#School Bell Timer
vivencyglobal · 9 months
Automatic School Bell System- School Bell Timer | Vivency Global in Dubai.
School bell systems play a vital role in maintaining order and efficiency within educational institutions. Traditional manual systems, however, can be unreliable and time-consuming to manage. Fortunately, Vivency Global, a leading technology company in Dubai, offers a revolutionary solution: the Automatic School Bell System.
Vivency Global's Automatic School Bell System
This innovative system eliminates the need for manual bell ringing by automatically playing pre-programmed schedules. It boasts several key benefits that can significantly improve your school's operations:
1. Enhanced Efficiency and Accuracy:
Automatic bell ringing: Eliminate the need for manual intervention and ensure schedules are followed consistently.
Precise timing: Enjoy reliable and accurate timekeeping, ensuring smooth transitions between classes and breaks.
Reduced workload: Free up staff time previously spent managing the bell system, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks.
2. Unmatched Flexibility and Scalability:
Customizable schedules: Create unique schedules for individual grades, groups, or activities to meet your specific needs.
Easy schedule adjustments: Add, remove, or modify bell times effortlessly, adapting to changing schedules and events.
Scalability: Accommodates the growth of your school without complex rewiring or hardware upgrades.
3. User-Friendly and Convenient:
Web-based interface: Manage the system from any web browser, offering remote access and control.
Mobile access: Monitor and control the system from your mobile device for enhanced convenience.
User-friendly design: Intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to operate the system.
4. Improved Communication and Security:
PA system integration: Broadcast announcements and important messages directly through the bell system.
Emergency alert integration: Send instant alerts to students and staff in case of emergencies.
Secure data storage: Rest assured that your data is protected with robust security measures.
5. A Partner You Can Trust:
Extensive experience: Vivency Global has over a decade of experience providing technology solutions to schools.
Proven track record: Trusted by schools across the UAE and beyond, delivering reliable and efficient systems.
Expert team: A dedicated team of professionals with expertise in audio-visual technology, system integration, and network management.
Comprehensive support: Enjoy comprehensive post-installation support, including ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting assistance.
Investing in Vivency Global's Automatic School Bell System is an investment in the future of your school. It promotes a more efficient and organized learning environment, improves communication, and empowers teachers and staff to focus on what matters most: educating students.
Contact Vivency Global today to discuss your school's specific needs and discover how their innovative Automatic School Bell System can revolutionize your school's operations.
Additional Benefits:
Reduced noise pollution: Eliminate the jarring sound of manual bells and create a more peaceful learning environment.
Cost-effective: Save time and money by eliminating the need for manual labor and reducing the risk of errors.
Environmentally friendly: Reduce paper waste by eliminating printed schedules and announcements.
Vivency Global's Automatic School Bell System is the ideal solution for schools looking to improve efficiency, enhance communication, and create a more modern learning environment.
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ozzgin · 2 months
What if the Yandere school has some sort of event where they interact with students of the darling school and just like how our reader is a darling in the Yandere school they find a student of the darling school is a Yandere
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You're an oblivious Darling going to Yandere School, and now you're paired up with...a Yandere hiding among Darlings. The absurdity goes on. Content: gender neutral reader, yandere horde, parody
[Yandere School] | [Yandere School 2] | [More Yandere]
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He could immediately tell. You were a sheep among the wolves, and he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He followed your movements with a predatory gaze, planning his approach.
He'd applied to Darling Academy out of sheer greed, hoping to find his soulmate. He searched, and stalked, and hounded, all in vain. Hell, he even had to repeat a year; it took him an ungodly amount of willpower to pass the damn kidnapping course.
"You're not surprised to discover your captor", the teacher had shouted, exasperated. "Unless you show me genuine shock, I cannot give you a passing grade"
"You can see her from a damn mile", he argued angrily, pointing at his darling classmate. She was supposed to simulate an attack, and he was to play the role of a clueless, helpless victim. Ridiculous.
Who would've thought his one and only was hiding in a Yandere School, of all places? So unforeseen, so unexpected, that he could not believe it to be anything but a fateful encounter. He glanced one final time at the enormous banner hanging against the school building:
"Annual Study Partnership Event: Yandere School x Darling Academy"
"You must be (Y/N). We've been paired together for the week. I'm in your care!", he beams cheerfully.
Despite his annoyance with Darling Academy, it proved to be somewhat useful in the end. Not only did it guide him to you, but it also polished his acting skills to near perfection. The teacher's office was guarded viciously given the previous attempts of the yandere students to cheat the system and have you on their team. Who would ever suspect a Darling? He simply waltzed in, scribbled his name on the event sheet, and left.
"I wouldn't be too excited", you confess, a little dejected. "I'm not...uh...the best yandere out there."
He pretends to sneeze, hiding the grin spreading across his face. Sweet, innocent thing that you are. Oh, don't worry your pretty head. He'll take care of everything.
The annual event consists of a week-long competition. A yandere student is paired with a darling counterpart, and the teams compete against each other for various activities. It's a learning experience for everyone involved, meant to hone the skills of a yandere and prepare the darlings for their future encounters.
First activity: tying up your darling.
Your eyes light up. For once, it's something you're good at. You hurry back to your partner, carrying the box filled with bondage rope, and nod towards the young man.
"Leave this to me", you state solemnly.
The timer starts, and you begin tying the knots. The yandere observes your process, completely infatuated. Your focused expression is downright adorable. Now, he could let you have your moment of victory. On the other hand...can he really waste this chance?
His fingers discreetly mess with some of the rope lying around. A little nudge here, another loop here. You're too absorbed in your work to notice anything.
You hear the bell and huff, exhausted. You wipe your forehead. This is it, the final touch. You hold onto the rope, and pull with all your strength. Suddenly you're dragged forward by an unseen force, and your face slams into your teammate's broad chest. You've tied the two of you together, somehow.
The other yanderes watch the display with a grimace.
(Y/N) is good with rope. This shouldn't have happened, they all think in unison. They glare at the darling pressed against you. Something isn't right. Is that man truly a darling? He feels more like a fellow rival.
"I'm so sorry", you sniff, humiliated.
He strokes your hair affectionately, reassuring you. It happens. The rope must've been faulty. You did your best.
He feels a cold shiver and tilts his head towards the bystanders, then smiles. It seems he isn't the only one who has fallen for you. Though he didn't expect it to be the whole school. Alas, what's life without a little competition?
"Come on, (Y/N). Let's get ready for the next part. I have a feeling we'll win this one", he says, winking at you playfully.
This must be the best week of his life.
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Immersive Mode™
Finally, Friday was here. It had been ages since they had a whole weekend dedicated to nothing but video games. "They" in that context were Kevin and Nick, best friends since pre-school and video game enthusiasts. Of course, having adult lives, with jobs and chores and - at least in the case of Kevin - a girlfriend left preciously little time for gaming, which was a shame, really. Their interests in games were diverse and they played pretty much everything - from mindless loot-shooters to farming sims, so they never felt like they had enough time.
This weekend, however, was different. Kevin's girlfriend was on a work trip, and the boys had planned for a whole weekend of gaming, which Kevin was really looking forward to.
He stood in front of Nick's door, his backpack with everything he needed for the days over his shoulder, and was just about to ring the bell, when Nick opened the door and almost bumped into his friend.
"Oh, hey bro, good to see you!"
They hugged - shortly - and Nick continued, as he passed Kevin:
"Listen, I'm gonna buy some energy really quick. Make yourself at home, I'll be back in ten minutes tops."
Of course, Kevin knew this wouldn't hold true. Nick was notoriously bad with times, so he didn't expect him to be back in the next half hour. But Kevin was in a very good mood, so he didn't mind waiting. He had finished putting down his stuff quickly and looked around Nick's apartment.
Unlike Kevin, Nick didn't have a girlfriend - no, a partner, Kevin corrected himself. Even though Nick had never explicitly *said* so, Kevin was reasonably sure he batted for the other team. It didn't matter to Kevin at all, really. If anything, he used to think that this left more girls for the rest of them, although that hardly mattered anymore to Kevin, at least not since he had a girlfriend.
He sighed. Yeah, his girlfriend. After this weekend of gaming, he was going to propose to her, and he wanted to ask Nick to be his best man, at a good opportunity. However, the truth was that he wasn't really all too happy with it. He knew that it was *expected* of him to propose, but... he just wasn't sure about his now-girlfriend-and-future-wife. He didn't really... connect. Nick and he were lifelong friends, understood each other without words and Kevin trusted Nick with all his life. The same couldn't be said about his future wife. If he had the choice, he'd much rather date Nick, but since Kevin wasn't gay, that was a mood point to think about.
He looked around Nick's untidy bachelor apartment until his eyes found the gaming rig of his best friend. It was running - of course - and showed the main menu of a game Kevin recognized as a new life sim that was pretty hyped in social media. It was a lot like the sams, but without the greedy multi-billion-dollar company behind it.
Intrigued, Kevin sat down in front of the screen. He was sure Nick wouldn't mind if he took a look.
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The "continue" button was grayed out, which was a clear sign that Nick had started the game just for the first time, so, Kevin clicked "New Game". As he expected, an empty character creator loaded with a big prominent "+" button, probably to add a new person to the virtual household. Kevin clicked it, but instead of the character customization, a message box appeared.
"Do you want to try the new immersive mode™?"
That sounded fun. He knew that Nick had a surround system, so he guessed it was probably some kind of ambient sound design thing.
When he clicked "Yes", another message box appeared.
"How long do you want the immersive mode™ to last?"
Well, he was here all weekend so... Kevin set the timer to 48 hours.
"Bonus! For enabling immersive mode™ for 48 hours, you may select one trait to keep after."
Cool, thought Kevin. So, the game had a kind of progression system, nice touch.
He clicked "Ok" again, and was just about to start creating a character, when suddenly, the screen became exceedingly bright. Kevin had to close his eyes and felt really weird all of a sudden, a kind of pulling sensation all over his body. A few seconds later, Kevin was not there anymore, and the chair was empty.
Twenty minutes later, Nick came back from his shopping trip and entered his apartment.
"Yo, Kev! I brought enough energy for the whole weekend!"
He dropped his groceries on the kitchen table, and put the cans in the fridge, before he went to the living room.
"Hey, man, where are you?"
But there was no one. Weird. Well, he probably forgot something at home and would come back in a bit. Nick shrugged mentally and sat down in his gaming chair, cracking open a can of energy drink before looking at the screen. Had he already started the character creator? Apparently.
On the screen, standing in a featureless gray environment was an avatar. It did look kind of familiar, if he was being honest. Although it was clearly a comic-style 3D-model, it reminded him a lot of his friend Kevin. Of course, usually a shirt obscured the view of Kevin's slight belly, but the character on the screen was completely nude, safe for a pair of underwear.
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The fact the avatar kind of looked like his friend didn't seem as out of the ordinary as one could think. After all, Nick had a tiny crush on his best friend - nothing too serious, but he still found him somewhat attractive - and often modelled his in-game avatars after Kevin. He just hoped that Kevin - the real Kevin - wasn't offended by him leaving the character creator open like that.
