realkiwihourss · 7 months
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So I’ve decided that today that I would make a semi alternative to terms like Uranic and Neptunic since I felt it didn’t describe me enough. The non monochrome colors are supposed to represent attraction to binary and other genders related or similar to binary genders. And the yellow colors at the bottom are supposed to represent Saturnic attraction or attraction to androgynous and neutral genders. I took some inspiration from the Saturnic flag when making my flags as well as inspiration from Greek and Roman gods and goddesses when coining the names.
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Caelian ( or Caelic):
1) being both Uranic and Saturnic, for any reason (including the split attraction model)
2) attraction to all genders as long as they are MIN-aligned or masculine in nature ( may or may not exclude fully agender folks)
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Salacian ( or Salacic):
1) being both Neptunic and Saturnic, for any reason (including the split attraction model)
2) attraction to all genders as long as they are FIN-aligned or feminine in nature ( may or may not exclude fully agender folks)
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Astraic (also called Astracian, Ophecian, Opheic):
1) being Uranic, Neptunic, and Saturnic, for any reason
2) attraction to all genders as long as they are FIN and MIN aligned, (may or may not exclude agender folks)
Anyone can edit these flags if they want!
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i am Silas and i go by any neopronouns, not he and NEVER she or they
i am a salacian, transmasc, transexual, altersex, FTX/M, genderflux, demiboy. and all thoses terms make me.
but to the cis people, i am just transman he/him.
i can't wait for the day, that i will probably never see, where i don't need to be less confusing to cis people.
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Future on Hold [Chapter One] Realm of Puppets [Cidolfus 'Cid' Telamon]
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A/n: I probably shouldn't post this yet as it's ahead of the poll I put out, but with a day left, it's clear who the winner is. I'm writing this in the sense that those reading are fandom blind. A note to remember is, the kingdom mentioned below was created by me, and the story takes place before the events of FFXVI when Cid is still a soldier for Waloed. Please enjoy.
Warning(s): FFXVI lore, original characters, and locations, bullying, discrimination, anger.
As darkness blanketed Valisthea and the tower bell chimed, the Kingdom of Salacia in the east fell. Its residents upon returning to the safety of their homes at curfew never saw it coming.
Hours before, Eirene Belmont, a woman in her prime with thick black hair cut above her shoulders, rested on the stone parapet of Saltrock Castle, staring out at the endless choppy ocean near the south coast of the continent of Ash. It was a stunning sight in her opinion, and while it was stunning, it was also ominous. 
A mile off the coast, jutting out from a crescent-shaped island was a beautiful Mothercystal, named Drake's Wing, a massive translucent spike from which the Kingdom of Salacia drew its aether, a fuel the residents used to make their lives easier, giving them the power to cast variations of magic. 
Revered in Salacia, it gave comfort to those who drew from it, and while its power was sought after by those from neighboring realms, especially to the west on the continent of Storm, it did little to ease Eirene's worries.
The land was slowly dying. A blight had descended, corrupting everything in its path. And it started, in her opinion, with the Mothercrystals. It was true that the land near the crystals was protected from the Blight; from monsters and sickness, but even with their energy, the Blight continued to spread. 
Eirene could not be certain if her thoughts were true but she felt the land of Valisthea would heal without the six crystals spread across it. But that would mean the magic would disappear and with it, the strength of her Eikon, a deadly creature whose power helped turn Salacia into a realm. 
Not like she cared. The king, Vero Clineas, a depraved and overweight man, treated her and the other Dominant of Salacia, a name used to describe a person born with the ability to host Eikons, like nothing more than a tool. Eirene would be pleased to rid herself of the creature, but alas she could not. For the sake of her sister, she remained an obedient puppet.
A sudden shout of pain from down below brought her attention to an unfortunate man with short brown hair. His tattered tunic was covered in Chocobo excrement as a Salacian armored guard stood over him, ridiculing him. The reason was that the man was a Bearer, born with the rare ability to manifest magic without the use of a shard from the Mothercrystal; a man treated as a slave because of the tattoo, a sword crossed over a depiction of a Mothercrystal on his face which was branded onto his skin at birth.
He did not deserve this. None of the Bearers did. Eirene narrowed her light blue eyes in annoyance and lifted her gloved hand, turning her palm toward the guard. A restless sphere constructed of water materialized and then launched at the rude man drenching his face.
"Fuck!" He shouted, attempting to wipe the water away. His eyes turned up to the parapet where Eirene was standing and narrowed. "Blasted scum! Just because you are a Dominant does not mean you are free of punishment."
Spitting on the ground at the mention of her title, he stared in disgust at her. Dominants were treated no better than Bearers in Salacia, the only difference was, Dominants were allowed to speak without permission. It was their only privilege.  
What she wanted to tell him was to fuck off, but Eirene bit her tongue. 
"That might be so, but King Clineas would not think highly of you slacking off, as you are unmistakably doing." 
The guard grunted in irritation then curled his nose and sauntered away. Eirene couldn't even be proud of herself. She hated to be looked down on and yet because of her status, she never spoke her mind. Tightening her jaw, she turned her eyes to the Bearer, who offered her a gentle smile and continued with his work. 
If only things were different.  
The soft click of heeled footsteps drawing near averted her attention to a woman nearly identical to her. She had the same eyes and hair as Eirene, albeit longer with a rounder face. An ombre yellow to green feathered cuff was attached to her right ear, fluttering in the gentle salt-scented breeze as she stood beside her twin, resting her arms on the stone. The uniform she wore, much different than the bulky armor the guards were forced to wear, was detailed to her liking; a long-sleeved black tailcoat with green details that spread out like wings down to her ankles and trousers.
Eirene wore something parallel, though the details on her uniform were blue, and the tailcoat resembled the tail of a fish or rather her Eikon. It was a ridiculous getup, in her opinion, but the king insisted they wear them.
"I should have known this is where you would be, sister," Caesaria stated with a grin.
Eirene hummed. 
"I like to watch the ocean at sunset. It casts an eerie glow on Drake's Wing when the sun begins to sink beneath the waves."
"Consider yourself blessed," Caesaria uttered.
Her statement made Eirene narrow her eyes. She glanced down at the Bearer at the base of the castle that she defended and frowned. Innocent or not, it was careless to say.
"I do not feel blessed. We are merely weapons, seen as less than human. Had we been born Bearers, we would be seen as less than dirt."
Caesaria took an uneasy breath. She wasn't referring to their status; she merely meant that as the youngest, Eirene had more freedom than her. She raised her gloved hand and rested it on her sister's shoulder. 
"We were born in a cruel world. But it is not all bad. We have one another."
Eirene snorted.
"Your optimism will be your defeat."
"And anger will be yours," Caesaria retorted.
She removed her hand and motioned for her sister to follow her. 
"Come. The King asks that we speak with him before low tide."
Eirene turned up her eyes. Her sister usually handled matters with the arrogant king. What reason did he want to speak with her too? 
"Is it important?"
"I wish it weren't," Caesaria uttered. She took an uneasy breath. "But as it stands…we might be going to war with the Kingdom of Waloed." 
Eirene widened her eyes. No. How could that be? Was the king responsible for this? 
"We are allies. We have been allies since Salacia was constructed."
Caesaria shook her head.
"Not anymore. There is…something you should see."
None of this made sense. As the reality of the situation quickly sank in, so too did bitterness. Eirene could feel the Eikon of Water, Leviathan roaring in anger within her, ready to be set free again.
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yeonchi · 5 days
The Investigation Chapter 7
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Written by Azuma Yeonchi
Adapted from Drawing Sword 亮劍 episodes 11, 12 and 13
Check out my other tie-in fanfic, Combo Rangers: Operation Wagan here:
Join the Discord servers to be notified for the event fanfic in October!
Server de Princesas del Mar
Salacia en Discord!
Chapter begins after the break.
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In spite of his current attitude and personality, Parker Zhou was a more positive person who was just as determined as he was currently. He had a twin brother named Sherman who he fiercely protected as if he was his little brother, despite him being the first-born of the two. They were separated from their parents due to certain circumstances, so Parker had to take on more responsibility and protect Sherman from having to fight in the war.
Over a decade ago, while the young royals of Salacia were studying and learning how to fight, the war was happening away from the sea and deep within the continents of Dryland. Two years into the fourteen-year war, the Kantō region of Melbongkong was mostly occupied by the Salacians, with pockets of resistance existing in several towns. Parker was a colonel from Yokohama, one of the resistance strongholds. He had gained notoriety as an unparalleled warrior and strategist in the region and therefore, he was a valuable asset to the Kantō Army and the resistance.
At the same time, the Salacians had a special operations unit, led by Sea Serpent King Shanbin. Shanbin desired to be king even in death, earning the ire of his son Shai, who desired to forcibly take over the kingdom once his father died. In spite of Shanbin’s authoritarian rule, he was also skilled in special operations and everyone in his unit had majored in said course at the Salacian Military Academy. He was also responsible for furthering their training and honing their skills to ensure their continued success in combat. Aside from his duties, he was also tasked with gathering information on Parker and the rest of the Kantō Army.
Parker and his subordinate James Nolan went to Maebashi to meet with General John Donaldson and his subordinate Alvin Anderson. While catching up at a café for afternoon tea, John invited Parker out for dinner at a nearby restaurant, which coincidentally, had been booked out by the Salacians to celebrate Captain Aurora Bellfield’s birthday. The four of them snuck their way into the restaurant, and as everyone else was listening to Aurora make a speech, Parker and James were more interested in eating, the latter more so than usual.
“Dude, slow down,” whispered Parker, seeing James quickly wolfing down the food on the table.
As they continued listening, James asked, “What do you think he’s talking about?”
“I dunno, something about his mum or whatever. Now he’s singing and crying.” James was still eating quickly, lifting up plates and ripping apart meat with his hands. “Dude, are you even listening to me? I said slow down! Leave some for me!”
Parker slapped James in the back of the head, interrupting Aurora’s speech. “Burger!” he said to them in what was clearly a Salacian insult.
