#Secretary bird mom
kurohaai · 2 years
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Little Das' sleep time equals making no noise to watch late night troll adult swim and it confused bird mom every time how he managed to do this
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louise-auxcimes · 1 year
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
I’m not saying I’m happy about David Cameron becoming the foreign secretary but finding out about it did shock me out of what was probably going to be a pretty bad breakdown so thank you to him for that? I guess?
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salty-puppy · 2 years
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It's time to go home, baby bird!
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captainkirkk · 3 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
midnight sun by merils
Who would win: four men with guns who just happened to get Red Robin to walk into a trap, or one royally-pissed Kryptonian juggernaut?
Yeah, it's not even a contest.
reasons are better than rules by destiny919
"No one will actually explain Father's rules to me," Damian blurts out. "They tell me we don't kill, and killing is wrong, and Father would never do it, but no one ever actually says why! As if repeating the rule is the same as explaining it! As if I am supposed to just know, when I do not!"
Drake is quiet, eyes on something in the distance that Damian cannot see. "Damian, may I tell you a secret?"
Thirty Hours by polaroid15
The sun sets. Peter breaks three toes and hits his head hard against concrete. There’s a steadily bleeding wound in his side that he’s staunched with his webbing and tries not to acknowledge it when it burns. He can still walk in a straight line, which is good. He’s starving and tired and cold. It’s been fifteen hours.
Or, Peter doesn't take any breaks during a lengthy fight with the Avengers. The mind-melting fever that follows really should have been expected.
Clone Wars
An Hourglass In Hand by ecarian
“I thought daemons didn’t eat,” Rex noted once, during a celebration feast, as he and Cody watched Boga devour her meal with some fascination. Varactyl she may be, but she was a tiny one. There wasn't much interior space for the truly momentous amount of meat she was ripping into.
Boga daintily rubbed her beak against a folded serviette that looked kind of like a bird, and said, prim, “I can do anything a human can do.”
“Oh?” Obi-Wan said mildly, from where he’d been tapping at a datapad. “Shall I save you a portion of these reports then?”
Set My Mind at Ease by Eightbitpale
Marshal Commander Cody - clone commanding officer of the 7th Sky Corps, second in command of the 212th attack battalion and, currently, the proud caretaker of one still-warm lightsaber - was having a very long day.
Actually, fuck that. It had been more than a long day. Long days were Cody’s bread and butter, practically his comfort zone. Marshall Commander Cody ate stim shots for breakfast and every shiny this side of Coruscant knew it. Long days were his bitch.
No, this had been more than a long day. Today had been a bad day.
The one where Cody and his general try their best to tell each other that they care. At least they’re trying.
Your Smile In Stone by ecarian
Wooley: can we arrest people for yelling this early?
There were two figures standing at the foot of General Kenobi's statue with their backs to Wooley, an adult with a hood, and a child with light hair. The child was pointing at a puddle of Temple tookas who were curled up in General Kenobi’s lap, lounging in the stone folds of his robes, the bend of his knee.
Wooley: belay that. Child nuisance.
The Goblin Emperor
Sweet Hope by baladric
Maia Drazhar arranges a festival, meets his gay aunt, falls in love with his secretary, and misses his mom through it all.
"In the way of true stories, there was no discernible beginning. Perhaps it had begun that first day, in the shabby receiving room at Edonomee; in the cockpit of the Radiance of Cairado; at the mooring mast of the Untheileneise Court, with that first smile.
The pith of the matter was that Maia Drazhar was wildly, tremulously in love, and love had made fools of much wiser men than he."
In All Its Forms by Anonymous
Before his father ruined everything, Nurevis Chavar only thought to introduce the new emperor to all the most beautiful things life could offer.
When he found himself free from relegation again after his father's death, would the emperor whose friendship he had sought so long ago wish his presence at court? And, if he could return to court, would his emperor wish his friendship again?
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jamneuromain · 1 year
A Whiff of Blood
Lloyd Hansen x You
Warning: Mob AU, Mob!Lloyd, Secretary!Reader, Graphic Depiction of Violence (I guess Lloyd is a warning of his own?), Reader has light hemophobia (fear of blood), and ofc, the direction mention and description of blood, sexual harassment
Summary: It is a dumb idea to be working for Lloyd when you have hemophobia.
A/N: Based on the prompt from the bingo challenge. The inspiration came from @rogerswifesblog / @rogerswifesblog-updates when we were talking about business dinners and such.
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The whiff of blood drifts out of Lloyd's office. You scrunch your nose and pull out a piece of tissue with a floral scent to cover half your face.
It is a dumb idea to be working for Lloyd when you have hemophobia.
The smell grows stronger, so you uncap your perfume and spritz it all over you.
As long as you turn your head the other way, or mask the scent with something stronger, your phobia will not act up. And considering Lloyd is paying you a hefty salary and bonus, you don't complain.
After all, when choosing jobs, at best, you can only pick two features out of "well-paid", "light work", or "close to home".
You are lucky that you can drive for an hour on weekends to visit your mom who lives in the suburb.
The door to his office swings open with a loud "bang", as if - no, probably, Lloyd kicks it open, and out comes two bodyguards dragging a heavy black garbage bag.
Quite heavy. Like 70 kilograms heavy.
You wouldn't want to speculate what is inside.
You turn your head the other way, facing a rather pleased Lloyd Hansen, the mob boss who pays you to be his secretary.
"Mr. Hansen, I've secured the dinner tonight at 7 pm with Mr. Suza Brewer. He owns the biker gang Hellbend ever since you helped him take out the previous leader Fitzroy. You will be having dinner at the restaurant named Bird. It's adjacent to the Ritz-Carlton, so you can take your pick whether to stay in your suite or go back home. Either way, I'll go tell your driver Denny to get ready." You don't even bother getting up, spinning your chair in his direction, you hand him the files, with a polite smile on your face, "These, I need you to sign so your clubs will be running as usual. Your head accountant Marilyn has an appointment with you in fifteen minutes, and I've called the cleaning crew. They are ready to clean up your office right now."
Lloyd snatches a tissue paper from your desk, wiping his silver blood-stained ring on his middle finger clean, before tossing the reddened, soaked, and irritating odor tissue onto the ground and out of your sight. A small smirk on his lips, Lloyd purses his lips to stroke his mustache with his finger, "Send them in."
You nod, picking up your phone from your desk, when he holds up his hand to stop you for a moment.
"Good job, Y/N." He says curtly.
Lloyd's icy blue eyes zero on you. After a few seconds, he speaks up again, "You're coming to the dinner with me."
You nearly jump from your chair. Shocked, but most importantly, confused, because he has never asked you to present during business dinners.
After all, those who were qualified for "business" are either ruthless or sociopathic. While your boss Lloyd is both, you are neither.
"Mr. Hansen, I-"
"You're off for the rest of the day. Call Denny, he knows where to buy a decent dress." He pulls out his wallet from his inside pocket, and hands his black card to you, "Consider this a bonus." His tone unrelenting, pushing the card on the desk further towards you, he issues his final command, "And tell Denny to find you a stylist."
You swallow your refusal and take his black card.
You know he doesn't take "no" for an answer.
"Thank you, Mr. Hansen."
He hums impatiently, waving his hand to gesture that the conversation is over for him.
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For the first hour of the said "business dinner", you try your best to focus on the food in front of you, instead of the Brewer man. He is a few inches shorter than Lloyd, but the look he delivers when he stares at you is simply...
Fearful. Even more than Lloyd.
Having worked for Lloyd for nearly three years, you witnessed he yelled, shouted, pulled out his gun to shoot someone's brain out (you vomited on to his shoes, very unfortunately, for which he yelled at you for approximately half an hour), and of course, being mad at some business partners and the determination in his eyes to eliminate his rivals. But none of his looks scared you like the creepy feeling Suza Brewer brings you.
