#Send Money to Pakistan
4 Reasons You May Need to Send Money Abroad
Financial institutions worldwide are working to create ways to send money abroad quickly and efficiently in our increasingly globalized world. Previously, you'd have to pay huge fees and wait several business days to send money to Australia or Asia. But now, you can use convenient remittance services and mobile transfers.
But why would you take advantage of those options? Here are a few of the most common reasons to send money abroad.
Supporting Family and Friends
If you have loved ones living overseas, sending money is a great way to show your support. It's a common practice in many countries. People may move to foreign countries for better work and more opportunities. Sometimes, students go abroad for school. Whatever the case, you can send money quickly and easily to ensure your loved ones are financially secure.
Vacation or Wedding Planning
You don't have to have family abroad to send money. If you're planning a huge vacation, you might facilitate international transfers to pay for lodging. Not every hotel or rental service accepts traditional payment methods. Sending money through a remittance provider or mobile transfer can help you reserve services and accommodations.
Many people who plan destination weddings go this route. You can easily pay for every detail while doing preparations stateside.
Financing Property Purchases
Are you dreaming of buying property overseas? If so, be prepared to send money abroad! The rules for purchasing property as a U.S. citizen vary from one country to the next. But regardless of applicable laws, you can't do anything until you can finance your purchase.
Many individuals who own vacation homes send money to Australia and beyond to make mortgage payments, pay utilities, etc.
Paying Suppliers
Finally, business owners might need to send money abroad to pay suppliers. Many of the products lining store shelves utilize components from countries outside the United States, from clothing items to raw materials.
These purchases are massive, so traditional payment methods aren't appropriate. Instead, businesses usually work with third-party specialists who can take payments and manage exchanges.
Read a similar article about help with PNC bank bill here at this page.
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fancyfunnerd · 1 year
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johndonneswife · 5 months
are you and Ayesha planning on having kids? 🥺
nope never ever!
#my opinions on children are too much for tumblr to handle but yeah. don’t want them#have never wanted them#will never want them#the thought of being a mother makes me feel so panicked and sick and depressed#idk i’m the type of person who can’t be held too tightly without freaking out. i need space and i need to be able to do what i want#whenever i want to#ayesha grew up in poverty in pakistan like. eating paper when you’re hungry type of poverty. and i grew up poor / working class in america#and like. idk. i have strong opinions on that too but i won’t get into it here. we’ve just seen too much shit to ever want kids of our own#anyway the thought of having that kind of connection with another human being is terrifying and i don’t want it. my relationship with ayesha#is a choice that we both make#i can leave for work trips at any time without having to worry about her. i can go out. i can go camping. i can make last minute plans. etc#also i just don’t like them enough to have them!! i like playing with my friend’s babies for a few hours#and then giving them back like that’s truly enough for me#being a parent sounds awful. i wish more people would accept that they’re just having kids for the wrong reasons#just bc it’s something to do/you’re expected to have them#i’m also a millennial who can’t afford a house in any of the big cities i want to live in#i’d want to send my kids to private school. sorry but like. i’d want to give them everything i didn’t have and give them whatever edge i can#also school shootings and climate change and child predators. fucking TIKTOK. i can’t#ANYWAY sorry i don’t know when to shut up but like no. i don’t want children 😭#i don’t like them or enjoy being around them and i don’t want to sacrifice my time money autonomy for a child i don’t even want lmfao#i wonder if this is my grandma sending me this ask from beyond the grave#*** I DONT HATE CHILDREN *** i’m excited to have our future nieces and nephews visit and do fun stuff with them and teach them anarchy \m/#aish obviously feels the same about all of this and we’ve felt this way since we met#which is also why i knew i’d be w her forever 🥰
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globalexchangeseo · 7 months
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feministfang · 1 month
The lack of basic education in Pakistan automatically becomes apparent by merely giving a glance at the views on trans community held by Pakistani liberal feminists.
A few years ago, when I used to be a libfem, i was a big ally of trans community in this country. And it wasn’t because i supported these people with mental illness mutilating their body parts and transitioning into someone they are not, in fact, i didn’t even know something like this happen in many parts of the world. I was an ally like many others because i confused intersex people as trans people.
Now thankfully i have escaped that illusionary world, but more than 70% of the Pakistani feminists are still stuck there. They tend to conflate intersex and transgender identities due to a lack of awareness and understanding.
I have discussed and debated with many libfem activists here; a common belief they share is that intersex individuals belong to a diverse community known as 'khwaja sira community' which is equivalent to the transgender community. This community is recognised as a third gender category in Pakistan, with their own unique cultural practices, traditions and social structures.
It encompasses; Eunuchs, Transgender individuals, intersex individuals and gender non-conforming individuals. However, many Pakistanis conflate transgender individuals within this community as intersex.
Literally, in all their responses in defence of the trans people, they have provided me with the same biological information about intersex people as an evidence for the "natural" existence of transgenders. Anytime i tell them that males can never turn into females or vice versa, they send me a link to some site or recommend a biology book that talks about people born in variations in sex characteristics.
