#Sam Cottontail
bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What would Lukas's fate be by the end of rkz?
Greetings Anon :-.)
Back then, I had the thought about Lukas U. Naris, being the, very last of the characters in Roadkillerz to pass away.
I will explain this further under the read more.
The idea was that an, now older Lukas once again froze himself, and while at one point, he was able to get a space ship that allowed fast intergalactic travel, he still froze himself.
I had the concept of a story in my mind, that played, at the very end of the world, where a few of the immortal characters still existed, one of them being Sam.
At first I thought about her, just, having lived for million/billions of years...but I also thought about the concept of a god (maybe the same one who has cursed Sam) bringing Sam back, for one last mission / as a request to do something.
I, have forgotten about the details, but, from what I remembered was that in the core of the dying earth, a new god was growing, who would emerge upon the end of Earth that was close to happen.
However, there was some..last...evil or perhaps more..confused/desperate entity that tried to meddle with this...interrupt or stop this, I am not sure anymore.
Lukas, was also present, with Sam finding his cryo chamber, and waking him up, with Lukas helping Sam, telling him that he plans to use his spaceship to escape the end of the world and to settle down on another planet for the rest of his life.
I would like to note that, with the Earth close to its end, there aren't really, anyone alive anymore, except Sam, the other immortals, Lukas and those who try to interrupt the new god from waking up.
Sam and the others succeed, thwarting the entity/entities that wanted to prevent the god from emerging.
Lukas is preparing to depart from the now ending Earth, I imagine that he would ask Sam and the others, if they, would like to come with him, saying that there is enough room for them, and that there would be other adventures in the universe, awaiting them.
However, Sam and the others would politely decline, saying that, it is time for them to finally rest, and that with the end of the Earth, theirs has come now as well, forever, and that they are ready to move on.
Lukas then steps into the rocket, giving them all one last glance and waving goodbye as the world begins to break apart, with Lukas escaping to another galaxy and planet.
I did imagine that, the death of Sam and the others is not violent, either way with there suddenly a door appearing (maybe a doing from the new god) and them stepping into the afterlife, or the god emerging (I imagine they look a bit like a cat), and holding Sam and the others bodies (who appear to have slept away peacefully) who then turn into sparkling stardust.
The astronaut meanwhile, after barley managing his escape, would look at were the old solar system once was, being light years away and only a small spot in the endless universe, taking off his helmet, he would cry.
The Epilogue was about Lukas arriving on a new world with an breathable atmosphere and a civilization that is around the time of the middle ages.
With a voice talking over the scenes shown, before showing it is Lukas, now very old, telling the story to the people of the village/town where he settled down and kind of became a sage/wise man.
In the end, the scene would show Lukas going to sleep (and also implying him passing away peacefully) while the focus would go to many photographs, zooming into the last one, that shows a large group photograph with the cast of Roadkillerz.
Yours sincerely
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aviscranio · 2 months
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Looney Tunes: Back In Action (2003)
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angelic-ish-phantom · 2 years
Day 3
If Danny had to describe his ghost half in a word, it would be hungry.
Not in any familiar way; there was nothing painful about it, no clawing feeling in his stomach.
There was only craving.
Ever since he’d seen those first ectopi come through the portal, he had felt that deep seated need, that urgency.
To consume.
It felt strange and a little too inaccurate to call it an instinct. It was so much less complicated, foreign…
Trying to describe it in human terms made feel confused. Thinking about it with his human mind made him feel nauseous. He’d much rather just stew in his core as it whirred intricately, whispering impulses into his very ectoplasm.
Danny understood that his core worked like a second mind, intimately so. But is wasn’t a brain… wasn’t human. It was such a foreign way to think, if you could even call it that.
But Danny had the compulsions that came with it under control. Really he did! Sure, he still reflexively bit the odd monster in a fight, and couldn’t help drinking in emotions when he was particularly drained, but it was fine! He could ignore it. It wasn’t a problem.
At least it hadn’t been until Lunch Lady. Not until the first ghost that was a person came through the portal and Danny was just as hungry as he’d ever been.
“It’s really not as bad as I’m making it sound!” Danny groaned into his hands. This was exactly why he hadn’t wanted to tell his friends; it was hard to put into words that didn’t make it sound sick.
Sam’s eyes narrowed, “Isn’t it? Danny, wanting to… eat the ghosts your fighting doesn’t sound bad to you?”
“Sounds like it’s just another mostly harmless ghost thing. I mean, you’re all made out of ectoplasm, right? So you need more ectoplasm to ‘live’? As established, other ghosts just happen to be a source of that.” Tucker suggested, trying to rationalize his hunger. “All ghosts have cannibalistic tendencies confirmed.” He joked, but Danny could (taste) see he was unnerved.
