#Shannon look at the monsters you have created
arcadialedger · 7 months
Man, this middle grade fandom is violent.
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“Plank houses are good houses for people in cold climates with lots of tall trees(...) only people who don't need to migrate spend the time and effort to build these large permanent homes(...) only coastal tribes, who make their living by fishing, made houses like these.”
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Iris at Opelucid Academy was ostracized for her "strange" behaviour like splashing around in the fountain or picking fruits from the trees to eat... she also had trouble studying from books, as it seems she mostly learned through an oral tradition in her village from the Old Matriarch/Village Elder before that.
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There's a scene in the fishing competition episode where Iris gets very, very bored waiting for a Water type to bite at her lure, so she just pulls up her sleeves, sheds a layer, and quickly and easily catches a Water type Pokemon on her own!
The Pokemon world is a fantasy one, but with analogous regions/countries to our world and the American region we're shown (Unova, largely based on New York, but blended with other aspects of the U.S., too, so we also see the Resort Desert, where in the anime, an abandoned mining town built during the Gold Rush is also shown… which would help explain the reservations....)
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Both past (Champion Alder) and current (Champion Iris) Champions are Native--although Iris looks very different from the rest of the people in her village, so she's likely mixed... we'll likely never know because she seems to be a half-wild orphan, all her flashbacks of her life before Opelucid Academy are either among the forest Pokemon, with her childhood friend Shobu/Shannon, or with the Old Village Elder who taught her.
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Alder is most obviously inspired by Natives of the Great Plains, who relied heavily on the buffalo (American bison)... unlike how cruelly they were whittled down in number in reality to starve the Natives, they still exist in the wild in great numbers in the Pokemon world, which tends to portray humans working towards a more utopic world, aiming for harmony with nature, having learned from past mistakes and wars
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Satoshi Tajiri, after all, made the games to preserve the memory of the lost natural landscape of his youth which was paved over. Environmentalism and love of nature is at the heart of it (even if cynical fake fans see it as overglorified cockfighting because they do not see the trainer-Pokemon bond as more like coaches and athletes, do not see the Pokemon as highly sentient, or do not understand how they are shown in the anime to be very proud and battle for sport, often refusing to be captured unless a trainer first defeats them in battle and shows their strength & worthiness to train them).
As you travel from your idyllic hometown, you see more polluted cities, that create new monsters or alter existing ones through their pollution (Muk, Trubbish, Corsola->Cursola [a happy Water type becoming a sad Ghost type, bleached coral],) some species are hunted/poached to near-extinction (like the gentle Lapras), others were chased out of hospitable land by humans and forced to adapt and likely ultimately failed/went extinct (Zoroark->Hisuian Zoroark)...
As this lovely review by Tama Hero of the Red & Blue games describes: “The game asks you to be curious, learn, grow, & discover: that adults aren’t always right, even in positions of authority; learn how to be better than the adults that raised you; learn from their mistakes and maybe go on to make better decisions as you inherit this ruined earth.”"
Sources: "The Ultimate Game Freak" TIME Magazine interview with Satoshi Tajiri. https://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2040095,00.html http://native-languages.org/houses.htm Also: Drawings of Chinook Plankhouse by a Chinook Tribal Councilman. http://publichistorypdx.org/projects/chinook/river-chinook-plankhouse/
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 1 year
I broke my own heart (a few fucking times)
buck/eddie & eddie/shannon | 1.3K | rated: explicit | fic preview
So as some of you may know @elvensorceress and I are working on a little something something. My darling shared the beautiful wrecking pegging scene between Eddie and Shannon so I'm here to offer some more angst with Eddie and Chris
s2 Eddie slept with Buck after first meeting him but then had to try again with Shannon. Since it was just sex between him and Buck, it shouldn’t be any kind of problem. Right? But Shannon isn’t stupid and knows Eddie won’t admit any Feelings. And she’s going to try and figure him out
Christopher is being suspiciously quiet.
He gave Eddie a half-hearted greeting when Eddie picked him up from school then spent the car ride home biting his lip and twiddling his fingers in his lap. Eddie had tried to ask him how his day was but he merely shrugged.
Eddie spends the entire ride flicking his eyes up to the rearview mirror every chance he gets. Christopher doesn’t look sad, at least, not entirely; there’s no bright sheen to his eyes or twist to his mouth that usually accompanies such an emotion. Rather, he looks more contemplative than anything, but the slump of his shoulders and silence clearly mean something is wrong.
Eddie hates how familiar he is with these expressions. Chris has endured too many trials and too much sadness in his young life and it never fails to make Eddie feel like a failure. The cold, sharp pressure of guilt presses down on his chest. Breathing past it takes every scrap of strength he has. Which honestly isn’t much.
He doesn’t think he’s really ever been strong in his life. Always acquiescing to other’s demands and following the rules, hoping and praying that being directed by someone else would somehow make this life easier, would make him capable of making the right decision, but no matter what he fails. He fails. He fails. He fails.
He ran away like a coward, abandoning Shannon and Christopher when they needed him the most. He came back from Afghanistan wrong and broken, no longer able to convince Shannon or his parents that there was any good left in him. He pushed Shannon away after draining away whatever connection they had left. He–fuck, he slept with someone else while still married. He buried himself in Buck’s fierce strength and warmth. They fought and fucked and broke each other. They soothed and loved and repaired each other. With each rough kiss turned soft and silky, with each bruising grip turned gentle and caressing, with each desperate thrust turned into rhythmic rocking, the two of them created something that sprouted in between Eddie’s ribs, growing and full of life and messy and tangled and beautiful and–good. A good Eddie has never known, not outside of Christopher.
And Eddie threw it all away. He held what they made in his hands, cradling it the way he used to cradle his son, gazing down at the broken and glittering parts with an awe and despair that have imprinted themselves on his bones. Then, with gritted teeth and a glowing heart turned heavy and hollow, he pried each of his fingers away and let it fall to the ground. It crashed between him and Buck, thousands of shards painted with thousands of memories, broken beyond repair.
He hasn’t felt warm since. He hasn’t felt whole or right or good. He tries, god does he try. He hides the wretched, wriggling monster inside his chest from Shannon and Chris in the hopes that one day it will die. Maybe then he can make this work, because he has to make this work.
Eddie has to make this work, doesn’t he?
Eddie startles, the dulcet ring of his son’s voice tearing away him from the pit he has fallen into. A pit that has taken permanent residence inside him, growing wider and deeper and darker with each passing day. An image flashes behind his eyes quickly: the glow and warmth of candlelight, nothing compared to Buck’s smile; the smell of Bobby’s lasagne, rich and enough to make his mouth water; the sweet fragrance of bluebonnets placed in the center the table; the dying light of Buck’s hope and love, crushed by Eddie’s ugly, clumsy, stained hands.
He blinks the image away and swallows past the fractured pieces of his love that have lodged themselves in his throat. “Yeah, bud?”
Chris’ brow furrows and his eyes darken with worry. “We’re home. You’ve just been staring out the windshield for the past few minutes.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. He just can’t do anything right. He’s letting himself drown underneath the tide of his grief and Chris is noticing. What kind of parent makes their kid worry?
Eddie plasters a smile on his face and it feels like a jagged crack in porcelain. “Sorry. Just got lost in thought. Come on, let’s head inside.”
He manages to get them both inside the house and gets Christopher settled at the table with a snack and his homework without disappearing again. Something that is so much harder than it should be. But his house is saturated in Buck. The warm blue and pink tones of his laugh and his smile and his chiseled face and his fucking gorgeous heart are painted across the walls and tables, soaked in the cushions and sheets, splattered on Eddie’s fingers. He can’t wash any of it away. He doesn’t want to wash any of it away.
Chris remains quiet as he does his homework. Eddie putters around in the kitchen, trying not to hover, but wanting to be close in case Chris decides he wants to talk. He won’t force Chris to tell him anything. God knows he hated when his parents tried that. It always left him feeling unsteady and pressured and usually resulted in him never being able to put words to his thoughts. He won’t do that to his son.
Eventually, once Chris is finished with his work and Eddie has washed every single dish they own, he turns to Eddie with a quiet, “Dad?” and Eddie knows he’s ready to talk out what has been plaguing his mind.
Eddie sits down across from him and tries to radiate gentle patience. “What is it?”
“How do–What is–” Chris stops and frowns, looking down at his lap with a frustrated expression.
Eddie waits, giving Chris time to formulate what he wants to say, and tries not to panic. What has Chris this upset and tongue tied? What if it’s something he can’t do anything about? What if–
“How do I explain what Buck is to us?”
A record scratch echoes in Eddie’s ears. The wild, lilting rhythm of Buck Buck Buck pounds through him, forcing his heart and lungs to expand to the point of bursting.
“W-what do you mean?” Eddie croaks.
Chris huffs. “Well, I tell my friends at school about all the things we do with Buck and the things he does for us, and today Tony said it was weird that I spent so much time with him since he isn’t my dad. And I got angry.” Chris’ nose wrinkles as if displeased with himself for that. A rush of fondness pours through Eddie, so liquid sweet it makes him ache.
“So, I tried to explain Buck to him,” Chris continues, the speed of his words rising with his frustration. “But I just–I didn’t know how.”
Eddie supposes that in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t too terrible. He certainly was imagining a lot worse, but–but it’s Buck. What answer does he give Chris? Eddie can barely explain what Buck is and means to himself let alone a mouthy eight-year-old named Tony.
Buck is–he’s everything. He sidled up to Eddie and planted himself in between Eddie’s broken and quivering bones. He gives and gives and gives and expects nothing in return. He’s soft and gentle and kind and mouthy and bratty and funny and ridiculous and honest and smart and beautiful and–and so loved but he doesn’t know it.
And whose fucking fault is that?
Eddie doesn’t think he can say any of that to Chris. So he begins with, “Well, it’s understandable that maybe your friends are a little confused. Not everyone has a Buck.”
Chris’ mouth pinches tight and his blue eyes grow dark and sad–don’t think about who he looks like, don’t do it, don’t do it–and he declares, “Everyone should have a Buck.”
