#Seiko Monster
shiningcurrents · 2 years
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Dandadan el siguiente martes
I have found a new reason to live!
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girly-media-studio · 2 years
Characters Voiced By Erin Fitzgerald
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pkansa · 9 months
Seiko Orange Monster - New video series, "Behind the Dial"
Seiko Orange Monster Seiko Orange Monster: We are starting a new series it’s called Behind the Dial. What we’re going to be doing is exploring watches that you might be familiar with, some things you might not have heard of, we’re going to talk about different watch types, different watch brands, what makes them special and what to watch out for when you’re buying your own watches. Today, we’re…
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memory-echo · 2 years
The Root of Evil
“All parents screw up all children”, as Dr. House would say. In some ways, Seiko is not remarkable. There is something that separates her actions from a lot of other parents’ actions, though. See, most parents are trying to do right by their kids. They may fail miserably, but they’re trying the best they can.
What truly separates Seiko from everyone else is that she’s not trying. None of the past later events proved that Seiichi’s abuse started with good intentions. Quite the opposite, in fact. Seiko just confessed that she always planned to use a baby to fulfill her own emotional needs.
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“In a way, I felt as if I were the baby soaking up my own mothering. I didn’t feel lonely or abandoned when I was with him. Every moment I spent with him was a convoluted way to mother myself.” What looked to the outside world like devoted parenting was in reality a way to satisfy her own unmet needs for attachment. “I was so blind, so totally blind to what I was doing,” she cried in anguish. “Where were the warning signs?”
This is a quote from a book called The Emotional Incest Syndrome, although could’ve come from Seiko’s lips. It never will, though, because she’ll never take responsibility for her actions, for destroying her son’s life.
Here’s another quote from the same book:
"All parents derive some degree of comfort and satisfaction from their children. Parenting is never a totally thankless task. If it were, the human race would have vanished long ago. No one could put up with the late-night feedings, the dirty diapers, the incessant crying, and the constant need for attention if there was nothing to gain from the relationship. [...] Some of the hidden joys of parenting are: increased physical contact; is increased intimacy, and unconditional love. Children love their parents regardless of what they do. Their need for attachment is so great that they can make a banquet out of crumbs. Imagine this typical scene: A man drags himself home after a hard day at work. He’s lost a key client, and his frantic efforts to contain the damage have made him an hour late for dinner. When he gets home, his wife gives him a peck on the cheek and chides him for ruining supper. His 4-year-old daughter, however, gives him a much warmer reception. She vaults across the room, leaps into his arms, and smothers him with kisses. “Daddy’s home! Daddy’s home!” His late arrival has only heightened her anticipation. Who can blame a parent for reveling in this devotion?"
She spent three years reveling in the glory of unconditional love, and then she tried to kill her only son. How do you justify that?!  
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And no, postpartum depression - one of my earlier suspicions - is no longer an option. There’s absolutely no evidence she suffered from postpartum depression. The pregnancy was not traumatic in any way, heck, the marriage was not traumatic in any way, even though these two people were never in love with each other to begin with. In spite of this, they agreed to get married. I always thought that the marriage had to be traumatic enough because she seemed desperate to get out of it. But I was wrong! 
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Was unconditional love suddenly not enough for her? Was it the fact that she doesn’t understand unconditional love enough to feel it when her son hugs her? Or was it the fact that Seiichi wanted to achieve little bits of independence (like tying his own shoes) that made her give up on him? Maybe it was the fact that you cannot use other people to make yourself feel better for too long. Eventually, you’ll realize that it doesn’t work that way. 
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And are we really going to forget that she thought about abortion? She conveniently left that out in her little ‘walk down memory lane’, although she had said it before in the court of law. 
Many questions are still unanswered: why did she try to kill Seiichi the first time around? Why didn’t she finish him off when he could barely move? Why did she return home with him? Why can’t she just pack her bags and leave, if she’s so unbearably miserable? Why does she have to wait for police intervention? This bitch is so weird… She was the adult, she had an obligation to take responsibility for her own needs and her own happiness.
One thing is true, though: she destroyed the life of an innocent child for nothing, and none of this was accidental, and that’s why Seiko is a real monster.
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And Now Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program.
[Zetsubou HQ - Meanwhile] 
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Right...That should be everything.
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Are you sure that this is the most optimal solution? Why not just ask her instead of forcing your way in?
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That’s not guaranteed to work. Plus, if I go for such a roundabout option, I doubt Shirogane will be willing to trust me for anything else around here.
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You seem very desperate to gain Shirogane’s trust. Why?
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Well, what can I say? Everyone else around here is in deep with her. As the newcomer, I’ve got some big shoes to fill.
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Would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about this though.
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Do you want me to hold your hand?
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No, why-
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Why would I want you to hold my hand? I’m not a child!
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No...But you ARE an emotionally damaged human being with chronic depression, which can cause you to break down over immense pressure; plus this operation is riding on your skills, and you fear disappointment more than-
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STOP! Stop! Stooop...!
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I get it, alright? Get off my case!
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Sounds like you two are having fun.
*Tsumugi suddenly walks in with a group of Zetsubou goons behind her.
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Shirogane! What brings you here?
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I’m here because I’m excited to see what you’ve come up with. After all, a lot is riding on this.
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You’ve come to be a witness?
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Not just a witness. I brought these soldiers in case an altercation happens.
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Funny. I brought Gyalusetsu for a similar reason. 
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Now Uchui, I just want to remind you, GENTLY I will add, that if this doesn’t work, I won’t be able to uphold my end of the contract. Seiko will have to stay here until you can think of a different solution.
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Oh, don’t worry Miss.
*Uchui suddenly reaches to his pocket and pulls out a pistol shaped object.
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I know what I’m doing.
*With that, he approaches the door.
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*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
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Excuse me? May I come in for a moment?
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Well that was lame.
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Yeah, too soft!
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Well excuse me! She could be indecent for all I know!
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*Seiko pokes her head out the crack in the door.
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Ah, h-hello Doctor Sorry, may I come in?
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Sure, but I have other guests in right now.
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Nagito and Kanata I presume. Very well then. Excuse me!
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*Uchui forces his way into the room, with Tsumugi, Matta and the others behind him.
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Woah, woah, what’s going on!? Why are you storming my lab!?
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Apologies in advance, Dr Inori. This is highly important. I fear of wasting any more time, so I’ll get right to the point. 
*Uchui clears Kanata out of the way and points his blaster at Seiko.
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Forgive me for this.
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What are you doing!?
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Uchui, what the hell!?
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I know how this looks, but stand down!
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Like hell I-
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*Nagito lunges at him, but is suddenly tackled by Matta and pinned to the wall. The soldiers also restrain Kanata.