“But Danny doesn’t need to eat ectoplasm to live.” Sam said, before whirling on Danny, concern under her alarm, “You don’t do you?”
“…I don’t need to, no.” Danny surrendered. “It’s nice though. Not that I would eat a person for it. That’s not why I would want to at least. It’s not- it wouldn’t be for ectoplasm energy. It’s just- guys I swear, this isn’t a bad thing!”
“…You know those monster and animal ghosts have to eat you before. I just thought they were doing what they do, but this could be the reason. But I don’t think any of the ghosts that talk have ever tried that.” Tucker said, shaking off his unease at Danny’s prior words.
He was wrong. Technus had definitely tried to. And Lunch Lady. Box ghost made a pitiful attempt to every time he was alone. Even Spectra had made to, but she’d seemed almost repulsed.
“Probably because they wouldn’t eat another person!” Sam explained, as though it were obvious.
Danny thought they would. If they were feeling what he’d felt, they only wouldn’t eat him if he was too big.
And Danny wondered, what if there was a ghost big enough to try and eat him, and win?
(That should have been a more worrying thought than it was…)
What about the reverse; what about a ghost small enough that eating it wouldn’t be a challenge for him.
Not that he ever would.
Danny really hadn’t meant to do it.
He’d thought he’d had a pretty good handle on the whole urge to consume any ghost in front of him.
But just he’d been so tired. He hadn’t known the time exactly, just that it was dark, and he’d been operating on so little sleep even before he’d had to take care of the beastly looking ghost that had crawled out of a natural portal in the dead of the night.
And after shooting a quick text to his friends, telling them he’d come out of the fight in one piece, he’d come back to his room.
And glowing softly in center of his bed, was a blob ghost.
Danny had seen blob ghosts before—massive, shapeless, wailing things. But this one was different. It was like the round, ones he glimpsed crawling through the shadows of Skulker’s island, and slipping in and out of the walls of Pointdexter’s lair.
He’d never seen one on the side of the portal before.
Danny looked down at it, a bit suspicious. It appeared to be harmless, but it was also a ghost. One that had been in his room while he wasn’t there.
The thing tilted it’s head curiously as though inspecting him back. Well, not it’s head considering it didn’t really have one; the entire front part of his body shifted, it’s eye spots wide and empty.
Danny couldn’t help but find it cute. Still he raised the thermos and-
The blob ghost flopped over as though in submission, core thrumming a low pitch that made that ever present hunger Danny felt rise to the forefront.
Danny bit his tongue, stepping back a bit. What was it doing, did it want him to- to-
He couldn’t stop himself from lowering the thermos, from locking his eyes on the blob and practically prowling across the space between them.
What was he doing? The thought almost stopped him, but it was too fleeting. Too irrelevant in the face of the ghost’s dull glow.
Danny needed it. Need the strength it could give him, however small. He needed the knowledge. The completeness that would surely come with consuming it, making it an extension of himself.
It trilled as he got closer still, soft approval.
It was so tiny. So weak. It needed him. It needed to be bigger, to be part of him. That way he could protect it.
That thought ran through his obsession in all the right spots. Danny shivered as his human mind expressed the utmost repulsion. Danny licked his ectoplasm-green tongue over ghostly fangs.
Danny opened his mouth.
For the record, Danny had been going to tell his friends what had happened that night, what he’d done. Really he had been!
But then he’d thought of how exactly he would say that. How would he even broach the topic? Just drop in at lunch and go, ‘Oh hey guys! remember how I was obsessively considering cannibalizing my enemies. Well I tried it out and now I think I’m not gonna stop-‘?
Yeah, no.
He couldn’t stand the thought of how Sam might look at him. At how even Tucker had been unnerved at the idea of his unconventional appetite before he had given in to it. They’d put up with his his weird half-ghost things before, had stuck with him this long, but… this felt like a lot.
Danny didn’t want them to see him, the way his parents saw Phantom.
He knew he was being paranoid. Probably. Especially considering ‘eating’ definitely wasn’t the right word for what he’d done.
Danny distractedly watched the blob ghost loop through his legs amiably.
It had kind of just fazed back out of him in the morning. Or rather Danny had fazed it out of him.
He had taken hold of its body and suddenly extremely susceptible, suggestible mind and had just made it move.
He could let go, and the blob didn’t seem to mind when he did it… it seemed to enjoy it actually.
It was safe and taken care of. Danny could take care of it. It could help Danny, and Danny could help it. It was mutually beneficial and perfectly fine. Danny would tell his friends exactly how fine it was.