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emilysworldoffandoms · 9 months
Books I Read in 2023
Wilde Child By Eloisa James (Romance)
Looking for Me…in this Great Big Family By Betsy R. Rosenthal (Middle Grade Verse)
My Last Duchess By Eloisa James (Romance)
Wilde in Love By Eloisa James (Romance)
Our Souls at Night By Kent Haruf (Fiction)
Too Wilde Too Wed By Eloisa James (Romance)
Nick and Charlie By Alice Oseman (YA Novella)
Born to Be Wilde By Eloisa James (Romance)
The Woman in the Purple Skirt By Nasuko Imamura (Fiction)
Say No to the Duke By Eloisa James (Romance)
Crumbs By Dance Stirling (Graphic Novel)
The Reluctant Countess By Eloisa James (Romance)
Demon in the Wood By Leigh Bardugo & Dani Pendergast (Graphic Novel)
Write for Your Life By Anna Quindlen (Non-Fiction)
Let There By Laughter By Michael Krasny (Humor)
Mary’s Monster: Love, Madness, and How Mary Shelley Created Frankenstein By Lita Judge (Biography in Verse and Pictures)
Soft Thorns By Bridgett Devoue (Poetry)
Wolfed: Cursed By Love: Book One By Leia Stone (Urban Fantasy Romance)
Constantine: Distorted Illusions By Kami Garcia & Isaac Goodhart (Graphic Novel)
A Life Force By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
Dropsie Avenue By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
Love & Other Words By Christina Lauren (Romance)
The World Keeps Ending and the World Goes On By Franny Choi (Poetry)
The Valentine’s Hate By Sidney Halston (Romance)
Fagin the Jew By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
Autoboyography By Christina Lauren (YA)
You Are Here By Dawn Lanuza (Poetry)
Wolfed: Book Two: Promised to Him By Leia Stone (Urban Fantasy Romance)
New York: The Big City By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
To the Heart of the Storm By Will Eisner (Graphic Novel)
The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton (Classic YA) [Re-read]
True Beauty By Yaongyi (Graphic Novel)
The 13 Clocks By James Thurber (Verse and Pictures)
Chasing Cassandra By Lisa Kleypas (Romance)
Banned Book Club By Kim Hyun Sook, Ko Hyung-Ju, and Ryan Estrada (Graphic Novel)
Coven By Jennifer Dugan (Graphic Novel)
Exes & O’s By Amy Lea (Romance)
2 Am Thoughts By Mackenzie Campbell (Poetry)
My Greenhouse By Bella Mayo (Poetry)
Unterhaken By Leela Corman (Graphic Novel)
Morning Haikus By Carin Weisman Crook (Poetry)
HER: Volume 3 By Pierre Alex Jeanty (Poetry)
These Are My Big Girl Pants By Amber Vittoria (Poetry)
When in Rome By Sarah Adams (Romance)
Mr. Wrong Number By Lynn Painter (Romance)
Hollow By Brandon Boyer-White & Shannon Waters (Graphic Novel)
Set on You By Amy Lea (Romance)
The Sun & the Star By Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro (Middle Grade)
Practice Makes Perfect By Sarah Adams (Romance)
Haikus for Jews By David M. Bader (Poetry) [Re-read]
LVOE By Atticus (Poetry)
Schwartz’s Hebrew Delicatessen: The Story By Bill Brownstein (Non-Fiction)
Spy X Family Vol. 1 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
My Hero Academia Vol. 1 By Kohei Horikoshi (Manga)
Imogen, Obviously By Becky Albertalli (YA)
Spy X Family Vol. 2 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
Spy X Family Vol. 3 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
True Love Experiment By Christina Lauren (Romance)
A beautiful composition of broken By r.h. Sin (poetry)
Spy X Family Vol. 4 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
Spy X Family Vol. 5 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
All About Me! My Remarkable Life in Show Business By Mel Brooks (Memoir)
Whiskey words & a shovel By r.h. Sin (Poetry)
Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself By Alan Alda (Memoir)
Spy X Family Vol. 6 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
The Unhoneymooners By Christina Lauren (Romance)
The Soulmate Equation By Christina Lauren (Romance)
M*A*S*H: A Novel About Three Army Doctors By Richard Hooker (Fiction)
Mixed Blessings By William & Barbara Christopher (Memoir)
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed and Other Things I’ve Learned By Alan Alda (Memoir)
Red, White, & Royal Blue By Casey McQuiston (Romance)
Spy X Family Vol. 7 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
SOTUS Vol. 1 By Bittersweet (Manga)
SOTUS Vol. 2 By Bittersweet (Manga)
While the Duke Was Sleeping By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
Beach Read By Emily Henry (Romance)
Spy X Family Vol. 8 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
Spy X Family Vol. 9 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
The Scandal of it All By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
Not That Duke By Eloisa James (Romance)
Unorthodox Love By Heidi Shertok (Romance)
The Duke Buys a Bride By  Sophie Jordan (Romance)
This Scot of Mine By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
Kissing Kosher By Jean Meltzer (Romance)
The Duke’s Stolen Bride By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
My Roommate is a Vampire By Jenna Levine (Romance)
The Virgin and the Rogue By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
The Duke Effect By Sophie Jordan (Romance)
SOTUS Vol. 3 By Bittersweet (Manga)
Percy Jackson: Chalice of the Gods By Rick Riordan (Middle Grade)
Tiny Dancer By Siena Cherson Siegel (Graphic Novel)
Zatanna: The Jewel of Gravesend By Alys Arden (Graphic Novel)
Everything I Know About Love I Learned from Romance Novels By Sarah Wendell (Non-Fiction)
The Roommate Pat By Allison Ashley (Romance)
Spy X Family Vol. 10 By Tatsuya Endo (Manga)
Two Rogues Make a Right By Cat Sebastian (Romance)
The Things They Carried By Tim O’Brien (Fiction)
Count Your Lucky Stars By Alexandria Bellefleur (Romance)
The Bromance Book Club By Lyssa Kay Adams (Romance)
Mockingjay By Suzanne Collins (YA)
The Official Quotable Doctor Who: Wise Words from Across Space & Time By Cavan Scott and Mark Wright (Quote Book)
God Plays Hide and Seek Poems By Greta Elbogen (Poetry)
Women Holding Things By Maira Kalman (Poetry/Verse/Photos)
The Little Liar By Mitch Albom (Fiction)
Love Brought Me Through the Holocaust: A Daughter’s Memories By Judith Koeppel Steel (Non-Fiction)
Himawari House By Harmony Becker (Graphic Novel)
Undercover Bromance By Lyssa Kay Adams (Romance)
Unordinary By uru-chan (Graphic Novel)
Son of : A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices By Most Hassan Yousef (Memoir)
Love & Latkes By Stacey Agdern (Romance)
Twelve Tribes: Promise and Peril in New Israel By Ethan Michaeli (Non-Fiction)
Never on Shabbas! By Henry Leonard (Political Cartoons)
The Little Guide to Taylor Swift: Words to Shake It Off (Quote Book)
This Winter By Alice Oseman (Novella)
Heartstopper Volume 5 By Alice Oseman (Graphic Novel)
Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth By Noa Tishby (Non-Fiction)
Counting the Cost By Jill Duggar (Memoir)
How to Educate a Citizen: The Power of Shared Knowledge to Unify a Nation BY E.D. Hirsch Jr. (Non-Fiction)
Two Tribes By Emily Bowen Cohen (Middle Grade Graphic Novel)
Foster By Claire Keegan (Novella)
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Keeper Summer Week #2
Deleted Scene from Exile
This scene used to be part of the aurenflare sequence and was a moment I created to show that something might be wrong with Sophie's abilities. But I realized after I wrote it that it didn't really sell the idea that she was “malfunctioning." If anything, it made her seem even stronger, so I cut it out. And I'd considered including the skill in a later Keeper book, but I decided it was too confusing trying to differentiate it from other things Telepaths could and couldn't do. So I dropped the idea from the series entirely. 
Biana yelped and jumped out of her seat. "Don't do that!" she screamed, flinging a cookie at Fitz's head. 
"Did I miss something?" Sophie asked. 
"Yeah, Biana's afraid of the dark,” Fitz told her. 
"More like my brother loves torturing me with his evil mind games," Biana corrected. 
"Actually, it's a highly developed skill," Fitz explained with a smug grin. "I bet even Sophie can't do it." 
His eyes narrowed and Biana screamed again. Even Keefe jumped though he tried to cover it with a cough. 
Sophie frowned. "I don't get it." 
"You didn't see the giant shadow wolf that just attacked us?" 
Biana asked before screaming again. "There-right there. You really don't see that?" 
She pointed to the fire, but all Sophie saw were the dancing rainbow-colored flames. 
"Okay, you guys are starting to freak me out," Sophie admitted. "What's going on?" 
"He's impelling," Alden explained as he joined them by the fire. "That's what we call it when a Telepath pushes a shadow of a thought into someone else's mind to make them see something that isn't there. It's mostly a novelty—and a bit of a gray area when it comes to the rules of telepathy. But it appears your unique blocking protects you." 
"But that doesn't make any sense," Fitz argued, narrowing his eyes yet again and making everyone except Sophie flinch. "I can transmit to her now-shouldn't I be able to impel?" 
"Impelling reaches a different part of the brain," Alden reminded him. "And your connection to Sophie is limited. You can't even read her thoughts-only make her hear yours." 
Keefe laughed. "Foster loves keeping her sense of mystery." 
Fitz frowned and Biana screamed again, clinging to Alden's arm. 
"Dad-tell him to knock it off!" 
"I think that's enough impelling for one night, son. Though, I wonder..." Alden turned to Sophie. "Would you like to give it a try? 
All you have to do is concentrate on a thought and push it toward us—without opening your mind to ours." 
“I guess," Sophie mumbled, not loving the way everyone was staring at her. 
She felt too frazzled to come up with anything original, so she copied Fitz's idea and imagined a shadow wolf with hackles raised and fangs bared. When she could picture every strand of its bristled fur, she narrowed her eyes and shoved the thought toward her friends. 
"What the—" Keefe shouted, covering his ears as Alden ducked and Biana and Fitz screamed. Sophie cleared the image from her head, and everyone slowly straightened, blinking at her with wide, haunted eyes. 
"Did you open your minds to ours?" Alden asked. 
Sophie shook her head. "Why?" 
"That was no shadow," Keefe mumbled, looking paler than she'd ever seen him. "That was a full-color, twenty-foot monster. I swear I could even smell the dog breath.” 
"Me too," Fitz said quietly. "And I could hear it snarling." 
"It was so real," Biana whispered, hugging her dad and glancing around like she expected the wolf to emerge from the shadows any second. 
"I'm sorry—I didn't mean…" Sophie fumbled for her home crystal. 
"Wait," Alden said as she held her pendant in the firelight. "You don't have to leave-you didn't do anything wrong." 
"I nearly gave you guys a panic attack!" 
"Yeah, you did,” Fitz said, trying to smile but not pulling it off. 
"I almost peed my pants," Keefe added. 
Humiliation burned Sophie's eyes. 
Why did she always mess everything up? 
"Your mind is stronger than we're used to. That's all," Alden assured her. 
"Well, that's still a problem," Sophie replied. 
She didn't know her own strength. 
And if she couldn't understand herself—who could? 
"It's really okay, Sophie," Alden insisted. "Please stay." 
She tried to stand a little taller as she shook her head. "Honestly, I…have a headache now. And I'm sure Edaline's waiting for me. Thank you so much for dinner and the aurenflare. I'll see you guys at the Opening Ceremonies, right?" she asked Fitz, Keefe, and Biana. 
They nodded, and everyone tried to smile as Sophie let the warm light whisk her away. 
But Sophie would never forget the look on their pale faces. Fear. 
Maybe even terror. 
Like she was the monster. 
And Sophie had a horrible feeling that they might be right. 
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extasiswings · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
I wasn’t actually tagged today, but I’ve been tagged in so many of these games by @eddiediass and @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels and others that I haven’t done so! Have some more spooky season fic.
Why can’t you just be—
How many times had he heard that? Not just from Shannon, but from his parents as well. Trapped between two halves of himself—not human enough for her, not wolf enough for them—
He’s never been enough. 
“She’s a good person,” Eddie insists, his stomach twisting at the gentle look in Buck’s eyes, the softness of his voice.  “She just didn’t understand.  She thought she was protecting our son, I can’t fault her for that.”
He does though.  Sometimes.  He always feels bad about it afterwards, but on occasion he does.  Because he never thought of himself as a monster until Shannon said that he was.  When he worried about being a father, it wasn’t originally because he thought he might be a danger to his child.  And yet…that stuck.  He started questioning himself, stopped trusting himself. And that blended with all of his other insecurities to create a toxic mess that he didn’t know what to do with. So, he ran.
He ran to the other side of the world.
Which hadn’t been the right choice either. 
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createddoom · 2 years
Quotes I think fit au!aimsey or something (because really I just really wanna talk about quotes I like)
So first one:
"The life you live, the hate you feel—it’s poison. I can drink it no longer." - Six Of Crows, Leigh Bardugo.
First things first, this is one of my favourite scenes in the entire book. I love Matthias in this scene and this line makes it just even better. It is such an important moment in his character arc (which is amazing). I imagine this line sort of around the time au!aimsey ran away from the demons and stuff. Star was always too human for the demons, but not human enough for the humans. But the thing is it wasn't really like he could go anywhere else, but eventually, they did decide to step away. It's why I think this life fits because at one point au!aimsey must have made the decision as to who they would follow. Themselves or their family. (psst, I did write an au!aimsey fanfic inspired by this line if you want to read it the link is here)
“When everyone knows you’re a monster, you needn’t waste time doing every monstrous thing.” - Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo
Okay so maybe I just wanted to talk about this quote because I really like it without really having a character in mind, but I think it can fit o!aimsey. So, hear me out. Although it doesn't really make sense, I don't mean this quote literally. The quote very much applies to Kaz's character, but if you look at the quote without specifically looking at the words monster and monstrous, you can also see it as you don't need to prove a point that's already proven, you are wasting your time. It is why I like the quote so much. But it is still not really how I think it applies to o!aimsey. o!Aimsey is constantly boasting about all the famous people she knows and how important end is. It s like they are trying to convince everyone that they are important without realising that no one has said that she doesn't matter. She feels the need to prove herself, even though no one has asked her to. He is wasting his time proving a point that doesn't need to be.
Since I have done o!aimsey and au! aimsey now it is only right I do c!aimsey as well, but please keep in mind that I don't think I know c!aimsey that well. The majority of what I know is from aimsey talking about them on stream. Anyway:
“You wear so much armour by daylight that, by night, you can carry it no longer. By night, you are only flesh. And even the flesh of a queen is prone to fear." - The Priory of the Orange Tree, Samantha Shannon. (This quote had a second part but I wanna talk about the first part)
Now, replace the word queen with knight. From my not-very-expansive knowledge of c!aimsey she really wants to protect others by being the town's knight and tries for everyone to be happy. But because of this people assume she is always happy and that they are naive, when really they have gone through so much, but struggle to put themselves first especially after it goes very wrong if they do decide to do that. (Don't know how well this is explained I just like the quote)
Last minute addition of an au!sunshipduo thingy of these:
“Does darkness not follow light, and light follow darkness, neither one truly ahead of the other?” - Girls of Paper and Fire, Natasha Ngan
It is quite simple, they balance each other out. au!aimsey is chaotic, doesn't try to help or appeal to anyone around them, the darkness (in this quote at least). au!guqqie just wants everyone to be happy, ze wants safety, the light. It creates a balance between the two. au!guqqie will calm au!aimsey down so they don't do anything too stupid. au!aimsey pushes au!guqqie to also just be a bit chaotic every now and then.
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clapperboardtalk · 7 months
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Take Shelter (2011): Prepare for Chills, Not Floods
Genre: Psychological Drama, Thriller Year: 2011 Country: USA
A Descent into Doom, Beautifully Stitched: Don't be fooled by the seemingly simple plot - a man haunted by apocalyptic visions builds a shelter. This film masterfully weaves paranoia, family struggles, and a touch of the unknown into a captivating tapestry. You'll be questioning reality right alongside Curtis, the troubled protagonist, expertly brought to life by the incredible Michael Shannon.
Oscar-Worthy Performances Elevate the Film: Shannon delivers a powerhouse performance, channeling both vulnerability and desperation with stunning nuance. Jessica Chastain, as his supportive wife, shines too, providing emotional anchor amidst the growing storm. Together, they elevate the film to a whole new level of intensity.
Gloomy Skies Reflect a Gloomy Mind: The vast, stormy landscapes mirror Curtis's internal turmoil perfectly. The cinematography is bleakly beautiful, creating a palpable sense of unease and isolation. It's like watching a man teetering on the edge of a cliff, with the wind whipping his hair and the ground rushing closer.
Sounding the Alarm on Sanity: The sound design masterfully complements the visuals. Imagine creaking floorboards, whispers in the wind, and the eerie silence before a storm - all perfectly capturing the feeling of impending doom. Just try not to jump at every rustle!
Drama That Grips You Tight: No explosions, no CGI monsters, just pure, unadulterated drama. This film might not be for everyone, but if you like your stories tense and thought-provoking, then buckle up. You'll be glued to the screen until the very last frame, even if you have to peek through your fingers.