James turned his head to him. “Who’re you yelling at, dogfucker?”
Parker said to James, “Now, now, James, don’t stoop down to his level. He’s probably more of a bastard than you are.”
Hearing this, Aurora bellowed, “Burger Yarrow! Who are you two? Who invited you in here?”
Parker replied, “I am Colonel Parker Zhou of the Kantō Army, the very same person you’ve been looking for.”
Hearing this, the Salacian soldiers stood up but James pushed Aurora back while Parker tipped the table over as they got their guns out. “Freeze! Nobody move!” the two of them yelled before they shot anyone who moved.
“General Donaldson, isn’t it time for you to show up?”
With Parker’s words, John and Alvin stood up, guns in hands. “General John Donaldson of the Kantō Army, at your service.”
“I’m leaving these sea monsters and jihadists to you, sir!”
“You’re too kind, sir. Do you think I would have any use for them?” And so, the four of them shot dead everyone else in the room, including Aurora, before escaping back to their camps.
After the Shark King Trebon heard of this incident, King Shanbin was given an order to capture Parker. Using a Drylander soldier whom he had captured as a plant, Shanbin learned that Parker was having a birthday party in Aikawa for Sherman and himself and that the guests would be staying the night there. Later that evening, Shanbin led his unit to Aikawa with the intention of capturing Parker, but Parker caught onto what was happening and engaged Shanbin in battle.
Parker and his troops fought off Shanbin, but his ambush had taken everyone by surprise as they suffered significant losses. With General Bill Portland injured in the skirmish, Parker was forced to take his remaining men and retreat to Yokohama. Shanbin was unable to capture Parker, but he was able to capture Sherman and ravage the rest of the town, killing everyone within.
As Parker carried him out of the battle, Bill said to him, “Parker, put me down. I’m not going to make it.”
“Don’t say that! I’m not leaving you behind!”
James called out, “Hey everyone, look, behind us!” Everyone turned to see Aikawa on fire. Everyone who lived there had died.
Over in Odawara, John Donaldson had gotten word of what happened in Aikawa. “Order our cannon unit to advance to Zaō and destroy their transports. If he can’t drive back to Okazaki Castle, then the only place he can go to will be Azuchi Castle. We’ll advance to the valley border in Ishinomaki and intercept King Shanbin. That’ll teach him to mess with our friends.”
John’s cannon unit destroyed Shanbin’s transports at Zaō, resulting in him having to abandon his return to Okazaki Castle and take up camp at their stronghold in Azuchi Castle instead, just as John predicted. Shanbin and his unit passed through Marumori, Ōsaki and Tagajō before arriving in Ishinomaki. 
As John’s machine gunners spotted Shanbin’s unit arriving in the valley, they began opening fire on them. “Who ordered them to open fire?” John asked. “That’s only the enemy vanguard. Responding to two or three soldiers with a machine gun is a surefire way to get yourself killed.” Sure enough, the Salacians threw some grenades at them and took the machine gunners out.
One of his men, Jarrod Jones, came to John with a report. “General! They’re flanking us. A bunch of those sea monsters are trying to distract us so the others can escape.”
“Damn it! Men, with me!” John and unit followed Shanbin and the others to the top of the valley. On John’s orders, his unit managed to pin down Shanbin by throwing waves of grenades at him and his unit.
Knowing that he was trapped, Shanbin got his men to crouch down as he attempted to negotiate with John, yelling at him from below the valley, “General John Donaldson, I am Sea Serpent King Shanbin of the Kantō Special Operations Unit. May I have a moment to talk?”
“I’m interested in talking with you as well, Your Highness. Put down your weapons and come on out. I’ve got all the time in the world.”
“General Donaldson, I have heard of your reputation and if I may be frank, there are not many Drylanders who I could call good men, but you are an exception. Even the Shark King Trebon believes your head is worth 10 million of your nation’s dollars, a truly remarkable assessment for a career militiaman like yourself. This battle has shown me that your reputation does precede you. How many officers can turn the tables in a precarious situation such as this?”
Next to him, Jarrod spoke up. “This isn’t the time to be kissing ass. Get to the point!”
“Very well, I’ll be blunt. I propose a diplomatic ceasefire to negotiate our conflict. You and I are both career militiamen with no prior grudge. Our meeting on this battlefield is merely the result of us doing our duties to our respective peoples. In better times, I would be interested in getting to know a remarkable man such as yourself.”
“King Shanbin, negotiations require both parties to put something on the table. You may have managed to take down my machine gunners, but let’s face it, the men in my unit are too good to let themselves be consumed by you. You’re now in a precarious situation and even if you had wings, you couldn’t even manage to escape. Didn’t you say you wanted to get to know me? If so, then put down your weapons and surrender. If you do, then I can guarantee your safety.”
Alvin, who was behind John, was getting impatient. “Shanbin, 我日你先人, hurry up and tell us, you gonna surrender or not?”
Shanbin replied, “General Donaldson, it appears that some of your men are lacking in manners and maturity. Generals and officers have their own way of discussion. How could we stoop to the level of our soldiers? I admit that I am trapped at the moment, General Donaldson, but in case you haven’t heard, my men have undergone specialised training. I trust you have seen this for yourself. Must you continue this futile struggle and increase unnecessary bloodshed? I trust that you are smart enough to realise this and consider the possibility of negotiation.” Shanbin signalled to his men to continue on while he continued speaking. “Both sides have had their wins and losses today, so if you and I choose to withdraw our forces here and end this battle, it would be beneficial to both of us. Please consider my offer.”
John responded, “Your only course of action is unconditional surrender, Your Highness, unless you want to end up as mince meat on the battlefield.” John’s men raised their grenades again, not knowing that Shanbin was slowly escaping and rejoining his men. “Have you gone mute, King Shanbin? I’m going to give you to the count of three.”
There was nothing but silence. Jarrod asked, “General, have those sea monsters managed to get away?” John brought his men forward to look below the valley, only to see Shanbin and his unit already getting away. John reported this situation back to the headquarters in Yokohama.
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kidgetrash · 5 years
The Sassy Little Mermaid - A MerMay Kidge Trash/Piixiefawn Collab fic - Chapter 6
Matt groaned when he realised Katie wasn’t in her room.  He had a fair idea of what might have led her to sneak out, searching for components for her research no doubt, but if any of their entourage found out she had gone off on her own there could be big trouble.  The only thing he could think of doing was to find her himself and bring her back before anybody realised she was gone.
Keith chased Katie parallel with the sandbank, almost catching her only to have her dart away at the last minute.  She was cheeky, cute, so elegant and fast, Keith found her captivating.  He almost reached her, and she giggled as his fingers slid over her waist, leaving trails in their wake.
‘I nearly had you then!’  He laughed as she took another sharp turn, swimming low enough to disturb the sand.
‘Nearly isn’t catching me!’  She quipped, looking over his shoulder and finding him no longer behind her.  She slowed and changed her angle slightly, wondering if he had hidden behind one of the many coral beds or rocks that peppered the seascape.  He seemed to have disappeared, maybe he had left out of boredom or irritation.  She hoped not, but she couldn’t see him anywhere.
‘Gotcha!’  Keith jumped out from behind a large rock, trying to wrap his arms around her.
Katie squealed in surprise but managed to squirm her way free, swimming upwards rapidly she hit the surface with a splash, landing on the sandbank as Keith pursued her.  His head broke the surface, about to accuse her of cheating, but what he saw stole away his words.
This beautiful, anonymous mermaid sat on the sand, but where her tail had been sat…legs…actual legs like the dwellers of The Great Unwet.  They were delicate and pink, what remained of her decorative side fins curving around her pelvis modestly.  Keith just bobbed there, staring at her as her eyes snapped up to meet his, glowing in the soft predawn light, apologetic yet frantic.
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…’  She started, but he cut her off.
‘You’re…are you…Salacian?’  He asked hesitantly, swimming towards her slowly.
‘Yeah, I am.’  She looked down, her bottom lip pouting slightly.  ‘I’m not…that is, I am…I don’t even know what I’m trying to say.’
He nodded towards her legs.  ‘Can…can I touch them?’
‘These?’  She looked down at the bizarre limbs extending from her torso.  ‘Are you sure?’
‘Yeah, they’re…weird, in a good way.’  He quirked her a smile, daring to swim closer.
‘I guess.  No one has ever touched them before though, other than me, so I’m not sure what to expect.’
‘You can tell me if you don’t like it.’  He edged closer still.  ‘Please?’
From the look on her face he was certain she was going to say no, wrinkling her nose as she thought it over, so when she replied he was pleasantly surprised.  ‘I guess.  I mean it would be a good experiment, for science and all.’
‘If it’s for science.’  He smiled softly, not wanting to make any sudden movements as he raised his hand.  He could see her legs trembling as his fingers approached and decided to try and distract her.  ‘So, are you one of the Salacian envoys?’
‘Uh, yeah.’  She replied.  ‘Unwet transformation expert, that’s me.’
His fingertips brushed the skin on her ankle, and as much as Keith was surprised by its softness he was more surprised by the small shuddering gasp she gave.  ‘The texture’s soft but it’s changing while I touch it.’  He ran his fingers up her calf towards her knee.  ‘It’s gone bumpy to the touch and eye.’
‘It’s a biological reaction.’  She breathed.  ‘I don’t know if it’s every touch or just…’
He raised his eyes to look at her as voice trailed off.  Her eyes were burning like liquid pools of the pure light from above The Great Unwet, her lips were parted.  Water ran in rivulets down her face, dripping onto her torso from her hair, and he touched her other leg, bringing it to the same level as the first before continuing their way up to her hips.
Katie pushed herself forward with her arms and dropped back into the water, her tail reappearing as she did so and rubbing against his as they both submerged again.  He continued to hold onto her hips as she pressed her palms to his shoulders, just to touch him rather than to push him away.
‘Kogane.’  She murmured as his face came closer to hers, his eyelids hooded as he glanced down at her lips.
