#Bell Commander -School Bell System
vivencyglobal · 1 year
Interactive Displays - Interactive Flat Panels | Vivency Global in Dubai.
Vivency Global  interactive flat panels that revolutionize collaboration and engagement.  Vivency interactive flat panels combine high-definition displays with touch technology,
Interactive flat panels (IFPs) have emerged as game-changers in modern education and corporate environments, revolutionizing the way we collaborate, teach, and present information. These large, touch-enabled displays combine the benefits of traditional whiteboards, projectors, and interactive technology into a single, versatile solution. In this blog, we will delve into the features, advantages, and applications of interactive flat panels, and how they are transforming communication and learning experiences.
Interactive Features:
Interactive flat panels offer a range of interactive features that enhance engagement and collaboration:
a) Touch Capability: IFPs feature touch-sensitive screens, allowing users to interact directly with the display using gestures, touch, or stylus pens. This enables writing, drawing, annotating, and manipulating content with ease.
b) Multi-Touch Functionality: IFPs support multi-touch input, allowing multiple users to interact simultaneously. This promotes collaboration, group activities, and interactive learning experiences.
c) Digital Ink and Annotation: IFPs enable users to write, draw, and annotate directly on the display using digital ink. This feature enhances interactivity, facilitates real-time feedback, and encourages dynamic content creation.
d) Multimedia Integration: IFPs seamlessly integrate with multimedia resources, including videos, images, and interactive educational software. This enables multimedia-rich lessons, engaging presentations, and immersive learning experiences.
Advantages of Interactive Flat Panels:
a) Enhanced Engagement: The interactive nature of IFPs captures attention and encourages active participation, making lessons, presentations, and meetings more engaging. Users can manipulate content, solve problems, and collaborate effectively.
b) Versatility and Ease of Use: IFPs offer a versatile and user-friendly interface, eliminating the need for complex setup or additional equipment. They can be easily integrated into existing workflows and environments, making them accessible to users of all skill levels.
c) Visual and Multimedia Learning: IFPs facilitate visual and multimedia learning experiences. Teachers and presenters can incorporate interactive diagrams, graphs, and multimedia content, enabling students and audiences to visualize complex concepts effectively.
d) Seamless Collaboration: IFPs support real-time collaboration and group work. Multiple users can interact simultaneously, contributing ideas, annotating content, and collaborating on projects, fostering teamwork and creativity.
Applications in Education and Business:
a) Education: Interactive flat panels have transformed classrooms, making lessons more interactive and dynamic. They facilitate collaborative learning, interactive assessments, virtual field trips, and remote education through video conferencing capabilities.
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wardenparker · 2 years
The Date
Marcus Moreno x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
Inspired by the already beloved Teacher Ben sketch from Pedro’s SNL appearance, this fic is dedicated to every single reader with a HUGE hug and a kiss straight from me to you. Just over about two weeks ago I passed the 2k follower mark and I am so incredibly humbled by everyone’s love and encouragement. Writing makes me happier than almost anything else in the world and I am blown away by the sheer number of you who stop by my little corner of the tumblrsphere to read the words that I produce along with my beloved @absurdthirst​. There is absolutely no end to our collaborations in sight and I am thrilled to keep rolling out fun stories week after week 🧡
Rating: Explicit! 18+  Word Count: 19.9k Warnings: Age gap (reader is an adult student of unspecified age), mentions of deceased spouse, awkward flirting, reader is bad with social cues, Marcus on a Motorcycle, using superpowers for foreplay, begging, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, rough sex (superhero stamina).  Summary: After spending the semester becoming friends with your criminal justice professor, retired Heroic Marcus Moreno, it appears that your crush isn’t so unrequited after all. Notes: I was very sleepy doing this edit, so I’m sorry if I missed some things.
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Sometimes you really do sit through classes waiting for a cartoonish sounding bell to ring and it’s just too bad. The general education classes that you have to take really aren’t your cup of tea, even though you know you need them for your degree and really should be paying attention. But you’re not going to need chemistry when you restart your career as a high school English teacher. Nor are you going to need the complex algebra and trigonometry that stumped you the first time you went to college. And you’re probably not going to need to understand the intricacies of the criminal justice system either - but this class was a little gift to yourself. 
The hottest professor you could have ever dreamt of in a three-times-a-week lecture that frequently includes anecdotes from his legendary career as the leader of the Heroics. Since the first day of this class it’s been like a real life version of the Indiana Jones scene where undergrads have love notes written on their eyelids and leave him gifts and notes hoping for a smidgen of extra attention, and you can’t really blame them. The thing is, the poor kids don’t stand a chance. He has a daughter nearly their age and couldn’t ever shake the feeling of how young they are. Or at least that’s what he told you the first time you sat together in the student union to eating lunch together after class. Marcus is sweet. He’s charming and maybe a little insecure socially, but when he stands up in front of the class he commands attention at the drop of a hat. He’s incredibly smart - genius, even - and he doesn’t make friends easily. That’s what he told you the fourth time you had lunch together in the student union after his class was over. Which is why you’ve kept your own crush a very tightly wrapped secret for the entire semester. You’re friends now, or at least very good acquaintances, and you wouldn’t jeopardize that for the world.
But next week is the final, and once that’s over you’ll have no excuse to sit and talk about your favourite books or how crazy his daughter is driving him now that she’s fifteen and learning to drive. Last week Missy had used the word girlfriend to refer to a girl in her friend group for the very first time and Marcus had nearly hyperventilated telling you about it. You’re friends. Loose ones, at least. And if you don’t screw up your courage and say something by next week, it might all go away. And you think you might regret that even more than not graduating college The first time you went, many years ago.
Marcus sighs as he flips the tie over his hand and pulls the knot through. Glancing at his reflection in the mirror as he does. Why he still wears a tie, he hasn’t quite worked out, but it’s a part of his routine and made him feel a bit more like the uniform he had worn for most of his life. If you called black jeans, a tac vest and double swords a uniform. Pushing the knot up to tighten it, he glances at the clock on his nightstand and curses. “Shit.” He had promised to grab you a coffee on the way into class and he doesn’t want to fuck that up. “Get moving, Moreno.”
The city buses are remarkably punctual today, getting you to campus twenty minutes before class instead of leaving you scrambling with just a few minutes to spare, and you take your time walking to the history building where his class is held. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and you get to see Professor Moreno today. It’s going to be a good day. Whether it’s a brave day is still up for debate.
Marcus has a habit of frowning as he thinks. Shuffling papers on his desk as he mentally files through the itinerary for the day as he sips on the coffee he had gotten for himself. The other one on his desk was the triple shot, two pumps vanilla, one pump one chocolate, one pump raspberry latte that you had sworn was your favorite drink at the coffee shop he always stopped by. The fact that he ordered the same thing for himself to try was not going to be mentioned, but it was good.
“Morning.” Being a commuter is a boon today. There are no other students in the classroom when you open the door, and the man you only call Marcus in private is already sitting at his desk pouring over papers. The soft green tie matches the color in his plaid shirt and you smile reflexively. He’s so stunningly handsome, especially like this.
“Morning.” Immediately, Marcus looks up from his notes, standing up right after that as if he’s been caught doing something wrong. Being a fucking idiot is what he’s being, but at least he resists rolling his eyes at himself. “I see you’re early. Wanting that coffee Huh?” He asks, grinning slightly as he pushes the extra cup towards you.
“The bus was on time today.” The way he always seems to get flustered when he’s interrupted is adorable and you bite your lip to hold back a grin. “You really didn’t have to get my drink for me…but I appreciate it.” Your friendship has been built over a semester of these small gestures, and to say you didn’t love them would be an absolute lie.
“Caffeine is medically necessary.” Marcus jokes, picking up his own cup and taking another sip. It really is good, and he’s surprised by that considering he normally just drinks coffee black.
“It’s true.” Stepping further into the room, you pull one of the chairs away from the long tables that serve as desks and set it beside his desk at the front of the room to sit with him for a few minutes. “So…” The grin you flash him is teasing, but you are probably only going to get a few more times like this with him so you want to make the most of them. “How’s Missy and her girlfriend?”
Marcus shakes his head and winces. “I’m not okay with her dating.” He huffs, nearly pouting at the idea. “She was born like six months ago.”
“I just think it’s incredible that she came out to you so easily.” According to Marcus, he had come home from a day of teaching about a year ago to find Missy icing cupcakes with rainbow frosting as her own way of breaching the topic. It had been an immensely emotional night for them both. “Teenagers get rebellious over practically everything. It’s fantastic that she trusts you enough to tell you who she is and to tell you about this girl.”
“She knows I’m not going to change the way I look at her.” Marcus shrugs like it’s not a big deal. “She’s my little girl, and if I’m honest, there were signs since she was little.”
“That’s my point though.” You reason, picking up your coffee and humming at the taste. “She knows you love her no matter what. If I had come out to my parents at that age? I would have been lucky not to end up in therapy.”
“Oh, yeah, no, nothing like that at all.” It’s funny how swiftly the little arrow of intrigue or hope quickly pierced his heart. The small crush he had developed on you over the course of the class - despite the impropriety if it - crashing down. “I’m sorry you didn’t have supportive parents like that.”
“It’s fine now.” The way his face changes makes you want to scramble to recover, unsure of what you could possibly have said to upset him when you meant to pay him a compliment. “Being bisexual wasn’t even on their radar back then. They had no idea the word even existed let alone that it applied to their little girl.” You shrug, afraid you’ve offended him by accident. “I might as well have told them I was a Martian.”
Bisexual. While Marcus doesn’t sag in relief of the clarification, the angsty guilt over inappropriate thoughts of someone who would not be interested in a man ease. “It worked for Clark Kent, right? Though he was Krytonian.” He says, sending you a small smile. “No weirder than ‘hey mom, I can manipulate metal’. Right?”
“Honestly I think that would have been easier for her.” When you shrug again, you bury your face behind your coffee cup and studiously command yourself not to get too dreamy over that smile of his. “I just…you’re doing a great job. That’s all. Don’t downplay the fact that your teenage daughter is comfortable and confident in telling you who she is.”
“I never want her to feel like she can’t come to me for anything. Even if it was a boy and…birth control.” Marcus isn’t dumb, he knows what teenagers do, he was one of them once. Despite his Heroic future, hormones did drive a lot of his actions when he was around her age.
That earns him another small laugh from you, and you lean back in your chair. “Well I say points to this girl. If Missy’s anything like her dad then she’s amazing. And that means this girl is lucky as hell.”
He shuffles slightly, trying not to take the compliment for more than what it is. Reassurance. He lifts his coffee cup to his lips again to hide the grin he can’t quite suppress. “Thanks.” He murmurs. “Although it’s been a long time for me.”
“Oh?” It’s not as though you had dug through any of the gossip about him. That would have been disrespectful. But he was a well known celebrity when his wife passed away a few years ago and he had only stopped wearing his ring recently, by the band of untanned skin on his left finger. You had never pried for information, but you’re definitely curious.
He gives a small shrug of his shoulders. The pain of losing his late wife is still there, it always will be, but it’s not as devastating as it had been in the beginning. He would always love her, but he’s still living and she’s gone. “Not since Emily.” He confirms quietly. “Avoided the entire ‘widower pity sex’ that was surprisingly being pushed on me a lot more than I ever imagined.”
“I’m sorry things were pushed on you.” It’s not necessarily for you to apologize, but you can certainly express sympathy. “Being ready to put yourselves out there isn’t something you can rush. It takes time to heal.” Which is part of why you’ve kept your feelings deeply, deeply under wraps.
“A lot of it was because I needed time to heal, I didn’t want to change Missy’s life more than it already had been, and we were navigating our grief together.” Marcus had talked about a lot of this with his therapist, but it’s nice to have someone like you he can also talk to. “Plus, I was leaving the Heroics and starting to teach.”
“Your whole life changed.” You nod slightly, head bobbing with the motion. “When it changes again should be up to you and no one else.”
“Might be time.” Marcus admits, trying not to show how much that terrifies him. “Spend more time at home alone than I do with Missy. It’s…highlighted how reclusive I’ve become.”
"Might be?" You honestly would be embarrassed if he could hear how hard that makes your heart beat. It's not like he's talking about you, but you can't help the way it makes you feel.
“I’ve….thought about dating again.” He looks around the classroom for a moment before he finally looks at you again. “Think it’s a dumb idea?” He asks softly, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. His hands are starting to dampen and he quickly slides them against his darker pants.
"Why would that be dumb?" It's baffling that he would even ask that, since he's easily the most attractive man you've ever seen in real life and an absolute angel of a human. "You deserve to be happy. Whatever that means for you. If dating against would make you happy, then..." Then you will dutifully sit and listen to him gush about whoever the luckiest woman in the world is, if he wants to stay friends. "Then whoever you choose will be incredibly lucky."
That buoys his confidence and he nods before he looks back down at his papers. “So-“
“Hey Professor Moreno!” His head snaps up to see one of the other students from your class practically bounce through the door, filled with nervous, flirty energy. He’s well aware that the girl had a crush on him and while he was flattered, she was vastly too young for him.
“Monica.” He greets her, making her beam as she slides over towards his desk. His eyes meet yours and he swears that he sees disappointment at being interrupted swimming in your orbs.
Right before the door opened you could have sworn he was going to say something to you - maybe even something sweet or flirtatious if your wildest dreams ever came true. But Monica is...determined...and she is right about to stare you down. "I should let you focus," you murmur, standing up with your coffee in one hand and your other on the back of your chair.
“You’re okay.” Marcus insists, actually more comfortable with you here rather than talking to Monica by herself. It was bad enough when she showed up for office hours. “What do you need?” He asks her, shifting into a more professional demeanor than he had with you.
"I was hoping to speak to you privately." Monica casts you a derisive glance and shifts her weight between her feet. "That's why I came early."
“Is it…about the coursework?” Marcus asks carefully. He doesn’t like the social aspect that some of the younger students try to draw him into.
"It is regarding senior week." Smoothing one hand down her front, Monica squares her shoulders and fairly glares at you. "I didn't think it would be appropriate to rub it in my classmate's face that she isn't graduating yet."
“It's fine." Even though you have no idea what you did to make Monica dislike you, you're not about to cause a fuss on the second-to-last day you might get to see Marcus. There's no room in your schedule next year to take one of his other classes and taking more criminal justice classes doesn't make any sense with your major anyway. You step back, taking your chair with you, to go put your books down at the table a few feet away.
“What can I help you with?” Marcus crosses his arms over his chest and frowns slightly. He doesn’t understand the animosity that seemingly rolls off of the younger girl towards you. It doesn’t make sense.
"As you know." Monica perks up immediately, feeling victorious at your retreat and Professor Moreno's attention being squarely on her. "Senior week always includes guests of honour from the staff and faculty." What she hopes he doesn't know is that the staff and faculty guests have already been chosen for the dinner dance. Otherwise her cover will be blown. "It would be very exciting if you would agree to come to the senior week dinner dance as a special guest." As her special guest, specifically, but Monica doesn't word it like that.
“Oh.” Marcus shuffles slightly and rocks on his heels as he looks around the classroom as he thinks about how to let this girl down. “While I am flattered…I am not able to attend.” He explains. “I am due to take my daughter to her grandparents across the state that night.”
"And it would be impossible to bring her earlier?" With a lack of understanding and empathy so obviously on display, Monica all but pouts. "It will be such a special night."
“I’m sure it will be.” Marcus frowns and his tone turns slightly frosty. “But my daughter will be getting out of school and wanting to see her mother’s parents.”
The young woman huffs, immaturity fully on display, and puts her hand on her hip like she's about to transform into a version of herself twenty years in the future that would be demanding to see his manager. "Whatever," she scoffs. "You have no idea what you'll be missing."
Marcus rocks his jaw, instantly transforming into the leader of the Heroics when he had dealt with the most stubborn of the other superhero’s. “Miss Anderson, I suggest you take your seat unless you wish to be dropped from the class.” He manages tightly. “Which will affect your own graduation date.”
The hmmphf from her is as pronounced as the pouty frown on her face, but Monica spins around, throwing you a dirty look in the process as she storms across the classroom to sit down and probably not pay much attention during this last study session Marcus will be leading.
Sighing softly, Marcus look down at the papers in front of him. Why couldn't someone just accept that a man who was old enough to be her father wasn't interested gracefully? He doesn't understand it.
His mood seems sour for the entire study session, and it’s not that you can’t understand why. Monica and the undergrad girls didn’t know how to take no for an answer, apparently. You do - at least you expect it - so you’ve just never asked the question. By the end of class you have to assume that his nerves are frayed and he won’t have the presence of mind for your usual lunch together, so you just start to pack up.
Once the class is over, Marcus looks over at you. Frowning slightly when he sees you move towards the door, he calls your name quickly. Unsure if you've changed your mind about walking to lunch together or if something has come up.
The last group of your classmates blows past you when you freeze three feet from the doorway and turn back. “I didn’t know if you’d be up to lunch,” you admit, feeling a little sheepish about it. “You seem preoccupied. I didn’t want to presume.”
"No, uh, I'm sorry." He deflates slightly and sighs. "I just- Monica." He gestures toward the door as if that explains it. "I don't understand. I'm too old for her."
“It’s a fantasy.” The way you shrug your shoulders is completely tense, like you have no intention whatsoever in admitting that you’ve had those same fantasies about him yourself. “They don’t see the reality of it. Only the glossy story they’ll tell their friends.”
"I guess." He won't deny that he had crushes on teachers and professors when he was younger, but he had never been so bold to think they would want him. "I just- I guess I think too much like a dad." He huffs at himself. "She's not that much older than Missy."
"I think that's thinking like a dad just the right amount." The door shuts behind the rest of your class and you shove your hands in your pockets with your bag high on your shoulder. "What did she...ask you? If you don't mind me asking?"
“She wanted me to go to the dinner dance as a special guest.” He picks up his own bag and tosses it on his shoulders. “Didn’t take the very polite ‘no’ very well.” He snorts. “She actually asked me if I could drop my daughter off at her grandparents another day.”
"That's...awkward." When you reach for the door handle this time it's to open it for him rather than to beat a hasty exit, and you follow him out the door. "And honestly, a little disrespectful."
“She doesn’t have to know that her grandparents live two hours away.” Marcus grins slyly, and shrugs.
"She shouldn't have been rude." The walk down the corridor is fairly quiet since the next class period has already started in this building, and you walk side-by-side with your professor one more time. "It was nice of you to try to let her down easy, even if she didn't let you, ultimately."
“I get having feelings you shouldn’t.” Marcus risks looking over at you for a second before he looks back down at the path in front of you. “For people you shouldn’t.”
“How so?” If you had seen him glance at you then you might have had some idea of what he meant, but you were busy trying not to trip over the obvious coffee spill left by a previous student.
Marcus sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets as he ignores the looks from the students as the two of you walk through the campus. He doesn’t see a lot of the adoration that seems to be thrown his way. “She’s…it’s not like a younger student or anything. Not like Monica.”
“Oh? Oh! You’ve been—?” You can’t help the way your whole face falls, registering that apparently he’s been seeing another student and you didn’t ever know. As fast as your silly schoolgirl crush has grown over the course of the semester, you can feel it being stamped out with every new step you take down the corridor together. “Well, she’s…she’s very lucky…” You choke out, shoving your hands into your pockets with determination.
“No! No, I haven’t - I can’t, it’s not—” Marcus groans. “She’s my student, I haven’t thought it was…appropriate to ask her out.” He rolls his eyes at himself, wondering where were those fucking balls of steel he had to have when saving the world when he needs them now. “I- it would have been wrong, right? But I have been thinking about it.”
“I mean…I guess it depends?” Even though it crushes your heart more than a little to debate this with him, he’s your friend and…and ultimately you want him to be happy. And some people might argue that that is a blaring siren for having feelings, but that’s a moot point now. “It’s the end of the semester, so…theoretically I guess it would depend on the relationship you have with this girl outside of…ya know…the classroom.”
"I think we're pretty good." Marcus inhales softly. "We've spent some time together, a lot less than I'd like, but I guess I don't know what she thinks about it."
“Then you should probably ask her.” And tonight, when you go home to pour yourself a glass of wine for studying, you’ll use your really big wine glass to mourn the passing of the chance you never got. “You can’t know unless you ask.”
"Yeah....." Fundamentally, Marcus knows that. And it's not like you are giving much away with your answers so he can't even use that to judge how you would react. "I need to, but I'm also worried about it changing things for the worse."
“I can’t see anyone turning you down,” you admit, feeling your voice drop a little and your shoulders slump. If you were brave enough to take your own advice, then you wouldn’t be walking at his side listening to him theorize about asking out another woman.
“So…..how do you feel about driving up the coast?” Marcus ventures softly. “Thought we could take a little ride, find a nice roadside spot to eat? Look out over the water.”
It takes you a long moment to register what he’s saying, but when you finally do, your head ticks up and you freeze in your steps, doing your best not to stare while you try to remember how to speak. “Wait, I— me?” You ask, so bewildered that your voice jumps and you’re pointing at your own chest. “You meant me?”
“Shit, I knew this was going to happen. You don’t- it’s okay.” Marcus quickly reassures you. “You don’t have to, I - it won’t affect your grade, they are done anyway. I- just forget I said anything, okay?”
“No! N-no, I meant— I didn’t realize you liked me, too.” And if you could bury your head in the ground in embarrassment right now, you absolutely would. “Please, you don’t…don’t take it back? I’d love to go.”
“Are you sure?” Both you and Marcus have stopped walking and he turns towards you. “I don’t- you don’t have to, I just- I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you, and….” He blows out a huff of laughter. “I’d like to get to know you more now that you aren’t my student.”
“I’m really sure.” If it were possible to show him exactly how much without seeming overeager - or worse, desperate - you absolutely would, but right now you’re just smiling so hard you feel like your face might split. “I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you too, and I…” Flustered, you end up laughing at the way the two of you stammer out insistences and reassurances, and you just nod. “Why don’t we say next weekend? Final will be over and I’ll officially no longer be your student in any way.”
“Missy will be with her grandparents.” Marcus nods. “And I’ll officially not be your professor. So there’s nothing improper about it anymore.”
“I don’t even think you’re capable of being improper.” The little tease makes you grin, knowing that you might have said it before but now it’s flirting.
Marcus flushes slightly, aware that some of his thoughts were far from proper. “You’d be surprised.” He huffs, both of you starting to walk towards the food court again.
“Oh yeah?” It seems so improbable, and you laugh softly while you walk. “Are you telling me the world’s most wholesome retired superhero has a rebellious side?”
Marcus snorts, “well, Emily was about three months pregnant with Missy when we got married…” He offers in way of proof. “And despite my mama’s objections, I still have my motorcycle.”
“So you’re telling me that you’re the one who has been Clark Kent-ing this whole time?” You raise an intrigued eyebrow at him as you walk, but keep your hand stuffed firmly in your pocket so you don’t do something stupid like reach for him out of excitement. “The real Marcus is wandering hands and engine grease?” Oh god…both versions sound amazing…
Marcus smirks at the comparison and there might be a slight air of cockiness to his shrug. “There’s a difference between the public image and the private man, let’s just say that.” He offers. This is why he’s enjoyed your company, he loves being able to talk to you. No expeditions, no judgment. It’s vastly different from a lot of his other interactions with people and he loves it.
"Color me intrigued." And honestly a little turned on, but you'll keep that to yourself for now. The dining hall is just up ahead and it's just beginning to be busy, as people like you and Marcus who are filing out of your midmorning classes are lured in by the smell of lunch.
“Is that a good intrigued or have 9-1-1 on speed dial intrigued?” Marcus jokes, lunging forward to open the door for you when you both get close enough.
You knew he would get the door. He always does. In fact, he glared at you when you had tried to do it yourself a few weeks ago - as though you should certainly know better by now. “I don’t know,” you admit with a shrug. “I’ve never been on a motorcycle before. It could be fun. Or it might be terrifying.”
“Wellllllll, that was kinda the plan, if you want.” Marcus admits, a slightly boyish grin on his face. “Have you wrap your arms around me and hang on while we ride.”
“No dress. Got it.” Wrap your arms around him and hang on? Apparently when this man flirts he has the ability to make you weak in the knees and nearly pout with just a few sentences. “I have a very definite feeling that I’m going to like motorcycles.”
Marcus can’t help the slightly dirty way his grin turns. “Better than a washing machine.” He hums.
“Marcus!” The scandalized laugh that makes it out of you is practically giddy to see this side of him and you stick close to his side once you’re in the bustling main dining hall. “Maybe I do want to wear a dress, in that case.”
Marcus chuckles and looks over the options for the day and then at you. “What are you feeling today?” He asks. “They have that grilled chicken salad you like.”
“And they have gyro today,” you point up at the menu and offer him a shy smile, Realizing for the first time how much he’s really absorbed about you personally over the course of the semester. “Just try telling me that’s not your favorite. I dare you to lie.”
“Only because you start singing that song every time I sit down with it.” Marcus huffs, flushing slightly.
“‘Holding Out for a Gyro’ is the best parody song ever written.” You shrug your shoulders proudly. “Sorry, Weird Al. I win this one.”
He snorts and shakes his head. “And it’s funny every time I hear it.” He enjoyed the playful banter between the two of you. “If it’s aided by a delicious meal? That makes it even better.”
“Then I think we’ve got to do it.” He’s so relaxed now, and you wonder how many times when you were in line like this or sitting with coffee, did he feel the tension of attraction the same way you did? It’s a relief to know it wasn’t one sided after all. “For old time’s sake.”