Personal Verdict: 5/5 Stars
This isn't just a drama; it's an experience. I'm not usually a drama fan, but "Take Shelter" blew me away. The combination of superb acting, stunning visuals, and a gripping story left me shaken and satisfied. If you're looking for a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll, then look no further.
General Reception: Acclaim, baby! Critics and audiences alike praised the film for its nuanced exploration of mental health, its top-notch performances, and its masterful atmosphere. Over time, it's gained a cult following and is considered a modern classic by many.
Budget vs. Box Office: Made for a mere $4.75 million, the film only raked in about $5 million at the box office. Not a blockbuster, but the true value lies in its impact on viewers and its critical success.
Trivial Tidbits:
Jessica Chastain learned sign language for the role, making her interactions with Tova Stewart (who plays their deaf daughter) even more genuine.
The film's title has multiple meanings, referring not only to the physical shelter but also to the emotional refuge sought by the characters.
Director Jeff Nichols originally envisioned a much more explicit ending, but ultimately opted for a more ambiguous and thought-provoking conclusion.
So, are you ready to take shelter from the ordinary? If you crave a film that will challenge your perception of reality and stay with you long after the lights dim, then "Take Shelter" is your storm. Just don't blame me if you start checking the weather every five minutes!
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
Don't Sleep On The Boogeyman
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High school student Sadie Harper and her younger sister Sawyer are reeling from the recent death of their mother and aren’t getting much support from their father, Will, a therapist who is dealing with his own pain. When a desperate patient unexpectedly shows up at their home seeking help, he leaves behind a terrifying supernatural entity that preys on families and feeds on the suffering of its victims. The Boogeyman trailer shows us that this will be a moody movie with some creative use of light and shadows. Sawyer is going through the most in this trailer and she is already pretty freaked out when talking to a counselor. I like the idea of the counselor using a technique to help her overcome her fears but a red light? Who's idea was this the counselors or the directors? And did I see what I think I saw? It looked like a creature was doing its Spider-Man thing on the ceiling! We then see Sadie humming a familiar Irish tune Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral which is an Irish Lullaby from 1913 that was written by composed James Royce Shannon for the play Shameen Dhu which roughly translates to "Black Haired Jimmy". It's a familiar tune that I'm sure we've all heard at some point and this movie makes sure that we learn to be afraid of it. Poor little Sawyer is suffering a lot in this trailer with what looks like the boogeyman stalking her in her room. Her biggest problem is that she's a small child so most adults dismiss her like the child she is. Their father isn't much help either as in his professional opinion he just thinks they're "manifestations". That's until he gets got later in the trailer and we learn that they're all in for some problems. So how does this actual movie stack up? The Good Welcome to the world of The Boogeyman, a movie that aims to make you fear the dark and question what lurks in the shadows. Director Rob Savage delivers a satisfying film that taps into every kid's first fear. With clever cinematography and effective use of camera angles, the movie creates an eerie, skin-crawling, claustrophobic atmosphere. Each time a character glances at a dark closet, my anxiety rises—I can't help it! The story of The Boogeyman is familiar and straightforward, allowing the movie to jump right into the action without wasting time on lengthy introductions. The Boogeyman is a real and immediate threat, making its presence known in the opening moments with a powerful impact. This movie takes the notion of "nobody's safe" to a whole new level. You may think no one is safe in a horror film, but trust me, this movie takes it up a notch. The camera work deserves special praise when it comes to the jump scares. The Boogeyman is genuinely terrifying, and a big part of its allure lies in the element of surprise. You never quite know when it might appear, keeping you on edge throughout. The movie understands that you're already on high alert and doesn't give you a moment's rest. In a dimly lit hallway, you might even catch a glimpse of two glowing eyes, sending shivers down your spine. The Bad The Boogeyman moves at a fast pace, which can be both a good and a bad thing, but mostly bad. With little time to build an emotional connection to the main cast, I found myself indifferent to their fates. Characters like Will, Sadie, and Sawyer Harper are trapped in a truly terrifying situation, yet I caught myself rooting for the monster to do something cool. It's a problem when I feel apathetic towards the main characters, lacking that emotional investment. Another issue I have with the Boogeyman is not getting enough of the Boogeyman itself. The movie plays it safe by focusing on scares rather than showing much violence. While I appreciate a good jump scare, at some point, I crave substance to complement the frights. There are moments that tease predictable outcomes, but The Boogeyman subverts expectations by taking a different direction entirely, steering clear of familiar horror tropes. Let's talk about the fakeouts. Horror movie rules teach us never to assume anything or anyone is dead unless we see a body. The Boogeyman takes this concept and frustratingly subverts expectations. Why aren't more people dying? Why are we led to believe someone met their demise, only to see them perfectly fine in the next scene? What's the point? The lack of consequences for these characters leaves me feeling unsatisfied. Overall "The Boogeyman" is a thrilling film that pushes boundaries and challenges our perceptions of fairytales and lullabies. With eerie cinematography and an engaging story, this movie does its best to gain your attention. However, The Boogeyman falls short in establishing emotional connections with its main characters, lacks sufficient violence to establish the monster as a threat, and plays with our expectations in ways that can be frustrating. Despite its flaws, The Boogeyman is an enjoyable experience for movie night at home. So, grab your popcorn, turn off the lights, and prepare to be both terrified and entertained by the Boogeyman! Read the full article
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sendme-2hell · 4 years
Rating the Books I read after Gideon the Ninth (in order) by how well they made me forget my Gideon the Ninth angst
I starred the ones that I actually recommend if you want something similar to gtn.
I was bored so I made this. Mostly just so I can look back at this and laugh at myself in a few months and remember what I’ve read. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
**Harrow the Ninth -Tamsyn Muir 
Summary: A depressed girl has to navigate murder attempts by both the mom and the dad of her dead ex-girlfriend who she can’t remember. She tries to make soup and writes fanfic to cope. 
How well it helped me forget: -100/10 but also 10/10 
Rating explanation: This one gets a 10/10 because it did make me feel better about a *particular* GTN plotpoint which I was very angsty about, but tragically it did make me more feral. After reading it I reread both books so I don’t think it helped me forget my angst. 
Similar themes to GTN: all of it, plus more memes 
I Want to Be Where The Normal People Are - Rachel Bloom 
Summary: Rachel Bloom who wrote the world’s most relatable song: “You Stupid Bitch,” and starred/created in Crazy Ex Girlfriend, writes about having anxiety, feeling like she’s not normal, and Harry Potter fanfic.
How well it helped me forget: 8/10
Rating explanation: For a few minutes I actually did forget about my griddlehark angst while I learned more about Bloom’s life and laughed at the painful relatability of it all. 
Similar themes to TLT: ummm depression, feeling very out of place, memes
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters
Summary: The book The Handmaiden was based on. A girl is sent to become a Lady’s handmaiden to con her out of some money. She falls in love. Many plot twists. 
How well it helped me forget: 5/10
Rating explanation: I was sadly still thinking about TLT the whole time I read this. I liked it but I actually like the Handmaiden better because the women spend more time together. Like in this book, I wish that Harrow and Gideon could spend more time together. 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, at some point you realize the main character’s love interest understands what’s going on way more than the main character
Kindred - Octavia Butler 
Summary: Very dark book about slave narratives. I cannot make a joke here, but this book is excellent. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10 
Rating explanation: Again, I can’t make a joke. But Octavia Butler is amazing. 
Ash - Malinda Lo 
Summary: A wlw retelling of Cinderella with fairies and an emphasis on stories 
How well it helped me forget:7/10
Rating explanation: This was really quick and fun and I definitely was rooting for the lesbians. Also it was nice it had a happy ending! If you liked Crier’s War (which I did), this was clearly an influence for Nina Varela. 
Similar themes: wlw, the magic one + the fighting one dynamic
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel
Summary: A deadly pandemic wipes out so many people that the world spins into chaos and no one can figure out how to use electricity apparently? But the book is really about fame and wanting to be remembered. Go figure.
How well it helped me forget: -10/10 
Rating explanation: Ok that’s not fair. It helped me forget about Gideon and Harrow but it did NOT help me forget about Corona. It was technically good and a lot of people I respect love it, but either because I was still thinking about TLT or because it was about a pandemic, I couldn’t really enjoy it. 
Similar themes: post-apocalyptic 
Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston 
Summary: The Prince of England and The son of the president of the US are enemies. They are definitely enemies.
How well it helped me forget: 6/10
Rating explanation: This was such a fun read that it almost distracted me! Tragically I was in such TLT headspace that I kept pausing to read fanfics where Gideon and Harrow switch eyes. 
Similar themes: Enemies to lovers, queer
Troubling Love - Elena Ferrante 
Summary: In true Elena Ferrante fashion, an event spurs an Italian woman to do a lot of internal processing and have some flashbacks. 
How well it helped me forget: 7/10
Rating explanation: This book was a bit disturbing so it distracted me in that way. Plus I love Elena Ferrante’s writing so much that it felt like coming home to an old friend. Unfortunately for me, this is Elena Ferrante’s least queer book. I know because I have now read them all. Her most queer book, The Lying Life of Adults, would have distracted me better. Also just using this space to tell anyone who’s still reading this (probably no one) to go read My Brilliant Friend (and the corresponding Neopolitan Novels). They are not similar to TLT except they are vaguely queer and about competitive friendships where the girls are obsessed with each other in maybe an unhealthy way. Ok so a bit similar. Genuinely my favorite books ever. 
Similar themes: mommy issues, daddy issues, childhood trauma
On This Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous -Ocean Vuong
Summary: A Vietnamese immigrant reflects on his mother, grandmother, and his own life experience in the US. It is poetic and beautiful and will make you cry. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: This book is beautiful. It really changes how you think about the US. Plus really interesting stuff about the western way of telling stories. Cannot recommend it enough, though very little to do with TLT. 
Similar themes: queer, stuff about language, childhood trauma, you will cry
**The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon 
Summary: OK sorry none of those were good suggestions for what to read after GTN. THIS is what you should read after GTN. It is an incredibly slow burn wlw enemies to lovers. There are dragons, there is magic, there are very cool female characters who I am in love with. This is like Game of Thrones but if it was good, queer, and only one 800 page book. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: Enemies to lovers!!!! What more do I have to say? Also very cool world-building, interesting religious themes. 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, religious themes, magic, very old wizard milfs, also mlm
*The Traitor Baru Cormorant 
Summary: Baru is a very smart girl in a colonized island. She decides she will play the game of the colonizers, rise up in their society, and destroy them from within. How is that going, Baru? 
How well it helped me forget: 100/10
Rating explanation: This DID make me forget TLT. The only book to truly make me. It made me forget so badly that I wanted my Griddlehark angst BACK. GIVE ME IT BACK I don’t wanna feel sad about Baru anymore. I cannot recommend it more, it is so good, but it did make me ugly cry. It also made me majorly depressed about colonization and the state of the world. 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, ending will make you cry
*The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson 
Summary: Baru is depressed, has brain damage, throws up a lot, is sad about (redacted), does some things without remembering them because there’s something going on in her brain. Sound familiar? It’s kinda like Harrow the Ninth but more depressing. Oh also a lot of new characters are introduced, old characters come back, a lot of setup for the next book. Euler’s identity shows up out of nowhere?! 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: Again, it made me forget but only because I was so engrossed in this story. Also kinda depressed. This book is kinda depressing. But Baru is very fun to be around, and there are some other great characters. Marry me, Yawa. 
Similar themes: again, this is just harrow the ninth on steroids, I am in love with every single woman in this series
*The Tyrant Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson 
Summary: Baru makes a new bestie, reunites with an old bestie, and discovers a dead bestie in her brain!
How well it helped me forget: 1000/10
Rating explanation: I loved this book. There were a few scenes I reread >four times. This book makes the other books in the series worth it. 
Similar themes: please see my venn diagram comparing tlt, baru, and A memory called empire for more information
*The Ninth House - Leigh Bardugo 
Summary: A girl has seen ghosts her whole life and because of that, gets accepted at Yale even though she didn’t finish high school. Yale is like a hotspot for ghosts I guess. It’s dark academia, the girl has a secret, the narrator is pretty funny.
How well it helped me forget: 6/10
Rating explanation: I was trying to get distracted from TLT (and Baru at this point), but it’s hard to forget about Harrow and Gideon in a book called The Ninth House (hello?). It was enjoyable and there was some good humor. I’m curious about the next book in the series when it comes out. It is not wlw unless you squint (which I do). 
Similar themes: debatably wlw body posession, nine houses, the ninth one being important, nerd boy who reminds me of pal, woman is revealed to be MUCH older than I originally thought, soul eating, revenants, tombs, necromancy, character named Mercy
The Bone Season - Samantha Shannon 
Summary: It’s the future and London is a hotspot for clairvoyants. Paige is a woman who has a special gift and can jump into people’s bodies and possess them briefly (among other things, this is a terrible explanation). Because of this, she is sent to a secret part of the city where clairvoyants are trained to be monster fighters (but also like, kept there in captivity against their will). Unlike every other book on this list I honestly wouldn’t recommend. I know there are other books in the series. If you’ve read on and it gets better let me know. (I know no one has gotten this far reading this but still)
How well it helped me forget: 4/10
Rating explanation: This one was disappointing because I loved Priory of the Orange Tree so much. This book did not distract me from my griddlehark or barhu feels. There’s also a character named Warden so I thought about SexPal a lot. 
Similar themes: enemies to lovers, ghosts, possession, queer but only background characters 
****The Unspoken Name - A.K. Larkwood 
Summary: A girl is in an isolated cult that wants her to die as a sacrifice (sound familiar?). A definitely not evil wizard helps her escape. She meets a cute necromancer who’s also kinda from a cult. She goes on some gay adventures, gets the help of a morally grey older necromancer (who I’m in love with), and fights with her frenemy. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: This is the most similar to TLT on this list. Gideon and Csorwe would be friends. Seriously I recommend this! And the second book comes out soon! And it’s not sad like TLT or Baru! 
