#Sam Cleeve
autistook · 5 months
♡ Samwise Gamgee marries Rosie Cotton
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'And so it was settled. Sam Gamgee married Rose Cotton in the spring of 1420 (which was also famous for its weddings), and they came and lived at Bag End. And if Sam thought himself lucky, Frodo knew that he was more lucky himself; for there was not a hobbit in the Shire that was looked after with such care.'
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velvet4510 · 10 months
Ok here’s a whole essay’s worth of headcanons about some of the LOTR main characters’ lives in the Fourth Age, particularly their children.
(note: some of these names and marriages I’ve invented, and some I’ve borrowed from Elenya54’s phenomenal fics “All That I Had” and “The Gift of Ilúvatar,” which have many elements that I’ve absorbed into my hc, including Frodo leaving letters for Sam & Elanor and jewelry for Rosie, as well as Legolas ending up with Frodo’s healer’s daughter. Elanor & Fastred’s historian work is mentioned in Tolkien’s appendices. Frodo-lad’s love of dwarves and Rosie-lass’ love of the Entwives are taken from Tolkien’s unpublished epilogue.)
I have bolded all of the named characters that I’ve invented (some are named after canonical figures and some have original names).
All dates in Shire Reckoning.
Frodo wrote Sam a love letter before he left Middle-earth, which Sam carried in his waistcoat pocket close to his heart every day.
Frodo also left a letter for Elanor to read when she was older, letting her know how much he loved her and how sorry he was that he could not be there to watch her grow; he signed the letter “your Frodo-dad,” to which Rosie referred to him as she firmly felt that her daughter had two fathers in her life before Frodo had to leave. This is why Elanor called her father “Sam-dad” all her life.
Frodo left Rosie a set of freshly-polished jewelry (necklace, earrings, and bracelet) that once belonged to his mother Primula. Rosie always cherished these trinkets and wore them to every formal event she ever attended; she lent them to Elanor to wear at her wedding to Fastred.
Sam & Rosie’s entire family adopted the Gardner surname in the year 1424.
Sam taught all his children to read and write in both Westron and Sindarin. He was known as “the People’s Mayor,” as he helped the rich and poor alike. He came to know everyone in Hobbiton, regardless of class, on a first-name basis. He advocated for literacy in the entirety of the Shire, and his agenda ultimately modernized the Shire and created new opportunities for education, including the land’s first-ever public school in Michel Delving. He managed to change many conservative minds who used to not believe in the importance of reading by emphasizing how he only was able to accomplish what he did because of the knowledge he gained from Bilbo Baggins. He also personally planted many public and private gardens in the Shire, including a memorial garden for Frodo in the Party Field; his continuation of manual labor despite his affluent position went a long way in weaking the previously strict Shire social class system.
The efforts to rebuild after the Scouring, combined with Sam’s rise from lowly gardener to Master of Bag End and Mayor, shook up the class system. Many formerly upper- and middle-class families who had lost big chunks of their fortunes in repairing the Ruffians’ damage turned to manual labor to help the work move faster. It was a humbling experience for many, and the working class gained more respect than it’d ever had before. Sam’s brothers and cousins had their hands full taking on apprentices to learn their skills and help out. As a result, the Fourth Age saw more employment for hobbits than ever before; the bourgeois lifestyle became far less common.
Rosie became a leader in her own right, helping all the poorer hobbits in one way or another. She threw many parties at Bag End, including an annual celebration on September 22nd in honor of Bilbo and Frodo. Having been taught to read and write by Sam as a child (who passed on Bilbo’s lessons to her curious mind), she set her husband’s educational goals into motion by becoming a part-time tutor for hobbit children once her own children were older and in less need of her constant care. Many of the hobbits she tutored went on to become schoolteachers. She became extremely popular and respected, and when she died, a major party was thrown in her honor that went down in Shire history alongside Bilbo’s famous party.
Legolas and Gimli paid visits to the Shire as often as they could.
Elanor was a lifelong bibliophile and linguist. While working for Queen Arwen, she became fluent in Sindarin and translated many Elvish texts in the library. She was far more interested in the Elvish language and culture than any of her siblings. Besides Elfstan and Fíriel, she and Fastred also had 4 other children: Frodo, Astred, Arwen, and Rosemary. The couple led the Westmarch community together, doing a lot of impactful philanthropic work, and created an extensive library filled with historical records of the Shire, as well as Elves and Men, all the information that Elanor could compile while working in Gondor. Elanor also was struck with many dreams throughout her life of events in the Red Book, as she vividly imagined all the descriptions she heard and read so many times. A natural empath, she developed a deep understanding of Frodo’s suffering post-quest - mainly because of the personal connection she felt with him through his letter to her - and wrote several volumes of original poetry in both Westron and Sindarin, inspired by her two fathers. She became a beloved celebrity in the Shire, and eventually throughout Middle-earth when the Queen requested and published a copy of her work (with her permission). She, her husband, and their children continued to visit Gondor through the years and maintained a lifelong friendship with the royal family. Elanor eventually surpassed Bilbo Baggins as the oldest-lived hobbit in Middle-earth history, living to the age of 133.
Frodo-lad shared his father’s deep passion for gardening and they worked together on the flowers and vegetables at Bag End every day. He often teamed up with Elanor, his best friend as well as his sister, to help their parents manage their younger siblings growing up. He developed a love of Dwarves after reading about them in the Red Book; Gimli once created and gifted to him a harmless toy dwarf axe for his birthday. He was as skilled a scholar as Elanor, but didn’t enjoy it as much as she did, preferring the outdoors. However, he did help her with her research on Shire history for her library and eventually wrote his own book on gardening. He later married a hobbit lass named Violet, who hailed from the Bunce family. Besides Holfast, they had 3 other children: Heather, Wilfred, and Lavender. Frodo eventually became Mayor after his father retired and inherited Bag End when his father left the Shire. By this time, enough residents of Hobbiton had learned to read to enable him to open the town’s first-ever public library, which included copies of his own gardening book. The title of Mayor was later taken up by Holfast after his own retirement, and then later by Holfast’s son Harding of the Hill.
Rosie-lass was an in-demand artist who sketched and painted illustrations for the Red Book as well as portraits and landscapes which were given away as mathoms. The walls of Bag End were covered with her art. Framed in her and her sisters’ bedroom was her favorite creation: a drawing of a fantasy in which she found the lost Entwives. She later married Fredegar Bolger’s son Rudecar and they had 7 children.
Young Merry eventually took over operation of the mill formerly owned by the Sandymans and purchased by Frodo after the Scouring. He married Robin Smallburrow’s daughter Hazel and they had 3 children.
Young Pippin became a skilled furniture maker and married one of Fredegar Bolger’s daughters, Jessaminta. They had 5 children.
(The mother of Fredegar Bolger’s children was his wife Angelica Baggins, the last of the Baggins bloodline. Sam and Rosie were thrilled that their family was united with one of Baggins descent via Rosie-lass and Pippin’s marriages.)
As per canon, Goldilocks married Pippin Took’s son Faramir. They had 6 children and eventually became the heads of the Took family. Goldilocks loved to cook with her mother as a child and later insisted on helping the cooks at the Great Smials hands-on with preparing meals, class system be buggered. She and her husband made sure to pass this egalitarian mindset onto their children.
Hamfast loved the story of the Ents so much that he dedicated his life to forestry. He married Malva, who hailed from the Burrows family, and they had 3 children.
