#Sauce Béchamel
vegehana-food · 10 months
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✿ ベシャメルソース | Sauce béchamel ・小麦粉とバターで作られたルーを牛乳でとき、煮詰めて作られた白いソースのことです。ベシャメルソースはフランス料理の5大ソースにも入るほど、基本的なソースといわれています。日本でもグラタン、コロッケ、煮込み料理などさまざまな料理に使われており、馴染み深いソースです。ベシャメルソースは、用途によって濃度を変えて作られます。 ・ベシャメルソースの発祥にはいくつかの説があるため、真相は定かではありません。しかし、諸説ある中でも有力なのが、ルイ14世(1638―1715)に仕えていたベシャメル (ルイ・ド・ベシャメイユLouis de Béchameil )がこのソースを考案したという説です。その当時の宮廷シェフが、ベシャメルソースを考案したルイ・ド・ベシャメイユに敬意を表し、「ベシャメル」ソースと名付けたとされています。 ・ベシャメルソースとホワイトソースの違い。ベシャメルソースはホワイトソースのもっともシンプルで代表的なもの、ホワイトソースは料理に使用する白系ソース全般のことです。ベシャメルソースに別の食材が加えられることで他のさまざまなソースのベースにもなっていきます。ただし、ホワイトソースのなかでもっとも有名なのがベシャメルソースのため、ホワイトソースとベシャメルソースはイコールであるという認識が広まっています。ベシャメルソースは他のソースのベースになる ベシャメルソースはさまざまな他のソースのベースとして使われており、合わせる食材によって様々なソースになることが特徴です。 ・たとえば、ベシャメルソースは合わせる食材によって以下のようなソースになります。 モルネーソース(チーズ) オーロラソース(トマトピューレ) ナンテュアソース(小エビ、バター、クリーム) アメリケーヌ・ソース (ロブスター、バター、クリーム) クリームソース(濃いクリーム) マスタードソース(マスタード) スビーズソース(玉ねぎのみじん切りのバター炒め) チェダーチーズソース(チェダーチーズ、辛口マスタード、ウスターソース)
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Endives au Gratin
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These Endives au Gratin, baked under a generous blanket or cheesy Béchamel sauce make a hearty dinner as evenings and nights get chillier. Happy Sunday!
Ingredients (serves 4):
½ tablespoon unsalted butter
4 large endive heads
6 slices cured ham, like Serranó or Parma ham
1 1/2 cup Béchamel Sauce
Cantal Cheese or Mature English Cheddar
Preheat oven to 200°C/395°F. Generously butter a large baking dish. Set aside.
Halve endive heads and Serranó ham slices. Wrap the bottom of each endive halve with cured ham, and arrange all eight halves in the baking dish.
In a medium saucepan, heat Béchamel Sauce over a medium flame until bubbling. Grate in about 1/3 Cantal or Cheddar cheese, stirring until completely melted.
Pour cheesy Béchamel Sauce over the endives, levelling into an even layer with a spatula. Grate more Cantal or Cheddar Cheese generously on top.
Place in the middle of the hot oven, and bake, at 200°C/395°F, 35 minutes until golden brown.
Serve Endives au Gratin hot.
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thbiedermann · 2 years
Vegetarische Lasagne
Im Fernsehen läuft derzeit eine penetrante Werbung für vegetarische Lasagne. Von einem namhaften Lebensmittel-Hersteller. Und natürlich dem entsprechenden Hinweis auf eine fertige Pulver-Saucen-Mischung für das genannte Gericht. Dem muss man ja nicht nachgehen. Aber man kann sich eine Anregung für dieses Gericht holen, um es ohne diese fertigen Industrieprodukte und nur mit frischen Zutaten…
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jtl-fics · 11 months
Fluent Freshman - Part 42
There are things that change a person.
Moments where after they happen they simply cannot un-happen. Things that a person hears that they cannot un-hear. Promises that a person makes that they can’t, and perhaps even wouldn’t, un-make.
Jeremy’s moment came over winter break the previous year. Jeremy heard things that he could never un-hear in the middle of the night. Jeremy made a promise that he would never break while in the guest room of his parent’s house holding one Jean Moreau tight as he talked about the Nest.