Katie pushed herself away from Kogane rapidly at the sound of Matt’s voice, her skin flushing pink.  ‘Quiznak, that’s my brother.’  She muttered as she spotted him, in no doubt of what he had just seen.  She had never known him look so angry, all but soaring through the water towards her, where she now floated several feet away from Kogane.  ‘Hey, Matt, what’s up?’  She said as casually as she could, given the rate at which her heart was pounding.
‘What the hell are you doing?’  Matt grabbed her arm, pulling her away from this strange shark-like merman.  ‘You can’t just go off like that!’
‘I needed to collect some samples!’  She argued as Matt pulled her behind him.
‘Were they in his mouth?’  Matt glared at the merman they were leaving behind.
‘Kinda.’  She muttered.
Keith watched her go, the memory of her in his arms still fresh.  She glanced back and flashed him a grin, which he returned.  ‘Pidge.’  He murmured.  Now he had her name he could find her.
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burlveneer-music · 6 years
Planet Battagon - Battagon Symphony (Rough Guide to Neptunia pt. 1)
“Droid Jazz Electronics”? Say no more!
Planet Battagon are innovators in Droid Jazz. Electronics, jazz and outer-national sounds ain’t no new thing. But following in the extra terrestrial sounds and cosmic mythology of Sun Ra Planet Battagon are not reaching for the cosmos but simply made of it. Droid consciousness is the starting point but what’s consciousness got to do with it. The droid’s need culture, music and art and of the highest and most experimental of that lies Droid Jazz. Originating on Lord Battagon’s home planet the group are documenting the folklore and jazz stylings of the Trans-neputnia neighbourhood out on the edgelands of the solar system. This debut release follows on from a Lord Battagon outing on the Atlantic Jaxx label. The Noise Droids of Planet Battagon are: 
Jack Baker - Acoustic Drums  Martin Slattery- Bass Clarinet,Alto Sax & FX  Oli Savill - Percussion  Mickey Ball - Trumpet  Nathan Curran (Tugg) Synth Bass,Syn Drums,FX & Conductor 
‘Who’s out on Quaoar?’ is taken from the Ltd Ed 12” 'Battagon Symphony', part one of ‘The Rough Guide to Trans-Neptunia’. The release also features ‘Salacians of Neptunia’, a homage to the early droid cultural pioneers and the chant like ‘Moon of Dysnomia’ that is played ceremonially to temper the erratic saline tides of the aforementioned moon especially during it’s retrograde period. Droids and saline do not mix well and OntheCorner are releasing these 'Rough Guides to Trans-Neptunia' after intercepting distressed transmissions prior to a devastating saline tide.
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thetowneccentric · 6 years
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i think im going to cry, i didnt know altersex existed before i got into intersex discourse by mistake (previous post). thank you intersex people for telling me. now i can put the whole "i want to be intersex" feeling behind me. just now after years of people just yelling at me that its wrong to want that and why, am i learning of the term altersex. learning i can not be female and not be intersex or male at the same time is such a relief. i have finally found people that have the same feelings as me and i understand myself better. thank you.
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yeonchi · 12 days
The Investigation Chapter 6
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Written by Azuma Yeonchi
Adapted from Conquer 征服 episodes 2, 14, 19 and 20
Check out my other tie-in fanfic, Combo Rangers: Operation Wagan here:
Join the Discord servers to be notified for the event fanfic in October!
Server de Princesas del Mar
Salacia en Discord!
Chapter begins after the break.
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At the Unified Resistance Army camp in Santos, Parker got a call on his burner phone. Heading to his chambers to take the call, William reported that their hit on Noel Pryceler had failed because the police got to him first. Hearing this, Parker told William and Taylor to get out of São Paulo as soon as they could.
The next morning, the two of them packed up and quickly headed for Luz Station, but they were arrested before they could board the train. They had been identified by matching rough descriptions from witnesses to CCTV at previous crime scenes. William and Taylor confessed their association with Parker Zhou and their involvement in the shootings. This, combined with the statements taken from other suspects, gave the police more than enough probable cause to arrest Parker, Liam, Mauricio and Angelina, but they hadn’t been able to find a good opportunity to arrest them. That changed a week later when Parker’s internet beef with Shark King Trebon reached a climax.
Parker was called back to Yokohama to meet with UNIT, which was meant to be their opportunity to arrest and question him. However, they never got to do so as Parker got distracted and ghosted UNIT; Parker had taken two Salacians hostage to escalate his feud with the Shark King, who then kidnapped two Drylanders as well in retaliation, making the situation worse. Somehow, the hostages ended up being freed soon after.
Kate Lethbridge-Stewart decided that she would personally arrest Parker, no matter what. The week after Parker ghosted UNIT, Kate set off for Santos with a convoy of UNIT forces and police to arrest Parker, Angelina, Liam and Mauricio. She hoped to help the police close the case as soon as possible despite knowing that Parker was the key to humanity winning their war against Salacia.
That morning, Parker left the base to buy a newspaper from back home. He had Liam and Mauricio trail him just to be safe as suspicion would be focused on him given that the police had caught William and Taylor and that it was a matter of time before they would find him as well.
Parker went down the street and approached the stall. “Can I get a Herald Sun please?” Parker brought the paper, but just as he turned around, a UNIT truck had stopped across the road and beeped at a passing motorcyclist as the officer in the passenger seat got out and ran over to the stall to buy a paper.
“Hey, can I get a Herald Sun please?” asked the officer.
“Sorry, I gave my last copy to that guy,” replied the seller, pointing at Parker.
“Aiyo~!” The officer turned to Parker. “Hey, you mind if I borrow your paper for a sec, brother?”
“Sure,” Parker said. “Here you go.”
“Thanks, man. I gotta see how Victory did last night. Eyy, we won!”
“Hey, we won. Nice!”
The officer turned around to Parker. “You from Hong Kong, mate? You go Victory?”
“Yeah man.”
“Aiyo~! I gotta tell ya, everyone in my team supports City but we both know they’re shit, ay? I made a bet with them that Victory would win last night against the Sky Blues and guess what? We won!”
“That’s nice to hear.”
The UNIT truck beeped at the officer. “Oh, I’ve gotta go. Ah, here’s your paper back.”
“You can have it. Little reward for your service.”
“Thanks man. See ya!” The officer went back to the truck and it drove off, sirens blaring.
Parker turned back to the seller. “Can I get a Yokohama Connection, please?” Once he got his paper, Parker went back to the base with Liam and Mauricio.
Later, while Parker was reading his paper, a scout ran into his quarters with a report. “My lord! A large UNIT convoy is heading this way! It appears to be led by Kate Lethbridge-Stewart!”
Parker suddenly stood up, slamming his fist on the table and startling the scout. “Which one of youse dogfuckers fucking snitched on me?”
“My lord, please, I’m just delivering a message!”
Regardless, Parker knew that it wouldn’t be long until UNIT got to the base and arrested him and his generals. “Spread the message to all units. Immediately begin the advance into Salacia!” The scout stood in shock at what Parker was asking of everyone before Parker frantically yelled at him, “Go! Get back out there!”
“Yes, my lord!”
Everything was closing in on Parker now that UNIT had caught on to everything he did in secret. Would karma come back to bite Parker, or would Parker successfully win against the dictates of fate? Would he be able to reclaim Dryland for humanity or would the salines assert their right to what they believed was originally theirs?
Parker led his army down to Gonzaga Beach as they prepared to march into Salacia. While all his soldiers were preparing themselves, moving supplies and inspecting their weapons, Parker had Angelina film a video for Trebon, which he would post online before he and his army set off into the ocean.
“齊邦(Trebon), 我TM來了! Where you at?”
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yeonchi · 26 days
The Investigation Chapter 4
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Written by Azuma Yeonchi
Adapted from Conquer 征服 episodes 10 and 11
Check out my other tie-in fanfic, Combo Rangers: Operation Wagan here:
Join the Discord servers to be notified for the event fanfic in October!
Server de Princesas del Mar
Salacia en Discord!
Chapter begins after the break.
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While the investigation into the deaths of Ronaldo Marquez and Craig Handorer was ongoing, another victim showed up two days after. Gina Toriwara, the head of the Toriwara clan nicknamed “The Tiger of Blumenau”, was shot dead by William and Taylor in the carpark of a supermarket in Jundiaí. The police found Gina’s younger sister, Melody, and took her in to question her regarding Gina’s feud with Parker.
Gina was the wife of Fabio Yabusaki, head of the Yabusaki clan and Parker’s ally, through a political marriage. They had a daughter, Princess Runai, who stayed with her father while Gina commuted between São Paulo and Blumenau to check on her armies.
The week before Ronaldo’s death, ten days before Gina’s death, Parker and three of his generals left the Unified Resistance Army base in Santos and went up to Jundiaí to meet with Gina at a restaurant, where she was sitting in a banquet room with Melody.
“This room, sir,” the waitress said as she brought Parker, Liam and Mauricio up to the room. Na Ying’s song 白天不懂夜的黑 was playing on the speakers.
“Ahh, Parker, you’re finally here. Been waiting for you all day,” said Gina.
Parker replied, “How are you, Gina? These are two of my top generals, Liam and Mauricio.”
“Nice to meet you. Please, take a seat.” Parker and his generals took their seats and so did Gina and Melody. When Parker had Mauricio bring up some meeting gifts for Gina as they sat down, she reacted, “Come on now, no need to be so formal.”
“It’s just a little token of my appreciation.”
“You’re too kind. We’re all friends here. Now, this here is my sister, Melody.” Parker and Melody got up and shook hands. Once they sat back down, Gina poured herself and Parker a drink. Na Ying’s song continued, “我們仍堅持各自等在原地...”
“Now, Parker,” said Gina. “I may be older than you, but I do know a bit about you. I know you’re a man of honour who takes care of his men. If there’s anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Well, thank you for your reassurance.”
The two of them toasted and downed their drinks as the song continued. “你永遠不懂我傷悲, 像白天不懂夜的黑...”