“Absolutely.” Marcus shoots you a smirk, and nods towards your line. “Meet you at the table we normally have?” It’s not an assigned table, but the corner table is rarely occupied when you have lunch together.
"Absolutely." To have anything be both of yours sends a shiver of excitement through you and you try not to giggle or anything similarly giddy. "I'll see you in a few minutes."
Making his way over to the correct station, he can’t help but seek you out. Telling himself that it’s just because he wants to make sure you aren’t waiting for him for too long, he can’t help but grin when your eyes find him and you smile.
You tell yourself that the butterflies are because it’s new, and because new is exciting. It’s not because you’re expecting anything, or even know if the date will go well. But your instincts are good and your intuition is worth listening to - and that gut you’ve spent years cultivating is telling you that this could be the start of something amazing if you let it.
You get your salad before Marcus gets his own food, making him watch you as he walks towards the table where you are already settling in. “Do you need napkins?” You always forget them and it’s a little habit that he has developed to grab more.
“You know I do.” He’s attentive. It’s something you’ve grown to appreciate about him during the time you’ve been getting to know him. “Just like I know you didn’t grab a fork and you’re going to regret it when that wrap gets messy halfway through.” The Extra fork on your tray is ready and waiting just like the extra napkins on his.
“Look at us playing to each other’s weaknesses.” Marcus chuckles, knowing that he will be using the fork. He always does and yet every time he doesn’t get one when the utensils are next to the napkins.
“I like to think of it as paying attention.” You counter, moving things around your tray to get it set up just the way you like. “We’ve both found each other worth paying attention to.”
“At least you also paid attention in class.” Marcus snorts, opening up the cup of extra tzatziki sauce he always asks for, along with extra pickled red onions. “You have one of the top five grades. Seriously, you should pursue criminal justice.”
“It would be a hell of a gear change from teaching high school English.” The cup of vinaigrette that comes with your chicken salad is unceremoniously dumped into the container and you pop the lid back on to shake it up and get everything evenly coated. “I honestly took the class because I love mysteries so much. I thought taking something about fighting crime would be fun.” You hadn’t even known who was teaching it when you signed up. Finding out you had Marcus for a professor was a delightful surprise.
“I think it’s a good idea to have everyone take at least one class.” Marcus knows you know this. It was basically his opening speech to his class. “Knowing about our system is necessary.”
"I completely agree." The discussions about how neither of you understand the resistance to understanding how the country you live in works have happened a few times over the last few months, usually in regard to a classmate saying something ignorant or someone illustrating a cultural difference between the US and the culture they grew up in. Discussions could either feel like you were banging your head against a wall or you could learn something truly interesting.
“So..” Marcus looks over at you as he scrapes the rest of the sauce out onto his gyro. “Are you ready for the summer? Or are you taking more courses?” He knows you are working towards your degree while working, so he’s not sure how it looks for you.
"I have a second job lined up for the summer. I'll keep busy and pocket as much money as I can." Working through the busy summer tourist season has always treated you well, and the company you work with has no problem accommodating your class schedule or your other job. "I'm on track to graduate next year as long as I don't run into a problem with any of my senior classes, so I'll spend my summer working and trying to get ahead in my reading if any of my professors are willing to hand out their reading lists early." It was the first email you always sent to a professor - asking if they wouldn't mind sending a reading list to you ahead of the start of the semester - and usually it helped establish you as a serious student early on. Being a slow reader meant you had to be prepared.
“Let me know what classes you are taking and I’ll be able to tell you what most of them have set out.” Marcus offers. “It’s good to have a jump on things.” It’s not just an offer because you’re going out on a date with him. He would offer it to any serious student. Just many of them hadn’t wanted to go beyond the unsubtle flirting.
“I’m a slow reader.” You shrug, digging your fork into your salad. “Taking a lot of classes that require extensive reading. Especially next year.” The first bite of your lunch is bright and crisp and refreshing as always, and you just let yourself enjoy it for a minute while you chew. “What about you?” You ask, tilting your head at him. “Any big summer plans with Missy?”
“Missy’s going to be with her grandparents most of the summer.” Marcus admits, hating that he will miss her, but she needs to spend time with Emily’s family. He was always welcomed, but he wanted her to bond with them without having dad hanging around.
“Oh?” He looks like he’s not thrilled with the idea, but you know how much he loves his daughter and he’s probably just aware of how much he’ll miss her - something you can’t blame him for in the least. That does, however, leave your mind open to think about very specific things…like spending the night together without having to worry about preteen eyes or ears.
“Yeah. So I’m going to be doing a lot of reading by the pool.” Marcus predicts. “Retirement from the Heroics left a lot of downtime that I hadn’t expected when I went into teaching.”
“It sounds relaxing, at least.” Would you kill to see Marcus lounging lazily, sunbathing shirtless with a book and a beer on any random summer day? It sounds like a dream. “If you want a change of scenery, sometimes the country club I work at gives us guest passes on slow days. You could read by a different pool if you wanted to?”
“So you’re inviting me to sit by your pool…” Marcus grins. “How good are your piña coladas?”
“Marcus I’m a bartender.” You pretend to be scandalized but just end up giggling when you take a sip of your drink. “My piña coladas are flawless, thank you very much.”
“I guess I will have to try them for myself.” Marcus teases, sending you a small wink. “Have you serving me frozen beverages all summer?”
"In my extremely sexy polo shirt and khaki shorts." The snort he gets from you is pure amusement, but the way you're smiling is so very, very pleased. Having him actively flirt with you is turning into a happy little puddle. "You'd be the only one actually allowed to leer."
“I will keep all my leering respectful.” He promises playfully. “Although you might be embarrassed to have such an old man flirt with you in public, even if you are used to it all the time.”
"If you're hanging out at the club this summer, then I'm assuming it will be because we've decided to keep seeing each other." And that thought alone makes you nearly giddy. "In which case I will be proud to have you respectfully leering while I work."
Marcus hums and picks up his gyro. “Then we will have to see if we are as good outside of ‘just friendly’ as I think we will be.” He tells you before he takes his first bite and groans at the flavors.
"I guess we will." You grin at him, forking up another bite of your lunch, and barely keep yourself from outright giggling. Next week can't come fast enough.
The nerves that come with getting ready for a ‘first date’ for the first time in nearly twenty years catches Marcus off guard. Panicking in the shower as he wonders if he’s made the date too casual, too presumptuous. What if you hate motorcycles? Should he just have made reservations somewhere? He runs through every single scenario in his mind until he’s nearly jittery.
He has no way of knowing that you've been sitting giddily in your apartment - busying yourself here and there with cleaning or changing your outfit four times or staring at the first page of a new book for a half hour and only reading the same sentence over and over again because you're too excited to focus. As seven o'clock ticks closer and closer, there is just less and less chance of you concentrating on anything except thinking of Marcus.
The ride over to your apartment complex is easy and surprisingly quick. You don’t live too far away from him and the implications that spring from that have him reminding himself that it’s just the first date. Swinging his leg over the bike as he shuts it off, he smirks to himself as he looks back at the helmet he had strapped to the back for you to wear. It’s a gorgeous evening for a ride and the setting sun in a few hours would look amazing as you cruise along the coast.
You practically jump when the buzzer goes off, beating a hasty route from the bathroom mirror - where you were quadruple checking the claim that your new lipstick is transfer-proof - to the hall. “Hello?” Trying to sound carefree instead of out of breath, your voice pitches up one too many octaves when you press the button to answer.
“Hey.” Marcus grins at how breathless you sound, wondering if you are just as nervous as he is. “Can I come up, or do you want me to wait down here?” If you decide to just come down, that’s completely your choice and he won’t judge you either way.
"Come on up!" Having decided thirty seconds ago to change your shoes from flats to boots for the sake of the bike you hope he brought, you push the buzzer to let him in and scramble to your bedroom to grab your knee-high boots.
Marcus grins, opening the door and deciding to take the stairs rather than wait for the elevator since you are only on the second floor. Eager to see you and get the date started. The only reason there aren’t flowers in his hand, is because they wouldn’t survive the ride over but maybe the one flower he does have silk charm you.
The knock on your door comes barely two minutes later and you've barely zipped up your boots when you answer it. Marcus has always dressed up for his time on campus, but today he has a leather jacket thrown over his untucked green button-up and boots peeking out from under his jeans where he would normally wear Oxford. The difference is slight, but it's mouthwatering. "Hey." One little word, but it's all you can manage when you're grinning from ear to ear like a lunatic. "Come on in."
“Hey.” He wipes his hands on his pants, slightly nervous as he steps inside. It’s been a long time since he’s been on a date and he doesn’t want to fuck it up. “You look great. Like really good.” He compliments.
“So do you.” He’s so obviously nervous that it makes you smile, relaxing in the moment when you remember how long it’s been for him. Having you be equally nervous isn’t going to help him at all. “Let me just grab my purse and we can head out?”
“Sure.” Marcus clears his throat and reaches into the pocket of his riding jacket. “So flowers, fresh beautiful ones, are standard for a first date - but they wouldn’t have survived the ride over.” He offers as he pulls out the lone metal rose he had brought you. “So I hope you aren’t disappointed by this.”
“Marcus…” Twisted and pulled from glossy metal into the form of a single blooming rose, the bud is a gorgeous example of artistry all on its own. It speaks to care because it’s so delicate, and an eye for beauty, and you gasp softly when you accept it from his hands. “It’s stunning.”
“I made it.” Why did he just volunteer that? He huffs slightly at his fucking inability to act like a normal man for just one second. “It’s- yeah, I just wanted you to have a flower.”
“Just because you don’t wear a uniform anymore, that doesn’t change who you are as a person.” It’s part of why you like him so much, if you’re honest with yourself. His being a hero isn’t all about his powers. He is fundamentally a good man.
“That’s very true.” He likes the fact that you have a very practical mindset about it. Some wouldn’t and it just means you are even more special than he had anticipated.
Out on the sidewalk in front of your building, his bike is easy to spot. The lone motorcycle in a parking lot of practical and family vehicles, it practically screams to be noticed and you love it. “I was hoping you were serious about bringing it.”
“Good.” Marcus practically beams at giddiness in your eyes. “It’s been a while since I’ve had time to go for a ride and figured it would be the perfect evening for it.”
“Absolutely perfect.” You couldn’t agree more, happily taking the second helmet from the back of his bike when he hands it to you.
Once you are as safe as you can be, Marcus straddles the bike and pulls it off the standing peg. “Get on behind me and hang on as tight as you want.”
“Dangerous thing to say to the woman who’s had a crush on you for the better part of five months.” The gentle laugh as you carefully climb into the back of the bike and wrap your arms around him is mostly teasing - but only mostly. Because you’d been lusting after him on TV for a lot longer than that.
Marcus chuckles as he starts the bike with a loud roar. Maybe showing off just slightly. He has backed into the parking spot so he can just take off with the twist of his wrist and he grins at the bubble of giggling that bursts out behind him as your arms tighten instinctively.
It’s a quick zip from your building to the Pacific Coast Highway. No more than a few minutes in the residential area puts you out enjoying the Southern California’ coastal salt air instead of smog. Each turn he takes hits right in the pit of your stomach and brings another bubble of giggles from your throat and you just hope he can hear them over the roar of the engine. Even if the night was just this - just riding around with him as your anchor - you would completely love it.
Marcus doesn’t try to speed and break your neck as he coasts along the Highway. This is about the leisure of the trip. Enjoying the scenery and he can feel you gasp when he takes one hand off the handlebars to point out some whales breaching just off the rocky coast.
It’s silly. It’s silly to worry. You’re with one of the world’s only literal superheroes. Nothing is going to happen to you. But you still clutch him a little bit tighter whenever he lets go of the handlebars to point. The smile on his face is free and easy and he seems to love the gasps from your lips, so you don’t bother feeling embarrassed. If you were nervous it’s already melted away. Being with Marcus is easy.
He doesn’t know how long you cruise, maybe an hour, hour and a half before he throttle down slightly. “When you see somewhere you want to eat, let me know!” He turns his head back towards you and shouts it so you can hear.
A little further up the road, a brightly painted seafood shack with a cartoon lobster wearing a captain’s hat on its sign. “Right there!” You call through the engine and wind noise, barely letting go of him long enough to point. It looks unpretentious and like it hasn’t changed owners or gimmicks in decades. Perfect for your breezy, relaxed evening ride.
“Okay.” Marcus immediately slows down more, letting go of the handle bars again to give the signal for his turn as he guides the two of you into the parking lot.
You could swear you’re still vibrating when he cuts the engine and your feet are on solid ground again, but it’s not rattling or uncomfortable. It’s like a very tangible adrenaline buzz running all through your body and - yes, definitely shooting right between your legs.
“You okay?” Marcus asks as soon as he takes off his own helmet and sets it down on the back of the bike. It might not be cool to some to wear protection, but he’s got his daughter to think of. And despite his best efforts at trying to stay inconspicuous, sometimes he was photographed in public, not the example he wants to set for the younger generations.
“That was amazing.” The shit-eating grin on your face promises that you’re not lying, and you let him gently unbuckle your helmet to lift it away and set it with his as you stand up.
“Well, why don’t we have whatever tickles our fancy and then we can find a shaved ice place or ice cream stand?” He offers.
"Sounds pretty perfect." A dressed down night like this - something that's more about who you're with than what you're doing - is exactly the right kind of first date to you.
“Good.” His hand finds your back, up under your jacket by sheer coincidence as he moves you towards the small shack. “Maybe we can eat outside?” He offers.
"Why eat by the ocean if you can't see the water at the same time?" His hand is warm through the thin material of your dress and you unconsciously shift closer to him as you walk inside.
“My thoughts exactly.” Marcus grins. “Order a beer if you want, I’m going to have a soda since I’m the one driving.”
The place is simple - just a window with a huge menu board over it where you place your order and a counter a few yards down where you can pick up your filled order when your name is called. Tables inside are simple plastic with matching chairs, and outside there are picnic tables to extend the seating by another dozen or so tables. A plate of fish tacos and local beer sounds like the most Californian meal you've eaten in a long time, and perfect for tonight.
“God, everything smells so good.” He groans, practically drooling at the menu board. “Do you want to get a bunch of things and split them?” He asks.
"You're on." By the time you get up to the window to order you've picked out three or four things that sound amazing - not the least of which is the fish tacos which are marked on the menu as award winning. Your beer will be on the tray when it comes up but Marcus is given a cup for his soda and is pointed toward the drink fountain while you wait.
"What kind goes best with what we ordered?" He hums playfully as he surveys the soda options. There are a few but he's just playing around, seeing if you will point out your favorite. His theory is that you would take a sip of it if he picks that one. So you just aren't drinking beer.
“Hmmmm.” Pretending to think excruciatingly hard about it, you shrug your shoulders playfully and tap the Sprite logo currently staring you in the face. “It’s a palate cleanser,” you reason when he raises one eyebrow to ask for an explanation. “Bright, citrusy, sweet but not as heavy as Mountain Dew or root beer.” It’s also your favorite, but he doesn’t need to know that. Having a favorite soda is silly at your age.
"Good choice." Marcus actually agrees with your assessment and immediately starts adding ice so he can fill the cup with Sprite. "Kind of like having white wine with chicken or beer with chicken wings." He grins and winks at you as he fills the cup.
“The extremely low rent version of that,” you laugh though, leaning against the counter as he fills his cup. “But I like the low rent versions of things. Just because something is fussier doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better.”
"I always believe there are times to be fancy and then there are times to just be...happy." Marcus shrugs. "I figured that the first date should be easy and light, not stuffy in a fancy restaurant where we are bored to death and unable to find things to eat that we can pronounce."
"Now that is a theory I can get behind entirely." You snag him a paper straw from the container next to the drink dispenser and send him one of those winks that he seems so fond of, just to be playful. "Although I do speak passable Italian."
"You do?" That is new information and he's delighted to learn that. It's charming to know that about you and he grins as he nods. "I can see it. Have you traveled to Italy?"
"I never got to." It's a regret, to be sure, but you made up your mind a while ago to not let those things drag you down anymore. It's been too long. "The first time I was in college, I was an art history major. Most of my focus was on the Italian Renaissance, so Italian was kind of necessary."
“I see.” Marcus nods. “Maybe you will be able to visit once you have your degree.” He offers, knowing that traveling to foreign countries is important.
"Once I have my degree this time, I hope I'll be able to find a good job." The best you can really do is shrug, pretending that you hadn't had to set aside several lifelong dreams when you dropped out of college the first time around. As short a life as it had been then, you've always been a dreamer. "It's okay." Not wanting to bring the mood down, you offer him a sunny smile and turn to wait for his name to be called at the counter. "I'll get there someday."
"I don't doubt it for a second." Marcus promises you with a smile. You are tenacious and he knows you will make it happen for yourself. "How many more of your classes are you shy of graduating?" He asks, as he stands beside you.
"Seven." It sounds like so much and so little all at once, and you stick your hands in the pockets of your jacket to resist the insane urge you have to hold his hand. "One more full year, basically. But I have a spot open in case I don't pass something this semester and need to retake."
"That's a smart thing to do." He is impressed with the way that you are thinking ahead. "Sometimes you don't pass the first time around, I know I couldn't pass my freshman statistics course to save my life."
“I took Intro to Botany for my science general ed thinking it would at least be interesting.” But from your cringe, he can tell that that isn’t true. “It turned out to be both insanely difficult and insanely boring. Which is a shame.”
"Yeah...." Marcus shakes his head. "I'm not the biggest fan of that class." He doesn't like professor Issacs, but you don't need to know that. He's never particularly cared for him, finding him pompous and egotistical without contributing much to the faculty. He seemed to make the course load harder for his students than it needed to be.
“Well, if Isaacs decides to flunk me, it’ll be Earth Sciences in fall, instead.” Which you probably should have done in the first place, but hindsight is 20/20 and all that. “How’s your grading looking? Staring down the barrel of a hundred and fifty tests and papers?”
"I actually have it down to a science." Marcus tells you with a small grin. "I should be done with grading by Sunday at the latest."
“Look at you, Professor Smarty Pants. You’ll have to teach me your tricks if I ever actually become a teacher.” You tease, grinning when the girl behind the counter calls his name, looks up, and recognizes him.
“Moreno?” She asks, stunned and wide eyes. “Marcus Moreno?” Her voice manages to go up several octaves. “I- oh my god!”
Taking his drink and grabbing some napkins and utensils is the most helpful thing you can do, and you watch with a smile as Marcus shakes the girl’s hand and chats with her for a second before grabbing the tray with your dinner. He’s in his element with people - any kind of people - and you always get a warm sort of pride whenever you’re with him when he’s recognized. Despite having no claim on him but friendship, you’re still proud of him.
Marcus listens to the girl gush, he had apparently saved her about five years ago, right before he had quit going out into the field with the other Heroics. Making him recall the incident and he smiles as she thanks him for what he had done, shaking his head and claiming that it had been nothing. Grateful that you aren’t annoyed that he’s having time taken away from the date. When he finally comes back over to you, he gives you an apologetic look. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” You push the door open to go outside and let him go through first with the tray. “You’ve saved people's lives. You saved that girl’s life. That’s no small thing. Not at all.”
“It’s bad, but I don’t remember her.” Marcus feels guilty, but it’s the truth. There were a lot of people that day.
“And she never has to know that.” There is one picnic table closer to the water than the others, and you both move toward it instinctively. “I can’t imagine you remembering every person you ever saved. But I’m sure they'll all remember you for the rest of their lives.”
“It’s daunting.” Marcus admits. “I don’t think it’s a secret that I don’t crave attention.” He snorts. “I’m not Miracle Guy.”
“No one is.” You smirk, knowing Miracle Guy’s reputation for tooting his own horn.
Marcus chuckles at your expression and shrugs slightly. “He’s got quite the fan club.”
“And he loves it. But fame isn’t everyone’s first choice.” At the table you set everything out between you and sit side by side so you can both look out over the water while you eat. “For what it’s worth? I like you just as you are.”
“Well thank you.” Marcus moves your beer over to you and grins. “While we eat, maybe you can tell me why you chose teaching?”
“Have we never talked about that?” He shakes his head when you ask and you pop the cap off your beer. “Teaching was always on my radar.” You tell him, figuring that’s the best place to start. “I thought about teaching art, originally. But when I was taking care of my mom…the thing that she had the most energy for was books. We would read together constantly, until it was just me reading to hear and we would talk about every chapter and every book together. It was our own private book club, and I fell in love with literature all over again.”
"I like that." Marcus hates the fact that it seems like your mother is gone, he can't even imagine losing his mother right now although his father died when he was twelve, but he reaches out and takes your hand. "I'm sure that those memories are the ones that she cherished the most." He murmurs softly.
It’s not exactly the way you wanted it to happen - out of sympathy instead of excitement - but you look down at his large hands covering yours and smile. “She was my best friend,” you tell him, aware that your voice has dropped a little. “And I just hope I’m making her proud.”
“Doing exactly what you want to do and living your life how you want to live it is exactly what would make a parent proud.” He knows not all parents subscribe to that, but he feels like your mother would, considering how you’ve turned out.
“Thanks.” You shake your head, almost trying to release the cobwebs from the corners of your mind. “Sorry…I…I didn’t mean to bring the mood down.”
“You’re not bringing the mood down.” Marcus assures you, almost instantly. “Talking about our lives and what has happened is learning about each other. It’s the human condition that none of us are without personal tragedy.”
“I suppose.” Not wanting to let go just yet, you take a sip of your drink with your other hand. “Although most men would not feel that way on a first date. So thank you for being your compassionate self.”
“I am no stranger to things like this.” Marcus reminds you softly. “Do you know how many people hit on me at my wife’s funeral? And then didn’t understand why I was angry at them?”
“Are you serious?” The worst part is that you can imagine it. People offering to comfort the grieving widower with varying degrees of subtlety and lewdness. “That’s…that’s despicable, Marcus. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s done.” Marcus rubs his thumb in the back of your hand gently. “But I’ve learned that there are really good people in the world too, and you’re one of them.” He tells you with a soft smile.
“I really like you.” Though it comes out inelegantly, and you can feel your cheeks burn when you fear it, the sentiment is honest. “I mean…obviously. Since I’m here with you. But I guess I mean…I’m glad that you feel that way. Because the time that I’ve been able to spend with you is the happiest that I’ve been in a really long time.”
"That's good." He lights up, grinning broadly and can't quite hide the way his chest puffs out slightly at your praise of him and the time you have spent together. A lot of it has been innocent but it's a building block for what he wants. More.
With the air slightly clearer between you, you dig into your dinner with enthusiasm. The little roadside seafood shack is playing with no less than its A-game so everything is fresh and delicious. The sea is calm, treating you to crisp breezes and the occasional creature-sighting, and little joke after little joke piles up to have you both in a fit of giggles by the time the meal winds down. In your entire life a first date has never been this relaxed or fun, and you're starting to think that maybe you've just been dating the wrong people all along.
Marcus leans back and sighs. “Well, want to continue on and find our dessert stand?” He asks playfully, rubbing his stomach. “Or do you not have room?”
"There is always room for dessert." You tell him, with an air that you're giving some kind of sage wisdom. "Especially cold desserts on warm nights." It will be sundown soon and the mid-May sun is only just starting to lose power. "Do you know a place or are we driving until we find one?" Either way is fine with you. Either way is time spent with him.
“I’m kinda winging it.” Marcus admits with a grin. “Trying to be more spontaneous? Missy said I shouldn’t plan everything out like I do normally.”
"You told Missy?" Admittedly, you had been afraid to ask if he was going to or not, knowing that his relationship with his daughter means the world to him. You wouldn't have been surprised or offended if he had chosen to hold off on telling her about you until it became more serious. The fact that he did - that you seem to be important enough to him to have her know about you - floods you with warmth and joy.
“She’s the one that told me I needed to stop…how did she put it? “Being a wuss’  and ask you out.” He chuckles as he stands from the table and picks up the tray that you’ve both deposited all the trash from your dinner onto. He’ll throw it away and return the tray before getting back on the bike with you.
"Your daughter and my roommate." You can't help but chuckle a little, walking with him to the trash bins to chuck your beer bottle in the recycles. "Well...I'm glad one of us listened to our advice giver. I'm pretty sure I would have been too chicken when push came to shove."
“I was half convinced that I was making up the entire thing in my head.” He huffs, rolling his eyes at himself. “That maybe you just felt sorry for me and that’s why you ate lunch with me.”
"Not at all." The fact that he thought it, though, shows his humility. "Actually, at first I thought the reverse. That you were taking pity on your weird student who was older than everybody else by being friendly."
“God no.” Marcus breathes out. “You saved my sanity. Having someone who was understanding that it’s insane for all these girls to be wanting me?” He rolls his eyes. “There’s a group of them that started calling me ‘daddy’ and I just-“ he shrugs and laughs in that defeated and disbelieving kind of way. “Why?”
When you snort to keep from bursting out laughing, you can only hold up your hand to apologize. “Marcus, it’s because you’re hot. A sexy guy in a position of authority with a nurturing personality is a recipe for being a daddy.”
“But…I—” He trails off and his eyes widen slightly in realization. “Dear God.” He huffs after a long moment of silence.
“It’s a compliment,” you promise, looping your arm around him and hugging him while you desperately try to keep the laughter inside. “A slightly weird one, but a compliment nonetheless.”
“They do realize that I would never actually….date them, right?” He asks. “It would be so wrong.” Most of his class are seniors but the age gap widens every year and now there’s only three or four years between the freshman class and his daughter.