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(Wh-What the hell is this...!? I...can’t move! How is he DOING this!?)
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Don’t worry...This won’t...hurt...a bit.
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*A flash of light beams over Seiko, but as soon as it dissipates, she’s standing where she was, unchanged.
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S-Seiko...are you alright?
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I-I don’t know. There was fl-lash...a-and...
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I don’t...what...BRRAAGH!
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*To Nagito and Kanata’s horror, Seiko suddenly drops to her knees and coughs up a considerable amount of blood.
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Hey HEY! Take it easy! Ugh, someone get me a tissue and some meds. And a new mask while you’re at it.
*The goons grab what Uchui needs. He hands the pills to Seiko with a bottle of water, and a new clean mask to put on afterwards.
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What did...Grgh...
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Shhhh! Don’t speak. It’ll make it worse.
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Uchui, what did you do!?
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No...Is this...what I think it is...!?
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What? What!?
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I see you’ve already long caught on, Ms Inori.
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Nagito. Tell me. How familiar are you with the Kibougamine Gakuen (Danganronpa Another 1) Killing Game?
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The one that Kanata was a part of? Moderately, why?
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Are you aware of what happened to Mikako Kurokawa during that Killing Game?
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Uchui: I’m sure you remember, but allow me to jog your memory. Both Mikako Kurokawa and her brother, Yamato Kisaragi, are special cases when it comes to the world’s history of Killing Games. They are the only two participants, barring Mukuro Ikusaba, who didn’t have their memories erased prior to the game.
Matta: Why not? I was under the impression the Kibougamine Killing Game served as a test drive for the memory erasure?
Uchui: Kisaragi invented a device that prevented Matsuda’s memory altercation methods from working on them. However, this came at an unfortunate side effect for both of them.
Kanata: I was killed by Uehara before I ever found this out, but upon resurrection, I read more into it. The device turned Yamato into a talkative lunatic, with most of what he’s saying be borderline incoherent. But as for Mikako...
Uchui: Kurokawa suffered almost the complete reverse. If she talked too much, she would suffer heavy migraines and vertigo, which would make her pass out before she could form even a comprehensive sentence.
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Hence what you are seeing now...
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Wait...are you saying-!?
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I recreated Kisaragi’s machine into a smaller form, and just used it on Seiko. If she tries to spill the beans about ANYTHING she discovered during her time here in Zetsubou...
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She’ll vomit buckets of blood like she did just now...
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Yes, therefore...I think it’s best that you keep your mouth shut and your hands to yourself, Ms Kimura.
*Uchui holds out a hand towards her.
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It’s over now...It will be ok?
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Wh-What do you mean it’s over?
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As of tomorrow, Seiko Kimura will be free to leave Organization Zetsubou base.
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I know that this looks bad, but this was the only way I could ensure that Seiko would be allowed to leave the base alive. We can’t have her tattling information about the organization, can we?
*Seiko takes Uchui’s hand and helps her up.
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Get some rest, and I’ll arrive with the grunts to come and pick you up tomorrow. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.
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Gyalusetsu. Release Nagito.
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Very well.
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*Gyalusetsu drops Nagito, who ultimately failed to get him to release him. The goons also release Kanata. Uchui hands Kanata the meds.
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If she starts acting up again, this will calm her condition. Would you mind taking her back to her room?
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I don’t need you to tell me that.
*Kanata snatches the pills, glaring at Uchui, and helping to support Seiko out of the room.
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*Seiko looks back one last time at Nagito before she’s taken out of sight.
Zetsubou Soldier: Should we follow them, Miss Shirogane?
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Nah, leave them. Not like they can discuss much like this.
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So this is good enough?
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It’s more than good enough. There’s no cure for the device, is there? So we’re all set to go.
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Not that I want to sound demanding in front of my boss, but I want to make sure she gets delivered out SAFELY. I already have a plan of where to drop her off which I’ll discuss with you later.
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Sounds like a plan. You did good Uchui. Maybe I shouldn’t have doubted you.
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Yeah, hehe...That said, may I kindly make one more demand for now?
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I appreciate the help from all of you, but would you mind giving Nagito and I the room please?
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Huh? How come?
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He’s obviously still concerned about this whole situation. I just want to walk him through my thinking so he knows that Seiko will be 100% safe. He’s obviously worried about it.
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Very well. You heard him boys. Let’s pack up and move out.
*Tsumugi and the goons leave the room. Matta goes to follow, briefly stopping to whisper to Uchui.
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In case he tries to kill you, scream and I will come running.
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How thoughtful of you.
*Matta then leaves and closes the door behind him.
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*The menacing furious aura pollutes the room as soon as Uchui and Nagito are alone. Despite his legs shaking, Uchui stands his ground.
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You’re probably very angry, but-
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Of course I’m angry! I thought I could trust you! And then you turn around and do THIS!?
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Oh, you know what!? Shush your mush! Keep in mind the alternatives were wiping her memories or killing her! Would you have preferred she forgot who she was? Forgot about your relationship!?
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Or are you satisfied with her staying here? I know that gives you two a lot of time to stay alone together, but that’s very selfish of you Nagito! She doesn’t deserve this.
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I don’t get it Uchui. Who’s side are you on? You want Zetsubou’s help and yet you’re rescuing Seiko? What is your end goal?
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Heh...You think I’m done rescuing Seiko? I’ve only just gotten started?
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*He leans in close to whisper.
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Shirogane was wrong about something. She has no idea but...there IS a cure for this device. And I know exactly how to get it.
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I think it’s high time I told you the full story of what I’m hoping to achieve here. But before I do, there’s something I need YOU to do for me.
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And that is...?
*Uchui looks around to make sure no one is listening, and then delivers his ultimatum.
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I need you to help me meet with the Killing Game Survivor’s. Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi...ALL of them.
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rasoiodockham · 2 years
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…disse il mago alla strega…
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skulla-rxcks · 1 month
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Click here for K!nktober 2023
Updating as I complete each fic but the links will be out in October
Dc - blue
Skz - pink
Cof -green
Copa - red
1 tentacles (Felix)
2 Stab wounds (Kizami and reader)
3 werewolf (chan x reader)
4 scratching (catwoman and Batman)
5 fuck or die (chan X reader)
6 monster fucking (nightwing)
7 needy (Han x reader)
8 cannibalism (hyunjin)
9 kidnapper (book Simon x reader)
10 yandere/stalker (chan x reader)
11 bloody suicide (Simon)
12 gangbang w guns (skz ot8 x reader)
13 pet Play (seungmin x fem dom reader)
14 costume party (hyunjin x reader)
15 under the desk (Chan x reader)
16 drunk sex (Dick/nightwing x reader)
17 mommy (changbin x reader)
18 ghost (Morishige x Ghost!Mayu)
19 dildos (Han x reader)
20 spanking (Chan x reader)
21 face sitting/body worship (Changbin x reader)
22 electrocution (Nightwing x villain!reader)
23 wholesome but bloody (Naomi x Seiko)
24 masked assault (Chan & Felix x reader)
25 somno (Chan x reader)
26 daddy (Dick Grayson x reader)
27 non con (Reader x Chan)
28 master (Nightwing x reader)
29 overstimulation (Felix)
30 knives (Chan x reader) pt1
31 vampire (Chan x reader) pt2
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mxdimitrescu · 5 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist. Everything I've written so far will be kept in one place until I feel like a mini masterlist is necessary. Requests are Open so please send in your requests!