Lloyd gives off the vibe that he will shoot you alive, while Suza Brewer could skin someone alive. And Suza has not stopped stealing glances in your direction ever since you and Lloyd presented in this dinner.
You look at your plate, cutting a small chunk of carrot in half. Trying your best to ignore the four bodyguards, two from Lloyd and two from Brewer, standing in the back.
Convincing yourself. Maybe this Brewer guy likes to look, similar to many men who passed by your desk to reach Lloyd's office.
You raise your eyes carefully, taking a long exhale as you continue to persuade yourself that Suza Brewer brought a lady to the dinner, probably also why Lloyd has asked you to come along.
After a few glasses of wine, the girl Suza brought sat on his lap boldly, feeding him bites of cherry tomatoes.
"I'll say yes to your proposal. You and me, 50-50." Suza suddenly lets out a laugh, "I just want one tiny thing to sweeten the deal." He squints his eyes, and points his finger towards you, "I want - her."
The small chunk of carrot lingers on your lips as you are about to eat.
The young girl's jealousy could tear you in half, Suza's greasy lips smack together, as if tasting your flesh, and Lloyd simply looks at you, with minimum expression you have ever seen on his face.
"Excuse me?" Lloyd clenches his teeth.
"C'mon, buddy." Brewer smacks Lloyd a bit too hard on his shoulder, barking laughter with his yellow crooked teeth exposed into the air, "You can't keep such a sexy thing all to yourself, eh?" He wiggles his eyes suggestively, "Don't tell me you haven't fucked her yet?"
Now you HAVE to say something.
"Mr. Brewer, I assure you that my work with Mr. Hansen is strictly professional." You smile politely, raising your glass for a toast, "In fact, I think that's what we all want, Mr. Brewer, to have a long-term stable business relationship with Mr. Hansen. Here's to our thriving partnership-"
Brewer gets up from his chair and sways towards you. He could barely walk straight but he still manages to stand behind your chair, lowering his head right where your ear is.
As he speaks, he reeks of wine and meat.
"I'm talking to your boss, bitch. " Brewer snarls, slapping your hand so hard that your wine glass falls to the table. Startling you when you are trying to stay calm. "You are but a plaything to Lloyd Fucking Hansen and I'll have you whether you like it or not."
Now here's the difference between Brewer and the rest of the men who pass you to get to Lloyd's office. For those men, they work for Lloyd, and hence, they wouldn't dare to touch "Lloyd's belonging", which is you. Brewer, on the other hand, is a total wild card, which you understand perfectly as Lloyd worked with him to kill Brewer's adoptive father Fitzroy.
He is as unpredictable and unstable as Lloyd, maybe even more so, because Lloyd certainly hasn't laid a finger on you ever since you worked for him, neither sexually nor violently.
You even your breath as Brewer leans closer He grabs your boobs with his hand, having you freeze on your seat.
"In fact, I'll invite him to watch how I fuck his pretty little whore."
The chill seeps deep into your bones. You urge your body to fight back, but sanity tells you that you would probably end up in a dumpster with a bullet hole on your forehead if you ruin this big deal for Lloyd. For a brief second, you think about begging Lloyd. But in reality, your mind is point blank as the mindset in between "fight or flight" kicks in, and it instructs your body to play dead.
It might be a few seconds. Or a few minutes, before your savior swoops in, saying something that sounds like mumbling to your brain.
"We're done here." Lloyd growls, snatching your wrist with a grip hard enough to bruise, tugging you harshly to leave. Your knee and thigh bump into the wooden arm of the chair, to which you bite your lip in pain, and still too shocked to get your language system back online.
"But our contract-" Brewer shouts to Lloyd.
"I'll get back to you." Lloyd snaps back, pushing and shoving your back to move before him.
Your mind is a blur and cannot recall how Lloyd stuffs you into his limo when he steps outside to smoke. He did, however, throw his coat onto you and shut the car door with a loud "thud", having front-row driver Denny lowering the panel between you, whispering with much concern, "What's wrong?"
You curl your fingers into the black woolen coat. Folding it neatly as you have done hundreds of times when he throws his coat over you or over your desk. Placing it on your legs.
"Here. I'll tune the AC up." Denny showers you with his sympathetic look, as he has never seen you so out of yourself, so soulless, and shivering.
Your mind has been replaying how Brewer grabbed your boobs, and the filth he talked about. You also know that you have nowhere to hide, if Lloyd is determined to get something done, if he wants to deliver you to Brewer.
Though the tinted car window muffled some of Lloyd's angry shouting, you are still able to comprehend that Lloyd just got mad again.
"... CALL ME WHEN IT'S DONE!" Lloyd yells at his phone, opening the car door, and sliding in, taking a big inhale of the warm air inside. Glancing at you, he seems not having returned from his angry state, "AND THIS COAT IS NOT -" He lets out a grumpy huff, "never mind."
After a moment of silence, you feel like you should make your statement, no matter if Lloyd being unreasonable. You simply have to.
It's your life at stake here.
"Mr. Hansen, I just wanted to tell you that it has been a pleasure working with you these past three years. i have gained much experience and knowledge working as your personal secretary and assistant. I want to express my thanks for you cultivating me into a qualifying secretary and no matter what happens, I would want you to know that I cherish our business relationship and accept the consequence."
Lloyd listens through your statement surprisingly patiently, and pinpoints the most crucial idea (he thought that it was) throughout your entire speech, "You want a raise?"
You stutter, "No-No! Mr. Hansen! I wouldn't - What you have given me is well beyond market average and I appreciate your confidence in me."
"Ah. So you want to quit?"
His cold blue eyes stare into you. You gulp in fear.
"Yes, I mean - No, I don't want to quit. But circumstances have ... arisen, which makes me wonder ... uh, if I was able to -"
"I've had enough of it." He grumbles, twisting the ring on his finger, "Your next sentence starts with 'I want' and stop using these big words, sunshine. One sentence. Not another word."
"I - I want you to not deliver me to Suza Brewer." You quickly say, "Mr. Hansen." You did your best to be respectful.
His grumpy expression lingers on his face for a second, before turning into disbelief, "That's all you're asking for?"
"Yes...? I really liked working with you, Mr. Hansen, and I don't want to be put into a position that you are choosing between me and your ... business." Seeing that his mustache is twitching, inching close to a sneer, you add, "If you could just let me go, and claimed that I slipped through your custody or got away as soon as I could, I think that Mr. Suza would not mind that much -"
His index finger points up to shush you.
Lloyd snorts, fishing out a box of tictac and popping two colored-candy into his mouth.
Crushing the sugary treat with his jaw, he closes his eyes and roots his upper body firmly onto the back seat, "Denny, take us to the warehouse by the Westside Pier."
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The Westside Pier.
The one place Lloyd would go to if he captures a traitor or fulfills a hitman contract.
The one place he could make a body completely go away.
He's about to end ... you?
The cold October wind does nothing to help you fight against the icy feeling in your bones.
The stylist Denny founded accompanied you during shopping and chose a most-fitting black dress for you, which goes a little over the knees. Along with the warm AC everywhere, the length didn't bother you -
-until now.
You hold Lloyd's folded coat in your hand, following Lloyd out of the car with teeth clattering, more out of cold than of the horrible thoughts of what he would do to you.
Lloyd turns around, grunting in a sarcastic way, "Can't believe your clever brain didn't work out why the coat-" before he stops whatever that's about to go through his lips, roughly taking the coat from your hands and putting it around your shoulders, "Try not to freeze to death."
Your hesitant expression must have been obvious, because he looks at you and purses his lips in slight irritation, "Don't do anything stupid. And follow me."
What does this even mean? That he doesn't want to kill you after all? Or that he has changed his mind and thought you know too many secrets to be alive?
Your mind buzzing with thoughts as you follow Lloyd through the gate of the notorious warehouse.