“The reasonable ones do. The less reasonable ones don’t care. That’s not the point.” Together you walk back around the tiny restaurant and out to the parking lot, but Marcus doesn’t move away from you so you keep your hand on him while you go. “They’ll get it out of their systems eventually and then you won’t have to hear it anymore. Besides, I think the ringleaders of that particular nickname are all graduating this year.” One of them was Monica, you know that for sure. But she’ll be graduated and gone in no time.
“Hopefully.” Marcus looks over at you, “although I wouldn’t mind a certain former student dropping by sometimes when she has time.” He teases.
“Oh yeah?” You smirk, unable to resist screwing with him just a little. “I’ll let Monica know. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.”
“Do it and you’ll buy your own ice cream.” Marcus threatens playfully. He doesn’t mean it, but the idea of Monica haunting his office hours after graduation is almost enough to make his time by virtual connection only.
“That’s a very serious threat, you know.” You’re giggling when you make it to his bike, practically doubled over with it just from the mortified look on his face. “Of course I’ll drop by office hours. How else am I going to say hi?” Doing your best not to count on anything - or to get your hopes up too high - you have ended up just sort of assuming that he won’t want to go on another date after tonight. That it will be too weird for him or you won’t be as good as what he has built up in his mind before now. It’s helping to keep your expectations grounded, because your hopes are already imagining what it will be like to get to know his daughter.
“Welllllllll, I guess we could communicate through mirrors and reflections, smoke signals, or pigeon carriers.” Marcus snorts. “But I was hoping it would include the occasional phone call, or visit in person. I’ll even text.”
"I would pay money to see Missy teaching you how to text." That starts up the giggles again, but in a much more lighthearted way. "Look, Marcus..." You manage not to sigh, thank god, but your tone does trend a bit more serious. All fears aside for you, you know that he hasn't dated in an extremely long time and deserves some reassurance. "I told you that I really like you and I meant it. So if you decide you want to keep seeing me after tonight? I'm a commitment girl. So dropping by your office with snacks or to spend some time together will be a given."
“I know how to text.” Marcus grumbles, pouting at you slightly. “I just don’t. There’s no inflection. And how can I convey emotion?” He reaches out to take the helmet you had worn off the back of the bike to put it back on you. “I think this date is going really well, how about you?” He asks. “So I don’t know why I wouldn’t want to see you again.”
"If I tell you that I'm having a great night but trying not to set my expectations too high, do I get to see that cute pout again?" The fact that he sets the helmet on you and buckles it in place so he knows you're safe is about the cutest thing ever.
Just to get you to grin again, he does the pout again. Holding it for a few seconds before he shakes his head in disappointment. “And here I was thinking that you should set the expectations sky high.” He rumbles dramatically.
'My hopes are sky high," you assure him, feeling daring enough to reach out and touch his arm again even if it's only briefly. "But I know this is a big step for you, so I didn't want you to feel pressured."
“I don’t.” He promises, reaching up and chucking your chin softly before he glances down at your lips. “Not at all. Although there’s some pressure, it’s not something you have to worry about unless you want to.”
"What do you mean?" Tilting your head to one side, you don't miss the way he glances down at your lips, though the innuendo goes straight over your head.
He chuckles quietly and lets go of your chin. “I’ll let you figure that one out for yourself.” He teases, turning back and grabbing his own helmet. “Let me know when you got it worked out.”
"Well that's not fair." It's your turn to pout now, just as playfully. "I have no talent for double meanings, if my roommate is to be believed."
“Really?” He turns back around and smirks at you. “If you don’t figure it out by the time I drop you off at your place, I’ll let you in on the pressure.”
"You're enjoying this too much." But it's amusing rather than anything else, and you nudge him playfully.
“Maybe a little.” He chuckles as he climbs back on the bike and motions you over. “Climb back on, sweetheart.”
If teasing you is what keeps that smile on his face then you are all for it. You just shake your head to make him laugh again and swing your leg back over the back of his bike. Your arms slide easily around his waist this time with no hesitation in the thing, and you giggle all over again when the engine roars to life.
“Want to go a little faster this time?” Marcus yells over his shoulder.
"Go for it!" There's no question you'll be safe with him, and the adrenaline from the ride is definitely worth it, so you just hold on a little tighter.
“Hang on!” Marcus laughs as he kicks the peg up and twists the throttle of the bike hard enough to lurch you out of the parking spot and make you squeal in surprise.
Back on the highway Marcus picks up the pace, moving you through traffic with expert handling and a fearlessness that goes straight past anything worrying and directly to being such a damn turn on.
This time there’s less talking, more wind buffering around you. Marcus loves the feeling of it, having spent plenty of time wishing he had the skill of flying like Miracle Guy, but this is a close second. He grins as you squeeze him tight and he lets go of one handlebar to cover your hands with his own as he carries you further up the coast.
The colors of sunset are just starting to appear on the horizon when Marcus points out a sign for an ice cream stand up ahead. His hand has been warm on yours whenever it's been safe for him to have it there, and you could swear that the warmth radiating off of him in waves has changed somehow. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Throttling down, he pulls into the parking lot of the ice cream stand, happy that it seems moderately busy on this beautiful night. Even better, there’s benches facing the ocean to sit and eat. “Now are you a sundae kind of girl or a cone?” He asks playfully.
"Yes to both," you laugh honestly. You both take off your helmets and pop off the bike to stretch your legs, but stick close to each other while other people bustle around having fun. "But tonight feels like a cone night. Much easier for sitting and watching the water with."
“I agree.” Marcus can’t help but touch you again, keeping his hand on your back again. “Figure once we finish up here, we’ll turn around and start heading back to L.A. Don’t want you too sore from riding too long.”
"Sure. We got a perfect night for a few more hours of driving." Though you have no desire to see the night end, you're not trying to monopolize every second of his time. Or at least you wouldn't admit to wanting it. For now you just keep close and lean into his side a little as you stroll toward the stand overlooking the water.
“It’s also a good reason to stop at these stands.” He looks over at you and smirks. “If you aren’t used to it, it’s a real workout on your hips and thighs.”
"Some things are worth being sore for." It's amazing the way you miss even your own innuendo, but there it is. The words don't even register a second meaning on their way out of your mouth.
Marcus waits a beat for you to smirk, but you don’t. Giving credence to your claim that you don’t get secondary meanings. “Yep.” He chuckles. “Let’s figure out what ice cream we want.”
"I'm going to guess...pistachio for you." You glance up at him when you get into line and raise an eyebrow. "Or Rocky Road? Something classic."
“Actually…” Marcus smiles as he glances at the list of flavors. “I was thinking the sinful Caramel truffle swirl.” He admits.
"Ooh, we're going for something fancy tonight." It might be the mood or the sunset, but he is just remarkably handsome tonight. "Sounds tasty."
“You always go fancy with ice cream.” Marcus laughs. “Or red velvet, peanut butter cup mashup?”
"Red velvet and caramel swirl mash up?" Suddenly it's a game, playing with pairings, and his hand on your back has slipped to your waist making you feel giddy like you're still flying on that bike with him.
“Orrrr the banana flavored ice cream with peanut butter, chocolate chips and caramel swirl?” He asks, nearly drooling at the combinations they offer.
"The Elvis. Always a classic." All it's missing is bacon, and you would absolutely use that as a sundae topping. "I say we pick two and swap halfway through. Best of both worlds."
Marcus grins slowly and nods. “Sounds like a plan to me.” His fingers tighten on your waist slightly as you both turn back towards the window and step up to order. “Ladies first.” He murmurs to you.
You end up ordering coffee cookies and cream and Marcus gets the Elvis-inspired concoction that had him drooling, and within minutes you’re scouting for a place to sit in the small army of benches overlooking the water. The pinks, purples, and orange in the sky are a watercolor collage of the perfect sunset, and the smattering of other couples who also chose to stop here on their dates have given the place a more romantic feel than a little seaside ice cream stand probably ever would ever have on its own.
“Sooooo.” Marcus guides you over to the benches, the girl behind the window assuring them that they will bring the ice cream to you. “How is the view?” He asks, sitting down besides you and offering his hand. If you want to take it, you have the option.
“I think it might be my new favorite.” In fact, you’re so busy admiring his profile against the colorful sky that you almost miss his proffered hand. Almost. But you slip your hand into his larger one with a shy smile, relishing the simple intimacy.
Marcus isn’t looking at the sunset. Instead his eyes are on you. “Mine too.” He promises, curling his fingers around yours protectively.
“Yeah?” You’re both the same kind of sappy, it seems, and the smile on your face widens immeasurably. Your cheeks are going to ache from it tomorrow but you couldn’t care less. “I’m glad to hear it.”
He grins but doesn’t say anything else, just letting both of you settle back and watch the light play over the water. His hand doesn’t leave yours and he sighs softly. “The view of the water is nice too.”
A laugh - small and breathy - cracks your dreamy expression and you manage to thank the teenage girl who brings over your ice cream when she arrives a moment later. “Yes,” you grin at him, nearly giggling. “The water is nice, too.”
The first bite of the creamy, sweet ice cream makes Marcus moan, rolling his eyes back. “Holy shit.” He groans, taking another lick of the confection. “I know we’re trading but you have to try this now.” Having the perfect dessert almost makes up for having to let go of your hand. Almost.
“That good?” You ask, and he nods when he holds it out to you. It’s messier than you're proud of, that first taste, but you groan right along with him and let your eyes float shut happily. “Holy shit, it is that good.”
“Right?” He’s practically giddy as he takes another bite of it happily. “This is definitely a place to come back to again one night.”
“Absolutely.” The first bite of your own cone is just as good, and you moan again happily. “If it’s all this good then we’ll have to come back with Missy.”
“Missy will insist on it.” Marcus chuckles. “That girl has never met an ice cream flavor she didn’t love. She even eats mint chocolate chip.” He makes a face and grins at you.
“Mint chocolate chip is delicious!” You protest immediately, making him just grimace even more dramatically. “Fine, more for me and Missy, then. You’re the one missing out.”
“I will happily miss out.” He promises you. “I don’t care for the taste of toothpaste with my chocolate.”
“How about coffee and Oreos?” Offering him a first taste of your ice cream is only fair since you’d had one of his, but more than anything you’re just enjoying the easy teasing between you.
“Now you’re speaking my language.” Marcus doesn’t hesitate in sampling the cone you offer him and he groans happily. “God.”
“Right?” You laugh, trying to ignore the way the sounds reverberate through you anytime Marcus groans or moans over delicious food. “We have to come back. Gotta try every flavor.”
“Absolutely. Although with Missy coming, we’ll have to trade the motorcycle for the car.” He doesn’t mind it, and to be honest, he likes that you want to include his daughter.
“I don’t mind.” Spending time with his daughter is more important than how you travel, and honestly you’re not sure you’ll be composed enough for family bonding with how fucking wet riding that bike has made you. “The bike can be for when it’s just us.”
“I like the way you think.” Marcus smirks slightly and takes another bite of his ice cream.
“After all…” When you smirk at him it’s devious. “I don’t think the bike would be considered very ‘Daddy’ of you.”
He snorts, nearly choking on the melted cream of his dessert. “That’s just mean.”
“Me? Mean?” You blink at him innocently, with your eyes as wide as they’ll go. “Never! But tease? Absolutely.”
“So you tease but you don’t get the dirty meanings behind comments?” He laughs, shaking his head in amusement. “Interesting.”
“I guess I just…never expect anyone to make dirty comments to me?” It feels like an excuse, or something silly, and you shrug your shoulders. “So it never occurs to me.”
“Why?” That seems impossible to him. You’re beautiful, kind, smart and funny. “While I don’t subscribe to catcalling women all the time, there’s got to be times where people come onto you.”
“Maybe.” Another shrug and you feel yourself looking away, like you ought to be embarrassed for missing out on something. “But I never notice unless it’s extremely obvious. Like the day you asked me to have lunch with you the first time? You flat out asked me.”
“I don’t mind having to be blunt.” Marcus leans in and nudges your shoulder slightly. “I’ll keep it in mind when I want you to know I’m flirting with you.”
“I’ll learn,” you promise, knowing the whole thing sounds silly to any ‘normal’ person. “Learning how you flirt is easier than learning how everybody in the world flirts.”
“This is very true.” Marcus is halfway down with his cone so he dutifully holds it out for you to take.
“Trade time.” You offer him your cone in exchange, glad that something so simple can be enjoyable for both of you. After everything you’ve been through over the last few years, you really have realized that it’s the little things that mean the most to you. Something as simple as sharing food makes everything much more intimate.
“We might have to get a couple of pints to take home next time.” Marcus suggests. “Bring a cooler.”
“We can make homemade ice cream sandwiches.” The thoughts roll on - of spending more time with him, getting to know Missy - the daydreams you have only started to allow yourself this week as you waited eagerly tonight.
“Ohhhh make some cookies for the sandwiches.” Marcus groans, rolling his eyes at the idea.
“Exactly.” His enthusiastic reaction makes you grin, hoping that some of these little dreams might come true sooner rather than later. Tonight has really been perfect, and you don’t want it to end even if all you do is sit here in the after-dusk and watch the water together.
“So…anything else you want to do?” He asks softly. “We don’t have to end the date after we get back to L.A.”
“Honestly? We could probably do anything and I’d enjoy it.” Simple, maybe, but you prefer to think of it as being easy going. And you’ve never not enjoyed time with this man. “Maybe we could just…curl up? Watch a movie or something? Unless that sounds boring to you.”
“We could do that.” Marcus offers after thinking about it for a second. “Do you want to do this at your place or mine?” Just because you were picked up from a date at your apartment doesn’t mean you want him to come back to it. He frantically tries to remember if he did the dishes this morning.
“It’s probably easier if you come back to mine, I think.” Not that the very idea of it doesn’t have you shaking a little with anticipation. “That way you don’t have to drive the round trip between our places just to drop me off.”
“If that’s what you want.” Marcus chuckles quietly and decides to be honest. “I was just panicking and praying I had cleaned up from breakfast this morning.”
“There’s no reason to worry about that.” You shake your head, pausing for a second to lick away a drop of ice cream before it can skate down your hand. “A pristine house always confuses me. It’s supposed to be where you live, and life is messy.”
“Life is messy but I don’t think day old dishes are the way to express it.” Marcus chuckles. “I always think of shoes by the door, backpacks slung over the stair banister, throws and pillows messy on the couch.” He shrugs. “Basically how my house looks.”
“If you would be more comfortable at your house, I don’t mind.” For you, this is all about making him as at ease as possible, because you know that no matter what you’ll enjoy yourself. “I can take an Uber home?” Or spend the night, but you won’t say that part out loud.
He chuckles quietly. “I was wanting you to be comfortable.” He pouts slightly, playfully, at you.
“Too considerate for our own good.” You have to laugh a little, realizing that you’re both dancing around each other. “Why don’t we go to your house, then?” An Uber ride now will give you time to think, and to maybe not do something impulsive like ask him to stay.
Marcus nods. “That sounds good. We’ll have the house to ourselves and not have to worry about bothering the neighbors.” He murmurs, knowing you probably won’t get his meaning.
“Sounds good.” The smile you give him is admittedly a little dreamy, but that’s okay. A first date should be dreamy if it’s any good. Now that it’s officially dark out, the night seems to have taken on an extra layer of comfort that you hadn’t expected. Or maybe it’s just that you’re leaning into his side on the bench.
Marcus quickly devours the cone, but he offers you the very tip of the cone - the best part in his opinion. “Here, sweetheart.” He leans up and holds it up to your lips. “The sweetest bite.”
There’s something very intimate about it but you don’t shy away, accepting the gift by nipping it right out of his fingers with your teeth but still accidentally grazing his fingers with your lips in the process. He’s right about it, though, and you hum happily when you offer him the same last bite of the cone you had been holding.
It should be obvious how Marcus is feeling from the way his breath catches when you graze his fingers, but he doesn’t know. So he makes it obvious. He wraps his lips around your fingers and sucks lightly.
As gentle as he is when he does it, it sucks the air straight out of your lungs to make you gasp. There's no possible way to miss the deliberate way his tongue flicks at your fingertips instead of focusing on the nub of the ice cream cone that you had been offering, and although he does come away with the treat in his mouth that's not at all what you're focused on now. You stare for a second before you can compose yourself again, and instead of being gobsmacked you immediately feel your whole face burning.
"Delicious." He hums, smirking at you slightly as he licks his lips before he starts to lick his fingers clean of any melted ice cream that dripped down. "Are you ready to go back?" He asks, watching you carefully as he sucks his thumb clean.
The reply gets stuck in your throat at first but you nod, eventually managing to stammer out a "Yes" and flustering, because what you want to do is drag him in for a kiss but that seems awfully forward. Or maybe it isn't at this point and you're just paranoid - who knows.
Marcus chuckles quietly, suddenly more confident on this date than he had been up to this point. His knuckles brush across your cheek and there’s still just a touch of light over the ocean to make the scene romantic with the string of lights around to give it a nice glow. “I’m going to kiss you, unless you say no.” He warns softly, making his intentions known and giving you a chance to pull away as he leans in.
“Why the hell would I do that?” It gives you just a second to appreciate his knack for crystal clear communication, which means the world to you, but you’re also not trying to open a dialogue. You lean in as easily as breathing, finding his lips a half seconds faster than he anticipated, and let your eyes flutter closed at that first touch. It feels so natural, like everything else tonight, and you reach one hand up to cup his cheek while the moment lingers between you beautifully.
Marcus sighs into the soft kiss. It’s gentle, promising. A first kiss that sweet dreams are made of and he’s careful to not take it any deeper. If you want to kiss him again, he can expand then. After a moment, or many an hour, he pulls away with a smile. “Ready, beautiful?”
“Absolutely.” As soft and sweet as it is, your whole self is buzzing with it and you run your thumb along his jaw as you nod. “Ready, handsome.”
The two of you stand up and there’s a natural way that you seem to drift towards each other. His hand sliding around your waist and he hums softly. “Are you warm enough in that jacket for the ride home?” He asks, knowing that it will get cooler now that the sun is down.
“I’ll be okay.” He must not know that he radiates heat. It comes off him in waves and you’ve wondered more than once how he could possibly survive wearing sweaters like he does in Southern California weather while being so warm. Maybe it’s just an aura he gives off. “If I’m chilly when we get to your house we’ll just have to curl up under a blanket.”
Marcus groans slightly, barely refraining from making another dirty comment, but his fingers flex slightly on your hip. “Whatever you want.” He promises.
“Did I say something?” You’re starting to pick up on things. On his cues that could be considered unusual. At least, he never groaned around you before.
“Yeah.” He knows you didn’t mean it sexually. “I was just thinking of all the ways I could be under a blanket with you, sweetheart.” He admits as the two of you stop in front of his bike again. “It’s adding to that pressure I was talking about.”
With two pieces of the puzzle, it's like something clicks into place in your mind and you suck in another breath, clamping your mouth shut to keep from openly giggling. "Oh." You duck your head and push into his space a little, just to press a kiss to his cheek. "I wouldn't... wouldn't mind not making it through the movie," you admit quietly.
He chuckles quietly and reaches for the helmet for you. “That’s up to you.” He promises quietly. “Completely up to you.”
The ride back to LA is easy. The giddiness in your blood is different than it was when you left the city but no less exciting - just a new kind of anticipation. The idea that he does actually want you as much as you want him is exhilarating, making you hyper aware of the way you have to cling to him as he guides you through traffic. The strength of him despite how he might look soft to the outside observer. The breadth of his back and shoulders giving you a place to rest your head as your drive that only makes you wonder if the breadth of his chest would be even more comforting.
There is a slight urgency to getting back this time. He’s not speeding too badly but it’s not the leisurely drive it had been on the way out. Not with the fact that your hand has slipped under his jacket and resting on his stomach, warm and heavy.
His house is picturesque from the outside: the pinnacle of upper-middle class southern California comfort. A gate and security box outside let you in to see the well kept front yard and around the side of the house where the pool is beckoning with welcome. It looks tidy but not fussy, which is just like him. "Home sweet home?" You hum when he cuts the engine in his driveway.
“Home sweet home.” Marcus offers, letting you swing yourself off the back of the bike before he lets down the kickstand and dismounts himself. “Hopefully you like it.”
"I can't think of any reason why I wouldn't." As reluctant as you are to pull away, you take off the helmet you had been wearing and hand it off to him to secure. The night has barely gotten a chill but the ride definitely created a breeze, and you smile when you take his offered hand. "Do you want to give me the grand tour?"
“Of course.” He practically beams at how you smile at him. It’s the type of smile that makes him feel like a warm blanket has settled over him. “Missy has managed to make this hang out central in the summertime when she’s here. The kids like to come swim.”
“I would too, if I were them. Any place with a pool is the best place to spend free time.” There’s vestiges of teenagers everywhere when he shows you the path to the backyard - pool toys in a large crate and everything brightly colored in every way. It feels lived in and loved.
“Of course. And it’s always asking if I can grill hamburgers or whatever.” He huffs, but his grin gives away how much he enjoys it. “Do you know how many bags of chips teenagers can plow through?”
“It’s gonna be even more if I start coming over.” You flash him a grin that says you’re one hundred percent ready to suck up to his daughter to make sure she likes you. “Dips and desserts are kind of my thing.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Do you mean to bring them or I’ll have to buy more?” He teases with a wink.
“Oh no, I’ll make them.” You promise, laughing right with him. “Nothing says pool party and burgers like fresh salsa and guac.”
“You make homemade guacamole and my daughter would be your best friend.” Marcus laughs. “She eats it all by herself.”
“Befriending Missy is very high on my list of priorities.” That’s something that shouldn’t be a secret from him - that you value him enough to make his daughter a priority. Tonight has been amazing and might still continue to get better, and it’s important that he knows how seriously you take this.
“The key to her heart is avocados and green chili sauce.” He confides, whispering playfully. “If you can make green chili enchiladas, she might ask you to move in.”
Your other hand moves around his waist when he pulls you into his side and you grin up at him when you hug him. “I really hope you don’t mind having me around then, because it sounds like Missy and I can live off the same foods.”
“If you can cook it, thank God.” Marcus huffs. “Because for some reason mine never turns out right.”
“We’ll have to see what she thinks.” You lean into Marcus with a smile. “I hope they make the cut.”
“If they are halfway decent, it would be a lot better than mine.” He chuckles, leaning into you and sending you an up close wink.
“Wanna show me the inside?” A nod to the house is a small thing, but getting to see his space for the first time is a big deal.
“Of course! Yes, of course.” He huffs at himself and shakes his head. “Come inside, please.”
The house is lived in. Cozy and as tidy as it can be while being inhabited by a single dad and his teenage daughter. No cleaning lady has been through here, no private chef has seen the inside of this kitchen or painstakingly set this table. It hasn’t been touched by an interior decorator or a stylist. It’s just their home, and you like it all the better for that.
“So this is it.” He’s never been a showy person, motioning to the living room and open kitchen. “It’s home and to be honest, probably could use a hell of a dusting.” He admits, blushing slightly.
“It’s just like you.” The words come with a soft, lopsided smile. “Comfortable, welcoming. Like you don’t want to leave once you’ve been let inside.”
Marcus smiles slowly and nods. “Well it’s a good thing that you only leave when you want to.”
It’s a chance to take, but you’re willing to go out on a limb right now. With his fingers still threaded through yours it’s easy to turn into him and tip your head back. It’s just a small moment, or at least it starts that way, but you place a kiss to the corner of his mouth in what is - for you - a very daring move. “That is a good thing,” you murmur, hoping that wasn’t too forward after he kissed you earlier in the evening.
It warms him, making him snake his free hand around your waist and pull you closer. “Hmmmm.” He hums quietly and shakes his head. “We can do better than that, sweetheart.” He promises before he leans in to kiss you again.
It’s firmer this time, more wanting, and you sigh into it with a freedom and enthusiasm that is only encouraged by how close he’s holding you.
Marcus feels the tension building, loves how naturally this is progressing and he tilts his head slightly so he can run his tongue along the seam of your lips.
You shiver a little and sigh, opening up for him and gliding your tongue along his for that first taste of exploring something deeper. While his hand tightens at your waist, yours slide up his shoulders easily, pulling the two of you together like magnets. You opening up for him is like opening the floodgates for Marcus. The needs that have been building for him spill out, making him become more assertive. Guiding you towards a counter while groaning into your mouth, he presses against your body, his own hard and throbbing for you.
Permission has been given here - permission to act and permission to want in a way that you can’t remember even scratching the surface of with anyone before him. Of course there were others before him, you’re not that innocent, but it’s been a long time and something about the way Marcus is mapping the inside of your mouth so carefully and methodically feels momentous. You moan for him, softly at first but it quickly becomes needy, and tangle your fingers in his clothes like a desperate, silent plea to have them out of the way.
“Baby.” Marcus pants as he pulls away, sucking in the air he had been deprived of while he was kissing you. His lips trail down your jaw. “You need- let me know- if- if we need to stop.” He manages.
“Could say the s-same to you —” It’s not as though you haven’t dreamt of this. Gotten yourself off to the thought of this. Tried to imagine if he would be rough and needy from desperation or soft and gentle out of caution and affection. Now that you might be a hair’s breadth away from finding out you don’t ever want to stop.
“Fuuuuuuuck.” Marcus lets out a breathless chuckle against your pulse. “Baby I want to show you my bedroom.” He murmurs desperately. His cock twitches against your stomach.
“Please.” There’s nothing more straight forward than that, and you nod almost frantically.
“Okay.” He pulls away from you and takes your hand. “Let’s go upstairs.” He offers, giving you a moment to breathe.
