#Seggy we’re looking at you
radiantroope · 1 year
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laurenairay · 4 years
3 with Seggy if possible? Thanks 💚
Thanks for requesting this one @romanseggy – I hope you enjoy it! Very much inspired by I Won’t Give Up, by Jason Mraz. Also tagging @texanstarslove as he is your OG man  💖
This is the first blurb of my birthday prompt list! Starting the countdown to the big day…now!
“It’s you, it always has been”
“Hey, sweetheart, are you busy?”
You looked up from where you were reading your book on the sofa, to where Tyler was crouched over the dogs lying on their beds, and couldn’t help but smile fondly at him. He was such a softie sometimes.
“Never too busy for you,” you shot back, winking dramatically.
Tyler laughed, giving Marshall one last head ruffle before walking over to you. He held out a hand for you to take, which you did, although you raised an eyebrow suspiciously at him. What was he up to?
“Dance with me?” he asked, smiling oh-so-innocently.
“Are you going to tell me what you’re really doing if I do?”
“Of course,” Tyler grinned.
Well that was that then. You rested one hand on his chest, his arm going around your waist – his free hand pressed a button on his phone, before he tucked it into his pocket, and took your own hand with his, clasping it gently. The opening bars of a song started playing, Tyler swaying you from side to side, making your heart beat a little faster. Where this came from, you didn’t know. But you were sure as hell going to appreciate it while it lasted.
When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
Well, there's so much they hold
“Oh I love this song!” you gasped
Tyler just grinned, squeezing your waist gently. “I know you do,”
You laughed at his blasé attitude, throwing your head back slightly. This man really could be ridiculous sometimes. But god knows you loved him anyway.
You really did love him.
“I know you think I’m ridiculous,” Tyler murmured, “But indulge me?”
Damn he knew you well. Whoops.
“Of course I will, you old romantic,” you mused.
Tyler winked in response, just pulling you a little closer, making you sigh happily as you continued to sway to the music.
Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up
Tyler cleared his throat, making you look up at him. The seriousness on his face made you frown. He never looked this serious unless it was something important. What was wrong? You couldn’t help but frown.
“Everything okay, Ty?” you asked softly.
Your boyfriend just huffed a laugh, smiling wryly at you. “You always have been able to read me so well,”
“Well, I mean, after all these years it would be worrying if I couldn’t,” you said dryly, trying to keep your tone light.
Because you could see in his eyes that he was nervous. So nervous. What was making him act like this?
“You’re right, we have been together a long time now. So long that I don’t know what I would do without you in my life,”
The softness of his voice made your breath catch in your throat. Why was he saying these things?
“Ty?” you asked, confused.
“When I think of how I want to spend the rest of my life, with who I want to spend the rest of my life…it’s you, it always has been,” he said seriously.
A lump rose in your throat as your heart started beating a little faster. Was he…was he really…
Oh god.
“I just don’t want to spend another day without knowing that you’ll always be by my side, like I’ll always be like yours. You make me want to be a better man, sweetheart. And I promise I always will try to be exactly what you deserve,”
You whimpered as Tyler let go of you, reaching into his pocket, barely able to remember how to breathe, let alone able to control all of the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm you.
And then he stepped back, and knelt down on one knee. You couldn’t take your eyes off him as he reached out for your hand.
“I love you. So much,” he murmured.
Your breath caught in your throat. “I love you too,” you whispered.
Then he smiled.
“Will you marry me?” he asked.
The way he looked up at you, eyes so full of love and hope, made all of your careful control crumble, and you found yourself unable to stop the tears that trickled down your cheeks as you nodded a little helplessly.
“Of course I will. Of course I’ll marry you!” you said, voice more than a little shaky.
The relief that flooded across Tyler’s face was instant, making you laugh a little wetly as he slowly slid the ring onto your finger. Holy shit. Holy shit. Did that really just happen?
“Get up here so I can kiss you,” you demanded.
Tyler laughed, quickly standing up to take your lips in a firm kiss, arms sliding around you tightly as you threw your arms around his neck. When you eventually pulled away, it wasn’t only your face that was wet with tears.
“I was so nervous,” he admitted, voice a little choked up.
“I could tell you were nervous…but I had no idea you were going to do this,” you giggled, trying to wipe your cheeks dry.
“You had no idea?” he laughed.
You just shook your head, smiling. “Best surprise ever,”
Tyler threw his head back laughing, making you smile even wider.
“You know, I always thought you would want something more public than this,” you confessed.
You knew how much his public image meant to him – you’d gotten used to that a long time ago.
“But I knew you wouldn’t,” Tyler shrugged, smiling at you.
Butterflies filled your stomach. This man. This incredibly thoughtful man.
“Ty…” you murmured.
“I compromised,” Tyler added, a little sheepishly.
“Oh?” you asked, repeating your thought.
Tyler looked over to where the dogs were still lying, making you confused. What?
“Marshall, come here boy!”
You couldn’t help but laugh, hand flying up to cover your mouth, as you spotted the GoPro strapped to Marshall’s chest. That sneak was setting it up just before he asked you to dance!
“I figured it might be pretty fun to play at our wedding? You know, after we’ve edited? We can also take stills from the video, if you wanted to send a photo to your family,” Tyler suggested hopefully.
You jaw dropped slightly at his planning, tears springing to your eyes. He really had thought all of this through, hadn’t he?
“Yeah, yeah that sounds good to me,” you nodded, sniffing.
Tyler grinned, pressing a slow sweet kiss to your lips, before he leaned down to stop the camera recording. You ruffled Marshall’s ears, what a good boy, before you looked back up at Tyler.
“We haven’t finished our dance yet, Mr Seguin,” you said simply.
The smile that spread over Tyler’s face made your heart beat a little faster.
“No we haven’t, soon-to-be-Mrs Seguin,” he grinned.
Holy shit.
Tyler laughed at the stunned look on your face as he tugged you back into a dance hold, swaying you together once more.
'Cause even the stars, they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Ruined - Jamie Benn - Part 8
Word Count: 4,412
POV: Jamie
Warnings: Language, Angst
Recap: Things were going well for our high school sweethearts, that was until a backyard BBQ party. Our reader heard Caitlyn and Sara talking about her relationship with Jamie, and what she heard didn’t sit well. Let’s see if everything will be ruined or not?
Notes: So here we are the final chapter (though there will be an epilogue). Thank you guys so much for being patient with me on this one. I fully expet that this will not get any notes or reblogs but I seriously don’t care. I know that some of you really wanted to see how this story ended and I wanted to give you that. I loved this story from the start and I wasn’t just not going to end it. For those of you that are upset that I wrote this, please refrain from coming in my inbox at me, I’ve worked over 30 hours in 2 days and don’t need your hate this week. (Also if there are typos that’s why, my proofing suffered) At any rate, I hope those of you that do read it enjoy watching the pieces all fall together. As always Happy Reading!!! 
Sidenote: Also (Y/NN) = Your Nickname (Y/LN) = Your Last Name
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"Hey Segs, have you seen (Y/N)?"
 Tyler cocked his head back before answering you. "Really? You're not attached to her side?" You didn't feel the need to respond and instead just gave him a death glare. Tyler just clasped your shoulder and drew you close to him. "Come on Chubbs, I'm just teasing, but you haven't let her out of your sight all night. It's kind of cute." You wanted to argue, but you might have kept her in your line of vision since the moment she got here, except when she was off with Jessi. Which is who you should be looking for since that's who (Y/N) had last been talking to.
 You tried to move out of Tyler's grasp to do just that, but the man continued on. "I mean it, man. I haven't seen you like this before. I'm really happy for you."
 "Thanks, Seggy." Most of your teammates felt the same way. They liked (Y/N), but then what was not to like. She was smart, funny, outgoing, and beautiful, and on top of that, she was a brilliant and talented doctor. Damn, you were lucky that she had given you another chance. There was no way you were going to screw this one up.
 "There she is," Tyler pointed out, bringing you out of your musings. "And there she goes." He added as (Y/N) literally headed out the front door. You were striding towards the door before you even had time to think about it. You tried to calm your racing heart, telling yourself that maybe she'd spilled something on her clothes and that she was going home to change, or that she'd suddenly remembered she'd left the curling iron on. The feeling in the pit of your stomach was saying something different though. Something felt off. It was the way she ran to the front door not making eye contact with a single person and how she shut the door, not a full-out slam, but definitely done with more force than necessary.
 "Hey Jamie, how about we…" you didn't even spare Caitlyn a second glance. You all but shoved her out of the way when she tried to step in front of the door. This time you were the one slamming it shut, letting her know that she was not welcome to follow you.
 "(Y/N)!" you screamed, as she was halfway in the neighbor's yard, yet she didn't turn around. "(Y/N)!" You were in an all-out run now, panic kicking in as she wasn't answering you back. By the time you reached her she was at her door ready to punch in the key code. "(Y/N) didn't you hear me?" You grabbed her upper arm, as you caught your breath.
 "Leave me alone, Jamie."
 It was at that moment that you were able to turn her to face you. Tears were rolling down her face. "Jesus, what's wrong?" You tried to hold her close to your chest, comfort her, but she wasn't having any of it, as she pulled free of your hold on her.
 "What's wrong?" She shouted indignantly. "What's wrong, is that I never want to see you again."
 Her words felt like a slap to your face, and you flinched back as if she had actually struck you. "I…I…," now was not the time to become tongue-tied. "What did I do? Tell me and I'll make it right. I swear it." You went to touch her, but she jumped back out of your reach, shrugging you off. You couldn't breathe. This couldn't be happening again. You wouldn't let it happen. "Talk to me (Y/N)."
 Arms crossed she stood there defiantly, her whole demeanor changing. Gone was the weeping woman from moments ago, as she seemed to turn her whole wrath on you. "I'm sick and tired of it, Jamie. Am I just some sort of game to you? Is that all I am? All I ever was?"
 "What are you talking about? Of course, you're not some game." Surely, she had to see how much she meant to you and how much none of this made sense at the moment. "If you'll just tell me what happened…"
 "Like you don't know. Your little playing dumb game isn't going to work this time." She shoved your chest hard, causing you to stumble back. "Now get off my property." (Y/N) took advantage of the moment, opening the door and whisking away inside. She was just about to slam it shut, and lock you out more than likely, when you pushed the heel of your hand hard against the door, stopping her. "I said leave me alone."
 You ignored her protests, shoving your way inside. "It's not going to work this time. I'm not leaving. I don't care if it takes days or weeks but I'm not giving up on us this time."
 A bitter scoff left her lips as she crossed the entryway and headed deeper into her home. You stalked her every move, following her to the kitchen. "You can drop the act you know. Now that I know everything there's no need to pretend."
 "I'm not pretending. I don't even know what the fuck we're talking about so how could I be." You could see the anger bubbling up inside her. What or who had made her question your feelings for her was beyond you, but one way or another you were going to get to the bottom of this. "Just tell me what happened?" You pleaded yet again. "Or I'll go back over to that house and question every damn person until I find out the truth."
 "The truth?" she laughingly mocked. "That's rich considering you've been lying to me."
 "What the hell have I lied about?" Your brain was working overtime going through every word that you'd said to her since bumping into her on the road that day. Sure, you'd maneuvered your way into being her guide around the arena but could you really consider that a lie? Then there was Jordie and Jessi's party, you'd used it to your advantage to see her again; it was a slight deception but harmless. You didn't think either of those things would cause her to be this angry with you. "Ok, so I begged Jordie to invite you to his house because I had to see you again (Y/N). I just wanted a chance to be with you again. I didn't think you'd be this upset about it."
 "You what?" You could see her processing your words, and it registered then that that wasn't the lie she spoke of. What else could it be? "So, Jordie and Jessi are in on it too? I thought she was my friend."
 You knew she spoke of her developing friendship with Jess and you didn't want her questioning that. "They only did it because they know how much I cared about you. How much I still do. How much I love you." You'd held back the words the past two days, knowing that she wasn't ready to hear them just yet. Now there was no reason. She needed to know how you felt. That your feelings for her had never gone away, not even one day in fourteen years.
 "Those words fall so easily off your lips. Do you even know what love is?" She spat the allegation at you and it stung like a thousand bees all descending on you at once.
 "How can you say that?" You walked closer to her, and she turned away. "I loved you all those years ago, just as I do now. I never stopped. Maybe back then I was stupid to realize how much our love meant to me, but I'm not young and naïve anymore. I know you're the only one for me and if you would just look at me right now, you would see that I'm telling you the truth." Gently, you touched her shoulder urging her to turn. She did. Her eyes raising to meet yours, both shining with tears and you prayed to God she would see the love you had for her there. "I love you, (Y/N). I always have and I always will."
 She sucked in a breath at your admission and you knew that somehow, someway deep down she saw the love you had for her. "I…I…" She pivoted then on her heel, walking away, catching herself on the kitchen island as she took deep gulps of air.
 Carefully, as if you were approaching a timid animal, for in essence (Y/N) was just as fragile, you made your way to her. You placed your hands on her shoulders, not asking her to turn to you, but needing to touch her and comfort her in any way you could. "It's ok if you don't love me. I can wait. I'll wait as long as you need. I'm not going anywhere."
 She bowed her head and you could hear her sniffle. It took everything in you to not gather her up in your arms, but you knew she'd only reject that right now. "I don't understand how you can say those things," she finally whispered. "I know you don't want me here."
 "Don't want you here? Who told you that?" She shrugged and this time you twirled her to face you. "Whoever told you that, lied. I would die without you here." The laugh she gave was hollow and you knew she didn't believe you. "I'm serious (Y/N). You live two houses from me and it's too far. I want to be with you every minute of every hour of the day."
 "But they said you were trying to get me fired."
 Your eyes grew round like saucers and now you were the one that had anger coursing through your veins. Who would say such a thing? Who would want to destroy your happiness like this? Though none of it mattered at the moment. The only thing that did was the woman in front of you. "(Y/N), I don't want you fired. That's the last thing I want. If I could I'd have you at every practice and every game; home and away." With a tilt of her chin, you raised her head up to look you in the eye once more. "You are a brilliant doctor and the Stars are lucky to have you. I'm lucky to have you." It was the first time since this all started that her lips turned up in a slight smile, before quickly going to a look of confusion.
 "But they said you went and talked to the owner about getting rid of me."
 You laughed. Probably not the best thing to do at the moment considering the scowl that crossed (Y/N)'s face. "The truth is, I did go talk to Tom, but not about getting you fired. I went to see if it was possible for you to come on the road with us as well." She shook her head in disbelief. "I told you (Y/N), I don't want to be without you. I'll call him right now and he can tell you that himself." You reached into your pocket to grab your phone to do just that, though she clasped your wrist to stop you.
 "No, it's ok Jame. I believe you." Silently you thanked God for this small favor. Maybe if she believed you about this, she would know you were telling the truth about everything else. (Y/N) started to pace around the kitchen, her mind working overtime again. "I know it was fourteen years ago, Jame, but it feels like it's happening all over again."
 It did feel that way. "So, let's not let history repeat itself. Let's work this out (Y/N)." She stopped in tracks, then gave a small nod.
 "Maybe we should start at the beginning." She gave her agreement, but you clarified. "I think we need to go back fourteen years."
 "You think that will change anything?"
 You shrugged, not knowing if it would or not, but you thought it best that the two of you get everything out in the open. "Yes, no…I don't know. It's worth a try." It would hurt opening up old wounds but maybe talking about them would finally give her a chance to heal and in turn, give you both a chance at happiness.
 You blew out a frustrated breath before starting. "I know it was wrong to talk about what happened between us with Jordie. I should've just kept it between us."
 (Y/N) closed her eyes and you could see the pain of what had happened written all over her face. "What did you say to him?"
 "Nothing like what was going around the school; I swear it." You could see she didn't believe you. Given what was said, you could see why. "Look all I told Jamie was that it was the most amazing night of my life and…" you started to blush at reveling this next part. "And I thanked him for the couple of tips he gave me." There was a smirk on her face at your admission and you could see that she wanted to ask what they were but she also knew now was not the time to get into it. "I didn't realize that Connor was in the locker room and overheard everything."
 "Conner Barnhart? You mean Alyssa's brother?"