The swinging lightbulb over your head and the faint smell of blood make you nauseous. You have not stepped foot into this warehouse because you have heard of the cruel things Lloyd has done to his opponents, all of which happened here.
"I don't care how much your boss pays you, I-I'll pay you double!" A man screeches pathetically, taking hit after hit on his stomach from Lloyd's muscle man as two other hold him upright.
Looking at Lloyd's direction, the man's swollen and bruised face lights up in an instant.
"Lloyd! Buddy!" He gobbles in a mouthful of blood, "So glad, ehhehe, you came!"
Lloyd grabs his hair, and punches him in the stomach.
"Fuck you, buddy," Lloyd swings another punch at Brewer's stomach, a cold smile on his lips, "fuck you, alright?"
A sharp scream of pain. "Lloyd, I don't understand-"
Lloyd drags his head in front of you, bending his neck to face you, to which you cover your nose because of the strong smell of blood bombarding your nerves. "There. She's my people. You disrespect her, you disrespect me. Got it, you dumb fuck?"
"Sorry!" The man shrieks his apology, "I'm sorry!"
Oh. So that's what he meant.
You bury your nose under his soft woolen coat. Burying the lower half of your face. Your cheeks getting warm, and a small grin creeps up.
Feels kind of nice. To have someone watching over you.
"Our business," Brewer pants, coughing out blood, losing a few of his teeth, "you need me to do our business, Lloyd."
Lloyd smirks, waving to gesture the removal of Brewer.
The man is still screaming he's sorry, but the two muscles hold him by his arms, forcing him to stand on the edge of the pier and tying a large rock around his waist.
"But Mr. Hansen," You stop him in his tracks, "your business, your deal with-"
You point towards Suza Brewer, now with a gag so all he could manage is some muffled voices.
"Don't worry your head around it, sunshine." Lloyd places his hand on the coat collar and tugging it tighter. The look on his face blank, but somehow more sincere than his cold grins, "I'm working with his stepbrother now. Pal is so grateful that I help him take care of Suza; he decided to offer me 70% of the cut."
You let out a whispered "Oh". Glad that Lloyd's "business" is thriving but also ... not that glad.
He's doing this for his business after all ... while he'd get to ... make it up for you?
A strange feeling tugging your heart. Some sort of relief, but not entirely. You are disappointed, somehow, as if you believed there should have been more to this gesture.
The muffled screaming stops after a loud splash comes from the edge of the pier.
The three muscle men return. One of them announces: "He's been taken care of, boss."
Smelling the whiff of blood on them, you can't help but crouch onto the ground and hurl your guts out.
Lloyd gestures those men to "beat it". And as the air clears from the smell of rusted iron and salt, a white handkerchief dangles in front of your eyes.
"Don't puke over my shoes again." Lloyd stands still, pinching his handkerchief between his index and middle finger, handing it to you.
You gag a few times, covering your mouth with the smooth white handkerchief, turning into another direction other than his shoes.
"Mr. Hansen, I don't know you -" You fight the instinct to be sick in front of him, standing up from your crouching position with wobbly legs, "carry a handkerchief." You take a deep breath to calm your nerves, wiping the corner of your mouth using the white fabric, now stained with the red smudge of your lipstick, "I'll dry clean it along with your coat, and send it-"
He seizes the handkerchief and stuffs it in his front pocket, "Don't bother."
He pats on your shoulder. The same way he would pat his men. A silent encouragement and praise of "Good work".
"Mr. Hansen, I-"
You want to say something. The precise moment when your heart skipped a beat and you've captured something vague in your mind, some terrifying yet imminent. Your bones rattle in the possibility of the blurry idea. But when his blue eyes turn to you, the idea takes its chance and slips from your mind.
"-thank you." Is all you could say.
"Wait for me in the car." He searches his pocket for his box of matches and cigarette, waving his hand, shushing you away, with the cig between his lips. He sounds stern as ever, but deep down, you feel like something has changed.
Lloyd watches you as you head back to the car. You, his tiny, fragile, delicate, poor little secretary who gets sick at the sight or the smell of blood.
He watches you still wrapped in his coat. When the cold October wind sweeps by your feet, you shiver under the warm expensive wool.
He stares for a long time when the match used to light his cigarette burns the tip of his fingers.
"Shit." He grumbles.
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Stiles Summer Stories 2024!
So I have decided to dedicated my @writersmonth to Stiles. But there is so much I want to write about him and the Hale Pack that it's hard to put it in order and decide, so I am open to suggestions!
Pick a prompt duo from the list that's not crossed out yet and make me a Stiles-centric suggestion:
romantically only: Sterek, Steter, or both in a "Stiles has two hands" sense
platonically, especially anything Hale Pack (Derek, Peter, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Cora, Jackson, I'm throwing Lydia and Danny in there too, and depending on canon divergence also Allison and Scott. Also the sheriff), either the whole pack or any individual dynamic
general Stiles concepts like Pack Mom Stiles, human Alpha Stiles, Spark Stiles, post-nogitsune angst, whatever else you can think of
a combination of any of these
destiny | creek; "Camping & Bonding, Part 1", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
running | penthouse; "Small But Good", Steter post s2 finale h/c
laughter | car; "Camping & Bonding, Part 2", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
fairy | stage; "A Midsummer Night's Mischief"; Sterek fluff
choice | movie set; "Movie Madness"; Sterek jealous!Derek
flame | forest; "Camping & Bonding, Part 3", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
passion | tattoo parlor; "London Calling", post-series Sterek
dawn | castle; "Castle of Glass"; Sterek post pool scene
clock | museum; "Tutoring and Teasing"; Steter single-dad Peter + Malia's tutor Stiles
season | school; "Camping & Bonding, Part 4", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
snow | flower shop; "The Tate Sisters", Stetopher with married Petopher meeting Stiles through their daughters
birds | library; "The Birds and the Wolves", Steter
dark | bakery; "What Kept Me Going", post-Nogitsune h/c Stetopher
lonely | college; "Missing Pack", Stiles-Jackson-Danny
glow | lake; "Camping & Bonding, Part 5", Sterek Hale Pack fluff
ache | ship; "What Lydia Wants (She Gets)", Jackstydia on a cruise
red | kitchen; "My Kitchen, My Rules", Sterek human Alpha Stiles
bell | attic; "Warning Bells", Steter BDSM smut
chess | park; "How Chris and Peter Got a Kitten", Stetopher + Stiles cursed into a kitten
stone | train; "What Lydia Wants (Lydia Gets) II", Jackstydia BDSM smut sequel
wish | hospital; "A Brighter Future", Steter hurt/comfort + Sterica bromance
beast | motel; "Away Game", Stackson 'there is only one bed' during an away lacrosse game
lost | basement; "What Happens in the Basement", Sterek kidnapping
petal | theater; "Twelve Truths (and a Lie)", Stetopher + Stiles being forced by the Seelie Queen to bare twelve truths in front of the pack
faith | bar; "A Selfish Gift", Sterek + a salmon ladder
fur | farm; "Home at the Hale Farm", Stetopher post-Nogitsune h/c
lightning | office; "Guns and Gags", Stetopher + gun shop owner Chris/sex shop owner Peter
sketch | plane; "Sugar for the Secretary", Stetopher sugar daddies Petopher post-series
sense | bus; "Colds and Comfort", Stetopher sick!Stiles getting taken care of
mischief | mountain; "Shot Through the Heart", Stetopher + Chris being really into Stiles being a good shot
double | beach; "Murder Triad", Nogitsune/Steter
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kedreeva · 5 months
do peafowl protect other members of their flock from predators and so on or is it every pea for themself?
