#Saya: Perspective in Love
shihlun · 1 year
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Akiyoshi Kimata
- Saya: Perspective in Love
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cloudyspider · 8 months
Rereading/watching BlazBlue CT part 6 for interesting bits and partially reviewing them featuring Nu-13 and Hakumen.
So Nu's is an interesting character dive as her episode is by and large a dream of hers in the Boundary. And this is reflected by her interactions with the dream versions of Carl and Jin with them going from kind and considerate to cruel and hostile the next. It's imo her perception of the world marred by her deaths at the hands of Ragna intermixed by her own misanthropy, insanity, and loose "memories." She loosely "remembers" that she has interacted with Jin and Carl through memories that then turn nightmarish as they then try to butcher her whether it's Carl who wants her fragment of Azure or Jin who derides her as not being Saya and then raving how she has no place in the world. She's been objectified and dehumanized to such an extent that no matter who she will inevitably view them as hostile and feel she has no place in the world. And because the one person she views in any warm extent, Ragna, butchered her two times before by her understanding any plea for help will go unanswered. At the same time though she cannot help but love and yearn for him, because he through residual memories of a loving brother through Saya, and so her mind will twist and conform to a logic that will make sense of the world and by extension what her beloved Ragna wants. So because by her maladjusted understanding the pain he's inflicting to her is an implicit wish for complete destruction and a wish that due to her trauma and hatred is one she's all up for reciprocating.
At the same time though with that there is a girl who still yearns for the warmth that she felt as Saya with Ragna. She hates being in the boundary and she hates floating near the Azure. It doesn't give her the warmth and love she's looking for. But she's so far broken that when she inevitably meets Ragna she acts out on her twisted understanding of the one she loves and her own hatred for a world that has treated her so cruelly.
Of something else to possibly note is how she has a fragment of Azure. A widespread belief is that she carries the other half of Ragna's Azure Grimoire but the issues with that is that the corpse of the Black Beast that makes is his grimoire was sealed up after he was slain and the decapitated head became as dust in the wind as soon as it was separated from the rest of the body. In her episode here she's floating in the Boundary in proximity to the Azure and saturating in it's light. So while she might not have a fragment of Ragna's grimoire she might've been a more proper candidate to reaching and having the Azure before Noel was granted the privilege of Inheritor.
Hakumen's episode here establishes who and what makes him who amazingly strong. Maybe a bit too strong because he's a tad two dimensional in later entrees. Like it does a lot of good stuff that it relays through his perspective. He's a hero of a bygone time returned to the world with his own complex path and beliefs by which he operates. He's harsh here but he can be respectful to those he feels is earned like with the illusory Bang and Jubei. He hates working with Kokonoe and Rachel but he can be thankful to them when appropriate. You can also see the hate he feels toward Nu-13 with his dialogue with Rachel and the vitriol he feels for her here with the anger in his voice when talking about her. It may not be explained in detail quite yet but it's there. There's also the love he has for his brother here, and trait essentially gone in later entries, that adds a tragedy to his duty. For while he still loved his brother Ragna he is still too much of a danger to the world that he can't afford to be loose. For his duty calls to slay the evil that is his brother even as it makes him beyond redemption. Forever atoning within the prison of the Susanoo Unit.
His story is just a treasure trove of implications coming from the start. To begin with during his stay within the Boundary he thought he's only been inside it for ten years and not almost ninety. It says a lot that even for someone as steely as Hakumen is unable to grasp how much time went by as he was in the Boundary. Along with the degradation by the Boundary did affect his memory with him being uncertain if he ever did meet Taokaka in his time during his illusory journey back into the world.
His conversation with Kokonoe also has some oddities in that A. he didn't recognize her name and only recognizing her through the abilities she inherited from Nine but that could be chalked up to Kokonoe isn't a unique name and him thinking only ten years have gone by so it couldn't be the same Kokonoe who's his comrade's daughter. Also during this conversation regarding the Edge where he's sealed Kokonoe makes a quip that almost implies that the name may have changed. And to those curious the Edge is a space within the Boundary where Hakumen and Terumi were sealed and isn't just a misnaming of the Boundary. It's name in jp is 'Hazama' so that's why Rachel says Hazama's name is tasteless. Because it's kinda a tasteless joke.
Jubei also comes to visit as in the Boundary as Hakumen's being salvaged to give Hakumen a warning. He's the one who lets Hakumen know that Terumi has been free and that ninety years have gone by leaving Hakumen bewildered and can only guess that Takamagahara's been reactivated as they are the only ones he can think of being able to free Terumi. Leaving aside Jubei casually entering the Boundary for a talk there's the implication of Takamagahara being deactivated at some point and then reactivated at another. I have no idea who could even do either or would even want to. I'd haphazardly guess Relius but he got sent out of commission through the Boundary when the Black Beast ate him at the beginning of the Dark War and Terumi was able to contact him after he came out which meant that Terumi and Takamagahara was active before Relius resurfaced into the world. I'm stumped on this.
On the minor side of things is that he recognizes Tager as an Oni or Demon. So Oni were a race that were present during the Dark War and that he even crossed swords with them. The lack of them during the present time of the games could theoretically mean they, like the Nekomata such as Jubei, were driven to near extinction at the hands of the Black Beast or were a dwindling species, like lycanthropes such as Valkenhayn, that Hakumen encountered some point during his tenure in the past. This is also old lore so who knows what may still stand true.
With that done time for the True Ending!!!
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elfqueen006 · 8 months
Piero No Uta/"Clown's Song"
If it isn't obvious already, this is a Saya No Uta AU.
The basic summary is this. My MC - May-Rose Davis - has been in a depressive slump for about a year since the infidelity of her ex-boyfriend and childhood friend, Ian Duff. As a result she's lost touch with her immediate family and has entered a constant state of "survival mode", where nothing else matters but getting to the next day.
One day when thrifting for new clothes, she comes across an old VCR tape that she buys seemingly without thinking. Upon coming home she puts the tape on and blacks out. When she wakes up, her world becomes a bit brighter...
Enter Sunny Day Jack, a happy-go-lucky clown man and May's guide through this new world of sunshine and rainbows! "Cloudy Town", Jack calls it, and here, everyone is happy!
May is of course reluctant to accept this new reality. She hasn't been happy in a long, long time - she'd just be out of place in a world like this. But Jack assures her that can change! It's just a matter of perspective and heart!
She'd have to keep her guard up, as there are monsters lurking about. A select few are turning into "jellybellies", giant sludgelike monsters formed from people that get too sad! And only she can stop them, being the only non resident of Cloudy Town.
Here on out she's introduced to many different vibrant characters, such as the Glad-Pire, Sous Chef Sweetly, and the Night-Knight! Depending on whom she spends the most time with, Jack being one of them, will determine what path her love life will head towards, as well as her sanity...
It turns out, May was never in Cloudy Town at all, but an altered version of reality made by Jack. Her friends and loved ones have been reaching out to her for weeks on end. Shaun had visited once - coming to retrieve the VCR May had held for him - but she seemed to be under the impression he was someone else completely. Someone named the "Glad-Pire"?
Ian's had even worse luck reaching her. And when she does answer the phone she sounds strange, frightened almost.
Nick had been attacked by her. His form had been so brutalized that he had to be kept in the hospital. He'd only ever wanted to date her... how did it all go so wrong?
If May decided to pursue either of these men instead of Jack, reality would return to its former glory, or she'd descend deeper into madness with her unreal lover~
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sayakxmi · 9 months
[Magi reread] Night 21: Legend
(alternatively: Saya loses her mind about the fucking moon)
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Shit's still dark, man.
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Like, damn, that's quite a visual here.
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Ugo-kun... why are you trying to look... you don't have a head...
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Honestly, I'm just putting it here, because I like the way it sounds. Idk why.
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Take a moment to appreciate that this translation has that name written differently in EVERY CHAPTER. I'm not even joking. At first it was Doruji, then Dolji in the previous one, and now it's Dorzi, like, bro, make up your mind.
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Honestly, I'm kind of sad how the Kouga Clan loses it's importance later on. There's so much lore on them in this arc...
