#Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire
tomsmusictaste · 2 years
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If you're looking for some spooky songs from the pop-punk and alternative scene to get in the Halloween spirit, look no further than these ones!
P.S. If you actually do wanna look further, I have all these songs and many, many more here in my carefully curated 'Alt Hallow's Eve' playlist!!
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spookychick78 · 11 months
Halloween Night W/ The Slashers 🎃🔪
Happy Halloween and to all a good fright🎃🔪
Jason Voorhees:
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Wholesome to the max. He'd get all the blankets out, make sure the decorations were all lit and cozy up with you to watch your favorite scary movie(s). If you're into the scarier ones, be prepared for him to be hiding his face in the crook of your neck (he's sensitive). If you're spending Halloween in his neck of the woods, a campfire is definitely on the schedule. Did I mention he makes the best s'mores?
With your head on his shoulder and the soft sound of embers crackling in the orange glow of the fire he'd just finished building, you let out a contented sigh. The autumn air blew chilly and cold around you, but between the warmth of flames and his body, you were perfectly tranquil. The couple of pumpkins you'd carved earlier that day had a pleasant glow of their own in their spot beside you both. Jason leant forward, gently so he wouldn't disrupt the comfort of you perched on him and stuck a marshmallow into the fire. You started to giggle, because it didn't take long for it to burst into flames and he responded by shaking the stick.
"Planning on burning the camp down?" You teased as you listened to his breath whistle through the holes of his mask in an attempt to blow it out.
Finally, he managed to extinguish it and pulled it back for the two of you to inspect. It was crispy, burnt and blackened, his shoulders slumped as he twirled the stick around to study it. You lifted your head and tentatively tapped it. Once you'd decided it was cool enough to touch, you plucked it from the end of the stick and reached for some Graham crackers.
"Don't worry," you said with a grin as you took note of his befuddlement, "I prefer them well done anyways."
You smushed it between the two pieces and took a quick bite, all the while very aware of his admiring gaze. You were always so kind, something he wasn't used to in the slightest and in his opinion, that kept him warmer than the fire in front of you. He let you finish chewing, intent on letting you finish the entirety of it, but he simply couldn't wait any longer to scoop you up. As he did so, you dropped the little sandwich and let out a startled yelp, which soon turned to giggles. You couldn't see it, but he was beaming at the sound underneath his mask.
"But the fire-" you started, but he'd already pushed the door to your cabin open and set you down with a finger over your mouth to shush you.
You grinned as he bent down and lifted the edge of his mask up to replace the finger over your lips with his own. His arms snaked around your waist and he lifted you up again, pressed closer to him this time. It would fine, you thought to yourself as he carried you over to the bed, it would burn out eventually. Being wrapped up in him kept you warmer than any fire could anyhow.
Ghostface(reader's choice):
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Halloween with him is definitely interesting. He's not letting you get out of any tricks, that's for sure.
You paced back and forth between the four walls of your bedroom, occasionally allowing a glance out the window to the dimly lit street. Where was he? You thought to yourself. He was always late, without fail and you'd have been lying if you said it didn't get to you sometimes. Finally, you plopped down and let your gaze linger on the pumpkin that sat on your desk, uncarved. You promised him you'd wait for him to start it, but it was nearly nine and Halloween was coming to a close. You thought it was a fair punishment for being kept wondering for so long, so you placed it on the ground and grabbed the tools from your drawer. Before you'd even had a chance to cut into the top, your phone rang. For most, the words 'unknown caller' would have been an easy ignore, but you knew better. You pressed the button and before you could speak-
“Ever heard the term ‘patience is a virtue’?”
You rolled your eyes, "You're late."
"Fashionably," he replied coolly, "you love the mystery, don't lie."
"I'd love to not be alone on Halloween," you said flatly as you rested the phone between your ear and shoulder to start on the pumpkin with irritated force.
"Who said you were alone?"
Just then, you heard the door creak behind you. You let the phone drop to the floor and turned to peer into the shadows. You didn't remember turning off all the lights, but the hallway behind the door was pitch black, save the barely visible pale face observing you in silence. Once he'd decided you'd discovered him, he stepped forward, his black robe dragging on the floor behind him. You couldn't stop a smirk from pulling at your lips as you watched him tilt his head at you, his mask almost made it seem he was mocking you.
He lifted the voice modulator to the front of his mouth, momentarily distracting from the glint of the knife at his side, "Trick? Or treat?"
You still held a knife of your own and you didn't hesitate to play with it as you responded with a playful gleam in your eyes, "How 'bout both?"
He chuckled before he dropped the modulator and used his free hand to reach down and grab your jaw, "In that case, I apologize for keeping you waiting."
Freddy Kruger:
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Better call it an early night, cause he doesn't like to be kept waiting either. He's in that dreamworld tapping his foot with his arms crossed, hoping you'll pass out in costume.
"Late night?" You heard his voice echo as you searched for him in the darkness.
"Early actually, you're just impatient," you replied with a smirk as you turned the corner, expecting to find him there.
Of course, it was empty. He was never where you expected him to be. You paused and your head whipped around when you heard those claws of his scraping metal. The echo was deceiving, it refused to give away his location. Silence followed and you lifted a foot to continue your search.
"Bored would be more accurate," you heard his voice echo again, but the next words he spoke were right in your ear, "but not anymore."
As soon as you turned, he rushed forward to push you against the metal railing. Your briefly startled and somewhat terrified expression made him chuckle smugly as he brought his claws up to drag them along your costume. It was tight, not too much coverage, which was exactly what he was hoping for.
He clicked his tongue before he looked back up at you, "Modesty isn't really your thing, is it?"
"Don't tell me you expected a nun," you said, with a quick glance at his blades, which he brought to your bare throat.
"Oh," he growled in response to your quick wit, "you're lucky I like you."
"Am I?"