It depends on the situation but largely peafowl stick together. When I add a new pea to a pen, often the group as a whole will chase the newcomer around for a bit. I've seen them break up fights other animals are having- the first peacock I ever owned broke up a fight between a pair of turkeys, and the other peas mobbed up to enforce his decision. A mom hen will kill for her kids, if she can- I've had friends whose birds have killed hawks and kites. I've seen videos of parties moving past, for example, eagles who are on carrion eating, and the peafowl are all talking. They will mob up and harass/hunt large snakes, each taking turns taking nips while the snake is facing a different pea (this is why they are known for their snake killing- they don't necessarily hunt them the way secretary birds do, but they'll kill a snake that doesn't excuse itself fast enough... death by a thousand small pecks. But I don't think they necessarily feel any obligation to defend another adult pea, I don't think that level of thought is occurring. I don't think it's impossible for a pea to defend another pea for whatever reason, but if it happens I'm not sure I would call it protecting.
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arimelody · 1 year
enthralled secretary to killer robot to bird mom pipeline
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
what all tlg ocs do you have? :0 I’ve heard of kiburi’s sister (whose name I’ve forgotten the spelling of help), erevu, but I think thats it. really interested to knowing about any other tlg ocs you may have :D /gen
Oh my goodness I love this question!!!
Lemme compile them all together rq
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Other than Erevu and Ucheshi, there’s…
Nguvu-a cape dog
Aibu-a striped hyena
Kifo-a black mamba
Kiatu- a shoebill stork
Wakali-Kiburi’s adopted albino daughter
Maji- a nile monitor
Hukumu-Kiburi’s love interest
Kuamua-Nduli’s love interest
Kuumwa-Sumu’s love interest
Paka-a black-footed cat
Danganya-a skink/Njano’s deceased older brother
Nge-Sumu’s mom (fun fact, she was originally gonna be deceased but I decided to keep her alive cuz I want Sumu to be happy)
Villain oc’s
Hatari-an evil hippo
Chonge-a puff adder (reforms later)
Mpinzani-a honey badger
Mkatili-a chimpanzee
Bosi-a meerkat
Kandamiza-a secretary bird
Jino- Kenge’s eldest brother
Msumari and Mkaidi-Kenge’s sister and brother
Poachers/two-leggers-black shadow-like monsters who represent humans
Prev. gen oc’s (all deceased save for Reirei’s parents)
Mamba-Pua’s predecessor
Kuimba-Tamka’s mom/Pua’s mate
Piga-Kiburi and Ucheshi’s dad
Ungwana-Kiburi and Ucheshi’s mom
Kinywa-Nduli’s mom
Kujivunia-Makuu’s mom
Karimu and Kicheko-Chungu’s mom and dad
Furahia and Nidhamu-Reirei’s shitty parents
Mpenzi-Goigoi’s mom
And ofc you can read all about some of them here and a little bit here
I know I posted about the rest somewhere and I’m currently trying to find those posts so I can put it here. I’ll reblog it when I find them :)
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dcfanficsgallore · 11 months
Didn't plan for this
Wonder Woman x Demigod!Fem!Reader
2859 words
TW: Broken Leg, Hospitals, Reader overthinks everything
Summary: You have only seen a handful of times and have been trying to get her attention ever since, when a disaster occurs, it finally makes her look at you and talk.
A/N: This fanfic doesn't use the usual quotes to show character speaking. Instead they'll use a - to show that they are speaking and every new line of dialogue is a new paragraph. Also English isn't my first language. Enjoy! X3 <33
Being a demigod in a world that gets invaded by aliens every other week and seems to have a new super-whatever everyday is pretty normal. Especially if you’re a child of Athena, like me… 
We don’t get powers like the children of Zeus or the innate charisma of the Apollo kids, but we’re not as insufferable as the Aphrodite Spawn (Long story), we’re just… Pretty smart and can understand stuff that most can’t. When I was a kid my teachers always told my mortal mom that I was ‘gifted’, my mom knew it was always truer than what they intended, but she never told me about it. Nor about my Godly mom…
Usually when an alien attack happens or a supervillain breaks from prison I tend to help the people around me get to safety and prepare all my contingencies for if the threat gets too close, I only had to use a couple of my plans once, that was a mess! But it made me learn that Plan C and Plan T should not be anywhere near each other. Other than that I just wait until the danger is over and maybe, kinda, try to see if she is taking care of the mess.
Of all the children of Zeus, she is the best. Most caring, most humble, the prettiest, and just all around good person. I only met THE Wonder Woman once, and since then I’ve been trying to get her attention the only way a daughter of Athena like me can… I’ve been sending contingency plans to the Justice Hall in hopes one of them will make them want to talk to me and talk about it. You might say it’s pointless, Batman is the best planner in the world, and to that I say: Maybe he would like someone to delegate a few of his responsibilities to… You never know.
It was during one of my walks to my job that I felt it.
No worries, those happen all the time in New York. I have nothing to fear, just a mild-
Another one, Bigger
Again, not enough to trigger my alarms, but enough to make me start walking slower… And check my bag to see if everything is with m-
A third one, and this time I fall over
Alright. That’s cause for concern, I start sprinting towards my job while grabbing all the stuff I need to start Plan E.
As I turn a corner expecting to see the street to the building I work at, I am startled back by a falling lamp post.
This is bad
As I enter the building I see Ana, the secretary, ushering people out the building.
- How is it looking? - I ask her as another earthquake begins and doesn’t seem to stop.
- There’s still people inside - She looks at me with a worried expression - You might have to bring out Plan H - She says.
Ana is my best friend and that gives her the privilege of a binder with all my plans so she can help me choose one in big stress situations. That’s still not enough because she just suggested the Bird People Protocol, but I get the gist of what she wants.
- I think you might be right - I say not wanting to get into an argument of my plans with her right now
Being a prepared Child of Athena is very helpful when you're the Chief of Security of the company. I take a deep breath, say a little prayer to my mom hoping for a little luck to get inside and not die. And go in…
The first thing I see as I go through the doors is the bottom floor is collapsing. I rush a couple people out while I make my way to my office, in there I’ll find everything to hopefully save everyone. I just have to go up two floors, the elevators are a bust and a death trap. So the stairs are gonna be my friends.
As I start going up I hit a couple buttons on the wall to trigger the slides that help people go down the stairs faster, (hey, it works for airplanes and they were cheap to install. Just a button and they self inflate).
When I open the door to the second floor I am met by so many people that are injured. I go to usher them to the slides, after finding a couple interns that are so scared but not that bad physically and instruct them on what to do once they get down and keep moving towards my office.
I begin to see my office, it's right there, just a few more moments and everything will be fi-
feel a lot of pain and a crack coming from behind me
Something fell on me. I look back and see that my leg is stuck between a stone pillar and the floor. I feel a lot of pain, but I can't stop. I've already sent everyone on this floor down and there are more above me. If I give up now I’ll die along with everyone else, that’ll not be something that a Demigod will be doing today, I tell myself.
I start to try to lift the pillar with all my strength, it’s hard, it might be impossible, I start thinking of ways to maybe leverage a piece of debris as maybe a lever when the pillar starts to float? It’s not floating, someone picked it up. But who..?
It’s her, in all her glory. She looks exactly like I remember, the black locks of hair flowing, the tiara reflecting the little light inside this crumbling building, her golden lasso on her hand and the pillar on the other, she lifting it like it doesn’t weigh anything. Her ocean blue eyes that are looking directly into my soul, her furrowed brows like she’s mad? Wait, no, she IS mad!
- What are you doing! - She says with an alarm in her tone - I was helping the people off the building when I saw you running INTO it? What are you trying to do?
The reality of the situation finally hits me and I say
- Help me. My office. I can help… - I say with difficulty as my leg starts to hurt a lot more now that the big rock was removed.
She looks at me like I just grew frog legs beneath the pillar, not understanding why I’m trying so hard to go even deeper into the crumbling building.
I say it one more time and she seems to snap out of it.