Similar themes: sword lesbian + necromancer dynamic, wlw enemies to lovers, cults, tombs, necromancy, character named “the sleeper”, also mlm
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue - V. E. Schwab 
Summary: Adeline Larue made a deal with a demon in 1714 France, because she wanted to see the world and stuff. It backfires of course. She is immortal but no one remembers her. This causes all sorts of problems and makes her very angsty. The narrative flashes between her going through the years, and her falling in love with the only person who will remember her. 
How well it helped me forget: 2/10
Rating explanation: I know people loved this book but I did not. I liked the last 50 pages, I’ll give it that. I wish it was more queer (it was a little queer). 
Similar themes: as I said, a little wlw, immortality, demons, I guess falling in love with someone and them not remembering you now that I think about it 
Sula - Toni Morrison 
Summary: A story about two black women in the 1920’s-1960’s in an Ohio town. It is really great and interesting. It is a book about complicated female friendships (among so many other things that better writers not writing a list no one will read about their TLT feels have outlined) which I love. I was told I should read this after the Neapolitan Novels by Elena Ferrante and it did not disappoint. Same vibes. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: This was just a great book. Has really nothing to do with TLT
Similar themes: debatably queer 
*Murderbot Diaries: All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, Exit Strategy, Network Effect,  - Martha Wells
Summary: Muderbot is an artificial construct who just wants to be left alone to watch tv, damnit! It doesn’t want to interact with humans, and it definitely does not want to talk about feelings. Too bad some humans want to become friends with it.
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: These books were so good. They did help me forget! The books are really about having anxiety, making friends, and letting yourself have feelings. Also they are SO FUNNY. Highly recommend. In the way that I love Gideon’s POV, I love Murderbot’s POV
Similar themes: funny narrator, queer characters, space, people who don’t want to deal with their feelings being forced to deal with their feelings
*A Memory Called Empire - Arkady Martine 
Summary: Mahit is sent a dangerous, evil empire to be an ambassador. Lots of beautiful writing about colonialism, assimilation, language, and culture.There is gay angst and funny characters. I am once again in love with a morally grey older woman character. 
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: Yes this book is great and did distract me from gtn (mostly. I did end up reading a great fanfic about wake, g1deon, and pyrrah in the middle but otherwise...). It is part of my holy trilogy of wlw books (this, baru, tlt) that I just read recently. The next book comes out on March 2nd so it will be a good distraction from waiting for Alecto. Like Baru, it made me feel like shit about colonialism but unlike the other two books in my trilogy (redacted but if you’ve read those books you know) didn’t happen. It had a not too sad ending. 
Similar themes: see my venn diagram, but seriously what is going on with brain surgery in these books...
*The Luminous Dead - Cailtin Starling 9/10
Summary: A woman needs money and to get the money she goes on a risky cave dive. It turns out the only contact she has with the rest of the world is a woman who’s kinda a dick. It’s 400 pages of creepy cave diving and these two women talking to each other. It’s creepy and uncomfortable and I loved it. I did spend the whole book thinking it would be such a good story podcast.
How well it helped me forget: 10/10
Rating explanation: It did make me forget about tlt! There are some kinda boring parts but it pays off. The relationship between the two main characters is very interesting (though a bit fucked up). 
Similar themes: wlw enemies to lovers, traumatised characters, shitty moms
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
Okay! Rereading wings au because I can’t remember anything from the last time I read it!
Chapter 1 thoughts:
-The Neverseen letting them win is such a good concept, it takes the kind of chessmaster image Shannon’s given them in canon to a whole new level and I’m here for it!
-oh we got monsters already? How did the Neverseen create them? Did they create them? I have so many questions /pos
-Are the monsters maybe normal animals the Neverseen infected with a virus? That’s what the mushroom create is making me think of.
-oh they found where the monsters are coming from! This plan is going to go terribly horribly wrong and I am so excited
-Mindbubble is such a neat word and a cool concept I love it
-who is this kid? Why is she with the Neverseen?
-ooo monster room! These descriptions are so good, I can see the vats in my mind like a movie
-Oh I love this ending, it creates such a dramatic image and I’m excited to see where things go now!
(warning: I am very excitable when it comes to the wings au because people don't send asks about it often, so this got long as I take every opportunity to ramble that I can)
Excellent! This is a great way for me to also remember what happens because it's been a lot and the wings au is coming up on one year of consistent posts and some of the chapters I haven't looked at in months!
thank you! We haven't really seen the Neverseen or other enemies in the au aside from very briefly given that for a good while now the kotlcrew's enemy has been the monsters everywhere and also themselves, but I've always really liked the idea of them being more cunning than they are in canon. Not to say they aren't smart or secretive, but there's always this element of like...childish villains? to them. I don't know how to explain it. Where they're dramatic and have monologues and their mistake is explaining their plan at length, that kind of thing. Which isn't bad, I just think they could be elevated and more strategic and cold-blooded, so I tried to give them a sense of that while keeping parts of their personalities.
Also the idea of you thinking you've won and are finally safe after years only to find out that was all part of the enemies plan and they've been in control this whole time and you victories have just been given to you to convince you you were winning sounds super horrifying and I loved it.
yes! monsters from chapter one! I mean, they're a very central part of the story and also I love them so I wanted to include them as soon as possible. What's that one Guillermo del Toro quote? because I want to share it hang on. Here: "Since childhood I've been faithful to monsters. I've been saved and absolved by them because monsters are the patron saints of our blissful imperfections." Monsters and inhumanity are very important to me, and so capturing that and giving these horrible, awe-inspiring creatures a world where they could reign over it is very rewarding.
How they were created and by who is relevant and important to the story, but more than that I find monsters are the most ambiguous, understanding kinds of creatures.
Wait I'm getting off topic we're talking about the au. I can't straight up tell you how the monsters were made or what they are without spoiling things, but I love that you're asking questions! Though one that I can answer is that Sophie and her friends believe that the monsters were created and released on the world by the Neverseen and another group. the second group is represented by a broken chain and they don't know who or what they are, just that they're involved with the monsters.
Also I love that little mushroom guy so much. I originally wanted to draw a little sketch of it to go along with the chapter but it's been over a year since I wrote the description of him and I forgot a very important detail which is where?? the mouth is?? I know I mention it but my description isn't clear enough for myself, so unless someone else draws their interpretation of the small mushroom thing it will only exist mentally.
They did find where the monsters are coming from! It is going to go horribly wrong! it is very exciting. that's one of the things i love about the au: where it starts. Because the beginning of the wings au is the end of another story gone awry. it's the ending to an apocalypse story where everyone's been forced underground and are fighting monsters and where entire species are being killed (the gnomes) and the kotlcrew are trying to stop the investation. And they've become a solid unit, knowing each others minds, planning things. And the breeding facility in chapter one is their final battle. it's the climax of another story. In another story, that's where everything ends and winds down from there.
but I've made it the beginning. That story doesn't end well and I used it as the setting for something new. That's why the first chapter is so much more tense than some of the following, why it's faster, why it's more coordinated and specific. It's the climax of another story but without any build-up. Which was super fun to write btw.
And thank you! mindbubble was a word I came up with on a whim and wasn't sure whether or not I'd stick with it. I wanted a word unique to the au, and I kinda just stuck to a bubble theme after that. The mindbubble, healing bubble, probably more I'm forgetting. It was a moment where I also had to let the characters name it, as it's the word they use to refer to it. And given keefe is in the mix something a little more light hearted seemed appropriate.
as for the kid...well, lets just say that is not the last you will see of her! she pops up a few more times and is actually a key part of the story. Which happened entirely on accident. Originally she was just a throwaway character who existed to be a distraction so Sophie's group wasn't caught and also to give them a moral dilemma because she's just a kid. But then I think it was Ed who made a comment about her and wondering who she was and what her importance was and I went "oh. I can actually do a lot with her." That's why you may notice a change in her demeanor later on that doesn't fully match chapter one, which is because her personality and backstory was created after that scene where she screams and runs away. Still trying to make it smooth enough to be excusable, but it's fine!!
She actually fit perfectly into the story, so i'm very glad ed commented about her. I've got the main ideas for the au planned out already, but as I go and as people comment I keep finding ways to make it tie together and more detailed and it's super fun.
that's part of why I really appreciate comments so much!! You guys notice and latch onto things I wouldn't think of, and then I get to turn it into fun things in the story!! Like Linh being connected to dragons. That wasn't originally planned, but someone made a comment theorizing about Linh having dragon wings (might've been Synonym!) and i went...well she doesn't have dragon wings but I can do something with the dragon part.
I've getting distracted again oops!!
Monster room!! I think that was the first glimpse of the monsters and the horrors Sophie had been talking about mentally to give the reader background. And I'm glad you like the descriptions!! I think the imagery from chapter one might be my favorite because it just feels so poignant. I mean, it was the first introduction to everything. I had to give you all the details of what the world was like! I had to describe everything to give context. Later on in the series the state of the world has already been established and we have ideas on what the monsters are like so I'm more recycling descriptions, but that first chapter? it's all new and where i am establishing the things!! idk maybe it's just me but whenever I reread the first chapter I just get so caught up on the imagery I love it so much.
I'm glad you like the ending as well!! That marked the beginning of my evil cliffhangers, and I look back on it fondly. it was like...okay, the story this should've been has gone wrong, now I get to tell my story. And i have been telling it for the better part of a year now and it has been. So much fun! So thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the chapters!!
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thelittlemermage · 3 years
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#that's funny because last season they were like haha nooo not reallyyy. they might make out when drunk or something but it's a grey area.
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338 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 22:24:02 GMT
What are the cutest Pinky screenshots you can find
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395 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 02:38:23 GMT
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531 notes • Posted 2021-07-26 20:59:02 GMT
Hi, I literally have not watched Creepshow Art's videos in several years and I have NO IDEA what anything anyone is saying means. Could you explain it to me, please?
Oh boy, you better strap in.
So, popular art and commentary Youtuber Creepshow Art (also known as Shannon) was hit with some drama a few days ago when it was revealed that she had been posting on the lolcow forums for the past few years. For those who don't know, lolcow is basically 4chan but for drama? Just a general cesspool. Because Shannon cannot shut the fuck up about herself, and there are rules on the site against self-promo and also doxxing, when Shannon chose to dox HER OWN SISTER'S TWITTER the admins de-anoned her and made public all of her posts over the years. It is known that people on these sites can easily pull your IP, so the fact that she was so reckless here....I have no words. But basically, she had been shit talking her close friends in the Youtube art community, as well as used slurs against LGBTQ people, made racist comments and fat shaming comments, and talked for and against herself, both of which could be considered fishing for attention for her channel. Now, this is a big fucking problem on it's own since she's the type to go hard for social justice issues, and has completely dragged others for doing less than she's done here.
And here's where she made the biggest mistake of her career. She didn't admit to it. She instead claimed her "stalker" Amy, a woman who has been harassing her for the past decade, spoofed her IP and has been posting on lolcow pretending to be her. Anonymously. On the off chance this would all one day be discovered. Over the course of 3 years. As she also created sock puppet accounts to have arguments with herself using different IPs. All very elaborate. And once again, this in itself is bad. But it's not this, but what this move led to that revealed more about Creepshow than anyone could have predicted.
Another Youtuber named Emily Artful dropped a 2 hour bomb of a video consisting of evidence she has compiled over the last 8 years, evidence that includes IP addresses. Shannon was dating, and is now married to, Emily's abusive ex. And they have been stalking and harassing her for 8 years. Like, they have nudes of her dating back to when she was a minor, they have called her place of work to get her fired, Shannon may have even became a YouTuber just to fuck with her, type stalking and harassing. The things Shannon and her husband have done to Emily over the course of YEARS is just insane. It goes beyond petty Youtube drama and has revealed that Creepshow Art is a fucking monster. And that's really scary considering how popular she was and how many people had contact with her. Though there were hints over the years (like how she drove someone by the name of Hopeless Peaches to attempt unalive). It's just...a lot.
Oh, and about Amy? Creepshow has made videos about her before. And now that Emily has come forward, it has not escaped people how eerily similar Shannon's stalker story is to what she was actually doing to Emily this whole time. It would appear that she was flipping the roles and putting this story out there to 1. garner sympathy because she likes attention and 2. create an environment where if Emily EVER came forward, she would be immediately called a liar because it would appear that she was copying Shannon's situation.
I never ended up watching a lot of Creepshow myself. She'd be in my recommendeds sometimes, so I have a passive idea of her. But something that really hit me was I knew from what I did watch that Shannon was previously homeless. She spoke of this a few times, and about how hard it was, and how this channel saved her. That was a lie. Her and her bf chose to be homeless for the sake of saving money on rent and for the sake of ~art~. She chose to be homeless and purposefully omitted that information from her audience to garner sympathy. Meanwhile, sending Emily's nudes to her place of work legitimately caused her to be homeless. It's just one of many pieces of a fucked up puzzle, but because it was one of the things I remembered about her, it really shocked me. I can't even imagine what the people who were actually friends with her or looked up to her are going through right now.
She has not made any videos or posts since then but has been deleting her social media and some of her videos like crazy. If there was any doubt that the accusations against her are true....innocent people don't hide and delete, do they? I'm curious what her next move will be when she comes back, because she surely will. Her whole life was online. But there's no coming back from this. She's an actual danger and it just goes to show you need to be careful with who you trust online. Being a big name Youtuber doesn't mean you're a good person behind the scenes.
