#Digital School Bell System
vivencyglobal · 1 month
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rrcenic · 1 year
we need to talk about adhd more because when i mention adhd making my life difficult i get hit with the “oh but everyone has a little bit of adhd” or “you’re just strange/a teenager”
when in reality no. no, i get so excited and joyous about fictional characters that i physically cannot stop moving. no, i make small eepy noises and don’t know how to control the urge. no, i get so attached to people that i want to tell them everything and have no sense of boundaries or limits. no, i care so deeply about my special interests that a fucking fanfic can leave me exhausted and crying. no, i can’t remember which side of the plate the fork goes on or the number you told me to keep in my brain 3 minutes ago, but i can remember the song that was playing in target last month or what color jack merridews eyes are (peircing blue, according to the book). i don’t know what time the bell rings in the school system i’ve been part of for three years. i seek stimulation and then get overstimulated and break down. i dread taking the trash to the street not because of the act, but because i have to walk over gravel and i’ve convinced myself it’s not worth it to put on shoes. i can do math three years above my level but everyone thinks i’m stupid because i can’t add two digit numbers in my head.
i’m all for normalizing mental struggles but it feels like adhd has been so normalized that no one makes room to talk about how much it affects people. we’re so often told that adhd does not affect our everyday life when it can and does and needs to be discussed
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futurebird · 7 months
The Overdue Man
Have you ever had an uncanny or possibly paranormal experience?
I have.
It happened when I was in undergrad, I had a work-study in the Archivists Office in the rare books section of the library. The library is a classic modern building from the 50s, once ahead of its time, now well behind. The computer system was similar, my college being one of the first to adopt a digital library catalog in the late 60s
So, as you can see, this is, in part, a story of a haunted computer terminal.
I had returned early from spring break to pack in some extra hours in the library so I could avoid working during exams week. The campus was lovely in spring, dogwood trees shed pink petals on the quad, tulips tossed & bobbed sudden short thunderstorms. I got lost in my work on the solid library terminal with it's chunky keyboard & blue-green matrix screen.
My desk was under a little sky light in a hidden corner of the 5th floor. That's how I noticed the light changing.
The library was a modernist building, as I mentioned, and many people called it "ugly" I think simply because it was modern. Secretly it was one of my favorite buildings on the campus. Because, although built with clean minimalist lines, it was made with care. The architect clearly cared about light. During the day, the building hardly used any electric lights at all.
So, I was alarmed when the sky suddenly darkened so drastically that the runners came on. But, this was spring and I looked up expecting the thunder and another violent little thunder storm.
Gazing up through the skylight told me little. The window was frosted, and I could only see a steel gray haze. The green blue glow of the old computer lit my keyboard and I endeavored to keep working.
Before I could apply myself to my task the light shifted again. This time growing brighter... golden. The runners switched off. The air grew still. The library was empty.
The light from the skylight and from every window was a lustrous pink-gold, a sunset color although it was only early afternoon. The effect was beautiful, dust motes played near the stair well.
The bell at the front desk around the corner rang. Strange. I didn't hear anyone enter.
My main duty was cataloging, but if the head archivist was out I was tasked with lending out rare books in his place. I went around to see who it was.
The light was much more dramatic in the rare books library lobby where there were more skylights & windows, the whole space was bathed in that peach-toned light. And there, by the bell, stood a young man. Smartly dressed. Too smartly dressed.
In fact, a large part of the "paranormal" nature of this experience will require you to trust my (even then) finally tuned sense of fashion.
He had on tweed pants and a sweater, leather shoes and a button down shirt. All of his clothes were out of time. His sweater, to take one item, was a campy letterman affair in school colors. Hand knit. It was the kind of plain sweater that no one would bother to hand knit. It was hand knit self-consciously because whoever bought it couldn't afford store-bought and aimed to approximate the mass produced look as best they could. In short, it was very old.
But, it was also brand new.
The same was true of his plain, white shirt. I could see less than perfect hand stitching on the collar. Who, today would sew a white button-down shirt by hand?
Under his arm he held a notebook, and even it struck me as all wrong for the date of our existence. It was a composition book the likes of which I have never seen except in archives, the black and white dapple pattern was made by splattering ... not printing.
His outfit, though very plain, had that effect of a costume. I took all this in and decided he was from the drama department.
Not everyone could check out rare books. We had our own system, hence the computer in the basement and the beautiful, clunky terminals. I asked for his ID. That's when things got even more strange.
His ID was *laminated* and contained a *real photograph*! His name inscribed by typewriter. His student ID? In pen! I started to have my doubts about my theory that he was from drama. Maybe this was an elaborate book heist!
I tuned over the ID frowning with doubt. "This isn't-" "I'm a grad student." He explained quickly. "Have been for a long time. I know that photo is old..."
The photo didn't look old to me at all. Though, perhaps it was that strange light, concealing and repainting things, for as much as I'd noticed his clothing, I took more notice now of the man himself. He had an uncanny ageless quality. I could not have said if he were 25 or 45... or perhaps even older.
I peered at the photograph on the ID comparing it to the man. They were clearly the same. The clothing in the photo looked just as anachronistic. Even the background of the photo felt like something from a forgotten decade, a pull-down painted backdrop of the college rotunda. His photo beamed at me, and so did the man himself.
Some of the faculty had such ancient IDs. So, I decided to search him up in the system. I tried his last name, which was short an unusual. No luck. I tried his ID--
When I entered his student ID the terminal flashed. The screen inverting for a moment. I gave it wack, as I'd seen the head archivist do, and this seemed to clear it up... but the record I was now viewing was curious and incomplete.
His name had been entered in the wrong field, which is why the search failed. His first name was just an initial. I attempted to correct this but the system wouldn't accept my changes.
I scanned the book. And handed it over to him. He smiled, thanked me, and it seemed very sincere. Whatever else he was, whoever or wherever (whenever) he'd come from he seemed like a nice person, at least.
I watched him leave, and then leaned over to the window hoping to see him go out through the main exit on ground level below.
But he never came out. Instead the golden light began to rapidly fade. The library returned to normal... the charm that hovered over the place was gone.
Maybe he was just a quirky grad student with a thing for vintage clothing construction, a very old ID, uncanny ageless looks, and great timing with lighting. (and he could have left the library via the tunnels. )
I tried to look at his record in the system again, and NOBODY could edit it. Not even the head archivist. It kept changing itself back. Edits wouldn't stick. To this day, I can't shake the feeling that something more was going on.
I never saw him again.
If you are wondering, the book was "Physics and applications of secondary electron emission"
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shsl-box-worshipper · 3 months
A Lesson on Dragons
(A ficlet from The Dragons of Lyoko AU, where Code Lyoko takes place in a modern version of the setting of HTTYD.) Masterpost Coming Soon
It was cold September morning in the year 2001 when the final bell of Kadic Academy rang shrill against the sluggish morning atmosphere.
School had only begun a few days, yet its exhaustion already sank its teeth into the children.
And no place where this exhaustion was more apparent than Ms. Hertz's biology class. Children were either starting mischief, sleeping at their lab counters, or not even present.
However, the exhaustive atmosphere came to a screeching halt with the slam of the front door and the appearance of the woman herself.
"Now, children, turn to the front and keep quiet while I call for attendance."
A stern, strict woman with graying hair, a lab coat, and glasses marched her way to her desk as the class silently watched with bated breath.
Ms. Hertz wasn't the greatest teacher, but she did a good damn job of it. She always dedicated herself to making sure her little prodigies had their heads overflowing with knowledge by the time she was done with them.
And, as she quickly finished attendance, today was no exception to that rule.
"Now, turn to page 227 in your animal biology textbooks while I set up today's lesson."
The lesson she had for this particular day required more of a digital presentation than most of her lessons did. But then again, this week's unit is going to be dedicated to a highly complex order of animals. It was important she be as clear and as concise as possible.
So, while her students flipped to the respective page, she went around the room to close the curtains, roll up the projector, and insert the reel she was going to use.
And then, she flicked off the lights, bathing the classroom in darkness. At first, the children had no idea what was going on, even calling out in fear in some cases. Then, she turned on the projector.
Suddenly, a beam of light shot across the class, pointing directly at the white screen she used for her presentations. On that screen displayed a minimalist depiction of the subject of today's lesson.
"Now, children, today, we are going to discussing dragons. Now, I am sure that you all are aware of such creatures, as they are quite popular work animals and pets, but can someone give me an exact definition of what a dragon is?"