- What are we looking for? - She says as she picks me up bridal style and starts sprinting into the room. Even with a broken leg I manage to get flustered, but quickly dismiss it as I get my head back in the game
I push myself down and limp to my desk, opening a drawer and pushing a button labeled ‘U’.
Immediately the result can be felt as dozens of inflatable slides appear going from every single window sill, out of seemingly thin air, and gives everyone on the above floors a chance to take a faster way down. But not everything can go according to plan as life constantly likes to remind me. The slide on my window did not trigger so I think I’m stuck until I feel myself being picked up again and my heroine jumps out of the window landing safely with me in her arms.
After that she puts me down on a sidewalk and says
- That was incredibly smart, aren’t you the woman that always has a plan? - She says, and I’m a little upset that that’s how she remembers me.
- Yeah, that 's me. A daughter of Athena trying her best - I say before my leg starts to demand more of my attention and I whimper a little
- Oh your leg! Right! - She says before picking me up again and without all the smoke and panic I can actually feel her muscles and smell a little perfume, strawberry? Maybe Daisy? Maybe alcohol? Wait… That’s the ambulance, I’m in the ambulance getting alcohol rubbed on my leg by a paramedic, staring into her sapphire eyes and she’s saying something... Oh shit she said something!
- Sorry what? - I say trying to cool my nerves from seeing her again
- I said I’ll be right back to check on you, these quakes are not natural. The League is currently stopping the cause of it but there are still civilians trapped in building that don’t have slides that help them get down - She smiles a little and it’s the prettiest smile I have ever seen
- Yeah, it’s cool, you’re a hero and all that - Say in an effort to look casual in the face of all this
A few hours later I had to be taken to the hospital to get my leg on a cast and suspended above me on the bed that I’m laying down on. Ana made it out without any serious injuries and is keeping me company, and by company I mean she’s currently hearing me be anxious about my meeting with The Wonder Woman. 
- She said she would check on me later - I say for what’s probably the thousandth time
- Yup, but when she said you were on the street getting tended to by an EMT. Now she probably has no idea where you - She keeps trying to manage my expectations.
- But look at the TV Ana, a lot of people need help, she’s probably helping them. and this is one of the only hospitals that didn’t seem to be that affected by the quake! - I reason with her.
- Why do I keep getting into arguments with you? - she says with a long sigh - Damn Owl Spawn - she says with a smirk that gets wiped by the pillow I throw on her face
- Because you live in hope that you can win! - I tease back and am promptly met by the same pillow hitting my face.
-But seriously Y/N - She says looking at me - I wouldn’t get my hopes up, she’s a superhero. She’ll probably be busy until the next morning and then she’ll probably go back to her place and sleep for a long time, maybe she’ll forget.
- I can still hope, right? - I say a little sadly to Ana who nods and pulls me into a hug
- You should get some rest Bird Brain, I’ll be here if you need anything - Ana says, going to turn off the light and heading to her chair next to my bed.
- Fine - I say as the day finally catches up to me and I fall asleep almost immediately
It’s probably not until around 4 A.M when I hear a little tapping on my hospital window, at first I think I’m dreaming because I’m quite a way high up on this hospital, I would say about 30,5 meters away from ground level. But then I hear it again
tap tap tap
Okay, that’s not a dream. I take my leg off the suspension gently so as to not hurt myself and open the curtain to see… HER! She’s flying and staring at me through the window looking a bit shy, if I were to guess.
- You’re here!? - I open the window and question a little too happy about this meeting
- I told I would be - she smiles - How are you doing? - she questions looking at my cast.
- I’m doing fine - I shrug - The drugs help with the pain and I heal quite fast.
- Right, you’re also a demigoddess - she says with a smile - So am I.
- You are? You mean you’re not a goddess? - I ask and immediately regret it. You don’t ask a pretty woman that? Are you nuts? I say to myself thinking she’ll be put off by my comment and fly away. But to my surprise, she laughs and it’s the most beautiful laugh I’ve ever heard.
- No no, I’m the daughter of Zeus with the queen of the amazons, Hippolyta - She says in a casual way like that wasn’t a huge bombshell for me to discover
- That’s so cool - I say after making myself pick my jaw from the floor - Would you… ummm… Would you like to come in? - I ask her and to my surprise she accepts
The first thing I notice when she comes in is how tall she is, I think I would’ve figured out she was an Amazon with enough time, I quickly notice that she’s probably 6,2 inches, which makes me feel fuzzy inside. The next thing I notice is how strong she is. When she went inside, she picked me up by my side and sat me down on the bed before finally touching the floor. 
I realize I’m staring again and that I missed what she was saying, again! This never happens to me.
- I’m so sorry, I was distracted, what did you say? - I say hoping she doesn’t think I’m always like this.
- I just asked if she’ll wake up anytime soon. - She repeats without a hint of annoyance. Gesturing to Ana sleeping on the chair in a position that doesn’t seem that comfortable but I’m not one to judge.
- Oh Ana? No, she only wakes with her alarm or when stuff is thrown at her - I say chuckling.
There’s an awkward silence before she clears her throat and says
- I’m Diana, by the way, Diana Prince - she says putting her hand out - I just wanted to say that the fact that you went inside the collapsing building when you could’ve turned the other way and ran, really impressed me.
I blush very hard when she says that, then I shake her hand and say
- I’m Y/N Y/L/N, it really means a lot to me that you found that impressive. And just so you know, running was not an option, that building had so many contingencies inside it I needed to know that one of them worked. If I didn’t try my own plans what kind of child of wisdom would I be? - I say while shaking her hand
- Hm, does your mother require that of all her children? - She asks almost concerned
- No, not at all. She doesn’t even talk to us! - I say without thinking, this woman makes me so flustered my brain stops working I swear! - It’s more, like an itch. An itch in the back of your mind that doesn’t go away if you don’t test your contraptions
- She doesn’t talk to you? I’m sorry… - She says with sympathy on her voice
-Don’t be - I wave it off -  She’s a goddess, she probably has more important things to do. Besides, I got my smarts and that’s all I need. - I say shuffling on the bed and putting my foot back in it’s place.
She sits next to me and says
- It’s still sad that our parents don’t talk to us
I shrug before gathering my courage and finally asking
- Why’d you come to see me? I’m sure you meet people that are more interesting than me everyday and it’s not like you owe me or anything, you saved life twice today and now you’re here checking on me. Why? - I ask and she thinks for a moment before smiling and… Wait, is she blushing?
- Well it’s simple really, I was very impressed by the fact that you had a protocol in place for such an event and had the guts to go in and make sure it went accordingly that I wanted to maybe see if you were interested in… Showing me some of your plans - That last part seemed to catch her off guard, but I’ll never say no to someone willing to listen to my plans so I get very excited.
- Yeah, sure, of course! I’ll probably be out of the hospital in a couple of days, maybe less if I can convince the docs I’ll take it easy. - I agree a little too fast, but I don’t care. Diana wants to see my plans! - Here’s my number - I give her my number scribbled on a piece of paper I got in my bag - Give me a call please, and we’ll set it up. - I say a little too eager and failing miserably to be cool
- Yeah, sure - she says, accepting the paper and… She is definitely blushing! - I’ll give you a call, and we’ll set up our date… - She stops herself after she says that - I mean, like a friend date. 
- I can accept a date - I blush and nod and look away, trying everything I can to not look her in those sapphire eyes
She gets up and goes to the window but before she looks at me and says.
- I hope I get to see you soon - she says before flying off into the distance
a- Same - I say before snuggling in my bed ready to dream about her but not before hearing
- I heard the whole thing! - Ana says before receiving a face full of pillow.
- We’ll talk in the morning - I say ending the conversation.