Daisy inherited her father’s knack for songwriting and composed many tunes which she eagerly performed at parties. She sang at all her siblings’ weddings. She herself married and had 4 children with Merry’s son Théodoc.
Primrose, a tomboy all the way, inherited her father’s talent with knots and became Hobbiton’s exclusive roper, alongside her cousin Anson’s latest apprentice, Nico Goodbody; they married and had 3 children.
Bilbo enjoyed a simple life working for the Quick Post and co-owning a bakery with his wife Azalea Hayward (daughter of Shirriff Hob), with whom he had 2 daughters.
Ruby became fascinated with medicine and eventually took on a career as a midwife. She was deeply moved by Frodo’s words in the Red Book about cherishing the beloved land that was saved by him and her father, and she took it upon herself to help bring the next generation of hobbits into the world to honor his wishes. She eventually married and had 5 children with Pippin’s son Beregond.
Robin followed in his namesake’s footsteps and became a Shirriff. He married Merry’s daughter Éowyn and they raised their 4 children in Frodo’s former residence at Crickhollow.
Tom became a merchant, traveling constantly between Gondor and the Shire. He never married but had a lifelong partnership with Pippin’s youngest son Beren. The two of them looked after the old hobbit in his final years in Minas Tirith, as he needed walking sticks to help him move due to lasting effects of troll-inflicted wounds. They shared their luxurious house with Pippin until his eventual death at age 106, two years after Merry had succumbed to a long illness in Pippin’s arms at age 112. Tom himself became quite an adventurer, retracing the Fellowship’s steps and sightseeing all of the quest’s locations with Beren. They both eventually rose in esteem to become advisors to the king.
Many times, but even more so in his later years, Sam had dreams of the Sea.
All of the children moved out of Bag End when they married, except Frodo-lad, who raised his own family in Bag End while also looking after his aging parents.
When Rosie fell ill for the last time, Sam and Frodo-lad summoned all 12 of Frodo’s siblings to Bag End, and they all were present in their mother’s last moments. On her deathbed, Rosie bequeathed Primula’s jewelry to Elanor.
Before sailing West, Sam showed Frodo’s love letter to Tom, Beren, and later Elanor. Although he never saw the letter, Frodo-lad also sensed his father’s true feelings for his namesake. They were the only members of their generation to be aware of Frodo & Sam’s secret romance; they honored Sam’s wish that this detail be kept private and left out of all records.
Elanor, Fastred, Frodo-lad, Goldilocks, Faramir, and Pearl all collaborated on the creation of the Thain’s Book, mainly working on it in the two years between Elanor’s inheriting of the original book and Pippin’s impending departure, which he was already considering and discussing with his family even before Éomer wrote to Merry.
When Sam sailed, he took with him several flower seed packets to plant in the West, a stash of Old Toby, letters for Frodo from the rest of the Fellowship (updating him on their lives and families), and a book of Elanor’s poetry which she intended as a present for Frodo. He also was given a small trinket from each of his children, which he kept and cherished as mementos of them. He left the Star of the Dúnedain and Sting to Frodo-lad, and both became cherished Gardner family heirlooms.
Sam happily reunited with Frodo on Tol Eressëa. Since time passed differently there, Frodo had not aged. Sam’s physical youth was gradually restored by the island’s rejuvenating energy, as was Bilbo’s. The couple lived happily together in a hobbit hole which Frodo had built for Sam.
In his time on the island, besides being fully healed by the combined efforts of Gandalf, Elrond, a Vanya healer, and Nienna herself, Frodo became good friends with Celebrían, as they understood each other’s similar reasons for sailing West. He became a gardener, realizing how much knowledge he absorbed from Sam through the years, and helped tend to many Elves’ private gardens as well as his own, and also became fluent in Quenya as a necessity for communication.
When Sam had settled in, Frodo taught him to speak Quenya and to swim.
Bilbo eventually chose to lay down his life after leaving nothing unsaid between him and the younger hobbits. However, Frodo and Sam continued on, and were still living when Legolas and Gimli finally arrived. They and Gandalf enjoyed many happy times together, especially at the beach, and reminisced about their lost friends.
When the hobbits finally accepted their mortality together, lying in each other’s arms after saying all their goodbyes, their bodies were laid side-by-side in their garden near Bilbo’s body, and their now-vacant hobbit hole became a permanent memorial for them. They left all of their possessions to be placed within a historical museum in Avallónë, containing artifacts from all the ages of the world. A second, more traditionally Elvish memorial for them was built near that museum.
Pippin & Diamond were friends since tweenhood, but only saw each other in a platonic light for many years, and Pippin had some fun flirting with and trying to impress lasses when he returned from the Quest. An avid reader, Diamond was fascinated by the stories of what happened to him. But she was also an unusually empathetic and insightful hobbit, and she could sense that not all of Pippin’s adventures were fun, and that he had some lingering trauma. She became his safe space to talk to, and they quickly fell in love. As Tolkien put in canon, they finally married in 1427 (when Diamond was 32 and not even of age yet, as they couldn’t wait any longer) and the heir to the Thainship was their son Faramir, born in 1430, who later married Goldilocks. Here’s my version of the rest of their family:
Faramir took after Diamond more than Pippin. He had his sense of humor but had a sense of responsibility much earlier on in life and grew to be a fine leader in his own right, long before becoming Thain. He bonded closely with his namesake during a year-long visit to Gondor in which he served as a page to the King. He overcame Goldilocks’ shyness toward boys via their lifelong friendship from childhood that blossomed into more in their tweens.
Once Faramir was born, Pippin & Diamond realized that they loved parenting and wanted a big family, not unlike Sam & Rosie. They wanted to take on the adventure together and they did. Diamond wanted all her children to have special unconventional names and encouraged Pippin to borrow names of people he met on his quest and who he’d read about. Pippin agreed as long as his wife agreed to allow herself her own honor by naming all their daughters after jewels like her. They visited Gondor together often.
Their 1st daughter Pearl was born in 1433. An introvert, she preferred to read and draw than go to parties. A natural scholar like her mother, she was responsible for the cultivation of the Great Smials’ library, collecting and writing much of the history of Gondor, helped largely by her youngest brother’s frequent travels to the kingdom. She eventually married into the Goodbody family to Elio, brother of Nico (who married Primrose Gardner). They had 2 children.
2nd son Boromir was born in 1436. He helped his older brother keep their younger siblings in check. He initially in his youth felt hurt that he was named after the man who tried to steal the Ring, but as he grew older and came to understand the full story better, he came to deeply admire and respect his namesake. He opened a law firm alongside his best friend Estel Brandybuck, and married Fredegar Bolger’s youngest daughter, Miramunda; they had 7 children.
3rd son Beregond was born in 1438. He worked as an auctioneer and married Sam & Rosie’s daughter Ruby. See above.
Twins Bergil (boy) and Opal (girl) were born in 1440.
Bergil followed in his grandfather Paladin’s footsteps and made a living from farming the fertile earth of Tuckborough. His sister-in-law Goldilocks was helpful in this endeavor, as she arranged for him to gain experience in his youth by helping her mother’s family, the Cottons, at their own farm for a year. He married and had 3 children with Lydia Hornblower.
Opal founded the Shire’s first theatrical company and wrote many plays that retold the full story of the Fellowship. It was her plays that enlightened the rest of the Shire regarding the extent of Frodo Baggins’ sacrifice, and his reputation vastly improved as much of the population finally understood his heroism. Opal married into the Grubb family to a lad named Aldo, and they also had 3 children.