Well, since he was waiting for his friend to return anyway, he might as well finish the character creation. Nick indulged himself in the various sliders and started to change the avatars appearance. Even though a Kevin-lookalike was a good start, there were several improvements to make. He could be taller, for example. Nick found the slider and watched as the avatar morphed and grew taller.
On the other side of the screen, Kevin was unable to do anything. He was fully aware and stared at Nick's face through the screen as if it was a window, but he couldn't move. His body - his cartoony, but otherwise pretty accurate body - just stood there in his underwear and breathed. From time to time, there was a stretching idle animation, but that was about it. However, as Nick dragged the height slider, his body immediately reacted. Kevin felt a sensation of vertigo, as he grew taller in a matter of seconds. Next, Nick edited his body type. All of a sudden, his belly disappeared into a hard and flat stomach, with abdominal muscles becoming visible. Over all, his musculature expanded and became more defined, until he was fitter than Kevin ever thought he'd be. The next changes were in his face, and Kevin could only feel his facial features shifting as Nick resculpted the head to be a bit more chiseled and masculine. He was still recognizable as Kevin - but an idealized and handsome version of him.
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"Wow, that's what you'd look like if you went to the gym, Kev. Damn." Nick said to himself as he clicked next. After the physical character creation, he was able to select character traits for the avatar. They were already prefilled with what looked to be pretty much Kevin's profile, which was weird. Nick was reasonably sure he hadn't been to this screen yet, and yet, the interests and settings looked a lot like they belonged to Kevin.
Well, there was no reason to change anything there, right? No, actually, one thing he should change. He looked through the traits until he found the slider he was looking for, which read 85% heterosexual right now. Yeah, no. This was his fantasy game, right? He quickly slid the slider over to 100% homosexual. There, that was more like it.
Kevin couldn't see what Nick was adjusting and felt strange for a moment. He knew something was different - but he didn't know what. Internally, he was panicking a bit. He still couldn't move and felt trapped - both inside the screen as well as within his own body. As strange as it sounded, he had somehow been sucked into the video game, and he didn't know how he could tell Nick, or how to escape this.
Nick, on the other side, decided he didn't need any more changes. He briefly considered making a second character but decided against it. Perhaps he could play a nice little dating story with the character that he simply named "Kev".
Finally, Kevi - no, Kev, was able to move again. His avatar body had been dropped into a simple flat, with cartoony looking furniture. He turned his head left and right and bobbed a bit on the spot before deciding to check out the fridge. He walked over to the cheap looking device and opened the door. Inside, there was only a flat texture of what looked like food, but he still mechanically reached inside and pulled out... a bowl of cereal, that he began to eat standing. When he was finished, he put the bowl to the ground in front of him and walked over to the PC, starting up a game.
It was clear to Kev now that he wasn't really in control. At first, it had felt like he was the one in charge, but actually, his body still acted on its own, likely controlled by some kind of algorithm. He wondered what would happen if Nick...
There it was. All of a sudden, Kev stopped playing and stood up, driven by a mighty force that controlled all of his movements. He walked over to the small bathroom and mechanically disrobed. He could basically feel the eyes of Nick on him, who had just ordered him to take a shower, watching every movement until he was completely nude.
Unlike the sams, this game sure was anatomically correct. Nick had not bothered to adjust his privates, so they looked pretty normal to him, but he was acutely aware that Nick was watching every movement he did and every swing of his cock. Still, he couldn't do anything about it as he entered the shower and felt simulated water on his skin.
He was still in the middle of his shower, when suddenly the doorbell rang. Immediately, he felt compelled to exit the shower and dress quickly, before running to the door. In front of him stood a delivery man, handing him a newspaper that Kev took automatically and put on the floor right where he was standing. The delivery guy was already back on his way to his car, but Kev ran after him. He didn't have much of a choice.
He chatted a bit with the guy and felt really connected to him after only a few minutes of talk. He laughed at his jokes and complimented his work. What was even more surprising was that he started to really find that guy... cute. He was smaller than him, now, and had a sort of twink-ish flair. Kev could feel his virtual cock stirring, which confused the hell out of him. He was straight, wasn't he?
No, of course. Nick must have changed that in the character creator. And now, he was... trying to flirt with the delivery guy.
Against his will, he started making slippery comments in the conversation and watched as the other man was flustered and blushed. Kev couldn't help but smile seductively before he leaned into a kiss.
It sure felt weird being controlled like that, but the kiss was nice, nevertheless. However, much to the dismay of his visible virtual erection, after they broke the kiss, the delivery man suddenly turned around and left. At least he had magically obtained his phone number, Kev thought as he re-entered his house.
Outside the screen, Nick couldn't help but be a bit aroused. This was clearly an adult game, and when he saw that the Kev-avatar on-screen had a boner, he felt himself chub up a bit as well. Kevin was still not there, so he could try to bring this a bit further along. He steered the avatar to the wardrobe and selected "Edit Kev" in the popup menu, after which the now familiar character creator opened. Nick was eager to see how far he could get and started adjusting sliders again. First, the muscle. In front of Nick's hungry eyes, Kev inflated from a very fit man to a true bodybuilder. His arms were stacked with muscle, and his shoulders appeared so wide they would probably clip through the environment when he was going through a door. Next was the face. Nick changed the brown color to a darker shade, fitting to handsome dark eyes. He adjusted the facial structure until the Kev on the screen had a square jaw, like an action hero, and a fitting dominant smirk. Perfect.
He zoomed out again and noticed a slider for body hair. He didn't quite put it to maximum, but far enough so that Kev's chest was covered with a layer of manly fuzz. Nick always liked hairy men, so this was just perfect. He was just about to save the appearance when he realized there was one more important setting. Yep, junk size. He quickly dragged the slider to maximum and watched as an obscene bulge grew in the avatars underwear. Nick couldn't wait to send the dude showering again so he could ogle the hefty tool.
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Yeah, that was it. Nick was fondling his own bulge by now, as he clicked save. However, as he was just about to unbutton his jeans, he stopped himself. Kevin could be back any minute and he didn't want to catch him rubbing one out. Heavy hearted, he saved the game and clicked exit, but was surprised by a popup that opened.
"User 'Kev' is still in immersive mode™ for 47 hours and 22 minutes. Do you want to reproject?"
What did that mean? Reproject? Confused, Nick clicked "Yes" and almost jumped out of his chair when suddenly, the screen grew really bright and a large and manly figure materialized right in front of him, just as hot as he had just designed him, but not cartoony anymore at all. It was Kev. And, as it dawned on Nick, it was Kevin. Somehow, Kevin must have been sucked into the game and he... changed him and played with him.
Realization hit Nick hard. Kevin, in his muscular Kev form just stood there, in front of the PC and breathed heavily, but did not move, as if he was waiting for something.
"Woah, this is crazy. Fuck. Me." Nick exclaimed in confusion, and realized what he just said, when a dominant grin grew on Kev's face and he began walking towards Nick, the overly large cock already throbbing inside the underwear. Nick gulped but didn't object, although he knew that he wouldn't be able to walk properly for days to come.
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It was Sunday evening when the timer hit zero. The weekend had not been filled with a single video game, but neither Kev nor Nick didn't get much sleep, either. Kev's body was a machine, in more ways than one, and the whole flat stank from the stench of sex and sweat. Finally, the screen grew bright, and a large dialog box awaited Kev.
"Congratulations, you have completed 48 hours of immersive mode™. Please select a trait to keep."
Finally, Kev was able to control his own body again. After the initial horror of something else controlling him, he had quickly found a liking to the feeling, and had the most erotic weekend of his life, as he had to watch his body fuck Nick senseless on every piece of furniture in the apartment. He wasn't even mad. It had showed him what was missing from his life, and that was, aside from the body of a Greek god with an untypically large cock, Nick. So, it wasn't a hard choice to make. Kev walked over and scrolled down until he found what he was looking for and clicked on "Orientation".
As he morphed back into his old body, he smiled at Nick, who was watching with uncertainty and fear how his friend would react to his direction of his body. Then, with a husky voice, he said:
"We should do that again next weekend, babe. I still have a lot of traits I want to keep, and I have the feeling, I'll have a lot more timing for fucking your cute little ass in the future."
I hope you enjoyed this little video game tf as much as I did! I know I certainly wouldn't mind stumbling upon a game with immersive mode™. There are some additional images of Kev in my Tip Jar.
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sovya · 8 months
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cw: selfship coded, pregnancy, talk of abortion, angst and fluff, mentions of childhood ab*se/trauma/enji todoroki, reader and natsuo are engaged
an: this is straight up a selfship work but ofc anyone is welcome to read/enjoy/whatever sdkjfhj
minors, blank, and ageless blogs dni
wc: 1.2k
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You’re sitting there with your underwear around your ankles, elbows resting atop either of your thighs as you hold your head in your hands, patient. Although, patience is beginning to make way for anxiety rather quickly.
You want to glance over at the counter, at the thin white stick sitting there with its stupid pink cap, but you know that won’t quell your worry. You know there’s still two minutes left on the timer you set on your phone, that there’s potentially two minutes left of normalcy in your life. Two minutes left until everything changes.
“Is it done yet?” A concerned voice speaks to you just outside the bathroom door.
“Natsu, it’s only been a minute,” you laugh despite your anxiety churning up a whirlpool in your gut.
There’s a pause before you hear him speak again, “Can I come in?”
As soon as you begin to say “yes”, your fiancé is opening the door and stepping inside.
You give him the slightest nod in acknowledgement as he walks into the room, closing the door behind him as if you two aren’t the only ones in the house.
Natsuo rests against the bathroom wall, his broad shoulders pressed against it before tilting his head back to rest on it too, his eyes on the ceiling.
“Are you okay?” You ask him, rubbing your thumbs up your neck and to your jawbone, absentmindedly trying to soothe yourself.
His head rolls against the wall as he goes to look at you, “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
You laugh again, shrugging as you go to sit up straight, “Maybe… but I know you’re just as nervous.”
Natsuo looks at you, then down at the floor. It’s clear he’s thinking, but about what you’re not entirely sure.
You look down too, though not at the floor, but at your hands as they rest on your thighs. Your engagement ring glitters under the bathroom lights and you find yourself twisting your wrist slowly to watch as the diamond glistens in different spots. It’s a pleasant distraction, though it doesn’t last for long.
Your diamond-induced trance is interrupted by the sound of bells jingling from the speakers of your phone, indicating the test has been processed.
Quickly, you snatch your phone off the counter to shut it off, your eyes meeting Natsuo’s again.
“Should we look at it together? Or do you want to see it first?” He asks you quietly, ever the gentleman.
“No, let’s look at it together.” You do your best to give him a reassuring smile, but you’re convinced it came off less genuine than you wanted.
Standing up, you pull your underwear back on and reach for the test, your gaze on Natsuo rather than on the results. He’s looking at you, too.
Wordlessly, you both blink at one another before looking over at the test.
The control strip is bright pink, with one nearly matching it in saturation on the left.
A chill runs through your body as you look over at Natsuo. He looks petrified, almost unmoving save for the swell of his chest as he breathes, deep and slow.
“It’s okay,” you break the silence, Natsuo still looking at the little lines. You feel saliva start to pool in your mouth the way it does before you’re sick.
Again, you can tell he’s thinking, but about what you don’t know.
