and very good with record keeping and management. Ask anyone who needs certain information or documentation that I have been privy to. They know they will get it from me whether at home or in the office. I am also very good at keeping and maintaining contacts.
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skeletondoggy · 8 years
rikez replied to your post “Actually if I’ve been following you for more than one or two years...”
I CANT EVEN REMEMBER... maybe it was mechabot? or was it sabibo? abominus?????
YEAH or Orcamon I think! NICE.....
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aedeagus · 11 years
sabibo replied to your post:sabibo replied to your post:sabibo replied to your...
they were originally bred to be guard/war dogs in ancient china so i can see where the aggression thing comes from but really every “aggressive” dog ive been around are HUGE babies. pits. german shepherds (i own two) . dobermans. big babies.
oh thats so cool i didnt know that, and yeah wow i feel you, ive only ever owned pit bulls/ pit bull mixes (4 so far, 2 right now) and theyre giant furry Beans, and the only dog ive ever been bitten by was an old shih tzu named emma
and ive had friends w/ german shepherds and theyre so cute omg i love their bushy tails??  i love dogs
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carneguisada · 11 years
greenbean popsicle!!
greenbean Popsicle: smth im jealous of:
right now i'm jealous of whoever can buy that biollante figure. in fact im jealous of people who can buy anything. im broke as heck and i want so much.
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skeletondoggy · 11 years
url: don’t get it | not bad | nice | good job | love it omg | who did you kill
theme: not my type | ehh | decent | I like it | pretty amazing | I’m stealing it
icon: don’t get it | not bad | nice | pretty | flawless omg | brb killing myself
posts: not my type | not bad | nice job | love | perfection | give me your password
following: no sorry | just followed | yes | you mean stalk what
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knockoutsthighs-blog · 11 years
sabibo replied to your photo: hah ew 
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aedeagus · 11 years
sabibo replied to your post:sabibo replied to your post: i adore wrinkly dogs...
i think its mainly fungal and respiratory problems? not too sure though. also i think theyve been outlawed in some states or something because of them being labeled as “aggressive” but goooossh i love them so much i looove shar peis
wow really i never knew that?? huh they always seemed like v docile dogs to me? and yeah i think its stuff w/ moisture getting in their wrinkles 
betrayed by the wrinkle
but yeah wow like id love to own one??? theyre so cute gosh  
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luvgrease99-blog · 11 years
sabibo replied to your post: i went outside and i saw a squirrel and i got so...
i lit have squirrels EVERYWHERE and let me tell you they freak me out i do not like squirrels
WHERE DO YOU LIVE???? ive loved squirrels since i was very small..... there was a park near my grandmas house where there were (and still are) a shitton of squirrels and you could buy nuts to give to them. and i was like, 6, and i bought these nuts, and i made this squirrel friend who climbed all the way up my arm and i fed it nuts and walked around with this squirrel on my shoulder. i put it down after hed devoured the entire bag but it followed me right up to the car. squirrels are magical, yet terrifying. i agree with you
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skeletondoggy · 11 years
sabibo replied to your post:If I see you posting on Tumblr but you ain’t on...
hehe he///
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doomface · 11 years
rumble and sway - jamie N commons
totally not my type | dont really like it | it’s ok | pretty good | i started downloading it 2 seconds into it
cool song although not my type 
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