Who I'll Write For:
Right now, I'm only writing for characters or celebrities I am familiar so I apologize if I don't recognize for your person that you request for. However, I am hyper-fixated on Twice so that's your best bet. I primarily write OCs instead of Y/N just to make it easier for me to write. Also all my OCs are G!P too.
Stories/Imagines that are highlighted RED is 18+. CONTAINS SMUT!!
Reactions/Headcanons Masterlist
↳Myoui Mina x GP!Minatozaki Seiko
↳Park Jihyo x Bae Eun
Her Lion
↳Chou Tzuyu x GP!Kang Saja
Unexpected Surprise (Request)
↳Twice x GN!Reader
Red String of Fate (Coming Soon)
↳Minatozaki Sana x Kim Dohyun
New Hiring (Coming Soon)
↳Hirai Momo x ??
Late Night Fun
↳ Vanessa Moe x GP!Reece Johnson
↳Kylie Jenner x GP!Lux Jones
Drunken Night
↳Kendall Jenner x GP!Remy Fields
Green-Eyed Monster
↳Kendall Jenner x GP!Kai Daniels
After Party
↳Cardi B. x GP!Salem Black
Shy Reunion
↳Lauren Jauregui x Blue Hansen
↳Anna Kendrick x Bellamy Black
Unexpected Love Pt.1 & Pt.2
↳Rosalie Hale x Echo Clearwater
You Saved Me
↳Irina Denali x Finley
When Our Eyes Meet
↳Alex Morgan x Hunter Lake
New Revelations
↳Christen Press x Deaf!Emery Press
Opposites Attract
↳Tobin Heath x Tall!Jace Campbell
Connections Leads to Something
↳Mom!Hope Solo x Kid!Sloan
Everything is Okay
↳Jackie Groenen x Asa West
Love Found in Cafe
↳Ashlyn Harris x August Kane x Ali Krieger
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hexpea · 5 months
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Ch. 17 - Test
The night passed with silence between you and Gojo, both of you choosing not to acknowledge the tangled web of emotions that had enveloped your encounter in the shower. It was as though an unspoken agreement hung in the air, the elephant in the room that revolved around your commitment to Seiko. You retreated to the guest room for the night, your designated sleeping space. Gojo, too, went to his bedroom, the room where you once spent the night side-by-side. The mission to find Sukuna's severed finger loomed over your head, and it was your duty to resolve it, even if that meant ignoring the emotional turmoil that had been plaguing you ever since you left Tokyo the first time.
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The golden rays of the sunlight came through the curtains, illuminating the room with a gentle warmth. You stretched out on your back and yawned, your body fully relaxed for once. Something about the aura in the room was positively radiant. It felt as though all of your troubles were soaked up with the arrival of the sunrise.
You soaked up the happiness for just a few seconds too long. As those few seconds passed, your body fully waking up and gaining lucidity, you began to feel the fear set in once again. You shifted in bed, lying on your side once more and hugging a pillow while your mind tormented you. The memory of that steamy shower with Satoru was still vivid, but now overshadowed by the nagging worry that had been clawing at the edges of your consciousness. Your fear turned physical, as it had many mornings so far. It was a sensation that plagued you for some time, and now, in the quiet of the morning, it was impossible to ignore. Your stomach suddenly lurched, mouth filling with saliva, as the nausea returned. You were about fed up waking this way, but considering the circumstances, going to the doctor was the last thing on your mind. You were far too busy, but apparently not busy enough for contemplation.
You pressed a trembling hand to your abdomen, the tender skin beneath your palm radiating warmth. You had a hunch of what it was but admitting it to yourself was a whole other monster, however, you knew you couldn't keep procrastinating the inevitable -- it wouldn't make the problem go away. A mixture of emotions cascaded through your heart, a fear of the unknown and the uncertain future it carried. But at the same time, something about it felt...warm, hopeful even. With each wave of nausea, you couldn't help but wonder what it would mean for you, for Seiko. The idea of carrying Satoru's child, even amid the chaos and danger, held a quiet allure. You shook your head at the very thought. You were with Seiko now, this was something that should devastate you.
In any case, you had to confront the truth. You needed to know for sure before adding this conflict to the slurry you already had to attend to. You quickly got ready for the day, slipping out of Gojo's apartment in a hushed silence before he had a chance to wake up himself. 
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The weather was gorgeous and quite the contrast to what was going on in your head. The world around you seemed to blur in your peripheral vision as you walked to the nearest convenience store. Your steps felt heavier than usual, each one echoing the growing heaviness in your heart. You couldn't escape the gnawing doubts that kept resurfacing.
Arriving at the store, still quiet with few patrons so early, you entered with a mission. You were determined to quell your rising fears and confirm or deny the looming truth. The fluorescent lights overhead were harsh, casting a sterile glow over the shelves filled with various items for family planning. You found yourself staring at the display of pregnancy tests, your heart hammering your chest. Each box seemed to hold a world of possibilities, the smiling women on the front almost taunting you. The sight of them sent a fresh wave of uncertainty coursing through you. You reached for one of the boxes and clutched it tightly in your hand, not caring about whether it was the type that'd give a vague answer like those two pink lines or one that would outright display 'Pregnant' on its front.
The walk to the cashier felt endless, and you couldn't help but wonder if the cashier could somehow see the turmoil in your eyes. As you paid for the test, the cashier handed you a small, discreet bag, their expression unreadable even as you mentally berated yourself. The act of purchasing the test had made the situation all the more real, and you couldn't escape the swirl of emotions that it brought with it.
Leaving, you carried it with you like some sort of heavy secret. The journey back to Satoru's flat was marked by a storm of thoughts and worries. What would you even do? How would it impact your relationship with Seiko? You'd found out about Seiko's unfortunate situation regarding fertility early on in your relationship and considering your then thoughts about being a parent, it didn't matter to you. But at that point, it would be all too telling of what happened that night after dinner with Gojo.
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The door to the condo loomed ahead, and you entered with trepidation. You quickly locked the door behind you and turned to skitter back to the guest room for the en-suite bathroom, but you were met with, what shouldn't have been, an unexpected sight.
