#School form WishiWashi
pokesmashorpokepass · 8 months
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Reminder: Only the overall poll winner will be put back in the tournament.
If you vote please reblog to help us get as wide a net as possible. Round 32 Masterlist
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front-facing-pokemon · 7 months
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evans-endeavors · 2 years
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some old pokemon doodles from a while ago.
Just a few faves.
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nightshadeis · 2 years
More Pokemon per Pokemon!!
With the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and a few of the new 'mons, I've decided to go through the pokedex and find out just how many Pokemon are actually MULTIPLE Pokemon disguised as one. I did not count forms that are actually two Pokemon combined, such as Necrozma Dawn/ Dusk wings or Calyrex with its steed, nor the gen 8 fossil Pokemon, which are each two halves of different ancient Pokemon slapped together.
First up, one of the originals: Dugtrio. Literally three Digletts. Now, it's entirely possible that's it's three heads on one body which we never see- but it's still three heads. Which is enough for me to call it three Pokemon per Pokemon.
Similarly, and yet not quite the same, we have Magneton. It's three Magnemite stuck together. There is at least one piece of Pokemon media (the original Pokemon Snap) that shows three Magnemite evolving by combining into one Magneton. The most literal three Pokemon per Pokemon.
Slowbro. "But Nyx," you might be saying, "I thought you weren't counting Pokemon forms that are two different Pokemon combined?" But consider this: This is my list, deal with it. Slowpoke + Shellder = Slowbro. I *think* (and I might be misremembering) there's an episode of the anime where a Slowbro devolves into Slowpoke when the Shellder detaches?? Don't quote me on this I've been awake since 8:30 last night
Doduo. Two heads, one body, I'm counting it.
Dodrio. Same deal, plus another head!
Exeggcute! They can separate from each other! It happened in a short before a movie, the second one I think, and they stole Togepi to pretend they had enough of each other until the other one got found! It's literally six Pokemon!!!
Exeggutor is kinda. I don't think it can separate anymore, but it's clearly all the Exeggcute stuck to a tree trunk.
Weezing is two Pokemon, but according to the dex, sometimes it's three! Never in-game though.
Kangaskhan has a baby! That baby can fight! What!!
Slowking is the same deal as Slowbro, but the Shellder bit its head instead of it's tail (or arm, in Galar).
Girafarig has two brains. This is canon. (Ftr, Wobbuffet does not. It is *heavily implied* that the tail is its actual body or brain or whatever, but it's not outright stated to be the case.)
Mantine, but only in gens 2&3 and in Home, where its sprite has a Remoraid attached.
Metang is two Beldum fussed together, and
Metagross is two Metang, ergo four Beldum.
Combee is three bees! I love them!!
Vespiquen is said to use its honeycomb abdomen skirt thing as a nest for baby Combee, but this isn't depicted in any in-game sprites. Still, more Pokemon per Pokemon.
Cherubi? Kind of?? It has a second head, but unlike Girafarig, that head doesn't have a second brain, and it loses it shortly before evolution. I'm gonna count it anyway.
Spiritomb is 108 souls trapped in a rock. Are they Pokemon souls? People souls? Do 108 people souls trapped in a rock count as 108 Pokemon per Pokemon???
Magnezone is a Magneton that got bigger. It's still three Magnemite per Magnezone.
Vanilluxe is another "two of its pre-evolutions stuck together" 'mon. Two Vanillish, one Vanilluxe. They melted and refroze together, so presumably they can melt apart?
Klink is two Klink per Klink, but it's canon that once they combine, they cannot separate.
Klang- one of the Klink got bigger!
Klinklang gains two more gears, but only the original two are sentient.
Zweilous has two heads, and they hate each other. So much so that one of the heads loses sentience upon evolution. Or maybe they just merged? Either way, Hydreigon only has one brain among its three heads.
While you were becoming a fully formed human adult, I was studying Doublade. Which is two distinct swords. However, I don't think Aegislash retains dual-sentience.
Binacle is two mons in a rock, but unlike Spiritomb we don't have to delve into philosophy about it. They're two physical and distinct entities, either of which can leave the rock to find a new partner.
Barbaracle is just a bigger rock, so the Binacles are seven roommates instead of two.
There are 50 Zygarde cells and 5 Zygarde cores (at least in Sun and Moon), which makes a 100% form Zygarde 55 Zygarde per Zygarde.
Wishiwashi school form is approximately 248 Wishiwashi, according to this person who did the math. Thank you, Goatman879.