There's a lot to this story I can't possibly address in one post so check out Emily Artful's video if you want. She's been putting up with a lot for almost a decade so maybe show her channel some love too.
692 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 18:55:43 GMT
What better time to post this joke...
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marauders-aesthetic · 3 years
The Red Thorns Adventures
Chapter 5 : Vengeance that smells of roses
TRIGGER WARNING: cursing, mentions of violence, swearing, and mental health
“This means you are inside the head of the character”
I never thought I would like the red hair. It actually made me feel so much more confident. I really wanted to be more like Shannon, confident, fearless, independent, … If I was to make the Marauders angry, I had to bring the fires of hell with me.
I walked into Potions class feeling confident and ready to face whatever was coming my way. I sat down next to Shan as I usually did. I could hear the Marauders sniggering…Children…
I got to my usual seat, second row, near the supply cabinet. Professor Slughorn arrived soon after. Today we were going to review an old potion. I sighed content; Shan was always good in potions we were going to ace this. I started going through my notes, Shan was tying her hair up, we were ready. As soon as Slughorn was done explaining we were off. I went to retrieve the necessary ingredients as I was going out, Peter tried to knock me off balance. This lesson was going to be horrible.
Narrator POV:
Bloom was angry. The Marauders had been on her nerves. They had ruined their potion; they had thrown food at them during lunch. Their final class for the day was Charms. It was her favorite class. She got to the first row and was joined by Shan and Sisi. Professor Flitwick had started his lesson on a spell that would help them if they were to duel: the Incarcerous Spell. Bloom wasn’t really listening; she was practicing her wandless capabilities. Shan was observing her best friend lift the piece of paper while Flitwick was writing on the black board. Bloom hated the noise the boys were making in the back of the classroom. Her new red hair was starting to match the color of her face. The teacher wasn’t saying anything. Shannon sighed and tried to calm her down. Bloom could feel her emotions taking over. Her head started to hurt. She hissed in pain. The lesson ended. Saoirse walked in front of Shannon and Blathnaid. Snow was waiting for them outside. They smiled and Eireann was explaining her new idea for a dress. Suddenly Bloom felt someone push her out of the way.
- Watch it! shouted Saoirse
- Out of the way Farrel, snarled James
- Piss off Potter, retorted Shannon
- What was that Murphy?
The Marauders and Red Thorns were arguing and shouting insults in the middle of the corridor. Bloom’s head was ponding. She wanted to scream.
“Let it out Bloom… let it out…” said the voice in her head.
“Let me take over sweetie”encouraged the voice in a sweet sickening tone. Bloom couldn’t breathe… her mind went blank. She opened her eyes and turned around to see her friends taking out their wands. She felt her body move on its own accord. Shannon looked at her in fear so did the rest of her group of friends.
- Well boys I believe the party is over, her voice was colder and had dropped a few octaves
- What the… started Sirius
- Merlin! cursed James
Peter hid behind Remus. Blathnaid walked over to them with her wand out. Bloom was trying to stop the voice in her head.
“Please! Please don’t! I beg of you!”
“Oh, you beg? Let me have my fun! They deserve it!”
“We will get into trouble “
“When have you been worried about that?”
Blathnaid had stopped moving, she was holding her head between her hands, she looked as if she was being tortured.
- Who are you? Questioned Remus
This question snapped Bloom out of her internal quarrel. She looked at him and smiled… but her smile was not sweet or kind… it wasn’t the Farrel Remus knew. Her eyes were darker and her red hair was gone.
- Who am I, she asked, Oh Honey! I’m your worst nightmare! I’m Midnight! And before you go… let me leave you a little souvenir… something to remind me by chéri!
Bloom’s eyes shown bright blue and her wand let out a spell, ropes where all around Remus and Sirius holding them down… they were hurting.
- You really are a monster, shouted James
- You created me, love, as much as you try and deny it, you made me! And you must suffer the consequences. Serpensortia!
A snake came out of her wand and started to crawl towards James. Peter was trying to help Remus and Sirius… It was utter chaos.
Bloom POV:
If I could scream I would…, how could I let Midnight take control… she was hurting people… I was hurting people…
- Miss Farrel! Mister Potter, Black, Lupin, Pettigrew! In my office now!
“Just great! Are you happy now?”
“you’re welcome sweetie! have fun!”
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imaginariumpod · 4 years
A Tapestry of Lace and Silk : the visual aesthetic and costume design of Crimson Peak (2015)
 In the dark corners of an ancient mansion, you hear the rustle of a long dress on the floor, there behind a closed door, lies some ghosts and secrets that should never be unearthed. 
A woman walks in the silence. 
Crimson Peak (2015) is a movie directed by Guillermo Del Toro, and is one of the most obvious mainstream examples of the gothic romance in cinema in the recent years. With a story full of ghosts, a secret, a haunted house and of visuals directly inspired by the mid-century gothic romance book covers. This movie is visually highly stylized and immersive in a way I think a lot of filmmakers and studios tend to shy away from. 
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While Guillermo Del Toro’s movies tend to always be very stylized and visually cohesive, Crimson Peak is truly the one, in my opinion, where the production design was at its most compelling and beautiful. To me, it’s obvious how much care and attention has been given to even the slightest of details, to create the perfect visual identity for this film. I have read once that the gothic was very decorative, as a genre. From the dark mansions, and the flowing nightgowns to the flickering lights of the candles and the creaking floors. The ~aesthetic~ is something that is very important to a gothic romance story. It’s all in the atmosphere, as well as some important elements of the story in itself, that make a gothic romance. Gothic Romance is a genre that you have to lean into, and Guillermo Del Toro perfectly understood it when it came to Crimson Peak.
Before we go more into it, i just want to warn you all that there’s probably going to be spoilers in this article. I will try my best to avoid being overly blatant about what happens in the story in itself, because that is not my focus. My focus during this article will be on the production design of the movie, the way this movie looks and has been designed, especially when it comes to the costumes and the outfits the characters wear throughout the movie. I mostly want to go deep into the visual aesthetic of this film, from the decors and visual themes to the dresses and outfits that were created for this story. I want to talk about the visual aspect of the movie and how it translates within the genre of gothic and the medium of filmmaking.
Guillermo Del Toro : the cineast 
Guilerrmo del Toro is a mexican director mostly known for having a very distinct style of dark fantastical movies often featuring monsters, myths, the folklore and fairytales. His movies alternate between being made in spanish or english. His stories and movies often explore the dark side of the fantastical, of fairy tales and stories told after the dark.  and yet. they have a hopeful side to them . 
While a lot of his movies were successful, I do think it’s El Laberinto del fauno (2006) (Pan’s Labyrinth) that really established him as a thriving filmmaker, despite how niche a lot of his movies and stories are.   Which, by the way, as a quick aside, Pan’s Labyrinth is a very formative movie to me, I watched the year it came out, when I was 11 years old, my dad brought the DVD home, thinking it was a movie for children. And well. It was not. I ended up being TERRIFIED and yet mesmerized and this was my first contact with Guillermo Del Toro as a filmmaker but it certainly wouldn’t be the last. His movies are crystallized in my memory, and they awakened in me a love of this more gothic and fairy-tale inspired horror. He's definitely a movie director that brings his unique touch to whichever work he’s doing. 
The Gothic is a very prominent part of Del Toro’s work, which he calls Gothick (and is indeed a word that represents the genre that got started by Horace Walpole’s book The Castle of Otranto in 1764) and he describes the relationship he has with this genre as “a way to discover beauty in the monstrous”  The protagonists of Del Toro movies often embrace the darkness that exists around them and within themselves. For Del Toro, the gothic is the “only genre that teaches [us] to understand otherness.” You can see it in the narrative of so many of his movies, which culminates in The Shape of The Water, where the monster ends up being the victim of society, and the real monster is the character of Michael Shannon, who represents the pressure of society,  the norms and accepted and what can happen if you deviate from what is accepted. 
The narratives of Del Toro’s movies reject authorianism in any shape or form, whether the societal authorianism or the narrative ones, and this makes for a way of storytelling that often turns around all expected tropes.His movies are, at their core, anti-fascist and, in my very humble opinion, very relevant during our current political climate on an global level. I really do not feel like I am the right person to dive deep into this subject in a small article on the visual aesthetic of one of Del Toro’s movies, but I want to recommend the thesis The Dark Fantastic of Guillermo Del Toro : Myth, Fascism, and theopolitical Imagination in Cronos, The Devil’s Backbone, and Pan’s Labyrinth by Morgaan Sinclair. That thesis is widely informative and interesting to read and will probably dive deeper in those themes that are always somewhat present in every Del Toro movie. 
He loves using “typical” genre stories and making them his own. From folk tales, fairy tales, vampire stories, legends, he uses these narrative motifs as a template for his stories, but he always subverts them in one way or another, exploring the darkness within. And this is what he also did with Crimson Peak, but now with the gothic romance genre as his template. Gothic Romance is one of those genres that is very formulaic in some ways, it has very common tropes and themes that are often used.   For example, the way he explores the gothic house and its entire symbolism in his early movie The Devil’s Backbone (2001).
[These old-Gothic notions insinuate themselves in the Gothick terrain of del Toro’s films. The ­Devil’s Backbone, a ghost story set in a remote orphanage during the Spanish Civil War, seems at first glance to be a classic Gothick romance, which, as del Toro reminds us in his commentary, focuses on the house, the domicile, as an emblem and warped container of the human self.  This symbolically charged structure, he says, always conceals a “dark secret,” linked to a treasure and deep passions, “that is buried in the past and affects the people living in it.” At the center of the darkness stands “a very pure ­hero—a new set of eyes to explore the secret and through the purity of his heart unravel the mystery.”]
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When it comes to his films, Del Toro tends to often use archetypes as a way to effectively communicate certain concepts, but more often than not, he will turn these archetypes upside down.  Del Toro tends to also use a lot of symbols in his movies, weaving a tapestry of overarching themes and meaning. He gives depth to his stories by a use of various artistic and literary references, historical references. building a story that contains layers upon layers. This depth also translates to the visual aspect of his movies, as Del Toro movies tend to be carefully and precisely crafted. The aesthetic is, as one might say, on point. From the somber and fantastical creativity of Pan’s Labyrinth to the epic and vibrants colors of Pacific Rim. Crimson Peak is, to me, one of the most visually beautiful and compelling movies of Del Toro, and this is what we’re going to get into a bit later. 
A ghost story: 
This story starts at the end. This is a narrative device Del Toro also used with Pan’s Labyrinth, the movie starts with the final scene, and we know that something terrible is going to happen, and it just keeps the tension and stakes high during the entirety of the movie, as we keep wondering when things will take a turn for the worse. 
We can see Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska ) wearing her white nightgown, in a scene of fog and piercing white. Her blond hair is flowing down on her shoulders, her face is pale, and her hands.
Her hands are drenched in blood. 
The first sentence of the movie is then spoken : “Ghosts are real. This much I know.” This immediately sets the tone for the rest of the movie. 
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And then. It goes back to the beginning, when she was just a young child, at the moment her mother died, when the ghost of her mother, veiled in black lace,  came to warn her, to beware of Crimson Peak… 
Edith Cushing is a young woman living with her father and who dreams of becoming a writer. She keeps trying to publish her story, not a ghost story, but moreso a story with a ghost in it. “The ghost is a metaphor” she says. A metaphor for the past and for regrets and violence that still permeates a place. She then meets Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston), an english baronet without fortune, and his sister Lucille (Jessica Chastain). After the sudden (and suspicious) death of her father, she marries Thomas and follows him and his sister back to England, in their strange mansion that stands isolated in the midst of english hills, atop a source of red clay. The Sharpes are an aristocratic family with no fortune and a decrepit mansion where strange things happen, where ghosts roam. 
There’s also a social commentary here on the changing social norms and social classes. While the Sharpes are an aristocratic family, owning land and a title, they are not rich. Their clothes are good quality, made from good materials and hand crafted, but they are also old and not of the current fashion. They are in a very strange place socially, being higher up on the social class and yet, being broke and trying to figure out how to get money to take care of their crumbling estate.
Ghosts are real, we need to remember, and are a reminder of what has been forgotten and what has died. The past is still  lingering on in the present, and violence of the past will not go unpunished. The ghosts of Crimson Peak are terrifying. I do not want to say much about them, because it would reveal too much about the plot and the story, but I want to talk about them in terms of visual design. The ghosts of Crimson Peak are terrifying, they are skeleton-like, and red. Vibrant red. They are nothing like I have ever seen before in terms of ghosts, and this is yet another way Crimson Peak sets itself apart from other movies. 
Lucille says something at the end of the movie, and I will not say anything about the plot, so fear not for spoilers, she says “but the horror… the horror was for love” and I do think it says so much about the movie and about the genre. Gothic romance is not really a love story, but it’s not strictly a horror story either. It’s a blend of love and horror. And sometimes… the horror, the horror will be for the sake of love. 
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The building of a haunted house
Production design, when it comes to movies, relates to everything that has to do with the visual identity of the movie. The look and the stylistic choices that are made to make the movie look the way it does. From the costumes, to the sets, to the decor, and all the small details, production design is one of the most important parts of  constructing a movie. It’s those elements that make out how the movie will  look and what it will communicate to its audience.
The production designer works on all the aspects that pertains to the visuals of the movies, along with the director of photography. They manage everything from the costume, the sets and the decor. And they work closely with the director to craft the visual identity of the movie. Guillermo Del Toro always draws from a very vast range of thematic and visual inspirations when it comes to his movies : from gothic architecture, symbolist art, the surrealists, but also more popular inspirations such as comic books and even video games. So many of these elements are brought and matched to visually create a layered look to the film.  