She looked around for any raised hands at her beckoning. She was disappointed with the lack of participation. However, before she could volun-tell someone to take the plunge, she was relieved to see a hand finally come up.
"Ah, Jeremie! Good to see you putting effort in as always. Now, can you tell us, if your own words, what a dragon is?"
Jeremie was a blond-haired boy with thick glasses, a blue turtleneck sweater, and tan khakis. It was obvious he was quite nervously discussing such a topic, but was able to spit it out regardless.
"Uh-They're a group of large, powerful reptiles. The most common traits are they can fly and they have some sort of weapon that can make them deadly."
Hertz smirked as she turned to the next slide, always happy that Jeremie was able to pick up the slack where most failed.
"Correct, Jeremie. Though the correct terminology would be that they are an order of reptiles. Specifically, Order Draconica."
The slide she had turned to showed a textbook diagram of the anatomical structure of a particular dragon species. Judging by her memory, this should be a diagram of a Deadly Nadder's organs, specifically a halignus and its digestive digestive system, but it could be a Gronkle's genitalia for all she knew. It had been forever since the school updated the presentation.
"Like Jeremie said, the most common attribute among dragons is that they are large reptiles that share a common ancestor that is distinct from most other reptiles. Now, as seen here, this is the inside of Volarignus Spinicus, commonly known as the Deadly Nadder."
Some of the kids gagged once Hertz said that. Whether out of actual disgust or to make fun of her class, she had no idea. However, she tried to continue on as if she hadn't heard it.
"This particular diagram showcases specific subsections of her internal organs."
She then pointed at the Nadder's lower digestive system, emphasizing it as she went on with her lecture.
"This is a Nadder's stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. While dragons, like all animals, have a variety of different diets, the Nadder in particular is mainly a carnivore. It can eat anything, but the best for it's system is meat."
A small hand rose up in the back, high above the drone-like heads that stared off into space. Hertz, attentive as always, quickly pointed to it.
"Yes, Elizabeth?"
Elizabeth, or rather Sissi, was shaken somewhat by the wrong name usage, her eyebrow twitching and her face briefly pitting into disgust. However, she kept her composure long enough to ask her question.
"Ummm, what's that near the Nadder's mouth?"
Hertz found what Sissi was refering to when she saw the somewhat large organ, or more accurately organs, on the Nadder's jaw in the diagram.
"Ah, good question, Ms. Delmas," she said before pointing at the organ, "That is a Nadder's halignus, an organ that is only found in most species of dragons. This organ is responsible for the breath weapon of most dragons. Like other organs, it always looks different and function different depending on the species."
She then walked over and moved along the presentation, the slide of a Monstrous Nightmare's halignus now being shown.
"This is a Monstrous Nightmare's halignus for comparison. Notice how one tube of the organ extends out and breaks off into tinier tubes as it reaches the skin. Well, that is because this fuel also serves a dual purpose of regulating the dragon's body temperature. It can cool the dragon all on it's own or..."
She then moved on to yet another slide. However, it got more of a reaction out of her students than the previous ones before.
However, it wasn't disgust or anything negative of the sort. It was wonder, as subtle wows filled the class. She was expecting this, of course.
After all, how could a bunch of teenagers hold themselves back from being shocked at the sight of a Monstrous Nightmare rising up to the skies, covered in flames and fire like a phoenix from hell?
"It can ignite it to keep warm and as a territorial display. This also served as a combat advantage when being hunted by other dragons and our ancestors."
As always, she will thrive in whatever chance she can have to surprise her students, and this was no exception. However, she also realized that she didn't have much time left. Only about 30 minutes to get today's assignment done in class. So, turning the projector off and saving the remaining presentation for the rest of the week, she turned to her kids as she walked over to turn on the lights.
"Now, any questions before we begin with today's assignment?"
Surprisingly, as she finally brought like back into the lab, she was met with a raised hand. From...Jeremie?
"Yes, Jeremie?"
What kind of question could her star pupil have?
Oh well, she might as well give a listen. Jeremie stood and cleared his throat as Hertz walked back to her desk.
"I-I was busy reading a book on mythology, and noticed there was a species of dragon in the book called a Night Fury? I-Is there a real-life equivalent or...?"
Hmmm, good question, though she expected better from her best student. This is a topic he could've easily researched with a little effort.
"Hmmm, there is one such species. However, they are considered extinct in the wild due to poaching and purposeful extinction efforts in the past, but there are about a hundred in captivity. Of course, we, the average civilian, cannot see them, but there are plans for some breeding programs to bring them back into the wild."
Jeremie nodded and his eyes became obscured by the light bouncing off his glasses as he sat back into his seat.
"Okay...thank you, Ms. Hertz."
Weird, even he usually wasn't this meek. Oh well, he probably realized he could've researched that topic on his own.
"Now, for your assignment, please read from 227 up to 252 silently and give me a paragraph about a dragon fact you find interesting on a piece of loose leaf paper. Remember to put your name and date so I can grade them properly."
As Hertz finally sat her computer, she noticed how Jeremie kept looking at his desk in a solemn way. As if whatever Hertz said to him was gnawing at him alive.
Oh well, Hertz thought. It was probably nothing.
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acim-ed-ortsac · 2 years
Ruler of the End - 5
Twisted Wonderland x Ender Dragon Male reader
Tenebris looks at the giant hole on the wall, its debris on the other side with concrete dust dirtying the floor. “… What in the Three Realms did that!?”
“From what I heard, they were messing around with a spell they found in the forbidden section of the library and BOOM! A hole appeared.They really put the N in newbies.”
The dragon made no comment on the strange word at the end as he inspected the hole, frowning. “Your leader must have gotten very angry.”
Cater laughed, “Yeah, you should’ve seen it! He got so red he didn’t hesitate to ‘Off with their Heads!’”
While Tenebris got started on the wall, he and Cater talked for a while of what happened so far. The man asked him questions regarding his world and species, ( “I mean, magic is not that normal for you?” “ Well, they mostly used it to enchant weapons and armour while the potions were used for combat or some trivial things.”) while the dragon asked him simple things like his favorite food, what’s his favorite animal, etc.
When the topic of the tiny metal box came around, Cater looked shocked to the core. “You don’t have a phone in your world!?”
“Phone? Is that what you call them? And to answer your question, no. The players in the Overworld have something called a Chat where they’re able to communicate through a digital system. Though, I’m not very much familiar with it.”
“Then how do you communicate with others far away!?”
“I usually fly over to them.”
“. . .You’re an endangered species, I need to teach you so you won’t get left behind!”
“Ctaer, the Ender Dragon species isn’t endangered.”
However, their time was interrupted when a bell sounded and Cater hurriedly left, saying that that’s the warning bell before class starts. Leaving Tenebris alone to work.
The wall wasn’t a difficult task since he has a load of concrete in the same colours, but he noticed some trinkets scattered around the destruction. Were these someone’s personal belongings? 
Shaking off the sympathy and pity he felt, he added the finishing touches to the wall. 
Tenebris is confused.
The ruler of the End looks dumbly at the two tall people in front of him, who oddly have the same characteristics as the other - minus some minor differences such as the eyes and direction of the black streak-
A laugh blinked him into focus as one of the similar people seemed to glide towards him and get into his personal space, leaning despite the height differences.
(Tenebris is sure he’s an inch taller than them in his human form)
“Jade look! He looks like another sea slug!”
. . . He’s insulting me, isn’t he? Tenebris frowned.
The calmer and more dignified-looking person chuckled, “Please do not take any offense, my brother, Floyd, has a habit of calling affectionate nicknames to people he likes.”
This did not make it any better, “You two don’t even know me, so how can he like me when we just met?”
“Eh?” The one beside the dragon, Floyd seems like it, made a somewhat confused face. “I don’t need to meet you to like you,” He then grinned, leaning back as he shoved his hands in the pockets of his pants. “I heard that you went crazy during the Entrance Ceremony! Everyone was running around like a school of fish getting hunted!”
Tenebris snorted, “Of course I would, who wouldn’t be after suddenly being transported into another world after dying? You?”
“Hmm, maybe.”
A sigh from the dragon, “Don’t you have classes to attend?”
“We’re currently on lunch break right now so we’re waiting till the period ends.” Answers the calm look-a-like name Jade.
Tenebris hummed, looking blankly at them, “Alright, then enjoy your lunch.” He then makes an attempt to walk away from them. Key word, attempt.
Sadly, something latched onto his arm as he tried to turn away. “Aww, why go so soon? Isn’t fixing things boring?”