 "Yeah," It was still hard to believe that (Y/N)'s brother, Justin, had married Alyssa for you remembered how much of a menace she'd been to not only (Y/N) but yourself. Alyssa had tried, on more than one occasion, after you and (Y/N) broke up, to go out with you, though you'd refused her at every turn.
 "So, let me get this straight. You told Connor that you only dated me because I was easy? Did you think that would keep him quiet or something?"
 "I never said that, to him or anyone."
 "But then…who did?" You'd like to know the answer to that as well.
 "I'm not sure. I threw Connor up against the lockers and threatened to beat the shit out of him if he told anyone. Which is how I ended up suspended for the next three days." You can still remember how pissed your parents had been when they found out.
 "I thought you were sick?"
 You ran your hands through your hair as you remembered the look of disappointment on your parent's faces when they were called to the principal's office. "That's what we told everyone. The principal agreed not to have it on my formal record so that it didn't hurt my chances to get into college. At the time I thought I'd be playing hockey at some university and having a black mark on my transcript might hurt those chances. So, they agreed to keep me out of school for three days. Hence, my mom not letting me talk to you when you called." It had been the longest three days of your life back then. If you only knew back then that those three days would lead to fourteen years without (Y/N), you would've done things differently. "I wrote it all in that letter to you."
 "But I ripped it up and threw it away." You nodded. It had been that moment that you knew you had no hope of getting back together with her and had given up. "So, let me get this straight. The only thing Connor ever knew was that we had sex."
 "And that it was amazing." It probably didn't need to be said, but you were trying to get on her good side after rehashing all these old memories.
 "It was," she admitted and you wanted to add that it still was, but again the timing seemed off. "He had to have made up the rest, but why would he do that?"
 "I'm wondering that myself. He didn't have anything to gain that's for sure. Though I couldn't follow through with my threat after being suspended." Though you wanted to, more than anything. If the little shithead had played hockey, instead of soccer you would've checked him so hard into the boards, that he wouldn't be playing for a least a week. It would've been worth the five-minute penalty.
 "Someone obviously wanted to break us up, just the same as tonight."
 "(Y/N), Who said I wanted you fired and all the rest of that shit?"
 It was her turn to blush this time, though, for the life of you, you couldn't figure out why. "I overheard someone say it."
 You could care less about her eavesdropping, that didn't matter. "Who said it?"
 "Caitlyn and Sara." Red hot anger coursed through you, at the thought of these two girls making up lies to tear you and (Y/N) apart. The scary thing was it had almost worked. You wanted to march back over there only to throw them out of your house, but you could deal with them later. Right now, the only woman that mattered was the one in front of you, who looked as though she was ashamed to have believed them in the first place. "I'm sorry Jamie. I should've never believed a word they said. I was just too blind to see that they were lying."
 This time when you took her in your arms she came easily. It felt so good to just hold her again. "It's ok," you told her in a soft soothing voice while you dropped a kiss on her head. "Given our past, I can see why you were skeptical. I just hope that you can trust me going forward."
 She looked up into your eyes. "I do Jamie. I trust you. I should've trusted you fourteen years ago. I was stupid to think that you would say all those things after what we had shared that night. It's my fault we weren't together all this time."
 "You weren't stupid. I should've been more aware of where I was and waited to talk to Jordie at home in private. I'm just as much to blame for what happened. I just don't understand why people want to break us apart when we're meant to be together." You leaned down and dropped a kiss to her lips. It was soft and tender, reminiscent of all those years ago when you'd first kissed her. You wanted to kiss her like this every day from now until the end of time but she pulled back from it, too quick for your liking.
 "I think I know who started those rumors back in high school."
 "I need to make a call to see if I'm right." She searched her pockets then the house, looking you assumed for her cell phone. "Shit, I left it in your bedroom."
 You took her hand and started for the door. "Let's go."
 "No, wait. Everyone is still there and I probably look a mess, just give me five minutes to freshen up." She headed for the stairs and you followed.
 "I'm not letting you out of my sight." She laughed, the sound one of the best things you'd ever heard.
 It took a little longer than the five minutes she'd anticipated as you showered her with kisses every so often, but soon you were headed across the lawn and back to your house. When you saw both Sara and Caitlyn as you walked through the front door, you stopped. It took every ounce of willpower in your body to not say anything to them. Instead, you clasped (Y/N)'s hand and spun her body into yours, before stealing her breath away in a searing kiss. You heard a few cheers from your teammates as you kissed her passionately, and you were pretty sure you heard Caitlyn stomp her feet before slamming your front door shut. Good riddance.
 Once you were tucked away in your bedroom, the party still going on downstairs, (Y/N) grabbed her phone to make the call she spoke about. "Hey Justin," she said to her brother. "Is Alyssa there?" He must have replied yes then went off to find her. It was then that (Y/N) put the call on speaker.
 "Hey (Y/N), what's up?"
 "This might sound stupid, Alyssa, but I have to ask you something. Please be honest with me."
 "Back in high school did you start that rumor about Jamie only sleeping with me because I was easy?" You started to put the pieces together as you waited for Alyssa to answer.
 There was a long pause on the other end before she said anything. "I'm so sorry (Y/N). I was young and stupid…and…god can you ever forgive me?"
 You looked at (Y/N), who looked back at you. It would be her call to forgive her sister-in-law, not yours. "What's done is done," (Y/N) finally told her. "We can't change it, but why did you do it?"
 "I…I wanted Jamie." You had already figured that part out and you were pretty sure (Y/N) had as well. "So, when Connor told me what he overheard in the locker room, I started the rumor. I thought if I could break you two up, that he'd want to date me. Obviously, that backfired. I'm just so sorry I hurt you both in the process."
 "We all make dumb mistakes Alyssa. I just wish you would've told me sooner."
 "I know. I should've said something back then or at least when I got together with Justin, but I didn't want you to hate me. Say you don't hate me, please." You could tell Alyssa was crying in the background. She was going to have a lot of explaining to do to Justin as well.
 "I don't hate you." (Y/N) told her. Part of you wanted to hate Alyssa for destroying what you had with (Y/N), but then it was so long ago and what you had now with her was so much better. "But I can't forgive you right now either. It's going to take time."
 "I understand," Alyssa sobbed into the phone. "For what it's worth I am truly sorry."
 "I know, and thank you for telling me the truth now. We'll talk soon." With that (Y/N) hung up the phone.
 "I'm sorry, (Y/N)," you offered by way of apology for everything that she'd gone through tonight.
 "Oh Jame," she said, grabbing your hands in hers in the process. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I should be apologizing to you. I should've known that you wouldn't have said those things about me then or even now. Instead, I doubted us." She took both your hands in hers, then looked you straight in the eye. "Can you ever forgive me?"
 "There's nothing to forgive. I told you before, I'm as much to blame. It's in the past and I'd rather concentrate on our future." Taking your joined hands, you brought hers to your lips and tenderly kissed them, hoping and praying that she wanted a future with you as well.
 "I'd like that too, Jame." Cupping her face, you brought her lips to yours. Downstairs, the party continued on as you could hear music and people chattering in the background, yet ensconced here in your bedroom, it felt as though you were the only two that existed in this world. You weren't sure how long the two of you stayed like that, mouths just fused together, loving one another.
 "We should probably go back down," you suggested even though you wanted nothing more than to simply lay (Y/N) on your bed and make love to her until neither of you could see straight. She nodded and you both got up off the bed from where you had been sitting, though you couldn't resist kissing her one more time.
 “We should probably go back down,” you suggested even though you wanted nothing more than to simply lay (Y/N) on your bed and make love to her until neither of you could see straight. She nodded and you both got up off the bed from where you had been sitting. Taking her hand, you entwined your fingers with her then headed to the door. (Y/N) stopped though and tugged you back towards her.
 “Before we go down there, there’s just one more thing I have to say.” You took a deep breath, still half afraid that she was going to run and never come back this time. “You said something earlier, that I can’t get out of my head.” You tried to replay the events of the last hour over in your head but so many things were said you couldn’t be sure what she was referring to, and so you furrowed your brow in question. “You said you never stopped loving me.” It was true. If someone would’ve said that to you years ago, you would’ve laughed at them and shrugged off their comments, but the moment (Y/N) walked back into your life, you knew that she was your first and only love. You went to tell her that but she continued. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I never stopped loving you either.” A grin that would stretch across the Grand Canyon took over your face and your arms wrapped around her waist to pull her close. “I pushed so many others out of my life and I’m only realizing now, that it’s because they weren’t you. I tried to close off my heart to you when I ran into that first day in Dallas, but you managed to burst through and not give up on us, and I’m so thankful you didn’t. I know I said before that I wanted to try to give us a shot, but there’s no one else in this world for me. I love you with my whole heart and soul, Jamie Benn.”
 Your heart was pounding so hard, you thought it would beat right out of its chest, but then that would be fine because you knew that (Y/N) would be right there to catch it. “I love you too (Y/N), with all that I am and so much more.” Your mouth came down on hers and though you’d kissed a thousand times before, this was one special. It spoke not only of love but of pain, of sorrow but joy, of all things that had been and all that would come tomorrow, for your future was here with her and there was no place else that you’d rather be.  
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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juliaswinterwriting challenge, pt. 1
20. “Remember sleeping? Sleeping was nice.” with Tyler Seguin
a/n: here we go! my first of two submissions for @wondershawns challenge. hope you enjoy! (the next one will be longer and will be with Barzy.)
summary: a short fluffball about Tyler Seguin and his wife being sleep-deprived by their newborn daughter.
warnings: swearing, joke about a daddy kink, and dad Seggy, which deserves a warning. total fluff.
You were pulled from sleep for the fifth time that night by your baby girl’s cries.
You moaned, your arm thrown across your face in an attempt to shield your eyes from the moonlight streaming in through the bay window in your master suite. Tyler inhaled sharply as he, too, awoke, hearing his little daughter’s sad sounds. He sighed, propping himself up on his elbows.
���Mmm, remember sleeping?” Tyler inquired in a groggy voice.
You rubbed your eyes and sat up, too, zombie-like.
“Sleeping was nice,” you mused dreamily. “I’ll go get her,” you said as you moved to swing your legs off the bed.
In a flash, Tyler reached his long arms out and easily pulled your feet back onto the mattress. You had formed a bad habit of rushing to the nursery anytime your baby made even the smallest peep, and Tyler was trying his damnedest to break you of it.
“Mmm, nope. Nooo, you don’t,” he warned. “I’ll get her. You get back in bed,” he ordered, pointing at you.
You dropped your head back to the pillow and appreciatively took in your handsome husband, dressed only in his boxers, stretching his arms high above his head before sliding out of your bed. He’d always been unsettlingly handsome, but you’d recently found that he was even more attractive to you when caring for your baby girl. He was already wrapped around her little finger.
“‘Kay, deal” you breathed, a half-smile on your lips. “Thanks, baby. She probably just needs changed.”
He nodded, yawning, as the baby’s cries intensified. “I’m coming, Mia girl,” he called as he pushed his long curls back and walked down the hall.
Tyler turned the corner into the nursery and approached the crib where your two-month-old lay — all chestnut brown curls like him and big blue eyes like you. As he reached for her, he was struck, as he was each time he laid eyes on her, by how goddamn lucky he was.
“Hi, tiny girl,” Tyler sang, bringing Mia’s little head to his lips and kissing her dark, feathery soft hair before snuggling her against his bare chest. “Hi,” he repeated softly as she let out only small noises of discontent, her loud cries having subsided the moment she was gathered into her father’s arms. “You okay, little one? Yeah, you’re okay, huh?”
Little did Tyler know that you had blatantly ignored his instruction to stay in bed, unable to resist watching him tend to Mia, even as tired as you were. You stood in the doorway, leaning against the post with arms crossed, a soft smile on your face.
You stayed quiet as he changed Mia’s diaper and casually talked to her throughout the process as if she were his best friend — which, you suddenly realized, she truly was. Sorry, Jamie, you thought, though in reality the little girl’s godfather was just about as much of a sucker for her as her own father was.
As he buttoned her pajamas back up, you smirked at Tyler and asked quietly, “Is she being good for Dada?”
Tyler raised his eyebrows as he looked your way, lifting Mia from the changing table and kissing her forehead as he chuckled at you.
“I knew you couldn’t stay away,” Tyler accused. “You can’t say I didn’t try.” You met him on the fluffy pink rug in front of the crib and wrapped your arms around his waist, inhaling Mia’s sweet scent as you pressed your lips to her chubby cheek.
“You’re right,” you admitted, smoothing Mia’s hair as you watched her doze off in Tyler’s arms. “I can’t say that. But I couldn’t help it. I just like watching you be a daddy.”
“What do you mean?” Tyler scoffed haughtily. “You’ve been watching me be a daddy for years,” he added with a wink, making you roll your eyes and shove at his arm.
“Stop, you weirdo. Not in front of the baby,” you laughed as Tyler leaned Mia toward you, and you kissed the top of her head before he laid her back in her crib. Your heart ached at how sweet she looked, eyes already fluttering closed as she drifted back to sleep, and you groaned.
“I love her,” you whined, wrapping your hands around Tyler’s bicep and leaning your head against his arm. He chuckled as he kissed the crown of your head.
“I do, too,” Tyler agreed solemnly before his tone turned jovial. “Shoutout to you for making her, honestly.”
You giggled, turning into his chest as he enveloped you in his arms. “You helped,” you pointed out. Tyler pursed his lips as he considered that thought.
“True. That was fun,” he concurred. “You wanna go back to bed, my love?”
You turned back to the crib, putting your hand on the rail and gazing down at your infant. “Can we just watch her for a minute?” you asked quietly. Tyler hummed in agreement.
“We can do whatever you want — she’s ours,” Tyler said proudly. A smile spread across your face, and the two of you stood together in comfortable silence for a moment, wrapped in each other’s embrace.
“She looks so peaceful like this,” you murmured, breaking the quiet. “She’s been anything but peaceful the last couple of weeks.”
You felt Tyler tense in your grasp as you sighed, and he looked down at you carefully as you gazed at Mia. He knew you so well that he could see — practically feel — you blaming yourself for your baby’s recent and inconsolable discontent.
“You know what my mom told me after you got pregnant?” Tyler asked as he affectionately raked his fingers through your thick hair. Forever soothed by that gesture, you inhaled a deep breath and exhaled a yawn. “Hmm?” was all you could manage.
“She said, ‘The days are long, but the years are short,’” he told you, his chest vibrating with each word.
“And what did she mean by that?” you asked, your cheek still pressed against his skin.
“She meant that, someday, Mia’s gonna be on her own, and she’s not gonna need us to wake up and comfort her in the middle of the night anymore,” Tyler said, the emotion in his voice palpable. Your own throat tightened at that realization.
“And so,” he continued, kissing your hair once more. “Even though we’re tired, we should try and enjoy these moments. Because the years will fly by.”
You looked up at him, resting your chin just beneath his collarbone.
“Or we could just keep having babies so we never have an empty house,” you suggested, only half-joking. Tyler raised his brows at you and a smirk danced on his lips.
“That actually sounds great to me,” he teased, pressing a kiss to your nose.
“I’m kidding... sort of,” you conceded. “But your mom’s right. That Jackie Seguin,” you spoke, eyes closing in exhaustion. “She really knows what she’s talking about.”
Tyler breathed a chuckle, caressing his knuckles across your cheek. “That she does,” he concurred. “Hey... look at me.” At his gentle request, your eyes opened and you were met with his adoring gaze.
“You’re a good mama. You know that?” he asked, but it wasn’t so much a question as it was an assertion. You nodded slowly as he cupped your cheek in his hand.
Tears pricked your eyes at his encouraging words and Tyler whispered, “Come here,” before gathering his arms around your shoulders and pulling you tighter to himself.
“I love you, Ty,” you whispered, kissing his sternum. “You’re the best dad.”
“I love you. You make it easy,” Tyler said, squeezing you before playfully smacking your ass, making you press your hand over your mouth to prevent a yelp from escaping.
“Now come back to bed,” your husband demanded. “We can sleep. Or, better yet, we can start working on keeping the house full of babies,” Tyler added with a wink, tugging your hand behind him as he headed for the door. “And then sleep.”
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
42 with seggy
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42. “You wanna play ‘would you rather’ to pass the time?”
