#Secret Character POV's
author-a-holmes · 3 months
Belated OC Kiss Week
I was sick when Kiss Week was on this year, and I was very VERY much looking forward to those prompts.
So I'm taking advantage of the fact that I need some promotional posts next week across all my socials, and completing the prompts a month late.
And I'm loving some of these prompt fills I've come up with tonight.
My favourite part about OCKissWeek is that I get to play with characters that are either on the back burner, or who don't always have POV scenes of their own within the main books I'm working on.
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silverskye13 · 6 months
Magic wasn't rare. Well, it was rare in the sense that it had value and not everyone could use it practically, but it wasn't rare in the sense that it hardly existed. Magic and all its associates -- dragons, fairies, wellsprings, spells, knocking three times on a door for luck, avoiding black cats, etc. -- was well and truly alive in the world, no matter how unseen or unheard. It was a bit like wind like that, always present but not always felt. So it wasn't a surprise when BDubs, horse enthusiast of the Greater Mounds and general magical menagerie collector, approached his neighbors one day to declare, in no uncertain terms, that he was going unicorn hunting.
The Fairytale AU no one asked for
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saturdaysky · 3 months
So… the God of Curiosity! How does he relate to the Lords of the Golden Hill? Is he invited in, is he seen as an interloper or usurper? Absolutely adore these two!
What a great question! I spent the morning refreshing myself on the Lords of the Golden Hills, which is the 5e gnomish pantheon, if anyone's unfamiliar. They are more active in the lives of their followers than other gods.
Also, sorry, this is where I reveal my superpower of being unable to write short answers to anything.
what's a god to a mayhew
Mayhew's parents are historians who take the name "the Forgotten Folk" as a personal insult, so he was weaned on myths and histories of the Lords of the Golden Hills. The Lords set Mayhew's expectations for what gods should be: invested and actively working to make things better.
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(couldn't resist drawing mayhew and mamahew)
In game, Mayhew ran into many awful situations that he thinks good gods could have fixed, but didn't. Refugees slaughtered for sport, children locked in Cazador's dungeons for eternity, families enslaved and used as hostages, children murdered by Gortash's Steel Watch, you name it. These people surely prayed, but gods did not save them. Do gods who do nothing deserve worship?
Not to Mayhew. He was FULLY on board with Gale's astral boat scene logic of "we will be gods but BETTER because we CARE and DO STUFF." Mayhew is not a long-term thinker, especially if people are hurting right now, right in front of him. He sees only trees, never forests.
He views himself and Gale as being on their own side. All of his post-ascension decisions are based on them being an inseparable pair shaking up the system. He's not interested in being part of Lords of the Golden Hills.
what's a mayhew to a god
The Lords probably have mixed feelings about him. They would not invite him into their brotherhood. However, his goals often align with theirs, and as long as Mayhew didn't rock their boat too much, they'd be tenuous allies. More about Godhew and other gods under the cut!
Mayhew himself has many Glittergoldian qualities about him -- he's an elusive tale-teller and a sneak, and if you pried his coping mechanism sense of humor from him, he'd probably die on the spot -- so I think he'd get on with Garl Glittergold and Baervan Wildwanderer. Mayhew's not easily flustered, and he'd find it a hoot to be pranked by Garl, so I expect he'd pass any test of character Garl might run an upstart godling through.
Baravar Cloakshadow, god of illusions and deceptions, would be interesting. Mayhew is a born liar (deception is his second-highest skill after history) who cares deeply about protecting others, so on paper they're aligned. However, Baravar counts Mystra among his allies, so this alliance would be a strained one.
But the biggest reason Mayhew isn't interested in becoming a Lord of the Golden Hills? They're concerned primarily with the welfare of gnomes. As a god, Mayhew has broader designs than that.
a god for whom?
Mayhew cares about everyone, especially people who are unimportant. He was a latchkey kid who wandered all over the city from a very young age, poking his nose everywhere it shouldn't be and talking to people just to hear their stories. He probably even made friends with the sewer kobolds, despite historical bad blood between gnomes and kobolds. Most of the alliances Galehew make after ascension are Mayhew's doing. Gale is always grander and more powerful, but Mayhew is better-liked and better-loved by gods and mortals.