The dragon arched a brow as he looked at Floyd, who was pouting at him. A chuckle was heard behind him, “I apologize again, but I suggest for you to follow his whims for the moment. . . You may never know when his moods might act up and break things.”
“. . .”
For the sake of less things to fix, Tenebris lets them tag along for the moment.
“Alright, let's go Jade and Floyd.”
“Pardon, but may I ask for your name.”
“It’s Tenebris.”
Tenebris has seen plenty of attractive men so far in this world.
And at this moment, the young boy in front of him was no exception.
Choppy silver hair falling to tresses on the grass, a strand on his owners’ fair skin face that was beautifully sculpted. His lips parted to release gentle puffs of air as his long lashes were feather-like. Behind the school uniform he wore, the dragon could tell he was built with muscles.
Animals seemed to gather around this sleeping human, taking a liking to the beauty. Birds were perched on branches that were above the human and little squirrels and rabbits gathered at his sides.
While the ruler would hate to disturb the peaceful rest of the human. . .the lunch period had just finished and classes were continuing. And he had enough beautiful faces for one day.
Crouching, he gently shakes the slumbering human. “Excuse me, please wake up.”
After a few shakes, the strangers’ eyes fluttered open to reveal the most unusual yet attractive colour of blue and purple eyes. Tenebris had to keep himself from gaping - or was it gawking - at the beauty. “Lunch just ended and you’re late for class.”
“Hmm,” the human mumbled sleepily before blinking himself awake. “Oh, thank you for waking me up. I must have dozed off again.”
The dragon hummed, “You should get going now if you don’t want to get in trouble.”
“I will, thank you Mr.?”
Just as Tenebris starts standing up, the human starts to do the same. “Thank you for waking me up, Mr. Tenebris.”
“You’re quite beautiful, by the way.”
“Beautiful!?” The human’s eyes widened in surprise. “That’s the first time someone said that to me. And with no context.”
The dragon blinked at him, “Why? Is it wrong for me to compliment you?”
The human flushed, “Ah, no. There’s nothing wrong with complimenting me. . .when you’re supposed to be the one getting complimented.” he said the last part quietly, making Tenebris strain his ears.
“Come again?”
“It’s nothing,” Shaking his head, the human gave the dragon a smile of appreciation. “Anyway, I must get back to my class.”
“It was nice meeting you. . .”
“Silver. My name is Silver.”
Yuu was going to die.
They stared up at the scary - but very sexy - lion man in front of them who was glaring down at them with annoyance. Grim was cowering behind them, using them as a shield.
The traitor! Yuu internally screamed while they stared wide-eyed at the lion man. “You have the nerve to step on my tail, omnivore.”
“Ah, yeah, I’m really sorry about that. Can you just forgive and forget?” a weak chuckle left them in an attempt to lighten the mood.
The lion-man wrinkled his nose, “As if I, Leona Kingscholar, can take this without getting a tooth from you.” And with a stance, he rears in for a punch.
“Let’s get out of here!” Grim shrieks.
Before Yuu can even let out a yelp, something large, tall, and with black leathery wings and a tail blocked them from the path. Blinking out of shock, they glanced up to see long dark hair and pointed horns that went up to the sky. Tenebris!
The dragon in front of them sighs, “Leona, I’d appreciate it if you don’t injure my friend.”
“Hey, they started it.”
“Senior Leona!” a new voice entered the chat.
Yuu glanced to see a scrawny yet cute boy with dirty blonde hair that’s brown at the roots, fair skin, lax blue eyes, and two large ears that reminds them of a dog - or some kind of animal. He was shorter compared to the two towering beings here.
“Agh,” the lion man let out an exasperated sigh. “You led him here!?”
“He was asking for you.” Tenebris replied.
“And I’m thankful for your help!” The shorter male grinned. “And you,” he turned to the lion man named Leona with an annoyed frown. “We got after-school classes today, you know!”
“Ugh, thanks to you, I’ve got this guy on my tail.”
Yuu can only cry in joy. I’m in pretty boy heaven!
Sadly, their joy was short lived when Leona and the shorter animal man left and Tenebris turned to them with a look that made them feel ashamed. “Our third day in this world and you almost got beaten up? And it was just yesterday that you broke the chandelier and charred a statue.”
“It was not my fault! Grim was the culprit in most of these!”
“Don’t drag me into this! The Great Grim-“
“Great Grim my ass, you’re literally a child right now!”
A sigh cut through their impending argument as Tenebris placed a hand to his head and asked with a half-lidded tired look, “What happened this time?”
“Either your senses are really bad or it was intentional for your dorm head to hear you.”
“As if I would try to get myself into trouble!”
Tenebris deadpanned at the still collared Ace who scowled in return after the dragon’s comment. Deuce glanced at them nervously before picking more chestnuts, “It’s not that bad, all we have to do is replace the tart and let Ace apologize.” “And what kind of tart are you gonna make?” The dragon asked.
“A mont blanc,” Yuu replied, plopping chestnuts in the basket with tweezers. “ Senior Trey is gonna help us when we get back.”
“One of the seniors in our dorm,” Ace answered, stretching. “I think we got enough.”
“Then let’s head to the kitchen, I think Senior Trey is waiting there.” Deuce said, also standing up.
“Yes!” Grim fist-bump the air, “Time to make that Mont blanc!”
… I should follow them. Just in case.
When he met the senior, Tenebris had thought:
Trey is a nice guy.
When they got to the school’s kitchen, awaiting them was a tall bespectacled man - but not taller than the dragon - with a shade of green choppy short hair with a pair of black square glasses, behind them were a pair of amber gold eyes. A clover mark painted on the side of his cheek. The man wasn’ muscular but the dragon could see a hint of telltale muscles under his long sleeves. 
When he first entered with Yuu and their friends, Trey looked at him in surprise, not expecting a new person with them. “ Ah, you’re the dragon at the Entrance Ceremony…Tenebris, Yuu called you?”
“That’s my name. And you’re Trey I’m assuming.”
“In the flesh.” the human said with a friendly smile.
“You’re quite attractive,” The dragon then eyed the three other humans. “A necessity in this school, I see”
Tenebris ignored the bright blush on the bespectacled man’s face and the squawks from the other two, opting to take a look around the kitchen. Grim hopped on one of the many tables near him, “Hey, what’s wrong with their faces?” the cat asked.
“Not sure, don’t think too hard on it.”
After Trey had checked the amount of chestnuts, they went to work on the tart. The dragon watched on the sidelines as they prepared the ingredients before mixing them, step by step, layer by layer. He never made a tart before, he wasn’t sure if he ever tasted one in his old world. . .Maybe he could try one later. They were on the last step which is adding the whip cream on the tart, which shouldn’t be a problem until Trey made a noise of realization: “You got too many chestnuts, I don’t have enough whip cream.”
Ah, how unfortunate
So Trey suggested one of them buy some extra ingredients to make more whip cream. Deuce volunteered, but after taking a look at the list, he asked Yuu for their help. The otherworldly human agreed followed by Grim who wanted to come along. “I’m coming too! I’m getting tired of this baking-“
Tenebris snatched the monster in his hands before he could jump down from the table, “Nope, you’re helping them here. In the kitchen.”
“Aww, come on!” Grim squirmed in his hold, trying to get out.
“Escape and I’ll cut your tuna supply.”
“I’ll also lessen your portion of meals if you continue to misbehave.”
After that delightful conversation, Yuu and Deuce headed out, leaving two humans, a dragon, and a monster in the kitchen. Heaving a chuckle, Trey turned to the dragon with a friendly albeit awkward smile. “So, wanna help?”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
Helping in the tart was fun for Tenebris, he had his experience with cooking and baking, but there were things he hadn’t tried. Though the skill wasn’t needed in becoming a ruler - or something powerful enough to protect his realm - he liked the calmness and steady flow it brought to him. Away from the stress of being the most powerful. Away from the pain he had to endure and witness. Away from the evilness and corruption that wasn’t visible but present in his world. . .
He should really stop thinking about that, he has a new life to make here.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4
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smartgirl1970 · 7 months
Digital Essay on my Technology Literacy (Class Assignment)
Digital Essay on my Technology Literacy (Class Assignment)
In 1981 the IBM Personal Computer model 5150 was released. My parents bought one for my 11th birthday, thinking it would be a great asset for school. I used it as a glorified typewriter. You had to essentially add the programs yourself, and that was not easy to do. I was too young to understand what all the bells and whistles did, and there were not many. The World Wide Web, or WWW, was not introduced until 1989, my freshman year in college (the first go-round).
