#Scorpio Season
punksocks · 10 months
Astrology Observations No.26
(Just based on my opinions, only take what resonates)
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-Aquarius mars can denote a career around trends, tech, and social media. It can also denote your career taking off during times of social progress or spearheading social progress. (John Boyega’s career took off when he became the face of a much more diverse Star Wars, and a lot of his most celebrated roles have a social consciousness to them, pretty great if I do say so myself)
-Virgo venus gets the reputation of being picky in relationships (and they are) but I feel like Sagittarius Venus can be more fickle. Virgo Venus natives have a set of standards and attributes they’re looking for, but Sagittarius Venus natives will put you on a pedestal then knock you off of it when you do something they don’t like.
-Underdeveloped Gemini Venus will ghost you in the middle of a crisis (man Pisces Venus too, but they may feel bad about it lol)
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-When it comes to a sense of justice, I feel as though (developed) Scorpio moons give everyone a run for their money
-I feel like Aquarius in big 3 (sun, moon, rising) can often find themselves being forced to be humanitarian/being made to work toward the greater good in some situations (to lend others money, to take care of friends/family, to befriend someone lonely, etc.) I feel like these placements often can be forced to give more of themselves than they are comfortable with (developed ones will often find a great sense of joy in connecting with others through care though)
-On the other hand I feel like Leo in the big 3 can find themselves being forced to pay attention to themselves/become the center of attention (elevated at a job for their hard work, given unexpected attention for a talent, etc.) With Leo placements I notice that in their home life or childhood they may not receive the attention they need, but early on they get attention from outsiders. So they end up going through this arch of getting more comfortable with their sense of self and being in the spotlight.
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-Aries placements can often be the first in their family to do something (go to college, start a business, etc) without more long term oriented placements things like businesses may not last though
-Virgo/Gemini/3rd/6th house placements and having an absolute weakness for stationary lol (I have a 3rd house Stellium and I have to force myself not to buy a sketchbook or notebook every time I’m out, with a 40% success rate lol)
-I always expect Libra placements (especially sun/Asc/Venus/mars) to have a very blonde/fair/delicate features naturally but a lot of Libras have this gothic look, like raven hair ivory skin classic beauty (and a lot of PoC I follow with Libra placements can be much darker skinned, which is also a beautifully classic look)
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-I think Jupiter and Saturn count towards your personality, but since they’re slower moving planets I view them as the bridge between the asc/sun/moon/mercury/Venus/mars placements that really directly define your personality and the generational planets that show up in traits across people in your age range (but effect everyone differently because of house placements and aspects)
-Do a lot of people get sick during Scorpio season? Or is it just me ?? (During the last week of Scorpio season like 6 people I knew got sick at the same time and I had a medical thing, wtf it’s uncanny)
-I think Neptune in Capricorn is a big reason that depression became such a focal point for younger millennials and elder gen z- well that and late stage capitalism but yknow. (Capricorns being prone to depression, and Neptune ruling over mental illness)
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-You may show more of the traits of the sign in your 12th house when inebriated (like sun in 12th may be more outgoing when they drink, moon in 12th may be more introverted/emotional, mercury in 12th may be more chatty and inquisitive, Venus in 12th may be more charming/romantic, mars in 12th may be more aggressive/antagonistic/s*xual)
-Mars in 12th/Pisces mars may find that unresolved tension sits on their subconscious and makes it hard for them to do other tasks
-Cancer over the houses can show where you feel at home (cancer in the 4th is super loyal to their family/mother, cancer in the 7th means you feel at home with a nurturing partner, cancer in the 9th means you feel at home abroad and traveling and with other communities or with religion, cancer in 11th means you feel super at home with your friends.)
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astroeleanor · 10 months
😴💤YOUR 12H SIGN: How You Fall Asleep and What Puts You To Sleep 😴💤
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Why is the 12H connected to sleep?
The 12th house is associated with the subconscious mind, places of confinement or isolation, and activities that involve withdrawal from the external world.
When we fall asleep, our conscious mind becomes dormant, allowing the subconscious to take over. This state enables our hidden emotions, thoughts, and dreams to surface as we enter the oneiric realm.
During sleep, our minds process and integrate experiences from waking life. This process requires isolation, withdrawal, and relaxation, resonating with the themes of the 12th house. Additionally, our dreams often serve as a pathway for unresolved issues, hidden fears, and repressed thoughts to manifest. Dreams act as a space where we confront these hidden aspects of ourselves, symbolically connected to the themes represented by the 12th house.
