#Woman problems
flowerandblood · 7 months
You may want to be sweet and girly. You may want to be sullen and aloof. You may wish to please not only yourself, but also the person you desire and cherish. You may wish to please no one. You may prefer to have your partner do certain things for you because he or she is better at them. You may want to argue with other women if you disagree with them and not be afraid of being anti-feminist.
You may desire a particular figure, a particular shape of nose or breasts, a particular hair colour. You may think that you would like to change something about yourself. You may think that you are not perfect, that there is something you need to work on. You may think it is nice when a man opens the door for you, that it is nice when he takes a heavy bag from you, that it is nice when he tells you that you are a beautiful.
You don't have to do everything yourself. Self-sufficiency and self-reliance does not mean being rude to your own weaknesses, to men or other women who approach life differently than you do. Live to be happy, not to make some group of people be pleased with you. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable.
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bbinsects · 1 year
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its-all-down-hill · 1 year
The struggle as a woman is real…
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Ovulating is such a weird experience because my body and hormones are like: baaaaby!! Get some!! We. Are. Ready.
But my morals, religion, finances, and semi asexual tendencies are like: absolutely not.
I’m also very paranoid about being assaulted during that time and getting pregnant. It’s a weird couple days.
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ar0acejay · 1 year
if a woman is intelligent, she gets sexualized. if a woman is "stupid", she gets sexualized. if a woman is shy, she gets sexualized. if a woman is angry or emotional, she gets sexualized. everything women do or feel gets sexualized. but if you're a sexual woman, you get demonized
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dumpshittybrain · 1 year
My uterus stops vomitting for like- 17 hours and then I be on my aunty's new sofa with custom made off white cotton covers and, my womb be suddenly hailing Satan without armor
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the-sass-chasm · 1 year
Was on Indeed looking for a new job while crying and thinking about switching college majors because I really hated what I was studying, but then I got a really bad cramp and thought ‘oh good, it’s just my period’….imma go watch atla now.
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lilgayducky · 10 months
Okay, so I'm lesbian right. And sometimes I get so mad because me and my gf will never be able to have a child that is biologically related to both of us. At least not yet. Science is advancing and there are more options for people wanting to both be involved like one doing IVF with her eggs and the other housing the baby. But even so... it's not the same as both being biologically related, and all involve a doner. A doner which many parents never know because they are often anonymous. I don't want my kid looking from some dude I never met. Also, I really really want my child to look like both of us. I want them to have my gfs beautiful chocolate brown skin, my hazel eyes, our hair combined into a dark wavy brown. Literally so perfect and amazing. But nope. Even if science does manage to make stem cells possible, it will be Hella expensive. No way we could afford it. Especially since I wanna be a teacher. My gf wants to either be like a psychologist or lawyer but even so, money ain't gonna be easy in this economy. Plus, we are both lesbian females. Not much going for us there. We are lucky to live in a safer country with lower discrimination, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I am proud of being a lesbian woman, but sometimes I just wanna curl up and cry because I just wanna have a baby who looks like both of us who we can both care for and who can grow old with us and be amazing and unique and who we can educate and grow with and who can also educate us at the same time. If only.
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spookypanda04 · 10 months
So I've got a temp job for this week doing janitorial work for a kidney dialysis place. Part of it is taking out the trash (not the red biohazard bags, just the normal trash). So it being well after 5pm in winter means by the time I'm done, it's well after dark. So I typically throw the bags of trash in the back of the car to drive them 50 yards to the dumpster.
So tonight, did the same thing as I always did, but one of the bags leaked what I'm pretty sure was saline solution all over the rubber mat in the trunk. I cleaned it up, but dad was still mad because it is technically medical waste leaked in the back of the car. I told him it was fine, that I would wash the mat tomorrow, and that I much rather clean the car out than walk the 50 yards to the dumpster in the dark.
Anyways Dad being a 6'4" 400+ pound man did not understand, and it was all I could do not to explain to him exactly why I'm scared to walk down a sketchy road behind the mall at night.
If you understand, then I'm sorry you also have to worry about things like that.
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How to deal with this situation: you think you look awful and want to disappear, but then someone harasses you by saying you're beautiful (but still harassing you), and you feel extremely uncomfortable and just want to vanish?
Honestly, that's another "why" i should kill myself.
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cwahsohnt · 1 year
Point: "You're just upset with that because you're on your period."
Counterpoint: I'm always upset with that. I'm just dealing with so much other shit on top of normal life problems when I'm on my period that I don't have the energy to ignore your bullshit like I usually do.
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I look forward to skating on Thursday nights like a child who has been promised a trip to the park.
Imagine my disappointment when Aunt Flo decided to make her appearance today, a Thursday.
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allofroti · 2 years
Fuck being a woman fr-
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I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this-*deep inhale*- I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I HATE THIS
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unseentravler · 1 year
Fuck!! I hate starting my period right before bed! My first day of cramps are the worst, and now I got to deal with them all trying to sleep!
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drackerkwke · 2 years
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thisbibliomaniac · 2 years
Can't sleep because the movie I'm listening to keeps pausing 😔
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