Chapter 2
A/N: Some might call Y/N Paranoid, she would say prepared ;)
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stellaex-art · 9 months
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Here's my first post of 2024! Meet Duke Sallos and Duchess Katrina, the parents of Duchess Aradia! I wanted to design Aradia's parents since I first mentioned them in her bio. As you can see I based Sallos on a lovebird and Katrina on a secretary bird, so Aradia gets her eye color and powers from her dad, and her overall appearance from her mom. I also went for a lovebird for Sallos because it made sense for his powers, and it's mentioned that Sallos' hair had a gold-colored aura. I hope you guys like how these two turned out, cuz I poured my heart and soul into them, and I'm very proud of the outcome too ^^ (I'm also not gonna give them full-fledged bios, as they aren't as major in my headcanons, while Beelzebub and Cerberus are)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duke Sallos is a mighty Duke of Hell, ruling thirty legions of demons. He causes men to love women and women to love men. He is the husband of Duchess Katrina and the father of Duchess Aradia. Sallos is very kind and peaceful for a demon, being one of the most nonviolent of the Goetia royalties, and is very jovial and loves to see others smiling, and is also super emotional and extroverted. He is a very loving husband to his wife, Katrina, as his marriage to Katrina was an arranged marriage, but it was a perfectly arranged marriage, so it was true love. He's also a very loving father to Aradia and was very involved in his daughter's life as she was growing up. When she was crowned duchess, he passed his duties down to her and gifted her an enchanted bow with angelic arrows as a weapon. Sallos also owns crocodiles as pets (since it's said Sallos is depicted riding a crocodile), and he adores them, treating them as his babies, even giving them cutesy names and using a baby voice around them. Even with his pacifist nature and love-based powers, Sallos is still a very powerful demon, and won't hesitate to go full demon to scare someone straight, but tries his best not to resort to violence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duchess Katrina is a powerful Duchess of Hell. She is gifted with the ability to control Earth's weather patterns and can summon great storms that can devastate the lands, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake. She is the wife of Duke Sallos and the mother of Duchess Aradia. Compared to her husband, Katrina is more quiet and introverted, rarely showing her emotions, only really showing her true emotions around her family, but also has a fiery temper, and won't hesitate to threaten someone with violence if they disrespect her or her family in any way, shape, or form. She is also very loving towards her husband, due to them being in true love, despite their marriage being an arranged one. She is very caring towards her daughter and helped teach her about the Goetia family and how she will soon join them in terms of power and influence, and was always proud of her daughter and her accomplishments, no matter how big or small. Katrina also made sure the Goetia family didn't interfere with Aradia's life in terms of love and marriage, wanting her daughter to find who she wanted to love on her own. She also taught Aradia about archery while she was growing up, which gave Sallos the idea of giving Aradia her enchanted bow when she was crowned duchess, which made Katrina happy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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kwiis · 2 months
MHA brain rot
2497 words. Slice of life-esque (i’m just having fun writing tbh, i think i’m reeaaallly funny)
Reader x someone in mha idk, reader works at some sort of firm.
Working in an office was bland.
You weren’t a secretary or anything, just a person in a glass box going through pages and pages of someone else’s finances.
Clients come and go, there’s the occasional gossip spread by a particularly mean group of middle aged women with the gall to hide daggers in their sleeves just to get ahead of everyone but other than that, there was nothing to do. If it wasn’t for the severe desperation for money that kept you going then you would’ve - A) turned into a Disney princess and live happily ever after with a bird on each shoulder, or B) turned into a hero (or a villain, they’re equally as enticing) ; however, neither of the options seemed likely.
Frankly, you as a whole just weren't that interesting. Your quirk, nullify - as they like to call it, literally doesn’t do anything other than prevent your body from being physically damaged by quirk related attacks, you can’t even control it for gods sake it was - and still is - always on as if you were a light with a broken switch. What are the odds that you manage to pull the most boring quirk from the genetic gacha machine - worst of all, neither of your parents carried this quirk so where the fuck did it come from? Were you a secret lovechild? Is mom and dad not telling you something? God knows. Thankfully, once you reached 17 your parents were kind enough to tell you whence your quirk came and that your grandma had the same quirk. Finally, one mystery solved.
Fast forward a few years and now here you are, working in an office, bound to four walls for - what feels like all eternity but is actually just 7 hours - a day. Excluding the regular overtime that your boss likes to indirectly inflict upon you. Calling him a menace would be an understatement, more like a 4 armed hell-raising demon. It’s like he flips a coin everyday and asks “should I be an asshole or a huge asshole today?”.
You’d been working at the office for a good couple of years yet you still lived in a shadier part of the city, you weren’t a thug of course but that college debt did some real damage to your sad, sad bank account, if a bank account could frown, yours would’ve been violently sobbing with its snot pooling on the floor. You could’ve chosen to live with your parents but the thought of burdening them for a few more years felt wrong ; so what better way is there to save money than to move into the cheapest, habitable apartment you can find and live off of plain pasta until you can afford to move out? And honestly, it wasn’t that bad. Sure there were loud inconsiderate neighbours, sporadic flickering lights and some unearthly being that you were convinced is the ghost of the past tenant living in your home but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
— — — — — — — — — —
You gather your documents and files into a small briefcase and leave the office. Yet again, your boss had piled more papers on your desk with a sly smile on his face and the words ‘good luck with your client’ leaving his lips. This man is the embodiment of all the reasons why you hate work. By the time you finished it all, it’d already been long past 11pm so no busses were running leaving you to walk back home with your briefcase clutched in your arms. Considering the whereabouts of your apartment, you knew better than to look back when you hear screams being ripped from some poor man’s throat during what you hope assume is a mugging.
Just a few more blocks until you reach home, all you have to do is turn right, walk straight, turn right again into the alleyway to the hidden entrance of your building and… Oh…
There lies your landlord, snivelling on the ground, begging for forgiveness and a…? man? Is that a man? With, what seems to be, strips of overcooked bacon stapled on his face and a parade of blue flames emanating from his palms, threatening to burn the whole building down if my landlord doesn’t pay up for owning a property in his territory. What a fucking joke - who does this man think he is? a magician? Can’t he take his burnt meat elsewhere and perform somewhere that isn’t directly in front of your building?
You're tired, agitated and overall exhausted, but you choose to turn back around the corner and pretend you didn’t see anything knowing that intruding would just make things worse for both you and your landlord. Unluckily for you, you hear the charred man say ‘What was that?’ and slow footsteps walking your way. Thinking under pressure was never your strong point and now, it will be the death of you. Your eyes dart around the dimly lit street for places to hide and then it hits you. You can't hide, not here in an empty street with trash cans full of trash, but you certainly refuse to die now. You start looking for escape routes and then the dark shape of the ladder to your building’s rooftop - which you caught a thief clambering up once - comes into view and bingo! Within a matter of seconds you’re gone, scuttling up the same ladder like a gravity-defying rat with a briefcase that threatens to fall with each movement you take to grab for the ladder.
Once you reach the summit and climb onto the roof, you peer down and see the same burnt-being squinting up your way. Triumphantly, you put both your middle fingers up and watch his brows furrow in pure anger at the sight of your smug expression. Ok maybe you shouldn’t have done that but whatever, you got back to your apartment in one piece, the contents of your briefcase made it home relatively intact and he didn’t follow you home.
In due time you’d come to find out that the lump of coal you had encountered was actually the infamous villain, Dabi, from an uprising villain group known as ‘the League Of Villains’.
— — — — — — — — — —
The following day, you had work, again. And once again, that demon your boss made his daily visit to your desk, dropping so many files onto your desk that you could practically hear the workload - thus, stripping you off the privilege of taking the bus back home. And once again, you took your regular stroll back home, unwillingly basking in the blearing lights from street lamps and police cars.
The moment you opened the door, something felt wrong.
But then again you were too tired and overworked to really care, all you wanted to do was plant your face in between your pillows and turn yourself into a bamboo shoot.