“It’s okay, Natsuo. I… We don’t have to keep it. I know you’re still finishing up school and we’re not married yet and… it’s okay. We can try again another time, when it’s better for us both.”
You want to keep talking, to keep comforting him, but you feel a hard lump growing in your throat and you don’t want to cry.
“That’s not why I’m scared.”
You tilt your head at him, confused, though your stomach calms a little now that he’s speaking once more.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t care that I’m still in school and I don’t care that we aren’t married yet. People can talk if they want.”
“So what is it then?”
His gaze meets yours again, at last, but his voice is dangerously close to shattering, “What if I turn out like him?”
You swear you can feel your heart sink into your stomach. Not worrying about your potentially dirty hands, you pull him in for a hug, doing your best to envelope his large frame.
“Natsuo, you will never end up like your father.”
You can’t see his face, but you can hear him sniffle. “You don’t know that.”
“Hey, yes I do. I do know that.”
You pull away from the hug slightly, holding onto his forearms as you look up at him. His eyes are so watery, a tear falling from one when he blinks.
“I know because you’re very aware of all the terrible things he did to you and your siblings and your mom growing up. I know because you’re kind and gentle and understanding. You would never put a child through what your father did because of what you went through, Natsuo. Because you’re good. Because you’re you, not him.”
Natsuo nods, more tears spilling past his lower lash line, “I’m still so scared.”
“It’s okay,” you nod, giving his arms a light squeeze, “it’s okay to be scared, Natsuo. I’m scared too.”
“Of course you are, you’ve got a microscopic little human in you.” He manages to make himself laugh, just a little.
You laugh too, “I know. I know, it’s very weird to think about.”
“So, what should we do?”
You wet your lips before pursing them, this time it’s you who’s thinking. “I’m not sure. I’ve always wanted kids but I also know we have a lot of time to get to that—and I don’t want to continue with this pregnancy if you don’t want to.”
“That’s the worst part. I would love to have kids and a big family… I’m just so damn scared that I’ll ruin it all.”
“Of course. I totally get why you’re scared. I’m sorry. Your dad ruins everything for you and it really breaks my heart.”
The room is silent again, for much longer this time, but now it’s him who pulls you into his chest, giving you a comforting hug.
You decide to speak, voice muffled by his shirt. “Will you at least come to the appointment with me? When I, uh, get rid of it?”
“Get rid of it?”
“As in get an abortion.”
“No, I know what you meant, silly. I mean that… I didn’t say we should get rid of it.”
You move your head so you can meet his eye, your brows furrowed in confusion and his in concentration.
“I can’t let that asshole dictate how my life is going to go. It was his fault I grew up terrified, but I don’t want to let him keep me terrified. He can’t ruin things for me anymore, especially not this. Not you… not a kid. I won’t let him.”
“So,” he starts, picking you up with his arms wrapped around your waist, the test still in one of his hands, “We’ve got a lot to talk about tomorrow morning.”
Giggling, you lean in to give him a kiss, your eyes starting to well up too, “Natsuo, I still need to wash my hands!”
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g4sstationdr-gs · 11 months
Blood Splattered Teardrops
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ghostface!sam x reader. reader is afab. warnings; knife.
Chapter one
Sitting in the back of Sam’s car in the school parking lot before the bell rings is like a daily tradition. Sam is smoking a cigarette and you’re working on whatever missing assignment you have this time. You groan and drop the notebook down in frustration and Sam’s head turns to you. “What?” He asks as he inhales the smoke. His rings shine in the early morning light as his fingers hold the bud. “This makes no sense at all. It’s like Mr. Matter has some vendetta against me and wants me to fail.” You wine dramatically and put your face in your hands.
Sam chuckles and throws the cigarette on the ground then scoots closer to you. You hear the paper crumple slightly as he picks up your notebook. You peak your eyes through your fingers and you see his cocky grin as he looks at you. You can’t help but smile and bring your foot up to gently kick as his chest. “Stop it.” You say with the slight giggle. He grabs your ankle and pushes it away from him. “Stop what?” He says and tilts his head. “You’re teasing me!” You say and bring your other leg up. He grabs them both and tugs you towards him. You laugh loudly as your drug across the floor of the trunk. “I am not, stop being dramatic.” He smirks down at you.
You look up at him and you see the expression on his face change and he looks up. Josh walks up to the car and looks at you. “Hey, Y/N. Are you coming to the party Saturday night?” He says as he leans against the car. You wiggle your feet out of Sam’s grasp and push yourself up so you’re sitting again. “Oh- yeah! it’s a costume party, right? I have the perfect one.” You say with a cheerful smile.
Josh’s eyes look you up and down and he smirks slightly. Sam’s hands curl into fists and he glares at Josh. “Cool. I bet you’ll look real nice. C’mon, I’ll walk you to class.” He says and he reaches his hand out to help you up.
You take his hand and let him pull you up. You turn around and grab your stuff and smile at Sam. “Bye Sam!” You say and start to walk off, expecting Josh to follow you. Josh gives Sam a cocky smirk and Sam smiles back mockingly. Josh then starts to follow you. Sam watches and as soon as you’re out of sight he pushes himself up and slams the hood of the trunk down.
The next time he sees you it’s at lunch. You’re sitting and talking to your friends like you usually are and Sam sits against the tree next to your table. He picks up on the middle of your conversation. “I dunno. I really like horror movies. Sure, they’re stupid and unrealistic but they have some strategy to them. Plus, if a masked man broke into my house and tried to kill me I’d probably fall in love with him.”
You say the last sentence jokingly and you and your friend’s laugh. It’s like right then and there, Sam gets the best, but worst, idea of his life. He wants you to like him so bad, that’d he’d become another person just so you will.
That night, you’re home alone and preparing to watch a movie. You’re wearing some shorts and a long t-shirt. You walk into the kitchen put popcorn in the microwave, then start to put the timer on when you hear the landline ring. You figure it might be your parents so you can’t ignore it. You walk over to it and pick it up, holding it to your ear. “Hello?” You say and you’re met with silence for a moment before a voice speaks up. “Yeah, who is this?” The person says. You pick it up as a males voice, and he sounds sort of young.
You’re slightly confused because he dialed you, but it could’ve been an accident “Um… well who are you trying to reach?” You say and you lean against the wall. You pick at your nails and wait for the person to respond. “I don’t know.” He says, almost in a charming tone.
“It sounds like you have the wrong number. It’s okay, it happens. Have a nice night.” You say and hang up the phone. You hum and make your way back into the kitchen when you hear the phone ring again. You pause your movement and turn back towards the hallway. “What the hell?” You mumble to yourself and walk back to the phone.
“Hello?” You say in an impatient tone. You lean back up against the wall and look at the clock. “Hold on, I wanna talk to you.” You recognize the guys voice. You sigh softly. “Okay, about what?” You reply and you twirl the phone wire around your fingers.
He chuckles. “Well, you sound kind of hot. And i feel bad for disturbing you so I wanted to talk a little bit. What are you doing?” He asks and you scoff. “There’s nine hundred numbers you could call, and you choose me?” You ask and you roll your eyes. You’re starting to get angsty because you don’t want to talk to some random stranger for too long.
You push yourself off the wall and untangle the string “If you really want to know, I’m getting ready to watch a movie. Can I go do that or are you going to hold me up all night?” You say and you start to tap your foot. You hear him chuckle again and it sounds like he shuffles his position. “Why so hostile sweetheart? I’m just trying to be nice.” He says teasingly.
You sigh again and look back at the clock. “Sorry, it’s just late and this is sort of strange.” You look out the kitchen window. “What’s your name?” You ask and you watch as the wind blows the leaves outside. “Why don’t you tell me yours, and I’ll tell you mine.” He says.
You have to hold back a groan because he’s starting to frustrate you and this conversation is clearly going nowhere. “Yeah, I don’t think so. Sorry but I really want to get to my movie, try calling someone else.” You say and you hang up the phone. You huff and turn on your heel when the phone rings again. You turn back around quickly and grab the phone angrily.
Before you get the chance to say anything, his voice comes though the speaker. “Someone looks angry. those shorts look so good on you.” He says darkly. You feel your heart stop and your whole body tingle. “What? Is this some sort of sick joke? Who are you?” Your voice is shaky as you speak. “You really wanna know who I am? Why don’t I come inside?” He says and you whip your head around.
“What? Are you scared?” He says with a hint of a smirk behind his voice. “You think I’m gonna break in there and hurt you?” Your hands are shaky and your vision is blurry as you look around you quickly. “What if I’m already inside?” He whispers into the phone and you gasp as you hear a door slam open.
You scream and move out of the way as someone in a ghost mask and dark cloak lunges at you. You run into the kitchen to grab a knife when you realize they’re missing. You continue to look for anything around you when you hear his voice from behind you. “Looking for something?” He says holds up a knife of his own. Your eyes widen in fear and you feel like you’re frozen in place.
He takes a step towards you and you turn and run towards the front door. You try to open it but realize the chain lock is in place and you’ll never get it open in time. The man tries to grab you but you dodge and then kick his legs so he falls down. You start to run up the stairs when his hand wraps around your ankle and you’re pulled down to him. You wiggle out of his grasp and take the stairs two at a time. You make it to your room and you slam the door shut. You open push your dresser in front of the door so he can’t get in.
Your chest feels like it’s on fire from how hard you’re breathing. You grab your cellphone from the bed and start to dial Sam’s number. He’s the only person you can think of in the moment. You don’t know if you’re going to die or not. He’d be able to get to your house quickly, but maybe not quick enough. Your fingers shake as you type in his number but you keep making errors.
You scream again as the man slams against the door and your dresser start to move. He’s going to get inside. You grab your desk chair and hold it out, preparing to use it as he slams against the door one more time and the dresser crashes to the floor. He opens the door and he steps inside. Your heart feels like it’s beating out of your chest as he walks closer to you. He stops just a few feet from you and tilts his head.
You take deep breaths and it’s almost like you’re looking death in the eyes. “who are you?” you breathe out shakily and point the chair at him. He raises his hands in surrender. The knife he’s holding is illuminated by your bedside lap. He brings the tip of it to the leg of the chair and runs it across it. You trace the blade with your eyes and he take it as an opportunity to grab one of the other legs of the chair and pull it out of your hands.
You gasp as he grabs you and pulls you to him. He presses the dull part of the blade to your cheek you suck in a breath and squeeze your eyes shut. You can feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. He drags the knife down your face until it leaves it. You turn your head to look the other way and you feel the knife back on your face as he uses it to turn you towards him again.
You open your eyes and look at the eye holes of the mask. You reach your hand up to pull the mask off when he grabs your wrist in a tight grip. You hiss slightly and he loosens his grip ever so slightly. You try bring your other hand up to surprise him but he snatches that one too. He holds your arms above your head and pushes you against the wall.
He runs the knife down your body, starting from your neck and ending at your stomach. You’re surprised when it gives you butterflies. You blame it on the adrenaline. You expect this to be the part where he stabs you but he just drops the knife and kicks it away.
Your eyes follow as it slides under the bed. You bring your gaze back to him. “You’re not gonna hurt me?” you ask confused and fearfully. He shakes his head no and leans slightly closer to you. “No. i could though. is that what you want?” He says and this time it’s his fingers that run over your face. You shake your head.