I have never seen someone being this confidently foolish, and this is why they get hyper-defensive over transphobic remarks or terfy opinions.
The issue doesn’t just end here; many Pakistani intersex individuals refer to themselves as 'trans people' as well. They are as much uneducated about their own identities as these paki libfems are.
Not once in my entire life there has been a trans person in my vicinity in this country, because those "transgenders" outside my car begging for money, dancing on streets, supporting women in women rights’ marches or sending their blessings to my family were all actually intersex people. However, they are commonly referred to as transgenders.
Also, this isn’t a problem in Pakistan, but the entire South Asia. A majority of the feminists in India and Bangladesh have swallowed this belief without chewing on one google research about basic differences between transgenders and intersex people. The so called desi "progressives" have accepted themselves as the most literate people in their backward societies that the thought of scratching the surface is not deemed necessary.
If you are a radical feminist from south asia, please know this and spread more awareness about what’s actually a trans cult in your community, society, social groups etc. I have been doing this since the day i woke up to the truth and i can see some changes in the feminist perspectives of those around me.
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gavinnersband · 3 months
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Got a question you're just dying to ask the band? Follow along for all questions about the project going forward, answered below!
Website ✦ Retrospring
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✦ Q: Is this a real project, or part of the bit?
✦ A: While a lot of the marketing for this project is written with the in-universe lore in mind, this is a real project featuring real Ace Attorney fans. This project will be in line (to the best of our ability) to our in-universe lore, but there absolutely will be a real album released in January 2026, written, sung, and produced by the Ace Attorney fan community.
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✦ Q: Why January 2026?
✦ A: Since this is such an extensive project, it will be a much longer project than most zines to ensure that we're not creating a stressful environment for contributors and mods. Also, we know The Gavinners were on the Guilty As Charged tour in early 2026. A release date of January 2026 fits in perfectly with this timeline.
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✦ Q: Do I need to be a professional to apply?
✦ A: Absolutely not! This is a fan project, and we aim to make this as relaxed and fun as possible. This album will most likely not sound like a formal produced album. While we certainly would love is the songs sounded professional, and we will be striving for it, the main purpose of this project is bringing people together through music, not topping charts.
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✦ Q: Do I need prior experience to apply?
✦ A: Nope! Again, prior experience is always welcome, and being able to prove that you're a reliable mod/contributor is always a good thing, but we recognize how closed-off the zine space has become recently. As long as you have a sample of any past work, you are welcome to apply. The exception to this is our finance mod, who will need prior experience.
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✦ Q: How old do I have to be to apply?
✦ A: You have to be at least 15 years old by the time decisions are sent out.
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✦ Q: Will NSFW content be allowed?
✦ A: No. This album is aimed to be completely PG, PG-13 at most. As such, NSFW content, references to NSFW content, or even cussing (in the lyrics) beyond what would be allowed on a kids' channel will not be allowed. Since this project allows contributors as young as 15, we want to ensure it's a safe space for them.
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✦ Q: Will OCs be allowed?
✦ A: To keep in line with the lore of our universe, other Gavinners OCs are not allowed unless you know a way to fit them into the lore. You'll have to ask the mods on a case-by-case basics. OCs of non-Gavinners characters are welcome to be drawn or mentioned in songs, but you will still need to mention this when you pitch.
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✦ Q: Will AI be used in this project?
✦ A: The use of AI is strictly banned in this project. It is getting more and more difficult to discern AI from genuine art, but we will have a strict no AI policy. If a contributor is found to be using AI for this project, they will be removed.
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✦ Q: What about copyright?
✦ A: Fan projects like this toe the line of copyright regardless, but we aim to have transformative, original work inspired by The Gavinners: we don't want to steal from anyone! As such, we will be strict in ensuring that all music is originally composed rather than taken from other artists. Contributors found plagiarizing will be removed from the project.
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✦ Q: Where will the money go?
✦ A: Any profit generated from the project will be donated to Paani Project, a nonprofit which provides clean drinking water in rural areas of Pakistan. Paani Project was chosen as they build wells, which are a long-term solution to the water crisis, and they send images of completed wells so that donators can rest assured that the money is being used correctly.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
We must understand the journey [...]. [T]he kings and queens of Europe [...] said that those Black or Brown or Indigenous [...], they could be exploited. [...] In the case of the UK, [...] [i]t was the profits of slavery, slave products which built the universities, that financed the inventions, the canals, the banks like Barclays Bank, the Bank of England [...] to send wealth back to the North. [...]. So [...] what it does is it creates the world  as we know it, and then [...] the anti-colonial struggles of the forties, fifties and sixties begin to challenge it. [...] So no longer did you need guns and rifles and gunboats. You could control economies by the power of [...] trade rules [...]. And we see that today with unsustainable debt repayments, [...] corporations taking profits out of the Global South and bringing it back to the banks and corporations in the Global North. So in reality, this logic of racialized capitalism, colonialism, imperialism, is still apparent today. And it's the same logic. [...] [T]here has been an attempt, and it's been largely led by international institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF, to create a narrative that over the last 30, 40 years, that somehow because of development or globalization, we've seen a reduction in poverty and inequality in the Global South. This is the classic trickle-down.  [...]