The visual storytelling, the ambiance, the atmosphere, all of these elements are a huge part of what makes Crimson Peak truly interesting. The visuals of the movies were not an afterthought to the script, but were an integral part of how the movie was constructed. Under the directives of Guilermo Del Toro, Thomas E. Sanders [Dracula (1992) ; Braveheart (1995)] constructed an intricate and vibrant appearance for Crimson Peak, which I think is one of the most memorable components of the film.
This movie takes the canons of gothic horror and gothic romance and embraces them, whether it is narratively speaking or visually speaking. I always love a story that leans heavily into its genre and its tropes and convention, only to make use of them in a different and new way. I can mention The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) as another movie who embraces its genre, here the corny 1960s inspired spy movie, and just GOES WITH IT. I do so much appreciate when any type of storyteller and artist fully work within the genre and then try to expand the boundaries of that specific genre, all the while trying to create a work that is definitely recognizable as a certain genre. 
As I said, the visuals are obviously very much inspired by the canons of gothic romance, whether it's the illustrations that were in the book of the 19th century, as well as all the historical inspirations from the late 19th century in which the movie is set. There’s also the obvious references to the book covers of the gothic paperbacks of the mid 20th century, with their jewel tones, and their heroines escaping a dark and looming manor behind them. Or sometimes, she is exploring the dark winding corridors, with only the help of a few candles lighting her way.
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There’s this dichotomy that sometimes occurs when it comes to movies, of style over substance or vice versa. Which to me is a moot and useless point, because style is a form of storytelling as well. The way you construct the visuals of the movies, the decors and the costumes, and the way the film is shot, all of this is a way of telling a story and is as essential to a good movie. Even a movie that doesn’t put the emphasis on “style” also makes a visual choice. Not focusing on the visual elements such as the costumes, or the decor, is also a stylistic choice in itself. Even if the choice is to make the movie devoid of any outlandish visual assets. Taking these decisions are what ultimately make the movie be the way it is visually. A film is a visual form of storytelling, 
When it comes to the sets, the movie is set mostly in two diametrically opposed houses, the airy and light house of the Cushings in Buffalo, homey and comfortable, and the cold gothic estate of the Sharpes : Allerdale Hall. Where the house in Bufallo was full of light and a warm color palette, Allerdale Hall is the opposite. That house is the typical gothic mansion, and one of the most important elements of any good gothic romance. Imposing, dark, with twisting corridors and actually decaying above them. Visually, it’s also distinctive with the colder colors that are used when filming there. It’s the ideal setting for the gothic romance story to happen. Sanders says that the only reference that he was given by Del Toro for the design of this house was the painting House by the Railroad (1925) by Edward Hopper. This painting was the beginning of a very long and arduous process as Sanders tried to create this perfect haunted house.
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The house of the Sharpes, is atop a source of red clay, hence its name. It’s decrepit, falling apart, cold. “colder inside than out” says Edith when she first enters it. The house is slowly but surely sinking in the red clay that once used to be the source of the Sharpes’ fortune. Visually, it looks as if the house was bleeding, as if the house was alive. As Sanders says during an interview with Slate : 
“We felt that the clay is the blood of the earth, and it’s also the blood of the house, and that the house was a living thing that embodied the family over all those years.”
Within the genre of gothic horror and gothic romance, the house plays a very peculiar part. Whether it is haunted or not, the house is very much often an important character of the gothic story, on the same level as the heroine or the antagonist or the ghost. The spaces of Allerdale Hale are tight and menacing, the house is full of dangerous sharp angles. This is not a warm house. Del Toro said that he repeated the wooden pattern on the columns three or four times, so that it looks slightly out of focus, like something is wrong, but you cannot pinpoint what it is, exactly. 
Allerdale Hall is thus the perfect setting for this gothic romance to unfold, through the sharp and twisting corridors, with the gaping hole in the ceiling through which the snow falls and covers the red crimson blood of the house. 
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A nightgown to explore strange corridors at night:
The main costume designer for this film was Costume Designer Kate Hawley, assisted by Cori Burchell. Even though they hadn’t worked specifically on period movies and historical movies or more fantastical movies prior to their job on Crimson Peak, I cannot help but think that they did a marvelous job when it came to the costume design for this particular movie. Hawley had previously worked on Pacific Rim with Del Toro, so she was familiar with the way he worked and envisioned things. Together, they truly created a wardrobe that was absolutely wonderful for the movie of Crimson Peak. Highly stylized. Imbued with the fashion and artistic trends of the era, without being exactly Literal to the clothing of the time. She used costume design as a vehicle to communicate ideas and moods that were intrinsical to the characters of the story. 
Hawley worked closely with  Del Toro to create the costumes that would be perfect to convey the personality of the characters and would help build the depth of the movie. In her interview with digital magazine JEZEBEL, she says that she definitely considers Crimson Peak to feel like an opera, a piece of music in which there’s two distinct acts, and so the costuming had to also follow those two distinct acts and those two distinct worlds that the characters inhabit. From the color scheme and mood, to the details of the historical period. But most importantly, especially for a Guillermo Del Toro movie, it was vital for Hawley to look at it thematically first. Del Toro movies are always chock full of references to art, folklore and literature, and there is no surprise that the costume design should follow the same direction.
The costumes are an important narrative device as well, the clothing a character wears reflects their personality as well as their narrative journey. It can inform on the status of the character, their place in society, it’s an effective tool of storytelling. A good costume designer will use the wardrobe of each character to say something about the character in themselves but also create a cohesive visual look for the ensemble. From the colors to the chosen fashion style and to the accessories, fashion is a silent mode of communication that we all inherently understand, even if not on a conscious level. The wardrobe of each different character is thought and designed, to fit the character but the movie as a whole. 
As our queen and icon, legendary costume designer and winner of eight separate academy awards for costume design, Edith Head says : “Fashion is not the primary thing, the primary effort in motion pictures is to tell a story”. And clothing do tell a story, whether or not you think they do. This is comes back to what I was saying earlier, that sometimes, people tend to not put any sort of importance on the clothing, considering it shallow and superficial, but I would argue that it’s a very subtle way of storytelling that says more about the character in a single outfit than a whole scene of exposition ever could. 
Edith’s clothes are all very modern and current to the era the movie is set in (ie. 1901) The silhouette of all the clothes she wears are very much within the fashionable silhouette of the era, with the gigantic sleeves, and the cinched waist and slightly flare-y skirt. All of the dresses she wears throughout the movie have the leg-of-mutton sleeves that were so fashionable during the late 1890s and early 1900s.  The color palette of Edith’s clothes is very much within a very soft and warm-toned palette, with a lot of soft yellows, ivories, creams, mustards and golds. this very much visually set her apart from the Sharpes. Hawley says she imagined Edith as a canary in a coal mine, her vibrant yellows and gold outfits in the dark and somber walls of Allerdale Hall. Hawley and Del Toro also used a pre-raphaelite portrait of Helen of Troy by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1863) as a visual basis to work on Edith’s aesthetic. 
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She’s a down to earth woman who is ready to make efforts and her dresses reflect this aspect of her personality, they are comfortable and practical, while still having that air of whimsy to them. From the gigantic buttons on her honey colored dress or the beautifully eccentric belt in the shape of hands. Kate Hawley, the movie’s costume designer, says that this belt is just an upscaled version of the small mourning jewelry in which a lock of hair of a loved one who passed away can be found in. “I took these little earrings, these little ivory hands, and we scaled them up so it was almost like a mother's hands clasped around her waist”. (I so desperately want a belt like that btw, it is creepy but i still want it, if any of you happen to find one, please do contact me, thank you so very much.) She matches her hat and gloves with her ensemble, and generally, Edith, is just very visually cohesive and coherent within her own style. 
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During a very romantically and sensually charged scene, she wears a beautiful evening gown in ivory satin and ornamented with pearls. She enters the room dressed in this lovely dress and a long satin cape of the same color and a pleated collar, her hair delicately swept up.  This is Edith’s very own dramatic moment, where she gets to dance with her romantic lead and wears an outfit that is a bit fancier than her usual fare. This dress is still within the very soft and pale color palette that represents Edith. This particular dress is visibly inspired by a painting of  the italian artist Giovanni Boldini : The Black Sash (1905), which furthers the fact that this movie’s visual aesthetic is deeper than what first meets the eye. From the delicate color and stark black ribbon down her back. 
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Edith, though, is our ingenue heroine of the gothic romance. One of the main archetypes in the gothic romance is the innocent heroine, a young woman thrown into a situation that’s claustrophobic, scary and dangerous. In every gothic romance, there comes a moment where the heroine leaves her bed in her nightgown, it’s a very striking visual that is the mark of the way we visualize gothic romance. She holds a candle, wearing only the lightest of clothing, and goes to explore the darkness within the walls she inhabits. Her nightgown ends up being the most significant outfit of the whole movie, it truly marks her as a gothic romance heroine, while she roams the corridors at night.
 «I’ve never done so many nighties and nightgowns! It’s all about running around in night dresses through long corridors. That also blended to the fabric. When Guillermo said to me, “It’s about a house that breathes,” that’s why we chose the lightest fabric, just a little thing to try and help the storytelling with the idea of the house.»
 Edith’s nightgown is striking, the movement of the heavily pleated garment fills the whole screen whenever she moves, it gives her a certain elegance and follows the cohesive silhouette and color palette that was established for her thus far, with its gigantic sleeves and the soft warm and earthy colors of the dressing gown she wears over her nightgown, as she goes down the dark stairs of Allerdale Hall. 
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Where Edith is the innocent ingenue, Lucille is the woman hardened by life and misfortunes. She is all sharp angles and contrasts, where Edith is soft and kind, with a seamless color palette. Lucille’s outfits are stuck twenty years in the past and this is very much a narrative device and tool that’s used through the usage of dress and costume design. By showing her in these lavish but old-fashioned dresses. it serves both the purpose of showing how rich and noble the family of the Sharpes is but also, it effectively communicates how they do not have the means to actually follow the current fashionable trends. It shows that Lucille is not one to want to have something of lower quality or cheaper than she thinks her standing deserves. Lucille is a woman that is stuck in the past and is not truly living in the current times.  I think that even though these details often necessitate a basic knowledge of the dress silhouettes of the late 19th century and early 20th century, this tactic still visually works because it sets Lucille apart from the rest of the world. It expresses visually how she and her brother are distanced from the world outside.
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Her dresses and outfits are dramatic and striking, with the sharp silhouette of the 1880s, with the bustles. The colors of her dresses are always in deep tones, like reds, blues or black. The colors are very rich and vivid. The first dress that we see Lucille wearing is the beautiful red dress during the scene where she plays piano. A silhouette typical of the 1880s with the bustles and the very extravagant detailing. That one dress is a striking red, with a skirt that has a long train. The one very important design detailing is the back of the dress, replicating a spine of sorts in the middle of her back. Those sharp angles forebode a sense of danger that is conveyed strictly through the construction of the dress, and the arrangement of the textiles, the various shades of red fabric intertwined to create this gorgeous pattern that goes down the skirt. Her hair is swept upward and decorated with fine red jewels, and the pale complexion of Jessica Chastain only make the whole ensemble more striking. 
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Compared to the two other components of the main trio, Thomas Sharpe’s outfits seem much more muted and sober. His clothes, same as his sister’s, are also too old to be fashionable, but made of high quality materials. The color palettes of his clothes are very dark and deep, with touches of deep blues and greens. When you transpose him into Allerdale Hall, he fits seamlessly within the decor, meanwhile he seemed out of space and out of time in the sunny and modern decor of Buffalo. 
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A desire for accuracy : 
Historical accuracy is always a point of contention when it comes to movies set in a particular historical setting, in this case in the early years of the 1900s. And before we go any further, is historical accuracy even That important when it comes to an effective costume design ? I honestly think historically accurate costumes are very important when it comes to setting your movie. The visual immersion and world building when your story is set in a specific time and place, like for example, in this movie, set in Buffalo, United-States, and England, during the year of 1901, depends on these important elements, such as the costume design and the decor. Especially when a movie is not tending toward the fantastical. For this reason, I really do think that having period accurate costuming, design and makeup is incredibly important when it comes to immersion and creating a visually cohesive world.
Nonetheless, to me, this part of the costume design is less important than what the costume design says about the story and the characters. As I said earlier, costume design is a very subtle but powerful narrative and visual tool to use in filmmaking. And for this reason, I personally think it’s more important for a costume to be efficient when it comes to storytelling than to try to achieve perfect accuracy. Simply put, a costume designer is not someone whose aim is to recreate historical garments perfectly (if this is your jam, I follow a bunch of creators on youtube who actually do that, using historical sewing techniques as well). Their aim is to use the clothing for a storytelling purpose.
There is this thread by fashion historian and curator Hilary Davidson on the subject of ahistorical costume design and this is what she has to say about Crimson Peak:  
“Kate Hawley's designs for Crimson Peak (2015) are immersed in artistic trends of the fin-de-siecle, making costumes that embody the period's aesthetic spirit without being completely literal” 
When it comes to Crimson Peak, are the costumes historically accurate. For the case of Crimson Peak, the answer is yes and no, at the same time. More than creating historically accurate costumes, Hawley wanted to create an atmosphere, with dreamy costumes that would serve a narrative purpose, and use historical sources as a guideline and inspiration Liberties will often need to be taken to complement the story and to serve the purpose of storytelling  nonetheless, I do think that the more researched and accurate the costuming is, the more complex and interesting it can be . and I do think it ended up being SO SO INTERESTING. 