When she heard the story of Beren and Lúthien for the first time while pregnant with Emerald, Diamond loved it so much that she insisted they name their next boy after Beren.
3rd daughter Emerald was born in 1443, named in honor of her great-aunt Esmeralda Brandybuck. She married into the Burrows family to Marco, brother of Malva (who married Hamfast Gardner). They opened an affluent restaurant together near the Three-Farthing Stone, which blended Shire cuisine with those of Gondor and Rohan via recipes collected by Emerald’s father and “Uncle Merry”. They also had 2 children.
5th son and youngest child, Beren, was born in 1446. He never married but had a romantic life partner in Sam & Rosie’s son Tom, with whom he worked as a merchant. See above.
After many happy years, Diamond died at age 86 in 1481, six months before Rosie’s passing. She held on until she heard the news that her youngest grandchild had been born safely earlier that day.
Estella pursued Merry for many years until she finally won him over. They married the same year that Faramir Took was born, and decided they wanted a smaller family than the Gardners and the Tooks. They ultimately had 4 children:
1st son Théodoc was born in 1432. Merry knew he wanted to name his firstborn after his late king; Estella agreed, admiring the king greatly from her husband’s stories, but wanted to continue the tradition of giving the future Master a name ending in “-doc.” This was their compromise. Théodoc was a born scholar like his father and helped him put together his book on old words and names. He later married Sam & Rosie’s daughter Daisy; they became the Master and Mistress of Buckland when Merry left the Shire for the last time.
2nd son Estel was born in 1436. His parents were amazed at how perfectly the name worked as a tribute to both Aragorn and to Estella herself. Estel was a mama’s boy and never minded his name’s resemblance to hers, even before making the thrilling discovery that he was also named for a king. He opened a law firm with his best friend Boromir. On a family trip to Bree, Estel met a real Underhill, named Amelia; they instantly fell in love and he brought her home to Buckland as his bride. They bore 3 children.
1st daughter Éowyn was born in 1439. She worshipped and maintained a lifelong friendship with her namesake, who sent her birthday presents every year, and in whose footsteps she followed by becoming the Shire’s most reliable healer. She also helped her father gather research for his herblore books, and gained much knowledge of herbal medicines from this project. She later married Sam & Rosie’s son Robin; they first got together when Tom & Beren played matchmaker.
2nd daughter Athela was born in 1441, named after Athelas in honor of her father’s love of herbs and her mother’s appreciation for the specific herb that saved her father’s life. She married into the Goldworthy family and had 3 children with her husband Fabian. She shared her sister’s passion for independent thinking and eventually became a teacher at the Shire’s first public school.
Merry was the first of the Travellers to be widowed, as Estella passed in 1480 at age 95. The following year, Athela named her newborn 3rd child after her mother.
As Tolkien wrote, Aragorn & Arwen’s firstborn was Eldarion, born in 1422, who eventually succeeded his father as king and created a long-lasting dynasty. According to me, Eldarion was followed by three younger sisters:
Melíriel was born in 1425. She remained in close touch with her Elvish roots and arranged for the history of Elves and Men to be taught in all of Gondor’s schools. It was for her and her sister’s sake that her parents were inspired to issue a law requiring girls to be educated as well as boys. She later married Elboron, son of Faramir & Éowyn (b. 1424), and they became Prince and Princess of Ithilien after Elboron’s parents’ deaths, and helped Legolas restore the land to its former glory. Their son Barahir wrote The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen (Tolkien canon).
Twins Celebrithil and Gilraeloth were born in 1429.
Celebrithil was a linguist and expert diplomat and helped her father with peace talks among the Southern and Eastern lands, made easier when she became fluent in the languages spoken by the Haradrim. She was close friends with Elanor, as they shared a passion for learning languages.
Gilraeloth was a tomboy who joined the remaining Rangers of the North in patrolling the woodlands of Arnor, eventually marrying a fellow Ranger.
All four of Aragorn & Arwen’s children were raised bilingual in Westron and Sindarin. The Sindarin language became common in Gondor once again, and was taught in schools.
Eldarion oversaw the restoration of Osgiliath alongside his father.
Aragorn also arranged for absolute premogeniture in the Reunited Kingdom’s line of succession, echoing the similar policy of Númenor.
Two centuries later, Eldarion laid down his life and passed the throne to his firstborn, Minyarían, who became the first Ruling Queen (regnant) of Gondor. Her younger sister was Nénaloth.
After another two centuries, Minyarían laid down her life and passed the throne to her firstborn, her son Iorhael (the Quenya translation of ‘Frodo’).
Also, in Ithilien:
Besides Elboron, Faramir & Éowyn had a daughter, Rohawyn (b. 1427), who became a healer like her mother. She exchanged much information with her close friends from the Shire, the hobbits Ruby Gardner and Éowyn Brandybuck.
The line of succession for the rule of Ithilien was made into an absolute primogeniture policy by Aragorn at Éowyn’s insistence. Thus, Elboron was eventually succeeded by his eldest child, his daughter Elwing.
Elwing was eventually succeeded by her eldest son Théoden. She also had a daughter, Haleth, and a younger son, Beren.
As for Legolas and Gimli:
Gimli was gray and aged when he and Legolas sailed West, but had a few steps left in him.
On his last journey, Legolas took with him three important items: a scrapbook of drawings of Arwen’s family compiled by her; a collection of letters for Sam from his surviving children, all of whom he had stayed in touch with through the years (especially Elanor and Tom); and his own copy of the Red Book in Quenya, which he’d made himself in Gondor from the Thain’s Book in order to keep the details of the story recorded for the populace of Valinor.
Upon arriving in the West, Legolas fulfilled his Queen Arwen’s last request to him and delivered the scrapbook to Elrond and Celebrían as a gift to them from her. Through the scrapbook, the bereaved couple were able to see their grandchildren and recognize that their daughter lived a happy and full life.
Gimli and Legolas were thrilled to reunite with the hobbits on Eressëa, having hoped they’d still be alive. At the hobbits’ insistence, the Elf and Dwarf joined them to live in their home.
Gimli bonded with the Elves who specialized in mining and delving on the island, and eventually learned Quenya.
Legolas fell in love with Laurëalotë, a Vanya resident of Tol Eressëa and the daughter of Frodo’s healer. He also finally reunited with his mother, Tatheryn, who had accompanied her best friend Celebrían to the West many years prior after they both had been ambushed by Orcs, and met his re-embodied grandparents, Oropher and Nellas, for the first time. (Nellas had sacrificed herself protecting young Thranduil during the Third Kinslaying.)
After the hobbits’ deaths, Legolas and Gimli could not bear to live in the hobbit hole without them, so they accepted Elrond and Celebrían’s invitation to live with them for a while.
Gimli, being 260 years old when he sailed, ultimately lived to the age of 330. When his time came, he was given an honorary burial in Avallónë. The loss was extremely difficult for Legolas, but his friends and family all rallied to help him through his grief.
Many years after the hobbits and Gimli had finally passed on, Legolas married Laurëalotë and they had two daughters, Eryniel and Galadheth. They settled on the island and often visited the memorials of their late friends.
Gandalf sailed on to Valinor. His reward from the Valar for his deeds was to travel freely among the Blessed Realm whenever he pleased, no longer bound to be a servant. Thus, he often visited Legolas and the memorials on the nearby island.
Legolas’ copy of the Red Book became the most cherished item in his household, as he read the story to his wife, daughters, and grandchildren, and kept it alive forever.
For the rest of time, Gandalf and Legolas personally reminisced about the Fellowship, and their memories of and love for their friends never faded.