Jeremy was different after that night.
Not wildly different. Not to most.
The only ones who knew had also had a moment, had also heard things, and had also made promises that they intended to keep.
Jeremy is on his way back from the bathroom with a freshly washed handkerchief from the Fox’s most promising Freshman when it all happens. 
He watches Richard throw a glass on the ground and go for Caleb’s throat which in all honesty he had been anticipating since he’d seen the seating arrangements. Sitting the Jackals with the Terrapins? After Caleb seduced Alyssa during the Fall Banquet? Who thought that was a good idea?
Jeremy sees FF and sees that he is alone and wonders where Michael had gone off to. He’s glad that FF has stayed put, the guys quiet but he’s not bad company. Jeremy thinks he would have gotten along pretty well with Jean if he hadn’t flubbed the recruitment.
“He just got a restraining order against that step-brother of his.” Aaron Minyard says explaining the awkward air after Jeremy had spoken. “He’s a Fox.” he adds and Jeremy had felt foolish in that moment.
It should have been obvious.
He hears a scream and sees that one of the Terrapins has joined in the brawl and he has one of the steak knives.
What was the point of that when they had pre-sliced tenderloin anyways? He looks over and sees Anita Flores watching the evening start to go down in flames and all he can think is that she’ll probably do better next time. It’s the first banquet she’s run on her own since Claire retired in the fall.
His eyes go to Jean when he hears another scream.
He can see Laila with Jean and Kevin. He can see Alvarez making her way to the two of them. The Trojans know better after last Winter Banquet. They come together and don’t make it obvious that Jean is at the center of their formation.
He sees Melissa get punched when she tries to get between Richard and Caleb. He’s sure she probably just doesn’t like having this kind of violence at her stadium but getting directly between Richard and Caleb wasn’t her smartest move.
Oh Jacob took exception to that. Well Jeremy can hardly blame the guy when his girlfriend and Captain gets punched like that. Caleb’s just lucky that she’s not dating Malcolm any-
Oh Malcolm is getting in on it. I guess he does still have feelings for Melissa. They had been real cute until he cheated on her. He thinks Melissa is better off with Jacob but who knows.
He looks to Jean again and sees that Kevin is leaving the Trojan encirclement and can see the other Foxes start to head for the exit as the fighting grows more intense. He sees Andrew holding Neil’s hand in a vice grip and-
Oh, of course they’d be anxious here. Of course the Foxes were on edge.
He looks and FF is still sat at the table seemingly unbothered by the chaos erupting around him. He watches as the Foxes make their way to the table where FF is sat. Sees them gathering their belongings and sees FF remain seated, eyes on them and then on the chaos.
Ah, the rearguard.
He nods and diverts his attention back to the mess at hand. Honestly Caleb shouldn’t bait Richard and Richard should be glad that he didn’t propose to someone who’d cheat on him. They’d talked about it and it wasn’t like he had customized the ring or anything so he got his full deposit back. He thought Richard was feeling better about the whole thing, had even been dating Erika and-
Ohh yeah there’s Erika with a Terrapin’s jacket over her shoulders and a hickey that he’s pretty sure Richard hadn’t left on her neck.
Man Caleb what the hell, what did Richard even do? Caleb you don’t even like girl-
Caleb….bro. There are better ways to handle a crush.
Now fully understanding the situation Jeremy can’t help but think that it’s actually a pretty simple solution. Well, not simple. Richard is pretty straight but like a firm talking to with Caleb will probably-
“Hey, back off!” He hears Alvarez and his head whips around back to Jean where it shouldn’t have left.
Those Ravens.
Jeremy made a promise.
Jeremy had taken lessons over the summer and-
God it felt good to slam his fist into Johnson’s stupid awful ugly chin. The only thing that was even sweeter was sinking his fist into Reacher’s gut.
“Knox what the fuck?!” he heard Jasmine exclaim and they’d been buddies at one point but it was hard to feel anything positive for a girl who watched.