I decided to follow Goatman879's example to calculate how many Meltan make up a Melmetal. Per the lore, it's just one Meltan that absorbed it's group (and then when it dies it splits into a bunch of Meltan again, though it's unclear if they're ontologically the same Meltan as before). Per the math, one Melmetal is approximately 100 Meltan.
Cramorant can pick up an Arrokuda or a Pikachu when it surfs or dives, so that's occasionally two Pokemon per Pokemon.
Now for the mon that set this off! It's not new as of Scarlet and Violet- this mon was introduced in Sword and Shield. It's Falinks! Six Pokemon per Pokemon!!
Drakloak carries a Dreepy with it.
Dragapult carries two!!
Now onto Scarlet and Violet spoilers, though if you've seen any of the pre-release material, you might already know about Farigiraf. I have no idea how to pronounce that! But I do know it still has two brains!!
Wugtrio, the not-a-regional-variant of Dugtrio. Though it has the same issue- is it three heads on one unseen body? The dex says no, it's three separate bodies. Not sure I believe it yet.
Tandemaus is the first multiple Pokemon per Pokemon I caught in Scarlet. It's two mice holding hands!
Then it evolves, by which I mean they procreate. Possibly. Now there's four mice, two of which are smaller and baby sized. (Or three mice with one baby size, but you have a random 1 in 25 chance of getting that form.) But it's """unclear""" what the relationship between the three/ four of them is? Or where the tiny one(s) come from??? The little one(s) just "appeared" one day????
Extra spoilers for this last one!! There are special Pokemon that appear to be ancient relatives of modern mons, that somehow survived to the present day? Including a mon known as Sandy Shocks, an Electric/Ground relative of Magneton. It's unclear if this Pokemon evolved from ancient Magnemite relatives, and is therefore also three Pokemon per Pokemon, but it certainly looks like it.
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deadlake · 2 years
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Maddalena is the guild master in radiant point for Guild Trinity.
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fad1d · 3 months
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catch of the day:  chinchou
the pride event has been super fun so far!  and i don’t get to sleep outside my own boat very often, it feels very weird to sleep somewhere without constant and steady rocking.
i also went out fishing at akala outskirts!  chinchou are super interesting, although i almost got zapped kjasfhjksahjk.  a lot of electric pokemon have like neutral charges or only one charge type iirc, but chinchou actually have a positive charge in one bulb and a negative charge in the other! 
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adobe-outdesign · 7 months
For a Pokemon review, have you covered Wishiwashi before?
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While the school form is the big thing Wishiwashi's (great name btw) known for, I do like the base design. Very vaguely based off a sardine, it looks appropriately pathetic and sad, with its distinctive wobbly eye shape and permanent frown. I also like the use of blue to give the body some contrast, and the teardrop shapes forming a stripe down the side, which kind of fit with its habit of crying when in distress.
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If Wishiwashi's solo form was all there was to it, it would be a serviceable albeit pretty standard fish Pokemon. Instead, it has a fantastic concept—when threatened, a few hundred Wishiwashi band together to form a school in the form of a GIANT fish. That's an incredibly fun and memorable idea.
I also like the design of the school form a lot. They use the basic teardrop shape of Wishiwashi as a pattern and built it up via colors, with progressively darker blue bands going down the body and bright blue spots meant to be the Wishiwashi's eyes. Some additional white by the eye helps make it pop and the entire thing looks appropriately intimidating.
I like that the fish aren't illustrated individually, but instead indicated through shape and silhouette in areas like the eye, front fins, side markings, and the back tail, which is starting to come apart a bit. Despite being a very complex design in theory, this stylization keeps everything readable while also still getting the point across.
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Overall, I really like this fish. The concept is great, the gimmick is fun, and the designs for both forms are solid and connect back to the theme perfectly. 10/10 would bully this fish again
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darksilvania · 2 years
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STORMUR (Flying/Electric) the tiny bird pokemon
A solitary STORMUR is barely able to produce enough electricity to create sparks and crackling sounds, but when a large flock comes together, their energy combined is able to create giant thunderstorms wherever they go
STORMUR (Storm/Murmur) is similar to WISHIWASHI, a single small pokemon that merges with others to form a larger one, but insted of having the ability "Schooling" its ability is called "Murmuration"
It is of course based on a murmuration of birds, a large group of birds flying as a single mass, usually composed of Starlings, but other birds like robins and blackbirds can form murmurations
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The solo form is based on the Yellowheaded Blackbird, one of the species known to form murmurations
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Its murmuration form however is based on the Thunderbird from native american folklore. As its name suggest, the thunderbird is known for creating thunderstorms wherever it goes, with its wing producing the sound of thunder when they flap. Altough its name is "Thunderbird" many accounts of supposed sightings describe the creature looking very similar to prehistoric pterosaurs, with even some alleged photos of supposedly captured thunderbirds showing them like one, and that is why the murmuration form looks like a mix of bird and pterosaur.