Gojo, still in his disheveled state, was awake and happily cooking eggs on the stove.
He turned to you with a wide smile and a single nod. "Good morning! You're out early!"
"Morning..." you replied, your voice betraying a hint of nervousness.
You tried to discreetly hide the bag behind your back, but it was already too late. His gaze had already met with the bag and his eyebrows raised in intrigue. "What's that you've got there? Early morning konbini run?" His tone was a bit teasing, as it almost always was.
Your eyes darted to the left for a split second in thought, drafting up some kind of white lie to tell him. "Oh, it's just...uh, some new skincare products I wanted to try," you said, your cheeks flushing slightly as you hoped he'd buy your explanation. "They only sell them here, not back home."
Gojo paused his movements with the pan and chopsticks in his hand to squint his eyes at you, as if he couldn't see you any better with his special eyes. "Skincare products, huh?" He mused, his grin widening. "You know, your skin already looks pretty flawless to me."
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as is gaze locked onto yours. For a moment, you felt exposed, as if he could see right through your flimsy excuse. Your heart raced, and beneath the calm smile you tried to maintain, a whirlwind of panic churned.
"Th-thanks, Satoru. I just thought it might be fun to experiment with some new stuff."
The silence that followed was deafening. You couldn't help but continue to stare at him to gauge his reaction. His raised eyebrows and the subtle quirk of his lips revealed that he wasn't entirely convinced by your explanation. You'd always prided yourself on your ability to usually stay composed under pressure, but this was different. This was a secret you couldn't afford to reveal. Your loyalty to Seiko and the consequences of your actions were at stake.
Relieved that he didn't press further, you made your way to the guest bathroom. You quickly grabbed the test out of the bag and tossed the plastic aside. Your hands trembled as you unboxed the little, plastic stick; you took a moment to read the tiny print of the instructions. As you prepared to take the test, your mind drifted back to the potential future you faced. The truth was, you weren't prepared for the potential consequences of a positive test, and the uncertainty of what could happen was a heavy burden to bear. But what the hell was this strange feeling of hope fluttering your chest?
You followed the instructions carefully, trying to steady your trembling hands. When finished, you put the cap back on the end of the test and delicately placed it on the edge of the bathroom sink. You set the lid to the toilet down and sat on top of it.
The seconds felt like hours as you waited for the results to appear, your mind racing with thoughts of what might come next. Impatiently, your leg began to shake as you tried to bide your time. You felt like you needed to focus on something but looking at your phone or reading the back of the air freshener can would be too distracting from the situation you were in. In short, you were stuck. As the minutes ticked by, you couldn't help but reflect on the complexity of your situation. The tangled web of emotions and commitments was suffocating, and now, the possibility of a pregnancy only added to the chaos. You were devoted to Seiko, you loved them with all of your heart. If you had to answer who your best friend was, you'd say it was Seiko...right?
But Satoru... there was that lingering attraction and connection you felt for him. The thought of having his child, even though it was based on a one-time, now two-time, encounter, stirred a mix of emotions within you.
The timer on your phone began to chime, snapping your body from its thought-filled trance. You quickly stopped the alarm from making any more noise. The moment of truth had arrived. Your heart pounded in your chest as you gently picked up the stick, your hands still trembling. Right in front of you, plain as day and dark as night, you saw the results. A wave of emotions rushed over you. Your eyes welled up with tears as you stared at the tiny indicator at the center of the test.
Reality came crashing down upon you, like a storm threatening to drown you. You knew how much more complicated things were about to be. You had to tell the truth to Seiko at this point...and to Satoru. The conflict between your loyalty to Seiko and the undeniable connection you had with Gojo was now compounded by the news of a possible pregnancy. Just like that, the weight had come back down on your shoulders.
Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door. "Y/N!" Satoru chimed. You could almost hear his smile from the other side as you were snapped out of your trance. "I've got breakfast if you want some! I worked real hard on it!" His sudden knocking had caused you to drop the stick and panic as he spoke about breakfast. When you didn't immediately reply, he continued. "C'mon...you know you want some!"
In your panic, you thought of nothing more to do than to just toss the test into the trash can and quickly open the door. You quickly wiped your face of your brief tears before officially turning the knob. "Satoru," you smiled wide as if you weren't up to anything.
"You okay?" He asked, furrowing his brow and tilting his head. In his hands, he held a delicious looking plate -- simple eggs and toast making your mouth water, but not for long.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you nodded and went to take the plate when the scent of the breakfast reached the deep innards of your sinuses. It was a big nope. 
You were suddenly repulsed by the smell of eggs, a new symptom of your wonderful condition. Almost instantly, you needed to purge. You flew right for the toilet, throwing up its lid and immediately dry-heaving. With nothing in your stomach, there was nothing to come up.
"Whoa, sorry," he muttered as he watched you struggle. "Forgot about you not feeling well."
"Don't worry about it," you dismissed him with your hand when you came back to a stand.
You happily took the plate from him with a furrowed brow, wanting to save face and keep him in the dark as long as you could. With plate in hand, you brushed past him to get to the dining table to eat while Satoru lingered behind in confusion. Suspicion nagged at the back of his mind with your strange demeanor. He couldn't resist the urge to investigate what you had been up to. With silent steps, he walked deeper into the bathroom, glancing around casually with his hands safely in his pockets in search for that 'new skincare' you were so eager to try. It didn't take long for his keen eyes to settle on the trash can of the guest bathroom, where the only thing in it was a box, some paper, and a single, very recognizable plastic stick.
His breath caught in his throat as soon as he laid eye on it. He almost couldn't, but he persisted and picked up the pregnancy test from the trash. His eyes settled on the positive result and it quickly sent a shock wave through him, his thoughts beginning to race. The nausea should've been a tell-tale sign, especially with the whole breakfast incident, but he hadn't connected the dots. He realized then that he had to let you go, you were having a child with Seiko. It was the official sign that he needed to give you your space -- something he should have done from the start. Something inside of him sank.
He swallowed hard and carefully placed the test right back where he found it. He took in a deep breath to fix his expression before heading back out into the dining room to join you. His idea was to not pry. It was something private between you and Seiko without his involvement, and he wanted to keep it that way for you.
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Meanwhile, you were sat at the large table alone, trying your best to maintain a face of normalcy. The aroma of breakfast filled the air, still making you nauseous as you ingested anyways. All the while, you were suppressing quite the mixture of anxiety and excitement.
Gojo eventually joined you at the dining table, his face a mask of calm and neutrality itself. For all you could see, he had a completely placid expression which eased your nerves. He took his seat, his eyes meeting yours with a knowing look that sent a shiver down your spine, bringing the anxiety right back. His brief but intense, blue stare suddenly caused a moment of clarity. You left it out in the open, you dipshit!
