#Same sex child
lilgayducky · 7 months
Okay, so I'm lesbian right. And sometimes I get so mad because me and my gf will never be able to have a child that is biologically related to both of us. At least not yet. Science is advancing and there are more options for people wanting to both be involved like one doing IVF with her eggs and the other housing the baby. But even so... it's not the same as both being biologically related, and all involve a doner. A doner which many parents never know because they are often anonymous. I don't want my kid looking from some dude I never met. Also, I really really want my child to look like both of us. I want them to have my gfs beautiful chocolate brown skin, my hazel eyes, our hair combined into a dark wavy brown. Literally so perfect and amazing. But nope. Even if science does manage to make stem cells possible, it will be Hella expensive. No way we could afford it. Especially since I wanna be a teacher. My gf wants to either be like a psychologist or lawyer but even so, money ain't gonna be easy in this economy. Plus, we are both lesbian females. Not much going for us there. We are lucky to live in a safer country with lower discrimination, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I am proud of being a lesbian woman, but sometimes I just wanna curl up and cry because I just wanna have a baby who looks like both of us who we can both care for and who can grow old with us and be amazing and unique and who we can educate and grow with and who can also educate us at the same time. If only.
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keshetchai · 9 months
Btw the reason gentile pagans are fixated with Lilith is because she is the parallel to their fixation with "Lucifer," or "Satan," as a means of deconstructing their fucked up relationship with Christianity and Christian theology, and the internalized terrible garbage they picked up from Christian normativity, even if they weren't previously practicing Christians.
Lucifer/Satan gets to replace Jesus/God (the representation of XYZ Christian theologies they have issues with) and Lilith gets to replace Eve (the representation of XYZ Christian theologies relating to women that they have issues with).
The replacements represent - to some extent - themselves. They choose means of interpreting these characters that specifically make them into people who were unfairly victimized (within Christian theology) and marginalized, and who were ultimately "right." Or more "powerful," or ultimately more sympathetic/human/compassionate.
It's a fantasy wherein they get to validate their own frustration/pain/feeling of exclusion or powerlessness/treatment of being seen as an "ungodly" or "bad" person, and then make that person who typifies those things in their mind as the real hero, regardless of how doing that affects other people, or even if it makes sense.
It's actually very transparent when you think about it. I can almost guarantee Lilith would hold almost no sway to any of them if she wasn't explicitly mentioned as a counterpoint to Eve.
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I'm genuinely so baffled by people claiming that VoxVal have a Father-Daughter relationship with Velvette. Like, I understand she's short but no one's going around claiming that Lucifer is a Child™ like they do with Vel and Niftty. And also???
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What kind of "daughter" starts taking selfies and filming when her "dads" are about to start fucking????? Its fine I guess if you're not into polyvees or voxvel but she's definitely not their or anyone elses kid. She's an adult women who sells date rape drugs, respect that ffs
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offonaherosjourney · 1 year
At some point Kazuki is going to vent to a mom from daycare about how hard parenting is and how he wished Rei helped more around the house and the woman is going to nod understandingly and ask Kazuki how long he and Rei have been married and Kazuki is going to give her a puzzled look and say "married? we're not even dating??", and that woman is going to laugh because haha turns out that Kazuki the failed stand-up comedian does have some good jokes after all.
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mz-elysium · 8 months
Wyll learned what it means to be a man by Ulder, both teaching and observing. He learned that there's no room for love, for romance, for weakness. There is courage, duty, honour, and he is wholly defined as a person by his calling. It's honestly not a surprise that he ended up as the Blade, which I'm convinced is a mask he needs to drop to fully come to terms with himself as a person instead of a public servant.
But what is really getting me in these Sad Wyll hours is that… Wyll never really had a chance. With a distant father so preoccupied with duty and obligation, the only way to really get his approval and attention was to follow in his footsteps the best way he could. Serve. Courage. Turn himself into Zorro/Batman, no matter the cost. It's no surprise Wyll doesn't really see himself as a person worthy of care and consideration -- no one else did.
Ulder's own personal flaws magnified in his son. Not only never married, but D&D sources call him righteous, unforgiving, wed to his duty as a marshal and then duke, rigidly moral to the point of chafing unproductively with the patriars. His own unyielding discipline kept the Flaming Fist militia in order; as soon as he gets kidnapped, they fall apart under petty cruel captains into an occupying force. Ulder, by sheer devotion to his occupation, lost his own sense of personhood to his duty. By his journals, so did his father. None of them knew how to give their son something they didn't have themselves.