He chuckles. “i won’t hurt you. yet” He says and you can hear the smirk his voice. He places one of his hands on your waist, still holding your hands above you. “you know, i wasn’t lying when i said these shorts looked good on you. who are you wearing them for anyways?” he runs his hand over your thigh. “you got a boyfriend?”
You shake your head again. “what? you too scared to talk now?” He says and shakes his head mockingly. “you had so much to say earlier. what changed?” His fingers are still trailing over your thigh.
“i hope you know i called someone. and he’ll be here any minute.“ you say. you’re lying. you never hit the call button. He knows you’re lying. “aw.. is that supposed to scare me, sweetheart?” He says and he presses himself into you. He brings his face to your ear. “i’m not scared. you’re the one that should be scared.” He whispers.
You shiver and close your eyes. “please just leave me alone.” You whisper back. He pulls his face away and stares at you. He drops your hands and backs away from you. He reaches to the floor and picks up the knife. Your eyes widen as you realize you might’ve made him mad.
He steps back to you and he places the on your bottom lip. “i’ll leave now. but i’ll never leave you alone.” He says and he drags knife over your lip before stuffing it in his pocket. “Have fun princess.” He whispers as he walks out of your room.
As soon as you don’t hear him anymore you lunge for your phone and call the cops. You’re still very shaky and can barely get what you need to out. You just spit out your address and say that someone broke in before you hang up and call Sam.
“c’mon Sam. please pick up.” you say anxiously. You keep your eyes on the door incase he comes back. You hear the call connect and Sam’s tired voice come through the line. “Yeah?” He says and it sounds like he just woke up.
“Sam! Please, i’m so scared. Someone broke in and he had a knife and he held it up to me but he didn’t hurt me but he said he’d be back and-“ you’re talking so quickly Sam can barely keep up.
“Hold on, slow down. What? someone broke in? are you okay?” You can hear shuffling from the other end of the line, like he’s getting up.
You nod, even though you know he can’t see you. “i’m fine. but i’m still a little shaken up.” You bring your knees up to your chest.
You hear as Sam curses. “i’ll be there soon. don’t move. Grab something to protect yourself, and wait for the cops to get there. i’m on my way.” He says and he hangs up. “preferably not a fucking chair.” he mumbles and he throws the mask into the bushes so he can grab it later.
You lean against the bed and wait for Sam and the police arrive, thinking about the masked man and wondering if he really will be back.
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Laughter | Banda Sunato
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Pairing: Banda Sunato x Fem!Reader
Author's note: Fine, *aggressively opens laptop* I'll just write one myself then. Also, first fic ever so uh yeah. That's how desperate I am lol. Edit: Yeah I edited it a bit because I was sleepdeprived when I wrote/posted this and got rid of horrible spelling mistakes :)
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Weird relationship (it's Banda, a serial killer and manipulative piece of shit), Violence? (because you know, it's aib?), A mention of wanting to end it all, potential spelling/grammar mistakes?
Summary: Banda Sunato takes interest in a girl he meets during a game and is captivated by her laughter
As soon as the 20 minute timer went off, most participant immediately scrambled to get away from the open playground and ran straight into the abandoned school to find a spot to hide from the seeker who’d be released in a one minute.
Banda Sunato hadn’t moved an inch and was instead just looking around. His eyes followed the hurrying people, an eerie smile on his face. He appeared rather amused. Content even.
You were also still standing in out in the open, right behind him and staring at the back of his blood stained shirt. “Are you not going to hide mister?" You asked. "Do you want to die?”
He turned around, no surprise visible on his face. He stared at you as if he was analyzing your face. “What about yourself?”
You flashed him a smile. “I’m still thinking about a good hiding spot.”
"I wasn't referring to that." When you tilted you head he added, "do you want to die?"
You looked around you, taking in your surroundings before looking down at you phone. It read 19:22 and was counting down. "I still have so much to do, I won't die."
Banda stared at you intently and looked you up and down. You were dressed in a white summer dress which looked a little bit too clean for this world, not a spot of dirt or blood to be found. You looked very young, young enough to still remember high school infrastructure.
"Well," he started, switching topics again, “Surely someone like you knows a good hiding spot. I'd say most students that attend highschool know the place through and through, don't they?”
You hummed in response. “Home schooled.”
Banda didn’t respond or gave any sign which you would interpret as disinterest, if not for his piercing gaze. It was starting to creep you out, but you enjoyed talking to someone as you hadn't had the opportunity to make new friends in the borderlands.
“You know, it’s my first time in a school building, so I’m actually a bit excited. Well, who knows, maybe I can explore this place after the game is over, right?” You wanted to say more, but then the school bell rang, indicating that the seeker was on the move. Even though you looked around cautiously, Banda couldn’t spot any sign of actual fear on your face. As if you knew you were getting out of here alive.
“Well then,” you said with a nod and you skipped off.
He watched you leave towards the gym building. When he heard a gun shot he decided to take it as a sign that he should probably also get moving.
He followed you in the direction of the gym, but stayed behind the square columns in front of the building, covered by shadows where he knew he was safe. He looked down at his dark green button up shirt, ripped and covered in blood. It sure worked fine as camouflage.
He could oversee the entire playground from his position, including the main entrance to the school from where he could hear gunshots. It didn't take long for the seeker to exit the school building and cross the playground.
Banda moved to the other side of a column, blocking himself from the seeker's sight. This would be easy, he thought to himself. He would simply rotate around the columns until the game was over.
Well, it was only a two of clubs after all.
The seeker entered the gym and for a second it was absolutely quiet. Banda smirked. That girl is as good as dead, he thought. And when hearing the gunshots he almost patted himself on the back for his accurate prediction, but he was stopped when he heard you laughing as if you were enjoying yourself.
He froze, completely captivated by the sound. It had been a while since he'd heard such carefree laughter. What an addictive sound. How interesting. He smiled, almost wickedly.
There was a loud crash and more shots were fired before the doors opened and slammed against the wall, revealing you.
You had tried to hide in all the way up in the huge draped curtains when your hand accidentally slipped, moving the entire curtain, which had given away your hiding spot.
You were met with a barrage of bullets that miraculously didn't hit you. As always, luck is on your side, you thought.
The bullets had however apparantly hit whatever it was that supported the heavy curtains and you fell down on top of the seeker. You quickly rolled off while he fought with the curtains, trying to get out from underneath it while also shooting around randomly.
You ran out giggling. From the corner of your eye, you saw the man you were talking to before and you stopped for a second to wave at him before hiding behind the doors that you had just kicked open.
A minute later the seeker walked out and went to look for other victims. You managed to slip back into the gym unnoticed.
The rest of the game was uneventful. There were two other incidents where gunshots were heard, but when the participants walked off the school grounds after clearing the game, it seemed as if everyone made it, as far as you could recall. Your facial recognition memory wasn't awesome.
"You seem familiar."
You turned around in surprise at his sudden voice behind you. "I highly doubt that." You said.
"What's your name?"
"You seem familiar too, what's yours?" You replied, ignoring his question.
"I asked first," he responded.
You hummed. "And I don't give my name out to strangers, so it seems as if we're at an impasse." You looked at him expectantly. When he didn't appear to have any intention of answering, you turned to leave.
"Banda Sunato." It stopped you in your tracks.
Did you know him? Of course. What else is there to do when you're isolated in your house, except read books and listen to true crime podcasts? Were you scared of him? A little, but you had your own fair share of victims since arriving in the borderlands. As did everyone here.
You gave him your name. Oh how easy you were, he thought. He could definitely charm his way to you.
"Your last name, is it the same as the former prime minister?" He asked. "I thought his child died." He commented when you hummed in acknowledgement.
"Me and my mother were shot during one of his campaigns. They managed to save me, but my father got paranoid and kept me away from, well, everything ever since." Your expression fell and looked past Banda into the distance as you recalled your dull life.
"So now you enjoy the freedom you have. You're no longer locked away, and can go wherever you please. There are no rules here, so you're discovering the world for yourself, instead of through media. It's why you're walking around with curiosity instead of falling into despair, and also why you're the only one in the game who was enjoying themselves." Banda's voice was dangerously low and his eyes dark as he scanned your face.
"I bet your isolation messed with your mind. You've probably thought of ending it all, so you aren't scared at the prospect of dying, right." He concluded for you.
You didn't answer him. Partially annoyed that he thought he was smart enough to make assumptions as if he knew you, and also annoyed because he wasn't wrong.
He had stepped closer to you during his analysis and you fought the urge to put a step back to get him out of your personal space.
"I like that." He finished. His face hovering close to yours.
You nervously laughed. "So I won't be your fifth victim then?"
Banda's smile widened as if you said something funny. "You've caught my attention. Let's be partners."
"I don't know, what's your policy on killing partners?" You asked, finding the situation ridiculous.
He leaned closer to you and you could feel his breath on your cheek. "If you pledge yourself to me, I'll show you the beauty of this world." He spoke lowly.
Now that interested you.
You opened your mouth to answer when he closed the small gap between you two, pressing his lips to yours, hand wrapping around the back of your neck, thumb against your pulse.
You've never been kissed before, but found yourself pushing back against him, grabbing onto his shirt, not lettiing go even after the kiss ended.
"Oh you meant that kind of partner." You giggled when you broke apart.
Then your giggling started to grow into a laughing fit, because how could you not if you stopped to think about the situation. You just had your first kiss with a serial killer stranger whom you just met 25 minutes ago in a life or death game in an abandoned world.
Banda relished in the sound of you, corners of his mouth curling up in satisfaction. Gotcha, he thought.
When you managed to subdue your giggles and he didn't move or say anything else, you decided to go and start walking towards your appartment with him in tow.
"Your shirt is ripped and covered in dirt and blood." You said while wiping away the blood on your hands from grabbing his shirt.
You flashed him a smile. "Luckily for you, I have a clean light blue button up shirt at home."
Part 2 ( +18 content)
Part 3
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wigglymantis · 5 months
ok so (very rambly post incoming)
i've only played pathologic 2 up to like 7 pm of day 3 (took like 3 tries to heal Patches and spent most of the day gathering herbs for that and dealing with paperwork), but can we talk about how *fantastic* the immersion is in this game? because
1) i felt actual *dread* when i just barely missed the deadline for the Patches quest the first time (my brain: oh god oh fuck i was literally next door in my workshop but i was late i couldn't save the child i will never be a menkhu and where is Aspity and why the fuck is the bell tolling this cutscene is creepy af WHAT)
2) i never expected Lara Ravel of all people to hurt me enough to make me cry but here we are
Rubin and Grief making racist remarks about the Kin i wasn't happy about at all, but that's basically how they were from the first dialogues with them so i was like. i guess that's them now. but *LARA*? lovely adorable Lara Ravel who first offered me shelter, trust, and compassion when the whole town thought i mercilessly killed my own father?
i dared casually call her basaghan and she went on a whole thing about how she hates being called that and also this one weird herb bride (i *think* her name is Nara?) asked her where i am and "ugh what's her problem?" :/ i just sat there like "wha.... Lara how could you say that to Artemy? he's had a bad enough day already... pchd Lara would have never..." i felt so weirded out and betrayed, and now a week later it feels ridiculous because this is an npc in a video game Dot you are not Artemy Burakh what the heck was that reaction- (kinda reminded me of the feeling of a high school "friend" randomly making antisemitic comments to me for no reason now that i think about it)
anyway tldr 100/10 immersion, not too mad at you Lara (just very disappointed) and my pulse goes up a little bit when i think about the Patches quest, but that just proves the immersion is absolutely brilliant
and lesson learned, trust no one in this wretched town, anyone and everyone has the potential to suddenly be a prick to you in patho2 XD (and also keep track of the goshdarn time because if i understand the shituation at hand right the timer will start speeding up after this day)
and yes i know it will only get worse because this is
: the Restaging, but i played pchd so i think i'm ready for anything now
...that's a lie, no i'm not ready for what's to come at all. but neither is Artemy so i guess it's fine XD
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kusuokisser · 1 year
kusuo doesnt often get scared, but you want to know one thing that rarely fails to get him?
anything automated on a timer. like sprinklers turning on at 6am, the school bell ringing, the ding of a microwave, etcetera.
that poor boy is so jumpy around them, many a time he has considered disabling the sprinkler system but alas he cannot bear to make his momma sad by killing her garden
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Here is an updated list of competitors in need of fresh pieces of propaganda for their next round.