“I warned you guys during the Fall Banquet didn’t I?” Jeremy asks with a smile as he shakes out his hand. He looks to the side and sees that the rest of the team has now fully encircled Jean. Nothing was getting through them to-
It’s too late that Jeremy sees a younger Raven meatball in hand. He tries to stop it but his arms are too short and it nails Jean right in the forehead. 
He looks at the marinara roll down Jean’s forehead as he blinks in surprise. Laila lets out a scream and has him cradled in her arms and out of sight before Jean even seems to fully understand what is going on.
“Jean, it’s going to be okay.” Jeremy hears Laila assure.
“Laila, what in the world are you freaking out about?” Jean asks. “I’m French, not Italian. I would not bleed marinara sauce.” Jeremy hears him say out of sight and if Jeremy wasn’t so mad he’d laugh.
“That’s it!” Alvarez exclaims and slugs the sophomore who had lobbed the errant meatball and from there it was an all out brawl between the Trojans and the Ravens. They were all defensive over their frenchmen especially against his old team and Jeremy thinks about the investigation he’s been pushing the ERC towards. Thinks about all the little things he has questioned and put into the heads of all of his friends throughout the Division.
He makes his way to Jean as Ned and Jim have taken on the task of handling Reacher and Johnson.
“God, first the sparse wine selection and now this.” Jean says from where Laila was trying to wipe sauce from his face.
“Here, use this.” he offers FF’s handkerchief and thinks about getting a few himself.
Laila takes the handkerchief, “I thought you said there was a lot of wine.” she says.
“No, I said Kevin was doing a lot of whining.” Jean corrects eyes closed as Laila cleans his face off. Jeremy looks towards the Fox table and wonders how he’ll get the handkerchief back to FF and sees FF rising up from the table and quickly put on his jacket before heading out the door after the rest of the Foxes.
What bothers him is the security guards following them. Everyone should know that security guards + the Foxes + Binghamton = Andrew might start stabbing people.
His concern only grows greater when he sees Michael and a few other Ravens follow.
There are things that change a person.
Experiences that you never want to experience again. Words that can never be spoken again. Feelings that can never be carefully locked away not that they’re out in the open and known.
Andrew’s experience happened two years ago. Andrew had heard words that he never wished to hear again in his entire life for the last time in Binghamton. Andrew had felt things staring down at a cell phone that he had never let himself feel before.
He looks at Neil safe and sound on the bus after a different fight, a different riot, in Binghamton and it’s hard to be upset. He hadn’t let his Junkie out of his sight the entire night and the moment that he saw security moving in he had grabbed Neil by the hand. His focus had narrowed down at that moment and no amount of Neil insisting that it was fine would stop Andrew’s determined march out of the stadium.
He only felt like he could breathe when he had ushered Neil into the bus and into a seat. He felt his shoulders ease but he didn’t let go of Neil’s hand, he didn’t know if he would until they were back in Palmetto.
The rest of the team filtered out of the stadium quickly and soon enough Wymack was calling out to make sure that everyone was there. “Smith?” Wymack called.
“He’s right here!” a voice calls out and Andrew thinks it’s one of the other Freshmen.
“Let’s get out of here.” Wymack says.
The team gets on the bus and soon enough they’re putting Binghamton in the rearview.
Andrew exhales.
He’d heard Michael call out for him and he’d stopped. With all the distraction and the upcoming loading onto the bus he hadn’t felt the need to be exceptionally low presence.
It’d been a mistake as it usually was.
FF looked at the security guard standing in front of him and out the door to the stadium where the Foxes were loading into the bus.
“Will you meet the Master now?” Michael is asking him and FF doesn’t quite get why he’s asking when it’s obvious that FF doesn’t have a choice.
“No.” he says because Michael did ask which means theoretically he could just be misreading the situation.
“You said you’d meet him if the banquet ended.” Michael says.
FF furrows his brow, “I said I’d get up.” he reminds and Michael looks nervous.
“Please?” Michael asks and FF blinks.
“I need to get on the bus.” FF points and the security guard merely steps into his line of sight as if that erased the fact that the bus was there and he was not on it.
“We’ll get you back to where you belong.” Michael promises.