Knowing this information, you can tap into your 12th house sign to improve the quality of your sleep and to gain greater insight as far as what activities make you doze off.
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- Unwinding and releasing energy with physical exercise, such as going for a walk, working out, running, or doing yoga earlier in the day. (Mars rulership and its connection to physical activity)
- Stretching before bed. (Engaging in exercise before bedtime can be counterproductive; therefore, stretching can be a great alternative)
- Doing controlled breathing exercises like box breathing or diaphragmatic breathing. (harnessing Mars energy to unwind)
- Practicing grounding exercises or engaging in a grounding guided meditation before sleep. (Can balance the restlessness of the fire element)
- Creating a cozy and comfortable sleeping environment, investing in high-quality bed sheets like silk or velvet, using scented candles, drinking herbal tea, and using essential oils with calming scents. (Indulging in comfort, Venus rulership emphasizes sensory experiences)
- Watching ASMR videos that engage the senses.
- Listening to a guided sensory meditation that encourages focusing on each sense individually (feeling the softness of the sheets, the taste of the herbal tea, the smell of the scented candles, etc.)
- Having a predictable bedtime and nighttime routine. (Taps into Taurus’ need for stability)
- Receiving a massage, eating a tasty home-cooked meal, lighting scented candles before bedtime. (Stimulation of the five senses)
- Journaling or reading before bed. (Mercury rulership + Air sign, can help empty your mind before falling asleep)
- Listening to a podcast or watching YouTube videos to fall asleep. (Mercury rulership, these activities stimulate and relax the mind, they can help quiet intrusive thoughts as you fall asleep)
- Engaging in breathwork before bed or progressive muscle relaxation to calm the body and mind. (Gemini’s rulership over the lungs and the mind)
- Taking a warm bath or shower before bed. (Using the water element to soothe yourself)
- Listening to frequencies or soothing music to create a gentle atmosphere. (Cancer is connected to creativity, creation, and birth - hence its link to music and art.)
- Cuddling to promote relaxation. (Moon rulership, connected to comfort and emotional nurturing)
- Listening to soothing music or watching a movie as you fall asleep. (Art and performances fall under the domain of Leo)
- Painting, writing, playing an instrument before bed. (Sun rulership, these activities promote self-expression and help channel creative energy into relaxation)
- Practicing grounding exercises or engaging in a grounding guided meditation before sleep. (Can balance the restlessness of the fire element)
- Creating a regal sleep sanctuary by incorporating luxurious elements in your bedroom, such as rich textures, comfortable bedding, soft lighting. (Sun and Leo govern royalty and kings)
- Journaling or reading before bed. (Mercury rulership, can help empty your mind before falling asleep)
- Listening to a podcast, meditating, or watching YouTube videos to fall asleep. (Mercury rulership, these activities stimulate and relax the mind, they can help quiet intrusive thoughts as you fall asleep)
- Engaging in activities that anchor you to the earth element, such as grounding meditations, yoga, deep breathing exercises.
- Tidying up your room before falling asleep. Organize your bedroom, declutter, and keep a clean sleeping space. The less clutter or mess in your room, the better. (Virgo promotes order and cleanliness)
- Listening to music or frequencies before and as you fall asleep. (Venus rulership, the planet of beauty and art governs music)
- Beautifying your sleeping environment with candles, silk sheets, soft colors, beautiful decor. (Venus rulership, connection to beauty)
- Indulging in a relaxing skincare routine. (Venus and Libra’s rulership over the skin)
- Reading poetry, a romance novel, watching a romantic movie, aromatherapy with calming scents like rose. (Highlights Venus’ connection to love, relationships and its rulership over roses)
- Watching crime documentaries as you fall asleep. (Scorpio is connected to investigation, crime, and horror)
- Taking a warm bath or shower before bed. (Using the water element to soothe yourself)
- Journaling to promote emotional release before you fall asleep. (Scorpio rules emotional transformation and release, engaging in these kinds of activities can be helpful to clear your mind before you fall asleep)
- Engaging in progressive muscle relaxation to unwind. (tapping into Mars’ rulership over physical activity, which targets the muscles)
- Creating a private sleeping environment with dark curtains, locking your door, etc. (Leaning into Scorpio’s need for privacy and secrecy)
- Listening to a podcast, watching educational videos, documentaries, studying, or reading inspirational books before falling asleep. (Sagittarius' link to knowledge and wisdom can mean that you can improve your sleep quality by engaging in activities that expand your mind’s horizon before going to bed)
- Practicing grounding exercises or engaging in a grounding guided meditation before sleep. (Can balance the restlessness of the fire element)
- Having a structured bedtime routine that promotes a relaxing sleeping environment. (Saturn rulership, promotes order)
- Engaging in activities that anchor you to the earth element, such as grounding meditations, yoga, deep breathing exercises.