Your breathy whisper hovered between the two of you as the cool metal glided across your skin. Though it was dark, you caught a smile on his face as he listened to your quickened breath. He'd never cut you, not too deep at least, but he quite enjoyed keeping you in frightened anticipation. He found his way to the bottom of your chin and lifted it with the sharp end.
"Maybe," he said in that gravely tone that made your knees weak, "though I'm sure being trapped here would be considered pretty unlucky for most."
"Trapped?" You said quickly, but he cut the word short by pressing a needy kiss to your lips.
He pushed you harder against the rail, forcing a little whimper from your mouth and smiled against you. He pulled back just enough to speak, but made sure you could feel each syllable against your lips.
"You expect me to let you leave in this?"
"Not at all," you whispered back, "I didn't expect to leave in anything."
His smile returned, "Smart girl."
Last, but certainly not least, our resident spooky boy; Michael Myers:
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He's practically the king of Halloween and assuming your on his good side, your night is sure to be filled with excitement. Michael goes all out. Anything traditional, you're doing it. Pumpkins, costumes, horror movies (his, of course) and candy. Lots of candy. But, we all know he's more tricks than treats, you gotta earn those and what better way to do that than a chase?
Edit: I was gonna get allllll of the above in this, but when I start writing for Michael it always ends up being more romantic than intended. Because, well, obvious reasons.
It was late by the time you pulled up to the old, seemingly abandoned white house on Lampkin Lane. You always made sure to give him enough time to finish his yearly rounds before you got him all to yourself. It was chilly, the wind was high and the sound of leaves crunching under your shoes sent excitement stirring in your stomach. His home was the essence of Halloween, you thought to yourself. The entire street, for that matter, was the same. The street lamps were always dim, keeping the place shadowed and the trees swayed at its side to make it appear as though it was breathing. Aesthetically pleasing was an understatement, the Myers' house was simply the spirit of all things eerie, picture perfect. It made it all the more inviting to know who was waiting inside. You could almost feel him in the cool breeze that whipped past you as you approached the front door. Michael always knew you were there long before you discovered him, he was well aware of your presence. You turned the handle and let the door swing open on its own to reveal the haunting aura of the front room you were dying to step into. Slowly, but surely, you entered with your eyes focused on the staircase. He was usually up there, gazing out the window at this point, but you knew he'd heard you, wherever he was. He'd come when he was ready. You let your hand rest on the wooden railing and silently admired the rotting walls with a soft smile on your face. It had become a tradition, this strange cat and mouse game you played with him, one you loved more than any other. It started just a few years before. At first, you were unsettled as anyone would be to find the man with the blank, expressionless white mask lurking in the shadows to study your every move. Michael was fascinated by you and he wasn't at all subtle about it. Studying soon turned to short, minimal interactions. He would leave gifts, much like a cat, on your porch. Then your kitchen, living room and finally, your bedroom. After the fear of him ending your life had dissipated, you found yourself looking for him, hoping he'd show up. You'd left a pumpkin out one year with a note attached to it. Nothing too crazy, you simply wanted to wish him a happy Halloween, but later than night you were walking down the street, down this street. You saw a pumpkin resting on the porch of the 'spook house', the Myers house and it too had a piece of paper stuck to it. You were alone, you'd long since bid your friends a goodnight, it was the perfect opportunity to delve deeper into your mysterious admirer. You approached it, quickly plucking the paper from its place and read the sloppily scribbled words with an intrigued grin.
'Come in'
It was him, it had to be. On the back of the paper was your own handwriting. He'd taken the bait, or maybe it was you that had. That was the first time you'd set foot in this home you'd come to adore and adore it you did. Each crack in the floorboards, the cobwebs that hung atop the grimy windows, the old, tattered linens that draped over the forgotten furniture were cherished, you'd made sure of that. It was comforting, you'd never quite put your finger on why, but perhaps it was Michael that made it so. You'd put two and two together over time that your admirer was indeed the boy who'd made headlines when you were a child. Michael Myers was the one who had so kindly invited you into his strange, little world and promised you safety. He wouldn't kill you, he just wanted a closer look. So you waited, much like you were now and eventually, he came home to join you in the shadows.
You were ripped from your memories by the sound of the front door slamming shut behind you. The moment you turned, he was there and his hand didn't hesitate to find your neck, it's favorite resting place. His grip was tight, but never painful and it never failed to ignite a flame somewhere deep within you that no one else had ever seemed capable of doing. Only him. Only he could make you grin the way you were now, with unbridled excitement that you barely bothered to hide. He'd been watching you all day, always just out of your line of sight. The only indication that he was there was the strange connection you'd formed. You felt him, always. The chase was different with you, it was deeper.
"It's good to see you too," you teased, earning his signature head tilt.
His grip loosened and he placed his hand on your cheek. His skin was cool, chilling even, but the goosebumps it raised on the rest of your body made you hum with pleasure. His touch was subtle, his thumb barely moved to brush your skin, but that slight movement said a thousand words. He was glad to see you too, more than you knew. Sometimes he was fearful you wouldn't come to him, that one day you'd wake up and realize you'd be better off leaving him to nightmares, as the rest of Haddonfield had, but you didn't treat him like a bad dream. You didn't treat him like a monster and you didn't leave him wondering. You always came home. It was something Michael needed, something he wouldn't admit even to himself. After the bloodshed, after the violence, it was the comfort of your arms he sought. This was the chase he loved the most, the uncertainty of whether or not you'd be there after he took his eyes off of you and finally, the reality that you were with a smile painted on your face just for him. You were his favorite treat.
"Happy Halloween, Michael."
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canisonicscrewyou · 2 years
October 14 - 16 2022
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Met a lot of cool people this weekend and am sore from both obligations and recreations. But I vibed. I thrived. I’m going through it, but when am I not?