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I like his quest for identity, especially here. It's actually a pretty cool character arc, though I think it really peaks in the Kou Empire Arc, and then is kind of meh, like everything else in the Final Arc, save for Kougyoku and whatever the fuck she and Alibaba have going on.
But back to Aladdin, it's actually kind of interesting when you think about it, because that quest wasn't really talked about in the first arc. Then again, the entire Dungeon Arc wasn't even all that focused on Aladdin's internal conflicts or anything. We were witnessing his shenanigans from the perspective of other people, Leila's in the first chapter, then mostly Alibaba's, whose thoughts we could even pry into, while Aladdin remained this mysterious and powerful kid he'd met. But here we have it, Aladdin's perspective. Aladdin's journey and self-discovery. As much as I love Alibaba, I'm really glad he's not there, so we can get to know Aladdin outside of his relationship with his best friend. Here these characters present are side-characters, so there's nobody to really steal his spotlight.
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(Wendigoon voice) LORE
But also I'm kind of thinking about Mogamett's backstory, which, man, I can't wait for the Magnostadt Arc. Honestly, his last words are one of my absolute favorite quotes, probably next to Kise's monologue about Aomine in KnB, and People need other people from MP100. The latter is kind of funny, it's nothing groundbreaking and special, but also I think that's why it feels so special, y'know?
Ok, Saya, shut up, it's the wrong arc.
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Honestly, that's one of the biggest themes in Magi. The People need other people thing.
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He heard the story about what Magi is, and he looks so damn sad. : (
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And Baba noticed.
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That's just so ;_;
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He looks so happy to talk about them! (Hugo)
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More Hugo.
But aside from that, honestly? I love it. This entire scene is really wholesome. Aladdin might not know where he came from and all that stuff, but he does have an identity. And identity that comes from the relationships with other people. I'm a sucker for this theme, as long as it's used properly, and here is a damn good example.
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Just look how happy he is.
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What the hell is wrong with the moon?! It was a crescent a moment ago! It's pretty but what's going oooon
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Ok, he looks pretty cool here.
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They're safe!
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It's all the more interesting, when you later get to Sinbad and Kouen and dirtying their hands to protect their country.
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Awesome! How long will you remain a crescent, huh, moon?
Gdi, maybe Solomon figured he'd fuck with the moon a bit so his kid will look SICK. Damn, actually. Maybe it wasn't Aladdin's words that shocked Baba but the goddamn moon going full randomly.
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LMAO. Granny ships it.
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Your face does look weird, Grandma.
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Man, I sure hope nothing bad happens, she's such a great character :)
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Oh noooooo
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Annon-Guy: If a new XBLAZE game came out, but not as a Visual Novel Adventure Game, but as a different type of game, what would you like between a Fighting Game, an RPG or a Batman Arkham Style Game?
Before getting this ask, I didn’t know anything about Batman Arkham-- but after studying some trailers, reviews, etc., that’s definitely my pick. A good balance between free-flow combat and exploration would translate wonderfully to the setting of XBlaze!
We could run around helping out people around the city, and take on jobs to hunt Unions at night. We could track Discover Calls ourselves in some semi-open world city; sometimes as a mandatory progression point, others as optional content. You’re in the right area at the right time, you hear the Call ring out and are able to track it, and if you do, you find a sidequest you otherwise wouldn’t, or an encounter for an extra scene, something like that.
And the visuals~ Just imagine characters like Es or Mei spinning around in a 3D combat scene! The light show of all the magic! Fights against characters like Acht with her ice barrages, Sechs with the Kusanagi, or Ripper’s with all the projectiles (knives, bombs) he throws around!
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Of course, I’m thinking about all of this from the perspective of some kind of remake, not an original game as you asked. A sequel of some kind would be cool, returning to the city to see the characters in between the XB and Bloodedge Experience eras. I may have touched on this in your previous ask on about the XBlaze series, but I would love to play as Clan Head Mei having to deal with the situation around Saya Terumi. Or maybe visiting Ishana, getting to explore the island, its culture, and maybe finally see if my theory about Kuon becoming the next Drei would be right.
Whatever the story or setting, I feel this kind of game would be best equipped to replicate the atmosphere and dynamicism that the XBlaze visual novels tried to convey. Especially if it could have some ability to switch between party members, as in the Fire Emblem Warriors spinoff.
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lebensmoode · 1 year
Love is Blind
Ini akan sedikit spoiler yak. Dari awal nonton acara dating ini, aing udah punya satu couple favorit. Cewek yang manis, imut, tapi dewasa, plus cowok yang bertampang "badung" tapi aslinya ramah, loving, dan heartwarming banget. Seiring berjalannya waktu, mereka satu-satunya couple yang hampir gak merasa waswas soal hubungan mereka dan masa depan. They truly enjoyed each other company, while pasangan lain sibuk sama kecemasan mereka. Damai banget pokoknya ngeliat pasangan ini, less conflict.
So pria dari pasangan ini tu berambut pirang, dan itu belum lazim mereun ya di jepang. Si cewe agak kaget awalnya pas ngeliat rambut cowo ini, but since he is a hairdresser, si cewe bisa maklum dan gak mengurangi rasa sukanya sama si cowo. But, lain soal dengan orang tuanya si cewe. The woman said that her father was strict and quite conservative. Jadi punya kekhawatiran tuh soal rambutnya si cowo yg pirang, yg bisa jadi akan dicap buruk sama ayah si cewe. On the other hand, si cowo kekeuh gamau ngerubah warna rambutnya jadi hitam. He wanted to show that "this is me" gitu. He wanted to be apa adanya di depan camer nya.
Trus si cowo menambahi keyakinannya itu dengan bilang "I'm more than just my hair color."
Wow 👏🏻👏🏻Di situ gw merasa mengerti and wishing the girl to accept the way he values himself. Dan ternyata si cewe bisa memahami itu, cuma masih watir tentang pandangan orang tuanya aja.
Finally, the day to meet the girl's family came. Trus gw kaget dong. THE BOY COLORED HIS HAIR BLACK OEMJI !!! Trus pas diwawancara, beliau bilang alasannya. "Saya mau nunjukkin kalau saya serius." AAAAAAAKKKK MGNGSS 😭😭😭
Apa ya, even changing your hair color can consider a struggle loh. Padahal harusnya wajar seorang hair dresser punya gaya rambut yg beda dari khalayak ramai. But the boy.... THE MAN set aside his prinsip, his ego, just because he wanted the family meeting to go smooth. Because it could make his girl stop worrying. Because he wanted to keep this girl beside, like no matter what.
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At the meeting, he succeeded. The girl's father had good impression on him. He succeeded showing his sincerity and true self, even tho his hair color was black 🥲
Trus mereka akhirnya meniqa and 3 months after the marriage, si cowo balik ngecat rambutnya pirang lagi DAN RAMBUT CEWE NYA JUGA IKUTAN PIRANG OMO OMO OMO I CAANN'T 🙈🙈 Sweet banget mereka pokoknya dari awal sampe akhir huhu couple goals gak tuh yg begitu tuuuh
Sooo yaaaa aing udah menamatkan serial dating show jepang ini gengs. For me yang akan masuk kepala tiga akhir tahun nanti, yg juga masih having no clue about keyakinan untuk menikah (karena selama ini gw mikirnya pengen nikah itu karena pengen escape from home, gak lebih), yg masih labil soal kepribadian diri sendiri, this show is such a blessing. Lyke, I feel lucky to find this show when I was scrolling on netflix, searching what movie to watch. Banyak pelajaran soal mengenal diri sendiri, memantapkan visi hidup ke depan, dan komunikasi dengan orang lain. I can surely say that this is not all about love. Literally much more than that. 9/10 ✨
N.B: Maybe later I will post some of the thoughts resulted from watching this show, and what value I think has changed my perspective.
