#Sara Lövestam
stoffysmile · 2 years
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Mina två favoritförfattare Mian Lodalen och Sara Lövestam ft. Annika Lantz av ngn anledning😂
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imjustli · 1 year
Hey just a question, does anyone know what mental illness this is?
Saying "I don't understand jokes" at a very young age in response to being told a joke
Correcting people's grammar at the age of 3, and continuing until I realise people dislike me for it (but continues reading books on grammar (in my defense it was the grejen med grammatik series by Sara Lövestam and they're really funny))
Stepping on people's toes at the age of 10 because I still didn't understand that's like,,,, Really Mean
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romireads · 2 years
Catfish blues, Sara Lövestam
Catfish blues, Sara Lövestam
Titel: Catfish bluesAuteur(s): Sara LövestamUitgeverij: QueridoAantal pagina’s: 224Gelezen als: Papieren boekGenre: LGBTQ+, Romantiek, Young Adult ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5. (more…)
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dagenssvenska · 4 years
Can you please make a list of must-read Swedish books? ✨
Everything written by Astrid Lindgren, Selma Lagerlöf and Elsa Beskow.
“Ondskan” by Jan Guillou.
“Cirkeln” book series by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren.
Sara Lövestam’s series about Kouplan (although her other books are great too!).
Other famous Swedish authors that I often see people rave about are Camilla Läckberg and August Strindberg.
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sapphicbookclub · 5 years
17 f/f Books in Polish
Here’s another list of books for our multilingual followers! Reading in one’s own language can mean a lot so if you know anyone who speaks Polish you can share this with them!
Geekerella - Ashley Poston
Jak ogień - Sara Lövestam
Leah gubi rytm - Becky Albertalli
Daleka droga do małej, gniewnej planety - Becky Chambers
Wspolna orbita zamknieta - Becky Chambers
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Za ścianą - Sarah Waters
Pod osłoną nocy - Sarah Waters
Muskając aksamit - Sarah Waters
Niebanalna więź - Sarah Waters
Złodziejka - Sarah Waters
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Saga Kampanie cieni - Django Wexler:
Tysiąc imion, Mroczny tron, Cena męstwa, Działa imperium
Saga Engelsfors - Mats Strandberg & Sara Bergmark Elfgren
Krąg, Ogień, Klucz
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Feel free to check our “foreign books” tag where we’ll be posting more books in languages other than English!
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nevinslibrary · 4 years
Mystery/Thriller Monday
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Kouplan is a rookie private investigator who lives off the grid. Pernilla’s six year old daughter has disappeared. When she find’s Kouplan’s ad online for a private investigator that basically says, if the police can’t help, call me. She hires him. It’s not an easy case for Kouplan, not to mention, Pernilla’s daughter really seems to have disappeared without any trace. Or, is there something more going on?
It was twisty and turney, which is always fun, and it kept me turning the pages too. It had the same theme a lot of these do, how far will people to to find the truth.
You may like this book If you Liked: Police by Jo Nesbo, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, or The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jussi Adler-Olsen
The Truth Behind the Lie by Sara Lövestam
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amandaelend · 5 years
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#Bookshelf: Wonderful Feels Like This, by Sara Lövestam, translated by Laura A. Wideburg
School isn’t kind to 15-year-old Steffi, but music is. Jazz music, specifically. She’s an exceptional bass guitarist and a budding clarinetist, though that’s probably just because her fingers haven’t found other instruments. She connects with an older man in a retirement community, someone with a name-dropping jazz history, as she develops her talent, relationships, and dreams.
First line
“Steffi is becoming happy jazz.”
Last line
“Steffi can already hear the walking bass line.”
One of my reading requirements this semester (at VCFA) is for one of our books each packet to be either translated or written before we were born. I love this, and it’s the reason I’ve delved for the first time into translated literature for this age group. 
This book shuffled through time seamlessly, using flashbacks to help illustrate older characters’ memory problems and to build a very rich world. I also loved the music throughout this novel. Next semester, I plan to write my critical thesis on music and literature, so this is a book I’ll definitely come back to.
Wonderful also had spectacular opening and closing lines, which inspired me to add the new first/last line sections to these posts (see above).
Happy Ending
I scrambled to finish this before I turned my packet in yesterday -- my last packet of second semester! -- and I was shuffling so many things around that I sent it before I had finished the last ten pages. So, I finished this on my treadmill desk right AFTER hitting send.
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bokstund · 7 years
En hyllning till språket
En hyllning till språket
Tack till Piratförlaget för recensionsexemplaret!
2014 kom Sara Lövestam ut med Grejen med verb. Boken tokhyllades av såväl kritiker som läsare för Lövestams nytänkande och humoristiska vinkel på grammatik. I år kom hon ut med uppföljaren Grejen med substantiv och pronomen, och fascinerar ännu en gång med sin skarphet.