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Costume design is more than simply making historically accurate costumes, a costume designer needs to know fashion history and fashion trends, but ultimately, their job is not to recreate exact replicas of the clothing of a certain historical period. What a good costume designer has to do, is to create a wardrobe that fits the story that is being told, and fits within the general universe it's set in and gives you information on the character. What Hawley did was to respect the silhouette of the period, from the foundation garments to the outer garments, and then, when it came to the actual costumes, she could play around with the details to convey a certain mood and narrative. The underpinnings always do define the general structure and shape of a garment, and it’s one of the most important elements when someone wants to construct a historically accurate costume. Even if, like Hawley, liberties are then taken when it comes to the actual clothing, the “spirit” of the clothes is respected. From the corsets and to the petticoats and all the subsequent layers, it was important for Hawley to have all of these elements in a historical accurate way, because it would change the posture and the demeanors of the actors. It shapes the way they stand and the way they move through the different spaces. 
Visually, Crimson Peak is a masterpiece of a gothic romance. From the sweeping nightgowns to the imposing and sharp gothic mansions, and the scary ghosts behind the door, Del Toro and his team have created a movie that takes everything that is wonderful about gothic romance to the highest theatrical level, and I, for one, always enjoy this visual and cinematic experience. 
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comixconnection · 3 years
Choose Your Three Free Comics!
At long, long last...Free Comic Book Day is here! Unlike the usual “first Saturday in May” celebration that has defined the even in normal years, due to issues with the ongoing pandemic the folks in charge have decided to move this year’s celebration back to August 14th. Want a sneak-peak at the books...?
The following titles will be available at Comix Connection on Aug 14th (while supplies last!). Everybody gets to pick three! Unlike previous years, we will NOT be accepting FOOD DONATIONS in exchange for additional comics. Instead we will be collecting monetary donations to give to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. For every DOLLAR donates, you may select an additional free comic book!
We know the line for the FCBD comics can get long (if you want to come in and shop first, you can skip the line and head straight inside!) so in an effort to both entertain you while you’re in that long line and to help it go a little faster by giving you a preview of the various titles so you can decide ahead of time what looks good, the Comix Connection Counter Monkeys have read and reviewed all of the available FCBD books! Take a peek!
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One hundred years before the Skywalker Saga began, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy! In this prelude to the ongoing Star Wars: High Republic Adventures comic series, follow padawans Ram Jomaram, Lula Talisola, and Zeen Mrala as they try to save Lonisa City from the dreaded Nihil. Also read the beginning of Star Wars: High Republic Adventures #1! [All Ages]
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“Two brand-new adventures from the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender! In Clearing the Air, Tenzin attempts to teach his rambunctious children a lesson Aang taught him about how to resolve conflicts. In Match Makers, Iroh runs into some trouble with a few friends...that just might lead him to something fun he’s been trying to hide from!” [All Ages]
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Who Sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott? gives a sample of the upcoming graphic novel by the same name, a tale telling the true story of the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement,” Rosa Parks! This excerpt features the immediate aftermath of Rosa’s arrest, and her decision to start a legal battle that would change the course of American freedom! [All Ages]
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“There's nothing better than a beautiful sunny day reading comics, so join us for a look at this summer's fantastic all-ages reads, courtesy of Oni Press! From the gentle, magical worlds of The Tea Dragon Tapestry (by K. O'Neill) and The Sprite and the Gardner (by Rii Abrego and Joe Whitt), the adventurous magical mystery of Mooncakes (by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu), and the action-packed Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters (Chris and Laura Samnee), there's something for everyone. Sneak a peek at these four fantastic fantasy graphic novels!” [All Ages]
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Sonic is 30 years old! Celebrate the anniversary of the world’s fastest hedgehog with this peek into the ongoing Sonic comic series. Things get meta when Amy Rose starts drawing a comic about Sonic, Tails, and their friends...but what will Sonic think when he finds out he’s been turned into a comic book? Prepare for the big 30th Anniversary Sonic Celebration here! [All Ages]
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It's the crisis of infinite Archies! Celebrate 80 years of the Riverdale Gang with this tale featuring a dimension-hopping Archie Andrews in his quest to save the multiverse. Then, witness Archie go toe-to-toe with... himself?! May the best Archie win! Plus, get a preview of the newest Archie One-Shot in shops! This title includes several versions of Archie (from classic to TV to horror) and showcases his evolution as a character over eight decades, all while being a tie-in to the company's 80th Anniversary plans. [All Ages]
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“Despite the pandemic and the swirl of world events, back issue comics are booming! It's not all record prices (though there are many) or bargain basement deals, but rather it's many different categories! The team that brings you The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide shines the spotlight on this exciting part of the universe of comic books. Includes tips on how to collect, care for your comics, and preserve them, among other things.” [All Ages]
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“Get a sneak peek at book four in the bestselling InvestiGators series! With agent Brash trapped in a mysterious coma, the technicians at S.U.I.T. have designed the ultimate replacement: RoboBrash! This high-tech replica has been programmed with all of the original Brash's crime-fighting skills and know-how--but it seems he's got a few bugs in his system! Will Mango and his new partner be enough to stop the giant ants that are on a rampage in the city? Orchestrated by the spaced-out villain, Maestronaut, and Houdino, the dinosaur escape artist, it seems criminals are certainly upping the ANT-e!” [All Ages]
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“My name is Grace, not ‘Kyle's little sister’!” Having a good-looking, friendly, outgoing older brother sucks--especially when you're the total opposite: someone who likes staying home and playing video games. Your parents like him better (even if they deny it!) and everyone calls you "Kyle's little sister" while looking disappointed that you're not more like him. Grace was really hoping she'd get to go to a different middle school, but no such luck. At least she has her friends...until he finds a way to ruin that, too! What will Grace have to do to get out of his shadow?! [All Ages]
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Jewish mythology has it that when God created the universe, He left one corner of it unfinished. Opinion is divided on why, but everyone agrees that the Unfinished Corner is a dangerous place full of monsters. Twelve-year-old Miriam is too busy preparing for her Bat Mitzvah to care about the Unfished Corner. She spends her days wrestling with whether she even wants to be Jewish--until a peculiar angel appears, whisking her, her two best friends, and her worst frenemy off to this monstrous land with one mission: finish the Unfinished Corner. [All Ages]
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“The City of Gloomhaven isn't "safe" at the best of times, but lately, more folks than usual seem to be disappearing. In a city paralyzed by an unknown menace, only one adventuring crew will do: The Jaws of the Lion! Based on the hit games, Gloomhaven and Jaws of the Lion from Cephalofair Games, comes a fantasy adventure with humor and heart.” [All Ages]
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The Last Kids on Earth and their friends each tell their own best story of the Monster Apocalypse, including Jack's high-stakes baseball game, Globlet's attempt to take over the world, Quint's bad-day-away invention, Dirk's bragain with a witch, and June and Skaelka's creepy carnival--plus a surprise story from some bad guys on the run... [All Ages]
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Being the new kid is tough, even for a superhero/ward and heir to a billionaire, Damian Wayne (aka Robin)! Join Damian as he struggles to learn patience and understanding from the students at Gotham Metro Academy, including star student and all-around Great Guy, Howard! Plus, an adventure of Amethyst, princess of the mystical realm of Gemworld by bestselling authors Shannon Hale and Dean Hale! [All Ages]
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To celebrate the new animated TV series premiering on Nickelodeon Fall 2021, Papercutz is releasing a new series of graphic novels entitled The Smurfs Tales. Preview it here with a number of silly short Smurfs Tales, with a back-up appearance by one of Peyo’s other beloved creations: Johan and Peewit, the young page and the court jester. [All Ages]
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In Edge of Balance, a new High Republic story set in the wake of the Hyperspace Disaster, meet new Jedi and their enemies 100 years before the events of the Skywalker Saga! Young Jedi Knight Lily Tora-Asi is assigned to help displaced civilians relocate to Banchii in the Outer Rim. She and her padawans will face more threats there than just anxious settlers, from the insidious Drengir to the Nihil! And in Guardian of the Whills, encounter Baze and Chirrut before they join the Rebellion against the Empire in Rogue One! Presiding over the Kyber Temple on Jedha, the Guardians of the Whills had hoped to maintain the balance despite the growing presence of the Empire in their Holy City. Yet when a rebel named Saw Gerrera appears, Baze and Chirrut must decide if they're willing to compromise for peace, or if Saw's plan is too dangerous to risk. Read the first chapter of these two new Star Wars Manga Graphic Novels here! [Teen]
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It wouldn’t be the Teen Titans without heightened teenage emotions and romance! Fan favorites Beast Boy and Raven are travelling away from the dwellings they know to find homes they can feel comfortable in. Along the way, their paths cross, sparks fly, and even a destiny or two might be found. [Teen]
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“Street Fighter heads back to school, as the world's young fighters flex both their academic and martial arts prowess! Fan favorites Sakura, Ibuki, Karin, Makoto, and Elena come face-to-face with a new challenger - the leather-clad, motorcycle-riding Akira! It's a square-off of (rival) schools in this action-packed one-shot!” [Teen]
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[NOT FINAL ART] “This Fall, jump on board here as VALIANT UPRISING overthrows the status quo with new titles, new creators, and new takes on Valiant's most iconic characters! The VALIANT UPRISING FCBD SPECIAL features: A brand new X-O MANOWAR story from Harvey Award-winning writer Dennis Hopeless and breakout star Emilio Laiso. It's the perfect jumping-on point as Valiant's flagship hero prepares to "Upgrade the World"! Then, get a special advance preview of THE HARBINGER #1, an all-new series from co-writers Jackson Lanzing and Colin Kelly join superstar artist Robbi Rodriguez that promises to take Valiant's psiot rebel in a vivid new direction! Plus, find out how the world's greatest spy responds to being unmasked, hunted, and trapped in a first look at NINJAK #1, the pulse-pounding thrill ride from Ringo Award-winning writer Jeff Parker and legendary artist Javier Pulido. Finally, get a sneak peek from writer Cullen Bunn and artist Jon Davis-Hunt of what's to come when SHADOWMAN returns!” [Teen]
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Three epic new Marvel moments begin here! Read the beginning of the upcoming Spider-Man Beyond story that will be starting in Amazing Spider-Man #75! Big changes are coming to everyone’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man...but are they for good, or ill? Also discover the new Venom series, which will take spider symbiosis to whole new levels in the wake of King In Black. And last, sneak a peek at the Luke Cage: City On Fire mini-series, which will pit Luke against not just the Kingpin, but Daredevil too! [Teen]
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Gotham is under attack, and it’s by the people claiming to keep it safe! Billionaire Simon Saint has slowly been taking over the institutions of Gotham with his insidious private security Magistrate program. Meanwhile, Batman finds his mind infected by Scarecrow’s fear gas, forcing him to question every decision he makes. It is all leading to the DC-spanning event FEAR STATE that will rock Gotham to its core. Plus, read a preview of Oscar-winning screenwriter John Ridely’s I Am Batman series in which the sons of Lucius Fox struggle with the legacy of both their father and Bruce Wayne as they take up the cowl to defend Gotham. [Teen]
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Who is Avenger Prime? And what has spurred the chronal collapse that has them sending their army of Deathloks out to save all of space and time? Discover the start of the end here! Then, journey into the unknown with the Incredible Hulk! Bruce Banner never wanted to smash, he wanted to discover. Now, it’s finally time for the Hulk to expand his horizons with Operation: Smashtronaut! [Teen]
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In this story from Critical Role, explore a small but important corner from the adventures of the Mighty Nein. Then, in The Witcher, it's an original tale featuring the iconic witcher himself, Geralt! Created in close collaboration with CD Projekt Red! [Teen]
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A fascinating graphic adaptation of historian Timothy Snyder’s book On Tyranny, a collections of essays and reflections on lessons from history and how they can help America steer away from the course of authoritarianism. Recommended for anyone looking to learn more about how tyrants all through history have manipulated people and systems to take away the freedoms of others. [Teen]
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“Side A: "BLACK: Interlude" What else was going on the night Kareem Jenkins was shot by police and discovered only Black people have superpowers? Find out in this FCBD one-shot! Side B: "CALEXIT: Hollywood Babylon" Once California refused to be ruled by the US government, its resistance fighters became overnight celebrities. Zora used her infamy for recruiting, but Emmie-X has other ideas.” [Mature]
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In 2019, James Tynion IV (Batman) and Werther Dell'Edera (Briggs Land) introduced the world to Erica Slaughter, the iconic monster hunter who came to Archer's Peak, Wisconsin to save the town's children from the monsters only she can see. But Erica is not the only member of the House of Slaughter... With nearly half a million copies sold, Something is Killing the Children has become a true comic phenomenon and this Free Comic Book Day you are invited to enter the House of Slaughter...if you dare. [Teen]
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Crewed by teenage geniuses frozen in cryosleep, the JEMISON is on a mission to terraform other worlds and provide hope for the human race. But when the ship is mysteriously stopped over a planet that isn't on any of their maps, the crew finds themselves suddenly awoken ten years early. One half remains behind to try and assess the damage and the other is dispatched to the planet below to figure out the answer to a perilous question: What stopped the ship, and is it friend or foe? [Teen]
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As the earth dies, salvation is offered to five thousand children who will be spirited away from our planet’s apocalypse -- but what of the other children, still hoping to find one of the bracelets that give them their ticket off planet? In this wistful one-shot from the sci-fi hit We Live, go into the Broken Lands with a group of friends...but there are four of them, and only one bracelet to be found. How will they decide who gets to leave? Then, preview the Rainbow Bridge graphic novel where Andy has to help his beloved dog Rocket save eternity! [Teen]