The thing is, the blob ghost could ask Danny for help in a roundabout way. It could need help and Danny would understand.
So when another ghost had been chasing it around dusk, and Danny had already been transformed from an earlier fight, he had swept in to save it.
And as Danny fought the ghost, an odd wolf like animal with snakes instead of a tail, the blob had gotten some very tempting urges. It had actively pushed its thoughts onto Danny. It had told him to eat, to expand his self. To be stronger so he could protect it, to make it so this other ghost wasn’t so mindless and wouldn’t do any more damage.
And Danny would have been able to ignore the hunger as he always did if it weren’t for the argument proposed, if there wasn’t another smaller mind assuring him, wanting him to take and never stop.
And Danny gave in.
Ghosts that look like monsters out of some mythology are hard to hide. Even with their forms shrunken slightly, even when Danny willed them invisible most of the time, someone was bound to realize there was a ghost lurking around Amity Park that he hadn’t gotten rid of.
Or well, ghosts.
Which brought Danny to his second issue. When a ghost had already ‘eaten’ other ghosts, and that ghost then too gets eaten, it turns out it makes a chain of command.
First was Danny. Then his blob and the wolf ghost. Then the wolf ghost’s ghosts. And then their blob ghosts.
The control Danny had over them wasn’t overwhelming. They were like limbs with their own minds; Danny could move them as he pleased, but they had their own independence and took comfort in this relationship.
They were much less noticeable that an entire extra arm though. More like a big toe. Toes with toes. Something he could move, and could always feel was there. He would notice if they were missing, but he didn’t always notice they were there.
That made sense. It made enough sense for him to be comfortable thinking about it like a human.
Danny was constantly aware of this order, but was also content to just let them roam with little interference. The odd nudge away from people here, turning one invisible there, using one to handle a smaller ghost fight while he’s in school.
It was useful. It was nice.
Sure it was strange to get used to have so many senses, and the range of emotions they were all feeling at any time was complicated to say the least.
His first blob was a lot more smug lately, about being so high in the order, about being so close to Danny, above ghosts many times stronger than it. Many of the others were content to laze around and explore the living world, bathing in the feeling of being protected. Others kept spooking humans for fun, and causing quiet mischief which was harmless enough that Danny didn’t often stop it.
Being so connected to them all made him feel complete. He couldn’t imagine anything more satisfying, satiating that this.
When Danny’s core had awoken he didn’t fly into the ghost zone blindly. It had been the impression of knowledge from one of the lowest ghosts in his order, a lizard like creature with a form the consistency of sand.
And then Danny had been taken to the Far Frozen. And he had met Frostbite.
Danny had never been exactly scared of what might happen if a ghost ‘ate’ him. He knew what it was to be at the top of an order, but despite feeling the comfort of his charges, he couldn’t imagine liking being in that position.
He’d have nothing to gain the way his ghosts did, minds going from stilted to simple but fast, aware. He’d just have his aim a massive amount of his autonomy stripped from him.
It made him feel bad about having taken his ghosts when he thought about it like that. Like a human would.
Then in Frostbite’s presence, he’d understood.
He’d known intimately in that moment, why his blob ghost had lured him closer in the hopes he would add it to himself. He felt every bit as small as it must have been in his presence.
Frostbite was bigger than he appeared, Danny could see that. He was letting shrunken yet he was still the largest yeti in the Far Frozen, and every member of that place was part of him.
Danny could only imagine the security they all felt under something so all-encompassing. He could feel Frostbite’s hunger, drawing him in, restrained if only because Danny was a hero to them.
It was a strange thing to want to be eaten.
Danny might have even asked. If it weren’t for his obsession and obligations, he might have forgotten humanity entirely and joined this wonderfully hidden, protected place.
But he had his haunt, his humans, his home to go back to. Then he did.
And despite how amazingly he’d been treated in the Far Frozen, despite how kind and affectionate the yeti’s were Danny stayed away. Because he didn’t know when he might not be able to pull himself away.