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grvntld · 2 years
5 march 2023—first sunday of march well spent
before i sleep, i just wanna talk abt my sunday muna kasi ang saya. ang chill pero ang saya. went to big g's house to listen to his word. also attended our growth group's fellowship and this sesh was light and fun. we kept on laughing. i guess im getting more comfortable with the group which is a good sign! i love how we are surrounded by married couples that are in the same but also different journey as us. i also really like how we have couples there who are more mature in marriage than us. and we all get to tackle big g's words and different topics in the perspective of married couples, ykwim?¿??¿¿ it also makes me soft to be in a group that just genuinely roots and prays for each other ♡
moosey and i also had kimbap, odeng, and tim hortons for lunch so yay and yum! and then for dinner i made sweet and spicy shrimp + choco milkshake. hehe. i really enjoy cooking. it relaxes me. i also did the laundry. sometimes i still cant believe how chores are therapeutic for me now but i guess im just rlly at this stage of my life olredi. it just makes me feel so good, i swear! im even looking forward for the clothes to dry later today (6 march 2023) bc that means imma fold them. hehe.
enihoot, im going to dreamland na bc i still hv to wake up early later as we are going to do some grocery shopping. awiiiih~ 🛍🛒💃 okiedokieyokie, good nighty!
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will. bestie. i have a question thats been in my head for days but i keep forgetting to ask.
whats the flesh dimension and how bad should i be to get sent there. please. i wanna go to the flesh dimension
ok so I feel like the flesh dimension bit has way more context than it actually should. And that context went on in like a million paragraphs so I'm gonna put it under a cut bc it got so incredibly long. There is a lot of backstory behind the flesh dimension part and what's funny is there could be about 2 or 3 contexts behind this that I could explain. I always seem to come back to different flesh dimensions, but bc ik ur referring to what my discord status has been I will explain why it is that
Basically the other day my partner was streaming for me a new game that they had bought for 7 dollars bc they had seen some screenshots of the game and thought it was interesting. Song of Saya. It's an insanely weird and slightly disturbing Japanese (I believe it is from Japan iirc) visual novel that if it tells you anything I think RIGHT off the bat it gave you the option to turn the gore graphics off or adjust how bad you want the gore. And because I am evil evil evil, I told my partner not to turn the gore off at all.
Anyway. This Game. is So gory. It's awful, it's like so gross and I wish I got to see it in all it's glory but I was stuck seeing it through the few pixels that a discord stream allows me to see. Anyway the basic plot of the game that I understood (bc my partner only played like two hours of it for me before I had to go) is that this dude got into an accident and received an experimental brain surgery or some sort of neurological surgery/treatment. This guy is also a medical student, I hate the main protagonist tbh and Saya who is NOT the main protaganist but she is also there and I also hate her. The plot of this game is insane.
Anyway, the surgery messed up this dudes brain so horribly that now he is stuck in a nightmare flesh hellscape, what me and my partner have dubbed the "flesh dimension" So every person that this dude talks to all his previous friends and anyone he knows is transformed into these disgusting fleshy blobs of gore and viscera as well as everything is literally COVERED in gore and organs and flesh and by covered I mean things have now become gore. It affects all of his senses so smell, taste, hearing, sight, touch, he is essentially in every single way but literal (even though it is real to him) he is in a flesh dimension. And obviously because hes in a flesh dimension he starts to become a real prick bc all his friends just see him from the outside perspective and he is rapidly fighting every urge to like freak out and just explode.
So yeah, he became a prick bc of the flesh dimension or whatever and so yeah, he's a naughty boy that gets put in the flesh dimension. He also like VIOLENTLY rejected his friends love confession and just like threw in her face how much he hated her how much her voice and appearance made him sick (bc flesh world stuff) and how he couldn't stand being by any of them. Which yeah.
Saya is also the only "human" being that he can see. so she just looks like a normal person to him and he met her in the hospital when he was recovering and she now lives with him and eats people but he doesn't know that. He also can eat people and they actually taste GOOD for once bc everything else in the flesh world tastes disgusting. Me and my partner assume that she is actually the flesh monster that looks normal to him bc he's in the flesh world.
it's a super interesting game and a super interesting plot and like. I would put screenshots but like THATS how gross and gory it is at least from what I could see from my bad quality discord stream that I was lovingly subjected to. It's also a really weird game style bc its like not really a game you're just watching the entire thing, it's just a visual novel there's no choices or decisions you're just playing through the story, you have no affect on it. So it's a really weird game system that I feel like I've never seen before, but yeah, it's super interesting and I really like it. No idea where my partner got it from tho so idk where to play it.
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me and my partner are matching statuses btw
Some notable quotes that really solidify the watching experience: "you have to go to a taylor swift concert in the flesh dimension" "Maybe the flesh dimension is a trans allegory" "his pathetic flesh world swag has bewitched her in body and soul" "dont cry it just makes you uglier" (I cant remember if I was quoting the game but I did say this and scared my partner bc they thought I meant that towards them) "Secret nurse? shes like twelve and also a flesh monster" So to answer your question: you have to get experimental nerurosurgery and or just be a general massive prick to your friends to get sent to the flesh dimension. Or hmu for more options to get sent to the Flesh World dw about the cost
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bangarik · 1 year
I know I might write this someday.
But beforehand. Tulisan ini terinspirasi dari salah status WA manusia yang meaningful bagi saya yang membahas aspek psikologis seorang yang dibesarkan tanpa seorang ayah, atau “fatherless”. Fatherless disini maknanya luas, mulai dari yang terlahir yatim, atau yang kehiilangan sosok ayah karena kondisi-kondisi tertentu (cerai, sibuk dan lain-lain). Di tulisan itu dinyatakan bahwa pola pengasuhan yang menimpa seorang anak yang dibesarkan tanpa sosok seorang ayah besar kemungkinan akan menjadi lingkaran setan. Karena, kemungkinan besarnya adalah pola asuh yang dialami sang anak akan dijalankan di kemudian hari saat ia menjadi seorang ayah, dan seterusnya.
And, my father is one of those many people.
Abi terlahir yatim, tidak punya ayah, bahkan secara kondisi ekonomi juga mungkin dibawah rata-rata. Abi dari lahir (mungkin) tidak pernah merasakan kasih sayang seorang ayah. But I am proud of him and nothing is wrong with how he raises us as his children. (Yeah, maybe I’m the problem)
Orang yang sangat mengenal saya dan orangtua saya pasti akan tahu mengapa saya lebih accustomed to be known as anak Abi ketimbang anak Ibu.
He always teaches by example.
Suatu hari, saya lagi ngobrol tentang kehidupan dengan sesepuh RW, tiba-tiba dia bilang:
“A Erik, saya teh suka nangis liat abi A Erik”
Ya reflek saja saya nanya kenapa. And he would then tell a story I would cherish for long, a story that was only told by a perspective outside of home.
“Saya sering marahin Abi karena dia gamau beli motor/mobil disamping kegiatan ngajarnya yang selalu padat, tapi tau ga jawaban Abi A Erik apa, Abi bilang: kalau semua orang beli kendaraan terus nanti rezeki sopir angkot sama ojek dari mana?”
Mendengar cerita itu, aku tersenyum tipis tapi deep inside pengen meleleh, I know sebenarnya Abi berusaha menyembunyikan fakta bahwa dia tidak bisa menyetir. But itu juga karena Abi didn’t have the luxury to have his own bike or motorcycle when he was young.
People who know me well will also know me as a person who always uses public transport and walks anywhere if its considered in a walkable distance, and yes I got it all from my beloved Abi.
Abi as a father lebih ke tipikal diam dan cuek, membiarkan anak-anaknya, tapi very-very tegas, ya karena dibesarkan di lingkungan yang sangat religious. Teman dekat Abi pernah cerita di usia mudanya dulu, Abi sudah dipanggil “Buya” oleh masyarakat sekitar, which is something.
Bi, I know you’re trying hard to raise these 5 kids that maybe would leave home in a matter of years to fulfil another life in the outside world. But you’re always going to be our perfect father and I hope one day I could be one for my children too.
I love you Bi, I’m proud of you Bi, and I’m sorry I can’t be the child you’d expected me to be and I'm sorry I don't have the guts to say it directly.
(literally typing with wet eyes)
But, btw, keknya seru kalo ane bikin kompilasi cerita Abi ane disini. Secara, mom always gets the spotlight and people know her more
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90363462 · 2 years
The 10 Best Albums of 2022
A wealth of new albums in 2022 pushed the boundaries of genre, theme, and sound. From seasoned veterans like Beyoncé and Kendrick Lamar, returning in triumph with fresh records and even fresher perspectives, to exciting young artists like Saya Gray, whose debut album, 19 Masters, should make any listener excited for the future of music, here are the albums that we’ve had on repeat all year.