The Last Ship sailed from the Grey Havens in the year 189 of the Fourth Age. Among those onboard were Círdan, Celeborn, Thranduil, Elladan, Elrohir, Daeron, and one Elf who had long served his repentance through many lonely millennia in Middle-Earth and was at last granted passage back to his homeland: Maglor.
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matrose · 2 years
hmm legolas for the ask game if you haven't done him already? or merry and pippin?
aaaah im so happy i finally got legolas :D thank you so much!!!! ❤️
legolas 🍃
Sexuality Headcanon: one of the few characters i can give a definite answer for!!! hes gay:)
Gender Headcanon: elm tree
A ship I have with said character: gimli!!!!!! legolas had his eyes set on that dwarf from lothlorien on. and he went and got him!!!
A BROTP I have with said character: i love the friendship moments between him and merry and pippin <3 like that moment when he and gimli went to wake up merry and spent time with him so he wouldnt feel too lonely…or when they went to visit merry and pippin at the houses of healing as soon as possible!!! and merry and pippin said that legolas shouldnt go 💔 waaaah
A NOTP I have with said character: aragorn…movie canon, fine i understand. i dont like it but i understand. but book canon?! legolas and aragorn have maybe two interactions!!! theres nothing!!!
A random headcanon: hes the baby of mirkwood!! two older siblings, a sister in law, an aunt, a mom and a dad, two grandmas and a grandpa!! ive been rolling the idea around in my head that he went to elrond without official leave from his father - thranduil wanted to keep everyone inside mirkwoods borders as the lands were getting more and more dangerous and didnt particularly want to send an envoy across the misty mountains that were crawling with orcs. legolas went anyway, partly because of typical. arielle reasons (i want to see more of the world dad!!!!!), partly because its the right thing to do, informing elrond and co of the escapeé. of course thranduil knows that they should send a message. but he values the lives of his people more than the exchange of information!!
General Opinion over said character: i like him so so much. i love him!!! smiling into the face of tragedy and escaping your sad ending by singing a happy song!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ i love him
merry 🧁
Sexuality Headcanon: uuuuuh uhm ummmmm bisexual king. preference for women mb?
Gender Headcanon: trans merry ‼️‼️‼️idk in which direction. its going somewhere!
A ship I have with said character: i think he and his wife can be so cute. estella :]
A BROTP I have with said character: he and pippin are legendary. i also love him and eowyn and him and theoden!!!! and treebeard…and frodo…and fredegar… and sam and and and!!! love and friendship all around
A NOTP I have with said character: ive seen some people ship him and pippin romantically which i think is strange. dont like that
A random headcanon: his wife estella is a painter! it gets merry (lover of categorization) interested in pigments and he writes a book about dyes and pigments, the biggest on that topic in the entire third age<3 also im a big friend of glasses merry!
General Opinion over said character: i like him a lot!!!! my special hobbit friend:)))
pippin 🎆
Sexuality Headcanon: i have literally never in my life thought about this
Gender Headcanon: he lost it 🤷
A ship I have with said character: his wife i guess…
A BROTP I have with said character: bergil!!!! and beregond!!! really cute moments there!! also whatevers going on with gandalf and pippin is so funny
A NOTP I have with said character: what i said for merry
A random headcanon: diamond of long cleeve, his wife, is from a family of hobbits closely associated with dwarves from the blue mountains, hence the themed name (i just know hobbits love doing that). they used to do quite a lot of business with them! but it died down when most dwarves left for erebor. so he and his wife plus some extended family that misses dwarven company eventually travel to visit gimli in aglarond, with some of diamonds aunts/uncles/cousins with a love for mining even staying there :)) since that was more about diamond than pippon heres another one for him: he grows his hair long after the war of the ring ❤️
General Opinion over said character: my boy!!! special and silly <3
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quoteoftheweekblog · 2 years
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'The wedding was accomplished without a hitch.'  (West, 2019, p.106).
West, D. (2019 [1995] ) ‘The wedding’. London: Virago Modern Classics.
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' ... to witness the barbaric rite of giving a virgin in marriage.' (West, 2019, p.169).
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‘Confrontation based on colour had addled man since Moses married the Ethiopian woman and God made leprous the skin of the sneering man who challenged His right to move Moses to love.’ (West, 2019, p.77).
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bedroomcommunity · 7 years
Keep In Touch: Review
“ If there were to be some grand statement of what the two are capable of, then the Viola Concerto is certainly it. Sirota’s playing is precise and energetic, stepping up to the hefty demands of the piece gamely. No mean feat: Muhly’s writing flits between gruelling double-stopped passages, frenetic shredding, and more lyrical lines with feverish intent.” Sam Cleeve 6th October 2016  https://www.thelineofbestfit.com/reviews/albums/nico-muhly-and-nadia-sirota-keep-in-touch
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essenceofarda · 7 years
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She swatted at him playfully with her fan, her lips twitching into a smile. “There better be a proposal attached to those words, Took,” she answered. 
Pippin grinned. “How ‘bout it then, Di? Shall we marry this June?”
She raised an eyebrow, resisting a smirk. “Who said I’d say yes?”
(Spoiler! she does say yes -- Gotta tie down that future Thain ;) Pippin and Diamond! Cause I’ve been thinking about the hobbits lately 😚)
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lackadaisycal-art · 7 years
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It’s Dougie Henshall as Jimmy Perez from Shetland! Because he’s a fantastic actor/character and I couldn’t find any fan art. Also, he’s got a great face for cartoons.
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weezlbot · 2 years
What your LOTR/Hobbit/Silm ship says about you
Sam/Frodo: Canon? What canon? All you see is two guys in love. You probably had a yaoi phase. Either that or you’re gay. 
Sam/Rosie: You love cottagecore. 
Gimli/Legolas: You stan a short king and like hair. Head or body. 
Gimli/Galadriel: You have a muscle girl kink and a chivalry kink too
Celeborn/Galadriel: You like to see men get pegged and you have a muscle girl kink
Aragorn/Arwen: It’s all about the yearning for you. You also unironically enjoy romance novels. 
Aragorn/Eowyn: You want a man to “rescue” you and solve all your problems
Faramir/Eowyn: You’re a big fan of the “making out won’t help but it won’t hurt” trope.
Merry/Eowyn: You want a girl who’s much taller than you. 
Merry/Estella: You have a crush on Merry, and wish it were you who was marrying him
Pippin/Diamond of Long Cleeve: You have a crush on Pippin
Merry/Pippin: You have a crush on both of them. You also love the “childhood friends to lovers” trope.
Aragorn/Legolas: You want to make out with both of them, but you can’t, so you make them make out with each other
Glorfindel/Erestor: You had a crush on Glorfindel the moment you read about him in FOTR, and since you couldn’t have him, you shipped him with the first background Rivendellian you saw. You also like gold and maroon as a color scheme.
Elrond/Celebrian: You long to be parented, hugged and cuddled
Elrond/Lindir, Elrond/Erestor, Elrond/Glorfindel, Elrond/Other: You just want to be subservient to Elrond, or have him take care of you
The Hobbit: 
Bard/Thranduil: Honestly, this is the same as Aralas, but you also like DILFs. 
Thranduil/his wife: You love Thranduil and Legolas too, and you saw that “elves only marry once” thing and treated it as law. Either that, or you wish it was you who got to marry Thranduil. 
Legolas/Tauriel: You can’t see Legolas as gay, and if the movies implied it, it’s good enough for you. It’s his only interaction with a elleth (she-elf) anyway. 