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millytheclown · 10 months
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Ain’t that wild (tts oc + au stuff)
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ghostys-originals · 2 years
Since the topic of Samuel’s autism is still fresh in my mind, I’m going to talk a bit about it! Firstly, I made Sam autistic by complete accident. Sometimes it just be like that. But once his traits were pointed out to me, I didn’t see the point in changing him! Sam himself was a very quiet kid compared to his siblings, still has a very intense SI in flowers, and had a much more intense emotional response (although that could also be partially due to the brain damage he’d receive a little later in life). I could also imagine Sam himself having to develop a specific daily routine, since he was used to his father enforcing one anyway, and any slight change in that familiar formula would become stressful or upsetting for him (and even as an adult, Sam prefers to keep a similar level of consistency and can become irritable when someone throws a wrench in his carefully crafted plan). Theres also “Stimming”, which is categorized as “behaviors that provide sensory input or relief”, and he would do things that- while normal for rabbits, such as chewing and leg thumping- would be at a frequency that was viewed as abnormal. Theres probably more that I missed, and Autism is a spectrum full of different quirks that could be combined in an infinite amount of ways, but feel free to ask me more questions in my inbox if you’d like! Sam wouldn’t have been diagnosed in childhood, both because of The Cottontail’s ableism, and the ableism of the medical culture in Mayberry period. I did some brief research about Autism in the 50s and well... Its not great [tw for ableism obviously]
So Samuel being diagnosed later as an adult would rock his world in a lot of ways. One, being that he finally has a name to all the things he was called “weird” for doing. And two, ahereing to his usual closed-minded ideas that he learned from Mayberry and not being knowledgeable about neurodivergeny period, he would NOT react well to the news and even be denial of his diagnosis for a bit. Of course Sam will grow to learn more about himself and become ok with who he is, yet that would not come easy to him as he would have to not only unlearn Mayberry’s harmful tall tales about non-neurotypicality, but also unlearning the self hatred hes developed after years of being misunderstood and untreated.
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pastelprince18 · 1 year
i like to imagine penne info dumping about among us to sam who pretends to understand what an "amongus" is
It’s funny bc me and ghosty did a short roleplay about it comparing it to political espionage so in a way he kinda gets it :3
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"So, yeah they'd absolutely have Sam's back" Even Grover?
Well, not to his face. Having a younger brother who's autistic, Grover certainly wouldn't discriminate Sam over it. However, their fractured relationship prevents him from supporting his uncle directly.
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bunnyrabbitbracket · 1 year
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It's been a real one, lots of tension, but it's the end now. With both of our indie hares duking it out all the way to the finals, Max is the one who has triumphed over Allison - Congratulations, little buddy! The MLM WLW hostility is over... They are shaking hands. MLM WLW sportmanship.
I think now is a good time, if you're unfamiliar with either, to check out Sam & Max or even Super Lesbian Animal RPG.
Aaand, yep! This has been it for the Bunny Rabbit Bracket.There might be a few small things afterwards, but really that's it. It's been real fun, folks, and I've gained a lot of knowledge for any future tournaments I decide to hold. But that's for later, for now... Thank you all for participating, either from the beginning or from all the way at the cottontail end - wouldn't be a bracket without you.
Hop to see you around!
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losfacedevil · 6 months
Easter Traditions (A FM!Sam Short)
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a/n~ I’ve missed my babies something fierce! Here’s a little glimpse into their Easter festivities!
“Have you ever made someone an Easter basket?” Sam asked, laying upside down on Danny’s bed with his head hanging off the edge.
Danny quirked a brow, finishing the scribbling of words on the page in front of him before turning his attention to Sam; a questioning look kissing his facial features. Danny thought for a moment, back to the year that his sister turned fourteen and their mother broke her heart by declaring she was officially too old for an Easter basket.
“Yeah, once or twice when my sister was younger and mom thought she was too old for a little bit of Easter joy. Why, what’s up?”
Sam rolled over and righted himself, pushing up off of the floor with his long arms and caught himself on the edge of the bed to push up into a seated position. A soft smile spread across his face as he thought of the conversation he had with Sophia earlier that day.
Sam’s eyes held a light of childlike wonder as he spoke about the conversation he had with Sophia, recounting just how her mom would make her an Easter basket every year, the contents of it changing with her age and how it always contained the same colored peeps - even though she didn’t like peeps and knew they were her moms favorite. Danny nodded along as he listened to Sam drone on about the things she’d put in the basket for her and how her mom would sift through bags of jelly belly’s for her favorite flavors.
“I’ve noticed she eyes that Peter Cottontail hollow bunny our moms used to get us when we were little. I wonder if that’s the same one her mom got her.” Danny nodded and thought for a second before pushing his office chair out from under his desk and rose to his feet. Crossing the room he snatched his keys off of the dresser and stuffed his feet into his tennis shoes before nodding towards the door.
“Well? Are you coming with me or am I in charge of making her basket?” Excitement filled Sam’s features as he scrambled off of the bed and followed Danny out of the room.
Sam perused the aisles of the local Walgreens, having high hopes to find everything he would need in one place. His eyes landed on a hairbrush she had been gushing over wanting to try and he plucked it off of the hook before turning to Danny.