10. Motomami, Rosalía
Rosalía’s 2018 conceptual masterpiece El Mal Querer is so intentional and powerful that it’s hard to imagine her topping it. But this year, she stepped entirely outside the box, pushing her creative ability to its absolute limit to make Motomami.
On this album, she worked with some of the best musicians in the industry from rapper/producer Pharrell Williams, who lent a hand on “La Combi Versace” and on title track “HENTAI,” to Frank Ocean, to James Blake, whose voice can be heard at the end of “DIABLO.” Motomami is a triumphant amalgamation of diverse genres, blending jazz, reggaeton, bachata, flamenco, and pop. Rosalía’s unwavering tenacity has allowed her to create a piece of art that fully showcases her stunning vocal and producing abilities.—Moises Mendez II
9. You Can’t Kill Me, 070 Shake
Danielle Balbuena, the New Jersey-born rapper and R&B singer better known as 070 Shake, has made a name for herself in the industry for defying easy definition. With a powerhouse voice and tough yet tender songwriting, she’s transcended genre and challenged notions of identity, forging a path all her own that has garnered co-signs ranging from Kanye West, who signed her to his G.O.O.D. Music imprint in 2016, to indie rock darlings The 1975, with whom she toured during the early years of her career. 
On her second album, You Can’t Kill Me, Shake continues to hone a skill set entirely her own, serving up a project that’s surprisingly measured but no less intense. Over heavy beats and ambient synths, Shake returns to her usual contemplations: the hardships and wonders of life, the ups and downs of love. Teeming with smoldering desire and melancholic angst, the result is a moody, sensual offering from a deeply vulnerable artist who refuses simply coolly exist. “I wanted your body, but it came with your soul,” she laments on “Body,” channeling a tension that feeds into our universal ennui.—Cady Lang
8. Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers, Kendrick Lamar
In his decade in the spotlight, Kendrick Lamar has amassed a reputation that borders on messianic—he’s the Pulitzer-winning, civil-rights-anthem-penning, Tupac-inheriting genius destined to carry his city, if not his race, if not the world, on his narrow shoulders. No one man could possibly live up to those unbearable and escalating standards, and on Mr. Morale, Lamar actively renounces them: “Kendrick made you think about it, but he is not your savior,” he says pointedly on “Savior.” 
But if Mr. Morale isn’t an epoch-defining masterwork on the level of Good Kid, m.A.A.d City or To Pimp a Butterfly, it’s still a fantastically rich portrait of an artist in crisis. Lamar navigates familial tensions, pandemic anxiety, hypocrisy, and crushing public expectations with sharpness and poignancy, especially on “Mother | Sober” and the aforementioned “Savior.” And there are several deeply polarizing songs on the album—including the domestic dispute “We Cry Together” and the trans anthem “Auntie Diaries”—that nevertheless show Lamar probing the boundaries of his comfort zone and embracing the risk of backlash in order to create art he believes in.—Andrew R. Chow
7. Big Time, Angel Olsen 
“Big” is the operative word for the sixth album from the indie rock mainstay Angel Olsen: Recorded soon after both her parents died, it deals in big emotions, big musical arrangements, big vocals, big themes of love, loss and depression and perseverance. And just as Olsen has thrived across a range of setups—from acoustic solo to scruffy electric rock band—she likewise excels in belting out hugely stirring songs that sound destined to blast during climactic slow dances or while movie credits roll. 
The songs on “Big Time” build patiently, and with few indicators as to the year they were created: there are steel pedal guitars, burnished strings, zithers, and harmoniums. The lush arrangements augment Olsen’s arguably strongest vocal performance yet: she brings both power and subtlety to wrenchingly stark lyrics like “I know you can’t talk long/ But I’m barely hanging on/ I’m so tired of telling you/ It’s a hard time again.”—A.R.C. 
6. Electricity, Ibibio Sound Machine 
You’d be hard-pressed to find a more combustible minute of pop music in 2022 than the one that starts from the halfway point of “Protection From Evil,” the opening track of Ibibio Sound Machine’s fourth album Electricity. Frontwoman Eno Williams delivers a furious stream-of-consciousness soliloquy in the Ibibio language, her syllables spilling over and between the pounding four-on-the-floor dance beat; she lapses into a simmering chorus run through a vocoder, which then gives way to a shrieking horn section and a seizing synthesizer reminiscent of LCD Soundsystem’s best work. Electricity is filled with moments like this: of breathtaking sonic rises and falls, astonishing cultural exchanges, and flat-out infectious dance music.—A.R.C. 
5. It’s Almost Dry, Pusha T 
If the rapper and impresario Pusha T is the“Martin Scorsese of street rap,” as he hopes to be, then It’s Almost Dry might just be his Goodfellas: an immersive gangster epic that’s brutal yet stylish, materialistic, and psychologically probing. Pusha T doesn’t stray far from his favorite topic—hustling—but he doesn’t need to, because of the care with which he imbues his wordcraft and storytelling. His dense references will send you scrambling for Genius annotations: ”Summertime, Winterfell, I’m the Night King/ The Colgate kilo, the hood needs whitening/ We fishscale n—-s like we all Pisces/ Your bitch in my bubble like I’m still typing,” he raps on “Neck and Wrist.” But even if you don’t catch all the double and triple entendres, the music sounds fantastically luxurious. He recruited some of the most renowned producers in hip-hop, from Kanye West to Pharrell, and they delivered their A-game.—A.R.C.
4. Chloe and the Next 20th Century, Father John Misty
The musical polymath Josh Tillman, better known as his stage alter ego, Father John Misty, has made a name for himself as the most polarizing (and possibly most talented) man in the contemporary folk rock scene. With Chloe and the 20th Century, his fifth studio album as FJM, however, he takes a surprising and delightful departure from his usual form for a project that’s grandiose in its ambition, theatrical in its presentation, and thrilling in its execution. 
Drawing on elements like big band, bossa nova, and film scores from the golden age of Hollywood, the album is a lush and lofty epic that spins fictional vintage narratives into song. Through tragic vignettes that read like a screenplay of a fantasy L.A., the tracks detail torrid love affairs, untimely ends, and heartbreak, for the titular Chloe and her motley crew, showcasing not only FJM’s signature wry cynicism and penchant for melodrama, but an impressive flair for worldbuilding.—C.L.
3. Renaissance, Beyoncé
Ahead of the release of Renaissance, her seventh solo studio album, Beyoncé shared via social media that it was a creative project born out of a need for escape, freedom, and exploration during the pandemic. The spirit of release is omnipresent in the album, a true celebration of dance music and its Black queer history. From her first single off the album, “Break My Soul,” where Bey and Big Freedia urge us to “release your job/ release the time” to the dedication of the album to her late queer uncle, Johnny, the album is an homage to the Black queer pioneers of genres like disco, bounce, house, techno, funk, and ballroom. There are few artists who can drop an album late in the game and still commandeer “song of the summer” along with every dance floor, but as she tells us on “Alien Superstar,” Beyoncé is and forever will be that girl.—C.L.
2. 19 Masters, Saya Gray 
The debut album from the Toronto-based singer-songwriter Gray is not for the stadium rafters. It’s full of half-fleshed-out ideas, spindly guitar wanderings, washed-out vocal recordings and stray voice memos. But Gray’s strange restraint and restless curiosity are entirely the point: In its scattered and shaggy structure, there’s something compelling to be found around every melodic corner, whether on your second or tenth listen. In this way, the album feels like a worthy inheritor of Frank Ocean’s lo-fi masterpiece Blonde. Gray layers her scratchy voice upon itself to build breathtaking harmonies, and the tones she wrings out of her guitar and bass are impeccable.—A.R.C.