Shoutout to @bigboigritty for the would you rather question in this 😂😂 love ya 💛💛💛
Happy blurb weekend!
Tyler begged you to go to whatever store with him, much to your desire to stay home because of the impending awful weather that was coming. You had no idea why, but his begging was too intolerable to say no, resulting in him being outside your apartment fifteen minutes later praising you for having the time before the storm hit. 
“You owe me big time for this,” you huff, climbing into his car. His mom was flying in that weekend for her birthday, your best friend having no idea what to get the woman even though he had done it on his own every year before this. 
“I know that,” he groans, driving off before you can even put on the seat belt. 
“What do you want to get her?” you ask him, hoping that having a general idea would mean the two of you could get in and out of the store as fast as possible to be home before the storm. 
“A thing,” he says slowly, his voice going up at the end as if to indicate that he was unsure of his answer. 
You look at him, baffled by his lack of idea for a present for the woman who raised him. “I don’t like you. We need to go in, find something, and get out before the storm.” 
He smirks, shaking his head. “Afraid of a little rain?”
“They’re saying trees down, power outages, high winds, possible tornado, etc. All things that I would rather be in the comforts of my apartment for rather than on the road with you,” you tell him as he pulls into the parking lot.
“Relax, the storm isn’t supposed to hit for like, two hours. We won’t be that long.” 
The two of you start wandering around the store, going from clothing to the jewelry section, shoes to homeware, back and forth, wandering the store as Tyler whined that nothing was good enough for his beloved mother.
“I want to kill you, you know that?” you tell him, putting back what had to be the tenth thing you suggested.
“Tell me something new for once, would ya?” he chirps, clearly frustrated. “None of this stuff is good enough.”
“Maybe you just take her out for dinner instead? Does she have a restaurant around here that she really likes or that she wants to try?” you suggest, hoping that means you can leave the store. Checking your phone, you had about an hour before the storm would hit. 
Tyler sighs, not really liking the idea, but what else was there at this point? “I mean, I guess.” 
The two of you start walking towards the front of the store, a crash of thunder sounding from outside. “Holy fuck,” you let out, clearly caught off guard by the sound of some of the merchandise shaking on the shelves. 
Tyler takes your hand, walking through the store to get to the front, the rest of the shoppers hanging around by the front, not moving. “Sorry, what’s going on?” he asks one of them, only to be told that the storm came early, the meteorologists telling everyone to take shelter now. “Looks like we’re stuck here now,” Tyler says. You let out a deep breath, obviously mad because the one condition you had on shopping was that you be home before the storm. “This isn’t my fault,” he drops your hand to throw his up in defense, “It wasn’t supposed to come for another hour.”
“I guess that means we can keep looking for a present,” you tell him, walking back towards the depths of the store. 
He catches up to you, pulling you down one of the aisles. “We have lapped the store twice already. There’s nothing here for my mom.” Without another word, he sits down in the aisle, pulling you down with him. “You wanna play ‘would you rather’ to pass the time?” 
You roll your eyes, agreeing to play the game with him out of lack of other options. “You first.” 
Another crash of thunder shakes the building, the power going out as darkness surrounds the two of you. Your eyes took a moment to adjust, Tyler being much closer to you than you remember. “Would you rather be here with me or alone in your home right now?” he asks, a chuckle sneaking through his words. 
“You’re a jackass,” you laugh, “Home.”
“Damn. I thought we were friends.”
“Not right now. How far can the questions go?”
“As far as you want, I guess,” he shrugs.
You smile at him, knowing you had the perfect question to ask him: “Would you rather suck a goalie's dick or a forward’s dick?” you ask him, not caring about what you asked him at this point.
“Wow!” he yells, breaking the eerie silence that was around you since everyone was in the front waiting for the storm to pass. “You went hard right away. Can I say both?”
“You cannot say both. It’s ‘would you rather,’ not ‘would you?’”
“That makes no sense. But, come on. Have you seen Bish and Dicky? No pun intended.”
“I can’t stand you,” you laugh, the two of you asking each other more and more questions to wait out the storm. 
It felt like it had been at least two hours, the lights finally coming back on. The two of you get back up, the rain much lighter and much less threatening than it had been when it first started. “Guess we can go home now,” you tell Tyler, following everyone out to the parking lot.
The two of you get to his car, Tyler taking a moment to start it up. “I have one more ‘would you rather.’”
“Would you rather go to dinner with my mom and I, or should I take you out on a real date?” 
“You’re asking me out?” you ask, a smile on your face. You didn’t realize you had wanted that, much less would you think you would ever hear it. 
He smiles back, shaking his head. “You’re smarter than that, come on,” he teases.
“Let’s meet the parents later.” 
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baevillier · 4 years
Someone in the crowd | Tyler Seguin
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Summary: A friend of seggy and something happens (nothing too serious) and you’re there for him and he realizes he’s in love with you
Requested: yes
Tyler was frustrated. It was obvious.
He hadn’t scored in over ten games and his drought was becoming a heavy monkey against his back.
His teammates were concerned as Tyler was one of their heavy hitters on the team- they needed him to start getting them points if they expected to make it to the Stanley cup playoffs this year.
His parents and sisters were worried because him not scoring immediately made them think that something was wrong with him and he was going through something.
Even his friends were concerned- Tyler wasn’t his usual happy go lucky self, he was exhausted constantly and always yelling at the smallest things.
For Christ’s sake his dogs had even gotten depressed over the goal drought. Barely lifting their heads when he came in the house.
It was depressing times.
Which is what lead Y/N to storming in Tyler’s house one weekend. With every game that he missed scoring in, Tyler had stopped showing up to the bars and hanging out with the group.
Not wanting him to sit alone in his house and suffer by himself, the girl was on a mission.
“Alright Seggs! Get your ass of the couch and grab a shower! We’re going out tonight!” She cheered, making her presence known.
The dogs jumped up and Berliner towards her, attacking her in sniffs and kisses.
Laying on the dark coloured couch, Tyler groaned, his forearm pressed to his head as he clenched his eyes shut.
“Remind me why I gave you a key?” He asked rhetorically, sitting up and pushing his glasses up his nose as he peeked at her over the cushions.
Y/N had been a friend of Tyler’s for a long time now, they had met at a bar and had a one night stand, but they didn’t really feel like sleeping together again after that- they had a couple drinks again as friends and loved the company.
While they both had underlying feelings, there was never time to act on them with both of their busy schedules.
“Because if you didn’t, you would never get out of bed and shower- or make yourself a proper meal.” She chuckled, greeting him with a hug and playful kiss to his cheek.
Tyler hummed, she wasn’t wrong. Y/N was definitely like the mom friend of their group- he absolutely adored her.
Just her walking into the house had already made him feel better. “Why are we going drinking?” He asked softly.
Y/N fluttered her lashes at him as she sat down on the couch next to him, throwing her legs over his lap and letting his hands rest upon her thighs.
“You’re asking a lot of questions today.” She rolled her eyes. “Just grab a shower and get ready.” She groaned.
Tyler sighed softly. “Fineee but only because I love you.” He winked.
They were always flirty with each other and Y/N loved it, she would never changed anything for the world.
A couple of shots into the night, Tyler was feeling a buzz. He had his arm swung around Y/N and looked across at Jamie and some of their other friends.
It was nice to see everyone together after so long- even though he saw the guys at work, it was nice to have the girls and some of their other friends around.
“You know bud- you’re never gonna get laid if you keep hanging off of me all night.” Y/N chriped at him, laughing softly as she leaned into his embrace.
Raising her glass to her lips, the took a sip and leaked at him over the rim.
Tyler smirked. “Maybe I don’t wanna get laid- maybe I would rather hang out with you.” He winked.
Jamie exchanged a glance with one of the guys before chuckling. “You two should just get together- you already act like a couple.”
Y/N’s cheeks flames. Quickly standing up straight and shrugging Tyler’s arm off, she brushed it off. “He couldn’t handle me.”
As she walked away to go dance with the girls. Tyler’s gaze followed her- something in him that night twisted. He was arguing with her in his head. He could definitely handle her.
When a couple of weeks had passed and Tyler still hadn’t made a goal- he was starting to fall into a depression. He was angry all the time and lashed out at his teammates.
They had taken his “A” away off his jersey, and although t was just to allow someone else to wear it for a game- the fans were blowing it up and saying that his performance was causing the coaches to think about trading him.
Which in turn fuelled his own worries. He had a contract, but he was still worried they would trade him.
It was Saturday night and the stars were set to play a home game- Tyler was feeling particularly down on himself because Y/N was going that night.
He didn’t want her to see him fuck up and miss another goal- the man had even gone as far to beg her not to come.
“Can’t you just wait until I score a goal? Then you can come to as many games as you want after- just let me get my groove back!” He sounded like a pouting puppy over the phone.
Y/N just laughed, already wearing her Seguin jersey and beanie. Her hair was curled into tiny waves and she knew that while Tyler meant well- she has great seats for this game.
“Absolutely not- I have behind the bench seats- right next to the bench actually and on the glass! I’ll never get seats like this again!” She stressed to him happily.
Tyler rolled his eyes. “I bought you those tickets- I can get you more.” He sighed irritably.
Y/N sighed. “Tyler- I’m coming. You’re gonna be fine.” She reassured him. Giving him a quick goodbye, she promised to meet him at the rink.
She could still hear his dread through the phone as he hung up.
When Y/N had made it to her seat, she was carrying a pint of beer and buzzing with adrenaline- the arena was covered in a sea of green and blue- Dallas was playing maple leafs that night and everything was electric.
The players took the ice and focused on their warm-ups, doing some fan service. Y/N spotted a few players that she knew and waved, even waving to Mitch and Morgan. She knew a few of them from her job.
When the game had started, Y/N was silently praying that this would be the night Tyler got his groove back- she didn’t know how much longer he could hold out before his mental health really deteriorated for the worst.
In the second period, Tyler got a hold of the puck, zooming down the ice and getting a breakaway.
As he took a wrist shot, Y/N stiffened. As if the arena was put in slow motion- everyone rose to their feet.
It swished in the back of the net- deep.
Tyler spun around- his teammates engulfing him in a hug and patting his shoulders- he looked around with a bright smile- searching for Y/N.
When he found her, she was jumping around with the rest of the people in her row- cheering harder than anyone else.
She looked beautiful- with his jersey on and a stars beanie upon her head, glass of beer in her hands- she was stunning.
Tyler paused for a moment and took in her appearance. He remembered every attempt she made at cheering him up and smiled fondly.
When he met up with her outside after the game, he wrapped her up in his arms and hugged her tightly- kissing the top of her head as she clung to him.
She was beyond excited and so proud of him- through her rambling, Tyler shook his head- dropping his hockey back and cupping her cheeks.
His lips found hers and her felt the warmness of her touch kissing her passionately.
“What was that for?” Y/N pulled away, her words coming out breathlessly as she looked up at him.
Tyler grinned. “I love you.” It was different from Any other time he had said it. There was no flirtatious banter behind it or teasing drunken tone.
He was being sincere and honest.
Y/N’a gaze softened but her grin stretched. “I love you too...” she reassured him, reconnecting their lips.
They were gonna give this a shot- and whatever came from it, so be it. All it took was that one moment for Tyler to see her in a different light.
And he was so grateful.
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tysonbaerrie · 5 years
you can see it with the lights out
Written for the Bennguin Quarantine Fest with the prompt “I can’t feel my legs” from this prompt list. 
It happens quicker than Jamie has time to process. 
They’re in OT, fighting desperately for the points they need. Jamie’s on the bench, but Tyler’s on a breakaway, one of the Bruins’ D-men close behind, and the home crowd is on their feet screaming as he draws closer to the goal. Jamie sees the stick, watches as they hook Tyler around the ankle and pull, sending him twisting and flying into the goal. He slams into the post head first, and the crowd falls silent as Tyler, the goal, and Rask slam into the boards. The goal collapses on top of Tyler, while Rask somehow manages to roll away. 
The crowd falls silent, Tyler doesn’t move, and Jamie launches himself off the bench as the trainer, Mick, races onto the ice. He’s stopped before he can get to Tyler by Guri and Miro. He watches as Pastrnak and one of the refs lift the goal off of Tyler, allowing Mick access. He doesn’t move Tyler, and he doesn’t seem to respond to any of Mick’s questions. When he calls for a stretcher, Jamie breaks through his teammates’ hold and skates over, dropping down onto a knee so he can hover over Tyler. 
“Ty?” He asks, and Mick shakes his head. 
“He’s unresponsive.” He tells him, and Jamie feels the floor drop out beneath him. He steps back enough to let the medics put a brace on Tyler’s neck and slide the backboard beneath him. When they lift him up, Tyler groans but doesn’t open his eyes. Jamie watches them cart him off the ice, doesn’t even realize he’s followed them down the tunnel and into the locker room until the rest of the team follows suit a few minutes later. Technically, according to the refs, Tyler’s puck went in before he crashed into the goal, so they won the game. Jamie could care less, stripping off his uniform and dumping it in the basket before taking the quickest shower of his life and changing into his street clothes. Bones and Jim are waiting when he exits the locker room, and he attempts to barrel past them when he’s stopped by Jim’s hand on his chest. 
“I have to go.” Jamie tells them through gritted teeth. 
“We need to talk.” Jim tells him. “If Seguin’s out…”
“We don’t know anything for sure yet.” Bones points out. 
“He had to be carried out unconscious on a stretcher!” Jim snaps. “We need to formulate a plan.”
“Right now, my plan is to go to the hospital and check on Tyler.”
“He’s being taken care of, Jamie.” Bones assures him. “Right now…”
“No, right now, I’m leaving and going to the hospital.”
“Jamie.” Jim interrupts him. “I know you take your captain duties very seriously…”
“This isn’t about the C!” 
“I know he’s also your friend…”
“He’s more than that!” The words escape Jamie’s mouth before he can stop them. He drags his hand through his damp hair, feels his breathing quicken as he realizes what he’s done. There’s no way to back out of this one, no way to explain it away. He swallows the lump growing in his throat and stares at the ground. “He’s-we’re together.”
He doesn’t dare look up until he hears Jim clear his throat. He’s surprised that neither look angry, really - more shocked than anything. 
“You’re telling me that you and Seguin are...in a relationship?” Jim finally asks, and Jamie nods.
“Yes.” He confirms. “For years.”
“And you didn’t say anything?”
“It wasn’t anybody’s business. Still isn’t.”
“You don’t think this is something we should have known?” 
“No, but now you know. And I have to go.” Jim nods and steps aside enough to let Jamie pass. Before he can go, however, he grabs Jamie’s bicep. “We’ll need to talk about this, but I want you to know that this organization will support you both, whatever you two decide to do.”
Jamie nods and practically jogs to the parking garage. 
The hospital’s emergency department is packed when he arrives, and he’s grateful to be recognized for once when the intake nurse’s eyes widen and she ushers him back to the patient area. Tyler is asleep when he steps in, Mick speaking quietly to a doctor in the corner. Both of them look up when he steps through the sliding door, Mick thanking the doctor before he leaves. 
“How is he?” Jamie asks. “He still hasn’t woken up?”
“He did, briefly, but they put him back under while they assessed him and to keep him still.”
“He has a concussion but that’s not the real problem. He has a crushed vertebrae. They’ll need to go in and repair his spine and they need to do it quickly.”
“Spinal surgery?” Jamie can barely process the words. 
“We’ll know more after that.” Mick replies. “We need to contact his people. Does he have a girlfriend?”
“No, uh, no he doesn’t.”
“Do you know who his emergency contact is?”
“Me.” Jamie replies simply. “I’ll call his mom and sisters.” It’s a dismissal and Mick knows it. 
“Okay, great. I’ll be outside but the nurses should be here soon to prep him for surgery.” Jamie waits until Mick slides the door shut before he collapses into the seat next to Tyler’s bed. They’ve been through injuries before, but Jamie feels a fear course through him like never before. He places his hand on top of Tyler’s, afraid to lift it so he can hold it the way he wants to. Tyler is still - so still- beneath him, and that’s what’s most disturbing to Jamie. Tyler is never still, even in sleep. This is unnatural and Jamie almost wants to recoil from him. 