“Do you think a brush is a weird thing to put in here?” Sam asked, holding up the basket he had chosen from the selection the store had to offer. Danny shook his head, plucking a pack of the hair ties he knew she used and they always stole from her off of the hook he was standing in front of.
“Not really, it’s something she’ll get use out of and let’s face it, you’ve all but stolen her paddle brush.” Danny chuckled, tossing the pack of hair ties into the basket.
“What about this?” Danny asked, holding up a pastel pink flower shaped claw clip. A soft smile spread across Sam’s lips as he took the clip out of Danny’s hand and slowly tucked it into the basket.
“That’s perfect! I may have sat on her last one and destroyed it last night. She never learns to not leave them lying around.” He chuckled.
Sam made quick work of collecting some of her favorite things and tossed them into the basket to make sure it would all fit snugly and securely. Turning his head he made eye contact with Danny before nodding towards the front of the store and making a beeline to the registers to pay for everything he had found.
Later that night, he snuck out of bed, leaving Sophia curled up around his pillow and made his way to the hall closet where he had stashed his purchases. He made quick work of piecing together her Easter basket with all of the goodies he had found and placed it on the kitchen table. Scooping the shopping bag up off of the counter he slowly made his way into the living room and perched himself on the couch, the next task at hand to sort her favorite jelly beans out from the rest.
“Sam… what are you doing?” The sound of Danny’s voice cause Sam to jump and scatter the jelly beans he had cupped in his hand across the living room floor. He shot a glare over his shoulder, huffing a tried and frustrated sigh through his nose before lifting the bag and emptying more into the palm of his hand.
“I’m taking out all the popcorn and bubblegum flavored jelly beans and putting them into one of your honey jars. It’s something her mom used to do and I know it’s special to her.” Sam grumbled, tossing a few jelly beans into the jar before dumping the rest of the handful into a separate jar. Danny nodded his head and slowly made his way into the living room, placing a small basket packed tightly with skin care products down on the table.
“I couldn’t help myself. So I snuck a few things she’s been eyeing during shopping trips over the last few weeks. She was none the wiser.” Sam smiled at Danny and reached up to clap a hand on his shoulder.
“You spoiled her too? She’s not even expecting one basket and she’s getting two? Her reaction is going to be priceless. Now get the hell outta here, stop distracting me.” Sam chuckled, shooing Danny off in the direction of the kitchen.
Sophia awoke the next morning pinned under the weight of Sam’s body. Turning her head to the side, she pressed soft kisses to the tip of his nose and the curve of his mustache hoping to wake him gently. He stirred slightly, throwing his leg over hers and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.
“Just five more minutes and we’ll go make pancakes.” He mumbled, wrapping his arm around her midsection and pulled her closer to him. She reveled in the feeling of his body against hers and let her eyes flutter shut as his breathing began to even out once more.
“It’s Easter, baby. Don’t you wanna get up and enjoy the day? We wouldn’t want to sleep half of it away - we have to cook dinner for your brothers!” She giggled, wiggling her way out of his grasp and pushed herself out of the bed.
“And besides - the Easter bunny left you boys a treat! Don’t you wanna see what he left you?” She giggled, pure excitement coursing through her body as she pulled the two small baskets out of her closet. Sam pushed himself into a seated position and stretched his arms high above his head, making sure to keep his eyes closed as she placed the basket on the bed in front of him.
“I think he did pretty good if I do say so myself.” She giggled, perching herself on the edge of the bed. Sam peeked an eye open and smiled at her all while reaching out and pulling the basket closer to him.
“Now what did this Bunny think I’d like, hmm?” Sam joked as he began to sift through the basket.
He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he picked up a small container of guitar picks and placed them to the side. Amongst the items were his favorite body wash, a cologne he had been talking about wanting to try, a gift certificate to their favorite sushi restaurant and a new toothbrush.
“The Easter bunny really decided to replace the toothbrush you dropped in the toilet?!” He joked, placing it to the side in favor of the plastic eggs filled with loose candy he began to munch on.
“I think he decided you needed one with all the Skittles you’re about to eat.” She giggled, reaching over to steal an orange one out of the egg he was holding.
“Thank you baby, that was sweet.” He cooed. Sophia couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face but kept her eyes downcast - not wanting the disappointment she knew played in them to be seen.
“Dan the man can get his when he wakes up. I don’t know about you but I am not waking the beast this early on a Sunday morning.” She giggled, pushing herself to stand and scooped the other basket off of the bed as she made her way out of the bedroom.