It's the fact that this is all legal. This is legally done.
We've created both a global tax system, a global trade system, and then a punitive system managed by institutions like the IMF and the World Bank and the WTO, which punishes countries if they challenge that logic, and if they, for example, decide to prioritize their own people.   [...]
So in Pakistan, as we know, 33 million people have been displaced by a climate flood -- when they are responsible for less than 1% of global emissions. [...] But Pakistan, for every 100 that the Government raises in tax revenue, it pays 83 of those [...] back out in debt repayments.
And what you've seen increasingly is country after country being trapped in this cycle of needing to beg for more debt-creating loans to pay the last debt-creating loans, and each of those loans coming with conditions.
Recently, Sri Lanka was unable to pay its debt. There have been huge protests on the streets of Sri Lanka, by movements, as people were unable to afford food, even kerosene to cook with [...]. People were unable to get to the hospital. The government was telling people to eat less, not to eat three meals a day. [There was] a huge uprising of people and the government that was in power fled; the new government, which was imposed in Sri Lanka, went to the IMF and said, we want to negotiate restructuring our loan, because once you default on your loan, the way our economic system is set up, you will be punished. Because every bank, every corporation, wants their debt repayments. So people are forced to go back to the IMF.
And the IMF told Sri Lanka, we will give you another loan, if you do three things: you cut your public expenditure -- so the very money that you need on public services -- second, you weaken your labor laws -- [they] don't want unions being strong in [Sri Lanka] -- and thirdly, you have to privatize what's left of your utility. Which were operating for the interests of the Sri Lankan people. They want them now to be put onto the open market and, like many countries in the Global South, the main drivers of our economy, are actually not in the hands of either our governments or our peoples, they are still controlled by the same Western multinationals.
Now, if we had a picture, if we could show two maps, we could show a map  of the colonial world and the influence of the different countries of Europe on the different parts of the world, and the commodities that were drawn from those countries, to feed back to supply chains, to feed consumption and the industrial processes in the Global North.
But if you did the same map right now, you'd see the exact same commodities flowing from the Global South to the Global North, because countries were forced to and [told,] you will provide and produce this commodity because we want it, not because it's needed by your people [...]. It’s because you will grow cotton, you will grow coffee, you’ll export oil [...].
All text above are words of Asad Rehman. As interviewed by Kamea Chayne. Transcript published as “Asad Rehman: The End of Imperialism in a Radical Green New Deal (Ep378).” An episode of the podcast Green Dreamer. 25 October 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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thessalian · 5 months
Thess vs Refugee Issues
So apparently they're going to be rounding up as many of the refugees in this country as they can find, in kind of blitz attacks, in preparation for sending them to Rwanda. Which ... I mean ... it feels like an exaggeration to say "this feels like some Nazi bullshit" in this day and age, but the scary thing is that it's not an exaggeration.
It's getting more complicated and worse, too, because of the whole thing with Ireland being in the EU and Northern Ireland ... not. Because some have taken the risk of trying to get around how shitty the UK is being about refugees in small boats by going a little further and going to Ireland. Ireland is now saying they're going to punt them over the border into Northern Ireland because "they're not our problem", and the UK is going, "Only on the understanding that they're getting sent right back to France; hey, why don't you send them right back to France, since you're both EU?" and ... it's all too fucking complicated but people are playing this massive game of NIMBY with people who just want to live somewhere that they speak the language and won't be persecuted.
Seeing the accommodations for refugees who are sent to Rwanda ... it worries me. On one hand, it sounds pretty sweet, but ... there are a couple of issues I'm having. One - where are they getting the money for this? From us, one would assume, given that it's the UK's stupid project, so why don't they build something similar here? So I don't entirely trust it. I also don't like what I see between the lines of "They can go wherever they like; we're not keeping them incarcerated or anything!" Yes, it sounsd good, but ... like ... I feel like given Rwanda's history? They seem to be setting the stage for refugees just ... disappearing and for them to be able to say, "Well, we haven't been keeping them prisoner or anything; we're not responsible!"
I think the worst part is that the whole set-up gives one of two options for how to proceed: "We will help you live in Rwanda, or we will help you go back to your home country". Neither of those options sounds very good. Rwanda is away from friends and family, and is a strange country where they're only welcome to a point because some other government gave that country money to be rid of them, might have to learn a new language (though English is one of the languages used in Rwanda, along with French, Swahili, and Kinyarwanda, so I guess it depends on how widely English is used). Alternatively ... why the fuck would they want to go back to their home country? They risked their lives to run from it because staying there was worse!
Meanwhile, more and more refugees are being created - Israel vs Pakistan, Iran vs Israel, gods know how many others (there's only so much news I can stomach, I admit) - and nobody seems to care beyond yelling "NOT IN MY BACK YARD!" every time these people who lost everything but their lives need a place to stay.