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My first video gaming system was Atari. This came out in 1977. However, I didn’t get one until I was about 10 years old. To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t a big gamer. I skipped right over the Nintendo era. My cousins and friends had one, but other than Leapfrog and the first Mario Brothers game, it wasn’t my thing. I wasn’t good at Pac-Man either.
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I bought my first cellphone in 1992. It was a Nokia. The first phone bill came in at $289. You got something for 1000 minutes free and were charged .30 cents a minute over that. I understand that in 2023, that may not sound like a lot of money, but in 1992, it took an entire paycheck to pay it. I made $7 an hour, and that was a decent salary working at Macy’s flagship store on 34th Street in New York.
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My son was born in 1996, and the world of technology opened new doors for me. I bought him a LeapPad to be used as a learning tool for reading and math. He graduated to every gaming system created from an Xbox to Nintendo. I was introduced to the World Wide Web through social media when Facebook became a thing because I had to monitor his use of this platform. By 2008, my son was in the 7th grade, and I allowed him to interact with his friends on Facebook, but his time was limited, and it was conditional upon him accepting my friend request. My acquired sons (I dislike the word step) were older than him, and they kept me in the loop about how social media worked. Facebook was great for me because it was a link to communicating with my family in New York without having to call all the time. It was great for sharing pictures. Social media has taken a turn, and in some ways its great for activism, in other ways, people are very comfortable being contrary and saying things they would say publicly.
My concern with the development of AI is how easily things can be manipulated. AI’s voice generator can create words that do not come out of someone’s mouth. I see the dangers in that with a political leader’s voice. Manipulating photos can be fun. However, it can also be used to lie about where someone is, what they are doing, and who they are doing it with. Technology is changing rapidly. There isn’t much a robot can’t do. From driving a car without human intervention to soon enough, flying an airplane. My question would be, will there be a time when life imitates art, and we are faced with an iRobot catastrophe.
My technical literacy is almost nonexistent beyond the day-to-day life of social media and basic content creation. As a creative writer, storyteller, and activist, I took this class with the hopes that I will be able to better understand the basics of web design and create more enticing visual content when I use TikTok and other platforms to display my work. I am a Global student, so my entire degree has been online. I graduate in May of 2024!
Over the last year, I have learned to use social media sites like LinkedIn to further my writing presence and create an outlet to network with like-minded people. I am a self-published author on Amazon, and I had to learn how to utilize Canva when creating my book "Journal and Manifest with Your Ancestors." So I consider that to be an incredible success since I created this journal completely on my own. I followed someone on YouTube to learn the ins and outs of utilizing KDP Amazon and Canva.
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deathbyautopilot · 2 years
Social Connections, Severed Wires - The Rise of Short-Form Intimacy
Written by Sophia 🌀
In a Logic Mag interview with Digital Media lecturer Ysabel Gerrard, the state of the internet is summed up by vague mental health rhetoric; It is both harmful – increasing feelings of insecurity, depression, and loneliness – and potentially lifesaving, fostering tight-knit communities especially for queer, mentally ill, or otherwise socially ostracized groups.
Of course, with the function of each social media platform evolving quicker than content moderation or sociological studies can begin to address, it's a Sisyphean task to try to find a single answer to the question “What is the internet doing to young people?”. As Gerrard said, it's hard to draw any generalized conclusion about the internet's effects because it is so highly contextual. But I want to take a more critical perspective on these online communities for their feigning of intimacy and love for the sake of self-gratification.
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Art by Holly Warburton
When I reminisce about 2014 Tumblr, I first think about how it normalized queerness for so many young people, helping to form lifelong friendships and communities that made middle school a little less miserable. It introduced me to feminist theory, artistic expression, and new perspectives that I never would have experienced in my class of eight people. But it was also an era of wallowing in your own misery and #Depression-posting that predates the adult content ban. Ironically enough, in my trip through the relics of this site, I had to scroll past no less than three graphic images of self-harm just to find a post as iconic as this one:
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When scholars like Gerrard speak on the double-edged sword of these online communities from a perspective of content moderation or outside observation, I feel that they miss out on just how low the lows were, and still are, for those participating in these spaces.
Mental illness is competitive. When someone spends their offline life craving recognition or love from their peers, authority figures, and family, in their yearning, they spiral. The internet is an accessible echo chamber of validation under the guise of community support. These online spaces are committed to suffering because it’s so often the only clear way that you connect with each other.
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This is why I can't fully sympathize with the perspective that these spaces are positive support systems. I can't in good faith even reference the #Pro Ana tag here as a prime example for just how harmful they are. These are not spaces of love and healing - it's the result of placing something as intimately human as our isolation and loneliness into the hands of something so cold, lifeless, and inhuman. 
"Our hearts connect with lots of folks in a lifetime but most of us will go to our graves with no experience of true love.” - bell hooks
These issues only seem worse when I turn to contemporary TikTok, a platform where each person’s feed is fully customized, making it even harder to understand its effects on our well-being. Whenever I open the app, it’s a complete toss-up between artists sharing their work, Family Guy clips, and what Haley Nahman coined in a Substack essay as “Short-Form Intimacy” - paralleling the worst of Tumblr.
“TikTok satisfies our desire to experience the world in its full spectrum, but only superficially. ‘It's not going to stay with you,’ said [Sociologist Alison Hearn, Media Studies professor at Western University] ‘It's not a real solution to the problem of social connection.’”
Edit by kamrynmarie._ on TikTok
Maybe it’s a short-form personal anecdote, or maybe it’s a young girl crying because she can’t bear the weight of it all anymore. I see so many people desperately turning to the illusion of a community that has never, and likely never will, hold you in their arms and tell you that you are loved. People who won’t sit on your bed with you and talk late into the night about your fears, your ambitions, your love, and your pain. Instead, they will leave a comment of sympathy, maybe go so far as to tap the quick-follow button to be a bit closer to this person, but ultimately the majority of users will just go right back to their escapist scroll through their neverending For You page.
It's a concerning trend, but I'm more concerned for the person behind the screen, who sat in their misery for so long that they could only prop up their phone, hit record, and hope that somebody will hear them.
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In times like these, when love and intimacy come into question, I turn to bell hooks, a radical black feminist whose seminal work All About Love: New Visions responds to lovelessness in contemporary society. She believed that true love and intimacy are incompatible with consumerism since material desires are so much easier to satisfy than the void that loneliness leaves us with.
TikTok promotes an individualist, consumerist culture as it stands post-pandemic, where alienation has us all realize that the dopamine hit from each scroll is a far easier fix than emotional fulfillment.
“But many of us seek community solely to escape the fear of being alone. Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape.” - bell hooks
In a social landscape that ostracizes young people further and further, pushing them into the online sphere if they want to foster meaningful relationships, it is no wonder that these platforms have become emotional graveyards. Tumblr nostalgia is in full swing and the imminent loss of Twitter feels like such a devastating loss to so many different communities. I just hope that TikTok goes next. Hell, I’d stoop as low as Facebook if it meant I could love online like I did when I was 12.
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sanguinifex · 1 year
Fun fact: did you know that American insurance and healthcare companies still HEAVILY use faxes in 2023?
Yup. Faxes.
If you’re old enough to drink, your parents might have one in a closet. If you’re a little older than that, you might have seen it on a Mr. Rogers rerun, or if you’re a bit older than that, when that episode first aired. Weird oversized desk phones with paper reels in them? Sometimes office-capacity ones that double as printers? Ring a bell?
Well, you see, twenty-first century American capitalism tends to form duopolies or triopolies, explicit monopolies being illegal since the previous century. And how do these companies hold onto users, how do they create dependency and up the cost to switch? They deliberately avoid interoperability. Apple vs Android vs Microsoft. Google Drive vs OneDrive (plus, in the corporate world, AWS). Epic Systems vs …there are others, but all the medical systems I’ve interacted with since college use Epic. Which is only ever pronounced ironically. Anyway, all these different insurance and healthcare companies are keeping all their very important info and documents in individualized and often proprietary databases that they can’t mutually access. Sometimes you can’t even open the native filetypes on different software, like how Mac word processing had to be exported as .doc so you could open it on the Windows school computers to print it off your 2-gig flash drive.
Here’s the magic of fax. The US telephone system is a public utility. While the provision of service to your phone and my phone may be handled by different entities—again, courtesy of twentieth-century monopoly breakups—it is illegal for one service provider to not be interoperable with another service provider. It is standardized like railroad gauges or 0.7 mm pencil lead. You can have a T-mobile phone plan and call someone who has Verizon and be able to hear what they say, and it won’t be distorted, pitch inverted, or translated into Swahili simply because of the difference in cell carriers.