- Indulging in a relaxing skincare routine. (Saturn’s rulership over the skin)
- Journaling, reading before bed, listening to a podcast, meditating, or watching YouTube videos to fall asleep. (Air sign, these activities stimulate and relax the mind, they can help quiet intrusive thoughts as you fall asleep)
- Having a structured bedtime routine that promotes a relaxing sleeping environment. (Saturn rulership, promotes order)
- Indulging in a relaxing skincare routine. (Saturn’s rulership over the skin)
- Listening to gentle sounds, calming frequencies. (Tapping into Pisces sensitive nature)
- Reading a fantasy novel or watching a fantasy movie. (The activities lean into Pisces rulership of the ethereal and otherworldly)
- Taking a warm bath or shower before bed. (Using the water element to soothe yourself)
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Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Your curiosity & engagement mean the world to me. I hope you not only found it enjoyable but also enriching for your astrological knowledge. Your support & interest inspire me to continue sharing insights & information with you. I appreciate you immensely.
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that-scorpio · 10 months
Happy Birthday to me 🦂
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lavendergoddesstarot · 10 months
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒚 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒅𝒆/𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆?
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Pick a pile/picture
Pile 1:
The Hermit: The dominant energy you exude is withdrawn, loner energy. You may be shy or an introvert. Or you may have social anxiety. You come off very introspective to others. You are likely a deep thinker and knowledgeable person but you probably keep it internal and to yourself for the most part.
Extended reading here(YouTube)
Pile 2:
Justice: The dominant energy you exude is that you are a very moral person. You have high morals and treat others with fairness. High expectations may be something you expect as well. You may be a social justice activist. You may also work in the law field or do some type of social work. But you come off as balanced and just. You may also be a Libra or have Libra/7th house placements.
Extended reading here(YouTube)
Pile 3:
The Wheel of Fortune: The dominant energy you exude is a free, happy go lucky energy. You likely go with the flow and have fun doing so. This makes you someone fun to be around. You also exude a lucky type of energy. You come off as the 'lucky girl' because of your spirit about life. You may be into the 'lucky girl syndrome' movement and affirmations.
Extended reading here(YouTube)
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moonastrogirl · 10 months
Jyestha nakshatra
Credit @moonastrogirl
This post is in honour of jyestha season and for all Jyestha natives ☂️
Jyestha natives are often misunderstood, also they trigger people easily but do they care ? Not even a single bit. Because at the end of the day this world is cold and it’s a constant battle and it’s everyone for themselves first.
We live in an animalistic world and the spiritual world is even worse. Spirit of people are also hungry. We need to defend ourselves against intruders physically and spiritually who want to feed off our energy or our ressources and that’s what jyestha natives do best. The umbrella, their symbol, protect them from physical and spiritual attacks and intruders. Plus the talisman which gives them this spiritual barrier for their power.
Jyestha is the nakshatra of those who have immense power and a huge spiritual presence. And with great power comes great responsibility. It’s so cliché yet it’s so true for jyestha.
That’s why this nakshatra gives better results once the native is grown and quit being childish. Young jyestha natives just play with their power and think they can get away with everything which they absolutely don’t. What they don’t know is karma remembers and karma will be served one way or another and sometimes in the most ridiculous way. It’s a must for them to respect the laws of karma.
Jyestha is the nakshatra where everything coming into the mind can materialise into the physical world. Natives thus have great manifestation abilities. Whether they realise it or not. They do. Every little thing they think or say they will receive it one way or another. It’s like they have a direct communication line with the universe. The power of their words and thoughts is unbelievable. So it’s best if they are careful about what they say or think especially about themselves and the people they love. This quote says it all.
« I got the power of life and death coming out my tongue »- Nicki Minaj (Jyestha sun being her soul planet, atmakaraka)
This power and this presence intimidate people with or without jyestha natives saying a thing. People just don’t know what to do with it sometimes. Jyestha must learn how to let their spirit speak and fight for them. They don’t need to react all the time. The universe is always working in their favour. Especially jyestha moons. Natives just need to say the least to make the best impact around them. Plus manifest, manifest and manifest again for their highest good.