You quickly looked back down at your breakfast as you felt your face heating up. You tried your best to take a deep breath with your next bite to keep a straight face. The unspoken understanding between the two of you hung in the air, a secret shared by a stolen glance. You eyes floated back to him carefully as he began to eat his own breakfast, his eyes locked on the plate rather than you and your hesitance to continue eating. Neither of you mentioned the pregnancy test, and an uneasy silence settled between you as you began to eat. The elephant in the room loomed large and despite the casual conversation that ended up happening, your thoughts kept circling back to the revelation that would change everything.
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theonekrafter · 7 days
Seiko and her keen sense of smell...suspicious 🤔
fun fact! i didn't really plan for her to have a really heightened sense of smell. she was from the get go meant to be a Completely Standard civilian orphan, that way i could show how even people from no clan background can become powerful monsters.
that being said, people started commenting about her noticing specific smells when i was describing surroundings, and that kind of snowballed into this! i really like using it as sensory since most people stick to sight and touch when describing surroundings. i feel like it adds something fresh to the formula.
as for how she has such a sense of smell, 🤷
we'll see!
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canmom · 8 months
Last season's anime: Frieren episode 7-10
Shit I guess I'm full on liveblogging this one now.
This time we have episode 7 dir. Naoto Uchida (known for work on Mob Psycho 100), episode 8 dir. Tomoya Kitagawa (who also directed ep. 2), episode 9 dir. Kōki Fujimoto (key animator on a whole buncha stuff, this is his debut as an episode director), and episode 10 dir. Nobihide Kariya (who debuted not so long before as an episode director on Bocchi).
So at the end of the last post about Frieren, I commented that I found the demons underwhelming as antagonists, and hoped they would have their motivations fleshed out some more beyond 'ontologically evil baddies'. Well.
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So Frieren and the gang are travelling. We get a lot more on the Great Mage Flamme, who is Frieren's mentor figure. At this rate... she's probably gonna turn out to still be alive or some shit.
They roll up in another ridiculously picturesque town. The backgrounds in this show are apparently based heavily on the concept art paintings of Seiko Yoshioka, who gets credited under various roles including 'layout designer' and even 'worldview illustrator'. She did a crazy amount of work to design all the different settings, giving them distinctive cultural motifs and architectures and colour palettes and so on.
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Since this town covers a whole four-episode arc, we get a number of different views of it. There's definitely a reasonable amount of historical care put into the design of those city walls - even sketchy and in the distance you can spot the hoardings and appropriately narrow crenellations, as well as the machicolations on the tops of the towers. (Though unfortunatelly some of those details seem to get forgotten in the later episodes.)
The streets in the town seem kinda wide and clean but it fits the austere vibe. The main thing I'm wondering is what exactly they eat in this town - it's triple-walled in hostile territory without much in the way of farmland in sight, or indeed roads that aren't tiny.
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I'm pretty sure they built a model of at least parts of this town in 3D, because as well as certain 3D tracking shots (unfortunately hampered by the lack of any parallax mapping on the floor)...
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...we also get shots like this one, which feature a crazy 3-point perspective:
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I wouldn't say it's impossible to draw this, but it would be a hell of a lot easier to block it out roughly in 3D and then paint in the details.
Mind you, that's not even the wildest perspective we get in this episode. Check this out:
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Absolutely bananas. I love it.
But tbh the praise I have for this arc is pretty limited to this kind of technical stuff. Let's get into the story. (Though you can be sure I'll have more to say about the animation!)
At this point the story shifts gears from this fairly low-key exploration of grief and the passing of time, into more standard action anime territory.
Shortly after arriving in this town, our heroes discover that it has been infiltrated by demons in the guise of peace emissaries. Frieren attempts to attack immediately, but she allows herself to be subdued rather than harm the guards, so off she goes to jail.
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Luckily, wizard jail still has pretty generous visiting hours, so she's able to explain the deal with demons to the gang. Frieren declares that demons always lie to gain an advantage over humans, illustrated through a flashback in which a young girl demon begged for mercy, only to betray the townspeople a bit later. Having been proven right, Frieren summarily executes the girl.
I think it's worth comparing this storyline to a couple of other similar storylines in other works of fiction.
First of all, in NieR Replicant/Gestalt, there is the story 'The Little Mermaid', which was adapted into a segment in the game in the remake. A postman takes pity on a girl on a shipwreck, not realising that she is a terribly powerful monster who is struggling to maintain her human appearance. The girl starts killing people to try to maintain her connection with the postman. Eventually, the player shows up and discovers what's been going on. Their intervention provokes the girl to revert to monster state and there's a big boss fight. However, at stake in the fight is the girl's identity. Depending on how you play the boss fight, there are two possible endings, and both of them make overt parallels between the monster girl and your party member Kainé, and one portrays the grief of the postman who cannot let go of his affection for the monster.
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Secondly, the second episode of last year's Tengoku Daimakyou features a woman who is trying to protect a monster which she believed to have taken on the consciousness of her son after it ate him. The monster has been curiously non-hostile to the woman - she persuades our protagonists to back off, and they agree. Then it abruptly kills her! Oh shit. Fight scene, they kill the monster, etc.
But as they depart, the protagonists are left discussing whether the monster could really have had the son affecting its actions, whether it was just drawn to prey etc. The monster's motivations are left distinctly unclear, and the protagonists conclude there's no way to know the truth. Throughout the rest of the season, the exact nature of the monsters remains an open question.
In both cases, we either know or it is strongly implied that the monsters are fundamentally human, or derived from humans somehow. A certain amount of effort is spared to try and at least raise the question of the monster's subjectivity, and even if a monster has to die, they play it for tragedy.
So, let's return to Frieren. We're introduced to the demon girl. She ate a kid, but she staves off execution by pleading for her mother.
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The villagers decide to give her a chance to atone. Before long, she kills the village chief who took pity on her. Frieren's party show up and she does small Shaft head tilt...
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She's no longer pretending and talks in a much more level voice. She explains that she wanted to give a replacement daughter to the family of the girl she ate, by removing the village chief, for the sake of living in peace. This goes down about how you'd expect. Frieren goes ahead and kills her. As she's dying, Frieren asks why she called for her mother when demons don't raise kids. The answer she gets:
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She is surprisingly forthcoming on this front, and honestly, self-preservation is something like an understandable motivation. The impression you get from this flashback sequence is a being that is amoral, and encountering humans as something alien and, honestly, kinda threatening. Why she killed the girl in the first place is an open question - they explicitly say that the demons don't have to eat humans. Even if she kinda felt like it, you'd think she'd be able to figure out it would be an unwise move.