1. Un Verano Sin Ti, Bad Bunny
No other album had as much universal appeal (and, let’s be honest, adoration) this year than Un Verano Sin Ti, Bad Bunny’s glorious fourth solo studio album. It’s an album about heartbreak, yes, but also a veritable love letter to his homeland of Puerto Rico and a sonic tribute to the Caribbean diaspora. Driven by the musical styles of El Caribe, ranging from reggaeton and dembow to merengue and cumbia, and bolstered by elements of dance hall and techno, Benito firmly roots the album in the deeply personal, mining the universal experiences of love, loss, and the supreme pleasure of being alive, for an exceptional project that is genre-defying, intergenerational, and groundbreaking. 
Never one to shy away from getting political, Bad Bunny also uses the project to critique hot-button issues, from the privatization of power in Puerto Rico to how the current crisis of gentrification on the island is part of a long and troubled history of colonization. To listen to this album, to move to it and be moved by it, is an act of defiance, celebration, and radical love.—C.L.
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How to Prepare for Travel Chaos Over the Holidays
Big Tech's Implosion Could Save the Planet
The Best of Culture 2022
Write to Cady Lang at [email protected] and Moises Mendez II at [email protected].
Sent from my iPhone
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shihlun · 1 year
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Akiyoshi Kimata
- Saya: Perspective in Love
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cloudyspider · 8 months
Rereading/watching Calamity Trigger's Story Mode and going down every character to see some interesting tidbits I may've overlooked or get some new perspective or just plain old atm thoughts upon finishing their story. Want to get my thoughts down and ramble starting with Ragna and Jin.
Ragna's CT story is kinda... uninteresting on it's own for the most part. There's moments here and there that are fascinating particularly with the bad end he fuses with Nu and becomes "Something" with her that devolves into the Black Beast. Besides that it's a pretty straight forward introduction to Ragna as a protagonist but not so much as a character if that makes sense. It sells well the idea that he's the gruff protag on a mission with a heart of gold somewhere deep at the same time though it doesn't sell well the idea of him being the guy who can mercilessly mow down an army like how he could in his short story that ties in to CT. Like he's clearly not as stable as he appears as clear in the alt ending where he gets saved by Jubei from Hakumen but it ultimately ends up overshadowed by his feel as a protagonist.
There's two scenes that aren't interesting by themselves in the story mode but are within wider context. One of them is his scene with Rachel and her possy of Nago, Gii, and later Valkenhayn doing everything in their power to piss him off. Before some retconning later on Ragna does not recognize Valkenhayn making this their first meeting here. Between this and him not knowing Trinity as a Six Hero makes me wonder if there was originally some reason why he wouldn't know that information like it was intentionally withheld. The other scene for more peculiar reasons is the previously mentioned scene of Jubei saving Ragna for a few reasons. Despite Jubei saving him Ragna's reaction is one of anger and indignation at being saved before having a meltdown that had to be cured by going to the chinese food place with Tao. It's this and his vitriol with Rachel that really does have me believe that his relationship with them and his sanity was deteriorating bad the longer he was doing his thing. As an aside his lecture to Ragna about the adage concerning the Azure and what he should be fighting for is was weird with context. The adage "Do not mistake the Power of the Azure as your own" is fine on a surface level but really ill placed concerning the fact Ragna is having a quite literal skill issue in dealing with Hakumen and not a misuse of the Azure Grimoire. And the "What are you fighting for? You're losing sight of what's really important" bit is strange because it's obviously about having having the power of the Azure to save and protect his loved ones but Jubei himself destroyed that notion in Ragna by telling him that Saya can't be saved and leaving only his hatred of Terumi and anything related to him. Just really odd.
As a fun fact that I just realized Ragna's nickname of "Good Guy" by Tao was first coined by Rachel describing him her as a backhanded compliment over sparing Arakune.
Jin's story mode was honestly a fun read and a good introduction to him as a character. It really does sell him well as a callous dead-inside man who can only really start feeling alive once he thinks he can kill his brother again. From seeing the cold disregard he had to Bang and anything to with Ikaruga to the manic insanity he has when he deals with either Ragna or Noel is really striking. It paints well the kind of person who could make the mistakes that would make Hakumen in one timeline. Yeah I just don't have anything really negative to say in this regard.
90% it's just my weird interpretation but seeing the different facets of Jin displayed here makes it seems like he has multiple personalities. It's like he has different personalities for times and places rather than a transitory and developing one over all. From how he's a friendly and kind student back in the military academy, how he's like in when the story mode takes place, and even the nascent form of what I'd call "emo LN protag Jin" is present. I can't think of exact moments where Jin changes like Makoto does in Heart to Heart where she goes abrasive to who she later becomes. He just goes from Friendly Student Council President in his school days, to Broody LN Protag in Spiral Shift, to the Callous Arrogant Dickhead he is by CT's time and there's no in-between for any of them. Just my thoroughly wrong atm though and not a big deal.
There was a curious thing going where the narration focuses on his right hand a few times like how it was stained in Noel Vermillion's blood one in one scene or how he could only move it and not the rest of his body in another. The former could've been symbolic of his part in the burning of the church (going by a CT only interpretation and maybe killing Saya but that's bunked) but he's pretty much a non entity in terms of blame nowadays.
Surprisingly there's a brief line a dialogue from the head of the Kisaragi Family here. It's actually positive concerning his talents.
That about sums up my immeadiate thoughts. Onto Noel and Rachel next.
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8 Tips to Consider When Hiring a Professional Home Interior Designer
Do you have any designs to patch up your home or do you have another condo that actually needs an inside plan? Indeed, assuming you feel that you will be savvy assuming you do it without anyone else's help, you are off-base. There would be a colossal distinction on the off chance that you enlist an inside planner. Here are a few benefits of recruiting an expert home inside creator that will assist you with investigating the distinctions between doing your inside plan without help from anyone else and leaving it in the possession of experts.
1. Get Modified Inside Plans
You have looked through web-based entertainment, and magazines for quite a long time, or visited your companions and neighbors' home to gather inside plan thoughts and set up your best endeavor. Maybe it hasn't completely met up. Anyway, really the thing you are doing is you just replicating somebody's home inside plans. That plan might be explicit for that house just as it is planned in view of that house size, necessities, spending plan, and so on. At the point when you attempt to fit those plans it won't handle your task well. when you recruit experts, they are the Masters, they have the most inventive personalities and in-vogue eyes, so they can assist you with making that task become completely awake with redid plans. Being the best proficient inside planning organization in Dubai, SAYA Studio generally attempts to bring an open-minded perspective and startling plans to an undertaking. We have great involvement with taking care of more than many undertakings, so we can move toward your venture with that expert experience and adequacy to regulate the conceivable future issues and can work for the best for you to save your time, and cash and to offer inner serenity. Assuming that you are doing your washroom inside style yourself and choose to bring a typical variety mix of tiles that are promptly accessible on the lookout or a highly contrasting variety combo, regularly you simply purchase that accessible variety blend of tiles or highly contrasting tiles and fix it as far as possible, however make an effort not to bring a few new thoughts, so it doesn't function admirably. However, at SAYA Studio, you may be astonished that we as a rule add a few startling plans to make it the most. That is, with regards to washroom tiles, we generally pick the right arrangement of restroom floor tiles with the lovely variety mix and attempt to bring an additional plan that generally remains as the novel style of explanation and increases the entire allure of the restroom. For instance: On the off chance that our client requests a dark and white subject in the restroom while buying highly contrasting tiles, we buy a few hued tiles in light of the client's taste and sliced them and attempt to blend them in with these highly contrasting tiles. This would really get everyone's attention and structure a stylish style washroom stylistic layout.
2. Set aside Cash
Sounds odd? However it could sound odd yet recruiting an expert inside planner will set aside your well-deserved cash, as the general cost will integrate the fashioner charge and other related costs, but utilizing an inside creator can be genuinely valuable for you as they will diminish all the unwanted spending and moreover gets you far from committing costly slip-ups. At the point when you plan everything without help from anyone else, you frequently wind up committing costly plan errors. The essential misstep doesn't really involve the accessible space of the home as when you put away your well-deserved cash for building each sq. inch of your home, it is significant to use each edge of the space with a show agreeable, practical and charming for all. So with the assistance of an expert, you can work on your residing experience with better administration of the space accessible in the house. They can constantly cautiously, mindfully, and successfully streamline the space in your home making the best utilization of the accessible space and carrying gigantic worth to your cash. Aside from this other normal missteps are purchasing light apparatuses that are excessively huge, involving some unacceptable size furniture in the family room, painting the walls with some unacceptable variety, etc. Recruiting an expert inside a planning organization will ensure that the entire situation fits to scale and is tastefully satisfying. This will ultimately set aside your money over the long haul.