Let There Be Rock- AC/DC
Headfirst for Halos- My Chemical Romance
Thanks fr th Mmrs- Fall Out Boy
The Plan (Fuck Jobs)- The Front Bottoms
Yer Killin’ Me- Remo Drive
Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire- New Found Glory
Good Magicians- Sidney Gish
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)- David Bowie
Baby You’re A Haunted House- Gerard Way
Nausea- Jeff Rosenstock
Kiss Your Lips- Allo Darlin’
Gift of the Magi 2- AJJ (covered by) Local News Legend
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bthenoise · 4 years
New Found Glory Debut Horror-Themed Music Video For “Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire”
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With spooky season fully upon us, longtime pop-punk act New Found Glory is looking to celebrate big time via their new horror-themed music video for “Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire.”
In support of their latest album Forever + Ever x Infinity, New Found Glory’s new music video pays tribute to some of the most classic scary films of all time however in a somewhat unusual way.
Detailing the new clip, guitarist and film buff Chad Gilbert says, “This video is about a guy who has seen way too many horror movies growing up. They never bothered him before. But his fear about starting his new relationship has triggered him where in moments of fun he only sees HORROR! Perfect time for Halloween.”
Gilbert adds, “We are so excited to pay homage to all of our favorites. And pumped to give this song that’s later on our new album some love!”
To check out the new music video, be sure to look below. Afterward, if you’ve yet to check out New Found Glory’s new album, be sure to do so here.
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international year of plant health
hi. i made a playlist of a snapshot of the stuff i’ve listened to this year if you’re looking for some recommendations! xoxo mae
1. little simz - might bang, might not 2. jean deaux - recipe! 3. logic - open mic\\aquarius iii 4. spittzwell - the lesson 5. ivy sole - kismet 6. vel the wonder - fine art 7. megan thee stallion - shots fired 8. kari faux - look at that 9. rico nasty - own it 10. flo milli - beef flomix 11. kodie shane - 2 many 12. kali uchis - ¡aquí yo mando! 13. tkay maidza - shook 14. bree runway - atm 15. yung baby tate - i am 16. almondmilkhunni - grapefruit 17. princess nokia - soul food y adobo 18. bosco - attention 19. kiana ledé - movin. 20. diamond white - secondhand 21. queen naija - i’m her 22. danileigh - mistreated 23. parisalexa - 2 optimistic 24. qveen herby - farewell 25. jhené aiko - p*$$y fairy (otw) 26. chloe x halle - forgive me 27. kehlani - water 28. umi - pretty girl hi! 29. rimon - i shine, u shine 30. disclosure - birthday 31. phora - cupid's curse 32. roy ayers - synchronize vibration 33. thundercat - unrequited love 34. thelonious coltrane - perfect timing 35. [ k s r ] - passion 36. alina baraz - more than enough 37. alayna - glowing 38. savannah cristina - self love 39. paloma ford - rain 40. nakala - she interlude ii 41. orion sun - lightning 42. jaz karis - hold you 43. cleo sol - when i'm in your arms 44. keiyaa - do yourself a favor 45. alicia keys - me x 7 46. yazmin lacey - morning matters 47. be steadwell - succulent 48. daniela andrade - k.l.f.g. 49. yung lean - dogboy 50. bladee - sun 51. blackwinterwells - algae 52. sullii - moonlight 53. misogi - heart chained 54. aminé - talk 55. tobi lou - lingo starr: drunken master 56. busta rhymes - look over your shoulder 57. 2 chainz - southside hov 58. atmosphere - the future is disgusting 59. meltycanon - moody blues 60. alfred. - sheeshfred 61. love-sadkid - ephemeral 62. jay squared - vision like you! 63. tuamie - you needed time you said 64. oatmello - blue 65. wun two - a noite 66. kuranes - calm 67. omaure - drama 68. dust and moonlight - sleeping or sinking 69. phlocalyst - image 70. ocha - r33 71. sugi.wa - love u 72. palm - memories of winter 73. goosetaf - tripwire 74. bryzone_ybp - the count 75. orancha - smoky banana 76. evil needle - midnight 77. eevee - romance 78. chief. - can't explain 79. ngyn - aerith 80. fujitsu - move on 81. meitei - nami 82. swum - breezy 83. chris mazuera - perspective 84. jinsang - maybe 85. tesk - cascades 86. saib - nautica 87. mf eistee - uprising 88. kaskade - when you’re dreaming 89. tatsuya maruyama - love you - lo-fi remix 90. towerz - before i gave in 91. baechulgi - abyss 92. underbelly - glitchwater 93. notsure - icecoffee 94. yutaka hirasaka - arise 95. akisai - ecossaise 96. nom tunes - missing piece 97. sweet dove - on the viewless wings 98. park bird - new place, same people 99. city girl - ji-eun's favorite 100. katie dey - loving 101. mary lattimore - sometimes he's in my dreams 102. teen daze - peaceful groove 103. pacific coliseum - turquoise 104. tycho - outer sunset 105. [.que] - glimmer 106. lights & motion - separated hearts 107. roger eno - celeste 108. talsounds - opening 109. alva noto - xerrox voyage 110. 