“Now then, Gina, I know you didn’t just call me here for a meal and some drinks. If there’s something you want from me, feel free to speak up. If I can help you, then I’ll do all I can, otherwise if I can’t, then I hope you can understand the situation I’m in.”
“That’s the kind of spirit I like to see,” Gina happily expressed. “I’ll get to the point. The Yabusaki clan’s funding isn’t doing enough for my men and they need money to eat. I’m planning on breaking ties with the Yabusaki clan and allying with the Ninomiya clan of Fortaleza. What say you join me and share in the glory when our eventual victory comes?”
Parker’s expression turned cold as he heard this. Fabio’s allies were his allies as well, so how could Gina just get up and leave now when they were coming close to victory against the Salacians? If Gina’s men needed money, Parker would have been more than happy to give it to them, so why would she seek out another clan for money? Her words enlightened Parker to Gina’s true colours as he was shocked to hear that she thought that way.
“Gina, I understand that you have your men, but I have my comrades and friends as well. They rely on my money to eat just as Fabio’s men rely on his money. Like we agreed, if you wanted my help you could have asked. I never thought you would say that about your husband.” The scene became tense. Gina took a puff from her vape and blew it out her nose while glaring at Parker. “Look, I’m trying very hard to give you some face here. You’re obviously a renowned general where you come from and you have many people who respect you.”
Melody knocked on the table. “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! You’d better not throw away the face we’ve given you. Who the hell do you think you are? When my sister was making a name in this world, you were still wearing diapers. And you want to play the bigger man here? Go piss a mirror and look in the puddle. Shameless bastard.”
Liam and Mauricio got up menacingly at the statement, but Parker stopped them and got them to sit back down. Parker told Gina, “I have something to tell you. The dragon knows when to strike and the tiger knows when to hide. I don’t need to explain to you what kind of person I am. Gina, you gave me the face to talk it out and I gave you the face to meet up and listen. Tell Fabio that he can explain to me about his situation with you.”
Parker, Liam and Mauricio got up to leave, but they stopped when Gina called out, “Parker! I have something to tell you as well. Young people shouldn’t get too cocky!”
“Would I be young if I wasn’t cocky?” he retorted.
Melody slapped the table and stood up. “Parker Zhou! Now you listen to me, if you walk out of that door like this, I won’t be done with you.”
“Then how do you expect me to leave this room?”
“You’re not leaving until you say yes. Even if you say no, I’ll make you say yes!”
Parker turned to Liam and Mauricio. “What’s up… I’ve never seen anyone talk back to me like that in my life.”
“I’ll fucking kill you!” Melody picked up a knife and charged at Parker. Mauricio went over to Gina and held a knife to her neck while Liam charged at Melody and stabbed her in the thigh.
Parker calmly turned to Gina, who was just sitting there while her sister fell to her knees, wounded from being stabbed by Liam. “Your sister’s got a bad attitude, Gina. You should look after her better and change her attitude, or else she’s never gonna get anywhere in life.”
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yeonchi · 1 month
The Investigation Chapter 3
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Written by Azuma Yeonchi
Adapted from Conquer 征服 episodes 7, 10 and 11
Check out my other tie-in fanfic, Combo Rangers: Operation Wagan here:
Join the Discord servers to be notified for the event fanfic in October!
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Chapter begins after the break.
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Ronaldo never reported Parker’s arcade fracas to the police, so Parker and his men thought he had gone soft. From observation, however, they noticed that Ronaldo had hired Craig Handorer and his men to provide protection as they just hung out in the arcade.
A few days later, Mauricio and three others were in a hotel room playing cards while Parker and the others were absent. The doorbell rang and one of the men went to open it. In burst through Craig and his men. Mauricio and the others grabbed their knives, but Craig had a gun.
“Fighting with knives, are we? Put the knife down. Put it down. Down, I tell you!” Mauricio put down his knife as Craig still had his gun at his chest. “Where’s Parker Zhou?”
“Not here,” answered Mauricio.
“No shit he isn’t.” Craig moved his run to Mauricio’s head. “Where did he go?”
“I dunno.”
“Which of y’all busted my boss’s arcade, huh? Were you there?” Mauricio scoffed at Craig. “Get down on your knees. Down on your knees. Down, I tell you!” Craig and his men made Mauricio and the others kneel. “Alright, chop ‘em up.”
Parker, of course, decided to retaliate. For this, however, he let a few of his men go, since he wanted them to be free to go back with their families, do business or fight Salacians in the war. This was also for their safety, because something would happen if he let too many men join him, or if they were with him for too long, they would be eventually recognised and identified. Parker was good to his men, whether in his army or in his businesses, but when you’re helping him take care of business, the only condition was that unless you were in Parker’s inner circle, you didn’t ask unnecessary questions and Parker would only tell you what you needed to know.
That night, Liam had a friend stage an accident and crash his car with Craig’s as he was taking his men home. As Craig and his men confronted Liam’s friend, another car passed by. As Liam drove, Mauricio held a gun out the window and shot Craig in the leg before Liam sped off. Liam’s friend ran off after that.
The next day, Craig and his men thought they saw Liam and Mauricio and tried to follow them in their car, but they ended up losing them. Some time later, Craig and his men were eating in a hotel when Parker came in with Liam and Mauricio. “Freeze!” the two flunkies yelled as they ran to Craig’s table, holding their guns up to them.
Parker was pinning one of Craig’s men by the head to the table. “You remember me? Don’t move. I’ll kill you if you do.” Parker then turned to Craig. “Yo what up fheg?” Craig stayed silent as Parker scoffed. “Man, I had a friend who would say ‘Yo!’ every time I said that to him. These guys were with you?”
“Yeah,” Mauricio nodded.
“Heard you’ve been looking for me, Craig. Can’t get enough of me? You’re seriously looking for a fight, aren’t you? Do you have the balls to go against me, Parker Zhou? Not so tough without your stupid guns, are you?”
Craig tried to light a cigarette but every time he did, Parker would blow the lighter out. Craig eventually gave up.
“Forgot to bring your guns? Here, I’ve got one for you.” Parker took Mauricio’s gun and held it by the muzzle, intending to pass it to Craig by the handle. “Take it! Gone flaccid, have we? Lost your bullpussy, have we? Alright, imma give you one more chance.”
Parker held the gun to his head and put Craig’s hand on the trigger. This was an absolutely ludicrous and stupid act that would have ended the lives of incompetent villains, but Parker was just that hardcore and stupid enough to pull it off. “You ready, f****t? You’re gonna pull the trigger and my life can be yours to take. I’m going to count to three.” Parker counted to three, but Craig was too stunned to even pull the trigger, not knowing if the gun was loaded or not.
On the count of three, Parker snatched the gun away and gave it back to Mauricio. “Why didn’t you take the chance, huh? I gave you a chance, why didn’t you take it? Right, all of youse just saw this, alright? I gave you a chance and you didn’t take it, so you only have yourself to blame. Now, I have a small request. Kneel down on the ground and call me ‘Daddy’. You do that and I’ll let you and your boys go.” This was something that would be considered a kink in some cultures, but in Parker’s culture, it was a pro-gamer power move.
“How about it? That fair for ya?” Craig stayed silent. “Come on, f****t. Not gonna give me any face, are ya?” Parker had Liam pass him his gun as he pointed it at his head. “I’m gonna count to three again and if you don’t call me ‘Daddy’, I’ll put a bullet in your head.”
Parker counted to three again, which was when Craig decided to stand up and get on his knees. “Daddy,” he said. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I lose. Please let me and my friends go.”
Parker passed the gun back to Liam before taking the glass of alcohol on the table and pouring it on Craig’s head. “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I hereby baptise you… fheg.” He then emptied the glass, poured himself a drink and had Craig’s men toast him. “Right, that was a toast for your friend Craig.” Parker then turned back to him. “So then, from now on, when you see me and my boys in public you have to call me ‘Daddy’, or I’ll beat you every time I see you! Do I make myself clear? Call me one more time if you understand.”
“Understood, Daddy,” said Craig.
Parker laughed. “You sure are a smart boy, aren’t you, son? Right, let’s go.” Parker, Liam and Mauricio left, pointing their guns towards Craig’s table as they left.
For some time, Parker and his men made sure to pay Craig a visit so they could hear him call Parker ‘Daddy’. None of Parker’s men knew if he liked men or women, or both, or if he was just a sick cunt. Eventually, Craig never saw Parker or his men again as they had to rejoin the war.
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yeonchi · 1 month
The Investigation Chapter 2
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Written by Azuma Yeonchi
Adapted from Conquer 征服 episodes 3, 4, 10 and 11
Check out my other tie-in fanfic, Combo Rangers: Operation Wagan here:
Join the Discord servers to be notified for the event fanfic in October!
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Chapter begins after the break.
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Two years ago, after dealing with his enemies at Osaka Castle, Parker moved to São Paulo, which had recently been liberated from Salacian occupation, with his army to focus on fighting the Salacians and ending the war. With his ties to the Yabusaki Army, Parker was able to establish a number of businesses around São Paulo, but even with his fame and notoriety, he faced competition from people who had the balls to cross him.
Parker took over ownership of an arcade in Vila Pirituba, with the manager, Geraldo Mita, now reporting to him. While Parker himself never attended much, he sent a couple of men there for protection.
Not long after, Ronaldo Marquez opened another arcade nearby that was bigger than it, with more games, proper air conditioning, drinks and smokes. Geraldo wasn’t happy about it, but despite his objections, Parker attempted to extort R$200,000 out of Ronaldo for damages caused to his business. Ronaldo thought that was too much, so he went through an intermediary acquainted with Parker, Joel Stechat, and managed to settle it for R$70,000. When Parker and Ronaldo met at a restaurant to make the deal, Parker only went to give face to Joel, refusing to shake Ronaldo’s hand when he, Liam and Mauricio left.