Remember, you can submit propaganda for any character still in the competition—these just happen to be the ones who only have 1 or 2 submissions currently, and I’d like to avoid reusing propaganda as much as I can (though I know I won’t be able to do this for everyone).
I’ll order them according to how soon propaganda is needed and bold the ones I feel are especially lacking currently.
Edit: I've crossed out characters who have since received propaganda. You can still send more for them if you'd like though. Full list and link to form are below the cut.
(Group 1 – currently competing)
Ayumu Kasuga (Azumanga Daioh)
Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger (Little Witch Academia)
Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
(Group 2 – will be the week after above^)
Nico Niiyama (Kiznaiver)
Nagisa Furukawa (Clannad)
Nagisa Momoe (Madoka Magica: Rebellion)
Yellow (Pokémon Adventures)
Kuriko Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
Himiko Yumeno (Danganronpa)
Yuuko Aioi (Nichijou)
Tsubomi Takane (Mob Psycho 100) (her current propaganda is really strong lol, but she just has the one piece)
Maya Fey (Ace Attorney)
Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Don Quixote (Limbus Company)
Miho Nosaka (Yugioh)
Ringo Andou (Puyo Puyo)
Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
Sorawo Kamikoshi (Otherside Picnic)
Satsuki Minazuki (Liar Satsuki Can See Death)
Anri Sonohara (Durarara!!)
Nico Yazawa (Love Live!)
Ahiru Arima/Duck (Princess Tutu)
Miriel (Fire Emblem Awakening) (also has strong current propaganda, just needs more of it)
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Biscuit Krueger (Hunter x Hunter)
Maria Inomata (School Babysitters)
Mai Minakami (Nichijou)
Ai Mie (The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses)
Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
Sumireko Usami (Touhou Project)
Shizuku Murasaki (Hunter x Hunter)
Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi)
Anisphia Wynn Palletia (The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess and The Genius Young Lady)
(Group 3 – will be the week after above^)
Kaoru Seta (BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!)
Kanna Makino (Tamako Market)
Chouko Shizuhata (Oddman 11)
Hikari Kagura (Revue Starlight)
Nafra Ampsey (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Sana Futaba (Magia Record)
Valerie (Pokémon)
Akashi (The Tatami Galaxy)
Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
Sayaka Kanamori (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Richeh (Witch Hat Atelier)
Saki Hanajima (Fruits Basket)
Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)
Ran-Mao (Black Butler)
Tsubame Mizusaki (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney) (currently has 1 piece of strong propaganda)
Nico Robin (One Piece)
Penny (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet)
Sora Kajiwara (Sketchbook: Full Color’s)
Sucy Manbavaran (Little Witch Academia)
Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyuu!!)
Mai Mishou/Cure Egret/Cure Windy (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Omoharu Nakanaka (Komi Can’t Communicate)
Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Kirie Motoba (Himouto! Umaru-chan) (currently has 1 piece of strong propaganda)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Miae Hwang (After School Lessons For Unripe Apples)
Lotte Jansson (Little Witch Academia)
Bulma (Dragon Ball) (currently has 1 piece of strong propaganda)
Power (Chainsaw Man)
Tooru Taki (Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Suzuno Kamazuki/Crestia Bell (The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
Submit new propaganda below.
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awritersstuff · 9 months
Can I request hcs about school leaders or faction leaders reactions when they go to a cafe or park and suddenly the reader caught their attention? Thanks 🫶🫶
First of all , thanks for the request
- out of all the leaders fujio is most likely to fall in love at first and if he falls In love at first sight then he will probably do anything to find you again,  even if turns him into a stalker .
- As fujio entered the dinner,  there usual hangover spot , "oh, sorry I am late " he said with a small smile as he saw that everyone was already there . He sat beside seiji , in front of madoka.  " baka , why are you always late." Madoka scolded fujio as always. They all ordered the food and got lost in talks as usual. Fujio was laughing at something that masaya, when it happened.  When he saw you for the first time , you were still in your uniform skirt and a lose hoodie that made you look even more smaller then you really are . He was mesmerized by your smile,  you and your friends sat on the table just in front of them and he couldn't stop looking at you . "Oii, fujio where are you lo-!" Madoka stopped In the middle as she saw where fujio was looking. Fujio didn't bother to even look at anyone he was too lost in you. All of the others looked at each other as arata got closer to fujio's ears "soo, pretty right ?" Arata whispered and fujio was so shocked that he fell off his chair and just at that time you happen to pass by there table , so you thought that he fell because of you . You immediately gave him your hand as you kept saying sorry . As fujio toke your hand in his , he felt a current all through his body that at the end reached his heart.
-sachio is not someone who falls in love at first sight,  he is a mature guy , he tends to think about everything too much .
- "how much more time is your friend gonna take ,yui" sachio said in annoyance.  "Nobody is stopping you , you can go" sawamura said way more annoyed then sachio "me , go ? And leave you too alone , not happening " "oh God, sachio you are soo annoying just go , dude" "No means no"  " can you two just keep quiet " yui said meddling in between the argument of her brother and boyfriend.  "Oh she is here !" Yui squealed in excitement,  as sachio looked at the direction that was looking his heartbeat suddenly stopped,  you were running towards yui with the most beautiful smile he has ever seen . Sachio suddenly frowned when you suddenly stopped In your track , you were looking at your right,  you started running to the direction you were looking at . Sachio kept watching , you stopped in front of a old woman who was sitting on a wheelchair. The old woman was knitting a sweater but her wool was fallen on the ground and she was unable to reach it , you picked up all the wool from ground and kept it on its original place . And after some days yui was sick of her brother always asking about you .
- I have a very strong believe that Rao will never fall in love at first sight,  he might feel that oh that person is pretty but love ? No.
- you were a part timer at a Cafe near suzuran and Rao faction were regular customers by now you are quite close to then specialy binzo, he thinks that you are super cute and you think the same for him.  When Rao saw you for the first time he just thought that you were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen and whenever your eyes met and you gave him a innocent smile.  You always make him the feelings he never felt but Rao still stopped his heart  because he doesn't know what kind of person you are , you can be a devil with angel smile. Until today , when he entered the cafe with his friends and  they sat on there usual seat . Rao peaked up the menu and pretend like he was looking at the menu when in reality he was just looking at you . You were doing your usual task standing and taking your orders , as you heard the bell ring you looked at the gate . A small boy was standing there looking at you in anticipation you knew what he wanted , you looked around making sure no one was watching you and then you picked up two cupcakes and kept them in a box and gave it to the boy. but you did a mistake , someone saw you and that was Rao but he also did a mistake in hiding,  mercy saw him all the time as he was looking at you with a smile on his face .
That's it , thanks for reading I hope you like it .
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intheticklecloset · 9 months
Hi! For the Peppermint Mocha event, I was wondering if I could possibly request Asahi, Daichi, and Suga (from Haikyuu) and the prompt being that they’re playing a series of winter/holiday themed games and one of them is like, I don’t know if you’ve heard of the game Outburst, but like naming 10 things within a minute or two, and then adding a holiday spin of like, naming 10 Christmas carols or holiday decorations with a distraction (the distraction do be tickles). Totally understand if you don’t want to write this though and sorry I totally rambled lol. Hope you have a good day!
❄️ Peppermint Mocha Special Order ❄️
“Name five holiday movies,” Suga said, reading off the card in his hand before flipping over the timer.
To his left, Daichi dutifully and easily listed five holiday titles before his time was up. Then he drew a card.
It was the Christmas break after they’d graduated from high school, and the three former third-years from Karasuno had managed to find a single day to reunite and catch up and mess around like they used to in all of the chaos of visiting their families and whatnot. They had plans to go to dinner in a short while, but for now they were passing the time playing this game.
“Name five winter activities,” Daichi said to Asahi.
Asahi named three, then struggled with the last two so much that he ran out of time.
“I’m not used to thinking about winter sports,” he whined with a slight chuckle, reaching for a card.
“No one said anything about sports. The card said ‘activities’,” Suga reminded him.
Asahi pouted, then read off his card. “Name five Christmas characters.”
Suga did so, easily. When he reached for his card, he paused. “You know, this is almost too easy.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” Daichi replied.
“Speak for yourself,” Asahi muttered, but he was grinning.
Suga hummed. “Why don’t we add a twist to some of these?”
“Like what?”
“Well, for example…” Suga glanced at the card. “Daichi, name five Christmas carols, and we’ll try to distract you.” Then he flipped the timer.
Daichi started, “Jingle Bells, Silent N-ihihihihihihight?! Whahahahat – hehehehehey!”
Suga grinned, digging into his ribs while watching the timer. “Five seconds!”
“Ahahaha! Uh…G-Good Kihihihihing Wehehehehenceslahahahas – Ahahahahahasahi!” Daichi protested when his other friend started tickling his opposite side. “You guhuhuhuhuhuys!”
“Time’s up!” Suga announced proudly, ceasing his attack.
Daichi let out a few leftover giggles and grumbled, “No fair…”
“Of all the Christmas carols out there, you thought of ‘Good King Wenceslas’?” Asahi asked, dumfounded.
“Not all of us struggle with basic concepts, Asahi,” Daichi teased, reaching for his side in revenge.
“Hehehey! I hahahahaven’t beheheheheen given a prohohohompt!”
But it didn’t matter, because soon Suga was joining in with Daichi, and then he and Asahi turned on Suga, who immediately dissolved into his hyena laughter when they scribbled at his belly.
“Ehehehehehehehe! Stahahahahahahahap!”
Daichi and Asahi exchanged amused glances. “He still has that laugh, huh?”
“Dohohohohohon’t make fuhuhuhuhuhun of mehehehehehe!”
But they weren’t, and Suga knew they weren’t, and soon the room was filled with the sounds of all three of their laughs as they took turns tickling each other just like the old days at Karasuno High.
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vivencyglobal · 1 year
Interactive Displays - Interactive Flat Panels | Vivency Global in Dubai.