3. Save Time
Maybe the best motivation to utilize an expert inside originator is that doing so will save you a lot of significant investment. From taking assessments and choosing floor intends to styling various rooms, finding the right goods, tracking down the right project worker, handyman, and different specialists; arranging a home can be a long and inauspicious cycle. In all honesty, it can require weeks, perhaps months to wrap up. Assuming you are doing it without anyone else's help you will wind up squandering hours focusing on which furniture to buy in the lounge area, and which variety of drapery ought to be chosen in living to utilize. That is the point at which you replicated the planning thoughts from different sources and in a real sense applied the experimentation technique. Since you have no related knowledge you attempt to execute those thoughts yet it winds up with expensive slip-ups. Appropriately when the assessed work fulfillment period is a half year, however with these slip-ups and experience deficiency, it could require one year to complete which will expand the material expense during these time spans, upset spending plan limitations and so forth. With everything taken into account you just squandered your cash, energy and time. In this way, it very well might be ideal to hand it off to the experts.
4. Get an Unmistakable Image of the Eventual outcome
Without a doubt you have an image as a primary concern of how the inside would seem to be. Yet, don't have the right assets on the most proficient method to make it a reality. In any case, when you enlist an inside originator he can decipher your thoughts into an unmistakable arrangement as well as assess what is plausible in your space. He will take total charge of the task and will have a superior picture of the last venture than you. He approaches every one of the most recent devices and innovation to assist with the preparation of the work. At SAYA Studio, we might utilize 3D perspectives to get the last plans of the client home. "Words generally can't do a picture justice" so the client can without much of a stretch envision and understand the plan and we can sequentially make any kind of changes in the plan according to our client prerequisites. These 3D perspectives on plans permit the client to take a virtual visit through our home. and at long last, when the plan is finished, the outcome could look the very same as 3D pictures.
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5. Dependable Organization of Good Project workers and Material Obtaining
All things considered, home inside planning is a great collaboration of good workers for hire and different assets. As an inside planning organization is continuously working in this field, they have better information on the best workers for hire, experts, and most solid subcontractors. In this way, you will outdo any remaining administrations other than the inside plan. Likewise, they will approach great assets and materials at sensible costs that ordinary citizens probably won't have. While assuming you have considered doing your insides without help from anyone else, you might have ended up wrecked by thinking out whom you ought to pick or on the other hand assuming you chose one yet found that they neglected to match your necessities, some of the time there might emerge a few contentions, issues, etc; all things considered, it might influence the whole work process. When you employ proficient planners, you don't have to stress over everything and they assist you with making the home look interesting, and expertly finished.
6. Acquire Generally Quality
Master inside originators generally will consider fresh and attempt to carry it into their attempts to work on the general nature of the room and make it seriously engaging. While you doing it without help from anyone else you may continuously zero in on the room flooring, furniture determination, wall colors decision, and so on; you probably won't give significance to minute things yet they have the ability to change the whole quality look of your room, Yet though an expert inside creator will constantly concentrate as opposed to these things like how lighting should be possible, which wall can be featured, What works can be given to wall, craftsmanships, embellishments, drapery types and varieties and so forth. This large number of moment things will give an expert touch to your room.
7. Inward feeling of harmony
It is not unexpected that when you do your home inside, a tremendous measure of pressure may be added to you. As a bustling individual, it will be intense for you to really deal with this pressure. When you employ an inside planner, the individual can reduce this weight and impeccably do the required measure of work. At SAYA Studio, with our related knowledge, we generally centered around not putting any little weight on property holders as we will do whatever it takes to stay away from any potential possibilities of mistakes from now on. For example, we can understand the capability of a region or its inborn trouble spots unexpectedly and then convey creative inside planning arrangements. So there will not emerge any inquiry of stress or pressure. We are amazingly certain that we can proficiently and really handle the entire thing with the best level of incredible skill.
8. Great Resale Worth
For good measure, assuming you really want to sell your home, the very much-planned home will assist with expanding its worth on the lookout. The majority of homebuyers are hoping to purchase an appropriately planned home with the best outfitting format, great pipes, electrical arrangements, and so on, on which they don't have to contribute additional time and exertion, especially on account of rentals. Thus by having an outwardly alluring home, the value of your home increments alongside the number of expected purchasers.
So presently you know about the benefits of recruiting an inside originator for your home inside work. Assuming you are looking for the best and most reliable inside originators in Kerala, you can interface with SAYA Studio. We are here to assist you with each venturing of the way and put forth a valiant effort to convey a plan that will be above and beyond!
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beansonbread2 · 9 months
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2022 > Cryalot 'Icarus' (see full list HERE)
2021 >Tara Clerkin Trio ‘In Spring’ (see full list HERE)
2020 > Jockstrap ‘Wicked City’ & ‘Beavercore’ (see full list HERE)
2019 > Jockstrap ‘Lost My Key In The <3 Club <3′ (see full list HERE)
2018 > James Ferraro ‘Four Pieces For Mirai’ (see full listHERE)
2017 >Yaeji ‘EP2′ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Oliver Wilde ‘Long Hold Star An Infinite Abduction’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Kelela ‘Hallucinogen’ (see full list HERE)
2013 > Spectres ‘Hunger’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > James Blake - ‘CMYK’ (see full list HERE )
2023 RUNNERS UP (in no order)
Mica Levi & Alpha Maid ‘Spresso’
William Carkeet ‘Lack Of SND’
Two Shell ‘Lil Spirits’
Jlin ‘Perspective’
Benjamin Spike Saunders ‘Benjamin Spike Saunders’
Wesley Gonzalez ‘Wild Garlic’
Das Koolies ‘The Condemned’
Babymorocco ‘The Sound’
EasyFun ‘Electric’ / ‘Acoustic’
Magdalena Bay ‘Mini Mix Vol.3’
Divorce ‘Heady Metal’
Memotone ‘Memotone EP’
M.L. Deathman ‘Wild Beasts’
Batu ‘Half Speed’ / ‘For Spirits’
Clementine March ‘My Empty Town’
Astra King ‘First Love’ 
Soft Lad ‘Give it A Go’
Old Fire ‘Iterations’
NewJeans ‘Get Up’
Kelan ‘Further Downtown’ / ‘The Strip’
Kelly Lee Owens ‘LP.8.2’ 
Ishmael Ensemble & Rider Shafique ‘New Era’
Miss Tiny ‘DEN7’
Alice Longyu Gao ‘Let’s Hope Heteros Fail, Learn, and Retire’
Antonia Sinibaldi ‘Catch Us If You Can’
Heartworms ‘A Comforting Notion’
Dry Cleaning ‘Swampy’
Kayla Painter ‘Ambient Owl Core’
Beach House ‘Become’
Nia Archives ‘Sunrise Bang Ur Head Against Tha Wall’
Neko ‘King Louie’
Swan Meat ‘Blood Supernova Remixed’
Angel Olsen ‘Forever Means’
Wych Elm ‘Field Crow’
Spirit Of The Beehive ‘I’m So Lucky’
Seamus Fogarty ‘Hee Haw’
Kode9 & Burial ‘Infirmary / Unknown Summer’
MF Tomlinson ‘We Are Still Wild Horses - Remixed’
Hudson Mohawke & Nikki Nair ‘Set The Roof’
Bruce ‘Not’ / ‘Ready’
Iceboy Violet ‘Not A Dream But A Controlled Explosion’
Ernold Same ‘The Reader’
Moin ‘Clocked Off’
Mary Lattimore ‘Goodbye, Hotel Arkada’
Big Fuss ‘Long Live This Queen’
Hemlock Springs ‘Going…Going…GONE!’