Later, Joel asked Ronaldo for R$200,000, but Ronaldo refused to let him take it without writing up a receipt, the expectation being that Joel would return the money. Joel scoffed at Ronaldo and left, but a few days later, Ronaldo had Craig Handorer send his men to harass Joel and his friends. Joel reported this incident to the police and while Ronaldo was taken in for questioning, the case ended up being closed with no one being charged. While the incident gave Joel motive to kill Ronaldo, he wasn’t the killer in the end.
There were two reasons for this; one, if Joel wanted to get revenge on Ronaldo then he wouldn’t have gone to the police, and two, from observation, Joel appeared hardcore but on the inside, he was a softie who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Ronaldo must have seen this in him, which was why he didn’t let Joel take his money even though R$200,000 was a drop of water for him. That wasn’t the last of Ronaldo, however.
Ronaldo had a relative named Gusman who would always hang out in the arcade with his boys, just sitting at the games and not playing them. Ronaldo thought that wasn’t good for his business, so he arranged with Geraldo to have him and his boys play at his arcade with all the costs on him.
Over the next month, Gusman and his boys sunk R$8,000 and Ronaldo was generous enough to let Geraldo have it. The next day, however, Gusman and his boys came to extort the money back from him. Geraldo pushed back on it, even going so far as to ask Gusman to get Ronaldo over, but when Gusman mentioned the name of his boss, Pip Boyada, he just told Parker’s men to stand down and handed over the money. Pip was a notorious figure in the area and Gusman acquiesced as he was afraid of what he would do if he were to show up.
Just as Gusman and his boys left, however, Parker showed up with his men, knives in hands. “Where are they?” Parker asked.
“Where’s who?” Geraldo replied.
“The fuck are you talking about, where’s the guys who were after you?”
“You gave them the money, didn’t you?”
“Yeah. He said he’s with Pip Boyada. You really want to piss him off?”
“Funny mud go pee,” retorted Parker. “Why don’t you get him to call Pip here?”
“Look, I’ve had enough of this. I’m planning on closing up shop in a few months and doing something else.”
“And you call yourself a 6 foot man. This isn’t just about you, this is about me as well, you get it? This is clearly what Ronaldo Marquez wants from you. He wants you to piss the fuck off, get it?”
“Surely not?”
“Oh, you’re fucking useless.”
In retaliation, Parker and his men went to Ronaldo’s arcade to sit around taking up seats, going so far as to chase off other customers who were playing.
“Hey, lady!” Liam called to a nearby waitress. “Get us some smokes and drinks, would ya?” A few waitresses brought Parker and his men their smokes and drinks, which Parker refused as the men passed them around.
A waitress had called a security guard over to them. “You here to play, sir? If you’re not going to play, there are other customers who want to play.”
While his men got up and surrounded the security guard, Parker said to him, “What, can’t I just sit here and chill, adlay?”
“You’d better not cause a scene here. I’m sure it wouldn’t be good for anybody.”
Parker took a knife from one of his men and swung it at the security guard. His men then dragged the security guard away as they beat him up. Two other guards came to their colleague’s aid and got caught up in the chaos as well. Parker then pointed his knife to everyone else and said, “Alright listen here motherfuckers, my name is Parker Zhou. Tell your boss Ronaldo that this isn’t fucking over.” Not only were the three security guards injured, a number of arcade machines were damaged.
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yeonchi · 2 months
Sea Princesses 20th Anniversary Tie-Ins
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There's two months to go until we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sea Princesses. As I continue writing the climax to my epic event fanfic, I've got two new tie-in stories dropping this month.
Following the side story redux The Guardians and creepypasta The Successors along with the storyline skit in my Combo Rangers graphic novel reviews, I am proud to announce the new tie-in stories, Combo Rangers: Operation Wagan and The Investigation!
Combo Rangers: Operation Wagan is not going to be your ordinary superhero drama. In this war-torn world, the Rangers don't morph, but they still have powers which they use in the Drylanders' resistance against the Salacians. Join them as they carry out their mission to capture Penguin Prince Wagan, uncle to Penguin Princess Isa and prevent the Salacians from surrounding the Unified Resistance Army in Santos!
This story will be published on fanfiction.net here:
The Investigation follows a police investigation into Unified Resistance Army commander Parker Zhou's feuds with businessmen and army commanders after a number of people with known ties to him were found dead across São Paulo. A side investigation from a familiar figure also reveals a tragic incident in the early years of the war. Follow a story of friendship, brotherhood and revenge in this off-the-rails tale connecting the past and the present.
This story will be published on Tumblr under the following tag:
#sppdm 20th: the investigation
These tie-ins highlight an element that will be featured prominently in the main event fanfic, namely adaptation. Parts of the story will adapt storylines from multiple Chinese dramas memetic among netizens and popularised on sites such as AcFun and Bilibili. If you think these tie-ins are crazy, just wait until you see the main event.
New chapters will be released every Saturday AEST from 10 August to the end of September.
Join the Discord servers to be notified for the event fanfic in October!
Server de Princesas del Mar
Salacia en Discord!
Credits and sources:
Operation Wagan:
Isa/Nico: Carnal Oficial
Combo Rangers: Marcel Borges
Wagan: Liamasterink
The Investigation (from left to right, first and second rows):
(to be revealed at the end of September)
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yeonchi · 6 months
Kisekae Insights #48: Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 6 - After Quartzer
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Starting with W before continuing from Gaim onwards, each Rider series has featured post-series direct-to-video specials known as V-Cinemas, which serve as epilogues or side stories to the main series. In some cases, series have been known to receive streaming-exclusive specials on the Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club years after the series ended. Such specials typically feature new Riders or new forms for existing Riders, and of course, this series is no exception.
There are two blocks of post-series specials, each consisting of a longer and shorter special, that were released in November and December 2022. These specials are set in the new world created by Sougo after the destruction of the main series timeline, with all characters being recreated in the new world. The first block features major crossovers with highlighted franchises (featuring their respective opening themes at the start) while the second block consists of adaptations of the two TTFC Rider Time miniseries written by Chris Chibnall Toshiki Inoue.
Let’s jump into the post-series specials for Zi-O and the true ending for my personal project.
Decade vs Sea Princesses: Revenge of Quartzer
Adapted from Kamen Rider Genms -The Presidents- and -Smart Brain and the 1000% Crisis-.
Unlike the other specials, this special is set in the main timeline instead of the new world created by Sougo.
The Quartzer Riders continue to run rogue in the main timeline despite the defeat of their commanders. The Decade Riders, allying with Shugo, OOO, Birth and the non-Quartzer affiliated Salacian Riders, are tasked with suppressing the rogue Riders. Suddenly, Daniel Camielez (Ryuki) is afflicted with the Game Disease, causing a Bugster Kuroto Dan to emerge from his body. As a result of this, Daniel transforms into Ryuga instead of Ryuki. Genm defeats Ryuga and infects the Salacian Quartzer Riders, turning them into zombies under his control. After Ryuga is defeated, Dark Daniel (who is able to act independently from his host) separates from his body and covers the Salacian Riders’ escape.
In another battlefield, Decade and Diend are fighting the Quartzer Riders alongside Shugo Guardian Form (based on Den-O Liner Form), OOO Yadopangaru Combo (introduced in Soulbound Series 4) and Birth X. Akari’s rogue cousins join the battle on Quartzer’s side, only to be stopped by Accel Booster Form, Bravo King Durian Arms and Gridon Lychee Arms. The Quartzer Riders are captured and taken in by UNIT, but on the way, their cavalcade is surrounded by Zombie Gamers and the remaining Quartzer Riders are taken from it.
Hiroki and Daniel confront Kuroto alongside their allies. During the battle that ensues, Dark Daniel transforms into Ryuga Survive (a recolour of Ryuki Survive), which transforms Dragblacker into Blackranzer. As the other Riders are infected and Ryuga, Decade and Diend are defeated by Genm’s Mighty Critical Strike, time pauses and a Bugster Masamune Dan arrives to confront his son as Cronus. As the father and son argue, Daniel manages to convince the two to work together to achieve their dreams, allowing Kuroto to merge with his father and gain the Genm Musou Gashat. The new power allows Genm to summon his zombified Riders to charge at the remaining Riders; as Hiroki and Kayley transform into Decade Complete Form 21 and Diend Ultimate Complete Form and use the Gekijouban Attack Ride cards to summon all primary and secondary Riders, Daniel and Dark Daniel merge together into Kamen Rider RyukiRyugaSurvive, taking cues from EvilytyLive with the transformation pose of Kamen Rider Century.
All the Riders are released from Genm’s control as they are defeated and transformed. After Decade and Diend launch their shooting Final Attack Rides at Genm, RyukiRyugaSurvive launches the Impulse Dragon Rider Kick, which has Dragranzer and Blackranzer running laps around Genm as the combined Rider bounces off them similar to Drive’s SpeeDrop. With Kuroto’s disappearance, Daniel is cured of his Game Disease and the Quartzer Riders are forgiven since they have been punished enough already.
Zi-O vs Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rider Revolution
Adapted from Zi-O episodes 1, 49 and the Geiz Majesty special.
In the new world, Sougo Tokiwa and Akari Ichigo have become friends after their past conflicts and coincidentally, they apply to be transferred to Canterlot High. Geiz Myoukouin is transferring to Canterlot High as well while Luna Roberts is a local student living with her great-uncle Mark at the homestay house where Sougo, Akari and Geiz will be living in, also known as the clock repair shop 9TO5.
On the first day of school at Canterlot High (Sougo, Akari, Geiz and Luna are wearing the uniform), Akari quickly goes back to get her pencil case as she forgot to take it. It is at this point that Sougo, Geiz and Luna are met by Kazuto, Kensuke and Akihito, who inform them of the Minato-Sugaru Rider Championships happening around the island, encouraging them to win and set off on their path to glory. At the same time, Akari finds a Genesis Driver and Lemon Energy Lockseed beside her bed and takes it with her pencil case as she is in a hurry.
At Canterlot High, the students meet Vice Principal Swartz (working alongside Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna) along with two students resembling Heure and Ora (who are also wearing uniform). Heure and Ora show the four around the school as the students are getting ready for the Rider Championships which are happening throughout the first week of school (after summer break). As Ora remarks how she hates how the championships have made everyone hostile towards each other, Sougo and the others realise that they have their own Drivers and collectables, leading Heure and Ora to tell them to enter the championships and beat everyone.