And this country? They're now talking about cutting down on the number of international students allowed to come here. They just ... really, really hate foreigners right now. And I know they probably don't mean me - not even so much because I'm white, because the Polish population of the UK got so much horrific shit thrown at them in the time around the Brexit referendum, but because I'm North American. People still ask "What part of the States are you from?" because I think they forgot Canada exists. Despite being part of their Commonwealth, which ... kind of grinds my gears, but anyway. Point is that none of that "They probably don't mean me" helps. First, I'm angry as hell that they mean anyone when they're talking about cruelty to people who were not born in this country. But also? When it's everyone who wasn't born here - the families of healthcare workers, university students, anyone who doesn't make enough money? It's hard to avoid the idea that they do mean me. Especially since I'm not cis, I'm not het, and I am not healthy and fully abled.
I try pretty hard to look on the bright side of things, or at least focus on the small joys of my life. The latter works better than the former. The "bright side of things" is getting smaller and smaller every day, and ... yeah.
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news-of-the-day · 1 year
Putin announced Russia would be sending nuclear weapons to Belarus. It would maintain control of them but they would be housed there. Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner mercenary group, announced they were withdrawing from Bakhmut following Russia's victory, and added 20K of his troops died in the battle.
Floridian Governor deSantis announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election. People have been talking about him running for president for so long, I hadn't realized he hadn't actually officially launched his campaign yet.
The announcement was streamed live on twitter but there were many technical difficulties, which people like to point out as Musk's failures after his takeover of the company. Musk has been vocalizing for a bit that he wants to step back from twitter to return focus on Tesla and SpaceX, and last month he announced a new CEO, Linda Yaccarino, head of advertising and partnerships at NBC.
I'm trying very hard to keep on top of the Pakistani elections but the situation keeps changing regularly. You may remember there's a big hubbub regarding former Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan, who was ousted a year ago after a no-confidence vote. My general sense is the existing powers that be are trying everything to keep him from running again, from throwing antiterrorism or bribery charges at him. In the past week the government has considered banning his party altogether after there were clashes with police when they tried to arrest Khan or just protest in general. Thousands of members of his party have already been arrested and many high-profile leaders have resigned. It's a very tense situation. The backdrop to all this is Pakistan is running out of money and is on the edge of a default, trying to convince the IMF to bail it out.
US jobless claims rose slightly to 229K last week, and unemployment fell to 3.4% in April. GDP was 1.3% annualized rate in Q1.
The Supreme Court handed down a ruling limiting the EPA's ability to regulate wetlands under the terms of the Clean Water Act.
Richard Barnett, the man who was pictured putting his feet up on Pelosi's desk during the January 6th riot, was sentenced to 4.5 years.
I apologize, yesterday I forgot to mention the fire that killed 19 students was in Guyana. It's also come to light the student's phone was confiscated because she was texting her older boyfriend, who is now expected to be charged for statutory rape since she was under 16, so the entire situation is awful and terrible.
1) Politico, Guardian, WSJ 2) Miami Herald 3) NYT, Barrons 4) WSJ, Al Jazeera 5) Reuters 6) USA Today 7) Washington Post
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karouvas · 4 months
emison, nationalism, time loops
(For the send me a ☕️ + topic ask game)
Emison — I generally like them, not without caveats but the parts of it that are good (by good I mean the more messed up parts) are really good and compelling to me! Have said before that *peak* Emison era to me is 4b-5a. The era when Emily has just learned Ali is alive and is reckoning with all her different complicated feelings about her, trying to tell herself she’s over Ali but then repeatedly acting in ways that prove how much of a simp for her she still is (things like “You always saw the best version of me” “I don’t see that anymore” *proceeds to go to the kissing rock* *gives Paige lengthy speech about how she’s finally over Alison* *stashes money for Alison, meets her in abandoned warehouses and makes sure to dress hot before*) I eat that kind of dichotomy up in general for my ships! And there was great work for Emily as a character there to me, in having a space for her anger and also her messy feelings, and because Alison is now alive but not concretely *back* the writing was still fun and ambiguous regarding her morality, how much of her was real and how much was either performance or the liars in this case Emily specifically projecting onto her.  … And 5a there was really good longing and pining and again, just enough emotional nuance to keep things interesting. The flashbacks in s1-3 are overall good for them too / I enjoy the whole character is haunted by their first love with who they had miscommunications with and the ambiguity will haunt them forever and influence all their future relationships thing so yes I was mostly a fan, but that mid season arc was what really gave me *feels*. And then the show just never did anything interesting again… In general I’ve been vocal about the fact that I almost never like storylines about pregnancy and raising kids for chars and dynamics I like unless the writing does A Lot of work to convince me to like it… so you can imagine that I was Not A Fan of one that was incredibly lazy with a side of bodily autonomy violation (that is never addressed as such…*sigh*) coupled with other issues I have with misogyny and homophobia in pll (and racism too regarding Emily) and how the way *canon era* Emison was ultimately done played into a lot of said issues. Then the perfectionists wise on a watsonian level it’s not that I necessarily hate the divorce, especially since I’m on record as often advocating for divorce for ships I like <3 but the lack of Emily actually being present robs that of the character work potential it could have for both of them, and then on a Doylist level I do Hate the implication that They’re the toxic horrible relationship that can’t be sustained while Ezria and even then other het relationships that aren’t as insidious but still had major problems are totally fine to be together 4 evah *barf*.