This means that fax is the ONLY universal document format in the United States. You can use it to transform a paper form into a stream of fax data, which can then be turned into another paper form or into a PDF file on someone’s computer via conversion software (which, this being America, there are multiple proprietary programs for, none of which can talk to each other except by fax). You can also convert a PDF into a fax, and then print it or convert it back to a PDF at its destination. Yes, it’s possible to send a fax that has never, at any point in its life cycle, been a physical piece of paper!
So yeah, the US healthcare system and also property insurance runs on faxes, literal grandpa technology, because capitalism hates interoperability so much that it’s sabotaging an industry, insurance, that only exists because of capitalism. Also interoperability should be mandated on the same international level as the Geneva Convention and if tech companies position themselves as digital infrastructure, we should nationalize them.
But yeah, that’s why I have fax machine duty on Wednesdays at work.
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yousaydisco · 30 days
Snippet of my Kim POV high school AU
A few months ago I wrote "DRAMA [Trivial: success] High School Fucking Sucks, Sire" with the intention of rewriting it from Kim's POV one day. Here is the beginning I attempted and then scrapped:
TRIVIA BUFF: Senior year. What is there to say about senior year? There are countless movies depicting this time period. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986, watched four times). Booksmart (2019, watched three times). The Last Picture Show (1951, watched once). But what does it mean to you? 
PRACTICALITY: It’s the year before college. Worrying about adventure and good times is for other people. This is the time to buckle down, load up your portfolio with awards and gushy letters from your teachers and make yourself the best looking candidate around. Then you can get out of his Hell hole.
Work-Study is a part of that plan. The school only opens up a few spots for students, only for seniors, only for those who have proven they can handle an intense workload without their grades suffering, given out on a needs-based motion since it pays.
ALIENATION: And you need it.
BUSY BODY: [Easy: success] - Some students might crumble under the pressure of so much, but you are not ‘some students’. Keeping up your perfect grades on top of Work Study will be no problem. Why not throw in an extracurricular on top of it all? 
VOLTA DO MAR: [Medium: success] - Eventually even you can snap from an overloaded schedule. You’re doing enough.
RULE OF COOL: Imagine: you’ve pushed yourself so hard that you have a very public meltdown in front of the whole school. You’ll forever be known as the boy that went Cuckoo In Calculus, or something.
TRIVIA BUFF: [Hard: success] - Season two, episode nine of Saved By The Bell (original air date November 30th, 1990) ‘Jessie’s Song’ features Jessie taking caffeine pills (or speed) and having a mental breakdown. It is remembered mostly in an ironic, mocking sense because of its over the top acting and compressed timeline.
Kim put in his application halfway through his junior year, two minutes after the digital portal opened. Halfway through summer break he learned that he was approved to work in the front office, helping with paperwork and relieving a lot of administrative stress.
LOGIC: Good practice for the future. A lot of jobs, even outside an office, require paper documentation of everything. 
PASSION: Plus, boring paperwork is kind of relaxing for you. Repetitive motions and all that. 
Every senior student gets a study hall period, privilege of almost graduating, and that’s when Kim works in the front office. One day, about halfway through the year, he is called into the principal’s office.
He’s sitting behind his desk, the perfect picture of authority, except for the fact that he looks out of his depth and is struggling to get whatever he wants to say out of his mouth. Kim is sitting in the chair meant for students and is trying his best to not twiddle his thumbs.
“You’re a very fine worker,” he starts, trying to keep a cover of an unshakable mentor figure but several things just aren’t clicking for him. “One of the finest we’ve ever had, truth be told.” 
OVERACTIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM: Well, someone is about to be replaced. Probably by some steroid-filled football player that won’t do a damn bit of work but will get just as much recognition. Who is that someone? Take a look in the mirror and taste the rejection, baby.
COMPOSURE: [Medium: success] - “Thank you, sir.” You do not appear nervous. You do not ask about why you were called in here and you do not let on what you think is happening. 
The man taps out a rhythm on his desk with his fingers. They are short and stubby. “You seem like a kid in real need of a challenge.”
PRACTICALITY: Meaning: twice as much work, same pay.
ALIENATION: Could you even reject the offer? No.
BUSYBODY: You’ll do a good job with it, anyway. 
This is how he found himself becoming a tutor to a fellow senior - Harry Du Bois. 
NOTEKEEPER: [Impossible: failure] - You’ve never met. If you have seen him passing in the hall, unlikely since it sounds like he barely shows up to school at all, then you have paid him no mind.
NOTEKEEPER: [Easy: success] - You learn a lot about him before you meet. His grades, comments from every teacher, his permanent record. On paper he seems like a real delinquent. At best he’s a distraction in class, but the amount of times he’s been caught sneaking alcohol on campus is in the double digits. He smokes in the girl’s bathroom, he’s defaced desks with inappropriate art, he’s generally not well-liked. This is his second attempt at a senior year, so he’s a year older than you.
SOCIAL REFORMER: Nothing about him being a bully, though. Not that that’s something they like to have on record, but he doesn’t seem like that kind of unsavory. 
ALIENATION: You cannot imagine being allowed to do all this and still getting a second chance from the school. There is a clause in your Work Study that if you get into ‘serious trouble’ then you are removed from the program immediately, even if it gets cleared from your record. If you needed as much support as this Harry kid, would you get it? 
EMPATHY: [Formidable: success] - Everyone deserves a second chance. 
INTERFACING: Along with his record, you also are given his contact information. And the contact information of his Guardian. Only one, Jean Vicquemare. You add both into your phone. 
PUZZLE SOLVER: [Trivial: success] - Different last names. There are only boxes for Mother, Father, and the ever elusive Guardian.
EMPATHY: Don’t ask about it.
NOTE KEEPER: But I want to know!
VOLTA DO MAR: Too bad.
POISE: You go ahead and send him a text message with the necessary information and don’t ask him any kind of personal questions at all.
[4:34 PM] Kim: Hello, this is Kim Kitsuragi. I have been assigned as your tutor for the rest of the year. I would like to meet up in person to introduce ourselves properly and to go ahead and get started on your workload. How about Saturday at 12? Do you know the cafe Luna’s? It is near the school. 
While he waits for a reply, he opens up a different chat. One that has been steadily increasing in message notes that he, like a good student, was ignoring until work was done. He regularly tries to not spend time on his phone while at school. A show of restraint, more important to him than to anyone else. 
officer dont look theres trans in here 
[12:01 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: pizza day pizza day its PIZZZZA DAY
[12:01 PM] KattyKit: I wish we had a dedicated pizza day :( lunch is just Whatever, Whenever. 
[12:03 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: thats rlly weird? your lunch schedule is posted on your school website though right?
[12:03 PM] KattyKit: It is not! We have no set schedule. It’s really just a free for all.
[12:03 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: weeeeeird.
[12:03 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: kim when u see this answer the question too. does ur school have a published lunch schedule  
[12:22 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: LMAO THIS IS US  
[12:22 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: [video.link]
[12:24 PM] KattyKit: What the Hell does this mean Dom???
[12:24 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: the girlies that get it get it and the girlies that dont dont idk how else to explain it 
[12:25 PM] KattyKit: I’m not going out at 3 in the morning to get beans with you. 
[12:25 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: WHAT??? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS????
[1:35 PM] KattyKit: Sub is in today which means I can text in class. 
[1:35 PM] KattyKit: Until someone interrupts me I’m going to talk about my Ace Attorney fanfiction in the chat.
[1:37 PM] KattyKit: So the one that I’m writing right now is the Hanahaki Disease AU, and Miles has been living with it secretly and chronically since elementary school. It’s not strong enough to be deadly and he appears completely healthy to most people, and the people that know he has Something think he just has chronic asthma and his medication is rose scented or something. And he’s living life barely able to breathe just fine, he’s just accepted it. Then he meets Phoenix again and at first it’s . . .  really fine. It’s so fine that he’s convinced that he hasn’t actually been in love all this time and he might really only have asthma? And not unrequited love flowers in his lungs?
[1:38 PM] KattyKit: Until the DL-6 Incident. When Phoenix defends him in court. THEN the Hanahaki Disease gets serious and he’s coughing up bloody petals and it’s starting to be agonizing.
[1:38 PM] KattyKit: Is he going to get the surgery to remove the flowers growing in his lungs? Which would also remove all his feelings for Phoenix? Mr. ‘I Choose Death’ Edgeworth is very much not going to make that decision. But he’s pissed that it’s NOT killing him. It’s just filling his office with flowers and he’s not really able to run anymore because his lungs are THAT bad right now. 