Vivency Global  interactive flat panels that revolutionize collaboration and engagement.  Vivency interactive flat panels combine high-definition displays with touch technology,
Interactive flat panels (IFPs) have emerged as game-changers in modern education and corporate environments, revolutionizing the way we collaborate, teach, and present information. These large, touch-enabled displays combine the benefits of traditional whiteboards, projectors, and interactive technology into a single, versatile solution. In this blog, we will delve into the features, advantages, and applications of interactive flat panels, and how they are transforming communication and learning experiences.
Interactive Features:
Interactive flat panels offer a range of interactive features that enhance engagement and collaboration:
a) Touch Capability: IFPs feature touch-sensitive screens, allowing users to interact directly with the display using gestures, touch, or stylus pens. This enables writing, drawing, annotating, and manipulating content with ease.
b) Multi-Touch Functionality: IFPs support multi-touch input, allowing multiple users to interact simultaneously. This promotes collaboration, group activities, and interactive learning experiences.
c) Digital Ink and Annotation: IFPs enable users to write, draw, and annotate directly on the display using digital ink. This feature enhances interactivity, facilitates real-time feedback, and encourages dynamic content creation.
d) Multimedia Integration: IFPs seamlessly integrate with multimedia resources, including videos, images, and interactive educational software. This enables multimedia-rich lessons, engaging presentations, and immersive learning experiences.
Advantages of Interactive Flat Panels:
a) Enhanced Engagement: The interactive nature of IFPs captures attention and encourages active participation, making lessons, presentations, and meetings more engaging. Users can manipulate content, solve problems, and collaborate effectively.
b) Versatility and Ease of Use: IFPs offer a versatile and user-friendly interface, eliminating the need for complex setup or additional equipment. They can be easily integrated into existing workflows and environments, making them accessible to users of all skill levels.
c) Visual and Multimedia Learning: IFPs facilitate visual and multimedia learning experiences. Teachers and presenters can incorporate interactive diagrams, graphs, and multimedia content, enabling students and audiences to visualize complex concepts effectively.
d) Seamless Collaboration: IFPs support real-time collaboration and group work. Multiple users can interact simultaneously, contributing ideas, annotating content, and collaborating on projects, fostering teamwork and creativity.
Applications in Education and Business:
a) Education: Interactive flat panels have transformed classrooms, making lessons more interactive and dynamic. They facilitate collaborative learning, interactive assessments, virtual field trips, and remote education through video conferencing capabilities.
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over-rad-squad · 4 months
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helping with the bakery (Chapter 1)
(Minori Hanasato x Haruka Kiritani)
Today was my mom's business trip and she told my teacher that I'll not be in school for 2 weeks due to me taking her spot
"Okay dear if you need any help call Tsukasa or Toya"
"I will mom don't worry!"
I smile at my mom as she left the store
Most of the customers have known me since my childhood they understand how much I mistake their orders...
As the clock hit 6AM it was time to open the bakery.
Minori started to work at the bakery for a few hours until Haruka Showed up and the customers gasped at her appearance...
"Oh my god it's the Kiritani's daughter who was born as a devil..!"
A customer muttered
"Yeah she looks way more different on Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy that's where she studies"
A student of Kamiyama spoke as well
Of course... people recognized me by being Gothic and creepy of course
"Who owns this place"
I demanded the people in the bakery
"I-Its the Hanasatos Miss!"
My expression changed to a shock
Hanasato?, isn't that Minori's last name?
I noticed that Minori was covered in flour and dough and she looked cute wait Cute?! Snap out of it Haruka you're not here to flirt!
"Ah Minori!"
I smiled at Haruka
"...hehe um this is um unexpected!"
"No worries Minori I never knew you would work here"
I noticed that Haruka looks so pretty with the style Gothic
"Say do you want to help me?"
Haruka gave me a shock expression for a few seconds as she nodded
"Of course Minori I'll help"
"Great Follow me to the back!"
I made Haruka follow me to the back aka the kitchen so we can make the pastries together!
And I heard the bell ring and it was Toya and Tsukasa!
They came to help me with the customers as they wore the aprons
Of course they were part timers in the bakery
I looked at Haruka she was looking at Toya
"What Is it Haruka-Chan?"
"Well...That Boy Does he work here?"
"Oh he's a Daily Part time worker I mean he's my friend after all!"
I looked at Haruka with a confused Look on my face
"A Friend of mine is always talking about that boy And Kamishiro The same thing as well"
"I see Do they know them?"
"Oh Shinonome and Kamishiro?,yeah they both do know them"
"Hehe No worries Haruka-Chan!"
I see why Minori always smiles and she's....Adorable when she smiles
Wait wait Adorable?!,No way! She's just a friend just like that....
And we both turn around to see Shiho Kohane along side with Mizuki and Ena
Minori Ran towards them and gave them a hug
"Minori-chan heh your happy to see us huh?"
Kohane smiled softly at Minori And Shiho Smiled at Both of them
"Yep Totally I missed you two So much!,how's your shows going?"
"Like the usual Airi and Kanade Are doing pretty good if you ask me"
Shiho rubbed behind her neck as we both looked at Kohane
"Well...Emu & Mizuki and Saki are doing pretty neat—!"
"Hey I'm here you know!"
Mizuki comes in to the conversation
"I never Knew Toya-kun and Tsukasa-senpai Work here"
"Oh they are just part time workers here of course"
Minori Blushed out of embarrassment
As she giggled it off
Ena also came into the conversation
"Hey you're the girl who shows up on TV are you the leader of the Pegasus Exploration Team?"
Minori Beamed as she got recognized by someone
"Yeah I am! I'm Minori Hanasato nice to meet you!"
"Ena Shinonome a member of Food Hunt in the Primitive Forest"
"Woah you're amazing Ena-san!"
Minori and her friends started to get along very well...
I wonder if we could hangout as A Friend group...
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sketchy-rosewitch · 1 year
Lonely for too Long: Bo Sinclair x amab!reader
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Part 2/2
Part 1: Somethin’ Stupid
Warnings: Homophobic parents (mentioned), use of F slur casually, sex, blowjob, cum play?, anal.
A/N: I don’t know why I got gender envy from whoever I was imagining as the reader but I was so yeah 🤭🤭
The sun began to set as you made your way into Ambrose. The town had lots of cars still in it and you could hear some people chattering in a distance. All of that surprised you, could’ve sworn people left when the sugar mill shut down. At least that’s what your parents told you during college graduation. You knew Bo and his brothers would still be here, especially if Bo stopped contacting you all together, giving zero updates on his life.
Your car stops at the old gas station and your feet his the pavement.
It’s been 16 years. Bo and you stopped sending letters after 4 years and a year after that you two stopped calling. You had asked your parents, who at the time still lived in Ambrose, if Bo was alright. They’d update you but after the Sugar Mill shut down they left, leaving you not knowing what Bo or even his brothers were doing.
A bell dings against the glass door when you open it. “Hello?!” You shout, peaking your head in, you decide to just walk in. Boot’s tap from down below, getting louder and louder until you see a man in a mechanics uniform. You smile.
“Hey Bo.”
Your heart swells like it did when you were teens. He walks up to you carefully, as if you’re a bird who’ll flee if he approaches too fast.
He touches your face, his hands dry and rubbery. Sad blue eyes meet yours. “The hell are ya doin’ here?”
“I promised I’d come back didn’t I?”
You cover Bo’s hands with yours, his face is thinking. The crinkle between his brows gives it away. Bo lets out a huge laugh, his head flying back.
“Yeah I guess you did..”
Bo let’s go of your face and smacks your back like he did when you two would walk together during school. “I’m gonna close up. You can head up to the house and I’ll meet you there.”
The house was messy when you came in, books and papers scattered everywhere, the dishes weren’t done in the sink, and ash seemed to have missed the tray as it was on the end table by the couch. You sigh disappointed Bo never dropped the habit.
He was at the house moments later.
“Sorry ‘bout the mess… I uh would’ve cleaned if I knew you’d be here. I’m gonna go change. We don’t have much to eat I’ll make us some pizza though. Some beers in the fridge.. Do you drink? Sorry just assumed-“
“Yeah.” You laugh. “I can get the pizza started and I’ll pull out some for us. Go change.” You snort and nod your head towards the stairs. He nods awkwardly then turns, starting to unbutton his mechanic’s shirt and walk up the stairs. You go into the kitchen and pull out the beers and a frozen pizza, turn on the oven and go find the bottle opener. Luckily the drawers are still decent, silverware where the silverware should be, kitchen utensils either in a drawer or in the large jar Mrs. Sinclair used to use to hold them. You find the bottle opener with a bunch of clutter, notepads, pencils, pens, scissors.
The oven beeps by the time you actually grab it and you make your way over to put the pizza in the oven. You set the timer then go to sit in a chair to open the beers.
Bo comes in minutes later, his hair looks tidy, he wears a white t-shirt and plaid pajama pants you’re sure were given to him years ago for Christmas.
He sits in the kitchen chair across the table and takes his beer sipping it.
“How’s work-” Bo pauses for a second as if he’s unsure of himself. “Been?” His voice goes higher.
Your body freezes, you let out an awkward laugh. “It was good for awhile. Had a lot of benefits and met a lot of people… I uh- got laid off a couple of months ago. Everyone from the team I was on moved and looked for a different job. We never contacted each other or shit so. I kinda went through a midlife crisis, sold my house, went to do a couple of ‘adventurous’ things and then decided to come here for a job. I knew they wouldn’t have anything computer sciencey here but I didn’t know what else to do.”
Bo purses his lips and nods. “Your parents doin’ alright?” He asks, trying to change the subject.
“I assume so. They’re probably pissed their son ended up a faggot but it’s okay cause they have other kids that won’t disappoint them.” Your heart aches but you shrug nonchalantly, messing with the condensation on your bottle.
“How’d they find out?” Bo asks, his tone seems more aggressive, like he’s jealous but you shake it off, not wanting to read too much into it.
“Well you know how in high school I’d sleep with a girl every other week?” You joke. Bo snorts and rolls his eyes. “Yeah no, I told them I hadn’t found any girl at work or anywhere that peeked my interest. Then I told them they probably won’t get a daughter-in-law and they freaked out. I never actually said I liked men. They kinda just assumed it, I guess cause I never dated anyone. I mean I do like men and I know, I wouldn’t be happy being with a woman for the rest of my life but still. Then they told me not to contact them anymore. So I haven’t.”
“So no wife or kids?”
You scoff. “Yeah if that’s what you got out of the conversation then yes no wife or kids.“ You then roll your eyes and smile playfully. The timer goes off on the pizza and you both get up at the same time.
“I can get it.” Bo says. You nod and sit back down.
“So what about you, Mr. Sinclair. No Mrs, No Jr?” You ask looking at him, then lifting your bottle to sip your drink. He shakes his head.
“No.” He laughs. “No, No wife or kids either. Had a few girlfriends, if you could call them that. But that’s it.”
The oven door slams shut, he grabs the pizza cutter to slice the pizza.
“Mmm, I always saw you with a wife. Thought when we stopped talking that’s what happened.”
Bo walks back over and sets your plate, then his down. “Things just happened. Ma kicked the bucket around that time. Your parents used to ask me how I was. I’d say fine. Then everyone left after the sugar mill shut down.”
You I furrow your brows.
“What’re all those cars doing out there then?”