So basically the sum of my Emison feelings is that I do like them, aside from maybe Emaya they’re my favorite canon pll ship, but it is one of those ships where I feel a lot of what I like and find interesting about them either wasn’t intentional or wasn’t a priority when it came to the writing. The Emison I would have written >>>. But I do appreciate when the show was aiming for more than a typical cookie cutter wlw ship with them, and I side eye some wholly negative takes on them that dismiss that and why it would appeal to sapphic fans over it not being purely wholesome and sweet.
Nationalism — I don’t think I have any groundbreaking takes on nationalism as a concept, I think the best use of it is advocating for a country’s freedom/independence so it’s not really a useful sentiment for countries like the U.S. or UK etc. that are already recognized / have political power and are more likely to pose harm to ones that don’t and are founded partially on colonialism. My pov on it is as someone who’s a U.S. citizen / born there but spends a fair amount of time in Pakistan because it’s where my family is from but also I obviously have privilege to be mobile in terms of traveling which many don’t … so I guess my stance is as a concept in general nationalism can be neutral or a good thing but for a U.S. context it’s more likely to be negative for the world in general.  
Time Loop — I generally like time loop stories I think they can be really fascinating, I don’t think I actively seek out time loop media but when it turns up in something I like I’ll be excited for it! Some favorites of mine are “Life Serial” the Buffy episode very on brand of me to insert Buffy into the conversation but I think it’s such an underrated episode… and I love “As I Have Always Been” the Agents of SHIELD episode it’s probably in my top 2 for the entire show. SYFY’s The Magicians is a show partially founded on time loops and I enjoy how it plays with / uses them a lot I even enjoy the Margo and Eliot time loop ep in s5 despite really disliking a lot of what’s going on in that last season. And Russian Doll s1 was great I really need to get around to watching s2…. for someone who blogs a lot about tv I am actually very bad at watching things sometimes :/. But there’s a lot of popular time loop media I haven’t seen and/or have no interest in. 
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banana-zim · 11 months
Hello Dear Friend.
I was in your country in 2019.I have gone through your profile and decided to go straight to the point on why i wholeheartedly contacting you.
My name is Mrs. Marion Gadsby from Thailand,Australian,79years,I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer .It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a month to live, according to medical experts. I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but my business was my priority.
Though I am a very rich lady, I was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world.
I Am very sick now and depends on machines to survive which I know one day one minute I will be no more , but before departing I have a fortune I will like to confined your position so that you can use it and do the humanitarian work which I failed to do when I had the grace and the time. I have willed and given to my immediate and extended family members ,but these last funds I would want to be useful to the poor and the needy. I don't trust any of my family members again because I don't think that they will deliver the fortune to the poor and needy. This is the main reason why I contacted you because I believe you will make it happen as I will instruct you in the future when the fortune is in your hands.
I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul, so I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth.
I cannot do this myself anymore. I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity organizations in Bulgaria and Pakistan, but they refused and kept the money to themselves and used it to buy flashy cars and big houses in the city. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be content with what I have left for them. The last of my money which no one knows of is the sum of $3,000,000.00( Three Million dollars) my late husband was wealthy as an oil mogul, politician and other businesses, but he died in his private jet crash .WE CAN'T QUESTION GOD.
I will let you have 20% of his funds for your effort and time and the 80% should go to the poor and needy around you, especially those that are in war zones. Treat this message confidentially till it's done. I am waiting for your reply.
Contact me direct for more information. [email protected]
Mrs Marion Gasby. [email protected]
i cant live on daki money alone, i need ramen i am famished. you can send me your late husbands oil money on my kofi.
gomen 💞💕❤️💙♥️💞💕💕❤️💞💙♥️💕🥰🥰🥰🥰
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globalexchangeseo · 11 months
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
Ashes to Ashes || Chapter 3
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Chapter 3: Assignment #1
Summary: Once again plans are made, and this time feelings are shared. Nothing could go wrong again, right? 
Pairing: big sister!Yelena x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of, but if I should add anything let me know! 
Word count: 1077
a/n: Here’s a link to this fics masterlist. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
“So, how about your first assignment together?” Valentina hands the two each a copy of the same file. The mission location is Pakistan, apparently, some biotoxin is being engineered there a being used on soldiers. This biotoxin enhances their strength and stamina, the problem is that it kills them not so long after use.  
After skimming the file Y/n looks at Valentina questioningly “Valentina, while I trust your judgment for missions why are we getting involved in governmental affairs? I highly doubt this contract pays enough in the first place.” 
Valentina scoffs at Y/n “It’ll pay you both 15 thousand after my cut I think it’s enough. And as far as it comes to governmental affairs go this is more about espionage which both of you say you excel at. Your main point of the mission is to retrieve the biotoxin so I can get it to the person who contracted this mission.” Yelena finally speaks up “And how long will we have if we accept this mission?” 
“Typically you would 24 hours but with large odds of casualties you’ll get one week.”   