Tauriel/Kili: Canon? What canon? He lived, guys, I saw him yesterday
Thorin/Bilbo: You love the “jerk with a heart of gold” trope
Bilbo/Bofur: You like Bofur more than Thorin. You love a man with a good sense of humor.
Dwalin/Ori: You like ships with an age difference, and probably a height difference too
The Silmarillion/Unfinished Tales:
Maedhros/Fingon: You’re gay, or you have a caretaking kink, or both. 
Feanor/Nerdanel: You’re an unattractive woman, and you want an attractive man. Or you have a breeding kink. 
Melkor/Sauron: You find it hard to enjoy characters who aren’t completely fucking unhinged. There’s a 75% chance you’re gay, too. 
Sauron/Celebrimbor: You’re a huge sucker for angst. Either that, or you like it for the same reasons that the Angbang shippers like Angbang. You’re somewhat less likely to be gay but there’s still a chance. 
Tuor/Idril: You like blonds. And the “making out won’t help but it won’t hurt” trope. And power couples. 
Sauron/Eonwe: You loooove angst, as well as the “being on opposite sides of the same war” trope
Manwe/Varda: You like dominant women. You generally view authority very favorably. 
Yavanna/Aule: The best part of the relationship, for you, are the arguments
Osse/Uinen: You’re pretty sure you can fix him
Tulkas/Nessa: You get off to athletic competitions
Orome/Vana: You prefer your women virginal, or your men experienced
Mandos/Vaire: You cried with joy when MCR returned 
Irmo/Este: You have a stuffed animal collection
Melian/Thingol: If you’re a female, you’re morosexual. If you’re male, you’re sapiosexual.
Beren/Luthien: You won’t engage with any media that doesn’t have a happy ending. You’ve created several hundred Mary Sues over the years. 
Dior/Nimloth: You saw that description of Dior as unusually attractive and your mind went places
Earendil/Elwing: Your favorite angst trope is “unprepared young parent”
Finwe/Miriel: You’re a rabid Feanor supporter, or you just have a stepmother you hate.
Finwe/Indis: Your favorite trope is “old, saddened widower learns to love again.”
Finarfin/Earwen: Galadriel and/or Finrod are your favorite Finweans, and you like family feels
Caranthir/Haleth: You wish it were the male who got to be ethereally beautiful for a change
Aredhel/Eol: You masturbate to yandere animes
Aldarion/Erendis: Your only example of romance was your parents, who hated each other
Beleg/Turin: You have a devotion kink, you like angst, and you like to think you can fix problematic men
Glorfindel/Ecthelion: Same as Glorfindel/Erestor, but you prefer the Silm to LOTR.
Hurin/Morwen: Emotional reunions are your jam. You looooove angst.
Glorfindel/Maeglin: You have daddy issues and wish a man would come in and take care of all your problems
Eowyn/Arwen: You had your sexual awakening to lesbian porn. Either that, or you’re so into women that you can’t appreciate men that way.
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ohifonlyx33 · 2 years
Love how Tolkien did a freeze frame montage at the end to tell us where all his characters and their children ended up for the next 120 years or so. Some highlights include Pippin getting married and his son Faramir marrying Sam's daughter, the Lads getting named Counselors of the king, Sam packing the family up for a road trip to Gondor, and just generally everyone trying to keep in touch a little bit with everyone.
1427. Samwise is elected Mayor of the Shire. Peregrin Took marries Diamond of Long Cleeve. King Elessar issues an edict that Men are not to enter the Shire, and he makes it a Free Land under the protection of the Northern Sceptre.
1430. Faramir, son of Peregrin, born. 1431. Goldilocks, daughter of Samwise, born.
1432. Meriadoc, called the Magnificent, becomes Master of Buckland. Great gifts are sent to him by King Éomer of Rohan and the Lady Éowyn of Ithilien.
1434. Peregrin becomes the Took and Thain. King Elessar makes the Thain, the Master, and the Mayor Counsellors of the North-kingdom.
1436. King Elessar rides north, and […] comes to the Brandywine Bridge, and there greets his friends. He gives the Star of the Dúnedain to Master Samwise, and Elanor is made a maid of honor to Queen Arwen.
1442. Master Samwise and his wife and Elanor ride to Gondor and stay there for a year.
1451. Elanor the Fair marries Fastred of Greenholm on the Far Downs.
1454. Elfstan Fairbairn, son of Fastred and Elanor, is born.
1455. Fastred and Elanor make their dwelling at Undertowers on the Tower Hills, where their descendents, the Fairbairns of the Towers, dwelt for many generations.
1463. Faramir Took, son of Peregrin, marries Goldilocks, daughter of Samwise. 1469. Master Samwise becomes Mayor for the seventh and last time, being in 1476, at the end of his office, ninety-six years old.
1482. Death of Mistress Rose, wife of Master Samwise, on Mid-year's Day. On September 22, Master Samwise rides out from Bag End. He comes to the Tower Hills, and is last seen by Elanor, to whom he gives the Red Book afterwards kept by the Fairbairns. Among them the tradition is handed down from Elanor that Samwise passed the Towers, and went to the Grey Havens, and passed over Sea, last of the Ring-bearers. 1484. In the spring of the year a message came from Rohan to Buckland that King Éomer wished to see Master Holdwine once again. Meriadoc was then old (102) but still hale. He took counsel with his friend the Thain, and soon after they handed over their goods and offices to their sons and rode away over the Sarn Ford, and they were not seen again in the Shire. It was heard after that Master Meriadoc came to Edoras and was with King Éomer before he died in that autumn. Then he and Thain Peregrin went to Gondor and passed what short years were left to them in that realm, until they died and were laid in Rath Dinen among the great of Gondor. 1541 In this year on March 1st came at last the Passing of King Elessar. It is said that the beds of Meriadoc and Peregrin were set beside the bed of the great king. Then Legolas built a grey ship in Ithilien, and sailed down Anduin and so over Sea, and with him, it is said, went Gimli the Dwarf. And when that ship passed an end was come in Middle-earth of the Fellowship of the Ring.
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riotarttherite · 4 years
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Other minor “family trees” hobbit characters, Sam and Rosie’s children ✌️
Diamond of Long Cleeve and Estella Bolger
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abrazimir · 4 years
HERE is finally at least the outline of Boromir and Theodred’s life after Sauron’s defeat. @melnchly and @talesspin may have opinions on marriage and birth dates of children and if you two have daughter OC’s to throw me 👀👀 I shall eagerly add them to the list. 
3019 Third Age (Age 41) March 25th: One Ring destroyed, End of Sauron. May 1st: Aragorn takes the Sceptre of the Reunited Kingdom. Aragorn allows Boromir to retain his title of Captain-General for the extent of the initial war but no longer.  Midyear’s day: Aragorn and Arwen wed. July 22nd: Theoden’s funeral procession lead by Theodred leaves Minas Tirith. August 10th: Funeral of Theoden. September 21st: Minas Morgul is finally subdued and it’s evil remnants are destroyed. Boromir steps down from the Captain-General seat and takes up his full duties as Steward.  November 3rd: Battle of the Bywater.
3020 Third Age (Age 42) March 14th: Drúedain destroy remnant of Saruman's Orcs May 1st: Faramir and Éowyn wed. Last time Theodred and Boromir see each other for a year.