When you turned on the light, the unsightly figure of the man from last night came into focus. Dabi? Was it? You should’ve been fearing for your life and running at your fastest speed but instead, you let out an exasperated huff as you plop your briefcase down and look him straight in the eye. ‘What do you want? I’m exhausted so make it quick’.
Dabi’s eyebrows shot to his hairline at your reaction, he is a murderous criminal standing in your apartment and you’re carelessly worrying over your physical exhaustion, but then again, dressing up in a greasy wifebeater (what an ironic name because that’s exactly what he looks like he’d do to his wife) and a black trench coat that looks like it was sewn together by a 4th grader, makes him look like the weird mean kid from toy story (Sid, the kids name was Sid); he looked significantly less frightening than other villains.
‘how dare you talk to me like that.’ you hear him bellow.
In one swift motion his hand reaches for your wrist and a bright blue flame is pressed onto your skin, you don’t feel fear however, quite the contrary, after all, we all die eventually and frankly, you really didn’t mind dying at the hands of some brazen man with burnt flesh, at least it sounded like a cool and mysterious way to go. But then the stench of this man wafted into your nostrils, how can a man smell like both a wet dog and rotten milk simultaneously, his awful odours might as well be classified as one of the worlds many mysteries, gods, if this is the last thing you smell… and suddenly, your will to live has returned.
After a few seconds, you realise that the flames are taking no effect thanks to your quirk. You have never once been so grateful for your useless quirk. All you can feel is his warm wrinkled flesh on your skin, gross. A few more beats of silence later and some intense bewildered staring and you decide that tonight is gonna be a long night. Is he gonna keep holding your hand all night? Can't he find someone else to hold hands with? What a creep.
‘Who the fuck you calling a creep? I am Dabi, Japan’s best pyromaniac. My flames are more powerful than Endeavours.’ He replies.
‘Get a load of this guy’ you snort under your breath.
Fuck. You said that out loud.
His jaw slacks in awe and his grip loosens, you take the opportunity to squirm out of his grasp and make it run for it. As soon as you reach the outside, fresh, breathable air hits your nostrils and you find yourself apologising for ever saying the city stinks. Behind you were Dabi’s footsteps chasing after you hurriedly, you know this area like the back of your hand so it was no surprise that Dabi lost you eventually, although, by the end of the chase you definitely were hacking up an organ or two and most likely would’ve just dropped dead if it weren’t for the kind, sturdy trash can that gave you enough support to stand. You could hear his frustrated yelling from the main street as you stood catching your breath in an alley, take that sucker, one point to you.
— — — — — — — — — —
Great. Even though you managed to escape Dabi’s grimy hands, you were now in search of a place to sleep, obviously you can't go back to your apartment now because what if that abomination of a human-being was sitting there, waiting for you? Why must the gods target you, what heinous sin could you have possibly committed for them to test you so often, sure once you accidentally melted a whole box of your best friend’s Lego’s in your youth and every so often you succumb to certain human desires but that can’t possibly be the reasoning for your misfortune, why must they choose you and not some other yahoo living an equally miserable life to play with. As you contemplate your life choices, seeking refuge in a nearby hotel for a few days is the only option and thankfully, your area had tons, you just needed to find the right one. Easy enough right?
It took a while of course but eventually you stumbled across a decent looking hotel that looked the right amount of cheap and the right amount of liveable. You walked across the dust-covered carpet and up to the main counter where a woman who looked about her mid 50’s greeted you by looking up from her book, lifting her glasses and looking you up and down with an eyebrow raised to the roof. Well… the customer service might not be great but maybe the rooms will be okay… Upon requesting for a standard room, in which she replied with a silent nod, she gestured for you to follow her, walking up a series of staircases and down an uncomfortably narrow hallway to your room. It wasn’t a great room but it’s far better than what you expected. What you couldn’t understand, however, was why there was a king size bed?
‘I’ll let you know when your partner gets here’
Oh. OH.
By the time you compose yourself enough to respond she’s already halfway down the hallway, turning into the stairwell. Well, it’s better than nothing, who were you to complain about a bigger bed?
You didn’t bring any of your belongings with you but your wallet and phone were stashed in your pocket so you decided to order some takeout. Prices seemingly disappear when you’re running on nothing but the aftereffects of adrenaline coursing through your bloodstream, alas, you settled on 2 small dishes and 1 main dish.
As you leave your room and make your way down to the stairwell, another door swings open and a 5’9 male dressed in a black hoodie and some really worn down jeans walks directly into you (you note down his general appearance to make the police report quicker just incase). His frail frame knocks both of you over like a couple of bowling pins. You’re quick to apologise fearing that he may be some sort of hardened criminal with no mercy for poor, sweat covered people, standing up and going over to help him up, when you realise this man has absolutely no muscle. You’re surprised that he didn’t shrivel away and disintegrate into a pile of bones the moment your bodies collided with all things considered. You reach your hand out, wholly expecting him to accept it but instead he backhand slaps it away with a sharp tsk. He looks up at you and you take note of his features, scruffy white/blue-grey hair, a deep scowl painted over his features, red eyes burning with agitation - which is most definitely your fault, very very arid skin, a scar draped over the corner of his lips, giant eye bags and wrinkles, his neck littered in self-inflicted scratches, and in a sense, he had somewhat cat-like features - but then again who are you to judge, here you are drenched in sweat on your way to collect your greasy takeout.
‘Ah I’m really sorry about that’ you say apologetically, in all honesty this was actually his fault for walking into you so carelessly and yet you were the one apologising.
Before he can reply, a voice behind him calls. ‘What are you doing on the floor Shigaraki?’
Shigaraki…? Sounds familiar.
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School writing project:) it’s pretty long so below line!
A family of five walk down a pothole ridden road, winding between the broken down cars backing up the endless black highway. Gray buildings as high as the road is long lean over them, their broken windows crunching under the families feet. Discarded items from the past panic litter the ground. Not a soul in sight besides them. Not even the chirp of a bird. The only sound you could hear for miles was the sore footsteps of very tired people. It had only been a year since the night the whole world halted to a permanent stop.
It was movie night for the Bennet family. The two young daughters picked the movie as the parents made popcorn. Their uncle Abel had put together a pillow fort in the living room filled with all the blankets necessary to create the greatest movie night ever seen, according to him.
“Adam, are you almost done? It smells godly!” Said Abel while he nestled himself in the corner, surrounded by blankets and pillows.
“Shouldn’t you be turning the movie on for the girls.” Sarah called from the kitchen. He grumbled about his empty stomach, earning a laugh from his nieces. As he clicked the tv on with the remote it automatically turned on where it was set last, he paled as he read the news headline.
“Sec. of defense confirms rumors of attacks.
(below line) Strange attacks happening at night have been confirmed true. “Never seen anything like this before.” Says the secretary of defense. “Unidentified creatures that don’t seem from this world.” VP Kluger describes. Reports of attacks grow larger, no comment on a plan from white house.”
“Check this out!” Abel yelled, a tinge of fear in his voice. His older brother strolled over, bowl of popcorn in hand. His hand hung as he looked at the screen. The popcorn met the floor.
“I’m sure they will get it taken care of soon enough. We’ve only been hearing about it for a few days, give them time to get a plan.” Adam reasoned.
“This is insane. We don’t even know what these animals are, or if they really are animals! The world is going mad.” He said, getting a fistful of popcorn from his brother's hands. Sarah wandered over with a plate of brownies only to pause mid step as she saw the headline.
“I’m sure it’s all in God's plan.” She suggested quickly, an unnatural air to her tone, as she stole the remote to turn on the movie. Luckily it was much too boring for the kids to worry about. The girls both scooted over to steal treats while the movie beamed its intro. The tension stayed like a static between the adults even as the cartoon sang of magic and heroes.