Without any other thought, Yelena finalizes her answer “We’ll take it.” 
“Great. You both will be leaving tomorrow at 5 pm sharp I’ll send you the location tonight.” 
As Valentina lets herself out Y/n smacks her arm hard “What the hell was that Yelena?! You didn’t even consult me if I wanted to get into this. You don’t need to speak for me!” Yelena rolls her eyes dramatically “Y/n you need to calm down. While I didn’t consult you I think this mission would be good for both of us.” 
While Y/n didn’t want to admit it, Yelena was right. They lost each other for five years, and while those five years will always feel different for the two deep down they both needed each other. “Okay, fine. I’m gonna go to bed though. Make yourself at home or whatever.” The coldness from Y/n did hurt Yelena but it was understandable. Y/n felt abandoned the same way she felt abandoned by Natasha. To Yelena, it felt like she lost both of her sisters but with time she hoped she could get Y/n back. 
Remote Warehouse, 5 pm 
Yelena looks over to a very obviously tired Y/n “So, how does this whole thing usually go?” Her voice was louder than usual so she could be heard over the blaring helicopter. Y/n yawns loudly “They pick us up with supplies in whatever transport vehicle they have then drop us off near where ever the mission is supposed to take place. From then on it’s up to typically me how the rest of it is carried out. And after the mission is complete I call for an extraction which usually comes a few hours after the call.” 
Once getting onto the helicopter Yelena tries to fill the silence by speaking into the headphones she and Y/n were wearing “Do you go on these assignments often?” 
Y/n shrugs though “I used to when I needed more money but not as much anymore.” There was mostly silence between the two until Y/n tried to take a turn filling the silence “Yelena what was it like dusting?” 
“It was weird. When I left to go clear my head I turned to the faucet trying to splash water on my face and collect myself. But the water went through my hands then the rest of me was gone. And for you and everyone else that was 5 years. But for me, I came back as fast as I had disappeared. And the stranger part was I could see the bathroom change around me, like whatever brought me back wanted me to know something happened. It was overwhelming when Ana told me everything that happened. It was terrifying.” 
Everything Yelena told Y/n finally set in. She always knew it wasn’t Yelena’s choice to leave Y/n but hearing her say this finally set in those ideas. 
Pakistan 1 pm
Once the two landed they each rummaged through their own bags grabbing their own weapons. After handing Yelena an earpiece she runs through the plan with her. “I looked over the military facilities map, if we head straight ahead from here there should be a lookout tower. I need you to get up there and watch for anyone else. I’ll need you to be my eyes for this because I’ll be going to the storage center where the vials should be kept. As long as we stay quiet we shouldn’t attract much attention.”   
“One question.”   
“What is it, Yelena?” 
“Why do I need to be on the lookout? What if you need my help?” 
“You’re better with a sniper Yelena, and if I need your help which I doubt I won’t, I’ll ask for it.” Yelena put up her hands defensively at how snippy Y/n’s reply was “Alright, whatever you say.” 
Everything started according to plan. Yelena took out the guard at the watch tower taking his rifle and watching over Y/n carefully as she entered the storage facility. Opening the suspected crate that would hold the vials Y/n was met with nothing. “Looking for this?” Y/n turned around fast seeing a shorter but very strong-looking man holding a briefcase. Immediately Y/n ran at the man kicking him square in the jaw causing him to fall on his back. 
Y/n pressed onto her earpiece “Yelena, we have a problem.”  
“I was about to say the same thing. What's your problem?” 
“They planned ahead for someone stealing the biotoxin.” As she said this more soldiers rushed in, using the briefcase Y/n hit 2 guards at once with it and stunned the other with her spider bites. Y/n huffed “What’d you see that was a problem?” 
“There’s a truck coming in and by the looks of it, it’s probably holding more biotoxin.” The only reply she got from Y/n was a few grunts “You okay over there?” But then she heard a gunshot. “Y/n? Y/n?! Do you hear me?!” 
“This is general Khan speaking, whoever you are, I suggest you leave now for your own wellbeing. Consider this message as an act of mercy.”  
Yelena knew Y/n specifically said, “If I need your help which I doubt I won’t, I’ll ask for it” but this felt like an exception. 
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katherine-mcnamara · 2 years
hi dev! i don't have money to commission someone right now, but sending in as a suggestion: would you ever consider giffing alina khan, ideally in joyland? she's the first trans person in pakistan to hold a major role in any kind of media, and she's amazing. and you're also amazing! thank you either way for all that you do!
Hi anon. Please excuse any autocorrects I'm on my phone rn! I was able to get this movie in 1080p so outside of commissions i'll be working hard on it as my personal project because thank you so MUCH for bringing such an amazing person to my attention! I cannot promise a release date but it will be this month! And never apologise or feel bad for not being able to commission <3 I appreciate suggestions just as much.
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badedramay · 1 year
I’ve noticed the topic of Maya not being from the same social circles as bilal or sherry comes up often when we talk about why Rao doesn’t like her. My question is, these comments imply Maya is from a “lower class” or whatever but girl was financially pretty well off way before she became an actress! Her father was very accomplished in his own right. Just because she wasn’t from some sort of upper echelon of the highest strata she was ostracized by this dude who isn’t even a tenth as accomplished as her? How does this make sense?