3021 Third Age (Age 43) March 24th: Last day of the third age by Gondor’s reckoning.  First day (Yestarë G.R): Éomer and Lothíriel wed. First time Boromir and Theodred see each other since last year.  September 29th (S.R) Midyear’s day (G.R): Frodo passes over the Sea. End of Shire reckoning of the Third Age.
1 Fourth Age (Age 44) October 6th: Elboron born.
2 Fourth Age (Age 45) Feburary 10th: Elfwine born. June 17th: Death of Lord Sirgon of Lebennin. His grandson, Falasser, becomes the Lord of Lebennin.
3 Fourth Age (Age 46) August 3rd: Theodred decides to cede the crown of Rohan to Eomer after failing to restore his reputation to a level acceptable for a King. Rumours also abound after, despite all urging both public and private, Theodred does not wed. 
4 Fourth Age (Age 47)  Feburary 10th: Theodred officially cedes the throne to Eomer after spending time helping with the transition. He remains for a while afterwards, but soon leaves for Minas Tirith and is welcomed into Merethond as the new liason between Gondor and Rohan. There he lives for some time and is allowed dual citizenship.  November 6th: Death of Lady Vanyalos.
6 Fourth Age (Age 49) Febuary 18th: King Elessar issues an edict that Men are not to enter either Drúadan Forest or the Shire. Elesssar makes the Shire a Free Land under the protection of the Northern Sceptre. March 1st: Peregrin Took marries Diamond of Long Cleeve.
7 Fourth Age (Age 50) Janurary 28th: Theodred and Boromir cease withholding their relationship from the public. The uproar is somewhat mitigated by the slow dissemination of information about it, due to their not truly announcing it in any way. However eventually, with the necessity of confirming it to a few shocked acquaintances, a significant social controversy surrounding it grows. A great many call for Boromir to cede his seat as Steward. 
8 Fourth Age (Age 51) Yestarë: Boromir does cede the Stewardship to Faramir and departs Minas Tirith to live on the island of Cair Andros alongside Theodred. They are welcomed there by the somewhat insular community, most of whom knew and remembered them both with honour and familiarity. With the war taking such a toll on Cair Andros, their presence and help is welcomed as well. 
9 Fourth Age (Age 52) September 8th: Birth of Faramir Took, son of Peregrin Took and Diamond of Long Cleeve. October 10th: After realising that the orphaned sons of Boromir’s old friend from the war, Pedir and Tollon, are living alone, the men ask them to stay with them. Pedir, fourteen, agrees, and eventually they formally adopt the two boys. 
11 Fourth Age (Age 54) April 3rd: Meriadoc Brandybuck, son of Saradoc and Esmeralda Took, becomes the Master of Buckland. Great gifts are sent to him by King Éomer and the Lady Éowyn of Ithilien. Theodred sends some of the pipeweed he has taken to growing and the two hobbits grudgingly admit it is quite good. October 2nd: Death of Lady Terenis.
13 Fourth Age (Age 56) January 8th: Peregrin Took, son of Paladin and Eglantine Banks, becomes the thirty-second Thain of the Shire. King Elessar makes the Thain, the Master, and the Mayor Counsellors of the North-Kingdom. Boromir is the one who journeys to bring them this news, after being asked yet again to visit the Shire. He stays for some months and agrees to return when he can. Mid-year's Day: Samwise Gamgee is elected Mayor of Michel Delving for the second time.
14 Fourth Age (Age 57) December 9th: Boromir and Theodred adopt the newborn daughter of one of Lothiriel’s oldest friends after her life became suddenly difficult and on shakey foundations. She is named Arasser.
15 Fourth Age (Age 58) March 25th: King Elessar rides north and dwells for a while in Annúminas by Lake Evendim. He comes to the Brandywine Bridge, and there greets his friends. He gives the Star of the Dúnedain to Master Samwise, and Elanor is made a maid of honour to Queen Arwen. November 15th: Death of Glóin.
19 Fourth Age (Age 62) August 28th: Death of Farmer Cotton
20 Fourth Age (Age 63) April 7th: Legolas brought south Elves out of Greenwood, and they dwelt in Ithilien, and it became once again the "fairest country in all the westlands." Midyear’s Day: Sam Gamgee elected mayor for the third time.
21 Fourth Age (Age 64) January 4th: Samwise, Rose and Elanor ride to Gondor and stay there for a year. During this period, Master Tolman Cotton acts as deputy Mayor. December 19th: Birth of Tolman Gardner, thirteenth child and seventh son of Samwise Gamgee and Rose Cotton.
27 Fourth Age (Age 70) Mid-year’s Day: Sam Gamgee elected mayor for the fourth time
31 Fourth Age (Age 74) October 1st: The Westmarch becomes a part of the Shire by the gift of the King. Many Hobbits remove to it.
34 Fourth Age (Age 77) Mid-year's Day: Samwise Gamgee is elected Mayor of Michel Delving for the fifth time. November 14th: Death of Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth. Elphir, son of Imrahil, becomes the twenty-third Prince of Dol Amroth.
39 Fourth Age (Age 82) June 1st: Death of Theodred after a protracted illness. 
41 Fourth Age (Age 84) Mid-year's Day: Samwise Gamgee is elected Mayor of Michel Delving for the sixth time. At Samwise's request, Thain Peregrin Took makes Fastred the Warden of Westmarch. Fastred and Elanor make their dwelling at Undertowers on the Tower Hills, where their descendants, the Fairbairns of the Towers, dwelt for many generations.
42 Fourth Age (Age 85) May 11th: Boromir returns to the Shire for the last time.
48 Fourth Age (Age 91) Mid-year's Day: Samwise Gamgee is elected as Mayor of Michel Delving for his seventh and final term. June 2nd: Boromir is welcomed to Edoras once again. He remains there for a few months, but dies quietly toward the end of the visit. 
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velvet4510 · 3 months
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catbowserauthor · 5 years
If By My Life or Death, I Can Protect You, I Will: 2 HOBBIT AU
What did he look like?”
Bilbo spun his spoon a bit, letting the tea settle and enjoy the warmth and scent. The sunlight streaming in the window was welcomed. It reminded him of such evenings and mornings in the Shire, when the sound of birds and occasional chattering of folk outside would drift, just enough to dust your atmosphere with the sound of civilization.
If not for the sound of the breaking of water against the rocks outside, he could nearly imagine himself back on his porch in Bag End, taking a nice puff of his pipe as second breakfast settled and he enjoyed the signs of the world just waking up.
Blinking once then twice, it took Frodo gently laying his hand over Bilbo’s before the older Hobbit looked up. “Ah, my apologies, my lad.”
“You’ve been distant since yesterday…no, since we arrived Uncle.” Frodo furrowed his brow and took a sip of his tea. “I was asking you about your meeting with Manwë yesterday and you just seemed lost in thought.” Frodo paused, “I hope I’m not bothering you Uncle.”
Chuckling, lightly, Bilbo lay a hand on the boy’s left cheek. “My dear boy, as I recall, I have never neglected to tell you when you are being a bit too enthusiastic, have I?”
Smiling, and yes, the light seemed a bit more bright in his eyes though still haunted, Frodo admitted with a shake of his head, “No, you were always honest on that, Uncle Bilbo.”
“I shan’t be changing that now.” Bilbo set his spoon down and after taking a bite of the small sandwiches before them and swallowing, he advised, “I am focused now, my boy. What were you asking, again?”
Frodo smiled, “About Manwë.”
Bilbo took a moment, enjoying the warmth of Frodo’s smile. It had been a while since there had been so much light to it. Not without weight but the burden of the ring was lifting here. There was hope and healing again.