“It’s going to be okay.” Jamie assures him, reaching up to push a stray curl off of his boyfriend’s face. “You’re going to be fine.”
“Sir?” A nurse asks gently as she steps into the room. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to leave while we prep him for surgery.”
“I can’t stay?”
“Are you family?” She asks, and Jamie’s gaze falls back to Tyler.
“Yeah.” He replies softly. “He’s my family.”
The surgery takes hours. Or perhaps minutes. Jamie loses track of time in the small waiting room they settle him into when they wheel Tyler off. Jackie texts him to tell him that she’ll be on the next flight out of Toronto, and Jamie promises to text her with updates. The only other person he responds to is Jordie, but after that he turns his phone off. Klinger arrives about half an hour after they take Tyler. He rests a hand on Jamie’s shoulder, and Jamie can only lean forward and rest his head in his hands. Rads walks in ten minutes later, taking the open seat on the other side of Jamie. 
“They say something?” He asks, and Jamie shakes his head. 
“They said the surgery could take a few hours. It’s his spine.”
“He be okay, Chubbs.” Rads assures him. “Seggy strong.”
Before Jamie can reply, Bish and Pavs enter the room, followed closely by Dobby and Jason. The massive hockey players fill the small room, but they’re silent for the most part. Rads and Dobby occasionally converse in muttered Russian, and Bish and Klinger disappear long enough to grab coffee for everyone. Jamie tries to turn down the offered cup, but Bish only shoves it into his hand and walks back to his seat. 
When the doctor comes out, Jamie flies out of his chair and is across the small room in three strides to meet him. The others all stand, and the surgeon looks appropriately intimidated by their presence.   
“Mr. Benn?” He asks, and Jamie nods. 
“Yes, how is Tyler?”
“He came through the surgery as well as can be expected. There was significant damage to the T12 vertebra as well as some less severe compression of the L1. We were able to repair and stabilize the L1, but there was only so much that could be done for the T12.”
“So, what now?” Jamie asks, and he doesn’t miss the doctor’s hesitance. Bish comes up behind Jamie, offering silent support. 
“Now, we wait. We wait for him to wake up, then we wait for the swelling to go down and see how severe the damage is. It’ll be a long road, and I’m afraid that at this time I can’t give a better prognosis than that.”
“Can I see him?”
“He’s still in recovery, so it’ll be a few more hours. I suggest you go home and get some rest.”
“I’m fine.” Jamie snaps, and the doctor sighs. 
“Mr. Benn, I know you’re concerned about your friend...”
“Not just friend.” Rads interrupts him, coming up on the other side of Jamie. “He’s Boyfriend. Partner. He want to stay, he stay. We all stay. He our teammate, too.”
The surgeon seems to appraise all of them for a moment before nodding. 
“Okay. I’ll have a nurse come and get you when he’s out of recovery. Only one visitor at a time, though.”
“Thank you.” Jamie replies, running his hand over his face before staring at the ceiling. He can feel the panic rising, his breathing growing heavier. 
“I need...uh, I have to-”
“Tell us what you need, Chubbs.” Pavs tells him, pushing into his space enough to grab Jamie’s attention. “We’ve got you.”
“Uh, the dogs. Someone needs to go home and feed the dogs.”
“On it.” Jason tells him. “Keys?”
“Uh...Marshall gets a special kind. The instructions are in the kitchen pantry. I’ll call the dog sitter tomorrow to take over.” Jamie hands him the keys and Jason leaves with a quick clap on Jamie’s shoulder. 
Once Jason’s gone, the room falls silent again as they wait and wait and wait. Jamie wants to climb the walls, wants to scream and yell and punch someone until he can feel something other than the unbearable panic and sadness and heartbreak that was sure to overwhelm him at any moment. He wants to go home, wants to walk through the door and find Tyler waiting for him. Wants to wrap him up in his arms because that’s the only time in Jamie’s entire life that he feels safe. Wants to know that Tyler is safe and not possibly dying on an operating table. 
When the nurse finally comes, when he’s finally allowed back into the patient rooms, Jamie’s not prepared for seeing Tyler asleep on the hospital bed, machines surrounding him. He stirs when Jamie walks into the room, groaning and groggy. Jamie pulls a chair as close to the bed as he can, wrapping his hand around Tyler’s. 
“‘amie?” Tyler asks, and Jamie brings Tyler’s hand to rest against his cheek. 
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“There was an accident. You hurt your back.” Tyler groans again and nods. He seems to calm for a moment until his eyes flash open, yanking his hand away from Jamie as the machines around him begin to beep frantically. Jamie hits the button for the nurse before he stands to hover over Tyler.
“Ty?” Ty, babe, you have to calm down.”
“I can’t…” Tyler begins, shaking his head. “I can’t feel my legs.”
Jamie feels the breath leave his lungs in an instance, but he pushes that aside to cradle Tyler’s face in his hands. 
“There’s swelling from the surgery, Ty. You’ll be okay. Just breathe, okay?”
“Jamie, but I can’t-”
“Please step aside for a moment.” The nurse tells him, the doctor following closely behind and they get to work. 
The next few weeks are a blur of activity and yet Jamie remembers little of it. Tyler’s in the hospital for three days, then a rehab facility for a week, then Jamie finally gets to bring him home. He has their bed moved down to the office on the ground floor, and a wheelchair ramp is installed on the front steps. Jamie feels a churning in his gut every time he sees or thinks about anything to do with Tyler’s injury, though he is determined not to let it show in front of him. 
Tyler’s angry and bitter, Jamie can tell, at his lack of progress. He still hasn’t regained feeling in his legs. Despite the doctors telling them that Tyler should heal in time, there’s little progress and Jamie knows that Tyler is frustrated. Tyler’s hockey career is over, an unspoken truth between them. Over before its time, before they could reach their goals, lift the Cup together. It’s a truth that Jamie has trouble swallowing, but he pushes his own selfish feelings aside to support his boyfriend. 
Tyler stares at the ramp after Jamie gets him out of the car and settled into the chair. His face is hard and cold, so different from what Jamie’s used to. After a moment, Tyler turns his gaze to the ground and wheels the chair up the ramp to the front door. Jamie follows, unlocking the door and letting himself enjoy having Tyler back in their home again. Tyler heads straight for the living room, clearly searching for something. 
“Where are the dogs?”
“Your mom is picking them up from Bish’s house this afternoon. I thought you could use some time to settle in.”
“Get used to the new normal?” Jamie freezes at that, looking over at Tyler. 
“I know, I know. I just...what if I never get better? What if I never walk again?”
“You’ll get better. The doctors-”
“The doctors don’t know everything! They said I should’ve regained feeling in my legs by now at the very least, and I haven’t. We have to face reality. The truth is, I might be in this chair for the rest of my life.”
“Then we’ll deal with it, together.”
“Jamie…” Tyler’s voice is heartbreaking, and Jamie’s filled with a sudden panic and fear. “Jamie, I can’t ask you to do this.”
“Do what?”
“Stay with me!” Tyler snaps. “This isn’t what you signed up for?”
“What? What I signed up for?”
“Taking care of a cripple!”
Jamie can’t stop himself from slamming his hand against the kitchen counter. 
“You really think I would leave you because you’re hurt?” Jamie’s voice is laced with hurt and dangerously soft. “You really think that little of me?”
“No! My turn to talk. We’ve been together for five years, and you think I would just, what, walk away because things are hard? I love you, asshole.”
Jamie looks up to see tears brimming in Tyler’s eyes, and he stomps away to their new bedroom, digging through his sock drawer until he can find the small box he stashed away there. When he comes back to the living room, Tyler’s eyes snap to his. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispers harshly, and Jamie nods. 
“I know.”
“It’s just...so hard.” Jamie crosses over to the couch, taking a seat across from Tyler and grasping his wrist, dropping the box into his hand. 
“I know it’s hard. But, when I fell in love with you, I didn’t think it would never suck. That we wouldn’t have bad times. But I love you enough to know that there’s no one else I’d want to go through the bad times with.”
Jamie gestures down to the box, and a shaky breath escapes Tyler when he opens it and finds a simple silver band inside. 
“When did you buy this?”
“Two days after your accident.” Jamie answers. “When I thought that there was a chance that I could lose you...I don’t know, I couldn’t remember anymore why we were waiting.”
Tyler’s laugh is wet, but he’s smiling when he looks up at Tyler.
“So,” Jamie asks, and takes the box from Tyler’s hand. “Will you?”
Tyler’s lips on his is all the answer he needs. 
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the-starsabove-you · 5 years
Just Friends After All
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Chapter 3- What are We?  A/N: So this series will be around 20 chapters long! The first fic which I know how many chapters there are. Maybe 30 at most? It’s gonna be an angst kind of story. Like the kind where you’re friends with benefits with someone and you catch feels but the other person doesn’t? Yeah it’s one of those.  Reviews are welcomed  Natalie knocked on the door and heard the dogs barking. She heard Tyler hushing the dogs and he opened the door with a smile “Welcome to my humble home!” Tyler said as he opened the door more to allow her in. She gave him a look and she laughed “You’re an idiot!” She laughed and he winked “Only for you” He said and Natalie’s heart felt like it skipped a beat. Tyler looked upstairs “You can take the guest room or my room. Whichever makes you feel more comfortable” He muttered and she nodded “Probably will drop my stuff off at the guest room. We’ll see how I feel at the end of the night of which room I end up in” Natalie winked and Tyler narrowed his eyes playfully “Oh haha, you’re so funny. You make me laugh” “Thanks Ty, I should have became a comedian” Natalie said. It got quiet for a moment and Tyler stepped forward, looking at her closely before starting to lean down to kiss her but Natalie pulled back and she looked at him “What are we doing?” She whispered and Tyler looked at her “Well, I wanted to kiss you. If you want me to stop, I’ll stop” He said and she admired that he was very respectful. Natalie shook her head “I mean with this.. What we’re doing” She muttered and she shook her head “I mean, I would have liked a date first, something before we did all of this” It was Tyler’s turn to give her a look before he sighed and went to his sofa and sat down “I will be honest with you Nat.. I’m not looking for a relationship with you.. Or in general right now. I thought we would be able to have a kind of like friends with benefits relationship..” He spoke and Natalie was looking at him “We’ve been friends since you were in college and I was in Boston. You’ve seen my past relationships and I’ve seen yours.. I’ve been thinking and maybe we should give this a try? And if it doesn’t work out, we just remain friends” He said and she was silent for a moment “So wait, you don’t have any feelings for me or anything?” She asked and Tyler looked at her and sighed “You’re pretty, funny and smart.. You’re one of the best ladies I know besides my sisters and mom” He said and she knew it was the closest thing she was getting to an answer. “Okay Seggy. We’ll do this, no strings attached. But we won’t let this mess up our friendship” Natalie said holding up her pinky and Tyler gave her a look “We’re doing a pinky promise?” He asked and she narrowed her eyes “We did this in college. Best we keep it going” “Fine, fine” Tyler said before wrapping his pinky around hers and she grinned “Good!” Tyler leaned forward and kissed her softly and she kissed him back. He helped her out of her jacket and led her to the bedroom. A couple of hours later, Tyler turned over and saw Natalie was out of bed and was already in the bathroom. Tyler made his way towards the bathroom and saw she was in the shower. He hopped him and ended up behind her. She jumped a bit but relaxed “Shampoo my hair if I do yours?” Tyler muttered and she nodded and grabbed the bottle and she looked at him “Enjoyed your nap?” She said and Tyler nodded “Was already tired as it is.” He winked and she blushed. “Still going out tonight?” Natalie asked and Tyler hummed softly “Yup. Probably bar hopping with the guys and their girls. You okay with that?” He asked and she nodded. “Tomorrow morning is a morning skate, are you gonna be there tomorrow?” He asked and Natalie gave him a look “Of course I have to be there, I have to do my job as a reporter” She said and he grinned “Hope you get to interview me” “Haha Tyler, there are others on the team besides you” She said and Tyler laughed “But I’m the favorite” He said “Yeah yeah, shut up Pretty Boy and let me finish your hair” “I hate when you call me that” Tyler mumbled and she smiled “I know. That’s why I love calling you that” Tyler huffed and he grabbed the bottle of her shampoo “Shut up and let me wash your hair already” “Thanks, you’re the best” Natalie said and Tyler narrowed his eyes “Befriend the cute girl at the college party, it’ll be fine” He said and Natalie gave him a look “Is that you trying to say your young self thought that” “Young Me wanted to bang anything that walked. He saw Young You and thought she was hotter than all the girls in the college” “Good thing young me rejected you, I would have gotten a disease then” She joked and he laughed “Oh fuck you” “Already did that” She grinned and he nudged her “You’re one step away from getting a cold shower instead of this nice and steamy one” 
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I Hope-Tyler Seguin One Shot
Notes: I decided to do another one shot. I hope you guys enjoy. It’s based off the song I hope by Gabby Barrett. Let me know what you guys think, feedback is appreciated.
Part 2
You hadn’t seen him for months, not since the break up so you weren’t surprised when you showed up to your guy’s mutual friend’s wedding and there he was, the best man. Tyler stood next to the groom smiling and laughing at something one of the groomsmen said, what didn’t surprise you either was the cute little blonde he had his arm wrapped around. You knew her, you knew who she was very well. She was part of the reason you two weren’t together anymore, she was the other woman you had spent months denying existed. She was the cute little blonde that was blowing up his phone after his hockey games, she was the woman he had cheated with for months before you decided to call off your two year relationship and 8 month engagement. 
“I’m glad you decided to come with us today. I know the boys enjoyed your company.”  You looked in Tyler’s back seat and smiled seeing all three labs panting and happily looking up at you. Shaking your head you looked back out the window. This was the fourth time you two had hung out and every time you left you told yourself you guys were just friends. 
“I’m also really glad you came today, I really wanted to see you before I left for the road trip.” You felt the butterflies in your tummy as he reached over and laced his fingers with yours, you also couldn’t help the stupid smile that made it’s way onto your face as your stared straight ahead. Friends usually didn’t give each other butterflies. You two sat in silence for a bit until the radio started playing a country song making Tyler obnoxiously sing to you all the way back to his house, your sides hurting from laughing to much and your cheeks from smiling all day. 
You stood at the open bar, the wedding already done and everyone at the reception. You ignored Tyler’s gaze and would walk away any time him and his date would get close. It was bad enough your best friends were getting married and you had made your best friend switch up who you were going to be walking down the aisle with, instead of Tyler it was the groom’s brother. 
 It may have been petty but you weren’t ready to face the person who made you feel like you weren’t good enough. You chugged your champagne and placed the glass down, it was about your fourth one. You could see the two from across the room talking to a couple of friends, she was gorgeous, her blonde hair in a pretty mermaid braid and her eyes a bright blue whereas your midnight black hair was laid out in pretty beach waves and your green eyes were probably a bit red from crying and stress.
“Believe me he already got an ear full from both of us for bringing her here.” Your best friend sighed. She was still in her wedding dress and had a full glass of champagne in her hand. You nodded.
“But he’s still here.”
“Y/n he’s Brett’s best friend.” You sighed, you knew she was right, you were just hurt and angry. You shook your head.
“It’s not about us tonight, it’s about you two.” You looked over at her and sent her a smile, whether she could tell if it was fake or not, she didn’t say anything.
Tyler had decided on an end of the summer barbecue was the perfect way for the season to start and the perfect way to celebrate your one year anniversary. You didn’t argue, you were just happy to be around all your guys friends and having a last ‘hoorah’ before the boys got serious for the season.
“Here you go, babe” You took the beer from Tyler’s hand and squealed when he squeezed your hips.
“You having a good time?” You nodded looking up at him. He was a little buzzed, a light flush on his cheeks and his hair was curly from being in the pool. 
“I would have a better time if you weren’t wearing those bright ass yellow shorts.” You let out a laugh as he pouted.
“See seggy, we’re not the only one who hates those shorts.” You laughed as Jamie Benn sent you a wink. Picking on Tyler was you’re guys’s favorite past time.
“You guys suck, you’re lucky I love you.” 
“That last part better have been toward Y/n Seggs,” Tyler shook his head letting out a laugh into your shoulder.
“It’s true, I do love you.” You smiled and took a drink of of your beer.