“I belong on the bus that is going back to my campus where I keep all my stuff.” FF says matter of factly.
Michael looks at him utterly bewildered.
“Enough of this.” The guard says and goes to grab him.
FF moves out of the way.
The guard goes to grab him again and FF backs up and out of the way again.
The guard goes to grab him and FF steps back out of his reach again.
This process continues until they are back into the main stadium where the brawl has taken over all of the teams. FF sidesteps the security guard, and he’s near positive this isn’t a real security guard Binghamton really needs to work on their hiring practices. Only this time he side steps out of the way and the guard crashes like an enranged bull into the punch table.
FF’d feel bad about it but there was no way in the world he was going to meet someone named ‘The Master’ when he has spaghetti pants. Absolutely no chance. Whoever it was probably was important enough to deserve dry clean only pants.
“I need to go.” he says to Michael and heads back for the exit, hopeful that maybe just maybe the bus hadn’t left yet. Nicky was pretty drunk though and he knew that the rest of the team would have a singular focus on Captain Neil.
“No, wait!” Michael pleads and FF stops seeing the other player with tears in his eyes. FF stops and unzips his jacket slightly to reach in and grab the handkerchief he had refolded as his pocket square.
“Sorry, I really can’t stay.” he says and offers the handkerchief to Michael, “You can keep that one or hand it to me the next time we play against one another if you remember.” he says. “Tonight isn’t the night for me to talk with your Master.” he says.
Michael looks at him with wide eyes and accepts the handkerchief.
He walks out back into the exiting hallway and there is an older asian man there. He has a cane and he is standing between FF and the door.
He approaches quickly and the man hits his cane against the ground once, “You will join the Ravens.” he says with authority.
Oh great.
“I'd actually rather not.” Smith responds and makes sure to keep a wide berth from the crazy old guy who’s made his way into the Stadium somehow.
He gets out the stadium doors and-
The bus left.
He sighs thinks about the crazy guy right behind him and lets his presence fade into something only Jeremy Knox could see (APPARENTLY).
It’s pretty cold out as he gets as far away from the entrance to the building as possible and reaches into his pocket for his phone. He dials Nicky.
“COACH, YOU FORGOT SMITHY. AGAIN.” A drunken shout from the back of the bus startles Wymack as he lets out a loud string of curses before getting into a lane to make a U-turn.
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foodshowxyz · 5 months
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Garlic Beefsteak with Mushrooms and Béchamel Sauce
2 beef steaks (such as ribeye or sirloin), about 1-inch thick
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Fresh rosemary sprigs (for garnish)
1 cup mushrooms, sliced (such as cremini or button)
1 tablespoon butter
1 clove garlic, minced
Salt to taste
Béchamel Sauce:
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups milk
Salt and white pepper to taste
A pinch of nutmeg (optional)
Prepare the Steak:
Season the steaks generously with salt and black pepper.
In a skillet over medium-high heat, warm the olive oil and add the minced garlic. Sauté for about 1 minute until fragrant.
Add the steaks to the skillet and cook to your desired doneness, about 3-4 minutes per side for medium-rare, depending on thickness.
Remove steaks from the skillet and let them rest.
Cook the Mushrooms:
In the same skillet, melt butter over medium heat.
Add the sliced mushrooms and the second clove of minced garlic, sautéing until the mushrooms are golden and tender.
Season with salt to taste. Remove from heat and set aside.
Make the Béchamel Sauce:
In a saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over medium heat.
Whisk in the flour and cook for about 2 minutes without letting it brown.
Gradually add the milk, whisking constantly to prevent any lumps from forming.
Continue to cook and stir until the sauce thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon.
Season with salt, white pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg if desired. Remove from heat.
Assemble the Dish:
Place the rested steaks on a warm plate.
Top the steaks with the sautéed mushrooms.
Pour the warm béchamel sauce over the steaks and mushrooms.
Garnish with fresh rosemary sprigs.