In particular, bleeding heart Mayhew is an ally and protector of children. Troublemakers, especially. The most common name he ends up being known by is the Children's God. In 5e, there doesn't actually seem to be a god FOR children, simply gods with "family" as part of their portfolio. To me, that reads as a god for parents. But Mayhew adores kids! In game, he looked out for all of them and spoiled them shamelessly via the barter menu. All the urchins got cash, clothing, trinkets, snacks, protective magical items, etc. He bought soup from Yenna every day. He gave Mattis 2000 gold (😭) for a key he never even used (😭)...and gave the amulet of greater health (😭)...and some grenades because all children should have a chance to make bad decisions...
To kids, he's like an imaginary friend who'll help you out of a tight spot, aid your capers, and shield you from terrors. When a child ages out of needing an imaginary friend, he's there as the God of Curiosity -- and what is curiosity without drive? Perhaps they'll follow their dreams in the footsteps of his partner, the God of Ambition. Completely unintentionally, Mayhew probably ensures the longevity of the Galerian religion this way.
Not all of Mayhew's ideals survive ascension, though he goes in with good intentions. He loses some of himself, but his love for people is the core of him. It doesn't change.
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hey so do you think wtv keiko had to deal with growing up with yusuke could be considered a type of parentification
#god chapters where barely anything happens except a character's realization about things can be hard ...#im writing another keiko pov chapter and it's hard because well!!#keiko was never really a main focus in the series and as time goes on she gets even less of a focus so i have to fill in these spots#in her personality and views that aren't really explored. im taking a lot of liberties lets say#and idek if it's gonna read as in character cos of that#anyway im tryna say that like. pre series keiko was basically this presence in yusuke's life and he saw her as a pain but he cared#she was there to scold him and cajole him into going to his classes and she was his only friend#now we know atsuko was negligent and idk how involved the yukimuras were in his life but i feel like keiko#whether directly or indirectly was given this duty like you have to keep him outta trouble#you're smart you're mature he needs someone like you. this responsibility just kind of put on her before she can understand the weight of i#and she can't really comprehend that weight until it's abruptly taken from her. yusuke dies and there's no one to shepherd#i feel like keiko should get to be mad about this. this realization of the nature of their dynamic. keiko planning things around yusuke#who's never done that in his life. not because he's purposely being thoughtless but bc he was never the one to have to plan#to think about what their future looks like. he just kinda drifted along and keiko tried to do damage control. it wasn't fair#yusuke is keeping secrets from her she is scared of high school and that he'll die again without her knowing why and it's unfair#so she should get to be mad also because girls getting to be mad is one of my favorite things 👍🏼#the realization that yusuke won't be lost without her so she shouldn't hinge her life on the expectation that he will be#she worries about yusuke a lot i think. especially after he comes back from the dead. and i think kuwa's presence would help ease that#dread in her heart. it doesn't have to be just me. there's someone who can be there with him always and it doesn't have to be me#the guilty relief of not having to be the sacrifice. but kuwa doesn't mind so maybe it's okay this way#idk just rambles about my fic while i puzzle out how to word it#character analysis#yukimura keiko#yu yu hakusho
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briefle · 6 months
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so how did we feel about this quote huh.
i love the conversation that leads to it because it highlights exactly all the points of the many many meta posts written about etho's character growth. and bdubs reluctance to seeing it as it is, instead of a backstab.*
like. look at this.
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this is a man that just finished asserting his role as "the glue of the server", because he is part of an alliance of two major and at this point extremely powerful factions.
and this is not something new they're pulling here. bdubs and etho have been going literally back and forth all season with a "come to my side", "nah, mine's better move here". which is also coincidentally what breaks the parallels etho-bdubs/cleo-scott.
but no, of course there's a line in the alliance that bdubs doesn't want drawn. because then he pulls these two lines here.
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and it's here that etho suggests a fracture needing to happen. because the survival instinct is still there of course, there's a social game to be played here. but it's not focused at the individual anymore, rather at his allies as a whole.
why won't etho join the winning team, do they know something we don't? is there a bigger strategy at play? where is the threat?
why won't etho join the winning team, and by extension me? does he not care? did he give up already, without a fight?
feeling slightly threatened indeed. betrayed even.