“I know, I love you too Tyler.” He leaned in for a kiss, which you happily returned ignoring his teammates cat calls and howls.
You really needed to stop showing up to these parties your friends tended to throw considering ever since the wedding Tyler and his girlfriend tended to be at every single one of them. Taking a shot from your friend you downed the tequila and shook your head. Opening your eyes you could see the happy couple across the kitchen, only difference this time Tyler looked mad. His tattooed arms were crossed in front of him, his snapback on his head and the blonde standing in front of him on the verge of tears, trying to get him to listen to her.
“Word on the street is she was seen with another guy last night and decided to show up here acting like nothing was wrong between the two.” You nodded at your friend’s words. Karma could be a bitch sometimes. You watched as he walked away shaking his head leaving her on the verge of tears in the middle of the kitchen. 
It wasn’t any of your business, you were still mending a broken heart, none of that drama was yours anymore. You grabbed a red cup from the counter and added some coke and tequila and walked to the backyard. The majority of people were in the pool or inside, not many were on the patio. Leaning on the small island outside you watched the people who were 75 percent intoxicated try not to drown in the pool making you giggle to yourself.
“I haven’t heard you giggle in a long time.” Your whole body froze and you could feel your stomach do a flip. You had done so well avoiding him, the wedding, random parties why would tonight be any different? You downed your drink and tossed the cup to the side.
“What do you want Tyler?” You could hear him sigh from behind you. You knew if you turned around to face him you’d feel everything come back and you weren’t in your right mind to be dealing with it. You may have ended it with him, he may have broken  your heart and cheated on you, but you were still getting over him.
“Are we ever going to talk about-” You could feel the anger rise up in you.
“Talk about what Tyler? How you cheated on me for months after we got engaged? How you lied to me? How you bought her to the wedding thinking it was going to be all peaches and cream?” You were drunk but now you were standing right in front of him, your heels making you a little taller than normal so he wasn’t as intimidating.
“Y/n you never let me explain.” You rolled your eyes.
“The thing is Tyler every time I’ve confronted you you’ve never said ‘no I didn’t cheat on you’ and that’s why I don’t want to listen to your bullshit excuses. Now run along before she comes looking for you again, us talking will change nothing.” You didn’t wait for him to say anything else, you didn’t have to because at the end of the night when you were requesting your uber, you could see the two making out against his car.
“I thought you said you’d never get married?” You shrugged at your best friend. It’s true, growing up you didn’t believe much in marriage. You didn’t think it was necessary. But as you stood in your house that you and Tyler shared, staring down at the engagement ring on your finger everything in you screamed that it was the right answer. 
“I fell hard for him and he asked me and everything just felt right.” 
“I’ll tell you something though, he spent a pretty penny on that ring, it’s huge.” You let out a laugh and stuck your hand out so you guys could admire it.
“What’s going on over here, what are we looking at?” Tyler wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his chin on your shoulder, kissing your cheek.
“Nice rock, who gave it to you?” You shrugged turning around in his arms. 
“Some douche hockey player…” He shook his head.
“Well I don’t see him around, you think he’ll care if I…” He leaned in for a kiss making you giggle and pull him a bit closer.
“Y/n, what were you going to do about school, weren’t you going to go in california.” The two of you pulled away to re join the conversation.
“Yeah, but there are schools in Dallas that I was looking into too, we could make it work out here.” Every one had told you it was a bad idea, changing schools for your relationship but you ignored them, you were happy and in love and you knew as long as you and Tyler were together it would  be okay.
“Congrats to Tyler and Mckayla!” Everyone raised their glasses to toast to the new engaged couple, even you. As much as it stung as much as you wanted to leave and walk out and never see the two again you stayed, you stayed and when you caught tyler’s eye during the toast you raised your glass toward him and chugged the drink. No one knew they were going to drop this bomb today, no one expected it. You had your friends coming up to you and apologizing. You brushed them off saying it was fine, even though you could feel your heart breaking all over again. Which is why as soon as the toast was over you pushed through the crowd and headed to your car.
 You stood outside for a second leaning against your car door not really feeling like any of this was real. You tried to get your breathing under control but all you could feel were the hot tears rolling down your face. You sniffled and wiped your face with your jacket sleeve before reaching into your pocket and opening the car door.
“Y/n, wait.” You huffed out an annoyed sound.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone? It’s bad enough we have the same friends, why can’t you just stay away from me!” You turned to look at him, his hands tucked into his hoodie and his head down.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think she was going to announce it tonight. She took everyone by surprise.” 
“What do you want Tyler?” He sighed and looked up meeting your glare.
“I really am sorry Y/n. I’m sorry I hurt you, I’m sorry I cheated. I’m sorry for all of it, but you have to know it was real all of it was real.” You huffed out a bitter laugh,
“Not real enough though, Tyler.” He didn’t say anything.
“I uprooted my life for you, Ty. I did everything I could to keep us happy, I  was faithful. Between the late nights and the long road trips I took care of the dogs, the house, I made sure you were happy, I made sure we were happy.” Once again silence, you wanted to just go home and forget this ever happened. 
“Why wasn’t I good enough Tyler?” You could hear your voice shake, you were a minute away  from having a break down.
“It wasn’t you, Y/n. It wasn’t you at all. I just- I don’t know somewhere I just i slipped up and I fucked up. I didn’t deserve you from the beginning and maybe that was my problem, I figured it would be easier to let you down if I just became the guy the world expected me to be.” You nodded.
“And you know that’s bullshit, I wasn’t enough for you, you’re just too much of a coward to admit it to my face, so you took the easy way out. You got your cake and you ate it too, and now you’re going to marry the cute blonde and have the wedding your mom always wanted to be invited to and your dogs can be in your wedding party and you’ll have it all with her all because you decided to be unfaithful…”
It was word vomit now, you couldn’t stop.The tears were falling, your make up was running and there Tyler stood in front of you, speechless.
“Just answer me one more thing, are you happy Tyler? With Mckayla?” You braced yourself for the answer.
“I...yeah I am.” You closed your eyes and sighed, you knew the answer but some small part of you wished he’d say no. You opened your eyes and sent him a sad smile which he didn’t return. He looked conflicted. You could feel the sadness sit in and the anger disappear. . 
“Then that’s all that matters Tyler.” Looking back at the house where you could still hear the party going, you realized this was it. 
“ I hope she makes you laugh, I hope she takes the dogs on the morning walks with you, I hope she supports you and the stars even if she doesn’t understand hockey at all.” You let out a sad laugh wiping your eyes a bit. You didn’t care how you looked at this point, he needed to know.
“I hope she treats your mom and your sisters with so much kindness and appreciates all the cooking and baking they do for the holidays. I hope you give her the wedding of her dreams and I really do hope your dogs are apart of it and I hope she’s everything you want and need.” You walked closer to him, your heels the only sound between the two of you.
“I hope you two have a great wedding-” You choked back a sob and shook your head , reaching out for his hand and holding it in yours, you looked down at them intertwined.
“I hope you love her with everything in you Tyler, and I hope she never does what you did to me. I hope she never cheats and breaks your heart, because Tyler this isn’t something you bounce back from when you give your whole heart to someone. And as angry as I am with you, I wish you the best because this is the last time you’ll probably see me.” You heard him sniffle making you sadly smile. Bringing his hand up to your mouth, you placed a gentle kiss on his knuckles and closed your eyes. Patting his wrist you let go of his hand and  looked up at him, his eyes were watery and he was staring right at you, he was giving you the look, the look you never wanted to be the reason for.
“I’ll always have love for you Tyler, but I have to go.” You unlocked your car door and turned to look at him, he hadn’t said a word nor had he moved.. You sent him a last nod before getting into your car.
“I hope you have a good life, Goodbye, Ty.”
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lovedyouless · 5 years
Top 5 hockey ships ?
5. auston/mitch: got together as teenagers, gonna make it despite the odds (no matter what our parents say), symbiotic
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“don’t worry mitchy I got you.” - Auston
“We spend a lot of time together.” - Auston
“We’re just trying to get better together and hopefully together for a long time.” - Mitch
4. travis/nolan: best bros, accidentally falling in love along the way and trying not to be soppy about it but will fight anyone on the others’ behalf
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“We have our moments and we’re obviously pretty close buddies.” - Travis
“I’m gonna stick up for him every time, you know, someone is messing with him.” - Travis
“It’s like a treasured moment when I get a laugh out of him. I’m working for it all the time.” - Travis
“The guys always say we’re like an old married couple.” - Travis
3. tyler/jamie: old fucking marrieds, been there, done that, we’re settled and maybe we flirt occasionally with someone else but essentially, we’re in this for the long haul with a side of poly
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“We’re pretty much living together.” - Jamie
“When I first came to Dallas, he was super quiet and I was super loud, and I think I got him going a bit and he kinda tamed me.” - Tyler
“I think I wanna be a better cook because Seggy’s looking a little skinny these days.” - Jamie 
“He’s opened me up a bit. We’ve got a pretty good relationship.” - Jamie
2. gabe/tyson: pre-relationship, crushing hard and hoping that it’s reciprocated but terrified that the other is just being friendly
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“The big viking, Gabe Landeskog. The big, bronze, beautiful hair. Chiseled chin. Guy’s a stallion.” - actual words Tyson has uttered.
“My favorite Avalanche player is Gabriel Landeskog.” - Tyson, earnestly.
“Tyson, you are the sun in my life, you are the highlight of my days ... love you, yours always, G.” - Gabe being perfectly serious.
“I’m in 336.” - Tyson’s responding the only way he knows how, by inviting Gabe to his room after. 
1.  leon/connor: first few weeks of a new relationship, can’t stop gushing over each other, totally head over heels
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“It would be very special to go with Leon.” - Connor being totally chill about his weekend away with Leon in January
“We make each other better, Connor and me.” - Leon
“What’s not to love about a guy like that?” - Connor
“They care about each other a lot.” - some past oilers coach idk
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alocalband · 5 years
Pour Me a Strong One Bennguin, 2.3k, Teen Also on AO3
The new bouncer looks like he wouldn’t hurt a fly, and he blushes through a mumbled, “Um, Jamie,” when Tyler asks his name.
He’s big, sure, and those arms are definitely something Tyler will be more than happy to stare at from behind the bar all evening, especially in the tight T-shirt the guy’s wearing for his first shift. But Tyler’s pretty sure that “Um, Jamie” isn’t gonna last the night. He honestly doesn’t know what Monty was thinking when he hired him.
The rush of a Friday night keeps Tyler too busy to pay much attention to anything but pouring drinks and flirting for tips. He’s good at this. Can charm a girl into giggling as she slides him an extra five, or a guy into leaning in close while adding another round to his tab.
“Hey Segs, I think the kid’s having some trouble,” Klinger tells him with a nod over his shoulder on his way past Tyler to the register.
Tyler looks over and sure enough there’s poor Miro getting harassed by a couple of guys who probably should’ve been cut off an hour ago.
The kid’s just trying to bus the table beside them, so who knows what set them off. But Tyler can already see this going sideways super quickly, judging by their red faces and Miro’s panicked expression.
Or, well, Miro’s version of panicked. The kid could probably stare down the barrel of a gun with a shrug and a strained, “Oh, cool.”
Tyler starts to head over with an easy smile in the hopes of diffusing things, but he’s still a couple feet away when one of the guys knocks over a barstool and really gets in Miro’s face, clenched fists starting to rise. Shit.
Of course Tyler’s still gonna step in, but it’s probably not going to end well for him. Tyler is not good in a fight. He’s just not. He’s in great shape, and sometimes just flexing can intimidate someone into backing down, but if push comes to shove and he has to throw an actual punch, he’s screwed.
It is at this moment that “Um, Jamie,” like a god damn knight in shining armor, steps in and starts hauling the two guys away.
One of them throws a punch that Jamie easily dodges, and then Jamie cold clocks the dude so hard he’s on the floor and slow to get up.
The other guy starts backing away, but Jamie grabs him by the collar of his shirt, lifts the one still on the floor to his feet with the other arm, and manhandles them both out of the building.
And okay, wow. That was hot. Tyler is not usually the type to get turned on by violence but holy hell “Um, Jamie” could get it.
Tyler does a quick check on Miro, who is, of course, already back to loading empty glasses into a tub like nothing happened. Then he heads back to the bar to continue slinging drinks. And if his eyes keep wandering towards the door where Jamie is stationed, he can hardly be blamed.
“Impressive display earlier,” Tyler says once the place has closed. He’s counting out all the tips to divide up while Roope and Miro stack chairs on tables, and Klinger and Esa finish breaking down the bar. Jamie and Rads are both leaning against the counter in front of Tyler, waiting for their cut.
Jamie ducks his head and blushes a little. “I can throw a punch when I have to,” he says softly. And now that Tyler’s seen what a beast the guy can be, this whole bashful thing is actually pretty adorable.
“Hey, I punch too,” Rads says, playing up being offended. “I great puncher.”
Tyler pats his arm. “Yes you are, and we’re all very proud.”
Jamie laughs a little, and it’s almost a freaking giggle, oh god that is too cute. Tyler’s not gonna survive him.
“So, how’d you end up in a dive like this?” Tyler asks innocently.
Rads narrows his eyes at Tyler, like he just figured out what game Tyler’s playing.
Jamie seems none the wiser, though. He lifts his head to meet Tyler’s gaze, and woah those are some big brown eyes. Tyler feels his heart stutter in his chest.
“Oh, uh. Played some minor league hockey, but got injured pretty early on.” He shrugs. “Worked at my brother’s gym for a while, but this pays better and is easier on my hip.”
“That’s awesome, I love hockey! Were you any good?”
“I was okay.”
“I bet you were as much a beast on the ice as you were with those two shitheads tonight.”
Jamie blushes. Even his ears turn red. Tyler is done for.
Rads rolls his eyes and then holds out his hand to Tyler. “Flirt on own time. Money now.”
Jamie chokes.
Tyler hands Rads his share of the cash with a mild glare. Rads blows him a kiss as he turns to leave.
“Ignore him. He’s just mad you’re taking his place as my favorite enforcer.”
Jamie shakes his head. “Don’t worry, I didn’t actually think... I mean, you’re--” He waves a hand at Tyler, his eyes lingering over where Tyler’s shirt is strategically wet enough in a couple places to show off some of his abs. (Listen, the tips are totally worth it.) “And I’m...” Jamie waves the same hand at himself with a self-deprecating half-smile.
Tyler blinks, caught off guard by Jamie’s apparent lack of self-awareness. “Uh, dude, do you not understand how hot you are?”
Jamie’s expression doesn’t change. “Seriously, you don’t have to placate me. I’m good.” He points to one of the stacks of bills on the counter. “That my cut?”
Tyler nods dumbly, completely floored by Jamie’s response. Or lack of one, really. Has the guy never been flirted with before? Is he really this oblivious?
Jamie takes his money, gives a little salute with another ducked head, and heads for the exit.
From Tyler’s left comes the sound of slow clapping, and he turns to see Klinger and Esa smirking at him.
“Oh shut up,” Tyler tells them, but all they do is laugh.
“So did you take actual lessons in how to strike out, or do you come by it naturally?” Esa chirps.
Tyler gives him the bird, grabs his own share of money, and heads to the back for his stuff.
The thing is, Tyler’s not used to having to really work for it. If he likes someone and they like him, great. If they don’t like him, onto the next person, no big. He’s never met anyone that he felt the need to put in a whole lot of effort for.
But Jamie is different. Over the course of the next few weeks, Tyler kind of falls a little bit in love with the guy. And not just because of the arms, or the cow eyes, or the deceptively soft voice. It’s, like, the whole package.
Jamie is a complete nerd about hockey. He loves his siblings something fierce. He will step up for literally anyone if they need it, like he wants to protect the whole damn world from harm. He gets excited about seeing new pictures of Tyler’s dogs. Tyler wants to get down on one knee right there in the bar.
Only nothing Tyler says or does gets Jamie to believe him.
He’s not even being terribly subtle anymore. Not that anyone would ever accuse Tyler of subtlety. But when he ties a cherry stem into a knot with his tongue and sets it on a coaster that has his phone number scrawled across it at the end of a shift one night, and all Jamie does is blush, take his cut of the tips, and head for the nearest exit... Like, come on.