But as far as the show is concerned, the point of this flashback is to establish one thing: demons are lying liars who lie. Frieren is the only one who knows the truth, which is that you must shoot them on sight.
You might think the show would leave some doubt about whether Frieren is justified in having such a severe attitude towards the demons - is she just prejudiced? But nah we go pretty much straight into the demons saying 'Frieren is right about everything, now let'ss discuss our evil plan'.
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Props to this guy (he has some longish German name I can't remember) for making this random bench feel like a throne though. Like on some level he's just soft-voiced evil anime aristocrat guy but he does pull it off.
Anyway, one thing definitely doesn't seem to add up. Frieren says that demons are solitary creatures who speak in a human voice only to deceive, but the demons seem to be pretty happy to natter away to each other when no humans are around and express all sorts of thoughts and even express (fairly reserved) emotions. The boy is arrogant, the girl is protective of her boss, etc. The guy is a smooth liar and manages to wriggle out of being killed by the earl by playing the 'we're the same, let's put an end to this' card. But we're constantly reminded it's fake, he's a lying liar who's ontologically evil.
I think the super-deceptive adversary with no qualms about telling any lie is something that can be done well to create an incredibly paranoid scenario. I can't believe I'm mentioning ratfic again in the space of two posts, but this is something Worth The Candle performed very effectively. Though honestly the fantasy of the perfect manipulator who plays everyone like a fiddle is a recurring device in fantasy.
Here... the acting is strong on our main sussy demon dude. But as a worthy adversary, he's not super convincing. He lets his underling run off and get killed, and his response when the jig is up is to reveal that he's super OP and kill everyone nearby, except the governor, who he tortures. So the manipulation angle seems questionably motivated, like he wants the earl to lower the barrier so the demon army can come in... but you're kind of left wondering why he didn't already just go and kill everyone in the city since nobody who isn't Fern or Frieren can touch him. I guess he's trying to get that low chaos route.
I won't continue the beat-by-beat summary. There is a cool fight scene in Frieren's jail cell though, which has some well-integrated 3D. Frieren totally no-sells the boy's attack and cuts his arms off. Lotta dismemberment in these episodes! The main demon guy has some tasty blood-based powers, lots of monofilament whip slicing imagery (also a thing in Tengoku Daimakyou oddly enough). In general the action scenes in this show continue to be super tight. There is a pretty cute bit where Stark is trying to free the earl and can't cut through the rope holding him to a chair, the earl is going 'leave me', and I was sitting there going like 'why not destroy the chair', and then Stark does. So props for that.
Towards the end of ep 8, we learn that Frieren is actually a suuuuper scary battle mage. She was the one who researched the demon killing spell. OOooooohhh.
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Seems our demon guy hasn't changed his style in 80 years lol.
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And she did not think it too many.
So we already knew that Frieren was part of the party that killed the demon king, the last living person who knew Flamme, etc. etc., so it's not exactly surprising to see once again that she's kind of a big deal. What we seem to be setting up here - or at least maybe I'm just hoping for something more than 'only our hero is wise enough to know coexistence is impossible and a war of annihilation is the only option' - is to suggest a parallel between Frieren and the demons. They're incredibly long-lived, they love to obsessively study magic, they both have a very cold affect, they're calm under fire. If it turned out that Frieren is a demon that would be a fun angle, but I don't think it really tracks. Rather, the framing is suggesting that, when confronted with demons, Frieren is not so different...
We get a title drop in any case - turns out the anime title is an in-story title for its main character. In Japanese: 葬送のフリーレン Sousou no Frieren. 葬送 is translated by jisho.org as
attending a funeral procession; seeing off the deceased; burial of someone's remains; observing a burial​
The fansub I'm watching translate it (when used for the character) as 'Frieren the Elegy', which has about the right vibe! In the context for the show title, they translate the same phrase as Frieren: An Ageless Elegy which involves a little more interpolation, but I think it works. The official English title is Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, which is very direct but not a bad subtitle at all. Then again, maybe the bar is in the floor since 'Delicious in Dungeon'.
Anyway, after all that setup, we finally get the big fight episode. Because you see, in contrast to the earlier story which skipped over decades in a montage, this arc spans a whole four episodes. It's not badly done, but it's definitely feeling much more like a standard fight-driven show at this point.
We also meet Aura, one of the demon generals. She looks like a youngish girl and has a habit of doing the sanpaku eye smirk.
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Her schtick is that she has magic scales that let her dominate people. Then she cuts their heads off and walks their corpses around. This is represented by a big army of suits of armour, mostly rendered in CG. They've done some kind of filter to make the linework less even, but the difference in shading style is quite noticeable.
From there it's a lot of 'my gambit vs your gambit' and 'who has more mana'. The fights are, without doubt very nicely animated, although the CG castle set used for the big camera moves feels a bit... lacking in detail compared to the gorgeous painted backgrounds. Anyway, Stark wins his fight by the power of GUTS and DETERMINATION, and Fern wins her fight by being a fast analytical type who can stay cool under fire and also knows Frieren's special demonbuster spell. Though a lot of Fern's fight is just kind of both participants standing still with impassive expressions shooting either blood or big laser beams at each other or zipping all around the castle.
Of course, the major turning points in the fight hinge on flashbacks to moments with mentor figures. This is an anime, and more specifically, it's Frieren.
One thing that is interesting is that the 'point of view' indicated by internal monologue often moves from Fern to the demon guy. We get to see him try to think through how to beat her, unsuccessfully. By contrast Stark's fight takes Stark's POV. I don't think we're expected to sympathise with the demon exactly, it's a way of underlining just how badass Fern has now become thanks to Frieren's levelling up regime.
I admit Frieren has lost me a bit by this point. It's not that it's bad at being a fight anime, it hits us with a whole series of stylishly composed and strongly animated cuts. Not novel necessarily, but absolutely well-executed. But it's not a very interesting direction to take the story! I don't care about this town, we'll be leaving it in an episode or two anyway, and the only named character in it is the earl. I wanna know more about the demons but what we get is kinda just a succession of Guys With Powers. He can make his blood fly around and stab people. She can copy anyone's moveset. He has a monofilament wire. She has a magic scale that mind controls you if she has more mana.
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So how does Frieren beat the magic scales? ez. It's kind of spelled out as soon as they introduce the scales, but they spend a whole episode explaining how she's been using a relentless mana retention regimen for the last thousand years to hide her power level so that demons underestimate her. It kinda belabours the point lol. Like it kinda has to because if it doesn't try to make a big deal out of the mana hiding thing, you're just left with 'Frieren wins because her number is bigger'. But... Frieren wins because her number is bigger.