“Got them from the junkyard. Makes the place feel more alive.” Bo shrugs, he takes a bite of his pizza. You nod and eat yours too.
“How’re Vincent and Lester?”
“Lester moved a few miles from here. He visits every week or so and Vincent is here. He’s just busy with his art. I’m guessin’ you plan on stayin’ for a minute. You’ll probably see him tomorrow at some point.” Bo shrugs. “Gets caught up in his work, but we all do.”
You nod in agreement. Bo and you finish and he takes your plate, setting it in the already filled sink. You watch as he shrugs to himself, again putting off cleaning them.
“Can sit on the porch for a bit?” Bo points towards the back door, you grab your beer and follow after him. Bo flicks on the porch light and you two sit on a bench listening to the crickets. He pulls out a pack of smokes and lights one.
“Didn’t break the habit I see.”
You watch as he blows smoke into the air. He shakes his head. “Nah, I tried for a week a few years back. Was back to it the next Sunday at midnight.”
“Guess now you don’t gotta hide it from your parents.” You elbow him playfully. His nose crinkles along with his eyes, showing his crows feet. You can’t help but stare at him, watching as his lips go around the cigarette and how he drags it.
You remember when he made you take a drag of one of his cigarettes and you were stuck in a horrible coughing fit. He never let you try it again.
You let out a small gasp and look away, instead looking at the tree line and stars above it. “Yeah?”
“Nothin’.. you were just starin’.” His arm goes around the back of the bench. You tense up but try and relax again. You take a swig of your beer, set it down on the concrete, then look at Bo. A stroke of confidence paints you. You reach up and turn his head towards you.
“Promise you don’t gotta wife.”
Bo licks him lips and looks into your eyes and at your lips. “I promise.”
“Good cause I don’t wanna be no homewrecker.”
Bo lets a small snort escape his nose. You smile and lean in, tasting the tobacco on his lips. He drops he cigarette on the concrete porch and stomps on it to let it out, then takes both of his hands and cups your face.
You pull away and smile. His thumb traces your bottom lip.
God love live that stupid nickname. All that it took was you wearing a different blue shirt everyday for him to come up with it.
“I missed you so much. Please stay.”
“Okay.” You smile, Bo leans in again and kisses your lips, this time sliding his tongue across your bottom lip. You open your mouth and take his t-shirt in your hands, groaning as you two okay with your tongues.
Bo grabs the back of your head with one hand and holds your thigh with the other. He kisses lightly but sloppily down your cheek and your neck. You feel as his hand sneaks into your jeans, you push him back playfully. “Not out here jackass.” You say. Bo is panting, his cheeks a bright red, he wastes zero time and grabs your hand pulling you through the house, up the stairs and to his bedroom.
You pull your shirt off and undo your jeans, yanking them down. Bo’s hands are on you again, touching and feeling every part of your body. You take his white t-shirt off and the old pajama pants. Bo pushes you onto his bed and kisses your chest, moving down until he hits your happy trail. He groans at the sight of it.
Bo kisses it and pulls off your boxers. Bo licks up your shaft before taking it in his mouth. Your cock twitches as you feel his tongue licking around the head. “Shit Bo.” You mumble. He starts bobbing his head up and down, spit drooling out of his mouth You run your hands through his hair and grip onto it when he plays with your balls. Your back arches and you let out somewhere between a moan and a squeal, having never felt this before.
You’d never even had sex before.
“Shit, don’t stop. Mouth feels good. It’s so good..” You babble. Your hips thrust up into his mouth, he gags at his but you don’t apologize, you wanna do it over and over again.
Your cock twitches. You groan feeling your orgasm pooling in you. “I’m-“ you groan, spurting into Bo’s mouth. His mouth comes off of your cock with a ‘pop’. Some of your cum leaks onto his chin. You sit up and kiss Bo, licking your cum off his face.
“Thought you said you only had girlfriends?” You raise a brow playfully.
He sits next to you and goes through his bedside table shrugging. “Girlfriends, boyfriends, one night stands, all different bodies. Didn’t wanna make a big deal or whatever so I ‘summarized’.” Bo has a bottle of lube in his hand when he does the air quotes. He shuts the drawer a turns around.
“Not one of them could ever beat you though. I’ll tell you that.”
You laugh. “We haven’t even had actual sex yet.”
“I ain’t just talkin’ about sex dumbass. I couldn’t talk to them how I talk to you. I wasn’t afraid of bein’ with you no matter if we got caught or not. Wasn’t afraid to cry or be happy. You’re everything to me Blue.” Bo explains. He furrows his brows. “Now enough sappy shit. I wanna fuck you.”
Bo kisses you again, he manhandles you so your legs are spread facing the headboard. You lay back again and watch as he squirts lube on his middle finger, he plays with your hole, spreading the lube around it, then prodding and pushing his finger in. You moan. “Relax for me.”
You nod your head and do just that, he thrusts his finger in a few times then pulls out, adding more lube and going in with two fingers. Your back arches.
“Fuck Bo!”
Your eyes roll back. He huffs.
“Told you to relax.”
“Shut up! I’ve never had sex with a man before asshole.” You groan, absolutely flustered. You feel his fingers loosening you up and relax unto him. He fingers you until your cock twitches and you let out a high pitched moan.
“Shit! Do that again.” You start to drool, he chuckles and curls his fingers again, they hit your prostate and you groan. Bo then slowly slides his fingers out, and you watch as he puts lube on his cock. The cool gel hid your hole again and he lifts your legs, positioning his cock towards your hole.
“I really need you to relax for me baby.”
Your chest flutters at the pet name and you nod. He leans over you and kisses your cheek before sliding slowly in you. Your mouth opens, it hurts yet feels so good as he stretches you.
You grip onto his hair and attempt to relax into his touch.
“Fuck, fuck, ah. Fuck me.” You groan, eyes squeezing shut.
“That’s what I’m tryin’ to do.”
Your eyes open and you laugh softly. “Shut up.”
Bo slowly pulls back out before slamming into you. You cry out, he starts thrusting roughly into your ass. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him just as rough as his pace. Biting his lip, he lets out groans of his own. He opens his mouth wider and you shove your tongue in, playing with his.
Bo groans and grips your waist feeling up and down your body. His hands rough and dry. He lets go and angles you up more. “Bo, Jesus fuck. Fuck!” You pant as yours and his mixed spit comes down your face. He hits your prostate over and over again causing your cock to twitch.
“You like that? Huh?” He teases, you nod. “Say it, say how much you love my cock in your ass.”
Your tongue falls out of your mouth and you roll your eyes up into your head. You bite your lip. “I love your cock on my ass Bo. It feels so good.”
Bo quickens his pace making a knot form in your stomach. It tightens and tightens as he pounds into your prostate.
“Gonna cum Bo. Fuck..”
Bo smirks and uses one of his hands to touch your cock, making you cum instantly. Your body twitches, cum spurts all over you and him. You let out a loud groan, thrusting your hips in the air.
Bo keeps going, moving you back so your whole body is on the bed. You’re sensitive and whine as he finishes in you.
Bo pulls out slowly and cum leaks out of your ass. He sits up and grabs your arm hauling you onto him.
You kiss up his chest and move his chin down with your thumb to kiss his lips.
When you two part you end up looking into his eyes. You smile lazily at him and begin to close your eyes.
“So happy to see you again.”
“I am too. Now we can complete that dream of yours.”
You nod your head, not even realizing what Bo exactly meant. But Bo knew. You, Bo, Vincent, and (sometimes) Lester, living in the middle of nowhere. Where no one has to know about your relationship.
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Description: he knew of you, can he make the leap to actually KNOW you?
Warning: absolute awkwardness, if I’ve missed anything please let me know!
Adorning the regular band T-shirt and Jean jacket combo, hair swaying with every step no matter how tightly you tied it. Arm clasping notepads, pages peaking through the cracks between it. You’re an explosion of colour in an otherwise grayscale world that is Hawkin’s High.
Guitar pick necklace clasped between teeth, eyebrows furrowed he watches on. It’s almost routine, he gets in 5 minutes before class and makes himself late watching you put various things in your locker, turning your head to listen to what Cindy (or whatever the hell her name is) says, always scoffing a laugh with a half smile. A nod exchanged and you’re on your way.
With two heaved big breaths, he shakes his head slightly and takes a step towards you-
“Eddie, listen, my mom said the campaigns go on too late on school grounds, she’s wanting to meet you before we move it to my pla- hello?” Dustin’s head pokes through his trance, his voice carrying so loudly through the halls, curly hair disarray with the horror of moving Hellfire. Eddie’s eyes stay trained on you as he jumps back, concentration and bravery lost
“Jesus Christ Henderson, you should come with a frickin bell or something” hand now against his chest, eyes moving to the curly culprit in shocked annoyance.
“That’s fine whatever, tell Mrs H I’ll come later tonight to meet her, like 8 or something. Look dude, I really have to go” hand moving to clasp the younger boy’s shoulder as he makes his move to saunter off, eyes once again searching for you only to find your eyes trained on him. Lifting your hand slightly, other arm still clasping stationery; he is finally on the receiving end of that half smile he’s engrained in his mind. Giving no time to respond, reciprocate, anything you turn on your way to class.
“Dude you’ve got it bad” Dustin laughs, now putting his hand on the others shoulder.
“Henderson, I promise you, if you do not let go of me I will kill you in the first 10 minutes of the next campaign”
It’s a new day, sun shining, Eddie in his regular watching place, trying to work up the nerve once again. He looks both ways in the hallway, no sign of his freshman sheep, and he saunters forward to your locker. Trying to muster up as much confidence as he can, he leans on the adjacent locker, arms crossed and head turned towards you.
“Hey, come here often?” Is what he decided on was a good conversation starter, eyes trained on you in faux arrogance. Your head lifts from your door to his eyes, eyebrow raised and small smile being bitten down by teeth. “To school?” You drawl, eyes inquisitively surveying the entirety of his face, smile breaking through.
“Only 5 times a week, nothing major, do you? Come here often?” Sarcasm dripping from every word, Eddie’s hands profusely sweating, wanting the hallway to turn into a black hole to pull him into. Smirk fixed on him, arms crossed you wait. “Oh not nearly as much as you’d think, I’d like to think I’m part time” he says, smirk of his own displayed on his face.
With eyes scrunching and small smiles, you close your locker, hand lingering on the metal. “Well, maybe I’ll see you next time you’re in, come and find me with all the full-timers” with a small wink and a “see you, Eddie” you left. And Eddie Munson all but imagined the white picket fence life he could have with you.
“Two days in a row? You switch shifts with someone part timer?” The voice carried, he turned to find the ponytail still swaying as she stood still, almost a mirage because no fucking way did you just speak to him first.
“Well what can I say? Someone told me to come find them, can’t do that with limited hours” he threw a wink of his own, sloppy of course, and smiled.
“That I did, now you’ve found me, what did you want to talk about? Share war stories, paint each others nails, or listen to…… don’t tell me” you said, eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration thinking of his music taste, eyes darting to the rings on his fingers, the patch on his jacket, his unruly hair “it’s David Bowie isn’t it, or Elton John; wait no hold on” her sarcasm oozing from every sentence “nope, definitely Hall & Oates” sly smiles exchanged between the two.