As the movie got to about halfway a loud alarm blares from the speakers. The tv goes black for a moment before suddenly turning full white with this letter displayed:
“EMERGENCY ALERT: Dangerous animals! Affecting all states. Seek shelter. Do not leave your homes. Keep the lights off. Make minimal sounds. This is not a test.”
The family panicked to get everything in order, locking doors, checking supplies, looking up the news, anything they thought would protect them. This is probably a good time to remind you that there wasn’t a lot of information out on these creatures yet, as far as the government knew their ability to see light miles out would attract them. I mean what would you think? They certainly didn’t have a lot of ideas.
“Please don’t turn off the lights.” Bethany cried, the younger of the two daughters. She always had a fear of the dark.
“Oh, honey. I’m sorry, they said we have to keep the lights off.” Her mom whispered. She got on her knees to hug Beth, embracing the young and shaking girl. She curled up into her mothers side, fighting back the tears.
“What's going to happen? Are the animals coming to get us?”
“Okay, we can turn on the lights, as long as we keep the blinds shut tight.” Sarah gave in.
A year later:
Their stomachs grumbled as the sun beat down on them. The sisters longingly stared at the patch of shadow from a building overhang, sweat dripped down, soaking their clothes. So out of reach yet so close, like some sort of sick taunt by god.
“I think it’s time for a small rest, kiddos.” Sarah announced, stopping by a few patio tables. Everyone sighed in relief, all plopping in their own chairs. A warm water bottle is passed around the parched group. As they took their respective sips they thought of the long journey ahead. The plan is to travel miles and miles across the state to find a church, which supposedly has a community of survivors, who supposedly are welcoming and thriving. In my opinion It’s a bit of a long shot, but what do I know anyways, I’m just a narrator.
The owner of the tables happened to be a lovely cafe, however long gone. Through the big windows they could see many more tables and even a fancy looking coffee bar. If it wasn’t for the blood sprayed across the floor it might even be nice. As Adam peered through the window, he noticed something off. He leaned closer to the glass, closer more, the blood looked fresh. Someone else was here very recently.
“Step away from the window. Everyone, step back. Voices low.” He whispered his warning, a cold edge to his voice. The group all stood up, backing into the empty road and buildings. Eyes locked onto the dark cafe in front of them.
The father reached into the backpack on the chair, pulling out a metal bat. He readied himself, his face fully focused, as if he’s a batter trying to hit a homerun which could make his career. A shadow of a figure strolls by, seen only through the windows for flashes of a moment. Lurking, watching.
In the background Sarah and Abel stand on either side of the children. They both grabbed the children’s hand, positioning themselves slightly in front of them.
Adam tentatively nudged the door open with his foot. Silence. He takes a deep, shaky breath. “Maybe It was nothing,” Adam calls out. “God, make it nothing.” He added in a murmur. He stepped backwards, gesturing for the others to do the same.
“Are you sure?” Sarah replied with worry written on her face.
“It was just the buildings. They cast weird shadows. We should keep moving though..” He continued walking backwards towards the group. Once a few feet away they all turn carefully towards the open road ahead. Stomachs growling and heat blaring they continued their journey. Yet the weird shadow kept nagging at Adam’s mind. Could it have been one of the creatures? Why didn’t it attack him? It was as if it was hiding, but he was in the shadow too. What could it have been hiding from?
That was in the past now, he had more important things to worry about. Like where to sleep tonight.
His eyes scanned the buildings ahead, dark window after dark window, empty bench after empty bench, abandoned car after abandoned car. It appeared they would have to make a fire tonight. It will be a long day tomorrow, and overmorrow, and the day after that, too.
The family set up a small campfire in the street, as the kids slept the parents took turns on watch duty. Deep in the shadows hungry beasts stalked their prey.
The end.
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
Hey every one! Let me introduce you to my birdtale boys quill and crow!!
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Quill (birdtale sans):
He is the older brother at 45 years old. He only stands 4’10 feet and has silver magic and eyes. His wings are on the smaller side and resemble spotted quail wings. He’s a softie boy. If he wears his ecto, he’ll have a small layer of chub on him. Just enough to be comfortable to snuggle.
Quill is a soft spoken and observant character. Because of his small stature and his quiet nature, he’s often overlooked. He’s the quiet guy who somehow knows everybody’s secrets and doesn’t know what to do with them. Quill is a kind person and has a real dirty sense of humor once you get past his shy outer shell.
For work, he’s an electrical engineer. Because of his flight, he’s always tasked with the more dangerous jobs like fixing power lines.
Things he loves: corn on the cob, corn nuts, corn bread. Electro swing music. Playing his violin, fantasy novels, raves, gacha and arcade claw games, card games.
His magic weapon is a small knife shaped as a feather, and his special ability is secreting a chalk like powder from his wings. If you startle him, he’ll make a little dust cloud
Crow (birdtale papyrus):
Crow is the younger brother at 38 years old. He stands at 5’11 making him the shortest “papyrus” but for a bird monster he’s considered rather tall. He has slate grey magic and eyes, and blue grey raven wings. If he wears his ecto, he’ll have a slender smooth body. Not super cut like an athlete or anything, but not super skinny either.
Crow is extremely intelligent and is a fiercely loyal and caring monster. He always falls into the role of mom friend with anyone he meets, but can be rather bossy sometimes. Crow is usually serious, but he seems to get along with silly or flamboyant people great.
For work, crow is a secretary/event planner. He works for the mettas and sets up their schedules for them along with helping organize some of the festivals. He’s highly valued by them and he adores his job and his bosses.
Things he loves: cashews, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, collecting shiny rocks and presses pennies, cute fall themed stationary, notebooks, playing darts, playing pool, reality tv shows.
His magic weapon is a bow and arrow. Crow is one of the lucky monsters with two special abilities. One is a photographic memory, and the second is being able to create a small updraft of wind
Now as for my interpretation of the au…
Birdtale is a surface au! Meaning these monsters never were behind a barrier! Living in a world full of thick mountain ranges, earthquakes and other things meant that for the monsters, the skies were the best places to be. Over time, monster species all evolved to grow wings or have some sort of air affinity so they could take to the skies.
All monsters that aren’t elementals have wings in birdtale. The monsters of this au tend to be much smaller and lighter than their counterparts. And earth based monsters like golems or volcano monsters are a thing of the past. The humans live peacefully with the monsters and human/monster mixed groups are common. With very little farmable land in birdtale, the population was rather small. And technology was limited. They did have it, but there weren’t enough resources for every one to have their own running water/electricity. So it was a very community based au.
Side characters:
Thunderstorm (birdtale asgore): the king of the monsters and humans in his little country, and a kind gentle ruler, thunder is beloved by his people. His patient nature won him a spot as a representative of the farm monsters as well. He works with them over land disputes and regulations.
Snowfall (birdtale toriel): queen of the monsters and humans of birdtale, and thunders much more strict soulmate, snow is also loved and respected by her subjects. Her no-nonsense attitude and her hatred of wasting landed her in charge of ebott’s dumps and recycling. A job that she takes very seriously. Anyone who laughs at it faces her wrath.
Robin: a family friend and the adopted mother of quill and crow, Robin is a human lady from birdtale who helped (birdtale gaster) raise her children after her ex walked out on her. Robin is enjoying her retirement in the farm district raising turkeys. The boys visit as often as they can.
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best-bird-bash · 1 year
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Daffy Duck, Looney Tunes, "Daffy starred in 130 shorts in the golden age, making him the third-most frequent character in the Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies cartoons"
Washimi, Aggretsuko, "She's a secretary bird. She's divorced. She's the queen of the office. She walks the walk and talks the talk. She will ax kick your desk in half if you're being an awful boss. Or take you to karaoke if you need to let off some steam. She's my mom in a "please adopt me, you're so cool and such a good role model" kind of way."
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