Wyll managing to find solace in bardsong and stories of heroes and romance is a small miracle. And, probably, teenage rebellion. Being taken out of this generational snowball certainly changed his path a bit, but he's still his father's son. But, instead of being marshal or duke, his occupation is Superhero. And, he can never go home to take it off at the end of a hard day. It's (literally) his life and soul, even in ways his father and grandfather never quite had. AND STILL he finds his father's dedication something to admire, rather than pity; something to aspire to and emulate in his own efforts to help save the Coast.
something something sins of the father
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brynnmclean · 1 year
All right, again in the spirit of curiosity:
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oakdrawss · 8 months
People need to get weirder about dwarves
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luxwing · 1 year
I really am just over people making jokes about people being sexless. Like oh, you think this person is annoying and you decide to joke about them not having sex? You base the worth of others on whether or not they've fucked? You joke that shitty people are virgins? So you think virginity is something that should be frowned upon and that people only have worth if they're fuckable?
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atlantic-riona · 2 years
full offense but if you write a book about Neverland or Peter Pan and have there be a romance between Wendy and Hook I am sending you outside to consider your crimes. don't bother coming back inside until you repent
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appleciders · 2 months
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
I hate vagueposting in fandom give me a direct link and a list of reasons why I'd be as upset as you
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coochiequeens · 9 months
Ladies if you're kids don't want to see their father anymore talk to a lawyer first. Because no matter how valid their reasons courts are increasingly favoring fathers who cry parental alienation
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*wakes up in a cold sweat* I should create a Victoria/Raven Leader fanchild *falls back asleep immediately*
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prolibytherium · 10 months
Absolutely death gripped clenched trying not to comment on reductive posts on ancient greek homosexual relationships
#It is neither wholly '0mg two gay guys in love!!' and 'I am humiliating and debasing a lower man by making a woman out of him'#There's heavy elements of that in how they conceptualized penetrator vs penetrated but the erastes (lover/protector) and eromenos (beloved)#relationship was significantly more complex than that#Like it is conceptualized as sort of a mentor/mentee relationship and a positive element for an adolescent's development#It was the subject of romantic plays and you get things like people in antiquity in heated debates over who is the#erastes and who is the eromenos between Achilles and Patroclus (to better depict them in plays)#The bottom line is more 'the socially accepted m/m relationships were (what we would now consider) an adult and a child#(or young man) with the age difference being a fundamental element to the dynamic.'#And more broadly being penetrated in sex assigned a 'lower' or 'womanly' role and it would not be conventionally accepted#for an older/more socially powerful man to recieve penetration (which certainly DID happen though)#So absolutely a moment in the history of male homosexuality and not something to just go 'ew ew bad evil ewwie' about but also#not something you want to project modern conceptions of LGBT identity upon#Also we know relatively little about relationships between women in ancient Greece due to lack of sources due to being a#highly patriarchal culture but we can't actually know that they did not involve similar power dynamic#Certainly not to the same extent or in such a well socially defined way (bc they conceptualize sex almost entirely through a lens of#penetration) but I think you should be treating relations between ancient Greek women with the same degree of#historical distance from our lives and identities today.#Ok death grip failed I just typed an entire rant. Fiuck it
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ladymariayuri · 7 months
Just checked my email for my Wrathion plushie status and immediately saw this promotion email and got butthurt because not my packidge but who wants to guess how disgustingly overpriced this thing is and how fast it will go sold out from the sheer amount of Fujoshi Audience Purchases
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pettytiredandjewish · 5 months
Y’all I’m so tired but also low key losing (never mind I’ve already lost it) my f-big mind and sanity. To any of my Indiana folks here ( or if you know anyone who lives in the area) PLEASE (and I’m really begging here) keep an eye open on house/senate bills that are either in the process of getting passed/voted on, or (already passed just waiting for it to be effective??? The wording was weird on some of them and not enough news coverage on certain concerning bills which is kinda scary)
If you’re part of the LGBTQ+ community (in Indiana) PLEASE keep your eye open on HB 1291- this could really f everything up. It ends ALL RECOGNITION of all trans people and intersex people too. They also sneaked in a bill where same sex marriage will be banned and any current same sex married couples who got married here- that marriage won’t be recognized anymore in the state. So please keep your eye and ear open on this bill and prepare yourselves if needed (gather/putting together all documents including marriage licenses, birth certificates (if you have kids), etc. And maybe start making a plan to relocate somewhere safer.
Also abortion laws are about to get more f-ed up too. So keep your eyes open on that as well. And keep an eye out on some of the education bills- one of them is changing the curriculum to avoid teaching about certain historical figures which can lead to avoiding talking about certain historical events in America history. And lastly keep an eye open on the bill that allows child labor too (holy shit this is getting really messed up- I’m already stressed about- so many freaking things- this shit isn’t helping me!)
Please stay safe out there!
(I’ve attached some screenshots of these bills, but please look it up and read it)
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