If you were in a more eloquent mood you might have thought it was like being led through a palace by your very own Prince Charming, but as it stands the only thing you can really focus on is the heat radiating off of him and the urgency with which you’re both climbing the stairs. You barely make it to the landing before you’re glued to each other again, blindly grasping along the hallway as you moan into another kiss.
It has been a long time since Marcus was in such a hurry to ferry someone into his bedroom. Yet his hands grip every part of you that he can reach and he is pushing off your jacket right there in front of the stairs so he can touch more of you. Drunk off the soft sounds you pour into his mouth.
One by one the pieces of clothing start to drop - your purse, both jackets, his shirt - with an urgency that you hadn't known you had until his hands were spanning your whole hips with one great grasp and his teeth found exactly how sensitive the tender skin of your neck is. "Marcus–" His name is a prayer before it becomes a chant and your own hands map the expanse of his chest as you tumble through a doorway that you desperately hope leads to his bedroom.
“Gonna make this good baby.” It’s a desperate promise to his ears, especially as long as he’s been without intimacy. Unless you count him jerking off this morning in a desperate attempt to not attack you. Though that point seems to be moot.
"So good." How could you doubt that about him? Well...you don't, honestly, but you understand that as long as it's been for you it's been much longer for him. And to have a little reassurance might go a very long way tonight. "So fucking good."
“Let me know if I do something that you don’t like.” Marcus orders you softly, smirking at you because he doesn’t think that it will be likely. “It has been a long time since I’ve been able to go down on someone.”
“Fuck, Marcus.” Having had no expectation for tonight, that bowls you over like a ton of bricks and you look up at him with lust blown eyes. “There is nothing I don’t like about that.”
He chuckles, the deep, raspy sound of arousal and anticipation. “You don’t know, I could be a biter.” He teases, knowing that he will put his teeth marks on you in a few different places.
"How do you know I wouldn't like that?" You tease back, enjoying that every single second doesn't have to be fully loaded and serious. Being able to laugh with your lover is something you need.
Marcus snaps his teeth at you playfully at winks. “Only one way to find out.”
Giggling in response, you happily draw him in for another kiss before stepping back toward his bed. One pull brings your dress up over your head, and you just have to thank your lucky stars that you wore a reasonably cute matching underwear set tonight. It's not all the way to lingerie, but it's nicer than your every-day stuff. If you had anticipated this at all, you would have pulled out the fanciest thing you own.
“Fuck.” The sight of your pretty panties and bra makes his cock twitch in his pants and he’s quickly ridding himself of the t-shirt he had worn. He might be slightly self conscious, it’s been a long time since he was in Heroics shape, but he ignores that as he stares.
"You took the word right out of my mouth." It might be a silly thing, but you can't help staring right back for a moment. The little bit of softness around his middle doesn't diminish his figure one ounce. If anything, you like a bit of softness with all that strength. He looks broader like this - shoulders tapering down to trim hips - and you step backward again. One step closer to his bed.
“Take off your bra.” Marcus orders quietly before he smirks and holds up his hand to stop you. “Better yet…hold still.”
Tilting your head at him, you stop reaching behind you. A second later the hook and eye clasps on your bra open completely untouched. "Did you just--?" Your hand immediately reaches back to touch the clasp, which feels completely normal and unbent, and you pull your bra down your arms with a smirk. "Metal powers. Handy."
“Very handy.” He might look like the cat who got the cream and his eyes only get wider as your breasts are revealed to him. “Fuck, you’re so fucking pretty.” He coos, reaching for the button of his jeans. “Do you like your nipples sucked on?” He asks, mouthwatering as he imagines it.
"Mmhmm." For some reason the question paralyzes you, like that is somehow what has made tonight completely real. "I-- y-yes, god yes."
“Then I’m going to suck on them.” Marcus groans like you’ve given him a gift. “I’m going to suck on them while my fingers stretch open your little pussy before I lick it.”
"Fuck." One more step back and your calves bump against his bed frame, almost making you lose your balance because you weren't expecting to find the all-important piece of furniture so easily. "Do it, Marcus. Touch me, please."
His jeans are pushed down, his boxers tented with a large wet spot from where he is leaking. “Lay down.” Marcus practically growls out the order, eager to see you spread out in his bed.
All in one not-too-smooth motion, you shift back onto his bed and slip out of your panties, wanting to just bypass any other awkwardness by laying yourself bare for him. Everything Marcus wants at this moment, you are more than happy to give him.
He had wanted to strip off your panties, but it’s completely okay if you are bare. Giving him the perfect unobstructed view of your body. He hisses through his teeth and rushes to strip off his boxers. “Jesus baby, look at you.”
"Too busy looking at you." His cock is thick, and longer than you've had before, sending a delicious shiver down your spine as you take in the sight of him prowling toward you. Two steps and he's leaning on the bed, making the mattress dip to hold his weight and bringing the heat of his proximity back to you. "Fucking gorgeous."
“Yes you are.” Marcus hovers over you, watching you squirm underneath him as he takes in the view. “Let me kiss you again, sweetheart.”
"Gladly." You would drown in him right now if you could - kissing him is the least of it. The weight and breadth of him on top of you makes you feel almost dainty as you breathe him in, and just a touch of warm wetness on the inside of your thigh tells you he is just as excited by the turn tonight has taken as you are.
The kiss is hot, frantic and Marcus is lowering himself onto you before he even realizes it. Needing to get closer. “Fuck.”
It feels like your hands are everywhere at once, trying to map the length and breadth of him while you memorize his taste. With no hesitations between you, the instinct to reach down and wrap your hand around his length is easy to give in to.
You would think that he’s been surprised, maybe even hurt from the way that Marcus sucks in a loud breath. But there’s no mistaking the way his hips jerk forward when your hand surrounds his cock and squeezes gently. It’s the sweetest kind of torture and he feels the burst of pearly liquid build up on the tip naturally. “Shit.” The ragged groan is followed by his mouth starting to blaze a wet trail across your chest in search of your nipple.
Your own gasp nearly matches when he finds it, drawing a moan from you and arching your back off the bed and letting your eyes flutter shut just for a second before you peel them open again to watch him. Ravenous isn’t usually a word you would use to describe Marcus but right now he is a man starved and the first step to satiating him is found at your tits.
There had been a few times where he had worried he wouldn’t be able to do this again. That he would be too nervous or just unsure of the new partner. But you have stripped all of those insecurities away and left him with nothing but heavy desire.
The sounds surrounding you like a halo turn filthy quickly. Groans muffled by skin, vocal moans, the sloppy sounds of Marcus lapping at your chest more and more desperately every time your hand moves on his cock.
“Fuck.” His groan is muffled around your nipple. His hands blaze a trail over your skin, groping and squeezing every piece of flesh he could. “So good.”
“Marcus—” You whimper when he moves across your chest, latching onto your neglected nipple with eager determination. “Fuck baby — need you to touch me. Please.”
Once you beg him, Marcus can’t deny you anything. His fingers slide down to slide through your folds and press against your clit as he switches over to the other breast. Your hand around his stills when he presses his fingers into you, totally absorbed in the feeling of being split open on two of his thick fingers as his thumb rubs circles over your clit. It has your chest heaving and body aching all at once, desperate to get as close to him as possible. To draw him into you and get him as addicted to the feel of you surrounding him as you already are to him surrounding you.
“So sweet.” Marcus pulls off your tit and groans when he feels how fucking tight you are as he pumps his fingers into your body. “Fuck, that what you need? That good? You need me to curl them?” He wants to know how to make you cum, wants to hear those breathless cries.
"C-curl, fuck, please--" It's impossible to form a complete thought with his fingers moving inside of you so gorgeously, but you nod and hope he can understand the broken sentence for what it is. "So good."
He hears you, his teeth nipping the side of your breast as he curls his fingers up and presses them deeper.
You keen in response, crying his name and grasping his shoulders as he pumps his fingers in and out of your tight cunt, curling them perfectly against that gorgeous spongy spot inside of you and making you see stars. "Just-- fuck -- like that, oh my god."
Marcus groans, breathing against your skin and closing his eyes at the sound of your moan. “Good girl.” He coos breathlessly. “Oh fuck, good girl.” His cock pulses against your hip but he wants to make this good for you. Knowing that he won’t last too long in bed this time.
It's all too overwhelming and so good in all the ways that you've missed being touched, and Marcus's rhythm doesn't falter as he pushes you right to the edge. Barely gasping out a warning before your whole body seems to lock down under him, his name is on your lips when you fall apart for him the first time.
Marcus shudders, feeling the liquid heat rush over his fingers. Making him moan your name quietly as he keeps pumping his fingers up into to keep the pressure against that spongy spot and draw it out for you while he kisses along your jaw and murmurs small words of encouragement in your ear. “Good girl, so fucking good. Ride it out for me, baby.”
"Goddamn." When you feel like you can breathe again, you turn your head to capture his lips in a sloppy, eager kiss. "So fucking good, baby."
He chuckles quietly, soaking up your praise and slowly pulling his fingers out of you along with a whine when he does. “Good.” He pants. “You want–” He pulls back and looks into your eyes. “Can I fuck you, baby?” He asks.
"Fuck yes." There's no hesitation for you. Months of dreaming - and daydreaming - about this makes you nothing but pliant and needy. "I-I'm safe," you manage to pant out between kisses. "IUD, I mean."
He groans the idea of feeling you bare and having you full of his cum. “Good. I’m safe too.” He promises, nudging your cheek with his nose. “Been a long time and I’ve had a clean bill of health.”
"It's been a while for me, too." There's no reason for him to be self-conscious about that, and you brush the damp curls of hair out of his face to press a kiss to his forehead. "Doesn't matter," you smile softly. "Just matters that it's you."
That more than anything, makes him relax. Marcus kisses you, forgetting that he had promised to use his tongue on you as he shifts and covers your body with his. “So fucking beautiful.” He groans.
"All for you, baby," you promise him, knowing that nothing in the damn universe could pull you out of this man's bed now that you're here.
He doesn’t rush. Instead, settling between your thighs is a slow affair. He’s not some teenager that needs to be inside you, although the ache has built up to almost painful. Instead he kisses you as his hand slides between your bodies so he can position himself at your core and his eyes watch yours as he slowly starts to sheath himself in your welcoming body.
You feel like you're holding your breath as he presses into you, filling you up inch by gorgeous inch, but it's the low moan reverberating in your chest and the thick cock slowly splitting you open that gives you the feeling of breathlessness. Marcus isn't in a hurry and neither are you. With your foreheads pressed together and sounds of pleasure coming from both of you, the room around you has dissolved and narrowed your reality down to just him.
“Holy shit.” Marcus’s arms are trembling by the time he is buried to the hilt and he swears that he can’t breathe. The sexy and playful moment turns serious and he can’t do anything more than to press his lips tenderly to yours again while he tries to give you time to adjust before he moves.
He pulls back, rolling his hips away from you as slowly as he had punished them forward, and you gasp into his kiss when he drives into you again - slightly faster but not with anything approaching speed. A languid pace gives you both time to find a rhythm together and your lips only leave his to kiss and nip along his jaw line while he moans in your ear.
He closes his eyes as he languidly rocks into you. Keeping the pace steady. “When you’re ready, let me know.” He murmurs slowly, feeling the exquisite pleasure of your walls squeezing him. “I want to hear you scream my name tonight.”
"More, baby." He knows damn well that you're not above begging, and your tone is borderline pleading even without needing to be. All you know is that you want to be completely overwhelmed by him. "Fuck, I-- please, Marcus, want you so bad."
“W-wrap your legs around me.” Marcus groans out, pushing to his elbows and grins at you. “And hang on.”
Curiosity has you following his instruction as much as anything else, and you shift under him just enough to have your ankles meet at the small of his back. Your hands grasping at his arms and shoulders will have to be enough to ‘hang on’ like you’ve been told.
He hums, pleased by your willingness to comply and he grins at you, devilish as he winks. “Now tell me if I need to slow down.” He says before he withdraws again and snaps his hips forward.
“Fuck!” Slow and steady is apparently not Marcus’s preferred pace, as he begins to pound into you with stamina that could only come from a Heroic. If his goal is really to have you screaming his name, you have a feeling it won’t take very long at all.
Grunting, Marcus reaches up to grab the headboard so it doesn’t beat against the wall. Forgetting that he had removed the spacers so it didn’t the last time he had rearranged the room. There hadn’t been any need for them for a long time. Now he just moans as your fingers dig into his shoulder blades as he keeps hammering into you.
The little crescent moon marks your nails are sure to leave behind don't seem to phase him in the least. Every thrust feels like he's splitting you open for the first time all over again, spearing into you until your head is thrown back on his pillows and you have one hand braced again the headboard so you don't hit your head with the way he's fucking you into the mattress.
“J-Jesus.” He hisses. “K-know how many times I-I imagined this?” He demands, pushing the air out of your lungs with every harsh roll of his hips. “Nearly every f-fucking day.”
"Me -- oh fuck -- too." It's as much as you can do to string a few words together right now and you keen when he drives into you again.
Every time his cock hits the spongy walls of your cunt, you moan for him. Making him ramp up his pace to near frantic and all he can do is pant out your name between breaths.
It hits you like a freight train when that second orgasm comes, without any chance to give him warning or do anything except cry his name into the night, the sound reverberating off the walls with the wet slap on skin on skin as Marcus fucks you through your peak with your cunt clenching down on him like a velvet fist.
“F-fuck, good girl.” Marcus moans, closing his eyes and thanking the Gods that he managed to last long enough for you to be able to cum. “Shit, baby.” He covers your mouth once more for a desperate kiss as he rocks into you half a dozen more times before he plunges deep and pulses inside you, the liquid heat of his pleasure filling you up.
He swallows your moans as he empties himself inside you, and when both of you breathe again it's with brilliant smiles on your faces even though all eyes stay closed for a long moment afterward. When you do open your eyes, you press soft kisses along his jaw and cheeks, finally dusting a few on his lips. "Holy shit," you giggle quietly, chest still heaving as you pant.
His quiet laugh matches yours in breathlessness and he nods. “What you said.” He huffs, deciding the thing to do would be to collapse against you and tuck his head into your neck to snuggle and breathe you on.
You wrap your arms around him, legs going slack as you both just sink down into his mattress together as one. "Hell of a first date," you chuckle, kissing his shoulder where you've left marks behind.
“Mmmhmm.” His smirk is pleased and tired against your neck. “When I can move again, I’ll run you a bath and get us some water.” He murmurs.
"If we don't both fall asleep first." It wouldn't bother you for a second if that's what happened. Passing out after sex with Marcus still inside you is high on the fantasy list.
“How do you know what I’m trying not to do?” Marcus grumbles playfully at you, kissing your pulse softly.
"Cause it's what I'm trying not to do," you giggle against his skin. "That's a hell of a workout."
“Yes it was.” His softening cock twitches inside you and he giggles slightly, feeling euphoric. “I’m very glad you aren’t my student anymore.”
______ Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @hardc0rehaylz @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 
My Masterlist!
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Prom Date
Summary: Prom is coming and you want nothing more than to go. A certain metalhead goes above and beyond chivalry. 
F! Reader Insert,  6111 Words
Warnings:  SMUT! Minors DNI. Y/N is over 18. Eddie is scarred from the Upside Down. I took some liberties and decided Vecna was defeated in this. Making out, smoking, cunnilingus, vaginal penetration, cursing, food mentions, protected sex.
Authors Note:  This has been in the works for ages, and I am unleashing it lol. I never went to prom sooooo this is another self indulgent one lol. Also, I am always looking for inspo, so I will absolutely take requests for one-shots, blurbs, and head canons. If you don’t have an idea and just wanna chat, that’s cool too! I promise I won't bite.
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The complaint you had been making gets caught in your throat, embarrassment heating your cheeks as the conversation you were having with Steve is halted by the bell above the door to Family Video.
It’s the first time it’s gone off since you’d settled in here after school to hang out with your friends. The place was dead enough that the interruption alone would have garnered your glance, but instead your full attention is quickly commanded by the metalhead entering beneath the bell, already grinning as he takes you in at the counter. “Hey Y/N…Steve…Robin.” He nods at each of you as the lot of you greet him back.
Your simple, “Hi Eddie.” is much more reserved than you feel as you ignore the butterflies he causes by approaching, a stack of video tapes tucked under one of the scarred arms that peeks unapologetically from his Black Sabbath t-shirt.
“What are we talking about?” He asks with a small chuckle, to which Robin immediately throws you under the bus.
“Prom.” She supplies in a pained tone, adding, “Y/N doesn’t have a date.” 
“Robin!” You complain sharply as Steve gives her a stern look. Her eyes widen, having missed the cue that maybe you wouldn’t want Eddie to know that - to open yourself up for his scrutiny on top of your already miserable desires.
Eddie doesn’t mock you though. He takes one look at you, at the apparent mortification on your face that’s now hidden by your hands, and you can only assume he takes pity on you. 
In response to Robin’s words, just loud enough for you to hear, he insists “Go with me.” 
As the words register, you drop your hands, your eyes widening before you can help it.
You let out a small, disbelieving sound at Eddie, cringing at the way it comes out like a mutilated laugh. “Doesn’t prom go against your entire belief system?” You mutter, Eddie smiling like you’ve just paid him a compliment. 
“Oh absolutely it does...But who am I to turn a blind eye to a damsel in distress?”  He gives a small chuckle, before catching the downtrodden look on your face and quickly scrambling.
“That’s not to say that uh, I wouldn’t enjoy myself. I think…I mean, if it’s with you, I think it could be fun.” There’s a slight smile playing around the edge of his lips.
It would be fun. It would be…everything. And you want him to mean it so desperately that it takes you a moment to notice the way that your delay affects Eddie. The way he fidgets with his hands…Shifts from foot to foot…Could he actually be nervous? 
You melt.
“I…I’d really like to go.” You confess, your voice small in the wake of the admittance you hadn’t allowed yourself thus far. Putting yourself out there, only to have Eddie’s answering smile take the breath from your lungs.
“It’s a date then.” He sets his pile of videos on the counter, glancing at your mutual friends. “Take care of this for me, will you Harrington? I gotta go find a tux.”  
Steve pulls the tapes towards himself as Eddie starts to walk backwards toward the door, eyes never leaving you even for a moment. “I’ll see you later?” He asks hopefully. 
You nod far too readily only for him to grin again and wave, rings glinting in the fluorescent lighting, before he heads out.
As the door closes behind him, Robin gives you a wide eyed look, Steve scanning the returns as he lets out a very casual. “Munson, huh? Now that I wasn’t expecting.”
“Me neither.” You reply, already fretting about making sure that things go perfectly as you pinch yourself that Eddie Munson has really just asked you to prom.
Robin starts talking a mile a minute, having garnered acceptance of the situation much more quickly than your still bewildered state, and Steve lovingly reminds you both to breathe. 
It feels far removed from you in that moment and beyond it, as the days leading up to prom seem to accelerate in your anxious state.
Until it’s the night of and finally you head to Steve’s, where his bathroom counter has been taken over by all the beauty products Robin, Robin’s mother, (and Steve,) collectively owned. 
While there you’re given the full glamor treatment - makeup, hair, the works.
It’s a great time. Not only do you enjoy this bit of pampering but as they help you get ready, Steve and Robin reminisce about their own memories of prom to your utter delight.
Steve’s is a classic tale - 85’ prom king, underage drinking, and an after party where he and his date went all the way.
“Gag.” Robin interjected, launching into her own unconventional tale. A prom that involved crashing in 84’ after a spiteful makeover and some light property damage. 
You laugh along with both your friends and think to yourself that both experiences, while wonderful, were nothing compared to what stood before you - an evening with Eddie.
It was tying you up in knots, the anticipation. The nerves that took what was upcoming and loaded it on top of every interaction you two had shared previously. A perfect storm of wondering if things between you two were moving in the direction you hoped for…If this was more than just  chivalry to him. 
You wanted it to be. Cataloging all of the previously stolen glances between you two…the inside jokes…
“Would you stop pacing,” Steve insisted, grabbing you by the shoulders. “It’s gonna be fine! Trust me.”
“Trust you.” You repeated, about to go off on an anxiety-induced spiral of self deprecation before Robin interjected and halted you in your tracks. She said some words - pretty and French. Something about maybe how you looked? Or how Eddie was going to feel when he looked at you? You weren’t sure.
In any case, it helped. You took a deep breath and put a relaxed smile on your face. Robin took the opportunity to snap a Polaroid of the three of you. 
This led to a dozen more photos, Steve and Robin posing with you like the parents sending you off. Robin wiped fake tears from her eyes and Steve started in on a fake lecture about boys and how they were no good, and back in his day...
You were still laughing at that when a knock on the door caused you to freeze, nerves supplanting themselves right back in the pit of your stomach as Steve went to let Eddie in, quickly sidestepping so the pair of you could take each other in.
As your gaze landed on Eddie, you couldn’t help but find him impossibly handsome - clean shaven, shiny brown curls falling past his shoulders where he’d managed to find a relatively nice suit to wear.
You were surprised to see a boutonniere in the same color as your dress - your favorite color - beside his lapel. In his still ringed hands he held a plastic container with a matching corsage. 
You couldn’t help but to go slack-jawed in awe at the sight, touched beyond measure.
Steve clears his throat behind the pair of you. You hadn’t noticed how long you’d been ogling Eddie - or that he’d been struck just as speechless at the sight of you in your prom dress.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” He pipes up, the both of you meeting halfway. 
“Thank you, Eddie. You look really handsome.” You swear, fondness in your voice.
He beams at you, gingerly holding up the corsage, “Can I?” He asks. 
You offer your wrist, Robin and Steve snapping away with the camera. You stick your tongue out at them after giving them a generous moment to get the shot.
They wave you off, forcing the two of you into all kinds of poses that you complain about but know you’ll cherish - physical remnants of the way Eddie holds you tight and smiles like he’s proud to have you. 
These and a few group shots, the last of which has Eddie making a classic rockstar pose and Steve faux-flexing, and you two are ushered off the lawn and on your way.
“Not too late now!” Steve teases - Robin's arm is around his waist as she waves you off.
You roll your eyes at both of them, addressing him when you say, “I’ll be sure to do that, mom.” And Eddie laughs as they flip you the bird and disappear into the house to hang out.
“You ready?” Eddie asks sweetly, to which you nod, already heading for his van.
When he sees which way you’re going he gently catches you by the arm, shaking his head. “Your chariot for the evening is actually this way my lady.”
Your confused expression turns to one of surprise as Eddie produces a set of keys from his pocket, jingling them in the general direction of Steve’s BMW. 
“Steve said I could borrow her, with some stipulations.” Eddie explained, a bit of a pink tint to the tips of his ears at whatever they were, as he hurried over and opened your door for you before you could ask.
Once you and your dress are situated he shuts you in gently, heading around the front of the vehicle and sliding into the driver’s seat.
“How’d you pull that off?” You ask nonchalantly instead, smoothing your dress down your legs. 
Eddie clears his throat, eyes on your ankle and sounding a touch embarrassed as he explains. “I told him that I didn’t want you to show up to your prom in the old grease bucket, smelling like weed…He took pity on me I think.”
He waves it off, but you frown. Not liking the answer, you call his name gently, reassuring him. “I could have rolled up in half a rotting pumpkin and I would still be happy because I’m there with you.”
Feeling bold, you reach out and squeeze his hand reassuringly. You’re planning to let go but Eddie suddenly squeezes back, lacing your fingers together.
“Is-is this okay?” He nods down at the hand he holds, a timid smile on his face. You smile wide in return, promising him, “It’s perfect.”
Not much more needs to be said. He holds your hand the whole ride to the school, a guitar you recognize playing low in the background. Not Steve’s usual station for sure, and you don’t mind at all.
When the two of you arrive, the parking lot is already full - well, as full as it can be with half the town having moved away overnight…Upperclassmen are all around, running free in their fancy attire, having a blast. Cutting lose in a much needed way after the last year of hell.
Paying them no mind, Eddie takes your hand and leads you through the halls of the school, where you flash your tickets at the entry before heading inside the gym. 
You smile as you take in the packed space, full of colorful balloons and gossamer streamers hanging, winding, and climbing every available surface. 
A cluster of colorfully dressed people jumps, twirls, and writhes in the middle of the floor, creating a cluster of hairspray smell that’s a bit overwhelming.
Eddie takes one look at you under the twinkle lights, and feels his heart skip a beat.
“Hard to believe this is the same room where I’ve spent so much time faking injuries.” You tell him when you meet his gaze, your admittance making him laugh. 
“I wish I would have known, I’m notorious for my nosebleeds. I could have kept you supplied with plenty of fake blood.” He taps the side of said nose in emphasis, and you can’t help but think about how well a kiss would fit right there. “Hm” You muse, slight smile on your lips. “I usually go with ‘sprained ankle.’ Guaranteed reading time for the whole period. Doubt a few drops of blood can get you the same result.” “A few drops? I’ll have you know that I have a very serious vitamin K deficiency.” He answers, smirk on his lips. “A nosebleed from me is a guaranteed bloodbath. Coach can’t get me out of here fast enough.” 
You bark out a laugh. “You’re a little bit evil, Munson.”
“Maybe.” He grins huge, hand to his heart. “I promise you though, no excuses tonight.” Eddie shakes his hair out. “I am but your humble servant, here to dance to your heart’s desires.”
You raise an eyebrow, but he isn’t joking - he drags you to the makeshift dance floor, where scattered couples give you a wide berth, Eddie never showing whether he minds or not. He moves along to the music blaring throughout the gym, encouraging you to join him. You fold way too fast, inspired to abandon your nerves with the way he’s smiling and looking at you like there’s no one else in the room. 
