#Sand Colony
warriorgrayfawn · 2 years
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Thornbriar of the Sand Colony Traditional Art Version
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eleanor-arroway · 3 months
“The job is the unquestioned goal for all free citizens of the world – the ultimate public good. It is the clearly stated exit goal of all education and the only sanctioned reason for acquiring knowledge. But if we think about it for a moment, jobs are not what we want. We want shelter, food, strong relationships, a livable habitat, stimulating learning activity, and time to perform valued tasks in which we excel. I don’t know of many jobs that will allow access to more than two or three of those things at a time, unless you have a particularly benevolent owner or employer.
I am often told that I should be grateful for the progress that Western civilization has brought to these shores. I am not. This life of work-or-die is not an improvement on preinvasion living, which involved only a few hours of work a day for shelter and sustenance, performing tasks that people do now for leisure activities on their yearly vacations: fishing, collecting plants, hunting, camping, and so forth. The rest of the day was for fun, strengthening relationships, ritual and ceremony, cultural expression, intellectual pursuits, and the expert crafting of exceptional objects. I know this is true because I have lived like this, even in this era where the land is only a pale shadow of the abundance that once was. We have been lied to about the “harsh survival” lifestyles of the past. There was nothing harsh about it. If it was so harsh – such a brutish, menial struggle for existence – then we would not have evolved to become the delicate, intelligent creatures that we are.”
- Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World
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000marie198 · 5 months
The trailer of The Glassworker is here!
This is the frst ever Pakistani hand-drawn anime movie. And it looks so good! Very excited to watch it :D
Since it's a local movie, I can't wait for this to be the first thing I watch on the big screen!
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momo-de-avis · 2 years
I am eternally amazed at how sensitive the portuguese are at the subject of colonialism. The idea that we practised some sort of soft colonialism is so ingrained in our minds people will be fighting for their lives to defend this idea (which, btw, is still a remnant of Salazar's propaganda). Brazil's colonialism is such a hyper sensitive topic you can see the vein popping on the neck of the average Zé when someone even lightly mentions accountability. I dead ass remember my 7th grade teacher telling our class that Brazil's colonialism consisted of "jesuit priests playing music, which enticed the natives" and that was it (flutes too, to be precise, for some fucking reason) and everyone has just blindly believed this and refused to accept the actual horrible history we're a part of. Portuguese people will be fighting for their lives on technicalities. Say "The portuguese invented the slave trade" and Salvador over there will jump from under the table to explain that akshually african people were the ones to sell their own people as slaves!!! And askhually, slavery goes back for centuries!! You know what they mean, you know what needs to be discussed here, but my boy Salvador is on a mission. He doesn't even care that he's regurgitating fascist propaganda that was entirely built on ahistorical facts that specifically sought to promote colonialism and imperialism as a progressive idea, no, none of that matters. It matters that we are miserable people who will perpetually long for the past, look back on something utterly atrocious and willingly ignore the brutality of it, because we cannot come to terms with the fact that today we live in a country that's ripe with corruption, unlivable wages and high cost of living; we cannot come to terms with the fact that we did all this colonialism just to be a poor fucking country that's being exploited by digital nomads; in fact, we just cannot tolerate the idea that we're just a summer resort for americans and brits and have absolutely no economical relevance in the world, not even cultural, but hey, cultural meaning can be invented. So we look back, we wail and cry and look back at these centuries when we pillaged, enslaved and destroyed because at least we meant something, because we once divided the world in two with Spain, that's how big our balls were once, and because once people knew who we were, they our name beyond the one football player. We purposefully disregard the horrid shit. We coast through life without ever, ever acknowledging it ever existed. We're taught in school colonialism was soft core at best, tell some bullshit about some priests with flutes and be done with it, and then when someone finally confronts us for our history, on god, we'll be fighting with everything we have to prove to you that our colonialism was just fine, and we, white men of the 16th century, showed these countries the meaning of civilisation! Orgulhosamente sós, am i right bitches
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fatehbaz · 1 year
[S]and has acquired a conspicuous profile in contemporary urbanization over the past two decades. [...] [S]and but also gravel and crushed rock, are the fastest-growing category of extracted material. Their extraction has increased six-fold in the Asia-Pacific region over the last two decades. Singapore, a city-state in Southeast Asia the size of New York City and half the size of London, is the largest per capita importer of sand in the world. The city-state’s urbanization and never-ending construction [...] is partly responsible for its considerable appetite for sand, but this use pales in comparison to the amount it requires for its land reclamation project, which has seen the city-state expand its territory from 585 square kilometers in 1959 to 724 in 2022. Singapore’s construction of territory, and the sand it has imported from all over Southeast Asia to resource its geophysical projection of sovereignty, invites us to consider the implications of urbanization’s enrollment of greater and greater volumes of sediment, and the geopolitics of the global sand crisis. [...]