Sam was hot on her heels and quickly pushed past her, placing both hands on the hallway walls. Sophia’s bottom lip pushed out in a pout and she crossed her arms over her chest. Sam smiled sleepily at her and leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips, a distraction while Danny snuck past them and placed her baskets on the kitchen table.
“What was that for?” She giggled and pulled a deep breath in through her nose. Sam turned and looked over his shoulder briefly, exchanging a quick nod with Danny before wrapping his arms gently around Sophia and turned them both around.
“Daniel was indecent, I don’t think you want to see that, sorry.” He chuckled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her forehead as he walked her backwards into the kitchen. She couldn’t help the boisterous laugh that slipped past her lips at the thought of Danny streaking across the kitchen.
“How are you going to be indecent in my kitchen, Danny boy?” She called, her voice muffled by the way she was wrapped up in Sam’s arms. The smell of chocolate chip pancakes invaded her senses as they entered the kitchen. Sam’s gaze found Danny’s and they exchanged a silent conversation all while Sophia remained tucked into Sam’s chest.
“The Easter bunny forgot where your room was, Danny. He left your stuff with us.” She giggled, tipping her head back just enough to breathe in the air around her and held the basket out in his direction.
“How dare he not know where to find me! Can you just put it on the table for now, please? I’ll check it out as soon as breakfast is done.” Danny called.
Sam unraveled himself from Sophia and took a step back, crossing his arms over his chest as she spun on her heel and her eyes landed on the kitchen table. She reached up and placed Danny’s basket next to the two that were already sitting there and cocked her head to the side.
“I think the Easter bunny only knew the vicinity you were in.” Sam said. Stepping forward he wrapped his arms around her midsection and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. Sophia took a couple of deep, steadying breaths and leaned back against Sam, reaching up to rest her hands on his arms.
“Baby I…guys you… you didn’t have to.” Her voice cracked as tears welled in her eyes. The memory of the conversation she had with Sam earlier that month coming to the forefront of her mind.
“But we wanted to.” Danny chuckled, swooping past her, he ruffled her messy hair as he placed a plate of pancakes in the middle of the table. Pulling a deep breath in through her nose, she huffed it out and turned her head in Danny’s direction, shooting him a look with furrowed brows.
“Don’t give me that look. This was all Sam’s idea.” Danny chuckled, turning his attention to the basket Sophia had presented for him.
She stepped forward and pulled the bigger of the two baskets in front of her, carefully pulling the card that was tucked safely in the front of it out. Sam reached forward and placed a hand over hers, guiding her to place the card on the table.
“That’ll still be there later.” He chuckled, waiting impatiently for her to sift through the goodies in the basket.
She couldn’t help the giggle that slipped past her lips as she pulled the small plush chick out and hugged it to her chest - one of the many Easter traditions her mother carried on right up until the end. A hair brush, hair ties, claw clips and her favorite cheap perfume all sat to one side of the basket. It was then that her eyes traveled to the other side and she spotted the jar of popcorn and bubblegum flavored jelly beans, clearly hand picked going by the big mason jar of other flavors sitting on the counter.
“You picked them out like she used to…” her voice was soft as memories flooded her mind of Easter’s past and just how excited her mom would be to watch her pick apart the baskets she so lovingly put together.
Sam placed soft kisses to her cheek and gave her a reassuring squeeze as she dug to the bottom of the basket. Plucking the last item up her arm froze and she could no longer fight the tears that sprung to her eyes. In her hand was a three pack of blue bunny peeps - her moms favorite ones.
“How did you?” Her voice cracked as tears began to slip down her cheeks. Sam pulled back and spun her in his grasp, wrapping his arms around her shoulders in a tight bear hug.
“I know you won’t eat them, but I know how much this meant to the both of you. I couldn’t put together a basket and not include a hug especially from her.” He mumbled, keeping his voice low so the moment remained between the two of them.
“She’d sneak them in every year, at the bottom of the basket knowing I’d make a face and give them to her. It was our thing.” She sniffled hard trying to compose herself before turning back to the task at hand. Sam placed a kiss to the crown of her head and smoothed his hand up and down her back, essentially calming her down.
“You told me all about it a few weeks ago, don’t you remember? When you told me that numb nuts told you Easter baskets were childish? I might have my stupid moments but I listen to every word you say. I love you.” Sam chuckled, pulling back to cup her cheeks in his hand and wiped away the tears streaming down her cheeks with his thumbs.
“Happy Easter.” Sam kept his voice light and leaned forward to capture her lips with his in a soft and sweet kiss. Sophia pulled a deep breath in through her nose and held it to the count of ten before releasing it and turning back to the table.
“Daniel - you too?! How did I ever get so lucky to find both of you?” She giggled, slowly sifting through the small basket Danny had stuffed full of the skin care she had been gushing about to him over the last few weeks.