Sure enough, Sougo and his group enter the championships, which are co-hosted by Superintendent Abacus Cinch, Principal Cadance of Crystal Prep Academy, and Vice Principal Swartz. Other teams joining include Team Decade, made up of Hiroki and Kayley from the main universe, and Team Barlckxs, made up of Hiryuu Kakogawa and two obscure figures from my past; in this timeline, Luna’s parents were killed by the Matsunaga Army, whom Hiryuu was a part of, when she was eight years old.
There are a total of five rounds in the championships with 32 teams duking it out. The Rainbooms are Team Wizard, the Shadowbolts are Team Gaim and the Dazzlings are Team Faiz. To get 32 teams, some non-primary Riders, namely Meteor, Nadeshiko, Beast, Sorcerer and Wiseman, are given their own teams supplemented by monsters, while the Future Riders from the main series return, forming their own teams as well.
Throughout the first three rounds, Sougo, Geiz and Luna gradually regain their memories of the old timeline through their Ziku Drivers and Ridewatches, while Kachinebots attack the city, which are defeated by Birth X and Kaixa from the main universe. Akari loses against her opponent in the first round (against Team Gaim, though it was a two-on-one fight for each of them), but manages to defeat Equestrian Twilight Sparkle in the second round. When Geiz and Luna are defeated in the second round against Team Nadeshiko, Kazuto gives the Zi-O II Ridewatch to Sougo so he can turn the tides.
In the third round, Kazuto joins Team Zi-O as they fight Team Barlckxs. During the battle, Sougo transforms with Geiz and Kazuto into Zi-O Trinity when Luna and Akari are at risk of being defeated. It is then that Sougo, Andrew and Luna remember everything of the old timeline; as they talk to Kazuto and Akari about what they know, Kazuto reveals that the births of Gaim to Zi-O took place earlier than normal due to the Rider Championships, adding that he is also investigating who is pulling the strings behind the scenes. Sure enough, it is revealed that Kensuke and Akihito are the ones pulling the strings alongside Team Barlckxs.
The fourth round is an all-out session featuring Team Zi-O and Team Decade against Team Wizard and Team Fourze, the latter side bringing their eliminated allies to the battle. In addition to Kazuto, Kensuke and Akihito also join Team Zi-O to even out the numbers as Geiz and Luna are given the power of Geiz Revive and Tsukuyomi ABC. Sure enough, Team Zi-O and Team Decade are victorious and will be fighting each other in the fifth and final round.
The fifth round is fought by Sougo and Hiroki as the representatives of their teams. This round will have them running a course as Riders around the island, encountering enemies which they need to defeat before they fight each other upon finishing the course. Sougo is given the Grand Zi-O Ridewatch by Kazuto while Hiroki uses Decade Complete Form 21. During the battle, it’s shown that Decade, like Grand Zi-O, can summon Riders (final forms) by touching the card holders on his armour.
Elsewhere, Kensuke and Akihito are about to create Another Geiz and Another Tsukuyomi when Ora unknowingly stops them. Hiryuu throws his Revolcane-like sword at the two, but Heure manages to deflect it, making Swartz realise that they are starting to recover their Time Jacker powers. Kazuto reveals the truth to everyone; Kensuke knew that Kazuto would betray him, but Kazuto says that his loyalty has always been with his overlord and nothing more.
Kensuke, working with Kazuto and Akihito, teamed up with Changyue and Hiryuu to bribe Abacus Cinch to allow the Rider Championships to take place, then replicated all the Rider equipment from the old timeline and distributed them to those who were willing to fight in the championships. Kensuke’s objective is to take the powers of the Kamen Riders and Time Jackers so he can become the true saviour and rule over the world. It is then that Swartz betrays Kensuke as well, saying that he was secretly working with Kazuto because he would not walk the same path he did in the old timeline. Kensuke reveals that he can still steal Geiz and Tsukuyomi’s powers through the Future Note, but nothing happens when he writes in it; his abuse of the Future Note’s power to make the Rider Championships happen caused it to overload, rendering him unable to will the future.
Kensuke and Akihito transform and fight Team Zi-O alongside Team Barlckxs. After being informed of the situation, Hiroki forfeits the match so Sougo can hurry back and help his friends. Akari struggles in battle until Narutaki (from the main timeline) arrives and gives her the Dragon Fruits Energy Lockseed. Kensuke, Akihito and Team Barlckxs are defeated, but the former two show up again at the abandoned warehouse district. Transforming into Another Diend and Another Gold Drive, Kensuke and Akihito summon an army of Kachinebots before they are eventually defeated by the Riders, with Kayley giving Geiz the Geiz Majesty Ridewatch once again.
As the defeated Kensuke and Akihito retreat, Sougo, Geiz, Kazuto and Luna find their power-up Ridewatches disappearing. Kazuto comments that being in a new timeline doesn’t mean that they can use their strongest powers that easily, but Sougo comments that a new timeline also means a new start, meaning that they will just have to work to earn their powers again.
Team Zi-O are presented with the championship cup as the other Riders’ equipment and collectibles disappear, with the exception of Team Zi-O and Team Decade. The next week as school starts for real, Sougo, Geiz and Luna decide to have a race to see who can achieve their dream of being the demonic overlord, saviour or queen first. Akari is asked who she wants to cheer for, but she says that she wants to join the race instead, opting to become a princess since Luna already took the position of queen. Kazuto, of course, backs Sougo, just as he always has been, while he opts to chronicle this new timeline himself.
This special was designed to be a pilot to a new hypothetical series featuring Team Zi-O earning their powers again, hence why all their power-ups disappeared at the end (because they were brought in from the old timeline). The implication of Another Geiz and Another Tsukuyomi being created is an allusion to the Zi-O novel, where the aforementioned Another Riders alongside Another Woz were featured. The prologue was translated by revolutionpotato and nobody else has picked up the novel because they stopped posting after 2022 and nobody cares about Kamen Rider novels. The novel is a Woz-centric story, which is possibly what a Next Time Woz special could have been if Shinichirō Shirakura hadn’t nixed it with the reasoning that it wouldn’t feel like Zi-O anymore if they made it.
Decade vs Zi-O and the Game in the House of Death
A direct adaptation of its original counterpart. Where the original special featured Yusuke Onodera along with pastiches of the Time Jackers, those characters are changed to original characters as I wanted to highlight more forgotten figures from my past (though believe it or not, there have been some that I would rather stay away from).
Between scenes, the Decade Riders (save Narutaki) are in the Reading Room waiting for Hiroki to signal his location to them once he finds the new demonic overlord, the true Sougo. We also get treated to Akari talking about how she and Hiroki are a sex-positive couple.
After Narutaki reveals herself as the true identity of the masked jester, she admits that she has become tired of serving the true Sougo and would join Zi-O and the Decade Riders in the final battle against Ohma Zi-O. Zi-O gives Decade the Ninja Ridewatch because he apparently can’t use it. When Ohma Zi-O defeats the Decade Riders, though, Hiroki finds himself in the same quarry but with a jeep nearby (he ended up in a different pocket dimension).
Zi-O vs Decade and the Seven Sougos
Another direct adaptation of its original counterpart.
A week prior to this story, new world Sougo and Geiz are given Saturday detention by Vice Principal Swartz as they have been falling behind on their schoolwork due to their duties fighting monsters whereas Luna and Akari have been able to catch up. Luna volunteers to join Sougo and Geiz as well while Akari hangs out with the Rainbooms, but on the day, Luna forgot to bring her homework so she went back to get it, which caused her to end up somewhere else when Canterlot High was brought into the pocket dimension. We also learn that after the Rider Championships, humans are being transformed into various monsters thanks to something known as the Kaiju Factor.
The love plot between Sougo and Heure is changed to Heure and Ora playing Magic: The Gathering. Swartz holds a tutorial for the detention students about how to play the game, but by the end, Heure and Ora are the only ones playing. Heure’s life is spared thanks to this.
Micro Chips is shown playing the water coin drop at Sougo A’s mini-carnival, replacing the goldfish catching game from the original. Danielita and Alchemic Flower also appear in this special.
In the original versions of the last special and this one, we had a supporting character named Misa Kuon played by Rena Takeda. In the adapted versions, she is named Charlie Quander and because the actress I (hypothetically) cast for her face claim is a rising talent who is still rather obscure, I won’t go out of my way to name her. However, I will say that Charlie’s actress also plays Windy Adams, aka Kamen Rider Poseidon; I initially had her in mind for Charlie, but later on, I needed an actress for Windy and I didn’t want to bother finding a new one, so I went with Charlie’s actress and left it at that.
At night, Sougo A helps Swartz make food out of monster meat. Swartz suggests that they cook a feast the next time he checks up on Heure and Ora; Sougo questions if this is okay, to which Swartz says that it is because Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are outright having relations with students. There are also original characters named Eva Fukada, Riley White, Brandi Mikami, Johnny Katō and Carter Shimizu. Just saying.
On election day, the ballot box is knocked over, though Micro Chips manages to give his ballot to Swartz. This version highlights that it was a failed election and that Sougo A won in an undemocratic process to lampoon how it was done in the original.
As the true Sougo transforms into Ohma Zi-O, Decade gives Zi-O the Ninja Ridewatch, which allows him to transform into Decade Armor Ninja Form (based on Ninja’s Tri-Battlizer form but keeping the default Decade Armor design). Though Decade is seemingly killed in Complete Form 21 by Ohma Zi-O, he ends up in the Reading Room with his friends thanks to the recall systems they have in their vortex manipulators and Drivers.
The pocket dimension is destroyed and everyone returns to their own universes. Sougo B says his goodbyes to Sougo A before he rides back to his own universe. Since Luna was late for Saturday detention, she will be joining Sougo and Geiz for real; since Swartz sent everyone else home, Sougo, Geiz, Luna, Swartz, Ora and Heure get to work cleaning up the school. And this is where our story ends after 11 years (it would have been 10 if it weren’t for the pandemic and real life getting in the way).