36 - stasis sounds for long-distance space travel (stage 2) 111. stan forebee - bedscape 112. daniel avery - illusion of time 113. arbee - 2sum - charlie dreaming remix 114. okada takuro - waterfront (up-01) 115. gabriel ólafs - lóa - bing & ruth rework 116. warmth - the creek - mixed 117. rhucle - rev 118. com truise - surf 119. sarah davachi - still lives 120. gastón arévalo - sur les traces des explorateurs 121. peter bark - ascension 122. kara-lis coverdale - flutter 123. totally enormous extinct dinosaurs - brockley 124. green-house - peperomia seedling 125. four tet - green 126. morimoto naoki - aru 127. kaitlyn aurelia smith - remembering 128. dj python - te conocí 129. ocoeur - glow 130. christina vantzou - snow white 131. alonefold - strange rainbows 132. savoir adore - dancing temples 133. tengger - water 134. suzanne ciani - a sonic womb pt. 3 135. mogwai - major treat 136. this will destroy you - entrance 137. sleepmakeswaves - time wants a skeleton 138. elsa hewitt - rebird 139. ulla - i think my tears have become good 140. aether - she isn't here 141. zoe polanski - the last frontier 142. lyra pramuk - witness 143. ana roxanne - a study in vastness 144. julianna barwick - nod 145. the leaf library - about minerals 146. gia margaret - barely there 147. lucy gooch - my lights kiss your thoughts every moment 148. briana marela - forgiveness 149. loma - homing 150. mree - open arms 151. ellis - saturn return 152. alexia avina - fit into 153. fenne lily - to be a woman pt. 1 154. noble oak - evaporate 155. mint julep - blinded 156. rush week - best laid plans 157. mini trees - slip away 158. winter - bem no fundo 159. yumi zouma - cool for a second 160. laura veirs - burn too bright 161. terry vs. tori - keepsake box 162. castlebeat - shoulder 163. candace - still phase 164. tiny deaths - if i'm dreaming 165. lydia - heavy 166. caspian - nostalgist 167. nova one - lovable 168. corey flood - heaven or 169. hazel english - off my mind 170. bantug - dizzy 171. tops - colder & closer 172. the hidden shelf - miracles 173. ruru - 99 174. widowspeak - even true love 175. cheerleader - providence 176. wild nothing - blue wings 177. deradoorian - corsican shores 178. strfkr - second hand 179. mint field - contingencia 180. ringo deathstarr - god help the one's you love 181. no joy - dream rats 182. white poppy - orchid child 183. keeps - swiggum 184. flung - firstly zested 185. the bilinda butchers - rie 186. sipper - kid 187. radiator hospital - imposter syndrome 188. addy - equinox 189. boyo - dogma 190. alexandra savior - the archer 191. phoebe bridgers - chinese satellite 192. soccer mommy - circle the drain 193. routine - numb enough 194. quarter-life crisis - comfortable 195. madeline kenney - sucker 196. layne - linnea 197. wilsen - align 198. pynkie - you 199. bandanna - ghost home 200. waxahatchee - can’t do much 201. crisman - portrait 202. liza anne - i wanna be there 203. purr - gates of cool 204. honey cutt - hung up on me 205. the beths - out of sight 206. the ophelias - grand canyon 207. sjowgren - flip phones 208. haim - gasoline 209. thanya iyer - i forget to drink water (balance) 210. sad13 - good grief 211. porridge radio - give/take 212. lannds - not in a good way 213. katie von schleicher - wheel 214. hey cowboy! - detective farmer brown 215. tombo crush - pink 216. eliza moon - tell me / why'd you 217. anna mcclellan - raisin 218. this is the kit - this is what you did 219. snarls - walk in the woods 220. blushh - deal with it 221. long neck - cicada 222. chloe moriondo - ghost adventure spirit orb 223. momma - biohazard 224. varsity - runaway 225. land of talk - footnotes 226. bully - stuck in your head 227. diet cig - stare into the sun 228. expert timing - gravity 229. slow pulp - track 230. maddie jay - shakes 231. beabadoobee - together 232. luna aura - crash dive 233. sorry - perfect 234. torres - good grief 235. partner - honey 236. beauty queen - this time around 237. maggie lindemann - knife under my pillow 238. bryde - paper cups 239. mundy's bay - sleep away the summer 240. squirrel flower - red shoulder 241. mourn - stay there 242. dream wife - so when you gonna... 243. illuminati hotties - superiority complex (big noise) 244. l.a. witch - true believers 245. hinds - burn 246. beach bunny - cuffing season 247. suzie true - idk u 248. bacchae - hammer 249. peach kelli pop - stupid girl 250. oceanator - heartbeat 251. pins - read my lips 252. best coast - different light 253. muncie girls - take steps 254. kailee morgue - this is why i'm hot 255. beach slang - let it ride 256. silverstein - take what you give 257. new found glory - scarier than jason voorhees at a campfire 258. the lawrence arms - quiet storm 259. mikey erg - bon voyage 260. pet symmetry - had a name, don't remember it 261. thank you, i'm sorry - backpack life 262. ratboys - alien with a sleep mask on 263. joyce manor - leather jacket 264. jeff rosenstock - scram! 265. the aquabats! - aliens and monsters! 266. the used - the lighthouse 267. hidden hospitals - how amazing 268. dikembe - all got sick 269. time spent driving - trust no 1 270. the casket lottery - more blood 271. record setter - someplace 272. emma ruth rundle - out of existence 273. gulfer - blurry 274. options - don't mind 275. i love your lifestyle - stupid 276. orchards - stealing your sleep 277. no tongues for quiet people - lake house lake house 278. into it. over it. - hollow halos 279. mountains for clouds - full disclosure 280. joan of arc - destiny revision 281. no thank you - saturn return 282. the front bottoms - camouflage 283. ride your bike - make like a tom and cruise 284. dragon inn 3 - yer brothers 285. the goalie’s anxiety at the penalty kick - jars filled with rain 286. mansions - laser beams 287. waveform* - hello goodbye 288. owen - headphoned 289. cassino - tacoma 290. ajj - normalization blues 291. penelope scott - sweet hibiscus tea 292. angel olsen - (new love) cassette 293. trace mountains - fallin' rain 294. johanna warren - part of it 295. frances quinlan - lean 296. tomberlin - hours 297. samia - triptych 298. field medic - better way 299. adrianne lenker - my angel 300. jack m. senff - another day 301. lomelda - polyurethane 302. rosie carney - high and dry 303. brigid mae power - i had to keep my circle small 304. overcoats - new shoes 305. anna burch - not so bad 306. hop along, queen ansleis - the cactus 307. mandy moore - easy target 308. laura marling - held down 309. lisa loeb - doesn't it feel good 310. trixie mattel - gold 311. lilly hiatt - move 312. molly tuttle - sunflower, vol. 6 313. sarah jarosz - pay it no mind 314. katie heckel - help you mend 315. katie pruitt - my mind’s a ship (that’s going down) 316. in love with a ghost - trans rights 317. snail's house - imaginary express 318. isuka hino - dreamin' adventure!! 319. 4s4ki - nexus 320. lapix - loneliness 321. you - painter 322. aice room - dreary planet - yukiyanagi remix 323. zekk - oxygen 324. lu-i - loved happiness 325. synthion - volt switch 326. sanaas - polestar - junk remix 327. mameyudoufu - fluffy 328. awfuless - redemption 329. rejection - around you 330. toriena - getting into a pose 331. cosmo@bousoup - mow*mow*abduction!!! 332. yunosuke - ziqqurat 333. android52 - lovin', scratchin' 334. サクラsakura-lee - nobody else 335. desired - emotions 336. mikazuki bigwave - sakimashita bloomin'!! 337. skule toyama - smooth 338. adrianwave - goodbye 339. macross 82-99 - melt 340. cape coral - 707 hotline 341. 80kidz - heat 342. night tempo - baby 343. yaffle - lng, before 344. greyl - let me be with you 345. serph - palmtop tiger 346. happy kuru kuru - natsu no hi no labyrinth 347. couple n - earmie 348. airuei - magic sign 349. somunia - non player girl - nyankobrq 2p ver. 350. cosmicosmo - those that we once loved 351. maeshima soshi - the terminal 352. kijibato - 1room 353. yuc'e - ghost town 354. neko hacker - erased 355. jam2go - apotrope 356. mizuki ohkawa - cosmic cleft 357. singto conley - flora 358. 2tonedisco - shoelaces 359. cy8er - もしもしじゃぽん 360. nayuta - connect 361. t+pazolite - himitsu cult 362. milkoi - higher, higher, and then... 363. freezer - caramel rain (sanaas remix) 364. kotonohouse - pitter, patter 365. aika - superstar 366. yukiyanagi - love overdose 367. nanahira - twinkle password 368. ducky - hyper bloxxd 369. porter robinson - something comforting 370. moshimo - シンクロ 371. bish - スーパーヒーローミュージック 372. scenarioart - it's all right 373. base ball bear - ポラリス(c3 mix) 374. majiko - エスカルゴ 375. akaiko-en - ジャンキー 376. the peggies - weekend 377. lovely summer chan - more light 378. polkadot stingray - sp813 379. shishamo - フェイバリットボーイ 380. aimer - run riot 381. österreich - i'll take you everywhere 382. sora tob sakana - 夜間飛行 383. the shes gone - ふためぼれ 384. aimyon - marshmallow 385. cö shu nie - supercell 386. kensei ogata - violin case 387. せだい - yellownola 388. yonige - あかるいみらい 389. bearwear - i think 390. hitsujibungaku - ロックスター 391. cidergirl - 飛行船 392. room97 - faq 393. she's - ugly 394. bbhf - tokenai mahou 395. alisa takigawa - 夢 396. satomoka - glints 397. radwimps - shinsekai 398. pinoko - コリドー街 399. helsinki lambda club - you are my gravity 400. lucky kilimanjaro - 君とつづく 401. dish// - sauna song 402. zombie-chang - snooze 403. mizuki ohira - 無重力 404. みゆな - 歌おうよ 405. iri - come back to my city 406. aya a.k.a panda - i miss u 407. chelmico - disco (bad dance doesn't matter) 408. seiko oomori - 絶対彼女 409. yaeji - my imagination 상상 410. daoko - zukizuki 411. eill - night d 412. cifika - déjà vu 413. yeye - step in time 414. saevom - just like i dreamed then 415. cheeze - today's mood 416. stella jang - reality blue 417. younha - one day of twenty 418. jeong eun ji - whoo 419. fromm - aliens 420. crush - tip toe 421. heize - 1/1440 422. femm - level up 423. awich - poison 424. jessi - nunu nana 425. (g)i-dle - luv u 426. summer soul - tinder 427. taeyeon - worry free love 428. boa - l.o.v.e 429. fromis_9 - feel good (secret code) 430. faky - re:chase me 431. monsta x - night view 432. twice - up no more 433. loona - hide & seek 434. wjsn - pantomime 435. iz*one - fiesta 436. exid - ddd jpn ver. 437. gfriend - crème brûlée 438. april - lalalilala 439. weki meki - 100 facts (cool eng. ver.) 440. momoland - starry night 441. steve aoki - play it cool 442. bts - dynamite 443. sakurako ohara - shine on me 444. sumin - zaza♡ 445. onepixcel - lagrima 446. little glee monster - i feel the light 447. celeina ann - purikura 448. アイラヴミー - そのまんま勇者 449. okkyung lee - here we are (once again) 450. luca - lune 451. hakushi hasegawa - hikari no rock 452. haruka nakamura - your sonnet 453. itoko toma - shade 454. rina katahira - hoshizora* 455. ichiko aoba - easter lily 456. satoko shibata - 変な島 457. 角銅真実 - 6月の窓 458. 熊川みゆ - sixteen 459. 眉村ちあき - 緑のハイヒール 460. 竹内アンナ - striking gold 461. saucy dog - film 462. kaede - -ending- night blue 463. aseul - paradise 464. 