Biig Piig ‘Bubblegum’
TOP 10 EP'S OF 2023
10. Minor Conflict ‘Bright Lights, Dead City’
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9. Dean Blunt ‘Give Me A Moment’
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8. Giant Swan ‘Fantasy Food’
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7. Katy J Pearson & Friends ‘The Wicker Man EP’
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6. Trust Fund ‘It Is What It Is’
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5.  Rozi Plain ‘Bonus Prize’
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4. Saya Gray ‘QWERTY’
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3. JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown ‘Scaring The Hoes: DLC Pack’
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2. Aphex Twin ‘Blackbox Life Recorder’
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1. Tara Clerkin Trio ‘On The Turning Ground’
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0 notes
ara-24 · 1 year
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July 31, Monday
looking back, ang dami palang nangyari this july. i remember starting off the month worried because of our current financial situation.
dami kong naiisip about what to do. sumabay pa yung bahay, ang daming kailangan simulan at gawin.
• this month we started to bring stuff na needed para nga doon sa house. medyo stressful pala lalo na walang budget haha. well may plans naman na, ongoing planning pero we all know we need to settle with this muna for the mean time. prepare lang muna for now.
• nagpunta kami kela ate on weekends after staying kela kuya for almost a week (spontaneous staycation lol) may interview kasi si mae so ayun pagod pagod. ditched the other planned celeb sa bulacan kasi birthday ni ate that weekend but idk if she's happy na andun kami. didn't really want to overthink it pero ayun, something in me tells me na it would probably the last time. idk? life happens.
• nagreach out yung bestfriend ko na magpapagawa ng coat for her grad pic!! i am so proud huhu. she's graduating this year! 🥺❤️ sabi ko magpainom naman siya hehe. told her din pala about sa house. feel ko medyo naiyak siya haha. na-sad din naman ako thinking kung kailan may free time na siya, saka naman ganito hay. di na kami masyado nakapag-usap since later that night may bus ride pa silang hahabulin for her grad rehearsal sa uni sa province nila. kasama niya pala yung isang friend nya. she seems nice parang ang saya niya maging friend hahaha! sana magkaron ng time soon. dami kong kwento.
• nagpunta kami ni mama ng divisoria. realized i love these mundane moments with her kahit nakakapagod. ok lang basta kakain kami dun sa paborito kong kainan sa 168 na may masarap na sabaw at orange yung mga plato haha! sobrang memorized niya yung divisoria feeling ko kahit nakapikit kaya niya maglakad haha. having no sense of direction, sa ilang beses ko siyang kasama dito, never ko pa rin nakabisado haha. hay labyu ma. babalik ata kami next week.
• something great happened the next following week and i just can't explain the pure happiness im feeling. just hoping na maging maayos ang lahat. sobrang thank you Lord dahil sobrang blessed talaga namin. 🥺 nung nareceive ko yung news gusto ko lang maiyak as in. sobrang overwhelming.
for the first time in years, naging positive yung perspective ko. di pa rin ako makapaniwala. ayoko lang isipin na may kapalit lahat tong magandang nangyayari bc parang it always have been that way. deflecting the thought kaya hoping and reminding myself not to self sabotage. sana lang makaya ko.
0 notes
kristeldevine-09 · 2 years
The magic of appreciating, interpreting, and criticizing works of art”
An E-portfolio in Reading Visual Arts
By : Kristel Devine M. Ramirez
Reading Visual art deals with the study of appreciation, interpretation, and understanding of visual art. Reading visual art helps us understand our history, our culture, our lives, and the experiences of others in a manner that cannot be achieved through other means. Indeed, the magic of appreciating, interpreting, and criticizing works of art cultivates a positive learning environment for us and gives us the opportunity to express our own thoughts, imagination, and creativity. We learned new ways of thinking and how to view the world from diverse perspectives as we studied reading visual art.
Furthermore, this site is a compilation of all my outputs and my most significant learning experiences for reading visual arts, which I will treasure forever.
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The artwork that best describes me is the artwork of William about cake. The artwork describes and shows my interests and hobbies in life that change and help me grow as a wiser and better woman. Baking and decorating cakes gives me so many opportunities and lessons in life.
Formalism is a critical viewpoint that asserts that a work of art's form, or how it was formed and simply includes visual features, rather than its narrative content or connection to the external world, is actually what matters most. A formalist approach places greater emphasis on the language's structure than the connotations of the words or the work's importance to history and biography.
Summary of an Artwork
Ferdinand Amorsolo was raised during a time of transition and spent his formative years in the country. His experience motivated him to paint scenes of his fellow citizens' rural lives, which are reflected in most of his paintings, and one of these is "Afternoon Meal of the Rice Workers" (1939), which features images of the countryside, a color and lighting scheme, and the inspiring beauty of nature, and represents the typical farm life of the Filipinos. Amorsolo painted this to interpret the hard work (farmers working together in the rice field), the lifestyle (the provincial setting, which shows simplicity), and the Filipino culture, such as the farm life scene that we, Filipinos, are very familiar with.
Pagtukib: Art analysis using Contextual approach reading visual art
Title: preparing the meal
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Artist: Fernando Amorsolo (1955)
Attended the art school of the Liceo de Manila and the university of the Philippines school of the fine arts. He loved spending time in the countryside outside manila sketching and painting in the open air. His arts were mostly rural life.
Contextual Approach (Historical)
The context
In this scene of rural life, farmers harvest rice in the background while the villagers rest under the shade of a mango tree in the foreground. Pastoral themes such as this one we're the favorite of the artist Fernando Amorsolo, the most popular Filipino artist in the twentieth century.
The Image Content
The image shows the four personas including a woman cooking, resting and carrying a baby. While at their backgrounds were the farmers harvesting rice. They were wearing the usual saya and patadyong in the twentieth century. The woman cooking used the palayok, an ancestral’s way of cooking. This woman is preparing a meal for the farmers.
Shaping Strategies
The artist viewpoint was directed to its center featuring a woman preparing the meal. From the position of the artist or the viewer they can clearly see a rural life featuring a woman as the focal point of the art conveying its title preparing the meal for the farmers wherein these farmers are situated at the back of the woman cooking.
Audience and Effect
The “preparing the meal” attracts locals and tourist both male and female showing them the life in the rural areas in the late twentieth century. It features the work of men which is harvesting rice and women as the head of the households who are in charge of babysitting, cooking, and preparation of household needs. These painting values both traditional and customary male and female roles in the society.
Contextual Approach (Rhetorical)
Sender/ Creator
The target audience are the Filipinos and foreigners that aims to teach or deliver some values to the audience. The purpose of it is to show the life of the people in the twentieth century and what are the roles of men and women back then.
The content of the painting is the life in the rural areas. As part of history farming has been part of our ancestor's life producing grains for food consumption. The author arranged its content based on the real happening in the farmland that were seen by his two eyes.
As a viewer of the said painting, i have gained knowledge and ideas of how the life of the early civilizations was. I have seen what women and men do. If we are to compare the twentieth century life, it is far different from the life we have today. Before men and women has their own roles but right now both men and women are equal.
Contextual Approach (Ethnographic)
Ethnographic Approach
According to pbs media learning, while men generally handled a majority of the fieldwork, women traditionally kept the household going. Women raised the chickens and grew the gardens. They canned produce, baked bread, did the laundry and cared for the family and home. Based on the painting it portrays the roles of the women and men back in the twentieth century.
I have learned that all artists value formalism because it helps them create a style or genre in which they can express their ideas. Formalism helped them develop as artists. Also, it provides artists with a clear organizational and aesthetic framework that enables them to work and create artwork. Thus, formalism holds that true meaning can be determined only by analyzing the literary elements of the text and understanding how these elements work together to form a cohesive whole.
Multimodal is the use of various forms of literacy inside a single media. For instance, comprehending a medium-level weather forecast on television needs comprehension of spoken language, written language, weather-specific terminology (such as temperature scales), geography, and symbols (clouds, sun, rain, etc.). The understanding of a piece by an audience is influenced by a variety of literacy's or "modes." Meaning is created by everything, including image placement, content structure, and delivery style. This is a result of a shift in the way that people communicate in the digital era from relying mostly on isolated text to more commonly using visuals. Multimodal is a concept used to describe how messages are composed using textual, auditory, linguistic, spatial, and visual resources.