You keep your gaze on him, loving how when he dances it’s in complete confidence - treating each song like a concert he’s putting on for the two of you. It’s silly and uncoordinated and so much fun. 
After a sporadic turn around the dance floor to the pop that Eddie loathes, for what feels like ages, the pair of you suddenly grow nervous at the slow song that cuts through - a soulful angelic voice rife with passion, urging lover’s together.
You're surrounded by peers who’ve already fallen into their dates' arms when Eddie holds a hand out. 
Head up slightly, you place your hand in his and he doesn’t hesitate to pull you in close, swaying the pair of you from side to side.
The song goes on - romantic and full of promise, and changes the atmosphere entirely. When it ends, Eddie doesn’t seem like he can go back to jumping and bopping around to the hits of today.
Instead he unwraps his arms from around your waist without a word, linking his arm with yours and leading you out the double doors of the cafeteria.
By this point in the night the prom is in full swing, so the concession tables lined up outside just beyond the doors in the senior hallway are nearly abandoned.
There’s one bleary eyed chaperone posted out front to guard the punch, halfheartedly asking if you’re having fun as Eddie pours you a generous cup full. 
You nod at her in reply and down the drink, trying not to wince at the taste and give yourself away. Knowing that said chaperone had definitely fallen asleep at the wheel.
The second your back is turned though, you’re pulling a face, and Eddie chuckles at you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his hand lingering there a touch too long. It feels more than friendly.
“I’m really glad you asked me to come.” You blurt before you can help it, immediately hiding behind the pretense of taking another sip of your drink.
Eddie’s eyes grow soft at your words. “I’m really glad you said yes.” He admits.
It takes you by surprise. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He moves in a touch closer, looking like he wants to say something.
He clams up though when there’s an apparent shift change at the punch table. A new teacher is taking the place of the old, this one looking at Eddie entirely disapprovingly. Likely traumatized from having him in class at some point.
And Eddie, for all his confidence, seems to shrink. Looks wholly defeated.
You frown, urging him down the hall and away from disapproving eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He shakes his head, plastering a smile on his face that doesn’t quite meet his eyes. “Got the best girl in Hawkins all to myself, what could be wrong?”
The compliment almost distracts you. “Eddie,” you complain softly, with a small laugh.
He loves the sound of your laugh. Loves seeing you get all flustered. “Alright alright, so to be fair I don’t ‘got’ you - but I did bring you to the prom. Now you’ll never forget me.” He grins.
You want to tell him that he can have you - take you, you’ll be his, but you're not brave enough to make the offer, and so you tease him about the latter part of his statement, “Forget you?” You ask incredulously. “We’ve fought interdimensional monster’s together, Munson. I’m not likely to forget that any time soon.”
“Ah you say that now. But in fifty years? I would have just been that guy with the tattoos who complained the whole time…Now as your senior prom date...I mean, hell, even Wayne remembers his prom date, and the old man likely couldn’t tell you what I made for dinner last night.” He grimaces more than he laughs.
You frown slightly, although you try hard to keep your words light. “You make it sound like you’re going somewhere.” 
Eddie rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not going anywhere sweetheart...That’s kind of that point. Girls like you go off, change the world…And guys like me get left behind, wondering what might have been.” 
“Eddie.” You frown, not sure where to begin with that. “What are you saying?”
“Just that…I hope you’ll remember me.” He tells you sadly.
“Eddie,” You blurt, a touch too loudly. The other occupant of the hall narrows her eyes, looking like she’s debating intervening. You bite your lip and lower your voice. “Why is it what could have been? Why does…nothing come of it?”
“I didn’t mean to make you upset.” Eddie murmurs quietly. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Oh no, you absolutely should have…because if you’re telling me that you like me…” You shake your head in disbelief. “Eddie, I will never let you go.”
“Y/N…” he protests softly, and he sounds much older than twenty years old. You shake your head, taking his hands in yours, squeezing reassuringly.
“Eddie, I’m not going anywhere, okay? Dr. Brenner asked me to work with him after graduation. Stay in Hawkins where we can try to undo some of the nasty ugly that Vecna unleashed…That being said, wherever I am, stay or go, you do not get to decide that you’re not good enough for me. Not after everything.”
And then, with the backing that Eddie likes you - likes you and for all his doubts wants to be remembered by you, you take a leap. 
You lean in, pressing your lips to his firmly, lingering there even when he’s kissed you back, pulled away so now he’s stammering, lips still brushing yours.
“So I-you’re-” Eddie stutters. You nudge his cute nose with your own, expression soft, nerves worked out by the man’s sincerity. 
“I like you, Eddie.” You tell him, eyes hopeful. “Is it enough?”
“More than enough.” He breathed. He leaned back in for another kiss, and then another. Only stopping when the nosey chaperone behind the two of you cleared her throat loudly. 
He rests his forehead against yours. There’s several comfortable beats of silence as he takes in what’s happened. Then he offers, nervously and quietly, “…you wanna go dance some more?” 
You nod eagerly.
The night wears on with more dancing, laughter, and stolen kisses. 
When hours have passed and the band is wrapping up, you still don’t want to let Eddie go, holding him tight even as the overhead lights come on in the gym, clean up starting in the echoing silence.
Eddie hums softly, face downtrodden. “I guess…I guess I better get you home.”
“Sure or…” You clear your throat, looking at Eddie from beneath your lashes. “I mean, it’s kind of been implied that I’m spending the night at Robin’s…so uh, no one’s waiting up for me or anything…” 
“Oh?” Eddie perks up. “Well uh, Steve is very much back there waiting up for his lady, so…maybe we can get rid of her and spend some more time together?” 
You agree readily, letting out a small laugh. “I’d love that…Now let’s hurry, I absolutely cannot be in these shoes any longer.”
Eddie quickly straightens up, holding out an arm. “Say no more.”
He leads you out of the gym, giving a small jerk where you two maintain contact before you can step into the darkened near-empty parking lot. 
“What is it?” You ask him, only for him to slip his arm out of your hold, both hands landing on your shoulders before he sinks down to one knee in front of you.
“Give me,” He insists, slapping his upper thigh. 
Confused, you raise a foot slowly, only to squeak as he makes quick work of robbing you of the shoe you present him, then the other, the strappy heels held tightly in his hand as he scrambles to his feet.
“Eddie!” You gasp, bare feet on the pavement. 
He looks absolutely diabolical as he coos at you, “Don’t worry baby, I don’t expect you to walk.”
Expected instead to sweep you off your feet, making you let out a loud startled sound as he hoists you up and throws you over his shoulder.
“Eddie!” You squeal in protest, face hot as you protest that you're way too heavy for this, only for Eddie to laugh at you and ignore what you think are perfectly valid concerns.
Eddie’s having none of it, strong and steady as he deposits you in Steve’s car, your offending shoes pressed into your hands.
He jogs giddily around the front of the BMW, sliding into the front seat and firing her up.
“You’re a menace.” You whine, attempting to fix what the night of dancing and being carried around has done to your hair.
Eddie laughs at you, reaching out a hand tentatively. You take it firmly, bringing it up to your lips to press a kiss to it. Eddie’s whole demeanor softens, and you do it again. And again.
Eddie only stops you once you get to Steve’s a few minutes later, where he quickly rushes inside, not wanting your mutual friends to come out and intrude on your evening.
A few minutes later and you’re in the front seat of his van, the engine rumbling beneath you as he mentions that he could go for a smoke, and you readily agree.
Rather than take you back to his and Wayne’s place though - newly  assigned by the government after Vecna’s assault - to your surprise he drives the two of you out to Lover’s Lake.
“I still like to come out here sometimes. It’s mostly peaceful now that the whole town is…well, a ghost town.” He explains, nervous as he pulls out some pre-rolled blunts in a little baggie and a box of camels from his dashboard, holding them both up to you as options. 
You choose the blunts, and he situates the rejects before glancing behind him nervously. “We uh, we can get in the back and open the doors up if you want? There’s more room.”
Trying and failing to hide your smile, you nod and climb back, Eddie quickly following and popping open the doors, the night air wafting in over the slightly rippling water as he lights up.
“Oh wow.” You tilt your head back and take in the stars and moon hanging overhead. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says absentmindedly, taking a long drag. Breathing out a plume of smoke, eyes only for you. “Beautiful.”
You meet his gaze, and he blushes, coughing slightly. Your hand finds his unoccupied one, and you squeeze.
The two of you are out there for a while, sharing the blunt back and forth until relaxation coats your bones, a lazy smile taking over your lips.
“I’m really glad you asked me to prom.” You grin, repeating your words from earlier.
Eddie merely chuckles, remembering. “I’m really glad you said yes…and that I’m going to see more of you,” he says it like a question, and you’re already nodding, taking your hit.
“I told you, there’s no getting rid of me now.” You laugh. Eddie tilts his head to the side at the sound, long curls falling over his shoulder. 
He’s gorgeous like this - in the low light of the moon, with his tie, or rather, his corporate noose of oppression, long since discarded. (He’d kicked it playfully, the big dork.)  
All that and a hint of skin showing beyond the top few undone buttons of his shirt…he was lovelier than anything in this whole town.
“You promise?” Eddie asks playfully, two fingers raising the blunt and inhaling a touch sharply - he blinks his eyes at you coyly, but you know there’s real insecurity behind the question. 
You brush his hand to the side and kiss him in answer. Slow and sweet, but when Eddie scrambles to abandon the blunt altogether, eager to get both his hands on you, all bets are off.
Bunching up your suddenly constricting prom dress in your hands, you struggle to get closer to Eddie, straddling him as you slip your tongue in his mouth.
Minutes go by like this, the atmosphere growing hot and heavy, until your soft sucking on his earlobe makes him jerk harshly up into you.
“Fuck,” he gasps, trying to pull away, eyes darting down to where your dress is bunched up around your thighs. “Sorry!” 
You frown, trying to keep your seat. “Don’t be sorry! …I uh, I was hoping…maybe we could…if you wanted to…”
He groans before shaking out his hair, trying to clear his mind. “Course’ I do, just…we’re in the van.” He emphasized. “S’not how I wanted to do things…”
You plant another kiss on his lips. Tug on his bottom lip with your teeth. “…Please?”
He folds way too fast.
“Fuck, okay. Can’t say no to those eyes.” He shakes his head slightly. Wants to ingrain the smile that takes over your face in his mind forever. 
Especially when you reach out for him again, kissing him passionately. “…Gonna take such good care of you.” He practically growls, and you let out a shudder.
“Promise?” You bat your eyes at him, repeating the words that had started this whole thing.
“Shit, I’d do anything for you. You know that don’t you?” He asks, cradling your face in his hands with the utmost care. A nod from you and he smiles, eyes darting over to the van’s front.
“Gimme a sec,” he instructs, leaving you momentarily to fish around under his seat, producing a blanket that he tosses down, spreading it out.
“There we are.” He offers a sheepish grin as you ease yourself into the padding he’s laid out for you, guiding Eddie to situate himself atop you as you lock lips once again. 
While you kiss, his growing harness pressing eagerly against you, you work his suit jacket off his shoulders, undoing a few more buttons so he can shuck his shirt off after it. 
You're eager to feel any skin you can, sighing contentedly at having him beneath your fingers.
Eddie starts to tense up a bit though, the more that’s revealed, apologies already on his lips.
“Hey, none of that.” You shake your head. “I want you to an embarrassing degree. A few battle scars aren’t going to scare me off.”
“It’s more than a few.” He cleared his throat, offering a tiny smile. “But…okay…”
When you take in the sight of him - bare, scarred, fucking perfect, it’s not at all an exaggeration. And yet you’ve never seen something so beautiful.
The pattern interrupting his porcelain skin exists of of blush pinks and vibrant reds. Reaching across him in some places, splitting in others, every bit of it is a testament to his resilience and heroism.
You hope fate will grant you enough time to memorize them all someday as you tell him, “Very metal.”
“Yeah?” He quirks up a brow, looking a bit more relaxed.
“Hell yeah.” You reply teasingly, and Eddie chuckles before his kiss practically consumes you. 
Lips against yours, firm and eager, his hands roam your back that’s currently covered by silky fabric.
He glances down at where it covers you. “It really is a pretty dress…” he tells you, toying with the zipper. “Mind if I take it off?”
“Please.” You gasp.
“Oh.” He lets out a breath through his nose. “Good girl.”
Your head falls back slightly, eyes widening a fraction as he slips the zipper down and moves the fabric down over your arms, past your waist, your legs and ankles, discarding it off to the side.
Laid out before him in nothing but your strapless bra and lacey panties, he groans a little.
“Fuck,” Eddie gasps. “Fuck...you look so damn sexy. I can’t wait to do this again somewhere I can see you properly…”
You giggle beneath him, and he swallows the sound with his kiss. Pulling back slightly and murmuring, asking if he can see more of you.
When you give him permission his lips graze your shoulder, planting little kisses there while his hands work behind you with the clasps of your bra.
When it comes loose, he pulls back and drinks you in, diving in readily.
You gasp when he first takes one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking softly, eagerly. 
Noises of ecstacy edge him on as he sucks, nibbles, teases, his hands and tongue and teeth lavishing your breasts with attention until you're shaking, hands buried in his hair.
“Feels so good, Eddie,” you whine.
Eddie grins widely down at you, hand tracing a path up your leg, “…want to taste you.” He breathes.
A nod and he’s between your legs, kneeling on marks left by gnashing teeth, grinning devilishly before he’s dragging his tongue up the center of you that’s still clothed for the moment.
You cry out in surprise and pleasure, back arching off the blanket and he grins, wanting your underwear out of the way now that he’s had some fun with you. 
He tugs them down your legs, murmuring all the while how gorgeous you are, his eyes drinking you in once you're finally, completely, naked beneath him. 
Then his words of praise get muffled by your inner thighs as he’s kissing and nipping at them, your legs thrown over his shoulders.
Looking up at you through his hair, he slowly dips his tongue into your slit and flicks up, holding your hips down from jolting against him.
His tongue dives in again and again, stroking you to the edge and lapping up everything you give him, as you tangle your hands in his hair and pull. 
He moans against you, tilting your hips up further, locking his grip and moving his tongue even quicker. 
Eddie can’t help but admire the scene in front of him as he eats you out, tits bouncing as you thrust against his mouth and the fingers he supplies, begging him for more. 
You look so good like this, all fucked-out, downright sobbing as Eddie devoured you. When you finally shatter under the sheer force of your orgasm, he nurses it for all its worth.
Eddie pulls back and swipes his tongue across his bottom lip as you catch your breath, admiring you as you come down. 
“And so pretty when you cum…” he praises you.
In the aftermath you reach for him blindly, and he crawls atop you on all fours, your mouths crashing together messily.
“Eddie,” you’re begging him. “Eddie, please…” pushing his pants and boxers down and off his hips with your feet, eager and uncoordinated, but he gets the message. 
Your eyes take in every inch of him, greedily running over every bit of skin as he kicks the offending fabric away before thinking better of it and turning his pants inside out to try and find his wallet and the condom within it.
There’s relief in his eyes when it turns up, shaking hands slowing him down until he finally just tears into the package with his teeth, unable to take it anymore. 
The sight practically causes your lower stomach to spasm.
Then he’s pinching the tip of the condom and rolling it down his length, breathing a sigh of relief.
“Fuck,” He sighs lightly, spreading your legs and lining himself up with you as you smile so hard your nose scrunches up. And holy hell if you aren’t the most perfect thing he’s ever seen.
Especially when he slips inside you finally, your walls tightening against the intrusion and gripping him so seamlessly.
Eddie groans, releasing his hold on himself so he can press your legs down a little further as he inches in. 
He cries out an array of explicatives as he watches himself disappear inside you, hearing you moan at the feeling of finally being full. 
His hips cant forward, slowly easing in and out until you cry out his name and praises. 
Eddie slams into you, driving in over and over, eyes closed tight against the pleasure of it all.
You’re making it so much better as you cry out beneath him, hands roving his body.
“Want you to fall apart on my cock, sweetheart.” He gasps, thumb working rhythmically against your clit, loving the little screams you let out when he plays with it.
With the way he has you on edge, swiping against that little button while he pounds into you hard and deep, just how you’re begging for it, it doesn’t take long at all.
You’re helpless as your walls bear down on him, his movements faltering under the intensity of your second orgasm as it washes over you. 
Then he picks his pace right back up, fucking into you where you’re still fluttering around him.
“So. Fucking. Pretty.” He accentuates each word with a harsh thrust. “Fucking knew you would be.” There’s sweat beading up on his forehead, his eyes still fixated on the spot where your bodies met. He sounds absolutely wrecked. Desperate.
“Had a damn near out of body experience when you were swinging that oar around. Fell so damn hard and just…fuck…Fucking knew, knew right then that if I was ever lucky enough to get you underneath me it was gonna be fucking transcendent.”
He drives into you a little harder at that point, and you moan loudly, nails digging into his back. 
Eddie hisses slightly, smiling, not a trace of cockiness in his tone as he begs you for reassurance. “Was I wrong, baby?” He asks. 
You give a desperate shake of your head. Choking out. “Right. So right, so good. Fuck! Eddie!”
He groans. “Shit, I’m not gonna last. You’re taking me so well.” 
Eddie pounds against you harder, thrusts sloppy right up until he cums, spilling into the condom with his head thrown back, pure ecstasy on his face.
With his finish he collapses on top of you, exhausted, sweaty, and so, so satisfied. 
You reach up from beneath him, running hands through his long hair, not complaining about his weight at all. Even whining when he quickly realizes and moves to roll off of you.
Eddie chuckles, removing the used condom and discarding it in an empty plastic bag under his passenger seat.
Once that’s back where he found it he settles into the pulling you into his arms, both to appease you, and because he needed it.
He kisses the top of your head as he does so, a laugh shaking his body slightly as he pulls you tighter into him. “Holy fuck.”
You giggle, agreeing wholeheartedly. He leans his forehead against yours. “I can’t believe I got you.” Tasting the way it makes you smile as you murmur the same words back to him. 
After more kisses than you can keep track of, Eddie breaks apart from you to ask, “Hey, are you hungry?”
And when you admit you are, the two of you redress, and he takes you to a 24 hour diner a little outside of Hawkins where the two of you gorge yourselves on breakfast food.
You look a bit more like the girl he first fell for, make up long since discarded like it was in the days following him hiding in the boathouse. A light sheen of sweat lingers from what the two of you did in the back of his van, your prom dress is rumpled, and still the smile you offer him - it makes him feel like everything is gonna be alright. 
He can’t take his eyes off you. He tells you as much, and with his adoration comes promises made between the two of you over hash browns and maple syrup. 
Promises of sticking around, of being enough, and of never forgetting - not because things were unforgettable by proximity - but because how could you, when this was the first of so much to be shared, to be experienced…together.
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astarab1aze · 7 months
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Belegerande's School & (some of) Belle Valley
Nestled in the expansive and nebulous American South lies Belegerande’s School for the Arcane, a well-respected magical institution focusing on the education and behavioral correction of sorcerous beings, operating as what magicless folk might call an alternative school. In effect, Belegerande’s curriculum focuses on exposure to all things dark and terrible, for they believe a student can only become a well-rounded sorcerer if they are knowledgeable in all fields of sorcery and, therefore, capable of defending or dismantling offensive and dangerous magic. It was built by the fretfully late Alistair Belegerande in the late 15th century, following a schism between his party of disaffected sorcerers and the British and French Crowns, all in search of observed freedom, flexibility, and life without the moral busybodies and foolish piety of religious folk.
Belegerande's operates on a house system, dividing its student body into multiple, diverse groups so as to promote teamwork among varying supernatural species. Houses are not divided according to personality or ambition; In fact, there are multiple factors that go into student placements, such as lineage, species, individual talent, and more. As an example, Loux, being a shapeshifter with an affinity for multishifting and offensive sorceries, would have been slotted into House Laveau; Vayn, being a vampire with especially unqiue proclivities toward herbalism and alchemy, would have been slotted into House Le Fay; and Sortia, being a witch with formiddable talents in divination and illusions, would have been sorted into House Scrivener. The fourth house is House Bell, which necromancers usually end up placed in, such as Enfurious Night.
Most other schools do not follow the house system, thinking it an antiquated and confusing practice. Instead, they tend to go by school spirit, forcibly pulling most of supernatural society away from the idea. So, Belegerande's is treated as a very well-equipped alternative school that holds a lot of sway in every aspect but this one.
Despite its current disrepaired reputation under Spira Belegerande, the school is a very prestigious institution, commanding the respect of most supernaturals throughout the supernatural world. It's praised for its dedication to a well-rounded and thorough education, but defamed for its willingness to cross boundaries and teach about even the worst forms of magic. Their belief is that the only way a supernatural can hope to be prepared to survive is if they know as much about their world as they can, from the acceptable to the forbidden, and such has proven a winning strategy over the centuries despite a few hiccups. Belegerande's has churned out a few of the worst and vilest supernatural beings since its establishment...
Belle Valley
Like most other places in the supernatural world, Belegerande's and the whole of Belle Valley are kept behind endlessly folded layers of wrinkled time, charmed and manipulated by sorcery in an effort to keep all things supernatural hidden from the mundande masses. It is unwise to hang about in the open as the non-magic population is split on its beliefs of the supernatural and arcane alike, so long-standing locations such as Belle's Hollow, Altus, Monroe, Salem's Crossing, etc. are hidden away in equal measures of tenacity and enchantment.
Any non-magic entity attempting to enter explicitly magical places inhabited by supernaturals will be easily redirected via GPS to non-magic locations. As the supernatural world works in conjunction with the United States Department of Regulatory Sorceries, a secret arm of the US government, this process of redirection is more or less seamless. Unless said non-magic entity already knows what they're looking for, they will be unable to find magical locations outside of the purview of places like Belegerande's.
Belle Valley is, with that said, located at the junction of multiple Crossroads; An impossible series of lay lines stitching pieces of Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, and Mississippi together.
Places to Check Out in Belle Valley (i went full corny on this)
Belle's Hollow, the bustling town just outside of Belegerande's
The Raven & the Writing Desk, the popular antiques shop run by C. Montgomery
Forgotten Lore, this bookstore has every tome, scroll, or book you'd ever need
The Twisted Knot, local staves & wands shop
The Witch's Kris, local athame & ritual dagger smith
Ambiance Noir, gothic Cajun bistro
SpeedTrap Broom & Supply, enchanted broom and care shop
The Bearded Lady's Parlor Esthetica, local beauty, supply, and personal care shop
Cloak & Dagger, apparel shop
Viri's Flytrap, local herbalist & apothecary
The Night Shoppe, the Night family's necromantic supply shop
Pot & Kettle's, alchimcal supply store
Simone's, a coffee and tea shop owned and operated by Simone Belegerande
The Gothic Theater, a performing arts theater for plays, dances, musical performances, magical performances, etc.
Callahan's Familiar Supply, feed & supply store for familiars and beasts
The Chugging Serpent, riverboat cruises & ferry rides run by Althea Wildebrand
Bloody Mary's, the local bar run by Mary Bloomwood
Gildebanque's, local bank run by the Gilde family
The Magic Mailbox, local package & mail service (arm of the USPS)
The Packhouse - West, gathering hub for shapeshifters
Luckshot's Diner, local restaurant run by former racing champion Luckshot
Altus, another town one can reach by taking the ferry
Monroe, another town one can reach by following the Mirewood Crossings
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mysticfoxdesigns · 2 years
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Chapter 6: The Ball Starts Rolling
Mlle. Bustier was in her class grading papers when she heard the commotion downstairs. Curious, she went outside of her room, seeing every other teacher in the school do the exact same. Watching M. Damocles getting an 'oh shit' look on his face and going back inside his office was admittedly funny, but also scary. What could possibly make him this afraid? Turning her attention to the front of the school gave her the answer. There stood Marinette, Chloé, and Nathaniel, all matching like the Heathers or Plastics. 'What in the world,' she thought to herself, 'I thought Marinette and Chloé hated each other.' Around her, students were whispering. 
"Why do you think they're back?"
'Wait this has happened before?'
"Likely something to do with their class."
'Her class? Was this something to do with Marinette and Lila's rivalry?'
"Are the mafia rumors actually true?"
'Wait mafia is now involved?'
"Do you think someone is gonna lose a finger again this time?"
'Whoa whoa, we just skipped several seasons, WHAT?' 
A strong voice snapped her out of her thoughts, turning her attention back to the courtyard. 'That voice was so strong. Like someone who demanded respect.' Marinette stood in the middle of the other two, in a stance that commanded everyone's attention. 
"The Royal Primaries and our Color Court have decided to make a return. Due to a recent event, we have deemed our presence necessary. A bully is running amok here in Collège Françoise Dupont. They have deceived and poisoned their classmates with their presence. Due to this, we are bringing back the pin system. These pins are a symbol of loyalty and safety. For anyone new to this school in the past four years, these are the rules to the pin system."
'A pin system? What kind of cult were these three running?' Mlle. Bustier thought to herself, 'there's no way this is actually happening.'
As the rules were listened off, that sinking feeling of reality began to set in. Walking backward, Mlle. Bustier quickly retreated back to her classroom. Sitting at her desk, she tried taking in deep breaths. 'I need to be smart about this. I can not be letting kids run this school and classroom. I need to take a stand,' she thought, as the bell interrupted everything. 
Sighing, she whispered, "Time to see them in class."
The students dispersed to their classroom, however as they were trickling in, Mlle. Bustier did not see the three students enter her class. Shrugging it off for now, she started that morning class how she always had. 