박혜진 park hye jin - like this 465. charlotte is mine - road movie 466. plastic plastic - ฮัม - (hum) 467. clams - shiny rider 468. seventeen years old and berlin wall - no paradise 469. nuit - nightbirds 470. fulusu - ghost 471. rammells - sennengo 472. stargaze shelter - emulation (mode:totonee) 473. ヨルシカ - 昼鳶 474. nakamuraemi - 大人の言うことを聞け 475. kenshi yonezu - ひまわり 476. tk from ling tosite sigure - reframe 477. penguinrush - 色彩 478. lee jin ah - candy pianist 479. mei ehara - どちらにピントを 480. jizue - because 481. mouse on the keys - room 482. fox capture plan - stand my heroes - groove version 483. ryutist - girls 484. yeti let you notice - bouquet 485. tricot - 真っ黒 486. madison cunningham - giraffe 487. covet - atreyu 488. floral - maybe not one day 489. envy - eternal memories and reincarnation 490. baths - mikaela corridor 491. sufjan stevens - run away with me 492. fractures - feel 493. the 1975 - frail state of mind 494. dan mason ダン·メイソン - everytime i cry 495. brothertiger - cannonball 496. porches - rangerover - bonus track 497. tame impala - instant destiny 498. washed out - paralyzed 499. pink skies - portland 500. so below - bone 501. purity ring - silkspun 502. llll - breathless 503. slow magic - somewhere 504. kasbo - lune 505. cloudnone - let the music in 506. jody wisternoff - blue space 507. drama - hold on 508. satin jackets - meridian getaway 509. direct - opal 510. lane 8 - road 511. baile - jlm 512. yuni wa - starships 513. nora van elken - sakura 514. geotheory - the day i left you 515. yota - hazy paradise 516. spencer brown - chance on us 517. the avener - conscious shadows 518. kalbells - mothertime 519. bella boo - in love 520. kirara magic - neon 521. mija - digressions 522. cuushe - emergence 523. transviolet - rituals 524. keep shelly in athens - steady to go 525. young ejecta - ah ha 526. annie - in heaven 527. lany - good guys 528. dominic pierce - glad xoxo 529. tender - what you're missing 530. alice jemima - binge love you 531. kitty - baby pink 532. faye meana - like honey 533. lunadira - am i gonna die? 534. loony - white lie 535. justine skye - fav 536. wafia - good things 537. victoria monét - jaguar 538. malia civetz - love thing 539. keiynan lonsdale - i confess my love 540. deaton chris anthony - tuethday 541. kallitechnis - body&soul (ish d remix) 542. talitha. - ineedsomeone 543. keke palmer - thick 544. kesha - birthday suit 545. l.e.j - pas l'time 546. selena gomez - rare 547. the aces - daydream 548. jessie ware - mirage (don’t stop) 549. joan - try again 550. melanie c - blame it on me 551. astrid s - dance dance dance 552. little mix - holiday 553. justin bieber - yummy 554. ariana grande - positions 555. bea miller - feel something different 556. lady gaga - rain on me (with ariana grande) 557. raye - regardless 558. the weeknd - hardest to love 559. andrea valle - lovergirl 560. k/da - the baddest 561. allie x - susie save your love 562. terror jr - dinner plate 563. shawn wasabi - halo halo 564. benee - snail 565. sevdaliza - oh my god 566. gupi - modest 567. six impala - sweetsweetsweetlikebubblegum 568. charli xcx - i finally understand 569. golin - hanakotoba 570. shygirl - freak 571. madge - ethanol 572. arca - afterwards 573. kelly lee owens - re-wild 574. ari mason - pangaea 575. gabrielle aplin - dear happy 576. taylor swift - the 1 577. awfultune - buds 578. sneaks - scorpio on your side 579. izzy camina - kill your local indie softboy 580. mxmtoon - ok on your own 581. wens - giant bat 582. billie eilish - my future 583. tash - when you leave 584. fletcher - the one 585. silver sphere - ghosts! 586. tei shi - ok crazy 587. dounia - sucked all the fun 588. tatiana hazel - carmen sandiego 589. magdalena bay - killshot 590. kllo - insomnia 591. leisure suite - closer 592. morgan saint - i dreamt that i knew you 593. ayelle - got love 594. michi - escondida 595. lyrica anderson - lyfted 596. sasha sloan - lie 597. niki - plot twist 598. sarah reeves - heart first 599. salt cathedral - caviar 600. chelsea cutler - sad tonight 601. rituals of mine - heights 602. e^st - flight path 603. sara diamond - great together 604. phem - stfu 605. carlie hanson - daze inn 606. lauren aquilina - latest ghost 607. caroline rose - command z 608. misterwives - oxygen 609. ella vos - turbulence 610. austra - i am not waiting 611. triathalon - you 612. phoebe ryan - icimy 613. katzù oso - kiss u better 614. luwten - control 615. raveena - heartbeat 616. oohyo - 2020 617. oklou - another night 618. jouska - bring you back 619. fleur east - easy to love 620. soft glas - overbite 621. jaden - muted sunrise 622. snny - better to leave it 623. saint mela - alkaseltzer 624. mia gladstone - ego 625. helena deland - truth nugget 626. oh wonder - oceansize 627. steven padin - sashimi 628. kacey johansing - i try 629. treasureseason - spinning plate 630. landshapes - drama 631. tennis - matrimony ii 632. pomplamoose - morning waterbug 633. soko - being sad is not a crime 634. the big moon - barcelona 635. shamir - diet 636. knox fortune - static 637. carly rae jepsen - let's sort the whole thing out 638. real estate - the main thing 639. hayley williams - roses/lotus/violet/iris 640. nada surf - something i should do 641. bombay bicycle club - is it real 642. the seshen - faster than before 643. thao & the get down stay down - how could i 644. marla hansen - path 645. christine and the queens - la vita nuova 646. half waif - siren 647. malena zavala - ritmo de vida 648. bendik - himmelen 649. hanna järver - kalmar slott 650. frida sundemo - anything 651. kate nv - telefon 652. ambar lucid - questioning my mind 653. coco reilly - mirror 654. ghostly kisses - lydian 655. kacy hill - told me 656. lianne la havas - can't fight 657. donna missal - how does it feel 658. felivand - gone 659. jordana - divine 660. empress of - void 661. banoffee - ripe 662. vanessa carlton - i can't stay the same 663. fiona apple - heavy balloon 664. poppy - concrete 665. rina sawayama - stfu!