As sediment flows and locks into place, it expresses characteristics of all three states of matter, depositing and eroding [...]. A geomorphological errantry, sediment is always on the move [...]. In its multiplicity, sand becomes a kind of narrator for those elements [...]. In its modulation [...], sediment sutures together landscapes that are neither solid nor fluid, but the porous interplay [...].
Between 2006 and 2016, Singapore, with a population of less than six million, was the top importer of sand in the world four times. Land reclamation there truly began with colonization by the British East India Company, with Boat Quay in 1822, when three hundred or so convict laborers who were paid pittances chopped down hills and cut up stones to embank a swamp, lest it remain fallow. When Singapore became an independent city-state in 1965, reclamation projects initially cut down hills for fill material, flattening the interior and exterior of the main island alike. [...] As these projects grew more expansive and the city-state’s demand for sand intensified, Malaysia and then Indonesia banned sand exports to Singapore [...]. This [resulting] price spike shook the city-state to its core, prompting the opening of a series of construction sand stockpiles [...]. The government began purchasing sand through its web of contractors and subcontractors from Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, and Myanmar. [...]
The securitization of sand in multiple stockpiles in Singapore eerily mirrors what happened in the extractive sandscapes of its origin: similarly sized dunes bloomed along the banks of mangroves in Koh Kong, Cambodia, like a dream herniating into reality, an invasive species of landscape bursting at the seam where the land met the water, still haunting riverbeds years after the dredging stopped. [...]
[T]he fantasy of reclaimed land through dubiously sourced rudiments of city-statecraft. [...] This kind of work is normally kept out of sight behind physical partitions as well as the labyrinthine contractual involutions of procurement arrangements, until it is seamlessly assumed by the whole, consumed by land as a homogenous legal entity [...] [B]ehind the mask, another mask. [...] [T]he sand barges and ships enter the maritime waters of Singapore from [...] legally undisclosable sources of its origin.
The eponymous proclamation [...] is the legal mechanism by which a piece of reclaimed land is “proclaimed” as state land proper by the president. A reclamation can only become state land by the text of a proclamation, a eucharistic procedure which purifies the land of its ambiguous sedimentary origin. Prior to that it is foreshore or seabed, but once it has been proclaimed, “thereupon that land shall immediately vest in the State freed and discharged from all public and private rights [...] over the foreshore or the sea-bed before the same were so reclaimed.” [...]
The limit to seeing like a state is that the state has a way of doing things that it can’t see, and of refusing to register that which does not meet its threshold of intelligibility.
It blinds itself through the loophole, the nondisclosure agreement, the handshake and its subtle para-political fission. [...]
Singapore’s continued economic prosperity depends on the speculative projection of its territory through unequal economic exchange, disguising it through fabulations of sovereign ingenuity like the Gardens by the Bay. [...]
[There is an] asymmetry between its curated artifice and the remote terraqueous landscapes this curation predates upon, unsettling the ground on which the city-state projects its most delirious fictions of sovereignty [...].
But those very spaces of nondescript hinterland are the logistical and industrial engines which make the Gardens possible. [...]
[T]he sheer colonial and postcolonial history of geographic expansion and environmental transformation implies that there are still further worlds to extract for reproducing the global city. Urban form rewired by geo-economic fortune and political repression subversively enroll land and labor into its globe-spanning machinery: it needs to keep on expanding to stay ahead of whatever anticipated global economic movement will buoy it in the future. [...] The transmutation of Singapore’s development trajectory is not historical, but contemporary: Singapore is the global city as a centripetal conjugator of space-time, funneling either term through supply chains that pass through it to produce territory as a plasticity [...].
The calamity it visited on the population of Koh Sralao was first pioneered all over Singapore and its outlying islands in the name of necessity, modernization, and the nation, displacing Orang Laut and Orang Pulau communities, who faced a choice to either abandon their maritime ways or resettle further afield in Malaysia or Indonesia. Many of Singapore’s southern islands were grafted together and erased by land reclamation, with Jurong Island in particular becoming an agglomeration of eighteen different islands, their Malay names now lost, sunk together into the catacombs of a dedicated petrochemical refining and storage complex.