Klinger and Esa have a bet going about the whole thing. Tyler’s unclear about the specifics, he just knows that he’s been getting laughed at a whole hell of a lot more than he used to.
At least Roope and Miro are too young and new to the place to make fun of him.
...Unless they’re doing it behind his back. They do both have poker faces that are way too good for their ages.
The point at which Tyler finally breaks is in the middle of a shift on a crowded Saturday night, when he looks up from the Old Fashioned he’s in the middle of making to see Jamie in a close, hushed conversation with some guy that Tyler is already planning the murder of.
The two of them are close enough that Tyler can’t even see the other guy’s face as he whispers into Jamie’s ear.
And Jamie doesn’t even blush! He just whispers back like this is normal, like the two of them have been having hushed conversations in bars for years, and that is just not... That’s not okay! If someone is gonna whisper into Jamie Benn’s ear, they better damn well be whispering about how amazing he is to the point that it elicits a reaction from the guy!
Tyler finishes making the drink, throws the towel he had slung over one shoulder at Klinger’s overly-amused face, and heads over.
“Go out with me,” he says when he reaches Jamie.
Jamie rears back, startled.
The other guy snorts a laugh. Which at least gets Jamie to snap out of his surprise and awkwardly stumble through an introduction. “Er, uh, Jordie? This is Tyler.”
Jordie smirks. “Yeah, I figured.”
But Tyler really doesn’t care about introductions right now. “Is that a yes or a no? If it’s a no, I’m sorry, and I won’t make it weird, I promise. But please just put me outa my misery already.”
Jordie is grinning now, and turns to look at Jamie. “Told ya,” he says, which makes no sense to Tyler but he doesn’t really care to parse it out right now.
“Hey, I told you before, Seggy,” Jamie says evenly. “You don’t have to placate me. I know you're not serious, and I know I’m not--”
“But you are,” Tyler interrupts, stepping forward, into Jamie’s space, and putting a hand on his forearm. “And I really really want to date the hell out of you.” Tyler removes his hand and adds, “I mean, if you’re up for it.”
Jamie stares at him for a long moment, the cacophony of the bar around them fading into the background as Tyler waits, breath held.
Finally, a small smile tugs at Jamie’s lips, and he nods. “Alright. Yeah.”
And then they both stand there grinning at each other like a pair of doofuses for who knows how long, until Jordie punches Jamie in the arm and then sticks out a hand for Tyler to shake. “I’m his brother, by the way. In case he failed to mention me. He definitely hasn’t failed to mention you. Repeatedly.”
Tyler takes a moment to process that while shaking Jordie’s hand, only to have his thoughts interrupted by Jordie pulling him forward with said hand and putting him into a headlock with the other. “That said, you hurt Chubbs and I’ll end you.”
“Okay, shit! Uncle, you fucker!” Tyler yells, but they’re both laughing, and he’s already certain he’s going to love every single person in the Benn family.
Jordie lets him go, and the face Jamie is making at Tyler when he straightens is... God, if he can be personally responsible for causing that face to happen every day for the rest of his life he will die happy.
Tyler has to go back to work, and so does Jamie, but they grip hands for a moment before parting. It is entirely too sappy for Tyler’s usual MO and entirely too wonderful for him to complain about.
At the end of the night, Tyler counts out the tips. Miro and Roope are whispering furiously to themselves as they stack chairs, which is a little suspicious, but he’ll ignore it for now. Klinger and Esa exchange money between them, and Esa is looking way too smug for Tyler to want to ask for the details of their bet.
Rads takes his cash, but pauses before he leaves. He grabs Jamie by the neck and pulls him forward to smack a kiss on his cheek. “You good one,” he says with a decisive nod. “Don’t fuck up.”
“Was that my shovel talk?” Jamie asks once Rads is out the door. “Because I thought the Russian version would include a lot more threats on my life.”
Tyler laughs. “He likes you more than he lets on. And, you know, he wants me to be happy.”
Jamie raises an eyebrow in question.
For once it’s Tyler’s turn to duck his head and blush. He forces a shrug, trying and failing to sound casual. “You make me happy.”
The silence that follows is long enough that Tyler starts imagining all the ways he could start over in a new city with a fake name. But then Jamie puts a hand on his and leans forward across the bar. “You make me happy too.”
Tyler grins and leans forward as well so he can kiss him.
Jamie kisses back with the kind of confidence that he generally only displays in a fight. It’s somewhat startling and such a huge turn on that Tyler’s making a strangled pleased noise before he can help himself or remember that they probably have an audience. Somewhere in the background someone gives a wolf whistle and someone else makes exaggerated gagging noises.
Jamie pulls away with a smirk and a twinkle in his eyes that tells Tyler the guy, for maybe the first time since they met, knows exactly the effect he’s having.
And all Tyler can think is: finally.
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laurenairay · 4 years
#10 with Jamie Oleksiak please
Here you go @dutch-tv-fan – I hope you enjoy this one! I do love Big Rig a whole lot 💖
“I can’t help myself when you look like that!”
“I’m so glad you made it! You look incredible!”
You just smiled innocently at Tyler, fanning yourself dramatically with your hand.
“Oh this old thing?” you said coyly, glancing down at the champagne-coloured shimmery bodycon dress that hugged your curves.
“Big Rig’s a lucky guy,” Tyler smirked, laughing.
“That I am,”
You smiled again as your boyfriend’s arm slid around your waist, taking the glass of wine he offered you. Tonight was Tyler’s birthday and he was throwing at party at his house, with a Vegas Glam theme, whatever that was. Naturally you’d gone for the most showstopping dress you could find – it was a Tyler Seguin party after all, and you wanted to impress.
“Happy birthday Tyler,” you said happily, leaning into Jamie’s body.
Tyler laughed at the shout from the front door, throwing a thumbs up into the air.
“Excuse me guys, gotta be a good host,” Tyler grinned.
You giggled as the birthday boy sauntered away, shaking your head fondly. Tonight was going to be an interesting one for sure.
“So – obviously I know that I’m a lucky guy, but why does Seggy think so?” Jamie asked, taking a drink of his beer.
“Oh, nothing really, he was just admiring my dress,” you shrugged.
“Mm, it is a fantastic dress,” Jamie murmured.
You smirked as Jamie looked you up and down, before gasping as one of his large hands went straight to your ass and squeezed hard.
“Jamie! We’re in public!” you giggled, batting at his chest.
Absolutely shameless, honestly.
“We can change that,” he grinned, tilting his head towards the stairs.
As tempting as that was…
“We only just got here, behave yourself,” you laughed, rolling your eyes with a smile.
Jamie sighed dramatically, although the smile on his face showed you he wasn’t really annoyed.
“I’ll do my best but I don’t know…” he said, trailing off to give you another obvious once-over.
“Keep it in your pants Casanova,” you teased.
Jamie just smirked, the spark in his eyes only spelling out trouble.
And trouble it was.
All evening Jamie’s hands were borderline inappropriate. Whether it was his hand planted firmly on your ass when you were catching up and chatting with the other party guests, kissing you filthily in between talking with his friends with his hands tangled in your hair just how you liked, or even when he pulled you down onto his lap outside and put his hand just too high up on your thigh.
The man was insatiable. And he knew damn well what all the teasing was doing to you too.
Luckily you (and Tyler, and pretty much everyone else) thought it was pretty funny how wound up Jamie clearly was. That didn’t mean you weren’t going to confront him about it as soon as you were home though.
“You’ve been extremely handsy tonight mister, explain yourself,” you mused, raising an eyebrow as you pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge.
Jamie shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant although his cheeks did flare in a blush. “I can’t help myself when you look like that!”
You bit your bottom lip, shutting the fridge door, your own face heating up in response. Really? Just because of that dress? “You like how I look baby?”
Jamie groaned, reaching out to tug you against him with both hands on your hips. You yelped at the sudden movement but felt your heart start beating a little faster as the desire became obvious in his eyes.
“You know I like how you look,” he murmured, “I always do, and I especially appreciate you dressing up for me like this,”
You couldn’t help but gasp as he ground his hips a little, letting you feel just how hard he was. Holy shit. But two could play at that game.
“Who said I was dressing up for you?” you said lightly.
Jamie’s face morphed into shock, before he frowned lightly, making you smirk.
“I could be dressing up for anyone. Why would it be you?” you continued.
That frown immediately turned into a scowl. “I know that you’re joking, but even the thought of you dressing up for some other guy makes my blood boil,” Jamie growled.
A shiver ran down your spine, just the reaction you wanted. Still…
“And if I was only dressing up for me?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
You watched as Jamie’s scowl froze, before softening. Bingo. That was it.
“Then I would say thank you for taking me along for the ride and can I please be invited again,” Jamie grinned, a little sheepishly.
Atta boy.
“That sounds more like it,” you purred, sliding your hands up his chest and over his shoulders to link behind his neck.
Jamie’s eyes flared with desire again, making you grin.
“If you like me dressing up…then I’m pretty sure you’re going to like me dressing down,” you said innocently.
“I knew I saw that discreet packaging shit for lingerie in the trash the other day,” Jamie groaned.
You just giggled, nodding. Busted. “Want to see it in person?”
“Do I ever,” Jamie murmured.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 35
Word Count: 2,514
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language
Notes: Sorry this took so long to get out. I had planned on having it up yesterday, but life got busy. I’d love to have those 12 hours back that I lost, but it’s not happening. So with that feedback is always welcome and happy reading!
Nervous Regrets Masterlist
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You sat there staring at the picture in your direct messages for you don't know how long. It wasn't until Jace started to cry that you put the phone down so that you could tend to your baby. Jace's little cries filled the air, and you took him over to change his diaper. When he was all clean and dry, his face filled with a smile, which melted your heart. When you looked in his sweet face, you could see your husband there, as Jace had Tyler's eyes and even though he was only a couple weeks old he had that little smirk as well. It was in Jace's expression that you knew that message was nothing but a lie.
 Tyler had worked so hard to win you back and you knew that he would never jeopardize your family with some trivial one-night stand. As you sat in the rocking chair, in Jace's nursery feeding him, you pulled up the message again. This time looking at the picture with unfeeling eyes instead of ones that felt hurt and disappointment. There was no denying that, that was your husband, but the closer you looked it was an older picture. Tyler's hair wasn't that long right now, and where his shirt was unbuttoned you could just make out his lack of chest tattoo. This picture was probably taken well before you were even in Tyler's life; more than likely a couple months before you'd met him.
 Switching Jace to your other breast, you set the phone back down trying to decide what to do next. Obviously, this person wanted to cause a rift between you and Tyler, and messaging her back would just give credence to a conversation that wasn't necessary. You'd been so wrapped up in the stupid message, that you never heard the garage door open or Tyler come in. "There are my two favorite people in the world." He made his way over to you, kissing you on the lips, causing Jace to stir. "Hey buddy, daddy missed you." Jace looked around searching for Tyler's voice. "Is he done, babe? I'm dying to hold him."
 "Mostly," you answered, handing the baby over. "He can finish later. Right now, I think he wants his daddy more." Tyler took Jace from you and held him close to his chest, his one finger caressing his chubby cheeks.
 "Bud, did you get bigger? Mommy said no, but I think so." Jace's tiny hand fisted around one of Tyler's fingers. "Look at those muscles; you working out?" The interaction between father and son made your heart so full it could burst and a tear slid down your cheek. "Baby, you ok?" Ty asked taking his eyes off his son for a moment.
 "I…" you couldn't seem to get out the words and so you nodded your head.
 "Babe, I know you said you're still emotional, but what else is going on."
 You sighed heavily, knowing for your relationship to work; you needed to be completely honest. "I got a message on Instagram earlier." A look of concern immediately crossed his face, before he started to shake his head. "I know it's not true Ty. It just took a toll on me."
 "What did it say?" And you could see the anger visibly changing him, in the way he stood and held the baby.
 You stood so that you could touch and feel him; hoping to release some of his tension. "It doesn't matter. I just wanted to tell you so there wouldn't be any secrets between us."
 "If it hurt you, it matters." He wrapped his free arm, the one that wasn't holding Jace, around your waist and pulled you to his side. You looked at Jace, so comfortable in his father's arms as he stared up at his parents. "Tell me (Y/N)."
 "It was just a picture of you and some girl. I'm assuming she's the one that sent the message. It said that my "baby daddy" was cheating on me." Before he could say anything you continued. "I know it wasn't true Ty. When I looked at the pic closer, it was old."
 "(Y/N), I will never in a million years cheat on you, babe." He cupped your chin so that you would look in his eyes. "You believe me, don't you?"
 "Of course, I do Ty. The message just threw me."
 "I'm deleting my damn account. It's caused us nothing but trouble."
 "Tyler, we're fine. This is just one fangirl, who's making up lies." You were telling yourself this as much as him. "You have your sponsorships to think about and your fans. Don't go deleting things just because of this one instance. I'm fine." He still looked unconvinced. "We're fine. I promise."
 "It just annoys the fuck…oops sorry," he spoke more to Jace than to you. "That people think that they can get away with doing this. Like I'm some sort of sex addict that can't wait for my wife to…" you could see him struggling to find the right words.
 "Yeah, heal before I wet my dick in someone else pussy. Shit!" He swore again and you had to laugh at his attempt to control his language around your son.
 "I think it's ok to curse around him. He definitely didn't learn to talk in the few days you were gone."
 He looked at you a little sheepishly. "Still…I need to learn not too." His eyes went back to his child, where Jace's little face just lit up. It was probably gas, but it was still adorable. "Maybe I'll send this person a message myself." He said drawing you back to the conversation about the direct message. "Or get my lawyers on it."
 "How about we just drop it, and if it happens again then we worry about?" He cocked his head "Please Ty?"
 He scrunched his face up at you, before agreeing. "Fine, but you have to promise you'll tell me if it happens again."
 "Done. Now can we please talk about other things."
 "In a minute, there's one more thing," and before you could ask him what that was, his lips were on yours. His mouth searched yours and all the longing that you felt for him over the last several days melted away. Jace squirmed in his arms and the two of you broke apart. "Now that's a better welcome home. I missed you."
 "I missed you too, Ty." The rest of the day Tyler barely let Jace out of his arms. He of course allowed you to feed him, but he wouldn't let you put him down for a nap in the bassinet; instead opting for the baby to lay on his chest. You had a feeling if he kept this up you were going to have a hard time training Jace to sleep in his own crib.
 "So babe, I was thinking maybe you could bring Jace to practice tomorrow. You know to meet all the guys." You were crawling into bed, after just laying the baby down for the night.
 "Yeah, I can do that. Little man and I will be down to have lunch with you guys."
 "Can you maybe put on his Stars stuff too?" Like your child would wear anything else when going to see his father at work.
 "Of course, babe." He pulled you close to him and you inhaled his scent. God, you missed this even if it was for a few days.
 "Thanks, baby. I'm so excited for the guys to meet him." He kissed your forehead, then your nose, and finally your lips, before the two of you drifted off to sleep.
 The next morning as soon as Tyler headed off to practice you started to get ready for Jace to meet all his hockey uncles. It was really the first time taking him anywhere other than the doctors, and you found yourself throwing things in the diaper bag you knew you were never going to need but wanted to be prepared. Jace's Star's onesie fit perfectly, but then you had one in every size imaginable. It was his jersey that was a little bit, so you opted to just carry that in the bag not sure if you were going to put it on him or not until you got there. You also threw in a little jacket since he'd be down close to the ice. You made sure to feed him before you left, but also took a bottle on the off chance he'd be fussy.
 You buckled him in the car seat, and he whimpered a bit. Cash immediately going to see what was wrong with his brother. "He's ok Cash, just doesn't like to be cooped up in there." The pup looked at you skeptically and you had to laugh. The dogs had definitely become protective of Jace over the last week and hated to hear him cry. Once you had him in the car and were headed down the road, he quickly fell fast asleep.
 They were just finishing up practice when you went into the arena. All of the guys were still on the ice, running a few drills. It was Jamie who saw you first, smiling and giving a wave as the puck sailed past him, and you kind of laughed. That got him a few chirps from some of the guys until Monty saw that you were there and called them all in. "Looks like we have a special guest in the building. I'm gonna cut this short, but damn it, wash your hands and shit before you touch the kid." You chuckled at his words, but it was nice to know that he didn't want their sweaty hands all over your child any more than you did.