If this post resonates with you, like, comment or reblog it, it will show me what I do is useful to you and thank you for reading me 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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astrolovecosmos · 11 months
Scorpio is darkness, taboos, secrets, passion, heat, cold, ice, steam, underwater volcanoes, geysers, hot springs, deserts, moors, marshes, bathhouses, battlefields, islands, isolated places, under water caves, dark depths of the ocean, intensity, mastery, self-mastery, understanding, perception, intuition, compassion, healing, death, rebirth, magnetism, intimacy, vengeance, spite, jealousy, control, power, protection, manipulation, possessive, sexual, piercing, mystery, destruction, suspicion, self-destruction, privacy, shadows, magic, resentment, grudges, venom, potency, life in extreme environments (cactus, volcanic bacteria, tardigrade), survival, resilience, willpower, dark romance, creativity, sacrifice, erotic, dangerous, the seducer, detective, hypnotist, puppet master, magician or wizard, villain vs. hero conflicts and questions, truth vs. lies conflicts/questions, antihero, healer, starving, brooding, or passionate artist, ride or die, hidden treasure, inner strength, empowerment, snake shedding its skin, Scorpio is transformation.
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sapphicvqmpires · 11 months
❁ཻུ۪۪♡ my 26th birthday today ♏︎
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Just finished my 26th orbit around the sun ♏︎
Scorpio szn
Let me know which fic of mine you liked the best, I wanna knowww ❁ཻུ۪۪♡
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scorpiofactsdaily · 11 months
Scorpios do not share secrets. they transmit them through specialized channels only accessible by those who are Worthy
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thedarkmaidenn · 1 year
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The Zodiac Seasons and their Elements. What to focus on, what tools to use and what spells to conduct.
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thoselovelythings · 11 months
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Photo by: Lynn Bauer
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caitly1221 · 4 months
My biggest fear as a Scorpio Venus is ending up in a passionless& only bc it’s convenient type of marriage, like no thank you, I wanna either merge souls or be alone.
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sapionic · 1 year
The Beauty Of Scorpio Placements
Scorpio sun, moon, venus, mars, mercury
Scorpio Sun - They live a structured life with stability and likes successful planning that goes through. They likely had major responsibilities ear on so as their life goes on, they tap more into their playful and childish side. They most likely had to grow up early for a variety of reasons. If you ever felt like a Scorpio Sun adult was childish in any way, it's because they are living out their inner child from having to run things early on in life. They didn't have a choice when they were met the pressure they had to deal with so they make up for it as they get older.
Scorpio Moon - They like when things are going as they planned or when things at least have a structure. They enjoy the practical things in life. They usually have an emotional connected to people that have goals, especially when these people goals are similar to theirs. They deal with tough emotions, mainly when things are out of order. They are satisfied with commitments and find it easy to do so. They like structure in their relationships. They like keeping records of many things. They love taking pictures and they usually do keep them. They make friends or buddies at work. They like people who have their stuff together. They like handling business and can handle it. Probably do find themselves making the right connections for their goals. Remembers things from long ago.
Scorpio Mercury - They are factual and concrete with their words and reasoning. Their truth is very concrete based on actuality. Conversations about the mundane or there is some realism attached in some way. Can have a voice full of command and authority. Likely to have conversations that can intimidate certain people. These are the people that need to be speaking at the business meetings. When spying, will screenshot. May talk when really needed. Travel is based on priority or urgency level. Could work with or around money. Remembers things from long ago.
Scorpio Venus - Expensive taste. Keeps themselves up. Wears high quality things and buys high quality things. Makes real business moves with their partner. Loyal and want marriage or something tangible from their relationship. Likely to have financial accounts. Life insurance and savings accounts could be of interest to them. Could have a lot of money they have or manage. Fancy and upscale dining. Parties with real detail and memorable decor. Skillset is that of daily life needs and more. Likely handy. Show them, don't tell them. Realistic in relationships. Connections to elite people. Most likely respected or honored in their connections. Likes when their relationship has some air of spontaneity.
Scorpio Mars - Moves they make pack a punch. When fighting, they do real damage or leave notable marks that may take a while to heal. Motivated and takes actions when there is a sure chance they are moving up the ladder. Does things based on the long-term. Very spontaneous choices if it means they can make good memories. Usually have very notable memories as well. Likely in shape. Always outside.
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that-scorpio · 10 months
I’m 30 🥳
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lavendergoddesstarot · 10 months
𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒅𝒐 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖?
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Pick a pile/picture
Pile 1:
Integration, Union: People get obsessed with you because they see you as a valuable asset. People want you on their team. Whether this is friendships, relationships or business. People dream of having a union with you because you bring peace and balance to situations. They look at you as the dream partner.