“That’s what happens when you fall in love with a package deal, you get him and me no questions asked.” Danny chuckled, ruffling her hair once more as he made his way out of the kitchen.
Sam watched as Sophia picked up the mason jar full of jelly beans and twisted it in her hands, a soft smile playing across her face as she opened the jar and picked a few popcorn flavored ones out. Cupping they in her hand she quickly popped them into her mouth before turning and offering Sam the jar.
“You gotta eat four bubblegum ones now - it’s tradition.” Tears welled in her eyes as her voice cracked once more, many more memories flooding her mind. Sam did as he was told, picking four pink jelly beans out of the jar and popped them into his mouth.
“Thank you… you guys didn’t have to do all this.” She mumbled, screwing the lid back onto the jar and tucked it safely back into the basket. A soft smile spread across Sam’s cheeks as he took a step forward and wrapped her in his arms, holding her close to his chest.
“There was no obligation in what we did. We do these things because we want to… okay? I love you, Daniel loves you, Sabrina loves you. Everyone loves you. I know holidays aren’t the easiest, but I want to make them as easy and fun as possible.”
Sophia took another deep breath and steadied herself as she wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him tightly to her. She nuzzled her face into the soft fabric of his t-shirt and began to sway their bodies gently. Sam breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she was okay with the little thing he does for her, not wanting to overstep a boundary. He pressed soft kisses against the crown of her head as she relaxed in his grip.
“Happy Easter, baby.” She mumbled, causing a smile to tug at the corners of his lips and he hugged her a bit tighter, letting her know she was safe with him.
TAGLIST: @vanfleeter @readyforthegarden @ascendingtostardust @belovedsamuel @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @gracev0609 @sunfl0wer-power @silks-up-my-sleeve @aintthatapity @twistedmelodies @gvfpal @runwayblues @the-wicked-gnome
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goqmir · 1 year
Any more thoughts on bugs bunny?
bugs bunny does things to me. i am at the point where the looney tunes show gets me blushing and dont even try to get me to watch the older cartoons because ive seen clips and frankly they put me in heat. hes a slutty genderfuck twink and his only goal is to eat the one food he likes in his bachelor pad rabbithole. he will do anything to live that life. he has killed annoying cisgender hater daffy duck and noted bastard yosemite sam more times than i can count and he doesnt even do it with combat he does it with fucking trickery and mischief he breaks their minds until they break themselves dont you just want to fuck a winner. cuz that cottontail doesnt lose. and god his cute little chest is what got me started thinking about him how they always draw that line between his twinky little pecs and those big ears those fluffy paws and. when you start thinking of bugs bunny as a sex icon you think oh haha but i could never like him because he talks like that! that silly accent the words he uses its too goofy. i tell you this when you make that transition and see the truth about bugs that voice is the nail in the coffin. god he carries such a smug demeanor hidden just enough by an air of genuineness that he can trick yosemite sam off that cliff time and time again. just imagine him calling you doc from down below you as he pleasures you its funny but in a way that only he can be funny. its comfortable. you trust him. of course he goes by he/him but like popeye and jerry the mouse and the other cartoon greats u can just kinda tell hes got something going on there right. the crossdressing certainly helps u can tell bugs has done his share of voice training and hes so comfortable wearing the aesthetics of femininity. those eyelashes. god i want him. i want to wake up in that rabbithole bed with him in my arms hear his soft cartoon mimimi as he sleeps safe beside me. that little bunny tail pressing against my stomach. i need bugs bunny
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lovetogether · 1 month
We should post our animal assessments for twin peaks uhhm laa 🎶
Laura - grey wolf
Leland - grey wolf
Sarah - grey wolf
Maddy - black wolf
Shelly - white tailed deer
Bobby - bobcat
Leo - cougar
Mike but like the one that’s Bobby’s friend - yellow house cat
Major Briggs - rhino
Donna - Pygmy rabbit
James - Newfoundland
Norma - cocker spaniel
Big ed - Newfoundland
Nadine - red fox
Andy - river otter
Harry - northern raccoon
Lucy - eastern cottontail
Hawk - Wolverine
Dale - piebald squirrel
Ben - brown tortie
Jerry - orange tabby
Audrey - mixed tortie
Cathrine - Persian cat
Pete - yellow bellied marmot
Josie - golden pheasant
The arm - teacup big
Giant - giant sloth
Mike - owl
Bob - coyote
Gordon - David lynch dog OR parakeet. Have these two fight to the death
Albert - ant (lemon suggestion)
Denise - maned wolf
Sam - duck
That other agent from movie we forgot his name - idk lol
Log lady - beaver
Annie - cocker spaniel
Harold - bearded lizard
Dr jacoby - brown bear
Phillip Jeffries - davidbowie huntsman spider
Da freaking Return
JaneyE - long eared chipmunk
Sonny Jim - chipmunk squirrel hybrid
Blow job brothers - desert bighorn sheep
Diane - poodle
British guy - feild mouse
Other sherif Truman - northern raccoon
Wally - weird hybrid of what Andy and Lucy were because that’s funny
Richard - bushy tailed cat
The woodsman - black bear
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
How did Arthur feel about the Adopt a private program?