[1:39 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: fanfiction scares me im ngl
[1:40 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: what happened to the walking dead AU you were writing??
[1:40 PM] KattyKit: Oh I actually finished that! I’ll send it to you again so you can read the last chapter :) 
[1:40 PM] KattyKit: [sent a link]
[1:41 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: the first three chapters made me so fucking sad that i couldnt concentrate on life so i guess ill read it immeditedly 
[1:42 PM] KattyKit: :) 
[2:34 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: alice youire going to fuckin kill me oh my god im chocking up. I still havent played an ace attorney game
[2:40 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: kim i need ur help. save me kim kitsuragi. kim save me save me kim kim kim save ME. 
[2:45 PM] KattyKit: It looks like there will be no saving. Mwahahaha. >:]
[2:46 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: im literally tearing up in my last class fuk u (not sincere) (i love u)
[2:46 PM] KattyKit: You probably/most definitely should not have started reading it immediately. I would never recommend reading my fanfiction in public. 
[2:47 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: then u shouldnt have sent me the link frankly 
[2:47 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: y cant you write porn like normal ppl what is with u only writing the most heartbreaking shix on the planet
[2:48 PM] KattyKit: I write what is in my soul. Which is 90% angsty gay men. If I write fluff or porn it’ll be femslash. 
[2:48 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: anpther instance of lesbians keeping the man down it seems
[3:30 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: [sent an image of a cartoon depicting a red eyed blobby creature on all fours enthusiastically tearing up a chew toy. The text spanning the top and bottom reads ‘when the three person group chat with the funny name is popping.]
[3:30 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: the day is over lets do a headcount who’s still alive
[3:30 PM] KattyKit: I’m still alive! Heading to the buses now. 
[3:31 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: kim im asking again for u to cross state lines and give me a ride home so i dont have to take the bus [pleading eyes emoji]
[3:40 PM] Eyes_On_Dom: ignoring me is transphobic btw. asshole (sincere) (not sincere)   
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hospitalclocksys · 1 month
Wireless Message Boards
A School Bell System Need To Be Clock Synchronous
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A school bell system needs to make sure that there is synchrony among all the timekeeping mechanisms to ensure that all bells sound concurrently, therefore giving the impact of one (loud) ring. The school bell system creates digital signals to be sent either over wires or wirelessly, making use of radio waves. A master clock relays the signals to all gadgets simultaneously, and distributed relays throughout campus obtain them with each other, activating the genuine bells or tone generators to go off.
The school bell system layout certainly originated with educational settings in mind, and that is primarily where it is found. However, it has moved over time right into other environments with numerous kinds of communication executions. The most effective ones make use of binary auditory messages (i.e., either appearing or silent) compatible one another to note starts and offsets of occasions.
Bells have long contributed in introducing significant public occasions to entire neighborhoods, whether as a contact us to prayer or to toll a funeral service. This was a reliable means to interact in that it took advantage of the level of sensitivity of human hearing and the survival instinct that generates reflexes to unacknowledged audios. It is interesting that covering the ears with the hands is not as quick as just shutting the eyes.
In a similar way, the school bell of today communicates to a mass audience just as successfully as in the past, in that it is tough to disregard. Trainees are educated to leave for the next course as quickly as they hear the buzzing throughout the halls, perhaps with the contentment that they are currently "saved." The adhering to ring shares a message to begin the next period, get quiet, and focus on the teacher.
Though lots of people are mosting likely to provide in a class when the school bells sound, not every person will certainly be so; some could be in transit, potentially outside the structure. This means that the bells have to be dispersed throughout the school. Furthermore, if they don't all ring in synchrony, unusual timing distortions can trigger confusion.
The bell, with the simple binary state of on or off, either ringing or otherwise ringing, is one type of institution communication. Additionally, one may desire to provide a lot more complex messages conveyed verbally. Typical examples are phones call to assembly, offering information updates, and revealing forthcoming events.
In addition, messages can be sent out in non-verbal coded type via tone systems; tonal patterns are created over speakers, each pattern sharing a particular significance. However, this kind is made complex enough (and needs students to discover the code) that one may too make use of a public address (PA) system. In either instance, the means of communication needs to be synchronized with the bell system and clock system.
As mentioned previously, such synchronization can be finished with hardwired links or wirelessly. The last approach stays clear of installation and maintenance expenses that include a wired infrastructure. Both approaches concern synchronizing signals that simultaneously update the timing of all attached tools.
When cordless transmissions risked hindering various other close-by digital tools. This is a widely known sensation called superhigh frequency interference (RFI) that is most noticable when tools share the exact same provider wave regularity. Recently, licensing requirements have actually been updated to appoint details frequencies to marked purposes, and this has actually led to decreased and even gotten rid of interference. synchronized clocks for hospitals
Synchronization of all the clocks makes it feasible to achieve the fastest possible duration for class changes, which pivots generally on the time it requires to go across the lengthiest imaginable class-change path. It additionally promotes smooth synchronised interaction over the PA system to all (home room) courses. The viewers needs to currently know what to look for in synchronizing the school bell system.
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svsembedded · 2 months
Arduino Based School/College Bell🔔System Using DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) With Alarm | Automatic School Bell system using Arduino | School Project | IOT Project Automatic college/school Bell | Microcontroller Based Automatic School / College Bell using Timers | School Bells | College Bells | Automatic School Bell System | Arduino based Automatic School Bell System | Automatic school bell system | Automatic school bell alarm | Digital school bell | School bell project | Automatic school bell by RTC | IoT Based Automatic College Bell
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vivencyglobal · 2 months
Revolutionize Your Presentations with Vivency Global's Cutting-Edge Projectors
Discover Vivency Global's exceptional range of projectors designed to elevate your presentations. From ultra-bright models for high-impact visuals to sleek, portable options for on-the-go meetings, our projectors offer unmatched clarity and performance. Explore the latest in projection technology to transform your workspace and captivate your audience with stunning, high-resolution displays. Visit us today to find the perfect projector for your needs!
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sandman-sound · 3 months
Everything You Need to Know About Bell Timers
When managing an environment where time regulation is crucial, such as schools, factories, or offices, bell timers play an indispensable role. These devices ensure that scheduled activities happen punctually and without confusion. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about bell timers, their benefits, types, and applications, with a particular focus on the offerings from Sandman Sound.
What Are Bell Timers?
Bell timers are automated devices designed to trigger a bell or alarm at pre-set intervals. They are essential tools for environments that require strict adherence to schedules, such as educational institutions, industrial settings, and commercial establishments.
Key Features of Bell Timers
Automated Scheduling: Bell timers can be programmed to ring at specific times, ensuring consistency and punctuality.
Versatility: They can be used in various settings, including schools, factories, and offices.
Energy Efficiency: Modern bell timers are designed to consume minimal power, making them an economical choice.
Durability: High-quality bell timers, like those from Sandman Sound, are built to withstand daily use in demanding environments.
Why Bell Timers Are Essential
Enhancing Time Management
Bell timers help manage time efficiently by providing audible reminders for transitions between different tasks or periods. This is particularly beneficial in schools where students and teachers need to adhere to a strict schedule.
Improving Productivity
In workplaces, especially in manufacturing and industrial settings, bell timers signal the start and end of shifts, breaks, and work periods, helping to maintain a steady workflow and improve overall productivity.
Ensuring Safety
In environments where safety is paramount, such as construction sites or factories, bell timers can alert workers to start or stop dangerous tasks, contributing to a safer work environment.
Types of Bell Timers
There are various types of bell timers available, each suited to different needs and applications. Here are the main categories:
Mechanical Bell Timers
Mechanical bell timers are the traditional type, operating without the need for electricity. They rely on a clockwork mechanism that winds up and triggers the bell at set intervals. These are often used in simpler setups where electrical connections might not be feasible.
Electrical Bell Timers
Electrical bell timers are more sophisticated and versatile. They can be programmed with precise timing schedules and are ideal for environments requiring accurate and reliable time signalling. They often feature digital interfaces and can be integrated with other systems.
Wireless Bell Timers
Wireless bell timers provide flexibility in installation and use. They can be controlled remotely and are perfect for environments where cabling is difficult or impractical. They are often used in larger facilities where centralised control is beneficial.
Smart Bell Timers
Smart bell timers represent the latest in timing technology. They can be controlled via smartphone apps or computer software, allowing for easy scheduling and adjustments. They also often include features such as battery backups and advanced scheduling options.