"Good morning student! It is another great day, and to start off this great day, we will begin with an Apples and Oranges activity," she started, everything was going smoothly so far. As she began to explain the activity, the intercom crackled to life. 
"A faux has entered a kingdom under the disguise of a queen,
Filling the people with wonderful lies and causing a rift within,
For this reason, the Court must intervene, 
The hellfire will now begin."
The intercom crackled once more as it shut down, leaving the classroom in silence. Clearing her throat, Mlle. Bustier went on to try and continue the activity. Just then, the door opened to reveal the missing trio. Straightening her back, Mlle. Bustier went over to them.
"You three are late. I will have to ask that," she started out, before getting cut off by Marinette handing her a piece of paper. 
"We were with M. Damocles. This is the note from him," was all she said before making her way up the stairs to the back of the classroom. 
Chloé gave her a smile, before following Marinette up the stairs. As she passed Mlle. Bustier's desk, she placed a piece of paper on it. Nathaniel followed what Chloé did, placing yet another piece of paper on it. 
Mlle. Bustier, coming over her shock, once again turned her attention to the class, "as I was saying before that announcement. The activity is for you to name one thing dragging you down, the orange, and one thing that is lifting your mood, the apple. Now, who would like to start? How about you, Rose?"
"Oh well, I guess an apple would be the date I had with Juleka last night. But an orange would have to be that my guitar string broke," Rose said with a sigh. Juleka patted her hand, giving her a small smile.
"I'm sure you'll be able to replace that string. Now, who is next?" Mlle. Bustier asked. 
Chloé rolled her eyes and tuned everything out. She hated these morning exercises. The way that Mlle. Bustier's teaching was not helpful for the class. She was too spineless, and always saw the good even in the ones who were meant to be in jail at this point. 
Chloé's attention was snapped back when she heard Alya starting to speak. Oh, this was gonna be good.
"An orange definitely is my breakup. And I guess that apple would be Lila's support during it," Alya said, not moving her head from its place on the desk. 
Chloé had to swallow back a laugh. 'God, what is Nino going to say?' She thought to herself. 
Mlle. Bustier looked taken aback but gestured to Nino for his statement.
"An apple this month is definitely my break up. It wasn't the healthiest at its end. And I don't really know what an orange would be. I guess running out of CDs for my mixes."
Chloé tried but failed to suppress the snort she had. Luckily she was in the back, but it still caught the attention of the students in front of her. 
"What's so funny Chloé?" Mylene asked.
"Oh nothing important," she responded with a smirk. 
Mlle. Bustier looked astonished. Nino was happy about the breakup? Guess it was a one sided breakup after all. She looked over at Alya, who was trembling in her seat. Poor thing looked close to tears. Sighing, Mlle. Bustier turned to her.
"You can step outside for a bit if you wish, Alya."
Alya shook her head, wiping her eyes as she sat up straight, "it's fine Mlle. Bustier, just, caught off guard."
Deciding to leave it at that, Mlle. Bustier went onto what they were actually doing that day. Way to change the topic! After assigning the work, she returned to her desk and saw the two papers that Chloé and Nathaniel left for her. Making sure the class was on task, she opened the folded notes. 
We're back in business and we're not here to play.
The ones who hurt us will have to pay.
Join us or hate us, we will rejoice.
You have till the end of the week to make your choice.
Looking up in shock, she made eye contact with the trio in the back. A shiver went up her back as she saw the glares on their faces. Slowly, she picked up the next piece of paper, revealing a rearranged seating chart. 
A note was attached to the photo, reading.
We've noticed that this class tends to get off topic a lot. So we've decided to help you out. We've created an assigned seating that will hopefully help. And do not worry, we took into consideration Lila's illnesses and disabilities. That is why we decided to put her right next to the window. She can get her needed Vitamin D, and still be in the front to help with her tinnitus. 
We decided to place Ivan next to her, as he is smart and gentle. Perfect for helping Lila out with her arthritis. Alya is Lila's best friend, so we've placed her behind Lila. With Alix and Mylène right behind them. Rose and Juleka are in the back as they have amazing grades and work well in their original spots. 
As for the other side of the room, we wanted to keep Nino in his original seat across the room to help with his and Alya's breakup. He and Nathaniel work well together, which is why we placed Nathaniel next to him. Max and Kim are behind them, because one, it separates Kim and Alix who always get into contests, and two, Max will be able to help Kim stay focused and do his work. Chloé and Sabrina being in the same seat make sense. Chloé is comfortable around her and they don't goof off together during class. Adrien wished to sit by Marinette, as he is the most comfortable around her. He does not want to be anywhere near Lila, which is why he is in the very back corner, the total opposite side of the room. 
We would appreciate if you implement this seating arrangement by tomorrow. 
Ps. You can take credit for this arrangement if you feel like it will help your ego <3
Mlle. Bustier looked at the trio. She knew that this was a good seating arrangement, but did she really want to follow their orders. She didn't want to be on their bad side early into this, well, rebellion. Sighing, she grabbed her old seating chart and went to move names around for the next day. As she worked, the trio in the back shared a smile among them.
Later in the day, the lunch bell rang, allowing students to finally ignore their studies and have fun with friends. Some flocked to the courtyard for games, while some went home to avoid the school lunch. The rest flocked to the cafeteria, where a single table in the center was empty. 
Lila and Alya were looking around for a table, having arrived later than they intended. The cafeteria always filled up quickly but seeing the empty table was a big sigh of relief. They started making their way over when they were stopped by Alix. 
"Don't sit there. That's where the Color Court sits. Trust me, it's better to just sit with random people than there."
Lila scoffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder, "why does an entire group get a table to themselves."
"They're like the Plastics. They have a claim over any table, and they claimed that one this year. Center of attention," Alix replied, taking a bite out of her Kushari. Kim and Max are at her table, each also eating a traditional meal from their heritage. 
"You know, you two could join us. We can catch you up to speed on everything that's happening," Kim offered. 
"Might as well," Alya responded, sitting down next to Alix. Lila looked hesitant but sat next to Alya.
"So, are these guys like bullies or something?"
Kim, Alix, and Max looked at each other, before bursting into laughter. Alya and Lila looked at each other confused, why were they laughing. 
"Nononono, you guys got it mixed up. They get rid of bullies," Alix responded with tears in her eyes from laughing too hard. "They're the reason we are able to even have our traditional foods at school."
"That's true, I was bullied for bringing in spring rolls, all because I was using my hands to eat it with," Kim said, "people said it was gross, all because of that."
"But it is gross," Lila replied.
"Then so is eating a sandwich," Kim argued, "many western foods are eaten by hands, so why is it only disgusting when nonwestern foods are eaten with hands?"
Lila sat there in silence, calculating what to say next, but before she could, silence fell over the cafeteria as the Royal Primaries made their way into the cafeteria. The trio made their way to the center table, all eyes on them. Lila sat there, seething with anger. 'It should be me there! I am supposed to be the center of attention!'
"They really have everyone under their thumb huh?" Alya asked. 
"Yeah, but that's mostly respect. Even the teachers respect what they have to say," Max responded, "they can and will get rid of teachers and staff members that fail at their job. We've been through eleven different teachers and staff from when we were five. to now. And there's likely to be two more added onto it."
"What are the odds of that?" Alya responded. 
Lila did not like those odds. These people really did have more power than she thought. Looking back at the table, she saw students flocking to it. "What's going on now?"
"Oh! They're handing out pins!" Alix said, jumping up. She quickly headed over to the table.
"What do the pins do exactly?"
"They are your ticket to freedom," Kim responded, going back to his food. 
"Why aren't you guys getting yours?" Lila questioned. 
"We already have ours, it helps when you're childhood friends with the Blue Empress," Max responded, "you may want to go get your own."
Alya and Lila shared a look, before standing up from the table, missing the smirk shared between the two boys. They made their way over to the line forming at the table, oblivious to glares and whispers surrounding them.
At the table, Alix was already up there, out of earshot of the two girls. Chloé had her arms crossed, judging the pink haired punk. Nathaniel had an unreadable face but was likely judging her. Marinette sat there in silence, staring her down before speaking.
"Why do you want a pin?"
Alix sighed, knowing this was bound to happen. Leaning forward so they were the only ones who heard, "listen. I'm sorry I didn't believe you at first. I started realizing after the sketchbook was destroyed, but was really cemented it was Lila lying about something in the museum. I was too stubborn to realize sooner and apologize as soon as I knew. But we need to take this bitch down."
Satisfied, Marinette handed over a pin, "glad you realized, but you are not forgiven yet. Prove yourself, and you will be. You'll be joining our inside people, more details later."
Nodding, Alix accepted the pin, walking away while attaching it to her shirt. Alya and Lila do notice that she got a pin, only raising hope in them getting a pin. The line moved relatively fast, soon letting the two girls get to the front. Upon getting there, they were met with glares. 
"We wanted to get some pi-" Lila started before getting cut off. 
"We'll discuss that later. Next," Marinette responded, shooing them off.
"I said next!"
The two girls reluctantly went back to their table, sitting down. 
After school, Alya waved to Lila as she headed down the steps. Before that, they found a letter signed by the Royal Primaries in her locker, only asking for Lila. Walking over to the side of the courtyard, she waited for the trio. 'This is gonna be easy.'
The group soon arrived, with Aurore and Mireille behind them. Adrien stood behind Marinette, as she took the lead in the conversation. 
"After careful consideration," she started, "we've decided to add you as an honorary member. This is only just a trial, but you will dress in your signature color that we will give you."
Lila looked shocked, now how she expected the conversation to go, but she'll take it. Only means that she has them under her thumb. Taking on the dramatics, she responded, "oh really? I thought after everything you would be so mad at me!" 
Desperately trying to not roll her eyes, Marinette continued, "you will be the White dutchess. You will wear white, and black as an accent color, but very minimal. We've never had a monochromatic member, you will be our first."
"Oh white is such a pretty color, it means so many good things!" Lila responded, trying to seem over ecstatic. 
"Good. Glad you like it, Aurore and Mireille will announce your rank on the blog, wear your uniform tomorrow and attach this pin," Marinette said, as Nathaniel handed over a small black crown pin.
Smiling, Lila accepted it gladly, "Is there anywhere I should not wear it?"
"Keep it in a visible place, and you must always have it on you. We will know if you don’t," Marinette said, dismissing Lila. 
Lila smiled, giving a small thanks and leaving the school ground. An evil smirk fell upon her face, she had those idiots falling into her plan. 
Adrien looked at Marinette like she had grown another head, "why did you make her a member of the court?"
Laughing, Marinette turned to him, "she is not an official member, only honorary. And don't worry, we have a full plan for her. There's a reason she's in white."
"And what reason is that?"
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brookstonalmanac · 20 days
Events 9.1 (after 1870)
1870 – Franco-Prussian War: The Battle of Sedan is fought, resulting in a decisive Prussian victory. 1873 – Cetshwayo ascends to the throne as king of the Zulu nation following the death of his father Mpande. 1878 – Emma Nutt becomes the world's first female telephone operator when she is recruited by Alexander Graham Bell to the Boston Telephone Dispatch Company. 1880 – The army of Mohammad Ayub Khan is routed by the British at the Battle of Kandahar, ending the Second Anglo-Afghan War. 1894 – Over 400 people die in the Great Hinckley Fire, a forest fire in Hinckley, Minnesota. 1897 – The Tremont Street Subway in Boston opens, becoming the first underground rapid transit system in North America. 1923 – The Great Kantō earthquake devastates Tokyo and Yokohama, killing about 105,000 people. 1939 – World War II: Germany and Slovakia invade Poland, beginning the European phase of World War II. 1939 – J. Robert Oppenheimer and his student Hartland Snyder publish the Oppenheimer–Snyder model, proving for the first time in contemporary physics how black holes could develop. 1944 – World War II: Launch of Operation Ratweek, complicating German retreat. 1961 – TWA Flight 529 crashed shortly after takeoff from Midway Airport in Chicago, killing all 78 people on board. At the time, it was the deadliest single plane disaster in U.S. history. 1967 – Six-Day War: The Khartoum Resolution is issued at the Arab Summit, and eight countries adopt the "three 'no's against Israel". 1969 – A coup in Libya brings Muammar Gaddafi to power. 1973 – A 76-hour multinational rescue effort in the Celtic Sea resulted in the Rescue of Roger Mallinson and Roger Chapman. 1974 – The SR-71 Blackbird sets (and holds) the record for flying from New York to London in the time of one hour, 54 minutes and 56.4 seconds at a speed of 1,435.587 miles per hour (2,310.353 km/h). 1981 – Central African President David Dacko is ousted from power in a bloodless military coup led by General André Kolingba. 1982 – The United States Air Force Space Command is founded. 1983 – Cold War: Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down by a Soviet jet fighter after the commercial aircraft strayed into Soviet airspace, killing all 269 on board, including Congressman Lawrence McDonald. 2004 – The Beslan school siege begins when armed terrorists take schoolchildren and school staff hostage in North Ossetia, Russia; by the end of the siege, three days later, more than 385 people are dead (including hostages, other civilians, security personnel and terrorists). 2008 – Iraq War: The United States Armed Forces transfers control of Anbar Province to the Iraqi Armed Forces. 2022 – Physicians at AdventHealth Central Florida Division developed a new five hour test for brain-eating amoebas.
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notladylikes · 6 months
avril lavigne is blasted through the speakers of the vehicle’s sound system as they pull up in front of the highschool, two girls primed and ready to command the day as it was given to them. andie pulls into her designated parking spot, right there in front.
( she nearly got into a fist fight with another girl who tried to claim it first, andie won, of course - harsh words on a venomous tongue to boot. the girl ran away crying, and andrea got assigned the spot. )
pulling down the visor, she reaches for the slide mechanism to open the mirror, fingers primping and preening her appearance. lipgloss is re-applied, a tinge of blush and mascara to follow. once she deems herself perfection, she exits the vehicle, and glances over to the side as elizabeth pulls in, right in the spot next to hers.
liz’s hair is shining brightly in the morning sun, a touch of pink to her cheeks to add color and the brightest smile anyone could manage ( aside from herself, of course ). andie squeals and heads over, collecting her best friend in a hug and a secret handshake, before they strut their way over to the spot they picked to hang out before school, right on the front steps.
front and center, those two, they demand attention of everyone entering the facility, students and teachers alike.
flipping her hair over her shoulder, andie spots one of the siblings of their fallen friend. ( okay ‘friend’ is a bit extra, they talked to them a couple of times, forced them to do some book reports and homework for them, but they weren’t at all friendly, if andrea is being honest. ) but is she still the 'younger sister’ now that the elder one has fallen? that’s a question she plans to pose to her one day, what are you when your other half has left the premises and the earth altogether. hm, it gives her something to think about.
leaning in, andrea whispers something in elizabeth’s ear, and the sound of her best friend’s laughter commands attention, causing a sheen of red across the girl’s face as she notices their ongoing stares and evident gossiping. she isn’t brave enough to walk up to them and demand they stop, so instead her sheepish nature causes her to glance by them and start walking towards the building. andrea makes it a fact to shoulder check the young girl, nearly causing her to drop the books from her grasp, and with hurried steps she heads inside.
the bell is about to ring and these two are dead set on being fashionably late, and when its time to head inside, the hall monitor is just about to stop them when he realizes who he has in front of him. andrea’s death glare and liz’s honeyed tongue are a wicked when one interacts with them one on one.
but together? they’re a deadly combination.
the rest of their day is sent terrorizing the masses, leaving people literally weeping in the wake of their onboard brand of destruction. they’re the real reason that god commands the heavens above and lucifer the depths of hell - because a team up would be an absolute fucking nightmare, just ask the students of berkley high.
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glenngaylord · 7 months
My Moments Out Of Time In Film 2023
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My Moments Out Of Time - Glenn Gaylord’s Look Back at 2023 In Film
I’m of the opinion that every year can be a really good year for movies if you’re willing and able to do a little digging. But transcendent, formula-defying, unforgettable work seems to come along much less frequently. In 2023, I repeatedly saw a rare level of greatness, almost a rewriting of cinematic language. I think of how the marriage of sound and imagery achieved a type of singularity in The Zone Of Interest, or how the camera’s omniscient point of view in Poor Things seemed to reflect the mind of its protagonist. All Of Us Strangers and Past Lives seemed to run on pure emotional poetry. Bottoms and Rotting In The Sun opened up a new type of comedy in which queer people unleashed powerful levels of fury and unapologetic lust. Origin ignored most rules of screenwriting structure to forge a compelling and new way of looking at societal systems. Although not quite as trailblazing as the above-mentioned titles, I also loved The Holdovers, Are You There, God? It’s Me Margaret, May December, Killers Of The Flower Moon, Oppenheimer, BlackBerry, Air, M3Gan, You Hurt My Feelings, Passages, Huesera: The Bone Woman, Anatomy Of A Fall, Saltburn, Dream Scenario, Ferrari, Rustin, The Color Purple, Fallen Leaves, Godzilla Minus One, The Teacher’s Lounge, Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, and Wonka. Now that’s just scratching the surface. It was that kind of year.
So, instead of compiling a Top Ten List, which from what you can see above, would prove nearly impossible, I like to pay homage to a long-discontinued but influential annual column called “Moments Out Of Time” from Film Comment magazine. Their critics would cite their favorite scenes, images, or lines of dialogue, even from films they may not have liked. I may have hated the sappy, Hoosiers wanna-be, The Boys In The Boat, for example, but the image of the coxswains sporting those cone-shaped bullhorns strapped to their mouths made an impression. So, here, in no particular order, are my Moments Out Of Time for 2023.
A father looks over his brood as they splash around in their backyard pool. We see the billowing smoke from an approaching train as it crosses the horizon. That the father is a Nazi commandant and the train is arriving at Auschwitz makes turns a seemingly innocuous image and makes it bone-chilling - The Zone Of Interest
“Owwwwww” a perfectly droll and hilariously delivered reaction from Duncan Wedderburn (Mark Ruffalo) - Poor Things
A father (Jamie Bell) tells his grown son (Andrew Scott) that he wishes he could have been more attentive and supportive of him when he had been bullied as a child. The emotional truth on the faces of these two exceptional actors left me sobbing. It’s a dream conversation for so many - All Of Us Strangers
Two students toss a football in the wintry commons of a Massachusetts Prep School as the folk strains of “Silver Joy” by Damien Jurado plays on the soundtrack. It not only perfectly evokes films from the time such as Hal Ashby’s Harold And Maude, but feels like it was actually made in 1970 as well - The Holdovers
A high school principal uses the intercom to blare, “Could the ugly, untalented gays please report to the principal's office?”, which serves to announce a film which, dare I say, takes Heathers, upends it, slathers on layer upon layer of lesbian horniness, to result in something truly subversive and unique - Bottoms
Two South Korean childhood sweethearts reunite in Manhattan decades later, and Nora’s (Greta Lee) incredulous reaction of “Wow” as she walks beside Hae Sung (Teo Yoo) sums up the immense warmth of this gloriously poetic film - Past Lives
That insane twist midway through had me whispering to myself, “Holy Janet Leigh!” - Rotting In The Sun
Speaking of twists, the year’s biggest WTF moment happens towards the end of this film. You’ll know it when you see it as this girl crush of a story turns into something unexpectedly sinister - Eileen
A woman explains to an author why her father named her Miss. The monologue, filled with equal parts pride, anger and despair, and delivered by a never better Audra McDonald, should be studied by actors for decades - Origin
The slow-moving grocery store conveyor belt as it carries sanitary napkins for our protagonist and her friend proves to be a beautifully sustained, hilariously awkward coming of age moment - Are You There, God? It’s Me Margaret
A mom takes her teenage daughter dress shopping and traumatizes her with the cringiest, most passive-aggressive speech of 2023, “Oh Mary, I want to commend you for being so brave and showing your arms like that. That’s something I always wished I could do when I was your age. Just not care about these unrealistic beauty standards.” - May December
Godzilla’s attack on Ginza, which had a similar visceral impact on me as Spielberg’s War Of The Worlds first set piece did - Godzilla Minus One
After the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Oppenheimer gets a hero’s welcome by a roomful of cheering, stomping Americans. As their faces melt away, he sees the horrific devastation he has wrought and questions his own “heroism” - Oppenheimer
An Osage woman in 1920s Oklahoma, who truly loves her husband, knows she has to bite her tongue despite knowing he’s slowly poisoning her. The conflicting emotions on the wonderful Lily Gladstone’s face masterfully conveys her impossible situation - Killers Of The Flower Moon
The flashback which reveals Valeria (the incredible Natalia Solián) isn’t the happily pregnant, maternal, heterosexual, married woman as initially presented. It’s the moment this somewhat traditional Rosemary’s Baby homage transitions into something far more radical - Huesera: The Bone Woman
Flora (Eve Hewson) and Jeff (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) write the beautiful duet “Meet In The Middle” over Zoom, cementing their chemistry and more importantly their deeply emotional connection to music - Flora And Son
In one of my favorite transitions in cinematic history, a Nazi commandant looks down a dark hallway to see his future, a soberingly mundane yet impactful vision. We then cut back to the commandant as he descends into the dark hell of his own making - The Zone Of Interest
Canadian Jim Balsillie (Glenn Howerton in one of the best, most surprising, and scariest performances of the year) threatens the NHL board when things don’t go his way with the immortal, “I’m from Waterloo, where the vampires hang out!” - BlackBerry
A woman accused of stealing from a teacher angrily denies culpability with a series of lies. This tense tiny gem is an astute analogy for the alternative facts age we’re experiencing - The Teacher’s Lounge
“A shoe is just a shoe until my son steps into it” - Michael Jordan’s mother Deloris (Viola Davis) skillfully negotiates his Nike contract with Matt Damon’s Sonny Vaccaro, and with quiet assurance gets everything Michael deserves - Air
Entity: Put the knife in your eye - Skinamarink
The office hallway dance before the kill - M3Gan
A novelist (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) overhears her husband (Tobias Menzies) denigrating her latest work, which challenges her notions of honesty and whether it’s something she really needs or not. A great microcosm of the human condition - You Hurt My Feelings
A blisteringly narcissistic film director (Franz Rogowski), fresh out of relationship with another man, refuses to engage in a conversation with his pregnant girlfriend’s parents as they pry too much and question his motives. Bonus points for his choice of outfits during said conversation - Passages
Danielle Brooks’ Sofia mightily kicks a door in at the start of “Hell No”, cementing her legendary status in film history - The Color Purple
Pop music of the 1960s gets a lovely tribute as the strains of “A World Of Your Own” evoke The Monkees’ “Daydream Believer” with a little nod to Sgt. Pepper era Beatles. The psychedelic visuals of Willy Wonka’s shop, with its cotton candy clouds and chocolate river, only enhance the magic - Wonka
Sure, one could easily talk about the slurping of the bathtub water or the graveyard sex or the naked dance sequence, but none felt as urgent and squeamish as when Felix (Jacob Elordi) surprises Oliver (Barry Keoghan) by driving him to his parent’s house. Oliver, begging Felix not to do so and afraid of what’s to come, is the most raw, real moment in a film laden with performative interactions and deception - Saltburn
“I wish this was real” - the most heartbreaking final line of a film this year - Dream Scenario
That entire taped argument! - Anatomy Of A Fall
Bonnie (Jodie Foster) uses reverse psychology on Diana (Annette Bening) to convince her to swim from Cuba to Florida, slyly revealing the advantages of really knowing and caring about your best friend - Nyad
Barbie: You’re beautiful. The Woman On The Bench (played by legendary Costume Designer, Ann Roth): I know. - Barbie
A deadpan couple in a movie theater watch Jim Jarmusch’s The Dead Don’t Die, a cheeky homage to what clearly has influenced the fantastic filmmaker Aki Kaurismäki - Fallen Leaves
Before the March On Washington, history was really made when Bayard Rustin (a great Colman Domingo) proved himself indispensable by demonstrating every detail that went into the planning - Rustin
Rebecca-Diane: (to a roomful of tween actors) But you so deserve it on every level, you guys are so talented, so unbelievable, this will break you. This will fully destroy you - Theater Camp
Any scene in which a couple engages in a serious discussion as a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day float glides by their window is gonna make this list - Maestro
THE SCENE - you’ll know it when you see it and will never forget it - Ferrari
The motorcycle over the cliff stunt. When Tom Cruise says he’ll die for us, believe him - Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
Tilda Swinton meets her match in Michael Fassbender and has that haunting moment of realization that she’s not as clever as she thought she was - The Killer
The unnerving sight of hundreds of planes plummeting to the ground - Knock At The Cabin
Put Margo Martingale as Ranger Liz, with her delightfully terrible aim, on a gurney in an ambulance being chased by a bear high on cocaine, add Depeche Mode’s 80s synth classic “Just Can’t Get Enough” and you have my favorite chase sequence since To Live And Die In L.A. or maybe even The French Connection - Cocaine Bear
Remind me never to crawl across a ladder precariously propped up between two apartment buildings. I can feel the acrophobia kicking in as I type this - Scream VI
If you’ve ever experienced a maintenance request being ignored, just be grateful Hong Chau’s self-involved Jo isn’t your landlord. Every time she shrugged off Michelle Williams’ pleas, I wanted to call HUD myself - Showing Up
Maybe you’re just inviting trouble when you prop your apartment building door open with a rolled up newspaper and quickly run across the street to buy some water - Beau Is Afraid
Although I found the overall movie to be “cute” at best, the combination of Awkwafina and the word “Scuttlebutt” was comedy gold - The Little Mermaid
It broke my heart when one of television’s most beloved icons thought of herself as “a failed dancer” instead of as a successful actor - Being Mary Tyler Moore
It’s impossible to measure the courage it took for Michael J. Fox to repeatedly fall down (and get back up) on camera while working with a trainer. He risked humiliation to bring the plight of those living with Parkinson’s disease straight to our hearts and minds - Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie
Presented at first as quiet, shivering victims of sexual assault, five women kidnapped by Nazis get their slow motion stroll towards camera with rifles in hand and death glares on their faces - Sisu
Although I had long ago written him off as someone whose politics don’t align with my own, I couldn’t help but be moved by Jon Voight’s tear-filled pride in having made a queer cinematic classic - Desperate Souls, Dark City And The Legend Of Midnight Cowboy
Priscilla (Cailee Spaeny) paces alone in Graceland as she realizes the bloom is off the rose. Her marriage, as it turns out, will consist of waiting and obeying - Priscilla
Jennifer Lawrence kicking ass while fully naked on a beach, proving herself as adept at broad comedy as Rebekah Kochan’s Tiffani in the Eating Out series - No Hard Feelings
Meghan Thee Stallion as a sensational girl boss lights up the screen when she performs “Out Alpha The Alpha” - Dicks: The Musical
Bella Baxter: I must go punch that baby - Poor Things
No melodic score will surpass the genius of Mica Levi’s compositions combined with Johnnie Burn’s sound design - The Zone Of Interest
In the final shot, the camera cranes up to reveal Indiana Jones having literally hung up his hat. Why am I crying? - Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny
When Gracie loses a client from her cake business, Julianne Moore’s meltdown surpasses her amazing scene in Magnolia when she screams at the pharmacist - May December
Two book publishers (astutely embodied by Miriam Shor and Michael Cyril Creighton) envision their mysterious Black author played by Jeffrey Wright in a “do-rag and a tank top with the muscles showing”, proving stereotypes don’t die easily. When Shor caps the discussion with “Somebody call the fire department” you know you’re in the hands of a great satirist - American Fiction
Combine exploding wine barrels as two cowboys get drenched and make out as a group of women look on with disappointment, and you have a brief return to campy, over-the-top form from Pedro Almodóvar - Strange Way Of Life
Teddy Kountze: Sir, I don’t understand. Paul Hunham: That’s glaringly apparent. Teddy Kountze: No. I can’t fail this class. Paul Hunham: Oh, don’t sell yourself short, Mr. Kountze. I truly believe that you can. -The Holdovers
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lunchbuzzersystem · 1 year
Lunch Break Buzzer System
The Modern Lunch Break Buzzer System
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A lunch break buzzer system is a means of signaling employees that a specific time in the day's work schedule has actually been gotten to. The lunch break buzzer system therefore completes a shifting of equipments, in a manner of speaking, inside a factory or big work environment, resulting in a mass activity of individuals from one station or task to an additional for whatever factor. As the name indicates, a typical use is to reveal a dish break, but it can also indicate such things as class changes for institution students.