Boken är lika språkligt snygg som den är estetiskt vacker. Jag älskar allt…
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realtransfacts · 6 years
So I am writing a story with a transgender main character, but I don't want to give away that he is trans in the description, does this look okay? Kai is a senior in high school. The young adult is going through a lengthy, and rough, transition with the stress of everything else in life weighing on his back. During this, he runs into some obstacles, with self-esteem, bullies, radicalists, oppression, and other issues that seem to pop up through life randomly for everyone. [ part two in 2nd ask ]
In times of trouble, Kai finds solace in the stars in the nighttime sky, in his best friend Serena, and his crush from school, Kyle. Follow Kai through his journey as he tries to become the person he feels is right. [ part two of my description ] I was hoping to get some feedback?
I think that’s fine! It’s always fun to have trans representation that isn’t hidden, but you don’t have to tell the readers about a character’s transness right away if you don’t want to.
Also I don’t know if there’s an English translation of her books, butSara Lövestam’s series about Kouplan has a trans guy as the main character and I think for the first whole book his transness is kept hidden from the reader. There are hints about him being short and looking young, but he isn’t explicitly trans until later on. (And also her books are fucking fantastic in general, 10/10. Highly recommend them if you like crime novels.)
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eldrewand · 5 years
2018 year in review Top 5 films you watched in 2018 (**so far**) 1. love, simon 2. mamma mia! here we go again 3. black panther 4. ocean's 8 5. disobedience Top 5 TV shows in 2018 1. doctor who (again!!! i LOVE jodie whittaker hello) 2. one day at a time 3. brooklyn nine nine 4. legends of tomorrow 5. supergirl honorable mention to wynonna earp which would definitely be up there if i had time to catch up Top 5 songs of 2018 1. andante andante - mamma mia! here we go again (boi am I gay) 2. beautiful - heathers the musical 3. no good deed - wicked 4. last young renegade - all time low 5. homesick - dua lipa Top 5 books you read in 2018 1. annie on my mind - nancy garden 2. the hate u give - angie thomas 3. of fire and stars - audrey coulthurst 4. finns det hjärterum - sara lövestam 5. neverwhere - neil gaiman Five good/positive things that happened to you in 2018 1. seeing mamma mia live in london with my family and lou!!! :') 2. seeing hamilton with emilia and later mio, wow 3. real cheesy this one but kissing a girl at sundown by the sea and dancing together on the pier 4. meeting elia taylor at comic con! also pearl mackie and danai gurira 5. seeing wicked from the first row and saying hi to alice fearn 😭
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lodxolconxbsseub · 6 years
I was tagged 100 years ago by Freyja and I decided it’s time to reply.
Oh if you like archeology stuff, and magical girls, you should check the blog out. Just click the name.
What are you wearing right now: A green shirt with uhm that thing on the back that you can put over your head, and the shirt has a zipper and pockets on the front. Jeans. A black t-shirt with some teetotaller/sober-propaganda.
Last book you read: Skarven by Sara Lövestam. It was like a modern version of The Famous Fave, but there were only three children and no dog, and instead of a transguy there was a transgirl.
Favorite Fictional Character: Sailor Moon.
Favorite Book: Besides The Bible? Uhm, I guess “Vad är queer?” by Fanny Ambjörnsson ( “What is queer?” ). I’ve read it several times and even if I don’t read it nowadays it still inspires me to some point.
Favorite Animation: Sailor Moon.
Favorite TV Show: Fröken Frimans krig, season 1 (it’s about suffragettes in Sweden)
Favorite Beverage: Water,
Favorite Food: Uhm I like vegetables, like, most of them, and pasta and tofu.
Favorite Song: I don’t know x_x
Last Movie Seen In Theaters: I think it was the one with the pets, that was like “what happens when the owner leaves?” and then there was an adventure. Not a great film. Last movie seen at home was Vaiana, that’s a better film :)
Dream Vacation: I don’t know if I’d choose going to different places in Sweden and just explore my country, or go to London.
Dream Wedding: No wedding!
Dream Job: Uhm like it would be great to have a job that gave me enough money for me to be able to live on my own, so that’s my dream job, yeah.
I am tagging @uminotenshi @lilstinky @aspacetraveller @hatkaka @prettyprettoprincess and @etosaurus
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romireads · 2 years
Catfish blues, Sara Lövestam
Catfish blues, Sara Lövestam
Titel: Catfish bluesAuteur(s): Sara LövestamUitgeverij: QueridoAantal pagina’s: 224Gelezen als: Papieren boekGenre: LGBTQ+, Romantiek, Young Adult ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5. (more…)
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Hey ! Your Tumblr is great ! I have one question, though : do you know about scandinavian lesbian books ? I've done some research but it wasn't very conclusive... Thanks a lot !