Instead of being haunted by the sediment it has reclaimed its land with, and the rhythms and ecologies this sediment subtended, the global city and its subcontracted tendrils haunt those vestiges of maritime and riverine life bound by sediment like a vengeful ghost, compelled to repeat its actions, and to forget them in the projection of another tabula rasa.
All text above by: William Jamieson. “Extracting Sovereignty: Land Reclamation in Southeast Asia and the Emergence of the Global Sand Crisis.” e-flux Journal Issue #137. June 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism.]
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wkaustubh · 8 months
Singapore's History and Heritage: A Walk Through Time
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Nestled at the crossroads of Southeast Asia, Singapore is a city-state with a rich tapestry of history and cultural heritage that dates back centuries. From its humble beginnings as a fishing village to becoming a global economic powerhouse, Singapore has undergone a remarkable transformation. Today, the city-state stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of tradition and modernity. While exploring the key milestones that have shaped Singapore's history and heritage, visitors can also indulge in various things to do in Pai and experience the vibrant scene of shopping in Thailand.
Early Days: A Fishing Village to a Trading Hub
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Singapore's story begins in the 14th century when it was a mere fishing village known as Temasek. It wasn't until the arrival of Sang Nila Utama, a Sumatran prince, in the 13th century that the island gained prominence. The prince renamed the island "Singapura," which means "Lion City" in Sanskrit after he allegedly spotted a lion on its shores. Although lions never roamed the island, the name stuck, symbolizing strength and courage.
In the 19th century, Singapore's strategic location at the crossroads of major shipping routes attracted the attention of European powers. Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of modern Singapore, established a British trading post in 1819. This marked the beginning of Singapore's rapid ascent as a crucial trading hub in the region.
Colonial Era and World War II:
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Under British colonial rule, Singapore flourished economically, becoming a melting pot of cultures due to its strategic location and open trade policies. However, the prosperity was interrupted during World War II when the Japanese occupied Singapore from 1942 to 1945. The war left an indelible mark on the island, with the Battle of Singapore being a pivotal moment in its history. After the war, Singapore went through a period of recovery and reconstruction.
Independence and Nation-Building:
The desire for self-governance gained momentum in the post-war era, leading to the formation of the People's Action Party (PAP) in 1954. Led by Lee Kuan Yew, the PAP advocated for independence from British rule and social reforms. Singapore achieved self-governance in 1959 and joined the Federation of Malaysia in 1963. However, the union was short-lived, and Singapore gained full independence on August 9, 1965, due to political differences with Malaysia.
Lee Kuan Yew became the first Prime Minister of Singapore and embarked on a nation-building journey characterized by economic development, social cohesion, and multiracial harmony. The transformation was remarkable, turning Singapore from a developing nation into a first-world city-state within a single generation.
Cultural Diversity: Harmony in Diversity
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One of the defining features of Singapore is its multicultural society. The island is a mosaic of different ethnicities, including Chinese, Malay, Indian, and various other communities. This diversity is not only evident in the population but also in the architecture, cuisine, and traditions that permeate the city.
Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam are iconic districts that showcase the cultural richness of their respective communities. Visitors can explore the vibrant markets, temples, mosques, and churches, experiencing firsthand the harmonious coexistence of different faiths and traditions. The annual celebrations of festivals such as Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Hari Raya Puasa, and Christmas further highlight the multicultural tapestry of Singapore.
Preserving Heritage: Museums and Historic Sites
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To truly understand Singapore's history and heritage, a visit to its museums and historic sites is essential. The National Museum of Singapore provides a comprehensive overview of the island's past through interactive exhibits and artifacts. Fort Canning Park, with its archaeological sites and lush greenery, offers a glimpse into Singapore's colonial history.
Changi Chapel and Museum pay homage to the prisoners of war during World War II, while the Peranakan Museum celebrates the unique Peranakan culture, born from the intermingling of Chinese and Malay influences. These sites not only preserve the historical significance but also serve as educational platforms for future generations.
Modern Singapore: A Global City-State
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In the latter half of the 20th century, Singapore transitioned from a trading post to a global economic powerhouse. Its commitment to education, innovation, and infrastructure development propelled the nation into the ranks of the world's most developed countries. The skyline of Singapore reflects its modernity, with iconic structures like the Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay becoming symbols of the city-state's progress.