A lunch break buzzer system may be by hand or electronically managed, the latter attained wirelessly or by means of hardwired links. It's sort of like a countdown timer that delimits a period for the task concerned, other than that there is no visual responses offered regarding exactly how much along you are. Maybe a better analogy is the old factory whistle that seems loud and also clear over the whole facility.
Establishing this up can be from scratch, however it is likewise feasible to transform an institution bell system into something modern. The most effective way to do this is with a tone generator that can be programmed to produce a buzzer, bell, or other sound digitally, stumbled by a time transmitter. The tripping routine is typically stored on an SD card.
Many institutions have a master clock for integrating all distributed clocks and comparable tools. The master acquires its referral from a local area network in basic instances or from a satellite-connected standard (e.g., the national atomic clock) in extra sophisticated situations. Upon a tripping signal from the program, the transmitter relays an "on" command to all buzzers in the center, either wirelessly or with cords, making certain an uniform synchrony of sound.
By purchasing a break buzzer system, you additionally get computer system software program to manage it. The interface reveals a schedule that enables one to delineate the days as well as times that the audios should start and also for how much time they should last. This creates a software program that is after that downloaded to the provided SD card; in turn, the card is put in the tone generator.
Some tone generators have a solitary collection of calls for triggering a buzzer or bell. Getting to a broader number of sound tools is completed by daisy chaining their get in touches with. Each tool has its very own quantity control, flexible with a screw or rheostat, permitting differing volume degrees based upon specific area attributes.
The operation of the break buzzer system differs rather from one sort of business environment to another. For manufacturing, the old method of whistles introducing modifications is just extended to include various other noises as well as software program control. All change changes and all sort of breaks are dealt with in this way.
For education, the new gadget replaces (or contributes to) the standard collection of bells that signify class period begin as well as end times. The administrator gets in each duration beginning and also end minute right into the schedule, replicated throughout the five days of the institution week. Right here, a manual override works to facilitate spontaneous assemblies as well as emergency drills.
If all the clocks for your service aren't synchronized, the break buzzer maker can offer such a system in either wired or wireless styles. Currently the master clock gets executed automatically, itself integrated to whatever resource is available. Modern types of these systems often deal with the automated adjustments needed for daytime cost savings adjustments. wireless bell systems for schools
The viewers should currently see that time synchronization as well as sharp systems help services automate their operations without unnecessary worker obtrusion. They can be adapted to work with a host of different business applications. Performance is clearly improved by installing the modern-day lunch break buzzer system.
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mightstaywhoknows · 2 years
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I posted 3,392 times in 2022
That's 3,392 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (1%)
3,350 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 736 of my posts in 2022
#the umbrella academy - 84 posts
#tua - 71 posts
#spy x family - 59 posts
#watcher - 57 posts
#shane madej - 48 posts
#ryan bergara - 46 posts
#naruto - 40 posts
#ghost files - 36 posts
#puppet history - 35 posts
#obkk - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#only the one that have a tintiest moment between their fight that they see themself in the other and lowkey don't want to end this bitch
My Top Posts in 2022:
Kakashi blushed and malfunctioned when he have to read the first line out loud
The truth is that you love me (then)?
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He's so
11 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
43 children were born on the same day and in a weird way (their mothers weren't pregnant before that day)
Mr. Alien bought 7 of them
Why only 7?
Was he not rich enough? Is it because he felt like he couldn't deal with like more than 7 kids
I think it's because he knows he only needed 7 of them
7 to "ring the bell" the get his little prize, his glory
To activate the machine and rewrite reality, reset the world in his favour
So that's why he picked 7
But still it's funny
Why 43? Is there a meaning behind this number? And if there's so many of these strange kids, what happen to them (assume that all of them have powers)
12 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
Shuri is a bright and briliant woman. Her humor is witty and she love to tease people.
She is a great leader and will continue to grow and become an even better protector and inventor of Wakanda.
So eventhough i love to ship her, i would die to see more of her own journey
I can image her life after wakanda forever 2
- she'll be staying at Nakia's house, healing for a while (i'm not sure how much since everyone heals differently) playing with Toussaint, helping Nakia with the school,...
- she'll start training with Okoye or/and Nakia and eventhough it's tiring but she'll find it quite stress relieving.
- she'll still be working in her lab and start teaching more. So that when she's gone, others can continue her legacy.
- she'll sometime visit Riri in her uni and check if there's other talented young people that she could potentially recuit before the CIA can take a hold of them.
- she'll sometime join in if there's any big decision from the council
- she'll help the Talokanil to upgrade their defense system and in exchange there will be trading lines made between the 2 nation
- she'll take inspiration from Wakanda, Talokan and Haiti for new inventions and plans for her own country and Talokan
- she'll oneday fight along side other heros when crazy shit happen (like someone about to create the multiverse war)
- she'll be one badass aunti/hero/princess/the love of my life
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17 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
Spy x family manga chapter 66 spoiler
I think someone might have done this but ima still do it
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I have a feeling the Gardener will test Yor or keep an eye on Loid after such information.
They don't recomend getting close with the Desmond, their political party and seems a bit concered when Yor does mention that her husband is interested in the National unity thing.
Hmmm interesting
See the full post
19 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My heart breaks everytime i see young twilight cry
Damn it, Endo bring back his friends just to make us cry and then kill them off to show the cruel reality of war
Love that Slyvie was his first commander in WISE too. Hehe she was so scary that he had to woke up
And we got to see The man - the one who saw something in young twilight to drag him into WISE
Hmmm i hope we get to see more of him in the future
40 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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manleycollins · 2 years
Journal Entry #72 - The Phone - Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor and Co-Founder of AT&T - Must Did Not Know How Crazy Communication Would Become - And My In-Person and Postal Mail Communications Independence - Who am I talking to?
JOURNAL ENTRY #72 Name: Manley M Collins Social Security Number: 5 7 9 – * * – 6 5 4 1 Date of Birth: 06/21 Place of Birth: Washington, District of Columbia Country of Birth: United States of America Date: July 4, 2022
TOPIC: The Phone - Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor and Co-Founder of AT&T - Must Did Not Know How Crazy Communication Would Become - And My In-Person and Postal Mail Communications Independence - Who am I talking to?
Happy Independence Day to the United States of America!
Schizophrenia and the recognition of my American mental health issues was created solely based on the topic when I shelled out information about a future to people that I did not know what I was talking about. Normally, life would call it a 'lie' or 'alternative truth', but made sure my American life, in English, reap every word of having anything mentioned about my future and losing it very fast with little or no evidence. So now my readers or people now dislike or love me revealing my past and present of what he/she does not expect to see.
Based on my telephone logs and great memory, people wonder who do I talk to if I am not speaking to them specifically. For me, my 792 contact list is 10% of the amount of people I would have had if I had my storage drives and no distractions in putting people in various information systems and backing up various places. I do believe in speaking to humans over artificial intelligence or interactive voice response systems. Those people I spoke over the phone or in-person or video call are as follows:
Brothers of Rho Kappa Lambda of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., police officers and every other type of officer, attorneys, lawyers, teachers, LGBTQIA+ associates/friends, heterosexual friends, families, my paternal family members, my maternal family members, classmates from Cross High School, South Carolina State University, and University of Phoenix, track and field teammates, football players, basketball players, disabled persons, Asian, Indian, European, African, American, French, Italian, Mexicans, Latinos, Brazilians, Jewish, Muslim, drug dealers, gun owners, Beta Delta of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Future Business Leaders of America, Chief Executive Officers, presidents, vice presidents, directors, project managers, program managers, leaders, small business owners, entrepreneurs, barbers, hairstylists, Human Resources managers, my co-workers, supervisors, and managers from every position on my resume, security officers, librarians, administrative assistants, doctors, nurses, case workers, mental health professionals, resource officers, principals, assistant principals, military - army, navy, marines, coast guard, air force, government officials, government employees, government contractors, the courts, judges, custodians, Phi Beta Lambda Business Fraternity, travelers, skateboarders, punk rockers, me phi me, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho, Zeta Phi Beta, homeless professionals, drug users, Omega Psi Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Beta Sigma, Kappa Kappa Psi, Tau Beta Sigma, Phi Mu Alpha, Up2Us Coaches/Coaches Across America, AmeriCorps, City Year, any department in any state I resided in, United Parcel Service, DHL Express, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, Apple, Nike, Amazon, insurance agent, appraisers, sales personnel, technologists, gamers, leasing agents, apartment owners, banks, brokerage firms, hotels, motels, airlines, restaurants, public transportation workers, car rentals, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, children, teens, adolescents, garbage workers, recruiters, headhunters, airport workers, all the violators of the Ten Commandments, sinners, pastors, deacons, choir members, ushers, meetup groups, church congregation, actors, gym and fitness gurus, bodybuilders, athletes from other sports, research professionals, and many more….even if do not specifically mention your area of expertise I am talking to you or something related to you.
Ever since the Journal Entry regarding my depression and how it came to fruition, I never have and do not plan to shut up for anybody since 2007-2008. I know all this information is coming fast, but I am just like you sharing in bits in pieces, but I am all at once to catch up.
Pine Street Inn provided me a locker for storage. It is about half the size of a middle school or high school locker. I only store daily stuff, such as my multivitamins (Vega All-in-One Protein Shake, Gatorade G-Fit, Lenny & Larry's Plant Based Cookies, Metamucil Fiber Gummies, Metamucil 4-in-1 Single Packs, One-A-Day Men's Multivitamin, Hydroxycut, Metamucil Cinnamon Fiber Wafers), everyday clothing, medications, and work clothing. I do laundry every two weeks. You can see them in my photo albums. Pine Street Inn provided more housing applications to Somerville Housing Authority, Pine Street Inn Housing, Woodburne Apartments, and The Bay State Banner real estate section had housing lotteries. I am still on the lottery list for a brand new affordable housing project. At Pine Street Inn, I had to get a tuberculosis test and reading done, which I was informed I was supposed to get every six (6) months.
With my former residence in Atlanta, Georgia and in between actual health or medical plans, I never signed up for public insurance. So with me very focused on rolling off United Healthcare impacting the ability for my bills to paid by MassHealth (BMC Community Health Plan now WellSense). I wanted to test At-Home Medical Tests for all the same services you see in my photo albums. I did the tests publicly so others can see me do it. The results were the same.
Racial profiling and customer profiling does happen in Boston, Massachusetts despite importing diversity to create diversity. So here it goes, Target (Beacon Hill), a white/Latino retail floor employee, did racial and customer profiling, and I informed them through their surveys. CVS Pharmacy (North Station), overabundance of female employees, did racial and customer profiling, and I informed them through their surveys, but it still happens at random. StarMarket (North Station), a white manager, did racial and customer profiling, but stopped surveys for a year now. Whole Food Market (Charles River Plaza) security did racial and customer profiling, and I informed them through their surveys and it stopped.
I got my Monkeypox/smallpox vaccine JYNNEOS from Boston Medical Center Sexual Health Clinic. I still have a residual mark from where the vaccine was placed. Hopefully, my Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides start helping my hair, skin, and nails along with my prenatal multivitamins.
I purchased TurboTax to prepare to file my taxes.
I attended BayState (Massachusetts) Summer Games. I ran the 100m, 200m, and long jump. I won the long jump. I may or may not plan to go California for the State Games of America. It is in my photo blog.
I had to seriously pray the Lord's Prayer, read a Bible verse, Joel Osteen's message of the day, and recited the 23rd Psalm before my criminal court hearing at New York City / New York State Criminal Courts. It is in my photo blog. I also attended my follow up court date in September 2022, and the case and charges were dismissed. I talked to my pro-bono The Legal Aid Society attorney via the phone, and he told me I can get a Certificate of Disposition if I needed it, but most likely not available for the next day. The way I booked my trip was through Megabus and Marriott. I booked to hear the decision and leave immediately. My case came up first and the judge told me the decision without the presence of my attorney. I did eat a good meal at Whole Foods Market (Hudson Yards) to treat myself. I missed the USATF Masters Outdoor Nationals Championship in Lexington, Kentucky. I signed up for eTrack, the free case tracking service provided by the New York State Unified Court System, to actually track my case, which I never found and could not add. Checkr, Inc. provided all the employers that I am employed by and uses Checkr's service to provide the post-adverse action notice due to New York's situation.
I joined new workforce apps called Adia and Instawork. Adia Solutions LLC, works with Adecco staffing, and I filled out the profile. My first gig was Wyndham Hotel & Resorts (Beacon Hill). I worked as a bellman and backoffice customer service. I made some friends, associates, and acquaintances. It was my first time seeing the tipping business in the hotel other than housekeeping. When I can tip, I normally tipped the housekeeping and restaurant workers. I never thought about the bellpeople. I worked as a custodian and engineer, but I had to tell the supervisor that I do not mind moving other people (Wyndham's) stuff once a month and I do not do this type of physical activity on the regular.
Boston Medical Center had to prepare me for my first colonoscopy. My BMC primary care physician prescribes Golytely as the medication and gave me the instructions. I discussed the instructions with McInnis Health Center (Boston HealthCare for the Homeless Program) doctors and nurse. A month before the procedure, McInnis Health Center provided interesting advice, but not efficient planning on how to go about the day. As the procedure came close, I was in discussion with BMC on how to prepare and I planned a week ahead for it scheduling a PT1 Medical ride. McInnis calls the Friday before the procedure on Tuesday, and ask, "Am I still coming to the McInnis House?" I politely while enraged had to tell them, "No, I made other plans."
I communicated quite a bit through the Massachusetts General Hospital, McInnis Health Center, and Boston Medical Center information system with practitioners more than any other hospital information system for care.
Transitioning from Arbour Counseling Session (Zoom Calls) to Boston Medical Center In-Person (through the Bridge Clinic - Psychiatry Department) (Previous Journal topics - I just was repeating them to new people verbally)
Boys Relationships Sex Travel Materialism Research before buying Attachment Give and Take Work on trauma Touching and Assaults Thinking and Feelings Begin Cognitive Behavior Therapy or Cognitive Processing Therapy (homework on myself)
Other Topics from Summer and Fall 2022:
I started participating in University of Phoenix Dissertation to Publication Workshop. I attended University of Phoenix Knowledge without Borders Summit. I attend the UOPX KWB in person in Chicago and Washington, DC/Virginia, but this time it is virtual.
I started working with Massachusetts Vocational Rehabilitation Center for SSA's Ticket to Work to be local and not have Illinois's virtual center involved.
I never paid attention to what was happening with my toes. After everything happens and distractions, time becomes available to actually pay attention to myself.
I worked with some new rental startup companies, such as SplitSpot and June Homes. They are two of I do not know how many that rent out the megahomes throughout Boston and other cities. SplitSpot does an application and roommate approval process for a room. SplitSpot was funny because you provide a profile and roommate communication data is shared so I had to talk to the roommates. For one place, all the rooms were vacant and the potential roommate was in another state (Florida), and disapproved me. For another place, two male roommates and a potential female roommate with a pet, disapproved me, but during phone conversation individually with all three tried to blame each other for stating their vote, 'No.' June Homes does an application and credit check before roommate approval process for a room. When June Homes denied me on credit, I had to clutch the pearls and reflect that I have to have good credit score of 650 and above to rent a room in the house plus pay deposit.
I went to Atlanta, Georgia for the first part of my vacation and stayed at the Marriott TownePlace Suites. I switched from the J.W. Marriott at the last minute to prevent any shenanigans like New York City. I met a few South Carolina State University college people (we were not in the same class to say classmate). I told all my Atlanta-based friends I was there, but I guess they wanted to do schizophrenia and not see me physically. It did not matter, but I had a great time seeing three hairstylists and/or barbers and meeting people from Atlanta LGBTQIA+ Pride weekend, and unexpectedly ran into Rho Kappa Lambda brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. at House in the Park. I flew Delta Airlines and used my points. I had a terrible experience at Subway restaurant at Atlanta Hartsfield airport, the supervisor replaced the sandwich, and the Delaware North assistant general manager did reach out to me. See my photo album.
I spent my second half of vacation in Charleston/North Charleston, South Carolina. I rented a car from Atlanta and drove to South Carolina. I played with the hands-free technology and cruise control on rural road with minimal to no traffic. I had to work at Dorchester County District Two (South Carolina Public Schools). I signed up for three days to get my feet wet and see how everything operates. See my photo album. It was very restful and relaxing. I went through a half box of magnums and eight regular condoms so it was good. Walmart was nearby so I was happy. UberEats worked very well on my order from Bonefish Grill, and it was hot and delightful. Finally, I found the CSC Works smartphone app, it worked well at the Extended Stay America hotel, and gave me a bonus for using the app. The CSCWorks vendor does Boston system of laundry centers, but you have to use a smartcard connected with one site.
I signed up for United States Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Authority's Pre-Check program. My Global Entry program known traveler number expired. I signed up for the new program.
I attended Snow Companies - Gilead - Advisory Board program on HIV prevention services and medicines.
I had to subscribe to AppleCare+ with Theft and Loss because my original two-year subscription expired. I did a month break between the original expiration and new subscription to see if anything was going to happen. I had to replace the front glass on my iPhone.
ZipCar kept sending me reminders about re-establishing membership.
I updated my National Board's Candidate Management System (NBCMS) profile, which is supported by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
I joined a new meetup Skip the Small Talk Online through the Hey Siri group. This is the first time I had audio issues over the Apple iPhone. I could hear everything, but they could not hear me. We troubleshooted for thirty (30) minutes.
I filled out DoorDash Shop and Deliver form. I was already doing it, but I guess they wanted to make it official. UberEats provided these types of orders when they know I am at the end of my day.
I updated my Hilton profile.
All of Us Research provided some data.
Allied Universal sends me Special Security Briefing I guess to keep in touch and get additional business.
Massachusetts General Brigham started sending more research surveys about new features.
I started Busuu Live Lessons.
I participated in USATF Potomac Valley Association and PVTC Zoom call and voting process. This was a first ever.
I sent in my United States Department of State Passport Application through the United States Postal Service.
I attended Oracle Cloud World. It was whole breadth of knowledge and experience on how one organization works around a winning product. I do not have the $5,000 annually for training and certification around it, but learning bits and pieces through webinar and technical papers works too.
I participated in new Crunch Fitness Malden class offerings. I participated in Crunch Fitness Summerville group fitness classes. I tried to enter North Charleston's Crunch Fitness, but that is when I was notified that my gym membership expired.
I am reading the newsletters, responses to my letter (all the different thoughts), and participating in polls by the United States Congress (Senators and Representatives).
Federal Express attorneys tried to answer the civil suit by stating nothing happened and deny everything. We are at the pre-trial conference stage. MCAD still pending. I was told to decide MCAD vs Superior Court, but I told them to settle. I am only looking for one settlement from Federal Express, but however I can proceed with Pre-Trial and private investigator to proceed with one trial for both courts.
Southampton Street Shelter's case is left with the State of Massachusetts, but just continuous notice of appearances by different attorneys. I am unsure what that is about.
I am getting prepared to 'sit and wait' because the government trained me well to let routine drive people crazy up the wall, plus speakerphone, and wait until the end of time for something to give way or give me my money for what your people did.
From my Nokia first cellphone to current Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy Smartphone Apps:
Remember black and grey screen snake game. I loved that game.
Remember black and grey screen Tetris game. Using the keypad and directional keys to get the blocks right.
I had the UberEats, Uber Driver, and Uber apps on my smartphone. I was using them, but until New York took Uber away. I threw the whole business in the trash, uninstalled, and did not bring to new phone. It is backed up in cloud storage.
I had the DoorDash driver, and DoorDash apps on my smartphone. I was using them, but until New York took DoorDash away. I threw the whole business in the trash, uninstalled, and did not bring to new phone. It is backed up in cloud storage.
I had the Grubhub driver, and Grubhub apps on my smartphone. I was using them, but until New York took Grubhub away. I threw the whole business in the trash, uninstalled, and did not bring to new phone.
Google Chrome has done a great job syncing data with is apps platform. I was impressed just as much as I use Firefox in syncing data and search abilities.
The Google sync with Android phone was impressive. No duplicate data anywhere…yep, throwing shade to Apple.
Security got much better with Android. AT&T Cloud, AT&T Call Protect, AT&T ActiveArmor, plus Samsung HIYA and Samsung Cloud service darn sure capture my data, photos, music, documents, everything to help me not miss one communication beat plus secure any data network for a minimum fee. No Google Cloud or Microsoft Cloud services yet.
Starbucks app exemplifies the service provided by its restaurants. It has not missed yet, even with a cup of iced water. I love the rewards, but I do not have Starbucks budget like that. Thanks for always remembering my birthday.
McDonald's app knew its customers and how to get them store with the $1 deals, but when inflation raised it to $2. I had to rethink my trips to all the Boston's McDonalds. I went for breakfast and lunch/dinner.
Grindr, Jack'd, GROWLr, Scruff, Recon, Bro, 3Fun, Mr X apps (outside of Massachusetts) are used for the purpose of sex and hookups, and its actual purpose. Inside Massachusetts, New York, or Northeast is for scamming, headaches, and from me-educational purposes to eliminate those gray matter opinions. Remember my scamming Journal Entry what folks tried to do to me.
Google Authenticator was better than Microsoft Authenticator for rolling over from various phones. I understand Microsoft's logic to authenticate each account, but it becomes a headache when more websites are rolling out multi-factor or two-way authentication. ID.me is very good for government multi-factor or two- way authentication. Adobe Access authentication is pretty good for the Adobe suite of products.
My banks, credit cards, and brokerage firms worked all my phones and iPad.
Zoom was and is pretty good with weblinks. It is used by most organizations. I played with the various backgrounds. It was slight hiccup when I tried to switch phones on my personal account, but I recovered figuring out it was multi-factor authentication had to be turned on. Google Duo/Google Meet was pretty good. Apple FaceTime was good. Video calling became a better experience.
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nhsnorthwind · 2 years
JROTC Spotlight
On September 14th, 2022, North High School’s JROTC held their opening ceremonies in the Gymnasium and Quad. Nevaeh Monge, JROTC’s commissioner of correspondents says, “During the afternoon, the cadets were released from their classes 15 minutes prior from the lunch bell and were commanded to head to the quad over the P.A. system. During that time frame, the Battalion Staff were setting up…
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babblydrabbly · 3 years
Trust Me Pt. 2 (Rick Flag x Reader)
Tumblr media
Pairing(s): Rick Flag x Reader
Characters: Rick Flag, Mentions of Amanda Waller.
Rating: General
Word Count: 1k+
Warning(s): Language, mentions of blood/violence; Suicide Squad (2021) spoilers, mentions of Suicide Squad (2016).