Here are some Norwegian ones I was able to find:
The Four Winds by Gerd Brantenberg
What Comes Naturally? by Gerd Brantenberg
Nothing Happened by Ebba Haslund
The Hanne Wilhelmsen series, starting with Blind gudinne (Blind Goddess) by Anne Holt
Sofias hemmelighet (Hemmeligheter Book 1) by Kitty Summers
Tittel La meg male deg by Marilene De Oliveira
The Engelsfors Trilogy by Sara B. Elfgren and‎ Mats Strandberg
Fair Play by Tove Jansson
Som eld by Sara Lövestam
Det händer nu by Sofia Nordin
Also check out the Swedish LGBT Fiction Goodreads list.
Brud by Bente Clod
 I hope that helps!
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jcfeuillarade · 4 years
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Chacun sa vérité 
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Depuis trois ans, Kouplan est en “ situation irrégulière ”. Sa demande d'asile a été rejetée par la Suède mais il ne peut rentrer dans son pays, l'Iran, sans risquer sa vie. 
Dans l'attente d'un avenir meilleur, il lui faut échapper à la vigilance quotidienne des autorités, tout en gagnant assez d'argent pour subvenir à ses besoins...
Un jour, il propose ses services sur Internet et une femme lui répond : sa fille de six ans a été enlevée.
Cette enquête va le précipiter dans le Stockholm underground, ces recoins de la ville où les clandestins sont des proies faciles pour les criminels…
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Sara Lövestam est une écrivaine suédoise et s'impose comme l'une des nouvelles voix littéraires suédoises.
Professeure de suédois pour les immigrés, journaliste freelance et militante LGBT, elle écrit une rubrique pour le grand magazine gay QX. Elle est l'auteur d'ouvrages de littérature d'enfance et de jeunesse et de romans historiques.
Grand prix de littérature policière 2017 pour Chacun sa vérité
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boneless-mika · 6 years
Hej! I hope it's okay to write you if we don't follow each other but I stumbled upon your post about a Swedish booktuber and LGBT+ books. So I'm queer af and on Scandinavian studies with Swedish as a leading language. I'd really like to get to know some books in Swedish about lgbt if you know some that would probably motivate me to learn the language. Thanks if you decide to respond to me c:
Absolutely. I haven’t read a lot of them and there aren’t very many but I can give you some popular examples. Also, Sweden isn’t really good about accurate representation so most narratives are awkward, especially when there are trans people involved.
Easy to Read (Perfect if you’re not very advanced at Swedish or have trouble reading)
Ingen Gör Mål På Mig by Annelie Drewsen is about a football player called Selma who ends up falling for a girl in the opponent’s team.
Flicka, Försvunnen by Sara Lövestam is an easier version of Sanning med Modifikation and is a mystery. It has a sequel, the easy version is called Bedragaren and the original is called Önska Kostar Ingenting
Är Klänningar Farliga? by Annika Ruth Persson is a book of facts about everything LGBTQ (HBTQ)
Chapter Books (Slightly more complicated, often meant for Swedish kids around 10-13 years old)
Brorsan är Kung by Jenny Jägerfeld is about eleven year old Måns who spends the summer in Malmö and meets a guy called Mikkel and they become friends but of course then Mikkel doesn’t think Måns has been honest about everything.
Skarven by Sara Lövestam is about three middle school kids who solve a crime
Det är Jag Som är Mickan by Malin Nilsson and Vanessa Lopéz is about a trans girl called Mickan who starts at a new school and is trying to befriend the class’ coolest girl.
Other Reading Levels
Kontradans by Eva Alexandersson. I’m not completely sure what it’s about but it’s very popular in Sweden.
Cirkeln by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergmark Elfgren is about witches and I’ve actually read a few chapters of this, it’s pretty good.
Saker Ingen Ser by Anna Ahlund is a contemporary which makes it hard to explain but it takes place in a school and this actually takes place in the city I live in which is obviously only cool to me but still
There are more but I got pretty tired. Just message me of you want to know about more of them.
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espinelle · 4 years
100 Days of Productivity
December 22, 2019 | 15/100
Watched Star Wars yesterday. I HAVE SO MUCH COMMENT AND QUESTIONS TO LET OUT but I'll do it on a separate post probably and not soon cause I might spoil someone along the way. Anyway, since it's Christmas break I started picking up my books again, starting with a translated copy of Swedish novel Wonderful Feels Like This by Sara Lövestam. I'll view my school books once again after Christmas though. May the force be with you!
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