I don't hate fight-driven anime. They can be a ton of fun. But honestly, after the emotional impact of the first few episodes, taking it this way seems like it's wasting the early show's strengths. But, I hear episode 11 sees the return of Keiichirō Saitō as enshutsu, and it's said to be one of the best episodes in the show, so I'm not gonna drop it! It's certainly more than pretty enough to be worth watching through to the end.
There is a good amount of nice stuff in this last episode. The pseudo-Roman town is a cool depiction of a different material culture a thousand years prior to the main story. The 'field of flowers' magic is called back as a specific invention of Flamme - Frieren's whole deal is to kind of go around doing things to commemorate dead people and it turns out the flowers thing lets her do it twice over! We get to set up some parallels - Frieren could intuit that Flamme was a super OP mage, and Himmel could do the same for her.
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We also get some worldbuilding stuff about the demons: they have to constantly display their power level to determine their place in the demon pecking order bc they're soooo individualistic. This seems a little dubious to me - like are the demons really so dumb? Is 'hide your power level' such an incomprehensible concept? It seems like it would lead to some kind of Diplomacy-like situation where other demons would team up to take you down.
Honestly, I think what bothers me about all this is like... I don't like the concept of an ontologically evil monster at the best of times, but the demons are obviously not mindlessly malevolent with no inner lives. They talk and scheme and feel things (such as 'proud of their magic'). They have an honour system. But the narrative doesn't quite seem to be able to acknowledge that this is what it's doing. Besides levelling up their magic, we have no idea what the demons want, still, except that it seems to involve killing humans sometimes.
Anyway! kvin has an article about this section, so if you'd like to read about who did which bit and how they worked together resourcefully and where the storyboard creates imagery of separation and so on, there ya go! It sounds from this article like the manga gets a better handle on what it's trying to do with the demons later on, so I'll hold out hope.
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Also, potential list of the yandere characters under the read more!
1. Cutthroat from Akudama Drive
2. Belphegor (Obey Me)
3. Griffith (Berserk)
4. Mimimi, Hypnosis Mic
5. Zenos yae Galvus from Final Fantasy 14
6. Shion Sonozaki from Higurashi
7. Yandere-Chan from Carflo + co's Yandere High School Minecraft Roleplay series
8. Luo Binghe, Scum Villain’s Self Saving System
9. Monica Campanella, Baccano!
10. Creed, Black Cat
11. Seiko, Blood on the Tracks
12. Makima, Chainsaw Man
13. Mao, Code Geass
14. Mariko Shinobu, Dear Brother
15. Mika Harima, Durarara
16. Akito Sohma, Fruits Baskrt
17. Shigure Sohma, Fruits Basket
18. Yuno Gasai, Future Diary
19. Satou, Happy Sugar Life
20. Yukako Yamagishi, JJBA Diamond is Unbreakable
21. Himiko Toga, My Hero Academia
22. Haru, My Little Monster
23. Oz, Pandora Hearts
24. Kuroi, Thou Shalt Not Die
25. Seishirou, Tokyo Babylon
26. Kish, Tokyo Mew Mew
27. Asami, Audition
28. Lucille Sharpe, Crimson Peak
29. Alex Forrest, Fatal Attraction
30. Jareth, Labyrinth
31. Annie Wilkes, Misery
32. Evelyn Draper, Play Misty for Me
33. Charlie Stoker, Stoker
34. Nellie Lovett, Sweeney Todd
35. Victor Frankenstein, The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein
36. Frollo, Hunchback of Notre Dame
37. Erik, Phantom of the Opera
38. Fu Shenxing, Who is the Prey
39. Heathcliff, Wuthering Heights
40. Joe Goldberg, You
41. Missy, Doctor Who
42. Lestat, Interview with the Vampire
43. Kilgrave, Jessica Jones
44. Masato Kisaka, Kamen Rider 555
45. Siyun Baek, Dreaming Freedom
46. Tomoya/Sam, He’s Harmless I swear
47. Morae Baek, I don’t want this kind of hero
48. Lady, I don’t want this kind of hero
49. Yuta, Kubera
50. Thaddeus, Madame Outlaw
51. Yunsu, Trapped
52. JD, Heathers
53. Erik, Yeston and Kopit Phantom
54. Der Tod, Elisabeth
55. Callisto, Villains Are Destined to Die
56. Hannibal, Hannibal
57. Reinhart, I failed to oust the villain
58. Yul, Secret Alliance
59. Hananoi, A Condition Called Love
60. Naoka Ueno, A Silent Voice
61. Sumireko Hanabusa, Akuma no Riddle
62. Esdeath, Akame ga Kill
63. Dracula, Bram Stoker’s Dracula
64. Mashiro Mai, Dead Tube
65. Monika, Doki Doki Literature Club
66. Lucy, Elfen Lied
67. Juvia, Fairy Tail
68. Mimi. flip flappers
69. Akise Aru, Future Diary
70. Elena Aoki, Gleipnir
71. Hades, Hadestown
72. shuu iwamine, Hatoful Boyfriend
73. Luka, Alien Stage
74. LT. Oscar, Lupin the III, The Woman Called Fujiko Mine
75. Sumin Jeong, Marry My Husband
76. Reiko Ichijou, Migi and Dali
77. Diane Selwyn, Mulholland Drive
78. Harry MacDougall, Outlaw Star
79. Root, Person of Interest
80. Jackson Rippner, Red Eye
81. Kozue Kaoru, Revolutionary Girl Utena
82. Seyoung Jin, Surviving Romance
83. Sudou Kayo, Tailer of Enbizaka
84. Hayase, To Your Eternity
85. Tooru Mutsuki, Tokyo Ghoul RE
86. Kichimura Washuu, Tokyo Ghoul RE
87. The Creature, Lisa Frankenstein
88. Pig, Disco Pigs
89. Shinpei, Firefly Wedding
90. Aiko, Goodnight Punpun
91. Sal, Wadanonara
92. Jung, Cheese in the Trap
93. Khalid, From a knight to a lady
94. Margot, Gremoryland
95. Bibi, I love Amy
96. Kairos, I Shall Kill that Sweet Devil
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Danganronpa 3: Future arc episode 3.
Back to... This.
I regret everything.
.... It was fake....
She's alive!
I dunno whether to be more mad or relieved.
So she's alive but still hurt?
... Nope it's a toy knife and ketchup.
Fuck you guys I got scared.
... Wait whys everyone scared?
My boi!
The fucking emotional whiplash and I've just started this.
Oh they strung him up and oh... Oh fuck.
Of course it's one of the people who was sweet and I liked.
And it makes sense why him of all people.
But still!
Everyone going through it I mean a fake body, and than a real body.
Were they trying to kill Gozu and Asahina? But they can only kill one so that... happened?
Why the red herring?
Makoto hun it's not you're fault.
Kyoko instantly sus of the director. As she should be.
Asahina being the one who's pumped up and ready to go.