Summary of an Artwork
Sam Greenfield stars as a clumsy, orphaned young woman whose life is plagued by misfortune. She finds a penny she hopes to give to her friend Hazel for her collection of lucky items to help her get adopted. Sam soon loses the penny after inadvertently flushing it down a toilet. After a disaster at the Penny depot Gerry uses a drone to retrieve the missing penny on Earth. The drone gets lost in the In-Between, a space between the Good and Bad Luck lands.
Sam and Bob decide to temporarily shut down the Bad Luck Apparat to prevent bad luck from going there. Bad luck specks start clogging Jeff's machines and destroy the good luck and bad luck stones within the Randomizer, which itself brings bad luck to the Land of Luck and Earth. Sam is forced to place a bad luck stone, and good luck is restored to normal.
“Luck” Movie Analysis
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The Semiotics and Multimodal Text of the movie Luck
A movie Luck is played by Sam Greenfield, a kind-hearted but terribly unlucky shop employee. Sam has spent her entire childhood moving between different foster homes and orphanages in the hopes of finding her forever family. She has already outgrown the system at the age of 18 and is forced to live alone in a small apartment in her clichéd small town. However, things turn around when a snarky black cat carrying a sparkling penny mistakenly guides her through a portal to the Land of Luck, a hidden location where leprechauns produce lucky charms that are distributed at random throughout the world. Sam embarks on an epic quest and joins up with numerous mystical creatures in an effort to find a power strong enough to finally change her fortunes once she becomes determined to do so.
A brief plot summary of the movie is provided: https://dbtvmovie.com/luck-movie-review-film-summary-2022/
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Luck Movie Poster - #640507 - Movie Insider
Luck (2022) poster. See the movie photo #640507 now on Movie Insider.
The movie poster uses text, space, icons and other modes that can be considered as Multimodal.  Furthermore, the use of graphic symbols, close proximity, and organization of the signs in the posters draw viewers' attention because this movie includes musical numbers and a few TikTok-like scenes, which might pique some viewers' interest because watching bunnies dance is a surefire way to beat boredom. Last but not least, this movie is really true to our everyday situations, especially when we occasionally feel unlucky with the things we desire to happen to us.
Here’s the official trailer of the movie ‘’Luck” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSG5UX0EQVg
Semiotics in the Movie “Luck”
BOB The Scottish Black Cat
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In the movie, there is a Scottish black cat named "Bob" who has a lucky penny with a four-leaf clover on it that gives good luck to Sam. In fact, some cultures believe that black cats bring good luck and represent prosperity. On the other hand, Sam flashes the lucky penny into the toilet by accident because she is so unlucky. Sam seeks out the black cat to ask for another lucky penny since she is so desperate to have good fortune in her life. From that point on, Sam and Bob become partners in their adventure in the Land of Luck.
Simon Pegg is a Lucky Black Cat in New Teaser for Apple TV+’s Luck
We’ve had Pixar try to explain feelings with Inside Out, and Netflix telling us the origins of Santa with Klaus, and now Apple TV+ has dropp
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The lucky penny serves as a visual metaphor for luck in both the real world and the magical kingdom of luck in the movie. Sam finds the fortunate penny that Bob had left and, one morning, it brings luck into Sam's unlucky existence. Sam says the statement, “Find a penny, pick it up. All day long, you’ll have good luck.” as she believes in the luck a penny can bring. In fact, a lot of people also believe that finding a penny is lucky.
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In the movie, Sam follows Bob because she is so desperate to get a new lucky penny for hazel because she. However, she eventually discovers that Bob's home is in the Land of Luck, where no human has ever set foot. The magical land of luck in the movie has both good and bad luck. Sam embarks on a journey across the magical world as part of her mission to change her luck and the luck of Hazel in the orphanage. However, in her adventure with Bob in the land of luck, she discovers and learns that a force is much more potent than luck.
Overall, the movie is entertaining, realistic, and teaches viewers many valuable lessons about confidence and putting others before themselves since Sam would do anything to ensure that Hazel, an orphan, has the wonderful fortune of finding a new family. Also, the movie teaches you to have confidence in yourself and be with the people you love, not only your biological family but also the family you have chosen.
Semiotic /multimodal analysis is an important method for understanding the social function and complexity of various texts. It provides conceptual tools that place a focus on the interactions between human activity, currently employed technologies, and the social context in which meaning is formed.
Moreover, semiotic multimodal analysis is a technique for analyzing a media text's multiple semiotic modes, such as visuals, photographs, diagrams, or graphics, in addition to its language. Visual media analysis requires a multi-layered approach because it combines several communication modes.
Sociological theories studies aspect of human society: the family, gender, race and ethnic relations, aging, education, work, population, and many others. Its principle goal as a discipline is to understand the workings of human society and to explain social behavior. Thus, social theory, on the other hand, refers to concepts, claims, theories, exercises in thought, and explanatory hypotheses concerning how and why human societies or components or structures of such societies come to be founded, evolve over time, or vanish.
Summary of an artwork
The protagonist of the story "A Social Life" is Meredith, a young lady with a strong concentration on her work who is aware of the value of maintaining an active social media presence. She aspires to lead a balanced life that includes working hard, staying in shape, and making friends. Sharing these memories online plays a significant role in her daily life; by doing so, she develops her "image" among her larger social media friend network. One day Meredith wakes up and discovers that her reflection is really a collection of pictures she's shared with others. Is this her life now? Or only an expertly crafted brand
Are we really living the life that we post? is the question that A Social Life tries to answer.
Studying sociology is important because it offers understanding of social interactions, human relationships, and how they impact our society. It also helps us in making decisions since it allows us to systematically gather data on significant social issues or problems and offers vital perspective and insight for addressing societal difficulties.
Marxism is a left-wing to far-left method of socioeconomic analysis that employs a dialectical viewpoint to comprehend social transformation and a materialist interpretation of historical development to understand class relations and social conflict. Its origins can be traced back to the writings of German intellectuals Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the nineteenth century. Furthermore, Marxism examines the material circumstances and economic activity necessary to satisfy people's material wants in order to explain social phenomena inside any given society. It is considered that all other social phenomena, such as more generalized social relations, political institutions, legal systems, cultural systems, aesthetics, and ideologies, are influenced by the method of economic organization, or mode of production.
Summary of an artwork
Cinderella is a dreamer who is treated terribly by her step-family. She gets some magic from her fairy godmother and is able to attend a ball and disguised as a lovely princess despite being abused by her step-family. She meets a prince there and falls in love. 
Marxism is important in visual arts because it emphasizes class, socioeconomic status, power relationships among different societal segments, and how those parts are represented. Marxist criticism is useful because it clarifies the idea behind class conflict and revolution and helps readers understand the part that class plays in a text's plot. 
The psychoanalytic theory is a concept use in marketing to gain customers. Today's customers' tastes have a significant impact on both the longevity of established businesses and the success of new ones. Brands occasionally identify a target market to help them launch or grow their businesses and sell their products.
Summary of an artwork
The image depicts a man in a funny and awkward posture who is also wearing an unbuttoned white collar. The only phrases that can be found in the visual are "let's get zesty" and "the only thing better than dressed is undressing". The man thinks of himself as a metaphor for a salad dressing, possibly one with a particularly strong flavor and texture. Using the strategy of a man with abs appears seductive and attractive. It is a strategy that can really catch the buyers especially girls who love seeing a man who has a nice body.
Pair Output
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Analysis (individual)
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Summary of an artwork
The visual contain the words "Wu Paochan" means Taiwanese baker and "Low-carb buns" which is indigestible and made with a lot of dietary fiber. The text can help convince the customer to buy the product, especially for those who are on a diet. The customers can see buns as a metaphor for yummy and sexy abdominal muscles. It appeals to our unconscious that if we eat low-carb bread, it will help us to have a healthier life.
Psychological theory in advertising is important for a successful marketing strategy. Psychological insight allows marketers and business owners to understand target customers' behavior and develop marketing strategies that better suit their businesses. Additionally, marketing psychology is applicable to a wide range of businesses as well as goods and services. As a result, many businesses employ this tactic to attract their target audience and perhaps even affect their purchasing behavior.
My Artwork
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