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sagehaleyofficial · 4 years
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Hollywood Undead released a new version of one of their songs, “Heart of a Champion.” The new version will feature Ice Nine Kills' Spencer Charnas and Papa Roach's Jacoby Shaddix.
I Don't Know How but They Found Me dropped another song off of their upcoming record, titled “Lights Go Down.” Their debut album Razzmatazz comes out this Friday, October 23.
Bring Me the Horizon unveiled details for a brand new EP titled Post Human: Survival Horror. The nine-track EP will come out October 30, featuring YUNGBLUD, Evanescence's Amy Lee, BABYMETAL and Nova Twins.
New Found Glory released a music video for their song “Scarier Than Jason Voorhees at a Campfire.” The track appears on the band's latest album, Forever + Ever x Infinity.
You Me at Six released a remix of their track “MAKEMEFEELALIVE,” courtesy of drummer Dan Flint. Their upcoming album, Suckapunch, will be released on January 15 via Underdog Records/AWAL.
Grayscale released a new song, “Diamond,” after previewing it on their special livestream The Late Sh!t Show. It marks the first new music from the band since the release of Nella Vita last year.
After releasing the song last Friday, YUNGBLUD released the music video for his new single “Cotton Candy.” It follows the video for “God Save Me, but Don't Drown Me Out,” which he co-directed himself.
nothing,nowhere’s latest single “Pretend” received a remix from Underoath’s Aaron Gillespie. The remix follows lontalius' take on his previous single, “Lights (4444).”
Following the release of their new album Big Vibe, Seaway released a music video for the song “Mrs. David.” The song and video are both tinged with 80s-inspired nostalgia.
Atreyu released a new song titled “Save Us,” their first new music since the departure of vocalist Alex Varkatzas. Drummer Brandon Seller is now the band's frontman, being replaced by new recruit Kyla Rosa, with harsh vocals now by Porter McKnight.
After teasing earlier in the week, Hot Milk released a new song titled “Glass Spiders.” It follows their previous single, “California's Burning,” which was released last July.
Tigress released a brand new song titled "Choke," along with an official video. It marks their first new music since their cover of Massive Attack's "Teardrop" earlier this year.
FEVER 333 released a new track titled "Bite Back" off of their upcoming release. The new EP, Wrong Generation, is scheduled for release this Friday, October 23 via Roadrunner Records.
Bring Me the Horizon revealed they will be going on an arena tour across the United Kingdom next September. The tour will kick off on September 21 in Glasgow and end on September 26 in London.
YUNGBLUD announced a UK tour in support of his new album Weird! with another set of intimate performances. The tour will kick off March 29, 2021, in Kingston and end on April 6 in Coventry.
Waterparks announced the details of the See You in the Future Tour, their biggest ever headline dates in the UK. They also revealed their concert DVD, FANDOM: Live in the UK, is set for release on November 27.
ONE OK ROCK released footage of them playing “Wasted Nights,” filmed on the Japanese leg of the Eye of the Storm Tour. It is set to appear on their upcoming concert film Eye of the Storm Japan Tour, which will be released on DVD and BluRay on October 28.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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boredomblazed · 3 years
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walkingsaxophone · 3 years
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tomsmusictaste · 2 years
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New Found Glory // Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire
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sweetgardenia · 4 years
Watch "New Found Glory - Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire (Official Music Video)" on YouTube
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canisonicscrewyou · 2 years
Playlist: songs to run through a castle to
I truly don’t think anything would top BDG’s Castle Chase Music playlist but alas:
Songs To Run Through A Castle To: (no doodle bc I’m getting funking sleeby)
Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA
Life During Wartime - Talking Heads
I Don’t Wanna Talk (I Just Wanna Dance) - Glass Animals
Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen
Handsome - The Vaccines
British Bombs - Declan McKenna
Surrender - Cheap Trick
Superlove - Charli XCX
Wreckin’ Bar (Ra Ra Ra) - The Vaccines
Once In A Lifetime - Talking Heads
Love You Madly- CAKE
Does Your Mother Know - ABBA
Pork Soda - Glass Animals
Bizness - tune-yards
Turn The Lights Off - Tally Hall
Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire - New Found Glory
Semi Precious Weapons - Semi Precious Weapons
I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - They Might Be Giants
Modern Love - David Bowie
Here It Goes Again - OK Go
Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! - Vengaboys
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
Gennifer Flowers - Fever Dolls
Dancing With Myself - Billy Idol, Generation X
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) - ABBA
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idobi · 4 years
New Found Glory Drops Music Video for: "Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire”
New Found Glory Drops Music Video for: “Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire”
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Via Facebook
New Found Glory just released a new music video for their latest single, “Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire”, off their latest album, Forever and Ever + Infinity. The song claims that, “Nothing [is] more scary […] than falling in love again” and, honestly, it’s very relatable. The video shows frontman Jordan Pundikin the early stages of falling in love while his girlfriend…
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mrtcoool · 4 years
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New Found Glory - Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At a Campfire https://ift.tt/2YhFGiK
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Friday The 13th: 10 Hidden Details About The Horror Movie Costumes You Didn’t Notice
We will never look at a hockey mask the same way again because of Jason Voorhees. Seeing it instantly reminds us of the first time we ever watched a Friday the 13th movie, and we will always think of Jason when we see that same mask outside the films.
Yet, there's more to the wardrobe of Friday the 13th than that infamous mask. In fact, there's a treasure trove of trivia regarding the attire of Jason Voorhees and other Crystal Lake residents. So, take a seat by the campfire as we explore the costumes in the Friday the 13th franchise.
RELATED: 10 Fan Theories That Will Forever Change Your Favorite Horror Movies
10 A Moral Dilemma
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Assigning fates to characters based on their life choices is an enduring trope in slashers. It's right up there with saying, "I'll be right back." The writers stuck to a dichotomy of morality and immorality when writing female characters. Jason killed women who had sex, used drugs, and dressed alluringly, whereas the virgins and prudishly-dressed were spared.