Extended reading here(YouTube)
Pile 2:
Attraction, Hot, Mars: People get obsessed with you because you are very attractive. Mars rules attraction and sex appeal. You may also have a feisty personality that makes others attracted to you. You may be a Scorpio or an Aries or have those placements in your chart.
Extended reading here(YouTube)
Pile 3:
Feminine: People get obsessed with you because of your feminine energy. The feminine energy is graceful, soft, calm, compassionate, kind and magnetic. This energy melts others especially the masculine energies. Your lovely, inviting feminine energy is what gets people obsessed.
Extended reading here(YouTube)
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christinevioletart · 10 months
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Scorpio - Transformation
My first piece for a new illustration series based on Esoteric Astrology. Each month i will work on an illustration for the current sign we're in. I was inspired to do a series like this after reading Alice Bailey's 'The Labours of Hercules' where each sign represents a step in a person's individuation process. I wasn't so much into astrology before but i really like this perspective rather than focusing on personality traits, horoscopes and so on.
I want to write a more detailed post about each sign but this will come later on.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
💙Astro Notes💙
🌙Cancer moon people always give preference to others and are such unselfish people. People don't see and appreciate that enough. You really want to be here for everyone. I think that these people also want to be independent of the family and actually many times struggle with that.
🌞North node in the first house is quite difficult. You are always divided between yourself and others. Many times you really want to withdraw from others and be independent. You rarely pick yourself over others because you feel guilty if you choose youself. These people should choose themselves many times and be selfish.
🍓If you feel at home with any sign, it's Cancer. They always make you feel welcome and have such a more comfortable & cozy vibe.
🥦Geminis and Virgos take mental illnesses very well. And they talk about it openly. They are well aware of the things they are doing and are quick to recognize if they have any mental illness.
🦋It is difficult for pisces to realize if something is wrong with them, many times they don't even notice it and things seem completely normal to them. I also notice that many times they deny the problems they have.
🫀Neptune in 3rd house could also means that the person is a good liar. People can get the wrong idea about what you're talking about.! It can also mean manipulating people. It depends on how the sign develops in the person. But these people have veryy smooth voice. It gives you a relaxing vibe.
✨Virgo Mars are obsessed with always having everything organized and tidy. They want everything to be in place. And they don't like spontaneous situations, they prefer that everything is planned.
🦂Placements of scorpios is a curse and a blessing at the same time. You feel that you have power, you are aware of your power, you do things with passion, you are a deep person, you can immediately see the truth, you analyze everything, you never betray people you love and when you love - you love with all your heart. But you are an intense person who feels everything more strongly than others, your depth knows no bounds, your anger is strong and passionate, you feel betrayal as if someone killed a part of you. You carry secrets inside you that only you know. And people don't understand how hard it is sometimes to be calm and understand. Because you feel everything so intensely and deeply that sometimes it's too much. At the same time, you like people to feel the same way.
❣️Moon in Sagittarius - these people are often so independent that they basically don't let others help them. And their energy is sometimes a little confusing. Many times their emotions also turn into something else. Sometimes I have the feeling that they just turn off their emotions.
🌊Libra & Scorpio both signs are focused on relationships with people. Only in a different way. Libras like to see the beauty in a relationship. They like to show romantic things, the positive side of the relationship and diplomacy. In a way, they want the perfect romantic relationship. Scorpios focus on the deep side of a relationship. They like to see dark things and secrets that are not visible to everyone. They like the ugly side of people. They want to show the relationship in a passionately mysterious but sexual way.
💘The difference between scorpio mercury & sagittarius mercury is that both are direct and honest but in a different way. Sagittarius will say something and not think about how it will turn out or how the person will accept it. They just say honestly but in a rude way. They don't say anything personal, but what they say sounds rudely direct. Scorpio always analyze things and many times they make a deliberate move. Theydon’t embellish words, but tell them as they are, but also use emotions. They tell you the ugly truth and stab you in the heart with their words.
🔥 Mars that person have shows , the energy they give and how strongly they persist in a conflict or with a person and in general with things in life. How quickly they withdraw from the situation. Someone with Pisces Mars won't stick around for long but will rather retreat when things get tough. Person will think a lot about the problem and the situation, but it will take the person a long time to face it. Someone who has Gemini in Mars will quickly forget the problem and start changing the subject. With geminis, it's not that they don't want to face a problem, but they just get bored very quickly. Someone with Mars in Sagittarius will have a very impulsive approach to the situation and will want to resolve the problem. But the reactions will be quite fiery. They'll want to get it resolved right away. They hate to wait.
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