Currently I reside in the USA which don’t get me wrong has its own massive problems, but what I do appreciate is that it really is the land of opportunity. I would never look at a massively successful Hollywood heroine and think less of her because she wasn’t from the highest social or financial class possible prior to becoming an actress. Here, generally, if you work hard and become successful, nobody cares about your past. In pakistan, it’s not just about maya… I feel like people judge you based on your father’s job or what neighborhood your grandparents lived in 50 years ago even if it has absolutely nothing to do with you and your current situation in life. I hope this mindset changes soon but I’m not optimistic if the so-called artists of our entertainment industry are still perpetuating these differences.
Sorry for the bit of a rant; just got frustrated for a second.
i don't think it's ever as simple. money might give one power but the social class is what gives you status. you'll find loads of people in the country with bank accounts full of money but that money doesn't buy them a desirable personality. it's very simple - there's just no alternative to a good education. it's the utilization of money from the early years in the right ways that create a personality. there are countless examples of people who, when they get enough money, invest in their children's education the most. this desire to send the kids to the bestest of educational institutions is not just to show off; these institutions create personality. one of the things it does is make people well spoken so they know how best to put their points across. just look at the all the well loved celebrities of PakIndustry and you'll notice one thing common in them - they are all very good talkers.
you talk of Sherry and Bilal? bruh. i was here when people would question her friendship with Obi as being fully mismatched. even during peak OsMaya days a section of fans thought Maya was beneath Obi because in those days she was still in the initial phases of grooming her personality and brushing up on her English skills while Obi was well, Obi. there are recorded instances of Maya messing up embarrassingly because she just didn't know about things that were alien to her but common knowledge to her peers who keep up with international news and sports. it's no secret that there was a time where she was steps back from her peers in terms of the cultural knowledge of the world because she was learning about the things her peers had been around all their lives (just look up her Christiano Ronaldo fiasco)
Pakistan as a society is obsessed with social classes. money can blur the lines but it cannot erase them. that's true for USA as well. people from generational wealth will carry themselves different than people from new money. no matter how one tries, it shows. the former will always have access to things the latter will have to make efforts for. it's not enough if one unit of an extended family is rich; the immediate family circle has to be rich and have a social capital that benefits all.
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drmaqazi · 4 days
Justice Delayed  is justice denied” highlights the critical importance of timely justice. Delays in the judicial process can lead to prolonged suffering for victims, erosion of trust in the legal system, and significant impacts on the accused.
In the case of Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, there have been numerous legal challenges and delays that have sparked significant debate and concern among his supporters and critics alike. The principle of timely justice is essential to ensure fairness and maintain public confidence in the legal system
What does the legal maxim 'Justice delayed is justice denied' mean? "Justice delayed is justice denied" is a legal maxim. It means that if legal redress or equitable relief to an injured party is available, but is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no remedy at all. Who used the phrase 'justice too long delayed is justice denied' in his 'Letter from Birmingham Jail’?
Why is the principle of 'Justice delayed is justice denied' the basis for the right to a speedy trial?
from en.wikipedia.org
 The phrase "justice delayed is justice denied" highlights the critical importance of timely justice. Delays in the judicial process can lead to prolonged suffering for victims, erosion of trust in the legal system, and significant impacts on the accused.
In the case of Imran Khan, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, there have been numerous legal challenges and delays that have sparked significant debate and concern among his supporters and critics alike. The principle of timely justice is essential to ensure fairness and maintain public confidence in the legal system.
Do you have any specific concerns or questions about H.E. Imran Khan's current legal situation?
YES! The people of Pakistan know that the judiciary in Pakistan is corrupt. It has been paid by the opposition to use delaying tactics to keep Imran Khan in Jail, because they are afraid of him as the next Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
He has repeated it many times in his speeches that he has promised Allah (Subhanhu wa Ta’ala) while inside the Holy Ka’bah in Makkah, Saudi Arabia that he will get every penny back from these RASCALS who he looted and robbed the helpless, the needy, the poor, and the simple people of Pakistan for almost seventy years.,
One of the PDM Minsters openly said openly on the Pakistan Television that if he comes back as the next Prime Minister of Pakistan,, he is going to hang us upside down. That is why they want to keep him in jain as long as they can.
I assure you the day day he comes out, these VAGABONDS are going to runaway to their Masters in Europe, Middles East, United Kingdom United State  who have given them the visas and iqamas to work for them as  peons or servants, which some of them have already been doing.
Their passports are ready, their airplanes are standing alert at the nearest airports ready to take them away. They have already send the looted money to their respective destinations or they are packed ready to take them with them without even being checked by the stooges at the airports, God forbid
Thank God Almighty, the field will be wide open for Honorable His Excellency Imran Khan to become the next Prime Minister of Pakistan and serve his people, honestly and sincerely, for the next ten (10) years as promised in his twelve (12) point mission statement for a New Pakistan and the State of Madinah, wherein all Pakistanis, irrespective of their color, gender, language, and national origin can live in peace and harmony with each other as one nation [Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam)] under God Almighty, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), In shaa Allah!