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Its shiny colors are based on Northwest Pacific art, in which Thunderbirds are a very recurring theme
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yessu · 4 months
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Bro, being able to draw is so few and far between i keep forgetting when I have something passably finished enough to show. Even though this is just a colored sketch.
My old Kirby 64 gijinkas are finally all together in the pokemon gijinkaverse! His name is Finn (because of course he's going to have a fish pun) and he's a Wishiwashi witch who summons the schooling form to fight for him :)
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itsbenedict · 2 years
Zero has an edgy pokémon coma theory, and I kind of love it.
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Obviously this is contradicted by a bunch of things, and presumably isn't secret lore the devs decided to include. But in the spirit of demonstrating how easy it is to develop a plausible conspiracy theory with sufficiently hyperactive pattern-matching, here's some "evidence" we found:
Apart from Wishiwashi, which might be a separate phenomenon (where do the extras even come from when it does Schooling?), no pokémon which is actually multiple pokémon exceeds a squad of six members. Falinks tops out at six, and Exeggcute has six but one of their heads exploded.
Random trainers around the map tend to only have two or three pokémon in their team. Game balance reasons? No! Only career trainers like the Elite Four or breeders bond with the maximum safe number of pokémon at once!
Gary/Blue has seven distinct pokémon, but only swaps one out when it- judging by its disappearance in the fight in Lavender Tower- literally dies.
The protagonist of gen 1, Red, shows up in the next game... totally nonverbal, hanging out at the top of a mountain, unable to interact except to battle. He's lost his mind to bonding with too many pokémon! The price of power!
Things this theory explains:
Multi-pokemon like Magneton- what makes Magneton a single pokémon, and not two or four Magnemite? Magneton is the configuration of Magnemite that's capable of bonding with a trainer as a single pokémon.
This is the function of pokéballs- they're a prosthesis for the organ pokémon have but humans don't that allows them to form psychic mind-meld links with other pokémon. It's not mind-control or convenient loyalty- you're in each other's heads now. Escape from a pokéball is rejection of the psychic link.
The original four trade evolutions- Gengar, Alakazam, Machamp, Golem- all become more humanlike on evolving. This is a side effect of trading a psychic bond with one human for another one, giving them more humanity to sample.
Things this theory makes way more sinister:
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The pokédex quest is way spookier under this paradigm. The box system- if you can't catch more than six, why do boxes exist? Actually, it's weird that they exist at all, isn't it? Boxing the majority of your pokémon is a weird neglectful thing that the games just kind of pretend doesn't happen- trainers rarely if ever acknowledge its existence.
What if most trainers don't HAVE boxes? What if that's something you have, because the evil professor gave you a special pokédex that can access a private computer system belonging to a confederate? For example "Bill's PC" or "Lanette's PC", as opposed to "[playername]'s PC"? You don't normally keep pokémon in indefinite stasis in a computer system- this weird app just exists to allow you to complete the pokédex without your brain exploding!
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In Red/Blue/Yellow, Oak gives Blue a pokédex, sure, but he clearly makes no attempt to fill it out. And... really, why would he? He didn't give his grandson the special pokédex that cares about whether you've caught pokémon. He just gave him the normal one! The one that's already filled out! Because of course a filled pokédex already exists! It's yours that records new information only when you catch stuff.
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The implied endgame here is... the professor wants to create a pokémon-catcher capable of melding with a legendary pokémon, to interrogate it about the secrets of life.
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There are so many levels on which this doesn't even kinda work, but it's extremely fun to occasionally cut loose and take a swim in some cool refreshing Edge.
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bigbeastcyruspt · 1 year
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Here’s the drawing you’ve been waiting for!! A singular Pepwiwi!!
Nah /J
Here’s what you’ve been waiting for :D
I wanted to draw something scary and Pepweno was the perfect target >:3
He was very fun to draw hehehe- they remind me of how the pokemon Wishiwashi works with its solo and school form-
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I have a little wiwi Trion here too haha
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Day seven hundred forty six 746 Wishiwashi School Form
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gabedraws4u · 10 months
Misty's dive
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I returned after a long time without drawing what I actually wanted hahahah
Here's an idea I had, after my Rayquaza drawing, of another giant pokemon.
I was thinking about Kyogre, but my kid is a great fan of Wishiwashi and it's school form
Some details
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