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serethereal · 1 year
it gets more and more silly to be a picky eater the older i get but. i can’t help that i hate so many foods i’m sorry…
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magazynkulinarny · 2 days
Conchiglioni z łososiem, mascarpone i kaparami pod beszamelem
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To było tak. Kupiłam dużą paczkę conchiglioni, bo zobaczyłam je w sklepie, przypomniały mi się muszle ze szpinakiem i serami i zapragnęłam je powtórzyć. Później przyszło mi do głowy, żeby napełnić muszle rybą. Niebawem wyklarowała się koncepcja na farsz z łososia, mascarpone i kaparów pod beszamelem.
Wiedziałam, że przepis przypadnie do gustu mojej córce, wielkiej amatorce łososia. Cieszyłam się na myśl o jej zadowolonej minie, gdy będzie pochłaniała kolejne muszle. Wszystkie składniki już czekały.
Dzień przed planowanym obiadem-niespodzianką siedziałyśmy w kinie oglądając "Bulion i inne namiętności". Bohaterka przygotowywała rozmaite frykasy, m.in. pot-au-feu, przepiórki, turbota, vol-au-vent, kontrowersyjne w hodowli i przygotowaniu trznadle ortolany, warzywa pod beszamelem, omlet norweski obecnie znany jako pieczona Alaska.
Jako, że obie interesujemy się kuchnią, część z potraw znałam i dyskretnie opowiadałam o nich córce. Na hasło "beszamel" moja latorośl rzuciła: nie znoszę beszamelu! I w tym właśnie momencie pomysł na conchiglioni z łososiem pod beszamelem posypał się.
Zrobiłam zwykły posiłek, a muszle przygotowałam następnego dnia i zjadłam ze znajomymi. Przeczuwałam, że będzie to dobre danie, ale nie sądziłam, że aż tak! Choć spędziłam pysznie wieczór, brakowało mi kogoś przy stole.
Może za jakiś czas? Upodobania kulinarne zmieniają się i dojrzewają wraz z człowiekiem...
300 g conchiglioni 400 g filetu z łososia 300 g serka mascarpone średnia cebula 3 gałązki szczypioru 2 jaja 2 czubate łyżki drobnych kaparów 3 łyżki bułki tartej sól i czarny pieprz do smaku 2 gałązki naci pietruszki (opcjonalnie)
Sos beszamelowy 1/3 kostki masła 1/3 szklanki mąki ok. 1/2 l mleka 150 g sera Gruyere (lub innego twardego o wyrazistym smaku) 1/3 łyżeczki gałki muszkatołowej sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Przygotować dwa żaroodporne naczynia do zapiekania lub jedno bardzo duże.
W garnku nastawić wodę do gotowania.
Z łososia odciąć skórę, a następnie pokroić go w małą kosteczkę (ok. 7 mm). Cebulę obrać i pokroić w drobną kosteczkę. Szczypior również drobno posiekać. Podobnie kapary i natkę pietruszki.
Na rozgrzanym oleju rzepakowym zezłocić cebulę. Gdy lekko przestygnie przełożyć do miski i wymieszać z łososiem, szczypiorem, kaparami, mascarpone, po trochu dodając rozkłócone jaja i bułkę tartą. Dosmakować solą i sporą ilością pieprzu.
Gdy woda zawrze osolić, wrzucić muszle i gotować 2/3 czasu z podanego na etykiecie. Odcedzić na sicie.
Na dużej patelni rozpuścić masło, wsypać mąkę i zrobić zasmażkę. Podlewać mlekiem i energicznie mieszać rózgą, by nie było grudek. Gdy powstanie luźny sos, dorzucić starty ser i mieszać do jego rozpuszczenia. Jeśli sos będzie zbyt gęsty, dolać mleka. Beszamel powinien mieć konsystencję śmietany. Doprawić pieprzem i gałką muszkatołową.
Do naczynia do zapiekania (u mnie dwa: większe i mniejsze) wlać na dno część beszamelu i rozsmarować po całej powierzchni. Ostudzone muszle wypełniać przygotowanym farszem i układać przytulone do siebie. Obsypać dodatkową porcją pieprzu i polać drugą częścią sosu (połowę wzbogaciłam nacią pietruszki).
Wstawić do piekarnika nagrzanego na 180°C i piec przez około 30 minut, aż sos uzyska złoty kolor.