A burden he should never have had to carry.
“Ah, Manwë. He is a rather peculiar fellow, my boy. Though, I surmise that being the Voice of Eru will do that to a person, even after eons of having the position. Though, I would say that even with that issue, he could stand a bit of a lesson in manners. His wife, Varda was a bit more approachable.”
Frodo took a sip of his tea and offered, “Well, I suppose this is all rather new to them. Elves, as you’ve told me, are expected here and Gandalf is a Maia. But two small Hobbits…that would be rather unexpected. Though Lady Yavanna seems pleased with it.”
Ah, the Lady of the Earth? Bilbo set his nephew with a curious eye. “Ah, so I am not the only one requesting the presence of the Valar?”
Blushing slightly, Frodo had a stern argument. “I did not request her presence, I was merely honored by it.” Now, his face lit up, as it had so often in his younger years, when he had first come to Bag End. When they would finish supper and then sit by the fire, letting the warmth dance across their faces as Bilbo would weave one of his tales until slumber took the boy’s eyes. “Lord Elrond thought I might appreciate her gardens and the hills of greens. As I was walking among the trees, I spied her and she approached me Uncle.”
Eyes warm and only heightened by the scent of the food and drink, Bilbo reached forward and embraced his nephew. “Did she now? Do tell, my boy for it is a great privilege to speak to the Lady of the Green.”
“She did not say much. But her voice was like all the birds that used to nest in the thicket in the Shire. It dripped like honey. She sounded young, far younger than I thought she might, as if she were perpetually blessed with maidenhood.”
Oh, Bilbo could only imagine. So many of their stories had been around Lady Yavanna. He had been surprised that even Thorin and his Company had exchanged stories of her. While their respect lay in Mahal, the Valar Aulë, her husband, they had nothing but respect for her and gave praise to the fruits her earth provided. Her mercy and passion for her growing things was something that their families looked to for inspiration. According to Ori, a wonderful compliment for a Dwarven family was to be compared to Yavanna.
Fili and Kili had spoken at length about how while dwarves did not possess the skill with the earth that Hobbits did, they knew how to plant and how to raise crops. Thorin had even mentioned that Erebor had possessed a large garden way up in the upper levels where foods could be grown and often were before the dragon came. He spoke at length about how they had active veins of gem, gold and silver that lined the open platform and the hanging branches and vines would nearly form a painting as they contrasted.
He had never gotten a chance to show it to Bilbo.
“Oh, Uncle, you must see the rolling hills! Sam would so have loved her fields. Full to the brim they were with trees, trees so heavy with fruit that they nearly touched the ground. Potatoes, carrots, shrubs, herbs, anything that could come from the ground!” Frodo went quiet a moment, contemplative. “Sam...my dearest Sam…he told me…when the Ring…tried to tempt him…all he could see was making Middle Earth his own personal garden. He…all but laughed at the concept because, you see, it was already a garden.” Folding his hands into his lap, Frodo looked upward, eyes fixated on the lovely glass fixtures through which the wonder of the sun and moon were never absent. “My dear Sam…I do hope you are happy.”
Bilbo’s heart lurched. Sam and Frodo had always been close ever since they were small things. But when he had heard of Sam’s loyalty on the quest, through all trials, even against a spider as ferocious and ancient as Shelob, Bilbo had looked upon the boy with more respect, more honor and more gratitude than he thought himself capable of feeling. The loyalty of that boy could not be measured.
Yes, indeed, he hoped that Sam was happy too.
“You gave Sam and Rosie Bag End, did you not, my boy?”
Frodo nodded. “I did. Sam has much left to do, though it pains me not have him by my side. After you left the Shire, he became my constant companion, even more so than Merry or Pippin, much as I love them as well. Then, when I began this long journey, he was forever by my side, no matter the obstacle or what I might have said unto him.” Tapping his fingers on the table a moment, Frodo once more glanced outside. “I think I understand now, more so than I did before, what you meant when you said that an adventure could fill your heart with empty longing. I gained much on the Quest, Uncle—on myself, in the form of deep friendships and understanding and while my heart and spirit was mending here, there is a deep emptiness as well. The emptiness of leaving them behind and not knowing when or if I shall see them again?” He eyed his relative with something akin to desperation. “Do you think it is so, Uncle? That we have been parted forever?”
Bilbo shook his head. “No. No, I do not believe it is so. You have suffered much, my dear boy, and I do not believe that will be your fate.” He bit his lower lip. “I am sorry to have been a cause of it, of this pain, no matter how small. I know all too well the pain of parting and I would not have wished it even on my most loathsome of enemies.” He stroked a loose hair from Frodo’s eyes. “Hence, I am taking what steps I must to correct it. For you. For Middle Earth. For myself. For those that I have had to say farewell to, long before it was proper.”
Frodo didn’t need to ask; he knew that look in his Uncle’s eyes. As much as Bilbo never tired of telling the Journey to Erebor, it was rare that he told the ending beyond “the dwarves of Erebor were triumphant.” He had told Frodo and Frodo through extension had told Sam and Merry and eventually Pippin had learned from Merry but he never brought up such sad endings with the Hobbit children. Not only because he wished them to continue the delusion that there was such a thing as endings where all was good and right again for as long as possible but because Bilbo could rarely hold his voice steady when speaking on the losses of the Durin family.
He always went to bed early those nights and Frodo would hear Bilbo sob deep into the night. So, they had stopped asking about the details of the battle and only focused on the quest itself. Now that he carried his own heavy heart burdens, Frodo felt he understood. Though, he also knew he did not understand.
He had bid farewell to Sam, Pippin and Merry but he knew they were safe. He knew they were alive. He knew Sam was having children and was enjoying it more each day. Pippin had found himself a love with Diamond of Long Cleeve and Frodo had no doubt they would have at least one child before all was said and done. He even suspected that Pippin might honor his dear friend Faramir when the time came to name any future children. Then there was Merry whom was still on a lookout for a love himself but had perhaps found a potential one in Estella. She was a pleasant enough Hobbit lass with just enough sass to keep up with the only Hobbit knight of Rohan.
Yes, yes, all his friends, though he might have said farewell had long lives laid out before them and many wonderful adventures they had yet to have. Many wonderful things they were yet to do and he was warm at heart at the thought.
Uncle Bilbo did not have that luxury.
Thorin was struck down with his kingdom at his feet and Fili and Kili…Bilbo often spoke of their gusto and love for life only for it to snatched away. Then the horrible news they had borne back about the fates of Balin, Ori and Oin…
“What did you ask of Manwë, Bilbo Baggins?”
The sudden new voice was a surprise and yet not unexpected. Bilbo took a moment to set down his cup and turned. Frodo stood up and ran forward, wrapped Gandalf in a hug as the old man entered the room. There was sternness to his figure, not something unusual for the wizard but at the embrace by Frodo, warmth and the kindness that was well known by all that took the time to get to know him bled through. The man chuckled and stroked Frodo’s hair a moment before the Hobbit pulled away.
“Gandalf, we didn’t know you were coming!”
“As I’ve said before, a wizard arrives when he desires to, Frodo, neither before or after.”
Rolling his eyes slightly, Bilbo stood, retrieving his walking stick and made his way over. “You are similar to the elves in that manner, old friend. Riddles and saying both yes and no in the same instance.”
“I would imagine that you are well accustomed to riddles, Bilbo Baggins.” The older man countered but the intensity had not left his eyes. “But if you wish me to speak freely, so I shall. Your demands of Manwë have not gone unnoticed.”