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getupthestairs · 7 months
the tragedy of martyn's victory in limited life is SO different from that of previous winners and i will never stop thinking about it. past winners fought for their allies or for revenge, but martyn fought to Win. gave up everything, and for what! that stubborn instinct to survive at any cost, to be the last one standing - the fear of running out of time. like winning could save him!
limited life's time gimmick adds a whole extra layer to the futility of it all. you're Always dying, so kill kill kill to stave off the inevitable. but eventually everyone else has died, you killed them all for that delicious time, and all you can do is watch the clock tick down! rotatimg him in my head forever..
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childrenofthesun77 · 5 months
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Lawless said eves have more durabilty than normal humans, but I do wonder if there is another reason mahiru's broken arm healed faster with the help of gear's fur than yotaru anticipated:
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We know from tooru that something is odd about mahiru, we just don't know what it is yet. Could this be part of it?
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dramioneasks · 7 months
Dear Diary - Catmint and Thyme (Languish_Locked_in_L) - E, WIP - At eight years old Draco crashes his broom into Hermione’s treehouse. A dramione story told through diary entries starting at 8 yrs old and spanning the Hogwarts years. About secrets and magic and a devotion that nothing can break.
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ultimateeditor · 24 days
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thirdtimed · 1 month
i love the contrast between hermitcraft & the life series like its so funny seeing ppl like scar thrust into a death game bc within context of the life series you have this supremely supremely sweet guy all of a sudden become like The Actual Worst Person Ever and it rules
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 2 months
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me after editing the aau prologue for the bajillionth time
#First chapter I changed the opening bc I always thought it felt off/abrupt and wanted to have it be prince pov from the start#I wanna get in his head more ok sue me#Beyond that tho it was just some wording edits#Specifically with the internal dialogue moments I helped them flow more/feel more like thoughts#Also mj gets a bit more of their usual edge/pessimism bc the prologue they always felt a bit too “ówò sad poor smol bean” or whatever#That’s it tho chapter 4 I didn’t change bc it’s peak#Did add some teases to later things tho like snatch senses mjs soul at the end of his chap but doesn’t realize it#Or like I added the Not Now running thing in the earlier chapters bc it was more of a chapter 4 thing so I wanted 2 set it up more so boom#I think that’s all the notable edits ig like I said just description additions the only actual new thing is the opener for chap 1 👍#Also also I got to include a hc that I have that I neglected to do before but I hc a!prince used plural internal dialogue#Because lol we love dramatic irony in this house#Grace post#this reminds me tho one of these days I should look through heart strings chapter one to look for editing things#Bc I think I did that recently but I don’t remember it much tho#Mostly just when the Hat stuff starts that was the parts I never directly rewrote I just edited them so they feel out of place in my brain#Also I’d wanna edit her dialogue bc it *was* in character (after rereading her diary’s to confirm) but I wanna have her be a bit more snark#Hat is Hard bc i Need the balance of cute little kid and also smug little shit (affectionate) like she is a pain to write man cries#This is just me rambling lol ignore it I just wanted to spam aau thoughts#In other news I made shapes redesigns but I’m on the fence on posting them bc idk if I wanna spoil or not hhhhhhhhh#Nowadays I’m more chill w spoiling things than I used to be#But there are a handful of things I’ve kept shut about (ex being princes name or mjs species stuff etc)#So I’m not sure if this thing with shapes i should keep secret or just post bc I used to spoil it but idk now#Shrugs#maybe I’ll do a poll later I dunno#Ok yapping over byeeeeee
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quaranmine · 2 years
one thing i noticed about hc!false is that none of the other hermits seem to know about her....thing that's going on with e!false. now irl that's because it's her lore of course, not theirs. i don't really expect other hermits to majorly factor into the story she's creating. it's the same reason why moon big had such varied responses--the CCs were individually reacting to it in a way that they liked for their own creative direction
but that means that in-universe i am dying for some hermit to notice this and be like. false. bestie. WHAT is going on??? because i get the feeling she's keeping this secret from everybody, even her friends she's known for years. is she acting weird about it? do they try to question her why she has a doppleganger? how good has she been at hiding that Something Is Wrong. WHAT DO THEY THINK. this all gets really interesting to me if we assume this is part of her backstory, perhaps from before hermitcraft