Greetings Anon
He honestly wasn't thrilled about it, he had only, heard about the program first given that in the part of the army he was formerly in, there was no AAPP, at least, not that he was aware of.
Arthur used to called it "Adopt a Pet Program", because that's how the mountain hare felt about the whole army project, getting some young private who was supposed to follow you around every step and do as you say, like a, well ,pet, it made him shudder.
However, he genuinely liked Jude Valentine and thought he was a good person with a kind heart, unfortunately on the very same day when Jude had an argument with Sam that led to the bear facing Carlos Rojas all by himself, Art was seriously injured.
Unknown to Arthur he too, was a potential candidate to be involved in the AAPP, however that was before his forced relocation/transfer to Sam's army, because Arthur struck his former superior.
Yours sincerely
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writernopal · 1 year
Happy Storyteller Saturday! I hope you’re having a good weekend😊
My question this week is a silly one: One of your characters is changed into an animal on the spot.
Who is it?
What animal?
How do the others react?
What would be the most inconvenient moment for it to happen?

Happy STS, Sam! It's good so far. I hope you're having a good one too!
Oh man, I'm going to pick on Mariel for this one because it's so hard not to!
A mountain cottontail rabbit.
Axtapor would probably be shocked, but he would be happy that she's so cute. He'd use a Lizardfolk egg sling to carry her around with him and keep snacks in his pocket for her 🥺 Fay would probably try to use her for some kind of rune magic experiment. Wilkes would probably keep her in a cage in his study to figure out how the change happened to see if he could replicate it on others.
Probably when she and Axtapor are out and about grocery shopping or some equivalent. I imagine he turns around, and when he doesn't see her immediately, he starts to panic and nearly steps on her a few times LOL. She survives the ordeal, but I'm sure there is a whole thing where she has to try to convince him that she's turned into a rabbit because his first instinct when he sees a creature like that is to hunt it down and eat it. 😅
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roadcurators · 2 years
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ghostys-originals · 2 years
sam's dad
Full Name:  Sergeant Donald "Pepper" Cottontail
Gender and Sexuality: cis, Straight or not
Pronouns: He/him
Ethnicity/Species:  American, American Cottontail rabbit
Birthplace and Birthdate:  Brookline, Massachusetts, November 3rd
Guilty Pleasures: Short cargo shorts
Phobias: Dying, gay people (hes homophobic)
What They Would Be Famous For: Being a Sergeant
What They Would Get Arrested For: Child abuse
OC You Ship Them With: Daffodil technically but also no
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Sam if illness didn't claim him first
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Military/diary
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: The main character's partner in crime was a traitor the whole time
Talents and/or Powers: Yelling, being the worst man ever
Why Someone Might Love Them: If theyre gay and have their own daddy issues
Why Someone Might Hate Them: A lot of reasons
How They Change: Hes dead lol
Why You Love Them: Bitch I dont
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raspberrysmoon · 7 months
Do u have any music recs… am procrastinating on hw 🙃
GRGHHRGR GEE HRH YESSSSSSS I HAVE MUSIC RECS HANG ON !!!!!!! its a little. everywhere sorry </3
- cottontail by nep. on spotify and amazon music. obsessed with this one currently
- work song by hozier. on anything
- budapest by george ezra. on anything
- laplaces angel by will wood. on anything
- butch 4 butch by rio romeo. on anything
- passerine by the oh hellos. on anything
- matchmaker by erin kinsey. on youtube at least? thats where ive found it hehe
- SUFFOCATE (all caps) by XTINA GG (also caps). on youtube at least
- breaking up in the 90s by sam hunt. on everything
- everything sam hunt has ever done tbh
- moonsickness by penelope scott. on everything
- dear fellow traveller by sea wolf. on everything
- boys will be boys by miles mckenna. on everything i assume?
- the wolf by the crane wives. on everything
- nobody by the crane wives. on everything
- ship in a bottle by steffan argus. on everything
- make me cry by steffan argus. on everything
and ofc every starkid song ever <3
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