Bilbo scoffed. “Demands? I would hardly call it such. I made a request, simple as that.”
“And the request you made was hardly simple!”
Bilbo eyed his nephew who was looking from him to Gandalf and back again with something akin to anxiety in his eyes. Hardening his voice, Bilbo set his eyes on the wizard. “Gandalf, my old friend, if you have a desire to speak to me candidly about that which you think I made egregious errors, let us take a walk to discuss this. This does not involve Frodo and I’ll not have us dragging him into it!”
This seemed to calm the wizard’s storm and he stopped, turned to the younger Hobbit. “Y…yes, quite right.” Clearing his throat, Gandalf remarked. “Your uncle and I will discuss some things, Frodo but I promise you, it will be civilly.” He shifted to Bilbo. “As I recall, you have not yet seen Yavanna’s green hills, have you?”
Taking up his walking stick, Bilbo shook his head, “I have not and if what Frodo has told me, that is a dreadful shame. Come, let us correct that now.” He turned to his nephew, “If I recall, my boy, Lord Elrond may have some more stories to tell you here than I have ever heard. So many ancestors he has been able to reconnect with. Let him occupy your time this afternoon and I will look forward to your full report at dinner.”
“…yes, Uncle.”
“I will not rescind my request, if that is what you desire from me, Gandalf.”
The wizard sighed heavily. “It is neither a simple thing nor something to simply push aside to ask for the Valar to appeal to Eru, Bilbo Baggins.”
“Perhaps not, but Manwë agreed to it all the same, with some pressure and proper council from Lady Varda.”
“Pure curiosity and utter shock at your tenacity I am sure.”
“Do not play games with me.” Bilbo stopped and turned. “I spoke to them candidly as I do to you now. I desire to fix that which should not have come to pass. I look to stop needless suffering, if it possible. To stop deaths that should not have happened.”
“Such is the casualty of war, Bilbo Baggins.” The wizard spoke softly though no less intently. “Life is not a fair entity, designed to hand out equal lots to us all.”
“No, it is not but I will strive to make it more fair than it has been.” Bilbo insisted again. “I will fix it if I may. I am not questioning the fact of it being unfair, Gandalf. I am simply questioning if it must remain that way.”
“You are questioning the path that has already been laid, Bilbo Baggins.”
“I am!” The hobbit turned and his eyes were fierce and full of fire. “Don’t stand there and pretend you do not know what I have asked. I know you have. And I know you know WHY I have asked.”
Gandalf paused in step, took a deep sigh. “Your grief over the line of Durin—“
“Thorin. Fili. Kili. They had…HAVE…names Gandalf! Use them!”
Turning, the wizard knelt so that he was at eye level with Bilbo. The hobbit’s eyes were watery and red and despite his advanced age, oh, there was so much fury in his face that Gandalf had no doubt that if he had possessed Sting at the moment, he would have drawn it, Valinor or not.
“Bilbo, my old friend.” The wizard laid a hand on each shoulder. “You know me better than that. I mean no disrespect to their memory. But the dead are dead, Bilbo Baggins. It does us little good to linger on them for so long that they poison our present.”
“Don’t speak of them like it is damaging to remember them.” Bilbo gathered his breath and he challenged. “You have given me much wisdom in my life, old friend, but I will not accept this. Not if there is a chance, even a fraction of a chance. And you can lie to yourself all you want, Gandalf but I have seen through your lies.”
“Oh? When have I lied to you? Not been always open with all I know, yes, that is true but—“
“Whenever you looked at Pippin and Merry.” Bilbo gathered his voice. “Whenever you would come, always under the pretense of your fireworks or making merry but your eyes always drifted to them. As they laughed and danced and drank. Look me in the eye, Gandalf and swear unto me by the very land we stand upon, that you have NEVER looked at them and not wondered on Fili and Kili.”
Gandalf stared at Bilbo, for a long time, seemed to age centuries in mere moments. Bilbo could almost see him remembering, revisiting and the weariness of his heart bled through his eyes. With a heavy sigh, the white wizard stood again.
“I cannot. I will not deny that their deaths, if nothing else, have weighed heavy on my heart.”
“As they have on mine. I sit awake and wonder some nights…what they would have been like. If they would have married, had children, how Fili would have done so well as a King with his brother by side. Oh, the pride in Thorin’s eyes…” Bilbo took a breath again, a shaky one. “I do not pretend that this is some utterly noble quest or venture, Gandalf though, indeed, the elements of that do exist. I meant what I said when I said I meant to stop suffering, stop pain, maybe stop this whole war…but my heart knows that it is for them the most that I want to go. That I want to change things, however I may.”
“Noble in principle, my friend.” Gandalf spoke simply. “But you are not as young as you once were. How would you manage to correct so wide an error that you claim their deaths were?”
“Crawling on my hands and knees, if need be.”
Gandalf eyed the hobbit a long moment. The wonder of the Blessed Land had aided his memory somewhat but it did nothing for Bilbo’s body. It was still hunched, slow, reliant on a cane and hair as white as his own. To send him on a quest such as this, it was as much a death sentence as if Gandalf had swung his own blade upon him.
And yet, as he had felt with Frodo, a hint of hope awoke in the wizard’s heart. He smiled, a weary, worried and yet amused grin.
“Bilbo Baggins, as I said unto your nephew not so long ago. Hobbits really are amazing creatures. Here I had thought I had known everything about them and yet, here you are, again, my friend, surprising me.”
Bilbo stood firm and tall, but did not answer.
Gandalf gestured with his left arm and guided Bilbo with his right. “My purpose this day was to convince you otherwise of this favor but I do not feel that I can. Nor, anymore, do I wish to. Being that as it is…”
Bilbo eyed him, suspicious and not without cause but Gandalf merely pointed forward to the great halls that loomed before them with his staff. “…Gandalf?”
“The Valar will see you now.”
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quoteoftheweekblog · 4 years
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‘ “Are you expecting visitors?” ‘ (Harris, 2019, p.76).
Harris, R. (2019) ‘The second sleep’. Amazon.com [E-book]. Available at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Second-Sleep-Robert-Harris-ebook/dp/B07MSB15LZ/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=robert+harris+second+sleep+kindle&link_code=qs&qid=1609250641&sourceid=Mozilla-search&sr=8-1&tag=firefox-uk-21 (Accessed 29 December 2020).
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‘ “Suppose a man saw an appalling calamity looming - what would he do? What would any of us do? Well, I’ll tell ye what I would do. I’d lay up a stock of provisions - of all that was essential to maintain existence - and I’d block up my doors and windows and attempt to live through it.” ‘ (Harris, 2019, p.175).
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfTuOc30DW4 VIDEO
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Swift, T. (2017) ‘New Year’s Day’ in ‘Taylor Swift - New Year's Day [Lyric Video]’. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfTuOc30DW4 (Accessed 29 December 2020).
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2019′s Top 10 Bestselling Mysteries
Death by Dumpling - Vivien Chien
Ordinary Grace - Wiliam Kent Krueger
A Murder in Time - Julie McElwain
A Better Man - Louise Penny
The Cuckoo’s Calling - Robert Galbraith
Still Life - Louise Penny
Past Tense - Lee Child
Girl Waits With Gun - Amy Stewart
Long Call - Ann Cleeves (not pictured)
Vancouver Noir - Sam Wiebe, ed.
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essenceofarda · 7 years
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Diamond of Long Cleeve, wife of Peregrin "Pippin" Took, and mother of Faramir Took :)
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