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kingdomoftyto · 2 months
#Tyto reads WoF#i know it's not the most pressing issue what with the vengeful ex-Queen and the murderous sister and all#but I still want to point out how alarming it is that the new crew are all going to be wearing seemingly radioactive rocks as jewelry now#Turtle please don't pick up strange rocks that give off their own heat for the love of all that's good#ANYWAY yeah what the actual frick is going on with Darkstalker huh. I genuinely do NOT know whether he's trustworthy or not#desperately lonely and unfairly demonized? absolutely. truly cares about Moon as a friend? I think so.#capable of integrating peacefully into modern dragon society without letting his own ego turn him into the monster he denies ever being?#....... 😬 remains to be seen#god and there's Scarlet's mysterious new accomplice(?) with the maddeningly vague physical description and also THE SCROLL(!!!!)#and i just realized we failed to get resolutions in this book for EITHER the vision of Turtle attacking Anemone OR#Flame's unique and frightening ability to sense and/or attack mindreaders????#where the HECK are we going with Flame I am going lowkey INSANE over him#ugh frick and Umber and Sora are both on the run too...!! this book is nearly as cliffhangery as Dark Secret#(though thankfully i prepared for this by checking the next book out ahead of time so i wouldn't have to wait LOL)#uhh buhh final thoughts before i force myself to go to sleep:#I love Moon and everything going on with her but I do feel like on some level it's even more of a slap in the face for poor Starflight#that the only tribe to get multiple POV characters in this first. like. extended arc(?) appears to be the NightWings#and Starflight himself doesn't get any of the tribe's unique defining features or abilities#i mean i guess the same is sort of true of Sunny and yes i know it was the POINT of book 4 that the tribe had no powers#but still idk it just feels like kicking the poor boy when he's already down. in addition to him literally getting beaten up again#(... now watch me be a total fool and the arc actually extends past book 8 or something making this point moot lol)#(I'm only assuming it ends at 8 bc that's where the previews in the back of the previous books have stopped)#EDIT: LOL yep turns out this arc does extend out to book 10 and the other POVs are Turtle and Qibli so I stand corrected.#that's what I get for nightblogging
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goblinunderabridge · 6 months
Im sick send help
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
do not wilt alone by Anonymous
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do not wilt alone
by Anonymous
T, 7k, WWX & JYL, Wangxian
Summary: It’s easy to fall into old patterns, to use what once had a hope of working in the face of a familiar wrath. Her mother could be distracted on occasion, her attention diverted towards Jiang Cheng’s accomplishments or whatever small matter Jiang Yanli could think to bring to her notice swiftly enough. “The disciples will be finished with their training soon, won’t they?” She knows they will, the rhythms of Lotus Pier deeply ingrained in her. They may not be as structured as Gusu Lan, but that does not mean they are completely without it. “In this heat, it will be nice for them to have something refreshing. A-Xian, why don’t you come help me in the kitchen?” For a few beats of her heart, she believes it has worked. “Hold on,” Jiang Cheng calls, his gaze not once leaving Wei Wuxian. “I’d like to hear about this nighthunt. It must have been important for you to be away from Lotus Pier for so long.”
Kay's comments: A great kink meme prompt fill! Jiang Yanli is such an interesting character to dissect and especially her relationships with her brothers and parents. Loved to see her standing up to Jiang Cheng and her seeing the parallels between him and their mother.
Excerpt: Jiang Yanli was not in the habit of making assumptions, but there was something recognizable in the way he spoke of this Lan Wangji whom he only ever called Lan Zhan. It had worried her at first, knowing all too well that earnest affection could wound when spurned entirely. If it was indeed young love, of course there was no crime in not reciprocating. She only hoped that he would not be cruel to him if that was the way it would be.
canon-divergence, no golden core transfer, post-sunshot campaign, pov jiang yanli, jiang family dynamics, homophobia, good sibling jiang yanli, secret relationship, established wangxian, not jiang cheng friendly, character study, past child abuse, bad parent yu ziyuan
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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I keep thinking about why Oliver didn’t have more pov and I think part of the reason is that he feels like such a tragic character that making him more central to the plot wouldn’t have been thematically consistent idk if that makes sense I should probably elaborate but I’m not going to right now
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