#Seismic waves
Water Suspected Beneath Mars
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The surface features of Mars -- crossed by river deltas and sedimentary deposits -- indicate a watery past. Where that water went after the planet lost its atmosphere 3 - 4 billion years ago is an open question. But a new study suggests that quite a bit of that water moved underground rather than escaping to space. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech; research credit: V. Wright et al.; via Physics World) Read the full article
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He relates what happened then:
After my eyes became accustomed to the darkness I noticed that the spot seemed quite unsteady. Clearly this was more that what could be due to the continuous trembling of the earth, to the 'microseisms' that are caused by the pounding of the ocean waves on the shores of the Continent. It was due to the movements of my own eyes which in the darkness were not steadied by the surrounding picture of solid objects. Soon the luminous point gave me the feeling of being aboard a gently and irregularly moving vessel, so I braced a pencil on a piece of the apparatus and held it close to the luminous point. Now the point seemed steady and I felt as if I had come back to solid ground again. This was about the time of the actual shot. Nothing happened or could have happened. About a quarter of an hour was required for the shock to travel, deep under the Pacific basin, to the Californian coast. I waited with little patience, the seismograph making at each minute a clearly visible vibration which served as a time signal. At last the time signal came that had to be followed by the shock from the explosion and there it seemed to be: the luminous point appeared to dance wildly and irregularly. Was it only that the pencil which I held as a marker trembled in my hand? I waited for many more minutes to be sure that the record did not miss any of the shocks that might follow the first. Then finally the film was taken off and developed. By that time I had almost convinced myself that I must have been mistaken and that what I saw was the motion of my own hand rather than the signal from the first hydrogen bomb. Then the trace appeared on the photographic plate. It was clear and big and unmistakable. It had been made by the wave of compression that had traveled for thousands of miles and brought the positive assurance that Mike was a success.
"Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists" - Robert Jungk, translated by James Cleugh
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Dream Seismic Lab - Complete with large monitoring and early warning system, colorful light-up screens measuring wave velocity and other playful features, and base isolation
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sakuraswordly · 10 months
Seismic waves Source
They are waves of energy resulting from a sudden break in the rocks of the earth's crust or an explosion in the interior of the earth, and it is the energy that travels through the earth and is recorded on seismographs.
Types of seismic waves:
There are many types of seismic waves, and they all travel in different directions. But there are two main types of seismic waves under which many seismic waves emerge, these two types are
Body Waves
Surface waves
Body waves can penetrate through the Earth's inner layers; As for surface waves, they can only travel across the surface of the Earth. The closest example of surface waves is the ripples that occur above the surface of the water when you throw a stone into a lake or a stagnant water pond.
Earthquakes emit seismic energy as both body waves and surface waves
1- Body waves and their types:
As we mentioned, body waves can penetrate through the inner layers of the Earth, and one of their characteristics also is that they reach faster than surface waves on seismic devices, and have a higher frequency than surface waves.
Primary Waves:
The first type of body wave is the primary or primary wave
Primary Waves
This type of wave is the fastest of all, and therefore the first seismic wave to reach seismic observatories.
Elemental waves can penetrate both solid and fluid rocks such as water or the Earth's fluid layers.
Elementary waves pull and push the rock particles they pass through like sound waves pull and push air.
Have you ever heard the sound of thunder synchronized with the sound of shaking in the window glass?
Absolutely yes. The sound waves push and pull on the window glass, and this is what the primary waves do when they pass through the rocks.
Sometimes animals can hear the initial waves of an earthquake; For example, dogs bark hysterically before an earthquake, or rather before the arrival of surface waves from the epicenter.
Primary waves are also known as “compressive waves” due to the nature of their movement of push and pull, and the rock particles through which the primary waves pass to move in the same direction in which the primary wave travels.
Secondary waves
Secondary waves are the second waves to reach seismographs, which you can feel after the primary waves if an earthquake occurs.
Secondary waves are slower than primary waves and cannot pass through a fluid medium.
You can only pass through solid rock, and this is the property that enables seismologists, earth scientists, and geophysicists to know that the outer core of the Earth is a fluid layer. As secondary waves cannot propagate or pass through it as primary waves do.
Secondary seismic waves force the rock particles, if they pass through them, to move down, up, and to the side, in contrast to the primary waves that make the rock particles they pass through move in the same direction as the primary wave propagation.