 Tyler was the first to skate off. "Hey babe," he said pecking you real quick before turning down to his little guy. "Hi bud, did you see daddy skating?" Jace's eyes were taking everything as he woke the minute, he heard the pucks on the boards. The guys started to crowd around you and the carrier, trying to sneak a peek at Jace.
 "Oh he cute Seggy, nothing like you." Rads said punching your husband in the arm playfully.
 "There's my godson," Jamie added. "Sportin' the team colors bud. They look good, though there needs to be a fourteen on there somewhere."
 "Get out Chubbs, my son is not wearing your number, even if you are his uncle."
 "Alright, hit the showers, then you can have baby time." You told them all.
 "I'll meet you in the dining room?" Tyler said before kissing you again and heading off to the locker room. You went down to the kitchen area, setting Jace's carrier on the table so you could take him out. The room was warm so you didn't put his sweatshirt on him, that way everyone could see his little Seguin ninety-one on the back. You propped him up on your shoulder and he looked around a little bit, before flopping his head back down and sucking on your shirt. Perfect, just what you wanted baby drool on you. It didn't really matter though, as long as Jace was happy.
 You no sooner were comfortable, then Justin Dowling came in. "Hey (Y/N), how are you feeling? Heard this little guy gave you a bit of a scare." He took a finger and trailed it along Jace's back making him shiver.
 "Yeah, he definitely had his own idea about when he wanted to meet us, but I'm good."
 "Can I hold him?"
 "Of course," you handed Jace off to him. Justin was a natural, the way he swayed back and forth with your little guy in his arms.
 "You've got to bring him around Meg, she's dying to meet him. We just didn't want to overwhelm you after everything."
 "Yeah, I was planning on having the girls over soon."
 "Maybe you can convince her, that we need one of these."
 "Oh! You guys will make great parents." They were already one of the cutest couples on the team. "You've got a natural touch there."
 "Alright quit hogging the baby," Bishop chimed in taking Jace from Justin. "Hey Jace, you and Ben are gonna be best buddies. You can have playdates and go on bike rides and take hockey lessons together."
 "Woah, slow down there Bish. He's only a couple weeks old." You told him.
 "I know, Andrea is dying to bring Ben over."
 "We've talked several times. I think she was coming over tomorrow night for a bit. We thought we could watch the game together."
 "Wait you're not bringing Jace to the game?" Your husband asked looking too handsome for your liking.
 You simply rolled your eyes at him. "Not yet, you knew this though."
 "Kinda, just thought maybe you'd change your mind." He walked straight to his child and you could see him fighting the urge not to take him away from Bishop. "But I get it. He's still too small, but in a couple weeks you'll be big enough to come and cheer daddy and all your uncles on." God, you loved your husband like this. That playful cute side, that just adored his child; there was nothing better in the whole world. Well, maybe your son.
 The rest of the guys filtered in and it became a game of pass the baby around. You were surprised when even Miro took a turn, however the minute he turned fussy he was handing him back. After an hour, Jace was done with meeting everyone and basically just feel asleep as the guys continued to fuss over him. One by one they all left until there were just a few of you milling about and you figured it was time to head home before Jace needed to be fed. Tyler helped you pack him up, and then the three of you left with promises to bring Jace back real soon. You had a feeling if it was up to Tyler, he would've had him on the ice today, but thankfully he never once asked.
 Tyler had ridden with Jamie, so he could take you and Jace home and as you traveled the highways of Dallas he finally said. "Thanks for bringing him down today babe. It meant a lot."
 "Ty, I will bring him down whenever you want."
 "So…uh…when do you think you'll bring him to a game?"
 "Babe, I know you're excited for him to go, but I'd like him to be a little older. Those headphones you got barely fit."
 "I'll get a box, so you guys don't have to deal with the family section and you can have Jenna and the girls up there." He was really trying everything he could, but honestly, with that fangirl message, you were leery about taking Jace out in the public.
 "How about the next long home stretch?"
 "Yeah babe, that will work." The smile on your face was enough to put your doubts at rest, at least for the moment.
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drabblemesilly · 6 years
Tyler Seguin #15
Just a quick, cute Seggy fic for you guys! Something to remind you that I’m still alive, haha. Love you! Enjoy!
Word count: 936
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You took a peek inside Tyler’s closet and saw your cheeky little two year old sitting on his dressing table, a wide grin on her face, her legs swinging playfully, with five different ties looped around her neck. One of her hands was also holding a neon green tie with aliens smoking weed on it.
“Thif daddy, thiff!!” she said, happily swinging the alien tie in front of him.
“This,” your husband corrected. Your daughter still hasn’t gotten her pronunciations right.
Tyler gently took the tie and placed it against his white dress shirt, eyeing it on the mirror, “yikes,” he whistled.
“Ith good, daddy!” his princess giggled once again.
Tyler kissed the top of her dark curly hair, “are you sure, baby?”
She nodded excitedly, “uh-huh.”
Tyler started putting the tie on, “do you really want dada to put this on?”
“Yup,” she beamed, even popping her P, “it’th pwetty.”
“Oh dear,” your husband answered her.
She smacked her forehead with her palm and copied her dad, “oh deaw.”
Oh dear is right. It’s time for a rescue. The momma patrol is needed now. Seriously, you can’t let Tyler Seguin wear that ugly tie – which you gave him as a joke, by the way – on the first day of the first round of playoffs.
Opening the door gingerly, you walked over to where your family is gathered and kissed Ty’s cheek, “hi,” you buttoned the top of his shirt, “nice tie,” you winked.
“It has weed,” he faked a gasp, as if saying weed made him a bad boy.
“I know,” you laughed, “I bought it.”
He leaned over and took his princess, putting her weight on his waist, “well, it wouldn’t win me any Stanley Cups, eh?”
“Cup, cup, cup,” she repeated. Oh yeah, she’s in that stage of repeating everything too.
You took one of the ties around her neck, the dark blue, very formal one, and tucked it inside Tyler’s pocket, “for when you have the time to change that mess with the aliens,” you whispered, tapping his chest, “this is what dada gets when he’s wrapped around his baby’s finger.”
He scoffed, “and as if you aren’t.”
Running your hand through her soft curls, you raised an eyebrow at your husband, “there’s a reason she runs to you when she’s crying, dada. You’re the good cop.”
“Dada, down pleaf,” she demanded, kicking her legs. Tyler set her down before she went running towards the dogs who were huddled just outside the closet.
She squealed once she saw what Marshall had in his mouth, “Marsall, I told you to thtop eating my su!” she scolded, hands on her hips. Marshall does love to tease her by play-chewing her shoes. Silly dog, silly girl.
“That,” Tyler turned to you, “she totally got from you,” smirking, he pulled you against him and nuzzling your neck, “bad cop.”
You smacked him.
“So, the game,” you changed the topic, “nervous?” you asked, hugging him tight.
“I feel like I’m gonna shit my pants every other second,” he confessed.
You snorted, “should I pack you some nappies?” you joked before sobering, “you got this Ty-ty.” You pecked his cheek, “you got this.”
“We haven’t been in this situation since before Jordie went to Montreal,” he sighed.
“Eh,” you shrugged, “it’s like riding a bike, I bet.”
Now, it’s your time to be lifted up and set on the dressing table. Pulling him by his tie, you wrapped your legs around his waist. Taking his face in your hands, you kissed him softly, “you’re amazing, you’re gonna have your best game tonight.”
He grinned, “can we reserve the best game for when we’re actually at the finals?”
“What if,” you wiggled your eyebrows, “you save your best game for tonight, after the actual game.”
Tyler looked confused at first before grinning playfully, “you were always bad at double entendres.”
You flicked his nose, “fuck you.”
“Oh, we’ll see,” he laughed, “want another baby?” he asked, “we can get some practice in after we win tonight?” he joked.
You stretched, making sure that your shirt was riding up your stomach, “I mean,” you started, “she is gonna be three soon and she looks like she’s getting bored playing with just the dogs.”
Tyler started tracing invisible shapes on your belly, “yeah?”
Suddenly, you felt like taking his tie – and his shirt – off, “oh, yeah,” you echoed, a little bit breathless.
Leaning over, he started kissing the sensitive spot just below your ear, his breath tickling your neck, “a little boy, with your hair and your lips.”
Your hands tangled in his hair, making it a little messier than usual, “your nose,” you sighed, pressing him into you.
Tyler moved to kiss your lips when you heard a little frustrated voice outside yell, “MARSALL!!!”
“Yup,” Tyler snickered, standing now and gathering you into him, “she definitely got the bossy from you.”
You hopped off the table and started sashaying out the closet, “you’re mean,” you called back to him, “and you’re gonna be late.”
“I am,” he agreed, following you out, “come show me out,” he said, picking your daughter back up, “for good luck,” he winked, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and squeezed, “goot luck!!”
“Will you be there to cheer for me tonight?” he asked.
“Loud and cleaw!” she cheered.
“Okay,” he laughed, winking at you before passing her to you, “how about some good luck from mom?”
You kissed him lightly, “break a stick,” you smiled, “I love you.”
“Love you more,” he smiled back, “see you later.”
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thebluejayawe · 6 years
37 for 37+63 pretty please from the winter prompts
Here you go lovely :)
“Hey congrats man.”
Patrice blinks at Pasta. “Uh- Thanks? But for what?”
David just laughs. “I mean I figured it’d been going on for a while, but damn Bergy, how’d he talk you into coming out with a christmas card?”
Can also be read here.
The door to Patrice’s apartment nearly loses its hinges as Brad bursts his way through it, waving something in his hand and carry a backpack. “You’re helping me!” He yells from the kitchen.
Patrice just sighs from where he sits on the couch. On his TV screen he watches as a Mike evades the cops in the very first episode of Suits. “Hey Brad, come on in. How are you doing? Oh that’s good. I’m pretty great by the way, thanks for asking. No I’m not exhausted, why would you say that? Sure make yourself at him.” He says dryly, and rolls his shoulders back.
Marchy waltzes into the living room and drops himself onto the couch. He shoves a plate into Patrice’s lap and puts two glasses of water on the small coffee table. “Here, you should eat.”
“How do you know I haven’t already?” Bergy mumbles, even as he starts attempting to pick up the hastily made sandwich.
“Because it’s our off day and since you haven’t showered or shaved or gotten dressed yet despite it being three in the afternoon, so you probably didn’t eat breakfast until like ten. And you weren’t planning on eating again until like six.”
And, well- that’s fair, he supposes. (It’s not that he wasn’t planning on it, it’s just it’s off day, and he was so happy to stay on the couch in his pajamas and watch Suits from the beginning while napping intermittently. And the kitchen is far away and he was comfortable. Sue him.)
“Wat’ev’r.” He mumbles around a mouthful, watching as Brad pulls a laptop out of his bad and starts fiddling with the thing. “What are we doing? Did something happen?” It certainly wouldn’t be the first time he’s been kept out of the loop of some major development in hockey. A lot can happen in a few hours. He eyes his phone warily, but the device remains unaffected where it sits on the side table.
Marchy just waves his hand. He takes another bite of his sandwich and leans forward to watch the screen over Brads shoulder. He makes a surprised noise when his liney pulls up some website for pictures. Or something. Cards?
“What are we-”
“Me and you.” Brad smiles at him, that wide cheeky one that has Patrice eyeing him suspiciously.
“Me and you.” He repeats skeptically, then feels his eyes widen when Brad clicks the mouse a few times and pulls up a new page. “Absolutely not.” He shakes his head vehemently. “No chance.”
Marchy pouts. “Oh come on Bergy!!! This is perfect! You hate doing Christmas cards, I hate doing Christmas cards, both our moms will murder us if we don’t send them out. This is the best solution. Me and you sit our asses down and knock out one universal Christmas card, order some chinese food, and then we’re done.”
Patrice opens his mouth to protest and then closes it again.
It’s not…the worst argument. Plus he’ll get to spend the day with Brad, which is much better than being alone. Or being with most other people. Really Brad is like…his favorite person at the moment.
Who is he kidding. Brad’s been his favorite person to hang out with for years now. It’s kinda how the best friends thing goes.
“God damn it.” He mutters, and Marchy lights up.
“Awesome!” He drops the laptop down and vaults over the back of the couch and runs to Patrice’s junk room. “Where do you keep all your pictures?”
Bergy just stares down at his half eaten sandwich and tries to ignore how hard he’s smiling.
His mom texts him in December, and he calls her back despite the fact that he’s about to get on a plane.
“Hey Mom.”
“Patrice! I’m so proud of you honey!” He feels himself smile wryly at himself, and switches to french to answer.
“So you got the card?”
“Of course! I knew it would only take a few dozen years of threatening to castrate you before you’d get it through your head.”
He sighs. The bus is slowing to a stop. “Only a dozen. But um…what did you mean? In your text.”
His mom huffs impatiently like she does when she thinks Patrice should understand something he doesn’t. “I thought it was pretty clear, Patrice. Make sure we get to see Brad this year! I’ve missed that boy.”
“Mom you’ve met him once, and for like five minutes-”
“Four times, actually.”
Patrice sits forward in his seat. “Have you been counting?!” He cries, then looks around quickly. Luckily the guys are just standing and grabbing their shit, not paying attention to him. “I’ve got to go. I’ll ask him alright? But don’t get your hopes up. He’s probably gonna spend the holidays with his family.”
His mom just laughs, which, what does that mean mom, but he really does have to go, so they exchange ‘i love you’s and he hangs up.
Brad sidles up to him as they walk to the plane and nods to his phone, which Patrice is still staring at with a confused expression. “What was that about?” He asks.
“Nothing. Just my mom.”
Marchy’s brow furrows, worry flashing across his face. Patrice pretends to not notice his heart thumping happily at the concern. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah.” He assures, way to quickly. “Everything’s fine.”
Everything is not fine.
It’s very, very not fine. The problem is that he doesn’t know, exactly, why it is not fine. He doesn’t even know what it is, really, just that people are acting really weird.
Example: he’s on a short roadie, which, cool whatever hockey. But in the two days they’re gone, he’s gotten a text from almost everyone in his family and several of his friends, all of which tell him they’re happy for him, or that they can’t wait to see him, or some variation of support. This includes a weird snapchat from Seggy, which - okay, he can’t decipher Tyler’s snaps on a good day, but this one is particularly confusing. Something about…losing a bet? Who knows, there was a lot of yelling and loud music in the background.
Whatever. Apparently Jamie is mad at him. Or something.
He doesn’t text anyone back anything other than some ‘thank you’s and a few ‘yeah you too’s and a question mark to Segs. He doesn’t ask anyone “what the fuck are you talking about”, because honestly what does that say about him? Clearly it’s not a bad thing, he just doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
It’s disconcerting. Worrying too. But not as worrying as how Brad suddenly just ditches him the entire trip. He knows it’s only two days, but still, they usually hang out at night on roadies.
He gets no text on his phone and no knock on his door and no apology or explanation the next day.
“What the fuck is going on.” He groans as he drops down into his seat next to Rask after a shootout win against the ducks. A game that involved nearly zero talk between him and Marchy.
Tuuks just keeps looking at his phone, but chimes in with an emotionless “Mood.”
“Why am I friends with you?” He groans. Tukka just shrugs.
“Your choice man.”
“Shut up.”
“Hey Patrice can I talk to you for a sec?”
He lifts his head up, and then tilts it back some more. Sitting on the floor stretching out and looking up at Chara is a…long distance to look. The soft spoken captain actually looks worried.
Oh wonderful.
“Yeah, sure Z.” He mumbles, and folds his legs under him. He takes Chara’s offered hand and pulls himself up. Together they walk into the back hall that’s behind the gym. None of the guys are there. It’s quiet.
He swallows thickly and takes a deep breath.
“Did I do something wrong?” He asks quietly, staring at the floor until he realizes that this is Z, for crying out loud. Not only does he demand respect as a captain, but he also helped give Patrice the A. He should be able to look him in the eyes, so he tries his best to bring his gaze upward.
Chara isn’t angry though, he’s…concerned? Or- something else. He almost looks sad.