Final girl Rennie was overdressed in a shirt, a vest, and baggy pants in Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. Meanwhile, resident bad girl Tamara offers her half-naked body to their English teacher. Can you guess what happens to her?
9 The Case of the Reappearing Sweater
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In Friday the 13th V: A New Beginning, survivor Tommy Jarvis from The Final Chapter checks into Pinehurst Halfway House. The facility's director is Pam Roberts, who was played by Melanie Kinnaman. Although she isn't the main character, Pam is the movie's "final girl."
By the end, she and another of Jason's potential victims fend for themselves in the woods near Pinehurst. As they run, the pink sweater wrapped around Pam's shoulders disappears and then returns throughout the sequence. According to the Crystal Lake Memories documentary, this goof is the "bane of [Kinnaman's] existence." She didn't even like the sweater.
8 Going 3-D
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The eighties had a notable resurgence in 3-D-shot films. Jaws 3-D and Amityville 3-D were popular examples, but Friday the 13th Part III was at the forefront of this short-lived revival. It was a daring choice at the time, seeing as shooting in 3-D wouldn't be easy for director Steve Miner—especially with his film being the first to use the Marks 3-D system.
It wound up being a learning experience for everyone involved. Something Miner and costume supervisor Sandi Love had to keep in mind was the color of the characters' clothes; certain colors interfered with the 3-D process.
RELATED: Every Single Friday The 13th Movie (In Chronological Order)
7 Über Jason
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Jason received his most radical costume change in Jason X. Set in the far future, a space station discovers the corpse of famed killer Jason Voorhees. He's then revived as a cyborg after coming in contact with nano-bots aboard the ship. Thus, Über Jason was born.
Kane Hodder's costume for the role was a cumbersome one-suit with limited motion in the limbs and knees. He wore red contacts, too, that unnerved the crew. In addition, an android named Em-14 starred opposite Über Jason. Her actress (Lisa Ryder) was restricted in a corseted, full PVC outfit during the film's action-packed conclusion.
6 Daddy Dearest
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If there's one moment in Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood that confuses fans, it's how Tina Shepard's father looks at the end. Originally, actor John Otrin was going to be portrayed as equally decayed as Jason. He was in full costume and makeup, ready to shoot. However, associate producer Barbara Sachs, who did not care for horror movies, was not happy with Mr. Shepard's rotten appearance.
Director John Carl Buechler had no time to go over Sachs' head and get permission from producer Frank Mancuso, Jr. Hence why Tina's father looks so bland in the finished cut.
5 Remake
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Ten years after its debut, fans have come around to the remake, and Jason's stunt actor Derek Mears is one reason why. The film's effects artist, Scott Stoddard, wanted to use physical maladies—such as hair loss and skin rashes—to convey Jason's humanity in a way other films didn't.
On top of body makeup and fake skin, Mears wore a chest plate beneath his costume that adjusted to his muscles' movements. To give the appearance of scoliosis, Mears put on a prosthetic hump. Something else unique to this movie was how Jason used both the burlap sack and hockey mask.
RELATED: 10 Horror Movie Remakes That Missed The Mark
4 A Tale of Two Jasons
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The fandom is divisive over the fifth entry A New Beginning. After sending Jason off in The Final Chapter, the producers had to come up with a new way to bring him back—and that they did.
At the end of the fourth sequel, "Jason" is actually a deranged paramedic incognito. To this day, this decision doesn't sit well with fans. Tommy Jarvis imagines seeing Jason from time to time. So, director Danny Steinmann used different masks to distinguish between the real and fake Jasons. To tell them apart, the impostor's mask had blue marks as opposed to red ones.
3 A Seminal Setup
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The low return for Jason Takes Manhattan urged Paramount Pictures to sell the character rights of Jason to New Line Cinema. Director/writer Adam Marcus' first film Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday generated polarized opinions.
For most of the movie, Jason does not even appear in person. Instead, his spirit possesses people. Viewers agree the story would have been okay for a non-Friday horror flick. In the last scene, Jason's mask is snatched by a familiar arm—wearing Freddy Krueger's glove was no other than Jason's stuntman Kane Hodder. And, ten years later, we got Freddy vs. Jason.
RELATED: Friday The 13th: 10 Most Brutal Jason Voorhees Kills, Ranked
2 The Sack
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There was contention behind the scenes about the movie using Jason Voorhees as the killer in Friday the 13th Part 2. The timeline just didn't make any sense.
Now, it isn't a slasher movie unless the villain has a gimmick or wears a disguise. So, costume designer Ellen Lutter covered Jason's face with a burlap sack. It's rather plain-looking, but what the audience imagined was underneath the sack was scarier than what was possibly there. Lutter was also the first person to play adult Jason in the series. She appeared as him—legs only— at the beginning of Part 2.
1 The Mask's Origin
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Jason Voorhees did not appear in the present-day storyline until the second film. And, in that sequel, he's not even wearing his signature mask.
The iconic Jason mask we all know and fear nowadays was first owned by the character Shelly Finkelstein in Friday the 13th III. Later in the same film, Jason dons the mask before continuing his hunt for more teenage victims.
The mask—the originator remains a source of dispute after all these years—was based on a vintage Jacques Plante Fibrosport Elite model. The one Shelly owned was modeled after a Detroit Red Wings goalie mask.
NEXT: Fashion Friday The 13th: All Of Jason Voorhees' Looks, Ranked
source https://screenrant.com/friday-thirteenth-horror-movie-costume-details/
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allpunkedupofficial · 4 years
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New Found Glory feature all of the horror villains in new "Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire" music video New Found Glory has released a new music video for their song "Scarier Than Jason Voorhees At A Campfire". The video features a lot of your favorite horror villains.
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