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: An In-Depth Analysis Jun 27, 2024 · The phrase "justice delayed is justice denied" encapsulates a profound truth about the legal system: the efficacy and fairness of justice are severely compromised when …Tags:Justice delayed is justice deniedMatt LindlandIn Depth Justice delayed is justice denied - Wikipedia
OverviewOriginEthical principlesLegislative prescriptionsCourt rule fixesPractical applicationIn literatureOther applications
There are conflicting accounts of who first noted the phrase. According to Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations, it is attributable to William Ewart Gladstone; however, while Gladstone did mention the phrase during a House of Commons debate on 16 March 1868, earlier occurrences of the phrase exist.
Mentions of justice delayed and denied are found in Pirkei Avot: "Our Rabbis taught: ...The sword….
William E. Gladstone: 'Justice delayed is justice denied.' Nov 4, 2023 · In the realm of law, the quote "Justice delayed is justice denied," popularized by William E. Gladstone, carries a profound meaning and holds tremendous importance. At its …
ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/publication/… (PDF) Justice Delayed is Justice Denied - ResearchGate Oct 29, 2014 · This paper explores issues in the justice system that are related to timeliness and its interconnectedness to the definition of delay, whilst considering the impact of delay on the experience.. [PDF] Namibia: Justice delayed is justice denied: The Caprivi … In light of Namibia’s human rights obligations under these international treaties, the report examines the violations of the Caprivi defendants’ pre-trial rights, including torture and ill … Tags:Justice delayed is justice deniedNamibia
Is justice delayed justice denied? An empirical approach Mar 1, 2021 · This paper investigates empirically the well-known legal maxim “justice delayed is justice denied”. We employ innovative empirical approaches to analyze the relationship … Tags:Justice Delayed Is Justice DeniedAn Empirical ApproachPublish Year:2021 What does justice delayed is Justice Denied mean? In the realm of law, the quote "Justice delayed is justice denied," popularized by William E. Gladstone, carries a profound meaning and holds tremendous importance. At its most straightforward interpretation, the quote suggests that any delay in delivering justice can have the same detrimental effect as a denial of justice itself.William E. Gladstone: 'Justice delayed is justice denied.' — The socratic-method.com
Does justice get delayed? Time then branches off into countless dimensions, each with its own story and distinct outcomes. In some dimensions, justice indeed gets delayed, as cases languish in bureaucratic red tape or face other unforeseen obstacles. However, in other dimensions of time, justice may be swift and delivered without delay.
William E. Gladstone: 'Justice delayed is justice denied.' — The socratic-method.com thelawadvice.com
What if Justice Delayed is Justice Denied 57 of New South Wales? Justice Delayed is Justice Denied 57 of New South Wales, all parties are required to provide a statement of the relevant material, including the likely factual evidence, before trial.51
advancelrf.org https://www.advancelrf.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/...
[PDF] Justice Delayed or Denied: The Myth of Justice in Pakistan The main aim of this paper is to analyze the factor causing delay in justice. There are several reasons for delayed justice including complex procedures, old and ineffective laws, attitude of …
vu.edu.au https://vulj.vu.edu.au/index.php/vulj/article/download/61/1797 [PDF] JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE D P T SOURDIN AND … The question of whether justice delayed is justice denied appears to depend on whether delay is inappropriate, out of proportion or avoidable. 
I: INTRODUCTION William E Gladstone, …
World Bank Blogs https://blogs.worldbank.org/en/voices/how-long-too... How long is too long? When justice delayed is justice denied Mar 25, 2015 · Despite what many people assume, there is no single international rule on how long cases should take. Each case must be considered on its own merits, but the following … Tags:Justice delayed is justice deniedJustice Too Long Delayed
thelawgurukul.com https://www.thelawgurukul.com/post/ju… JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED - The Law … Jun 7, 2021 · The expression "justice delayed is justice denied" signifies that if justice is not served within a given time frame, and therefore even if justice is rendered later, it is not justice because justice was not served during that time …
thelawadvice.com https://www.thelawadvice.com/articles/justice...
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_delayed_is_justice_denied
(PDF) Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: An Empirical Study of Causes ...www.researchgate.net 
Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied - The Aspen institutewww.aspeninstitute.org
Justice delayed is justice denied - Wikipedia
Justice delayed is justice denied - Wikipedia
Justice delayed is justice denied - Wikipedia
OverviewOriginEthical principlesLegislative prescriptionsCourt rule fixesPractical applicationIn literatureOther applications
There are conflicting accounts of who first noted the phrase. According to Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations, it is attributable to William Ewart Gladstone; however, while Gladstone did mention the phrase during a House of Commons debate on 16 March 1868, earlier occurrences of the phrase exist.
Mentions of justice delayed and denied are found in Pirkei Avot: "Our Rabbis taught: ...The sword… Why is the principle of 'Justice delayed is justice denied' the basis for the right to a speedy trial? from en.wikipedia.org
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license
iPleaders Blog
The Aspen Institute
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