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Singapore's history and heritage are intertwined with resilience, diversity, and a forward-looking spirit. As visitors traverse the city-state, they embark on a journey through time, witnessing the transformation from a humble fishing village to a global metropolis. Singapore's ability to preserve its cultural roots while embracing progress serves as an inspiration for nations worldwide. A walk through the Lion City is not just a stroll through its bustling streets but a fascinating exploration of a nation's evolution, where history and heritage seamlessly coalesce.
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nommedtail · 1 year
saying genshin is racist and copies other games when youre a fgo fan LMFAOOO explain to me quickly why quetzalcoatl looks like that in that gambling game. lets also talk how guilgamesh and enkidu are also pale as hell and also the 103919 historical figures turned into lolis
anon, your anime gambling game of choice is most definitely very heavily inspired by legend of zelda breath of the wild. me liking whatever media you deem unworthy doesn't magically make that an untruth.
people can like stuff and be critical about its flaws, y'know. nothing is perfect, especially games that monetize through pretty jpgs in a world that's y'know. generally pretty unkind to melanin!
quetz is prob bc they used that debunked story that the aztecs thought their gods were blond and blue eyed or whatever. people still believe that! just like how people thought the lady who sued mcdonalds over the hot coffee was in the wrong. propaganda is insidious
the genderbends and lolis suck, and i hate them, i'm not alone in hating them, especially on this hellsite, but they make boatloads of money. so they'll keep being made. that's it, that's the reason!
for gil, i think there's the whole, sumerian divinity had blond hair/red eyes (in the story's lore at least) and the pale skin is ...him being 2/3 god???? idk, it's still bad lmao but he was made by like, some dudes to be a villain for their indie dating sim game in like, the early 2000's lol
enkidu's design has to complement gil's silly saint seiya lookin ass bc they're boyfriends i guess?? i dunno, i'm not a wiki
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owlinahazeltree · 1 year
Something about sanding wood by hand feels innately colonial
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grahamkennedy · 3 months
"Haha everything in Australia is trying to kill you" NOPE WE'RE NOT DOING THAT. You will romanticise our flora and fauna or you will shut up. You will marvel in the beauty of our red desert sand, you will delight in the smell of our eucalyptus trees, you will laugh with frivolity at the dances of our frill necked lizards and hear the musicality of the calls of our kookaburras and our magpies. You will unlearn the colonial narrative that this land is savage and deadly, and you will see it for the majesty it is.
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arolesbianism · 4 months
Thinking abt my dupe ocs again, and I'm returning to my cringe fail silly ones who exist solely for me to have fun. Basically one of the colonies is sort of a lil experimental ground dupe wise where most of the dupes get to have some fun critter biology meshed in there, with most of them being fairly stable, but a few of them having a bit of a harder time for some reason or another. Such as having no bones and the most fragile skin known to dupe kind.
#rat rambles#oni posting#this colonies ada is the no bones guy shes mixed with a void bug#she actually is able to function mostly just fine its just that she has to be like super careful all the time#it doesn't help that her insides are mostly just foamy goo so the colony doctor doesn't rly know how to treat her wounds#on the bright side shes extremely light and can jump onto other dupes shoulders for fun#she cant fly tho very sad#even if she was the lightest thing in the world her wings are on the back of her head and arent as flexible as an actual shine bugs wings#she mostly uses them to gesture with like an extra pair of arms#and to paint with since shes also an artist#she's passionate abt her art but shes also super passionate abt being an engineer and a lot of her art ties back to that#mostly because she was printed only abt a month before the pod went offline so after that her fellow dupes became a lot more protective of#her since they felt that if smth went wrong now they wouldnt know how to help her#this frustrates her a Lot especially since prior to this she was mostly left to figure out how to manage this stuff by herself#she ends up tinkering in private when no one is around since she has a lot of ideas and wants to try making them#one of her biggest goals is to find a way to fly or glide without jetpacks since she's convinced she could find a way to#if she can be knocked off her feet by a light breeze then she can totally find a way to stay in the air longer shes sure of it#in the meantime the rest of the critter squad are trying to convince liam to not eat sand because itll just make his sensitive tummy worse#he knows this conceptually but his heart tells him that he ate a meal and started to feel sick so its clearly poisoned and the cook is#sick or trying to poison him and hes going to die if he keeps eating food from the fridge and so he must eat sand#unfortunately this is a fairly common anxiety of his since his stomach rly can only half handle anything ever#I imagine he and ada have a complicated relationship as while they do get along one of them has violent anxiety and the other is fragile as#hell but hates being babied so ada often avoids liam to his dismay
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warriorgrayfawn · 1 year
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Sand Colony group lineup for episode 7?
watch me draw this and talk too long about these guys in the new clangen video
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s3znl-gr3znl · 5 months
If ever you find yourself wondering why nobody lives in a particular state/area of the US (i.e. New Mexico, Appalachia, The Dakotas) do a little digging into the history of that area. Usually, it's one of 3 reasons:
- racism
- the government
- colonialism
or all of the above.