Summary: You were Waller’s rat. Her eyes and ears where technology failed in the field. You represented Rick’s failures and Amanda Waller’s iron grip. So why does he give a shit when you get yourself hurt on a suicide mission? Rick’s first impression has changed a lot since then, but so has yours. Part 2/?
A/N:  Pt 1 
Taglist:  @rrtxcmt @to-be-or-not-to-be-2021
You were infuriating. 
You hadn’t spoken two words to Rick since your initial introduction. She’ll be observing operations and providing support on your next mission out, Waller had said smugly. 
Rick threw open your thin dossier when it showed up on his desk for the first time, noting your standard experience in the field. Standard marksmanship. Standard everything. Your speciality was data analysis, for fuck’s sake. When the fuck would Flag need one of Waller’s number-crunching desk jockeys during a life or death mission? 
He even caught you rolling your eyes at his pep talk as the jet took off on your first flight out. Granted, it was the same speech he gave all the new members, but you certainly hadn’t heard it before— And it wasn’t for you.
But you played your part. Not a word during mission planning or the briefing— Not much chatter during the mission itself either— But a hell of a lot during debrief afterward. You even sent Waller a secondary report to be noted off record; A long laundry list of what could have been done more efficiently under team leader’s command. Him. You typed up a 2,500 word document just to drag him through the mud.
Which he read, of course. Several times. 
When his secret contact in Waller’s war room handed him the report, Rick noticed how nervous the man looked, and how quickly he hustled away. Rick wouldn’t have guessed half the bullshit you bothered to put in writing. 
“’Occasional pushover?’” Rick later says abruptly, interrupting your lunch. You jump as he slaps the report down on your desk. There’s stacks of paperwork everywhere, of information about every potential suicide squad member, every past one. Waller has you juggling multiple angles in between your mission outings.
You swallow what’s left of your wilted salad, turning pale, “Where did you get that?”
“’Tendency to be lenient toward prisoners.” Rick continues. He falls into the chair across from you, leaning back with casual disdain. 
“You weren’t supposed to—”
“What? Know how incompetent you think my command is?”
“I didn’t say incompetent.” 
“No,” He agreed, “You used every other word in the damn dictionary to say it.”
“Would you let me talk?” You crossed your arms and faced him. 
Rick threw a hand up, then calmed down. He watched as you stood, hurrying over to your office door to close it quietly. 
“It wasn’t personal.” You say as you sit back down.
“It’s a five page essay.”
“This isn’t high school, Flag.” You snapped. You spin the printed document around to look down at it. Rick leaned forward, a giant in your small guest chair, his elbows resting on his spread knees. He waited for you.
You exhale. “It’s... basically just what Waller wants to hear. What she already thinks of you. I didn’t say anything she doesn’t already complain about.”
Oh good. 
“Nice.” Rick huffs. “Good to know what kind of job I’m doing.”
“Why do you give a shit?” You suddenly ask. It wasn’t like Waller was keeping him from leading the task force. He was still a Colonel. You want to say as much, wondering how any of this could possibly get to someone like Rick Flag.
You observe how he looks away. How his brows pinch together. It was your job to take in the details. To convert it all into a sum game. Months ago, a good chunk of the stacks on your desk pertained to Colonel Rick Flag and Task Force X’s first run. When Waller told you what you would be doing, you wanted to be prepared.
So you read the data. Saw what he was like on paper. You conjured what you considered a total picture of the man before you ever met him. 
Which was why, after seeing him in the field yourself for the first time, you didn’t know what to say. 
You had seen what other security personnel were like at Belle Reve. The humiliation and the torment. You didn't have to go down to the prison building often, but you could hear the screams and the violence on the other side of the wall just the same. 
You read about the nano-bomb protocol, and how Rick initially had the power to blow each and every member’s brains out right there on his wrist— How he didn’t hesitate to use it the first time it happened. 
After that first mission, it was like you’d studied a totally different person. 
The man in the chair before you sighed, putting something heavy away behind his eyes before giving you a small shrug. “Guess I don’t.” He says. And when he leaves, you watch as he purposefully does not take the report with him. 
If the shouting match in Rick’s car hadn’t given you a headache yet, this lecture certainly would. You sat in your chair obediently as Amanda Waller ripped you a new asshole. You nodded your head in the right places. You wondered what Rick wanted to say to you, but didn’t. He was right—You weren’t fired. But you sort of wished you were if it meant you could just stop listening and get some rest.
“—Understood, [L/n]?” Waller finished firmly, eventually. 
You nod, giving an apologetic, “Yes, Ma’am.” 
You shuffle out of the war room with your debrief packet in your good hand. You feel a dull ache pulsating from the side of your face. When the warm night air hits you as you exit the building, you realize you don’t know where you’re going. 
“You ready to go?”
You blink up. Rick is closing his driver’s side door shut in an empty parking lot. He waits for you to come down the steps until you’re standing at the bottom in front of him. 
You glance around, “You’re still here?”
A faint look of bemusement. “I said I was getting you home after, didn’t I?”
“To the barracks?”
Rick unfolds his arms and approaches you closely, looking you over in the dark. “You’ve got a week’s leave, [L/n]. Did Waller even talk to you?”
You find yourself being ushered back into the car, and Rick does that thing where he closes the damn door for you like you can’t do it yourself. Like he’s taking care of you. 
“So, you gonna tell Siri where I’m takin’ you or what?” He quips, saddling into his seat. When you look at him his smirk dissipates. Suddenly, there’s a warm touch holding your chin in place, a thumb and forefinger turning your head as Rick examines you carefully. You feel a light puff of breath graze your cheek he’s looking at you so close.
“You popped a stitch.” He murmurs, concerned. As he says it, you feel the trickle of fresh blood seep down to the corner of your eye. You feel the exhaustion of three days without sleep wash over you, of all the adrenaline finally flushing from your system in one last sigh. You pull away from his careful grasp and lean back in your seat, closing your eyes.
“Just head into town.” You hear yourself say. You ramble off the cross streets and building number before finally slipping into something like sleep. 
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spacedlexi · 2 years
Do you have any Violentine headcanons? I have one incase you’re curious(you’re probably not);Violet and Clementine light their room with (dark) blue/purple lanterns because it reminds them of space.
aaw thats cute. i loved the purple lanterns so itd be nice to see those get used more. i also think vi has glow stars in her room (their room). there was concept art of the dorm with glow stars so i gave them to her cuz it looked really nice and also the stars are their Thing
someone asked me a while ago if i had any headcanons and i wrote a pretty detailed response here (i'll also put it under a read more here incase the link is weird). i dont think i have many more violentine specific headcanons cuz mostly i just think about how the school as a whole operates post s4
- love that thing mary kenny said about how violet likes to be the big spoon unless shes had a nightmare or has trouble sleeping. i bet clem being the little spoon makes her feel safe when she sleeps in a way she hasnt felt in nearly a decade of sleeping out on the road where she could die at any moment. i wonder if there was ever an incident tho where clem could feel vi against her back in her sleep and woke up ready to fight someone, cuz in the early days of living at the school im sure she’d still be getting over her immediate fight or flight reaction to everything
- related to the last one i think once aj gets old enough clem would move into violets room (and tenn would move into ajs room. every night is a sleepover (yes tenn is alive in my hcs 😔 and no one is maimed))
- i know clem is technically The Leader now, but vi was doing a good job before clem took over, and since her relationship with clem helped her get over herself a bit and now she outright cares for the school group (instead of caring but pretending she doesnt to avoid getting hurt from loss again 🥺), i think theyd definitely lead together. clem is still #1 but violet is like her right hand/second in command. if the group splits up for whatever reason (hunting/scouting/investigating passing groups) then they each take leadership of each group (unless they feel like going fishing together 🥺). they definitely makes plans together. up in the office. sometimes they share the chair (its a huge chair have you looked at that thing)
- again since tenn is alive in my hcs i love the idea of clem+aj/vi+tenn one little family within one big family. if tenn and aj are like playing or drawing vi and clem are watching like a couple of doting parents 🥺💕
- they stole that horse from the raiders so sometimes they go on little rides together around the school, checking defenses. but also just to get some time together alone
- vi gets help from the others to help jury-rig a pully system on the bell tower so clem can get up there again. they make so many intricate home alone style traps i think they could do it. i think clem would cry shdfks. and it would mean that much more to her that everyone helped make it
- violet became very confident in her relationship with clem throughout the last 2 eps so i think they wouldnt shy away from being cute in front of everyone lmao especially as the years go by
- after a number of years together i think theyd like to make things more “permanent”. the only signifier of their relationship is the pin vi gives to clem (which is so cute on its own god i love that pin (“so you never forget that night” “i never will” SHUT UP THEYRE SO CUTE)). i thought maybe violet would whittle like a pair of wooden rings but thinking about it more i think they would just make new pins for each other. the pins are kind of their thing. clem would still keep wearing the og star pin, but she’d also get a violet flower pin, and violet would get a clementine pin 🍊💜
- related to the last one, louis would catch violet making her pin for clem and turn it into a whole big thing. because its boring living in the apocalypse and he wants to make this fun. clem would be on board with it and violet would agree if thats what clem wants. so theyd have a little “wedding” with the school kids attending. tenn and aj collect flowers and you know omar would make some big, extra fancy meal.
- idk if this counts but do you ever think about how during the last ep violet gets forcibly split from clem+aj and has to go back to the school by herself, and hours go by and clem and aj havent made it back yet… and how violet probably went back out there to desperately look for them, thinking they were dead and blaming herself for just leaving them there… she mustve been so devastated and scared and angry. i bet she was the first to see aj pushing that wheelbarrow back to the school and just started crying and sobbing if she wasnt already. SORRY TO END THIS ON A SAD ONE but i think about this 😭 ………………..
- related to the last one i bet violet spent so much time next to clems bed just hoping and praying that she would wake up. her and aj were probably there as much as they could be. and maybe would even take turns watching over her before she finally woke up. i bet all the other kids would come in to check on her too. they all love clem so much 🥺 you love to see it. its what she deserves. i bet rosie would be under her bed too like she was when aj was putting up the collectibles at the end
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zoopzopp · 3 years
A post for some BAMF Izuku fics <3 (more of these will be added and the list will be updated as i read them)
Fics i've read:
The Secret Ingredient is Crime- Izuku only had a whole month to further prove himself worthy of Yuuei's golden acceptance, and he was going to do whatever it took to make it in. Yuuei would never truly know what hit them until it was too late. (The secret crime AU in it entirety is fucking amazing and what wouldn't i give to read more stuff with it)
Deku the Villain Hunter: Support Hero - We all know the story: After being told he couldn't be a Hero by All Might, Midoriya Izuku still wandered over to a supervillain attack where he could save Bakugou Katsuki. But what if he had made the other turn? The answer is a butterfly effect that would lead him on a path to paving his own future. A path of revenge, finding his own moral compass, and doing the impossible. (OKAY MANY THOUGHTS. Very cool story and aspects. I binged it overnight and lost a bit of sleep the next night as well.)
The Story of How Midoriya Izuku Asserted His Dominance (And Traumatized Japan) - The Sports Festival was supposed to be a break from stress. Shouta should have known there is no such thing as a break with his class.
making it right (for real this time) - - Izuku is a support course student at UA, and Katsuki's neighbor, best friend, and former bullying victim. After Izuku's performance at the sports festival, Katsuki realizes something. He has to make things right. -
Hero Fall (UA Civil War Exercise) - It's now the end of the first year of UA for our students. Nedzu had decided to bring back the annual Heroes vs Villain fight. The fight shall last 5 days and the villain leader is Izuku Midoriya, with the commanding officer of the hero team being Katsuki Bakugo. But, what happens when Izuku is left alone?
Hero Class Civil Warfare - Heroes lead by Bakugo. Villains lead by Midoriya. Seven days prep time. Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
"I Didn't Know You Had It In You." - Midoriya goes feral rage mode in his fight against Overhaul. The beat down still happens, but with Eri no longer at his back, he gets more violent. One For All reacts in an interesting way and Midoriya commits a terrible and unheroic act - the cold blooded murder and maiming of Chisaki Kai. Shigaraki is there to watch it all unfold.
Plan C meets Plan A - Even if All Might is right and Izuku can't be a hero, Izuku refuses to be useless. So Izuku uses his analysis skills to develop Plan C: Consulting in order to help the heroes. Eraserhead is impressed by this mysterious new consultant but alarm bells in Deku's behaviour quickly have Aizawa recruiting help for Plan A: Adoption.
Q. A. B. - One month after @hawks_unofficial's initial viral post, the blog titled "Quirk Analysis Blog for the Future", otherwise known as "Q. A. B.", has gone from an average of 10 views per post to an average of 20,000 views per post. Midoriya Izuku does not know how to view the impressions analysis for his suddenly popular blog, and only notices that sometimes, people actually comment on his posts now. He does not google himself or his moniker and thus does not see the rise in online articles and speculation. He is unaware that the "kyuu-ei-bee" he begins to hear about in passing refers to his own blog. He does not have a Twitter account. At the time, Midoriya Izuku is 15 years old.
How to murder your father - It's dangerous to be a bad father when you have a life insurance. Just saying.
Negation - Passive Quirks are a bitch. Izuku is reasonably done with the situation.
Thanks For Your Support - Izuku has the talent and the intellect to be the first Quirkless pro hero, and everyone at UA knows it. Unfortunately, his desire to become a hero has long since been buried thanks to the words of his childhood friend and childhood hero.
Policed To Meet You - Izuku takes All Might's advice and becomes a cop.
Vigilante Work And Other After School Activities - Izuku is a vigilante, Aizawa likes cats and therefore kids who help cats, and sometimes breaks must be forced upon overachieving teenagers.
When the Commission Lost Total Control - The hero polls have a small part where one can suggest their own hero. This is done just because of the amount of heroes is to great to name them all. This creates a little problem for the commission because a vigilante is assumed to be a brand new hero by the public- and ranks pretty high. Because of that, this vigilante now is too popular to hide and they can't come out with their mistake either! Think of the chaos that would bring.
Izuku being Badass but like in not that grand of a way but still tearing-people-down-in-some-way kind of way
He Was Quirkless - Midoriya get's sick of discrimination against the quirkless and decides to do something about it. It leads to some interesting situations. A trilogy.
bloody, but unbowed- It's Advocacy Week for Yuuei's hero students and it gives Midoriya Izuku a lot to think about about what kind of hero he wants Deku to be.
Called Out - When Izuku is hit by a quirk that will cause him to call out the first person to be rude to him on the way to school with every mistake they've made in the affected persons presence or have otherwise effected said affected person, Aizawa is in for a rough ride. In other words, with some help from a quirk, Izuku rakes Aizawa over the hot coals until he gives out. (a great fic but i've got mixed feelings on this one because on one hand, izuku is badass but on the other its Aizawa bashing and really like him skhdskdb so yea! Read it as per your tastes!!)
The time when everyone learned that izuku respects Bakugo more than all might. - I didn't like how Bakugo was tied up during the sports festival and so izuku didn't. Badass izuku roasted all might and midnight.
Villainous Sunshine - After an innocent question, Class 1-A learns just how terrifying Izuku's analysis is. Nedzu's along for the ride.
Never understand ( and you can't ) - Midoriya is sick and tried of his classmates bias and prejudice against the quirkless community and finally breaks
Mastermind: Strategist For Hire - Izuku Midoriya never got the chance to save Bakugo from the sludge villain and impress All Might. With his dream crushed, Izuku becomes bitter and angry. It also doesn't help that he faces discrimination at every turn. All he ever wanted was to be appreciated, so when the villains are the ones to recognize his talents rather than the heroes, well, Izuku just can't resist. He might as well help those who actually want him around. Mistakes were made, and now society must face a villain of their own making: Mastermind.
Malignance - Deku is far scarier than anyone gives him credit for.
Fics in my to read list which has/probably has BAMF izuku
Young Midoriya - Izuku Midoriya couldn't help himself when he saw someone in trouble. Even at 12 years old, his instincts drive him to help those in need. So when he sees Kacchan and his goons about to ambush another student, he has to step in, right? It's not like this hasn't happened before. What is different this time though, is that he's never had an audience that consisted of the Number One Hero.
Heroics and Other Things That Don't Require Superpowers - Izuku doesn't have a quirk. That's the long and short of it. After being told his whole life he can't be a hero, General Education at UA is the best he can hope for, right? Wrong. Dead Wrong. So super wrong that his best friend from Gen Ed, all of Class 1A and a whole mess of Pro Heroes are going to prove to him how wrong he is. Izuku has the makings of a hero, and his lack of a quirk only throws those qualities into starker relief. After all, who wants to be as strong as All Might when you can be the cleverest hero in the business?
Cases of More Than - Izuku is known as Deku online. He's an analyst of quirks, sometimes even working with the local detective, Tsukauchi, on a case. He meets new friends, builds a few relationships, and slowly crushes on his best friend. But then he's thrown into the General Studies Course at U.A. It doesn't help that All for One is showing an interest in him at all.
No Regret - In this world there is no hard set villain or hero. No victim and aggressor. Everyone is at fault for something and Izuku, with his own villain group, will make everyone pay. Even the bystanders who did nothing. This is what society gets for abandoning it's people. Deku will manipulate everyone and be the greatest villain, all so the world can be a better a place. With the stakes so high there is no time for regret.
We Are a Different Kind - Mirio doesn’t think he can be a hero anymore now that he’s quirkless, Izuku calls bullshit.
Live a Hero - "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Or, you're raised a villain, rebel when you're nine, and fight against the odds to become a hero anyway. That's how it is in Izuku's case.
Prodigal - After being convinced to give One for All to Mirio, Midoriya Izuku must rebuild his shattered dreams with bloody hands.
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Vigilante - Izuku is orphaned at the age of four and is sent into the Japanese Foster Care System. After multiple failed attempts at finding a forever home and some unfortunate circumstance, he ends up on the streets. Eventually, the vigilante, Deku appears. Eraserhead must gain his trust to bring Deku back to the right side of the law. If he he does, however, the untrustful but pure-hearted boy may just be a bit more than Aizawa Shota can handle.
From Muddy Waters - - but the sleeve of his tracksuit was bulging, tearing and ripping and a mass of twisted flesh, nearly as big as the boy himself and nauseatingly familiar (the arm of the man that had torn a hole in his side with a grin and left him a frail shadow of himself) swung forward and slammed into the flat face of the giant robot. Izuku wants to be a hero more than anything.
Pieces are easily sacrificed when they're nameless - Nobody ever thought quirkless, weak, weird Midoriya Izuku was dangerous. This perception carried over to his first year high school class, because really despite the super strength Midoriya didn't have it in him to be dangerous. That was their first mistake. And the one that would see them fall.
Not exactly BAMF izuku but i just wanted to rec these fics <3
In the shade of a sunflower - Being biologically quirkless came more with an extra pinkie joint in the toes and a stunning lack of vestiges mutations. It came with smaller things, like extra teeth that did virtually nothing, exploding organs, and weird exposed nerves that weren't designed to feel pain.
Throat Punch - In which Aizawa attempts to teach Izuku how to use various battle tactics and it goes just about as well as you'd expect. At least Shinsou is there with his fantastic commentary. (just a fun lil thing where izuku is really stronk and trains with shinsou and aizawa)
So Be It - He could still do good. Midoriya could show them all what a hero without powers looked like. If he had to break a few rules to do it, so be it. So be it… (as stated not exactly BAMF but its a vigilante izuku so ye-)
Never Enter a Drinking Game with Bakugo or Izuku - Izuku walks in on Kirishima and Kaminari having a drinking competition (no alcohol involved). And it reminds him of an old story.
5 Times Midoriya Taught Class 1A about Memes and 1 Time they Found a Villain that Understood Them - After being diagnosed as quirkless, Midoriya gets into pre-guirk media and finds memes. He shares them with Class 1A. Aizawa doesn't get paid enough for this. (THIS FIC???? FUCKING AWESOME. LITERALLY WHAT I WANTED TO SEE)
Midoriya: JD Version - Nedzu has decided that a play should be put on so that the students can learn how to "go undercover", an idea which Aizawa thinks is utter bullshit. They're putting on Heathers and when Nedzu chooses to cast Midoriya for JD, everyone objects. Midoriya is a much better actor than they thought.
that is a lot!! I hope you have fun reading it!!!
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morgandria · 4 years
Centering and Grounding, Pt. 1 - Centering
I don’t post a lot of “101″ topics on here, just because it’s not where my headspace is at. But it occurs to me I’ve never posted about centering and grounding, and maybe we want to talk about that. (Gods know 2020 did its’ best to keep us all off-balance with the constant parade of arsebiscuits it gave us.)
I think everyone should practice centering and grounding, period. It’s not just for the woo-woo folks. It's like stretching before a workout or sports event - it’s a foundational exercise that gets you ready to exert yourself. Centering will help you keep yourself balanced and focused on what you are doing. Grounding keeps you from getting “spacy” – it gives you something firm under your metaphorical feet, so you’re not getting lost or caught up in the energies at play around you, as well as being an external source of energy to draw upon so you are not depleting your own personal internal energy when you are doing ritual or magical workings.
Both practices have plenty of practical value, as well as their use in energy work. Centering can help you with public speaking, taking exams, performing, and managing anger and anxiety. Grounding gives you a foundation to work from - you will have an external support to help keep you balanced and focused, as well as present in the moment. Meetings, school, shopping runs, health care challenges, not sleeping well, family woes – all these things draw our energies out and leave us feeling unfocused and exhausted at the best of times, let alone right now. I can’t speak for anyone else but centering and/or grounding helps me. And it might help you, too.
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Getting Started
With enough practice you may find you can center and/or ground yourself almost anywhere, but when you're first learning it’s best to get yourself somewhere where you feel safe, comfortable, and able to relax. It’s best if you’re somewhere quiet, where no-one is likely to disturb or distract you. If you need to modify your space to do this, go ahead. Lock your door, dim the lights, play something you find calming, wear something you find comfy or special to you, burn incense, hold a crystal - it’s all okay. The purpose of all that is to give yourself the best possible space to work in - it is easier to learn if you’re not fighting yourself or your surroundings. The more you practice centering, the easier it becomes to do it in less salubrious circumstances.
Get yourself situated. It doesn’t matter if you sit cross-legged, stand, lie on flat on the floor, lean against a wall, or curl up in a ball. You are just looking to maintain a comfortable position, so don’t put yourself in awkward poses or think there’s a right way or a wrong way. I’ve had students who liked to keep themselves with their back flat on the floor and their legs up the wall, and one really liked lying on their belly and drawing their arms and legs in like a turtle. I personally prefer to sit down somewhere (sometime a chair, sometimes the floor, and often my bed), drop my shoulders back, and let my spine straighten naturally (but not in a stiff or exaggerated way). You will figure out what works best for you - the whole point is that your body should be relaxed, not tense or straining.
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Centering is just gathering as much of your self-awareness as you can, into a focused, ready state where you feel in command of your personal energy and best able to use it. That’s it. It’s easier for some people than others, but all of us can do it with practice.
I start by closing my eyes if I can. You’re looking to shut out the world around you and focus on your internal self. Focus on feeling your body, and how the energy is flowing through your chest, out into your limbs. Make yourself aware of what’s coming in, and what’s going out - feel it all flow through you. In the center of your body (for some the heart, for others around the solar plexus), this is where we gather our vital spiritual energy (the electrical energy of our nervous system) and the home of the engines of our physical strength (our heart and our lungs). Here energy gathers and is sent out where it needs to go. It may be flowing unevenly, fast in some places and slow in others, or you might feel as if something is blocking you. That’s okay. That’s normal.
Breathe, as slow and deep and even as you can. Focus on the center of your body, flowing out and gathering in, like the tide. You want to try to get the energy flow inside you to all be at the same pace, as much as possible. Focus on your breath, drawing in and flowing out, smooth and calm. Try to get the flow of the energy in your body to match your breathing. It should feel natural - find your own pace. Your body knows what rhythm it works best at. When you breathe in, gather up what feels tense and blocks the flow. Sweep it up as you breathe in, gathering it up from where it lingers. When you breathe out, push what blocks your flow out of you, away from your center and away from your body. Breathe out blockage, pain, and anxiety. Breathe in calm, comfort, and strength.
(This doesn’t have to be perfect. Do your best. When we’re stressed, agitated, or being affected by our situational environment, it’s going to take time to calm ourselves, and we may not calm ourselves as much as we’d like when situations are chaotic or out of our control. Just remember to breathe. You are full of energy and strength. It will be ok.)
When you feel like your breathing and your energy flow is good, calm and stable, feel the place in the center of your chest becoming more solid-feeling, dense and full. You are drawing the energy that flows around you, and condensing it, making it easier to draw upon from a central location. Focus on drawing energy to this place inside you, at your own pace, until you feel focused, aware of the energy in your body in that central place, and ready to direct and use it as you need.
If you’re someone who uses visualization techniques, they’re helpful here. I personally like to visualize my energy as a brightly coloured light and draw that coloured light into the center of my body until it’s intense and brilliant. If you don’t “see” it, don’t worry about it – not everyone is visually oriented, and it can just be a sense or feeling when it’s right. Maybe you’ll know you’ve got it when you smell ozone, or tingle or vibrate in your core, or you’ll hear bells ringing. Trust yourself - you’ll know! It should make you feel like the most you and the best you that you can be at that moment.
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That’s it. That’s centering. There’s no great mystery to it. I hope that my descriptions are clear and relatively concise. Part Two will be about Grounding (and hopefully not too much far behind Part One). If you’ve got questions, feel free to ask them! Thanks for reading this far.
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