“No, of course not.” Z’s quiet voice used to unnerve him, except it’s almost always the same level of calm, so he got used to it. Now though, he’s talking like he’s afraid of spooking Patrice. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry.”
He blinks. “What?”
His captains eyes dart to the ground for a second and it clicks.
Nervous. Chara is nervous.
What the hell.
“If I ever made you feel like it was wrong, or if anyone on the team ever did, I apologize.” He smiles, and it’s hesitant. “I am happy for you though. It’s great to see you happy, you know.”
“I- um, I’m sorry, did you- are we- what’s-” A door opening behind them cuts off his stammering and has Patrice nearly jumping out of his skin. It’s just one of the staff, but Chara backs up and smiles again, not really strained this time, but still hesitant.
“We can talk more later.” He says, and then disappears around the corner.
Patrice stares after him. Now alone in the hallway, he pushes both hands through his hair.
“What the fuck is going on?” He whisper yells. The hall just echoes his voice back at him, cold and empty and answerless.
The final straw is after the game. They got home from the roadie last last night, and then had to play again, and now it’s almost eleven. They worked hard but lost to the bolts anyway, and the locker room is subdued. Disappointed and tired, there isn’t much normal activity going around, and after media it doesn’t really get any better. Coach talks to them and dismisses them to get some rest, and that’s when Pasta drops down into the stall next to him.
“I’m sorry.”
Bergy rolls his eyes. “What is it with everyone apologizing to me? What the fuck did you all do that was so bad?”
Pasta’s eyes widen and Patrice instantly feels bad.
“I was- the turnover in the third.” He clarifies, and Bergy closes his eyes and pinches his nose. He starts to apologize but David just waves him off and shoots him a sympathetic look.
“It wasn’t your fault anyway. You don’t have to apologize for that.”
“Yeah, but I wanted to. You look…stressed.”
“Gee thanks.” He mumbles, tugging at his socks.
“Hey congrats by the way.”
Patrice blinks at Pasta. Some slightly hysterical part of him wants to wail ‘please god not you too Pasta’. Instead he grits his teeth and decides to ask, because if Pasta is fucking with him then he’s definitely gonna know. “Uh- Thanks? But for what?”
David just laughs. “I mean I figured it’d been going on for a while, but damn Bergy, how’d he talk you into coming out with a Christmas card?”
“He bribed me with Chinese.” His responds, relaxing for a few seconds. Pasta takes it in stride, nodding like that makes sense, and even gets all the way back to his own stall before it registers in Patrice’s brain what he actually said.
‘...coming out with a Christmas card…’
He stares at his hands, frozen.
Coming out.
The fucking christmas card. He and Brad- and what the fuck does that mean, ‘I figured it’d been going on for a while’?!?!
He lifts his gaze to scan the locker room, searching out one particular face,and- yep. There’s Marchy, staring at him with wide eyes and a distraught expression. His team is moving around the locker room without a care, yelling at each other and throwing gear everywhere and arguing about the stupidest things. Normal locker room stuff.
Marchy bites his lip and drops his gaze suddenly, and that’s how Patrice realizes he’s still mostly in his hockey shit while Brad is tying the laces on his dress shoes, ready to go home.
“Oh.” He croaks. “Oh fuck.”
He gives exactly three fucks about how late at night it is, and all of them disappear when Marchand fails to answer his phone. All five times he calls him.
‘I’m standing outside your door, asshole. Open the fuck up before i wake up every single one of your neighbors.’ He texts angrily. When nothing is given in return except for a ‘Read, 12:02 AM’ underneath the text bubble, he doesn’t hesitate in repeatedly slamming his fist into the plain apartment door. There’s a loud crash from inside, and he keeps ‘knocking’ until there’s someone scrambling behind the door and suddenly Brad is there yanking the door open so fast that Patrice almost hits him in the face with his hand.
He doesn’t bother with whatever words they might’ve exchanged, he just barges right into the apartment keeping his shoes on because he’s too worked up to be polite. He hears the door shut behind him, and he runs a hand through his hair.
“What the hell Patrice?! You can’t just-”
“No! No you don’t get to yell at me for this.” He whirls around and he’s so, so angry but he’s also hurt. He’s covering for it, stretching the little bit of anger and betrayal he felt when he met Brad’s eyes in the locker room. “You knew! You knew what was going on and instead of growing a pair and talking to me you avoided me for three fucking days!”
Marchy looks like he’s caught between pissed and guilty. “I didn’t want you to be angry okay?!”
“Too fucking late!” Patrice yells back. “You realize that I had an entire conversation with my mom right? She thinks we’re together. My entire family has apparently always known I’ve been gay, Z thinks he failed as a captain because we didn’t tell him earlier, fucking- even Tuukka called me after the game, because he thought someone did something to make us want to stay hidden and he was about to murder. Jesus christ Marchand! I had to find out from Pasta that everyone thought we were together, and those fucking cards were us announcing it!”
He watches Brad’s eyes narrow and something else flashes across his face, to quick for Patrice to identify. “Is the thought of us together really that disgusting to you?”
“That’s not why I’m angry, what the fuck?”
Brad crosses his arms. “Seems like it is.”
“I’m pissed because you knew, and you knew that I didn’t but you still said nothing.” He snarls. His chest is heaving and his throat is raw and he hates this. He doesn’t even know why it hurts so much that Brad didn’t tell him. He can blame it on humiliation - which he does, continuing with “I look like an idiot now you realize that right? How am I supposed to tell everyone we aren’t together when I never denied it outright?”
-but it’s not the truth.
It does hurt getting kept in the dark. It stings even more that it’s Brad who let it happen, but what really punches him in the chest is knowing that they aren’t together. That he’ll have to make those phone calls and have awkward conversations when he could be smiling with Brad by his side. The idea of them together doesn’t piss him off - it’s that fact that them together is only an idea, not a reality. He has to deal with the repercussions of an idea, when he should be planning out the future.
Marchy opens his mouth, closes it, then growls “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier” out through his teeth. Bergy steps back, his anger suddenly spent. He sits on the arm of the couch and buries his hands in his hair, head bowed.
“God this is so fucked up.” He whispers, and forces himself to straighten. Looking at Brad he can see what he didn’t before - the exhaustion painted on his figure, the way he’s holding himself like he needs comfort that he can’t get, he pain in his eyes as he stares at Bergy.
And then a few things click.
“Marchy.” He says lowly, looking at the hardwood floor in front of his feet. “How long did you know?”
Marchands eyes instantly move from his face to the wall, then to the coffee table and then they settle on the windows. “I-”
“How long?”
He swallows. “Since- before we left. My mom must’ve gotten hers pretty fast I guess. But…I- I had looked at them before we ordered them, and I thought…well maybe.”
Patrice stands slowly, shoving his hands in the pockets of his coat so he can ignore the way they’re shaking. “You thought people might think we were together, and you sent them anyway?”
Brad looks like he’s about to cry now, but at least he’s looking at Patrice again. “Yeah.” He whispers. He takes a breath, even steps forward, halfheartedly reaches out a hand for him. “I’m- I’m so sorry Patrice, I didn’t want to- I just- it was a spur of the moment thing and I didn’t really think it would explode like it did.”
Marchy is close enough now that there’s barely a few feet between them. If Patrice reaches forward he could touch his arm. “You live your life in spur of the moment decisions.” He murmurs. “Never thought I’d hear you apologize for one.”
“This one hurt you.” Brad says, painfully real. “You deserve an apology for that.”
Patrice shakes his head. “God you really don’t know do you?” Marchy only blinks up at him. “Everyone I talked to on the team dropped some sort of inclination like they knew we had been dating for a while. I think part of the reason I didn’t deny them is because…I wanted that. This hurt me because it wasn’t true, Marchy. I was getting congratulation texts for something I hadn’t won. The idea of us doesn’t disgust me, it makes me happy, but what hurt the most was knowing I’d never ever have you. I’d have to tell everyone the thing I wanted the most wasn’t real.”
He looks down at his shoes and shakes his head. “I don’t- I don’t know if that’s what you wanted, but I-”
He’s cut off by arms grabbing his arms and pushing him backwards into the wall, his back hitting it with a soft thump. A noise of protest might come from him, he’s not sure, because his brain short circuits shortly after that.
Brads lips crash against his and Patrice melts.
His lips are chapped and he tastes like that stupid mint gum he always chews after games and he’s kissing him.
It’s sloppy at first, and the force of Brad kissing means their noses are squished together for a second, but Patrice gets with the program pretty quickly. He takes control of the kiss, one hand cupping Brads face to slow him down, the other in his hair to encourage him. He tilts his head down and Brads up, and his skin sings with feeling, nerve endings coming alive with excitement.
When they finally break apart it’s for necessity of air. Patrice has to stop Brad from rushing back in, even though it physically pains him to do so. “Wait.” He gasps, and Marchy makes a noise that sends a shiver down his back.
“Okay.” Brad whispers, and Patrice nods, “Okay-” and they’re kissing again, and again, and he actually has to tear his lips from Brad’s to get more air and try and clear his head.
“Wait- wait a second okay, just a second.” He laughs when Brad huffs in disappointment. “I assume we’re on the same page here right? Like- we’re trying this. Together?”
Marchy nods so fast his head nearly falls off. “Yeah. Yes. I mean- if you want, because I definitely want.”
He laughs again and kisses him, short and sweet. “I think I got that.” He murmurs against his lips, hands rising to rest at Marchy’s side. “Have to thank you though.” He says through a grin.
Brad pulls back, surprised and says “What, why?” then rolls his eyes at himself.
Patrice rolls his eyes back. “Well, while you did put me in a lot of awkward situations, you also sorta just saved me from those situations, so…”
His excited laughter echoes in the apartment, fading quietly as they make their way to the bedroom. The door to the bedroom quietly, gently, clicks shut behind them.
Patrice calls his mom back two days later. He had to have a long conversation with Z and then with Coach and then with Z and Coach, but he did it all with Marchy by his side. They’re good now. They’ve been good, for such a long time now, and Patrice feels like he just never noticed until now.
As in, right now, with Marchy tucked into his side on the couch while some random cooking show plays. It’s snowing outside and the world hasn’t ended despite being out to his team about being in a same sex relationship in the least inclusive major professional sport. Christmas is in a week and he gets to call his mom to say that she was right.
“Yeah mom. Yeah I know. No, he called his family already. Well he wasn’t going anywhere originally- yeah we got the tickets. Yes. Yes, jesus christ, I- sorry.” He smiles down at the sleeping body next to him and has to suppress an honest to god giggle when Brad mumbles some nonsense about carrots and the Flyers. “He’s coming home with me.”
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literaryoblivion · 6 years
October 30 - Haunted House (Tyler/Jamie)
Forgive me for the belatedness of this.
(Read on AO3)
He doesn’t know whose idea it was, but he does know it sure as hell wasn’t his. The last thing Tyler wants to do with his day off is being scared to death in a stupid haunted house, and yet… here he is standing in line with the rest of the guys all in the name of “team bonding.” He’s pretty sure that was Spez’s excuse. Whatever, he’ll be fine. It’s not real and maybe he can just close his eyes the whole time or like run through it so he doesn’t see anything. Yeah. That sounds like a great plan.
“You doin’ okay, Segs?” Jamie asks quietly behind him, causing him to jump and spin around.
“Huh? What? Yeah. Totally!” he answers, maybe a little too quickly given the confused, distrusting look Jamie is giving him.
“You sure?”
“Yup.” Tyler bobs his head and gives Jamie what he hopes is a convincing smile. It’s apparently not convincing.
“Yeah, I don’t believe you. I know how you get during scary movies, and the fact you’ve been jittery and jumping on your toes the whole time we’ve been in line tells me otherwise. Look, you don’t have to come in if you don’t want to.”
Tyler shakes his head. “No way. I’m not chicken-ing out. Can you imagine the chirping if I back out? I’m doing this, Jamie.”
Jamie holds up his hands. “Okay. I’m… well if it gets to be too much, tell me. I can leave with you.”
The look on Jamie’s face is so sincere, and it makes Tyler smile fondly. Whenever Jamie gets into protective, Captain-mode it’s pretty touching. It definitely doesn’t help the growing crush Tyler has on him, though.
“Thanks, Chubbs. I feel better already knowing you’ll protect me from the ghouls and zombies.” He winks, and Jamie rolls his eyes.
“I mean it though,” Jamie adds after they’ve moved up in line, keeping his voice low so only Tyler can hear him. “I’ll be right there if you need me.”
“I’ll be fine. Promise. But thanks,” Tyler says and he means it. It means a lot to him to have Jamie so worried about him and care about him so much. But he can handle this. He won’t like it and it won’t be fun, but he can brave a haunted house.
Except he totally can’t. Turns out it’s kind of a maze and less of just a guided path around scary scenes. Part way through the team has been separated, and all he can hear are screams and shouts, and he’s not panicking, except he is.
He turns around and the people behind him are complete strangers and… shit. He thought at least Rads was with him, but he doesn’t see anyone recognizable. He decides it’s better to at least be with strangers than completely by himself, so he tries to ignore the monsters lurking in the corner and following the other people.
It’s not working well, the ignoring part, and he’s freaking out and not really okay. Why did he even decided to go through with this? He should’ve taken the out Jamie had given him. Maybe he could’ve faked getting sick or something. Which, where the hell is Jamie, anyway, he had promised to be there, and now he--
“Hey, Seggy, calm down,” Jamie says behind him, with a firm hand on his shoulder. The touch helps. Tyler closes his eyes, takes a couple deep breaths, and tells himself to relax. Jamie steps up closer behind him, and Tyler has to physically keep himself from leaning back into his chest.
“Where were you?” Tyler lets out once he’s settled.
“I’m sorry, Segs. I thought you were behind me, and I turned around and you were gone. It took me a bit to find where you went. I’m here though.” He reaches and grabs a hold of Tyler’s hand and laces their fingers together. It makes Tyler’s eyes fly open and stare down at their linked hands.
“I won’t let go. I’ll be here with you,” Jamie continues. Tyler can feel his heart beating faster, and it’s not because of their spooky surroundings.
He can’t speak, but he nods and squeezes Jamie’s hand, which Jamie returns. “Come on,” Jamie says, “we’re almost at the end, I promise. Just focus on me if it gets to be too much.”
Slowly Jamie leads Tyler away from where they’re standing, and Tyler lets himself get closer to Jamie, burying his face in Jamie’s shoulder when something jumps out at him. They’re hands remained linked the entire time.
He almost taps out when they go through a room that looks like it’s crawling with snakes (it’s not, it’s a projection), but instead, Jamie holds on to him and shields his eyes and hurries them out.
By the time they make it out of the haunted house, Tyler is practically wrapped around Jamie, Jamie’s arms holding him closer.
“Hey, we’re out, now,” Jamie whispers into Tyler’s hair because Tyler’s face is in his chest. Slowly Tyler looks up and realizes that yes, they are out and are standing alone to the side of the exit. “You okay?”
Tyler nods and steps back away from Jamie, their hands coming to rest at their sides. “Yeah. Thanks… for… sorry I was such a baby, clinging to you and stuff.”
Jamie frowns and shakes his head. “No, Ty, it’s okay. Scary things are not fun for you. I get it. I didn’t mind.”
“Didn’t mind?”
Jamie’s cheeks redden slightly. “I… I am glad I could be there for you. I didn’t mind the clinging.”
“Oh?” Tyler asks as he watches Jamie’s face and ears get redder. Maybe his crush isn’t as unrequited as he thought it was.
“Yeah.” Jamie rubs the back of his neck.
“Well…” Tyler says, stepping back into Jamie’s space. “You don’t have to wait for another excuse to hold my hand.”
“No?” Jamie asks, an eyebrow lifted and a half smile playing on his lips.
“Nope.” Tyler grabs Jamie’s hand, and they both grin at each other. Tyler desperately wants to kiss Jamie too, and he could, Jamie seems to have a look in his eye like he wants to kiss Tyler too, but behind them they can hear the rest of their teammates cheering and laughing as they exit the haunted house.
Jamie squeezes his hand and then they both let go and walk to catch up with everyone else, both knowing there’s more to come between them later with they’re alone.
Tyler might have hated the haunted house and not want to do it, but in a way he’s glad he did if only because it brought him and Jamie together, which he can’t say he minds at all.
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