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buttercuparry · 12 days
I am trying to write a post and yet nothing is coming  to me. I don't think there is anything left to be said. Massacres-food shortages-polio epidemic of Gaza, I have talked about it all in an effort to fundraise for my friend Siraj Abudayeh ( @siraj2024 ). Mostly because this is what his life has come to, despite not having any say in it at all. A settler colony willed to destroy Gaza and because of that for almost a year, Siraj and his family are: 
having to live in a tent, where there is no relief from either heat, cold or rain
where sand mites and insects keep pestering  the family all day long
causing a breakout of infections amongst Siraj’s sons, and putting the rest of their cousins at risk 
since right now all of Siraj’s extended relatives ( 23 family members)  are currently living with him after being displaced in an IOF attack
I have talked about this and more. I have talked about how every day Siraj has to take risks and go to Deir al-Balah just to get a steady hotspot connection so that he may campaign for his fundraiser and how after all this he gets harassed online because he is a journalist who gives us his daily updates. Beyond this I do not know what else to say to you so that you may donate to Siraj and help him cross this last lap of his fundraiser.
Recently Siraj posted an update about the  massacre at al-Mawasi camp and it hits you hard when you realize that this camp is just 2 km away from Siraj’s own. Everyday when he sends me a message, I breathe a sigh of relief because after all these months- from our first tentative hellos to now when we crack jokes after a machine translated chat goes wrong, there is always a fear that maybe this might just be our last interaction. I know these thoughts have nothing to do with the fundraiser in itself, but my point is, as a  friend, Siraj has requested that I help him reach 82k and right now this is all I can do. So please donate even if it is $3 USD ( $5 CAD). The fundraiser has trickled to almost a crawl and this makes Siraj worry. At least the gfm reaching its goal would be one less burden on him. He has fought so hard for this, please do not let him down now. 
Currently at $78,248 / $82,000 CAD. Only $3752 CAD left to reach his goal. That is approximately 2.7k USD.
Please donate and get Siraj to his goal by this Monday. You got him this far, do not abandon him now.
Vetting 219
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false-god-bl0g · 1 year
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Tracker of Tide Colony - 4 years - She/Her
A happy-go-lucky molly that loves to make others laugh.
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azzayofchaos · 4 months
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Since my other Nether worldbuilding post was received pretty well... I'm back on my bullshit!
This time featuring zoning and biomes of the Neath: Lore below cut
Nether (noun): the formidable hellscape straddling the boundery between the Fragments of the Overworld and Death's Realms.
Derived from Beneath -> Neath -> Neth -> Nether.
The Nether is most easily accessable through outer regions of the nether, regions that are comparatively closed-off, and lacking in biodiversity compared to the Deep Nether where most Neath civilizations are centered.
The Neth is divided into three primary zones, distinguished by altitude and general climates.
The Calfactory Zone: the largest and most icon of the three, the Calfactory zone is blisteringly hot and bone-dry, it's most prominent features are its abundant seas and lakes of magma, and the massive Supermagmas atriums that are common above the magma. In the largest of these atriums, the ceiling may be so high above as to be completely invisible from the ground, obscured by an ever present smog of toxic vapor and minerals formed in the self-generated micro-climates that are generated from the rising heat of the lava that begins to cool at a higher altitude.  
In the Basalt Deltas and other biomes around the edges of these lakes, massive pillars of rock and crystals bulwark the more-visible ceiling. 
The most common of this zone’s biomes is the Crimson woods, home to hearty thermal-philic fungi and plants that grow on the minerals and vapors of the lakes. Many are carnivorous in their lack of access to water or sunlight, and these forests contain many sub-biomes and ecosystems of flourishing life. 