And thus ends the story of Zi-O. Our final two instalments for this run will cover background information on the characters of the series and the series itself.
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yeonchi · 6 months
Kisekae Insights #47: Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 5 - Before Quartzer
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Since Drive, the Blu-ray collections for Rider series have contained spin-off drama miniseries that serve as tie-ins to the main series, providing context to a character or an element in it. Before Quartzer serves the same purpose, but it provides background to multiple characters.
If the main series itself is “Over Quartzer”, then this miniseries is Before Quartzer while the post-series specials (that I will cover in the next instalment) is After Quartzer. As I stated in the last instalment, Between Quartzer was originally going to be two minisodes before they were merged into a filler episode.
Let’s take a look at the miniseries and then after that, I’ll share a summary of the original elements introduced in the main series.
Part 1: Zi-O and Decade
This minisode is a clip show consisting of various clips from Three Kingdoms and Soulbound with references to the demonic overlord and Hiroki Ichigo trying to investigate its identity as he finds his own timeline continuing to change despite efforts to stop it. The threat of Ohma Zi-O’s existence is described as on the level of the Time War, the Dimensional Merge, the creation of the dimensional bridge, the Parallax War and the black hole paradox.
There are some original scenes showing how Hiroki and Kayley got their X equipment from Ohma Zi-O and how the Kamen Riders were assembled for the Ohma War. There is also a scene showing how Mark found an amnesiac Sougo in the laneway before the start of the series.
Part 2/3: The Other Zi-O
The backstory of the other Sougo is covered in this two-parter.
In 2006, Sougo and Karen are friends who live twenty years apart from each other and frequently hang out in each other’s eras. Over time, the portal linking the two years shrinks and by the Battle of Chibi in 2008, the portal has fully closed.
A little while after, Sougo meets Fifi Forget-me-not and they become a couple. When the accident that killed Sougo’s parents happens the next year, he briefly returns to pick up Fifi before they elope as Sougo pursues his new dream of being king.
The next part skips to 2012 when Parker’s army fights the Sanada Army. The Flowertots are offered to be taken in by the fairies of Never Land and Fifi decides to part with Sougo. A few months after during the Salacian Rebellion, Akari and Narutaki are killed by Tubarina and Marcello before Veronica is saved from Marcela by Sougo, who kills the three Salacians before escaping with her. After some deliberation, Sougo allows Veronica to travel with him. Yes, Veronica, Akari and Narutaki’s cousin, never got her chance to shine because she went to a different school than her cousins; she only got introduced as part of the Teiro Army/Kurayami Alliance in 2014. I never got to know Veronica personally because of this (although some of my schoolfriends apparently did), so this was my chance to give her a bit of time in the spotlight.
The Battle of Sekigahara and the Ōsaka Campaign take place in 2015, a year later than in the original timeline. At this point in time, Sougo’s time powers (that were granted to him by Swartz in 2009) have developed to the point that he can freeze time, but because he usually allows Veronica to move with him in frozen time, the freezing effect is reduced to merely slowing down time. At Ōsaka Castle, the two of them make their way up to the top floor of the main keep and defeat the enemy commander. The dying enemy commander uses the last of his strength to shoot Sougo, but Veronica takes the shot; in her final moments, Veronica tells Sougo to be the best king he can be and not to let anything stand in his way, adding that the time she spent with him was the happiest she has ever been. Sougo is reported to have disappeared after this.
In 2018, Parker sends a letter to Sougo, pleading for him to return as the entire land has become his enemy and he needs Sougo’s help. However, Sougo’s attention is focused on a package that was, unbeknownst to him, sent by Swartz, containing the Ziku Driver and Zi-O Ridewatch. As he is confronted by Polvina and a small army seeking revenge for their fallen allies, Sougo transforms into Zi-O for the first time and defeats them, dedicating his first battle to Parker, Karen, Fifi and Veronica. He then goes back to the box and finds some more Ridewatches along with a laptop and Ridewatch dock, containing a message telling him to unlock all 19 Legend Ridewatches by collecting battle data, which he does over the next few months. The Ridewatches the other Sougo would unlock are merely emulations of Rider powers rather than the actual powers, thus they are not affected by the main Sougo unlocking his set of Ridewatches using the Riders’ actual powers.
Sougo then meets his main self during the events of episodes 9 and 10, then creates the Zi-O II Ridewatch from his end before going on to meet his main self again during the events of episode 16. After this, he is shown sending off his Cyberman figurine to his main self before hallucinating Veronica waving at him, being unknowingly seen by Queen Fifi and passing by a now-older Karen Brewer who had reunited with Sougo, albeit his main self.
Part 4: Geiz and Woz
The last minisode shows the backstories of Geiz, Kazuto and Luna, to an extent, showing how they ended up in Ohma Zi-O’s future and their time with the Resistance before they decide to go back in time to 2018.
Luna is found by the Resistance in 2058; having no memory of herself or her name, one of the Resistance leaders decides to adopt her, giving her the name Luna.
Geiz, also known as Andrew Cui, assisted Yuki Nagato in resurrecting Parker Zhou after his execution following the battle with the Sanada Army in 2011. After returning home, Geiz is visited by Yuki and sent to the future, having been tasked by the Data Overmind to guide him to an influence coming from the future.
Kazuto Hongō was captured in the battle with the Sanada Army and is sentenced to be executed as well, only to be saved and given a new purpose by Ohma Zi-O.
Geiz and Kazuto are brought to the year 2063 where they are taken in by the Resistance and Ohma Zi-O respectively. Kazuto is given his mission to join the Resistance as a spy and he does so, managing to beat Geiz and the other Resistance members during training.
Five years later in 2068, Kazuto leads a splinter unit with Geiz and Luna in it. The Resistance are visited by the Decade Riders who offer to assist them in defeating Ohma Zi-O. Kazuto reports this to Ohma Zi-O, who has Swartz working for him as his advisor in Kazuto’s absence. It is Swartz who gives Ohma Zi-O to guide another version of himself into this timeline to become the next Ohma Zi-O, despite Kazuto’s objections.
The Ohma War happens and Ohma Zi-O brings the main Sougo from the 2012 of his timeline to 2068 before sending him to 2018 while scattering the Riders throughout time. Swartz disappears after this and Kazuto is sent back to the Resistance.
Later, Kazuto offers to act as a spy for the Resistance; this is the perfect opportunity for him and Ohma Zi-O to deal with the Resistance once and for all. Kazuto is ordered to get the Resistance to bring everything they have to one place before he is tasked with heading to 2018 and guiding the main Sougo into the way of the overlord.
Most of the Resistance is defeated at the hands of Ohma Zi-O, with Geiz and Luna among those surviving. Geiz follows after Ohma Zi-O and steals the equipment he would use to become Kamen Rider Geiz, using it to confront Ohma Zi-O and avenge his fallen comrades. Ohma Zi-O had foreseen this and fights Geiz, who steals the Ghost and Drive Ridewatches out of his hands before leaving. Geiz goes back to the Resistance camp and takes one of the Time Mazines (that had turned red in response to Geiz’s awakening Rider power) to head back to the past. Luna gets into another Time Mazine and follows after him, leading into the events of the series.
Summary of original elements for this series
Zi-O Decade Armor
W Form (Double CycloneJokerXtreme)
Kuuga Form (Kuuga Ultimate Form)
Another Riders
Another Growing Kuuga (N-Daguva-Zeba)
Another Double (other Half Changes x7)
Another Magica (replacing Another Kiva)
Another Shugo (replacing Another Den-O)
Another Gold Drive (recolour of Another Drive)
Another Ninja (recolour of Another Shinobi)
Another Decade Complete
Kamen Riders
Kamen Rider Wakusei
Kamen Rider Taiyou
Kamen Rider Woz The Next
Tsukuyomi ABC/Zikan Ratchet
Rapier Mode - Zaba Zaba Strike
Hatchet Mode - Jiri Jiri Hacking
Pick Mode - Wabu Wabu Picker
Diend Ultimate Complete Form
Zi-O Quartzer (same as main form)
Il Salvatore Geiz (same as main form)
The Zi-O Over Quartzer Ridewatch and the Il Salvatore Geiz Ridewatch are identical to the aurora-plated Zi-O Ridewatch and the China-exclusive Geiz Ridewatch, which is practically metallic armour for them. Zi-O Quartzer’s transformation tune is based on what would come later for Zi-O Ohma Form and Il Salvatore Geiz’s transformation tune is based on that of Geiz Revive Shippu.
“レベレーションタイム! 仮面ライダージオウ! クォーツァー!” “Revelation Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O Quartzer~!”
“セイビアータイム! ゲイツゲイツゲイツ! ゲイツゲイツゲイツ! イル・サルバトーレ ゲイツ! ゲイツ!” “Saviour Time! Geiz~Geiz~Geiz! Geiz~Geiz~Geiz! Il Salvatore Geiz! Geiz!”
So, you know that one Supplementary Plan episode where they joked about Tsukuyomi becoming a Rider before it actually happened? We made the Ridewatch a real thing. Tsukuyomi ABC’s main design element is that the Ridewatch (the artist says that he got the dial’s direction wrong, but to me it fits perfectly for this) and helmet visor uses the “TSUKU” lettering as shown in the gag, otherwise the rest of the suit is the same as the base form. This form also grants her an original weapon, the Jikan Ratchet, which is a retool of the Jikan Despear made to be held at the hilt like a rapier, hatchet or pick-axe, therefore the touch panel is positioned as such. The transformation tune is a hybrid of Geiz and Tsukuyomi’s transformation tunes.
“ライダータイム! 仮面ライダーツクヨミ♪ ツ・ク・ヨ・ミ! ABCタイム! 仮面ライダー♪ A・B・C!” "Rider Time! (Elegant electronic music) Kamen~ Ri~der~ Tsuku~yomi! Tsu-ku-yo-mi! ABC Time! (Electronic beat) Kamen Rider~ (Cut back to elegant electronic beats) A-B-C!"