Podawać z lekką sałatą, np. rukolą z pomidorkami i winogronami skropionymi oliwą z oliwek.
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chefkevinashton · 4 months
Béchamel sauce
Béchamel sauce is one of the 5 mother sauces of French cuisine. This sauce is made from a white roux (equal amounts of butter to flour), whole milk and a studded onion (white onion with whole cloves and a bay leaf pinned to it). The phrase mother sauce was first coined by French chef Auguste Escoffier in the 19th century.  Whilst these classical mother sauces have been largely replaced with more…
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original-punks · 6 months
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pizza, drink, and movie w/ my beloved mum 🥰
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krenenbaker · 10 months
Hiiiii! How are you? How have you been?
Hiiii!!!! (*^ω^)ノ(^∀^)(*^ω^)ノ(^∀^)(*^ω^)ノ
I've been doing pretty well! just doing some cooking right now, and then finishing writing a little piece (or two? we'll see if I can get both done tonight)
how about you? how've things been? ^^
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chattybugs · 2 years
Thinking that if we get something like Rocktear 2 I want Comrade Ketchup helping Comrade Mayo into making Comrade Béchamel falling in love with him. And Comrade Beurre Maître d'Hôtel would reluctantly help due to not wanting Comrade Béchamel pursuing an impossible romance with Comrade Chat Noir.
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askwhatsforlunch · 5 months
Nettle and Green Onion Rarebit (Vegetarian)
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After a few hours spent gardening, sowing, planting, weeding and tilling, how satisfying to return in the kitchen with freshly dug go, and freshly snipped (very carefully, with gloves!) nettle. These Nettle and Green Onion Rarebit, inspired from a recipe in this month's Simple Things, make the harvest all the more delicious! Happy Thursday!
Ingredients (makes 4 slices):
a large Green Onion
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons plain flour
1 cup semi-skimmed milk
a pinch of fleur de sel or sea salt flakes and freshly cracked black pepper
Mature English Cheddar
4 small slices White Bloomer Bread
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 cup freshly picked nettles (wearing gloves), leaves removed from the stalks and thoroughly washed under cold water (wearing rubber gloves!)
Preheat oven to 250°C/480°F.
Finely chop Green Onion.
Melt butter in a medium saucepan over a medium flame. Once butter is just foaming, add chopped Green Onion, and cook, a couple of minutes.
Sprinkle in the flour. Give a good stir, and cook out, 1 minute.
Remove from the heat, and gradually stir in the milk, to prevent lumps, so the mixture is smooth and loose. Return over medium heat, and cook, stirring constantly until the sauce thickens. Once the béchamel thickens, season with fleur de sel and black pepper. Grate in about 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg. Then, grate in 1/3 cup Mature English Cheddar. Give a good stir until melted. Remove from the heat.
Place White Bloomer Bread slices onto a pizza pan, and place in the middle of the hot oven. Toast, at 250°C/480°F, 4 minutes.
Melt butter in a small frying pan over medium-high heat. Once the butter is just foaming, add the nettle leaves, and sauté, a couple of minutes until wilted. Transfer to a chopping board, and chop finely. Stir nettle leaves into the cheesy béchamel.
Flip White Bloomer Bread slices on their other side, and spoon cheesy nettle and green onion béchamel onto each slice. Grate a little more Cheddar on top and return to the hot oven. Bake, at 250°C/480°F, 3 to 4 minutes, until bubbly.
Sprinkle Nettle and Green Onion Rarebit with chopped green part of the Green Onion, and serve immediately, with a glass of chilled white wine, like Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc.
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avomaankurkku · 2 years
bechdel test this, bechdel test that. what about the béchamel test? if they can't cook the five mother sauces (or aren't willing to learn) they are not worth your time
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little-de-vil · 2 years
@xxgothchatonxx IN OTHER NEWS, foot stock?
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Classic French Croque Monsieur - Pardon Your French
a grilled ham & cheese sandwich topped with creamy bechamel sauce.
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[Now we are gonna add it right into our Béchamel sauce. There we go. We're gonna add the Gorgonzola cheese.]
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