Applications of Bell Timers
Bell timers have a wide range of applications across different industries. Here’s a closer look at how they can be utilised in various settings:
Educational Institutions
In schools and universities, bell timers are essential for managing class schedules, breaks, and transition periods. They help maintain order and ensure that students and staff follow the timetable accurately.
Industrial Settings
In factories and industrial sites, bell timers are used to signal shift changes, breaks, and other critical times. This helps in maintaining productivity and ensuring that all employees are aware of their schedule.
In office environments, bell timers can be used to remind employees of important meetings, breaks, or end-of-day signals. This can improve time management and help maintain a productive work environment.
Public Places
In places like parks, recreational centres, or transportation hubs, bell timers can be used to signal the start and end of activities or to provide time reminders for visitors.
Benefits of Using Bell Timers
Increased Efficiency
By automating time signals, bell timers help ensure that activities start and stop on time, reducing downtime and increasing overall efficiency.
Cost Savings
Using bell timers reduces the need for manual time management, saving labour costs and reducing the risk of errors that could lead to downtime or scheduling conflicts.
Improved Organisation
Bell timers help maintain a structured and organised environment, whether in a school, factory, or office. This organisation can lead to better productivity and a more harmonious workplace.
Enhanced Safety
In industrial settings, bell timers can enhance safety by signalling critical times for starting or stopping potentially dangerous tasks, ensuring that all employees are aware and prepared.
Why Choose Sandman Sound for Bell Timers?
Sandman Sound is a leading provider of high-quality bell timers in Australia. Here’s why you should consider their products for your timing needs:
High-Quality Products
Sandman Sound offers a range of durable and reliable bell timers designed to meet the needs of various environments. Their products are built to last and provide consistent performance.
Customisation Options
Sandman Sound understands that different settings have different needs. They offer customisation options to ensure that their bell timers fit perfectly with your specific requirements.
Expert Support
With years of experience in the industry, Sandman Sound provides expert support to help you choose the right bell timer for your needs and to assist with installation and maintenance.
Competitive Pricing
Sandman Sound offers competitive pricing on all their products, ensuring that you get the best value for your investment.
Bell timers are an invaluable tool for managing time and maintaining order in various settings, from educational institutions to industrial environments. With the right bell timer, you can improve efficiency, productivity, and safety in your organisation.
If you’re looking for high-quality bell timers, Sandman Sound offers a range of products designed to meet the needs of different environments. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction makes them a top choice for bell timers in Australia. For more information, visit their website here.
By investing in a reliable bell timer from Sandman Sound, you’re not just getting a product; you’re gaining a tool that will help streamline your operations and improve your time management for years to come.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Dr. Pandurang Kamat, Chief Technology Officer, Persistent Systems – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/dr-pandurang-kamat-chief-technology-officer-persistent-systems-interview-series/
Dr. Pandurang Kamat, Chief Technology Officer, Persistent Systems – Interview Series
Dr. Pandurang Kamat is Chief Technology Officer at Persistent Systems, he is responsible for advanced technology research focused on unlocking business value through innovation at scale. He is a seasoned technology leader who helps customers improve user experience, optimize business processes, and create new digital products. His vision for Persistent is to be an innovation powerhouse that anchors a global and diverse innovation ecosystem, comprising of academia and start-ups.
Pandurang joined Persistent in 2012. Prior to Persistent, he was the Director of Analytics for Ask.com’s search and content businesses, where he led a global team to manage Ask’s analytics platform. Before that he helped build secure communications and digital media products at Bell Labs and HP Labs and an award winning wireless research platform at Rutgers University.
Persistent Systems is a trusted Digital Engineering and Enterprise Modernization partner for global market leaders across Industries.
What initially attracted you to computer science and computer engineering?
My interest in computer science and engineering was sparked during a summer course in school. Learning programming constructs and creating computer games introduced me to the structured logic that supports these fields. I was captivated by the ability to break down complex problems and solve them systematically. What truly drew me in was the immense leverage that well-designed programs offer. They can automate tasks, optimize processes, and empower individuals or small teams to achieve remarkable feats. This blend of creativity, problem-solving, and transformative potential continues to inspire me. From those initial experiences to my ongoing journey, I remain passionate about the endless possibilities that technology presents. Computer science and engineering not only shape the future but also offer avenues for innovation and progress that drive me forward.
The bulk of Persistent Systems business comes from building software for enterprises, how has the advent of generative AI transformed how your team operates?
The advent of generative AI (GenAI) has transformed how our team operates at Persistent, particularly in enterprise software development. This disruption within the IT industry not only presents challenges but also significant opportunities to reimagine business operations holistically.
As an AI-powered Digital Engineering enterprise, Persistent has embraced GenAI to revolutionize various aspects of the software engineering lifecycle. Over the past year, we have developed tools and suites that completely redefine processes such as code generation, test case generation, and report migration. In legacy modernization projects, our approach has evolved significantly. We now leverage tools to streamline code takeover processes, mitigate project risks, and expedite the onboarding of new team members by providing them with a deeper understanding of complex codebases. Furthermore, our collaboration with industry domains enables us to deliver tailored solutions leveraging enterprise data. By developing digital assistants capable of understanding business language and providing relevant references, we enhance operational efficiency and decision-making within enterprises. These assistants adhere to Responsible AI principles, ensuring transparency, accountability, security, and privacy while continuously improving their accuracy and performance through automated evaluation of model output.
What are some of the challenges of completely modernizing legacy systems using generative AI?
GenAI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a silver bullet for complete legacy system modernization. Organizations across industries must adopt a combined approach, harnessing human expertise and AI capabilities. While GenAI offers substantial potential for modernization, it has its limitations. Key challenges include:
Limited Understanding of Legacy Systems: GenAI models require a thorough understanding of existing systems to function effectively. Legacy systems often lack comprehensive documentation, hindering the ability of AI to grasp their interdependencies effectively.
Data Quality and Bias: The quality and representativeness of data used to train the AI model have a significant impact on its output. Limitations of the training data can be reflected in the generated code, potentially introducing new problems.
Ensuring Quality and Security: While GenAI can automate code generation, the output needs rigorous testing and verification to meet quality, functional requirements, and security standards.
Limited Scope of Modernization: GenAI may be unsuitable for complete system overhauls. It can excel at specific tasks like code refactoring or test-case generation, but complex architectural changes still require manual intervention.
Change Management and Stakeholder Alignment: Managing organizational change and gaining stakeholder buy-in are critical factors in determining the success of modernizing legacy systems with GenAI. Clear communication, training programs, and stakeholder engagement initiatives can help address resistance to change and facilitate smooth transitions.
One of the challenges of Generative AI is consistency, how does Persistent Systems assist with building a consistent user experience?
Consistency is one element of providing an overall enterprise-grade, enterprise-safe GenAI-powered user experience and outcomes. We look at the process holistically.
We provide end-to-end support across all stages of GenAI adoption. Our strategic guidance and meticulous use case analyses aid organizations in selecting the most suitable foundation models (FMs) tailored to their specific requirements. Through a detailed examination and consultatn, we assist clients in defining clear use cases and making informed FM selections.
Then, we focus on multiple approaches, such as few-shot prompting or even fine-tuning, to ensure that the models used in the applications are attuned to the use case and enterprise data.
Our solutions not only employ standard RAG techniques but also go deeper into multiple prompting and data chunking strategies to ensure the most relevant data is retrieved and given to the FM during inference. We further enhance the accuracy and relevance of this context by using advanced Knowledge Graphs to capture hidden relationships within the enterprise data.
We also employ multiple grounding techniques and guardrails to limit and focus the purview of inference.
Finally, we put the application through a rigorous and automated evaluation framework that ensures consistency of inference and experience, release after release.
Could you provide real-world examples where GenAI-powered solutions have successfully revolutionized customer interactions?
Persistent has transformed customer interactions for a leading software solutions provider through GenAI-powered solutions. Facing scalability challenges during peak operational periods, the company implemented a Central Knowledge Repository and Conversational AI Teams BOT. It streamlined access to information, leading to 80% reduction in customer query resolution time. The quality of responses also improved significantly, resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction.
We also assisted a private equity firm by leveraging GenAI to automate the creation of detailed investment reports. With the GenAI-powered system, the time required to generate reports was reduced by 90%. This streamlined approach revolutionized the firm’s operations, facilitating rapid and effective decision-making. The efficiency not only saved valuable time but also fostered increased collaboration among stakeholders and ensured a personalized touch in each memo, enhancing overall effectiveness.