But Makoto not so much, it's like they switched moods.
Thank you Monomi for the exposition dump.
Okay so this was designed to be an overseas branch of Hope's Peak.
That later became what it is now.
Also we can just call it the Incident or the tragedy, we don't need to say the full name everytime.
It's a mouthful.
Wait so this means Makoto had ketchup on his hand how did he not notice?
... No yeah that situation was traumatic as fuck it makes sense it took a while.
"No one diess on my watch."
Oh Makoto...its just the beginning.
And yeah he figured out Miaya's forbidden action.
She can't go right.
Which is so random compared to "no running" and "witnessing violence" but fair.
Makoto easing her nerves by sharing his forbidden action with her.
It's dangerous but that's how you build trust in others.
People may think Makoto's preachy but he means everything he says.
And Asahina joining in only adds to that
"Be hit with a punch or a kick"... she's come close.
Way to close.
I love seeing Asahina confident, ready for whatever comes. It's so her and it's nice to see that again.
Hmm... Someone's here...
"I'll lead them off."
"With what, power walking?"
See that's how insults work guys.
Asahina be safe!
And Miaya's going with her.
Which is great but now Makoto is alone.
Makoto who is on everyone's hit list.
... Oh boy..
Seiko is... Pissed.
Yasuhiro is still on roof outside, oh man. He has no idea what's going on inside.
Shame, he could've gotten help but those missles(?) won't let him go.
Kyoko might be older and more polite, but she's still Kyoko.
I like seeing her way, Makoto is in a group that easily shares his weaknesses.
But Kyoko is with those who are guarded, and thus she is also guarded.
Makes sense.
I can't trust you if you don't trust me.
Makoto announcing Gozu's death as "bad news" just makes me laugh.
And finally he gets to explain himself.
Makoto meeting Izuru just a wild concept.
The manufactured hope and the one born of hope.
You know when you think of how Makoto was in a killing game.
Saw how own classmates kill each other.
But still saw goodness, still saw hope in them.
Would later reflect on the memories that were stolen from them that they had shared.
It makes a lot of sense in retrospect why he can see the Remnants as people rather than monsters.
Because he's seen what despair does to a person.
What it can drive them to.
He couldn't save his friends, but maybe he could save them.
In a way I feel like he did it because he wanted to help, because he saw good, saw hope in them.
But maybe also to atone in some way?
They all suffered under the hands of Junko Enoshima.
He had the means to help them he hadn't had before.
It makes sense why did the things he did.
Whether people agree is a whole other story but I'm glad he got to tell it.
Maybe sharing your weakness with people trying to kill you is a bad idea.
But if he wants people to have faith in him, to trust him.
It's a danger you have to take. And one he's willing to do so.
He knows how these things work afterall.
Kyoko's smile after he does so though. Because she knows him, she's knows he would do what's right.
She's not suprised at all.
"Lamest speech I've ever heard in my life."
No asked for your option Juzo!
Also fuck off Munakata.
Makoto knows true despair.
He went to class with them.
Badum tss
He's fallen to the bottom. Both figuratively and literally and bought himself back up to the top.
You're the one who's superficial.
You're the one who says they fight for hope, despite already succumbing and dooming yourself and others into despair.
Juzo not being mad at being left behind but instead saying "go for it big guy."
Idk if its just me but that sure sounded flirty.
... Is Seiko okay?
Soo Ruruka and Seiko seem like they have history.
Okay Seiko's on... Something.
I'm sus of the director but yeah that's Makoto alright.
He believes in what he says, doesn't mean he doesn't know how crazy it sounds.
... Fucking hell someone just threw a chair at Kyoko.
She's fine though.
Looks pissed but she's okay.
Ugh Juzo.
And Munakata's got to Makoto.
Makoto I love you and I get your vibe but there's a time for words and a time to goo.
I don't think you can talk down a murderous Munakata with a sword.
Even you're not that good.
I know it was a killing game but saying Makoto only won because it was a game.
Is fucked.
Also Makoto was supposed to lose that "game", do you not remember the 5th trial?
If Alter Ego wasn't in the system, Makoto would've died in his execution.
How is that not real enough for you?
Also saying that Makoto only won than cos the rules were vague and here they are cut and dry.
But also saying your words and attitude mean nothing because the real world has no rules.
Pick a lane man.
Also yes the real world does have rules.
"You don't know the hell we've put ourselves through to keep people alive."
Not specifically in your case but... He knows the feeling.
Very much so.
It's kinda his whole thing.
You guys need therapy not a sword and a chair.
Of course Makoto believes in his words, to him they aren't hollow. And they've gotten him this far.
Munakata for all your posturing, don't realise you're in the exact same game that you ridicule Makoto for.
Your a hypocrite.
"Exactly. If anyone can do it is you. Which is why I can't allow you to escape.
Your hollow words may spurr people forward, heaven knows to what."
... Boy you got issues.
Ah yes I will kill to destroy despair.
... Where have I heard that before.
Fucking hell.
Okay I will say "how unfortunate, too bad this wasn't a class room trial" is a cool line.
But also fuck you.
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memory-echo · 2 years
Cain and Abel
Back in chapter 131, Seiko describes how her life was happy when she lived with her grandparents but then things changed when she moved, and her sister was born. 
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After that her mother yelled at her and told her she was useless and she knew nothing but misery. 
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I'm beginning to think that what really changed things was the birth of little Etsuko. We don't know why (because Seiko doesn't tell us) but it's likely that her mother would need help taking care of the sick girl, and Seiko didn't wanna help out, probably because she was jealous of all the attention her sister got. 
We’ve often heard of Japanese toddlers running errands for the parents, and helping out around the house. I don't know if that's the best way to raise a child, but certainly no one would bat an eye if this happened in a Japanese manga. Maybe Seiko didn't want to be shouldering her load within the family unit at such a young age. Maybe she just wanted happiness in her mommy's love back to her. Maybe the mother failed to provide her daughter the peace of mind of knowing that she is loved and appreciated unconditionally, as well as failing to teach her how to put herself in someone else's shoes. Children are not born with empathy; parents have to teach them that. 
If any amount of resistance from young Seiko was met with frustration, anger and rejection, how can anyone be surprised that she grew up resentful and hateful towards everybody? 
The only thing that's surprising, really, is that Seiko didn't grow up to have Munchausen's syndrome. Frankly, that was one of the possibilities. She could've tried to get attention by pretending to be sick, or making herself sick for real to get the love and affection that her parents poured on her sister. But she seems to have simply given up trying to get attention from anybody… Which is weird and inhuman.
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(Credit: Appropriate-Ad4521 on reddit.)
(Hey Nagito, take a look. Take a good long look.)
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Why do you people draw these things?
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Hey, I think it could be worse...
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