The Wastes are perhaps the most desolate regions of the Neath, irradiated deserts of red-rock, brimstone, and sharp sand. Even the vast majority of nether-folk avoid these deserts due to the leftover radiation that rots and destroys anything that waits too long. The only forms of life are particularly robust lichens and bacteria that are happy to sit by the pools of boiling pools of sulfur and mud and toxic sludge that dot the landscape. Growing within the rocks themselves are colonies of amorphous fungus, called geocorpus molds that get their spores into cracks in the soft netherack and slowly feed on it, a delicacy in nether cuisine. 
The Temperate Zone: Cradled in the heights of the Neath’s atriums and sat bellow the roof is the temperate zones, the rising heat of the zone below begins to cool and forming distinct weather patterns in this zone and leaving it, while still sweltering, a cooler though much more humid climate.
The main biome are the luminescent warped-fungal rainforests that collect the high-rising minerals and odd moisture from the lakes. Liquid is actually precent here, though if it’s not safely filtered through the innards of the various plants and fungi, this water is usually aggressively corrosive, and it is best to shelter from the  acidic precipitation to avoid chemical burns. The nether folk and ender local to these rainforests are suited to deal with these conditions and the ender especially do not have trouble with the extreme pH of the water here like they would in the overworld. The zone is lit almost exclusively by the biolumincense of the organisms there and have often been described as false-stars.
In the Deep Nether, the ceiling may give way, allowing one to pass onto the plateaus of the Nether Roof and the yawning void above. The bedrock of the nether roof is jagged and layered in huge slabs, sometimes broken up my mazes of pillar-like structures and shallow, thermal pools of crystal-clear liquid. The kind you don't want to touch of course. fogs may hang low to the ground, but when its clear, or above the fog, the entire universe seems to spill out into the sky. The nether roof was culturally significant and a source of much knowledge and inspiration in the early days, but I'll get more into that in a later post 0.0
The Rime Zone: Plunge deep enough and one might find themselves bellow the lava beds. Here, where the heat can't quite penetrate, the temperatures will drop rapidly to sub-zero.
Namely, the Rime Zone is made up of the soul valleys, flat steppes of cinder and clotted sand, you can imagine it almost with the blindness effect, a fog that pools by your feet, and a heavier darkness hanging from the sky, it feels massive and endless and claustrophobic all at once. Frost collects as crystals on the irradiated, soul-soaked barrens, and the bones of the massive nether wyrms lie fossilized, breaking up the landscape. The sands are also split with patches of crazing on the ground and vents of blue fire that spills out and sets the sand ablaze.
These same wryms can be found sometimes, ancient things that dig through sand and soft rocks and the magma lakes, far and few between and treated with both fear and reverence.
And in the deepest pits of the Neath are the glowing frozen lakes that are colloquially and rightfully called the Gates to Death, glowing blue from beneath their surfaces. Indeed, any further down and you pass into limbo, the edge of Death's Realms.
Extra Notes??:
Soul sand/soil is tread on carefully or not at all, is one form of remnants from the apocolyspe. Like the general radiated rubble present through the Nether, it's a fault of nuclear fallout. Unlike other areas of radiation, its also been infused with the souls of those who didn't survive the joining of worlds.
This infused quality is also precent in Nether Debris, resulting in a material that takes magic particularly well.
Iron cannot be found in dense veins and crystals like gold or quartz in the nether, but it's a pretty rich mineral a lot of netherack, giving it its ruddy coloring.
Sorry for this massive rant that no one asked for. If you have questions please feel free to send an ask, I may not have an answer yet but I'll certainly come up with one if I can.
I'm also hoping to do a pass on my headcanons about history and culture in the Nether and then we might start talking about character headcanons since this is also an actual AU.
If you read this far, here's some notes on striders and ghast
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True! She enrolled almost 25 years ago and she still speaks French like the rubber of my shoe. Aren't you done writing your own shitty anons? Now it's in between fake relationships and ghosts?
The weed is good on ihavetowalkthepenguin
And it's clear you haven't been much to Paris otherwise you'd know it's the city of dog shits and sexual harassment. How romantic. But I know what kind of .. feminism is your brand.
Edited: yup I like to watch true crime have since I was 12, but I certainly didn't write a love letter to Anderson and even less at her place, I did write one but it wasn't a love letter it talked about someone we both know among other things. And yes I know she had it because CC had it next, how classy of her. If you come back insinuating shit like that or that I stalked her I'll fucking hunt you, got it sewer turd? It's also very clear you're short of both knowledge and logic.
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