How do you approach Responsible GenAI innovation?
Our approach to Responsible GenAI innovation prioritizes ethical practices and regulatory compliance throughout the development and implementation processes. We emphasize transparency, accountability, and fairness in AI-driven decision-making.
We establish robust ethical guidelines governing the development, deployment, and use of GenAI systems. In our pursuit of Responsible GenAI innovation, we rigorously test and validate our systems to mitigate potential risks such as biases, misinformation, and privacy issues.
Furthermore, we prioritize transparency and accountability in AI-driven decision-making processes by providing users with clear insights into system operations. Ultimately, our approach aims to develop and deploy GenAI systems that drive innovation and efficiency while positively contributing to society.
What is your vision for the future of AI?
My vision for the future of AI is multifaceted. Firstly, in digital engineering, I envision AI not only as a coding assistant but also as a collaborative partner, similar to a “pair programmer.” This involves AI assisting in coding tasks and actively participating in problem-solving by mapping out complex tasks and executing sub-tasks.
Secondly, I foresee an era of personalized AI agents and assistants offering tailored experiences to individuals – a “personalization of 1” approach. These agents will understand users’ unique preferences, behaviors, and needs, providing highly customized support and services.
Lastly, I believe in the evolution of compound AI systems, where various AI models coexist to address different needs. There won’t be a single “one-size-fits-all” model, but rather a combination of large and small, general, and purpose-built models working together in AI services. This approach allows for greater flexibility, efficiency, and effectiveness in solving a wide range of problems across different domains.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Persistent Systems.
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universalinfo · 8 months
The Financial Breakdown of Childcare in 2023
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Childcare has always been a hot topic, especially considering its impact on family budgets and planning. In 2023, the stakes are as high as ever. With economic fluctuations, societal changes, and the increasing need for dual incomes, understanding childcare costs is imperative for parents across the globe. And while we’re delving deep into these costs, it’s essential to highlight the significance of management solutions like after school program software, which play a pivotal role in modern childcare settings.
A Deeper Dive into Child Care Costs Nowdays 
When it comes to child care in 2023, parents are presented with an array of options. The diverse segments within the childcare industry each come with their own price tags, intricacies, and benefits. Breaking down these categories can offer a clearer picture of what to expect financially and the value they bring to the table.
The go-to for many families, daycare centers remain at the forefront of childcare choices. In the current year, these centers have witnessed consistent growth in terms of cost. If we were to put a figure on it, parents should brace themselves to shell out between $800 and $1,500 monthly for each child for after school daycare program. 
But what’s driving these prices upwards? Several elements come into play. The geographical location of the daycare, the ratio of caregivers to children, and the types of facilities and amenities they provide are primary determinants.
Babysitters and Nannies
For families seeking a more personalized touch or those in need of sporadic care, babysitters become the go-to. Their rates, predominantly dictated by the duration and timing of care, hover around $15 to $25 per hour. Nannies, however, are in a league of their own. They offer extended, dedicated care, often living with the family or working full-time. Their compensation reflects their extensive role, with weekly salaries oscillating between $500 and $1,000.
After-School Programs
With the modern work environment often stretching beyond the school bell, after-school programs have become indispensable for many families. Parents can anticipate costs ranging from $200 to $500 monthly. But it’s not all about the expenses. The integration of tools such as after school program software has revolutionized these setups. Efficiency, streamlined communication, and enhanced program structuring are now the order of the day, thanks to these digital solutions.
Understanding the Value Behind the Costs
Child care, although a significant expense, is not just about dollars and cents. Delving into the inherent value these services provide can help in appreciating the costs involved.
Educational Advancement
The modern child care center is no longer just a holding space for children. They have transformed into educational hubs. With many integrating after school program software, the curriculum and activities have seen significant enhancement. This ensures that kids get both care and education under one roof.
Social Interaction
Human beings are social creatures, and this trait is evident right from childhood. Child care centers act as social incubators where children mingle, play, share, and grow together. This social immersion is invaluable for their cognitive and emotional development.
Peace of Mind
At the end of the day, for parents juggling work and family life, there’s an intangible yet critical factor: tranquility. Knowing that their precious ones are in a space that’s not just safe but also nurturing provides a peace of mind that’s hard to put a price on. For more details visit us at https://supervisease.com/.
Cost-saving Tips
If you’re feeling the pinch, you’re not alone. Here are a few tips to help cut down on childcare expenses:
Government Assistance: Many governments offer subsidies or tax breaks for families using childcare services.
Shared Nanny System: Consider sharing a nanny with another family. This way, costs are divided, making it more affordable.
Leverage Technology: Platforms using after school program software often offer discounts for online payments or multiple enrollments. Keep an eye out for such opportunities.
The Shift to Digital Management
One cannot emphasize enough the role of digital solutions in today’s childcare sector. The After school program software, for instance, is transforming the way institutions manage their schedules, communicate with parents, and ensure the safety and development of children. These platforms are not only efficient but also help in optimizing costs, a benefit that can, in some cases, be passed on to the parents.
Child care in 2023 is undeniably a significant expense, but it’s an investment in the growth, safety, and well-being of our children. As the sector continues to evolve, tools like after school program software will play a significant role in shaping its future. Parents are advised to stay informed, look for cost-saving opportunities, and always prioritize the quality of care. After all, while costs might be high, the value derived from peace of mind and a nurturing environment for our children is priceless.
Read More:
Benefits of Afterschool App
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xaltius · 9 months
Unlock Your Inner Learner: Top 10 Learning Management Systems for 2024
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In today's whirlwind world, knowledge is power, and continuous learning is the key to unlocking that power. But with a tsunami of online courses and training platforms crashing over you, navigating the learning landscape can feel like scaling Mount Everest in flip-flops. Fear not, intrepid learner! This blog is your sherpa, guiding you through the top 10 Learning Management Systems (LMS) of 2024. So, grab your curiosity and get ready to unleash your learning potential!
1. Docebo: Think Fort Knox for corporate learning. Docebo boasts robust features like gamification, social learning, and AI-powered analytics, perfect for large enterprises seeking cutting-edge training solutions. Just be prepared for a hefty price tag and a steeper learning curve.
2. Adroit LMS: Enter the AI-powered learning revolution with Adroit! This innovative platform personalizes recommendations, simplifies course creation, and keeps costs low, making learning accessible and efficient for everyone.
3. Blackboard Learn: Remember that reliable teacher in high school? Blackboard Learn is its digital equivalent. Trusted by educational institutions for years, it offers reliable performance and flexible learning options. However, like a well-worn textbook, it might lack the sparkle of newer platforms.
4. SAP Litmos: For companies already living the SAP life, Litmos is the perfect training sidekick. It integrates seamlessly with your existing SAP infrastructure, ensuring a smooth learning experience. But venture outside that ecosystem, and its functionality might become as lost as a rogue sock in the dryer.
5. Totara Learn: Open-source? Check. Strong community? Check. Customizable features? Totara Learn is the tech-savvy organization's dream LMS, offering endless possibilities for tailoring it to your needs. Just remember, tinkering requires tech know-how.
6. GoGoTraining: Budget-conscious startups and small businesses, rejoice! GoGoTraining is your affordable and easy-to-use gateway to the world of online learning. Don't expect bells and whistles, but for basic training needs, it's a perfect fit.
7. TalentLMS: Mobile-first, engaging, and all about tracking progress? TalentLMS is your training partner in crime for blended learning programs. But if your training needs are complex, this platform might not be able to handle the heat.
8. Absorb LMS: This rising star leverages AI to empower organizations to scale learning, fuel employee growth, and drive business success. Think Netflix for your workforce, with engaging experiences and data-driven insights. But remember, like a new restaurant, it's still building its reputation.
9. EdApp: On-the-go learning that fits in your pocket? EdApp's got your back! This mobile-first platform excels at microlearning, delivering quick, relevant training bites whenever you need them. Just don't expect to build elaborate courses or generate in-depth reports.
10. Cornerstone OnDemand: User-friendly and comprehensive, Cornerstone is the golden child for mid-sized and large organizations. From intuitive course delivery tools to seamless integration with your existing systems, it's a learning haven. But expect to pay a premium for all that gold.
Remember: The perfect LMS is as unique as you are! Consider your needs, budget, and learning style before making your choice. Take demo tests, compare features, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Your ideal learning partner is out there waiting to help you conquer that Mount Everest of knowledge!
So, ditch the flip-flops, grab your hiking boots, and get ready to climb! The summit of learning awaits, and with the right LMS, you'll be there in no time!
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