Surface Waves
Surface waves and their types:
Surface waves can only travel through the Earth's crust; Because their frequency is less than the primary waves and they it is easily distinguished from the primary waves on seismographs, and it also reaches the seismographs after the primary waves.
Love waves
The first type of surface waves are love waves; Named after the English mathematician (Augustus Love 1863-1940) who developed a mathematical model for this type of wave in 1911.
Love waves are confined to the surface of the Earth's crust only; They are the fastest surface waves, and their particles move along the Earth's surface in a horizontal, side-to-side motion.
Rayleigh waves
The second type of surface wave is Rayleigh waves, after Lord Rayleigh (1842-1919) who mathematically predicted the existence of these types of seismic waves in 1885.
This type of wave propagates by oscillating the particles of the medium in a receding elliptical manner, in a vertical plane parallel to the direction of wave propagation. Hence, it follows it in terms of the time of arrival to the different locations, and it moves the surface of the earth down and up.
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nnctales · 10 months
Exploring How Soil Properties Influence Earthquake Magnitude and Extent
Introduction: Earthquakes are natural phenomena that occur when there is a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust, causing seismic waves to ripple through the ground. While the magnitude and extent of earthquakes are primarily influenced by tectonic plate movements, the properties of the soil in a particular region play a crucial role in determining the impact of seismic activity.…
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devilheartsblog · 3 months
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Synthwave ship in a nutshell
Gahh it’s been so long since I wanted to draw a comic of this ship and I finally did. Rahh I’ve got much more art of this ship I wanna draw! Sry for all the pink hues, I just really like that style fff.
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junkissed · 7 months
in class thinking about camboy jun again..
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random-xpressions · 10 months
Isn't there something truly intriguing about the way someone's mind works, how a certain action in the physical world has a thread of invisible events connected to the mind. Its like the mind is the history and the concrete world is the future replica of it. Whatever is being painted on the inside takes a more lively and colorful image in the outer world. One happening on the inside is real and the other happening outside is a sheer reflection. The roots are unseen but the branches become manifest to the naked eyes. In what should I then be interested? To your body which is merely puppeting or that grand cosmos inside you? Yes, I marvel at the human mind which is the very architect of destiny. I wouldn't want to just read it. I would want to actually dip myself therein and turn it so alive that its currents could be felt across the physical world. A mega seismic wave across the earth, all commencing from a single thought in the mind!
Random Xpressions
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protect-namine · 4 months
if you can parse through the jargon, wuthering waves is really just a game that happens when you turn everything into sound waves and make the physics be based on sound waves. weapons are sound waves, people are sound waves, even concepts like fear and war are convertible to sound waves. everything is sound waves — or "frequencies"
frequencies can decay over time? that's why waveplates deplete over time
stable frequencies that haven't decayed yet? that's what the remnant energy is. "various events across space and time from every dimension are recorded in the form of remnant energy," according to aalto. in other words, memories.
waveforms are information themselves? well yes, that's why we can use echoes in battle, or simulate the past with sonoro spheres and retroact rain and the tower of adversity. everything is frequencies and frequencies are information
frequencies can converge and form new patterns, new frequencies? that's literally how echoes stabilize themselves. hence the "discord" in the name -- dissonance. they are decaying frequencies, and they feed on other frequencies to keep stable. ovathrax fed on weapon frequencies, or "war" frequencies, and that's why it's strong enough to be classified as a threnodian!
there's an ongoing calamity? name it after a song about grief (the lament)
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person4924 · 6 months
guess who flunked their third science test this semester 😚🤗🥰🎀
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fuckyeahfluiddynamics · 8 months
Reimagining Mars' Interior
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Older models of Mars assumed a liquid metal core beneath a solid mantle of silicates, but recent studies indicate that structure is missing at least one layer. Using data from the InSight lander's seismometer, two teams independently calculated that a liquid silicate layer must surround the planet's core.  (Image credit: Mars - NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona, illustration - J. Sieben/J. Keisling; research credit: H. Samuel et al. and A. Khan et al.; via Physics Today) Read the full article
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sometimes i swear yall forget extroverts can have social anxiety too
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tt-squid · 2 years
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
They have magical powers in ishin or is it some wacky improvised heat moves?
All Fax No Printer these dudes are shooting straight up fire balls out of their hands and infusing their weapons with electricity and dark magic this aint an ichiban situation this shit's Actually happening
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toomanysubcultures · 2 years
guys i might be turning into a math and social studies girlie instead of being a science and english girlie
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