“You caught me, massive Hall & Oates fan, what gave it away? Had to have been my very conservative outfit, or maybe my letterman?” His fringe cascading into his eyes, eyes bright with mischief. God he was fucking beautiful.
“None of the above, it was your overflowing team spirit that made me think that this guy-“ finger pointed at his chest “-must be some preppy die-hard” you turned your head to stop him seeing the grin on your face. You sported the usual get up, band T-Shirt and Jean jacket, the band in question? Mötley Crue of course. He knew he wouldn’t offend you with what he was about to say next. “I’d rather dry myself with sandpaper than carry on with the thought I’d ever listen to them” you laughed outwardly, the sound carrying all throughout the hall, hand placed on his chest as your head was thrown back.
“Not to worry, I get it, genocidal behaviour at its finest. I know what you listen to, you’re looking Very Ozzie these days, you hear he bit a bat on stage, that shit was metal!” You started gushing, and Eddie knew then he was in love. Exchanging theories, song recommendations it ended with an invitation to Hellfire. You of course accepted, and bid goodbyes to the boy with all the confidence and no game, ready to see how it’ll play out.
You’re sat at the Hellfire table, the only person missing is Eddie, surrounded by Freshman and his friends the table was silent.
You looked up to find them all staring at you, so you stared back.
“Um, hello?” You said, eyes flitting from one face to another confused by their really obvious shock.
“Hi yes, Dustin Henderson, freshman I’ve seen you around before blah blah blah, why are you here?” The curly one said, blunt as a gunshot. Jesus Christ
“Eddie invited me, is he coming by the way? Or is it just going to be the 7 of us in silence and having really awkward staring contests?” You shot, the curly one Dustin’s eyes never left yours, slightly taken aback by your honesty expecting you to be a meek little thing.
“Sorry it’s just I’m pretty sure a girl has never been in this room, like I’d bet all the money I have if I didn’t only have 17 cents” he explained, and it made sense, you knew this wasn’t exactly the dating hub of the school.
“I’m pretty sure you’re right about that, if you make a habit of staring at girls though can’t say I’m surprised” smirk played on your face, hoping they’ll like your sarcasm and be able to read it
“Was that sarcasm, is she being sarcastic?” He immediately said, that answered that question.
“It’s alright, I’ll leave you guys to it, just tell Eddie I’ll see him around another time. It was….. weird to meet all of you” and with a two fingered salute you left.
Eddie had been running late, he sped home after school to shower, not wanting you to sit next to him smelling like day old gym socks, and raced back hoping it wouldn’t of been too long. He jogged through the hallway to open the Hellfire door, and all the faces that turned looked horrified and embarrassed.
“Heeeey guys, sorry I’m late, why’re you being weird?” He drawled, noticing your empty seat, disappointment shot through him instantly.
“There was a girl here, I like her she’s funny” Dustin said. “Dude, all she did was insult you and call us weird” Lucas piped up, eddies eyebrows shot forward on his forehead wondering how the lovely girl he’d met had turned into apparently someone who makes fun of his friends just like everyone else.
“Okay, what did you do?” His eyes darting across all of their faces, waiting for one of them to crack, he startled at the person sweating the most.. Mike Wheeler. He stared into the poor boys soul until he coughed and blurted “Well, we didn’t do anything, it was silent for about 15 minutes and we were confused as to why there was a girl here there’s never a girl here, we just kinda..” he trailed off, “Mike” the warning came out of Eddie’s mouth before he could stop it. And with a big huff came “we stared at her, but not in a- no it was creepy but come on, a warning a girl was gonna be here would be nice, we’re children!” He exasperated, arms flailing in the wind.
“Jesus Christ, no wonder she thought you were creepy, when she leave?” Hand scrubbed down his face stopping at his chin he found out you’d just left, about 2 minutes before he arrived so he could still catch up to you knowing you didn’t drive.
“Right Hellfire cancelled, pick up a book on etiquette or some shit in your free time” and off he went.
The walk wasn’t too bad, in the time since you left the room you’d started to feel guilty on how you spoke to the boys. Absolute children, they couldn’t help being flustered, even if it did border on the grounds of a restraining order. The silence was broken by a car door opening and slamming, then hurried feet in your direction. As you listened in behind you, your back straightening and body stiff, your fist ready to throw a punch if needed.
A hand landed on your shoulder to turn you around, with all the strength and fear in your body you twisted and drove your fist into the persons nose.
“Shitting Christ!” You heard muffled through wavering hands and locks of hair. Eyes coming up to meet the face of your attacker. Eddie Munson.
“Jesus Eddie, I’m sorry, fuck, um maybe don’t run up to girls walking alone yeah?” Panic lacing your tone, hands coming to tear his away from his nose twisting his head in all different directions. No blood, just pain. You could deal with that.
“Fuck I’m so sorry!” You kept repeating over and over until you were certain it reached his ears. With a shake of the head he just laughed.
“Between you and me, can we just right this off? Like start again from this morning, because then I wouldn’t have to explain why you’re being stared at by 13 year olds, why I was late and won’t have to remember you punching me in the nose” hands still cradling the bridge of it, eyes reaching yours in hope that he hadn’t just messed up all the chances he could’ve had, that the moment he’s been dreaming of since the start of the year hasn’t just fallen apart right in front of him.
With a laugh of your own, your eyes travel to his with a sweet smile.
“Yeah that sounds good, but are you sure you want to relive the Hall & Oates theory again?”
And with a bump of the shoulder, you both started walking home. His van forgotten about, just the thought of new beginnings and NOT bruised noses.
That’s a wrap on the first Eddie Imagine. This was fun, I’m not used to writing proper stories that aren’t already established relationships.
I hope you like it, lemme know the good bad and the ugly!
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Sweet Honey Bee
Fandom: DC Comics, Flashfam
Summary: Bart tries to uncover the seemingly sinister deeds going on at the campus while visiting Thad's art school.
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Thad Thawne, Bart Allen, Meloni Thawne, Don Allen, President Thawne
Additional Tags: Bart and Thad Smoke Weed in This, Ballet AU, No Powers AU, Dark Academia, Boarding School AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Identity Swap, Protective Siblings, Family Bonding
Chapter Two: Waxing Poetic
Thad hyperventilated as he dropped into the ice bath. His muscles ached, and his hands shook as he reached over and pulled a lighter from his bag. Thad pulled a plastic baggie of blunts underneath his clothes and lit one between his lips. He shut his eyes, taking a puff and indulging in the taste of rosemary and mint. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and sweat dripped down his brow. Running one hand through his hair, he used the other to tap the ashes away, and a sob escaped his lips. “Oh god,” Thad wept. He allowed himself the luxury of a few tears before he finished smoking his blunt, and his timer went off. Thad fully submerged himself, got out of the ice water, and wrapped up in a towel. He composed himself and changed into a pair of cutoff sweatpants and a thermal. His hair was limp and dripping wet as he contemplated smoking one more blunt to keep his nerves in check.
The bell rang for dinnertime, and Thad picked up his belongings, stashing everything away methodically before rushing toward the mess hall. A boy from his class bumped into him. “Deus, we missed you in the physical therapy office,” he whispered.
“My family’s here for the weekend. I’ll be there on Monday,” Thad answered. The boy nodded seriously and stepped out of the way, allowing Thad to enter the mess hall where his family stood waiting. “I thought that girl was gonna throw a serious fit,” Bart chuckled, “You shoulda seen her face, Teej.”
“She already hates my guts. Tell me you didn’t play into it,” Thad whispered.
“Your hair’s soaked,” Bart noted as he took one strand of Thad’s limp hair. It’d already started to curl again. Thad recoiled. He didn’t want Bart to get too close and notice something wrong. “You okay?”
“Mhm… Starving. Aren’t you?” Thad asked. The truth was, he couldn’t muster an appetite most days after rehearsal. He was too tired to do anything other than sleep. Smoking helped. They got in line, and Thad wavered as the high kicked in. He shut his eyes and breathed through his nose. Bart piled his plate, watching his brother from the corner of his eye as their parents and grandparents tried to maintain civil silence.
Thad opened his eyes and pressed his palms against his eyelids. “Feeling alright, Sparky?” Don questioned. Thad nodded.
“Yeah… Tired, but I’m so happy you guys are here,” Thad replied as he ate his vegetables. “Mew? Do you have a sauce packet?” Bart dug into his pocket and gave Thad three chili sauces.
“Sunshine,” Meloni whispered.
“I knew somebody would forget,” Bart replied, “And I didn’t even take that many.”
Meloni rubbed Thad’s back, and he took a breath. “This isn’t too much pressure, is it?” Meloni asked. “I know you want to make everyone proud, but we’re already so proud of you.” Meloni kissed his forehead.
Thad set his fork down and hid his face in his hands. “I’m okay… I—. Thank you,” Thad whispered. He didn’t want to cry in front of them. He never cried in front of anyone except their aunt, and she wasn’t there.
“Hey, Sparky… We’re here for you, and we’re so happy to see you,” Don whispered, “Isn’t that right, Mr. Thawne?”
“TJ, you’ve surpassed all expectations, and you should be proud of yourself,” Mr. Thawne replied. Don smiled.
“Thank you, Grandpa Teddy,” Thad whispered, “Thanks, Mom and Dad.”
“That was super nice, Mr. Thawne,” Don smiled. Mr. Thawne nodded.
"Teej," Bart whispered, and they made eye contact. Bart locked in, and Thad nodded. "Yeah?"
Thad knew what Bart meant. He planned on sneaking out to visit him after lights out. They always slept in the same room after being apart. That, and he knew Bart could tell he was high. "Uh-huh," Thad nodded.
He shut his eyes and woke up in his bedroom, holding a blunt while Bart rambled on. "Earth to TJ," Bart replied as he took a hit.
"What's wrong with me?" Thad mumbled.
"We're like two and a half joints in… Want me to kill this one?" Bart asked. Thad nodded. "Why don't you tell Mom and Dad this is too much? I understand why you didn't say anything in front of Grandpa Teddy at dinner—."
"We can truly love only with suffering and through suffering. We know not how to love otherwise. We know no other love. I want suffering in order to love. I want and thirst this very minute to kiss, with tears streaming down my cheeks, this one and only I have left behind. I don't want and won't accept any other," Thad quoted. Bart took the blunt from him and chuckled awkwardly. "That's Fyodor Dostoevsky… Why are you laughing?"
"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love," Bart replied, "Carl Sagan… Now that's love." Bart took another hit and coughed. "Do you know no one will ever love us as much as we love each other? We were born holding hands, slipping beautifully out of the void of nonexistence into existence together. No one will know you like me. And no one will know me like you. We have every reason to hate each other, knowing all the other's flaws, but we love each other. Don't we, Teej?" Thad laid his head on Bart's lap.
"We smoked too much," Thad whispered, "But, yeah… I love you so much."
Bart tossed the roach in a plastic baggie. "Where's your roommate?" Bart asked.
"He's in the wellness center," Thad answered, "He has the flu."
Bart made a soft noise. "I'm ready to turn in." Thad moved over.
"Sleep right here this time? I'm scared," Thad mumbled as he shut his eyes. Bart turned out the lights and rolled onto his side.
"I know... I could feel it," Bart whispered, "When you're ready to tell me why, I'll be here." Thad didn't speak any further.
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