Another Decade Complete is an original monster to the adaptation which serves as Another Decade’s upgrade form. It is accessed through the Another Driver, with the Decade Anotherwatch on the right side and the Decade Complete Anotherwatch on the left side (this is the inverse to conventional Ride Armor use on the Ziku Driver and is done so due to how Anotherwatches are made for the right side of the Driver).
“コンプリートタイム! 完全無欠裏ライダーの力… (アナザータイム!) 極まれりせよ! ディケイド! コンプリート!” “Complete Time! Kanzen muketsu ura Rider no chikara (Another Time!) Kiwamareri seyo! Decade! Complete!”
Akihito can transform into Kamen Rider Woz The Next, the suit being of Zi-O Woz Armor but without the scarf and with the helmet of Kamen Rider Woz.
“投影! フューチャータイム! 限界! 展開! 世界! 仮面ライダー ウォズ ザ ネクスト!” “Touei! Future Time! Genkai! Tenkai! Sekai! Kamen Rider Woz The Next!”
This adaptation’s version K-Touch 21 removes the button for Zero-One and replaces it with the Clear button like on the original. The 21st power for Decade Complete Form 21 is that of Kamen Rider Ninja, being highlighted due to being the odd one out of the Heisei Riders (that is, he wasn’t a Heisei Rider or an original Rider created to replace a Heisei Rider).
Diend’s upgraded K-Touch (for Diend Ultimate Complete Form) uses the 5x4 screen with a card that has the power of all 18 secondary Kamen Riders (with the exception of herself and Kuuga because his series didn’t have a secondary Rider).
Speaking of Decade, I have a theory about how Decade (using the Neo Decadriver) could use the powers of other Rider forms while in their default forms. A friend of mine shared this to me from a Discord server he was in:
The NeoDecadriver needed codes to accommodate the Heisei 2 Riders, so they cut out all the subforms for everyone except for finals. The attacks and items for a Rider are now accessible in their base forms. I initially thought they were being fucking lazy when they had Agito using the Flame Sword in his base form and Wizard using water in Flame style, but after seeing how they did the cards for the H2 Riders (and how Agito's individual form parts were apparently always available), that had to have been intentional ...now that I think about it, that may be why DecadeArmor uses the first upgrade forms (when applicable). Fucking Tsukasa gave Sougo his leftover cards as a watch.
As for why Zi-O’s Decade Armor forms switch between being based off of upgrade, super and final forms? Aside from availability, another reason could be that they had to select forms that didn’t conflict with the Decade Armor parts for the torso and shoulders, mostly the undersuit-based forms. This likely explains why Decade Armor Ghost Form uses Grateful Damashii and not Toucon Boost if the other Decade Armor forms are based on “first upgrade forms”.
In terms of Decade Armor W Form and Kuuga Form, why did I pick them to be based on Double CycloneJokerXtreme and Kuuga UItimate Form? For Double, FangJoker is a form that uses Philip as the body and thus, Shoutarou wouldn’t be able to just upgrade into that form without detransforming. As for Kuuga, the Rising forms and Amazing Mighty are merely upgrades of the base forms and thus the undersuit looks rather plain compared to Ultimate.
Let me tell you something about the Mirai Driver. In the centre where the different faceplates can be placed, there are four holes on the bottom which are buttons used to trigger the different sounds in the P-Bandai DX release. With the right-most button being used as the activation trigger, there are three buttons left which are used to detect which faceplate to activate the sounds for. Each button would correspond to Shinobi, Quiz and Kikai, but then we have Ginga, which is activated by holding down the two centre buttons. When you consider the combinations you can make with three buttons, that means that there are three more combinations that are not used.
If one of those combinations are for Hattari, then the other two combinations are for Wakusei and Taiyou. Their faceplates are rehashes of Shinobi and Hattari, with Wakusei’s faceplate being a circular planet model revolving around a central point and Taiyou’s faceplate being a picture of a sun that can be spun. Wakusei’s finishers are the Planetary Spark, Big Bang Utopia and Extinction Blast while Taiyou’s finishers are the Supernova Bolide, Sunstorm Energy Impact and Destruction Burst.
My version of Ginga’s faceplate would work differently in that it has a standby loop like Shinobi and Quiz. It’s unfair that we never got a henshin sequence for Ginga and he honestly deserves one.
Next time, we’ll take a look at the post-series specials that are collectively known as After Quartzer.
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yeonchi · 6 months
Sea Princesses: Into the Liamverse Part 24: Yo-Kai Benja Special
There's no YouTube Community post link for this one as these OCs, created by Liamverse YouTuber Yo-Kai Benja, were sent to me via Discord DMs. This is a look into the salines of what could possibly be yet another universe. The World of Salacia, located off the coast of Brazil (particularly near Santos, Sao Paulo), isn't the only place where salines, kingdoms and royal families can be found. These princes and princesses are from kingdoms located across a mass of Dryland from Salacia, off the coast of Viña del Mar in Valparaíso, Chile. Read to the end for some lore and theories.
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Leo (Mussel Prince)
Name: Leo
Occupation: Mussel Prince
Race: Saline
Residence: Mussel Kingdom (off the coast of Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Chile, former)/Salacian Metropolis (current)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Likes: Chilean culture, Chilean rock, music, playing bass, Drylander customs
Dislikes: Drylander fishermen
Mussel King (father) ✝️
Mussel Queen (mother) ✝️
Chorito (pet)
Felipe (best friend)
Merluzina (friend)
Reinetina (friend)
Globina (friend)
Delfi (friend)
Agostinha (friend)
Marcello (bandmate)
Hugo (bandmate)
Sirilo (bandmate)
Leo is the Mussel Prince. When he was 9, fishermen destroyed Leo’s home in the Mussel Kingdom and his parents were killed, leaving him in the care of the families of his friends Felipe, Merluzina, Reinetina and Globina as he frequently moved between their kingdoms with his pet Chorito, becoming more and more independent as a result.
When Leo turned 15, he decided to move to Salacia, where he made numerous friends including Delfi, Agostinha, Marcello, Hugo and Sirilo. Although he loved living in the metropolis of Salacia, he would visit his friends back home sometimes, hoping that they could go on a trip with him to Salacia one day. He also frequents the Dryland cities of Valparaíso and Viña del Mar in Chile.
Leo is a kind person who likes to help people around him and works to prevent Drylanders from bringing harm to the sea.
 - Leo prefers to travel between his kingdom and Salacia through Dryland as it would be a two-week trip by bus (around the treacherous Drake Passage) whereas it takes 6 to 7 hours by plane and public transportation (from Viña del Mar to Florianópolis via Santiago). Before the Salacia-Dryland Peace Treaty was signed in 2018, this would have been an impossibility due to it breaking the First Law of Salacia.
- Leo is a fan of all things Chilean, such as the food, the cities and above all, music.
- Leo loves to listen to Chilean bands such as Chancho en Piedra, Los Prisioneros, Los Bunkers and 31 Minutos. He plans on forming a tribute band with Marcello, Hugo and Sirilo but he is unable to decide which group to tribute.
- Leo is a bass player, with his inspirations being Felipe Ilabaca and Jorge Gonzalez.
- Leo’s initial design had him wearing a t-shirt with the Chilean flag on it.
- Leo also has a pet mussel named Chorito.
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Globina - Globefish Princess
Name: Globina
Occupation: Globefish Princess
Race: Saline
Residence: Globefish Kingdom (off the coast of Viña del Mar, Valparaíso, Chile)
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Likes: Music, hanging out with her friends
Dislikes: People making fun of her for her enlargement reflex
Leo (best friend)
Merluzina (friend)
Reinetina (friend)
Unknown prince (love interest, created by elpijazo)
Globina is the Globefish Princess, her family distant relatives to the Blowfish Royal Family. She lives in the Globefish Kingdom, off the coast of Viña del Mar in Chile, across a mass of Dryland from Salacia. Her design is based on the longnose puffer.
The Globefish Royal Family has a peculiarity about them; every time they get excited, their heads inflate and they have to deflate themselves. They can also trigger this inflation manually to prank others or scare off predators. Globina feels uncomfortable when she stays inflated for too long as it makes her body feel tight. Other people tend to make fun of her family for this, much to their chagrin.
Globina’s best friend is Leo, with whom she shares some of the same tastes such as their love for music.
Other OCs
Felipe (Chilean Abalone Prince)
No other details are known at the time of writing.
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Merluzina (Southern Hake Princess)
Note: Merlo and his family are the main royal family of the Hake Kingdom, mostly representing the Argentine hake.
Merluzina is noted to be a kinder version of Tubarina.
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Reinetina (Southern Ray Bream Princess)
Reinetina is Merlutina's best friend, though the latter finds her annoying at times.
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The lore of sub-species
While the World of Salacia may be vast, there are only so many kingdoms that can be located in the realm, so other kingdoms were established outside of it. Like with the kingdoms of Salacia, there are families who represent and look after smaller genera or species of fish. Some of them may be princes, princesses or high-ranking generals or ministers who are assigned a smaller species by their kings and queens. Some of them may be other nobles or aristocrats from a particular kingdom. Some of them may just be ordinary people, whether upper, middle or lower class, who could be distantly related to a Salacian royal family.
These families still have responsibilities to their particular species and are answerable to a family that oversees their taxonomic rank, up to the top rank that is the Salacian royal families. One such example is the Hammerhead Shark Kingdom; prince Marcello and princess Marcela are cousins to prince Veto and princess Tubarina of the Shark Kingdom. While Veto and Marcello may be the heirs to their respective thrones, Tubarina and Marcela could still be queens, only to a lesser sub-species and they would also be answerable to their respective monarchs. Not every prince or princess will become the ruler of a sub-kingdom, though they may be assigned to other positions.
Despite this caste system, there is rarely any discrimination, for the Laws of Salacia state that all families and all castes, whether royal, commoner or anywhere in between, should be respected.
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