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“The comic adventures of Max, Chloe, and Rachel from the award-winning video game Life Is Strange continue in this exclusive lead-in to an epic new story arc! This FCBD special features the first comic book appearance of an all-new character who will feature heavily in the Life is Strange universe in 2021! This FCBD issue contains exclusive original material!” [Teen]
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“To reclaim the Dungeon that fell to the scheming William Delacour, the plan is simple: Marvin the dragon, Isis, and Herbert the duck must find some magic “fugus purit” and use it to dislodge the current occupants of the fortress. But is this really the Guardian's plan? Our heroes will have to fight against everyone to save the Dungeon. Meanwhile, will Marvin succeed in his engagement blast-of-firebreath 'Tong Deum'? Preview the new series here!” [Teen]
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See the next chapter of the super-powered scifi epic The Resistance, and then meeet the “Moths”: a subset of the super-powered Reborn. The pandemic that granted the Reborn their gifts during The Great Death gave power to people like  Emily Kai and the rest of the Moths, too...but the moment they use their gifts, their clock starts ticking and they have six months to live. Also, get a sneak-peek at the just-released Not All Robots futuristic techno-depressive-thriller! [Teen]
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The second semester of School for Extraterrestrial Girls is in session! Peer into the lives of Tara Smith (fire lizard!), Misako Sato (extra-dimensional fairy!), Summer Cortez (pink tentacle void beast!), and Ekaterina and Zvenislava (anthropomorphic Russian kittens!). They’re all normal teenage girls...except that they’re all aliens stuck on Earth, and since Tara partially destroyed their old school they’ve been sent to bunk at the School for Extraterrestrial Boys while it’s repaired...that’ll go fine, right? Read the first issue here! [Teen]
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This official spinoff manga of Rent-A-Girlfriend, the rom-com turned hit anime, features fan-favorite Sumi, the shy girl longing to come out of her shell. Written and illustrated by original creator Reiji Miyajima! Catch up on the manga before the Rent-A-Girlfriend anime returns for a second season, coming soon! [Teen]
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Zom 100 is a violent and funny take on the zombie apocalypse! Its main character, Akira, is so depressed in his soul-crushing job that he uses the undead hordes as motivation to finally complete his bucket list! Also included is a sample of the hit fantasy manga Demon Slayer. [Teen]
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“Known as the the Weakest Hunter of All Mankind, E-rank hunter Jinwoo Sung's contribution to raids amounts to trying not to get killed. Unfortunately, between his mother's hospital bills, his sister's tuition, and his own lack of job prospects, he has no choice but to continue to put his life on the line. So when an opportunity arises for a bigger payout, he takes it...only to come face-to-face with a being whose power outranks anything he's ever seen! With the party leader missing an arm and the only healer a quivering mess, can Jinwoo somehow find them a way out?” [Teen]
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In the small Pennsylvania town of White Ash, there isn’t much going on aside from mining...and keeping the fact that there are elves and dwarves living in the town secret, of course! In this pre-launch of Season Two of the ongoing series, a romantic rendezvous for the grieving dwarf Alex and mischievous elf Lillian doesn’t go as planned...with potentially disastrous consequences! Also read a preview of The Game, a new series where your every action affects impacts the score of your life! Plus a sneak-peak at some vampiric troubles in colonial America in Stake! [Teen]
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World of Zorro gives readers a peak at the upcoming titles for the legendary masked swashbuckler, both new stories (that range from the familiar to supernatural horror) as well as newly-translated classic tales! [Teen]
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For FREE COMIC BOOK DAY, enjoy this special expanded edition of the hit IMAGE series, STRAY DOGS! Stray Dogs is a comic thriller that features art inspired by classic Don Bluth-style animation, telling the story of a group of dogs brought together by a mysterious loner. Rather than behave like four-legged humans, the brilliance of Stray Dogs is that it gets inside the heads of its canine characters, showing the human world from their perspective. Unique, entertaining, and creepy. [Teen]
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The undead Vampirella has been around since 1969, and as the celebrations of her 50th anniversary draw to a close, Dynamite presents a reprint of the first issue of their series that kicked-off her modern adventures! [Teen+]
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Take an inside look at everyone’s favorite bipedal shark god, King Shark (aka Nanaue)! Suicide Squad’s many-toothed muscle is currently inside Belle Reve prison, but he won’t remain there for long. PLUS: a sneak peak at the just-released Suicide Squad miniseries Get Joker! [Mature]
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“After 20 years of antics coming out of Sunnyvale trailer park, the underground TV phenomenon Trailer Park Boys is finally coming to comics! Full of short stories and activity pages, several of comics' finest join to create a series of comic book specials in 2021 and beyond honoring Ricky, Bubbles and Julian and everything fans have come to love about the series.”  [Mature]
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Fungirl is a humor comic that is as unpredictable and hilarious as it is observant and smart. Cartoonist Elizabeth Pich’s creation does as much smashing the patriarchy as she does dreaming of delicious donuts and being spit on by llamas. [Mature]
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“Tensions between the clans are high, so when Cecily Bain, an enforcer for the Twin Cities' vampiric elite, takes a mysterious new vampire under her wing she finds herself in over her head and dragged into a massive undead conspiracy! Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the city, a rebellious found-family of clan-less vampire cast-outs investigates a vicious killing.” [Mature]
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“Preview the forthcoming full color, original Space Pirate Captain Harlock series from ABLAZE, personally overseen by the legendary Leiji Matsumoto!  In this brand-new Captain Harlock adventure, planet Earth is threatened by an upcoming invasion by the Sylvidres and despite being banished as a pirate, Captain Harlock won't give up trying to save the world. Will Captain Harlock and his crew manage to solve this mystery and save the Earth from yet another menace?  Also includes teasers for 3 highly anticipated upcoming manga/manhwa releases from ABLAZE, including The Breaker Vol 1 omnibus (critically acclaimed martial arts manhwa), Versus Fighting Story Vol 1 (Capcom e-sports shonen manga) and Crueler Than Dead Vol 1 (zombie horror seinen manga).” [Mature] 
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“An evil so profound it threatens all mankind... the mightiest heroes on the planet uniting to defend us all... a secret crisis of such utter finality that a countdown to civil or infinite war seems unavoidable... but have you ever wondered what really happens during Crossovers? The Seven, Payback, Teenage Kix, Fantastico and every other supe on Earth team up for an annual event like no other... and where the supes go, can a certain "five complications and a dog" be far behind? Vought-American prepare to make their move, in a story that will change the world of the Boys forever: Herogasm #1. The first-ever Boys spin-off mini-series features the pairing of Ennis with Hitman artist John McCrea and covers by Boys artist and co-creator Darick Robertson!” [Mature]
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“The most eagerly-anticipated series of 2021 gets the FCBD treatment with this ALL-NEW "bonus" issue of the series! Featuring 33 pages of comics produced exclusively for FCBD, from the creator of Hip Hop Family Tree and X-Men: Grand Design, designed as a perfect entry point for new readers and a must-have for those already on board. Aided by the anonymous dark web and nearly untraceable crypto-currency, there has emerged a subculture of criminals who live-stream and patronize webcam murders for entertainment. Who are the murderers? Who are the victims? Who is the audience? How do we stop it? An outlaw, splatterpunk masterpiece, as seen on Piskor's YouTube channel sensation, Cartoonist Kayfabe!” [Mature]
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“An award-winning comic and soon to be Netflix anime series!  When dusk arrives in the city of Manila, that's when you become the most likely prey of the underworld. Kidnappers and thieves will be the least of your worries. Beware the criminals that can't be bound with handcuffs nor harmed with bullets.  Beware the ones that crave your blood, those who hold your heart ransom, and the ones that come to steal your soul. When crime takes a turn for the weird, the police call Alexandra Trese. Featuring a preview from TRESE Vol 2: Unreported Murders, a section on the forthcoming Netflix TRESE anime series launching this summer (including an interview with Director Jay Oliva), bonus pages with w/ background about the monsters of Philippine myth as told by TRESE creators Budjette Tan and Kajo Baldisimo, and a teaser on TRESE Vol 3: Mass Murders, coming this Sept from ABLAZE!” [Mature]
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“2000 AD Presents All-Star Judge Dredd is a thrill-powered showcase of the past and shocking present of the iconic lawman of the future! Witness the birth of the world of Judge Dredd in an incendiary preview of upcoming prequel graphic novel Dreadnoughts by Michael Carroll with art by Watchmen's John Higgins. Fan-favourite Judge Hershey travels to the ends of the earth to dispense her own brand of justice in long-anticipated blockbuster spin-off, Hershey: Disease by Rob Williams (Suicide Squad) and Simon Fraser (Doctor Who). Along-side these teases for Fall 2021 epics enjoy a bone-rattling all new stand-alone Dredd caper from elite writer Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk, Marvel's Empyre) and Caspar Wijngaard (Star Wars, Home Sick Pilots)!” [Teen]
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“Four titanic tales of pure fun and entertainment for everyone to enjoy! First up. It's no dog and pony show here! Bringing back the iconic puppets from the San Francisco Bay Area "Charlie and Humphrey"!! The modern-day Gumby and Pokey! A true love for al ages featuring a tale by Justin Sane and John Hageman! Next up is "Red Dawn" Written and created by Brandon McKinney, with inks by Bill Anderson and vibrant colors from Ross Hughes!! The government has created the first "controlled" superhero doing the bidding of a shadow operation until things go bad leaving our hero to blame and now on the run. The following story is only exclusive to this FCBD edition. Written by Greg Boucher and illustrated by Victor Moya they bring you "Rock and Roll Biographies: FIGHt" See how a troubled Rob Halford leaves the world biggest heavy metal band to form his own supergroup and take metal back!! Our last preview is written by Mel Smith, illustrated by Frank Cirocco/Alex Sheikman and hand colored by Gerhard! "Becoming Frankenstein" takes down the journey of a troubled Victor Frankenstein as he grieves the loss of his mother while harvesting the body parts of victims to create life again for his monster! Learn the tales of the victims and who they were before they became what becomes Frankenstein's ultimate creation! : This will be the only edition to feature this Rock and Roll Biographies story featuring FIGHT “ [Mature]
Enjoyed your Free Comic Book Day books? Want to read more? Let your friendly neighborhood Comix Connection Counter Monkey know which ones caught your eye, and we’ll be happy to direct you to the next part of the story!
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ultralazycreatorfan · 4 years
I would like to start by saying, of course, I am not all knowing. I’m just a kid in her pajamas on her floor surrounded by art supplies and garbage and blankets. So please understand that as you read.
Secondly, if you think absolutely anything is wrong with this and words should be changed, please let me know.
Not everyone is going to agree with what is in canon. Not everyone is going to agree with what is in fanon. Much like the real world - people have different thoughts and opinions. However, I think what the majority of us an agree on is a few simple things.
1. The representation in canon sucks and many of us, despite being in the fandom, do not agree with the canon.
   Every main character is white, skinny, cisgendered, and most likely straight. When Dex is described as skinny (especially when compared to the other boys who are noted as muscular) it is almost seen as a bad thing. In every official art (of which is approved by Shannon) the girls are small. Their legs look like twigs and their waists are practically nonexistent. The few poc characters we do canonically have are either side or backgound characters, and they aren’t always represented well. Tam and Linh, who are simply ‘‘asian’‘ are stereotyped quite a bit.
2. Shannon isn’t some evil monster who has created a shit series
   While the representation in the series definitely needs improvement, Shannon has created fun characters, often times with relatable personalities. She has created characters we adore. She has created a whole fantasy world that has it’s own flaws without knowing of it’s flaws. Shannon wrote those flaws into the world, intending them to be flaws. She created gadgets, put her own spin on mystical creatures and animals, and so much more. Not to mention, she’s added she/her to her bio and, as far as I am currently aware, never attacked trans women like a certain famous author.
3. We make fanon things so that we can have representation, but not everyone will agree with certain aspects of fanon.
   Things get a little messy here, so bare with me. I’m going to use the wonderful and widely agreed upon fanon idea that the Vackers are poc.    Most people agree that the Vackers, who are practically elvin royalty, are poc, though not everyone does. However, this does not mean those who disagree with the idea are racist people. It simply means that they do not see the Vackers that way.    Now to use a ship as an example. Titz is a recent ship many did come to appreciate and enjoy, though some may believe it is a little bit forced. Just because these people think it is forced, does not mean they are homophobic. It simply means that they do not agree with the ship.
   Not everyone believes everyone in the ‘squad’ is gay, especially since that isn’t true to reality. In reality, there is a healthy mix of lgbtq+ people and cis/straight people. This does not make these people homophobic or transphobic.
4. There are people who do not agree with fanon because they are racist/homophobic/transphobic.
   If someone is racist, they’re likely to not agree with any of the poc fanon ideas. In fact, they may even whitewash the series. However you cannot automatically tell that they are a racist just because they prefer the canon looks of everybody.    The same applies if they are homophobic or transphobic.    But you must remember that when reading the series, we all get our own different ideas of the characters.
Now for the things we might not all agree on, but I’m saying anyways because it’s big brain time
1. Shannon should both be ready for and open to critique... even hate
   Firstly, I am not saying Shannon getting hate is good - it is not. People should not sent hate. It’s ignorant and, quite frankly, stupid of them to do so. However, when you publish a novel, there are most likely going to be people who hate it and will hate on it. And I do believe she was ready for that.    Secondly, she almost has to be open and ready for critique. Critique is not hate. It is something that points out flaws (such as her lack of representation) so that the author can make it better.
2. Whatever company Shannon is working for or whatever is most likely the reason behind certain things
   Wonder why we never hear of elf periods? It could be because Shannon just never thought of it, but it could also be because whatever company she is signed with won’t let her. They have to be fAmiLy FriEnDlY and to them that means attempting to appeal to all families - including the extremely conservative ones. Why? It makes more money that way.    In a way, Shannon is just one piece in a huge puzzle
Please feel free to add on and yell at me for things I got wrong.
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